- 1 year ago
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One of the partners in my firm had gotten in early on a condominium development in SW Florida. By the time the building was complete, Mark and a few of his wealthier clients had parlayed their initial investment to the point that they now owned the entire six condos on the top floor of the prime beachfront unit. He had offered me the use of his place on numerous occasions, expounding upon the private, white sand beach, beautifully landscaped grounds, local upscale shopping (for my wife), and abundant golfing opportunities (for me). After my daughter’s junior year, my wife and I decided that it might be nice to take an extended vacation before she went of to college in the fall, so I blocked off two full weeks for the first time in my career and took my partner up on his offer.
If anything, he undersold the place. His unit had four spacious bedrooms, my 12 and 15 year old boys were estatic that they wouldn’t be sharing a room, and was expensively decorated. His large kitchen had granite tops and teak wood cabinets, the living area was plushly furnished and it had a huge balcony overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. I played at least 18 holes a day while my family lounged on the beach. We ate great seafood almost every night at some fantastic local haunts and soaked up tons of sunshine.
Midway through the second week of paradise, one of my partner’s clients and co-investors came down to his place. Nicholas Pavlos, or Nico as he liked to be known, was the only son of a Greek immigrant who founded a chain of home electronics stores across the Midwest. When his father passed away, Nico found himself a millionaire several times over even though he had just (barely) graduated from college.
My partner had told me that Nico was burning through his inheritance at an alarming rate. Raised primarily in Europe, he had an unquenchable thirst for good wine, fine art, hard-bodied females and illicit drugs. Mark had pulled his nuts out of the fire on more than one occasion but he didn’t seem to be slowing down and at age 26, still felt the invincibility of youth.
I had met him at the office a few times, so when I ran into him at the condo he insisted that my wife and I join him for cocktails at a party he was throwing. Knowing his reputation, I expected there would likely be some interesting characters in attendance and an unparalleled spread of food and drink. After talking it over with my wife, Andrea, we decided “what the hell” and I called to accept his invitation.
When I climbed out of the shower, Andrea was finishing her make-up. Although she had just turned forty-five, she had the body of a woman half her age. A petite woman with a trim waist, tight ass and slender legs, she had asked to get her boobs done when she turned forty. After three kids they had fallen a bit, so I gladly paid a top plastic surgeon in LA to restore them to pre-marriage form. She and I were thrilled with the results; perfect D cups, they looked completely natural and my daughter constantly complained about my wife borrowing her clothes.
She was wearing a black lace camisole with a shelf bra over a pair of white capri pants. The pants were wonderfully snug over her great ass and a thin strip of her taut, tan tummy showed above her pants. Her light brown her was cut just below her neck, then swept at a downward angle over her shoulders. She was wearing it straight down in a manner I always found incredibly sexy. Her brown eye-shadow had the smallest hint of glitter which added to the sparkle in her green eyes. As I toweled off, she was applying a thick layer of shiny lip gloss to her pouty lips in a soft, red shade.
“Jesus . . . You look fantastic!” I told her, drawn to the lovely swell of her breasts which were bursting atop the camisole. “Maybe we should stay home.” I added with a wink.
“Thank you sweetie!” she smiled “But I really think we need to go. He is one of Mark’s biggest clients.”
“You’re probably right. If it gets too crazy, we can always leave early.”
As I was giving last minute instructions to our kids, Andrea walked into the living room, now wearing a pair of thong sandals with 3 1/2 inch heels. As we walked down the hallway to Nico’s corner unit, I was thinking that I didn’t know how my wife could have been any more attractive.
Nico greeted us at the door and it was clear that he had started the party early. Just over six feet tall, with the lean V-shaped physique of a swimmer, his long wavy, black hair was pushed back from his face. The sun had deepened his already dark complexion and his long-sleeved white silk shirt had a few extra buttons undone revealing a smooth, muscled chest.
“Scottie!” he exclaimed in greeting “Glad you could make it.” Then turning to Andrea, his eyes passing admiringly up and down her sexy form “And this must be the lovely Mrs.Laine!” he asked taking her hand in both of his, his eyes alight with interest.
After introductions, Nico procured a superb Shirah for me while finding a Chardonnay for Andrea which she said was incredible. There were about a dozen others present, most of them much younger than my wife and I, but, I have to admit that Nico knew how to throw a party. I was having a great time and Andrea and I were drinking much more than usual. Nico collected art and he showed us several pieces that were quite impressive. He said he had just gotten a new painting for his bedroom, but before we could see it, he was called away by one of the other guests.
We watched a gorgeous sunset from his spacious balcony as I lit a Cuban which Nico had given me earlier. Nico joined us at our table and removed a long, dark cigarette from a silver case, before offering one to Andrea. She giggled and looked at me, her eyebrows arched in a questioning manner. Although I had never known her to smoke anything in our time together, I told her “Go ahead. I don’t mind.”
She smiled and reached for a cigarette, bringing it to her wetly shining lips to accept a light from Nico. Sensing that he was working with a rookie, he advised her “Draw real slowly, until you get the hang of it.”
Andrea took a slow drag, coughing slightly, before exhaling up into the ocean breeze. After a few more drags, she seemed to be getting quite comfortable, mimicing Nico’s thin exhales and tapping her ashes into an empty cup she shared with him.
Nico was quite drunk, but still very charming, telling humorous stories and always making sure our glasses were full. Later, as he was lighting another cigarette for my wife, I excused myself to find the bathroom. After answering the call of nature, I was feeling a little light-headed, so I slumped down on a huge leather couch and tried to find Sports center on his flat screen. Everyone else was out on the balcony, their voices and laughter muted by the thick glass of the hurricane doors.
Several minutes later, Nico came in and collapsed in the chair next to me, his long legs extended in front of him, his eyes glassy from alcohol.
He looked at me for a few moments, then smiled saying “I’m going to fuck your wife.”
I sputtered and laughed in response, not sure if I heard him correctly “What did you say?’
“I said ‘I’m going to fuck your wife’.”
At this I laughed harder, playing along with him, recognizing that he might be even drunker than I realized.
“No . . . I’m serious, man!” Nico responded much more seriously “She is the hottest woman here.”
“Well . . . I appreciate that.” I told him, thinking that maybe this was just his way of giving me a compliment since in fact, there were several very attractive women in attendance, all of them much younger than Andrea and who clearly had designs on Nico.
“You think I’m kidding, don’t you?”
I started feeling a little uncomfortable about where this was going, and not wanting to piss off my partner’s drunk client, tried to play along.
“No . . . Not at all. I’m sure you’re serious. But she might have a say in this, you know.”
“Damn right I’m serious.” he added as if he didn’t hear me. “I’ll tell you what . . . I will bet you $1,000 that I fuck your wife. Are you in or out?”
Now I was pissed, drunk or not, this was getting ridiculous. Getting to my feet I told him” Allright . . . You made your point. I’m in! Now I think we’d better get going, it’s getting late. Thanks for the invite.”
I went out on the balcony to find my wife talking with a group of young men, a wine glass and cigarette in one hand, the other holding the blacony railing. She seemed disappointed that we were leaving, but after saying goodbye to her new friends, accompanied me inside.
Nico walked us to the door, I thanked him again, his mood seemed to have improved. Maybe he had already forgotten how he had acted, he was awfully drunk. We shook hands and he kissed Andrea lightly on the cheek before we left.
As we got ready for bed, I thought about what Nico had said as I watched my wife slip into a white, silk nightie. He was right, she did look fantastic. When she slid into bed next to me, I kissed her reaching between her legs.
She laughed and softly returned my kiss “Sweetie, it’s late. We’re both tired. How a bout I give you a quick hand-job. Would that be okay?”
I groaned in disappointment, but her hand quickly found my cock and with a firm, practiced grip she started in on me. Rolling over on my back, she raised up on her elbow, smiling beautifully at me as she brought me quickly towards my happy ending. She had never given me a single reason to doubt her faithfulness in our over twenty years together. It was silly to let a drunken trust-fund idiot to get under my skin.
As I came, I knew my bet was safe.
I had a late tee-time and Andrea was fixing my lunch. The kids were already on the beach, my wife intending to meet them later after I was gone. She was wearing a black, string bikini with side ties that I had never seen before. Her full breasts were barely contained by the thin material, her tight tummy on glorious display.
“Is that swimsuit new? You look great.” I asked taking a bite of my sandwich.
“I got it yesterday at Sak’s when Katie and I went shopping. Do you like?” she asked sweetly, turning and looking over her shoulder at me.
“I like very much.” then added “Maybe I could be a few minutes late for my tee-time.”
Andrea laughed “You’re so bad! No . . . You get out of here. This is our last day, and I want to get some more sun before we go back to boring Middleton. Maybe we’ll do something tonite” she offered with a twinkle in her eye.
Later that evening after the kids were asleep and we had turned in, Andrea surprised me by pulling back the sheets and taking my cock into her mouth. I usually had to ask for oral sex and although she never turned me down, the blow jobs she gave me were usually brief and only as a prelude to intercourse. But, I never complained.
After I was hard I expected her to roll over on her back, but she suprised me again by sucking one of my nuts into her mouth. This was completly new to me, the pleasure was exquisite and I inhaled sharply. She worked on my other nut, licking and sucking my ball sack as she stroked me with a hand that felt like warm silk.
Licking up the length of my shaft, she took my engorged head back into her mouth, her cheeks hollowing as she sucked me, moaning softly. She pulled her lips away with a pop, smiling at me with look of self-satisfaction.
“You like that,Darling?” she asked in an innocent voice.
“OH Yea!” I groaned “Keep doing that!!”
With a sultry laugh, she lowered her head, kissing my cock all over before sucking my balls again. With my shaft back in her mouth, her head began bobbing a rapid rhythm, one hand working my wetly shining cock.
With a shout, I came in her mouth, again a first, and she swallowed each pulse, never removing her mouth until I was completely spent. Looking up at me she smiled, and kissed my stomach, then up my chest, before kissing me hard on the lips.
“Thank you for a wonderful vacation.” she sighed before laying on my still heaving chest and drifting off to sleep.
After we got back home, she suprised me again by buying me an expensive set of irons that I had been looking at. Clearly, I had scored big points on our trip.
Several days after our return, my secretary brought me a manila folder marked “Confidential.” In my line of work, this wasn’t unusual but as I inspected the package I noted that it had no return address.
Inside I found a mini-cd and a piece of folded paper. Opening the paper, I discovered a handwritten note stating simply “You owe me $1,000.”
I put the disc in my lap-top and clicked the mouse on “Play”. The video began by showing a large bedroom that I didn’t recognize until Nico walked into the room . . . leading my wife by her hand. I stopped the video and picked up the phone calling my secretary “Tina . . . No calls, please.” Hanging up, I clicked “Play” again.
After watching for a few moments, it was became obvious that Nico had at least five different cameras hooked up in his bedroom. The pictures and sound were crystal clear, the audio/video equipment must have been the top of the line from his chain of stores.
Andrea was wearing the black two-piece I had seen her in our last morning in Florida, but she had slipped into her high-heeled thong slides that she had worn the previous evening to the party. She had also applied the light brown eye shadow with glitter and her lips glistened in a soft, red shade. Nico was shirtless, wearing only a pair of long, baggy swim trunks.
He led her over towards the large painting next to his bed, and then stood directly behind her, both holding tall champagne glasses.
“Oh . . . Nico!” my wife exclaimed “It is beautiful . . . I love the colors he used . . . They are so vibrant . . . vivid really.”
As she spoke, Nico placed his hand softly on my wife’s bare midsection, just above the gentle swell of her hip. I saw Andrea’s eyes dart down to his hand when she felt his touch, but she did not move away or voice any objection. Instead, you could see a thin smile start to form on her lips.
Still standing behind her, Nico slowly slid his hand across the front of her tight, tan tummy and down between her legs. Andrea spread her legs slightly as he began to gently rub her pussy on the outside of her suit. Her eyes closed, now leaning back into his broad shoulders.
With a groan, Andrea turned into his arms, her face inches from his. Looking up into his eyes, she said softly:
“I really shouldn’t be here.”
Nico took her glass from her hand and placed it on the bedside table with his own. He put both his hands on her hips, my wife responding by resting her hands lightly on his tanned and corded forearms.
“You are free to leave if you want.” Nico told her.
Andrea quickly responded with a sexy smile “Oh no . . . You misunderstood me. I said I shouldn’t be here. I didn’t say anything about wanting to leave!”
With that she lifted her arms up over his shoulders and pulled his face down to her hungry lips. They kissed softly at first, Andrea’s tongue darting into his open mouth, before Nico pulled her into his hot embrace. His lips pressed hard against hers, her hands sliding down to cradle the sides of his face as their tongues dueled. Nico cupped one of my wife’s firm breasts in his hand, his thumb lightly gliding across and already stiff nipple.
Andrea moaned softly into his mouth as they kissed passionately, his hands now on her tight ass cheeks, pulling her hard against his bulging crotch.
They continued to kiss for several minutes, my wife’s hand slid into the the waistband of his swimsuit, fondling his cock. Nico pulled away from her luscious lips leaving her panting. He took a step, a smug look on his face, and put his hands on Andrea’s shoulders applying slight downward pressure. My wife, clearly recognizing what he wanted, eagerly got to her knees pulling his suit to his ankles with a firm tug.
Nico’s cock sprung free and Andrea quickly grabbed it, her eyes wide in a mixture of suprise and delight. He appeared to be at least 9 inches long, with a thick shaft that my wife’s hand could not completely encircle, and large heavy balls in a nut sack that looked to be shaven.
My wife brought his cock to her lips and lovingly kissed its bulbous head, her tongue snaking out to lick its tip. She dropped her jaw and took him into her mouth, slowly bobbing her head as she stroked him with both of her tiny hands.
Nico started talking to her “Oh . . . That’s it! That feels good . . . But you gotta suck it harder . . . I like my girls to suck it real hard!!”
I saw my wife’s cheeks hollow as she did as she was told, and you could hear her slurping and slobbering over his thick member. Nico groaned loudly, clearly approving of her response. Andrea pulled her lips away with an audible pop and looked up at Nico panting.
“Is that better?” she asked eagerly “Does that feel good, Baby!?”
“Ahh . . . Shit! Fuck yeah! That’s much better!” Nico laughed in response. “Now I want you to work on my balls! Lick my ball sack!!”
Andrea lowered her head, as she lifted his long cock upward, her tongue darting out to lightly lick his smooth sack.
“AAAhhhh . . . Fuck Andrea! That’s it! Now . . . Suck my balls! Put them in your mouth and suck . . .!”
Nico’s eyes closed, his head arched backward as my wife slurped first one, then his other heavy nut past her wetly shining lips, sucking har. She continued to stroke his hard shaft as she sucked him, the diamonds in her wedding bands sparkling in the bright Florida sunlight that illuminated his bedroom.
Nico spread his legs and continued to guide her “Now . . . I want you to lick right behind my balls!” My wife bent further, her head now between his legs. “Oh Fuck! . . . That’s it . . . That’s . . . OH Fuck!!”
After returning to sucking his balls, Andrea licked slowly up his hard shaft and took him back into her mouth, her head bobbing a steady rhythm.
Nico pushed her hair back from her face and whispered “Look at me, Baby! I want to look at you with my cock in your mouth!”
Andrea stopped and did as she was told, looking up at Nico from her knees, a pleased smile on his face.
“Aaaah Fuck! . . . You are so beautiful!! I wanted you like this from the first minute I saw you! Do you like sucking my dick? Does it taste good?!”
My wife started to pull her head back to answer but Nico quickly stopped her.
“No . . . Don’t move! Do you like sucking my cock?” he asked again in a firm tone.
Andrea’s muffled response sounded like an enthusiastic “MMMMmmmmm HHhhhmmmmm!!!!!”
Nico smiled “That’s better. I want to hear you while you suck me! I want you to show me how much you love my dick!”
Andrea began moaning loudly as she sucked him, her head now rapidly bobbing over his length. I couldn’t believe he hadn’t cum yet.
Nico pulled his wetly shining shaft from my wife’s lips and held his cock away from her. When she reached for it with her open mouth, he pulled it further away. “Wait!” he instructed “Sit back. Now . . . Open your mouth. That’s it! Stick your tongue a little bit!” Andrea did as she was told.
Nico smacked his thick cock against her lips and tongue several times, occasionally also smacking her nose and cheeks.
“You want this? You want this big cock?!! You gotta beg for it!! Lemme hear you beg!!!”
“I want your big cock!!” my wife quickly panted in a husky voice “Please . . . Let me suck your big dick!! I’ll make you feel real good!! I promise!!”
With a harsh laugh, Nico slammed his cock back in my wife’s mouth, his hands now holding her head as he started to fuck her face. Andrea put her hands on his thick thigh muscles and tried to hang on as he continued to drive his long shaft into her mouth, groaning like a crazy man.
He stopped as abruptly as he started and told Andrea to take off her top. Learning from her earlier mistake, she kept him in her mouth as she reached behind her back to untie the string, pulling the suit off her shoulders and casting it on the bedroom floor. She continued to blow him as Nico peered down at her.
“Fuck,those are some nice tits! Push ’em together for me!!”
Andrea pushed her full, firm tits together as her mouth continued to hungrily work his cock, moaning as she did so. Nico pulled his cock away with a pop and my wife looked up at him, still cupping her breasts, her face flushed, her eyes filled with lust.
Nico ran his cock over her upraised boobs, her nipples swollen, my wife still kneeling in front of him clothed only in her tiny bikini bottom and high heels.
“I want to fuck you now.” He said matter-of-factly. “I need some pussy! Get on the bed!!”
My wife got quickly to her feet and walked towards the king-sized bed. She started to kick off her heels but Nico told her “Leave those on.” They make you look even more slutty! I like that!!”
Andrea undid the side-ties allowing the suit to fall to the floor, revealing a closely trimmed triangle above her moist slit.
“Lie down and spread your legs. That’s it! Now . . . I want you to finger your pussy!! Show me how you finger yourself when you get horny!!”
My wife reached between her legs and started to rub her pussy in a circular fashion, her hips grinding against her hand, Naively, I never even suspected my wife of masturbating. To my knowledge, she didn’t use a vibrator and I was under the impression that our monthly sessions were enough. Clearly, given the manner in which she was working her clit, I was, once again, terribly mistaken.
Andrea began to moanas she fingered her clit, Nico grinning at the sight of my lovely wife working herself towards and orgasm.
“Are you wet? Lick your fingers . . . I want you to taste yourself! Am I gonna like your pussy?” he prodded.
Andrea daintily licked at her finger before plunging it into her mouth sucking it clean.
“Oh God!! . . . I’m so wet! . . . So fucking hot!! God, I want you so bad!!”
Nico strode towards the bed, his erection bobbing proudly in front of him. He kneeled between my wife’s outstretched legs and stroked his cock as she continued to finger her pussy.
“What do you want me to do, Andrea? Or should I say, Mrs. Laine?!!”
“Give me your big cock, Baby! You have no idea how badly I need this!!” she pleaded with him.
“What about your husband?” he mocked as he leaned forward rubbing the head of his cock over her swollen pussy lips causing her to shudder.
“Don’t . . . Don’t talk about him.” Andrea moaned, clearly unsettled that he had mentioned me. “Just do me! Now!! . . . Don’t tease me like this!!!!”
“But your married, and your kids are out on the beach below us. Are you sure you want to do this?!!”
Nico pushed the bulbous head of his cock into her pussy but quickly withdrew it.
“OOOhhh . . . Jesus!! Please fuck me!! I want you to fuck me, Baby!! Please . . . Just give me your big cock!” Andrea was squirming beneath his bulk. “Just fuck me, Baby! . . . I want . . . . OOOOOHHHHH SSSHHIITTTTT!!!!!!”
Nico caught my wife off guard as she was begging to be fucked, sliding is long, hard shaft deep into her married pussy. She inhaled sharply as he began to slowly saw in and out of her, his ass cheeks flexing. My wife’s head rolled on the bed, her hip driving off the mattress to meet her young lover’s thrusts, a smug smirk on his lips.
“You like my cock in your pussy?!!” he asked as he drove into her “How’s that feel?!”
“AAaaaahhh . . . Fuck! . . . So Good! . . . So . . . so good!! Fuck me,Baby!! Just keep fucking me!!!!!”
Nico lowered his lips towards hers and my wife reached up to grab the sides of his face, thrusting her tongue deep into his mouth, as she ground her hips against him. The wet slap of their bodies mixing erotically with her moans and the creak of the bedsprings.
Nico buried his cock to the hilt in my wife, his head arched back, his mouth open.
“AAAaaahhh Shit, Baby! . . . I love your tight pussy! You are so fucking wet!!” He started fucking her more slowly, rolling at the bottom of his strong thrusts, my wife wriggling eagerly beneath him.
After grinding slowly against her for several minutes, Nico raised himself up on his arms and picked up the pace of his fucking, his hips driving furiously between my wife’s outstretched legs. Andrea’s hands grabbed his tight ass cheeks as he slammed into her, pulling him hard against her as she lifted her hips off the bed to meet his thrusts.
“OOHHH BABY!! Don’t stop fucking me!! Fuck me, Baby!!!! Your’e gonna make me cum!!!”
Nico continued his assault, slamming his long, thick rod deep into my wife’s pussy, her heavy breasts bouncing with each hard thrust.
When her orgasm hit, Andrea inhaled sharply before shouting “OOOOOHHHHHH MMMMYYY GGAAWWDDD!!”
Her body shuddering beneath her young lover, her thighs noticably twitching, her breathing shallow and ragged. She tossed her head back and forth on the bed and arched her back, her french-manicured nails biting into Nico’s ass cheeks as he continued to saw his cock into her unfaithful pussy.
“AAaahh . . . FUCK! . . . Oh god! . . . Oh my God!! . . . Jesus! . . . Oh . . . OH . . .OH!” she moaned as her orgasm coursed through her lithe body, her eyes screwed shut.
When she finally opened her eyes, she was panting like she had just run a marathon, a look of wonder on her face. Nico looked down and smiled, his body continuing to slap against hers.
After she caught her breath, my wife reached up towards Nico’s face pulling him down, her mouth open and her tongue extending to meet his. They kissed softly and Nico settled between her legs, his cock bottomed out in her pussy.
When he finally pulled away from her hungry lips, Nico started to pound his thick shaft in a deep, steady rhythm, building up his speed. Andrea sensed that he working up to his own orgasm and ground her hips against him, urging him on in a slutty tone.
“That’s it, Baby!! Give it to me!!! Fuck me,Baby!!! I wanna feel your cum!!! Your cock is so fucking big and it feels so good in my hot pussy!! Fuck me, Baby!! Fuck Me!!”
Nico picked up his pace, a pleased smile on his face. “OHHH . . . Shit!! . . . I’m gonna give it to you!!! I’m gonna cum!! . . . I wanna cum in your mouth!! Let me cum in your mouth!!”
“Give it to me, Baby!!” my wife pleaded “I want to taste your cum!! GIVE IT TO ME!!!”
Nico groaned and continued to fuck Andrea a few moments longer before pulling his wetly shining cock from between her legs amd moving up quickly to straddle her face. Andrea raised her head and brought one arm under his legs to reach for his cock bringing it to her lips. Taking him quickly into her mouth as she frantically stroked his shaft, Nico threw his head back tensing before he groaned and exhaled, his body jerking as he shot load after load of his hot cum into my wife’s eager mouth. Andrea was moaning with lust as she struggled to swallow his seed as she worked his hard shaft with her hand.
With a final moan and involuntary shudder, Nico’s climax was over, his chest rising and falling. Andrea nevertheless continued to suck only reluctantly relinquishing his now flaccid manhood when it slid from her lips. She planted a sloppy kiss on the mushroom head of his dick before Nico rolled away. With this, my wife’s transformation was complete. No longer a loving and faithful wife and mother, she had become a wanton slut.
Andrea looked at the young man lying naked next to her with a questioning smile on her face. Nico laughed when he caught her looking at him with big puppy dog eyes.
“What!” he sputtered, raising an arm so she could cozy up next to him, her head on his shoulder, her hand on his chest.
“Nothing!” she responded, a pleased and contented smile on her lips. She squeezed him tightly in her arms, kissing him on the chest.
When Nico sat up against the headboard, Andrea did the same fluffing a pillow behind her back. He reached inside the bedside table and pulled out his silver cigarette case. he lit one of his long, dark cigarettes and offered it to my wife. She took it between her outstretched fingers and brought it to her lips, taking a slow drag. She exhaled and watched as Nico lit a cigarette for himself before settling back against the headboard. Nico reached for his champagne glass and drained its contents before handing both their glasses to Andrea.
“How about your freshing these up? You made me thirsty!” he added with a sly grin.
Andrea grinned back and took the glasses from him. Moments later, she returned with their drinks and sat on Nico’s side of the bed, one slender leg bent and raised, lying against his muscular thigh.
As Nico sipped from his glass, my wife took another drag on her cigarette and exhaled a thin stream away from the bed. Nico looked at her with raw lust in her eyes.
“Damn . . . You are so gorgeous . . . So damn sexy! I wanted you so fucking bad I could barely take my eyes off you at party!”
Andrea laughed in response “I noticed!” I wasn’t suprised at all when you called this morning.”
“I gotta admit . . . I was a little suprised that you agreed to see me. Have you done this before?”
“Of course I’ve done this before . . . I’ve got three kids!” Andrea replied with a sly grin.
Initially confused, Nico’s eyes narrowed before he grinned and said “No . . . I don’t mean this . . . ” he lifted his thick cock and pointed it my wife “I mean this!” picking up her hand and directing her attention to her wedding bands.
“I knew what you meant the first time!” Andrea teased “And the answer is ‘no’ I’ve never slept with anyone but my husband.”
Nico studied my wife closely to determine if she was joking with him again. “Really? . . . Nothing at all? I can’t believe that I’m your first lover.”
My wife shrugged her shoulders and looked away briefly as she took a long draw off her cigarette.
“Well . . . I said I’ve never slept with anyone else . . .”
Quickly interested, Nico pressed her. “I thought so . . . C’mon . . . Don’t leave me hanging!” he squeezed her my wife’s slender thigh.
Andrea sipped from her glass and smiled at her young lover. “Okay . . . Last summer . . . We threw a big party for the summer interns and all my husbands partners and their spouses were there. It got a little crazy and lets just say I was having a really . . . really good time.” She took another drag of her cigarette.
“Anyway . . . I was in the kitchen mixing another pitcher of margaritas when one of the interns came in. I’d caught him staring at me earlier, but not in a creepy way . . . I was flattered really . . . God was he gorgeous! He’d played football before law school and he was big and muscular . . . quite different from my husband. I could tell when he came into the kitchen that he had something on his mind.”
Nico was listening intently as my wife took a final drag and stabbed her cigarette out, putting her glass on the bedside table, next to the ashtray. Before continuing her story, she picked up his thick hose that was stirring on his thigh and began to slowly stroke him with both her hands.
“We didn’t even talk about it, We both knew what he wanted so I took him by the hand and led him upstairs to our bedroom. I closed the door and he started to kiss me . . . and before I knew it . . . we were lying on the bed and and he had my panties off. I had his cock in my hand but before we could take it any further, I heard my husband downstairs calling for me.”
“God . . . I was so scared . . . I mean . . . Do you realize how easily we could’ve been caught? Anyway . . . we straightened up and I went downstairs to get my husband back ouside so Aaron could come down. I felt so guilty afterwards I bought my husband a driver that he had wanted for the longest time!”
“Did you see him again . . . the intern?”
Andrea shook her head “He called me several times . . . but I asked him to stop. Like I said, I felt terrible afterwards . . . I mean this kid worked for my husband and we were in our bedroom . . . ” he voice drifted off.
She shook herself “But anyway . . . It did get me thinking.”
“About what?”
Andrea’s mouth curled into a sexy smile.
“About this!” she whispered.
She lowered her mouth to his cock, kissing and licking its bulbous head, before leaning over further, her mouth dancing slowly across his tight abs, before nibbling at the front of his cock.
My wife continued “About what it woulod be like to be with another man . . . especially a younger man.” She took him back into her mouth.
” About how another man would look like . . . and taste like! . . . and how he would be in bed!” sucking him again, you could hear the slurping.
“How his young . . . hard . . . body would feel against my skin . . . and how big his cock would be! MMMMmmmm . . . I never dreamed it would be as big and hard as yours, Baby!!!”
With a low moan, my wife began to lustily suck her young lover’s cock, one hand working in unision with her loving mouth, the other cupping his heavy ball sack.
It was clear my wife was a quick study when it came to oral treats. Her cheeks hollowed as she sucked his thick shaft, moaning and slurping with the enthusiasum of a well paid whore. She took each of his balls into her mouth and ran the tip of her tongue lightly up and down the front of his shaft, finally taking his cock back into her mouth. Nico clenched his ass clearly enjoying my wife’s efforts.
She pulled her lips off with a loud pop and studied his wetly shining manhood. Smiling sexily at Nico, my wife rolled over onto her back and spread her legs, one hand sliding across her flat tummy to her pussy where she began to rub her swollen clit.
Nico quickly knelt between her legs and eased the thick head of his straining cock past my wife’s pussy lips. He drove the length of his cock deep into her married pussy and began to lustily fuck her.
My wife put her hand on his muscular chest. “Whoa . . . Slow down, Baby! . . .Not so fast!” she told him. “My husband won’t be done playing golf for hours. We don’t need to be in any hurry!”
Andrea raised her head off the bed to kiss her young lover, her tongue sliding between his lips. She settled back onto the bed and shifted to a more comfortable position.
“This time . . . I want to tell YOU exactly how I want to be fucked!!”
Nico smiled down at my wife and began to roll his hips against her, an amused smile on his lips. My wife and Nico made love softly and slowly for the next hour or so, her young lover pulling long, strong orgasms out of lithe body, Andrea panting and screaming profanities, writhing beneath his bulk, gleaming with sweat.
After he came in her for the third time, Andrea asked if she could use his shower “So I don’t smell like I’ve been fucking!” she grinned.
Nico had cameras in his bathroom and I watched as he fucked my wife from behind as she braced herself against the tiled walls, her heavy breasts swinging lewdly beneath her.
I felt empty as I turned off the computer, slumping down in my leather chair. I barely recognized the woman who had fucked and sucked Nico with such abandon as my wife and the mother of my three kids. Her story aboout the intern caused my blood to boil anew as I remembered recently writing a letter of recommendation for that bastard Aaron. I went out to my car and sat motionless in the seat.
My practice had grown from a two man partnership to a 20 person firm over the length of my marriage. The financial consquences of a divorce would be devastating, not to mention the emotional impact it would have on my kids.
With my options limited, I resolved to somehow move past this, and focus on the future. I was probably playing way too much golf and my billable hours had gotten crazy. I could work on improving both these areas. Plus, I had detected nothing in Andrea’s demeanor that would cause me to think this was nothing more than a one time fling, something she had to get out of her system. Things were great at home, and in bed, and although I realized now where she had picked up her impressive oral skills, how could I complain about getting great head from my gorgeous, sexy wife? The decision made, I drove home.
“Who are you going to dinner with?” I asked Andrea as she slipped into her sexy ankle strap sandals with the 4 inch heels. She looked incredible in a navy, scooped neck dress that fit her slim body like a second skin, her cleavage proudly on display. Andrea walked to the mirror and started to apply a thick layer of shiny gloss to her pouty lips.
“Just Randi and some of the girls.” she responded, studying herself closely in the mirror.
Randi Boehmon lived a few streets over and was my wife’s most attractive friends. I’d caught myself lusting after her at numerous parties, even wondering if I was going to hell for the thoughts that ran through my mind when I would see her at mass. But she had a spotless reputation, a soccer mom-of-the-year type, and was married to a great guy with two beautiful kids. I was glad my wife seemed to be spending more and more time with her.
I walked up behind Andrea and slid my hands across her firm tummy. I nuzzled her neck and took and earlobe gently between my lips.
“You know . . . We could send the kids out for pizza and you could tell the girls you’ve got a headache.”
“You’re so bad!” my wife grinned at me “Can I take a raincheck? I’ve been dying to try this new tapas place.”
I kissed her on the back of the neck “Can’t blame a guy for trying. Hey . . . Will you be needing your checkbook? I need to update our accounts.”
“No . . . I’ll use my plastic. My checkbooks in my purse.” she told me as I walked downstairs.
I opened my wife’s purse and found her checkbook when I noticed a long, rectangular bulge in a side zip pocket. Andrea was still upstairs, so I quickly unzipped the pocket and was suprised to discover a hard pack of Virginia Slims Menthol 120s and an expensive looking lighter. The thought of my wife smoking took me quickly back to Florida and I got a awful feeling in the pit of my stomach. I heard my wife coming downstairs and I quickly returned the items to her purse.
Her high heels clicked on the hard wood floor as she walked across the kitchen, throwing a small cosmetic bag in her purse.
“Bye Sweetie!” she called brightly as she went out the door.
I walked to the front room and watched as her black Lexus convertible came down the driveway. She had her top down and our windows were open on a gorgeous late summer day. Andrea was already on her cell phone and I heard a throaty laugh and then she said “I can’t wait either, Baby! I’ll be there soon!” as she acclerated rapidly down the cul-de-sac.
When my secretary brought me the manila folder, I wasn’t the least bit suprised. I ran a letter opener across the top and dumped its contents on my desk. Several mini-discs clattered on my desktop followed by a single, small piece of paper. The handwritten note said simply “You owe me $12,0000”.
The discs were dated and found the one from my wife’s recent dinner with the girls. No set up this time, the video began with the image of my wife on her hands and knees, still wearing the dress and high heels I had watched her put on. I recognized Nico, who had flipped her dress up over her tight little ass and was thrusting his thick shaft deep into her pussy as he kneeled behind her on a big leather couch.
I also recognized Randi Boehmon as she sat off to one side, her legs crossed seductively, a short skirt riding high up a slender thigh. A glass of wine in one hand, a long, white cigarette between outstretched fingers in the other, she had a lewd smile on her face and you could hear her urging Nico on.
I didn’t recognize the other young man who had his cock in my wife’s mouth, her wetly shining lips stretched by his girth.
It had taken years to get my wife comfortable with the idea of hypnosis. She finally consented when she began having trouble sleeping. When I assured her that she could sleep better through a post-hypnotic suggestion, she agreed to try it. Once under, she was given a key word which would make her relax and available to other suggestions. That was when the fun began. Knowing something about hypnosis, I realized that the power of a suggestion weakens over time unless it is constantly...
Chapter 1 Lance Oxley left the prison as he had started, alone, clothed in his plaid shirt, white t-shirt and ripped jeans. He had lost a little weight, but they still fit even all this time. Why the prison still held onto his clothes was beyond him. In his pockets he had $172 and loose change, a plastic toothpick, and a key chain with two keys, a rabbit’s foot and a silver bottle opener. After 24 years locked away he was not prepared for what the world had to offer. He was regarded as a bad...
I watched Sarah. Amazed at the size cock that she was sucking. Naturally the other guy was larger but he was a grown man. The kid, I could see him better now, had a very large cock for his age, It was at least as large as mine of about eight inches. The man she had been sucking was the one from earlier in the week that I had sucked off with her. His thick eleven inch cock was large as he stroked it and watched Sarah suck the young boy, The man, John, got in between the legs of the young lad...
Sarah should not have had a gleefuf look on her face as she licked the cock head. Sarah was doing this because the rent was due and I had just been laid off at the wrong time. As if there is a right time to be laid off, especially after we had returned from an expensive vacation. Two weeks of carefree days in the sun at the resort. It was a way to cope with the grind at work. It was Sarah's way to unwind after being coped up in the apartment while i worked. Sarah didn't work. She had been...
Introduction: Sarah and Jim fuck again It was only a couple of days later that I came to the house and there was a strange SUV in the driveway. I thought that my wife was busy with a customer so I looked in a window, at the side of the house, before I went bumbling in.Isaw Sarah in between a guys naked legs. She was naked also. Then I saw her move over and start sucking another cock, The other man was not a man at all but a young boy of about ten or twelve. His body was hidden by the man Sarah...
I watched enthralled as the engorged, rigid, veined rod of flesh withdrew, glossy with moisture glistening on the thick, reddish mass that only partially evacuated the pulpy, tight clutch of my wife’s vaginal orifice. I held my breath involuntarily as the motion stopped and inexorably reversed, the meaty mass gradually disappearing into the dark recesses where I could only imagine her welcoming flesh grasping and lubricating the massive invader that penetrated her most intimate regions. Once...
Introduction: Husband and wifeservice her Johns I sat in the guest bedroom, looking through a eye hole. The hole was between the connecting door leading into the main bedroom. I had a good view of the room. I had a good view of my naked wife, Sarah, I had a good view of my neighbor from down the hall as he sat on the edge of my bed. I had a good view of Sarah holding his oversized cock and licking the tip. I looked at Sam as he sat, also naked, with his great belly. What made me shudder was...
ChristycuckI had been trolling the porn sites for a while. Xgerbal was one of my favorites. I'd search for people nearby and usually find some guy showing of pics of his wife. One occasion turned out to be quite eventful. I came across a fellow who had some hot pics posted up that I believed to be his wife. She seemed older, in her 50s, but still had a tight body and some nice fake titties. I struck up a conversation one evening when he was online and he told me some of his fantasies. Most of...
I watched enthralled as the engorged, rigid, veined rod of flesh withdrew, glossy with moisture glistening on the thick, reddish mass that only partially evacuated the pulpy, tight clutch of my wife’s vaginal orifice. I held my breath involuntarily as the motion stopped and inexorably reversed, the meaty mass gradually disappearing into the dark recesses where I could only imagine her welcoming flesh grasping and lubricating the massive invader that penetrated her most intimate regions. Once...
Wife LoversTranswife A Diatribe By Maryanne Peters This is not a happy story. I like a happy stories, but this is not one of those. It started happily enough, from a point. Transgirl wrestles with her problem, transgirl comes out, transgirl cause family commotion, transgirl becomes accepted by family (all except one), transgirl transitions, transgirl becomes accepted at work (all except one), transgirl saves money, transgirl gets her dream anatomy, transgirl meets guy, transgirl falls in...
As with most husbands, I’ve always found the idea of my wife Melanie with other men exciting. During sex I’ve often used her vibes on her as she is sucking my cock or I’m fucking her, usually putting it in one of the holes I’m not current filling. She plays along as I tell her it’s some other man’s cock inside her pussy or in her ass, usually choosing the biggest vibe she has to do the job (I’m pretty much “average” in size). She obviously...
It had take years to get my wife comfortable with the idea of hypnosis. She finally consented when she began having trouble sleeping. When I assured her that she could sleep better through a post-hypnotic suggestion, she agreed to try it. Once under, she was given a key word which would make her relax and available to other suggestions. That was when the fun began. Knowing something about hypnosis, I realized that the power of a suggestion weakens over time unless it is constantly...
Witchwife Max was in good spirits as he got out of the cab. He had gotten lucky far beyond his league with Eliza, and if first dates could be measured in success, then the words "why don't we go back to my place?" being asked of him would indicate he had achieved a near-perfect scoring. He couldn't believe it. They had connected randomly via an app, and he had assumed after he sent her a message that she would swipe on him. It wasn't because he was ugly or anything. He was tall,...
Reddit SlutWife, aka r/SlutWife! A naughty subreddit dedicated to all the hot wives out there. It is a perfect place for men who appreciate the beauty of experienced women who are, unfortunately, taken. Well, if that sounds like something you might want to check out, you are welcome to explore r/slutwife/. I mean, Reddit is free and all the subreddits as well, so you can enjoy exploring as much as you fucking want.It is what it is; there are no hidden meanings. This is a subreddit where you can...
Reddit NSFW ListWhen Wife Wants to Play, what do you say? It’s a question I like to pose to strangers, especially if they’ve got a good-looking ball and chain, and it’s a question you may be asking yourself right now. Maybe it’s your own cuckold fetish you’re looking to feed, or perhaps your wife has developed a sudden new interest in BBC, but whatever the case, this next site may answer some of your questions, give you some ideas, and maybe even help you find a well-endowed stud to give your hotwife the...
Porn ForumsHotwife XXX spells out a huge part of their formula right there in the title: the XXX tells you it’s porno, and the Hotwife tells you it’s going to have a cuckold and wife-sharing theme. That’s arguably the easiest part of the equation, something that anybody with a camera could at least try to throw together. The big question is how well they’re able to pull it off. Considering these guys are pulling a few hundred thousand visitors per month, it’s a safe bet these guys know what they’re doing....
Premium Interracial Porn SitesTouch My Wife! When you browse for porn content as much as I do, you have seen it all. So you can imagine that this website was not really a surprise for me. I knew exactly what to expect just from reading the title of the site, which I appreciate. Gotta love when websites are fully transparent and you know what the fuck you can expect from them, right?Anyway, welcome to, a premium, porn site dedicated to cuckold fucking. If you are still confused by what the site has to offer,...
Premium Cuckold Porn SitesDo you have a wife that you wish that you could share with other people? Or do you just love the thought of getting off with other people’s wives? No matter the reasoning, there is an XXX subreddit make just for you. Isn’t that the fucking rule of everything though? No matter what you are into – whether it’s X-rated or for general audiences – Reddit has a community just waiting for you.The horny fucks like you that enjoy sharing wives and watching shared wives is no different. Hence the XXX...
Reddit NSFW ListThis is our story of our long awaited and extremely enjoyable threesome! It all started when our very good friend Adam split up with his wife Lisa, you see it was good news for us well more for Lynsey really as for sometime my very sexy and naughty wife has had a lusting for our friend Adam. On many occasions Lynsey has mentioned how fun it would be for her me and Adam to get together as a threesome but the obstacle has always been Adams prude of a wife who would never be party to such a thing!...
Let’s go back to the mid 1990’s. My wife and I had been married for just a few years and we had just turned 30. My wife Susie is such a cute and sexy woman. She is a petite, 5’2” strawberry blonde about 105 lbs, with beautiful big deep blue eyes, sexy pert 34B boobs, and a hot ass. I had long harboured a fantasy of seeing her have sex with another man. We would have fun and flirty conversations about who was hot and who would be on our top 5 list for spouse approved “get-out-of-jail-free-card”...
How a Stranger fucked my wife.I left my wife tied to the window. Hands secured above her head. Eyes covered with her shawl securely tied. I slowly opened the door and let him in.I had great fantasy of seeing my wife being fucked by someone else. I had tried to talk her into it but she was adamant. The more I read sex stories, the more determined I became. I began posting my stories online too to make up for my fantasies.Then I got a mail from Babu.He appreciated my stories. I send him a mail...
Amos came from a country where the wife was to give her husband many c***dren. It was her duty and girls were taught that from a young age. He was one of twenty two c***dren and he remembers his mom always knocked up and the dad bragging how potent his dick was. His mom had huge saggy tits and seemed to always have a baby stuck to one sucking her. One day Amos walked in the kitchen and his dad had the mom bent over the counter and he had his dick in her fucking her right there. He had her gown...
This incident happened a couple of years back when both myself and my wife were visiting an Ashram in Pune. This Ashram, though people misunderstand as a sexual haven is more of a spiritual and solemn place. You will also come across people who are there only for sex too. At that time we were just about a few days into our marriage. I was about 26 years of age and she was 22. Both of us are good looking and physical fit. Myself about 6'tall athletic and she was 5'7" slim in excellent shape. I...
EroticIn the past two months I have posted 2 stories about mom and my former wife, but I can't find either so I will try to put together what was posted and add some. I'll pick up from Friday night when we went to Marvins apt. for Ronnie to fuck him and his crew. As she was instructed when she got out of car she took off her dess and tossed in into front seat, he we walked to his apt. With Ronnie in heels,thigh highs and shelf bra she started to door, I noticed 3 bad ass looking blk thugs on balcony...
I was just about to cum as I watched my beautiful wife’s face twist with wanton lust under the large Mastiff as he hammered into her pussy with primal abandon. The huge dog had her from behind and his massive weight pinned her body down to the bed in front of me. Her knees were widely spread to better handle the onslaught as well as accept the huge thick cock being pounded deep into her and the swelling knot that would soon tie her. It rammed her so hard that her large very firm breasts were...
hi got the wife this week,we are having a room repainted and one of the walls is next to our bathroom, a wall swtich backs on to grill in the bath room,so i took it off and taped the cable up,if you stand on a chair you can see though the grill in to the bathroom,when the painter came i told him there was a fault on the switch and the electrician would be coming back to fix it,i had set up a old clock cam in the room, my wife has a shower ever day around 10am, the first day nothing but the next...
I had taken over driving, just mulling shit over.“Nothing much. Do you wanna see where that goes?” There was a sign: Naturist Beach. Clothing Optional.I pulled up just past the turn off. Renee was looking back at it. She turned to me blushing and bit down on her grin.“Well?” I challenged her. After the shit she pulled with Keith the other night, I was fucking game if she was.“Hmm, that’d be interesting,” she said.I shrugged. “We’ve got plenty of time. It isn’t much further to the lake house. We...
Bored and just us, we wondered what to do with a k**less night. I was still thinking of the fantasy my wife had told me the night before, had totally turned me on that she had thought like that. Had always had the Paul fantasy myself as she had been comfortable with him and of course his big cock and he had always been very attracted to her. We started playin some poker ... It was her night to kick my butt so told her the night was hers. I am feeling like a naughty girl and being bad for you...
"Oh, Sharon, what are you wearing?" I asked, as soon as I entered the house. My wife stood in front of the door in a fancy cocktail dress. The black outfit clung tightly to her body, cutting off just above her knees. Black high-heeled shoes made her taller than she was, at five feet-four inches. She glittered like a jewel. My heart skipped a beat, just as it did that first night I met her at the stripper bar. "I got a new dress, Phil" she said, fanned out her long arms and then rested her...
Intr-o seara racoroasa de primavara timpurie, o femeie necunoscuta m-a oprit cand ieseam de la cursuri pe poarta universitatii: “Anatolia, te caut de un an de zile… te rog sa scrii povestea mea; asta e jurnalul meu intim”. Mi-a pus in brate un caiet si a plecat la fel de misterios precum aparuse. O vazusem doar cateva clipe… era frumoasa, avea cam 35 de ani si niste ochi mari si tristi. Am destelenit cu greu zecile de pagini scrise marunt si incalcit, insa in final am descoperit o drama...
Hi friends I’m riya from hyderabad. This is a true story about me how I met a dreamman of my life and he really made my dream come true. Now let’s start the story. I’m a cross dresser from hyderabad. Main ek cross dresser hoon aur mujhe ek aurat ki taraha sajna sawarna bahout pasand tha lekin mere pass woh kuch bhi nahi tha jiske main ek poori aurat ban saku. Main regularly facebook use kiya karti thi aur kuch dino ke baadh maine apne inbox main ek message dekha aur unse baath shuru hue unhone...
Gay MaleSo since Iv'e met and marry Garry who is older than me, he has introduced me to a world of sexual fantasy that I could only dream of, I am now classed as a Party Girl / Slut and I enjoy this new reputation with pride. The following story is one that I have just got to share with the readers of this forum… Garry had come home from work one day and was on his computer when he got a call to go straight back out for a quick quote on a job… I went into the Computer room to pick a nice book...
Introduction: My Horse Experience Hi Readers I would like to add another adventure in the sexual world that my new husband has shown me&hellip, So since Ive met and marry Garry who is older than me, he has introduced me to a world of sexual fantasy that I could only dream of, I am now classed as a Party Girl / Slut and I enjoy this new reputation with pride. The following story is one that I have just got to share with the readers of this forum&hellip, Garry had come home from work one day...
I admired myself in the mirror, and smiled. _Damn, I look good for 30. _I mused, and glanced up at my husband, Jonah. He had combed back blond hair, which was where our baby girl, Daisy, got hers from. At eight, she was already a wild child, and tore up the halls of her elementary school. To my utter shock, she’s “dated” three boys. Why do little kids even think about that? “Hey, Danielle. I’m going to be working late tonight. Why don’t you bring over those cookies you made for the new...
After moving from Cleveland area to Jacksonville Florida we continued to swing,at first just 3 somes and 4 somes with men we met in clubs at Mayport. Then I Isaw an ad in a swingers paper for a swingers directory, $20.00 to join for ayear, when we placed our ad we checked off couples,single males,all races,groups, bi's, lesbian and other kinky thing's. We waited to receive our firstissue and it finally came after a few week's. We eagerly went thru it lookingfor contacts in the area, we saw...
When you awake, you’re not sure how long it’s been since we had sex – maybe an hour or more, as many of the candles have burnt out and it’s a lot darker. The room of the holiday-cabin seems to be filled with vague, flickering shapes of blackness. You sense a movement nearby and turn on your side to see me sitting at the edge of the bed where I’ve pulled back the thin, white cotton d**** that surrounds us. I’m motionless now and facing out into the room. You follow my gaze and discern indistinct...
So, I wake up the next morning a little hung over and just lay there thinking about fucking my neighbor. Wasn’t exactly sure how I felt about that, I mean I loved being with her and she was sexy as hell. But she is my neighbor and our families are supposed to be friends. It was at that moment I decided I wouldn’t go back this morning and thought that last night was a mistake.I get up and go downstairs and make myself a cup of coffee. I sit there thinking about Kathy and am now torn as to what...
RACHAEL WOKE SLOWLY. WARMING morning sun streamed through her open window. She relaxed, loving the feeling of having slept deeply. In the last few days she’d changed. She could feel it. She didn’t feel anxiety at being disconnected with her friends back in Los Angeles. In fact, she didn’t miss being there. Slowly, without being conscious of it, she’d grown to like the peace and isolation here. It was nice not to worry about fitting in, being part of the right group, or trying to rebel...
---Disclaimer--- I wrote this story, partially as a semi-autobiography, partially as a fictional tale. No one name in this story are in any way intended to be real and any resemblance to anyone's real life is thoroughly coincidental. This story does not contain any sexuality. It is a story about a young man's voyage into the world of girl. If you don't like it, feel free to let me know why, but please, no flames. It's immature. So feel free to's respectable. I will...
Hi this is Raj, just turned 25. I live in Jallandhar. This is the story when I was in 12th standard. I was preparing for my boards and my parents had to go for a marriage in Amritsar for a couple of days in month of February. As I was alone in home, so my mother asked Rahul Bhaiya to sleep with me at my place as I study till late and it might not be possible for me to go to his place. As he was busy due to his office works and ever changing office hours, it was decided that Monica Bhabhi, Rahul...
IncestHe returned to the restaurant a few days later. His parents were pissed off at him, but they still sighed in relief that Reggie resumed his dish-washing duties. As usual as well was the return of Bianca who waited out on the front steps like a beautiful vagrant one encounters at the end of a drunken night. “Can’t I just go home and go to sleep, Dad?” he asked his father. “That woman is your first priority. Bianca is wonderful. Your mother and I get along with her real well, and she knows...
I am now 25. I am 5'6" and 124 pounds. I have dark hair and brown eyes. I'm fit but not a fitness buff. I am not "big on top" but rather a b-cup. The most noticeable thing about me is my butt. It's not a ghetto booty, but since I was very (very) young, people have commented on my ass. A few years ago, the term "ass worship" struck me and I began researching it just seemed like a natural thing for me. No----I'm not an ass worshipper, ha. Not by any means! But I have learned...
On his third attempt, Francisco was playing with my feet, trying to catch my attention. He did again. He signaled to his dick again, and to my amazement he was rock hard. He mouthed the words "Touch it". In response, I shook my head no. But he was relentless. I stared at him while rubbed his thick cock, and while he made his thick dick jump. The trap had snapped. He knew I was interested. He jumped up from the couch, and said to me and his brother, "I'm going upstairs to play the game", in...
This story takes place in my Burke's Virus universe The Anomaly By Morpheus "I want to die," Jordan Morse grimaced as he staggered into the bathroom, grabbing the wall for support. Every fiber of his body ached and hurt beyond belief and he'd already emptied his stomach three times since waking up a few hours earlier. "Just kill me now and be done with it..." Jordan splashed cold water on his face and looked into the mirror. He looked nearly as bad as he felt, though he...
Something so sexy happen to me this morning I can not keep it to myself.I was out very early to walk my dog, he decided to go off chasing rabbits,which left me to wander about. Thought I would check the small quarry for wild life, and came across the wildest yet............I slowly climbed up the slippery slope, to enter the quarry between two standing stones.lAs I reached the top my head just up to ground level. I saw a slim dark haired woman, with her back to me. She was unzipping her boots....
Akiko was nervous when she arrived for her first day at school. She was late arriving at her classroom after filling out all the paperwork and the class had already started. She quickly checked her new uniform self consciuosly in the reflection in the glass of the door before knocking. The plaid skirt was shorter than she was used to, exposing a good few inches of her smooth thigh, and the regulation white blouse was a little too small and so strained against her perky young breasts,...
Group SexThe Camera Club[][/]This is a fantasy of mine and something I have tried to encourage my mature fuck buddy, V, into doing. So how did this fantasy come about? The facts behind it are that about 10 years ago V was feeling a little unattractive and was also in need of a little bit of extra cash. She answered an advert for life models at a local art class and had posed naked for them on about 5 times....
Burgabiter lent forward, ready to throw the master switch. The twist of his wrist was never made, he was thrown sideways away from the switch by the arrival of a bullish Brighton. Alphonso struggled against his assailant, while trying to regain his breath - which had been unceremoniously blasted from him. A trio of naked women arrived to witness the flailing Burgabiter's momentous endeavour; to throw off a livid Hove. Try as he might he could not overcome the other mans athletic ability,...
They'd been watching their swapping parents' nonstop sucking and fucking without exchanging a word the whole time. Then, finally, Christy broke the silence. "Well, I've seen enough," she whispered to her cousin, David, pulling him away from the door. "Let's split." "What for?" a puzzled David muttered. "They're still going strong." "Then we've got a lot of catching up to do," Christy said. "H-huh?" "Doing it yourself's even more of a turn-on than watching. Especially...
Hello Everybody of indian sex stories dot net , I am writing this story in marathi, for all my Marathi friends. Hi katha aahe mazya Varsha mami sobat mi kelelya sex baddal. Hi mazi real life story mala marathit well explain karta yeil. Katha suru karanya aadhi mi tumhala mazya mami baddal thod sangto, eka shabdat sangayche tari to ‘maal’ aahe. Tichi figure baghun konacha pan lavavda tath zalyachivay rahnar nahi. Tichi gand tr khup attractive aahe, khup mothi aahe. Mi nehami ti chaltana tichi...
Reposted 2019 She told me she wanted a divorce. I said OK. I met Cindy Calver when we were seniors in high school. She is a year younger than me as she was born on the good side of the cutoff date to start school. I was on the other side of the date. I came from a family with ‘old money’. Cindy was from a working-class family. She was smart and motivated enough to get scholarships to cover all of her college costs. I was a straight ‘C’ student, and if it wasn’t for Cindy’s help and her...
"It would be a great night for a martini, a movie ..." you thought to yourself, "... and maybe my rabbit to help take the stress away." You got a quick sense of heat penetrate your nether regions at the thought of your favorite toy. It's not quite as good as the real thing, but when you need to get something done, it does the job as long as you want it! Picturing the evening ahead gets your mind off of work and onto an enticing evening by yourself. Unfortunately, however you...
“Go back to sleep, Honey” I say walking out of the bedroom to answer it. Your voice replies after I pick. “I need help” you say. “Why did you call me?” I reply. “You know better than that!” “I didn't know who else to call. I was leaving my boyfriends way past curfew and my car stopped running. My father will kill me if he knew I was still out and I'm scared!” “Where are you?” I demand keeping my voice low so as not to wake my family. “I am on the side of the road near Mill...
The Cornish sun beat down relentlessly on her naked body and she could feel small drops of moisture pooling between her firm breasts and onto the towel beneath them She rolled over onto her back and stretched, bringing her knees up, her legs slightly parted. Grabbing the suntan oil she poured some into the palm of her hand and rubbed it into her skin. Her nipples instantly hardened, jumping to attention as she massaged them with the oily slickness. Sighing, she continued down to her flat belly,...
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