B la Book 2 PhoenixChapter 3
- 2 years ago
- 49
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Assembling our invasion force was proving to be a monumental headache for the allied council. For one thing we didn’t know when Oonagh’s forces were going to set the device off and the second was ensuring the various troops and suchlike we were planning to send had an objective. Dropping 50,000 or so people into hostile territory with the simple order of ‘go fight’ was a recipe for disaster as you could well expect.
“They appear to be assembling in three main camps in Normandy, Picardy and Flanders,” Morgana announced, using the English terminology for simplicity’s sake, a few days after the initial plans were laid. “The Seers have observed massive supply convoys plus an immense amount of teleport activity going on there.”
“I agree. Verenestra concurred. “Those areas appear to be from where they plan to make the main strike, though we’ve also picked up a few auxiliary camps in those regions too,” she added.
“We’ve begun smuggling a few of our people in by boat along with instructions to surround the camps and block any outgoing teleports,” Mage William stated. “These won’t be ward driven, just in case they somehow manage to spot John’s fix.”
“We’ve also prepared a few response teams just in case some of them do manage to port in here ... just in case,” Arch contributed.
“Just wish we had a date,” Vaniralla Freya who was representing Murias sighed. “Keeping our troops on full alert is not conducive to their fitness for action.”
“Same with us,” Vanir Torsenn added, representing the Æsir contingent.
“Unfortunately we can only hope it will be soon; there is little else we can do,” Morgana acknowledged.
“I suggest we simply attack once we believe their numbers justify a response,” Lochagos Gindo representing Loegria stated.
“Much as I hate the idea, as they could be setting their own trap, I have to agree with the Lochagos,” Verenestra nodded in response.
“We concur,” buzzed Chinc’lithss (as close as we could get) representing Veda.
‘Our forces would prefer to just simply go as well, ‘ piped Maurice, a Maraú-Uxuí.
There were nods and other signs of assent around the meeting area as a consensus was agreed. As soon as the Sidhe numbers justified a response, we would attack and hope to high heaven that the Sidhe weren’t simply baiting us in the hope that we would do exactly what we were going to do.
“Olmer and Dorry send their greetings, Mage Morgana, John,” Lochagos Gindo told us after the meeting adjourned and reverted to a planning phase.
“They are well?” Morgana asked.
“Very. Olmer is now Archon-elect,” Gindo replied.
“He’ll do well,” Morgana nodded.
“I believe so; he’s a damned good choice as he doesn’t really want the role anyway, just feels obliged to the magistracy and people to do his best,” Gindo chuckled.
“He’ll have Dorry to help,” I murmured. “Whether he likes it or not.”
“Oh yes indeed,” Gindo replied with a grin. “She’s already trying to persuade him to send her here to help.”
“I take it there were a few objections?” I queried with a chuckle.
“More than a few. The woman’s getting on for fifty-five,” Gindo replied with another grin. “Claimed she’d stay in the camp; got huffed when nobody believed her.”
“Well, the pair of them are a lot older than when Ketty came to office,” I noted.
“Yes. Truly a shame what happened to her and her husband. The investigation couldn’t even establish how the molecular borer got turned on. The suspicion is that some traitor seeking revenge did it, even if the enquiry put it down to a tragic accident,” Gindo sighed, revealing that Ketty’s cover story still stood.
“So we won’t be seeing Dorry then?” Morgana asked.
“Wouldn’t lay bets on it,” chuckled Gindo.
“True,” Morgana replied with a grin.
“How are things going on Loegria,” I asked out of curiosity as Brianna and I usually didn’t discuss her work.
“The confederation grows. Scoterra finally went under and the people begged for our help, as opposed to the Over-master wannabe’s,” Gindo replied.
“So, the two big islands and an alliance with Keltogalla?” I enquired.
“Yes, though Keltogalla is a full confederation member under the shield,” Gindo replied as we headed back to our various quarters.
We spent a fretful week gathering our forces and resources as our Seers, plus our eyes on the ground kept an eye on the construct as well as the encampments. It was noted that the Sidhe were for once being drilled in group tactics, rather than the mass charge kill anything that moves tactic that they were infamous for. Again though, as Arch noted, all the tactics were aimed at attack, no defensive manoeuvres were being undertaken and the hope was if we hit them hard enough they’d shatter and break, rather than dig in and hold. It was also noted that a fair few Sidhe were toting Nephilim weaponry heavily insulated to keep their skin from touching the steel parts, plus any spurious magnetic fields affecting their senses.
I had been tasked, along with Róisín, to go in with Vanir Torsenn’s Æsir and their Seiðmaðr dróttinas, now all equipped with modern ex-Soviet weaponry as well as toting a couple of axes strapped to their backs. We were joined by a few lycanthropes as well as a cadre of Nosferatu of clan Juwes. The bulk of our forces were however Sidhe under the command of Mage William. We’d also been promised backup in the way of heavy weaponry via several units of Earth forces and the use of an air arm via the Seer group should we need it.
There were also several Seers spread throughout the various groups to ensure communications were maintained and our various activities could be co-ordinated.
Word finally came that as far as our observers, both on the ground and the Seers, could tell the camps were pretty much full and the construct was near completion. The Seers had noted that a good few Daoine Sidhe were now at the construct and they surmised that my little surprise had their attention.
We all heard the order go out and the observers we had set off their anti-outward teleport wards as well as other blockers and the assembled Seers opened the undetectable portals and we hurried through to begin our mission.
The camp in Normandy that we were assigned to gave off the mental equivalent of a kicked over hornets’ nest as we had achieved our first initial objective of surprise. The Æsir Seiðmaðr dróttinas had immediately moved forward to engage the forward elements of the Sidhe encampment which wasn’t guarded at all whilst other elements set up their mortars and we Mages along with Tu’tar hurried forwards carrying four 50-cal machine guns using our power to make them and the sandbags we were carrying much lighter. The Mages and the Æsir Seiðmaðr also began supplementing the mental blocking ongoing from our forward observers.
For all their tactics and complacency were negative factors for any engagement involving Daoine Sidhe forces, you could not fault their bravery or speed of reaction. Within a minute surprise had worn off and we were under attack, nor was it a mass charge but the Sidhe were dodging forward using cover and giving each other covering fire. They were also, fortunately unsuccessfully, trying to use the Nephilim tactic of using their magic to supplement their firepower.
Where possible, the Sidhe attempted to close to close-combat range so they could use their swords. It was certainly their best tactic, though they were taking heavy losses due to our sustained fire. This was also a critical stage for us. We had to expand our bridgehead to enable Verenestra’s Sidhe to get through under some cover to enable them to engage the bulk of the Daoine Sidhe forces who had not as yet begun to engage us, though were now being roused and brought into position.
Finally we had the one of the 50-cal machine guns up that my small team of journeymen had been carrying and journeywoman Mage Emily began to add to the fire in short bursts often tearing exposed Sidhe apart and then into dust. Thus relieving some of the pressure on the Æsir who were now able to reconsolidate the position and began to put up some earthen berms to protect what we hoped would be the portal site.
Soon Emily’s fire was joined by the yammering of the other machine guns and the pressure on our position eased for a moment as the Sidhe withdrew. Yet we knew that they’d be back, they had to remove us or be forced into another humiliating withdrawal.
Some smaller portals opened and some of our auxiliary Special Forces groups pushed through, including Mage Xi who had appointed herself the team’s medic Mage simply to keep an eye on me. With her came Seer Adsila to set up communications for the group and who was able to establish contact with Morgana and the other leadership.
“She says well done to you, Vanir Torsenn. Your attack was the only one to really go to plan, though the others are now starting to get a better hold on their situations,” Adsila told me and Torsenn with a grin.
“Well, we aren’t out of the woods yet. I suspect we might just have a smarter Sidhe commander here, withdrawing is usually not in their nature,” Torsenn replied.
“I agree. We’re digging in like mad here but it’s still going to be at least an hour before the Verenestran forces can come through,” I acknowledged.
“Expect the worst, if he’s that smart he’ll alternate the attacks to keep us constantly under pressure and then punch hard with a focussed attack to breach the perimeter and get to the gate site,” Torsenn mused, then started barking out orders as we pushed a screening perimeter outwards to at least give us some warning.
We dropped down beside Róisín who was manning one of the 50-cals and started piling up sandbags around her position, also grabbing a few claymores from a pack we’d brought and handed them over to Pierre to place in front of the line we were holding. There was a mass of frantic activity going on around us as warnings came back that the Sidhe were massing and preparing to attack.
“Any chance of an air attack on this position here?” Torsenn asked Adsila pointing to a spot on the map.
Adsila’s face blanked for a second before she nodded. “Fifteen minutes.”
Apparently the Seers had the waiting A10s cruising over an unused Earth’s France and gave them the co-ordinates for the attack and then opened a portal right in front of them when the attack went in. The pilots and the command staff were sworn to secrecy and we also did a bit of mental meddling to ensure they did as well.
“They’re getting ready!” Adsila warned us of the Sidhe.
“Timing’s still good,” Torsenn replied with a nod.
The timing was nigh on perfect as the bellowing war cries of the Sidhe were cut off with a hail of missiles and depleted uranium rounds tearing their assembly area apart. What did hit us was simply the leading edge of the Sidhe attackers who had evaded the air attack and who were swiftly driven off as they hadn’t the numbers to back them up.
“Freya’s command are now starting to dig in, though they had some tough initial fighting to contend with,” Adsila announced.
“Arch’s command?” Róisín asked.
“Still clearing their area. There was a high concentration of Daoine Sidhe stationed there,” Adsila replied.
“Morgana’s commandos?” I asked.
“The combined Nosferatu/lycanthrope group are currently destroying the construct. The Daoine Sidhe fled in terror when the wolves tore five of them apart in seconds,” Adsila stated, wincing at the visual image she had been sent.
“Marja and Adok, what a combination,” I chuckled.
“Don’t forget Nell and Daniel too,” Róisín added.
“True, those Daoine Sidhe didn’t stand a chance with Morgana and Roxanne backing them up,” I replied with a grin.
At that point another portal opened and three wolves of the Lycana Belikovna strode through and moved up to join us.
“Alpha Leonova,” I greeted them warmly.
“It is good to see you, John. The call went out and honour would not allow my people not to respond,” she replied, clasping my arm warmly.
“How grows the pack?” I asked formally.
“Rapidly. Your Mage Morgana was as good as her word and all of us had twins. They are being cared for by the others who could not come. We have an agreement with the Zielona Gora Lycana for our protection, with us taking any disaffected females and they get any males of further unions should they wish to leave our pack. As a result we now stand at thirty-two,” she replied with a happy smile.
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Two days later when Kim got back from the library there was a message on the telephone answering machine. It was John, telling her there would be a guest to dinner and would she prepare an especially nice meal. She was to wear her red sheath dress and wear her hair up. She was also to wear the collar he had bought her. Rapidly she went out to the supermarket and bought salmon, some sirloin steak, vegetables and a ready-made tort for the dessert. By the time John got in, the dinner was...
It’s a funny thing, time. It dulls the senses and affects your memories. Be honest, can you truthfully say that the things you remember from twenty years ago really happened the way you remember them? Some of the memories from my youth feel as if they are in black and white, like some Saturday afternoon matinee from the 50s on an obscure satellite channel. While others are in vibrant colour and full 3D. And yet, it’s those full-colour blockbuster memories that I’m sure are the ones most...
Regina smiled broadly as she entered the secluded cabin nestled among the tall ponderosa pines. At 24, she had a considerable amount of sexual experience compared to that of the 21 year old man that she married that same morning. Their courtship had lasted nearly eight months, and although they had engaged in sex play, she had not allowed him to have intercourse with her, saying that she would only allow that with a man to whom she was married. Their sex play had consisted of everything but...
The drive home was quiet. Rho stayed with me most of the way. I asked her more questions about how to find the locket, but she couldn’t think of anything. I also asked about how to tell my family about Dad. Again, she was no help. She finally decided that she wasn’t needed and disappeared. I knew I could call her back, if for no other reason than for some company, but she wasn’t the kind of company I needed, so I drove the last half an hour alone. I pulled into the driveway only to find two...
Hi Again. This is Raj from Guwahati again with my Second story. Thanks to all for the emails to my first story. Well this incident happened around year 1999. I was19 years of age at that time but had already had sex a number of times with another lady who taught me all about sex; Which I will narrate some other time. Coming back to this incident, A few months later, a new family had come to stay near us on rent. They were 4 in the family. The man, his wife, a boy and a girl. The man had started...
"Come here, Rufus!" Jillian waved the ball at the black dog until he bounced around barking, then threw it as hard as she could. Sand flew every direction as Rufus tore after the ball arching over the beach. She'd never considered herself a dog person, but he'd grown on her over the last year. Zach was walking back towards her now with his metal detector swinging in front of him. He paused for a moment to stoop and dig in the sand before resuming his search. They'd been coming to the...
I was up there, on stage, and as usual I’d been pounding away at the guitar. This was another concert. Now first off I want to mention that I’ve been married for just under three years. As for my past…it too is history. I no longer go out searching for women as in the past but I’m still the regular attraction at the concerts. There’s only one girl for me now, a woman by the name of Suzanne. She’s my wife of course and while I’m doing it to my guitar she’s at home, across the country, taking...
She had just moved into apartment 301 in my building. I stood outside of my apartment, 303, with my neighbor Grace in apartment 302. Grace was a lesbian and had plenty of traffic coming through the building. She didn’t know but I had a habit of picking through her leftovers. I never care about a woman’s sexual past but I’ve asked who was better and let’s just say all women don’t eat pussy the best. Maybe I’ll talk about it sometime.Sam was average looking at first glance. A few inches past 5...
My Neighbor Mark.I was sitting on the floor, looking at the computer and playing with myself. I didn’t expect to see anyone here and I was dressed in my favorite all black outfit: from my 3 inch heels on my feet, black stockings held up by my black garter belt, my black bra, chemise and my cock was covered up by my small black bikini panties.I was reading some of my sucking and fucking stories and thinking how nice it would be to get my lips around a nice hard cock and I was thinking I’d jerk...
Welcome to the latest instalment. Please start reading this series from the first chapter. Thank you very much to those who have left encouraging and helpful messages. These are really appreciated showing that somebody is reading my scribblings. To date: John Smith had an injection of contaminated testosterone, causing his cock and balls to permanently enlarge. He now needs frequent sex to survive, and long term friends Sophia, Janet and Adriana, his old girl friend Glenda, co-workers...
Lisa, Bluest of Eyes, this is for you. … Loving Lisa’s Pretty Pink Pussy Petals (Part one) Tears Summer is a bitch when water is scarce. Hell, it hasn’t rained on our Western rangeland for months! If this drought doesn’t let up, I’m gonna have to start selling cattle. Damnit, this is a lot of responsibility for a guy of only twenty-one years in age! These are just some of the thoughts running through my mind as I was barreling down the long gravel road towards home. My...
Laurie got up on her hands and knees on the couch, and the spaghetti straps of her top slipped off of her shoulders. Her father just stared as her perfect teenage breasts with swollen erect nipples came into view. Something within him snapped, and he sprang into action, lunging forward and pulling her from his dick, latching his mouth around one of those nipples, and sucking on her tender tit-flesh as hard as he could. "Oh, Daddy," she moaned, holding his head to her chest as he alternated the...
IncestThursday morning, it is supposed to be Dahlia’s tern to wake me up, but she is under punishment. Instead it is Carol’s mouth I find wrapped around my cock when I wake up. Carol was my reluctant girl. I had to be careful not to push her too far. That isn’t the case anymore. Ever since the jocks tried to kill me and I fought my injuries to stay conscious and make sure she was taken care of, she has become a new woman and gave herself to me mind, body and soul. As soon as she sees my eyes open,...
Our trip to Disneyland, which I had decided would be a day long outing, turned into three days. There is, very simply, more to see than you can fit into one day. Mirwanna was hooked from the first. I got us a hotel room in Disneyland itself and we did the rides, the shows, everything. She overloaded on trying to look at everything and do everything. She was also getting hooked on TV. One night she excitedly told me a brand new episode of a show she had started watching was due out. I looked...
I was 22 and was backpacking across Europe and in Germany and still heavily closeted back home but could be free where no one knew me. I had always been curious about bath houses, so I found one in Berlin and checked in, stripped and put my towel on. I was aware I was getting glares from the many guys, but they were all older than me and I did my best not to return them as I walked around and saw the sites, but no one I was interested in. I was there maybe 3 hours and getting bored actually but...
(((((Not really an erotic story line. Just an idea for a new book so I thought I'd get feed back on how the beginning might be improved and if you think you want more...))))) Chapter OneIt was a dark and stormy night... Sorry, I know it's pretty cheesy but I've always wanted to begin a story like that. Over the years I've written many stories. Some for fun, others for money or fame. Sometimes for all three. But never have I written my story. So as cheesy as it may be, my opening is perfectly...
Mirrors By Belinda Batman and Robin have solved another caper to keep Gotham safe. Resting at their estate, they are recharging for the next caper to face the city; however, have they really solve the last one? The last continues an acient riddle amd use of ancient, lost, methods to help one of them decide an answer. Keywords: Bisexual, corsets, cheerleader, defiant, swimsuit, hair or hair salon Categories: action / adventure, accidental change, caught with consequences, fast...