College Collage FChapter 3 Declaration of Independence
- 3 years ago
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Andy Trainor was barely back in Evanston from the University of Illinois when he decided that Dad was running his life too much. It was time for him to declare his independence, and church was a good occasion to do so.
“Y’know,” he said on their way to church. “I didn’t attend in Champaign.”
“I know. You told me, once.” Dad was probably trying to evade the question.
“Well, I didn’t. Don’t you think attending up here reeks of hypocrisy? It’s not Andy attending; it’s Jim Trainor dragging his son along with him.”
“That’s an awfully harsh way of expressing it. I haven’t dragged you since you were eight. Do you remember me picking you up, carrying you into Sunday School, and setting you in a chair?” He did, and it made him blush even yet.
“Well, I’m not eight anymore.”
“My point exactly. Now, obviously, you’ve decided to come today. And, after all, this church is a good deal of your connection to the community.” By now, they’d parked, but Dad made no move to get out of the car. “You’re still going to work for Mr. Schmidt, and you met him here.”
“The work isn’t my idea.”
“And didn’t you meet Marilyn at MYF?” That was a point for Dad. Rebelling was all very well, but what if Marilyn expected to see him in church?
She did see him, and he saw her, but they didn’t speak. Was that worth getting up in the morning and putting on a suit? Actually, it was, but there were better ways of seeing her. When he got his job schedule Monday, he had Saturday off this week. As a summer worker at the hardware store, he replaced guys on vacation. Which meant he worked whatever hours the guy he was replacing had.
Tuesday, he called up Marilyn, and they set a date for Saturday night. He worried that Dad would insist on church attendance as a condition of borrowing the car, but he didn’t. He got to Marilyn’s house a little early.
“Is Marilyn here?” he asked. Silly question, but he had to say something.
“One more minute.” That was Marilyn calling from some other part of the house.
“Come in,” said a man who had to be Marilyn’s father. “I think we should establish some guidelines.” Well, he’d gone through this before. It was a little silly for a girl who’d spent most of last year at the U of I campus a couple hundred miles to the south. Still, he’d answer the questions. It was easier to do so, and he felt better about the standard paternal rules than about the grilling Marilyn’s sorority sisters had put him through.
“You want guidelines, I’ll give you some.” Marilyn shouted from upstairs. “One: I am fucking-well an adult. Two: I choose my own friends.” She was right there in the room with them, but still shouting. “Three: I decide my own rules. Four: I decide my own hours. Five: Butt out!”
“Come on, Andy,” she said and swept out the door. He caught up with her before she reached the car -- his legs were a lot longer. When she settled in the passenger side, he walked around and got in. He drove off towards the movie. He understood intellectually that she wasn’t mad at him, but an angry Marilyn was still a worry. At her request, he stopped where she could put on her lipstick.
“You know, your father loves you,” he began. “It worries me to see you so mad at somebody who loves you. Will that happen to me?”
“Well, if you still love me fifteen years from now, love that Marilyn. He treats me like I was five.” She was exaggerating.
“Sixteen, maybe. Look, I’ve got Kleenex in the back. Want some?”
“S’okay. I’ve got some here.” And, when she’d used it, he adjusted the mirror back where he needed it and turned off the dome light. He drove to the theater. When he first put his arm around her shoulder, it was so tense he was afraid she’d shake him off. Slowly, though, as she got involved in the movie, she relaxed.
Afterwards, he was tempted to suggest the back seat. Her time with him was a declaration of independence from her father -- how independent did she want to be? Still, he was afraid of pushing her. She’d said no to him before, and she might be readier to say no to him in this mood. He wanted her, on whatever terms were available, and he was always afraid that she would decide no terms were available if he pushed too far. Still, in the front seat and fully dressed, she responded passionately to his kiss.
“Marilyn,” he said. She was special, and her responses were special. He could feel the softness and shapeliness of her breast through blouse and bra. She did not push him away, and -- when he left her mouth to kiss all over her sweet face -- she pulled him back into a deep kiss.
Finally, afraid she would demand to be taken home if he didn’t, he pulled back to drive her home. He backed into the driveway again to get her closer to the door. She waited for him to come around, help her out, and escort her to her porch. Standing on a step that put their heads on a level, he shared one more kiss with her. If less passionate than the ones they’d had in privacy, it was just as sweet. He waited until he was shielded by the open car door to adjust his pants.
Even though the tank was more than half full, he bought gas on his way back. Dad would have enough to complain about, and he wasn’t going to provide him any more. Marilyn’s argument with her family was a continuing worry. He was on her side, would have been even if he hadn’t been the subject of the fight. But he’d been in enough fights with Dad to know that Marilyn’s fight would end sometime. And he didn’t want to be what she gave up in the compromise. Well, he had been perfectly willing to answer Mr. Grant’s questions tonight. Maybe he could answer them tomorrow in a way that didn’t offend Marilyn.
Dad made no comment that he was ready for church after having said that he wouldn’t go. They sat together, and Marilyn, whatever her arguments the previous night, sat with her parents. He and Dad got through the line before the Grants, and he stayed behind to see them. Dad walked down the steps but waited on the sidewalk.
“Mr. Grant. I’m Andy Trainor,” he said when Marilyn and her parents had gone through the line. Mr. Grant sort of acknowledged that he knew who he was.
“There were really two questions,” he began. He’d planned this out so he stayed on Marilyn’s side while satisfying her father. “Is Marilyn an adult capable of judging her associates and free to decide upon her friends? And am I a serial killer stalking your daughter for my next victim? Well, the first question being decided in the affirmative, I don’t at all mind setting your mind at ease with respect to the second. After all, I’m only one of several men Marilyn dated at U of I. I’m likely to be the only one of them you’ll ever meet.”
“Well,” Mr. Grant asked, “then who are you?”
“I’m Andy Trainor, a member of this church. Once upon a time, I was a member of the MYF chapter that Marilyn led. I’m an Electrical Engineering student at the U of I. What more do you want to know?”
“What fraternity do you belong to?”
“I don’t belong to any. I live in a dorm, and never tried to pledge.”
“Don’t you think,” Marilyn’s father asked, “you’re missing out on part of college life?” What in hell did that have to do with his respectability as a date for Marilyn? Even the sorority girls hadn’t pushed that hard, and they were -- after all -- the people who had just made that decision.
“Well, what I want out of college is to be trained for the career I’ve chosen. I don’t see how being paddled will prepare me for that career.” He was working to keep it light, but it was work.
“Do you think that becoming an engineer is really being educated?” Now her dad was on another attack. It was, however, an argument he’d had before.
“A college education, most certainly. That is the advantage of passing a college course. You know that you’ve absorbed all that the powers that be consider part of that section of knowledge.” When you read a book, though, you might have learned a great deal, but you never knew that you’d learned the required details.
“But that ‘section of knowledge’ isn’t something that everybody has to know.”
“That’s certainly true. It is, however, something that somebody has to know. We don’t all have to know brain surgery, but it’s damn convenient to have some brain surgeons around.”
“Now take History,” he continued. That was a particular which he’d thought out before. “I passed the general American History course. I could take another course in the history of the Civil War. But, if I did that, I’d have to learn all about the War in the east. I happen to be interested in the War in the west -- it was mostly east of the Mississippi, but contemporaries considered anything west of the Alleghenies as west.” He was riding his hobby horse, now. It wasn’t what he needed to say to this man this day.
“Anyway ... Anyway, I can read books to learn lots and lots about what interests me. Since I don’t want to teach History, I don’t need to learn the other stuff. Marilyn is different. She can’t go into the classroom and tell her students, ‘Short stories bore me; we’re only going to study poetry.’ But, if somebody just wants to read, he can read only poetry, or only novels, or only detective stories. Well...”
“That man isn’t educated, reading only detective stories.” Since he’d mentioned his own interest in Civil-War history and not his interest in SF, this was quite beside the point. Well, if he wanted that, he could swallow another example which might not be so satisfactory to him.
“And, is a man in the 20th century really educated who doesn’t know the theory of special relativity?”
“Come on, Andy,” Marilyn said suddenly. She grabbed his arm and pulled him down the stairs. “You’re walking me home.” More accurately, she was hauling him away, but he was willing to go where this woman wanted him to go.
“Walk briskly and don’t talk,” she whispered. “Okay,” she said a little later, “you can slow down a little.”
“Well,” he told her, “you know how I feel. And starting on fraternities before going on to the purity of a liberal education!” Either was an argument, if a faulty one. Both together sounded silly.
“He was trying to find something wrong with you,” she said. “If you’d been a member of some rival frat, he’d have dug into you for that. Really, Mom always talks about her sorority life. Dad doesn’t harp on his frat background when he isn’t pawing the ground.”
“I tried to be friendly.”
“And so you did.” She took his hand in hers. He looked at the street. On the square grid, there were a dozen ways to walk from the church to her house. He noticed that they weren’t on any of them. They had, in fact, walked north while her house was south. At the next corner, they turned west -- which with some blocks going south would get her home. Well, he enjoyed walking with her; he didn’t care if they weren’t taking the most direct route.
Meandering or not, their route finally got to her front porch. While she was standing on it, he stopped with their heads level. Even if this hadn’t been a date, maybe he could get a good-bye kiss.
“No,” she whispered. “Come up here and lift me -- high.” When he obeyed, she clung to his neck with her arms and his waist with her legs. The fit-for-church dress rode halfway up her thighs in this position. He didn’t spend any time looking, though, since she immediately gave him a long, wet kiss. his hands were on her butt under her skirt.
“I love you,” she said when she finally slid sown his length. This was the first time she’d said it before he did. His suit coat hid his erection, the first use that he’d ever noticed for that article of clothing.
“I love you, too, but I don’t understand you.” He understood enough to suspect that the arousing kiss -- as arousing as anything they’d ever concealed in the grove of trees near her sorority house -- was less her expression of interest in him than her expression of independence from her family.
“I didn’t know when you’d get back,” Dad said when he’d walked home. “I ordered pizza.” They usually went to a restaurant after church, but pizza was fine with him. Dad was already in a plaid shirt, and he went upstairs to change. He came down in his (white for church underwear) t-shirt. They ate sitting across from each other in the kitchen. Dad had got out plates, but neither used silverware -- pizza was hand-food.
“You’re the logician of the family,” Dad said when he’d finished. Andy was still nibbling his last piece. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’d think that walking your girl home from church requires attending church.” He thought about that for an instant.
“Easter Parade,” he said. That should remind Dad of one of his betes noires. The people in the New York Easter Parade had once worn their finery to church and then paraded after service. These days, they merely rendezvoused at the church and paraded without attending any service on the most holy day of the Christian year.
“Point. Will that particular girl accept that?” Which was a point to Dad. But, really, there was no reason to believe that Marilyn would welcome his walking her home even if he attended services. She had a ride, after all, in her family car. And she always wore heels, which couldn’t make walking fun.
“Maybe not, but I don’t think I’ll attend or try to walk her home.”
“When your sisters are here?”
“Okay.” When the girls were here, they’d do what they could together, and sitting together in church was certainly one of those things.
“How about communion?” Dad was still bargaining. “After all, that’s only one more Sunday before the girls come. You’ve already agreed to the first Sunday in August.”
“I’ll try.” Not that Dad wouldn’t make sure that he was awake. But the old man hadn’t used any of the support he was already giving him as a bargaining chip. He should get something. The truth was that Andy cared more for the independence of refusing than he disliked the services. And Marilyn would probably be there.
Dad lent him a biography of Lee, and he took it out in the back yard to get a tan. Rather than Lee’s life, though, his thoughts concentrated on his own. After some disappointments his freshman year in high school, he’d only asked out the girls who wouldn’t have had dates otherwise. Especially after he got his driver’s license, he was a better choice than that. He’d gone from kissing them in the front seat of the car to kissing them in the back seat to -- in his junior year -- kissing them in the back seat while fondling their breasts.
He’d been helped a little by the fact that girls talked among themselves -- and, as far as he could figure out -- honestly. There were some things that good girls didn’t do, and nobody did them for Andy Trainor. There were some things everybody but dry sticks did, and being Andy’s date was bad enough without being a dry stick.
Marilyn was different. He was far from her only date possibility, not even her only date. Besides, while he hadn’t worried all that much about girls’ turning him down, he worried deeply about Marilyn’s abandoning him. And they’d broken the high-school sequence. He’d fondled her breasts before they’d got to the back seat, even before she’d ridden in his car. He wanted more from Marilyn, but his desire for keeping what he had was even stronger. Well, maybe he’d invite her into the back seat on their date Thursday. He turned so that his erection wasn’t visible from the house and tried to get interested in Lee.
His day off that next week was Friday, and he had a date with Marilyn for Thursday night. He thought a date the night before might be better than one the evening after. That way, he could stay up as late as he needed to. When he sat across from Dad for breakfast, the old man scowled at him.
“You forgot to shave,” he said.
“I have a date tonight. I’ll shave for that.”
“You have a job meeting the public today. You’ll shave for that.” Well, he never shaved or even showered for class before date nights. But he obeyed. He showered and shaved again before the date, though.
He dressed as he usually did for movie dates with Marilyn, a white shirt and khakis. It was his only use for khakis at school. Last week, Marilyn had gone back to jeans. Tonight, though, she came down in jeans and a sweatshirt. That looked a little casual to him, but maybe she felt it made her look more obviously a college student. He sure wasn’t going to complain.
When they parked after the movie, he kissed her deeply. When his hand reached her breast, he felt a new softness. His cock lurched in his trousers.
“Oh, Marilyn!” he said. She pulled his hand away. Then he realized she’d pulled it to the edge of her sweatshirt. He eased inside slowly enough that she could stop him if she felt he was trespassing. His hand glided over her skin to cup a soft, bare breast. “Oh Marilyn.” He was repeating himself, but she was a source of marvels. They went back to their kiss while he explored her smoothness, her softness, the firmness of her breasts, the responsiveness of her nipples.
He loved her, loved her generosity. He alternated deep kisses with light kisses over all of her that his mouth could reach. Meanwhile, his hand was never still. He would have stayed exploring that paradise until dawn if she hadn’t interrupted him.
“Um, Andy, could you get me home?”
“Sure.” He checked the time. It was after 1:00! “Oops! I think we took longer than I’d expected. You’ll be late. Sorry. I was enjoying myself too much.” Which was the understatement of the century. He had been glorying her soft flesh.
“Well, I was enjoying myself, too,” She said, but she seemed in an awful hurry to end the evening. They had a brief kiss at her front door.
“Good night, Marilyn,” he said. “I love you.”
“Love you, too.” But she hurried inside.
He crashed when he got home. He woke in time for breakfast but went back to bed when Mrs. Bryant came. She woke him for lunch. It tasted good, but she was no longer treating him to welcome-home feasts. He called Marilyn after lunch, but she was at the beach.
Sunday, he slept in. Since that meant he had to get his own breakfast of corn flakes, the advantage wasn’t great.
Wednesday, his grades came. He’d passed Phys Ed with a C, but he’d got an A in every other course. At dinner, Dad gave him an electric razor.
“Call it an early birthday present. It’s not timed right for a bonus for the excellent grades. It won’t get you as smooth as a blade will, but it feels much more pleasant when you shave more than once a day.”
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i wen t to collage last year i lived in the beta zeta tri fi o maga house in my room i shared my room with courtney... one night we were hot and horny... corny walked in with apple pucker and we drank shots and did lemon twistz soon it was to say good night to all our sisters... laying down i heard a buzzing i looked over now with my lamp on watching courtney fucking her self with a golden ribrator i got mine out t and we fucked for 10 or soo minutes then it got hot and heavy and courtney...
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IncestMarilyn Grant was walking to the movies the next week with Andy when he asked her about their English classes. They had different teachers, but the syllabus and texts were the same. They were in nearly the same place in the book. Andy asked for study hints. “I’ve talked to my History professor. He suggested that I could have got an A if I’d put more effort into my paper. Maybe so, but that quarter included the part of American history I really know about. I can’t be sure enough about my...
Marilyn Grant felt that rush in ‘75 was even more artificial from the active’s end than the previous year’s had seemed when they were rushing her. You spoke to a rushee, got her name, found something about her, and passed her on to one of the sisters who had something in common. Sometimes, she was the one who had something in common. “Marie was wondering what our response would be about the boyfriend she’s kept from high school,” said Selena. “This is Marilyn.” “Well, having a boyfriend is...
Marilyn Grant felt that rush in ‘75 was even more artificial from the active’s end than the previous year’s had seemed when they were rushing her. You spoke to a rushee, got her name, found something about her, and passed her on to one of the sisters who had something in common. Sometimes, she was the one who had something in common. “Marie was wondering what our response would be about the boyfriend she’s kept from high school,” said Selena. “This is Marilyn.” “Well, having a boyfriend is...
Marilyn Grant missed Andy over the next weeks. She didn’t enjoy Hell Week as much as some of the other actives did, but she, they, and even the pledges, got through it. Then, right after the pledges got their badges, she got a little sister, Beverly. She had been one of the brighter pledges, and she’d done less complaining than most during the pledge period. They sat together during house meals for two days before she introduced Beverly to Natalie and Caitlin. They all knew each other, of...
Cynthia’s luggage shows traces of substances at airport customs and she is frisked and then taken to be bodily searched in a private room. However, the situation gets sexually charged and the two Federal officers and Cynthia go extreme.....“Have you anything to declare …” it was directed straight at Cynthia by the customer’s officer. She was in hurry as her flight had been delayed and now she only wanted to get home. She had maximized her time away and had work in several hours. Cynthia...
Hi Readers, I am RITIKA, 22 years old, From CHANDIGARH. Most of my experiences were lesbian, with my roommate Veena at the hostel in CHANDIGARH two years before where I did my studies. I had a few experiences with guys also. Here I’m narrating one of my lesbian experiences.As said above, most of my experiences are with my roommate at the hostel. She is ARORA, a real horny girl! I was very happy when I got a punjabi as my roommate in a city like CHANDIGARHi. She used to comment about my body and...
I was strapped down. Tightly. My legs secured at the ankles, legs spread wide and pulled up, and bent at the knees. My arms likewise, a collar around my neck, secured. A leather strap across my waist. I couldn’t move. Next to me Kayleigh screamed, then silence. I couldn’t see her. The others girls were with me, and although I couldn’t see them I knew they were tied down, as I was. And like me I knew they were naked. He stood in front of me, whoever “He” was. He smiled, a cruel leer. He held up...
Ok, where was I?Right, Sara was finally enjoying herself.This went on for a while. I was getting bored sitting and (while still inside Ashley) stood up. Fucking her while standing up was a bit awkward, as she was taller than me. But we made it work, and she continued to eat out Sara. And apparently I was now pounding the right spot, as she took her mouth away from Sara's pussy and started to moan loudly. I felt her pussy tighten and she panted. A few more loud moans and she was done.Ashley fell...
Here is how I got to mess around with two of my friends during our senior year of college. Names have been changed to protect identities. I will also warn you - this will probably end up long.SO I knew Ashley and Sara since our freshman year. They had been roommates since the first semester, and we all had History together. We had been the best of friends throughout college, although none of us had done anything sexual together. My parents lived not too far from college, and they decided to...
About a month ago, I was talking to a friend that I hadn't talked to in awhile, nor had we ever really hooked up before. Though, I guess I shouldtell you a little more about us before I get into the story. My name isMatt, I'm 18, and a student at the college in my state. I'm about 5'9,165lbs, brn/haz with a 6.5-7 in. cut cock. Jake is 21, hot body. He'sprobably more around 150, 6 in cut cock, hot bubble butt, really hot chestand stomach, I could go on forever about him. However, back to...
so with Beth and Debbie now sucking my cock Kate hovers her pussy over my face and tells me to lick her, as he pussy lowers to my face all i keep thinking is i hope i get to fuck her, her pussy now over my face i start to lick , trying to find my way to her clit i push my tongue up and find her hole, its soaking wet hmmm she moans as i flick my tongue around inside her i close my eyes and lick away suddenly her moaning stops and she gets off i open my eyes and now Debbie is hovering over me...
Hi desi hot sex dosto ek bar fir mai apni sachi story leke hazir hu.. Aap sab me se bhut logo ne meri pehli do stories padi aur like b ki. Ab mai apni 3rd story leke azir hu. Jese ki mene apni 2nd story mai batya ki kese mene apni class mate ke sath sex kiya jis ko mai like nhi karta tha . Iss story mai b same ladki ke sath kiya but this time in chandigarh . So story kuch ese hai ki near about 3-4 saal phale jab mai apni studies delhi se finish karke chd mai job karne laga aur mai akle hi 1bhk...
All were excited about the trip, but my friends and I were like super excited we got all the things and were ready for it. So when the day came we have to reach the New Delhi railway station by 8:30 in the morning, so we all came on time but still, some guys were late. Finally, all of us got on the train, everyone was supercharged and suddenly my Anushka called me and told that she could she join as and I was like OK why not. Then she came with one of her friend her name was Priya she was new...
Dear ISS readers… Thank u so much for ur overwelming response. innum raya comments kudunga… i will continue writing all my stories. Anaki bathroomla vachu ool vangnapram yennala sariyakuda nadakamudila. Vasu than yenna veetla drop panninaru. Athukapram daily naanga putharku pogama bathroom ku poga aramchom. Annakum atheamathrithan ponathu na vasu sunniya umbitu yen panta kalti sootha katinean. Vasuvum oka aramchar. Ana valakathuku mara vasu yenna romba saththama thititea otharu. Na...
We used to celebrate all the holidays having disco parties in my own apartment. I lived alone and it was nice to have celebrations here. Now I’m going to tell you about one of these parties. When we were second-year students some pretty girls joined our faculty, so the girls far outnumbered us, guys. Of course we were extremely popular! I liked many of the girls, which are why each time giving a party I had a great fun. As usual my friend Dan and I went to buy some drinks and returning to the...
This is a short story about 2 young college sluts, between lectures and home they find enough time for some good fun with their class mates. This story features what usually happens in our colleges every day, whereas most parents think that their “students” devote their valuable time going to libraries and listening to the lecturers. How about these 2 young cute lassies, Monica and Vanessa? Read this story! It was a usual Monday. After having lunch, Monica and Vanessa were coming back to the...
Amar mattu naanu ottige snaana maadi kutiddevu aaga avana premd suman pon maadida, amar avanu ibbaru maataadutta iddaru, amar nannannu demgida bagge heltaa idda aaga suman keltaa idda naanu demga beku amta, amar nanage helida naanu sari amde matte innu yaaradaru iddare baroke heli grup maadona amde, adakke amar innu avana premdsige kaal maadida kevala arda gamteyalli amar jotege suman, hemamt,raaj,prem mattu naveen bamdaru ellarigu baadaami haalu kotte ellaru kudidu maataadutta tarale maadtaa...
"Uh, young money. Yeah. I know way to many people here right now..." Is what I hear, as I walk into the apartment I'm sharing with my best bud Kyle. We're both freshman in college, though he skipped two grades, so really he should be fucking with high school girls not mature college women. He should be working with playboy with his skills. Women want him, Dudes wish they were him. Or they want him too. Kyles figure is... well womanly. He has a flat chest and no belly kinda the skinny kid. But...
GayThe BBQ grill is ready for the food Kirk, Ok Aud I will be there in a minute.Stan can you come here and help me move this table, sure he said. Thanks I said. The doorbell chimes went off, I went to answer the door , Shelby, Micky,Joy,Hope were here , I took their Jackets and told them that Kirk and Stan are out back, so they can go on out there , As I was putting the last jacket on the hanger , the doorbell went off again , I opened the door and welcomed Pat , Colton, I said that everyone is...
Group SexWell, it sounded like a good idea at the time... After all, isn’t a swinging bachelor pad the dream of every high school kid in America? Wild parties every night! Nobody to tell you NO! You can drink and do drugs and get laid whenever you want! Right? Well, maybe yes and maybe no. The getting is one thing, the keeping is another. For one thing, somebody has to pay for this. I was figuring that I could live in the apartment and be independent for about $6k a year. Figure another grand or...
1] All human beings are different. And should do everything possible to continue to be so.2] Each human being has been granted two courses of action: that of deed and that of contemplation. Both lead to the same place.3] Each human being has been granted two qualities: power and gift. Power drives a person to meet his/her destiny, his gift obliges that person to share with others which is good in him/her. A human being must know when to use power, and when to use compassion.4] Each human being...
July, 2009. The White House.Jenny holds tight to her Blackberry. She is a journalist. She is on special assignment from her newspaper. There, she is a respected co-worker and friend to many. Her palms sweat around the Blackberry. She'll be writing the speech in live-blog chunks. This is not her first Obama speech. She covered the inaguration, and several campaign speeches before the election, before the financial crisis, before Obama began retooling the country to make sure the bankers didn't...
It was easy to assure the niece who had become my plaything that I did not at all mind her finding a part-time job at a family-friendly restaurant.She floated the question while her smooth warm nudity cuddled against me under the covers and our mingled fluids of sex had yet to crust on my cock; leg draped over my thighs, fingers combing the edge of my matted pubic hair.Wanting to make double sure I wasn’t upset—reminding me it would mean me enduring long hours in the evening and night without...
IncestA couple of days later, when Jacqui could walk more or less normally, thanks to Violetta and the repair cream, Martha called her into the office. "Have you decided to stay here?" she asked, knowing that in the end if the girl would not stay she could escape, even if it was only by suicide. "No, Madame, there is no question of my staying" said Jacqui apologetically, "but I've been saving up to open a BDSM house of my own where really kinky people can come and do whatever they want to...
Jan 20, 1857 In the morning, Madison joined Dawn and me again. A light mist began falling just before we mounted up, so we pulled out our canvas ponchos to help keep the rain off. Madison didn’t have a warm hat, but Dawn hurried back to her wagon and returned with the new hat she’d made for me from the bobcat pelt. I traded and gave Madison my rabbit fur hat, getting a smile bright enough to rival a beautiful sunrise. We made good time since we didn’t have to hunt today. The rain got...
Life changed in the Song household; the girl became more introverted and rebellious as her parents' relationship stabilized with some semblance of normalcy once they had cleared things between them, and she was growing up faster than usual. But Moira was living in a hell of a world inside her mind, one in which nothing seemed to be truth to her. She had observed her parent's behavior for months as a scientist observes guinea pigs in a laboratory. She was meticulously trying to unravel the...
Doreen and Doug picked me up Thursday evening. Doreen agreed to be our driver and Doug was tagging along as her 'date.' Truth was, they were pretty cute together. We drove over and I went to Sugar's door to pick her up. She came out giggling with her mother right behind her. Regina Evars was a slightly larger version of Sugar herself and was giggling just as hard. Sugar was wearing a short skirt that clung to her generous hips and exposed a lot of thick thigh. Her mom had a dress on that...
She slid into my embrace, warm, silky and fragrant. At first it had all the characteristics of hugging a close friend, or a sister-until the kiss came. It was delicious, sensual, and went almost instantly from a hesitant tasting to full, unabated deep kissing-we devoured each other's mouths, our tongues stabbing, probing, and her body pressed warmly to me. I felt a new host of sensations sparkle inside me. We kissed there at the end of the stone footpath for at least a full two minutes,...
"That was a bit of surprise," she said, smiling as she soaped up my neck and breasts. I nodded, as the water drummed against my back. "For me, too. It kind of came out of nowhere, but that's, well... that's what made it really exciting. I wanted it all of a sudden, and I felt comfortable asking you." "I liked it," she said with a shrug. "It was really very cool. I'm glad we-you did it. Fulfilling your fantasies is what this is all about, right?" She went to her knees, and made...
Perhaps it was because we both knew that she would be leaving soon, and that we had missed some time last night when she had to sleep in another room, but the "massage" didn't last long. Only seconds after her hands began making oily, circular swipes across my bottom, Raquel let her fingers slide sensually between the fissure of my buttocks, and tease the flesh within. I let her explore me that way for a short while, and then turned onto my back. "Get out of those clothes," I said to...
The cruise was incredible, and having Raquel with me made it all the more beautiful. We stood on the deck and watched things most people hardly even think about: walls of majestic glaciers, icebergs and ice floes, soaring ice covered mountains, the dark blue water breaking with the wake of a group of whales. Each time we would take each other's hand, or she would slip her arm inside mine and lean her head on my shoulder. Other times we just stared in wide-eyed awe at it all, our bodies...
I willed myself to be calm and collected. I could see just how unsettling my behavior was to Edie and I wanted to maintain that edge. I would continue to call her by her formal name. There would be no endearments tonight. "Edith, I want you to listen very carefully to what I have to say. This will not be a two-way discussion. I will tell you what I want to tell you and you will listen. If you cannot, then there is no need for us to discuss anything. I will give you every chance to speak,...
"Well, Ral, you have enticed two of my employ and my cat with your charms," Vikkor said. "They seem to want to be yours without so much effort on your part." I didn't say anything. If I interrupted her and this was the end of our meeting, the sooner she was finished with her short speech, the sooner everyone could go home. Considering the three women I had charmed, it was probably a good idea. "There is only one thing I still want you to do." Damn. "What?" I didn't mean to sound...
The following night they decided to dine in. Once they ended up in the entertainment room, the discussion changed to wedding plans again. Prue had been stewing on the couch, and Nianna was, as per usual, in Tah’s lap. Prue still couldn’t accept that the only way of getting out of marrying Tah was to petition his father. She also knew it would cost her a lot to get out of the agreement. Jonas had made it very clear that he approved of the marriage. He wouldn’t be happy with her. “Wait, it...
It took two more months and three more robbery attempts before the inside man was caught. He was the chief dispatcher at Ft. Worth. His original intent had been to pay off some monster poker debts, but the lure of "easy" money had sucked him in too deep to give it up. Thus ended a very lucrative operation for me, but I had to admit that I was getting tired of riding trains. I think that the whores in El Paso were sad to see me go, though. I was still leery of stagecoaches, so I did take...
It was the start of an insane week. I was taking a vacation to Cancun, for Spring Break, with my best friend from college. In Cancun, I was planning on going wild and crazy. Melissa and I never once took a Spring Break trip. We would now, a few years after graduating, and I would see to it that it would be a vacation we would never forget. We’d party, dance, drink, and find people to have sex with – all things her and I never got to do in college. We would now, and it would be...