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My head was spinning at the realization of what had happened not three hours before. I married Sam. Holy lord. This could end up being the most wonderfully tortuous existence a man could ever lead.

‘So what do we do now?’ Sam asked.

I glanced at her and bit my bottom lip, glancing back at the road.

‘Pervert!’ she laughed.

We got a room, nothing fancy, just a typical cheap motel room. Not that it mattered. I wasn’t there to enjoy the scenery, I was there to be with Sam. We headed upstairs and stood outside the door, just looking at it.

‘Well what are you waiting for?’ Sam asked, poking me in the ribs.

‘This,’ I quickly opened the door and then picked Sam up, eliciting a squeal from my new wife. Wife!

I carried her into the room and tossed her on the bed.

‘My, how traditional, Fredward,’ Sam said with a smile, rising to her knees. ‘Come here.’ She wagged her finger at me. Gulping, I walked toward her slowly before I got within arm’s reach of her and she grabbed me by the collar, yanking me on top of her and kissing me passionately.

‘Mmm, Mr. Benson,’ she said as she pulled her mouth away from mine.

‘Yes, Mrs. Benson?’ I replied. She grinned, then rolled off the bed. I was acutely disappointed.

‘I’m gonna get a shower,’ she said. ‘Be back in a few.’ She stopped, and turned around again. ‘No peeking.’

With that, she turned and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. I fell back on the bed, sighing. Suddenly wanting to get comfortable, I pulled my shirt over my head and unbuckled my belt, then made quick work of my shoes and socks. That’s better.

Laying back, I waited patiently for Sam to return, staring up at the ceiling. After what seemed like an eternity, I heard the bathroom door creak open and turned my head to look.

Oh my god.

Sam was standing there in only a towel, her mass of blonde ringlets falling around her bare shoulders. I sat up quickly, staring at her.

‘See something you like, Fredweeb?’ she taunted.

‘Come here,’ I said in a tone that was so low I wasn’t sure if it was even my own voice.

Sam edged toward the bed, seeming a little nervous. I held my hand out to her, taking hers and kissing it softly. She sighed. I moved to sit on the edge of the bed, pulling her towards me.

‘You nervous?’ I asked, playing with her hair. She nodded.

‘A little,’ she admitted.

‘Me too,’ I replied. I kissed her softly, and she responded by tangling her fingers at the base of my hair and tugging slightly. I groaned in approval, and she moved even closer, pressing her body against mine. I broke the kiss and ran my fingertips across the edge of the towel.

‘This,’ I murmured, ‘Needs to go.’

Sam took a deep breath. I let her regain her bearings before I unwrapped the towel from her body, letting it pool at the floor. My gaze traveled down from her face, lower…

Wow. Puberty had been good to Samantha Puckett. Scratch that. Puberty had been good to Samantha BENSON. She had the sexiest body I had ever seen, and let’s be honest, nerds watch a LOT of porn. Her body was a myriad of wonderful contradictions, thin, but curvy, firm but soft. I was gaping at her, and I didn’t care.

‘Freddie?’ I was making her nervous.

‘You’re beautiful,’ I whispered, pulling her to me and kissing her. She moaned into my mouth as our bare torsos came into contact for the first time. God, she was so warm and soft. I fell back onto the bed, pulling her with me, and quickly rolled over so I was on top of her, never breaking the kiss. My hands moved from her hair, down over her soft neck, down the sides of her body. She gasped as I rubbed against her.

‘You’d better take those off,’ she said breathlessly.

‘Is that what you want, Mrs. Benson?’ I teased.

‘I don’t want to get them…messy,’ she said, biting her lip.

Oh man, that meant I was having an effect on her. I stood up, and she propped up on her elbows, looking up at me. Without waiting for me to speak, she sat up and began unbuttoning my jeans. She made quick work of unzipping them, relieving the pressure that was building up in me. With a quick look up at me, in one swift motion, she pulled my jeans, along with my boxers, over my hips, letting them fall to the floor. My erection sprang free, and she gaped, mouth open. I tried not to grin. Sam was impressed, that was a good sign. I stepped out of my pants and came back on top of her, kissing her, both of us gasping as we rubbed against each other.

‘God, Freddie,’ she murmured. I kissed her lips, her cheeks, her jaw. My mouth trailed down her neck, over her collar bone. I sucked on it briefly, eliciting a moan from my new wife. My mouth trailed lower, and I heard her suck in a deep breath, her fingernails digging into my arms.

My god, she had gorgeous breasts. All pale and white with pink tips, large for her petite frame. My hand went to her left one, massaging it, and she moaned, arching her back. That was my cue to let my mouth cover the right one, and I did eagerly, licking and sucking and rubbing the flat of my tongue across the tip of her nipple. She was panting now, driving me crazy, grinding against me. I was rock hard, I had to be really careful not to slip inside her before I managed to put a condom on. No little Freddies or Sams running around, not for quite a few years anyway. My mouth traveled to the other breast, treating it to same pleasure as the first one.

‘God, Freddie,’ she whimpered. ‘This feels amazing.’ She moaned again.

‘Just getting started, sweetness,’ I murmured against her skin. I let my mouth travel further down her body, kissing her ribs, across her flat stomach, dipping my tongue into her navel. Even lower I kissed, biting at her hip bones. She was tossing her head from side to side, her breathing ragged and uneven. I could feel her hips lift off the bed, trying to get closer to my mouth. I smirked, proud of myself for the effect I was having on her.

‘I’m gonna make you feel so good,’ I said, looking up at my place between her legs to stare her in the eyes. God, this was so hot! I looked down, and…hmm. That was interesting. I looked back up at her, grinning.

‘Did you do that for me?’ I asked, referring to the carefully shaped ‘F’ that she had shaped her pubic hair into. So that’s what took her so long in the shower.

‘No, I did it because I love fudge,’ she said sarcastically. I laughed, kissing her stomach and letting my hand trail to her thigh, squeezing it. She was shaking.

‘Relax, Sam.’ I moved up her body to kiss her. ‘I want this to be so good for the both of us, baby.’

‘Say it again,’ she said.

‘I want this to be good for both of us?’ I asked.

‘No, the part where you called me baby,’ she responded. I grinned.

‘Baby,’ I said, kissing her. ‘My sweet, sweet baby.’ My hand started a steady trail down her body until I reached her sex, running my fingers lightly over it at first, enjoying the way it made her pant. I began to rub, and as she began grinding her hips against my hand, I applied more pressure.

‘Oh, god…Freddie…oh…this feels so…OH!’ her back arched suddenly, her hands gripping the sheets underneath her. I smirked. I guess I found Sam’s sensitive spot. I purposefully rubbed the same spot over and over, enjoying the way she bucked against my hand. I stopped watching her face to bend down and kiss her deeply. She kissed me passionately, our tongues fighting one another for dominance, and then without warning I slid a finger inside her. Sam tore her mouth away from mine, biting my shoulder as she moaned. I felt her teeth dig into my shoulder, but it didn’t make me stop or even pull back a little. I guess I’d always enjoyed the little bit of pain mixed with pleasure Sam brought to my life. Not entirely psychologically healthy, but who cares? Addictions never were healthy, were they? I was hopelessly addicted to this girl, and I never wanted to recover from it.

‘Oh my god! Freddieeeeee…’ she moaned as I slowly moved my finger in and out. I wanted to take my time, get her body used to it. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt her.

‘More?’ I asked, my thumb coming up to rub her clit. She whimpered, and as she arched her back again I licked over her neck.

‘God, more, please…’ she begged. I added another finger, but held still as I noticed the way she hissed in pain.

‘Hurt?’ I asked, worried. She shook her head.

‘A little,’ she responded. Her hands went to the back of my neck, pulling my head down to kiss me.

‘Do you want me to stop?’ I asked as I broke the kiss.

‘Yeah, I want you to stop fingering me,’ she said. Shit! I had hurt her! I was acutely disappointed, until she spoke again.

‘I want you inside me. Now.’ she said.

‘But, Sam, I don’t want to hurt you…’ I began, stopping short as she kissed me roughly, biting my lip so hard I could taste a little bit of blood. I jerked away, my head snapping back. ‘Ow! Sam that hurt!’

‘Then we’re even,’ she quipped spicily, grabbing my dick and slowly pumping it up and down. I moaned into the crook of her neck. She could be downright evil when she wanted to be. I fucking loved it. ‘I want you inside me, Freddie. I don’t care if it hurts…I…’

‘You what, baby?’ I asked, trying to focus as she continued to play with my dick. It wasn’t easy, my brain was starting to go foggy.

‘Well…I mean…I want you to be as close to me as you can possibly can. I…I love you. I want to feel you inside of me.’ God, I was hard as a rock now. Hearing her tell me she loved me…nothing turned me on more than hearing those three little words. Except what her hand was doing to my dick right now. I could feel my lower body twitch.

‘God, Sam, you’d better stop or we’re not gonna get there at all,’ I said, shuddering as she continued stroking me. I pushed her hand away. ‘Where are the condoms?’

‘In my duffel,’ Sam responded. I got up and walked over to her duffel bag, fishing through it. I turned around with a look of amusement on my face when I heard Sam whistle.

‘What was that about?’

‘You have got one fine ass, Benson,’ Sam said, propped up on her elbow, grinning at me. I watched her eyes travel over my body, trying not to smirk as I watched her lick her lips. She stood up, walking over to me, and grabbed the back of my head, pulling my mouth to hers, pressing her body against mine. My hands went to her lower back, pressing her body against me and grinding into her hips. Without warning I picked her up, wrapping her legs around my waist, and walked her over to the bed, coming over top of her, kissing her mouth, her jaw, her neck, my fingers tangling through her long blonde hair. She broke the kiss, gasping.

‘Put the condom on, Freddie,’ she said. I got up on my knees, ripping open the foil packet with my teeth, and she watched as I rolled the condom over my erection. I laid back down between her legs.

Ready?’ I asked, kissing her.

‘Yes,’ she whispered. ‘Come on, baby.’

It was a little awkward at first, lining up our bodies the right way, but then I tentatively pushed inside her a little bit. She sucked in a sharp breath.

‘You okay?’ I asked.

‘Yeah,’ she breathed, nodding. ‘I love you.’

I kissed her. ‘I love you too.’ God, she was so warm and tight, it was hard to keep my head on straight. I pulled out a little bit, then thrust deeper into her, feeling a little bit resistance as I encountered the proof that she’d never been with anyone else.

‘Last call, baby,’ I said. ‘Are you sure you’re okay?’

‘I just have to get used to you…you’re so big,’ she said, forcing a smile. ‘Come on, just do it…’

‘I don’t want to hurt you, I…Sam!’ I moaned as she wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled her hips to mine, forcing me in all the way. I had felt a slight resistance and a popping, but the sudden rush of being buried deep inside her was unlike anything I had ever felt, light-headedness and dizziness overtaking me. Sam had taken matters into her own hands because she knew I was hesitant to cause her pain, and I was supremely grateful.

‘Are you okay?’ I asked.

She nodded, smiling. The smile wasn’t forced this time. She kissed me. ‘Make love to me, Freddie.’

I moaned, burying my face in her neck as I began to thrust in and out of her.

I felt her hips grinding against mine and a loud moan escaped her lips.

‘Oh my god, you feel so good,’ she groaned, her nails digging into my shoulders. She’d probably leave marks, but fuck, WHO CARED? She could cover my entire body with marks and I’d just beg for her to do it again! ‘Oh my god, Freddie…’

‘Sam…fuck…this feels so good…’ it was so hard to hold out, to not explode. ‘God…’

‘Freddieeeeee…’ she bit my shoulder, and the pain and pleasure mixed together was unreal. We began to move together faster, all signs of pain from Sam gone.

‘Sam…god…I’m gonna…’ Christ, just hold out a little longer, Freddie!

‘God, Freddie…’ she moaned. ‘I’m so close! Oh my god…’

I bent my head to lick over her breasts, driving her further to the edge. The last thing I wanted was to explode before she’d had a chance to reach her peak. I tried to angle my hips a different way. I was no expert, but I’d read a few anatomy books and seen more than my fair share of porn. I guess the angle worked, because her back suddenly arched, her head going back, mouth hanging open. Her fingernails dug into my back and she let out a long, drawn out moan.

‘Oh god, Freddieeeee…’ she gasped, her body shaking underneath me. I felt her inner walls clench around me repeatedly, and that was all it took to send me hurtling over the edge. I buried my face in the crook of her neck as I exploded, shuddering.

We were still for a moment, the both of us waiting for our heartbeats to slow down. I pulled out of her and deposited the used protection in the trash can next to the bed, then pulled her into my arms.

‘You okay?’ I asked, kissing her neck. She sighed happily.

‘Better than okay,’ she responded, snuggling against me. ‘Was it…good?’

I grinned. ‘It was great. How about you?’

She bit her bottom lip. ‘I had no idea anything could feel that good.’ she kissed me sweetly. ‘I love you. I’m so glad we did this.’

‘What, had sex?’

‘No. Got married,’ she responded. ‘Nub.’ She yawned.

I kissed her softly. ‘Love you, Mrs. Benson.’

She laughed. ‘It may take me awhile to get used to that.’

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Intr-o seara racoroasa de primavara timpurie, o femeie necunoscuta m-a oprit cand ieseam de la cursuri pe poarta universitatii: “Anatolia, te caut de un an de zile… te rog sa scrii povestea mea; asta e jurnalul meu intim”. Mi-a pus in brate un caiet si a plecat la fel de misterios precum aparuse. O vazusem doar cateva clipe… era frumoasa, avea cam 35 de ani si niste ochi mari si tristi. Am destelenit cu greu zecile de pagini scrise marunt si incalcit, insa in final am descoperit o drama...

2 years ago
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Hi friends I’m riya from hyderabad. This is a true story about me how I met a dreamman of my life and he really made my dream come true. Now let’s start the story. I’m a cross dresser from hyderabad. Main ek cross dresser hoon aur mujhe ek aurat ki taraha sajna sawarna bahout pasand tha lekin mere pass woh kuch bhi nahi tha jiske main ek poori aurat ban saku. Main regularly facebook use kiya karti thi aur kuch dino ke baadh maine apne inbox main ek message dekha aur unse baath shuru hue unhone...

Gay Male
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So since Iv'e met and marry Garry who is older than me, he has introduced me to a world of sexual fantasy that I could only dream of, I am now classed as a Party Girl / Slut and I enjoy this new reputation with pride. The following story is one that I have just got to share with the readers of this forum… Garry had come home from work one day and was on his computer when he got a call to go straight back out for a quick quote on a job… I went into the Computer room to pick a nice book...

1 year ago
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Introduction: My Horse Experience Hi Readers I would like to add another adventure in the sexual world that my new husband has shown me&hellip, So since Ive met and marry Garry who is older than me, he has introduced me to a world of sexual fantasy that I could only dream of, I am now classed as a Party Girl / Slut and I enjoy this new reputation with pride. The following story is one that I have just got to share with the readers of this forum&hellip, Garry had come home from work one day...

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I admired myself in the mirror, and smiled. _Damn, I look good for 30. _I mused, and glanced up at my husband, Jonah. He had combed back blond hair, which was where our baby girl, Daisy, got hers from. At eight, she was already a wild child, and tore up the halls of her elementary school. To my utter shock, she’s “dated” three boys. Why do little kids even think about that? “Hey, Danielle. I’m going to be working late tonight. Why don’t you bring over those cookies you made for the new...

4 years ago
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After moving from Cleveland area to Jacksonville Florida we continued to swing,at first just 3 somes and 4 somes with men we met in clubs at Mayport. Then I Isaw an ad in a swingers paper for a swingers directory, $20.00 to join for ayear, when we placed our ad we checked off couples,single males,all races,groups, bi's, lesbian and other kinky thing's. We waited to receive our firstissue and it finally came after a few week's. We eagerly went thru it lookingfor contacts in the area, we saw...

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When you awake, you’re not sure how long it’s been since we had sex – maybe an hour or more, as many of the candles have burnt out and it’s a lot darker. The room of the holiday-cabin seems to be filled with vague, flickering shapes of blackness. You sense a movement nearby and turn on your side to see me sitting at the edge of the bed where I’ve pulled back the thin, white cotton d**** that surrounds us. I’m motionless now and facing out into the room. You follow my gaze and discern indistinct...

3 years ago
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E084 Meeting Donalds Aunt

In the morning, Donald and Emma awake wrapped in each other’s arms.  Yesterday had been so fulfilling, and today will be something so different for them to experience together.  But on waking, they both only want one thing at this moment.  To feel each other deeply.It starts with just gentle good morning kisses, then their sudden need to cling to each other, holding each other tight to show how much they each care for the other.  They can hear their hearts beating as one as they do.Then Donald...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Factory Love 8211 Part III

Hi Readers. Thanks for the feedback for first two part of the story. This is a continuation for the first and second part of Factory Love in Maid Section. It’s a classy Indian Sex Story… NO INCEST… NO DIRTY…I request the new readers to have a glimpse at first two parts Anyhow, I have tried to shorten my first two parts of story shortly in next two lines… “I am offered a job in a government manufacturing company. Manisha is a gorgeous girl in the factory and reshma is voluptuous girl who stand...

2 years ago
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A World of My Own Ch 1

This is my first attempt at writing anything beyond business crap for a very long time (20+ years) and the first time I’ve tried an erotic story. Any constructive feedback will be absolutely welcomed. * * * * * Chapter 1: The Awakening It was a gray rainy day not unlike every other fall day that weighed upon the folks in my hometown in upper Washington State. What amazed me is that it never seemed to get people down. For me, it always did and I often retreated into by own world, a world of...

1 year ago
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Celebrity amnesia

You put down your phone for the evening and stand to head towards bed when there is a knock at the door. You open the door, annoyed at your late night disturbance, and can't believe who is standing there.

1 year ago
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Endurance Test Fail

Mark sat on the bed bent over tying his shoes. He looked up as Jenny came in with her long blonde hair hanging free and wearing a white tank top and yellow running shorts. "Hey babe," she said in a broken English with a German accent. "Want to play?" "I'm afraid to ask," he said. "I want to sit on your face." "Again?" "Yes!" she said excitedly. "Again." "I'm not sure," he said. "Take off your clothes and lie down for me," she said as a demand as much as a...

2 years ago
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Ms Whitman Part 4 Robbie

Since our first encounter, Robbie’s grades were beginning to slowly increase. We hadn’t done anything since then but I think knowing he would get a reward if he aced his next test was enough for him to remain patient. We’d been giving each other looks throughout the week and it was time for Robbie to ace this test. As badly as I wanted to fuck Robbie again, I probably wouldn’t have if he didn’t get an A on his test. I handed the tests out to everyone giving Robbie I light graze on his arm...

4 years ago
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Hearts Desire

It has been many years since I obtained what I've always thought of as my heart's desire. I was a senior, almost at the end of my five years at university. One Spring Break, I made what I later came to realise could have been a mistake, and went to Florida. Never mind where, but it was sunny and overly warm for someone used to the snows of northern Springs. Many of the "breakers," some few of whom I knew, were the typically wild college guys and girls of the day and wore little more than...

4 years ago
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survey says

It was a quiet evening, the chill of winter and a bit of snow on the ground. Our first meet was at the park, sunny and 70 degrees. Our conversations had been long before we met and longer in person. After the first few meets she signed and filled out the survey. Why sign well mutual protection to not exceed limits and not cause issues. The survey was rather normal, this is a good thing. But I took note of the one thing that she had filled out the contradicted our conversations. I brought...

3 years ago
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If I had Her

For the most amazing woman xI have never been with another woman…but this is how I imagine it will be like when it’s the first time….She sits me on the bed. Her hands stroke my face as she brings her lips down to mine. She feels so warm and soft, her tongue gently explores my mouth. I have wanted this to happen for so long. Taking her time she unbuttons my blouse. She slips it over my shoulder and I reach out for my first touch of her. My heart races as I place my hands over her breasts. Her...

3 years ago
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The Price She Paid

I would gratefully like to acknowledge Mr. Ram as my Editor. Without his suggestions and watchful eye, this story would not be as complete. To him and all of our volunteer Editors, Thank You! ************ The Price She Paid By: Anon Allsop With frustration, I looked back at the little girl running to catch up with me. I hated her almost as much as I did her brother, Jeremy. It wasn't always that way, we used to be good friends way back when. But when my girlfriend dumped...

1 year ago
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Then I cummed in their mouths..I cummed loads…mom was tired but still horny..she started sucking my penis I was still hard..then I spread her legs wide and inserted my penis in her pussy and ramming mom was moaning in pleasure..I fucked in that position for 15min then I fucked her doggy style…she was moaning heavily..and me too..then mom was screaming and enjoying …. We fucked her hard and we slept together as we were exhausted… [email protected]

3 years ago
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Surat Corporate Lady And Young Guy

About me Name : Hardik Age : 23 Location : Gujarat Contact : So this happened last month. As usual I was chatting with unknown girls on chatrooms online. There i got a msg from shreya (name changed) . So we started chatting casually. She surprised that I am 23 and single. Soon I got to know that she is 34 years old and married lady. She is executive in sales for some good company. I too being in same profession we have nice bonding from the start. We chatted for almost 2 hours about various...

2 years ago
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Corporate Incentives

Corporate Incentives By Gingerfred Man NOTE: Some of this was drawn almost verbatim from a story I posted under another nom de smut for a different genre. So, since one can't plagiarize oneself, please don't accuse me of plagiarism. Most of it is new. Chapter One -- Movin' on up Nathan Harden trembled with excitement. The 34-year-old mid-level executive of Amalgamated Global Widgets had just gotten "The Call." The Call was when an executive of the 20,000-employee,...

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A Familys New Years Eve Part 4

A Family New Year’s Eve – Part IV     Please read “A Family New Year’s Eve – Chapters I and II and III” – before you read this (if you haven’t already.) This will make more sense if you do.     I don’t know what I found more shocking – the sharp pain from where Lisa, my beautifully wicked twenty year old daughter, pinched the skin under the crown of my cock, or the image she had just put in to my head.   We were laying in my bed, now very early in...

1 year ago
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Jacks Domination

I’m only five foot five tall, and the thing that blows me away, is how many big men are turned-on by smaller guys. At clubs and bars I permanently feel like I am in a ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ fantasy, and to make matters worse, my name is Jack! I frequently have to make quick getaways when some oversized giant latches onto me, afraid of being in the clutches of one of these intimidating titans. ‘Pick on someone your own size,’ is what I always reason. Mostly, I am very successful with my...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The Spirit of 66Chapter 2

Two weeks after the onset of Melody's strange events; Abigail was laid naked on her bed; teasing her sister; for Abigail was very strongly bi sexual and loved trying to embarrass her heterosexual sister. Finally despairing Cassandra had stormed out of the room declaring that Abigail was nothing more than a slut; it was taken in a jovial manner because Abigail responded by saying, "Better a bi sexual slut than a heterosexual prude!" Ten minutes later Abigail still naked on top of her bed...

1 year ago
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Making it with Sir Hubert

Times were hard and I realized hard times meant stringent measures. During a passive get-together with a pal who turned out to be my first lover, he hinted that if ever I got hard up I could always rent my body, because I had it all. Well he was speaking from experience because he had well and truly lavished me in a manner to which I soon became accustomed. His name was Marshall, a Canadian living in England at the time and we had six good riveting months together - to the extent that, if ever...


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