SwapChapter 12 free porn video

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The aliens were taking Grace away at night. Were they taking her away because she was enjoying sex with him in the quiet dark hours of the night? No, that didn't seem logical to him. What was more logical to him was that they taking Grace away at night to do unspeakable things to her, to perform more experiments on her mind and body? Their experiments had already destroyed her mind. It was obvious to him that the attempt to transfer another mind into her body had gone awry. She was like a half-person, less than half, alive but without a mind. No, that wasn't right. Part of her mind still remained in her body, but not enough, not nearly enough. The transfer didn't take, he decided. The new mind died, leaving only a fraction of her old mind in her body. That was it. Pride washed over him, and he sat up straighter and squared his shoulders. He'd figured it out, figured out why Grace was the way she was.

"Aaron," one of the aliens said, "open your mouth."

He didn't like the sound of that. He pursed his lips tightly and clenched his teeth. The big alien reached out and squeezed his jaw. He didn't have a choice. He opened his mouth. The alien swabbed the inside of his mouth with a q-tip, an alien q-tip. Alien q-tips were much larger than human q-tips.

Was the q-tip medicated? Would the drug on the q-tip put him to sleep like their needles? Maybe it was poisoned.

Suddenly, an appalling stench spread his nostrils. He gagged, but controlled the urge to vomit, swallowing excess saliva and his nausea. The revolting stink of rotting human flesh grew stronger and stronger until he couldn't breathe through his nose. He gasped in air through his mouth, sucking air in, blowing it out, like a carp on a riverbank out of the water.

The stink filled the air when he thought of poison. Poison? Was his body telling me something? Was the q-tip poisoned?

He gagged again, and this time he allowed his roiling stomach to spew up its contents. The vomit splashed onto the alien's thick-soled shoes, and furious, the alien cursed and stomped away. John smiled wickedly as the vile viscous liquid from his stomach drooled from the corners of his mouth and dripped off the tip of his chin.

Fooled them again, he said silently. He, he. Fooled 'em. Foiled their poison plot. Tossed the poison right back at 'em. He, he. I'm smarter than any fuckin' alien ever born.

If they're born. Maybe they're hatched, come out of eggs like stinkin' chickens or lizards. Or pods, like peas. Pod aliens. Pod people. He, he. Maybe they come from trees like fruit. Fruit aliens. Apple aliens. No, avocado aliens. Even better, pollinated people. He, he.

He preferred pollinated people for its alliteration, and after that he thought of the aliens as pollinated people, PP, for short, finally believing that's what they were.

"That's the last of the men in the ward," Broderick Dalton said to Leah Mullen. Dalton was a hospital orderly. He didn't work on Mullen's ward. He worked for the hospital's head of security, Hank Patrick. "MacDonald threw up on my shoes."

"He does that a lot. He thinks he smells rotting human flesh, and the smell makes him sick. He's hallucinating, of course, a classic symptom of paranoid schizophrenia," Mullen said. "Swabbing the sick men on this ward for DNA samples was a waste of time. None of them are capable of raping a woman, not with the meds they take every day."

"Well, it's done anyway. I'll go clean up and deliver the swabs to Hank."

"What else is Hank Patrick doing to identify the rapist?" she said.

"Don't know. I just work here. Talk to Hank."

Robyn stood in the gym with Coach waiting for Danielle, Gloria, and Marylyn to arrive. Nora and Cory were doing some warm-up exercises. The door opened, and instead of someone missing from the group, Tom walked in with a teenager, a small teenage boy. Robyn knew the boy; he'd been in her office, but she couldn't remember his name. Then his name came to her: Carl Reed, a McGill student. She'd pull his file after the session this morning. Coach would want to see it. Since the mistake he made with Larry Foreman, Coach wanted all the information on a troubled student he could get his hands on, an approach that Robyn applauded.

"Wait here, Carl," Tom said and walked up to Coach. "Good morning, Coach, Robyn. I've got another student for your program."

"He doesn't look overweight to me," Coach said.

"His name is Carl Reed. I'm tired of Carl sitting bruised and crying in my office or Harry's after he's been shoved around, laughed at, and hassled by half the school population, and I'm not just talking about the male half, Robyn. Some of the more militant members of the fair sex can be meaner than snakes. Coach, can you put some meat on Carl's bones and some starch in his backbone?"

"Is he here of his own volition?" Coach said.

"Oh, yeah," Tom said. "I told him about your program. He said he'd heard about it, said the kids call it the Bobcat Fat Farm."

"Oh, no!" Robyn said, appalled.

Coach chuckled and said, "I figured the group would acquire a nickname. I anticipated Windom's Whales. Bobcat Fat Farm didn't occur to me."

Tom laughed. Robyn looked at the two men like they had just lost their minds.

"Carl told me that if you can take weight off, you can put it on," Tom said. "If you were asking if he's motivated, the answer is yes."

"Okay, I'll see what I can do with him," Coach said.

"Carl!" Coach shouted and waved the boy over. "Come with me. We need some conversation, and then we'll take your measurements for the before picture. Mr. Early tells me you feel like the guy that gets sand kicked in his face at the beach. If you're willing to listen, work diligently, and follow the diet Ms. Sanger will design for you, we just might be able help you." Coach marched him off to the weight room.

Tom left and Danielle arrived. "Where's Coach?" she said to Robyn.

"The weight room with a new student," Robyn said.

Danielle sighed deeply. "I spent some time with Coach yesterday and last evening. I had high hopes, Robyn, but Coach and I don't fit."


"Did you know he is a Republican?"

Robyn couldn't help it; she laughed. "How rude of him!"

"Don't, Robyn, just don't. He likes Giuliani for president. He can't say anything nice about Hillary, thinks she's a liar and an opportunist, I think he said. He's a hawk; I'm a dove—his words. He thinks Gore, the liberal media, and the even more liberal intelligentsia who control our universities are exaggerating the threat of global warming to a ridiculous extreme—his words again. And he wants a very tall fence built across our border with Mexico. Can you imagine?"

"Terrible!" Robyn said, trying not to laugh.

"It gets worse. He thinks we should build more nuclear power plants, drill for oil in Alaska and off our shores, and build more refineries to reduce our reliance on foreign oil. He doesn't care if the oil companies spew filth into our air, pollute our water, and destroy the habitats of endangered species. I could never love a man who thinks like he does." She snorted. "He even likes country music!"

"Oh, no!" Robyn said, trying to look aghast.

"Yes. Anyway, with such a broad difference in our core beliefs, we decided we wouldn't be compatible as a couple and parted as friends."

"I'm sorry, Danielle. Are you going to try to patch things up with Harry?"

"I don't know. Maybe. He doesn't turn me on like Coach, but Harry and I have quite a few things in common. We'll see."

Danielle, Robyn said silently, I'd never tell you, but I'm a Republican, and it sounds as if my core beliefs match Coach's, not precisely but close enough. She giggled. Especially regarding country music. You abandoned your claim. I just might stake out a claim of my own. We'll see.

As he walked to school, Larry was thinking about Helen Sanford. She'd been on his mind almost constantly since Saturday night. He'd never met a girl like Helen. She was tomboyish one second and the height of femininity the next. The dichotomy made his head swim. No, that wasn't true. What made his head swim was remembering her holding his head in her lap with her arms around him and the look of concern in her pretty eyes. No one, male or female, had ever truly worried about his well being, and no one had ever tried to comfort him.

Just thinking about Helen made him feel warm, but the warmth wasn't arousal. It was a calm warm, pleasant. He wondered if what he was feeling was love. Not likely, but if it was, he'd better put it behind him. He was dirt poor, the son of a drunk, and had a bleak future. Maybe. Coach might have shown him a way to fashion a future beyond laboring in a mine for union wages for the rest of his life. Still, Helen was the daughter of a bank president with a bright future ahead of her. She'd be history, away at some college, before he could make something of himself.

Not for the first time, Larry cursed himself for his sexist attitude when Coach had announced that a girl would be playing on the football team. Well, she showed him, she showed everyone that she deserved to be on the team.

Putting aside that she was the daughter of a bank president and he was poor white trash, he'd like to take her out, to the movies maybe, hold her hand during the movie, but he didn't have the price of a movie ticket for him, let alone one for her, too. And he couldn't pick her up for a date. He didn't have a car. He walked to school; he walked to work. He sure couldn't walk her to the movies. Hell, he had to catch a ride with Cal to go to the party Saturday night, and when Cal disappeared...

Cal, you crazy fool! Why did you rape that girl? Stupid!

When the sheriff had told him Cal was one of three men who raped Mary Tendoy, Larry couldn't believe his ears.

"You're wrong about Cal, Sheriff," Larry had said. "I know Cal; we've been like brothers since grade school. He blusters, acts tough, pushes people around, but he isn't a rapist."

"Believe it, Larry," the sheriff had said. "Perkins and Osceola, who also raped the girl, ratted him out, and I've got another eyewitness who saw him roll off the girl's unconscious body. Cal was bare-assed nekkid when he rolled off her. What does that tell you? Also, a rape kit was taken at the hospital, so DNA evidence will back up the testimony of the witnesses. If you see him, tell him to turn himself in, and please, Larry, don't try to protect him and get yourself into a heap of trouble in the process. You did the right thing when you called Coach for help Saturday night. Don't mess up now by harboring your friend. I'm not asking you to give Cal up, but don't protect him. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Larry exhaled with a sigh, his breath visible in front of his face as he trudged toward the school. Damn you, Cal. Why did you do it?

Larry turned to rustling sounds from his right, and Cal stepped from behind a barren tree. "Speak of the devil, I was just thinking about you," Larry said.

"How'd you get the black eye?" Cal said.

"Tiny hit me," Larry said.

"That'd do it."

"Where'd you get yours? Both of them?" Larry said.

"Bill Perkins and Pete Osceola."

"Why'd Perkins and Osceola hit you?"

"That's a long story. Look, I'm drowning in shit, Larry. It's up to my ears," Cal said, looking straight ahead as they walked. "I did a stupid thing Saturday night."

"I know," Larry said. "Sheriff Ken is looking for you."

Cal nodded and let all the air out of his lungs. "I figured."

Larry snorted. "What did you expect, that you'd get away with raping that girl?"

"I didn't rape her! You've got to believe me, Larry. I did not rape that girl. I went downstairs to take a leak, and Osceola was on her, fucking her. Bill Perkins grabbed me. Said he knew that I'd rat them out. Said I had to take a turn with her so I couldn't rat them out without incriminating myself. I told him to go fuck himself, told him that I wasn't a fuckin' rapist, and he hit me. Osceola finished with the girl, and they both tore into me. They said if I didn't take a turn that they'd kill me. They beat me until I was unconscious, and then I guess they stripped me because when I woke up, I was naked and on top of the girl. I got dressed and busted out of there. What with Perkins, Osceola, and my dad, I'm a dead man."

"You're telling me the truth?" Larry said.

"Swear to God, Larry, I didn't rape that girl. But that doesn't matter. If the sheriff thinks I raped her, somebody must have seen me naked on top of her while I was unconscious. I'll be convicted of the crime anyway. I'll end up in prison—if my dad doesn't kill me first."

"Uh-uh, the sheriff told me they took a rape kit at the hospital. If you didn't rape her, your semen, your DNA won't show up. The best thing for you to do, Cal, is turn yourself in," Larry said.

"Can't do that, Larry. I can't put my mother through something like that, and my dad would tear into me. You know how he is. He'd beat me to a bloody pulp."

Ah, Larry thought, that's why Cal looked me up this morning. He fears a beating from his father. He's come to me for a solution, a way to avoid his father's wrath.

"You can't avoid this problem, Cal. It isn't going away. This town isn't that large. There's no place for you to hide. Make it right; turn yourself in. Tell the sheriff the truth, and you'll be all right."

"Uh-uh, I've got a plan," Cal said. "Listen, I hung around until this morning to tell you goodbye, Larry. You've been a good friend, and I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye."

"Where are you going? There's nowhere to go."

"I've still got my dad's car. My uncle and aunt are out of town; I knew where they hide their key. I've been staying at their house, parked Dad's car in their garage. Larry, I'm going to bust out of town, go down to Vegas."

Larry's laugh was harsh. "That won't work, Cal. Do you have enough gas in the car to drive to Vegas? I doubt it. Do you have the money to buy gas? To buy some food? How much money have you got on you?"

"Enough," he said.

He came to me for a solution. Give him one, Larry told himself.

"I don't think so, Cal. Come with me. If you won't turn yourself in to Sheriff Ken, turn yourself in to Coach. He'll go to the Sheriff's Office with you, and..."

"Coach! Are you crazy, man! He hates my guts. Yours, too."

"No, Cal, he doesn't hate me. He's trying to help me. He found me a better job, one that pays twice as much as the convenience store job. And he ... Ah, hell, Cal. We read Coach all wrong. He's a good guy. If he'll help me; he'll help you. And he won't let your dad tear into you."

"Humph, Coach is big, but my dad is mean to the bone and he won't fight fair. If he has to, he'll take it to Coach with a baseball bat or a tire iron."

"Cal, Coach whipped Tiny Saturday night," Larry said.

"You're shitting me."

"I shit you not. He whipped him, took him down without breaking a sweat. Remember, he told us he knew how to fight, some kind of martial arts training; I can't remember what he called it, but whatever it's called, it works. He not only took out Tiny, he also took out Frank Cox and Brad Baker when they jumped in to help Tiny, and they were wielding nightsticks. Coach went after Tiny because Tiny was hitting me. I was cuffed at the time. Coach won't let your dad beat you."

"Maybe not—until I'm home alone with Dad and Coach isn't anywhere around."

"Tell Coach that you want to turn yourself in, but you're afraid of what your dad will do to you. Coach will put the fear of god in him, Coach and Sheriff Ken. Coach and Sheriff Ken are asshole buddies now, Cal. Come on; this is the only chance you've got." Larry sighed. "Let's say you make it to Vegas, Cal. Then what? No money, no job, and you're wanted by the law. What are you going to do then, be a punch for a bunch of queers for eatin' money? You've got a chance to beat this thing. You're innocent, for Christ's sake. Let Coach help you be a man, not a frightened kid. So your father beats you? So what? He's beat you before, and he'll beat you again. You're man enough to take it until you're old enough or big enough so you don't have to take it anymore. Perkins and Osceola say they'll kill you. That'll never happen. They've been arrested for the rape, Cal. They don't have a reason to kill you anymore."

"Coach whipped Tiny?" Larry said, disbelief evident in his voice.

"Yes, twice, and the second time Coach was cuffed."

"No way. You're lying to me."

"I swear to God, Cal. Helen was holding my head in her lap. Tiny had hit me, knocked me cold, and Helen—she's great, Cal, something else again. Where was I? I remember, Helen saw Tiny get up off the ground and go after Coach. She screamed a warning, and Coach ducked under Tiny's haymaker, and then kicked him in the balls, but Coach slipped in the snow because he was cuffed and landed on top of Tiny. Tiny wrapped his arm around Coach's neck and squeezed, told Coach he was going to kill him, and Coach spun around hitched his back and slammed his knee into Tiny's balls again. That did it; that took all the fight out of Tiny."

"Why was Coach in handcuffs?"

"The sheriff arrested him for assaulting his deputies, but after Tiny tore into Coach the second time, the sheriff turned Coach loose. He'll help you, Cal. I know he will."

"Helen was holding your head in her lap?"

Larry laughed. "Yes, that's a long story, too. Waddaya say? Let's go talk to Coach and get your future back. You don't want to end up a punch for a bunch of queers."

Larry waited. The two young men walked in silence.

--"Okay," Cal said quietly. "Let's go talk to Coach."

--They took a few more steps.

--"Tell me the long story about Helen, Larry," Cal said, wistfully.

The Bobcat Fat Farm as a label won't fit anymore, not with the addition of Carl Reed to the group, I thought as I watched Carl on a mat trying to keep up with Robyn's pilates exercise. The boy was a natural with tai chi, but pilates isn't for him. Yoga might work. He reminds me a little of Aaron MacDonald when I was his age. I wasn't that short, but I was thin like him. Working out with free weights will do more for him than any exercise. Free weights and the right diet will put some meat on his bones.

It's not just his size. He's effeminate. I don't know how to alter his feminine mannerisms. If he were gay, eliminating the mannerisms probably wouldn't be important in the long run. But he isn't gay. Without me asking, he told me he wasn't gay, that girls turned him on, not guys.

And anger isn't his problem. Oh, he's angry, but fear dominates his emotional makeup. I could fix that. I could teach him krav maga. That'd put some starch in his backbone, as Tom suggested, but I don't want to teach anyone krav maga. If I teach just one person, I'd end up teaching another, and then another. In the end, teaching the self-defense system would eat up all my time. Worse, there'd be a bunch of lethal kids out about town. One of them would kill someone, and I'd be libel, signed releases and hold harmless agreements to the contrary.

I saw Larry walk into the gym. He spied me and waved me forward.

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The Curator Ch 14

Chapter 14: Property Sue woke comfortably on a twin bed, tucked in under warm blankets like a child–at least it seemed that tender at first. Slowly awareness started to creep back in her mind. She remembered being in the stocks last. Oh, yes, her ass was sore, but that was just the first hint of the sensations her body was starting to report. Drawing her attention the most was the constriction all over her midsection. She was wearing something leather, she remembered them mentioning a corset...

2 years ago
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Loves MastersChapter 14 First Signs of Spring

It would take several weeks before I stopped looking over my shoulder everywhere I went. Everything that had happened seemed so incredible, I had a hard time accepting it. There were so many questions. How could Michael hide the truth from us? How did he hypnotize Joey so easily? What really happened to him? How could they fake the sensations I had received from him during the crash? Was the crash planned? Was all of this planned from the beginning? Was anything we found in Michael’s head...

2 years ago
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My First Time

I was late getting to the pool and rushed in to the locker room to change. I took my clothes off and had just slipped on my swim trunks when I heard the shower door open. I looked to see who was there and my jaw dropped. A beautiful African-American girl walked out. She had the towel around her head and was rubbing to dry her hair. I watched her as she stood in front of me not more than 10 feet away. She was beautiful. Her skin was a dark golden brown. As she rubbed her hair it made her tits...

1 year ago
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School for Male Slaves2

"This," Miss Steele enthused, "is the Pleasure Chair. A two-seated auto- spanker for naughty little girls like you too who need their sexy butts spanked. Leather belts attached to a spinning wheel mounted beneath the chairs. When the wheel spins, the belts swing and... Voila!" "Ow! Ah! Eww! Eek! Ohh! M-mistress S-steele h-how long is th-this going to..." It stopped. The chair-bottoms pushed us upward again, to the waiting feather dusters. Miss Steele gloated, "You little cute thing,...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 39A Show and Tell at the Pool

Danny returned with the towels just as Mary stuck her head through the door, "We're ready!" But Randall's cell phone rang. "Hello?" "Randall? Toby." "Hi. What's up?" "Just left Erin's." Toby sounded self-satisfied. "Hang on." Randall put his finger to his lips and put the phone on speaker. "So what happened? Did you get laid?" "Who's listening?" Toby asked, alerted by the change in sound quality. "Nobody who doesn't know what you were up to," Randall assured...

4 years ago
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My Tamil Maid Gowri 8211 Part 2

Two months passed since Gowri came to our place. She took great care of my love and house. I was so happy and stopped worrying. At times I would arrive late from the office due to work. But Gowri would still be awake and will go to sleep only after ensuring I eat. Vasanthi and I would overwhelm her with gifts for the wonderful care she took on us. Meanwhile, Vasanthi, even though well rested and relieved from doing household chores, still felt tired quickly. In one of our checkups, the doctor...

2 years ago
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After Hours

I’d not been working in the pub for long, just a couple of weeks, and I was getting to know the locals quite well. I’d made a good impression- well, with my 38C boobs and low-cut tops that was never going to be a problem. The guys never gave me any trouble, except at closing time. I’d get all the comments. “Want me to see you home, darling?” that kind of thing. I’d always reply with a smile, something along the lines of “You couldn’t handle me, love,” as I showed the last one the door.  There...

3 years ago
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Exgirlfriend Sarah the exhibitionist true story

Well Chris, I hope you are enjoying reading about your new girlfriend’s sexual exploits. Is she as much of an exhibitionist with you as she was with me?We were out for a meal in the city of Bath, in the UK. I was driving so couldn’t have much wine, but that night Sarah seemed to be making up for my lack of drinking. By the time we had almost finished the meal, she was well into the second bottle of Chablis. She got up and went to the ladies restroom, then came back a few moments later, sat down...

1 year ago
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Office adultery

I shouldn't have, but I did My wife and I met at work. We hooked up at a work function and eventually dated, it progressed to marriage. We even worked in the same department of a large company. So we basically spent every waking hour together.A year or so into our marriage a good looking girl started in a department close to ours. I have always had a wandering eye, and I couldn't help looking at her, even though my wife was nearby. eventually the girl was aware of my stares, and begin to stare...

2 years ago
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Fractured SoulsChapter 1 Traveling Companions

“Ahhhhhhh,” I let out as I sat down into my bubble bath. “It’s good to be home.” I was virtually alone at my mansion. Quiet. Perfectly quiet. Nothing but the sound of my movements in the water. So peaceful ... So relaxing ... So... “Boring!” I yelled, listening to the echo with a grin. “NICE AND BORING!” I screamed enthusiastically. The phone rang. I didn’t answer it. Something made a noise in the other room. I didn’t care. There was no one there, and I knew it. It was probably just...

1 year ago
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Big fat weekend

This story is purely fictional (I wish it wasn't but it is) it contains m/f sex if this upsets you or you’re a minor I ask that you don’t read on. My name has been changed and these stories are not true just my fantasies which i put on display for others. Thank you. Hi my name is John. I am a 16 year old and a bbw lover. This story happens to involve a story containing me and my teacher whose name is miss O’Hara. She is gorgeous she has long red hair blue eyes is about 5'8" (about my height)...

1 year ago
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My daughter friend Black femdom

Ok it’s gonna be my first story writed in english, it’s my 2nd language and i’m not used to writed long story or text in english so we’ll see how it works. I Hope you love it i’ll probably write some more if you give me good comments.- Chapter 1 : My daughter friends –My name was Mollie i was 40 years old and looked in perfect shape with a cute little bubblebutt. I Had big boobs still looking great i loved to show them teasing people. At 40, you really loved seeing eyes on you when my daughter...

1 year ago
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Lets Take This Outside

The final bell rang away another boring, useless day of school. I pushed my way out into the hall, along with everyone else in a hurry to get the hell out of here. Everything was jam-fucking packed as people crowded together gossiping about whatever stupid bullshit. It was hard to get anywhere without running into a packed crowd. A lot of people bitched about it, but only because they were a bunch of wimps. I loved it. There's nothing like a crowded hall when it comes to throwing...

4 years ago
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Easy Money more easy cash

The water cascaded down his body, drenching me as I continued to suck his cock. James had texted me late yesterday to tell me he'd be in town, if I fancied meeting up. £200 and the memory of our last encounter prompted me to make an excuse to my boyfriend; and so, less than 24 hours later, he was fucking my mouth, the head of his prick battering the back of my throat. I looked up at him, kneeling before him in the shower. I could tell he was close to coming. He put one hand on the back of my...

Straight Sex
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Abandoned on War

I knew it was coming, all males were conscripted at the age of eighteen. Only this year there were not as many males so they had lowered the age. In our system men were conscripted into the military for five years. If they survived the men received grants for a family and land. Only they not only conscripted me they took my only sister. She committed suicide after she was gang raped by the cadets that were to train her. Training for conscriptees was mostly just teaching us how to point and...

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A Little Tail Part 7

A Little Tail - Part 7 By Lexi Lee Lets Take a Minute to Review For the late tuners-in let me bring you up to speed. I am a whore. I am a shemale. I love cocks. I love to swallow man cum. I love my ass fucked. I make a lot of money. I do what I love (so how can it be called work.) I sucked my first dick when I was 13 and loved it then and I still do. I worship dick and cum and live to get my ass fucked by Tom (the monster cock plumber). I sometimes do...

3 years ago
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Journeys West Chapter 6 The Plot Thickens

Chapter 6 - The Plot Thickens by Monica Rose and Marina Kelly Proof-reader: Qmodo Once she had finished breakfast, Mary headed back over to the library. As she pulled into the parking lot, she saw Patrick standing outside the building, arms folded and looking upset. Getting out of her car she rushed to his side, "Pat, why are you pacing around out here?" "I just got here and found the front door to the library open." He kept looking up at the building as if he were expecting...

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House Slut 28 The Party

> what movie you seeing Friday? Commando Classic, gung ho. Well I’m going to a party if you can join after. BCP. After that he’d texted the address and the time. Black choker, pink ribbon. That meant oral service for both men and women. She almost texted back to see if the pink ribbon was strictly necessary but decided against it. It wouldn’t be her first time, even though ever since her brief affair with Bethany she had never felt attraction to women. The main disappointment for her...

4 years ago
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Papa Ke Chaar Foji Dost 8211 Part 1

Namshte, meri pyari gulabi rass se bhari hui choot aap sab ka apne pyare sabhi dosto ka dil aur choot khol kar main Manpreet Kaur sawagat karti hoon. Ye meri pehli kahnai hai, jo aaj main likh rhi hoon. Maine internet par aap sabhi dosto ki bahot sari kahani padhi hai. Un me se mujhe jesi kafi ladkiya bhi hai. Jo apni chudai ki kahani likhti hai. Sach kehun toh aap sab ki kahani padh kar meri choot me rass bhar aata hai. Aaj main apni dono tange khol kar, fir apne hatho se apni choot khol kar....

2 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 47 Service NSW

When I woke up, I gathered some documents to show to John about how we would tackle the project. My main aim with today’s meeting was ‘project qualification’, that is, to get more details about John’s requirements, what were the key deliverables and results that he wanted to see, plus some feeling on what was he felt was a reasonable budget and timeframe for the project. I was also wanting to get some idea about how the project would run; what accommodation would be provided, would there be...

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The son

Lisa was sitting in her chair when her twelve year old son came in and Lisa took her top off and he grabbed a tit and began to nurse. She had never stopped nursing him for two reasons. She liked keeping him close and she loved the feel of his mouth sucking on her tits. As he sucked one nipple his small hand would rub the other nipple. As he sucked hard on the nipple and played with the other Lisa unzipped her jeans and shoved her fingers to her pussy. She rubbed her clit then shoved two fingers...

4 years ago
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Caught in the Rain

A Summer shower can be a delightful experience.  The warmth of the day and the feel of soft rain against the skin is often followed by the bright sun chasing the clouds.  Sometimes rainbows appear as the sun scatters leftover raindrops.  A sensuous experience.  I love getting caught in a gentle rain.  Perhaps because it led to one of my favorite erotic experiences.I was 20 years old, a junior in college.  I had just begun dating Melissa, a freshman beauty.  Brown hair down below her shoulders,...

College Sex
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Turning the Wife Into a Hot Dirty Slut

My wife and I always talked about fucking other people but we never had. She is short and slim, light brown hair, a great rack, and a fat fucking ass. Ever since we got married she started dressing more conservative. She is such a little fox, so recently I took her shopping for some short shorts to show off her great ass. I love showing her off so much that one night I convinced her to go on webcam for complete strangers. she actually really enjoyed it. I told her that I'ld love to watch her be...

1 year ago
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Some friends and I were sitting around, drinking and getting bored when somebody suggested “Truth or Dare”.“What do you think this is, Jr. High?” my oh so sophisticated friend, Allison asked.We all laughed at that. We where just barely in our twenties, but we thought we where so grown and mature.“What are you afraid of?” Jake asked. “You got some secrets to hide?”“Of course not,” Allison snapped.Every one in the room laughed again. Jake said, “I don’t know, you seem awful touchy. Maybe you’re...

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Sally Myers Attorney at Law

Sally Myers was a woman on the fast track.   Since graduating from college, the ink barely dry on her law degree and her mortarboard not having sat still long enough to collect dust, she had delivered resumes to some of the most prestigious and best known law offices in Chicago.   Having agreed to join the firm of Gabbott, Robbins & Clarke, she presented herself first thing Monday morning at the criminal defense department, under the tutelage of Jonathan Clarke, senior partner. Jonathan...

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Alene Ravens New Life Year IIChapter 11

The sound of birds chirping cheerfully broke into Angie’s dream, slowly she opened her eyes, the world a blur of color. The first thing she noticed after the bird’s song was the thick smell of cum that lingered in the air, yesterday’s events came back to her. She had good sex with Alene, no, not any good sex, she saw two goddesses duel it out. Angie recalled Alene’s massive beast filling her womb and stretching her pussy before cumming so hard she inflated Angie to unnatural proportions, she...

1 year ago
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CuckHunter Jackie Hoff All Natural Big Tits Wife Jackie Hoff Cuckold Creampie

Jackie Hoff is really fed up with her husband and his lack of satisfying her in and out of the bedroom. She needs a real man to make her feel filled up and complete. So she sends her husband off on a task and decides to seduce his big dicked friend Will Tile with her sexy body. She dresses up in her sexiest lingerie and Will can’t resist. Her husband comes home to his friend balls deep in his wife but all he can do is sit there and enjoy the show until her pussy is filled with...

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A Step Apart Teased

Stephanie Modders laid on her bed with her cellphone in her hands hovering over her face, clicking away at her texts. Her pink, spaghetti-strapped undershirt was half riding up her belly revealing the belly button piercing her mother nearly killed her for getting last year. Even though she was eighteen when she got it, her mom didn’t like piercings that were anywhere, but the ear and she didn’t like tattoos, period. Which is why Stephanie was taking this time while her mother was out running...

4 years ago
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Rebeccas New Position

This story features: forced babying, consensual M/F sex (epilogue), consensual F/F sex, masturbation, diaper humiliation, and Wet and Messy diapers.Last night Rebecca had diner with her boyfriend and felt a little funny, so she went to bed early, when she woke up she was aware of many strange feelings, her arms and legs were immobile, something was filling her mouth, there was strange damp thick bulk between her legs, she was cold. Two figures stood above her in each other's arms. She realised...

2 years ago
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Jennifer Cum slut

After Jennifers' and my gang **** at the Nude Beach, she turned into a cum slut. She couldn't get enough cum despite my best efforts and I wanted to have some of my cum to cause i was almost as bad.She was also whipped quite severely that day and now wanted to be whipped daily. I picked her up at her house one day at 10AM for a sex/BDSM filled day and her sister was there with her. She was going to come with us and join in. I had no problem with it and found out that she(Lynn) had been gang...

3 years ago
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Depression SoupChapter 12 Cousin Sam

Ma's older brother was what was known as the black sheep of the family back then. He was older than Ma by about five years. He was a gambler, a drunk, and a brawler. He never worked a day in his life when he didn't have to. He forever sought the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. He was certain it was there waiting for him somewhere. Over the next hill or around the next turn in the road he would find his personal El Dorado, his goldmine. And it would make him rich beyond his wildest...

1 year ago
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InLaw LoveChapter 7

As I have explained in my previous stories my wife Peggy and I have undergone a real change in our sex lives because of our experiences with our inlaws. The first time was with my wife's sister Ruth and her husband and swinging friends. When we returned we were looking expand our circle of sexual friends and managed to first lure my brother Rob's wife Pat into a hot sex orgy with us. Then got Rob involved with my wife Peggy and his wife Pat making us all one big fucking family. My chance...

2 years ago
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Sarah Carerra 322 VIP on Campus

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: August 20, 2012) Chapter 22 - V.I.P. on Campus The rest of the weekend was a mix of joy and sadness at the same time. I was anxious to share the song I had written with Austin, but I couldn't do...

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Bahen Ko Bus Mai Choda

Hi friends mera naam raj hai. Mai 26 saal ka hu. Mera lund 6′ ka h. Maine kai sari bhai bahen sex ki khaniya padi or unhi k karn himmat karke ye stary likh pa raha hu.   Meri bahen ka naam nidhi hai. Vo 24 saal ki dikhne bhut seky h rang goora or fig to essa ki koi dekh le to diwana ho jaye 36.30.34. Mai ab sidhe story pr ata hu. Baat tb ki h jb hum school m padte the. Tbhi s meri nazar mari bahen pr thi but kbhi moka nahi mila. Hmesha uske bare soch soch kar muth mara karta tha or sochta tha...

2 years ago
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With my best friend

“Err, stick what in.. ?” “The … mm.. well the key, what else?” says my best friend with the most mischievous smile ever. “Sure, sure” I fumble through my keychain and I “stick” the correct key in the lock and open the door. I swear she is always teasing me like that. And just when you think she really means it, she abruptly changes her demeanor and shows me it’s just one of her jokes. “Well let’s go to my room, I guess?” I offer tentatively. “About time we got a room.” Here she goes at it...

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A crazy night with the new lover

“You’ve been a very bad boy!” she purred and dragged him into the bedroom, quickly whipping off his towel and pushing him back onto the bed. She straddled his chest and slowly inched up his body. Taking his left hand in hers she roughly pulled it up and secured it to the headboard with a pair of handcuffs. She repeated this rough movement with his right and he was soon safely secured to the bed. She slowly slid sensually down his body till she was pinning him with her legs wrapped around...

3 years ago
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Perks of the job

Perks of the job Perks of the job I was working at Sharm el Sheik airport long before the city exploded into life as a tourist hotspot for westerners seeking winter sunshine, so by the time the package holiday flights started swarming in about 10 years ago I was in charge of security at customs. There?s not much work for my five colleagues and I ? we just lounge around a desk right in front of the exit to the car park and watch the happy holidaymakers trundle past as they head off in...

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