An Adjunct DownChapter 5 free porn video

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He returned to the restaurant a few days later.

His parents were pissed off at him, but they still sighed in relief that Reggie resumed his dish-washing duties. As usual as well was the return of Bianca who waited out on the front steps like a beautiful vagrant one encounters at the end of a drunken night.

“Can’t I just go home and go to sleep, Dad?” he asked his father.

“That woman is your first priority. Bianca is wonderful. Your mother and I get along with her real well, and she knows how to direct you so that we don’t have to anymore. She’ll take you places, boy. We worked hard on finding her for you. Now I don’t know what bullshit they’re teaching you at that school you go to, but you need a person who’s involved with real life.”

“I am involved with real life,” said Reggie. “I just don’t think Bianca is right for me. There are plenty of other women out there.”

“Let me put it this way, boy. You don’t go out with her, and I’ll throw you out of the house. Does that make more sense to you?”

“Fine. But I’m telling you that Bianca is not who you think she is.”

“We know who she is, and that’s what matters.

You’re an ignorant boy right now. You go out with her, or else we cut the chord.”

“I’m not a child anymore.”

“Bianca will show you how to be a man in this God- forsaken world. You’ll go out with her, or else you best find someplace else to live. We can’t afford you anymore, and you’re old enough to live on your own.

You’re too old to be living with your parents.”

“I don’t have to see Bianca if I don’t want to.

That’s my own personal choice.”

“That’s because he doesn’t like Bianca,” said Laney, after greeting a hungry customer.

“You best keep out of this, young lady. All you have to do is make sure you don’t get pregnant before the age of twenty-five. As far as your brother here is concerned, he can learn to love like the rest of us.”

“Fine, okay, Dad? You always get your way,” said Reggie.

“That’s because I’m the Head Niggah in Charge around here. Not you. And I rule over my family. Not you. Now you go to her, before I toss your belongings into the street.”

When Reggie saw that Bianca had been waiting on the steps of the restaurant for an extended period of time, Reggie knew that he had no feelings for her whatsoever – considering how she spiked his drink a few weeks earlier. But he didn’t feel too comfortable hanging around white people either. He was trapped.

Reggie couldn’t deny, however, how good Bianca looked. She had gone to the beauty salon and had her hair and nails done. Her hair was frizzy now, and it made her look even more attractive than she did the last time. She wore a tight black dress with stiletto heals. Reggie wondered how she could even walk with those shoes on her.

“Tonight we’re going to the club,” said Bianca after kissing Reggie’s cheek.

“But I don’t have anything to wear,” he said, as they linked arms and walked towards the wealthier side of town.

“Would you rather go to a bar?”

“How about seeing a movie?” he asked.

“Movies are for old people. We have to get to a club or a bar.”

“I guess the club would be okay. At least I have something to watch and observe.”

“God, you are cute as hell, but you’re also a nerd.

Your parents told me about that.”

“Being cute, you mean?”

“No. About being a nerd. You go reading all of these books, and then you forget what it’s like to live life. We can be so much better without those white books, sweetie.”

“I teach Black History, not White History. Reading books, black or white, is a sign of strength.”

“Tonight is a sign of strength - what we do is have fun and laugh – that’s a sign of strength.”

“Let’s not argue, please,” said Reggie. “I’ll try to have fun, okay?”

She kissed him on his cheek again, linked arms with him, and walked to the club about a half-mile from the restaurant. The club always carried a greater diversity of people than the white bars that Bianca hung out in. Reggie liked that there were brothers in the place and also some very pretty white girls who tried to be adults but just didn’t know how make it yet.

After the bouncer unhooked the velvet rope, probably because they knew Bianca as a regular there, they entered a dark lobby with a ticket window.

“Can you get this?” asked Bianca.

“How much does it cost,” asked Reggie.

“Just pay it, silly,” said Bianca with an intoxicating smile.

Reggie rummaged through his wallet and found that it was sorely lacking. He pulled out a credit card that he was sure had a negative balance, but he tried it anyway. Through some miracle the card went through, and what little cash he had left could be used for a few drinks. It wasn’t long before Bianca had surrounded herself with questionable-looking drug dealers.

“You got another twenty in there?” she asked.

Reggie took out all that he had and gave it to Bianca.

“Thanks, Sweetie. By the way, I want to show you something a little later on.”

“What is it?”

“You’ll see. Just don’t be so impatient.” She kissed him on the lips and said, “you’re with me tonight. I’ll take care of you.”

Reggie surrendered what little money he had left.

Bianca bought him a shot and a beer, after she talked with all of her strange friends. Soon Reggie felt much better about being in the club. There were too many attractive young people there, but after his insides warmed and his mood started to lift, he loved staring at these young women and also loved Bianca who kissed him on the mouth this time and even sucked on his earlobe when she wanted more money. She forced him to take cash advances from his lone credit card, and for this more convenient act, they stuck him with a fee for using the plastic slice of American credit bullshit.

“Follow me downstairs, okay?” she whispered in his ear.

“Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise. Don’t be such a nerd tonight.

I’ll take good care of you. You should know that by now.”

He followed her to the basement of the club, and it was another atmosphere altogether. The wealthy room postured as a street-level, graffiti-inspired alleyway.

The seediness could not erase the many wealthy young folk who visited the place – black and white, some Latino and Asian. Fumes from dry ice and peeling clouds of dense fog wafted in the place where the DJ played a fast, electronic tune. There were sofas and chairs upon which near-nude women sprawled out and smoked weed. A small bar with a slick bartender wearing leather and chain-mail added to the atmosphere of a drug den and a liquor-drinker’s dungeon.

Although it was not allowed, people not only smoked their weed but also lit up cigarettes. If it were not for the management paying off the local police, the place would have been condemned as a fire hazard and a meeting point for drug dealers and their clients.

Reggie circulated with Bianca who again seemed to know everyone there. Reggie saw how popular she was with the assorted groups that lounged on the comfortable sofas and lounge chairs. She could have been elected the club president or at least a functionary who drew more people into the place. She looked good, talked a lot, and smiled with every word.

She didn’t introduce Reggie to any of these people, which was probably a good thing. Reggie, a little buzzed, would have easily been sucked in, even though he looked and acted like a nerd, as usual. A university professor never would have been caught dead in a place like that. But the music thumped from above, and the downstairs of the club thrived with energy and expectation as more people entered.

After Bianca greeted her many acquaintances there, she led Reggie to a special room. The room might have been a bathroom at one point. The stalls had been set up, but there were no sinks or toilets – just stalls with people fucking each other in one of them, or what

Bianca came to the stalls for – to have a private moment with Reggie alone.

Reggie could only think of Wonder and how much he wanted to visit her at her apartment closer to the university. But Bianca led him inside the stall and locked the metal door. The stall had an old Lazy-Boy recliner in it, and Bianca pushed him into its soft plush comfort. She brought out a brown colored vial of white powder, opened it, and had a long snort from the small spoon that the vial came with. She snorted hard in one nostril and then the other. She then did the unthinkable move of sitting on Reggie’s lap with her front body facing towards him.

“Try this,” she said above the hum and beat of the music.

“I don’t think this is such a good idea,” said Reggie, already reeling from the gesture.

She placed his hands on her thighs and spread her legs apart. She exposed her femininity to him.

“Don’t be that nerd,” she said. “I’ll show you how to be a man, the kind that your father wants.”

She filled the small spoon with the white powder and brought it to his nose.

“I don’t think this is such a good idea, Bianca. I usually don’t do this stuff. I know you’re attractive and popular and all, but –”

Bianca brought the tiny spoon closer to his nostrils. With two hurried snorts, Reggie inhaled the cocaine in both nostrils, and once that was done he leaned back in the cushioned chair with Bianca still on his lap facing him.

In what seemed like a few minutes, Reggie felt confident. He felt good for once. He felt like taking on the world. He felt repaired from all conflicts and struggles. His tired bones were relieved. For once in a very long time he felt what must have been happiness.

He never thought that such a happy, warm feeling were possible. He surrendered to it and had another snort.

He flew high above the poverty and pain of the streets.

He got rid of all of the ‘hood’s obstacles and actually felt empowered. He had never had a high quite like it.

There were no more reasons to struggle anymore. His warring mind slowed to a slow truce. The work it took just to get out of bed every morning froze like the misty dry ice that enveloped them. And then there was the temptation of Bianca – her womanhood suddenly exposed to him.

She unbuckled his belt in a rush. Both of them felt like screwing in the awkwardness of the stall, but before anything like this happened, Reggie couldn’t get Wonder out of his mind. I guess Reggie did fall for Wonder almost completely. Almost. But while sitting on his lap, Bianca unbuttoned his trousers and shifted her exposed loins closer to his manhood.

“Bianca, please stop.”

She wouldn’t stop.

“Please, Bianca, I don’t think this is such a good idea.”

She wouldn’t stop.

“I can’t do this, okay,” he said.

Bianca again sucked on his earlobe while holding him and guiding him into her sweet and musky warmth.

“We need protection. Please don’t do this.”

Bianca then simply grabbed hold of his erection and pushed him inside of her as far as it could go.

“Bianca! We can’t do this!”

Yet he couldn’t stop her no matter how hard he tried. She now had him inside her, and while doing so, she sniffed at the vial of coke again and made sure that Reggie sniffed some more as well. She wouldn’t let him go, as her body trapped his body into the smooth cushions of the recliner.

Reggie tried to relax, but he couldn’t anymore.

She was tight and warm around him, and with the coke, the pleasure increased ten-fold. The rush of it all made him comply with her solitary wish, and with her shirt unbuttoned, lacking a bra, and the defenseless

Reggie succumbing to her power as some kind of abused victim, he reached out to massage her abundant chest, and he could no longer deny that what he did was a mistake that felt like nothing in the world he had ever tried before.

The cocaine hooked him, and as Bianca took some more from the vial, Reggie also began to demand more.

But it didn’t take very long for Reggie to come inside of her – a strong orgasm that very few women in the past could have orchestrated, as though the body had its own secret plans that by-passed scholarly pursuits and a rotting intellect.

She was just too damn good at it. As he came, he pushed himself inside of her to the hilt, and when he did so, Bianca used her inner wall muscles to squeeze and tighten around him, squeezing out every ounce of come that squirted inside of her.

After they stopped, Reggie knew that he had made a great mistake. He would have stopped her, but now he understood his role as a victim of what Bianca did. He used to think the stories about a male being raped by a woman were nonsense, but now he had direct evidence that he was indeed raped and never wanted sex or drugs in the first place.

While a high school student many years ago, he had heard about this, and he thought the act impossible, considering the bodily logistics involved. Now, however, he realized that Bianca did, in fact, rape him, and no one would care.

Actually, he thought that I might laugh at this when he told me. Nothing sounded wrong with a woman taking charge. Call it a bonus! There was nothing wrong with having all-out sex when the woman forces herself upon him. The cases are few, but in this case, Reggie got stuck with it. Most men would be honored talking about this shit in a locker room at a health club or after a gym class, but Reggie, since he fell for Wonder, didn’t know how to explain it right. He could only tell me about it the next day when I picked him up for class. The story both shocked and confused me.

I never knew women could be so aggressive and domineering before. Hell, I wanted Bianca’s phone number too, but Reggie said that he would think less of me if I called her. Fuck Reggie, because I wanted to see this Bianca. I could use a little aggression and release every once in a while myself. But this brought the confusion to an all-time high, and Reggie talked sincerely enough that I knew he suffered the way he said he did.

“What are you going to do now?” I asked, as we drove towards the university.

“I don’t know,” said Reggie. “She went against my wishes every step of the way. She didn’t listen to me.

I wanted her to stop. And she is the woman my parents want me to marry? I’ll be dead in a year – a base-head fool wandering around the ‘hood, searching for the next Goddamned high and maybe a free meal at a church once a month.”

“Speaking of high, you didn’t get hooked on that shit, did you?”

“I think I did. At the end of the night, Bianca gave me some to take home, and I snorted all of it before getting home. I used the bus shelters along the avenue. I stopped each time and snorted the shit until it was gone. And you know what?”


“When I got home, I wanted more of it.”

“Man, oh, man, Reggie. You have to stay away from that stuff from now on.”

“I called Bianca this morning. She’s giving me more tonight. I’m seeing her again. I’m really nervous about the whole thing. But that medicine makes me feel like I’m top of the world. It takes me away from all of my little hang-ups. I can’t describe how good it felt – to be an actual human being again. I want some more as we speak.”

“Stay away from that shit, Reggie. And stay away from her.”

“We’re going out again tonight. We’re going to do the same thing over again.”

“What about Wonder?”


“Yeah. You guys still getting married?”

“We come from different worlds, and everything with her is some kind of tragedy. Her parents forced an abortion on her, and she wants to try it again.”

“God’s giving you two choices.”

“I’m not sure I believe in God anymore. I’ve suffered so much. The people in the world are suffering so much. This morning I saw a news story about the starving children caught in the Syrian civil war. It disgusted me, and now I’m wondering if God is real, and if I should believe in Him.”

“Runnin’ with the Devil, huh?”

“Jesus, I’m so confused. I just want more of the stuff.”

“Reggie, and I hate sounding like your mother all of a sudden, but Reg, my man, you have to stay away from that powder. You can’t afford it. You can’t afford taking Bianca to these local clubs, either.

She’s no good if she’s doing that stuff. Stick with Wonder. Wonder’s young and naive, but she isn’t a coke-head, that’s for sure.”

I dropped Reggie off at the Humanities Building, and he gave me a look that chilled me. He didn’t look the same, as though a demon had been released from his pain and hunger and had etched a few new deviant expressions on his face. We weren’t getting any younger. If Reggie lost his faith now, I wasn’t sure if he’d regain it. Sure, it is hard – trusting God amidst all of the killing, the starving, the freezing cold, the homeless, the soldiers, the senseless torture of innocent people. It is all bitter, and it knows no bounds, but to give up faith in a God that he’s been praying to all of his life? That’s pretty fucked up, if you ask me. But Reggie wasn’t asking. I already knew that he was hooked on the powder, and would now aim his life in the direction of getting more and more of it.

And then I thought about Wonder. Never in a million years would I have picked a white floozy over a black sister, but I had to admit to myself, after parking the car and heading towards the mail-room, that Wonder was much better for Reggie, despite how she came from the rich white world, and Reggie from the unruly black ghetto. I never thought in a million years that a white woman would be good for a black man, but Wonder was the better choice, no matter what her family thought about Reggie.

The long afternoon in the mail-room hit a lull, so I spent most of the workday bored as all hell. The Reggie project was much more exciting, but also, aside from all of the drama and the bullshit, if Reggie continued to use that stuff, then I knew I couldn’t hang out with him anymore. He’s a dear friend, but if he’s hooked, it means that I’m probably next. I didn’t want to go through the sanctity of life with an empty wallet and a drug that could easily kill me. I’ve seen what happens to people who were once my closest friends.

Some of them have died, by overdose or suicide, and the others are just lost junkies that care only about getting more of it. I didn’t want to be a part of it.

When I picked up Reggie the next morning for yet another boring day at the university mail-room - and by boring I mean that there was plenty to be done, but I just didn’t feel like doing it - Reggie seemed to be a little on edge and also a little lost as well. I could tell by his quiet demeanor and his bloodshot eyes that he had been out with Bianca again.

Reggie, though, turned the tables on her. She was the girl after all, and he the boy. Even though Reggie had more control over the relationship with Bianca, he still wanted the coke from her. And in my car, he looked like a disgraced thug. He had the annoying habit of sniffling as well. I could tell he used some of it before I came to pick him up.

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My best exhibitionism (real event):When I arrive at the edge of the woods I start first to check around so no one is around, I start to take my clothes off and starts to put on my sexy lingerie(Long fishnet lingerie, fishnet stockings, open panties), lipstick, wig and my dildo(32cm X 20cm). I inserted my dildo hard in my ass and using my panties to hold the dildo in place, so it does not fall out. I look quickly around one last time so I'm sure that no one is around, I leaved my regular...

2 years ago
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Abby Finds A Place to Stay

At seventeen, Abby had argued with her mother before and had run away a few times, but she had never really been on her own. She had always been able to go back home, take a shower, get clean clothes, and go to school, and do the things every teenager did, and her mother would move on, and let her alone for a while.This time was different, she knew. Now, her mother had thrown her out because she had been caught fucking her mom's boyfriend, and she knew her mom was serious. Abby hadn't even...

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Hospital mein masti

As you all know a doctor has to deal with many patients and of course many nurses too, and all nurses and patients are of different character. The story which I m here to tell you is just one of my many experiences and I will share all of them with you one by one, I will tell you the story in desi language so as to make more interesting. Us waqt meine bass apni degree complete kii hi thi aur thankfully mujhe ek private hospital mein achi job mil gayi to I was very happy , sab kuch mil gaya tha...

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Seeing Her Shave Pussy

I am back again Vishal from Hyderabad, Her name is Jyothi she is 25 yrs old with a nice body with a stat of 32-26-32 Jyothi is very sexy. my story starts now, Jyothi came to live opposite flat after getting married about 6 months before, about 5 months after her marriage her husband got jod in USA & he left her alone due to some problems. Jyothi was Mba & was expecting to join her husband & getting a job in USA, after about 1 month her mother-in-law came to me & asked me to allow Jyothi to use...

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Charlenes First Affair

  Charlene   is 24 years old, married to Tom for 2 years. She is a gorgeous olive skinned Italian girl. 34b-24-35      5’2” 120 lbs. Jet black hair and big brown eyes. Very sexy young lady. This story is about her and Tom’s best friend Mike.     Mike stretched his legs out in front of him, aware that the bulge between his legs was clearly visible to the woman sitting on the sofa facing him. They were both pretending to watch TV, but Mike knew that she was watching the...

Wife Lovers
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Being touched in the cinema

I looked through my wardrobe, trying to find the perfect outfit to wear. I would be seeing him again that night so I was super excited. He made me feel so wonderful and I was definitely happy to have him in my life. I tried to imagine what our evening together would be like in my mind, every time with him was always so perfect, so it was hard to imagine anything other than perfect.   My phone rang and I answered it, feeling rather happy to hear his voice, “I’m gonna be there soon” he said,...

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The Mark

The Mark By Morpheus Alten stared at the palm of his right hand, still stunned and confused by what he saw there. By the pale mark that had mysteriously appeared there in the middle of the night, or at least was there when he woke up and he knew for a fact that it hadn't been there when he went to bed. However it was not the sudden appearance of the symbol on his palm that surprised him most, but what the symbol was. "A mark..." Alten whispered to himself. The marks were not...

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My Three Favorite Uncles 8211 Part 2 Alone At Home

Hi Friends, thank you for all the nice words and porn pics/videos of encouragement you gave me through emails. They pushed me to continue my story. I explained to you in the last part how I lost my virginity to Sharma uncle. Since then we had been having sex just about whenever we can. We found opportunities to hug and kiss and make out whenever we can. I especially loved how uncle would suddenly grab me or grope me. It was so thrilling for a man to suddenly touch my body on sensitive parts...

4 years ago
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As parents drift apart a brother and sister get c

However thick my parents thought the walls in our house were, they weren't thick enough. I'd lost count of how many times I'd lain in bed listening to mom and dad fighting when they thought we wouldn't overhear them. I was at a point where I almost didn't care anymore, but I couldn't say the same for my little sister.Once the yelling started it was usually only a matter of time before Monica would be up and looking for something to take her mind off of our parents' increasingly obvious issues...

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Tara 6 CrossroadsChapter 9

Ricky led Micky into his treehouse. Micky was thrilled that she would finally get to investigate the many rooms in the treehouse. She’d had many fantasies about what the rest of the mage’s home would look like after her first visit to it. She had to chuckle about when she first met Ricky when she was sixteen. Her parents had decided to take her to Opal Dale. Once a year they held a massive gem fair, and her mother wanted some opals for a dress, so off they went. Her father had laughed that...

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Bikini Beach The Nerds Holiday Queen

This tale is part of the continuing tale of the Nerds and their adventures with Bikini Beach. Earlier installments define the characters, which are very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds. The cast is repeated here for convenience. Cast of Characters: Brandon - a nerdish type who fits the stereotype to a tee, and Robert's best friend and roommate. Robert and Brandon grew up together. Brandon is a computer genius, but is very awkward around girls. Robert - Not quite...

2 years ago
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The Tournament 01 The Reincarnate

Copyright 2012 Nora Quick Author’s Note: This is the first of 10 stories set in the future after World War III. They are very short (8-10 pages double spaced in MS Word each), non-erotic, and follow a few POVs. It deals with polytheism heavily and there is a lot of violence and fighting. I hope you enjoy these stories, they are being developed into another project soon. As always, I welcome comments and feedback. ___________________________ You would think that after almost three thousand...

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Splashdown Remastered and HousecatChapter 6 Less Than Honorable Motives

“Bon appetit,” McGregor declared, slamming a large pan down on the table. Zhari examined the contents, it looked like the carcass of a bird of some kind. The skin was golden brown, with white meat protruding here and there. It was resting in a bed of assorted vegetables, none of which she recognized. “What is it?” She asked skeptically. “Roast turkey, with a side of roast sweet potatoes and turnips. I figured a chicken wouldn’t make much of a meal for you. Try the vegetables, they’re cooked...

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Beautiful Niece Kaylee Ch7

Introduction: A Surprising Weekend. I have changed the age of my Niece to be compliant with the rules. This also throws off all future timelines. I apologize for any confusion, however I hope you will understand. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 7 Hey, Uncle Benny? My niece Kaylee asked me after dinner. My sister Patty, Kaylee, and I were sitting around my dinning room table. It was a Thursday night, and it had been my turn to host our weekly dinner. I wasnt...

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The Wedding Dress

'So I was to be the best man. Great.' George Mason was still confused about all of that. Sure he had known the groom, Brett, for years; they sat next to each other in school. But since those days they hadn't been in contact. Darn, school was a lifetime ago. George had run into Brett by chance two days ago; they had some drinks at a bar, and George ended up agreeing to act as Brett's best man at his wedding. Brett had explained that his original best man was sick or something. Two days...

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The Bondage Whore Chapter 2

The Bondage Whore, by Rachel St. Clair, All Rights Reserved.Chapter 2 - The FittingThe next day Rachel arrived at the office. It was mid-afternoon, around 3pm. Today Rachel was wearing her shortest denim miniskirt, too short to completely cover her ass, strap-on heels, and one of her favorite tops which displayed several inches of midriff. Monica greeted her, and introduced her to Phil, who would do the "fitting". "Come on into my office Rachel." said Phil as he directed her through another...

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RetreatChapter 6

Monday It has taken her all morning to calm down enough to make this conciliatory gesture. Even so, the woman is still not happy. She cannot understand how Mark has let her down; he had never failed her before. Numerous women over the last few years he has successfully groomed until this Michelle. Numerous women have succumbed to his flattery and been turned from dissatisfied wives into sexual dynamo’s, dominating and cuckolding their husbands and without realising it, working as unpaid...

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A Very Private Sex Club

Chapter 2 The New VentureBill Todd was enjoying watching his new found, world class beauty licked clean by his secretary. He could have had them do anything but he had other things to do.“Rebecca, I hope you enjoyed your breakfast. Inga looks like she enjoyed your attention. But the day is slipping away and we have a number of things to do.” Bill announced.“Take you new friend and get her a shower. Wardrobe should have some clothes that she can wear. Make the arraignments. Get back up here as...

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Chubby Freshman Chapter 8

Chapter 8Terry a high school student was very shy due to the fact that he was chubby and didn't play sports or excel at anything that would make him cool and fit in with the popular students other than being having a very high academic average. He didn't have a girlfriend and had little possibilities to have one. If the truth was known he liked to look at guys more than girls. He often masturbated thinking about cute guys especially handsome athletic guys who were always popular at school....

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Sandra My Love Ch 2

She gasp for air and arched her back when I caressed her little nipples. Slowly my fingers traced her beautiful areola circle. With tears running down her face, ‘ Oh Lee, I’ve never had a man that loved me touch me.’ I whispered in her ear, ‘ Well, baby. You have one that loves you now.’ She had look on her face like I had gave her Disney Land, she turned to face me. Her hands held my face as she drove her hot tongue deep into my mouth. My hands found their way to her sexy ass that was...

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Its okay for girls to be naked in front of men P1

by Vanessa Evans Part 1 I met this guy (Nathan) during my first semester at college and every time that I saw him I felt my nipples and pussy tingle. The first time that he spoke to me I got so close to cumming that I just had to excuse myself and go to the restroom to rub one out as my brain played-back our short conversation over and over as I tried to imagine him without any clothes on. Maybe I should tell you a little about myself before I go any further. I’m Jade. I’m18 and have a...

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The money was great for part-time work and the education I receivedabout D&S was invaluable.I continued to research D&S and in particular, Female Domination. Ievolved in my own personal growth and I became a self-describedFemale Supremacist. By my definition, a Female Supremacist is awoman who believes that women are the superior sex over men. She is awoman who has come to believe that society would be better served if itwere governed by women instead of men. A Female...

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The Giant and I celebrated our 6 month mark last night. Six months is huge for me. Six months is a milestone. I avoid commitments. I tense up when things get real. I build the walls up around me even thicker. I don’t admit feelings, I deny their existence. I don’t fall in love because I don’t want to feel the pain of being hurt. Six months is a long fucking time for me.He’s my Dom, my Daddy, my Sir, my boyfriend and my rock. He’s allowed me to feel and be me. He doesn’t judge me for my faults....

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A Sissys Journey

The Man: Part 1?Not even hard, the man mused aloud. And to think you wanted me to help you with your erection problems.?Sorry, I?m nervous, the boy said. ?Take your cock and jerk it. I want it hard, boy. Now! Taking the hairless flesh in his fist, the boy almost eclipsed his limp member. Only the tip was visible as he ran his dry hand up and down the length of it, more mashing and squeezing than actual jerking. It took a long time, but eventually the shaft lengthened and stiffened as the boy?s...

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StepSiblings London Tisdale Liv Wild Stepbrother Dick Pic Drama

Liv Wild and London Tisdale are irate when they discover that their stepbrother has been sending unsolicited dick pics to them and their friends. They confront him in his bedroom, telling him they will reveal an embarrassing video of him showing off his cock if he does not do whatever they want. And what do they want? Besides some chores done and some drinks fetched, his hard prick! They order him to strip down and show them the infamously thick rod from the dick pics. Once he does that, their...

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Designer Children Part 10

Chapter 23 "Ryan...unless it was the hospital, don't worry about it." Eve hugged her pillow. She slept in a pair of what should have been pajama shorts, but were more like pajama boots shorts. Her ass cheeks hung out of them, looking like heaps of crumpled caramel toffee. She reached for a non- existent blanket, the stifling midday heat removing any need for one. I had shaken her for a solid thirty seconds before she had even budged. It was like trying to wake a hibernating bear,...

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Life Diverted Part 2 AdulthoodChapter 10 Sinking

September 1974, age 19 The academic year 1974-75 was either a triumph or a descent into depression, depending on which way you looked at it. My relationship with Charlie had been patched, but not entirely repaired. I negotiated with his mother for him to come down to stay every other weekend, but there was no getting around the fact that we were growing apart. The kids at the home all started their new schools in September, scrubbed and fitted with new uniforms. For some of them, it was...

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Life and LoveChapter 7 Lessons for Catherine

€The rest of the afternoon passed quickly for Jonathan and his family as they swapped news and family gossip. They had just finished discussing the children's education and the need for a tutor when Cathy saw Charlotte stifling a yawn. "Charlotte you look as though a hot bath would be a welcome idea." Charlotte couldn't stop from smiling at her sister-in-law. "A hot bath sounds like a wonderful idea; long journeys by coach are not the most comfortable method of transport and these...

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The Best Birthday Present Ever

We sat around the dining room table. My older sister's friend Dan lit the hash pipe. Next to him was his girlfriend Nancy. Everyone called them NanDan they were together so much. Next to Nancy was my sister, Naomi. And next to her, Naomi's best friend and the love of my young life, Lynne. Man, did I have a boy crush on her. She was slim and sleek with curves in just right places. She had reddish-blonde hair and the BEST pair of tits. When she laughed it was like bells ringing. I was thrilled...

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Starting the Day Right

I moaned as I woke up, feeling a single feathery touch tracing a line along my spine. I was lying on my stomach and I glanced over at Drew, who skillfully sent shivers of pleasure through my skin as he brushed his finger from between shoulder blades to the small of my back. I moaned again and smiled. “I could get used to getting woken up like this. That feels incredible.” Drew patted my left butt cheek and chuckled. “I think you already have,” he replied as he leaned over and brushed his...

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Sun Sand Sea Sex and Daddy

My friends husband once said to me, "It's easier for a woman to have casual sex, than a man".I thought about it for a moment and retorted, "If that was the case, who are these women having sex with"?Now it was his turn to look puzzled. Truth is for every horny man looking, there are just as many horny women wanting the same.As teenagers and young women in their early twenties, we got revved up for a weekend of debauchery, as much as the guys drank alcohol for Dutch courage, we girls were...

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Pax MultiChapter 4

The skies of Procyon II were beautiful and blue. He sat back, resting his palms behind him, looking out at the sky – the sun overhead is so searingly bright that it makes the clouds look as if they are each glowing waves of white flame. At the back of his mind, he knows that Procyon itself, the star, is slowly transforming into a super giant. Over the next few million years, it would sweep outwards, eventually rendering the surface of Procyon II uninhabitable. The Procyon that stands before...

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Stories my ExGirlfriend used to share with me 1

I used to date a very sexy filipina back when I was younger who was very promiscuous in her day. She loved getting tons of attention and especially loved it when men wanted her. She was 5'3 120lbs nice ass 34C bra size. This story takes place after knowing her for over a year and realising that she was going to do whatever she wanted. She was already seeing someone new since we had broken up but she would still come over and we would fool around. One night she told me she was going to be very...

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Living with the Consequences

Even though it was October, it felt like spring in Tucson. Raised in the cold Midwest, Kelly felt there was something fundamentally wrong with a Homecoming game that lacked the crisp bite of impending winter, but who was she to complain? If she had been in the Midwest, she would not have been able to wear a short jean skirt and flat summer sandals to go with her jersey and U of A earrings. She could not deny that the loved how cute the outfit made her feel. When her two co-workers at...

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Seleccin natural

Cuando abres, los ojos, lo primero que ves frente a ti es el cielo estrellado. Tu primer pensamiento es que es... bonito. No se te ocurre otra manera de describirlo. Tu segundo pensamiento es... confuso, por llamarlo de alguna forma. No estás segura de qué estás haciendo aquí. De hecho no estás segura de nada. Todo lo que consigues recordar son imágenes sueltas que no te dicen nada, y un agudo dolor de cabeza parece decirte que no te concentres tanto. Es entonces cuando, al llevarte las manos a...

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