WhoresChapter 3 free porn video

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Snow drove in on a hard slant across the windshield of Stone’s car, idling in the parking lot of the community center. The season was supposed to be safely past this, but it was coming down like it was personal. When he’d heard the first report, part of him hoped they’d cancel, but another part of him just needed to get away from the house.

The wipers were on intermittent, heat cranked high with the fan on low. Stained cement steps led up to the metal door of a red brick building that had been impressive eighty years ago. An empty quietude enveloped it now. Rena’s was the only other car in the lot, and he’d been sitting like this for twenty minutes, waiting for someone else to show.

Since first meeting her, he’d felt a pleasure he could never say out loud in her merely walking in the room. He knew she’d always sensed his attitude, and he was more anxious than ever to see her now, but he wanted to avoid facing her alone this soon. He would have to look her in the eye, and the last thing he wanted today was to risk her recognizing what he really was.

The only reason he’d even bothered coming was to avoid spending the night in the house alone with Nikki. With the snow, no one was going to show up, but it was where he’d promised to be.

He reached for the bag from the bath shop on the empty seat beside him. He pulled out the bodywash he’d bought for Nikki and popped open the cap. The entire car seemed to fill with the scent of powder and roses. It seemed cheap and even a little tawdry when he thought of the natural scent of her arousal. The comparison was too laughable to exist. He felt foolish and decided it would be better not to give it to her at all.

He’d felt like a confused fool standing in the shop while his brain tried to distinguish aromas out of the cloying stew of soaps, lotions and perfumes. The woman who tried to help him had reeked of a sweetness that made him dizzy and a little bit sick. It might have been nice if they’d been out somewhere else in the usual stench of the world.

He didn’t know how to explain what he was looking for, but the saleswoman had gotten a close enough idea. She’d asked how old the lady was he was buying a gift for, and Stone got wary. He’d started to say she was twenty-five, but changed his mind in the middle and said twenty-nine. He couldn’t bring himself to say nineteen out loud. The saleswoman looked like she wanted to laugh and Stone felt his face burn red.

He finally chose what he chose only because it was more expensive than the others. It felt wrong getting something too cheap, as if it were saying what had happened between them was cheap.

He inhaled deeply, drawing the rose scent into his head, but instantly tried to replace it with his sense memory of Nikki’s peaches. Now, it felt as if getting her something just because it was expensive cheapened her, as if he were rewarding her with a pretty trinket. Hey, baby girl, I shaved your pussy and licked you like Mama’s frosting bowl ... here, have some nice soap.

He’d save them both a lot of awkwardness and embarrassment and dump it before he got home.

He’d held onto her too long and too hard in the tub after they’d cum. He should have spoken to her right there and then, and explained how it had all been a mistake. Simple lapses in judgment, as if cumming in her mouth under his desk had also been a small mistake, like taking a left when you know turning right was the direction you needed to go.

But in the end, he almost wanted to tell her she was right, that she was acting like a craven little whore, and he was nothing but a hapless victim to her sinful ways. She would have to learn how to reign in and control her ripe sensuality.

But he was full of shit. He thumb-snapped the cap closed on the bodywash, tossed the bag onto the back seat, then shut off the engine and went inside.

Rena barely cast a glance as he went behind the reception desk to sign in, but he detected the hint of a smile on her face. It was the first time he’d ever seen her wear a skirt. It was a pleated uniform skirt in navy blue, and the way it draped her bare thighs made it impossible to judge how long or short it would be if she were standing. Her crossed thighs had a firm, fleshy quality much more stark than in the dark leggings she normally wore.

She had thin, white knee highs pulled up tight, with black pumps conspicuously replacing her traditional sneakers. The crisp, white blouse was just tight enough around her breasts to suggest a hint of tension against the buttons, which were primly fastened to her neck.

Stone swallowed a mouthful of air as he took in Rena’s glaring changes. She made him think of melted butter and cinnamon. He felt a deep, sudden thirst come over him.

“Hi Professor,” she almost sang.

Her tone was as unfamiliar as everything else, and he almost wondered if she were the same person.

“Don’t call me that,” he frowned. “Technically, I’m not a professor at all.”

“Ok, sir,” she smiled, pretending to study the call-in log on the desk in front of her. “How ... um ... how has the rest of your day been?”

Stone suddenly tasted Nikki all over his mouth as vividly as if she were riding his tongue then and there.

“Pretty uneventful,” he lied. “After you left, I mean.”

The coy smile broke into a larger one, but she kept her gaze trained on the paper in front of her. She might have been blushing, but it was hard to tell with her complexion being almost a dark as Nikki’s.

“I really appreciate all the extra ... help. It was a very stimulating meeting.”

Stone felt his neck burst into flame as he stared at Rena’s thighs. He wasn’t sure if he should stammer an apology for having been an aggressive pig, or simply yank her up out of her chair and rip her skirt up and her panties down.

“Maybe we can talk about that after class tonight,” he finally suggested.

“May-bee,” she replied.

It was getting dark, and the snow was coming down as steadily as it had been for the last hour. For a long moment, he could think of nothing but the way she’d leaned against him in his office that day, with all that broiling heat between her thighs. But the memory was indelibly etched with the sensation of how Nikki had been silently sucking his cock at the same time.

“Gonna be a dead night,” he finally said, his tone betraying the complete absence of his brain.

“A lot of people called in to say they’re not coming.”

“I wouldn’t blame anyone tonight,” he replied. He didn’t realize he was staring at her thighs until she swiveled her chair toward him, offering an improved view. “But I better get ready. Maybe we’ll see the die-hards anyway.”

Stone forced himself not to look at the bright, turquoise nails gently raking the top of Rena’s thigh as he left her behind the reception desk and crossed the hall into the classroom.

He set his folders down at the end of one of the brown, wood veneer conference tables set around the large room in an open horseshoe. He shrugged off his worn, leather jacket and hung it on the back of a chair. Thanks to the antiquated heating system, the room was too warm and he pulled off his sweater to go through his ritual in jeans and a deep blue T shirt.

He took the spray cleaner and paper towels off one of the bookshelves and started wiping down the tables. He went around the horseshoe and pushed them all back in alignment, then set all the chairs in neat rows. He wanted the room to feel unused. On a night like this, he knew there wouldn’t be more than two or three people, and they’d barely notice the difference, but it gave him the illusion of organizing his mind.

When he was finished, he sat at the end of the row and opened a folder of hand-scrawled papers. He indulged himself in the charade of looking at them, but Rena was at the center of every passing thought. The scrawl on the papers became a hazy blur as he ran a hundred possible things to tell her through his head. None of his ideas felt like anything that would connect with the reality of looking her in the eye.

He gazed out the large windows and let the snow swirling through the parking lot lights daze him. As he was beginning to feel as if he were floating inside one of those luminous spheres, he felt someone enter the room.

Rena perched herself on top of the table, actually sitting on half of Stone’s mess of papers with crossed thighs. She’d fanned her skirt around her hips and her ass was directly on top of them. He wondered if she were wearing panties, and almost wanted to reprimand her for getting them wet.

“Um, Rena,” he crooned, “people are going to start showing up in a little while.”


“So if they come in and see you sprawled across the table like that you’re going to make them wonder what we’re doing here.”

“I’m kind of wondering that myself,” she said lightly. “And anyway, I’m hardly sprawled on the table. Yet.”

She crossed the leg closest to him over the other, exposing more flesh in the process. The papers she was sitting on wrinkled.

“Rena, if you keep this up I won’t be able to stand up in class for the whole first hour.”

She giggled. It was something he never heard her do before. It sounded foreign and beautiful at the same time. He made a vain attempt to ignore the supple thigh extending across his view.

“Like this afternoon?” she teased. “Is that why you didn’t get up from your desk? So the poor, innocent coed wouldn’t see the professor’s big, bad hard on?”

A brief tsunami of paranoia suddenly washed over Stone.

“Look ... uhh ... about this afternoon...”

“Shhh,” she hushed him, briefly looking away. “It happened because we let it. Right?”

Only now did she look back at his face.

“Yeah, of course.” He tried to shove his way around the paranoia, but the wall only seemed to get bigger. “Look ... about this afternoon ... I know we need to talk about it, but people are going to be showing up anytime now.”

He wondered briefly why none of the other instructors had shown up yet. He thought he should ask if any had called in, but he got lost in the sight of Rena’s skin as he studied her generous thigh. The corresponding pulse deep in his jeans said it was a bad idea, an even worse idea than letting his mind wander back to that afternoon.

Rena didn’t respond. Stone kept waiting, but instead of speaking she dropped a very scant pair of panties on top of the papers jutting out from under her ass on the table in front of him.

Breath caught in his throat and the faint throbbing in his cock quickly grew into an insistent pulse. The panties had clearly been recently worn, and Stone didn’t bother resisting the urge to pick them up and hold them to his face, inhaling her intoxicating scent. Pure Rena.

“Jesus,” Stone sighed.

“I don’t know if this would interest you at all,” Rena said, “but I spent a good part of the afternoon in the bathroom, shaving ... verrry carefully.”

Stone almost said fuck out loud.

Rena then turned until she was sitting with her thighs open and astride the corners of the table, her feet dangling near his thighs. Her skirt hiked around her hips, exposing the full length of each thigh, along with the shapely pout of her carefully shaved mound. He could see she hadn’t exaggerated about being careful.

“Jesus, Rena...”

She leaned back and propped herself on her elbows to watch his reaction with an expectant grin. He was entranced as she drew a teasing finger along her crease.

“Rena ... for crying out loud...”

When he raised his face to meet her eyes, her lids were heavily hooded, and her bottom lip was caught under a row of white teeth. Stone felt his cock begin to uncoil as he watched the light stroke of Rena’s finger draw a fresh flush and swell to her pussy.

“Professor,” she crooned almost nervously, “did I pass my pampering exam?”

“Jesus, Rena, of all the freakin’ times,” he croaked, yearning to slide his tongue along the scarlet slit where her finger moved slowly but steadily.

Her finger stroked and then dug between her lips, drawing moisture as they began to flush and swell.

“Maybe you’d be interested to know this afternoon in your office I would’ve been perfectly happy to have you yank down my leggings and shove your fingers right up inside me.”

“Fuck, Rena ... fuck,” Stone muttered. His cock was rapidly draining the blood from his cerebral cortex.

“Oh, but professor...” she mewled.

“Don’t call me professor,” he said automatically, watching, inhaling. “Technically ... I’m ... um...”

“Well, technically that’s true, because the director called an hour ago to cancel everything tonight. It’s just us, and technically, we’ll be the only ones cumming.”

The radiators hissed and sputtered while Rena’s dew-flushed petals made Stone think of anything but the reality of the unseasonably harsh climate just beyond the large windows. Her open, almost coppery thighs and humid core only reminded him of the impending summer awaiting them just beyond winter’s final gasp. He filled his flaring nostrils with her fragrance and longed to taste her while his cock thickened and ached with ardent demand.

Rena’s finger tapped a tantalizing rhythm against her rising clit. Stone got up from his seat and took a moment to look at her. He bent forward and placed a moist, lingering kiss on her mound, trapping her finger beneath his lips. She uttered a soft gasp and arched against his mouth while her finger danced with his tongue against her blossoming slit.

He pushed her legs up high against her body and stroked his flat, wet tongue along her lips until her breath deepened and she was rolling her hips in an easy rhythm against his mouth. She didn’t have much freedom to move in her position, but the ardent little gnashing motions against his mouth were steady, almost perfectly synched with the huffing sighs pulsing from her throat.

Rena’s clit bloomed under the wet rasp of his tongue, and she whimpered in complaint when he suddenly stopped. He picked up the panties she’d dropped on his papers and walked toward the doorway to switch off the lights, bathing the room in the spill of light from the parking lot just outside. He held the panties to his face and inhaled her aroma while he crossed the room, as if he could fill himself with her penetrating scent.

Rena sat up and swung her feet to the nearest chair while Stone approached. The sleek sheen of pale light reflected along her smooth skin made his breath catch and the growing shaft in his pants twitch with ardent heat. Her left foot moved aside, allowing him to step into the open space between her thighs.

Stone placed his hand briefly against Rena’s cheek, letting his palm slide along the warmth of her neck as she smiled up at him.

“You know, Rena,” he said, as his hand moved to open the top button of her blouse, “we really shouldn’t be doing this here.”

“Absolutely not, professor,” she replied obligingly. Her smile widened while her hand found the front of his pants. “It’s very unprofessional.”

“Very,” he nearly groaned as she ran her palm along his lengthy bulge. Her agile touch brought on a surge of new growth, until his ungainly cock was uncomfortably trapped inside his clothes.

He leaned forward and kissed her, fumbling with the remaining buttons on her blouse while her lips fused with his and her tongue swirled into his mouth. Her hands worked swiftly at his belt, then opened his pants and pushed them down, along with his snug boxer-briefs, until his naked stalk was jutting freely between her thighs.

Stone felt muffled sounds shudder up through his chest as Rena wrapped both hands around his heated flesh and began stroking him. With the front of her blouse pulled open, he reached inside to unclasp the scant, lacy bra that matched the panties lying on the table. His hands slid back to caress her warm breasts. He ground his thumbs across her swollen nipples and swallowed the mewling sighs that rose from her throat.

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Bah HumbugNikkie SilkBen wasn't sure if he had heard the first knock on the door as he wasconcentrating so hard on what he was doing. It was probably only thesecond knock which penetrated his thoughts, making him sit back and sighin frustration. Shit, he thought, I don't need this interruption. Hisresearch paper was due in a few weeks and he needed to focus on it.He pushed back the chair from the table and with a frown on his face,walked to the front door. As he passed the hall window, he saw...

1 year ago
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Anniversary Dinner

Our tenth anniversary was coming up next weekend. I overheard our children whispering that they were going to be spending that weekend at their cousins' house. My sister's children and mine were close in age and loved spending time together. The thought of spending the night over there was more excitement than they could keep secret. My husband always puts me first. He goes out of his way to make me happy. He is a wonderful father, and husband. I knew he probably had a big evening planned, and...

4 years ago
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Naked on Summer Vacation Sissy Summer SchoolChapter 8

That night I dreamt of being a girl for real. I dreamt of having a Malibu Barbie car and driving to the beach. I dreamt of getting married to a husband. I awoke to feel strangely guilty because technically that made me “gay” and yet at the same time because I had been a girl in my dream I was not gay since I was a woman. It is strange how sometimes you have a dream so real you want to go back to sleep and see how it turns out. I awoke with a raging erection, and I asked Blair if I could...

2 years ago
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The Missing Toy part 1

It was early Friday afternoon, I had a pretty stressful week and I was feeling a bit horny and looking to unwind. My parents had gone away for the weekend and my sisters had not come home yet. I locked my door turned on a DVD, to mask any noise and to help with the mood, then turned off the lights. I undid my jeans slipped them off my hips let them fall to the floor and walked out of them. Pulled my shirt over my head and threw it on my chair and then undid my bra and left it next to my bed as...

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Devar Ji Ne Pyaas Bujhayi

Main ISS ke tamaam members ke saamne apni story pesh karna chahungi. Mujhe umeed hai ki meri zindagi ki ye kahani aapko pasand aayegi. Kuch galti ho jaye, to maaf kar dijiyega please. Mera naam Leela hai, aur main 35 saal ki gharelu mahila hu. Mere pati ka naam Suresh hai (37 saal), aur wo ek kisaan hai. Mera ek beta hai, jisko pyaar se hum Chintu bulaate hai. Wo abhi 8 saal ka hai. Hum Bihar ke Chapra ke rehne waale hai. Main apne baare mein thoda aur bata deti hu. Mera rang saaf hai, aur main...

3 years ago
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Cici Gets The Rents Paid In Full

Marti and I noticed a short light skinned man enter the room, and Cici quickly introduced him as her landlord, Tomas. Leaving the door slightly cracked he mumbled said "something about a clogged pipe, or something like that" as he walked towards Cici in the kitchen. Marti and I were shocked, as we saw Cici kiss his torso, running her tongue along his stout body. Tomas whispered something, and Cici dropped to her knees without a word. She began unhooking his pants, while he towered over her...

Wife Lovers
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Kitty Marie

Marie and her Special Mom, Anna, were on a cruise around the Caribbean Sea. Their cabin was sumptuous and large, with wonderful furnishings and the very height of grand luxury.One morning, as the sun was just streaming through the curtains, Marie was awoken by Anna giving her a gentle kiss and saying, “Good morning, little one. I’ve arranged a special surprise for you today, so pack a bag, with enough for overnight, and we’ll head up to the top deck.”Marie blinked her eyes slowly, and looked up...

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Taking Her Part 2

You wake to cold water blasting on you. He is hosing you off. "God you smell like a dried up whore house slut. " He pulls the dildos out of your pussy and ass, then sticks the hose full blast in one then the other. When he is done he places manacles on your wrists and ankles cutting you loose from the cage. He chains your hands be hind your back and a collar and leash around your neck. "Time for some exercise you worthless slut. " He leads you upstairs and out the back door. His yard is...

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Catherine and Michael

Catherine was a guest lecturer at a small, southern, community college. She had been in town for just under three weeks. Her lecture on that fateful day had lasted a little longer than usual. On top of that, her students had asked many more questions than they normally would have asked. This pleased Catherine because it indicated they were paying attention. However, by the time she left the classroom it was getting late. She hoped she hadn't missed her ride. To add insult to injury,...

1 year ago
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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 10

“Maybe you could give me one of your shirts to use as a night dress but I think your shorts would fit two of me.” she told me, shaking her head. I led her to her stateroom and then went to mine, pulling out a football Jersey that Stacy had sent as a joke. She wanted a picture of me in it to tease a friend. It was an XXL so it should be fine as a dress. When I knocked on the door to her cabin, there was no response but the door was not locked. I opened it slowly, talking loudly. “My eyes...

1 year ago
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A mature wife goes to a nude beach without her husband and finds a friend

My husband and I have always looked forward to our annual trip to Miami with great excitement. We have enjoyed the tropical feel of Miami, the warm air and ocean breezes, and the party vibe. But if we had to name one thing that we anticipate with the most excitement, we both would say it is our visits to Haulover Beach, the wonderful nude beach just north of Miami. From the first time we visited, we have been hooked on the exquisite freedom of laying out, swimming, and walking along the beach...

2 years ago
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Stocks BlondesChapter 14 Humiliated

I am bruised, sick, and utterly humiliated. I’ll never be able to rent a car again. And my cover may be blown. How could it get so bad? What am I doing up at this hour, sitting in a dead woman’s home, crying my eyes out, and throwing up every ten minutes? God, I wish I knew. I can’t think straight; I can’t even see straight. And I think someone is in the house. I’ve locked myself in the kitchen office and am throwing up in a wastebasket. Here’s what I remember. I need to write this down. My...

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ShawnChapter 28

We landed ten minutes later and collected all of our luggage. Liz phoned home and didn't get an answer and was worried. "Sweetie she is here at the airport looking for us. Let's find her. You go that way and I will stay with the luggage. Don't go outside the building." She gave me a peck on the lips and ran off. She was quite changed from a week ago. My eye had already found her mother Mary and that was why I shooed her off in that direction. Soon a young looking woman of twenty seven...

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I found this wonderful story on another site, attempted to contact the author on more than 1 occasion, to no avail.I have proof read and slightly altered parts. Enjoy!Troy and I started working at the same company together, went throughorientation together and even found out that we had been trained in thesame MOS in the Army though he was in a few years before me. We where inour early 20's, well I was, Troy was in his mid-twenties I guess. Troy andI were also build similarly--both tall, thin...

2 years ago
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Under the Hot Summer SunChapter 12

TIFFANY Damn, I can't believe I'd just done that. Just lay there while Carlton fucked my ass. I felt the cool slickness of the lube, his finger sliding inside of me, first one and then two and how it had stretched so hard. I had felt pain at first but then ... when he started thrusting his fingers in and out ... the sting of it ebbed and then came the heat. Waves of it pouring through me ... and when he'd taken out his fingers and pushed his cock inside, the burn had returned but I...

3 years ago
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How I lost my virginity

I know most writers of these stories claim them to be true stories and more often then not they are fake, but my story actually happened, this is how I lost my virginity. During the summer of 2008 right after graduation I took a job at a hotel as a cashier/concierge. I was a good athlete in high school, kind of tall and thin, I always got a lot of attention from the high school girls but they never would have sex. At the hotel there was 3 Russian workers here in the U.S on a work exchange...

2 years ago
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The RescuedChapter 52 SM03Epsilon Day 8

Steve awoke to the sound of gentle snoring from one of his two bedmates. A quiet check revealed that Lucille was innocent; Angela was the source of the noise. As Steve lay there, waiting to see if he could fall back asleep, his mind wandered back to the events of the day before. He'd slept with Dianne (who wasn't interested in sex with him) and Jessica (who was). In the morning, Jessica had been nuzzling his neck when he awoke, to Dianne's amusement. She'd gotten out of bed and left for...

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Mad Science Badly

MAD SCIENCE BADLY By Ingrid Halb Dr. Richard Wilder was on his back on a mechanics creeper underneath a confusing assemblage of pipes, wires, and circuit boards. He was trying to tighten up a leak on the liquid nitrogen feed line to the superconductor drive for the electromagnet. Unfortunately, he was using a pipe wrench on the hex nut because he could not find the 9 mm flarenut wrench he should have been using. Stupid metric wrenches, why were they always one millimeter...

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Tony Next Door

Usual Disclaimers apply.Check you're legally entitled to read this filth.If you are then unzip,flop ya knob out and stroke away.I wanna know the spunk's squirting.Oh,and cheers for the feedback to my last story.I was just shy of my 14th birthday & had been tugging on my knoblet almost daily for well over 2 years,& swallowing down my own decent thick loads of boy-spunk more or less from day one! Fuck,I LOVED the taste & feeling of my jizz sliding down my throat.Come to that,I loved...

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trannyslut wird in Damenunterwsche auf dem Parkplatz vergewaltigt

Einmal hatte ich auf meinem Lieblingsparkplatz bei Köln unheimliches Glück. Ca. 15 Minuten, nachdem ich dort in rosa Unterrock und Strapsen gewartet hatte, kamen zwei Gays auf mich zu und zogen mich hinter die Büsche. Einer rammte mir sofort seinen Hammer in den Mund während der zweite von hinten in mich eindrang. Während wir noch fleissig dabei waren, kam plötzlich ein dritter Mann dazu, kniete sich seitlich vor mich und verwöhnte mich oral. Zuerst spritzte der Gay, der mich von hinten fickte,...

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My first mature

She was 48 years old and i was 18, we was in the same club one night, and started chatting, but i couldnt help but look at her beautiful big round tits as she was wearing a very revealing top and a nice short skirt. i knew she could notice me looking but she didnt seem to mind so i continued to fantasy about what i would do, she then realised how hard my cock was getting from looking at her,and at that point she came very close to me and whisperd to meet her in the toilets and as she was...

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I Was Right Mona Was A Bitch

By: AWC What a shame. I always thought Mona was a bitchy girl and did not attempt to develop any brotherly relationship with her, let it be a step brother and step sister relationship until we both had finally graduated from the high school and gone off to different colleges. It was the summer break and we were back home. Our parents had told us earlier that they were off to their 2 weeks’ vacation and we were home alone. Oh, let me explain here, my mother had run away with her old...

2 years ago
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Alice and My Roommate

Alice and I were rolling around in the sheets of my dorm room. She and I had vibrators inside us and we were holding onto each other's toy – pushing it in and out of soaked swollen pussy. Anyone who has ever felt the odd sensation of something so desired, so thought about, so hoped for, finally complete – anyone who has felt that, could know what I was feeling. My virginity was gone. I felt like a bird released from her cage, and I lavished everything on Alice. I wanted to give everything to...

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Tongues of Passion

Hello readers. Alizee is back to entertain you with a nasty but horny story which is bound to take your hands to the itchy area between your legs and its time you have some napkins around to clean yourself. This incident takes place when two lovely bodied woman bump into each other while attending a seminar in one of those ECR resorts. After a stressful day of listening to all the crap which can never add values in any of our work Deepa felt she needed to relax with a bottle of beer. All thru...

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I was my husbands Bosss office fuck s

Sex is about two people, or so I thought. Read on and see if you agree with me.It was around this time of year when we were celebrating on Princess Street, of all places, our company Christmas Party. I had met my husband in this job, and we had been celebrating our first anniversary, and using this works party as a continuation of our celebrations.I felt great, not only on the outside with everything apparently falling into place, but on the inside, as sex, was better than great, and I was, as...

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a private full

ywA Private Eye Fullby shooter3704 (C)Chapter 1I was watching an apartment complex. That's what I was being paid to do, I'm a private investigator. My mission was to record the coming and going of a man whose wife believed he was up to no good. I had been watching the apartments off and on for two weeks and had come to know who belonged and who didn't. Up to this point the subject of my surveillance came home from work went in to his apartment and stayed there until he left for work the...

1 year ago
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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 18

So much laughter and fun filled the family’s return trip from Melbourne that the time quickly passed. It was twilight as Andrew drove into the grounds of what he believed was his home and stopped, disoriented by the sight before him, unable to comprehend this was their driveway and their house. Fascinated, the family could only stare at the myriad fairy lights bordering the driveway scattered in the trees and around the garden. The lights took their attention totally, so amazed were they at...

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Cat and Mouse A Cresswell Industries Story Pts 15 and 16

XV: Hot and Bothered *CRACK!* "Nngh!" The woman's name was Marion Briggs. In BDSM circles, she was considered a switch, which meant she could effectively fill the roles of a dominant and a submissive. Yet another associate of Mary Margaret Katzhoff, they had just finished a pre-planned session in which Marion...who always played the submissive to Maggie...was the recipient of a willing degree of pleasurable pain. *CRACK!* "Nngh...ohh, fuck!" With every crack of...

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Lady at Midnight

She stumbled into the house, one shoe on and her red dress was still up over her cunt line. Her husband stood on the bottom stairs to their second floor as she dropped her purse as he caught her coming in from the act. Her reddish blond hair was disheveled with strands of dried cum in it. Her red dress, stained with whole loads. And her make up was more than smeared. Her lipstick had remained in the edge creases of her mouth. She looked at him in shame. He looked at her in disgust. ‘So, this...

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