MagicianChapter 21 free porn video

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"We have a new diplomatic mission, John," Morgana told me a few days later.

"Can't be any worse than seeking out a higher power and asking them questions," I replied jokingly.

Morgana simply raised an eyebrow.

"Oh hell, what now, my Mage?" I asked.

"I've been tasked to liaise with representatives of the Æsir government to see if there is any more aid we can give them with their Nephilim incursion," Morgana said.

"I thought 'officially' we weren't giving them any aid?" I replied.

"We aren't, 'officially'. Which is why this is a delicate mission for Simon, not the Council," Morgana replied.

"Council aren't to know then?" I asked.

"Not even know we're there at all," said Morgana. "Though as with a lot of things, some will know and approve, some will know and ignore us anyway as they know fine well that without our 'aid' the Æsir would be struggling to cope."

"Any do's and don'ts?" I asked.

"They are a proud warrior culture and a version of the 'code duello' still holds strong, even amongst Mages," Morgana said. "Watch your tongue, John, as an inadvertent word can cause offence and I will not be able to intervene if you are challenged."

"I take it that sometimes 'offence' can be contrived too?" I asked.

"Very much so, John," Morgana sighed. "There are some whose pride has been hurt by having to ask us for aid and they will be looking for a way to salve that pride by attempting to make us withdraw said aid. I will mostly be safe as they wouldn't dare attack Simon's representative. But you'd be fair game."

"So why take me?" I asked somewhat bemused.

""Jerahmeel's destiny thing," stated Morgana with an evil grin. "You're now my official lucky charm."

"I'll try not to kill anyone too important then, my Mage," I replied with a wink.

"Make sure you don't, John," snorted Morgana, plainly trying not to laugh out loud.

The following day Morgana and I teleported from London to the Æsir consulate on one of the Æsir worlds. Morgana had done her trick with a pocket dimension to carry our entire luggage and had watched amused at my previous attempt to emulate her.

"You're getting better, John," she said after finally taking over. "But you still lack subtlety in your control."

"Yes, my Mage. I suspect I have a tendency to run before I can walk at times," I replied.

"Most journeymen and women do, John, you aren't unique," she replied.

We ported into a richly furnished if windowless room. I could feel a series of very nasty and extremely powerful wards being lowered before a door finally opened to allow us access to a foyer. We were greeted by what at first appearance was a clown of the Pierrot style in a riotous array of loose fitting and randomly patterned clothing, though without the white face. To a Mage though he was clearly something else, a quite powerful Mage and not from our strand of humanity, though unlike the Nephilim, he was within the norms of our genome.

"Greetings, Seiðkona Morgana," he intoned formally whilst totally blanking me.

Fortunately thanks to Morgana's warning I was prepared for such behaviour and ignored the greeter in pretty much the same way as he chose to ignore me. I watched with interest as a faint reddish tinge of ire glossed his cheeks on being ignored by someone he had chosen to insult.

"Greetings to you, Seiðmaðr Tesslarr," intoned Morgana, deliberately giving him a lesser cognomen as a form of rebuke to his rudeness in ignoring me.

The anger in his face grew ever more obvious, but because he'd opened with the gambit of ignoring me there was precious little he could do to retrieve the situation without calling Morgana out and though foolish, the man wasn't a total idiot.

Another Mage approached from out of a doorway.

"Greetings, Seiðkona Morgana and Seiðmaðr John," he said with a smile and an outstretched hand. "You are most welcome here as you travel through our portal."

"Greetings, Vanir Snorrison," we both intoned politely, giving him the correct cognomen for his rank and profession, before shaking his hand, Morgana first as the higher ranking Mage.

"Well, that's the boring official protocols out of the way," Mage Snorrison said. "The portal will be opened shortly as I've now confirmed that you are who you say you are, in the meantime could I get my assistant here to get you some refreshments?"

"No need Snorri," said Morgana going to him and giving him a hug. "It's good to see you, my old friend."

"Good to see you too, Lady M," he replied as he returned the hug with gusto. "It's been too long."

"Sadly work and politics," Morgana said with a brilliant smile.

"Tell me about it," he replied. "It's good to finally meet you too, John. Tales of your derring-do have even reached the ears of those in my government. An Old One indeed?"

"Sheer dumb luck, Mage Snorrison," I replied informally.

"I'd rather be lucky than think I might just be good," he replied. "If we get a chance, I'd love to discuss what happened with you. With your kind permission, Lady M?"

"Of course, Snorri," Morgana replied politely.

"Sadly though the secure portal is now open, so I must wish you skaladjø," he said as he led us through to a room with a door frame set centrally in the middle of it.

This was the only official way to visit the Æsir Earth. Simply porting there without passing through what was to all intents and purpose a customs inspection made you fair game to their hunting clans as well as being terribly impolite. Within the blink of an eye we were in another room on the world of Valaskjalf, the governing planet of the Æsir Confederation.

What can I say about Valaskjalf? Well, if you're expecting a planet full of Vikings with axes and winged helmets then you'd be thoroughly disappointed. Certainly there was a Norse tinge to the language as my ears heard it, though that I suspect was simply my brain converting what it heard into terms it thought I'd be comfortable with. The capital city of Valaskjalf is Sverresborg, a city of wide open parkland interspersed with low, massive buildings, which looked to be highly defensible with narrow window slots facing the outside world. Most of this building design comes from their thousand year war with the Tuatha Dé Danann, where the Æsir longbow and crossbow stood them in good stead for defending their homes. Not that the fighting was constant for all that time and the Æsir were hardly under siege for most of it, usually taking to the countryside in armed dróttina or warbands, I suppose, is the closest I can come to it in English. Essentially it was a group of armed men and women headed by a Mage or Seiðkona as they call their High Mages along with a few lower level Mages or Seiðmaðr all of whom were armed with bow weaponry or pikes. The Æsir won in the end simply because theirs is a warrior society. They looked upon the Tuatha Dé Danann as inferiors to whom defeat would have been dishonourable. It was however the Mazdani incursion on their planet Finias which meant the Tuatha Dé Danann gave it up as a bad job, as their losses had meant their disputed few footholds had become unsustainable. These days other than odd architecture showing their military roots there is little to show of that war for the Æsir who, as far as I can tell, were quite disappointed the Tuatha Dé Danann gave up so easily.

We were met by a representative of the Æsir government and a small party of ... I suppose you could call them aides, though they were essentially part of her family's personal warband, it was that kind of society.

"Greetings, Seiðkona Morgana and Seiðmaðr John," she said formally.

"Greetings, Vaniralla Freya," we replied. Vanir and Vaniralla being a title (of sorts) for representatives of the Æsir government, essentially it meant they were allowed to bear weapons in the Thingvollrr, their equivalent of a parliament.

"I have been tasked to escort you to some quarters set aside for you during your visit," she added politely.

"Lead on please, Vaniralla," I replied as had Morgana requested it, it would have come across as a command, whereas with me it came across as a request from a lesser rank. Yes, it's complicated and no, I haven't completely gotten my head around it even today. Essentially, I asked for things and Morgana gave praise once it was done, had Morgana been there on her own it got even more complex as the Æsir would have had to find someone of equal rank to speak to her and Morgana was rated pretty damned high by the Æsir.

Freya led the way whilst her aides surrounded us to keep passers-by at a comfortable distance as our mode of dress set us aside as tlagr or outlanders. No, they did not dress at all as Vikings and I did not see a single horned helmet. The Norse allegory the Æsir were partially linked to only went so far. I wasn't too bad as most Æsir dressed in very loose fitting trousers and baggy tunics of some kind with very bright mismatched colours, even the women. But Morgana was wearing a fringed suede miniskirt and boy did she stand out from the crowd.

"You appear to be causing a sensation amongst those viewing us, my Mage," I said quietly.

"It's deliberate, John. Many will only look at the surface, not what I am, and it will enable me to put a few prejudiced types in their place eventually," she replied with a smile. "You'll note it hasn't fazed Freya at all though."

"I suspect she's read your 'file' and knows appearances can be deceptive," I said.

"Yes, she's being careful not to cause offence unlike that fool in the embassy," Morgana replied.

"I doubt he'll forget meeting you, my Mage," I said with a grin.

"I doubt he'll forget what you did to him, John. That was a masterstroke, treating him as a social inferior not to be spoken to until he'd given formal recognition," she said.

"It helped that you did the same, my Mage," I said.

We arrived at one of the fort like buildings and two of the aides swung the doors open for us to allow us into a lovely courtyard with several planters of flowers and a small fountain.

"I trust these will be adequate, Mage Morgana?" asked Freya.

"Indeed, you have performed your allotted task with speed and grace, Vaniralla Freya," Morgana replied formally to Freya's obvious pleasure.

"You will be collected tomorrow to be taken to a meeting in the Thingvollrr. I will leave you now to rest," Freya said and her party gave a formal nod of respect before leaving the way they entered.

We were met inside by a small delegation of staff who were tasked to see to our needs and comfort and we spent the day in what passed for a lounge in Æsir terms discussing our agenda for the following day before retiring for the night.

The following day Morgana was escorted to a meeting in the Thingvollrr whilst I took the time to visit the Council's Embassy in Sverresborg purely as a courtesy. It was soon obvious that I was being observed as I made my way through the various parts of the city, taking advantage of the nice spring weather to do some exercise. I suspected it was partly caution and partly protection. The Æsir might not be able to protect me should I fall foul of their duelling codes, but it would not go down well with Morgana. They'd prefer to avoid her killing any group who chose me as a victim. Still, I was armed, as all above the age of maturity were in Æsir society, with a Smith & Wesson survival Bowie knife with a 9 ½" blade strapped to my belt as well as its twin in my pack.

I didn't spend too long at the Embassy, the ambassador knew fine well why Morgana and I were there and thoroughly approved of the covert aid the Æsir were receiving. He did warn me as had Morgana to be very careful. Whilst many of the Æsir were glad of the modern weaponry, mostly AK47's and ex-Soviet mortars, there were a small if vocal group of conservatives who were appalled at the use of un-Æsir products and had sought to prevent their distribution.

It was on my return that I spotted a challenger, his mind simply blazed his intent along with his contempt for tlagr. He was clearly no Mage and he thought he could get close to claim I jostled him. The contempt in his mind had turned to stark fear as he realised that I'd frozen his muscles and that he'd almost offended a Mage, I doubted I'd see him again. Still I thought, the next time will probably be more subtle. I was wrong.

I had picked up some of the local currency at the embassy and hoped to visit one of the markets to get Róisín a gift, though I hadn't a clue as to what (the eternal male) but at least I was making the effort. I had been told to haggle hard and never simply pay up on the first offer as the vendor might simply be offended enough to refuse to sell. It wasn't a concept I was used to, still at least I could hopefully pick up what was to me a bargain. I had been told the best market was in a square near the river, Sverresborg being roughly where Budapest was on my Earth. Finding the river was easy enough, finding the market slightly more difficult, though finally I used common sense and simply asked one of the 'official' spies trailing me.

I had to admit I was impressed, if there were markets like this on Earth, then I had failed to find one. They sold everything from food to weapons (swords AK47's, arrows), clothing to gold bars. I was specifically looking for jewellery which I had been told was an Æsir speciality in the Sverresborg district but did wonder if Roisin would appreciate the soft linen clothing the Æsir wore, not for general wear but as a set of pyjama's/evening wear. In the end I found some very nice stuff and proceeded to haggle the seller down to about half of what he originally wanted which seemed satisfactory to both of us. I then wandered around to watch an armourer blacksmith at work producing various blades for a group of interested Æsir. I did notice that most of the blades he was making were some form of sabre or slashing weapon, indeed few had points, though the knives he made obviously did. It was at this point that I was jostled to one side and narrowly avoided a thrown fist to my face. Turning I faced a group of youths who had been drinking and who thought to have a little fun at the outlander's expense.

"You clumsy oaf!" one of them roared. "Can't you look where you're going?"

"Why would I need to do that when standing still?" I asked mildly.

"Are you calling me a liar?" the youth roared back. "He's calling me a liar, I call challenge!"

At this he attempted to throw another punch at my face which I easily sidestepped and allowed him to fall sprawling onto the ground. By this time a small crowd had gathered to watch the fun, though I sensed no malice from them, merely interest. I simply stood and watched as he pulled himself to his feet cursing and struggling with jeers and occasional taunts being thrown in his direction. Lurching forward he threw a wild haymaker at my stomach again failing to make contact and I stuck out my foot to trip him and let him sprawl on the ground again. This time there were howls of derisive laughter at his misfortune and his friends attempted to intervene only to stop as several in the crowd placed hands upon weapons at their breach of the code duello in which only the challenger can fight the challenged. The young man had heaved himself back to his feet and hurled himself at me, arms spread wide to try and grab me and force me down only to discover I was ready for this having sidestepped him and landed a solid blow to the side of his head to send him crashing into the blacksmiths stall. He then made a major mistake by grabbing a sabre and attempted to come at me with it, drawing back his arm to make a long slash at me only to come to a halt as the blade of my Bowie knife was suddenly at his chin slightly pricking the surface and allowing a small trickle of blood to flow down the blade.

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I was enjoying the school holidays. Then my mom told me "your aunt is on the phone. She wants to talk to you ?" I took the phone and said hello. The my aunt started talking " hi, this is your aunt, can you do me a favor?". I said "sure what is it?". The she said my husband is going on a business trip. I am staying at home. So if you don't mind can you come over here to stay with me". Suddenly i got hard. I said "ok when should i come?" Aunt said "today my husband leave this country on a flight...

4 years ago
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Orgasmatron IV

Sorry, no pictures in this chapter. Steve-O was responsible for them and he got a little busy. After an incredible day of delicious sex. the four of them decided it is was time for a break.  Marco and Brad each hit the exit button and the Orgasmatron went into sleep mode.The drunken monkey bouncing around inside Kimmie’s mind just would not calm down. He, in fact, was making one hell of a racket.The heavy-duty workout she had received from Jenny made her shiver as she replayed the scene in her...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Shadows From the PastChapter 30

Cassie is once more drawn to the pit, but she turns away despite the urgent whispers which rise from within. She cannot understand what they say, but she somehow divines their meaning: she needs to practice. She has more important, if reluctant, business to conduct tonight. She confronts the veil to her mother's mind and steps through. The gray pall is absent, as she is not interested in her mother's memories. Instead, she wishes to delve into Dorothy's dreams. Here is the only place...

2 years ago
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ConfessionsFast Forward

After a very uneventful summer it was time for me to begin the process to make my move to Med-School. The college at which I had completed my undergraduate studies was five hours northwest of my hometown, so it was no big deal convincing my parents that I had to live on campus. However, the medical college I was attending was only a couple hours north, so it took some pretty desperate begging for them to sign a lease with me. We shopped for apartments on the weekends for a month or so until I...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Ein ganz normaler Tag

Samstag, 8:00 Ein penetrantes Klingeln schallt durch mein Gehör, als ich gerade noch dabei war, Vebrecher, Ganoven und böse Buben in meinen Träumen zu jagen. Sofort sitze ich kerzengerade in meinem Bett - ich schaue auf meinen Wecker. 8.00 Uhr. "Verdammt - ich muss zur Schule" schießt es mir durch den Kopf. Und eine Sekunde später: "Nein. Es ist Samstag." Erleichetert lasse ich mich in mein Bett zurückfallen. Herrlich. Ich kann ausschlafen. Mit einem kräftigen Schlag bringe ich meinen Wecker...

2 years ago
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Vein Wine

You get off the bus near the edge of the city of Ardetha at eight o'clock in the morning. The other riders had stared at you strangely as you traveled in your only suit. It wasn't the best, a little wrinkled, but it was the best you had. Having grown up in an orphanage, you've taken pride in your ability to get by and make a living but the recession down south has made you head north to this city in search of work. Yesterday you received a call from Carmen Vine, owner of Vein Tavern and Winery...

4 years ago
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a Dogs life

I met my first masogirl thru an add in the papers, reacting to sexcontact-adds wasn't something i normally did but since i discovered that being in control of a willing girl was one of my fantasies i responded with the request for a meeting.After a few internet chats and a few phonecalls, to get to know eachother's wishes, i decided to a bold move and requested a meeting. Little bit nervous ofcourse, since she was my first, but i was reliefed that she happily aggreed to meet me.After a trip of...

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wet dream

My girlfriend, her mother, and father were at work. Her brother, still in high school, was off to school. Her two daughters were with their father. All that was home was me and her. We all stayed in at my girlfriend’s mom’s house, all 8 of us. It was 10 in the morning she had just awakened, I felt for her more and more that I was around her; she was 8 months pregnant by her husband. I sent her a message to tell her to get on yahoo messenger. I then asked her the question, it took me a while...

3 years ago
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letter to my sub

One the things that stands out is a memory of us early in our sexual relationship.  The first time we had unrushed time together.  It might have been the second time I ever tied you up.  Hands and feet both bound together.  It was shortly after you had gotten the collar.  You had brought it over, eager to show me.  I had you strip and kneel before me.  Collared my pet and paraded about the room with the leash.I remember a glowing red ass. Before the actual sex I had gotten much enjoyment...

3 years ago
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The Game

It was a normal Spring day at school when your ex-girlfriend Laura called you on the phone. You were surprised to see her name pop up on the caller ID, and honestly, you were a little excited. You had been in love with Laura for so many years. When she left you, you were devastated, and though you tried hard to move on, your thoughts always seemed to drift back toward your affections for her. You were even more surprised when she told you she was taking a trip to your town. "Hey, so listen a...

3 years ago
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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 8

Friday 15th May to Monday 1st June 1970 Friday was another busy day and I spent the usual Friday evening at home. Penny had promised she would ring at 7.30, but I wondered if I would get a call after what happened on Thursday morning. A weekend with her was clearly out of the question, not that I wanted to see her anyway. I suspected her, and she suspected me. No call. At 8.30 I left the house to meet Ian at the local for a game of darts. Ian was an overweight round faced man. By...

2 years ago
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A New Kind Of Family

A New Kind Of Family (Note: It has been a long time since I had the desire to write, so I hope I am not too rusty. An idea hit me over the holiday break and I just had to put it on paper. I don't know when if ever I'll write again, but I just thought I'd share it with all of you. There is no crossdressing or anything transgendered related in this story. This story is mostly an age-play story that has four characters go through some subtle and different changes. I am posting it...

3 years ago
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Lets Play Tresspassers

Let’s Play TrespassersAfter a late lunch out, Lisa, Ashley, Suzi and I were out walking in a park on a warm Sunday afternoon in July. The park was beautiful. There was a lush lawn and the flowers all around were in magnificent bloom. We were just walking around, talking and gossiping and giggling, probably a little too loudly. We were feeling a little hot, and decided to go walk in the nearby woods, to take advantage of the shade. The woods was mostly a pine forest. There were lots of tall pine...

4 years ago
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Visiting the sexy fat granny in Oregon

I met a nice older woman in the desert who had a flat tire, she paid me back with a nice roadside encounter. She gave me her number and told me to call her if I ever in the Medford area of Oregon. I was going to an event in Grants Pass which is slightly north of Medford. I got a hotel room in Medford hoping she will be available to meet. I gave her a call and ask if she remember me. She said I think about you and the great time on side of the highway and that she use up a few sets of...

3 years ago
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It was summer 1974, I just graduated, yahoo. Ready to hit the beach, but I'm a little short on cash. For the past year or so I was often asked to watch the k**s for a lady down the street when she went out. Hmm, I should check with her, an odd job or so could help with the funds department. So I walk to Barbies house, rang the bell, the front door is open, just screen door. She says who is it from inside, down the hallway and I reply its me, Jack. "Oh, hi Jack how have you been, come on in...

3 years ago
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Game of Thrones Sex Portal

Unlimited power at your fingertips. You have the powers of the ancient one, George R. R. Martin. You can bend the world of Game of Thrones at your will. Anything is possible. Incest being common? Easy. Sex in the streets? No problem. A gangbang on the Iron Throne with Queen Cersei, Robb, Jon, and Theon? Why not? The only limit is your imagination. So, what happens next? Authors are welcome and there is no rules (except chyoa rules)! All I ask is good grammar and a consistent POV (first person,...

4 years ago
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Girls Night Out

It was a Friday night after work and the girls had decided to go out for drinks. Anna was sitting around the table drinking wine and talking when a group of girls walked in. Anna recognized one of them as Bree, an old friend, and invited her and her friends over to catch up. Anna moved over so that Bree could sit beside her. The girls crammed in tightly around the table. Bree put one of her hands beneath the table and it accidentally ended up on Anna’s leg. Anna thought nothing of it. Bree left...

2 years ago
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For Friends and Family Part 10 Going Public

For Friends and Family Part 10 - Going Public The trip in the ambulance seemed to go on for an age, Amy was periodically being sick, well trying to be but just dry heaving; the paramedic said, "How much mustard and water did you give her?" Desperately thinking I replied, "About a pint - I think, why did I do wrong?" He grinned and said with a chuckle, "No you what you did was right, it's just that usually you only give a cup full! You were determined to clean her out wasn't...

4 years ago
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The Morning AfterFor all of them

Matt was slowly coming round from an intense and deep sleep. His mind was in the zone of flashbacks and the realisation that his body was responding to something. The flashbacks were real; memories of the night before when he had only just met Angie and Mike. Memories of how they had taken him back to their home, fucked him senseless, and then allowed him to stay in the guest room. As Matt started to stir, he moved his body across the bed. His eyes started to focus. Firstly on the pale green...

2 years ago
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NFBusty Ella Knox Bare Naked Beauty

After a fun and flirty beginning it’s all passion and sensuality in Covered In Cum, our next upcoming film. Lusty Lexi Layo is completely seduced by a snowball fight with her lover, and the moment they get inside she proves how horny she really is. I could watch Lexi put on a clinic in how to suck and stroke a big dick for hours, but watching her ride her boyfriend’s fuck stick is the real pleasure here. Her arched back and cries of delight create a perfect storm of lust and love....

4 years ago
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A pen-pal who was so kind as to forego any introduction wrote the beginning to a story he requested i continue in order for him to cum. As you read, you can imagine what the beginning was like!you fuck my neck so hard and fast all i can do is keep my mouth open and hope for enough chances to catch my breath, to make it possible to keep going as long as you want. you drill me harder after each breath I draw, your balls squashed up against my lips as you order me to lick your balls. i manage to...

3 years ago
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Perfect Love

This story centres upon the relationship between a brother and sister, but before it begins, you may select the ages, personality, appearance and age difference of the two siblings. You are Aaron.

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Sweet Sophia Worth Her Weight In Gold

Lucky man Dan is over the moon when he finds a leprechaun’s gold inside the walls of his house. But Dan isn’t having it when Sophia the Leprechaun appears to reclaim what is rightfully hers. For days, the Exxxtra Small babe follows Dan around to find where he’s hidden her pots of gold. Sophia strikes a deal with Dan – she’ll let him fuck her “lucky charm” if he promises to give back all the gold. Unable to resist, Dan fucks Sophia right then and there. Her pussy is unbelievable, and she...

3 years ago
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Becoming a Daughter

Becoming a Daughter - Chapter 1 There were 60 seconds left in the football game. We were ahead 21 to 0 and going for another shut-out which would break the school's long time record of shutouts. My dad, a big guy, was on the team that set the school's shutout record a number of years ago. Now his two sons, Jack 13, big like my dad, and me, 15, smaller like our mom, were on the current team. My brother was a very good athlete and he started at running back. I sat on the bench. The...

2 years ago
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Husband catches his unfaithful wife fucking another man

My wife cheated on me with one of my best friends. It happened on a recent Saturday evening, or rather early Sunday morning. One of my wife’s girl friends was getting married so my wife and a couple other girls had a bachelorette party for her. Since the party was at another girls house I decided to have a poker party at our house. My party didn’t last long because I got the dates mixed up. By the time I find out and informed everyone, most of the guys already had plans. So the...

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Bewildered Cheating Wife

Victoria (Tori) and Jim arrived late to the party and ended up parking Tori's minivan on the street right across the entrance of the packed driveway. There weren't that many people at the party, no more than ten or twelve couples, most of whom Tori and Jim knew. Everyone was in about the same age range also, mid to late thirties and fairly well off. It was just one of those get togethers that happen occasionally, everyone knew, or was acquainted with everyone else, a mixer to go to without k**s...

2 years ago
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The Interviews A Jake Joyfully StoryChapter 2 The Nature of the Beast

Her name is Kriscelle. She is thirty-one years old. She has been in the USA for six years. She arrived with her twelve-year-old daughter Corrine on a K1 Fiancee visa to marry William. William is now sixty-two. The marriage is stable. The couple has produced two children, William Jr. (age 5) and Ann (age 2). Kriscelle is a homemaker. William is an architect. The family resides in San Diego, California. That is the family as the world outside their home sees them. Inside the home, it is a...

3 years ago
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Watching My Daughter

I shouldn’t have done it really. It was a kind of a game that went a little too far, but here I was watching the laptop screen with my cock in my hand and I was as stiff as fuck. I was pumping it urgently. I wanted it to spurt all over the fucking screen at the sexy slut I was watching on the monitor. The slut, was herself, openly masturbating and sticking her fingers into her pussy with increasing urgency. The same slut that was breathing heavily, irregularly and the same slut that was now...

4 years ago
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Naina Comes To The Party

Mild winter has started to set in. It’s nearing the end of October. My work has been steady and with holiday season starting soon work has started to taper off and party season has started. We would have parties at work and in my friends circle. Almost all the weekends were taken up in parties. I had been missing my Naina in those parties. Naina loves to dress up as much as she likes me to dress her down. It was Thursday and I was just coming back from work and my phone rings, I see it was...

3 years ago
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Two Sexy Girlfriends 8211 Part 2

Now she removed her bra and threw it at me. But Raghu is dancing with her so I couldn’t see her completely. I told him to move aside as I couldn’t see her boobs. He moved to a side now I could see her boobs clearly and her nipples were poking hard. He went behind her started kissing her neck and took his hands to her boobs. Then. Me – “Dude, move aside. I can’t see her.” Then Pranathi pushed him aside and came near me. She kneeled in front of me and kept looking at the tent in my pants and into...

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