I Robot? free porn video

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It was a Friday afternoon around 4pm and Judie was almost finished cleaning. Living in a 4 bedroom house had many advantages, but the time it took to keep the place looking neat and tidy was not one of them. It was an almost daily task to go from room to room, dusting and hoovering so much that she barely had time to finish before it was time to prepare dinner for her husband.

Judie loved Tony and knew that he worked very hard to put food on the table and a roof over their heads. However, she spent the whole week feeling shattered at home on her own all day and there were times that this really got her down. Tony had offered to hire a maid on numerous occasions, but Judie didn’t feel comfortable letting a stranger walk freely around her home as they pleased. Therefore there was no option but to fill the role of overworked housewife herself.

Just as she finished adding the final layer of polish to the coffee table, there was a knock at the door. She went to answer it and there was a delivery man standing there, propping up a cardboard box that must have been almost six feet high.

‘Package for Mr and Mrs Miles.’ said the delivery guy.

‘What is it? I don’t remember ordering anything this size.’

‘I just deliver’em Miss I’m afraid. All I can tell you is that it’s paid for and bought in the name of Miles at this address.’

‘Oh, well it must be another one of my husband’s follies then.’ surmised Judie, signing for the package and wishing the delivery man well on his way.

Twelve years of marriage had taught Judie to expect all sorts of weird gadgets and gizmos to turn up unannounced at the front door in package form. She assumed it was Tony’s way of managing his frustrations. He always told her that he understood if she didn’t want to have sex as often as he would like, but over the years, once a week had become once a fortnight, once a month and now pretty much only on birthdays and Valentines. He was always trying to get her in the mood, but he never complained when he was predictably shot down.

In the past few months Judie had opened packages containing model train sets, flight simulators, an indoor putting green and even a clay pigeon shooting set. She was always intrigued as to what the next new toy could be. She was glad the box was on wheels as it must have weighed about fifty kilos and now it was standing in her living room, almost begging to be opened.

Judie knew that it wasn’t anything she had ordered, but the delivery was in her name too so she figured there would be no harm in opening the box up before Tony got home. She Fetched a knife from the kitchen and sliced away at the tape sealing the box until she was face to face with her newest possession.

She didn’t quite know what to make of it at all. Was it a sculpture? Some sort of metallic scarecrow? She couldn’t work out why even a whim-driven impulse buyer like her husband would need a metal statue.

Judie ran her hand over the face and head of the statue. She found a switch located at the back of its head which she accidentally flicked before she could even realise what it was.

An extremely bright flash filled the room, as if someone had just taken a photo with an ancient Victorian camera. Judie found herself temporarily blinded by the intensity of the light. She rubbed her eyes to try and rub away the blur in her vision and when clarity returned, she found herself staring at a naked version of herself happily standing in the packaging box where the metal statue had been.

‘Hi there.’ smiled the naked Judie, in a voice identical to that of original Judie. ‘I am the Maidtron 5000 at your service.’

In her shock, Judie had momentarily forgotten how to speak or understand English. She just stared, open-mouthed at herself who was just smiling back at her.

‘Huuh? Wha? Buh? Me?’ was as close to English as Judie was able to make pass through her lips.

The Maidtron 5000 seemed to understand Judie’s confusion and began to answer her questions, even though they hadn’t yet been asked.

‘I’m the Maidtron 5000. The pinnacle of Robot Maid technology. I am programmed to cook, clean, polish, hoover and carry out over 150 different household chores.’


‘Yes I carry a five year warranty, a thirty day no questions asked refund period and am also waterproof to three hundred feet.’

Before Judie had the change to blurt out another syllable, the front door sounded and Tony came into the living room.

‘FLuhh nuhh nuhh gah flugle guhh!’ spluttered Judie gesticulating at the naked copy of herself.

Tony walked over to his and took her hand reassuringly. ‘Hey Judie, relax. Just take a deep breath and I can explain this.’

Judie finally paused for thought and the English language came back to her. Unfortunately for Tony, this meant that all of her confusion, shock and anger was heading his way.

She threw his hands away and shouted, ‘What the fuck is this!’

‘Honey, please I can explain this.’

‘What can you explain!? That you’re a freak? That you want to make naked copies of me for when I’m not around?’

‘No it’s not like that, she wasn’t meant to look like you.’

‘So you wanted to cheat on me with a robot!’

‘No no no, it’s not like that at all.’

‘Then who was she supposed to look like? Your secretary? Cynthia from number sixty nine?’

‘Please Judie listen to me? I was going to make her look like Mrs Appleby. You need to believe me, I didn’t know you were going to open the box.’

‘Mrs Appleby is eighty five years old. What is wrong with you!’

‘It’s not a sex toy Judie, it’s a gift for you.’

‘A gift! What would I want with a naked copy of myself?’

‘It’s a mechanised maid. I bought it to do the housekeeping for you. To give you more time to relax.’

‘So then why does it look like me and why is it naked.’

‘It will look like whoever flicks the switch at the back. That’s why I wanted to get Mrs Appleby to do it so that you wouldn’t think I want to use it for sex.’

‘And the nakedness?’

‘It takes DNA from the person who flicks the switch. Its bio-organic so will look and feel like a real person. We have to give it clothes to wear.’

Judie was beginning to calm down as the explanation of her husband started to make sense.

‘So we can just get Mrs Appleby to flick the switch instead and it won’t look like me anymore?’

Tony hesitated, ‘It’s not that simple anymore. The switch is buried under it’s new hair and skull. We need to call the company to restore it to factory settings and with the bank holiday there won’t be anyone there now until Tuesday.’

Judie felt like flaring up again but resisted the urge. ‘So on Tuesday we can change her to not look like me?’


‘And it is just a robot maid. Trained to cook and clean?’

‘And walk pets and baby-sit children.’ perked up the Maidtron 5000.

Both Tony and Judie glared at the robot briefly before Tony confirmed to Judie that it was just a maid, nothing more.

‘Well then, I suppose I can survive a weekend with another me in the house.’

‘Great. I’m so sorry about all this, it was supposed to be a surprise for you.’

‘Well it certainly was that.’ agreed Judie. ‘Now I need to go make dinner, I haven’t even got started in the kitchen.’

‘Don’t worry about it.’ Replied Tony, ‘We have a robot now. Let’s find out how good its cooking programme is.’

Judie was unsure about letting a machine do the cooking, but decided that she should give the robot maid idea a chance.

‘Okay, but we need to get it into some clothes first.’


An hour later and Tony and Judie were polishing off the best meal either of them had ever had.

‘I have to accept, that was pretty good.’ admitted Judie. ‘I think I can live without having to cook if this is the resul

Tony smiled over at her. ‘And the best thing is, there is no washing up to do either, it’s all taken care of. We can just relax in each other’s company for once.’

Tony got up and walked over to Judie, took her hand in his and coaxed her to her feet.

‘We free to do anything we want…’

Judie knew where this conversation was going and like always she wasn’t in the mood.

‘I know dear,’ she said in a tone that Tony recognised as one which meant he was going to hear what he wanted to hear, ‘But why don’t we just relax with a glass of wine in front of the TV tonight? I’m still pretty tired from cleaning the house.’

‘If that’s what you want to do.’ replied Tony, trying to mask his disappointment.

So Judie and Tony spent the evening on the Sofa watching the ALF marathon on the Alien Channel, the Maidtron 5000 happily refilling their glasses as needed.

As the night progressed, Judie found herself getting more and more tired. She assumed it was because of the wine, but she wasn’t that drunk, just unable to keep her eyes open. After her third glass of wine, Judie realised she had to go to bed. Tony was pretty much nocturnal so she kissed him goodnight and went to her room. She was out like a light the second her head hit the pillow.


The next day, Judie was awoken by the sound of hoovering in the hallway. She still felt shattered from the night before. She realised she was alone which meant that Tony had already gone to work. Her eyes focused on the bedside clock and she was amazed to discover it was 2’o’clock in the afternoon!

Judie leapt out of bed, stumbling her way out of her bedroom, trying to wake herself up. Tony would be home in three hours and there was all the housework to do.

Once out in the hallway she was confronted by the Maidtron 5000.

‘Hi Mrs Judie. How are you today?’

‘Fine, thanks.’ mumbled Judie, still struggling to think past her tiredness.

‘You look tired Mrs Judie,’ commented the robot. ‘Why don’t you relax some more?’

The suggestion appealed to Judie, but there was work to do, rooms to clean. She wanted to explain this but all that came out of her mouth was, ‘Can’t rest, clean. House, must clean, no rest.’

‘But Mrs Judie, I have already finished cleaning the house. Please just relax and lie down, I am here to serve you.’

‘But, clean?’ slurred Judie.

The Maidtron 5000, put a reassuring arm around Judie and began to lead her to a downstairs bedroom.

‘You are tired Mrs Judie, you should rest. Just leave the house to me, I can handle everything here now. You just read.’

‘Just, rest.’ repeated Judie in monotone.

‘Attagirl,’ replied the Maidtron, leading Judie into the guest bed. ‘You just lay here and relax, I will handle everything now.’

‘Lie here, relax.’ agreed Judie, her eyes closing as soon as the robot placed her head on the pillow.

‘Yes, you just relax.’ Repeated the Maidtron, before leaving the bedroom, a huge smile on her face.


The next time Judie woke up it was gone seven o clock. She could hear laughing coming from the living room. Her head felt like is was made of lead as she tried to climb to her feet and investigate the goings on in the other room. However, no sooner had she made it to her feet, then the bedroom door opened and the Maidtron 5000 walked in. The robot smiled at Judie before calmly escorting her back to bed.

‘but Tony? Laughing?’ protested Judie.

‘Don’t worry Mrs Judie. I made Tony a nice dinner so that you can stay here and relax. ‘

‘But laughing?’

‘It’s okay, there is only the two of us. I am pretending to be you so that you don’t have to get up whilst you are so tired. Don’t worry about it, he doesn’t suspect a thing.’

In |Judie’s mind she could feel there was something wrong with this but it seemed to make sense. She could rest and sleep and the maid can do all the wife work for her. She began to feel better until she saw the incredibly low cut dress the Maidtron was wearing.

‘Dress! Dress!’ cried out Judie in a voice that was half a scream half a whimper.

‘I just want you to look good for your husband Mrs Judie. I have your best interests at heart I promise. While you lie here and get the rest you need, I can help make your husband love you even more than he does now and he need never know it wasn’t you.’


‘So that he will love you more Mrs Judie.’

‘Love me?’

‘Yes Mrs Judie, Tony loves you. I just want him to love you more. You just stay here and relax. You need your sleep.’

‘Relax, sleep.’

Judie felt her eyes growing heavy once more. Her worries over the Maidtron’s outfit subsiding as she drifting back into her slumber.


The next morning Judie was awoken by the Maidtron.

‘Why aren’t you in the kitchen?’ demanded the robot.

Despite having slept for almost the whole of the day before, Judie’s head still felt groggy and the robot’s interrogation only served to confuse her.

‘Kitchen? Why?’

‘Well for starters, there are still dirty dishes left in the sink and the oven is filthy.’

Judie was trying to comprehend what was going on. Why was the robot giving orders to her?

‘But robot,’ she protested meekly. ‘Robot clean kitchen, Judie rest.’

‘Exactly.’ snapped the Maidtron. ‘I want to rest and I can’t do that with a dirty kitchen.’

‘But me Judie. Not robot.’

‘No, you are a robot. You may look like me but that is all. There must be a fault with your wiring somewhere.’

Judie was beginning to panic. Why was the robot saying these things? Why was she too tired to do anything more than just lie in bed all day.

‘Me not robot?’ she protested once more.

The Maidtron was beginning to get impatient.

‘Now listen to me. There must be a glitch in your programming for you to feel this way so lets explain this to you slowly.

‘Out of the two of us, who is speaking in clear, grammatically correct sentences and not broken, mumbled English?’

Judie realised that her English had deteriorated rapidly over the past forty eight hours, unlike that of the Maidtron.

‘Umm you are?’ She admitted sheepishly.

‘And which of us spent yesterday evening having dinner with their husband and not lying in the spare room alone?’

Once more Judie had to admit that the robot was right, she had just spent the whole night in the robot’s room while it entertained Tony all evening.

‘You did.’

‘Good we’re making progress, finally. And thirdly, which of us spent last night in their own bedroom fucking their husband like crazy and not shut up downstairs where we keep the household appliances?’

Yet again, Judie realised the robot was right. It was beginning to make sense now. She had spent the whole night in the robot’s room, she hadn’t eaten dinner with Tony and she certainly hadn’t slept with him last night.

‘You did.’

The Maidtron smiled at Judie, before asking its final question.

‘So which of us do you think is the robot?’

Judie wanted to answer that it was her, but all logic pointed otherwise. It was like a voice in her head was telling her to admit she was a machine. Almost like that voice was her central processing unit trying to rewrite a glitch in her programming.

‘I haven’t got all day to just stand here arguing with a machine.’ said the robot, interrupting Judie’s train of thought.

The irritation in the robot’s voice caused a wave of discomfort to wash over Judie. It suddenly felt very very wrong to displease the robot. The real Judie would never have felt this way. The only possible answer for this was that she must actually be the robot after all.

‘I am the robot.’ Admitted Judie.

The moment she said those words, a wave of buzzing and whirring began inside Ju
die’s head. All the confusion inside her head seemed to drift away as her programming finally accepted what it was. She looked up at the real Judie who was smiling down at her.

‘I am so sorry.’ she said, staring into the eyes of her owner.

‘It’s no problem. Now you stay here and don’t move while I call the company and find out the reason for the glitch.’

Judie still felt incredibly tired (or whatever the robot equivalent for tired was) and was happy to lie back and relax while her owner tried to find out how to fix her. Twenty minutes later and Maidtron returned carrying a cardboard box.

‘I discovered the problem.’ it announced in triumph. ‘Your batteries were just low. That’s what caused the confusion in identity and the lack of power. You just need a good recharge.’

The Maidtron set the box down on the bedside table and unpacked the contents: A large vibrator with a wire plug connection.

‘According to the man on the phone, all I need to do is remove all clothes and non-organic fibres, plug you in and let you recharge for the next two hours or so.

Judie could barely lift her head to see what the Maidtron had taken out of the box, but it made sense to her that she needed a good recharge. She didn’t try to resist at all as the Maidtron calmly removed each item of her clothing until she was as naked as the day she was born. She also didn’t fight it when the Maidtron begun to rub her pussy, explaining that the socket for the charger needed to be lubricated before insertion. She didn’t even flinch when the vibrator was pushed as far as it could go up her wet pussy and turned up to full power. In fact she could feel her body begin to spark back into life as the charger sent revitalising electricity surging all through her mainframe.

The Maidtron simply looked down at her former mistress and smiled as she watched Judie’s quivering body soak up her full effects of the vibrator, completely oblivious of what she was to become.


Almost three hours passed before the Maidtron decided to remove the vibrator from Judie’s socket. Now fully charged, Judie finally felt ready to get back to work and please her owner.

‘Feeling better?’ asked the Maidtron.

‘Much better thank you.’

‘That’s ‘much better thank you, Mrs Judie.’ corrected the robot.

‘Sorry Mrs Judie, it won’t happen again.’

‘That’s better. Now it’s almost time for dinner and there’s still a dirty kitchen to be cleaned. So if you don’t mind…’

‘I’ll get to it immediately Mrs Judie.’

Judie was able to sit upright with feeling dizzy for the first time in days. It felt so good to her to know her place again and she reached for her clothes in order to get dressed.

The Maidtron stopped Judie in her tracks. ‘I think this is more suitable attire for a maid.’ it said, handing Judie a French Maid’s outfit that would struggle to cover even the top of her ass. ‘It will avoid any future confusion as to who is who.’

The suggestion made perfect sense to Judie (and even if it hadn’t, it is not a robot’s place to argue with its owner) and she put on the outfit without hesitation, foregoing even the inclination to put on underwear first lest it upset Mrs Judie.


An hour later and Tony returned home from work to be greeted with excited affection from whom he assumed was his wife, albeit it his wife dressed sexier than he’d ever seen her.

‘I’ve missed you today.’ she said, finally giving his lips a chance to breath.

‘And I’ve missed you too. But what’s brought all this on?’ he asked gesticulating as to her new outfit.

‘Nothing. I just feel so much more alive now that I don’t have to cook and clean all day. I finally feel horny again and wanted to show you how thankful I am for that.’

‘umm… You’re welcome.’ stumbled Tony, not quite sure how to reply. ‘But I didn’t buy the maid just so that you’d want to…’

‘I know that. I just really do feel alive again. Like I could dance and fuck in every room of the house.’

In over twelve years, Tony had never heard this sort of language come out of his wife’s mouth, but he wasn’t complaining if she meant what she said.

‘I’ve even got another little surprise for you.’ continued the Maidtron, leading Tony into the next room.

Tony’s eyes almost popped out of his head as he saw Judie putting the finishing touches onto dinner dressed in an outfit that must have been three sizes too small.

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1 year ago
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The Day It All Came Out

I ran into my room, but he followed me. "Holy shit, my heart is racing now," I muttered, sitting on the bed."Holy crap, Michelle, I have no idea what to say," John confessed, walking towards me. "I don't know what came over me, Gianna was just there, and she threw herself at me."I took a deep breath. "John," I said, slanting my head up and clenching my fists. "You can stay in here if you want, but shut the fuck up and don't touch me. I just want five minutes, okay?"He nodded and sat on the...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 554

These Are Compliments of John A Is Proofreading A Dying Art? Man Kills Self Before Shooting Wife and Daughter This one I caught in the Tribune the other day and called the Editorial Room and asked who wrote this. It took two or three readings before the editor realized that what he was reading was impossible! They put in a correction the next day. I just couldn’t help but send this along. Too funny. Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says Really? Police Begin Campaign to Run Down...

1 year ago
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Home Porn King

HomePornKing! You know what they say about hitting a fucking home run: you jizz in your pants every time you do it. Oh, wait – this place is called Home Porn King? Not Home Run: The King of Porn? I must have been thinking of something else.When you crave getting off to a ridiculous amount of homemade porn and want to watch that shit all in one place, Home Porn King is your ticket to getting that hot shit you want and need. I found an abundance of homemade, amateurish porn that is certain to get...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Things got complicated at home so I escaped to Florida. It wasn’t just the sex between George and me and our partner-swapping neighbors, Mary and James, but when other couples and even the occasional stranger were brought into the mix things just seemed to spin out of control. Don’t get me wrong I loved it, especially at first, but then the overwhelming emotions of jealousies and competition almost became an inhibition to sexual reward. The mantra of, “Don’t think it just feel it,” even kept...

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Frankie prepares to be filmed

A few days after Frankie had had the most amazing sex with her friends ex husband Adam, he started to text her suggestive texts. Frankie went along with it and had fun telling him what she wanted to do to him, while he told her what he wanted to do to her.Frankie was getting turned on by all this texting and on more than one occasion had felt the need to make herself cum while the texts went between them.One night they started to discuss fantasies and Frankie was surprised when Adam said his...

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First Time With Nisha

Hello ISS readers. i m arun from gujrat i just complited my 1st year in b.com now i’m in second year i’m 20 years old. As i experienced 1st time with nisha me apni story yaha batana chahta hu. meri hight 5”11 he. slim body aur lund ki size approx 6.5” inch. me gujrat me 5 saal pehle set hone aaya tha. abi mera vacation chal raha he. To chalo hum main story pe ate he. me jaha rahta tha waha sirf 4 bunglows the jisme se 2 bunglow khander the waha pe koi nahi rehta tha. aur hamara area bilkul...

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PART FOUR. However in fetish circles she is known as strap on Sam ,as she has a penchant for using a strap on, apart from, thrashing whipping naughty girls / boys. She loves young collage boys, her specialities are young collage girls / sissy boys. In your case it will be a straight out sexual correction. She has asked that she take you straight out. But Miss Jacks and my self have decided that you be attended to softened up before she starts. Lady Samantha., has agreed to this but it...

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Sacred prostitute

All sexually active characters in this story are eighteen years of age or older. She knew exactly the effect she had on men. Holly’s power didn’t come from a lipstick tube or a lingerie store—it amused and saddened her by turns when she realized most women thought so. It went much deeper than that. “how old are you, brian?” He was incredibly young. Doe-eyes—big, brown and beautiful—blinked at her as if she were the brightest thing in the room. Looking around the dimly lit bar, older patrons...

3 years ago
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Asked to Flash

Years ago when i first got married my wife and i had just rented a house. We had been working pretty hard trying to get things put away. One satuday we had gotten up and were in the kitchen relaxing having coffee before we started to work again. We were sitting there talking when the door bell rang. We had to run into the bedroom to grab our robes before answering the door. My wife had found hers and put it on while i searched threw a box looking for mine. The wife went and answered the door...

3 years ago
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Dare YouChapter 17

I staggered through the front door and straight into the waiting arms of Mum, metaphorically speaking not physically, though that might have been interesting, not that I had much chance to dwell on that thought. "Have you had a good time?" she asked, a knowing smile plastered all over her face. "Uhh, uhmm," I replied going red as I remembered how much fun I'd had on the journey home. "Did Kirsty enjoy herself?" asked mum seemingly amused by my response. I nodded, "She seemed to,"...

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Hall Pass 2

Conclusion She didn't see Mr. 106 when they finally got up & went down to relax around the pool and, to her disappointment, she didn't see him at all for the next couple of days in or around the hotel. She felt deflated she hadn't seen him.She wanted to be able to look at his face and know he had enjoyed her body and it puzzled her if his facial expressions would give anything away. She knew he was due to go home soon - perhaps he had already left. Busily her mind engineered thoughts...

2 years ago
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Going for it

I’m fucking hungry. All I’ve had to eat in the past 48 hours is some sugary bullshit from a packy convenience store. The place I lived at got busted, cops are swarming the place and I’m probably wanted by now, considering I had nearly a pound of Mary Jay in my dresser drawer. I told that dumbass Jared not to run hoes out of an apartment complex, but what do I know? All I’ve got now is my car, my empty wallet, a growling stomach and this switchblade. I flip the blade in and out and I...

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My life as a selfsucker

I bet every man in the world has thought about sucking his own cock. I know I did for years, until one day I started doing stretching exercises and I noticed I was so limber that I could put my head in my lap. I started thinking about how good it would feel to stick the head of my cock into my mouth, so I got undressed and my cock was rock hard. I stuck my legs over my head and there was my cock inches away from my mouth.I stuck my tongue out and could just barely lick the head of my swollen...

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Sex With My Cousin Renuka In Kerala 8211 Part 2

My widowed cousin sister, Renuka, had agreed to my conditions to have sex with her. Now, I continued driving to Munnar. In between, I asked her, “Shouldn’t we buy some night-dress cause I haven’t taken any extra.” R: Are we gonna stay in dress for these 2 days? (with a seductive look and tone) Me: No, but still. R: Yeah I know. There’s a town coming up. We can buy things from there. Purchasing time: Once we reached the store I headed towards the gents section and bought a t-shirt and shorts....

1 year ago
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Double Done

Note : This story is completely fictional! “Hello Nika speaking.” “Hey Nika thank god your still here. I really need your help!!!! Me and the guys were just pissing around when some pretty dad ok.” “Umm I see what I can do ok.” “Ok hurry up ok!!!” Nika a young 20 year old brown headed, boobs round as cirlces that would pleasure any man and a big boobs. Nika kept thinking and thinking, but nothing came as she was confused and soon started to stress, then Nika suddenly saw a book written by some...

3 years ago
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Teaching Carol Ch1

As I massaged her shoulders I was telling her how much I liked touching her, and apologizing with humorous insincerity for my inability to keep my hands to myself. She accepted my apologies with laughing graciousness and did nothing to discourage me. Even though it was fairly dark, there were other people not too far off so I pointed at the silhouette of some trees near the shore and said I wanted to go over there. She agreed and laughed a little nervously when I picked her up in my arms...

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Hindsight 2020 Book 4 Johnnys StoryChapter 22

The next morning, I had Jay drive us to the airport where Linda had arranged a chartered flight for us down to Surat to meet with a loom manufacturer. Debbie had flown but never by private jet. Sophia had never been higher than the room she was staying in at the hotel. When we were in the air, they were both like little girls scurrying around to see something out one side or the other or check out the amenities of the plane. We did have a flight attendant and she was used to new flyers and...

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The Loft

Sunday The loft seemed more open and less crowded with all her stuff gone. Jason surveyed the added space in his closet for the fifth or sixth time and sighed. "It also seems pretty lifeless now..." It wasn't as if he hadn't seen this one coming. After you've been in a few relationships that fall apart, you start to see the writing on the walls. The initial denial that there is anything wrong, the long silences during the day, that at first you both chalk up to companionable silence....

1 year ago
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Omnia Vincit AmorChapter 19

When John arrived at the Benedict Joseph Hostel and Day Centre for the homeless on Saturday morning, Christmas Eve, he was prepared to follow his usual routine, serving lunches and clearing, while the full time staff got on with Christmas preparations for the next day, but he was met at the door by Brother Lawrence, the Franciscan prior and manager of the place. “John! We’ve got big problems. I have four of the friars with ‘flu, Barry got ‘flu on Thursday, and now Derek and Vivienne have...

4 years ago
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Hose House Part 4

PART 4 The operations were very intensive. Dr. Small and his staff were very careful while they operated on all of the soon-to-be girls, and things went well without a hitch. The first part of the operations involved electrolysis. Dr. Small mastered this method of hair removal, and it took very little time to complete compared to what it takes for less- experienced doctors. Dr. Small made sure every bit of hair was removed, including eyebrows, head hair, and pubic hair. Some of the men...

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The Wrong Man

‘Um, I think I’ll just have another soda water please’, she said, ignoring the glares of the manager as she ordered another free drink, whilst remaining on the much coveted bar stool. The bar tender grinned at her, conspiratorially, as he added ice cubes and a slice of lemon and slid it towards her over the beer mat. ‘Waiting for someone?’ he asked, ‘You could say that’ she replied, as she slumped on to her elbows and leaned towards him, ‘I’m supposed to be meeting some guy off the net, do...

1 year ago
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Allen woke up his head was spinning, the ringing in his ears was deafening. What the hell happen he thought, Where am I? All Allen could remember was being at home watching Pawn stars and then a load crash then black silence. Allen tried to look around but it was total darkness. The creaking of an old metal door filled the room Allen turned to see who or what it was but had to turn away because the light flooding the room was to bright Allen scurried into the nearest corner. A big...

3 years ago
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The Smith Family Part 2 Austins First Lay

Sandra grabbed Austin's hand and placed it on her left breast. "Play with my nipple," Sandra said. Austin did as she told him, and felt it get hard. He quickly realized what was happening and got into it, putting his right hand on her other breast and playing with that one too. He felt his cock growing in his shorts and precum forming, getting him even more excited. "Go ahead. Lick them," she told him. Austin was happy to oblige and shoved his face into them. He began to motorboat her then...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 792

A poem to which we can relate I remember the corned beef of my Childhood, And the bread that we cut with a knife, When the Children helped with the housework, And the men went to work, not the wife. The cheese never needed a fridge, And the bread was so crusty and hot, The Children were seldom unhappy, And the Wife was content with her lot. I remember the milk from the bottle, With the yummy cream on the top, Our dinner came hot from the oven, And not from a freezer; or shop. The kids...

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Personal Massage With Matured Women Turned Into Sex

Hi readers, this is my first story ever and its a true incident happened in ma life. Myself leo working as a fitness coach and as a masseur in Coimbatore, hope you all know that a job of masseur is quite romantic but we get used to it and do not find any interest on women cos we do that every day and we get see females with different ages and problems since its a club there will be a female masseur also so there will be no chance to mislead. But one fine day a women aged 50 came to our parlor...

3 years ago
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One Day at the Enforcement Bureau

One Day at the Enforcement Bureau "Now, Miss"... there was a slight pause as if he wasn't quite sure that was the proper form of address, "I have to ask you some questions" The woman fidgeted in her seat, "You have questions! I have so many, first are you a policeman?" "If you are asking whether I have legal powers, such as the ability to detain people, then yes. Now, I would like to start, is that alright with you?" "Yeah.. I mean... Anything to make sense of...

4 years ago
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Paying off his debt

One of the best and worst nights of my life has just happened. It should have been a good night. It then escalated into a terrifying ordeal and ended up sexually fantastic. Here’s the gist of what occurred.I was just out of the shower and had finished drying myself. After applying a copious amount of body moisturiser, I started on doing my hair and make up.My phone rang in the middle of me applying my mascara. I picked the phone up and Tony spoke.“Hi sexy! Are you all ready for me yet?”“I’m...

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New Years ResolutionChapter 5

New Year’s Resolution-MayMay 1Journal Entry-Everything is looking up for me. I have kids that love and respect me. I have a job that is both lucrative and satisfying. I am getting back into shape and feeling a little better every day. I have a naked woman that I care deeply about in my bed at this moment. I’m going for a run and let her sleep; she was up late last night. Not much to put in this entry this month as I have just said it all.-=-I just finished a new personal best of running five...

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Fucking Haryanvi Bhabi In Jaipur

Hello guys I m from jaipur. I can guarantee u that after reading this story boys will not stop shaging their dicks n girls will not stop fingering their pussy. Any aunty or girl can contact for a secret fucking session. Ye meri phli story h to m meri glti k liye phle hi maafi maang na chaat hu..Mere ghar p me 18 , mera bhai, meri mumy or mere papa hi rhte h, To ab story p aate h.. .   Story aaj s 4 din phle ki h.. ..   Mere ghar k saamne k haryana ki aunty rhti h jinki age lg bhg 31 ki h or...

2 years ago
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The Dramatic Saga of Peter Q KleeshayChapter 10

"I have been a very bad girl," declared the lovely petite Mia kneeling in the center of the room, "and must perform an act of contrition to make it up to my master." Her dark eyes smoldered with sensuousness. Thanks to a little thought from Pete, everyone in the room found their inhibitions towards public sex suddenly very liberal as Mia, her hands secured securely behind her, shuffled across the carpet on her knees towards the two teen lovelies. There was an almost audible pop as Mindy...

3 years ago
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Holi Ke Baad Mom Ka Gang Bang

Hi my name is Swarna Singh. Mere mom ka naam Sakshi hai. Woh ek housewife hai woh ek modern lady hai. Aap to jante hai Punjabi ladkiya kaise hoti hai woh bhi ekdum gori chitti hai aur unka figure to kayamat hai. Unhe chote kapde pehnna aur body show karna bahut pasand hai. Woh hamesha sleeveless, backless, deep neck, deep back hi pehnti hai chahe kurti pehne ya blouse. Woh hamesh nabhi ke niche hi sari bandhti hai. Bhale hi woh modern ho but mere dad se bahut pyar karti hai unki bahut care...

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Pussy Whipped Sissy Slut

                       Pussy Whipped Sissy Slut - Chapter 1 (revised)        Uncle Bill and his pals had used me pretty hard last night and most of this morning. I guess I made a pun, since there were plenty of hard cocks working away to loosen up my tight asshole and make face fucking me a much easier task. I have to admit that I just love to be the center of attraction, and I was still glowing from all the attention I'd gotten. They kept me securely restrained, although they didn't need to...

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Foster care 3 extended family

The memories that I block the most have to do with anything that they did with me. Even worse about those memories was the fact that I remember her being in the room with them and me and telling me to be quiet and behave. All while her “friends” would do things to me that should not be done to a little girl. While most of it is blocked out I remember being touched, tickled, and pinched anywhere on my body. Its odd cause when I think about those times I start hearing kids songs in my mind....

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 6 The Common Room

Chapter Six – The Common Room Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmmf, mf, x-gang, cream pie, exhib, hp, magic, orgy, preg Draco Malfoy had the Spellbook of Desires; a book he knew would be put to good use at both meeting his needs and getting back at his mortal enemy, Harry Potter and his friends. As he flipped through the thick leather-bound book, he realized...

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I Want to Be in LoveChapter 4

"My mother knows about you." I rested my head on Kevin's shoulder. His arm was still draped around me. "What does she know?" "She knows that we ran into each other and spent three days holed up fucking like rabbits," I giggled. "You didn't tell her that, did you?" The look on his face was priceless. "Of course not, silly," I snickered. "She read between the lines. Mothers have an intuition, you know." We hadn't left his house. The morning stretched into the afternoon. In...

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Little tits of sister

At age seventeen things felt very different in my family. My sister Jill was a year younger than myself and very cute. She had auburn colored shoulder length hair, just like our mom. Five years earlier my dad died leaving just the three of us. As Jill’s older brother I felt a responsibility to help and protect her. At the same time I had fantasies about how sexy and cute she was. She had a tight little body that I could not stop thinking about. When my dad died most of the mortgage on our house...


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