A Fresh StartChapter 17: Independence free porn video

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Well, it sounded like a good idea at the time...

After all, isn’t a swinging bachelor pad the dream of every high school kid in America? Wild parties every night! Nobody to tell you NO! You can drink and do drugs and get laid whenever you want! Right?

Well, maybe yes and maybe no. The getting is one thing, the keeping is another. For one thing, somebody has to pay for this. I was figuring that I could live in the apartment and be independent for about $6k a year. Figure another grand or two for additional living expenses - wine, women, and song. I had roughly $50k in the brokerage account. At ten percent appreciation a year, which was the average market growth during the period, that didn’t cover the $6k. I was doing much better than that, of course, but I still needed to conserve my funds. Fortunately, I knew what was going to happen to Ling-Temco-Vought and Gulf+Western, and Intel had their IPO earlier this year. Still, I needed to watch my pennies. It wasn’t going to be parties every night.

My big dilemma with my funds was that I needed to conserve and build my cash for the two upcoming events which would make me a multi-millionaire. In 1973 oil was going to skyrocket, and in 1979 silver was going to go even higher (relatively speaking) before collapsing back. The more money I managed to make and save now, the more I would be able to leverage then. I figured I could conservatively manage ten-fold returns on every dollar in 1973, and more than that in 1979. I was reading the Wall Street Journal and Fortune religiously.

Another reason was that all of this took time. Time to cook, time to do wash, time to clean house. This was all on top of time to do homework, time to run and exercise, and time to go to aikido class. I even contemplated quitting the pizzeria, to free up some time, but at least that provided some income. The only way to handle it was through rock solid discipline and time management. The average sixteen-year-old would never be able to handle it. By now I must be at least seventy, depending on how you count it. I had discipline to spare.

The one thing I knew I didn’t want to do was let everybody know I had moved out of my house. If the rest of the school thought I had my own place, I would be under never-ending pressure to be the party spot every weekend and most weeknights. Leaving aside that this didn’t actually appeal all that much to me, telling people no would piss them off. Far simpler to not let them know. It would come out eventually, but better later than sooner.

Not that I was going to live as a monk. Tuesday, after school, I met up with one of the guys I knew, one of the Vo-Tech crew who looked like he was better at robbing liquor stores than buying from them. Really, he was a very nice guy who just liked to ride and repair motorcycles. He ended up owning a Harley-Davidson franchise and did very well for himself. James ‘Tusker’ Tusk was in the tenth grade like me, but had been held back a year, and looked older anyway. I had him drive his car over to Towson Liquors with a list and a fifty. He drove back to school, and we transferred it to my trunk. I let him keep the change and a couple of sixes of beer. I let him think I was stocking up for a party.

I carried it up to the apartment covered with an old blanket, and then poured myself a shot of Black Velvet. It had been a long time since I had a drink! Felt good. After that I made myself a Seven & Seven and did my chores around the place. The biggest problem with living as a bachelor, which I remembered from my first go-around, was that if I made a nice meal, I always ended up with leftovers. All my recipes were family sized.

The one person I knew I was going to have to tell was the one I was most nervous about - Jeana. I wasn’t worried about her telling anybody, but she might not be all that thrilled about a boyfriend that independent. Certainly, her parents wouldn’t be! Dating is one thing, when the only place you can be alone with a girl is the back seat of the car in winter. A boyfriend with his own apartment is quite a different matter!

It had to be faced, however. The Monday after Thanksgiving, the same day I was moving into the apartment, Jeana told me that she would be able to come over to the house for dinner the following weekend. This was after my offer to her to bring her over at Thanksgiving, which she couldn’t attend. I ducked it by saying I would have to check with my mother, and then ducked it again later in the week, by saying we had guests coming in from out of town and we would have to wait. She just nodded in understanding. The following Monday, she asked again.

I was going to have to face this at some point. We had been dating three or four weeks already, and Jeana had already accepted when I asked her to the Christmas Dance at the school. I asked if she wanted to see my house that afternoon. Her eyes lit up, and after school I helped carry her books to the Galaxie and we took off. I drove over to the house, but parked across the street, and didn’t move to get out.

Jeana didn’t recognize where we were or understand why we had parked here but were sitting in the car. I turned to her and said, “Jeana, this is actually very painful and very personal. I have to ask you, please, not to tell anybody what I am about to tell you. Nobody, not your friends, and certainly not your parents, and I can’t tell you why until you agree.”

“I don’t understand,” she said, confusion tinting her voice.

“I know, but I am asking you to trust me. Can you trust me?”

She nodded slightly. “Yes.”

I nodded in return. I pointed out the windshield at the house. “That is my parent’s house. I grew up in that house, but I moved out a week ago. I have my own apartment now. I live on my own.”

“I don’t understand! What do you mean you moved out? You don’t live at home? You’re only sixteen.”

I took a deep breath. “I’m only sixteen. My brother - I think I’ve mentioned he’s a real pain?” She nodded agreement. “My brother, he’s more than a pain. He’s actually somewhat unstable. He’s dangerous, or at least with me he is. I had to move out, for my own safety. I made an agreement with my folks to move to an apartment in town. I moved out a week ago.”

Jeana looked shocked. “Can’t you go to the cops? About your brother, I mean.”

I shrugged and gave her a wry grin. “If only it was that simple.” I put the car in Drive. “Come on, let me show you where I live now.” We drove back over towards school, and I parked in my slot at the side of the garage. “I live upstairs.”

“Can I see it?”

“Sure. Just don’t tell your parents. They won’t be happy about any of this.”

I don’t think she believed me until I unlocked the door to the apartment and let her in. I played the gracious host, taking her coat and ushering her to an armchair in my living room area. “Can I get you something to drink?”

Jeana smiled. “What do you have?”

“That’s actually a very good question.” I opened up the refrigerator and peered in. “There’s some Coke ... some OJ ... a couple of beers...” I glanced over at her. “I don’t think your parents want me taking you home smelling like either a brewery or a distillery.”

“You’ve got beer?” she asked, shocked.

“Liquor, too, if you’re interested. I suspect your parents will send us both to jail if they found out, so please don’t tell them,” I replied. I pulled out some Cokes. “How about a Coke? Then you can tell me what you like and the next time you visit I’ll have something for you.”

She nodded and I poured some Coca Cola over ice for us. I brought it over and sat down on the couch facing her. “Not exactly what you expected, is it?”

Jeana drank some of her Coke and then came over and sat next to me on the couch. “Talk to me. Tell me what happened.”

“Oh, Christ, what happened? Okay, you asked. Don’t say I never warned you.” I lay back against the arm of the couch and Jeana cuddled up against me and looked up at me with those brown eyes. I told her most of it, though I left out the part about Hamilton dumping the rubbers at the table. I really didn’t think that was a good topic to bring up with a young virgin I was planning on seducing.

She was silent at the end, and I wondered if I had put her to sleep, but then she stirred and crawled up my body and kissed me. “I am so sorry. What can I do to help?”

Oh, Jeana, if you only knew. “You help just be being here. That’s all I need.”

“So why all the secrecy?” she asked.

“What do you think is going to happen when everyone in the world knows I am living on my own? Do you think your parents are going to let you come over here to visit? Do you think half the school is going to think they can come over here to party all the time? Can you think of anything positive that will result?”

“Do you really think that will happen?”

“Oh, baby, you have no idea! I’d never get anything done! And do you really think your parents are going to approve of this?”

She smiled ruefully at that. “Well, probably not.”

“Probably? Do you think there is any possibility whatsoever that your father would want you to be alone in my apartment on my couch while I was doing wicked things with you?” I leaned my face down to kiss her on the lips.

Jeana moaned slightly and crawled higher up, and in doing so my cock stiffened. It was my turn to start groaning. “How wicked?”

“Wicked, wicked, wicked...” I held her tightly and we began making out on the couch. If I have to spend my life alone, I definitely prefer it to be with a cuddly and beautiful young woman. I didn’t get too ‘fresh’ with her, limiting my hands to roaming all over her back and rear. I did determine she was wearing a rather substantial bra with a rear buckle, but hey, Jeana was packing some serious hooters; she needed a serious bra. We kissed with a lot of tongue action and some mutual groans and moans for about an hour, and then I rolled off her and took several deep breaths while sitting on the floor.

“Honey, we keep going like that, I’m not going to get you home until it is way too late!”

Jeana was breathing just as hard and looked at least as flustered as I did. “I think we should go.”

I just nodded and pointed her towards the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face at the kitchen sink, and then used the bathroom after she got out. When I exited the bathroom, I found her standing in the doorway to my bedroom. “Is that where I get to find out about the Carl Buckman Experience?, she asked.

I just groaned and rolled my eyes. “You keep kissing me like earlier, and you’ll get that experience sooner than you think.”

“I just think the bed might be more comfortable.”

“Is that an invitation?” I asked.

Jeana blushed. “Not just yet!”

I grabbed her coat. “Then don’t tease! Let’s get you home before I regret letting you go.”

I got her home in time for dinner, explaining that I had taken Jeana over to the house, which was technically true. I didn’t stick around but went home and made myself some canned beef stew. Then I did a shitload of homework and went to bed.

I called home the next afternoon. It took me two tries, since the first time Hamilton picked up, hung up, and took the phone off the hook. Fifteen minutes later I called back, and Suzie answered. She bellowed for Mom, and a moment later I heard the click as Mom picked up the phone, and then a second click as Suzie hung up. “Hello?”

“Hi, Mom.”

“Carling! It’s so good to hear from you. How are you? Are you ready to end this foolishness and move back home yet?”

Trust my mother to blow off my moving out as foolishness. Just then, to act as a counterpoint to her argument, I heard another click on the line. “No, Mom, I’m not moving home.” I raised my voice. “Hamilton, hang up the phone. It’s very rude.”

I could suddenly hear the telephone being muffled, and a faint “Hamilton, are you on the phone?” being called out. There was another click on the line, and Mom called out a second time, and then she said, “Carl, nobody was on the line. Stop picking on your brother like that!”

“Right, Mom. Here’s another good story - the check is in the mail.”

“Carling, stop it!”

I shrugged to myself. “Okay, Mom, the reason I called was to see if you and Dad were going to be home on Sunday.”

“Where else would we be? Why?”

“I’d like to bring Jeana over for a few minutes after church. Would that be all right?” I answered.

“Oh, that would be lovely. What do you think she would like for dinner? Maybe I can see if your aunts and uncles can come over, too...” Mom started rattling on, planning our engagement party.

“No, Mom, nothing like that. We won’t be coming for dinner. She just asked and I offered to bring her over. We’ll be there maybe an hour, tops. No family, Mom.”

“But Carl...”, she protested.

“No, Mom. And one other thing. If Ham isn’t on his best behavior, and I mean good enough for the White House, we’ll never be back.”

“Don’t you dare threaten me!”

“Best behavior, Mom!”

We said good-bye after that. All in all, it was a strange and strained conversation. I decided to call Dad at his office tomorrow. At least he wasn’t going to try and tell me how I misunderstood my brother.

I asked Jeana the next morning if she wanted to come over to my place on Sunday for dinner. She gave me a funny look and said, “I thought you didn’t live at home anymore.”

I returned her funny look. “I don’t. Why?”

“Then who’s making dinner?”

“Well, I am, of course. Anything in particular you’d like?”

“You cook?” she asked, astonished.

I gave her a peeved look. “Yes, I cook! I’ll have you know I took two years of home ec at Towsontown Junior High! I was an honors graduate of their fine dining tradition!”

She started laughing at me. “I don’t know what’s funnier, that you can cook or that you took home ec. You really took home economics?”

I held my hand up and made the Scout Sign. “Would I lie? What do you want me to make?”


“Tell me what you want, and I’ll make it.”

“You’re serious?” she asked. I nodded. “Pheasant under glass!”

I smiled. “Too many leftovers. And no glass. But I could do a chicken or small turkey.”

“God, no! We just had a turkey! You’re actually serious about cooking, aren’t you?” she said.

“I am. I am quite competent in the kitchen. I gather your father doesn’t do much in the kitchen?”

“Daddy can’t get his own ice cubes!”

I laughed at that. God knows I’ve seen many men like that. Some women, too. I married one. “Do you like seafood?”

Her eyes lit up. “I love seafood!”

“How about shrimp scampi over noodles, with garlic bread on the side, and perhaps some white wine, a nice Pinot Grigio for example.”

“For real?”

“Trust me on this. It will be delicious,” I assured her.

“Okay, you’re on, but I’ll believe it when I see it.”

“Trust me!”

“Make sure you have some hamburger thawed out, just in case!” She kissed me and went off to class.

This was really a no-brainer for a guy, any guy. If you pull it off, you look like a suave and sophisticated man of the world. If you fumble it, you look like you tried, and she gets to rescue you. There is no downside. I wasn’t going to fumble it, either. This was a family favorite that I learned from my mother. Aside from the shrimp, it is fairly inexpensive. I had already copied the recipe before I moved out. I had everything, including the wine, by Friday afternoon.

I traded off Sunday hours for a Saturday afternoon shift at the pizzeria. That evening I told her I was making the weekend all about her. Jeana’s eyes lit up. “What do you mean?”

“Just what I said. This is your weekend. Tonight, pick out whatever movie you want, no matter how much of a girlie movie it is, and tomorrow I cook for you.”

“I still can’t believe you’re cooking for me. My friends will never believe it!”

I smiled. “Just don’t tell them I’m cooking for you at my apartment. Tell them I’m doing the cooking over at ‘his house’ and imply my parents were there.”

“So, nobody knows you have an apartment.”

“And so none of your girlfriends decide to check out what is obviously a good thing by coming over for their own cooking lessons!” I laughed at her and leaned down to kiss her, squelching her return remarks.

Jeana stuck her tongue out at me. “Just for that, I’m picking out a movie you are going to hate!” I did, too. It was the last weekend The Last Picture Show was playing. We were still a week or two away from the releases of Dirty Harry and Diamonds Are Forever. I promised retribution.

Jeana had asked what to wear to my parents’ to meet them. I had suggested something simple yet sophisticated looking, like a fancy blouse and black slacks. She told me she had both, and I figured that with her trademark high heels she would look elegant and older than she was.

I was right, too. Jeana wore a long-sleeved cream-colored fitted silk blouse with a high collar, high waisted tight black slacks, and black pumps. She wore just a trace of makeup, and kept her hair tied back with a simple black ribbon. I picked her up shortly after noon, and told her, “You look gorgeous.”

“Is this all right?” she asked nervously.

“Perfect. My mother will love you!”

We made our escape, after promising I would bring her home that evening after supper, although I did say that wouldn’t be until eight or maybe nine. Her parents didn’t care; why should they, I was taking their daughter to meet my parents, not off to my bachelor love shack!

It was somewhat weird sitting in the living room with my parents like guests. They spent several minutes talking to Jeana and asking her the standard questions, like where did she live and what did her parents do. Nana was introduced, but promptly went to her room to lie down. Daisy came bounding up, so I got down on the floor to play with her, and then Suzie bounced through and was very amusing, even asking the question no one dared to ask, which was whether we were going over to my apartment later. I finessed that and said we weren’t really sure; we were going out to dinner. (Yes - out to dinner at the apartment. Not exactly a lie.) Then Suzie was off, followed by Daisy, who had quickly found a new master. Hamilton even made an entrance, although both he and I noticed that our father was watching him like a hawk. He was sent off as quickly as possible. Everybody glossed over the fact that I didn’t want to live there anymore.

All in all, a decidedly awkward afternoon, for all involved.

After about an hour, I figured we had done our duty, and Jeana had met the family. I nudged her tastefully and silently tapped my watch. She nodded and I mentioned that we had to be going and stood up. Jeana popped up like a little marionette, and despite some pro forma complaints from my mother, we made our escape.

Jeana spoke up first. “You have a very nice family.”

“Thank you. Would you like them? Think of it as the Christmas present that keeps on giving.”

She snorted and laughed. “That’s all right. I already have one of my own.”

“Maybe we can swap. That way you can end up as crazy as I am.”

“They’re not that bad! I think you’re being kind of hard on them.”

I sighed at that. “Yes - and no. You’re right, they’re not that bad. Dad’s okay. Suzie’s a little doll. Nana’s okay but more than a bit flaky these days. I think they’re trying to put her in a home. Even Mom isn’t bad, in a snooty, fancy sort of way. The problem is my brother, who is just totally off the fucking wall batshit crazy and out of control. He drives people away and makes them just as crazy as he is. I just hope Suzie can escape before he drives her around the bend as well.” Before, she had escaped, but he hadn’t been as bad then. Now I wondered.

We got to the apartment, and I let Jeana in. Her first comment was, “You’ve done something with the place! It looks different!”

I smiled. “Yes and no. Mostly I’ve been cleaning and getting my stuff put away. I did pick up a few things. Does it look better?”

“You bet!” she gushed. “Can you come over and work on my room?”

“Absolutely! Right after I get written permission from your father to spend the afternoon in your bedroom with you!”

Jeana blushed. “Let me think about that.”

I took our coats and hung them in the closet. “While you’re thinking about it, I need to start dinner.”

“You were serious about cooking?”


“What can I do to help?” she asked.

I grabbed one of the bar stools I had bought and brought it into the kitchen. “You can sit up here and inspire me to greatness.”

Jeana giggled and climbed onto the stool and crossed her legs. “Inspire you?”

“You have no idea!” I opened the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of white wine. I know it’s supposed to be cooled, not cold, but I figured Jeana wouldn’t know and I didn’t have a wine cooler available. “Wine?” I asked.

“You were serious about that, too?”

“Absolutely.” I pulled out a couple of small glasses from a cupboard and fished a corkscrew out of a drawer. I didn’t have any stemware, but I was able to pick up a decent set of glassware and Corelleware dishes at Hutzlers using Mom’s twenty percent employee discount. “I think you’ll like this. At least I hope you’ll like it. It’s a Pinot Grigio, sort of an Italian Chardonnay, not too dry.” I pulled the cork and poured her a small bit in her glass. “Try it.”

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"... and the Stratham's cancelled. Well, actually I do have an idea. I found something while I was cleaning... stop guessing, it's a surprise. No, I'm not telling you." BEEP. "Darn, the battery's low. Oh, any preferences for dinner. You're hopeless... I love you anyway, bye." Virginia set the phone down in its charger and looked at the old shoebox with an anxious smile. She turned the box over dumping its contents on the bed: Velcro handcuffs, nipple clamps, vibrating dildo, ben-wa...

3 years ago
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Refresh Shampoo

Disclaimer: I do not own Neon Genesis Evangelion, or its characters. It is a property of Gainax, and Yoshiyuki Sadamoto (The manga author). The Miss Gender character is mine. REFRESH SHAMPOO It had been another tough day in the miserable life of Shinji Ikari; another day of waking, cleaning, cooking, eating, schooling, and copping more of Asuka's flak. On top of all that, there were his piloting duties at NERV, in which he usually dreaded death at the hands of the Angels,...

2 years ago
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Fresher Day Looks Took Me To Bedroom 8211 Part I

Hello everyone I am Venky. I am from Hyderabad. About me I am 6ft height and well built and I am pursuing my b.tech from a prominent college in our city. This is an incident which happened in my life; in which I had sex with my senior which I dint except to happen only. Her name is Aparna; she is my senior. And to tell about her; she is 5’8 and white complexion and has a stats of 36-30-36. Very hot stats which can make any guy go weak in their knees. I used to travel in the college so I was...

3 years ago
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Fresher Party

Hi friends mera naam danish hai meri ISS ka bahut bara fan hu kaafi saari kaahaniya mai ne yaha padhi hai kuch sachi hoti hai or kuch jhooti lekin maza dono mai aata hai Meri kahani bilkul saachi hai meri kahani agar pasand aaye to pls mujhe mail jarur karna.ya koi larki ya lady sex karna chahati ho to pls batao Ye ghata mere sath 2 saal pahle hue the jub mai pahli baar delhi mass com karne aaya tha sorry dosto mai ne aap ko apne baare mai to bataya hi nahi meri hight 5 ‘5 hai health v aachi...

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Fresh Meat

It was a small shop. It carried the oddities of the world. The things that odd people needed for their potions and lotions and curative powders. It was dark, no matter how many lights he lit. The windows were covered with old dust and cobwebs. Shelves lined every wall, and every shelf was lined with vials and bottles and boxes of ingredients needed for many an unusual concoction or elixir. It was not a lucrative shop. But it was all he had. All Harold and his mother had, inherited from his...

2 years ago
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Fresh Men Prologue Chapter 1

This is a setup for a larger series. This series will have a lot of plot once it truly gets rolling, so if you're just looking for a quick wank, this might not be the place for you. The prologue features no sex scenes, as it introduces some of the characters I will be using for this series. Chapter 1 features the first sex scene. Future chapters might not necessarily feature the same characters as Chapter 1, but all chapters take place within the same storyline. Please leave constructive...

4 years ago
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Fresh Sweaty Gym Panties

We have some good friends that live a few houses away, so we go to their house quite frequently. Their downstairs has a guest room with a bathroom attached. That bathroom has a shower in it. My buddy's wife goes to the gym after work during the week. She is about 5'5 with dark hair, a big round ass, and c-cup tits. I go over to my buddy's house after work sometimes and his wife gets in from the gym at about 5:30. She goes straight into the downstairs bathroom to change every time. That bathroom...

2 years ago
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Fresh Meat

FRESH MEAT A tall statuesque blond suddenly leaned forward and stared predatorily at a young guy sitting alone at the bar. Ummm thought Sarah, slim build, not too tall, longish legs, cute butt, but best of all and at this point Sarah Jane purred, rather akin to a leopardess eyeing its quarry, he was "ALONE," fucking perfect!!! Jimmy Kaminski had just had a shitter of a day, he'd been for yet another job interview and again another fucking knock back, he couldn't understand it, he...

3 years ago
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Fresh MeatGanged And Banged Kansas City Rendezvous

Ava and I both woke at six in the morning then had a few cups of coffee as we talked about what could happen tonight at the "Freaky Friday" party.  She then told me a secret that surprised me but said not to let anyone know, including Barb. Before leaving to go back to my room, we told each other how utterly amazed we were about what happened between us last night.As we kissed goodbye she said, "Tonight at our party, I'm certain that anyone that thinks they know me will be shocked by the...

2 years ago
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Fresh Creampie Dessert

For a long time now, I've loved the idea of eating my wife's pussy right after I cum inside her. I fantasize about it practically every time we have sex, but unfortunately, as soon as I cum I lose interest completely. In fact, after I cum the idea repels me. I've mentioned this fantasy to Pam, and much to my surprise it turned her on at least as much as it does me. She even tried to force the issue, sitting on my face and trying to make me lick her clean. I went into a sort of panic, almost bit...

3 years ago
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Fresh Wrestling Pussy

The accusation was a complete slap in the face. Professor Bells accused me of cheating on my test.I protested, "Professor Bells, I would never do such a thing."She placed my test and Shay's, the rich blonde bimbo that always sat beside me in class, in front of me. "You two have the exact same answers for the whole last page...word...for...word."I was speechless as I looked at our tests. Realizing Shay must have copied off me I rationalized, "Shay must have cheated off me.""Then it's a she...

2 years ago
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Fresh out the gate

God I luv men:)As I mentioned in a very detailed way in my last story, I had my first gay experience with who I thought was the man of my dreams. We tried dating but it was more physical than anything. Anyways I was man hating and was back to being straight for a while. At this point in time I was fresh out of college and working. I worked for a Guy that did construction and landscaping. He liked me a lot so he gave me a job at good pay. Everyday it was the same routine and I needed a break....

5 years ago
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Fresh and Moist Part 1

We hung out at my crib for several hours. I had an ounce of good seedless, stemless bud, two fifths of 18-year-old Chivas Regal and a bottle a descent champagne. We consumed slowly and discussed various shit. I was disgusted at the stories she told of her past:“So I invited him to come out to my car, which I told him was parked on one of those narrow side-streets down there. It was damn near pitch dark as he followed me to this non-existent car. I stopped beside a random ride and said, ‘This is...

3 years ago
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Fresh Dorm Angel The Beginning

The bed in the dorm room felt like it had been slept in a hundred times over and then some. My body sunk right in the middle of it and the aches I was feeling from the effects of having no support were evident as I began to twist and contort my eighteen year old body to get the kinks out. What I needed was a hot shower to sooth them away.So, I slipped on my flip-flops, grabbed my robe, a bra, and some panties, along with a towel, and for the first time in my college career, tread down to the...

3 years ago
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Fresh Executive Assistant

Fresh Executive AssistantHe Said:I'm a senior executive of a Fortune 500 company who is lucky enough to liveand work in a division that is in a city outside the main company headquarters.This means that I'm less concerned with avoiding political dodgeballs andmore concerned with actually getting things done. It also means that I havemore leeway in motivating and getting the workers to produce to the levelthat's made me pretty successful and makes the top level executives grudginglygive their...

2 years ago
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Fresh Meat 1

It was my turn to go hunting tonight. My name is Matt, I am 25 years old and share a flat with my mates, Simon and Mark. We are all fit, good looking guys, with good jobs and beautiful girl friends but now and again we fancy a change and tonight its my turn to get us some fresh meat. We are not fussy about age, size or looks, infact sometimes the older, uglier, fatter the better! They are much easier and more greatful than pretty girls! I headed into town on my own, leaving the other guys back...

3 years ago
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Fresh Talent

At lunch I spotted her redhead and worked around and sat down beside her near the back windows. “How come you’re so smart?” I asked her with a smile. She smelled good, fresh, clean. “Genes,” said without looking at me. “Levis, really?” I replied blankly, opening up my bag. “Skinny ones?” “Ha ha,” she said. “DNA, you know, those little squiggly helix things.” “Right, squiggly things. Yours squiggle pretty good.” “I know. Way it is; you play what you’re dealt. Good hand.” “You’re new,...

4 years ago
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Fresh Meat Party

A total harem of nymphomaniacs + a special surprise! If you’ve read ‘Cul-de-sac Swingers’ then you will know that my wife and I, Julia and Chris, live next door to two really hot swingers, Tom and Sandy. Tom travels as a salesman, and my wife Julia works in an office a few miles from our house. Sandy is an amazing bi-sexual nymphomaniac, and because she and I both work from our homes next door to each other, we often get together during the day for a frantic shag - the only type of shag that...

3 years ago
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© Prufrock Productions - 1999, 2004 Icy-cold refreshment would not begin to describe the feel of the liquid as it went down his throat. His thirst was insatiable, which was why he had gone out again that night -- to find a drink to quiet the screaming demons and to relieve the parched feeling that had assumed squatter's rights in his mouth. He had spent the night drinking at Murphy's Pub, and cringed at the sound of the "last-call" bell, both from disappointment, and from the...

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Freshers Mein Phada Senior Ka Seal

Hey iss folks, this is Raunak from Hyderabad writing my first story on iss which is also the first sexual experience of my life.. Telling about me i am an 18year old teenager good physique (gym freak) and the basic reason of me maintaining a good physique and building my body was to have great sex and hardcore sex always fancies me. I’ve been reading iss since my 10 th standard and I am just a crazy fan of dis website.. Coming to the story.. This took place just a couple of days ago.. It was...

3 years ago
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Freshly Fuckable

Ben Ascot had been a Plonker from the start: getting his sixteen year old sister pregnant before pissing off to Australia. Shelia had been a bright girl at grammar school and had gone on to secretarial college with an eye on a managerial career: but then came the unwanted baby. Her parents were furious and never forgave the pair of them; and Shelia never forgave Ben either for that matter. As for Ben, with Australia to discover, the pregnancy was of little consequence to him. But blood is...

2 years ago
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Freshmen Year Part One The Creep

I slipped my hand under his blanket and felt his warm fuzzy stomach.He was just so handsome, I had to know what he was packing. Nothing too perverted, just alook.I could hear his soft shallow breathes, and it made my skin creep with excitement.His skin was so warm, he was like a space heater, I wanted to just crawl into bedwith him, and tell him I came home drunk... But he wouldn't go for that. I was freshlyshowered, I smelled of body wash.He let out a little gasp and I frozen. My heart leapt...

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Freshman Confidential

The minute hand of the clock on the classroom wall completed one last agonizing circuit and reached zero. The bell rang, and immediately twenty-five high school freshmen jumped out of their seats. At the front of the class the English teacher called out "All right, class, remember, I want Chapters Two and Three read by tomorrow. There's going to be a quiz, so neglect them at your peril." There was a general groan, and the students began filing out of the room. Among them was Keith O'Donnell, a...

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Fresh Dorm Angel Scissored Splits

As Vee and I walked into the showers, the girls that occupied it all stopped what they were doing and stared. Vee and I just looked at each other. We both blushed at the same time. I thought it was because it was the first time they had seen me naked. That's why I blushed. But Vee knew the real reason.I found out as the flat-chested girl, I almost ran into entering the showers for the first time, took it upon herself to initiate the embarrassment."Well, well, well, if it isn't the two...

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Refresher Course

I can never forget the summer of 2005. Like every year, I paid the customary visit to my parents, who were staying all alone at Madurai, my hometown. The only difference was I was alone this time. My wife and kids could not make it because my son was taking a college entrance exam. Usually there was nothing much to look forward to in that silent village, where it was customary for people to get into bed at 8:00 pm sharp. I reached home from the railway station at midnight and slept immediately...

2 years ago
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Fresh Cookies

When she waved a hand in front of her face. The midsection of the man dissipated like he was made of light dust. Only his cock remained, and it continued to spew ancient semen with a hundred times the normal sperm count down her gullet. If only the jizz was as easy to disperse, she wouldn’t be constantly digesting a bloated stomachful. But at least, until the white dust reformed into a prehistoric, hip-thrusting Neanderthal, she had her answer: the room was bright. It was morning. And she...

4 years ago
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Freshman Girl

By: DamonX ([email protected]) "No. No. No. Maybe if I was drunk. No. No." Reaching my hands up and placing them lazily behind my head, I reclined against the large oak tree at my back and continued to check out the steady stream of girls walking past me. "No.Yes. No." I said to myself, as a trio of eighteen year olds made their way past, casting a few flirtatious glances my way. I loved the beginning of the College year. No studying, the weather's nice, and best of...

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Freshman Girl

‘No. No. No. Maybe if I was drunk. No. No.’   Reaching my hands up and placing them lazily behind my head, I reclined against the large oak tree at my back and continued to check out the steady stream of girls walking past me. ‘No. Yes. No,’ I said to myself, as a trio of eighteen year olds made their way past, casting a few flirtatious glances my way. I loved the beginning of the College year. No studying, the weather’s nice, and best of all, the place is filled with new impressionable...

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Freshman Disorientation

My name's Aurora.  At the time my story takes place I was an eighteen-year-old girl who looked about sixteen.  I was naive and as fresh and pure as the first snowfall in September.  Don't jump to conclusions about me; I grew up on a horse ranch outside of Gerlach, Nevada, and by this age, I could break a mustang, shoot a coyote in the heart from two-hundred yards, or make you a three-course meal from scratch if I wanted to.My parents were strict.  I was never allowed to go to Burning Man, but...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Freshman Disorientation

My name's Aurora.  At the time my story takes place I was an eighteen-year-old girl who looked about sixteen.  I was naive and as fresh and pure as the first snowfall in September.  Don't jump to conclusions about me; I grew up on a horse ranch outside of Gerlach, Nevada, and by this age, I could break a mustang, shoot a coyote in the heart from two-hundred yards, or make you a three-course meal from scratch if I wanted to.My parents were strict.  I was never allowed to go to Burning Man, but...

Group Sex
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Freshman Girl by loyalsock

I decided to stop by Blondie's room for breakfast. That way I figured I could assuage any grudges she might have. A half hour spent now could prevent difficulties later. The look on her face when she opened the door told me I had made the correct decision: she was definitely not happy to see me. She held the door like a shield, her pale blue eyes a mixture of fear and doubt."Hey babe, how you doing?" I smiled pleasantly. "You wanna get some breakfast?""Uh, no, thanks...," she resisted. "Come...

2 years ago
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Freshmans First Load

I went to high school in Manhattan right near the original time square I got more than my fair share of an adult education.My freshman year I would pace back and forth in front of the box office of a gay cinema near my school , finally the guy in the booth waved me over one afternoon. Once inside I grabbed a seat in the back row. A suited handsome mid forties white guy sat next to me cornering me in the isle. Dropping a meaty paw in my crotch he manipulate. My cock till it hurt it was so hard...

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Freshman Year Girlfriend

Freshman Year Girlfriend==> PrologueI met Jacquelyn about two months into my freshman year of college.  I look back now on the wild relationship we had now that it's over and I have the benefit of perspective.  We were inseperable for nearly eight months, thirty-two weeks spanning the calendar between Halloween and the Fourth of July, which was the weekend it all ended and she was committed to the mental facility that still is her home even now, almost a year later.I thought of her yesterday...

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Fresh Men Chapters 23

As you might have guessed from the title, this is not the first entry in this series. For those looking for a quick wank, this series may not be for you, as there will also be quite a bit of story and character involved. With that being said, there is no sex in Chapter 2, but there is sex in Chapter 3. This series takes place on a small college campus where everyone lives in dorms. Chapter 2 takes place immediately after Chapter 1, which was move-in day. Chapter 3 takes place a week...

4 years ago
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Fresh Meat For My Pantry

 It was Friday, and like every other Friday night for the past four months, I would be walking across the parking lot of the condominium project where I lived to the grocery store that was next door. It had become my routine to get my weekly groceries on Friday and to have sex later that evening. It had all started this past March when I only needed a few things from the store and so decided to walk over, buy the things that I needed and then walk home. I was active and loved to play sports,...

First Time
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Fresh Prine Of BelAir

walked through the halls of the Hartford Mall in Bel-Air. The duo had been at the mall for an hour or so trying to score a couple ladies for the evening. "No doubt, Jazz, this fucking sucks!" Will said as they continued walking towards the food court. "Oooh, wait a minute," Will said grabbing at Jazz's shirt. "Oh yeah!" Jazz said stopping. The two males gazed over as a young girl walked away from them holding a tray of food. She was wearing a short red plaid skirt with her...

4 years ago
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Fresh Uncensored

As I look into your eyes, your presence gives me butterflies, it’s like a wave from the ocean crashing into my already moistened body. The rush that you give me travels from my head to my toe like an uncontrollable storm. The thunder in my blood stream travels around my body, I get warm sensations of uncontrollable lust. My stomach starts to tingle and my butterflies increase. The beautiful complexion of my of my skin clings to your body as though we are one. We connect on levels not known to...

3 years ago
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Fresh people

We arranged with Pete and Margarate to meet one Saturday afternoon. As the day got closer my mind went into overdrive, I was scared and excited both at the same time. The day arrived and we followed the directions given to a local public house. On arrival I was pleasantly surprised to find that both Pete and Marg were really nice good looking people in their late forties. After exchanging pleasantries and a few jars we loosened up and decided, after getting the nod from my husband to go for...

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