MagicianChapter 21 free porn video

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"We have a new diplomatic mission, John," Morgana told me a few days later.

"Can't be any worse than seeking out a higher power and asking them questions," I replied jokingly.

Morgana simply raised an eyebrow.

"Oh hell, what now, my Mage?" I asked.

"I've been tasked to liaise with representatives of the Æsir government to see if there is any more aid we can give them with their Nephilim incursion," Morgana said.

"I thought 'officially' we weren't giving them any aid?" I replied.

"We aren't, 'officially'. Which is why this is a delicate mission for Simon, not the Council," Morgana replied.

"Council aren't to know then?" I asked.

"Not even know we're there at all," said Morgana. "Though as with a lot of things, some will know and approve, some will know and ignore us anyway as they know fine well that without our 'aid' the Æsir would be struggling to cope."

"Any do's and don'ts?" I asked.

"They are a proud warrior culture and a version of the 'code duello' still holds strong, even amongst Mages," Morgana said. "Watch your tongue, John, as an inadvertent word can cause offence and I will not be able to intervene if you are challenged."

"I take it that sometimes 'offence' can be contrived too?" I asked.

"Very much so, John," Morgana sighed. "There are some whose pride has been hurt by having to ask us for aid and they will be looking for a way to salve that pride by attempting to make us withdraw said aid. I will mostly be safe as they wouldn't dare attack Simon's representative. But you'd be fair game."

"So why take me?" I asked somewhat bemused.

""Jerahmeel's destiny thing," stated Morgana with an evil grin. "You're now my official lucky charm."

"I'll try not to kill anyone too important then, my Mage," I replied with a wink.

"Make sure you don't, John," snorted Morgana, plainly trying not to laugh out loud.

The following day Morgana and I teleported from London to the Æsir consulate on one of the Æsir worlds. Morgana had done her trick with a pocket dimension to carry our entire luggage and had watched amused at my previous attempt to emulate her.

"You're getting better, John," she said after finally taking over. "But you still lack subtlety in your control."

"Yes, my Mage. I suspect I have a tendency to run before I can walk at times," I replied.

"Most journeymen and women do, John, you aren't unique," she replied.

We ported into a richly furnished if windowless room. I could feel a series of very nasty and extremely powerful wards being lowered before a door finally opened to allow us access to a foyer. We were greeted by what at first appearance was a clown of the Pierrot style in a riotous array of loose fitting and randomly patterned clothing, though without the white face. To a Mage though he was clearly something else, a quite powerful Mage and not from our strand of humanity, though unlike the Nephilim, he was within the norms of our genome.

"Greetings, Seiðkona Morgana," he intoned formally whilst totally blanking me.

Fortunately thanks to Morgana's warning I was prepared for such behaviour and ignored the greeter in pretty much the same way as he chose to ignore me. I watched with interest as a faint reddish tinge of ire glossed his cheeks on being ignored by someone he had chosen to insult.

"Greetings to you, Seiðmaðr Tesslarr," intoned Morgana, deliberately giving him a lesser cognomen as a form of rebuke to his rudeness in ignoring me.

The anger in his face grew ever more obvious, but because he'd opened with the gambit of ignoring me there was precious little he could do to retrieve the situation without calling Morgana out and though foolish, the man wasn't a total idiot.

Another Mage approached from out of a doorway.

"Greetings, Seiðkona Morgana and Seiðmaðr John," he said with a smile and an outstretched hand. "You are most welcome here as you travel through our portal."

"Greetings, Vanir Snorrison," we both intoned politely, giving him the correct cognomen for his rank and profession, before shaking his hand, Morgana first as the higher ranking Mage.

"Well, that's the boring official protocols out of the way," Mage Snorrison said. "The portal will be opened shortly as I've now confirmed that you are who you say you are, in the meantime could I get my assistant here to get you some refreshments?"

"No need Snorri," said Morgana going to him and giving him a hug. "It's good to see you, my old friend."

"Good to see you too, Lady M," he replied as he returned the hug with gusto. "It's been too long."

"Sadly work and politics," Morgana said with a brilliant smile.

"Tell me about it," he replied. "It's good to finally meet you too, John. Tales of your derring-do have even reached the ears of those in my government. An Old One indeed?"

"Sheer dumb luck, Mage Snorrison," I replied informally.

"I'd rather be lucky than think I might just be good," he replied. "If we get a chance, I'd love to discuss what happened with you. With your kind permission, Lady M?"

"Of course, Snorri," Morgana replied politely.

"Sadly though the secure portal is now open, so I must wish you skaladjø," he said as he led us through to a room with a door frame set centrally in the middle of it.

This was the only official way to visit the Æsir Earth. Simply porting there without passing through what was to all intents and purpose a customs inspection made you fair game to their hunting clans as well as being terribly impolite. Within the blink of an eye we were in another room on the world of Valaskjalf, the governing planet of the Æsir Confederation.

What can I say about Valaskjalf? Well, if you're expecting a planet full of Vikings with axes and winged helmets then you'd be thoroughly disappointed. Certainly there was a Norse tinge to the language as my ears heard it, though that I suspect was simply my brain converting what it heard into terms it thought I'd be comfortable with. The capital city of Valaskjalf is Sverresborg, a city of wide open parkland interspersed with low, massive buildings, which looked to be highly defensible with narrow window slots facing the outside world. Most of this building design comes from their thousand year war with the Tuatha Dé Danann, where the Æsir longbow and crossbow stood them in good stead for defending their homes. Not that the fighting was constant for all that time and the Æsir were hardly under siege for most of it, usually taking to the countryside in armed dróttina or warbands, I suppose, is the closest I can come to it in English. Essentially it was a group of armed men and women headed by a Mage or Seiðkona as they call their High Mages along with a few lower level Mages or Seiðmaðr all of whom were armed with bow weaponry or pikes. The Æsir won in the end simply because theirs is a warrior society. They looked upon the Tuatha Dé Danann as inferiors to whom defeat would have been dishonourable. It was however the Mazdani incursion on their planet Finias which meant the Tuatha Dé Danann gave it up as a bad job, as their losses had meant their disputed few footholds had become unsustainable. These days other than odd architecture showing their military roots there is little to show of that war for the Æsir who, as far as I can tell, were quite disappointed the Tuatha Dé Danann gave up so easily.

We were met by a representative of the Æsir government and a small party of ... I suppose you could call them aides, though they were essentially part of her family's personal warband, it was that kind of society.

"Greetings, Seiðkona Morgana and Seiðmaðr John," she said formally.

"Greetings, Vaniralla Freya," we replied. Vanir and Vaniralla being a title (of sorts) for representatives of the Æsir government, essentially it meant they were allowed to bear weapons in the Thingvollrr, their equivalent of a parliament.

"I have been tasked to escort you to some quarters set aside for you during your visit," she added politely.

"Lead on please, Vaniralla," I replied as had Morgana requested it, it would have come across as a command, whereas with me it came across as a request from a lesser rank. Yes, it's complicated and no, I haven't completely gotten my head around it even today. Essentially, I asked for things and Morgana gave praise once it was done, had Morgana been there on her own it got even more complex as the Æsir would have had to find someone of equal rank to speak to her and Morgana was rated pretty damned high by the Æsir.

Freya led the way whilst her aides surrounded us to keep passers-by at a comfortable distance as our mode of dress set us aside as tlagr or outlanders. No, they did not dress at all as Vikings and I did not see a single horned helmet. The Norse allegory the Æsir were partially linked to only went so far. I wasn't too bad as most Æsir dressed in very loose fitting trousers and baggy tunics of some kind with very bright mismatched colours, even the women. But Morgana was wearing a fringed suede miniskirt and boy did she stand out from the crowd.

"You appear to be causing a sensation amongst those viewing us, my Mage," I said quietly.

"It's deliberate, John. Many will only look at the surface, not what I am, and it will enable me to put a few prejudiced types in their place eventually," she replied with a smile. "You'll note it hasn't fazed Freya at all though."

"I suspect she's read your 'file' and knows appearances can be deceptive," I said.

"Yes, she's being careful not to cause offence unlike that fool in the embassy," Morgana replied.

"I doubt he'll forget meeting you, my Mage," I said with a grin.

"I doubt he'll forget what you did to him, John. That was a masterstroke, treating him as a social inferior not to be spoken to until he'd given formal recognition," she said.

"It helped that you did the same, my Mage," I said.

We arrived at one of the fort like buildings and two of the aides swung the doors open for us to allow us into a lovely courtyard with several planters of flowers and a small fountain.

"I trust these will be adequate, Mage Morgana?" asked Freya.

"Indeed, you have performed your allotted task with speed and grace, Vaniralla Freya," Morgana replied formally to Freya's obvious pleasure.

"You will be collected tomorrow to be taken to a meeting in the Thingvollrr. I will leave you now to rest," Freya said and her party gave a formal nod of respect before leaving the way they entered.

We were met inside by a small delegation of staff who were tasked to see to our needs and comfort and we spent the day in what passed for a lounge in Æsir terms discussing our agenda for the following day before retiring for the night.

The following day Morgana was escorted to a meeting in the Thingvollrr whilst I took the time to visit the Council's Embassy in Sverresborg purely as a courtesy. It was soon obvious that I was being observed as I made my way through the various parts of the city, taking advantage of the nice spring weather to do some exercise. I suspected it was partly caution and partly protection. The Æsir might not be able to protect me should I fall foul of their duelling codes, but it would not go down well with Morgana. They'd prefer to avoid her killing any group who chose me as a victim. Still, I was armed, as all above the age of maturity were in Æsir society, with a Smith & Wesson survival Bowie knife with a 9 ½" blade strapped to my belt as well as its twin in my pack.

I didn't spend too long at the Embassy, the ambassador knew fine well why Morgana and I were there and thoroughly approved of the covert aid the Æsir were receiving. He did warn me as had Morgana to be very careful. Whilst many of the Æsir were glad of the modern weaponry, mostly AK47's and ex-Soviet mortars, there were a small if vocal group of conservatives who were appalled at the use of un-Æsir products and had sought to prevent their distribution.

It was on my return that I spotted a challenger, his mind simply blazed his intent along with his contempt for tlagr. He was clearly no Mage and he thought he could get close to claim I jostled him. The contempt in his mind had turned to stark fear as he realised that I'd frozen his muscles and that he'd almost offended a Mage, I doubted I'd see him again. Still I thought, the next time will probably be more subtle. I was wrong.

I had picked up some of the local currency at the embassy and hoped to visit one of the markets to get Róisín a gift, though I hadn't a clue as to what (the eternal male) but at least I was making the effort. I had been told to haggle hard and never simply pay up on the first offer as the vendor might simply be offended enough to refuse to sell. It wasn't a concept I was used to, still at least I could hopefully pick up what was to me a bargain. I had been told the best market was in a square near the river, Sverresborg being roughly where Budapest was on my Earth. Finding the river was easy enough, finding the market slightly more difficult, though finally I used common sense and simply asked one of the 'official' spies trailing me.

I had to admit I was impressed, if there were markets like this on Earth, then I had failed to find one. They sold everything from food to weapons (swords AK47's, arrows), clothing to gold bars. I was specifically looking for jewellery which I had been told was an Æsir speciality in the Sverresborg district but did wonder if Roisin would appreciate the soft linen clothing the Æsir wore, not for general wear but as a set of pyjama's/evening wear. In the end I found some very nice stuff and proceeded to haggle the seller down to about half of what he originally wanted which seemed satisfactory to both of us. I then wandered around to watch an armourer blacksmith at work producing various blades for a group of interested Æsir. I did notice that most of the blades he was making were some form of sabre or slashing weapon, indeed few had points, though the knives he made obviously did. It was at this point that I was jostled to one side and narrowly avoided a thrown fist to my face. Turning I faced a group of youths who had been drinking and who thought to have a little fun at the outlander's expense.

"You clumsy oaf!" one of them roared. "Can't you look where you're going?"

"Why would I need to do that when standing still?" I asked mildly.

"Are you calling me a liar?" the youth roared back. "He's calling me a liar, I call challenge!"

At this he attempted to throw another punch at my face which I easily sidestepped and allowed him to fall sprawling onto the ground. By this time a small crowd had gathered to watch the fun, though I sensed no malice from them, merely interest. I simply stood and watched as he pulled himself to his feet cursing and struggling with jeers and occasional taunts being thrown in his direction. Lurching forward he threw a wild haymaker at my stomach again failing to make contact and I stuck out my foot to trip him and let him sprawl on the ground again. This time there were howls of derisive laughter at his misfortune and his friends attempted to intervene only to stop as several in the crowd placed hands upon weapons at their breach of the code duello in which only the challenger can fight the challenged. The young man had heaved himself back to his feet and hurled himself at me, arms spread wide to try and grab me and force me down only to discover I was ready for this having sidestepped him and landed a solid blow to the side of his head to send him crashing into the blacksmiths stall. He then made a major mistake by grabbing a sabre and attempted to come at me with it, drawing back his arm to make a long slash at me only to come to a halt as the blade of my Bowie knife was suddenly at his chin slightly pricking the surface and allowing a small trickle of blood to flow down the blade.

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I was just sitting there relaxing after writing Mya and logging off Lush. She'd joined about a month before I did and she contacted me first. I'd been there for a couple of months just reading the stories before I joined. As we got to know each other we became true friends. I'm 71, white with long white hair and a beard, she's in her early 50's and African American. She'd had a problem with someone who didn't like that she was black, but that worked for me. I loved it. It seemed to work for us...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Bar

The rain spattered down, Only a few lights from a nearby bar lit the otherwise deserted streets.Jo couldn’t believe her luck. What a time for her car to break down. Her phone was dead. She was in the wrong part of town, and at this time of night...Still. Maybe the place wasn’t as bad as everyone made out. She’d have a look in the bar. Maybe there was a phone in there she could use.She entered the bar. It was unusually full. A thick smoke hung in the air. The bar went quiet as she opened the...

2 years ago
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Chance Encounter Mark And Alison

Mark Jackson gave a yawn as he headed out of the front door of the Davidson's house, he was still tired and the two parents had just gotten home from there business trip to Vegas. He had spent two days wrangling there twin eight year old son's Jason and Justin and was happy to get out of there, he was also happy about the paycheck in his hand, they always paid him well with a sizeable tip. It was a clear summer morning and the fourteen year old headed down the sidewalk for the mile long walk...

3 years ago
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white cock WANTED by Caramel Bite

My nineteenth birthday had just passed. I was no longer shy since my body had really filled out. My body was always petite but now I had curves and my breasts were 34c. My black hair hung level with my nipples. I received plenty of compliments on my smile and almond shaped brown eyes. These compliments came from young black boys around my neighborhood. There was nothing wrong with compliments I just wanted them from men, older men that knew how to fuck my cunt. I...

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Rosetta Chapter 5

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 5 Rose woke with a feeling of empty loss. Some of it was a normal reaction to the day, but there seemed to be something else - something from her dreams. She experienced the normal part every year. There had been so much build up to the events of the last few days, what with Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and her birthday, and now it was suddenly all over. On top of that, the visit by her Gram was ending. When Rose went to school,...

2 years ago
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Naked in Military SchoolChapter 4

Week Three of the Corporal John Freeman Mackie Military School for Boys Optional Volunteer Participant Plan began on Friday, 15 August 1980. After wake-up and a quick cleaning of our squad bay we fell out for physical training—calisthenics and a one-mile run. Barefoot, of course; bare all over except for our temporary tattoos announcing our status as Program participants from Mackie. Next, we showered. Showering is a communal affair. We washed the backs of others in our squad and had our...

3 years ago
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Uncle Takes Over FamilyChapter 15

Several days later, Beth called Russell and told him that she had talked to Cynthia Stevens, Spencer’s cousin’s wife, and that she would be expecting a visit from him. She said she had told Cynthia that he needed to talk to her about some arrangements he had made with Spencer to help her out before he went to prison. One of the videos on Spencer’s computer showed Cynthia doing a line of cocaine before she performed oral sex for him. In another video, Cynthia did a line of cocaine and then...

3 years ago
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Wash n Blow BBBBTS

Big Boob Bed Time Stories....I had just got a new SUV about a month ago. I had not driven it more than 200 miles before it need to be cleaned. I was driving along Curtis Ave when I spotted a sign on my right for a car wash. A local high school cheer leading team was washing cars for $10.00. I checked my watch. I had some time before I needed to get back to the office. I put on my turn signal and pulled in.I smiled as about 4 cheerleaders started to wash my SUV. I rolled down the window and gave...

1 year ago
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The Teachers New Pet Part 2

100% fiction! I was sat on my bed at home all alone one evening, listening to some music and finishing an assignment for school. It was a cold winter evening, and my parents had gone away for a week. I calmly typed at my computer when my phone buzzed, making me jump. I hesitantly reached for it, opening it carefully. The bright screen read "1 New Message: master". I smiled to myself, knowing what the message would read. "whore, be here in an hour. You know what I want you to wear". I wasted no...

2 years ago
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Do I Just Rob Or Do More

It's quitting time for you. Just another Friday afternoon. You are looking forward to the weekend; the kids are going to grammas tonight and maybe you can convince her to keep them one more night and then you can have the place to yourself; just you and your b/f! You get in you car and don't notice the black truck that was driving by but has stopped now. You start up your car, turn on the music and air, and drive home oblivious to your surroundings. I watch as you drive off and think,...

3 years ago
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My Neighbour wore nylons

My hands were dug deep into my jeans pockets and my head was tucked into my chest to avoid the worst of the chill wind that was blowing across the fields to my right as I walked up the steep hill towards our house. During the day I would have had some cover by walking up the backstreet but my Dad locked the yard gate at 9pm ‘in case of burglars.' Who would want to break into our meagre terraced house was lost on me but he had his rules; so I had to enter the house from the front and it...

3 years ago
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Living With My AuntEpisode 27

Suddenly red-faced from embarrassment, she did as she was asked and Kelly took a series of shots of Kathleen between Jill and me. "Wonderful," said Jill. "Now, one last shot ... Joe, kiss Kathleen ... do it like you meant it." Now, it was my turn to be embarrassed. Hesitatingly, I approached Kathleen and, wrapping my arms around her waist, I kissed her passionately. Almost instinctively, Kathleen's arms wrapped about my shoulders as she returned the kiss. "Whew... ! said Kathleen....

1 year ago
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A Different Kind Of Sherri To Taste

Thoughts of her kept returning to me, time and again. Here I was, married with three beautiful daughters and lusting after my own sister. She wasn't just any woman, mind you. She was an absolute beauty. She was perfect in every way. Her face was that of a porcelain doll, delicate and soft; her hair was dark and flowing, like shimmering silk; her body was slim and firm, the type of body that made you catch your breath and gasp from its radiance. Ever since laying eyes on her, she was a part...

3 years ago
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Shes Sorry

‘Please. Please! I really am sorry and I’ll do anything, anything at all . . . please.’ The last word was said in a very small, almost defeated voice. We had been friends of sorts for a while. She was in her twenties and I was somewhat older. I had met her online and we had fooled around a little. I had dominated her long distance via email, text and phone, and on skype once or twice. As she lived nearby, we did eventually meet in person, but by that time the ‘fire’ had gone out and we only...

2 years ago
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Black Dick School for Girls Please Read and Comme

Black cock school for girls Carla Scott sat stiffly upright in one of the several straight back chairs that ringed the front of headmistress, Marion Elder's large imposing desk. "Now let me make sure that I understand exactly what you're saying, Mz. Elder," Carla said sternly, "you're guaranteeing that my daughter will receive daily instruction in large black erection etiquette?!?" "That is exactly what I'm saying," the headmistress replied smoothly, "in fact we guarantee that your daughter...

3 years ago
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Elrods S2K Story

Usual disclaimers apply. This story may be archived at any non-pay site. Elrod's S2K Story By Elrod W What a day! Long, insufferable meetings, with idiot managers that would easily make a Dilbert cartoon. On the way home, after my wife and I picked up the boys from day care, they started fighting. In rush hour traffic. During a squall. By the time we got home, I was exhausted, and had a headache. Quick - take two Tylenols, and try to find somewhere quiet for a few moments. No...

2 years ago
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JulianaChapter 6

In a neglected garden all you see is grass and weeds and an occasional wildflower. Juliana knew gardens like that, back home. Stubborn plots with hard, parched soil, resisting the plough that broke their surface. "You ruined dress." Juliana opened her eyes slowly. Thank God the lights were low. She looked around and saw she was in the bed that had been given to her. Next to it she detected the smallish figure of Mei, the Asian girl. She held up a limp silvery piece of garment; it was...

2 years ago
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Controlling Sister 3 Controlling Daughter

by Krosis of the Collective --- If you've followed my story through the first two chapters, you would know that my name is JP, short for Jean-Paul, and when I was 14 I found I could control my older sister Marie's body. Not mind control as in I told her what to do and she did it, but I actually took control of her body and I could move and feel it as if it were my own. A side effect of this ability was that she had no memory of the experience afterwards. As you can expect, it...

1 year ago
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Hard Drive

I asked him for more! More! Fuck me!!!!! He obliged with a change of direction which made me eyes almost pop out . I could feel his thickness rubbing against the inside of me i hadnt felt before and at the same time he slid a finger into my ass which I panted at furiously . I had been with my first boyfriend a total of 7 years . When I met him I had barely turned 18. I was innocent, fresh-faced and had only really kissed a couple of guys . He was only a year or two older than me and whenever we...

Sex With Stranger
2 years ago
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Erotic Poem Like This by Rumi

Like ThisIf anyone asks youhow the perfect satisfactionof all our sexual wantingwill look, lift your faceand say,Like this.When someone mentions the gracefulnessof the nightsky, climb up on the roofand dance and say,Like this?If anyone wants to know what “spirit” is,or what “God’s fragrance” means,lean your head toward him or her.Keep your face there close.Like this.When someone quotes the old poetic imageabout clouds gradually uncovering the moon,slowly loosen knot by knot the stringsof your...

1 year ago
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My friend who knew what she wanted

I was only 18 just started college I was having trouble with my girlfriend at the time since she was still in highschool (we were 1 year apart ) when I was in college I made a friend Lana . Lana was different she was a African American girl with a Emo attitude she was beautiful gorgeous and whenever I looked at her she was so sexy my cock got hard I felt it grow every time we talked or she touched me god I wanted her . By second semester me and my girlfriend broke up and I was trying to get...

4 years ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 46 Plans Confrontations and Bad Memories

Precisely at noon, the phone rang at the McGrath home. Caitlin picked it up, as the bedside phone was at hand while she got ready for work. "Hello?" "Hello." There was a pause. "Is Erin there?" "Um, yeah. I'll get her." Caitlin carried the phone to Erin's room, where she was draped across her bed watching TV. "It's for you." "Who is it?" Erin asked suspiciously. She didn't feel like dealing with Mary or Louise -- especially if Toby wasn't going to call... "Well, I THINK...

2 years ago
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Rattling Snakes Cage 2 Ch 09

Patrick and Snake fight. Who will win? Love is worth fighting for, but will it give Patrick the edge? * Patrick slid on his bottom over the front of the car and into the front door as quietly as he could, Jerry followed. They crept stealthily down the hallway and towards the room that the voices were coming from. There seemed to be lot of shouting, loud deep voices kicking off, and the two men pushed the door that stood ajar to the room more open and slipped inside. The scene that was in...

3 years ago
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Queen prerna

She is surely one of the most beautiful and sexy women on the earth even in her early 40's being an ex fashion model she still has a body to makes most hearts skip a beat and after getting married to a very wealthy business man she has settled down as a house wife or rather a trophy wife living a extravagant life full of all the comforts and luxuries one could ask for and most only can dream of a big luxurious mansion , luxury cars, number of servants and maids to do all the work, chores and...

1 year ago
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GayInterlogue 4

While Joanna was dreaming, her brain was subconsciously sifting through recent events and trying to assimilate them. The prom, and dancing with Kevin. Those were real, but should she really have slapped him so hard! The meal and the hotel room and the movie and drinking too much. Those were real too. The sex and waking up in Kevin’s arms. Those were impossible because Kevin was gay, but it was a very pleasant memory despite being only a dream. Room service breakfast then checking out of...

3 years ago
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There was no other way

Introduction: Get ready for some real fun I dont believe I have chosen to share this with anyone especially here on the internet! This took place about a week ago and finally I decided I needed to tell someone though. Last Friday afternoon, I got a call from my husband. Get a shower before I get home so I can hop in real quick. This was pretty much the scope of that particular conversation as he wouldnt tell me anything else although I asked what were we doing? As I was in our bedroom...

3 years ago
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Miss Sister 2008

NOTE: The actual Associated Press news report that prompted this story is posted at the end. Miss Sister 2008 Just as soon as I read about Reverend Antonio Rungi of Italy trying to start up an Internet Beauty Pageant for Nuns, I immediately thought about Sister Agnes. Sister Agnes’ face is absolutely beautiful. I always look for her in church and sometimes during Mass when I am the Eucharistic Minister she will come to my line to drink the Blood of Christ. I occasionally run into...

2 years ago
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My Livein Maid Indian widows new life abroad06

A Child widow Live in Maid goes abroad The Passion & Lust In Part 5 you read “My period, oh please, I can not, can not be pregnant, what, what will my parents think of me, what will everyone think of me, but carrying, carrying his children, have I not give him all I have. My chastity was lost to him, and, and his seeds filling my fertile womb, have I not always wanted to be a mother. Oh god please helps this poor devoted woman, tell me what to do, please god. I beg this of You.” Anu...

1 year ago
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The future has chnaged now Amazon women rule part2

Darren to Jades transformation and school my nail begin to grow as well my hair I had a brown colour hair but it look like it was changing blond colour my nails had grown to inch in length my skeleton started to dissolve and my as my body started to change there was a lot pain I began to scream in agony I looked down and saw my balls of my penis disappearing as they slowly went up my body I was left with a skin thing hanging of my body as they travelled up my body the begin changing...

1 year ago
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Crash Landing at a Space Convent

Your name is Robert Marshall, you are 21 years old, and your ship is crashing. It was supposed to be a simple mission; carry a shipment of armaments to a planet not too far into unregulated space, the area was pretty empty too so the worst you could expect was an errant border patrol checking your trading permits. Hell, your vessel was quite fast for a freighter so even pirates wouldn't have been too hard to handle. What you hadn't expected, though, was a catastrophic systems failure leaving...

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