Frankie’s Story Ch. 10 free porn video

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(This story interlocks with each chapter so if you come into this story other than the beginning, then you may well scratch your head at some of the comments within this chapter. I’ve tried to make this a glimpse into the lives and lifestyle of three people. They chose to keep there lives private, isn’t it strange how life never lets that happen.)

My thanks again go to Linda62953 for her editing.


Even as the credits wound themselves down, it felt like Red was simply winding herself up. She pulled air into her lungs just long enough to expel it again. It took her a moment but she moved to kneel on the couch facing me.

‘I spoke to Caroline this afternoon. She admitted that she was in the reckoning for the nomination and could well take the award, but said nothing of doing this.’

A great sadness crept over Red. Her shoulders seemed to slump as her eyes once again came away from the television.

‘Please my Master, it is now I need you, more than ever. Help me end this once and for all.’

Before I could speak, the phone interrupted my thoughts and out of habit, I placed it on ‘speaker’.

‘I have already had the studio lawyers on the phone they swear that they had nothing to do with the speech that Caroline Atkins just gave.’

Red and I both looked at each other, what the studio gave as a promise, no longer held any weight with us anymore. Red was also still waiting for me to reply to her plea.

‘Mathew, I need you to do something for us. From now on, take no calls from the studio or anyone involved with this, have one of your assistants field all your calls with them and alternate between ‘you are out of the office’ or ‘you’re in a meeting’.’

Red gave me a hug and a whispered thank you, when she realized I was going to back her up in this. I would never leave her alone to face this she was my slave and my promise has always been to protect each of them

‘It’s time to bring this to a close Mathew. We will get back with you in a few days time. Just keep them at arms length, until we have talked to you and caught you up to date with what we plan to do.’

The pause was longer this time.

‘I have to ask this, is what you’re planning legal?’

This time we both smiled.

‘About as legal as the things they have been doing to Red, Mathew. We will be leaving in a few hours and will keep you up to date as best we can. See you in a few days, Mathew.’

I terminated the call, it was clear Red had more to say. I just waited her out.

‘We have to do this alone. Please Jack, order my sisters away, we cannot risk the studio bringing them into this, it’s not their fight. It hurts like hell to say even that, but please Jack, we must.’

‘They will understand, they’re your sisters and will stand by you.’

Red vigorously shook her head.

‘No. When we go after the studio, they may lash out and catch my sisters in the crossfire. They have clearly shown no remorse with what they have done so far. We must place them out of harms way before we do this.’

It was clear that Red wouldn’t step back from this and I had to admit I was in agreement with her. Selling it to the girls, was going to be another matter though. Red phoned Samantha first and spoke to her. At first, she was adamant that she would stand by her sister, but between us both we talked her down and in the end, I made it an order. She reluctantly agreed with a premise that if we needed her day or night we were to call and she would come running.

Frankie on the other hand was a pit-bull. She flat out refused and slammed the phone down on Red. Twice more I phoned her and she slammed the phone down on me. The third time she refused to even pick the phone up. My next call was to Joseph. He had been expecting my call after watching the awards ceremony himself. I asked him to meet us at Father Stevens’ residence as soon as he could. He agreed and said he would leave as soon as he’d finished his rounds at the clinic.

We both heard the car make its way along the valley road. Frankie skidded to a stop by the door and rushed into the cabin, spotting our suitcases by the door as she did. Red knelt facing Frankie. Frankie’s own training made her kneel facing Red.

‘Don’t go, we can fight this. We are a family, we are strongest together.’

Red leaned forward and held Frankie’s hands.

‘My own sweet sister, I have loved you from the day I was sent here to protect you. Every day you bring me such joy.’

Frankie tried desperately to pull her hands away from Red. Red never gave an inch as Frankie pulled so desperately against her, finally she let go, lurched forward, and hugged her sister who then burst into tears, and agonizing sobs burst forth as both girls realized the finality of this moment.

Another car pulled alongside Frankie’s. Mrs. Gillins got out, she could see both girls through the open door, as she drew alongside the door she also noticed the two suitcases.

‘Let her go. You both have work to do and it’s time for you both to leave. I have a suitcase in the trunk of my car, I will stay here with Francine until you both return and you will return because I insist on seeing all of you at my own wedding.’

Frankie pulled herself away from Red and rushed to Mrs. Gillins, who in turn held her close.

‘Make them stay, they won’t listen to me, please make them stay. We are a family. We are the strongest together.’

It took a moment for even Mrs. Gillins to compose herself enough to hold Frankie by the arms so she could pull her away enough to look her in the eyes.

‘My dear sweet child, you are young yet also older than your years. They have to do this alone, it’s up to us to keep all this going, so they know they have us to come back to.’

What she said next damned near broke all of us standing in that room.

‘Jack reminds me so much of my late husband. When he deployed, he told me that he knew he would return because he had someone to return to. Three times he returned and I loved that man to a standstill, although his luck ran out on his fourth deployment, I cherished every moment I had with that man and the child he gave me. You will be strong my child because they both need you to be, now give them a hug, a kiss and let them both know they have you to return to.’

Frankie paused as she looked so deeply into Mrs. Gillins eyes, the moistness in her own eyes as she stared back at Frankie simply reinforced the conviction she felt about what she had said to Frankie. With a gentle nod, Mrs. Gillins let her go, Frankie hugged, and kissed us both, we made it as far as the car before Frankie rushed out and attached herself to my back and wouldn’t move until she extracted a promise from me that I would phone her daily.

The drive to Father Stevens’ residence was done with Red staring out the window, her chin on her knees and her arms wrapped around her legs. Not one word passed her lips on the journey. Joseph’s car was already there, the good Father was leaning against the door watching me park. He opened Red’s door and held her to him for a moment before guiding her towards the residence and sitting her in a chair before even acknowledging my presence.

We talked well into the night, as one plan started to form, it was soon dispelled as either unworkable or borderline illegal. It was as I stood to head to the bathroom that I heard a comment made by Joseph. By the time I had taken a leak, the comment grew in my head. By the time I’d sat down again, the comment grew to fruition or at least to the point where we all started to chip in with ideas and iron out the details.

Joseph also took it upon himself to bring something else up that we had sworn never to reveal to Red.

‘Jack before we go down this road you need to be completely honest with Red.’

The conversation between Father Stevens and Red instantly stopped.

‘This is a convers
ation for another time Joseph and I resent you bringing it up at a time like this.’

Joseph was having none of it and continued to stare at me. Both Red and Father Stevens were as well. Perhaps it was truth time. I just wished it were a better day to do this.

‘The hospital as standard practice, had to tell the medical insurance people that you were being transferred. They phoned me while I was signing the papers for your release, they believed you were receiving the best medical care at that hospital and if I moved you then they would cancel your medical insurance.’

I looked at Red, she was torn between wanting to explode and cry all over again. However, I continued anyway.

‘My heart told me that they wanted to keep you there so the studio could continue to make mileage out of you, since they had already announced the press conference. Ever since you left that hospital I have been footing to bill for your medical needs.’

Red shot off the chair and paced the room, alternating between cursing the studio, me and just about anything that had a pulse. Finally, Father Stevens stood in front of her and held onto her until she calmed.

‘He could have told me Father.’

‘Really, answer me this my child, between the time that he took you away from Hollywood and now, when could he have sat you down and told you this without the fear that you would relapse?’

Red continued to hold onto the good father as she thought about what he had just said. After a moment she shrugged her shoulders and Father Stevens let her go, Red in turn looked at me.

‘I will pay you back, every dime.’

‘Do that and you’ll be living with the good Father for the rest of your life.’

She smiled at my veiled threat, as did the good Father fortunately. As Father Stevens let her go she came and sat on my lap wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. Thanking me for being me, Red wouldn’t let me get away with a shrug of my shoulders so I told her she was always welcome.


It was also clear that the sharks had smelled the blood in the water. Twice that evening, reporters had phoned the good Father wanting to know if he was again going to interview Red for the Chronicle. On both occasions, Father Stevens told them that he would publish an interview with Red if she felt the need to talk to him in response to Ms. Atkins remarks on TV.

We knew time was running out, Red downloaded all the information Father Stevens had and we were back on the road an hour later, with a promise from Joseph that he would UPS any information we needed as soon as we could supply an address to send it to.

The local reporters turned up at the door of Father Stevens’ church the next morning. The good Father had been busy with his time and was already in the process of bringing out another special edition of the Saint Mary’s Chronicle. In it, an ‘interview’ with Ms. O’Connell had stated that she had watched the awards and was indeed confused by the announcement that Ms. Atkins’ award was hers.

She also reminded the good Father that the accident was on the second film and this award was for her acting on the first film. In addition, she couldn’t accept an award that she herself hadn’t earned and so by extension, wasn’t entitled to.

When we sat around at Father Steven’s residence, working on the wording to her so-called interview, the Father decided that a few Hail Mary’s for publishing this little lie in the paper would be worth it. The reporters took their copy of the Chronicle away with them and one copy found its way to the studio. By now Red and I were exhausted and pulled into a hotel to rest, I picked up a brochure from the hotel showing the locations of all the hotels they had in their chain and I used it to plan our route to Hollywood.

As we slept, Mathew and his assistants were being phoned hourly, wanting meetings with them. As instructed, Mathew kept them at arms length and the same two excuses were used for the rest of the day. When we woke, I kept my promise to Frankie and phoned her. She told me that Mrs. Gillins was now in my seat, she was now her PA and Jodie had taken over the running of personnel. It had taken half a morning for my company to get used to the new regime change.

I guess spending so much time at seminars and in meetings with other businesses had got them all used to being semi-independent. We talked for awhile and Red told her that she loved her and would be back soon, I said the same and thought it best to leave it there since we were both unsure when that would be.

I phoned Gordon and told him that two women were living at my home, he was to turn on the security system both inside and around my house and have it monitored day and night. Gordon quickly understood my meaning and offered to have people on the ground as well. I agreed and gave him a list of people I believed may visit, anyone else was to be challenged. Gordon’s own people would have pictures of the people on that list within the hour. I may not be there, but Gordon knew I wanted them looked after.


Red’s gym was there next target, I was told from Red that Anthony played the knuckle dragging gym rat to a tee and enjoyed every moment of it. The reporters left feeling frustrated and still at a loss, if there was a story to be had.

We knew that by car, it would take us three days to get to Hollywood, we chose to make it four. We still had things to do, keeping the studio lawyers off balance being one of them. Using the brochure from the hotel we booked ahead and also sent Joseph the details of the hotel, he promised to send everything we needed on overnight UPS and it would be there when we got there.

Mathew phoned us as Red drove, I placed it on speaker and Mathew told us that the studio lawyers were getting concerned and one of their people was now camped out at reception, waiting to talk to him. Red smiled when I suggested that Mathew used the fire exit to leave his office that evening. It seems they hadn’t anticipated Red doing and saying nothing and that worried them, more so since she had now fallen off the grid.

When we got to our hotel, we booked a small conference room so we could spread things out and not be interrupted. Red was sleeping soundly and for that I was extremely grateful, other than finger her own necklace she never let her own nerves get to her. She had faith in what her friends were doing for her and that meant everything to her.

The UPS package arrived as we were going down to breakfast. I thanked reception and took it with me. It was clear Red wanted to open it, just as it was clear that I wasn’t going to allow it until we had all we needed in our conference room. With breakfast finished, we grabbed all our paperwork and photos and locked ourselves in for the morning, the table was just big enough for our needs and we smiled to ourselves that we stood no chance of doing this in our room.

By the end of the morning, two folders now sat on the table ready for Red to use when needed. We made copies of both and got UPS to take both onto Mathew so he would have a heads up and make his own plans for the meeting with the studio lawyers that was coming. My phone call to Frankie put Red in orbit, it seems Caroline Atkins came to my office with a reporter in tow.

When Tony asked him to leave, the reporter stated freedom of the press. Tony casually mentioned that he was standing on private property and he could shoot him and make it look like and accident. The reporter knew he was being stonewalled. Caroline told him she would be fine, when security walked Caroline up to my office. Mrs. Gillins met her in the corridor along with Frankie and Jodie.

All three were silent as Caroline made her practiced speech, no one moved when she tried to hand over her award. Every woman in that corridor looked on in shock when Mrs. Gillins told Caroline to take her award and shove it up her ass.

When Caroline looked towards Frankie and said, ‘No
hard feelings.’

Frankie said, ‘I personally wish you would fuck off and die, and that’s said with so much feeling.’

I must say my driving took a hit when that came over the speaker. It burst the anger bubble that Red had surrounded herself in as well and I could see genuine tears of laughter, it took her a moment to calm and a thought occurred to me that I had a use for Frankie. The need to keep her at arms length over this, meant I had to also hide her.

‘Frankie, talk to Mrs. Gillins. I no longer wish to see you as you, with brown hair, a red head would be good for you for a few weeks. Also make sure the eyebrows match.’

The pause was obviously confusion on her part, the sound of a click as our conversation was now being shared with Mrs. Gillins.

‘Jack, we agreed that you would not involve Francine in this.’

‘Two things make that impossible Mrs. Gillins. Frankie will not allow that and as confrontation becomes inevitable she would do everything in her power to make sure she was by our side. Mathew Bowden will need Frankie’s abilities when he confronts the studio, Red and I trust Frankie, she is needed.’

We could both hear Frankie in the background, it was plain that she was already booking an appointment at the hairdresser for that evening. Mrs. Gillins knew I was right and we talked logistics until Frankie got off the phone.

‘It’s arranged, I have the last appointment tonight, how dark a red do you wish me?’

Looking at Red proved pointless she was confused since I hadn’t mentioned any of this to her before hand.

‘A modest red Frankie not a striking red, also I want you to go shopping you will have a use for the glasses that we first see Rebecca use.’

The silence as Frankie took a moment to understand took longer than even I suspected, the giggle that followed showed me that she now remembered the time I was talking about.

‘All shall be done tonight. I look forward to seeing you both very soon.’

‘No. Phone Gordon, at the moment, his people are looking after you both at our place. He will make the arrangements and have someone with you when you travel. You will not travel alone I won’t allow that, once you have done what I asked, you cannot return to work until all this is over.’

‘I will obey.’

Closing my cell simply meant that Red could ask me the one question she had held to herself all through my conversation with Frankie.

‘You promised that we would order my sisters away. Why?’

‘Mathew will need her help. I need to keep Frankie close by so I know what she’s up too. You don’t think for one minute that she was going to stay at home, do you? Frankie is too much like Shannon and we don’t need Frankie doing a Shannon on us when all this comes to a head.’

Red giggled and that quickly turned into a laugh that broke the tension Red had been feeling.

‘Point taken, Shannon trained that girl way too well.’

All I could think of as I was driving was, Amen to that.


There was another couriered package waiting for us when we arrived at the next hotel. Red waited for me to open it yet all I did was place it into my suitcase and lock it. We once again booked a small conference room for the next morning and we caught up with Mathew.

‘The phone calls are almost hourly now. The lawyers still sit outside by reception despite being told, I’m not in the building. Your two files arrived this morning and I already have my people on them, what your proposing to do is both brave and suicidal at the same time.’

‘Its nice to know I can still impress you Mathew.’

This time he laughed.

‘Hell Jack, you and the girls have done nothing but impress me every single day. How’s Red holding up?’

This time I looked at her and she smiled back at me.

‘She’s doing just fine Mathew, Red is up to speed on what we sent you and we have given ourselves an extra day in case you have anything to add to this. If not then set the date and we will get this started.’

‘Ok I will do. Like I said, I have my people looking at what you sent us. We will highlight everything that they could try and use in a court of law, but lets face it, the photo’s Joseph has of Reds back when she came to the clinic would bury any of them if they tried to fight her in court on this.’

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Frankie takes delivery of her New Car

It was just over a week since the incident with Chris and Frankie had received a phone call to say her car was ready and if she wanted they would deliver it.Frankie asked the caller if Chris could deliver it and the caller agreed he would deliver it that evening.After what had happened with Chris she decided she was going to get her own back.Frankie dressed carefully taking her time, making sure she was spotlessly clean, her pussy was cleanly shaved, she was really going to get her own back on...

2 years ago
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Frankie Ian Sex Game Part 2

Chris held out six straws in her hand and asked each to pull one to decide who went first, explaining the first cards would all be light until everyone had had two go’s each and then they could be medium or hard.The short straw got to go first and the rest followed in size upwards until the longest was last.Once they had all pulled a straw Chris held the final one out and measured against the rest, Ian had pulled the short straw, next the all selected a game piece, Ian selected a boob, Frankie...

4 years ago
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Frankie Gaz Food First time Anal

A few years ago Frankie had a fuck buddy called Gaz, she had met him at work and ended up fucking him for the first time after a works night out.Frankie loved spending time with Gaz because it was pure unadulterated fucking and nothing more, because they had fucked so many times they each other’s bodies inside out and there were no inhibitions whatsoever.One night they were both completely smashed when they bumped into each other in a night club and both knew where the night would end, either...

1 year ago
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Frankie Ian Reece

Before Frankie could get her thoughts together and push Reece off, Ian appeared in front of them, Reece pulled out quickly and roughly shoved his cock back into his overalls mumbling “sorry mate” to Ian.Frankie tried to speak but saw the look of pure lust in Ian’s eyes as he stared at her soaking wet pussy, she reached down to try and pick her jog pants up and Ian pushed them away with his foot.“Right young un, you been fucking my Mrs so now I am going to fuck you” as he grabbed at the front of...

4 years ago
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Frankie goes to Coffee Shop 3

Frankie was horny as fuck and she walked into the coffee shop a week to the day she had last fucked Bob, she didn’t know whether he would there, but if not she would find someone else to satisfy her urge.She ordered her coffee, sugared it as usual and went to sit down on the sofa they had sat on the previous week, it was a good place as it was quite dark and the table was just tall enough that no one could see under it. Or so she hoped!She couldn’t believe she was planning what she was going to...

1 year ago
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Frankie Goes for a Test Drive

Frankie had decided it was about time she bought a new car, so she took herself to the nearest car dealership.She had a look around and nothing was really taking her fancy, so decided she would go and look somewhere else.As she was walking out of the door she heard a voice from behind asking her to wait a minute, he was sure they had something which would suit her.As she turned round she noticed the voice had come from someone around the same age as her tall with dark hair and brooding eyes,...

3 years ago
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Frankies latest visit to the Coffee Shop

Frankie was horny as fuck and she walked into the coffee shop a week to the day she had last fucked Bob, she didn’t know whether he would there, but if not she would find someone else to satisfy her urge.She ordered her coffee, sugared it as usual and went to sit down on the sofa they had sat on the previous week, it was a good place as it was quite dark and the table was just tall enough that no one could see under it. Or so she hoped!She couldn’t believe she was planning what she was going to...

3 years ago
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Frankie Ian Sex Game Part 3

Dave moved across the floor towards Frankie who was sat with her dress around her waist as he lifted her legs he pulled the dress from her, fingers searching out her pussy lips he reached up to kiss her, his tongue found hers and started to dance inside her mouth.Frankie thought for all she didn’t like seeing Ian have his cock sucked by a man she was still soaking wet as Dave’s fingers separated her pussy lips and entered her, still kissing her passionately, he started to move inside her,...

4 years ago
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Frankie dogging

Monday came round before Frankie realised and after having a late night the previous night with quite a lot of booze consumed she didn’t feel her best.She struggled to get showered and dressed and her make up sunk straight in as she applied it, she was annoyed with herself for drinking so much the previous night but couldn’t do anything about it so took a couple of paracetamols and hoped she would feel better before Bob arrived.She had taken care in dressing, though she struggled with it, as...

4 years ago
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Frankie Bob Part 3

Monday came round before Frankie realised and after having a late night the previous night with quite a lot of booze consumed she didn’t feel her best.She struggled to get showered and dressed and her make up sunk straight in as she applied it, she was annoyed with herself for drinking so much the previous night but couldn’t do anything about it so took a couple of paracetamols and hoped she would feel better before Bob arrived.She had taken care in dressing, though she struggled with it, as...

2 years ago
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Frankie Kelly

Frankie had gone to a toy party at her friends, she didn’t really like toy parties and lots of silly women giggling but Kelly was a good friend and she felt she should go.She was sat gazing into space while the hostess first showed off all the sexy lingerie she had and then got onto the main event as the toys came out to whoops and cheers of joy for the assembled girls.Frankie wasn’t really in the mood she would rather have been shagging Ian’s brains out somewhere, at that thought her pussy...

2 years ago
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Frankie goes to Coffee Shop

Frankie’s meeting had finished early and she now had an hour and a half to waste before she was due at her next one.She decided to go and look for a coffee shop which had wireless so she could check her emails in peace.She picked one of the chain coffee shops feeling sure they would have wireless.Today she was dressed in a black skirt suit, the skirt was knee length with her customary lace top hold ups and kitten heel shoes for comfort.She ordered her coffee and found a corner where no on one...

3 years ago
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Frankie The Plumber

Frankie picked the phone up in a panic who did she know who could stem the flow that was now running out of a pipe in the kitchen.As she hunted through her contacts she felt sure she knew a plumber and there he was at the top, her friends ex husband Adam.She quickly rang him and he answered straight away and said he would be with her within 15 minutes.She put the phone down and tried in vain to find the stop cock, she was soaking from trying to stem the flow, her jeans and t-shirt clinging to...

1 year ago
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Frankie and the Builders

Since joining the sex site Frankie just couldn't get enough sex, she was constantly turned on and her pussy was always screaming out for attention.She had put a call into her landlord earlier in the day because her back door wasn't shutting properly, he had said he would try and get someone to look at it but would ring her back to let her know.At this moment she was laid on her bed legs wide open, fucking herself with her rampant rabbit, she had made no plans for sex today but she needed an...

2 years ago
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Frankie and Cassie Naked In SchoolPart 3 Wednesday

I got to school the next morning, and met up with Cass. Everything seemed fine, she was her normal self. We went to the entrance, got undressed, and went inside. That's when all hell broke loose. We walked in, and noticed people huddled in knots at various points along the corridor. We went to one of them, and took a look. People were looking at something that had been hung up on the walls. GodDAMMIT! Someone had gotten a camera. Somehow, they had taken a picture of Cassie-not all of...

2 years ago
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Frankie was the first girl I was attracted to. We met when I started university – she was my chemistry lab partner. She had short trendy brunette hair, sparkling green eyes that twinkled when she smiled and the most gorgeous soft pink lips that pouted ever so slightly. She always dressed well and kept up with the latest trends that made the other girls in my class envy her.   We shared the same interests in music and film and would try and organise nights out with people from the same degree...

4 years ago
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Frankie Bob Part 5

The following day Bob rang Frankie and asked her to be ready in half an hour, stockings, suspenders, basque and high heels, Frankie questioned” what he wanted to do”? But he just replied, “get ready and you will find out”.Frankie took great care, first shaving her pussy, legs and underarms, before drying off and sliding into a white suspender belt, white stockings, white thong and high heels, she felt quite horny at the look, though doubted she would be able to walk for long in the heels.She...

3 years ago
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Frankie Fetish

The following day Bob rang Frankie and asked her to be ready in half an hour, stockings, suspenders, basque and high heels, Frankie questioned what he wanted to do but he just replied, get ready and you will find out.Frankie took great care, first shaving her pussy, legs and underarms, before drying off and sliding into a white suspender belt, white stockings, white thong and high heels, she felt quite horny at the look, though doubted she would be able to walk for long in the heels.She...

3 years ago
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Frankies Dream

My stories are very often fantasy, this one isn't it only happened on Friday evening!!!Ian had gone to stay with some friends for the evening and Frankie was all alone when the doorbell rang.She was sat just having some quality time on her own, catching up with watching tv and drinking her favourite filter coffee.As she was home alone she was only wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt with no bra, she hated wearing a bra most of the time and when she was at home she took every opportunity to...

3 years ago
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Frankie Ian Sex Game Part 1

A few weeks ago Frankie and Ian had met Chris and Danny in a restaurant and then gone back to theirs and ended up having sex, Chris rang Frankie and invited her and Ian over to a dinner party she was holding, Chris told her at the time she had invited another couple Cathy and Dave.As Frankie was getting ready to go to Chris and Danny she was asking Ian what he thought she should wear and did he think it was just going to turn into an orgy at the end of the night.Ian laughed at her saying ‘I...

3 years ago
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Frankie and Cassie Naked In SchoolPart 5 Friday

I woke up with Cassie wrapped around me, snuggled into my chest. Now that is something I could get used to in a hurry. "Hey," she said softly. "I didn't know you were up," I said. "Just a couple minutes. I really liked waking up in your arms, so I was just lying here enjoying it." "Ditto," I smiled. "What time is it?" "Time to get up and too late to have any fun, unfortunately," she laughed. "The alarm's going to go off in three minutes." "Ah, well," I said. "Somehow,...

2 years ago
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Frankie gets seduced

It was a Friday night and Frankie was out on the town with the girls celebrating her friends birthday.She was wearing a knee length dress with high heels and matching thong and bra in white.She had had a few drinks but was still aware of her surroundings as she was chatting and flirting with various guys, she felt on top of the world and wanted everyone she came into contact with to know it.She had recently finished a long term relationship and found her way onto a sex personals site and had...

2 years ago
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Frankie at the Conference

After Frankie had eaten breakfast she shared a car with a couple of her colleagues to travel to the venue.She was first on and as she got up to speak she realised Rich had sat right at the front and was watching her every word and move.She knew that she could have done better, because all the time she was speaking she couldn’t stop herself from talking directly to Rich.When she had finished Frankie walked of stage and straight outside for a cigarette. No sooner had she lit up Rich was at her...

4 years ago
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Frankie at the Gym again

The following day Frankie couldn't wait to get back to the gym in the hope of seeing Liam.She knew he worked out every day and roughly the same time as her, she had taken great care this time before going, she had shaved her pussy and instead of a sports bra was wearing matching white lacy bra and pants.She pulled on a tight t-shirt which she knew her nipples protruded through and pair of tight shorts.As she drove into the car park she was excited to see his car was already there, she got out...

3 years ago
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Frankie and Cassie Naked In SchoolPart 6 Saturday

That has got to be the strangest sensation I've ever felt. Strange in a good way, I mean. Waking up with my boyfriend's hard cock buried all the way in me. And we'd been like that all night! "You awake?" I whispered. "Yeah, " he said. I giggled and said, "I think we beat two hours. Even if we did sleep through it." "Yup. But, wow, the dreams I had!" "I know what you mean, " I giggled. He pulled out of me then. "Hey! Get back in me!" I pouted. "Just readjusting. If I...

2 years ago
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The world is full of history and great stories. From a very young age I sat and listened to them and let my mind show me. As I grew older and my magic made itself known I wrote the stories down. It did not matter what else I had to learn or do, the stories still took me away. I was eighteen when I had enough of other people telling me what to do and when. I thought long and then created a wagon like the travelers. I made a second wagon that carried a tent and lots of cushions and a huge rug....

2 years ago
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Frankie Sandford Special Delivery

We were there for a simple enough task, just your standard flat-pack-assembly job that would take up an hour or so to complete, so the last thing I expected was to "hook up" with someone new in the process, but that's precisely what happened. I knew almost nothing about the client, singer Frankie Sandford, who despite having two k**s in recent years still looked as gorgeous as ever. In fact the chemistry between us was undeniable as she watched the guys and I build her custom made cabinet right...

4 years ago
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Frankie by Callie Messenger The bottle had belonged to my great-great-grandfather. He had been an only slightly famous but very passionate archaeologist and Egyptologist. That was about all I knew about him, and what was written in the museum notes. But the museum was being shut down, and the small loan section that had belonged to Harold Arthur D'Arborfield Jenkinson was being returned to his family. That was me, Johnathan Francis Jenkinson. Frank to all that knew...

2 years ago
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Frankies First Chocolate Part 1

Frankie was beginning to wonder what else she could try, when she was online and a message flashed up from a guy called Kai.As she opened his profile, the biggest chocolate cock she had ever seen popped up on the screen in front of her eyes, the picture having been taken just after he had cum was covered with his juice.Her eyes nearly popped out at the sight and her pussy began to throb instantly, she read his details and she was quite disappointed to see he wasn’t close to her.She felt her...

3 years ago
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Frankie Bob Part 4

All the way home all Frankie could think about was her next orgasm, she was quickly becoming insatiable and couldn’t wait to feel Bob’s cock inside her again, she stroked him very slowly till they pulled up outside her house, thankfully today of all days there was room to park outside the door which meant she didn’t have to do the embarrassing no knicker walk for too far.Bob walked round and opened the car door for her and gave her his hand to guide her out, Frankie pulled at her skirt trying...

2 years ago
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Frankies Train Journey

Frankie was sat on the train in first class reading a book and doing her usual people watching as passengers got on and off.There were only three people in first class and they were all sat at separate tables she looked across the aisle to see a man dressed in a business suit about 40 with dark hair, his eyes staring at the laptop in front of him totally oblivious to anything going on around him.Frankie was on her way to a meeting so she was dressed in a dark blue skirt suit with a v neck top...

3 years ago
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Frankie fucks in the coffee shop

Frankie’s meeting had finished early and she now had an hour and a half to waste before she was due at her next one.She decided to go and look for a coffee shop which had wireless so she could check her emails in peace.She picked one of the chain coffee shops feeling sure they would have wireless.Today she was dressed in a black skirt suit, skirt knee length with her customary lace top hold ups and kitten heel shoes for comfort.She ordered her coffee and found a corner where no on one else...

4 years ago
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Frankie goes to Coffee Shop 2

Chapter 2Frankie had an hour to kill before her meeting so decided to visit the coffee shop again, possibly in the hope that Bob might also be there so they could have a rerun, but if not she would be happy just to get off her feet for half an hour.She was wearing her usual work clothes of skirt suit, shirt, hold ups and shoes, today her suit was grey, it was warm outside and she couldn’t wait to take her shoes and jacket off.She ordered her coffee, sugared it and went to sit in the corner a...

4 years ago
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Frankie Chocolate Part 2

As Frankie recovered herself, her body stocking soaked from top to bottom with either her juices or champagne, Kai scooped her up in his arms and laid her on the bed, as he started to pull her arms out of the stocking, he lost his patience and started to rip at the stocking, first he pulled it away from her breasts and as he felt it rip beneath his agile fingers he continued to tear it all the way down to her pussy, leaving her totally exposed where he wanted her to be.In her excitement at...

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