my first sex part 4
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Der Unternehmer Heiko Ehrlich saß wie jeden Tag in seinem Büro und trieb seine umfangreichen, weltweiten Geschäftsbeziehungen voran.
Die Geschäfte liefen gut, auch weil er seinen Kunden sehr viel Aufmerksamkeit schenkte und immer ein offenes Ohr für deren speziellen Wünsche hatte.
Mit 54 Jahren und seit fast 30 Jahren im Geschäft wusste er inzwischen, wie und wann seinen Kunden in den unterschiedlichen Regionen eine besondere Freude machen konnte.
Heute war mal wieder der Tag, an dem er die Personalunterlagen seiner Auszubildenden der Filialen studierte. Dabei legte er sehr strenge Kriterien an.
Nach einer Stunde waren die Zeugnisse, die Personalakte und letztlich auch die Prüfungsergebnisse geprüft und nun hielt er 2 Akten in Händen.
Ann-Kathrin, 19 Jahre, aus gutbürgerlichen Verhältnissen, aber mit schlechtem Realschulabschluss und schlechtem Prüfungsergebnis und in der Personalakte als provokant, aufmüpfig, sehr kontaktfreudig gegenüber den männlichen Kollegen und mit einem sehr unprofessionellem, aufreizendem Kleidungsstil vermerkt, war dabei genau des Gegenteil von Andrea. Offensichtlich nicht dumm, aber völlig vernachlässigt und verzogen von ihren beiden berufstätigen Eltern.
Andrea hingegen kam wohl aus sehr einfachen Verhältnissen, war 18 Jahre alt, lebte noch bei ihren arbeitssuchenden, überfürsorglichen Eltern in einer kleinen 3-Zimmerwohnung und hatte laut Personalakte wenig sozialen Kontakt in der Firma und war eher scheu. Sie kleidete sich auch offenbar wenig altersgerecht, eher sehr bieder, altbackend. Dafür waren sowohl ihre schulischen Leistungen auf der Hauptschule, als auch die Ausbildungsergebnisse exzellent.
Da beide ein hübsches Gesicht auf den Bewerbungsfotos hatten, kamen sie in die erste Wahl der Auserwählten und Heiko entschied sich, beiden auf den Zahn zu fühlen, bevor er seine Frau Irina in den Entscheidungsprozess einbinden wollte, denn mit ihr hatte er eine Partnerin an seiner Seite, die seine Leidenschaft für junge Frauen nicht nur akzeptierte, sondern auch durchaus teilte, um nicht zu sagen, ausgesprochen genoss. Irina war 34 Jahre alt und er hatte sie vor 10 Jahren auf einer seiner Geschäftsreisen in die Ukraine kennengelernt.
„Melanie, könnten Sie bitte kurz zur Abstimmung meiner Termine für die nächsten Tage in mein Büro kommen, danke“ mit diesen Worten durch die offen stehende Bürotür beorderte er seine Chefsekretärin in sein Büro.
Kaum waren die Worte ausgesprochen, stand die 44-jährige Melanie schon verschmitzt lächelnd vor seinem Schreibtisch. Wie immer war sie perfekt gestylt. Ein graues, körperbetontes Kostüm, eine weiße, im Ausschnitt dezent geöffnete Bluse umschmeichelten ihren perfekten Körper und die hohen Pfennigabsätze und das dezente make up rundeten das optische Bild ab.
„Na, Ersatz gesucht und wieder mal fündig geworden?“ war ihr einziger Kommentar beim Betreten des Raums.
Beide verband schon seit Jahren ein sehr besonderes Verhältnis, das geprägt wurde durch die weitreichende Ausbildung, die Melanie noch unter seinem Vater genoss. Inzwischen war Melanie verheiratet, hatte 2 Kinder, genoss ausgiebig die Sonderstellung, die sie im Unternehmensgeflecht einnahm und half den ausgelernten Auszubildenden auf Heikos Anweisung immer wieder, Lebenserfahrung zu sammeln. Beide waren Partner in Crime und dennoch war die Hierarchie steht´s gewahrt. Melanie war eben eine äußerst loyale Mitarbeiterin und so dauerte es auch nicht sehr lange, bis beide die Planung der nächsten Tage optimiert hatten, ohne, dass über den konkreten Anlass gesprochen wurde.
"You read it," I said, holding out the damp blue and white test stick, "I can't look." Neeka took it from me and held it under the lights over the bathroom vanity. "Negative," she said. "Crap!" I said, with feeling. "Crap! Crap! Crap!" "Are you sure you peed on it long enough?" Neeka asked. "I," I replied haughtily and with a slight hysterical tremor in my voice, "will have you know that by now I am an expert pee'er. I could probably hit one of those stupid things from...
There was not a lot going on in the office on Tuesday, but I did see Alice in the car park. She asked if everything was OK between myself and Davinia. I reassured her, and even thanked her for putting Davinia's mind at rest about being in the Three Chuffs together. And then she did it again, "Well, Dave, Davinia should realise that nothing could happen between you and I, could it?" with a little innocent smile, and she drove off before I could think of a good put down. Damn her. I did see...
Suzanne waited with bated breath as soft footfalls made their way ever closer to her position at the end of the attic. She was still naked from the waist down but was too terrified of discovery to risk making any sound that might alert the new arrival to her presence. Her heart was hammering in her chest, seemingly loud enough to betray her location in the alcove by the piss-sodden chair she had just urinated over. Suddenly, the footsteps came to a stop. Suzanne carefully edged forwards to peek...
WatersportsAuthors note: This is an edited version of a story I wrote a few years ago. * Maddie took a final look at the small plastic shot glass, took a deep breath and tossed it back. The tequila burned all the way down as her friends laughed and watched her raise the can of Coors to wash it down. It was the beginning of a long four day weekend and she was at an afternoon party in the country. She had at first not wanted to go but finally agreed to meet her friends there. Maddie was not that used...
We began to kiss softly at the beginning, then wildly; I had the impression this woman didn’t know a damn about how to kiss, despite she had been married and was a mother of four. I also realized she had never been caressed or fondled in such delightfully, coz decency and morals was an impediment for her right to enjoy lavishly. I think she was surprised at realizing she lacked courage or spirit to fight back so nobody fucked her. Elena is short, 1.55 meters tall. Her measures: 90, 65,...
Love StoriesMy seduction of an employee This is a repost of a story I wrote in 2008. Had some requests for repost, so here goes! It all started when we were working on the road together. Julie was a new employee, just learning the ropes of the newspaper business. I was to be her mentor, having been in the business for about 12 years. I guess I should set the scene first. Julie is very young, only 21 years old. This was her first job right out of college. Blessed with a smile that can light up a room and...
My relatives came to visit over the summer. My aunt and uncle on my mom's side, and my grandparents on my father's side. Our house was full, with myself, my sister, and my parents already filling our three bedroom home before taking in more people. I loved having the relatives visit us, so it wasn't a problem, it just meant that my sister had to share my room for a week.That was going to prove very beneficial, as I was soon to discover. I'm eighteen, and my sister, Brynn, is not quite a year...
We were the last of a dying breed. We were sexual entertainers and acrobats, the best, and because of that, we'd managed to struggle on when all the other troupes had finally collapsed. We'd always been small, and that's probably why we'd survived on our own as long as we had, but now we were in serious trouble, we were one body short. Although there were ten of us altogether, it was basically a family troupe, and to a certain extent always had been, right from when my grandparents first...
Chapter 09: Back to the Carousel Shortly after lunch I was finally able to reach Marjorie on the telephone. I had tried calling the apartment at least six times and her cell phone about four times before she finally answered. ‘I’m glad I finally reached you, I didn’t get to see you this morning,’ I said, trying to conceal my concern that she hadn’t tried to get in touch with me. ‘Yes, I guess I just missed you at the apartment and Allison and I’ve been shopping.’ ‘Shopping?’ ‘Yes, we’re...
To Jacob, the thought of the Double-M without Ann and Susan was unthinkable. They were as much a part of this place as he was. Getting used to Juliette's absence was going to be tough enough. But he knew she and Jim would be coming to him in a few weeks, if not in a few days. He doubted they would wait very long before they actually wed, either. He stared at Marnie for a long time. In his heart, he knew she was right — as she usually is, Jacob cursed. Ann and Susan deserved as much...
Life in 1776. And Then Some. Bobbie is reading from another journal of Barry's ancestors. Peace Belle. Hello everyone. Bobbie here again. I was putting away the Christmas things and started to look at another journal from one of Barry's ancestors. This one came from William Remington and it takes place durning the American Reveolution. 12 March 1775. Our father had just died of the consumption. (TB) Our father's Inn would have been put up for sale. However he passed it on to me...
I woke up late and decided to eat breakfast before I showered, so I threw on a robe and hurried toward the kitchen. That's when Dad's thoughts entered my mind and stopped me in my tracks. He was having another one-sided conversation with my dead mother. She lost her innocence, Hazel. When I gathered dirty clothes to start the laundry, the evidence was obvious. Now what? No, don't answer me. You lost yours at a younger age than Katy. You're probably surprised she waited this long. I am....
Series 3, Episode 18: Eden Abraham Fade in on a young woman walking along a beach in a business suit, carrying her sensible work shoes in one hand whilst sweeping long brunette hair from her face with the other. She’s trying to make the walk along the beach look casual, but she’s not dressed for it. She’s strongly built, filling out her blouse and skirt, wide but not fat, with a big chest. She’s not a stunning woman, but her rounded features and welcomingly thick lips certainly aren’t...
I followed the old highway due north for many days. The road went along beside the mountains but didn't go into them. I had now been in the mountains so that was not a needful thing for me. I could look east and see the prairie extending as far as I could see. I saw only occasional ranches as I rode. Ten days later, I came upon a small village of people called themselves, Glendo's. They welcomed me and gave me a place to stay saving my tent from wear and my dwindling supplies from going to...
My head was spinning at the realization of what had happened not three hours before. I married Sam. Holy lord. This could end up being the most wonderfully tortuous existence a man could ever lead. ‘So what do we do now?’ Sam asked. I glanced at her and bit my bottom lip, glancing back at the road. ‘Pervert!’ she laughed. We got a room, nothing fancy, just a typical cheap motel room. Not that it mattered. I wasn’t there to enjoy the scenery, I was there to be with Sam. We headed upstairs and...
(This story interlocks with each chapter so if you come into this story other than the beginning, then you may well scratch your head at some of the comments within this chapter. I’ve tried to make this a glimpse into the lives and lifestyle of three people. They chose to keep there lives private, isn’t it strange how life never lets that happen.) My thanks again go to Linda62953 for her editing. ******* Even as the credits wound themselves down, it felt like Red was simply winding herself...
Hey, I want me a story about sexual experiences, I first intercourse with Mama masi age 39 years (high 160/60kg BH 36B) and my aunt called Auntie April 30tahun new age (Bh high 162/55kg 36B) this story ... At that time my Dad a new service out of town for a week and adek my brother to go to grandpa's house for 5 days due to school holidays fit again, Mama said goodbye that afternoon would go gathering and he said he might come home late, I'm getting bored at home and I went to my friend's house...
My name is Mike. I've been bicurious for a couple of years now, and finally got the nerve up to look around to make something happen. I didn't really know where to start, so I just posted a listing on craigslist hoping something would come of it. This is what I had to say: 24 yo bi curious M4MW. 6' 185 brown haired, green eyed average guy with a 6" cock looking to try some things in a bi threesome with a fun couple. Must be ddf, hit me up with pics and a reply!I wasn't really sure what I was...
President Trump, as he commenced his second term, signed an executive order under which corporal punishment was reinstated in all public schools in the United States. Schools were given great latitude in implementing the change; the only way for parents to object was to remove their children from the school in question and enrolling them either in a private school or in a school with a less harsh punishment regime. Millennium High School was a public school in Bismarck, North Dakota, a State...
These are compliments of fmwarmac A blonde was so upset about everyone always making fun of her being blonde that she decided to hang herself. A little while later, a couple of guys walk by and see her hanging by her wrists. “What are you doing?” They ask her. “I’m hanging myself.” She said. The men were confused. Then one of them said, “If you’re trying to hang yourself, you’re supposed to put the rope around your neck. “Duh,” she said. “I tried that and I couldn’t breath.” One day...
Anch struggled helplessly, sprawled on the sacks in the spice store. Each attempt to dislodge the ropes that held her wrists and ankles sent a cloud of dust into the air leaving her choking, unable to catch her breath because of the mouth filling maoungf that had been strapped around her head. The scent of turmeric, cumin and coriander filled the air. Anch wriggled herself around until she was sitting up. In her efforts to free herself she had torn her skirt and stained her blouse with the...
Chapter Seven: Becca & Keily's Futa Fun By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Becca Brittany Even knowing there was someone behind the rock, responsible for that explosion of golden light I witness, I still almost jumped out of my skin when the slender, auburn-haired girl bounded out from behind it. I jumped, my big tits, soaked by my swim across the river, heaved before me while my futa-cock smacked into my wet belly. The girl gave me a mischievous grin, pushing up her glasses as she...
My wife and I went to Turkey on holiday, at the time I was 32 and my wife was 29 I knew that the heat and relaxing atmosphere would make her so horny. We had been swinging for about 3 years in our local clubs, but this was the first time we had been holiday since we started swinging. On about the 2nd day Jane ( my wife), and I were lying round the pool, she was wearing a very skimpy blue bikini, and was lying on the sunbeds just chilling, . After a while I noticed 3 young lads who were about 19...
Life after June CHAPTER ONE Being with Louise was like all my unhappy past times with June had severed for good. June, only 59 died last year and left me a shattered wreck. She was my everything and after an innings of nearly thirty years it did seem she was part of me, the wedded bliss had lasted that long. Yet, oddly all that was now in the past and meeting Louise was like a breath of fresh air, and- this may sound couth and I hate to say it - but it is as though I have just discovered my...
MatureThe next day I opened the curtains and checked the weather. The skies were blue and the sun was already out. The beers from the night before hadn't affected me at all luckily, so getting up was going quite easily. My girlfriend was going to church with her grandparents. She wasn't religious herself, but her parents are too old to properly drive a car themselves. I was going to meet Jesper at 2 at the pool. Before that I actually had to go out and get myself a new swimming suit. I hadn't been in...
May 29, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “He hung up?” Kara giggled. “Yes! I’m guessing he was expecting another brother and didn’t appreciate the news!” “You’re right!” Kara giggled. “What a turkey! Are you going to call back?” “I figure right about now Jennifer is calling the hospital and asking to be connected to your room.” True to what I’d said, the phone rang. “What did you tell your son?” Jennifer asked when I answered. “The little turkey hung up on me when I told him that he had a new...
From Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 4 Getting to Know "Beth" After Leigh left Beth decided it was time to find out who she was. She sat down at her desk and wondered where should she began. She thought about asking Leigh, but that would arouse suspicion. She was trying to think of another idea when she heard a phone, her phone ringing in her purse-she was still trying to get used to the idea of having a purse. She pulled the phone out of her purse and the caller id...
His eyes opened more and walked down the stairs slowly"wusup sis?!" he looked at his sister with blonde hair. He had always thought she was beautiful but the past two years now his 22 year old sister seemed even more beautiful but in a different way. His oldest sister was Crystal,the one he saw now. She was 5'5 with blonde hair with black tips. Her hair covered her left eye which hid one of her crystal blue eyes,that's where she got her name. She was always at the gym which meant she...
Michelle's Story - Part 5 As they left the Smith's house and headed back to the motel for the night, the mood in the car was mixed with wonder, disbelief and excitement. The latter belonged to Michael and Emma, who now were looking forward to being closer than they could ever have imagined. They were sat next to each other on the back seat and to James, they were looking to close for his liking. He knew there was more to Michael's explanation and newly reformed friendship with Emma...
Over the next several weeks, Selena settled into life on the McKenzie farm with joyous ease. She developed close relationships with her in-laws, and her fondness for all of them increased with each passing day. Liam took her to visit her sister who lived about a half-day’s drive from their farm. Selena was thrilled to be reunited with her sister and was pleased to see firsthand that Diana was so happy with her own husband that their two young sons. It was nice for both sisters to be close...
In today’s steamy 4K Euro Teen Erotica we present a new barely legal babe to stroke it over. Roxy Risingstar is a curvy teen whose banging body developed early, along with a voracious sexual appetite. The kinky cutie is so horny that she carries a dildo with her to school, for those just in case moments. Well today, that dildo comes spilling out of the glamour model’s bag in Mr. Jay Snake’s classroom giving the teacher a glimpse into his student’s dirty mind....
xmoviesforyouWhen I was at college, learning to become a carpenter, I had some great friends like Barry, Steve, Tom, and of course Josie.Now Josie was a bit of a tom girl, she was a short, had short blonde hair, and spent most of her time in t-shirts and dungarees, and was usually covered in saw dust, but she was also pretty funny, and a little cute so we didn't mind hanging out with her.Anyway, one day Barry and Tom were looking at hot girls on the internet, on their phones, when Steve, Josie and I walked...
**** Note - This story thread originated at, where several other writers made contributions and the story is still evolving: Note to authors - In case anyone's wondering, I'm more than happy for people to add new chapters of their own here! :) **** Susan Storm-Richards waited until she was alone in the Baxter Building, then walked to a secret chamber she'd had installed. Using perception filters that Reed had devised,...
It was a cold morning in early may, Katarina slowly awoke to find herself in a kingsize bed in her dim room, lit only by the daylight peering through the curtains above her. This morning she had a desire burning between her legs, an ache, a longing for something to part her delicate lips, and stretch her entrance in sweet blissful agony… and she knew just where to find it. As she rolled to her left she found her boyfriend Sam soundly sleeping next to her, he was larger than her in build and she...
RomanceJohn Strong gets off the phone with his asshole boss with orders to go to his home and leave a file with his wife. He’s still ticked off about his boss’ bad attitude, when his hot wife Sara Luvv greets him at the door in a tiny silky robe. She mistakes him for a massage client, but when John explains he’s her husband’s employee, she begs him not to rat her out about her secret side job. John’s willing to help her out, and offers a fair ultimatum, silence in...
xmoviesforyouMy forty eight year old wife Melissa and I have always had a great sex life. She loves porn, is always down to go to the strip club, and loves to fuck. Melissa was a virgin when we got married so like most men would I have always wondered how she would enjoy another guys cock. After years of fantasizing about it while we fucked, it happened this Summer. We put a pool at our house this past May and had several pool parties throughout the Summer. We had a lot of our neighbors over for a party in...
Diese Geschichte habe ich als Thread bei "MACC'S Celebrity Fun und Disneys Prinzessinnen" begonnen. Irgendwann hat mir der Text nicht mehr gefallen und ich habe ihn überarbeitet und stelle ihn nun als neue Geschichte hier ein. Ich habe versucht das ganze als wirkliche Fortsetzung von „Falsches Spiel mit Roger Rabbit“ zu gestalten, wobei ich auf Ideen des Films zurückgreife, aber auch neue Ideen hinzugefügt habe. Ich hoffe das die Geschichte bei den Lesern gut ankommt und auch echte Roger Rabbit...
By Bob Chapter 10: Is Jon Really Mad or Covering Up? "Where the fuck is Tom?" Jon asked in a very stern tone. I really didn't know how to answer so I told him that Tom and Dave had spent the night in our room so that they wouldn't bother him. He seemed to accept that for which I was very grateful. I stepped up to the urinal and went about my business. I really had to pee and I wasn't really concerned about what Jon was feeling at that moment. As I started to pee, I felt that...
In this story the names have been changed to protect their identity The first time I saw a fully nude girl in person was when I was 14. I had gone to second base with my gf once but she was only topless and in her panties while i was in my boxer shorts. This time was different. It was late. Around 1am. We were at Sarah's house. She had a rather large house. Her parents were out of town and she had thrown a party. Her brother was at a hotel with his girlfriend. There were about 40 people invited...
Gabe watched through the two way mirror as the boy, his father sitting next to him, worked with their best sketch artist. The kid was trying, he had to give him that, sitting there studying each sample nose, ear, eye and mouth before choosing one, and then giving the artist extra, as if it just wasn't quite right. He could see the picture of their killer, he watched it take shape and form under the artist's pencil. The only problem, their witness was a boy, he saw with the eyes of a...
Jack showered off the toil of the gym, the twice weekly ritual of weights and machines with a Sunday swim in the pool had toned his body well. Athletic and broad-shouldered, he was content with the boost it gave him in his self-esteem, something he needed at this time. Changing back into his work clothes, he thought he’d check out the lounge and bar, he wasn’t ready to go home just yet. The house would be empty, silent, he hated the sound of silence now and nothing seemed to fill the air or...
He was busy while I was out of country for my job. As to the nature of his business it was of the shopping variety. He sent out ads, posted messages with previous contacts and asked around. In the end he had found four guys. All four were shown my video’s on my profile and agreed to his plan. Me not having any idea what he was doing back in the states, couldn’t wait to get home. I arrived in the morning. Not sure what to do with myself I checked my XHamster account and found four new...
CHAPTER 2: Orgasmic Control I had found myself in this wonderful home of a mysterious woman, who had taken control of my entire life for the next six weeks, and who had already forced me to strip naked and masturbate in front of her. Albeit, she stopped me from climaxing at that time, and I knew this was only going to be the start of her enjoyment of using me in such a way….. As the time slowly passed, and I waited in my room. The evening soon drew closer and I prepared myself in the suit that...
Sugar and Spice may add an aura to your thoughts regarding females, I know girls like myself play on its subtly, but the reality is far from the truth, young girls are sexual monsters, driven by as yet unknown forces, seeking gratification, indeed if there were no men, then a****ls would have to suffice in lieu off. Growing up I shared a room with my younger brother, and at night I would lie and listen and watch as he wanked himself, his bed illuminated by the street lamp, my own in the darkest...
My name is Jack. I live with my mom. My grandparents live right around the corner so I go there a lot. My grandmom has very big tits (36DDD) and most of the time she shows cleavage. It ALWAYS gives me a boner. I"ll usually go to the bathroom to jack off and relieve myself. Well this is a story about the one time I couldn"t take it anymore.Let me describe myself. I"m 18, 7 and a half inch dick. Six pack. That"s about it. Now let me describe my grandma. She"s 51. She"s skinnny. She has, like I...
Risk vs. reward – the topic of discussion in Prof. Reagan Foxx’s class today apparently resonated with one of her students because after class was dismissed Ms. Foxx found him sitting alone at a desk, masturbating! Appalled, embarrassed and unsure of what to do, the professor eventually awakens Ricky from his erection abstraction and tells him that he isn’t in trouble, but that it’s time to go. Ricky’s thankful that Prof. Foxx doesn’t bust him…but that she told him she “understood” piques his...
xmoviesforyouDear readers,I’m Krishna again . Thanks for your love and mails. Lets begin the next part of my story. My adolescence was exploding. My friends added fuel to that. They taught me the lessons of wild sex and I became a sex hungry whore. They thought a new lessons ” everything is good and tasty in sex.” . I really enjoyed the wild world with my friends. As I mentioned earlier me and my friends enjoyed our school life. The two years of that period made me shameless sexy whore . But we were good...
LesbianWalking outside wearing clothes felt strange but we behaved ourselves. We found the tallest building then the flagpole and then the brass owl. I called Alice. “We are looking at your brass owl.” “A garage door will open. Press the garage door control button. Then walk into the building. Press the nearby elevator call button then the top floor button. Our apartment door will be unlocked. See you in a few minutes. Bye Z.” “Bye Alice.” The garage door opened. We followed directions. We found...
I could not convince my two erstwhile 'guardians' that I needed no federal protection. They had their instructions, and it was to keep me safe while I was out in public. I told them I had not requested, nor wanted this protection. They just said they would be as discrete as they could be, but they had their orders. I changed my destination, and drove to my lawyer's office. I only waited five minutes before Richard saw me. "I seem to have two problems. One, the federal government...
My Mother New BasqueThis is the third week, Sue my girlfriend has been away looking after her parents and my mother is looking to me everyday because of my illness.My mother is working from home this week after being in the office full time last week. She could only look in on me at nights after work and had to get back to my father as well so we did not see much of each other.I was asleep in bed and I felt it move and then I heard my mother’s voice.“Come on wake up”I open my eyes and my...
The door opening finally snapped him out of the online world where he was King for at least a day. He turned around to see Jill carrying the suitcase that housed the lights and cameras. “Give me a hand with this? I never knew it was so heavy.”Springing from the chair, he said, “Sure. Where’s Watch?”Jill sat down the suitcase and sighed in relief. “He’s playing with Gina. I told you he’s a whore. At least they’re taping it, so I’ll get to watch later.”“Where do you want this?”“By the foot of the...
ExhibitionismI spent the day in the office going over a few programmes I'd designed to infiltrate and datamine a server, mostly trying to tighten up the algorithms and compression ratios, the trick as ever being to make them appear as something they weren't. Bill came wandering in around mid-morning, looking rather grim. "Looks like Travis and Murcheson aren't going to take the hint," he said. "We may have a turf war on our hands." "Crap!" I muttered. The problem with a turf war was that the...
The medina and the girlI cant believe I have to stay with my parents this whole time, chris thought as he and his family strolled through the old city together. Oh well he tought lets just mnake the most of it. Soon enough everyone on the tour was exhausted and they all went back to the hotel to rest up fo the eveing.Chris saw his parents into their room then made a u turn back outside to do some exploring on his own. Once in the square Chris was aproached by a middleagee man offering hash. He...
The ancient energy-efficient light bulb of my apartment's lounge has yet to illuminate the room fully, as usual. From where I’m standing, in the hallway looking in, it’s difficult to make out what’s going on. In the shadows of the room, Lennie is looking very confident; his imposing frame takes up most of the space between the wall and my large sofa in the middle of the lounge area.I can make out his cheery face reasonably well, although from his downwards from his jawline it’s only the...
Voyeurtags: public outdoor sex, monster rape, cheating, college party, accidental drug use, strange romance ********************* The decorations on the door were calm enough, but once we got inside they were over the top! Spider webs all over, warped mirrors, plastic skeletons, and only electric candles for light. I knew the campus had strict fire codes, and was actually impressed that this frat house followed them, where most of the others didn't very often on small things like...
Brooke was excited to start her first official day that Monday. Ken, her husband, had already left for work earlier and Brooke hurried to get ready for her new job. Mr. Barstow had given Brooke permission to use the company charge account at a few clothing stores to get herself some appropriate office wear for her job and she would have a little taken out of her first paychecks until her purchases were paid back. Now with her new clothes and new makeup, she prepared for her first day at Barstow...
Office SexHannah Hays and her stepbro are in big trouble for doing bad on their report cards. Not only did they get grounded, but father also took away their phones. How the hell will these rambunctious teens entertain themselves? Hannah became super bored after only a few hours and made her way into stepbros room. She asked him if maybe he would want to play truth or dare with her to pass the time. Stepbro was down, and things started getting real creepy real quick. First stepbro dared Hannah to sit on...
xmoviesforyouPorn has seen its fair share of twists and turns over the decades. And from the look of things, there’s virtually no cap to how creative horny folks can get, especially if they are romping for the money. But the playing field pretty much revolves around straight, lesbian and gay porn. I know, a few stars have gone that extra mile to brace horses’ massive boners and dog’s knotted cocks.And while the good ol’ straight folks’ sex might have been lost in the dust, it still hasn’t lost an ounce of...
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