CRPChapter 3 free porn video

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Current Responsible Party - Day 2.

We’re awakened while it’s still dark. Several people with flashlights are shaking me. I throw my legs off the bed to see what’s going on. Everyone is being awakened, and I check the time and see its 5 AM. I ask...

“Hey what’s going on.”

One of the security men who are there, says...

“You all have appointments.”

After Rachel, Nickolas and Sarah get up, a nicely dressed woman speaks up saying...

“Everything will be explained during your appointments, line up at the door.”

After we line up, a security guard opened the door and said follow him. I complained about not having any clothes on, and the guard said, “there were none available right now, move along.”

We followed the guard, with the lady and another guard at the rear. Rachel and Nickolas were complaining about not being awake yet, but Sarah and I were more worried about what was going on. We walked all the way down an Isle till the end and turned left, then a door on the right. The security guard opened the door and told us to step inside. There were chairs lining the walls on each side, a door at the back and a window next to it. The lady who had escorted us there stepped up to the window, and when someone came to the window she said... “Enclosure J for their health analysis appointments.” The woman behind the counter said one moment, and we’ll be right with you.

After a few minutes I spoke up and asked...

“What health analysis?”

The lady said...

“This is all very routine, remain quiet.”

Another 5 minutes pass, Nickolas is asleep sitting up and Rachel is complaining about not having network access on her corneal implant and being cold. The door opened, and we’re all called in at once. As we walk down a hallway we are shuffled into different rooms and to take a seat inside. I take a seat in something similar to a dentist’s chair, complete with the light above it. I’m starting to think we’re being checked out completely as a precaution. Finally, a woman in a smock walks in who seems nice, and talks about this being very normal, and because of the busy schedule they start very early. She offered me a thin blanket to cover up with which I appreciate, even though my modesty seems to be fading. She places a tray on a counter and starts getting a hypodermic ready. She says it’s for making sure everything goes well, and it’s normal to feel drowsy. She was right, within a few minutes of watching her getting some things together I felt very drowsy and relaxed.

I think I nodded off, and felt embarrassed about it. She must have stepped out to get something, so I just sat comfortably and waited. Luckily I was feeling better and the drowsiness was going away. I checked the time and it was now 6:20 AM. Time was flying by this morning, and I made the best of the time to relax after such a strenuous day yesterday. There was a picture on the far wall that said, ‘Look Here’, and I found myself looking at it, and wondered why I was so fascinated by such a simple little sign. The door opened and the same woman walked up to me and asked...

“How do you feel? Are you still drowsy?”

“No. it seemed to only last a few minutes.” I answered.

The woman says...

“Good, yes it doesn’t take long, follow.”

I immediately slid to the side of the dental chair and stood up. She walked to the door, opened it and started down a hallway with me right behind her.

After we walk to the end of the hall and made a right, she opens another door and I followed her inside. She said wait here, and I stood waiting as she started messing with something that looks like a giant washing machine. After lifting the lid and opening a front door she says...

“Step in here in the middle. And place a foot in each circle on the bottom.”

I look down, and there are circles, so I put a foot in each. She says...

“Now squat down a little.”

I found myself squatting down about half-way. She closed the door in the front, and then the lid with my head sticking out the top, closing a sliding attachment around my neck. She then says, put your arms straight to the side, but not touching the box. I do as she says, and she asks...

“Are your arms out and are you ready?”

I say... “yes.”

Then she said... “Stay.”

I held still, and feel uncomfortable being half squatting down. She says this won’t take long, and she started something, and I began feeling waves of heat moving around over me. A few times it’s uncomfortable and I start to move but can’t, my neck being trapped in the lid, keep me from being able to move at all. I look over, and there’s another of those signs that says, ‘Look Here’ I find the warmth sort of relaxing after all, and make the best of it. She steps over to me and takes a wand of some sort, and begins running over my face and neck. The warmth is so relaxing that I try to enjoy it. I’m surprised that even though my legs are beginning to tremble from squatting down like this, it’s not so bad I want to straighten up. Finally, she walks over and stops everything. She opens the lid, and finally the door at the front. I’m still squatting down and remain that way even though my legs are trembling and starting to cramp. She’s facing away from me doing something, so I wait for her to finish. I have to concentrate on my breathing to keep my balance and not move. I wonder how long I have to stay like this. She finally walks back over to me and starts wiping my face with something cold. Then she takes a small hose and turns a nozzle on, and begins spraying me down with some type of cold liquid, and starts sponging me down. She followed up with another hosing down. Finally, she says...

“Stand up.”

I stood up with my legs trembling, and She says...

“Stand over here.” pointing to a place in the room.

I move to the place she pointed. She walks around me a few times and says...

“Good, follow.”

She turned and started walking away, and I followed right behind her.

As we walk down a long hallway and through a few doors she said...

“What’s the number I told you to remember?”

I answered... “LS5886249”

She then said... “Who is the only person you tell that number to?”

“I answered... “My CRP.”

She said... “Good.”

We continued walking, and finally she opened a door, and I was back in our room again. Nickolas was already back. The lights are on and it’s a few minutes after 7 AM. I asked where Sarah and Rachel were, and she said they’re on their way.

Nickolas and I talked about what took place, and like me he had a dental check and some serious cleaning done, then brought back here. It’s not long before Sarah and Rachel are back with the same story. Within minutes the lady showed up with breakfast. It’s more room temperature oatmeal, dry toast and water. I think, why even give butter if nothing is warm enough to melt it!

After we eat breakfast we decide to take quick showers and get ready. I’m still anxious to speak with Ms Watson. After we take our turns in the bathroom, and brush our teeth, we sit down at the table, it’s now 8:30 AM, and we know 9 is coming fast.

Within minutes the door opens, and in walks Ms Watson. She places a bag on the table, then steps over to the monitor and brings up our Response and Review list. Scans over it and steps back before saying:

All of you come here and lineup, holding her hand creating an invisible line across the floor facing the monitor.

We stepped over, and lined up along her hand facing the monitor, looking at it.

She began...

“Look at the responses you’ve collected the very first day. The pattern I see is no appreciation or gratitude for anything or anybody. Luckily by the end of the day you were showing improvement, but, it took my boss to bring it out in you. I can’t believe I was contacted by my boss while trying to enjoy time with my children. From now on, you will immediately comply with any order from anyone on the other side of the glass, or any Human Services Employee. Do I make myself clear?”

I say, followed by the rest of my family... “Yes Ms Watson.”

“Good, now this is Day 2. So the Responses and Reviews today had better be glowing. Check your responses every chance you get. Now, since you seem unappreciative each one of you will go gather all of your personal toiletries and come back to this line.”

We turned and walked into the bathroom, all trying to gather our things and getting in each other’s way. Then we came back and stood where we were.

Ms Watson walked over pulled a plastic bag out of the bag of things she placed on the table then walked back to us. She started walking down the line holding the bag open and said: Everything in the bag.

As she walked by each of us, and we dropped our toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brushes and everything else that had been given to us upon our arrival here.

She then walked back to the table and puts the bag down while saying...

“Come here and clear the table, everything in the trash bag.”

We all gathered around, and put the disposable plates and plastic utensils into the same bag, when we finished, she put the bag by the door.

She turned around and sais...

“10 minutes till opening, what’s the goal today Mr Davis?”

I reply... “Be appreciative and compliant Ms Watson.”

She says... “Exactly, now does anyone need the bathroom?”

Nickolas said he needed to, and she excused him to the bathroom. Then she said...

“You have 2 guaranteed buyers on Day 7. Plus we’ve heard from some of your cousins who will be here bidding, but to be honest, they’ll not win the bid unless they can gather the full amount. You have 2 others coming back to view again today. One is bringing their children, to get opinions from them before committing.”

Nickolas returned and stood by his mother. Ms Watson steps toward the front saying...

“It’s almost time to start, so take your places.”

We line up at our designated places and waited.

Ms Watson then says...

“You will have to ask for toiletries when you need them now. Maybe you’ll learn to appreciate things and take nothing for granted. Furthermore, I suggest you kneel today right from the beginning. And here’s a tip. If you see Mrs Hernandez, drop to your knees, she already has a problem with you all. Everyone, stand on you right foot.”

I can’t believe it, I found myself balancing on my right foot. Wobbling with nothing to hold on to, I look to my left and everyone is doing the same.

Ms Watson walked completely around us looking us over. She walked up to Nickolas first and said...

“Remember your number?”

Nickolas said... “Yes.”

Then she said... “Put your foot down and look up.”

Nickolas put his foot down and looked up while the rest of us watched intently. Ms Watson took Nickolas’s upper lip and pulled it up under his nose and looked under his lip then said... “Good.”

She pulled his head back down then proceeded to do the exact same to all of us. As she did Sarah, I was able to look and saw it. There was a permanent ink tattoo with numbers under our upper lip. After she did it to me I asked Ms Watson... “Why did they do that to us?”

“That’s your Human Services ID, so people can log in and find out information about you. In case you’re lost or abandoned. Plus it has all of your accessory codes and triggers.”

I ask... “What accessories and what triggers?”

Ms Watson replied...

“Where do you think you’ve been all morning? You were getting your implants and triggers.”

I say: “Do you mean that’s why I felt compelled to stand here on one foot?”

She replied... “Not at all. Triggers aren’t wasted on that. You just have an open mind to authority and your CRP now. That’s always included anytime merchandise is chemically hypnotized here. It doesn’t mean you don’t have your own thoughts, they’re just overridden with the hypnosis. Now, get ready, you know what to do right?”

We respond... “Yes Ms Watson.”

Rachel asks... “What are the triggers?”

Ms Watson replies...

“You will know them when you hear them, you don’t need to know them right now. But, it’s the maximum allowed by law at 10. Now quiet and get ready.”

While we waited for the door Ms Watson asked...

“Who can tell me why you are naked?”

I heard activity and looked over, and couldn’t believe that everyone had their hand up, including me!

Ms Watson said... “Sarah, you were first, why is it?”

Sarah said...

“Because nobody has given us permission to wear clothes, and we don’t have any Ms Watson.”

Ms Watson said... “Exactly Sarah.”

Both Rachel and Nickolas said... “That’s an easy question.”

Suddenly the beeping starts, and I tense up. Knowing another day is starting. We all watch as the doors finally click into place and the beeps stop.

Ms Watson says... “You know what to do.”

We all took 2 steps forward and lowered to the floor, placing our knees in the small circles close to the front of the glass and sat back. I heard the door behind us close, and I looked out seeing all the other people either standing or kneeling.

Looking over at the Miller’s old room, I see a middle aged woman and a young boy. I think it’s amazing how fast things happen here. There’s nobody here yet, and it’s Saturday. But the mall just opened up, so I’m sure things will get busy later.

I glance to the right and see the Green’s in their spots ready to go, and the family to our left is standing there ready. I’m concentrating on how to look friendly and put my best foot forward. I see staff busy setting up some kiosks right in front of us. It looks like on Saturday they have special events planned because it looks like a small stage is being set up. There’s a sign but I can’t read it at my angle. We relax and get ready for whomever comes by.

A group was slowly coming this way, stopping at every room and talking. When they got close enough I see they’re all Human Services employees, and oh no, that’s Mrs Hernandez walking with them. As they approach, I whisper to the family, it’s Mrs Hernandez, be at your best. When they stepped in front of our room, I immediately tried to look pleasant. I was flicking my tongue at each while scanning back and forth. There were 4 women and 2 men, and I glanced at my family when looking all the way to the left. It looked as though they were all concentrating on being pleasant as well. The women were all fairly young possibly just out of college and the 2 men were wearing maintenance clothes. As I turned to Mrs Hernandez for the 3rd time she gave me a thumbs up from her hip. I actually felt proud of myself and family. After about 2 minutes, they walked over to the Green’s.

I watched with ever-increasing interest at what the maintenance men were working on in the center of the Mall isle, directly in front of our room. There was a kiosk, a small raised stage, and what looked like a stand with assorted jewelry and bags being set up.

Now I saw people starting to walk around, and coming in the doors. One couple caught my eye because they had a huge German Shepherd dog, and they were dressed very nicely in almost matching suits. He and his wife were both fairly tall, and stately. They walked down the center of the isle toward the Customer Service Desk, almost dead center of the Mall. After they spoke with the lady at the desk they stepped away and stood. Everyone who walked by, talked with them, and petted the dog that seemed friendly enough.

After a short time I saw Ms Watson walk up to the couple and shake their hands. They spoke for a few minutes then walked down our side of the Mall. As they walked past our room they were talking, and we began our open mouth tongue action. The dog came right up to the window and Rachel says...

“Hi puppy.”

She was doing puppy talk, like people do with dogs even though this dog was huge and full-grown. The dog stopped and wagged its tail, and as the leash tightened it tugged on the owners hand. The man paused and I could see him mouth something like, come on and tugged the leash. As the dog past Sarah, it came to the window in front of her, wagging its tail. I could tell it was a well-behaved dog, and probably trained. They again tugged the dog to continue on and the man smiled at me, as I looked up to him with my mouth open and tongue resting on my lower lip.

They walked to the Green’s next door at our right, and stopped. The Green’s, like us were kneeling and open mouth, showing willingness to please, even though the thought of actually sucking a man repulsed me. As the couple were talking with Ms Watson, and looking at her epad, the nice dog had moved to the glass wall wagging its tail at Mrs Green. Just like Rachel I saw Mrs Green speaking with the dog, but being sound proof glass, nothing was heard but looked cute. With nobody else close to our room, we watched what was going on next door. After a few moments Ms Watson and the couple stepped closer to the Greens and looked more closely at them. Then the man reached down and patted the dog on the head and started talking to the dog. He let the dog get closer to the glass, and it looked like he was sniffing it. The man was letting the dog lick, its wet nose all over the glass and I could see the dog becoming excited. Then his wife said something to Ms Watson, and as soon as she did, Ms Watson reached up and pushed the talk button on her head set.

Suddenly I saw Mrs Green look up, then over to her husband, then back to the dog. She stopped smiling and slowly turned around and got on her hands and knees, then backed all the way to the glass. It suddenly dawned on me what was going on, when Mrs Green began rubbing her butt against the glass wall. The dog became much more excited and looked like it was trying to get through the glass. Mrs Green looked our direction, and we made eye contact for the first time since we’ve been here. I saw complete horror in her eyes as she rubbed her butt on the glass. Mr Green was looking back and forth and I could see him talking to his wife and seemingly concerned. He would look back at the couple with Ms Watson, and continue his open mouth tongue display, but the terror in his eyes was also obvious. I saw Ms Watson again on her head set, and a moment later Mr Green was also open mouth to the dog. I couldn’t help myself but be curious, and I focused on the dog to see if he had any info and my display showed:

CRP: Mathew Sullivan CRP Name: Mr Bigs Breed: Shepherd/Husky Mix Gender: Male Age: 6

Wow I thought to myself as I watched Ms Watson and the couple staring on as the dog tried to get through the glass. It was another moment before I noticed that the dog’s penis had come out, it was massive and red. I felt intimidated that the dog’s penis could be so much larger than mine. The dog seemed to be desperately trying to get to Mrs Green. She was hanging her head down mostly but occasionally would look up and glare at me as if hoping for help. There was nothing I could do, but I couldn’t believe the people were allowing the dog to blatantly try to mount Mrs Green, as if she were another dog. Finally, Ms Watson spoke into her headset and Mrs Green turned around and put her nose against the glass, and the dog began licking the glass as if licking her face. Her mouth open and tongue out, she remained that way for at least 10 minutes during the time Ms Watson and the couple continued talking. I was so engrossed I hadn’t even noticed that my entire family was watching just as I was. The dog’s penis was hanging down, looking as though it was leaking all over the floor.

A few minutes later the couple walked away with Ms Watson back to the kiosk. I watched as Ms Watson started showing them an assortment of documents. I looked over at the Greens, and she was back on her knees but with her head down and their arms were both stretched out holding hands.

An older couple came walking by and stopped to view us. We were all open mouth, and looking at up at them. My guess would have their ages somewhere in their late 50s. He was standing in front of Rachel looking intently at her, and his wife was looking at Nickolas. I could see that Rachel was doing as told and trying to look friendly and appreciative as she looked from him to her. Sarah and I were both doing the same while waiting for them to come and look at us. I was beginning to think they weren’t, but they finally stepped to Sarah and I. We both did our best to show our appreciation for considering us. After a few minutes they finally turned and walked over to the Greens.

Like my wife and kids I kept looking out across the Mall to see who would come in. It was Saturday after all, and from the activity in front of us, they were planning something. Perhaps music, like the normal Malls have these days to encourage people to come shopping stores, instead of through their corneal implants. As I looked around the Mall I would occasionally wonder what was going on with me, why did things seem to be normal for something so abnormal happening to us. Why was I not furious about being kept naked, but knowing it was normal. My mind was conflicting and if I wasn’t focusing on why, then ‘why’ didn’t matter as much. If I really concentrated on things, I would realize it was the hypnosis and triggers implanted during what I thought was a dental exam. Why was I not concerned about my family and protecting them instead of hoping they present themselves well for the sake of us finding someone to buy our debt. Why is it becoming so important to me? I am starting to get dizzy, so I decide to watch the men working in the Mall. How different now that if someone looks my way, my mouth opens automatically.

I look at the time, its 10:15, so I tell the family we can get up, and apologize for not saying it sooner since we only had to be here till 9:30. We get up and I head for the bathroom. We sit at the table and start comparing the trip to the doctor’s this morning. We conclude we’ve been chemically hypnotized, and also been laser shaven completely. We are familiar with that, but not for a whole body. Usually it’s just for minor areas. We all seem to agree that we’ve had subliminal suggestions that have changed our perception of things. We don’t know to what extent it is, but as time passes, the more we forget it happened.

Thirty minutes goes by and the intercom announces front and center. We start getting up and sure enough there’s the 15 seconds countdown timer running. We settle into our sections and kneel in our knee circles. I notice I have a small ache developing in my penis that I hadn’t noticed before but nothing too annoying. I check, and everyone is in place. In the Mall all the maintenance men are gone and the small stage is finished. The jewelry display kiosk looks finished, although I can’t make out much except for some necklaces and bracelets, because they’re on an upright display.

I look over to the right and something’s not right, but what is it. Oh, the Greens aren’t in their spots, and they have always been there. I look at the banner and it looks the same except Day 6 instead if Day 5. I can’t help but wonder if someone has purchased their substantial debt.

I don’t see anyone to justify the VIP alert, but I can’t see all the way down the Mall floor. More people are coming through from the right, which I had concluded yesterday led to a parking garage. A young woman walked up to the kiosk with the jewelry and started adjusting things. Saturday must be a big day here, just like every other Mall in the City.

I see someone walking this way looking at an epad as if following directions. As he approaches, I can’t believe who I see. He eventually walks up, and stands in the center of our glass, but back far enough to see all of us. I look down trying not to make eye contact with the Director of Finance where I worked. He is the person I directly reported to, and led the morning meeting at 9 AM. Now and then he and I would have lunch when we needed to go over things unofficially. He is married and has 3 kids ranging from 14 to 17 as I recall. I remember his oldest is graduating from high school this year. I know Sarah and the others don’t know him because we’ve never done anything socially with him. I lift my head enough to see the family is open mouth presenting themselves. Sarah is starting to whisper to get my attention. She thinks I don’t see him. Eventually I lift my head enough to see his crotch but don’t go any higher. I fight this overwhelming urge to open my mouth and present my tongue. I know what’s expected of me, and I know my wife and children are doing it. When my cousins were here, I didn’t realize who they were, but I know exactly who this is. He’s just standing there, why? Eventually I lift my head and we make eye contact. I smile half halfheartedly, but realizing he knows what happened, and that it wasn’t my fault, I’m sure he does. He doesn’t smile back but stares at me. I begin to feel self-conscious when he doesn’t acknowledge our friendship. At that moment a 10-second timer starts. Then he lifts his hands palms up in a what gives gesture. He continued staring at me, then across to Sarah, Rachel and Nickolas. When finally his eyes fell back to me I could tell he was expecting no less. 7,6,5 seconds, I slowly lowered my eyes back to his crotch and parted my lips, my tongue out and resting on my lower lip, I finally open my mouth fully in a subservient gesture. He seemed satisfied and lowered his hands to his side. He stood there for a few more minutes, tapped out something on the epad and then walked away.

I closed my eyes knowing he would be no help. Why did he come here, to humiliate me? Is that why he wanted me to completely submit to him, just to humiliate me? I thought we were friends and colleagues at work. Does this cause people to turn on you? I watch as he crosses the Mall, seeming so sure of himself. He walks up to Mrs Wallace and Jessica’s room. She and Jessica are kneeling as well, but they still have their clothes. He stands and looks at them just as he did us, but I can’t see if they are submitting as we have been told. He finally walked off and steps onto the escalator heading up to the 2nd level.

I still haven’t seen the VIP’s who are causing this alert. Yesterday it had been quite awhile before anyone was seen.

Motion to the right catches my eye, and I turn to see what it is. At first, I see a group then, oh, I wait a moment and focus on exactly what I’m looking at. The couple with the dog are walking this way, but now, as the dog leads the way pulling them along, there, attached to his collar is a leash leading up to Mrs Green, who is wearing a collar and being pulled along. A leash goes from Mrs Green collar to Mr Sullivan who holds it. Walking behind the couple is Mr Green, both still naked. Mrs Green looks over at us as they pass, she had the look of fear and desperation in her eyes, and I genuinely felt bad for her. As I looked at her, I accessed her info again...

CRP: Mathew and Janice Sullivan CRP Name: Mrs Bigs Gender: Female/Bitch Age: 25 Weight: 114 Lbs Height: 5’3 Breast size: 34D Sexual Orientation: As Directed Other: Attached, Married, Separated.

As Mr Green walked by I accessed his.

CRP: Mathew and Janice Sullivan CRP Name: Boy Gender: Male Age: 28 Weight: 164 Lbs Height: 5’10 Penis size: 8” Sexual Orientation: As Directed Other: Separated

I watch as they go by, the Sullivan’s walking along with the Greens, him following and her being pulled along by the dog, and another leash being held by Mr Sullivan.

Amazing the crowd’s of people who come through the Mall on Saturday, There’s a line at the Customer Service Desk, and people are busy talking to the girl at the new jewelry kiosk next to the small stage. My jaw is getting sore already from being held open and under my tongue feels like it’s about to bleed. I never realized how much it hurt sticking your tongue out for extended periods of time.

Rachel says... “oh no”

I look her way to see what’s going on. She’s looking to the left and when I look down the row I see why. Her best friend Bethany Alden, who she’s known since Kindergarten, her parents and brother are walking our way. Bethany was just at our house for a sleepover last weekend, and her parents stayed for a cookout. I never really hit it off with them because they seemed a little snobbish. Their teenage son plays football for the High School and I often see him with one of the cheerleaders. Now they’re quickly approaching. As they stop in front of us, we all look at them. and I see Sarah and Rachel give a little wave. Bethany is busy trying her best to talk with Rachel as if she can hear. but Rachel signals her that she can’t hear anything through the glass. Bethany’s brother Rob is busy gawking at both Sarah and Rachel. Bethany’s mom must have planned better than most, because she brought a sheet of paper, and written in bold marker...

“Sorry this has happened to you, and we wish we could help, but we can’t afford it.”

Sarah and I both acknowledge that we understand. We feel so embarrassed that they have to see us this way, considering we’ve sat and enjoyed drinks with them in our home. I’m surprised they would come here, and especially bring the kids. Bethany squatted at the glass and puts her hand on it, and Rachel puts her hand there, so they can almost touch. I hope they leave soon because it’s embarrassing. They begin talking among themselves, and then the parents look at us and point upstairs and begin to walk to the escalator.

Same as CRP
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Passing the Baton 2 Lilas StoryChapter 11

Lila awoke startled; the aroma of freshly made coffee on her nose, yet, Manu was lying beside her, still asleep. She rolled off the bed, the heavy rings on her breasts swinging painfully, and walked to the kitchen area. She found Aisha there, preparing breakfast for them. "The sheik sent me to help you out," the chubby girl said. "I see," Lila answered suspicious of anything the sheik did. Aisha knelt in front of Lila, "I am to remain with you and Master Manu, and to assist you...

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The Quest

The Quest for Innocence by Carol Collins Steven Dillard received his Honorable Discharge papers from the US military. He had served his country and felt it was time to start his own life. That meant finding a girl, settling down and raising a family. Steven had an incentive for finding the perfect wife. His uncle had recently passed away and left him several million dollars in a trust fund as long as he was married by...

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Power And Manipulation

Kevin made his way through the quiet backstreets of the quaint little neighborhood. It was a very warm mid-July afternoon. He, his new wife, Janet, and her beautiful daughter, Janice, had moved to the city around three months ago. It was a gorgeous area of Tallahassee, filled with stunning homes and lush landscapes. After running a few errands, Kevin drove toward Holland Street to pick up Janice, who was visiting with her best friend, Abigail. Since losing his job a few weeks ago, the...

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Taking the Class Part 4Chapter 21 Monday Night 902PM

Alaina stood on the front stoop of her house, holding her bag in one hand and her keys in the other. She heard Will’s car slowly driving away behind her and licked her lips, finding a tiny bit of blueberry flavor remaining from their lengthy parting kiss. She steeled herself. Laura’s probably been talking to Mom a lot while I was gone. I hope she didn’t tell her how much I hated her. Ugh, I feel so bad ... She made it sound like that hurt a lot. She pulled the storm door open, readying her...

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I’ve been really interested in sex, fantasies and romance since I was very young. I never understood the tingly feeling of butterflies in my stomach and groin area until I was older. I remember getting aroused before puberty looking at pictures, magazines and watching showcase tv at night. Then, 3 or 4 years later the internet and p2p sharing exploded. Kazaa, LimeWire allowed me to download all the porn I could want. Lesbians in the shower, my friends hot mom I was addicted. I was always in...

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JLos Ass Again

As a freelance writer, I usually take whatever jobs I can find, but recently I have developed a certain fondness for writing scripts for television variety shows. It’s interesting work, it pays well enough, and I meet and get to know some of the sexiest women in the world while I’m doing it. For example, a while ago, I got a contract to write two scripts for variety show segments featuring Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian. As an admirer of beautiful female bodies, especially their succulent...

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Susan JenningsChapter 6

That evening Mike and Ginny drove Susan to the hospital where the CAT scan was scheduled. When they arrived, Mike was joined by a friend, John Roberts, a top general surgeon. The two doctors met the radiologist-CAT operator in the control booth and Mike told him where to start looking. Almost instantly the CAT revealed three imbedded bullets in Susan's right side and shoulder. Roberts did not believe his eyes. "Mike, I was wondering what you had been smoking when you called me," he said....

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Young Teenage Hitchiker

The first time was when I was just 18 years old, about a week after high school. I had long, red, curly hair - about an inch above my shoulders. I weighed about 170 lbs., and I was 6' tall. I was a little hippie stud muffin that was into everything, and despite my perpetual horniness and perverse fantasies, my sex life was almost ordinary. I had a steady high school girlfriend to fuck and fuck we did. In the Spring, the last days before the previous Easter break, my girlfriend had already...

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Another Dark and Stormy NightChapter 3

My mother and father were gone. I, Mick O’Dell the Third, looked at the note they had left for the longest time. I was born in Pennsylvania, but my father and mother raised me in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Like my father was, I am a wheelwright. My mother insisted that I move farther West in order to begin to live up to my potential, but I didn’t want to leave home. My choice was made moot when I had come home to find the note from my parents telling me that they had left and...

2 years ago
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UPS Driver and me

I do a lot of shopping online and most are delivered by UPS. Over several months I developed a friendship with one particular driver that made most of my deliveries. We flirted back and forth, he was an imposing black man perhaps 6'4" over 200 lbs and looked very athletic. One day I got bold and asked him if he would like to come over one night to get better acquainted. He said that he would be off work at 6:00 pm if that worked for me. I agreed and spend the rest of the afternoon...

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Daughters Slut Trainign 12 Daughters Slutty Fun

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Twelve: Daughter's Slutty Fun By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Leyla Umayyah Kimmy's braces flashed as she beamed at me. She lay atop her father, the nineteen-year-old girl practically glowing after having her virginity popped. My own pussy was so juicy from watching. I had such a delicious orgasm capturing the entire event on my camera phone. I set that on the nightstand as I headed to the bed, my...

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Hot Sex With Sexy Tenant

Hello Horny readers,This is Vikram,I want to share a hot and steamy encounter.I was studying Engg,2nd year when this incident happened. My age was 18 and i was horny as fuck at that time, i used to masturbate 2- 3 times a day,i used to watch Porn for 2-3 hours. But one day it all changed My family owns a double store building and we used to live on ground floor and we rented the top floor. one fine lucky day, a married couple entered as Tenants, they had a small son aged about 3.The Lady name...

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Date Night Out3

After awhile, Alison and the guys took a break from dancing and where walking over towards me. Alison walked up to me and introduced Chris. Chris stood about 6 foot, brown hair and eyes, big arms. (You could tell he worked out) I reached out to shake his hand, and asked if he had fun with Alison out on the dance floor. She said "yes, she is a good dance and very sexy." I smiled and agreed with him. Alison asked me to order her a drink while she excused herself to use the restroom. I asked...

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Meri Building Ki Seema Aunty

By : Sonu786 Hi, all ISS readers, main Sonu hu, Main Mumbai main rehta hu aur maine engineering ki hai. Main 24 years ka hu. Aur main is site ka bahut bada fan hu. Maine is site pe bahut saari stories padhi hai, mujhe pataa nahi ke un sab stories me se kitni stories sach hai, par main aaj meri sacchi story aapke saath share karne jaa raha hu. Main Mumbai me rehta hu aur average dikhnewala ladka hu. Maine sex ke baare me suna aur dekha bahut tha par kabhi karne ka mouka nahi mila. To main ab...

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Summer SexSchool Erotic Entrance Exam 1


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Manny Spare Parts

Manny spare parts. By Manny34 It began with a job interview at Xenotrax, a pharmaceutical giant who had made a huge splash in the twenties with significant advances in molecular technology for medical use, they gave hospitals machines that could run scans and strip people of cancer in a single afternoon, their magic machines could heal tissue damage like burns and keep blood levels consistent eliminating anaemia and there are practical apps for a variety of other...

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I love my meena aunty iwish she is my wife

Hi…, this is ajay from jabalpur. I am 25 Years old, presently working in high court. This is a real life encounter which happened 2 years ago between me and my Meena aunty, my mom’s cousin(sister) (all names changed). She is 38 now, who is a very beautiful lady of figures 36-30-36. She has real big boobs which are well maintained, firm and round ass with not too much of fat, flat tummy and the most sexiest part is the curve on her waist. She is very conscious about her beauty since the time she...

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First Time With Friend8217s Sister

Hello friends. This is Tarun Goyal again with a fresh experience. This is not a fictional sex story it is my true experience. Thanks for the massive positive response on my last story that motivated me to pen down my next experience. For those who don’t know me. I am Tarun Goyal from Delhi. 20 years old. I am fair complexioned with sharp features and an average body. Any desperate woman/girl looking for having fun can mail me on Privacy guaranteed. Age is no bar. Before coming to the story I...

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First Date Domination 2

At first I gave you a ton of attention, either I'd tease you and be sarcastic, or give you compliments until I couldn't think of any more. We both knew why; I wanted you to hang out with me, and I wasn't going to give up until you said yes. And you did. We decided to see a movie together. I'd pick you up beforehand and we'd watch it and see where the night went.I show up at your place a little bit early so you have to invite me in while you finish getting ready. "Take your time," I tell you....

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Sex with my Mother Chapter 2

It took us an hour to open the place up and to roll back the covering off the swimming pool, then we spent another hour trawling round the local supermercado, it really was hot, but that was why dad bought the villa in the first place.Once we'd done it, all mum stripped down to her minuscule panties and asked me to do the honors. We'd been traveling for about seven hours, and we were both very hot and very sweaty, but as I knelt to take her panties off, her natural aroma filled my senses, and...

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Rum Sodomy and the Lash Ch 11

They were three days out of Marseilles and it would not be long before they caught up with the Fleur de Gascony. During a brief sojourn in the city, Prince had ascertained that the French galleon carried a cargo of luxurious items, fine cognac and wines, opulent fabrics and jewellery that would fetch a handsome price in any market. Kitty had enjoyed her piquant taste of life on land and rather pined for it now it was over. They had spent a night at the beachside house of a rich associate of...

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Grecian Baths

There were once beautiful baths that existed in this world. Back when sexuality wasn’t hidden like a disease and the true beauty of the naked form and nature was something to be preserved instead of graffitied upon or covered.It lay next to the modern-day bath, a community swimming pool. It's mildly populated this afternoon. Couples, young and old, children splashing about, elders tanning themselves. Everyone enjoying the water and sun.I lay on my stomach in my black bikini and place my book...

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Apni Bhabhi Ka Apna Ehsaas

Hi dosto mai aapka dost narinder hu yeh meri pehli sacchi real) kahani hai. pichle 1 saal sa mai regular reader hu so maine socha ki mai apni real kahani apke saath share karu. Mera naam narinder ha ma 19 saal ka ek smart aur handsome ladka hu aur meri height 5.8 feet ha with athletic body mera lund ka size ha 8 inch lamba aur 3 inch motta ha.agar kisi bhabhi ya ladki ko mujhse chudna ho to aap mujhe mail kar sakti hai Par aaapko bor na karta hua mai siddha story par aata hu. Yeh story meri...

4 years ago
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The Way BackChapter 3

We arrived at the house by a circuitous route occasioned by my misreading David's instructions, but we were not late. David opened the door and issued us into the large and tastefully decorated and furnished living room, where stood a very attractive woman about my age. I assumed it was David's wife. At first she looked at me with horror and disbelief then expectation and finally her face showed disappointment. "This is Vivienne, Allan," David said gently. "Hello, Vivienne," I...

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Fucked Mom When Everyone Was Asleep

Someone shook me and woke me up. I opened my smudgy eyes but everything was blurred. I rubbed my eyes with my hands and say mom sitting close to me. Before I could open my mouth to ask any question she pressed her finger on my mouth and shushed me. I sat upright and looked around, everyone was deep asleep and it was dark outside the window. All I could see was mom’s face in the dim light of the night bulb. She stood up and signaled me to follow her quietly. Carefully not to make any sound and...

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The Thief of the RoseChapter 12

Aaron met Reg in the dining hall early the next morning. After breakfast and settling up with Miss Sara, they gathered their things, saddled their horses and, after squaring accounts with the Sorcerer's Guild and retrieving the gold pieces, were off for Realto. Aaron intended to spend one day in Realto to say goodbye and make sure that Master Weaver was dealt with and then leave for Aithen. He was thinking of asking Reg to just stay at the duchy while he returned to the Capital when his...

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As a result of all this, I had been late on several rent payments over the past year, and had been short of the total amount due in several of those months. Paul, the landlord, had berated me multiple times, and had threatened to evict me on numerous occasions. The last time I was short of cash, he had gotten extremely angry, and I worried that he was getting serious about the eviction. Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough money to move to another place, let alone find another shitty apartment....

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Coworker horny wife part 2

Part 2She smiled wickedly, “I can’t believe I am such a complete whore and I love it.” She led the way to the bedroom and I followed her cute ass, my mind racing on how to best handle the situation. I was trying to think two or three moves ahead and still make the most of the opportunity. I thought to myself, thank God I had so much sex that week, otherwise I might have lost during the foot rub. When we got into her bedroom we started kissing and kind of fell on the bed. I slid down her...

4 years ago
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Mama Mia

My father was abusive before and after I was born! Most of his wrath fell on my mother, who was prematurely gray, bruised, and cowed. As I grew up, I decided dad wasn't going to start any more shit with me! I became a black belt (without ever telling him), and I also bulked up; I had other interests as well, and some muscle never hurt a teenager! It was the sixties, and fathers were still getting away with everything; but my father was losing control entirely too often! His routine on...

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Ben the lingerie and the stranger Strange Relat

It was a Saturday morning in early May, and Caitlin could see the sun streaming through a crack in the curtains. Her alarm clock told her it was just after nine. She smiled and stretched out her arms above her head in an effort to shake a little of the lethargy out of her body. She knew she should get up, but she did like a lie-in at the weekend. She thought she’d give it five more minutes, and curled up in a ball with her hands between her knees.She tried to work out her itinerary for the day....

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While coming back home I purchased few fancy, lacy and transparent bra and panty for my wife. I reached home. Gopal opened door and Anu got up to receive me. I kept my bag in room and gave packet of those fancy clothes to her . She enquired and I said that these are for her . She took bag and came out. She sat on sofa and took out packets. She took out panty and bra from each packets and commented, “you are so generous , but I have many.” :darling , you should very often get nice & good...

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Two Birds a BlokeSunday Lunch

Phil had moved to London because of his job. He had worked in the company's Leeds office, serving the North of England, but he had been the brainchild behind such a successful campaign for double glazing, that the firm had insisted he move to the National office in London. He had been reluctant at first, he really didn't want to leave his family and friends, but the new salary was just too good to turn down. He now lived in an expensive apartment, with a brand new sports car and a host of...

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The Amazon Box

Nelson couldn’t believe how long it had taken him to come up with his idea as he hurried home from school. His box from Amazon was supposed to arrive today, and he didn’t want anyone, especially one of his sisters to find it before he got it safely out of sight. Nelson was a pretty normal looking senior, with short blond hair and a skinny adolescent build that had caused its fair share of friendly teasing over the years. Fortunately, he had a ready smile and was a genuinely nice guy so...

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NubilesPorn Ember Stone It Smells Like Sex

Lusty coed Ember Stone isn’t wearing any panties beneath her miniskirt uniform, a fact that Damon Dice notices along with the musk of sex. He decides that Ember needs to be taught a lesson, one that starts with her giving him a blowjob. He wants it wet wild and dirty, all of which Ember is happy to deliver along with some deep throat action. When Damon helps Ember up onto the bed and flips up her skirt so that he can take her from behind, her landing strip snatch is already dripping with...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Cathleen and John Part 2

Cathleen was curled up in the leather chair near the fire when John arrived home from work that night. She had a glass of red wine in her hand and another for John sitting on the side table. John could see that she was wearing her sexy pink satin robe. Unbeknownst to him, under the robe, she was wearing nothing but Kelly's red thong and her new blonde muff. And he could see that she had really made herself up. Like any guy, John loved a woman's eyes made up... and Cathleen had...

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The week I lost my Virginity 4 times

Impossible, I hear you say, outrageous but yes I did in a female sense, I did have four lovers, one of which was pseudo, the other three, well I was penetrated and seeded, but because of circumstances, I got to choose the man who got the honer of hanging my scalp on his bedpost.Most women couldn't give a rats ass who stuck them first, or anything to do with bedposts, as most of us lose it on sandy beaches or up dark allays having our soft skin bruised against brick walls.Must of us are drunk,...

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Family Therapy Stephen And Kates Confessions

"Shut the fuck up, Steven, so what if I got here your car back an hour late?! I'm sorry!" she yelled, coming towards me. "Mom, I swear, how is he my twin brother? We're almost nothing alike.""I don't know, Kate. Damn, what is it with you two lately?" I whined, turning to her. "You've been bickering like that nonstop for weeks now. You're twenty now, can't you get along? I mean, at least for my sake? You're the only kids I'll ever have, and we lost your dad a few years ago, too, so is there...

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He made me do it

I grew up in an atmosphere of sexual negativity. My father, at five six and thin as a rail was anything but sexy. Mom wore the pants. She had the higher-paying job, was taller than Dad, wore heels every day of her life and reveled in making him look bad. They may have had sex just once in their lives. As you might imagine, I picked up a lot of bad habits from that environment. Indeed, I was proud of having Mom’s forceful personality. As for my appearance, I had my father’s thin genes and...

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A dirty conversation Ch 3

It was time to exert more of that power. I now knew that she was willing to give her body to me, but that isn’t enough. I want her deepest darkest secrets, I want her to expose herself in more ways than one. “I’m going to ask you some questions. I want you to answer all of them truthfully. How many men have you slept with before?” I text. “6 sir” was her response. “Did you suck their cocks for them? When they came did you swallow their cum? Did you let them cover your face in...

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Brothers Do Love Sisters Part 21

Friday evening, we decided we would go to town and see what was going on. We didn’t expect too much as our little town wasn’t like the big city, but we thought we would check it out. We went to the little bar where we all hung out when we got out of school and we had a few drinks. We saw a few people we knew but it seemed like everyone our age was ether married or in a serious relationship. About midnight we decided we had had enough excitement and headed for home. On the ride home Jenn was...

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Ive been waiting so long

"hey, help me with this, will ya?" Lacey was trying to put a large box up on the shelf. Cole grabbed the other side of the box and easily pushed it up onto the shelf. As he stepped back and toward the door he stopped in the doorway of the closet. As Lacey started to leave and walk out his hands on both sides of the doorframe stopped her. He just stood there, grinning at her. "Cole, what are you doing?" "you know what I'm doing - we've been dancing around this for months" ...

2 years ago
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Visiting Daddy

Sandra had skipped a day off school to go visit her dad in the county prison. She hadn't seen him for ages, and was really excited. She just wasn't sure if they would let her in without her mom! She was wearing a smart blouse and skirt, white ankle socks and flat shoes, trying to look older than she really was without looking tarty. She tried to look confident as she approached the visitors reception desk. The man explained that she was really too young to go inside without at least her...

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The Team Mascot

It is interesting how a casual encounter can develop into a satisficing agenda where others can fizzle out like a whiff of smoke. When Martin pulled into the parking section of the local shopping mall he didn't know that his intervention in helping a woman with her shopping was going to lead to a very rewarding and satisfying encounter that would ease what he considered a boring life and be a delight for his friends. Martin noticed the woman struggling. "Could I give you a hand Madam" he...

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Megan and BillChapter 2

As I walked into the office that morning, I noticed that everyone was looking at me with some kind of look that I didn't understand. Perhaps it was faith that I was going to do the right thing, for all of us. I went into my office and Jan came in. 'Good morning Bill. Are you doing ok? I... I want to thank you, regardless of how this all turns out. You are my hero. You are doing the right thing and I admire you very much for that. Everyone here admires you Bill. Everyone.' 'Yeah, then...

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Judge and Found Horny Sentenced to Suffer

A Gay Hardcore Older for Younger BDSM Prisoner Whipping Caning Crucifixion CBT Fantasy.I put up with some ads on a gay BDSM personal site. I'm an older man and I used to be a stud and fuck guys but now I'm not getting ground that well. I'm 6 ft 2. Around 270 getting kind of heavy in my older age but not too fat.I was looking for a younger man to come use me. Maybe some light or play bdsm. Nothing too serious. I'd like some bondage and flogging. A little bit of CBT to keep my cock hard. Some...

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Simulations and Safety NetsChapter 1

Debbie, Meagan, and Peter were all down in the studio. It was the first organized posing session since the accident. Everyone was excited about getting back into a regular posing routine. "So, what are we doing today Mrs. D.?" Peter asked. "Well, I wanted to paint something that captured the frustration of the last week or so." Meagan grumbled, "I don't like where this is going." "Hear me out first!" Debbie snapped. "I was thinking of having you two pose like you were having an...

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ShawnChapter 29

It was now almost three o'clock so I helped make the house presentable. Some wooden chairs were glued and some seats coverings needed tacks. I assessed the house to see what had to be purchased to make it easier to sell. The piano was the only extravagance and I used my power to tune it. When everything was done I called a taxi and while waiting played some music. My hands were now getting large enough to make most of the chords so my abilities were much less needed. At last, the taxi...

3 years ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 152 Do you Still Have the Scar

(A large steamship pulls into port.) Passenger: So we've finally arrived in Osaka. Passenger 2: Yes... It was a long voyage from Shanghai. (Enishi is standing at the railing, looking out. He is dressed in Chinese-style pants and jacket, wearing small sunglasses and carrying a wrapped sword. Overhearing their conversation, he smiles slightly.) Enishi: Long?... Long indeed. It's been ten years since I last saw Japan... (A hot summer morning. Kenshin and Yahiko are training outside the...

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Taking Her

Watching my sexy girl dance in a leather mini skirt that barely covered her firm curvy Latino ass got me hard as a rock... she is a tiger in bed, gives head on demand and has the tightest little waxed pussy I’ve ever felt... my only complaint was that she would never completely open herself up sexually to my more devious desires; I longed for a little more kink... I did notice though that when she drank she got extremely sexed up and also her memory went by the wayside... I’d been thinking of...

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Saas Ke Sath

Hi dosto, mera naam lucky hai main Punjab ( ludhiana ) ka rehne walla hun meri umar abhi 30 ki hai or mere gha r mein main or mere papa or mere wife or meri 3 years ki beti hum 4 log hain ghar mein chalo abb apko apni story par le chalta hun meri saas ki umar lagbhag abhi 45 ke karib hogi but wo itni sunder nahi hai or uske boobs bi itne bhade nahi hai thik hai mere sasur ko gujre kareban abhi 10 saal ho gae hai Ye kahani tab ki hai jab meri shadi ko 6 month hue the mere papa kuch dino ke liye...

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