Magic Ink VII the Fourth RealityChapter 3
- 3 years ago
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By the end of July, the first two houses were moving along to completion nicely. The work was progressing so well in fact that my thoughts turned to furnishing the houses. The problem there was that we had no spare furniture of the correct type or period in our Realm. All of the fine antique furniture that the O’Connell Women had gathered in the 21st Century was now either in use in various houses, or was on display in the houses of the Founder’s Children with preservation spells on them. The remaining furniture in our Realm would not be correct for this time period in the Fourth Reality.
Mother was the one who pointed out the obvious solution to me, at least at the time it seemed to be the obvious solution.
“North Carolina isn’t far from here, and that’s where the original furniture came from. It shouldn’t be that difficult to go up there and buy sufficient furniture for both houses, as well as rugs, curtains, china, silverware and other items,” she told me with a smile.
“That sounds reasonable, but I am in no condition to ride the train up there. Do we know anyone who has been to North Carolina?” I asked her. Mother didn’t know but would check with our Relatives. As it turned out, none of them had ever been to North Carolina, let alone to the High Point area there, which is where the center of their furniture industry was located.
“Celeste and I will go up there and then transfer back to get you when we have located some appropriate furniture,” Mother informed me a few days later.
The following day, she and Celeste transferred to Savannah where they took a Southern Railroad train to High Point, North Carolina. They had been gone for over four days when they reappeared in my parlor at my house in the O’Connell Realm. Neither of them appeared to be very happy.
“How was your trip?” I asked first, followed by, “Did you see any furniture that I would be interested in?” Both of them had sunk onto the sofa across from me while I had been speaking.
“As to the trip, it was fair, if somewhat longer than I expected,” Mother said in a tried voice.
“The furniture was even worse. There are NO large furniture companies like Hickory, Thomasville, Thomlinson, or Broyhill in operation in North Carolina or anywhere nearby at this time. It would appear that those companies didn’t get started until a number of years after 1907,” Mother continued before pausing for breath.
“Oh, there is a lot of furniture being made there at this time, it just isn’t the type that we were looking for. They are making rather ordinary utilitarian furniture of decent quality from various hardwoods, but not the fine dining room, living room, and bedroom furniture that the Founders and their children were so fond of, and which would go very well in these houses, just as they did in the originals,” she finished with a sigh.
“We did meet a very nice man there whose name was Fisher, and he explained the furniture business to us, at least as he understood it,” Celeste told me and paused before continuing.
“He explained that North Carolina had a long history of furniture making because of the availability of large stands of hardwood trees, but that until the last few years, it had mainly been carried on in small cabinetmakers’ shops. Those craftsmen had depended on English and French designs for the furniture that they built.
“He also told us that the reason the English had helped the Southern States in their War for Independence was triggered by the Trent Affair. A minor diplomatic incident, it was the last straw leading to them declaring war on what remained of the U.S. Their hope was to regain territories lost under the Treaty of Ghent following the War of 1812 and perhaps a bit more. Business men also wanted to continue to get cheap southern cotton for their mills.
“All of this had been very well at the start of the war according to him, but the continued fighting over the years led to a depressed economy that had just about wiped out the furniture industry in North Carolina, and following the war they had to practically start over again, but there were fewer wealthy plantation owners and wealthy merchants to buy their products, so it has taken a long time for the industry to recover, but they hope to improve both their output along with the quality and the style of their furniture in the near future,” Celeste finished.
“How far in the near future?” I asked.
“Ten to fifteen years or so he told us,” Celeste answered, much to my disappointment.
“Where does that leave us then?” I asked next.
“We will need to try furniture stores in various cities to find the type of furniture that we need. I believe that we should try Savannah first as it is the closest, but we can try Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and even Boston later if necessary,” Mother told me.
“That sounds reasonable, but it will be imported furniture that we will probably find, and it will be more expensive,” I told them, and there was no disagreement with that statement.
The following day, Mother and Celeste returned to Savannah to look for furniture and the other things that we would require to furnish the two houses. They returned that evening with happy faces and excitement.
“You really must go to Savannah with us tomorrow,” Mother told me.
“I take it that your search was successful,” I said.
“Yes, very successful, I think you will like what we have found. It’s a mix of English and Yankee furniture, but it will go well together. They also have rugs, shades and draperies,” she finished.
“We also found several stores selling china and silverware,” Celeste informed me in an excited voice.
“Good, we can obtain the more mundane items for the house right here in Statesboro, but that leaves the question of where to keep everything until the houses are finished and ready to be moved into, if we buy the furniture and other things now. On the other hand if we wait, the furniture that we like may be gone, and we won’t be able to find replacements that we like as well,”I told them.
“That’s true, dear, of course we could transfer it to the old furniture warehouse in our Realm. It wouldn’t be difficult and it would avoid any breakage due to having it shipped here by train and wagon,” Mother told me.
“We could just transfer it here and set up a defensive shell to keep it all in on one of the lots,” Celeste suggested.
“True, but I’m afraid that a plain defensive shell would draw a lot of unwanted attention from either the farmers or the construction people, possibly both,” Mother cautioned her.
“Yes, it would, if we left it a plain defensive shell,” I agreed. “However, if we cast a glamour around it so that all that one saw from any angle was the other side of the area that the shell was on, it would effectively be invisible as would its contents,” I told them to smiles from both of them.
“Should we take Grace with us?” I asked them. “She deserves a break from housework just as much as anyone.”
“Yes, she should have a break also,” Mother agreed, and we transferred to the O’Connell house at the end of Plantation Lane. Grace wasn’t startled when the three of us appeared in her kitchen.
“Grace, we’re going to Savannah tomorrow to look at furniture for the new houses. Would you like to go with us?” Mother asked.
“I’d like to go, but I have too much to do to be away for two or three days,” she replied.
“Two or three days?” Mother asked.
“We’re not taking the train, dear, we’ll be transferring to Savannah in the morning and returning the same way when we are finished,” I told her.
“In that case, I’ll be glad to accompany you,” she told us. “I’ll need to tell Owen tonight,” she finished.
I could understand why Grace had been so hesitant. She and Owen along with their helper Joe were very busy presently. The early crops had been ripe since mid-June, so Owen and Joe with some help from Grace, Robert, and I had been picking those plants that were ready to be eaten. Some had gone to our own table to be consumed, but the majority had been taken into Statesboro to the grocers there several times a week. The trip was time consuming and bumpy on the poor roads outside of town. Robert and I had offered to set up a Portal to make things easier, but Owen had at first turned us down. Though later he came to us to accept it.
“I’ve changed my mind about the Portal,” he told Robert in mid-July. “The trips consume valuable time that would be better spent working on the crops, or doing repairs in the shop. The Portal would allow us to complete the necessary trips quicker, and would also reduce wear on the wagon and the horses,” he had finished. Robert and I created a Portal from the end of the fields they were using to a place in the warehouse area in Statesboro that was less used this time of year. Owen and Joe later came to thank us.
“This gives us a lot more time to get things done here around the house. I definitely overestimated the time I would have available to work on the gates and the fences. This allows more time to work on their repair and other projects,” he told Robert after they had been using the Portal for two weeks or so.
This was also the time of year when canning started, and Grace had been busy with that since the last part of July. She would need help from Celeste and me to complete it, although I wasn’t sure how much help I would be in my current condition since I now needed to stay seated a lot of the time.
All of this was put out of our minds, however, the following morning, as we prepared to transfer to Savannah to inspect the furniture that my Mother and Celeste had located there. We were ready to depart by nine, and we four all joined hands just before Mother cast the transfer spell. We appeared in one of Savannah’s quiet parks a second later and quickly hailed a carriage to take us to the stores where they had found the furniture and other things that we needed. At the first shop that we stopped at, I was indeed impressed with the selection of furniture for sale.
“Oh Mother, you were correct. Many of these items will fit very well into the parlors of new houses,” I told her as we were approached by a gentleman who represented the shop and could have been the owner.
“Welcome back, Madam. Who have you brought with you today?” the man inquired.
“This is my Daughter, and my Niece. As I told you yesterday, we will require furniture for two large new houses,” Mother reminded him.
“Please continue to look around, and call me if you have any questions,” he told us before leaving us to continue our examination of the store’s contents, and examine it we did, very thoroughly. We located sofas, stuffed chairs, end tables, and coffee tables as well as nick-knack shelving sufficient for the parlors of both houses. We placed a small marker spell on each item that we chose. Grace even selected a few small items to add to her parlors. When finished, we called the gentleman back to inform him of our choices. He was a little shocked by the quantity of furniture that we had selected.
“You’re sure that you want all of this furniture NOW?” he asked, before adding, “I wouldn’t be able to hold all of this until later, you understand.”
“Yes, we want all of it, and as soon as you can prepare it to be shipped,” Mother informed him.
“Yes, I can prepare it for safe shipping. Where is it to be shipped to?” he asked.
“We live in Statesboro, but we will be here with our own transportation when you have it ready to be moved,” Mother assured him.
“Have you moved furniture before?” he inquired in a questioning voice.
“We are experts at moving furniture and many other things,” I assured him.
“All right, I’ll make out the bill of sale for the items that you have selected. How will you be paying for it?” he asked.
“I will be paying in gold,” I told him and held up the small satchel that I had called to me previously.
“Gold?” he asked in surprise.
“Yes, in twenty dollar Gold Double Eagles,” I told him bringing out a roll of the coins to show him.
“Certainly, madam. I will also give you a discount because of the large quantity of furniture you are buying and for prompt payment,” he assured us with a smile.
“When will everything be ready for pick up?” Mother asked when I had paid for everything and placed the bill-of-sale in the satchel.
“It will all be ready by noon tomorrow,” the gentleman assured us with a large smile as he escorted us to the door of his store to see us out.
The following characters appear in this chapter and later in the story: Carl Michael O’Connell, Were – Siberian Tiger, Margie K’s Father, 6’-3’’ tall, 230 pounds 42 years old, broad shoulders, auburn hair, green eyes Seamus O’Connell, Margie K’s Great Uncle, an Ordained Minister, 5’-10’’ tall, 170 pounds, very old, white hair and a short beard, gray eyes We appeared in the Clan Hall just before 5:45 that afternoon. It had been set up with tables and a serving line. A number of the Clan...
Margie still has the Narrative: July began very quietly... The plumbers and electricians were at work on the new houses, but the remainder of the construction crew were off on paid vacation. The deer problem had been resolved, and the crops in the fields were doing well, as it had rained on Sunday, the last day of June, and again on Monday, the first of July. Thursday, the Fourth of July, was a day of great celebration. My Parents moved the family grill to the O’Connell House here in Fourth...
Characters returning from Grace and Owen: Grace O’Malley, Heroine, former prostitute, 5’-2’’ tall, 110 pounds, 34D-22-34, 21 years old, alabaster skin, long flaming red hair, bright green eyes, some freckles, very cute, has a large but untrained Talent and little knowledge of Magic Owen O’Connell, Blacksmith, Grace’s lover and soon-to-be Husband, 5’-9’’ tall, 150 pounds, 25 years old, light auburn hair, gray eyes, quite handsome, has a large but untrained Talent and little knowledge of...
Grace takes over the narrative: Margaret O’Connell and her Husband returned that evening after supper. As promised, she brought the wedding dress and a box of books, but she also brought two lamps with her. “These are Magic Powered lamps, which don’t require fuel or electricity to work. All that you need to do is activate the spell in them with your Talent, and then you can adjust the intensity of the lamp to the level that you require,” she told Owen and me, before demonstrating how to do...
Margie resumes the Narrative: Romero New York hoodlum, 5’-8’’ tall, 165 pounds, 36 year old, black hair, brown eyes We moved Mr. Franklin’s concrete mixer, a steam powered Ransome 7 batch mixer with an elevating charging hopper attached to the site of the first house on Monday, the 25th of March. Mr. Franklin was concerned as the mixer weighed some 8,000 pounds, but it really wasn’t any challenge for me at all. My Ancestors had moved much heavier loads longer distances with no trouble. I...
Owen continues the Narrative: I spent most of the remainder of the day in the shop with Joe. There was work to do on some items that the local farmers had brought in for repair. Frank joined us to observe later that morning. “I’ve always been interested in blacksmithing, but there wasn’t any opportunity to do it or even to see it done where I used to live,” he told us when we had taken a short break after finishing the work on the first item. “Where did you live?” I asked, curious. “I...
Margie still has the Narrative: Robert was the first one to arrive a little later, and he looked as tired as I felt, but was smiling when he entered. There was no smile in his voice, however. “Margie, what’s wrong? I felt your unease and came as quickly as possible,” he asked. “There is a problem with one of our Daughters,” I told him, not wanting to explain everything immediately. “A problem?” “Yes, I’ll explain,” I told him, and reached for my first Daughter. “This is our first born....
Grace continues her narrative: Breakfast was very late that Saturday morning, but Joe was smiling when he came in to eat. “Good morning,” he said still smiling. “Is everything okay, Joe?” I asked on seeing the smile. “Oh yes ma’am,” he assured me, as I sat the food on the table. There was still much cooking to do this morning to have the meal finished for the party following the wedding. I wasn’t sure how many would be coming, and it being February, there wasn’t a great variety of food...
Margie has the Narrative: Robert returned close to sundown, well after we had finished the evening meal. Grace and Owen called it supper, as did many in this time period. Later in the twentieth century this would change to dinner, but that is what they called the midday meal. Names do change over time. At any rate, I had saved food for Robert. While he was gone, I had felt his joy at flying again, but also his anger when he discovered that those men had disregarded his warning, and his...
Owen resumes the Narrative: Events really seemed to speed up after this. Mr. Hickey finished the field portion of his survey of our property by the end of February. He had marked out each of the plots of land and divided those indicated on the drawing that we had given him in half so the farmers would know the extent of the fields they were renting. He had also marked out each of the eight plots of land for the new houses. Knowing the length of each parcel, it had been easy for him to...
Grace continues the narrative: The dance was to start shortly after the meal and the cutting of the wedding cake. As we entered the music room however, it was apparent that there was a problem. “This room isn’t large enough for us to dance in,” Uncle Aengus said on entering. “Yes, it’s a good bit smaller than the room in the Founder’s house. That’s one difference that wasn’t apparent from the outside,” Margie agreed looking around. “Perhaps it’s because the dining room is so large,” she...
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That evening we discussed with the Stuarts whether they would be interested in working for us full time. They were, but had some issues. "We have a house near Akron that we would need to sell. We also have jobs that we will need to leave, plus bank accounts and other financial matters to take care of," Will Stuart told us. ""If you would rather still live in Akron, I could install a portal in your house there, so you could travel back and forth to work here," I told them. "No," Myra...
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VII: How We Do Things Three Months Ago... For the past two games, Alex had been winning their Behemongers games. The sting was beginning to wear heavily upon Tobias as he struggled to come up with a killer deck to challenge Alex's own, which he knew had cost his best friend hundreds of dollars through a combination of allowance-raise savings, birthday gifts, and Christmas gifts. Tobias didn't know Alex's inside track. Who was he conferring with to be able to come up with such a...
"Complications, Carl?" Seamus asked with a frown. "There were a number of cabins under attack also. Not everyone had gotten as far as the fort before the Shawanoes caught up with them, and they had holed up in some of the cabins near it. They needed immediate assistance, and we took care of that first after securing the fort. The Shawanoes broke off the attack, once we secured the fort and the cabins with Defensive Shells. We followed them, and eliminated the majority of them," I...
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Mark resumes the Narrative: The following new characters appear in this chapter and the rest of the story: Clare O'Hara Mark's Wife, 5'-1" tall, 100 pounds +, 34C-21-32, 16 years old, auburn hair, gray eyes, very cute Saoirse Ward Wolf's Wife, 5'-0" tall, less than 100 pounds, 32C-20-32, 15 years old, bright red hair, green eyes, very cute Nora and Nola Twin Sisters, 3'-0" tall, 35 pounds, nearly 4 years old, red hair, green eyes, adorable The following characters reappear...
Carl takes the Narrative: New characters introduced in the next two chapters: Eileen O'Keefe Carl's Wife, Morgan and Donald's Sister, 5'-2" tall, 105 pounds, 34C-22-34, 16 years old, dark auburn hair, blue eyes, a few freckles, very cute Morgan O'Keefe Eileen's Brother, M & M's Husband, 5'-10" tall, 145 pounds, 19 years old, auburn hair, blue eyes Donald O'Keefe Eileen's Brother, C & D's Husband, 5'-9" tall, 140 pounds, 17 years old, auburn hair, gray eyes We...
We didn't get to see Grandfather Michael until well after noontime. We joined him in his private parlor when summoned. "Good afternoon, Grandfather," we both said in greeting after being told to enter. "Well, what do you think of us after spending your first night here, and scaring the staff half to death?" he asked with a grin. "The scaring part wasn't intentional," I told him. "Maybe not on your part," Pat told him in a disgruntled voice. "And just what is the problem?"...
Saint Patrick's Day, the 17th of March, fell on a Wednesday this year, 2032. Sean and I had already helped Dad plow the fields in late February, and we had planted the seeds by the 1st of March, as we were having a warm spring this year. The past three years had seen the last freeze in Mid-March, and it hadn't been conducive to early planting. This afternoon, we were out checking the various fields on foot with Annie and Sara. They were still new to farming, and we wanted them to see the...
New characters appearing in this chapter and the next: Gwyneth O'Leary Doctor, OB/GYN, Irish, 5'-3" tall, 108 pounds, 34B-23-35, 28 years old, long red hair, gray eyes, some freckles Gwyn and Glanda Mike and Gretchen's Daughters, born 6 November 2051, both have dark Auburn hair and gray eyes Sererena and Saraid Pat and Petra's Daughters, born on 6 November 2051, both have red hair and green eyes Early on Monday morning both of our Grandmothers and our Moms came to visit us. We...
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Characters returning from the previous story: Mark Kent O'Connell The children's Father, 5'-9" tall, 165 pounds, 39 years old, brown hair, hazel eyes Mary Kathleen O'Connell (Katie) Mary Margaret O'Connell (Margie) Mark's wives and the children's Mothers, 5'-3" tall, 124 pounds, 36DD-25-37, legally 38 years old (actually 196 years old), long flaming red hair, deep green eyes, a sprinkling of freckles, very cute Edana and Gale O'Connell Margie's daughters, 5'-4" tall, 105...
The following characters appear in the first two chapters: Kennard Curran O'Connell (Ken) Mike and Clare's Son, 5'-10" tall, 142 pounds, 17 years old, red hair, green eyes, dual Talents Kellen Conroy O'Connell (Kell) Pat and Cathleen's Son, 5'-10" tall, 144 pounds, 17 years old, red hair, blue eyes, dual Talents Mark Michael O'Connell Mike and Shannon's Son, 5'-10" tall, 140 pounds, 17 years old, red hair, green eyes Seamus Patrick O'Connell Pat and Sheena's Son,...
Everyone was still excited about the upcoming move to the O'Connell Realm on Tuesday, the 18th of October, when they resumed work at the printing plant. The excitement was soon replaced by shock. On Wednesday morning, the 19th, just before 8:30, as everyone was just getting to work, Uncle Will noticed a black Humvee and several black Suburbans pull up across the street from the plant. The hair on the back of his neck stood up in premonition, and he instantly reacted by reciting the spell...
Over the next few days, Dad got with Uncle Will and Thomas Stuart to determine how much paper, plates, ink, and other supplies that we used in a year. They went over the business records and then projected future increases based on the increases over the last two years. They were quite surprised at the amount of materials required. "You say that we have maybe a year or so?" Uncle Will asked. "Yes, that's our daughters' estimate," Dad answered. "We can double our regular orders and...
We returned to Hickory Hill much earlier today than we had yesterday, and took care of our horses ourselves, but allowed the stablemen to take care of the pack horse. After cleaning up, we went to look for Mark and Seamus. Sererena and Gwyn were already here. We finally got everyone together in the den. “What’s so important?” Seamus asked. “There are things that we need to discuss,” I told them. “It couldn’t wait until after dinner?” Gwyn asked. “No, we’re going to need to make an...
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The sun was well up when I awoke the next morning. I was indeed loved. Gretchen was still in my arms, and Clare and Shannon had moved up against me. Clare was pressed against my back, and Shannon was pressed up against her little blond friend. I lay there for a time thinking about what had happened last night. It had indeed been an exceptional night, but I was worried. I had three women in love with me. Somewhere along the line, I had already decided to marry two of them. This, of course,...
Kell and his twins arrived an hour, or so after we had gotten back. He knocked on our door when they got upstairs. They looked tired. "Anything?" I asked, after they were seated on the bed. "A morning's ride, some nice scenery, and time spent at two ancient sites, but no trace of recent Magic use at either of them," he told me. "There were still some traces of ancient Magic at the well. Kell told me that the goddess Airmid was one of the ones that created the healing well, and that...
"Oh Dear!" the Smith groaned in distress at the table. "What is it, my Sweet?" he asked, as he quickly rose to see what was the matter. He never did make it to the bedroom, as his wife led a small boy and girl out into the main room. She was followed by a girl a few years older than the pair of youngsters, and Clare and Cathleen. "Look at them, Henry!" the wife demanded, excitedly. "This morning, they could hardly hold their heads up, and now they are as well as you, or I. How could...
The following new character appears in last few chapters: Makhpia – Luta (Red Cloud) Two Wolves Called Jason, Lakota, Robert's older Brother t, 6'-0'', 200 pounds, 28 years old, jet black hair, gray eyes, a very rugged looking individual and the guardian of the Thunderbird spirit By late on the afternoon of my third day in the wild, I had reached a decision and reviewed it to ensure that all of the necessary points were covered. I was now ready to return to the house and those...
The following new character appears in the remainder of the story: Mankato (Blue Earth) Two Wolves Called Robert, Lakota, Crendenor the Dragon, 6'-0'' tall, 185 pounds, 26 years old, black hair with streaks of auburn, gray eyes, quite handsome On transferring into the end of the corridor with the steel plate, I discovered that I was no longer alone. "There she is, kill her before she recovers," someone shouted, and this was instantly followed by a chorus of shots and their bullets...
Final characters introduced in the story: Wolfgang Patrick O'Connell Mike and Gretchen's son, born 7 November 2053, auburn hair, green eyes Carl Michael O'Connell Pat and Petra's son, born 7 November 2053, reddish blond hair, blue eyes While Pat and I had been busy with our Wives and Sons, a bit of a brouhaha had developed at the University. It seems that some of the other Faculty members were jealous of our Parents and Aunts, and their position in what had become one of the...
We had just finished taking our seats and Lady Caoilinn had signaled for the first dish to be served when everything was interrupted by a long, loud, high pitched, agonizing scream that was suddenly cut off. I immediately sent out my Magical senses to determine what had happened. I didn't like what I found. "What on Earth was that?" Lady Caoilinn demanded in the sudden silence that followed the scream being cut off. Captain Sean Og was already on his feet and calling for the guardsmen,...
Seamus continues his Narrative: The following new characters appear in this chapter: Sarah MacKenna, Chandra Duncan's Sister, Seamus's Wife, 5'-2" tall, 100 pounds plus, 34C-20-30, 18 years old, long lustrous black hair, brown eyes, beautiful Duncan MacKenna, Oconostota Chandra's Brother, A & A's Husband, 5'-10" tall, 145 pounds, 16 years old, dark auburn hair, gray eyes, a very handsome young man I transferred Black Bear, the Ranger Lieutenant, and myself back to the...
The following new characters are introduced in the next two chapters: Savannah Collins Shannon's twin, James's Wife, 5'-2" tall, 105 pounds, 34C-22-34, 17 years old, blond hair, gray eyes, very cute Shannon Collins Savannah's twin, James's Wife, 5'-2" tall, 105 pounds, 34C-22-34, 17 years old, blond hair, gray eyes, very cute James's Narrative of his trip to Boston: I went north with Gwyn, Glanda, and their soon-to-be lawyer Husband plus a number of other Representatives to...
I awoke the next morning a very satisfied and rested kitty. I instantly knew that it was morning even with no windows to see out or the fresh air of dawn to sniff. The remains of last night's meal, about twenty pounds of meat, were still there and I wolfed it down in short order before starting to clean my muzzle and whiskers, which I had neglected to do last night due to tiredness. Following cleaning up, some of last night's meal was anxious to depart, and I deposited my cat scat in the...
The following new characters appear in this chapter and the remainder of the story: David Strickland Master Wizard, President of the Council William Rittenhouse Master Wizard, Oldest Member of the Council, builder of the trap James Knox Master Wizard, Member of the Council, Master of Creatures Taylor Peale Master Wizard, Member of the Council, creator of the Magic-stealing creatures Ross King Master Wizard, Member of the Council, in charge of external security Neville...
The following new character appears in the next several chapters: Franklin (Frank) Mahony Master Wizard, Celeste's boyfriend, 5'-9'' tall, 160 pounds, 22 years old, dark auburn hair, gray eyes Frank's Tale: I had heard rumors of creatures down in the tunnels under the headquarters building of the Wizard's Council that stole people's Magic if they ventured into the wrong areas down there. There were also stories of missing Wizards who had vanished trying to eliminate this...
It was just after 4:00 that afternoon when the radio broke the silence. "Attention all O'Connell teams! We have just received word from the Intelligence Corp that the Persians have landed a short distance down river from Frankfurt. Keep a sharp lookout for their arrival. That's all for now," Grandfather Mark finished. Pat and I used the small pair of binoculars that we had been issued to search the area west of the city, but could only make out the top masts of several ships down the...
On arriving at the Hall for the evening meal, we were surprised to see a larger table set up and that several other guests were already there for the meal. The current conversations all stopped when we entered the Hall. "These are my house guests," Lady Feidhelm told the others. "The young man is Master Kellen O'Connell and the young ladies are the Mac Sweeney Sisters, Airmid and Almha, his Apprentices," she finished. "Kellen, these are my guests for the evening meal: Master Murchadh...
We materialized in the Duke's apartment on the second floor of the Manor house. The lamps there ran on Magic and they were lit. There was a fire in the large fireplace, making it much cheerier than the cell that we had just left. Of course the four girls couldn't see any of this, but they could feel the increased warmth. A large sumptuous dinner had been set out on the large table in the dining area here. It appeared that the Duke and Duchess had been interrupted as they prepared to have...
Mark's Narrative Continues: We didn't see Seamus or most of his people for ten days following dinner that night. Meagan and Maureen did appear for dinner a couple of times during that period, and they borrowed Dymphna for a time as Seamus and Carl had taken Dealla and Cessair with them. Having three Mages in the Ohio country put a strain on our one remaining Mage, Coleen, who was rather busy with two locations to take care of. Things on this side of the Ohio River had not slowed down or...
June slipped into July, and we still hadn't found time to return to the Other Reality to visit the girls still there, and to see how they and the Daughters they were carrying were doing. We had planned on returning several times, but every time that we had, something had come up to prevent us from leaving. Aside from the normal work in the fields on the growing crops, and our work in the printing plant, several emergencies had developed to prevent us from leaving. The first was one...