CRPChapter 3 free porn video

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Current Responsible Party - Day 2.

We’re awakened while it’s still dark. Several people with flashlights are shaking me. I throw my legs off the bed to see what’s going on. Everyone is being awakened, and I check the time and see its 5 AM. I ask...

“Hey what’s going on.”

One of the security men who are there, says...

“You all have appointments.”

After Rachel, Nickolas and Sarah get up, a nicely dressed woman speaks up saying...

“Everything will be explained during your appointments, line up at the door.”

After we line up, a security guard opened the door and said follow him. I complained about not having any clothes on, and the guard said, “there were none available right now, move along.”

We followed the guard, with the lady and another guard at the rear. Rachel and Nickolas were complaining about not being awake yet, but Sarah and I were more worried about what was going on. We walked all the way down an Isle till the end and turned left, then a door on the right. The security guard opened the door and told us to step inside. There were chairs lining the walls on each side, a door at the back and a window next to it. The lady who had escorted us there stepped up to the window, and when someone came to the window she said... “Enclosure J for their health analysis appointments.” The woman behind the counter said one moment, and we’ll be right with you.

After a few minutes I spoke up and asked...

“What health analysis?”

The lady said...

“This is all very routine, remain quiet.”

Another 5 minutes pass, Nickolas is asleep sitting up and Rachel is complaining about not having network access on her corneal implant and being cold. The door opened, and we’re all called in at once. As we walk down a hallway we are shuffled into different rooms and to take a seat inside. I take a seat in something similar to a dentist’s chair, complete with the light above it. I’m starting to think we’re being checked out completely as a precaution. Finally, a woman in a smock walks in who seems nice, and talks about this being very normal, and because of the busy schedule they start very early. She offered me a thin blanket to cover up with which I appreciate, even though my modesty seems to be fading. She places a tray on a counter and starts getting a hypodermic ready. She says it’s for making sure everything goes well, and it’s normal to feel drowsy. She was right, within a few minutes of watching her getting some things together I felt very drowsy and relaxed.

I think I nodded off, and felt embarrassed about it. She must have stepped out to get something, so I just sat comfortably and waited. Luckily I was feeling better and the drowsiness was going away. I checked the time and it was now 6:20 AM. Time was flying by this morning, and I made the best of the time to relax after such a strenuous day yesterday. There was a picture on the far wall that said, ‘Look Here’, and I found myself looking at it, and wondered why I was so fascinated by such a simple little sign. The door opened and the same woman walked up to me and asked...

“How do you feel? Are you still drowsy?”

“No. it seemed to only last a few minutes.” I answered.

The woman says...

“Good, yes it doesn’t take long, follow.”

I immediately slid to the side of the dental chair and stood up. She walked to the door, opened it and started down a hallway with me right behind her.

After we walk to the end of the hall and made a right, she opens another door and I followed her inside. She said wait here, and I stood waiting as she started messing with something that looks like a giant washing machine. After lifting the lid and opening a front door she says...

“Step in here in the middle. And place a foot in each circle on the bottom.”

I look down, and there are circles, so I put a foot in each. She says...

“Now squat down a little.”

I found myself squatting down about half-way. She closed the door in the front, and then the lid with my head sticking out the top, closing a sliding attachment around my neck. She then says, put your arms straight to the side, but not touching the box. I do as she says, and she asks...

“Are your arms out and are you ready?”

I say... “yes.”

Then she said... “Stay.”

I held still, and feel uncomfortable being half squatting down. She says this won’t take long, and she started something, and I began feeling waves of heat moving around over me. A few times it’s uncomfortable and I start to move but can’t, my neck being trapped in the lid, keep me from being able to move at all. I look over, and there’s another of those signs that says, ‘Look Here’ I find the warmth sort of relaxing after all, and make the best of it. She steps over to me and takes a wand of some sort, and begins running over my face and neck. The warmth is so relaxing that I try to enjoy it. I’m surprised that even though my legs are beginning to tremble from squatting down like this, it’s not so bad I want to straighten up. Finally, she walks over and stops everything. She opens the lid, and finally the door at the front. I’m still squatting down and remain that way even though my legs are trembling and starting to cramp. She’s facing away from me doing something, so I wait for her to finish. I have to concentrate on my breathing to keep my balance and not move. I wonder how long I have to stay like this. She finally walks back over to me and starts wiping my face with something cold. Then she takes a small hose and turns a nozzle on, and begins spraying me down with some type of cold liquid, and starts sponging me down. She followed up with another hosing down. Finally, she says...

“Stand up.”

I stood up with my legs trembling, and She says...

“Stand over here.” pointing to a place in the room.

I move to the place she pointed. She walks around me a few times and says...

“Good, follow.”

She turned and started walking away, and I followed right behind her.

As we walk down a long hallway and through a few doors she said...

“What’s the number I told you to remember?”

I answered... “LS5886249”

She then said... “Who is the only person you tell that number to?”

“I answered... “My CRP.”

She said... “Good.”

We continued walking, and finally she opened a door, and I was back in our room again. Nickolas was already back. The lights are on and it’s a few minutes after 7 AM. I asked where Sarah and Rachel were, and she said they’re on their way.

Nickolas and I talked about what took place, and like me he had a dental check and some serious cleaning done, then brought back here. It’s not long before Sarah and Rachel are back with the same story. Within minutes the lady showed up with breakfast. It’s more room temperature oatmeal, dry toast and water. I think, why even give butter if nothing is warm enough to melt it!

After we eat breakfast we decide to take quick showers and get ready. I’m still anxious to speak with Ms Watson. After we take our turns in the bathroom, and brush our teeth, we sit down at the table, it’s now 8:30 AM, and we know 9 is coming fast.

Within minutes the door opens, and in walks Ms Watson. She places a bag on the table, then steps over to the monitor and brings up our Response and Review list. Scans over it and steps back before saying:

All of you come here and lineup, holding her hand creating an invisible line across the floor facing the monitor.

We stepped over, and lined up along her hand facing the monitor, looking at it.

She began...

“Look at the responses you’ve collected the very first day. The pattern I see is no appreciation or gratitude for anything or anybody. Luckily by the end of the day you were showing improvement, but, it took my boss to bring it out in you. I can’t believe I was contacted by my boss while trying to enjoy time with my children. From now on, you will immediately comply with any order from anyone on the other side of the glass, or any Human Services Employee. Do I make myself clear?”

I say, followed by the rest of my family... “Yes Ms Watson.”

“Good, now this is Day 2. So the Responses and Reviews today had better be glowing. Check your responses every chance you get. Now, since you seem unappreciative each one of you will go gather all of your personal toiletries and come back to this line.”

We turned and walked into the bathroom, all trying to gather our things and getting in each other’s way. Then we came back and stood where we were.

Ms Watson walked over pulled a plastic bag out of the bag of things she placed on the table then walked back to us. She started walking down the line holding the bag open and said: Everything in the bag.

As she walked by each of us, and we dropped our toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brushes and everything else that had been given to us upon our arrival here.

She then walked back to the table and puts the bag down while saying...

“Come here and clear the table, everything in the trash bag.”

We all gathered around, and put the disposable plates and plastic utensils into the same bag, when we finished, she put the bag by the door.

She turned around and sais...

“10 minutes till opening, what’s the goal today Mr Davis?”

I reply... “Be appreciative and compliant Ms Watson.”

She says... “Exactly, now does anyone need the bathroom?”

Nickolas said he needed to, and she excused him to the bathroom. Then she said...

“You have 2 guaranteed buyers on Day 7. Plus we’ve heard from some of your cousins who will be here bidding, but to be honest, they’ll not win the bid unless they can gather the full amount. You have 2 others coming back to view again today. One is bringing their children, to get opinions from them before committing.”

Nickolas returned and stood by his mother. Ms Watson steps toward the front saying...

“It’s almost time to start, so take your places.”

We line up at our designated places and waited.

Ms Watson then says...

“You will have to ask for toiletries when you need them now. Maybe you’ll learn to appreciate things and take nothing for granted. Furthermore, I suggest you kneel today right from the beginning. And here’s a tip. If you see Mrs Hernandez, drop to your knees, she already has a problem with you all. Everyone, stand on you right foot.”

I can’t believe it, I found myself balancing on my right foot. Wobbling with nothing to hold on to, I look to my left and everyone is doing the same.

Ms Watson walked completely around us looking us over. She walked up to Nickolas first and said...

“Remember your number?”

Nickolas said... “Yes.”

Then she said... “Put your foot down and look up.”

Nickolas put his foot down and looked up while the rest of us watched intently. Ms Watson took Nickolas’s upper lip and pulled it up under his nose and looked under his lip then said... “Good.”

She pulled his head back down then proceeded to do the exact same to all of us. As she did Sarah, I was able to look and saw it. There was a permanent ink tattoo with numbers under our upper lip. After she did it to me I asked Ms Watson... “Why did they do that to us?”

“That’s your Human Services ID, so people can log in and find out information about you. In case you’re lost or abandoned. Plus it has all of your accessory codes and triggers.”

I ask... “What accessories and what triggers?”

Ms Watson replied...

“Where do you think you’ve been all morning? You were getting your implants and triggers.”

I say: “Do you mean that’s why I felt compelled to stand here on one foot?”

She replied... “Not at all. Triggers aren’t wasted on that. You just have an open mind to authority and your CRP now. That’s always included anytime merchandise is chemically hypnotized here. It doesn’t mean you don’t have your own thoughts, they’re just overridden with the hypnosis. Now, get ready, you know what to do right?”

We respond... “Yes Ms Watson.”

Rachel asks... “What are the triggers?”

Ms Watson replies...

“You will know them when you hear them, you don’t need to know them right now. But, it’s the maximum allowed by law at 10. Now quiet and get ready.”

While we waited for the door Ms Watson asked...

“Who can tell me why you are naked?”

I heard activity and looked over, and couldn’t believe that everyone had their hand up, including me!

Ms Watson said... “Sarah, you were first, why is it?”

Sarah said...

“Because nobody has given us permission to wear clothes, and we don’t have any Ms Watson.”

Ms Watson said... “Exactly Sarah.”

Both Rachel and Nickolas said... “That’s an easy question.”

Suddenly the beeping starts, and I tense up. Knowing another day is starting. We all watch as the doors finally click into place and the beeps stop.

Ms Watson says... “You know what to do.”

We all took 2 steps forward and lowered to the floor, placing our knees in the small circles close to the front of the glass and sat back. I heard the door behind us close, and I looked out seeing all the other people either standing or kneeling.

Looking over at the Miller’s old room, I see a middle aged woman and a young boy. I think it’s amazing how fast things happen here. There’s nobody here yet, and it’s Saturday. But the mall just opened up, so I’m sure things will get busy later.

I glance to the right and see the Green’s in their spots ready to go, and the family to our left is standing there ready. I’m concentrating on how to look friendly and put my best foot forward. I see staff busy setting up some kiosks right in front of us. It looks like on Saturday they have special events planned because it looks like a small stage is being set up. There’s a sign but I can’t read it at my angle. We relax and get ready for whomever comes by.

A group was slowly coming this way, stopping at every room and talking. When they got close enough I see they’re all Human Services employees, and oh no, that’s Mrs Hernandez walking with them. As they approach, I whisper to the family, it’s Mrs Hernandez, be at your best. When they stepped in front of our room, I immediately tried to look pleasant. I was flicking my tongue at each while scanning back and forth. There were 4 women and 2 men, and I glanced at my family when looking all the way to the left. It looked as though they were all concentrating on being pleasant as well. The women were all fairly young possibly just out of college and the 2 men were wearing maintenance clothes. As I turned to Mrs Hernandez for the 3rd time she gave me a thumbs up from her hip. I actually felt proud of myself and family. After about 2 minutes, they walked over to the Green’s.

I watched with ever-increasing interest at what the maintenance men were working on in the center of the Mall isle, directly in front of our room. There was a kiosk, a small raised stage, and what looked like a stand with assorted jewelry and bags being set up.

Now I saw people starting to walk around, and coming in the doors. One couple caught my eye because they had a huge German Shepherd dog, and they were dressed very nicely in almost matching suits. He and his wife were both fairly tall, and stately. They walked down the center of the isle toward the Customer Service Desk, almost dead center of the Mall. After they spoke with the lady at the desk they stepped away and stood. Everyone who walked by, talked with them, and petted the dog that seemed friendly enough.

After a short time I saw Ms Watson walk up to the couple and shake their hands. They spoke for a few minutes then walked down our side of the Mall. As they walked past our room they were talking, and we began our open mouth tongue action. The dog came right up to the window and Rachel says...

“Hi puppy.”

She was doing puppy talk, like people do with dogs even though this dog was huge and full-grown. The dog stopped and wagged its tail, and as the leash tightened it tugged on the owners hand. The man paused and I could see him mouth something like, come on and tugged the leash. As the dog past Sarah, it came to the window in front of her, wagging its tail. I could tell it was a well-behaved dog, and probably trained. They again tugged the dog to continue on and the man smiled at me, as I looked up to him with my mouth open and tongue resting on my lower lip.

They walked to the Green’s next door at our right, and stopped. The Green’s, like us were kneeling and open mouth, showing willingness to please, even though the thought of actually sucking a man repulsed me. As the couple were talking with Ms Watson, and looking at her epad, the nice dog had moved to the glass wall wagging its tail at Mrs Green. Just like Rachel I saw Mrs Green speaking with the dog, but being sound proof glass, nothing was heard but looked cute. With nobody else close to our room, we watched what was going on next door. After a few moments Ms Watson and the couple stepped closer to the Greens and looked more closely at them. Then the man reached down and patted the dog on the head and started talking to the dog. He let the dog get closer to the glass, and it looked like he was sniffing it. The man was letting the dog lick, its wet nose all over the glass and I could see the dog becoming excited. Then his wife said something to Ms Watson, and as soon as she did, Ms Watson reached up and pushed the talk button on her head set.

Suddenly I saw Mrs Green look up, then over to her husband, then back to the dog. She stopped smiling and slowly turned around and got on her hands and knees, then backed all the way to the glass. It suddenly dawned on me what was going on, when Mrs Green began rubbing her butt against the glass wall. The dog became much more excited and looked like it was trying to get through the glass. Mrs Green looked our direction, and we made eye contact for the first time since we’ve been here. I saw complete horror in her eyes as she rubbed her butt on the glass. Mr Green was looking back and forth and I could see him talking to his wife and seemingly concerned. He would look back at the couple with Ms Watson, and continue his open mouth tongue display, but the terror in his eyes was also obvious. I saw Ms Watson again on her head set, and a moment later Mr Green was also open mouth to the dog. I couldn’t help myself but be curious, and I focused on the dog to see if he had any info and my display showed:

CRP: Mathew Sullivan CRP Name: Mr Bigs Breed: Shepherd/Husky Mix Gender: Male Age: 6

Wow I thought to myself as I watched Ms Watson and the couple staring on as the dog tried to get through the glass. It was another moment before I noticed that the dog’s penis had come out, it was massive and red. I felt intimidated that the dog’s penis could be so much larger than mine. The dog seemed to be desperately trying to get to Mrs Green. She was hanging her head down mostly but occasionally would look up and glare at me as if hoping for help. There was nothing I could do, but I couldn’t believe the people were allowing the dog to blatantly try to mount Mrs Green, as if she were another dog. Finally, Ms Watson spoke into her headset and Mrs Green turned around and put her nose against the glass, and the dog began licking the glass as if licking her face. Her mouth open and tongue out, she remained that way for at least 10 minutes during the time Ms Watson and the couple continued talking. I was so engrossed I hadn’t even noticed that my entire family was watching just as I was. The dog’s penis was hanging down, looking as though it was leaking all over the floor.

A few minutes later the couple walked away with Ms Watson back to the kiosk. I watched as Ms Watson started showing them an assortment of documents. I looked over at the Greens, and she was back on her knees but with her head down and their arms were both stretched out holding hands.

An older couple came walking by and stopped to view us. We were all open mouth, and looking at up at them. My guess would have their ages somewhere in their late 50s. He was standing in front of Rachel looking intently at her, and his wife was looking at Nickolas. I could see that Rachel was doing as told and trying to look friendly and appreciative as she looked from him to her. Sarah and I were both doing the same while waiting for them to come and look at us. I was beginning to think they weren’t, but they finally stepped to Sarah and I. We both did our best to show our appreciation for considering us. After a few minutes they finally turned and walked over to the Greens.

Like my wife and kids I kept looking out across the Mall to see who would come in. It was Saturday after all, and from the activity in front of us, they were planning something. Perhaps music, like the normal Malls have these days to encourage people to come shopping stores, instead of through their corneal implants. As I looked around the Mall I would occasionally wonder what was going on with me, why did things seem to be normal for something so abnormal happening to us. Why was I not furious about being kept naked, but knowing it was normal. My mind was conflicting and if I wasn’t focusing on why, then ‘why’ didn’t matter as much. If I really concentrated on things, I would realize it was the hypnosis and triggers implanted during what I thought was a dental exam. Why was I not concerned about my family and protecting them instead of hoping they present themselves well for the sake of us finding someone to buy our debt. Why is it becoming so important to me? I am starting to get dizzy, so I decide to watch the men working in the Mall. How different now that if someone looks my way, my mouth opens automatically.

I look at the time, its 10:15, so I tell the family we can get up, and apologize for not saying it sooner since we only had to be here till 9:30. We get up and I head for the bathroom. We sit at the table and start comparing the trip to the doctor’s this morning. We conclude we’ve been chemically hypnotized, and also been laser shaven completely. We are familiar with that, but not for a whole body. Usually it’s just for minor areas. We all seem to agree that we’ve had subliminal suggestions that have changed our perception of things. We don’t know to what extent it is, but as time passes, the more we forget it happened.

Thirty minutes goes by and the intercom announces front and center. We start getting up and sure enough there’s the 15 seconds countdown timer running. We settle into our sections and kneel in our knee circles. I notice I have a small ache developing in my penis that I hadn’t noticed before but nothing too annoying. I check, and everyone is in place. In the Mall all the maintenance men are gone and the small stage is finished. The jewelry display kiosk looks finished, although I can’t make out much except for some necklaces and bracelets, because they’re on an upright display.

I look over to the right and something’s not right, but what is it. Oh, the Greens aren’t in their spots, and they have always been there. I look at the banner and it looks the same except Day 6 instead if Day 5. I can’t help but wonder if someone has purchased their substantial debt.

I don’t see anyone to justify the VIP alert, but I can’t see all the way down the Mall floor. More people are coming through from the right, which I had concluded yesterday led to a parking garage. A young woman walked up to the kiosk with the jewelry and started adjusting things. Saturday must be a big day here, just like every other Mall in the City.

I see someone walking this way looking at an epad as if following directions. As he approaches, I can’t believe who I see. He eventually walks up, and stands in the center of our glass, but back far enough to see all of us. I look down trying not to make eye contact with the Director of Finance where I worked. He is the person I directly reported to, and led the morning meeting at 9 AM. Now and then he and I would have lunch when we needed to go over things unofficially. He is married and has 3 kids ranging from 14 to 17 as I recall. I remember his oldest is graduating from high school this year. I know Sarah and the others don’t know him because we’ve never done anything socially with him. I lift my head enough to see the family is open mouth presenting themselves. Sarah is starting to whisper to get my attention. She thinks I don’t see him. Eventually I lift my head enough to see his crotch but don’t go any higher. I fight this overwhelming urge to open my mouth and present my tongue. I know what’s expected of me, and I know my wife and children are doing it. When my cousins were here, I didn’t realize who they were, but I know exactly who this is. He’s just standing there, why? Eventually I lift my head and we make eye contact. I smile half halfheartedly, but realizing he knows what happened, and that it wasn’t my fault, I’m sure he does. He doesn’t smile back but stares at me. I begin to feel self-conscious when he doesn’t acknowledge our friendship. At that moment a 10-second timer starts. Then he lifts his hands palms up in a what gives gesture. He continued staring at me, then across to Sarah, Rachel and Nickolas. When finally his eyes fell back to me I could tell he was expecting no less. 7,6,5 seconds, I slowly lowered my eyes back to his crotch and parted my lips, my tongue out and resting on my lower lip, I finally open my mouth fully in a subservient gesture. He seemed satisfied and lowered his hands to his side. He stood there for a few more minutes, tapped out something on the epad and then walked away.

I closed my eyes knowing he would be no help. Why did he come here, to humiliate me? Is that why he wanted me to completely submit to him, just to humiliate me? I thought we were friends and colleagues at work. Does this cause people to turn on you? I watch as he crosses the Mall, seeming so sure of himself. He walks up to Mrs Wallace and Jessica’s room. She and Jessica are kneeling as well, but they still have their clothes. He stands and looks at them just as he did us, but I can’t see if they are submitting as we have been told. He finally walked off and steps onto the escalator heading up to the 2nd level.

I still haven’t seen the VIP’s who are causing this alert. Yesterday it had been quite awhile before anyone was seen.

Motion to the right catches my eye, and I turn to see what it is. At first, I see a group then, oh, I wait a moment and focus on exactly what I’m looking at. The couple with the dog are walking this way, but now, as the dog leads the way pulling them along, there, attached to his collar is a leash leading up to Mrs Green, who is wearing a collar and being pulled along. A leash goes from Mrs Green collar to Mr Sullivan who holds it. Walking behind the couple is Mr Green, both still naked. Mrs Green looks over at us as they pass, she had the look of fear and desperation in her eyes, and I genuinely felt bad for her. As I looked at her, I accessed her info again...

CRP: Mathew and Janice Sullivan CRP Name: Mrs Bigs Gender: Female/Bitch Age: 25 Weight: 114 Lbs Height: 5’3 Breast size: 34D Sexual Orientation: As Directed Other: Attached, Married, Separated.

As Mr Green walked by I accessed his.

CRP: Mathew and Janice Sullivan CRP Name: Boy Gender: Male Age: 28 Weight: 164 Lbs Height: 5’10 Penis size: 8” Sexual Orientation: As Directed Other: Separated

I watch as they go by, the Sullivan’s walking along with the Greens, him following and her being pulled along by the dog, and another leash being held by Mr Sullivan.

Amazing the crowd’s of people who come through the Mall on Saturday, There’s a line at the Customer Service Desk, and people are busy talking to the girl at the new jewelry kiosk next to the small stage. My jaw is getting sore already from being held open and under my tongue feels like it’s about to bleed. I never realized how much it hurt sticking your tongue out for extended periods of time.

Rachel says... “oh no”

I look her way to see what’s going on. She’s looking to the left and when I look down the row I see why. Her best friend Bethany Alden, who she’s known since Kindergarten, her parents and brother are walking our way. Bethany was just at our house for a sleepover last weekend, and her parents stayed for a cookout. I never really hit it off with them because they seemed a little snobbish. Their teenage son plays football for the High School and I often see him with one of the cheerleaders. Now they’re quickly approaching. As they stop in front of us, we all look at them. and I see Sarah and Rachel give a little wave. Bethany is busy trying her best to talk with Rachel as if she can hear. but Rachel signals her that she can’t hear anything through the glass. Bethany’s brother Rob is busy gawking at both Sarah and Rachel. Bethany’s mom must have planned better than most, because she brought a sheet of paper, and written in bold marker...

“Sorry this has happened to you, and we wish we could help, but we can’t afford it.”

Sarah and I both acknowledge that we understand. We feel so embarrassed that they have to see us this way, considering we’ve sat and enjoyed drinks with them in our home. I’m surprised they would come here, and especially bring the kids. Bethany squatted at the glass and puts her hand on it, and Rachel puts her hand there, so they can almost touch. I hope they leave soon because it’s embarrassing. They begin talking among themselves, and then the parents look at us and point upstairs and begin to walk to the escalator.

Same as CRP
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The Royal Magic Academy had been a pillar of the Kingdom's authority for hundreds of years. The Academy's willingness to teach people from all walks of life and treat them equally, so long as they have an aptitude for magic, was a point of pride for the Kingdom and a drawing factor for the masses. The Academy would pull in foreigners and was known as the focal point of magical knowledge and training in the west. If one could achieve high rank in the academy and graduate, they would never find...

3 years ago
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The Derby Part 1

1 It was 4 am and I was standing in the bathroom of an upscale downtown condo getting myself ready to leave or at least look somewhat presentable. To me this was a practice Saturday night. It started out with me and my practice partner Karen dinning out, getting cocktails and then heading to a downtown club. It was a successful night well at least as far as practice goes for both of us. Karen and I had both left around 1am glued to a guy. Not sure where she ended up but we will meet...

2 years ago
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Summer Hire Ch 06

Showing Up for WorkThe late afternoon sun slanted down into the courtyard. She stopped her car and looked around. The scene looked familiar from her first visit, but, at the same time, felt foreign and scary.After texting back and forth, they had agreed she would come on Sunday evening, so she could settle in before ‘work’ began the next morning. Unfastening her seatbelt, she turned to look at her suitcase laying on the back seat. He had assured her that she wouldn’t need to pack much, which...

2 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 96 Opening Night

As Jessie Harper looked on from the sides she felt just a little bit envious of her friends going out there onto the stage to parade before the audience and the judges. Each one was going out there with their head held high and their best foot forward in the hope of making it through to the final round of the pageant in three weeks time. Even though Jessie felt a little bit envious she also felt a just little bit relieved that she wasn’t one of them. With her solo choir performances and all...

3 years ago
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A Charicable Act

"You treat women like shit!" I yelled to my brother. We were at the courthouse and he was being led away by the police to begin a prison sentence for assault and battery on his girlfriend Charice, I was glad to see it happen to him. She however cried for reasons I didn't understand, some form of stockholm syndrome I supposed. "Meredith!" She reached out for him as they loaded him into the van and I held her back. "He's a monster, he's getting what he deserves," I told her, she...

3 years ago
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Finding AnswersChapter 12

May 8th came. Stefany's period didn't. Penny and I had our hands full helping Stef and Eddie keep their heads together for the next ten days. Will and Abby got home from college on May 17th. My mom took a day off and drove the family mini-van down to the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia to pick up Will, Abby and all the things two teenagers can accumulate in the course of a school year. Will and Abby were sorting through Will's things, trying to fit everything into the room Will...

1 year ago
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A Different Kind of Blind Date

Lucy didn't know what she was thinking but here she was in the hotel lobby asking for a stranger’s room key. It all started a few weeks ago. A friend told her about Lush and she was intrigued. One thing lead to another and she got involved chatting with Jake. He found out that she was a freshman attending a local college. She found out that Jake was older, married and was athletic, or so he wrote. She asked for more information but he was elusive. They had some steamy chats but nothing too...

3 years ago
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Masturbating Teen Sister

Hello, guys… welcome to the world of fantasies where all your crazy horny shitty sex fantasies are met. I am a new writer member at Indian Sex Stories and with this first story of mine, I just thought to deliver my fantasies as well. So here comes the first story of Jack and his teenage sister Eve. Hope you guys would like it. Jack, 16 and his younger sister Eve, 18 years old lived along with their dad in Mumbai. It had been 2 years that their mom passed away in an accident. Since then their...

3 years ago
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KinksChapter 10

There was a strange smell and I felt really odd. I tried to lift my hand to my head. The headache was unbearable, but for some reason my hand, my arm, wouldn’t move. “This one’s awake,” came a rough voice. I opened my eyes and realised I was lying, bound and blindfolded, on a hard surface. I wasn’t gagged though. “What’s going on,” I muttered. My throat felt on fire. I was ignored. I listened. There must have been a least two people, just from the movements I could hear, but no one was...

1 year ago
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Love That Busy Beaver

I was on my hands and knees enjoying the deep strokes of that thick shaft. Then I felt the familiar swelling that signaled an impending release. Oh goody! That was my favorite part of fucking; getting my insides coated with that hot stuff and visualizing those millions of the wigglers exploring my deepest recesses. Suddenly he stopped and asked, “Should I pull out?” “No, dammit!” He started moving again but asked, “What if you get pregnant?” I growled, “If I do you’ll be third in line...

4 years ago
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Heartache on the River

The sweat was dripping down my brow, the clock painless clicked away as I watched the dealer throw out the cards to the three remaining players at the table. I was one of those players. I was currently in second place in chips a mere 16,000 behind the leader. As I collected my cards with bated breath I took a peek and felt my excitement rise. Ace, king of spades came before my eyes, my heart beat faster and I felt a smile purse my lips, I just hoped the other two players hadn’t noticed. Since...

1 year ago
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Married Man Cum Dump

ver really considered myself gay. Sure I checked out guys in the lockerroom at the gym, but in my mind it was purely for the satisfaction ofcomparing. Deep inside I guess I should have realized that it was morethan just checking out the competition, it was wanting the competition.I am what you might refer to as your normal guy. I like sports, drinkbeer, work hard for a living, have a wife and three k**s. You would thinkthat I would have been satisfied with that, but I was keeping a secret...

4 years ago
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Chemistry Ch 03

I’m sorry it took so long to continue this, but there were various family crises to look after. Anyway here it is. I hope you like it. For those of you who are interested, there will be an end… ——— After the truck was loaded, we all admitted to being more than a little hungry. I had found a spot on the sofa free of bagged clothes and boxes of bedroom knick-knacks, just big enough to hold one person. I sank into the cushions with profound relief. A moment later, plopping into the inch of space...

2 years ago
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The GauntletChapter 6

“Did you know,” Jacques began, whispering softly to Marguerite as they danced, speaking each time she drew close enough to hear him, “this dance tells a story?” Marguerite grinned as she looked up into the tall man’s eyes, “Oh, does it? What kind of story?” Jacques leaned in closely, “It is a story of seduction,” As they drew together, he raised her hand, “The would-be lover pursues the lady, obsessed with her beauty and charm.” Marguerite turned and took two steps away. “The lady is...

1 year ago
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Bold Lesbian seduces her Young Teen Model

My seducer's hand was cupping my mons while her other hand, connected to the arm that was around my neck, dropped down onto my chest and began to squeeze my tingly boobie. Her mouth left my ear and closed on my gasping mouth. Her long tongue was exploring the inside of my mouth while her hands were squeezing their respective targets. My whole body was shaking from the waves of pleasure that were washing over it. The hand between my legs was providing blessed relief from the achy feeling and...

3 years ago
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How my wife went from anal hater to butt fucking

I've been married fot almost 16 years to really great woman. When we were first married we tried anal sex twice, the first time I had to stop because she said it hurt, the second time she started crying, so I stopped. Just kinda figured that wouldn't happen again. But then about a year ago, one of her friends said how she liked it when her boyfriend stuck his finger in her ass when he fucked her. She said she wanted to try it, so that night she rode my cock reverse cowgirl and I stuck my...

2 years ago
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Me And My Virgin Cousin Love To Fuck In Public 8211 Part 2

One evening my cousin came over to visit and spend the night.(this was usual in the family to have overnights at each others houses). She wore slim jeans which hugged her ass and made it ever so tempting and a blouse with thin straps. Obviously I knew she was coming we were in contact with each other. We used to send each other nude pics and videos of ourselves to each other and tease. So when she came over to visit as she entered she said hello to everyone and spoke and spent time with my...

3 years ago
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An Anonymous Relationship Pt 5

I woke up to the sound of the front door shutting at my parent's farmhouse. I looked and watched Stacy sleeping peacefully when I heard my Dad's pickup rumble to life. I quickly looked out the window to see him driving away."Now where is he going to?" I wondered as I lay back down on the bed.Again I looked at my blonde friend as she lay on her side with her back to me. My father's flannel shirt was pulled up and I could see her ass covered by her thin blue panties. I started to wonder again...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Kitty Carrera The Father Daughter Bake And Swap Pt2

Kitty Carrera and Sofie Reyez are besties. They absolutely love hanging out together! When Sofie comes over to visit, she finds herself locking eyes in the kitchen with Mr. Carrera, Kittys dad. He is busy baking cookies for his favorite girls, but he is a little distracted by Sofie. She is so beautiful, he cannot keep his eyes off her. When Mr. Reyes, her dad, shows up, he pulls him aside so they can talk, dad to dad. Mr. Carrera explains that their daughters are both still virgins,...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Kenna James Tiffany Watson LastMinute Christmas

Kenna James stares out the window at the giant snowflakes floating down while her friend and roommate, Tiffany Watson, laments about how cold it is. With it snowing as much as it is, they won’t be able to go home to see their families for Christmas! They flop onto the bed together, moping, until Kenna remarks that it’s not going to do them any good sitting around being bummed. ‘You’re right, we need a Christmas miracle!’ Tiffany enthuses as she bounces off the bed...

1 year ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 5

Night had settled over the desert bringing forth an awe inspiring quantity of stars in the sky. Despite the lack of a moon, the sky was so clear and the number of stars so large that it was possible to make out the surroundings in the dark. Ed and John sat in the chairs on the parapet looking up at the night sky. Ed broke the silence when he said, “They are a lazy bunch, and creatures of habit. That can be used against them.” Taking a long sip of iced tea, John thought about what Ed had...

1 year ago
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Meet the Pornstars Remake

by Ruchnids My name is Joey Brett. I am an average man. Everyone thinks of me as Mr. Innocent, but what they don't know about me is that I am a porn addict. Every night, I watch porn videos, dreaming of the day I would be in a porno myself. I would have loved to be in a threesome with two big-breasted women, on or off camera. Those videos were my fantasy. One day, I had entered a contest to win tickets to meet two porn stars, Sierra Devi and Janet Jade. I would have loved to meet them,...

2 years ago
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Home on Leave Chapter 9

As we lay there quietly catching our breath, I heard a sound coming from the doorway. It sounded kind of familiar, almost like a buzzing sound. Then we both heard a cry of pleasure and we knew instantly what it was. Little Bit had come home, heard us in our bedroom making love and found her toys. She had been watching us and applying the vibrator to her pussy to get off. I laughed as Carol looked on in puzzlement. Little Bit? I called. Uh huh, came a breathless response. Come on in here, I...

1 year ago
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My Adult Theater Experience

One summer day after visiting a friend I was driving home through the city and I started feeling horny (nothing unusual about the I was in mid 20's :) and I decided to go to this adult store that I recalled going to a few years before and it had a adult theater. The theater has seating (slight slop) for about 50 -60 people and non stop porn playing, now when I was there a few years ago I watch a movie and rubbed my cock through my pants hoping no one would notice and I was some men who appeared...

1 year ago
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Hidden Surprises

Note: this story is entirely fictional I'll start off by introducing myself. My name is Erin. I'm 5'5, 115lbs, shoulder length dark hair, toned body from playing lacrosse and 38b breasts. I live with my parents and my older brother Billy. He is about 5'10, 180lbs, brown hair, played sports in high school so he's got a pretty good body. We are pretty close in age and have a lot of the same interests so even though we are siblings, we consider each other close friends also. Billy has a girlfriend...

3 years ago
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Fucked A Busty Woman

Hello, guys, I’m Karthik and this is my sex story. I’m from Bangalore and I’m 23 years old. After completing my engineering I got a job in Pune and I had to relocate there. It was a completely new place for me and I had to go there 3 days before the joining date to find myself a PG or a flat. Fortunately for me, our neighbor’s daughter who is a single woman worked in the same city. Our neighbors were very close to our family asked their daughter to help me find a new place in the city. And...

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Swim Jog And Fuck 8211 What A Combination

Hi to all ISS readers from your very own Rahul from Bangalore. Thanks to all of you people for the overwhelming responses I am getting for my first story “LOVE TO LUST WITH NEELAM BHABHI”. Because of your responses only I am here again and narrating my other incident which happened just 2 days back with a housewife here in Bangalore. Let me reintroduce myself, I am Rahul age 23, 5’10’’, unmarried, good looking slim guy having a dick of length 6’ and thickness 2’ from Bangalore. This incident...

1 year ago
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Me and my best friend Nic get up to stuff in the high school showers

So this is the story of me and my friend Nick, we are just ordinary boys, no thoughts of Gay stuff between us and we don't look at gay porn, We are still virgins and never had sex (Well we do now :D )... One stressfull and tiring day on a Friday afternoon, our class played some Football for Sport Education, While on the pitch, Me and Nick we were just so tired and bored we were talking about What we gonna be doing at nics house. So it's the end of the day and The whistle blows,. We all jog back...

4 years ago
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The Tower Chapter 3

The Tower Chapter 3So there I was waiting again, I had a feeling the three weeks until Sir Imer’s return were going to be very long indeed.I was hoping that at some point I would be allowed to be released from my bonds and wander around the grounds, or at least the castle, and explore a little bit. As I laid there staring at the ceiling I tried to imagine what the castle was like.I decided that it must be very large, as I could never hear any activity, other than when Bart was coming up the...

2 years ago
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Blessings of a Curse 2015 Usa EditionChapter 15

They appeared beside the white dragon, the Truthstone, and Quewanak the Eldest. “Welcome, Mark and Talia.” Somonik rumbled. “Hello Somonik, Eldest.” Mark returned. “A third of the attendees have yet to arrive. A place has been reserved for you at the edge of the dais, or you may choose to join one of the many informal discussions in progress. I estimate it will be at least twelve minutes before we are ready to be called to order.” Their arrival had been noted, and there was a smattering...

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ZebraGirls Alex Coal Candace Von 12122020

Candace is a horny homeowner and Alex is selling her scouting cookies door to door. Candace says “That’s SOOO cute, you going around the neighborhood in your Scout outfit selling cookies do you like cookies?” Alex agrees and Candace says “You know that’s not the only kind of box girls have, what is your favorite kind of cookie?” Alex tells her Chocolate Chip cookies are her favorite. Candace says “I have something that smells even better than that...

1 year ago
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Breast Expansion

Breast Expansion Reddit, aka r/BreastExpansion! I remember back in the early days of the internet when dial-up was just becoming a thing, I went over to a buddy’s house and he introduced me to the world of smutty flash animations. There were no flash games back then, but people were still sweating hard to make some weird shit to jack their dicks off to. They enjoyed making the kind of shit you wouldn’t normally see on a porn DVD. So the very first thing I ever actually saw come out of the world...

Reddit NSFW List
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Renting a Room Ch 05

I was still shaking the next morning from the climactic experience with Melody and our feminine audience, but by noon had dealt with commitments at the lab and to the project. I had just begun to think about a sandwich when arms descended around my neck and kisses landed on my face. ‘I suppose the lunch menu on a day like this includes more naked tanning?’ ‘You are so spoiled. Each of your tenants is a star in her own right, and you have arranged it so we are all willing to share our fabulous...

3 years ago
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Hot Cam Girl Cums Inside the Shower While Guy Watches

I was hospitalized after a minor surgery. While I was recovering, a cute nurse was assigned to me. She was very friendly, so we started chatting often. I tried my best to make her laugh, and soon that turned into flirting. During the last week of flirting, we couldn’t get enough of each other. While coming to check on me one day, I grabbed the cute Indian nurse’s hand and she didn’t pull away. Instead, she came closer and leaned over and kissed me! I was basically fully recovered by then. We...

3 years ago
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Mr SmoothieChapter 6

The rest of the week went by with me fucking Angel and Sue in that order every night. Angel was so taken with my fucking that Sue very nearly had to throw her out of the house. "But where am I going to find a man with such an educated cock to replace Johnny?" she complained to Sue. Sue's answer was that Angel could find another man, but only if she started looking. I belonged to Sue, and she was not into permanent sharing. Angel was with us for seven days, and she more than lived up to...

2 years ago
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How it is being owned

As summer turned to fall and fall to winter our chances became fewer and he hatched the plan to take me to the movies at the local mall on Saturday around noon when almost no one was at the first matinee, take me to a corner of the theater where it was dark and have me play with his cock and suck him while he undid my pants, shoved his hand inside and played with my asshole. He came to me with this plan at first and told me that this was what we were going to do, he didn't ask me or suggest...

2 years ago
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After a request that part .2. was too much tease and something sexual should have happened between alan (16) & Dotty (57) i`m giving in but there`s a twist.HERE IS PART .3. OF...50P I HELP AN ELDERLY LADY WITH HER STOCKINGS/TIGHTS...THIS TIME I WEAR TIGHTS WITH DOTTY. After the last disastrous helping session with "dotty's" tights, I abandoned my 50p bob a job style Saturday afternoons, as i didn't want to give in to temptation of knocking on her door, which i would of, it certainly...

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Mardi Gras Reflections 1

Mardi Gras Reflections Chapter 1 I, Suzette, sashayed down the hall towards the entryway. As I passed by the mirror I stopped to check that everything was in place, the pink maid's dress was immaculate, the collar with the tag on it prominently displaced, my maid's cap was placed on top of my lustrous brown curls. My seamed stockings where perfectly placed, straight up and down my calves and thighs. My matching three inch pink high heels the Mistress of the house insisted on...

3 years ago
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Speaking With Your Demons11 The Lost Give Redemption a Shot

“Uh, I think this is the wrong place.” “It’s the correct address,” Phil insisted. “That may be, but clearly, this isn’t right,” Abe countered. “It’s a church. What makes you think it’s the wrong one?” Meg asked. Abe bit his lip, not wanting to state the obvious, but his sister had no problem with stating what he was thinking. “Your uncle doesn’t think Tracy would attend a colored church.” Abe was silent for several moments, but couldn’t keep his frustrations bottled up. “Seriously,...

1 year ago
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pt 2 my conservative wife

CONT from pt.1The next morning I woke up early and was still horny because I never did cum, but remembering evertyhing that happened lastnight kept me horny,I rolled over and started playing with marta,hoping to get her into the mood so I could get a quicky.But she wasn't having any of it.So I got up and told marta that me and mike were going to get some breakfast tacos,We leftand on the way,I told mike about what me and marta had talked about,I said that the reason she had worn that sexy...

3 years ago
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Sudden Urge

"You know, I really think I need some cock right now."I nearly splurted out the hot chocolate I was sipping on. I'd never heard Catríona say anything like that before. She was always ever-so polite and somewhat of a goody-two-shoes. So when she said that, especially in context, it was incredibly hard to believe.I had know Catríona for years. We lived in the same small city in the south-east of Ireland. I'd first met her through local drama classes, and to be honest I developed quite a little...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Back Door WivesChapter 6

She wanted to say "No, I can't, I couldn't," but she knew it would be a lie. Roger's long skinny cock jutted from his patch of dickhair. The big knob was red and raw-looking. She had already sucked it, felt and tasted the slow dribbly drool of its jizz load onto her tongue, taken it deep into her throat, gagging and gurgling as she fed on the entire length of that cock. What harm could there be to fuck it, too? He tugged on her hand and she rose to her knees on the bed, stealing a...

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She was worried.Her hands where twisting together, the thumb, indexfinger and middlefinger of one hand, rubbing and pinching at the indexfinger of the other. They left small red marks along the entire finger, it almost looked like she had burned herself, or dropped firewhiskey on it. The soft lips where parted in a smile, a lock of brown messy hair lay across them, moving everytime she exhaled. Even her eyes where filled with a wordless joy, sparkling softly. But her hands...The smell of...

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Dr ko chooda

I am salman from karachi pakistan. First of all i must thank to this site, which provided me the chances to share; my sex experiences with u all readers. My last stories were appreciated a lot by u readers, which encouraged me to send u an other experience with another lady doctor. I consider myself as lucky that i got chance to enjoy with another lady doctor of 30 year. Few days ago, You know already about my sex encounters with dr asia Dear readers on 3rd feb it was over few months since i...

3 years ago
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My Dog Queenie Late one night, I was reading a page on the internet about mind control and swapping one person's mind with another. The page described a simple chant that could be said which would swap the souls of any two individuals you wished. It all seemed silly till I was walking my dog in the park last week. As I stopped to tie my shoe which had become undone, I noticed her first. She was wearing a purple UnderArmour jogging bra encasing perfect, bouncing C cup breasts, and...

2 years ago
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Daddy needs to sleep

Introduction: Dont freak out, she is over 50 years old. She loves to role-play. Have you ever felt when you were about half asleep that someone was watching you? Happened to me a few days ago after I had worked all night Friday night and was going to let myself sleep in on Saturday morning. With the sun trying to shine through my windows and all the early morning noises, I wasnt able to pull it off. I hadnt opened my eyes yet, but had the strangest feeling I was being watched. I finally got...

1 year ago
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Her Neighbors Games Ch 5

The incessant beeping of the alarm clock pulled her roughly from her slumber. The first thing she became aware of was the musky odor that filled the room, a mixture of sex and sweat. It took her a few moments to realize that it was herself that gave off the aroma, and she felt light-headed when last evening’s events rushed to the forefront of her mind. A look at the clock startled her. Five to eight. She must have slept through almost a half hour of the alarm’s hubbub. Silencing it with a push...

2 years ago
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Pillow Princess

“Hey Bran.” I looked up from my studies just in time to get hit in the face with Suzu, Amy’s teddy bear. I blinked in shock as she screamed, “Bear attack!” “Jerk!” I squealed, and threw it back at her. She caught it cleanly and grinned wickedly, rearing back to throw it again. I scrambled to sit and get my hands up. Amy had lettered for four years in softball in high school, so the match wasn’t very even. She took it easy on me and I managed to block it. I tried to fake her out, but she was...

2 years ago
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My Chithi My Secret Wife

Hi iss readers I just found this website just few weeks back and I’ve read all stories and I’m ready to share my real life experience and since this is the first time I’m writing a story here there may b few mistakes and my way of expressing may b little boring but what the content is 100% true. And u can contact me Coming to the story, I’m Vicky 22 yrs old from Tamil Nadu finished my engineering and now sitting jobless in home and about my angel Swetha (name changed); she is 38 years old my...

1 year ago
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RecoveryChapter 2 March

Greg watched Seth pick through his latest piece. He learned quickly and the challenge of teaching him helped Greg get over the memories. It might have been Hal teaching him those first years. He banished that memory quickly. Seth was an earnest student. If he was serious he would soon be better than Greg could be. Greg had picked up the guitar as a way to connect with his elusive older brother. It took him a while to get into it. "I'd like to hear you play the piano some time. You must...

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