- 3 years ago
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Carol wasn't hungry. She fed Sultan and made herself another drink, her third... or was it her fourth? It hardly mattered, she decided, the liquor's effects causing a warm, buoyant feeling to glow inside her, a pleasurable diversion she had almost forgotten existed. It had been a very eventful day, she thought, reviewing individually once more all the things that had happened, as she sipped her gin and tonic. For a change, there'd been a few happy things! She smiled down at the big German shepherd resting at her feet, a stimulated little tingle rippling in her belly when she remembered the lewd hour they'd spent together. Then, Mark Cannon came excitedly to mind, adding to those provocative stirrings...
Suddenly the door buzzer sounded. For a moment, Carol hesitated as Sultan's throaty growl gave warning, mental reflections of Ed White racing through her mind. Again the buzzer sounded, and with a staccato urgency this time that she couldn't ignore. Carol set down her drink and answered it with her dog close beside her.
It was Peg White and she was crying, her face flushed and crumbled, one cheek noticeably redder than the other. Clutched against her breast she held a purse, and a sob choked from her throat as she charged into the room!
"Close the door and lock it, please, Carol! Hurry, before he knows where I've gone!" Peggy White gasped in a terrified voice... locking the door herself when the blonde girl didn't react quick enough. "If he finds me, he'll kill me! I-I just know it! I've never seen him so raving drunk!"
Without asking, Carol knew that the almost hysterical girl was referring to her husband. "Wh-Where is he now?" she quickly questioned hoping to God he hadn't seen his wife come in there.
"I-in the apartment, still looking for this, I suppose!" Peggy whispered in a shaking voice holding up her purse. "I-I keep the rent money in here for the bank deposit. It's not ours, you know... we have no right to use it, but that makes damned little difference to Ed! It's money... and that's all he cares! Money to throw around in bars... and to buy those slutty teenage bitches... !"
Trembling, the distraught wife began to cry again and Carol tried to comfort her, putting an arm around Peg's shoulder and walking her toward the couch. "Here, dear, you sit down and let me get you something to steady you. You're safe here..."
"As... as tong as... he doesn't know where I am... !" Peggy sobbed.
"Don't worry. He can't get beyond that door, not with Sultan here!" Carol assured her. "Now you sit right there while I get you a drink, Honey. Then, we'll see what to do about this!"
The ugly brute had obviously slapped her, Carol thought, trembling herself as she poured straight whiskey into a small glass. The red welts from his big fingers were still embossed on the poor girl's cheek.
"Here, drink this, hon," Carol said, dropping down beside Peg to gently place a hand on the shivering brunette's shoulder as she handed her the glass. "Just sip at it... would you like some water... ?"
"No... no thanks, Carol. T-This is fine... and I'm so grateful. I-I didn't know where to run to. He was like... like a maniac when he couldn't find my purse... but I'd expected this and... and hid it in a different place!"
Carol didn't know what to say. She didn't want to be nosy, or get involved in the Whites' domestic problems, but... "What're you going to do, Peggy? Will he get over it... ?"
"Oh yes... by tomorrow probably," the still shuddering wife replied, sighing raggedly as if to shake the fearful quaking possessing her. "He always does. He'll be too hungover to carry on by then."
"But what about tonight? You just can't go back there and take a chance on him beating you?" Carol said. "He's probably furious by now!"
Again Peggy sighed, laying her bead back onto the edge of the couch, a little smile sardonically twisting her pretty mouth. "That... is putting it mildly, darling! Ten years of experience with him tells me that he's in a murderous rage by this time, vowing to tear me limb from limb!"
"My God! Why do you put up with it, Peg?" Carol gasped in disbelief. "I'd call the police... have him arrested... anything!"
"I know... I know, honey," Peggy said, lifting her head and drinking from the glass. "It sounds like the only answer, doesn't it, but it isn't. Believe me, it isn't! Any woman who has ever had a drunken, wife-beating man would quickly tell you the same. So, they're arrested, fined, and released... and what do you suppose happens to the poor girl then? That's right, his vengeance is even worse,"
"Then, for God's sake, divorce him!" Carol exclaimed, reaching a point of exasperation.
"Divorce him... ? Oh... I couldn't do that, honey!" Peggy replied, shaking her head. "You see, he really needs me... and I love him!"
Carol stated at her, speechless. Well, so much for ridiculousness, she thought, draining her glass. What more was there to say? The anguished wife had pathetically said it all in six words which had struck a familiar chord in the divorced girl's memory... he needs me... I love him! Incredibly enough, Carol thought, I understand just how she feels!
"Here, let me get us another drink," she said, taking Peggy's empty glass and walking into the little kitchenette. Then, in a low voice that couldn't be overheard through the thin walls, she said: "You better stay here with me tonight, Peg. As you say, he'll be over it by tomorrow, or at least too sick to give you any further nonsense."
"Thanks, Carol, but... but I don't want to put you to any trouble. If I can stay just a little while longer, maybe he'll have fallen asleep..."
"Don't be silly," Carol said, returning to hand her a second bracing measure of straight bourbon, then lowering herself into the chair across from her neighbor. "You know it's no trouble, The bed is big enough for both of us, and I've got an extra toothbrush and nightie. Besides, I wouldn't sleep all night worrying about you, and here we both can rest comfortably with Sultan protecting us..."
Peggy White breathed out heavily once more, her radiant smile showing itself for the first time since she'd frantically entered the apartment. She set her purse on the couch beside her and said: "I'm not going to refuse again, darling. God knows, I'll be safer in here with you tonight, and especially with Sultan, as you say, to protect us..."
The big German shepherd heard his name spoken a second time and raised his head to survey the two females. He studied them both for a long moment, noting that his mistress' face and eyes had taken on an unfamiliar laxness, while hers of the midnight hair were quickly beginning to appear the same. He listened to the soft sounds of their voices, then changed his position so that he could rest his head on the floor and watch them. The confusion which had tensed him at first was no longer in the room, the quiet sounds of their voices beginning to gently lull him toward sleep...
How or why Peggy had started talking about that side of her personal life, Carol wasn't sure, but she quickly found herself more than a little intrigued, as well as pitying the obviously passionate girl across from her. She listened intently to Peggy's intimate unburdening, as if she just had to confide the awful truth in someone.
" I-I have to be loved, Carol... physically... sexually loved," Peggy whispered, her dark eyes reflecting her excitement in the mere talking about it. "And... and this is another form of Ed's brutality. Knowing how much and often I need it... he denies me... or at the very least, makes me beg him... sometimes on my knees... and I have to say it the dirtiest way possible... like... please fuck me, darling? Or, please shove your big cock up my hot cunt... or, let me suck it until it cums in my mouth?"
"H-Has he always been this way?" Carol heard her own raspy whisper, the curvaceous brunette's candid revelations easily rekindling the tingles in her belly that the young divorcee had been experiencing before her buzzer had interrupted. She couldn't resist pursuing the rousing subject, and a much more relaxed Peggy White, under the soothing influence of the bourbon, seemed just as eager to discuss it.
"Oh God, honey, he was wonderful... for the first eight years of our marriage! I couldn't have asked for more in bed! He not only has a big one... you know, long and thick and hard, but... but he knows how to use it to bring out the most in a girl! God... honest, he makes me cum like... like an earthquake! Not just once, but five, six, seven times... ! At least, he did... before we came here. In San Diego it was beautiful, Carol. We were so happy together. He had a good job with an electronics firm... always came home after work... and we owned a nice house... Then, he met some people from below the border, you know, Mexico, some dark looking men who came to the house several times. The next thing I knew, we were selling everything to come here! I wasn't asked; I was told! Overnight, he was a changed man. That... that was two years ago... and here we are, right up until tonight!"
Carol swallowed tightly, Peggy's uninhibited description of her sex life like a bellows fanning the smoldering embers in her own belly and loins. She thought of Jonny and his lovemaking, but the memory of him was quickly brushed aside by the fresher memory of her interlude with Sultan, and even the more mysterious wonder of Mark Cannon. "The... the teenagers you spoke of, Peg... you mean those young girls who are all over the neighborhood?"
"I mean those little two-bit bitches, sluts... cunts is what they are, honey!" the shapely, dark-haired wife vehemently exclaimed. "They'll do anything to get enough dough for their pot, or a fix! Only... only two days ago, I took Sultan with me shopping. We came home in a taxi because I had so much to carry. Ed wasn't expecting me, and I found him on our bed with one of them! She couldn't have been more than sixteen, both of them naked and going at it sixty-nine, you know, sucking each other!"
"My God!" Carol gasped, the other's lucid description and four-letter words spiraling through her in a wave of sensuous heat. "Wh-What did you do?"
"Ranted and raved, of course, ordering the little tight-titted pig out of there! But she could hardly have cared less!" Peg said bitterly. "She was kind of cute in the face... all over, in fact, with almost boyish hips, but full, white buttocks... long, dark, straight hair, you know, streaming down her back, and the same curly wispy-like hair on her pussy! Damn, I could hardly blame Ed... and you know what she said to me?"
"Wh-What?" Carol asked breathlessly.
"'Come on, Mama, ' she taunted me in a little-girlish voice, 'Get naked and let me lick your cunt!'"
Carol couldn't speak; her throat was too dry, as if it had suddenly been swabbed with a ball of cotton. She drained her glass, welcoming the wet relief. "And... and what did you say?" she almost blurted.
"Well, for a moment, I just stood there staring at the enticing little bitch while Ed laughed! 'Come on, babe, ' he said, trying to goad me into it. 'We'll have a real party! If Dottie can eat pussy the way she sucks cock it'll be a blast-off for you!' And you know, honey, I almost did... I mean, it wasn't going to be the first time for me! A girlfriend and I when we were in high school used to sleep together often, and licking pussy wasn't new, or disgusting. I was getting hotter by the second, but the fact that Ed brought her right into our apartment and bed was too much! I just began to cry... and the next thing I knew, she was gone... !
"Good Lord... what an experience!" Carol breathed, sensing the moisture seeping warmly from between her swollen vaginal lips and down against the thin sheer nylon of her panty crotch-band. She squirmed down into the cheap chair cushion, welcoming its pressured hardness against the wetly tingling softness of her roused loins. She raised her glass to her lips only to remember it was empty. "Sh-Shall we have another... and take it to bed with us, Peg?"
The vibrant brunette, once more herself, looked with an eyebrow-raised smile at her empty glass. "If you say so, darling. I haven't felt this good in months."
Carol laughed, a thousand things racing through her incited mind. She jumped up, took their glasses and tripped into the kitchen area. Peggy was still talking in that low, seductive voice of hers, but Carol wasn't paying much attention as she poured their drinks. Her thoughts were too filled with the sensual provocation of her sexy neighbor's lust-inciting admissions! She too had once known a girl like that... Barbara Carter, from her old neighborhood... but she'd never let her do it, and then Barbara had moved away!
Carol sliced lemon for her own drink as she pictured the way that girl Dottie must have looked naked with Ed White... her small, rounded breasts, the swelling, teenage hips, the dark curls spreading out enticingly between her thighs... damn, the mere thought was like some sort of aphrodisiac... and that she didn't need! What was wrong with her tonight, anyway? Too much to drink, probably.
"Y-You can use the shower first," Carol said, handing Peggy her drink. "Come on, I'll give you a nightie."
The older girl clasped the hand Carol held out, holding it with an extra gentle pressure that didn't escape the young blonde's notice. "I don't wear anything... if you don't mind," Peggy breathed warmly at her. "Carol... are... are you sure you want me to stay?"
At the end of the day I left the office to head back home. My mind still in turmoil from what had happened earlier in the day, I had been spanked by my female boss and her assistant and had to orally pleasure them both. Had what had happened actually happened! I decided to call at a bar on the way back to my landlady’s house and have a stiff drink. I sat on my own and drank down a large Whisky, I now had a warm glow in my stomach to match the warm glow of my backside. Time to go I thought.
Nineteen-year-old Lucy knew that she was lucky to find the room to rent during her second year at University. Mrs Lewis was forty-one-years-old and had a lovely four-bedroom detached house in a well-to-do area, and very convenient for public transport to the University. She had her own bedroom and as Mrs Lewis was a divorcee and had the ensuite bedroom, Lucy was very happy to have sole use of the family bathroom.As soon as she moved in, Mrs Lewis explained, “Actually, Lucy, because I don’t have...
SpankingIt was with considerable trepidation that David walked up the garden of this neat suburban semidetached house and knocked on the door. In all his 22 years he had never lived away from his home or away from his mother and elder sister. Now, having moved on promotion with his company he was about to meet his new landlady at his lodgings arranged by his company. She opened the door and David was met by an imposing lady in her mid forties, she stood very straight, wearing a blouse which strained at...
Hi guys once again iss bar story Hindi main likh raha hu. Meri pehli story Telugu main tha ache response bi mile aur mails bi thanks for your support. Any bhabis, auntys, any girls want sexual encounters or any doubts related to sex free feel to ask my mail id Ab jyada bore na karte hue story pe aata hun. My name is nischaey aged 27 5’11” height and enough length of cock to give pleasure and satisfy a women. Main hyd main rent pe rehta hu aur job karta hu ek rich area main. Meri landlady ka...
Landlady makes a lady By Sheena Sands On arriving from my village to the bustling metropolis of New Delhi, the capital of India, I had headed straight to the address given to me by a family friend. As I knocked on the door of a small house located near what was to be my college, I didn't know my life was going to change forever. She opened the door and took my breath away. She had long, black, silky hair and was at least a foot taller than me. However it was...
I was renting an apartment from an old Polish lady . The apartment was quite big having two bedrooms one of which I used as an office . Mora , the landlady , was a widow around 70 years old and was quite a bit overweight . She had a huge ass and normally wore a house dress with out a bra her huge breasts hanging over her belly .. She was a very nice lady who spoke with a heavy accent . She pronounced my name reeekie . When I rented the apartment to me she told me that she didn’t mind if I...
I was renting an apartment from an old Polish lady . The apartment was quite big having two bedrooms one of which I used as an office . Mora , the landlady , was a widow around 70 years old and was quite a bit overweight . She had a huge ass and normally wore a house dress with out a bra her huge breasts hanging over her belly .. She was a very nice lady who spoke with a heavy accent . She pronounced my name reeekie . When I rented the apartment to me she told me that she didn’t mind if I...
Hi i am faisal from hyderabad india se i am 26 years old boy aur meri story ek sachi story hai to 3 mahine pehle huie hai koi agar mjhse frndshp karna chahte ho to plz mail karein main der na karte hue story pe aata hun.Aur main jis ghar me rehta hun usme garima aunty jo landlady hai unki year34 ki hai aur unka size 34 28 36 hai.Aur wo bohut hi khubsurat hain aur wo ek bohut sex aurat hai aur main hamesha unko dekhte hi rehta tha q k mjhe unke boobs bohut pasand hai aur main unko dabana chahta...
Hi Guys, how are you all… This is Sachin josui from gujrat .This is my first sex story. I am writing my real sex story ,this incident happened to me last week.I am a Software Developer age 23 living in Ahmadabad in a PG. My landlady name hetal is so beautiful and hot ,her age is 34 and figure is 34-30-34 Thodi chubby ,chut pr baal h aur gand to bahot mast h man krta h chaat te raho aur thappad maarke laal krdo.She wears saree most of the time but wo bahot dukhi lagti thi hamesha sad. Ek din...
After spending ten years in Chennai, I got a transfer to Kerala, but I was posted far away from my native village. As accommodation was problem in the new place I had stay in an old out-house of a land lady, in a remote corner, far away from the town. But I was a nice arrangement and I liked the quiet area with a lot of green vegetation. The land lady was staying with her daughter who was attending the local school. Her two sons were in Mumbai, employed. One was married, but his wife was with...
Landlady Makes a Lady - II By Sheena Sands My life as Jasmine was full of surprises. Every day I realised how much of a girl I really was. When I washed the dishes, my eyes would take in my pretty hands with glistening red nails, when I walked bare feet, the jingle of my anklets and my swishing skirt connecting to my legs would have an electrifying effect on me. Now, the beautiful Mistress Sonia seemed to have full control over me. Every day I slept on the floor beside her bed with...
Hi i am akash i from mysore am of 21 doing sales . My landlady naziya is of 36 and a mother of a son. His son is of 17 . And his hubby is working in dubai … he stays out most of the time and comes back once in six month . About naziya she is 5.5 “ and fig is 36 36 38. I never had any filling for her as she is muslim and i am hindu.. I never thought that she ll become a whore for me.. I remember it was 7th june 2006 when her son was goin to bangalore for study and ll stay with some of their...
IncestTime had passed quickly and nineteen-year-old Lucy was now firmly in charge of forty-one-year-old Jackie. It didn’t matter that Jackie was the landlady and that Lucy was renting a room in her house from her because Jackie relished being subservient to Miss Lucy and very happy that the teenager was making all of the decisions for her, and imposing pain-filled disciplinary measures for even the slightest failure to do as she was told. More recently, Jackie would ask Miss Lucy in the morning if...
SpankingElsie pointer removed her knickers and felt her large cunt with her two fingers. She was aroused and wet and ready for sex. The coast was clear now her hubby had gone to work, she put the room key in her pocket and climbed the stairs to her student lodgers room. She opened the door and climed onto his bed positioning her enormous buttocks over his face. This sudden intrusion woke Brian up and he opened his eyes to see Elsie's big hairy cunt poised above his face. "Wake up you lazy cunt licker...
FetishWhen I went to university back in 1980 it was my first time away from home, and I was just a bit over 18 years of age. Unfortunately for me when I arrived at college I was told that due to an admin error my application for accommodation in the halls of residence on the university site hadn’t been processed and so I wouldn’t be moving into the college accommodation. I was told not to worry, the college had sorted out some temporary accommodation for me in the shape of lodgings in a f****y house...
When I went to university back in 1980 it was my first time away from home, and I was just a bit over 18 years of age. Unfortunately for me when I arrived at college I was told that due to an admin error my application for accommodation in the halls of residence on the university site hadn’t been processed and so I wouldn’t be moving into the college accommodation. I was told not to worry, the college had sorted out some temporary accommodation for me in the shape of lodgings in a family house...
Hi meri ras bhari aunty, bhabhi aur bade boobs wali aur salam sabhi ko jo apna khada lund hath me liye bethe he aur bhabhiya aur auntiya jo apni chooto me hath dal kar bhethi he. Mujhse sexchat ya kahani feedback dena ho toh par aap mail kar skte he. Mera naam akash he aur aaj fir ek aur kahani aapse share karne ko aaya hu. Ye kahani meri last story “aunty ne mujhe hilate huve pakada” ke baad ki he. Meri last story padna mat bhulna. Meri umar abhi 22 he aur lund 7 inch ka body average he. Is...
When I was in my twenties I was lodging with a few guys in a house owned by a recently widowed lady. she was quite a large lady and very down to earth...Anyway, one friday evening I arrived home from work a little early. She was alone in the house and the other guys had gone away for the weekend...I entered thru the back door as usual. I could hear the tv. as i came to the lounge doorway i could see her in her armchair facing the tv. She obviously didnt hear me come in because as i was about to...
Hello this is rahul again back after a long time with a real life incident, I had a sex encounter with my land lady in delhi,the lady is around 40 years of age, height of around 5’2”, very fair as she is from jaat community.Generally jaat girls are very fair and have a strong build with big bobs and wide hips and jaat girls are also very passionate about sex as they posses stronger sex drives. She is around 40 years of age she has big watermelon sized buttocks with very soft flesh in it as her...
In this story main apko bataunga ki kaise maine aunty ke jhanton main chupi hue pink color ki chut aur bread jaise phooli hue gand ki khub achchi tarh se apne 8 inch ke kale, mote lund se raatbhar chudai ka khel khela aur unhe khus kiya. Baat un dino k hai main apne first year k exam k baad summer vacations me ghar par tha.Woh aunty first floor par rahte the aue hum log groung floor par. Kamaal ka figure tha uska bhra pura chikna jism, age koi 29-30 saal size 34-30-34 hoga uska aur who bhi 2...
Hi, friends!! This is my first post on the ISS forum. My name is Alex. My age is 27 years and I am from New Delhi. I have been thinking a lot for penning down my real life sex incidents and ultimately ISS gave me the opportunity. My story is true and the names I would take in the stories are real. I don’t believe in fantasizing with names becasue the lustiness of the story does not remain while writing. I am writing this story both in Hindi and English. I like desi words as it arouses more....
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What a shit day for Jillian Janson! First her washer breaks again, then the repairman doesn’t have the part so she has to be out of work longer, and then she gets fired for it! The poor girl is destroyed by her newfound bad luck, and the only thing that’s going to fix her broken self is the repairman’s tool! She doesn’t even care that he’s a married man, she just leads him into her bedroom with one thing on her mind — swallowing his dick! And swallow she does, followed by a nice spin cycle on...
xmoviesforyouThe Ghost Lover Mr. Marten and his wife were returning to Boston from a business trip to Chicago. They were the only ones in the coach. They could feel the vibrations as the train rolled along the hilly terrain. Mrs. Marten looked out the window admiring the beauty of the rolling countryside as they passed hills and valleys of lush green, interspersed by buildings and farm houses. Mrs. Marten was a beautiful woman. She had a lovely face with brown eyes and full lips framed in auburn hair...
VoyeurTHIS STORY IS FICTIONAL. ANY RELATION TO A PERSON DEAD OR ALIVE IS PURELY COINCIDENTAL. Bruno McWillis is a 32 year old construction worker who lives in Ohio. He has enormous bulging muscles, wavy brown hair, a rigid nose, and a long thick 11 inch daughter. She is 18 now, and was called Sally. Sally was deliciously hot. She had nicely rounded buttocks, firm bouncy breasts, long blonde hair, a pretty face, complete body tan and a smoothly shaven snatch. One night, whilst Bruno was watching...
IncestMy wife and I started going out during her first year of physiotherapy training at the main hospital of a city in South West England, when I was a second-year student at the university. We had met just over a year earlier at a party for new students at the church where she and her parents were members. She was then still at school, and although we sort of became friends, there was no hint of a romantic relationship at the time. I had a number of girlfriends during my first year at university;...
Incest"What time is it," Dee asked with yawn as she was being roused awake by a hand shaking her shoulder, "leave me alone, I'm so tired!?!" This time the shaking was more persistent and a voice intoned almost harshly, "all three of you get up at once, the prince requests your presence immediately, and he shall be more than a little disappointed if you keep him waiting!!!" Midori, Dee, and Gracie had been sleeping together in a huge king sized bed, struggled to their feet while trying to wake up from...
EroticThe Milking Chamber "Oh my God!" I cried out at the sight in the square in the middle of the park. "I can't believe it!" The sight was too shocking for my mind to accept. "I said you would be surprised!" Lori smiled back at me, standing by my side. I knew an assignment into this female dominant culture was going to be a challenge - a challenge, that is, for me because I was male. For Lori, I think she enjoyed it. If I had known the extent of the challenge, I never would have...
This is another true story told to us by a fuck buddy of mine named Connie. Connie is an average looking woman in her fifties. She has an amazing cunt and is a real joy to fuck. Connis has a PHD and is a college professor. Here is her story. My name is Connie and thought that I was happily married to my husband. We were both professors at the college. We had money and a nice home. We had been married for about twenty years when this happened. My friend Gail had a video of our husbands...
In the following chapters, there are a few words of Russian, presented phonetically in the Latin alphabet. Following the plot, it is not necessary to understand Nadiya's few words – Pippa, Cherry and CC don't know what she's saying either – but the general sense can be got from the context. Google Translate does not like the phonetic form much, but it is possible to get the meaning if you really want to. Pippa woke slowly, aware immediately of the slight form of Nadiya, warm in her...
THE MANCHURIAN GIRLFRIEND Sleazy Blonde, 2021 I transferred into Slippery Rock, mid-term, from State University. I thought that Slip would be a better fit for my active lifestyle, outdoorsy and all, you know. Slip recognized all my credits and simply wanted me to join their mountain climbing team. Its an up-and-coming NCAA sport, mountain climbing is. I was fortunate to get a dorm room too. It would have been too much, you know, switching schools and having to navigate around a...
I remember so well that late Autumn, in the heart of Italy, with the musicsurrounding us like blown leaves. The air was cool and sweet. The calamattaolives were ripe and rich and the sweet tastes of gelato pure upon the tongue.All these memories still come to my mind's eye as if it were yesterday. I remember sitting on the plaza, a breeze circlinground us endlessly as we drank the steaming espressos outside the small café.The looming landscape of Rome silhouetted behind her head was a regal...
Author's Note: Before getting to the story, I want to once again thank everyone for the warm welcome that all the stories, and especially the ones featuring Carl(y) and Felicia. I promise that they'll return, it just might take a little while since I want to keep the stories seasonally appropriate. Enjoy! The quarantine was rough on everyone. People forced to stay home and abandon their social lives, employers forced to adopt new telecommuting practices in a short time to...
A group of friends and I have a poker night and one night our friend Peter was a bit more intoxicated than usual and started talking about his wife Melissa. He said that they had been talking about checking out a swing club for awhile and decided to give it a shot a few days earlier. They thought it would be hot to watch other couples fucking and to be watched as well. They had been their for about an hour and the site of all the fucking had them turned on. Melissa said she wasn't ready to be...
About 5 years ago, when I was married, I had an all too short affair with a knock-out woman named Debi. She was the wife of a former co-worker of mine and we both admitted later that the first time we saw each other the desire was put in motion. Anyone could tell that Debi is a flirtatious woman by nature, yet she seemed to go out of her way to compliment me. She became best friends with my wife which was ok with me. I could look at her and just imagine what those massive tits looked like with...
Coco Vandi opens the front door to our AirBnB and she welcomes her step-sister Cory Chase inside. Coco is wearing a plain black dress, and Cory is wearing a floral dress with high heels. Once they get to the bedroom, it doesn’t take long for the two step-sister’s to climb on to the bed and begin playing with each other. They start to kiss as they both pull their dresses down to expose their tits to one another. Cory starts to suck on my step-mom’s nipples, before she makes her...
xmoviesforyouSalmon, asparagus, and wild rice was a frequent meal for the Glass family and if everything was ready she could finish preparation with little thinking. Joe was normally rude and obnoxious. He seemed to derive his greatest pleasure making her miserable. If she didn’t have a good meal ready for him before he finished his second scotch he would be even more rude and obnoxious. After supper he would probably hole up in the den or his study and not come out until Sunday. If she got really lucky...
Just to be clear this is a true story.I have always considered myself straight and I still do. I was always the manly man in school: hot girlfriend, ripped, popular, football player type deal. And I am still straight, but sometimes sucking a dick is alright.So my very first time sucking a cock was New Years Eve a few years ago. I got home from work late and the house was empty. All of my friends were out partying and I was stuck home alone. With nothing to do, I started to drink and before I...
Bikini Beach: Reluctant Temptress By Radioactive Loner It was a nice break from the humid weather, Cherry mused, as, resting her hands on her hips, she arched her back to give it some relief. It wasn't just that these... things... tended to give her occasional backaches... they were also very uncomfortable to lug around in warm weather. And oy, the jiggling... even with *adequate* support, they swayed back and forth like a pregnant woman's belly! And they were so damn...
Hi readers, this is Vijay, age 19 and currently, I am pursuing B.Tech from Dehradun. Due to Covid, I had to leave my hostel and come back to my hometown that is Delhi. My father is a government servant and was previously posted in Delhi but 3 years ago he was transferred to Ahmedabad. My mom Aradhna, is a simple homemaker. What doesn’t make her simple is her voluptuous figure and aphrodisiac face. The way she carries herself in the traditional Indian wear makes me wonder how lucky my dad is to...
Amelia showed a stubborn streak as wide as the Strait of Gibraltar. She refused to listen to my suggestions she practice piano or singing. Instead, she concentrated single-mindedly on training Rufus. He was a devoted pupil, growing in leaps and bounds. The connection those two had was amazing. She showed her stubborn streak when, some three weeks into my recovery, I was feeling randy. Amelia brushed off my advances. “You’re not healthy enough,” she claimed, very seriously. I disagreed. If...
Angel Rivas is a phenomenal blonde with awesome big tits who has come to today to show Alberto Blanco how Private babes like to relax, and yep you guessed it… it’s with anal! That’s right, an oily anal fuck is the best cure for tension, and Alberto will find out first hand today as Angel treats him to a sloppy blowjob under the table through the glory hole before taking things up top for a titfuck and a full anal gonzo fuck that has her big tits bouncing until her juicy pussy is...
xmoviesforyouI didn’t intend to set up my video camera to spy on our babysitter. But after watching a news report on child abuse by care takers, I wanted to make sure my wife and I were leaving our only child in good hands. Sue was a nice, polite, innocent looking 18 year old girl who was recommended by many people in the neighborhood. Her long red hair and shy attitude gave me the impression that she didn’t have much of a social life, so I didn’t worry about her throwing wild parties while we were out. She...