Maude'sChapter 2 free porn video

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Thursday evening, after a quiet family celebration, Gary drove his son to Maude's. "I need to set expectations here," he told Chuck. "This place isn't full of young hot mamas. They're mamas, all right, but they're your mother's age -- at least."

"Really? Why is that?" Chuck asked.

"Put simply? They know what they're doing," Gary replied, "and they have the patience to teach YOU what YOU'RE doing! Young chicks haven't been there and done that -- you're here to benefit from their experience."


"Trust me," Gary chuckled. "It all still works or they wouldn't be there."

"Yeah, but dating someone old enough to be my mother..." Chuck mused.

Gary chuckled. "Oddly, your mother had similar concerns. You're aware, of course, they if you want foxy young mamas, you can take an older, experienced chick who knows what she's doing and crank back her apparent age, right? It's the best of both worlds!"

"Hmmm. I never thought of that..." Chuck mused.

"If you're at a pickup and some sweet young thing looks up at you with big eyes and tells you she has no idea how to suck a cock..." Gary chuckled.

"Dad! I can't BELIEVE you just said that!"

"Son, we're on our way to get you laid - and your mother is nowhere to be seen. You know and I know what the words are - and you're about to put them to the music. We can bend the rules a bit and express ourselves."

"Yeah, okay," Chuck nodded. "I see your point. Both of them, actually. But they're gonna be old, here, right?"

"They'll be old at pickup, too, Son. You need to be able to evaluate what you're looking at - you'll be having them edited later. Most likely, the criteria should be temperament and performance. But these women won't be dogs, for their age - they're here to convince you that looking at their sisters is a good idea, not to gross you out."

"Their sisters?" Chuck wrinkled his nose.

"Other older women," Gary clarified.

"Oh. Right."

At the door, Chuck was met by an old-looking Mediterranean beauty with a good-sized rack, prominently displayed. "Good evening. Do you have an appointment, Sir?" She addressed Chuck, not Gary.

"Uh, yes?" Chuck turned to his father for verification. "I'm Chuck - Chuck Oberndorfer."

"Oh, yes! I'm Fiona. Come right in - the ladies are waiting in the parlor." Fiona took Chuck by the hand and led him into the parlor, where eight women were present, apparently relaxing. They were all 'old women' by Chuck's definition - but, looking around, he had to admit that being old didn't keep them from being hot! Justine, Clara, Julia, May - the names rolled off him while he took in the visuals - they ALL seemed to have something nice to look at on them! Emily, Francine, Eileen ... Chuck drifted from handshake to handshake. "Things are a bit thin tonight," Fiona apologized, "We're training four other students..."

"Training? Students?" Chuck gulped.

"Yes, Sweetheart. You're here to learn - about women," Fiona clarified, smiling. "The first thing you get to do is pick a teacher."

"Ummm..." Chuck's eyes swept the group. Not one was under his mother's age, he reckoned, but they all DRESSED young. Not REALLY young, as a lot of REALLY young girls were showing off their nipples these days and none of them had gone quite that far - but there was a LOT of cleavage visible, and quite a bit of leg. Clothing styles tended to be racy but demure; no one was wearing a thong - or, at least, no one was wearing one with parts of it showing. There were no bare midriffs. Skirts varied between above the knee but not ridiculous to slit nearly to the hip. Several of the women wore something translucent, somewhere - but any of them could leave the house and go ANYWHERE - even a nightclub, or fancy restaurant - in what they were wearing. In fact, many of them would be considered over-dressed for someplace like a grocery store. They were all very ... classy, came to mind. Most of them - except Eileen, who was rail-thin and didn't even seem to have breasts - were ... matronly. Not fat, per se - well, Francine was pretty chubby - but they had that thickening that said they'd had children. Very few mothers avoided that, in Chuck's limited experience. Last, but not least, they were all calm and relaxed; a girl Chuck's age - probably even one several years older - would undoubtedly be visibly nervous, knowing that Chuck was selecting from among the group for a sexual encounter, but this group all had that serenity that comes with experience.

Chuck found the whole thing to be a lot more difficult than expected; one of these women was going to take his cherry - but which one? Oddly, he realized that even if there HAD been younger women in the room, he probably would not have selected one his age - they would have been outclassed. One item of curiosity surfaced, however, "Where is Maude?"

"Maude has taken on a student already this evening, Sweetheart. She's unavailable," Francine replied.

Chuck was mildly surprised. How long did this take, anyway? From his perspective, fifteen minutes would probably be plenty - he hoped to last a few seconds, but he was pretty excited. He nodded, not really understanding, merely in acknowledgement, and went back to his attempt to decide among those present. 'Eenie, meanie, miney, mo... ' didn't seem to cut it...

Francine and Eileen were out - largely because they represented extremes. That left six. Fiona was hot, but intimidating. Clara was black - something to look at, but not tonight. Chuck found that he was looking for something in particular - which was the coolest, most collected, most detached? The redhead -- what was her name? "Emily."

Emily smiled and came forward, extending her hands. "Excellent! Come, Chuck, we have much to do." Taking his hands, she led him from the room.

Gary made to fade away, but Fiona captured him. "Come this way - Chuck will be busy for an hour or two." She led him into what had probably been a library or drawing room, where a television was babbling and a couple of computers were available. "You'll find the syllabus for this evening's period of instruction up on the screens," she told Gary, "but feel free to surf the Net as you wish. Charlotte will take care of your refreshments and other needs." She pointed at a woman behind the sideboard in the corner. Gary nodded and seated himself at a keyboard to examine a class schedule already familiar from his early research.

Emily and Chuck had moved to a room that contained a computer, a large- screen television mounted on the wall, and a bed. Emily had seated herself on the bed and patted a place beside her, then pulled him closer. "This is a time of exploration - we'll get beyond in a bit. Feel free, Dear. I'm going to tell you what feels good and what doesn't - or what can be improved upon, at least. When it comes to sex, there's nothing like the practical exercise." When Chuck ran his hand along her midsection but seemed reluctant to move on to more controversial locations, she smiled and ruffled his buzz cut. "Don't be shy, Dear - I'm dressed so you can practice undressing a woman. Enjoy yourself. Get under there and find some skin - explore!" While he worked his way beneath the buttons of her blouse and worked her out of it, she lectured, "At a pickup, girls will probably divest themselves of their own clothing - and rapidly, if they're smart - but during the occasional tryst, the experience of removing clothing from another without having it become an exercise in frustration for both you and your partner is a valuable skill." Chuck's hands, then his eyes, found her breasts. "Sweet young things have breasts that defy gravity - but they've never been used, you know? They've never been swollen with milk, and then dried up after a baby has moved on to solid food. Nonetheless, most men enjoy fondling breasts - even if they sag miserably. It's a built-in thing, instinctive - and sometimes, those of an older woman are more ... satisfying. Go ahead..." Emily invited him to suckle - and Chuck couldn't resist. She was right; they were incredibly soft, and the nipples and areolas that capped them were fascinating toys. As for sagging, Emily's were losing the battle to gravity, but not in any excessive manner - her nipples still pointed outward, not downward, and the inch or so that they bottomed out below her chest wall wasn't much at all. No, they were VERY attractive ... Emily murmured, "Young girls have nipples that tend to be somewhat sensitive, but older women -especially those who have nursed children - tend to tolerate - even enjoy - a bit of gentle chewing..." Chuck tried his teeth, and Emily gasped, "Yes, like that - JUST like that!" Surprised, she found herself panting a bit - and lubricating. "You're very talented - you'll be in advanced classes in no time! Let's move on, if you're ready..." Chuck started multi-tasking, exploring the waistband of Emily's skirt looking for the fasteners while continuing to work Emily's nipples, one with his lips and teeth, and one with his fingers. Finding the button, he worked it one-handed in order to continue mauling her breasts. 'This one is a lot more flexible than his mother, ' Emily mused. The skirt was open quickly; Emily gathered herself and murmured, "Let's get me out of this..."

Chuck backed off and Emily stood, allowing the skirt to flutter to the floor, leaving her in stockings and a garter belt and red silk panties. "You like? This isn't the usual thing you'll find but it's more sexy and accessible than pantyhose," Emily told Chuck.

"It's very nice," Chuck breathed, his eyes flicking over her from head to foot.

Emily beckoned him forward, "Explore..."

It seemed natural that he end up against her with his hands on her ass. Cupping and squeezing, he murmured, "Dad says I'm here to learn to appreciate older women. It sure isn't hard..."

"Actually, it seems VERY hard," Emily replied, her eyes laughing.

"Yeah, that is," he agreed. His dick hurt, it was so stiff - and where it pressed against the soft bulge of her belly, it was hot...

"It's been proven that a selectee's family is more stable if he has a woman along who has been around and borne children," Emily gusted in his ear as his hands wandered along her back from her ass to her neck. "She can help younger women cope with her advice and experience."

"Is that why you're all my mom's age?" Chuck asked.

"Actually, Dear, I've met your mom and I'm much older," Emily purred. "I'm post-menopausal - do you know what that means?"

"No periods?"

"No periods, no eggs - and no children," Emily nodded. "And no eligibility to go anywhere. We'll teach you how to read a CAP card so you know whether an older woman who tickles your fancy is eligible. You don't have to work outside the panties," she added.

Both of his hands immediately slid under the waistband of the offending garment, "Mmmmmm!"

"Speaking of your mother, Dear - Since I'm here to educate you, I should inform you that the usual rules don't apply during a pickup. You CAN take your mother - but you MUST have sex with her, if you do. For most boys your age, that isn't such a terrible idea ... With your scores, you could take your father, too - and still manage two sweet young things..."

"Mom would FREAK!" Chuck chuckled.

"She did, actually," Emily smiled into his eyes. "Are you ready for a little comparative anatomy?"

Gary was comparing lesson plans for advanced classes for male and female students when Maude herself entered the waiting room with a couple and a teenage girl in tow. "Certainly, we accept female students," she said, "but our capacity is lower due to the limited availability of instructors - and lower demand, I might add. Male instructors are required to be potent but patient, and they must be capable of making the student comfortable and earning her trust. We don't accept walk-ins. Right now, I'm afraid we have no one available..."

"But..." the female half of the couple objected - and was interrupted by a loud beep. The television and every computer monitor in the room lit with the text, "Recommend Gary Oberndorfer." Gary pushed himself away from the keyboard as if it had burned him! "I didn't..."

Maude recovered herself and addressed Gary, "No, of course you didn't, Dear." Turning to the couple, she added, "We have AI support - full Confederacy cooperation, actually. Apparently, ours has an unusual solution in mind. If you'll excuse me momentarily, perhaps we can accommodate you, after all..." She waved the trio to chairs and turned to approach Gary, who was still in denial.

"I REALLY didn't do that!"

"I know," Maude agreed. "Would you step this way, please?" She led him out of the room and down the hall to an office, where she waved him inside and shut the door. Turning to a screen on the wall, she chastened, "See here, AI - that was disruptive, to say the least!"

"Agreed," the AI said. "But communications facilities in the room are less than optimal - no directly controlled audio ports. Interfacing with the primitive machines in place was possible but deemed inefficient."

"What is this about Mr. Oberndorfer?"

"Data collected in previous visits and the data from Gary Oberndorfer's CAP tests indicate that he is physically and psychologically suited to an instructor's position."

"He is untrained," Maude objected.

"He was in the process of training himself. He was well into the male AND female syllabuses, conducting comparisons - correct?"

"I was, yes..." Gary admitted.

"I'm sure this was idle curiosity," Maude disparaged.

"Gary Oberndorfer has been thoroughly briefed on the aims and goals of the facility - by you. Data collected during the briefings indicate that he understands and approves of the facility's mission. Although his spouse is resistant, Gary Oberndorfer is highly adaptable and would make an excellent instructor."

"The spouse presents a problem," Maude replied. "Should Mr. Oberndorfer decide to take advantage of this unusual offer, he could run into trouble there."

"Gary Oberndorfer, success at this activity demonstrates capabilities that will reflect positively on your next CAP evaluation," the AI addressed Gary. "Would this prove persuasive in a presentation to your spouse?"

"It ... might..." Gary hazarded. It was also clearly a bribe - as if he needed one. The implied 'Please deflower young girls for us' was enough incentive for him, actually, even though he DID feel that it was his duty to do it right...

"Sherry Oberndorfer would benefit from being utilized in the pool of women used in advanced pickup simulations," the AI continued. "It would be a learning experience for her and would improve her viability as a concubine, if nothing else. The probability that the facility might get favorable exposure among her circle of acquaintances at her health club is also a desirable outcome."

Maude, watching Gary, admitted, "We screen applicants and their families a bit more thoroughly than one might expect."

Gary nodded; he was surprised, but not shocked. The influence of the Confederacy was ever more pervasive - and the excuse that it was necessary to identify and neutralize Earth First terrorists and other threats was more than adequate to justify all kinds of surveillance. No one knew just how much of the Earth's data networks were regularly patrolled by AIs, but it didn't take a genius to assume that penetration approached one hundred percent. Confederacy warrants to collect and examine routine bank and business video and audio surveillance were serviced daily and without resistance - and generally without any visible result, which made complaints about the invasion of civil liberties a muted thing - who, exactly, was Big Brother watching, anyway? No one could tell... "What kind of pool is this?"

"We set up simulated pickups," Maude explained. "It is an advanced exercise. Students are presented with a random pool of women and limited time to test and make a selection from among the pool for the simulated extraction."

"I can't see Sherry doing this," Gary opined.

"You will influence her," the AI replied. It was a statement of fact. "Female testers are hypnotized and believe implicitly that an actual pickup is in process. This improves believability. Students are generally uncertain - and thus must also react as though the pickup is real. Testers remember their behavior after the test - this is an excellent method of handling those who are stubborn and deny their basic impulses."

Gary cocked an eyebrow. "What are you saying?"

"Sherry Oberndorfer's CAP score will undoubtedly improve, although it will not approach selection level. This is still an incentive, properly presented."

There was more to it than that, Gary realized, but the AI was deliberately avoiding being explicit. That left a number of possibilities flitting through his mind. He banished them, knowing instinctively that they were irrelevant to the moment. "I'll have to call her..."

"You will be connected - it is simpler than conferencing using your primitive equipment," the AI announced. There were ringtones, then:



"Yes. Has something happened?" Sherry had acquiesced, but her opinion of Maude's still left something to be desired.

"Not that I'm aware of, Hon," Gary chuckled. "Look, we've been asked if we would like to be instructors here."

Same as Maude's
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Pinki Didi 8211 Part I

Hi, I am Sonu 28 yrs old male hails from Chandigarh, 157 cm height, athlete build, 5 inches, fair complexion and a senior software engineer currently posted in Indore. I am on a very descent salary and every Saturday night is my wedding night. I treat sex as the most beautiful gift from nature given to humans, and it my “most favorite sport”. I don’t have any hesitation to say that whenever i get leisure, i masturbate, I take all good cares of my tool, with expensive oils and creams and always...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 156 Comrades

Enishi: Inui Banshin. Otowa Hyouko. You've made a long journey. Welcome. This makes five of us. There's one more left. Inui: We can't trust some guy that can't even show up on time. Five's enough. Gein: We only said we would meet tonight, we never agreed on a time. Enishi: Careless, wasn't it. Kujiranami: This is foolish. We won't get anything done like this. Yatsume: I'm already here. (Everyone looks up--there is no one else in the room.) Enishi: Hiding in the ceiling? Clever...

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Being Christy Part 5

Leading me towards the bed, Nick pulled me into his arms and I willingly let him. I lifted my face to his and parted my lips, inviting him to kiss me. Our tongues probed each other, our lips moist and eager. Nick was moving his hands all over me – to my face, my neck, then travelling firmly down to my sensitive waist and kneading my panty-clad buttocks.I couldn’t help myself from melting into him – I felt as if he was all over me, consuming me, and I loved it. I could feel his prick begin to...

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Radhika made my life

Hi ISS fans remember me yours Avii. This is my seventh story. This was an incomplete story the remaining part was to be sending to those who will send their feed back at I received a huge response so I am posting it for all the iss fans so enjoy reading. Let start with my description first, I am Avii from Kolkata. I am not very handsome man but I have something in me which people who know me knows. I am a businessman and led a quite settled life I had a small business of distribution and...

2 years ago
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Rubbing in the woods

I like to masturbate outdoors, and I know other men who share my passion. But until recently I never thought it was something females did very often. Turns out they do from time to time, you just have to be very quiet, and lucky, to catch them at it!I'd been going to some woods near work on the odd lunch break through the summer to get my pants down and wank off in the trees. I hadn't been doing any dogging, I was just enjoying my time alone. I'd get well off the beaten track before taking my...

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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 13

Five more concerts and the tour would be over. What would come after that would be interesting. I was going to have to return to the States and get all the paperwork ready for the marriage contract. Part of it we could work out ahead of time: time limit (none), obligations to future children, allocation and definition of common property and other standard stuff like that. I sent it to a law firm specializing in civil union contract law. I'm kind of an old-fashioned guy; I know the term...

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The Park Ranger

There was no doubt about it,this was the best job in the world. Half of his time, he spent driving his truck down the isolated paths of Redwood National Forest. The other half, he spent in the Ranger tower, looking down from the heights to scan the forest for fire or campers in need. And though he has had to, on occasion, climb down from his perch to keep idiot, drunken campers from setting the forest ablaze, being a Forest Ranger was more like being a voyeur to every tree-hugger’s carnal...

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The Drifter Chapter Nine

While driving north on Route One, we were stuck in bumper to bumper traffic around LA. The so-called expressway was slow and crowded with cars, trucks, motorcycles and buses. Horns were honking and exhaust was rising from cars that moved a few feet and then would not budge for five or so minutes. I thought about the people who drove this expressway everyday to work and then back home and imagined the number of hours they spent in their cars sitting in polluted traffic. This is insane. I bet...

Straight Sex
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The Devils Pact the Tyrants DaughterChapter 2 The Twins

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Monday, August 10th, 2071 – Chasity "Chase" Glassner – Sierra Nevada, CA The sun was hot as I crossed the mountain meadow. One of the cows had broken through the fence and wandered far from the cabin. The long summer had begun drying out the grass, turning greens to golds. I wiped at my brow and scanned the tree line a mile away for the missing cow with a pair of broken binoculars. One of the lens were cracked—Rex had dropped it last year—but the...

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Gayles CeremonyChapter 2 The decision

Sharon came into breakfast Tuesday glad that her time on the graveyard shift was ending. Thursday morning, she’d be back working 6 to 2, and she would need to shift her sleep schedule accordingly. Well, she was used to it, and the Crew were a hell of a lot more accommodating than some of her friends’ families were. “I’m going back on days,” she announced when everybody was at the table. I’m on washing whites this week, and I’ll do them this morning if nobody minds.” That meant that...

2 years ago
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Internet Romance

I met a guy, ok an officer, in the Navy through a chat room while surfing the net. We seemed to have a lot of interests in common, we liked to read the same types of books, common interests in movies, liked long walks just to see the beauty of nature, and so on. He would email when he had down time as he called it and I would let him know what was happening here while he was there at sea. I knew that someday we might eventually meet because we really seemed to ‘click’. Sometimes guys feed you...

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Taking the Risk Mishas Story Ch 18

For those that wanted to know more about Misha before he met Froo, here is his story and how he came to be in England which is where he met her and fell in love, and his time with Suzanne the woman in his past. His passion for Suzanne becomes an obsession, as she plunges down into a self destructive whirlpool, so for those that believe that life’s many experiences make up a rich and interesting tapestry….here is Misha’s story. To read about Misha and Froo please read the companion story...

4 years ago
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Malar Chithi Udan Kama Uravu

Hi friends, en chithiyai eppadi sex seithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Ithu oru kudumba kama kathai enbathai munbe therivithu kolugiren. En peyar Surya, vayathu 25 aagugirathu. Naan veetil ippozhuthu velai ilamal thaan irukiren, en chithi kanavan iranthu vitar. Athanaal chithi en veetil thaan thangi irunthargal, en appa vaarathirku oru murai thaan veetirku vanthu seluvaar. Athanaal chithi engal veetile thanga aarambithaar, muthalil chithi meethu enaku kama aasai vara villai. En idam...

2 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 11

Jessica’s turn: “And Barry?” “Yes, little one?” he replied. “Don’t call me ‘Spinetti’ any more. I have a piece of paper and a ring and everything, you know.” “I did that?” “Yes you did. That’s two things you need to work on.” “Two?” “Yes. Two. First, you tell me EVERYTHING. You told me you were gonna start carrying, but you didn’t tell me you WERE carrying. Second, I am YOUR wife. You are MY husband. Get used to it. I am yours as long as you want me and if you stop loving me, I shall...

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SERE: Survival, evasion, resistance and escape I had been in a dozen different military academies since the age of five. My father was a fleet admiral and a bastard as far as I was concerned. My mother had left not long after I was born and I had no idea where she was. My father's new post meant one more military academy on a new world. I was sixteen and Gregson world was an old colony. The academy was a couple of thousand kilometers from the nearest city or town. A lot of noble children or...

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My Best Sex Experience

Hello all, I am Swarna age 24 size 36-26-36 from hyderabad living with my bf in a live-in relationship since a year. It’s been an amazing year together and lot of love around. Thanks to all for appreciating my writings and rajs skill of love making.. We are blessed with you wishes. For people who look up to me for love I am sorry I am not interested in any relationships, so please dont buzz me for hot chats. Today I am gonna share the hottest session that we had last week. This is probably the...

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My Moms Extramarital Affairs Part 2 With Neighbor

This is the continuation of my previous story. I was overwhelmed by the response that I received. It made me post the second part so soon. So, first-time readers, please read the first part to understand my Mom’s story better. Then when I rang the bell, she thought it was the food that she had ordered. She came from the tub, covering herself in a bathrobe. She started to peep through the window. She was shocked to see me. She picked up the clothes in the hall and ran back to the bathroom. She...

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First Lady pt2

Audrey spoke, "How old are you my baby?" I stuttered, " 14 just before Christmas," she allowed her tongue to run across her cherry red lips, " How wonderful! You know I'm 56yo?" I shook my head, " Yes really I am more than 40 years your senior, oh my God that sounds ancient!"" You don't look it," I answered truthfully, feeling her fingers gliding over the front of my knickers, "Oh you are almost as big a flatterer as your friend David!" She laughed loudly, " Come here, kiss me," instinctively I...

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Twelve CondomsCondom 5 Bridget Taboo Lust

At his age family outings were a rare event for Sam. But the Landing Family still did get together for the occasional weekend excursion. Which is how Sam found himself on a nature hike with his cousin Bridget. Her hot body leading him up and down the narrow pathways of a forest reserve. Watching Bridget’s ass sway back and forth in her tight jean shorts was giving Sam some very naughty thoughts indeed. And from time to time Sam found himself fingering his billfold as he considered the magic...

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Legally Binding Ch 6

I’m writing this as You have instructed me to do, in longhand on a legal pad. I am in my office on the morning after You took me as Your possession. I’m dressed as You ordered, Sir. I really do resemble “a sexless librarian” - except for the fact that I’m writing this on all fours behind my desk, with my skirt up over my hips and my pantyhose halfway down my thighs. My head is down, my ass is in the air and the panties You so graciously inscribed for me are on full display, as You ordered....

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My Best Friends Wifes Daughter

My phone rang one afternoon, and it was my best friend's wife, Becky. She asked if I could come over and talk. When I arrived, she told me that the night before her seventeen year old daughter, Ashley, had told her something very disturbing involving me.Becky said she was having a discussion with her daughter about sex, and my name came up. Ashley said that on her eighteenth birthday she wanted to fuck me. Becky said this caught her by surprise because I had very little interaction with Ashley....

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Deep Throat Games

I had always wished Lori would fulfill my fantasy and deepthroat me during oral sex. Lori, my wife of four years, is a stunner. At 5 feet and 7 inches tall, she has oversized breasts and the ass and legs of a sprinter. Before I married Lori, I had many girlfriends. One of my girlfriends was such an accomplished cocksucker that she could take my whole prick in her mouth and tongue my balls at the same time. My wife Lori sucked my cock, but she couldn't or wouldn't deepthroat me.My life changed...

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Farewell Lunch

Chapter 1 Red Light – Green Light Diana’s office was anything but uptight. It was the Eighties and everyone was still enjoying the sexual revolution, so things were pretty loose around the office. Women in the office environment were shedding the dusty image of the 1950’s receptionist and were working in jobs once reserved for men only. The woman’s movement of the 1970’s had adopted the bra as its symbol of being tied to old standards and they burned them in protest, now women were...

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Sex with Twins My Mom and My Aunt Part 2

First of all, an unrelated perverted tidbit of a son and nephew who's not only sexually attracted to his mother but also to his aunt, I wished I was 20-years-older or they were 20-years younger. I'd sexually seduce the them both. If they were my age and single, I'd have sex with them every day, all day. It's too bad that they're my mother and my aunt. Even though my aunt is a bit of a slut, my mother isn't. They'd never want to have sex with me in the way that I'd love to have sex with...

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Beth OuttakesChapter 5

Although I let this chunk of a possible Kim history go as I was writing it, I wanted her to be confused, as that confusion was what got her hanging with the girls at the lunch table. I wanted her not particularly understanding how and why her life was where it is, thus this is an outtake. She held up her hand to stop me, then said, “I probably know what question. Even if I’m wrong in that, I’ll still answer that question: No. I’m not trying to ingratiate myself with Brett. Yes, he’s very...

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Margie and the R Man

Margie Wendt looked at the charge sheet and realized that she did indeed have one more patient to work with before she could give in to her day long, no, week long, anxiety and go home to worry with Dale, her son, about the fees for his med school education. It had been so totally on her mind lately that it was almost the whole of her mental environment. It’s just that med school was getting more and more expensive and they were only barely keeping up with it as it was. The prospect loomed...

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College life

Hey What a way to start a new story Well I might as well introduce my self. Totally not in a up my self type of way tho. My name is Sarah Jade. I'm 19 years old. I have brown ombré hair I guess you could say with hazel eyes. All my friends call me the sexy model one and my previous boyfriends (all whom are dickheads) said that I was the girl people would want to 'fuck'. I guess I have perky breasts (34a) and a nice ass. I'm about to go to university for a degree in law. Also I love sex, very ,...

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EvilAngel Abby Lee Brazil DP Threesome

Abby Lee Brazil, a slender, tattooed Latina with brown eyes and natural tits, sways and teases poolside in skimpy lingerie. Inside, she finds pro studs Ramon Nomar and Mick Blue ready to ravish her in a threesome. Abby kneels amid their boners for a double blowjob, and a metal butt plug stretches her tight sphincter. As she sucks one cock, the other fucks her pussy. Abby smacks her face with Ramon’s meat as Mick buttfucks her. The guys trade places, and she gives Mick ass-to-mouth head....

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Pilgrim of PassionChapter 3

There was no sleep for any of them that first night. The girl, Janet was so pretty, so eager to be useful and helpful to Alicia, and she was very much the dominating force in the young boy's life. Janet explained to Alicia that the boy was her devoted slave, obsequious in the extreme and Janet hastened to assure Alicia that they could do anything to Arturo and he would accept it because he was a very mild mannered youth and he knew that he belonged to Janet and that both of them were now the...

4 years ago
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A Bride chapter 4

"I could just go to sleep like this" she sighed happily and reached for a cigarette."Light me one too mum will you please?""I didn't know you smoked," she said but lit me one anyway."I like a joint occasionally, but only when I'm with a girlfriend and I haven't got one of those at the moment."She passed me the cigarette and watched as I inhaled the smoke."They say that's as good as a kiss," she said smiling at me."What is?""Taking a cigarette that's been in someone else's mouth.""No." I shook...


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