EncountersChapter 2 free porn video

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Dan did stop by the adult store to browse the many vibrators that were on display. There were a large number of them all in various colors and sizes. One of them which was called a ‘2-fer caught his attention. It was the size of a man’s erect penis but it was slightly curved upward and there was a smaller penis on the top end of it pointing in the same direction as the larger one. The instructions said it could stimulate both the G-spot and the clitoris at the same time. He thought the name implied two for one at the same time. He purchased two of them, one for here and one for up north. He thought it would be very stimulating for his female companions if these vibrators performed as advertised.

Preparations for leaving his condo and heading back to Northern Illinois didn’t take that long. Turning the water off, bringing the furniture in from the balcony, cleaning out the refrigerator, Saran wrapping the toilets, setting the thermostat, and turning some electric circuit breakers off were what needed to be done. He was happy to leave the car here and avoid the long drive back up north. He disconnected the car’s battery and put a full cover over the car which he thought was needed to keep both the dirt and salt in the air off the car.

The flight he took to go back north was uneventful. He did have some nice memories of his time in Florida. He hoped Kerrie could arrange some layovers at O’Hare and they could continue their affair. Her being married was still somewhat of a concern to him but her wanting to continue this relationship would be a decision for her to make. He wasn’t going to be the person ending this affair because of her being married. He knew that if this affair with Kerrie ended then it would be only Rosie Palm giving him his sexual release unless he was able to strike up a relationship with another woman.

It was still a little chilly up north which put a delay on his golfing there. He received notification that several books he had reserved at the library were waiting for him to pickup. Reading books and surfing the net where his primary activities besides the normal household chores. He visited his son and daughter and played with his young grandchildren on the weekends.

Dan was pleasantly surprised when he answered his phone and heard Kerrie’s voice one evening.

“I’ve got a layover in Chicago tomorrow. My plane lands at seven. Will you be available to pick me up?”

“Wild horses couldn’t stop me from picking you up. I do miss you.”

“That is so sweet of you to say that as I do miss hearing a man saying those things to me. I do miss you as well.”

“Instead of advertising the fact that I’m picking you up, go upstairs to departures at the end or your airline’s terminal and call me on my cell. I will be in the cellphone lot waiting for your call.”

“See you Lover, bye”.

That call just brightened up his day and brought back some pleasant memories of being with Kerrie.

The next day Dan made sure that his townhome was clean and put clean sheets on the bed. He wanted things to be perfect.

He thought about how things had changed the older one gets as he waited in the cellphone parking lot. When you’re young and go out on a date, you’re not sure how the evening is going to end. Will or won’t you be making love with your date is something you don’t know. You still have some of those concerns as you do get older but he knew what the answer to that question would be with Kerrie tonight. Making love with an attractive flight attendant was a fantasy many men had but that wasn’t going to be a fantasy tonight.

He was brought out of his thoughts when his phone indicated there was a call. Answering it he heard Kerrie say that she was ready to be picked up.

He saw her standing at the end of her airline terminal and she looked classy in her flight uniform. The knee-length skirt highlighted her nice legs. He opened the car door for her and put her small suitcase in his car’s trunk. Back in the car she leaned over and gave him a short kiss saying he looked good and that she missed him. Dan was on cloud nine as he drove her back to his townhome.

When they were at his townhome, he asked her to sit at the kitchen table while he opened up a bottle of wine. He served her a salad and some lasagna he had purchased from a local deli. She said that she was starving and thanked him for his thoughtfulness. The conversation centered on things that had happened since they both left Florida. Kerrie did mention that her marriage is still shaky and she’s sure Ralph is having an affair.

When Kerrie was finished eating she rose from the table and extending her hand to Dan said, “My flight is at nine tomorrow. I think its best that we go to bed now. You will note that I didn’t say “go to sleep.” In saying that to Dan she gave him a sexy look that expressed her intentions.

Dan watched Kerrie take off her clothes in the bedroom and thought that he was one lucky guy. She was a beautiful and desirable woman.

After they both were lying down on the bed they started kissing while their hands were exploring each other’s bodies. Dan went down on Kerrie and she was a little verbal in telling him how he was making her feel. When his erect shaft entered her and was fully seated in her warm sheath she brought his head down for one long open-mouth kiss. Their coupling was long and slow as each of them wanted to make it last long as they could.

As she lay in Dan’s arms after they had both climaxed, she told him that she did miss him and the good times they had in Florida. She broke the news to Dan that Ralph must be doing a good job has the plant manager because the Board of Directors has offered him a five-year contract that he is going to accept. That means she will be moving to Charleston and spending her winters there instead of in Florida.

That wasn’t the news Dan wanted to hear but he could understand why she was moving there.

Kerrie moved down Dan’s torso to give him head. Dan reached into the nightstand drawer and brought out the ‘2-fer’ while she was mouthing his shaft. He placed the ‘2-fer’ in between her open legs initially up against her clit which didn’t surprise her but when it entered her and pressed on her G-spot as well her clit that was a different story.

She stopped what she was doing and raising her head to look at Dan said, “You have another toy? Oh my God don’t stop..., it feels good.”

Both Kerrie and Dan continued in their efforts to pleasure the other. Dan saw the slight squirming motion her hips started making and he knew he had the vibrator at the right spot. After it looked to him that she had come once he continued to do what he was doing but turned the vibration speed to high.

It apparently performed as intended because Kerrie’s mouth came off his shaft and he heard her say, “Oh sweet Jesus, I am cumming and cumming and cumming.” She rested her forehead on Dan’s thighs as she was climaxing.

He was content to see her hips moving and her experiencing continuous orgasms. It gave his ego a tremendous amount of satisfaction to see the pleasure he was able to give this classy lady.

She finally couldn’t take anymore and asked him to stop. He did and she moved up alongside him and said, “Just hold me. I have never cum that many times.”

He could feel her heart’s rapid beating.

She calmed down after some time but soon realized that Dan was still sporting an erection. She moved one of her thighs over his body and reached to insert him into her. When he was fully seated in her she lay still on him for a while. She started slowly moving her hips while giving him a continuous open-mouth kiss at the same time. He didn’t want this coupling to end but the sensations she was giving him and the heat he felt on his shaft made it impossible and soon he was discharging his warm spend into her.

Still lying in his arms, she said that he had exhausted her and she fell asleep.

He stayed awake holding her thinking about what had just happened and what a fortunate guy he was. She was one hell of a woman and a very good lover.

They both had mixed emotions when they awoke the next morning. They were happy they had been together but at the same time sad that Kerrie had to be leaving this morning.

Kerrie said she would stay in touch with him when he dropped her off at the airport terminal. As she walked away he watched her nice backside and thought he was a lucky man to have spent an exciting night with this attractive flight attendant.

It was a bummer on her leaving thought Dan but he hoped there would be more layovers. He knew he would miss her and it just wasn’t because of the sex they had. It was just nice for him to be in her company as she was a classy and nice person.

With Kerrie now gone, Dan was back into his routine of reading books and playing golf. He knew that he was reading the morning newspaper longer and more thoroughly than he ever had in the past. While he normally didn’t read the obits, there was one for Stephen Cerf which caught his attention. As he read the obit, he saw that Stephen had a wife named Paula, a son Kenneth, and a daughter Tracy.

Dan knew this Stephen Cerf must be who he thought he was. Tracy Cerf was a former student who had an older brother and was her high school’s class valedictorian about five years ago. She was an excellent student and he wondered what she was doing now. Both she and her mother had come to Jenny’s funeral. Dan made a mental note to attend the wake which was tonight.

There was a large turnout at the wake. A number of the attendees were of Tracy’s and her brother’s age. Dan was standing in line waiting to pay his respects to Tracy and her mother who were at the receiving end of the line. Standing with Tracy was a lady who Dan didn’t recognize but she caught his attention. She was around Tracy’s mother’s age and was wearing a black dress. What first caught his attention was her breast size. They were very large and it was obvious that she wasn’t short-changed in that department.

Dan walked up to Tracy and her mother when it was his turn and expressed his condolences. The mother hugged Dan.

“Thank you for coming,” said Tracy, “It’s nice of you to be here.”

“I am sorry to have to see you again at something as tragic as this. I was also a little curious as to what you’re doing since you left high school.’

“I am in my first year at medical school. I am hoping to become a pediatrician. Let me introduce you to my dad’s sister. Linda, this is Dan Casey who was my high school Principal. Dan, this is my dad’s sister Linda Chambers. Linda is a pharmacist.”

“Sorry to meet you under these circumstances Linda,” he said as he shook her extended hand. He was making a conscious effort to look at her in the eyes instead of at her large breasts.

“It’s nice meeting you too. I remember Tracy saying some nice things about you when she was in high school.”

Because of the long line of mourners behind him, Dan excused himself and said hello to a number of his former students that were there. He didn’t remember all of their names but he tried to say a few words to those he recognized despite that shortcoming.

Golfing and a few other things occupied Dan’s time during the days but the evenings were a little boring. He didn’t know if and when Kerrie would be coming in again. He hadn’t been fortunate enough to meet any other women who he would like to date and bed.

He received an e-mail that two of the new bestselling books he had placed on reserve at the library were being held for him. It was early evening when he decided to drive over and pick these books up.

As he was walking out of the library he recognized the lady with the large breasts who he was introduced to at Cerf’s wake walking into the library. He couldn’t remember her name but he didn’t forget those breasts.

Dan said, “Hi, I believe we met a few weeks ago at your brother’s wake. I am Dan Casey who was Tracy’s high school principal.”

“Oh yes, I remember you. If you don’t remember my name is Linda Chambers. What are you doing here besides the obvious?”

“I was checking some books out as you can see. Being a widower makes for quiet and lonely evenings. I was also going to stop and get some takeout since I don’t like going to a sit-down restaurant by myself. What are you doing here?”

“Pretty much the same thing you’re doing and what you are going to do. These nights can be boring and long.”

“I don’t see you wearing any rings so let me ask, are you married?”

“Yes, I am. My husband is a civil engineer and for the past six months and the next year and a half is down in Panama working on the new canal they’re constructing. He comes home for a week every two months, but his time at home goes by quickly. I could have joined him in Panama but I didn’t want to quit working so I stayed here.”

“I’ll tell you what, since you and I were thinking about carryout how about we ditch that idea and we go over to that nice Greek family-style restaurant just down the street. The food is good and I could use a good meal. What do you say?”

“I think that’s an excellent idea. I can take only so much Chinese carryout.”

Dan enjoyed talking with Linda at the restaurant. He had a hard time to keep looking into her eyes as his eyes wanted to drift lower to look at her breasts.

He heard her say, “Yes, they’re real,” which brought his eyes back up to hers.

He felt a warmth to his face and he must have been a little flushed as he said, “I must apologize, I’m sorry for starring.”

“Oh don’t worry about that and there is no need for you to apologize. I had these large breasts that I knew attracted men’s attention ever since I was a teenager. I have been stared at so much that it doesn’t bother me anymore. I was thinking of having them reduced at one time but I changed my mind at my husband’s insistence. You can guess why he didn’t want me to do it.”

Dan’s reply of, “I’m not going to go there” caused Linda to laugh.

That conversation eliminated some of the tension that was in the air. The remaining time Dan was with Linda was enjoyable. He made every effort to make her laugh and it seemed she enjoyed being with him.

As they were leaving the restaurant, Dan said, “I don’t mean to sound like I am hitting on you but I do enjoy going out to eat. It seems to me that you also enjoy going out. Maybe we can go out to eat again but you don’t have to decide now and feel like I am pressuring you to do so. Here’s my card with my contact information on it. If you want to go out, contact me and we can decide where and when. If you don’t want to go out to eat that’s fine and it was nice seeing you again.”

As he turned to walk to his car Dan stopped turned back and said, “By the way, I agree with your husband.” He didn’t look back to see her reaction to that statement.

Dan doubted that Linda would contact him but he thought that his last remark would give her something to think about. That she was married was a concern but if she wanted to play around he wasn’t going to be the one to tell her she shouldn’t.

He received an e-mail from Linda six days later. In it, she said, ‘Sammy’s’ a restaurant Dan was familiar with was advertising King Crab which she said was one of her favorite foods. She asked if he was interested in going there Saturday.

He responded by saying that he would make a reservation and would meet her there at seven. That she was willing to go to a restaurant with him might indicate that she had some interest in him. If she didn’t send him this email to go out with Dan then that would have indicated that for sure she didn’t have any interest in him. The fact that he was meeting her at the restaurant instead of at her house where the neighbors could see him going would indicate she was concerned about her reputation.

Dan was in the bar having a drink when Linda walked in. The cleavage that showed in the dress she was wearing caught most of the male customers’ attention. Dan offered her his stool at the bar. Her dress showed some nice legs when it slid up a little as she sat. Her nice legs couldn’t take away his attention given to her large breasts.

After one drink in the lounge they were shown to a table they ordered another drink and the King Crab. Dining with Linda made for an enjoyable time. Linda liked to talk politics and had a conservative slant in her conversation which suited Dan. He had a fun time with her and it looked to him like she enjoyed being with him. They said their goodbyes to each other when they left the restaurant.

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Out of nowhere a tall dark skinned man came running up to Hanna grabbing her hands and pulling them to his chest. "This must be my lucky day to have the delight to have met a beautiful dame as you! Please tell me you'll agree to a date with me!" He said looking Hanna up and down. Hanna blushing and leaning away from the strange man. "I'm sorry sir but um I'm here to challenger Brock the gym leader a Pokémon battle" Hanna said laughing nervously. “That’s great news! Because I...

2 years ago
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Story By Raj

As I knocked on the door of Denise and John’s apartment, I wondered what it was like inside. I had been out with them both many times, but this was the first time I had been invited over. They were two of my closest friends, especially since my divorce a year ago. Denise was beautiful black woman that worked with me at work, and she had sensed that I needed to get out more. So she invited me to happy hour with her and John, and it had become a regular thing with us. Her husband, John, was a...

3 years ago
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an evening by the fireplace

An evening to remember by Michelle's fireplace.As I drove on the lonesome highway outside of Madison and my thoughts began to wander. Evening was fast approaching and I was nearing my destination. I pulled off a country road and stopped for a minute to pick some wildflowers by the side of the road. They were just coming into bloom and very pretty. I started back up and made my way out of town pulling up to Michelle's house. I could hear the dog bark inside. Grabbing my gifts I proceeded to...

3 years ago
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I Love This Beach

Every day for the past six months, I walk my dog on a quiet bay beach. While the ocean beaches here in the Hamptons are among the most beautiful beaches in the world, the bay beaches ain’t chopped liver. Plus the facts that I can walk him anytime I want as long as I pick up after him (the town has plastic doggie-bag dispensers in the parking area), that it’s close to where I live and that during the week, it is usually empty, makes this beach ideal. Except for the holiday weekends when families...

1 year ago
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Old friends new loves

Old friends, new loves By Trainmaster Synopsis: A space accident nearly kills the chief engineer. His best friend rushes to save the engineer's life. He finds a body for an emergency brain transplant -- a woman's body. So how does the engineer react when she explores her new femininity? How does she relate to her best friend? Is it male bonding lost? Or mutual love found? The file drawer slid away from my fingers and closed with a thunk. Whew! I was done with the week's last...

2 years ago
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The Wonderfully Naughty Wizard of Oz Ch13

Dorothy walked down the hall, already hearing the arguing between her comrades. She pushed open the doors, seeing the council standing around a long marbled black table. Queen Ozma was sitting at the head of the table, listening patiently. While, Lord Omarion was barking out orders."We must march on her castle now. If we waste any more time, the witch will be far too powerful, even for Queen Ozma. She must pay for the crimes she has committed. Ah, Ms. Gale, you must agree with me that we must...

1 year ago
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Shobha8217s Affair 8211 Part 2 8211 Thrilling Sex In The Car With Horny Girl

Hi readers, this story is the next episode in my about Shobha’s affair. Both of them lay there laughing. Shobha enjoyed the feel of the cold bathroom floor on her bareback. Ashik finally came to his senses. He turned towards Shobha and asked, “now what?” Shobha laughed. “Get up lover. We are gonna go a ride through the city.” Five minutes later, they were dressed up and riding in her car. Shobha felt energetic and dangerous. Ashik who was driving noticed this and was grinning. They got on to...

2 years ago
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More Than I Deserve

Hey folks. I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year. I'm starting the year off with a story that's a little bit softer in tone than usual, but we're gonna do some different things this year. Some of them are designed to involve you guys more in the story making process. Who knows maybe I'll fall flat on my face but it won't be the first time. So be ready. Before I forget, the legendary Barney-R is on vacation for the rest of the month, so let's all pray for his speedy return....

3 years ago
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My hotel room door will be open for you; the room will be dark except for the moonlight coming through the window. When I hear you arrive I'll walk to you, grabbing you by your hips and pinning you against the door, kissing your neck, your ears, your face, your lips, brushing my hands across your ass, your crotch and close to your nipples. As I'm kissing you I'll move you to the bed and make you lay there, anticipating what will come next. As I begin to undress I notice you licking your lips,...

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"So when will we be leaving?" We were always going somewhere so I knew Becky would have an answer. "Tomorrow: an 8 A.M. flight for Miami," Another early morning. Well I was used to them. Becky takes care of me--she runs my life; I knew without thinking that she had everything arranged. "How long?" "Four days, then Paris." I like Paris--I'm always up for that trip despite the flight. "Gaultier?" "No, that's next month." "Will we be there long?" "Two days." She must have...

3 years ago
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It Was Palpable

  It was my freshman year of college and I was in a lower level Spanish class than I was supposed to be in. Little did I know how much I actually needed to be there. I walked into the building nearly shaking from the nerves. Would I be able to find the room? How hard will the class be? Will I have any friends in that class? To my surprise, I walked in and the room was directly across from the entrance. “Okay, that was easy,” I thought. I checked the time on my phone as I entered the room then...

Straight Sex
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Hyderabadii Adibatla Romance

Hi andarki I am Kalyan living in gachibowli. Ipdu nen chepe kadha Na friend and my crush tho office lo jargindi. if any working or non-working female, married unsatisfied or unmarried hot females can contact me at hangouts my id first, we can meet and then miku namakam vachaka ne we can enjoy Ika kathalokelte. It will be bit lengthy to complete 1000 words. Naku epatnundo office lo romance chealane fantasy undedi. adi ee rakanga adi anukokunda Na bday roju teerindi. manam ankunte we can do...

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Was It Good

He sat reading in the hotel bed when the door opened and his wife returned from her outing. She stripped, dropping her clothes on the floor. He got glimpses of her pink and moist pussy as she kneewalked up his legs. As soon as she pulled the sheet off, she grasped that so-familiar erection, the only one she’d enjoyed thousands of times during their 25 plus years together. With practiced ease she engulfed it in that place between her thighs, entry aided by fresh lubrication. He noticed the...

3 years ago
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Loneliness Leads To Spontaneity Leads To Fun

Emma sat in her small living room on her favourite chair curled up in a red blanket wearing her favourite oversized t-shirt and black cycling shorts. The TV remote was on her left and an empty bottle of white on the table to her right. She drained the last bit from her glass and slammed it down onto the table with the bottle. “Bastards,” she cursed to no one in particular. In her twenty-five years of life she had never felt so damn lonely. It was a Saturday night and most of her friends were...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Educating Cassidy Part 1 The Audition

Gwen had a daughter that had just graduated from high school and was going to the state university in the fall, so Gwen fully met the requirements to be classified as a MILF. And that was what she wanted to talk to me about. Her daughter was going off to college with a rather limited experience with people of the opposite sex. And she wanted to introduce her daughter to sex in a safe way. For some reason she had decided that I was a good candidate to be the one to help. It came as a bit...

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LongshotChapter 19

Brushing wood chips from my legs, I looked up to see Zuri appear between columns of black spruce trees with the white bulk of a facto following at her heels. As she drew closer, I read her stride as less walk than strut. Her full lips cast into a smirk, bouncing on the balls of her feet, everything about my sister wordlessly communicated I know something you don’t. Forbidden to us as children, the boreal forest had become a popular destination for my daughters during our summer migrations....

1 year ago
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Just One HourChapter 7

Debbie felt relief at been free of the dirty Asian cock. Her arse cheeks were sore from his clawing her inside also bruised from his lack of foreplay. The Boss was sat totally exposed his fat purple scrotum large and baggy his cock veins visible, fully aroused the foreskin tugged back by the erectness. He pointed to it repeating his order. "Get on it bitch, move it." Debs shook her head in protest a whine coming from her lips. The masked man was picking up the cane again. Debs gave a...

1 year ago
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FilthyPOV Mia Martinez My Wife Mia Gets Fucked in her Tight Ass by Stud During Dinner Party

I know it is a special day for my wife Mia and I, it is our wedding anniversary and we threw a little party to celebrate. I hadn’t seen Mia in a while so I went to look for her, I found her in the bedroom with Oliver. Mia and I enjoy to swing and she has been talking about playing with Oliver for a while. Today being a special day she has a surprise for me, she is ready to finally do anal. Oliver pulls out her butt plug then fucks her tight ass right there in our room while everyone is...

2 years ago
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The Kissogram Girl

Dropping my bag’s of Lingerie and some sex toys onto the bed in my room. I kicked off my shoes and threw off my clothes. Picking up a towel, I headed for the shower. I ached all over. Using that strap on was fun but had my muscles aching in places I never thought I had muscles. Even the cheeks of my ass were cramping through use. The hot water streamed over me like a natural waterfall and I drifted away into the soothing heat. It was Stacey’s shout that brought me back from my...

2 years ago
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If I Told Her to Take Her Clothes Off She Just WouldChapter 22

Kimie began to cum first. She went stiff as a board, then a trembling came over her little body and she groaned loudly. That set Sienna off and for a few delightful seconds the two teens were shuddering in euphoric release together, their pussies obviously spasming furiously against the girlie fingers or tongue inside them. “Wow, that was awesome,” Kimie lay puffing slightly while Faye stroked her with her sensitive fingertips. “So was mine,” grinned Sienna. “This bi thing is for real....

3 years ago
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Pati Ne Foreplay Kiya Aur Mene Puri Chudayi

Hello friends, Anuj here kesa raha naye sal ka jashn? Achha hi hoga aaj me mera ek aur sex experience aapkae sath share karata hun asha hai ki pichali baar ki tarah ye bhi pasand aayega. Ye baat kuch weeks pahele ki hi hai mera khas dost abroad janewala tha, aur me use Delhi chodane janawala tha wo pahelei baar abroad nahi jar aha tha to koi khas family me se nahi aane wala tha wanha kuch purane friends milane wale the bas. Hum airport pe pahunche kuch purane friends meile aur me wapas aane ko...

1 year ago
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Freds Problem

FRED'S PROBLEM BY JANICE My name is Fred Danvers and I am a cross dresser. As most cross dressers, I started when I was young, in my case, about ten years old. My sister Kathleen and I never really got along, she is two years older than I. we lived with our parents but our father, being in the military, spent a lot of time away from home on duty. I did the usual dressing at home when I was alone, and as usual, I was caught several times. I was never really punished physically,...

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Gender Role Reversal Moving to Philadelphia Chapter 4

At lunch I sat down in the cafeteria next to my friends. Partway through our lunch George said "so me and a few of the boys from the team were thinking of going to the park after school and having a quick game of softball. Do you guys fancy joining? We could do with the numbers." "Yeah, sounds good," I replied and Hannah and Linda both agreed as well. "Great," George said smiling. "We'll meet you at the park when school's finished." After lunch I gym along with Hannah and Linda so once...

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Nayi Kirayedaar

Hi friends mein Lucknow se hu meri is site ko mein pichle 4 saalo se dekhta aaya hu aur aaj mujhe bhi aisa laga ki mein apni real story aap sab se share karu to mein aap sabko apni real story sunata hu. Dosto mera naam ranvijay hai mera ghar mein last 3 mahino se ek naye kirayedaar rehne ke liye aaye hue hai family mein 3 log hai choti ladki aur ek bahbhi aur unke husband wo log mere ghar ke sabse upar wale portion Mein rehte hai jaha pe 3 room aur ek kicten hai aur ek toilet bathroom attach...

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Myself and three sisters

Hi friends this is vicky again from jaipur city, i m a manager 27yrs working in a reputed firm,i had submittedmy some experiences on this site n i got a wonderful response from u ,mujhe kyi calls aur bahut mails milli regarding problems n meets,if any girl or ldy from jaipur or around jaipur wanna meet me or wanna discuss her problem she can mail me its my assurance tht the meet will be kept a secret u can mail me at this is the story when i was at school I was seventeen and in last year of my...

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Transformations DiversityChapter 21

[Janice & Ted] Late November Julia gave it a few weeks before trying what she hoped would be the deciding move. It was a Saturday, and Janice usually exercised late morning, then got her massage. That morning, with her usual pro forma show of reluctance, Janice got on the table and Mark started working on her shoulders. For whatever reason, she always turned her face away from whoever was working her, so it was relatively easy for Ted to slide in and take Mark's place. The first...

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Albion Elizabeths StoryChapter 12

Mandy had escorted Janice upstairs to an unused bedroom. She had had the AI reconfigure a bed more like a divan, so they could lay on it with their heads propped up. It was obvious that Janice felt left out, felt on the wrong side of an unfair dividing line. "Janice," Mandy said when they had climbed onto the bed, "I really did mean this a boon for you. It wasn't me shuffling the snotty little sister out of the way." "But I wanted to SEE!" whined Janice. Mandy laughed. "Janice, you...

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My Aunt Shalini And Tailor Ravi

Hi friends, my name is Madhu.I am from Bangalore.I am 23,height 5″9,weight 71kgs.My penis is 6″ in height and 3-4″ in girth.This story happened four years ago.This is a true story that happened to me when I was 19 years old.I was in second year of my graduation when this happened. The heroine of the story is my aunt, her name is Shalini,she is 33 years old when this happened and 37 now.Her vital stats are 38-32-36.She have big boobs and nice ass.She always wears a saree even at home.She likes...

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My colligue vinay8217s wife

This is my story which happened in Bangalore, I was working in Bangalore for an MNC as Area sales manager and I had big team who reports me and one among them one was Vinay kumar, Lets come to the point, it was one evening of July in Bangalore and there was quite black clouds so Vinay asked me to drop by my car as he was travelling by bike by telling if rain start he will struck I said ok as I had to go by crossing his area, while talking to me he explained about his family, parents and wife ,...


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