MagicianChapter 25 free porn video

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It was good to be home, however much I had enjoyed my adventures with the Æsir. It was a relief to not have to watch my back and what I said quite so much.

I spent much of my time back at the office catching up with various details (and gossip) that I'd missed whilst being away. The truce still held with the Coalition, though no one expected it to last much longer and everyone was on their guard.

Our Political Section had been quite active and several Coalition members had defected after seeking amnesty, bringing more often than not their long term partners with them, no real names of note, just ordinary Mages who had seen just what the Coalition had done to female Mages they'd kidnapped and attempted a 'breeding' program with. This again was causing friction with the fanatics who formed most of the upper ranks of the Coalition. Again we suspected that Merlin and Elymas so far were keeping a lid on things. That hadn't stopped the fanatics forming around the other leader of the triumvirate who more or less ran the Coalition, Gilles de Rais. Other than a little of the historical record, which Morgana told me was mostly false, I knew very little of this senior Coalition Mage. Yet Morgana assured me if there were trouble, it would come from him and not Merlin or Elymas.

"Essentially he's a hothead, John," she told me one day. "A very powerful Mage with all the endearing characteristics of a psychopathic spoilt brat."

"So why do Elymas and Merlin tolerate him?" I asked.

"He's the Coalition's enforcer, their equivalent to Heinrich, or Heinrich that was," she replied as we went over some of the data I'd retrieved from Azurana as partially transcribed from the original coded diaries by Mage Geoffrey's Section.

"To be avoided if at all possible then?" I asked.

"John, I know you have an impressive bag of tricks and have taken down a few High Mages of the Coalition, but trust me on this, you aren't in the same league, never mind class as any High Mage if they don't underestimate you, as the others did," Morgana stated sternly. "Even I would be extremely cautious about facing Gilles as I would with Merlin or Elymas and there is no way I would have taken on Heinrich without some very heavy duty backup."

"I understand, my Mage," I replied. "I'm just trying to get to know my enemy as it were."

"I understand your curiosity, John. In many ways you remind me of Arch when he was just out of his Journeymanship. He had a few hard lessons and a few lucky escapes before he grew wise enough to pick his battles carefully," Morgana said. "Mind you, in those days a Journeymanship only lasted fifty years, just long enough to get the basics of longevity as it were."

"So Mages and the training of them has evolved over the centuries?" I asked.

"Very much so, John. Simon started the first real basic training program and it developed from there, mostly to keep us out of the way of organised monotheistic religion," Morgana replied. "Before then Mages would pass on information and tips only if it was to their advantage or on a whim. The Council changed all that and got things organised as the senior Mages of the time realised that cooperation worked far better than conflict."

"I'm impressed, my Mage," I said wryly. "I suspect organising Mages in those days would be akin to juggling with sand."

"Simon had the advantage of good friends and the secret of longevity," Morgana said with a smile.

"Is he the Simon Magus as mentioned in the bible?" I asked.

"Sort of, his fame preceded him as it were and his name was used," she said. "Same with Elymas."

"What of Djadjamahnk?" I said frowning.

"An assumed name taken by an Egyptian Mage trained by Elymas," replied Morgana.

"Does this mean I could have chosen something other than John?" I said.

"Yes, John."

"Zorbo the magnificent ... now there's a 'name' I could live with," I chuckled.

"Makes you sound like a stage entertainer, John," chuckled Morgana in return.

"True, John sounds ever so much better in that context at least."

"Odd," frowned Morgana. "We have a visitor."

I raised an eyebrow in query, most Mages came in announced in advance, or if they worked in the Department through a coded portal which bypassed all the deviously nasty defences Mage Henry's people maintained. The code was changed daily by security and could only be obtained via your Section head or Henry's second in command, Mage Philip, a man with a serious sense of humour bypass if bothered unnecessarily.

"In reception?" I responded.

"Yes, I've just been paged of all things," mused Morgana.

The first two floors of the building were occupied by ordinary civil servants who essentially did the mundane paperwork of our investigations and acted in a sense as a cover of people entering or leaving the building. The various aversion wards protecting the building from the general public were tailored to ignore them so at a distance at least we looked typically civil service bland. Getting down to ground level wasn't as simple as it should have been as the lifts didn't work above the first floor to stop people accidentally coming up despite any aversion fields. However as Mages we simply powered up the lift from our mental control and rode it down nervously as it was quite noisy and shook from lack of maintenance on the upper levels.

"I think we at least need this looked at, my Mage," I suggested after a particularly nasty lurch.

"Yes, John. We're in no particular danger, but it isn't particularly pleasant either."

"Beats just teleporting in though," I added with a grin.

The lift finally smoothed the ride when we got to the publicly occupied floors and descended smoothly down to reception where we alighted after wondering when or if the doors were going to open.

"How did we end up with a lift anyway?" I mused. "The Department has been hereabouts since 1701."

"I had it installed just before you became a member of the Department, John. All part of a program to make the building appear modern in outward appearance. Same with the electric lighting and the heating system we don't use."

"So who pays for these people's wages along with the ancillaries' bills?" I asked

"The State as part of the accords, we don't use magic on them or their people save under certain very limited circumstances. They pay the bills and get our help in certain limited circumstances."

"One of these days I'll have to actually read these accords," I muttered.

"I thought you had as part of your apprenticeship?" said Morgana, looking nonplussed.

"Not that I recall," I said.

"Oh dear."

We walked into the reception area to find Merlin sitting in one of the comfortable 1950's chic décor chairs.

"Ah, Morgana and John, how delightful to see you again," Merlin greeted us cheerily.

"It's nice of you to call Merlin, though normally it's announced through the Diplomatic Section," Morgana replied just as urbanely.

"Well, this isn't an official visit, more in the nature of a friend calling," Merlin stated.

"Whilst it's always delightful to have friends call, this isn't a particularly good moment," Morgana replied.

"Indeed I'd surmised as such," Merlin said. "I expect things will be very busy in the immediate future too."

"How immediate?" Morgana asked.

"Oh, about from the next two hours, give or take a few minutes," Merlin said with a smile.

"Well, when things settle feel free to call again if there's anything you need or we can help with," Morgana replied as farewells were given and we retreated to the lifts as Merlin left the building.

"What was that all about, my Mage?" I asked.

"Merlin was telling me that the truce was over and to expect something very nasty in the next couple of hours," said Morgana.

"Why would he do that?" I asked puzzled.

"I suspect a faction fight in the Coalition and if we're warned, the attacking faction hopefully will get hammered and lose a large amount of influence," Morgana replied.

"Oh ... he's arranging a cull then."

"I believe so. Now excuse me, I have several warnings to give."

Once the lift had finally gotten us to a useful floor I darted off to give Arch the heads up whilst Morgana contacted Mage Henry and I presume the heads of the other Departments worldwide followed by Simon Magus.

After warning Arch I then moved upstairs to where the Seers were now located and took up a position assigned to me there, other Mages hurried past me from enforcement or security as the whole 'magical' Section went to high alert.

"Hi, John," came a voice I knew.

"Hello, Abigail."

"Think we'll be attacked?"

"Yes ... we've become the focal point for too many Council successes," I replied. "I suspect if we are to be targeted, it will be here."

"They must know they'd take massive casualties."

"Depends on how they intend to go about it." I replied. "There are often ways and means to surprise as the Nephilim found out with me."

"I don't think they can suck the oxygen out."

"That's just one way. I expect they'll have a plan."

"Now I'm worried," she sighed.

"Someone once told me that no plan survives contact with the enemy," I said. "That's why we have moved from our regular places to others where they won't be expecting us. After that we are left to our own devices until we know what we're dealing with."

"Oh, I didn't know any of this."

"No need for you to, you'll be going off-world with Seer Jemima to an undisclosed location soon."

"But I'd like to fight!"

"I like your spirit," I said with a smile. "But endangering a Seer, even an apprentice one is not going to happen save by surprise."

"You have much more fun than I ever will John."

"You're also a hell of a lot smarter than I am as well as more powerful in certain ways," I replied.

"That's what Róisín told me too ... er, about herself, not you, John," she giggled seeing my look.

We were interrupted by a massive blast hitting the building where it bordered onto the building next door.

"Damn!" I muttered "Abigail get to the portal in the Seer room now!"

"Yes, John," she gasped as Seer Jemima appeared in the doorway to lead the rest of our precious Seers group to safety.

There was a lot of dust and falling debris around, but I stuck to my position having a sneaking suspicion that whatever had happened wasn't over yet. I did pick up some of the smaller harder pieces of debris and place them in front of me to act as bullets if necessary and I could now feel some serious spells being used along with screams and cries as various defences in the building cut in and then were overcome, some of them remarkably easily I thought to my horror. Various telepathic and teleporting dampeners were in use too, so I was mostly out of contact with anyone else in the building save oddly Seer Jemima who remained in the Seers room removing the wards on the special escape portal to prevent anyone following the group.

"Can you detect anything, Seer Jemima?" I asked.

"Just a lot of movement two floors below us in diplomatic," she replied. "Don't know who though, but ... yes, it's Roxanne getting her people out."

"No fighting?"

"Not that I can detect, but there are large areas of the building now cut off from me."

"Perhaps you'd better go, Seer Jemima." I said.

"Too late," she muttered. "Teleport blocks all over the place now."

"Crap, Arch is going to kill me if anything happens to you."

"Mages coming," Jemima said. "Not our Mages either."

"How many?" I asked.

"Three, not sure how powerful though."

I handed Jemima my spare null amulet and told her how to activate it.

"Just in case..." I said.

"Thank you, John, but for the moment at least I think you need my aid as your back up does not appear to have managed to join you."

I could now hear the sounds of fighting on the floors below and realised at last that some resistance had started, now those we could evacuate had gone. Also whilst I couldn't mentally detect the approaching Mages, I could hear them checking each room and area in turn.

I deliberately set my mindcloak as it was now called into place and waited ready to send the projectiles I had speeding down the dust choked corridor.

"Someone down here, just a mundane though." came a voice as my brain translated from some guttural Russian.

"Male or female?" came another voice.


"Pity, well, question it then kill it, so far we haven't found anything but trouble here, it's almost like they were expecting us and the plans we have don't match what we've found either. Still the record keepers are supposed to be up here and that's our target."

I saw a shadow approaching and I sent three of my projectiles towards it at supersonic speed just using magic to accelerate them, not to guide or maintain speed. I heard a satisfying scream and what I could detect told me of a seriously, perhaps even fatally, injured Mage.

"Ivan?" came a cry.

I dived to one side as a blast of hellfire came up the corridor scorching everything in sight including the dust cloud, partially fusing the walls and setting the floorboards alight. Dodging back out I sent a compression spell back down the corridor catching the now exposed Mage who had sent the hellfire blast at me. The force of the spell caught him and his injured companion and lifted and slammed them against the far wall of the corridor rendering him unconscious and killing his companion.

"Well done, young Mage," came the voice who'd ordered his companions to deal with me. "But I think you'll find I'm a different kettle of fish to those fools."

"And who might you be?" I asked.

"Your death!" came a snarl as a vicious spell came lancing through the walls to rip through my defences and only just failed to connect due I presumed to the avoidance charm I wore.

I sent the remaining bits of debris I had coupled with a focussed fireball spell in the direction I thought that my opponent was casting from hearing a loud curse, though no other signs of having incapacitated him.

"Do you think you got him?" came Jemima's telepathic whisper.

"No, but I've caused him to stop and think," I replied using the same channel. "I also think they think Mage Geoffrey's people are supposedly here."

"Well, we didn't exactly advertise our re-organisation," chuckled Jemima.

In the distance we could hear the sounds of fighting and knew that whoever the invaders were, they certainly weren't having things their own way.

Instinctively I dived to one side as a large blast of hellfire passed through the place where I'd been crouched, I suspected that it had been a ruse to try and make me break cover as the previous attack had missed, clearly to the anger of my opponent. In return I unleashed a series of compressed gas spells in the area I knew he had to be hiding, hearing more muffled curses.

Same as Magician
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SandcastlesChapter 32

When Janey was seated, I went back to the edge of the box. I motioned for Sally to come up behind me, to use my body as a shield from being seen by anyone below us who happened to look up. She understood and stood just off my shoulder. Gary was not hard to pick out. He, too, had two beautiful women with him. They were as dark and tan as Sally and Janey were blonde and fair. Upon closer inspection, I realized that one was much younger than the other. Another mother-daughter pair, I bet...

1 year ago
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Surprise From Big Brother 4

I had just made the realization that even stretched by the sizeable dildo, I was still in for a rough ride by Ryan. My nerves got the better of me and my mind raced with thought; should-I-do-this?-he's-my-brother!-what's-wrong-with-me?-will-it-hurt?-I-hope-it-does.-I-can't-do-this. Before I went completely insane, Ryan shouted down the hall. "You can't have blown that bigga load! What's takin' you so long to clean up?" "Nothing, uh, I'll be right there." I felt proud that I...

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Krystenahs Master and King

"Do you have any painkillers?" he asked me. My eyes landed on the small bottom of ibuprofen on the bedside table . "Yes, Sir," I said through the phone. "Better take some now. I'm on my way home," he said and hung up. I set the phone down and picked up the pill bottle. I didn't have time to worry if Master was in an angry or playful mood. It might not matter too much either way; it was clear that he intended to wear me out when he got home. I opened the bottle absently as I walked into the...

3 years ago
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Fun on the road

Here is a strange little tale about my first craigslist meetup. We had messaged each other for a couple of days and on one cold and rainy night she gave me her number which I texted her to see what was up. She said that we should me at a local bar and we could meet in person. I had seen a few of her pics and from what I gathered she was cute with wavy dirty blonde hair that came to her shoulders with brown eyes and very petite figure. She said she had just turned thirty. The pics were not of...

2 years ago
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AlteristChapter 9

I woke up early again but it was different this time. I had my usual morning wood but it wasn't buried in Bev's butt. There was something suckling on it like a baby on a milk filled tit. I lay back and enjoyed the sensations, then I felt the bed shift on my right and something soft was lapping at my balls. I relaxed and let it happen; I felt the tingles and Vicky said, "They're tightening up," and I started pushing. Bev grabbed onto the exposed part of my cock and moved her whole head up...

2 years ago
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The Housewives Of Coxville County part 4

Chapter 3: Heavy Tutelage: Bianca's Story (Several weeks before the fated Coxville book club meeting...) "So, who wants to tell me what Carl Denham means when he says "t'wasbeauty that killed the b**st?" Bianca Blackwood stood before her audience and calmly scanned theexpanse of the room. For all their youth and vitality, the stillness andquiet that came from the students held all the life and vigor of a graveyard. "Anyone?" she asked patiently, tilting her horn rimmed glasses...

4 years ago
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My wife and the truckers on the road

I had convinced my sweet Ana to join me for a quick trip to Kansas city.She was delighted and she packed her clothes for a full weekend.About midnight, we had got almost four hour driving in the road.Ana was enjoying the drive; but suddenly, I heard some strange sound coming from the engine. A red light on the dashboard indicated there was some problem. I realized the nearest town was two hours away; so, we were in the middle of nowhere…The car kept moving, but some smoke coming from the...

3 years ago
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Christine and Wine

“Hey Justin*.” I returned the smile and removed my sunglasses, “Well, well if it isn’t my favourite sales lady, hey Christine, how is things?” She chuckled at my half-compliment, “Not too bad, business is slow though.” I nodded my head, placed my helmet on the counter and leaned on my arms next to it, “Yeah I hear you, having a slow time myself.” Christine is almost ten years my senior, after her divorce I’ve been flirting regularly with her, but never actually tried to...

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Letter to a Super Stud

A story of revenge and punishment.Dear Super Stud,You seduced my Caroline too and you did write me a letter explaining what you did together. So thoughtful of you. It is not the first letter you wrote to men you considered as wimps, is it? I hope you will enjoy your time with Caroline today. I saw to it she is well prepared. I put what I thought she should wear on her bed, the thin white semi transparent silk blouse, a short black skirt and a pair of high heels. I am sorry to say; just before...

1 year ago
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Secret Affairs with my friends son part3

“I had always fantasized doing this,” Adam said, as he started stroking his cock inside my wet pussy. “Hmmm…” I moaned, “You mean bending a woman over the bed and fucking her?” I asked. “Yes, this is so hot,” Adam replied. “I always…” Adam again tried to say something. “Stop talking,” I said trying to avoid his talk. Too much interaction was making it weird. I didn’t want to interact with him much. It was feeling a bit weird when he was talking. His cock inside my pussy was really feeling good,...

2 years ago
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Rebel in the SouthChapter 36 Dawn Again

I had one surprise on that miserable, wet trip north to fight again and that was the reappearance of Dawn, the white-skinned slave who I had bought and freed down near Ninety-Six. She showed up somewhere out in western Virginia one afternoon and reined in beside me while the men behind loudly cleared their throats in appreciation of her beauty. She was still wearing the dress I had bought her and had the shotgun strapped behind her saddle. A well-soaked blanket covered her shoulders, but her...

4 years ago
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Our First Time

Nick was a virgin, as was I, but on that night we spent together you would have thought he’d had years of experience. I was a pretty young sophomore in high school, at the tender and sexually-peaking age of sixteen. He was a junior and seventeen. We’d been dating for several months and had spoken about sex a few times, agreeing we’d wait until we both felt ready for it. It was a Saturday night. We were sitting on his bed holding hands and watching a movie, and his parents were out for the...

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One for the BooksThe Share Holders Meetingp

It was just your average day at the bookstore, the girls were all buzzing about the latest Twilight movie, I was sorting books in the back because truthfully ..I wasnt in the mood, I had been kinda bummed every since Joey had quit, he got a chance at a better job, great news,right? except he had to move to his grandparents , hours away.I was into my fourth box of novels when Nick walked in,“ There you are! I was wanting to see if you were up for a little ride, you seem a bit....down, bored,sad,...

2 years ago
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An Arrangement of Sorts Ch 03

**This story is just a ‘tide-over’ while I work out some chapters for other tales that aren’t ready yet. I’m writing this in my head while I do other, more mundane things. Kinda fun, but I think I’ll be back the my more regular stuff soon. O_o —————- After a long while, they pulled apart enough to slide their arms a little lower so that they could look at each other while still touching as they sniffled a bit. But neither of them minded much, since it made them smile a little as well. ‘Can I...

3 years ago
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Ak Anokhi Ghatna

By: Anil Verma Hello dosto aaj fir purani yade taza ho gai h mai Kanpur se hu dekne me thik thak hi hu meri ht 5’8” h aur average sharir h ak purani kahani fir yad aai h waise ye kaha ni 2008 ki h lekin meri yado me abhi bhi taro taza h,mai ISS ka bahut fan hu,aur is par lagbhag har kahani maine pad rakhi h waise mai pahle bhi apni do sachhi ghatnao ko yaha par bhej chukka hu aap logo ke sahyog ke liye dhanyavad Ye kahani pad kar apni pratikriya jarur bataiyega meri email ID hai. Ab aap ko...

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Padosan Aunty Ki Mast Chudai 8211 Pt 2 Reena Ko Choda

Hi dosto aapne meri ISS kahani ka first part toh padha hi hoga. Toh aap sab jante hai ki Reena aunty kitni hot aur sexy hai. Unke bade bade boobs aur gand dekh kar koi bhi aunty par fida ho jayega. Aur bas main bhi fida hogaya tha un par. Kahani ko aage badhata hu. Hum dono niche gir gaye the aur main niche se nanga hogaya tha. Mera lund abhi bhi khada tha. Jaise maine bataya ki hosh mein nahi tha pahele 5 minute. But fir jab hosh aaya toh dekha ki aunty mujhe uthane ki koshish kar rahi hai....

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Bills StoryChapter 11

Bill woke in the morning to the pleasant feeling of a hand wrapped around his erection. He didn't know whose hand it was as his eyes were still closed; feigning sleep he kept them closed and waited to see if what he expected to happen would eventuate. It did. "Hey mum," said Sandy, "do you suppose Uncle Willy will be able to sleep through me fucking him?" "I don't know," said her mother, "why don't you hop on and find out while I hold it up for you." A split second later his...

1 year ago
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Michelles Long Weekend

Note : This is completely fictional story!!! My Aunt Mary picked me up straight from school for the long drive to her house in the Country. I hadn’t seen her for some years, not since she had visited us at our home. My Aunt is my Mums sister and is two years younger than her. My Aunt’s house was very beautiful, a small country cottage with a lovely garden. After the long drive to her house I was very tired so my Aunt showed me upstairs and, after showing me my bedroom, ran a nice hot bath for...

2 years ago
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Suzys Squirt Hole Exploration

This is from an email I got from Mistress Suzy about her and her new fuck toy. This is the entire email - 100% from her. You can see why we get along! LOLOk so here's my story I've been waiting to tell you about this video camera scope thing-a-ma-bobber. It has a handheld monitor that is attached to a cable with a camera on the end of it. Well we started off by practicing with it by checking out inside our nose and ears. Just putting the camera end under our nostrils. Looked kinda cool. Then...

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Total Sex Island

Chris McLean is seen standing on a dock preparing to make a grand introduction. “Welcome to Camp Wawanakwa. I am your host Chris McLean! We have 22 campers here now to spend eight weeks surviving wild animals, crazy challenges, and each other in the hope to win 100,000 dollars” “Teams will compete in challenges every three days. The winning team receives a reward. The losing team have to exile one of their own in the campfire ceremony. The camper voted off will walk to the dock of Shame, catch...

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ExxxtraSmall Karlie Brooks The Auto Erotic Spinner

The sweet and petite Karlie was relaxing by the pool, until she heard a knock at the door. She answered in her bikini, only to greet one of her dads mechanic buddies. He was there to fix the car, and Karlie took the liberty of escorting him to the garage. She leaves him be, and the mechanic gets right to work. Karlie goes to check on him, and turns out her timing was great! He asked her to start the car to see if it was fixed. As soon as Karlie revs the engine, she sees smoke under the car and...

3 years ago
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A Working Day

The following story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes of an adult nature, so if you are under 18, stop reading now. This story contains explicit sexual language and fantasies. If you are offended by such activities, do not read any further. This is purely a fantasy. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead is purely coincidental. The author is not responsible for any damage resulting from reading this work. It is written with thanks to its inspiration, along with...

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Shooting in Hannah Version BravoChapter 4

She turned it back on the next morning. It was Saturday so I slept in. When I woke up I felt good and when I feel good I like to work out. I was doing that in the corner of the garage Dad had let me set up a weight bench in when Hannah wandered into the garage. She was wearing a jean skirt and halter top. It was well into June and things had warmed up. She came over and stood, watching me do sit-ups. I had my feet under some weight and my butt on the bench so I could go down an extra foot....

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Little Piggy has been thinking

Those women up in the mail room were probably envied little piggy adventures. What they fail to realize is that spreading your legs for pleasure isn't as hard as society makes it out to be. Instead of just enjoying yourself and having fun they turn it into a chore full of emotions. I'm not against emotions, but there's a time and place for it. I can say without no doubt that sometimes a man just wants to fuck, cum and be done. You have to enjoy it for just that. In fact, it's super hot when...

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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 16 Dinner with Alice and Robert

Do you want to taste us again?" Sharon asked Rosa. She was referring to her now dripping pussy along with her co-conspirator, Cindy's foaming cunt. Rosa was almost exhausted from all the sexual hi-jinx they'd put her through after telling her the test results indicated Rosa was clean as the driven snow. Still she was ready to continue with whatever they had planned for her. "Do I want to taste you again?" Her voice was weak after expending so much energy in eating the two luscious...

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DADDY I whisper

Stephanie Seduces her Handsome FatherTHE PAST – JUNE 1994 - PITTSBURGH"Daddy," I whispered as I glided across the moonlit room, stopping only when my trembling knees gently brushed against the silk sheets on his king size bed."Daddy, are you awake?" I asked again as I leant over my fathers body, purring into his ear, my tongue twitching just an inch away, already eager to lick inside him.No don't, I thought to myself, pulling back even as I felt my nipples stiffen and arch toward him. Lifting...

3 years ago
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Lurking in the ShadowsChapter 9

After two days the Smart Frame started to spit out little tidbits of helpful information. Until then there were just little teasers that were intriguing but only that. For the last nine or ten months our old chummer Alain de Chateau had been working with Hirohito Nogumi of the Togiwara Corp. This looked like another of Nogumi's get there quick schemes. Steal the finished product instead of going through all the research to get there. de Chateau had been the 'fixer' for Nogumi. He had been...

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