First time on the beach
- 1 year ago
- 18
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I had a little girl like you once, John said.
What was her name? Debra said.
Piper. I wish I'd have gotten to know her like I know you, John said.
Was she pretty? Debra said.
Very pretty. I taught her a prayer to say before she went to sleep. Would you like to learn it?
Oh, yes! Debra said silently with emphasis.
Okay, repeat the words I say after me, John said.
'Kay, Debra said.
I love you, God, with all my might, John said.
I love you, God, with all my might, Debra said.
Keep me safe all through the night, John said.
Keep me safe all through the night, Debra said.
Amen, John said.
Amen, Debra said.
Goodnight Debra. I love you.
Goodnight John. I love you, too.
Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite.
Debra giggled and snuggled Aaron MacDonald's head on the pillow and fell asleep.
John Windom did not fall asleep. He didn't know why but he needed less sleep than his body mate. Poor little girl, she'd been so frightened, so lonely. But he'd calmed her fears; he'd chased away her loneliness. Helping Debra had given his miserable existence purpose.
At first, he'd helped her out of fear. She wouldn't eat, and the body they occupied had wasted away when it was under his control. The noxious smells emanating from dead experiments had sickened him, so he couldn't keep the food down that he'd eaten. If she didn't eat, he feared the body would die and leave Debra and him in limbo, a place he feared above all others. The new location where the PPs maintained the body they occupied was better. Neither he nor Debra could smell the rotting flesh.
He didn't know at what point he stopped helping her out of fear, but now he helped her out of love. He loved the little girl more than he'd ever loved his own daughter. Debra's happiness was more important than his own, so he spent all day everyday talking with her, helping her cope with the new situation she faced, providing small moments of joy whenever he could.
She'd told him about her mother and father, and her dog, Conk. They were gone forever, and she missed them, but she had him, and he had her. Together they reveled in those small moments of joy.
And he'd found God.
It was time for him to pray alone.
Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep; when in the morning light I wake, teach me the path of love to take.
After Debra learns the other prayer, I'll teach her this one, he said silently.
"What's the status of Aaron MacDonald, Brendon," Dr. Grant Breedlove said. The two men were enjoying an after-dinner brandy in Dr. Breedlove's den while their wives jabbered away in another room. "His case fascinates me. It isn't often that a person gets hit by lightning twice in one lifetime."
"He's eating now. I guess he became hungry enough to stop his hunger strike. It's a frustrating, confusing case, Grant. The pathology is all over the map. After the first lightning strike, he thought he'd been put in another body. He struck a nurse, breaking her nose, and hit an orderly with his fist. I questioned the personnel at County General who were involved in that altercation. I don't think he was violent then because he had violent tendencies. I think he was full of fear and was thrashing around and struck the nurse accidently. He hit the orderly because they were trying to hold him down to administer a sedative. The next day, Dr. Percy Stein placed a transfer request to ASH, but we didn't have a bed at that time. By the time we could admit him, MacDonald had ceased exhibiting any violent tendencies, and Stein rescinded the request. I spoke with Leah Mullen; she's the head nurse in the non-violent psych ward at County General. She told me that Aaron MacDonald did what he was told when he was told to do it. He was not a troublemaker, rarely even talked. Of course, they kept him heavily medicated."
"You say he's child-like now," Breedlove said, "was he regressed when he was under Mullen's care?"
"No, and from what I could determine, Dr. Stein's diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia was accurate during his stay at County General. Leah Mullen was beyond shocked when it was determined that MacDonald had raped one of her other patients. With the meds he took daily, she said that he should not have been capable of having sex. She believes he faked taking some or all of his meds for a brief time before the sexual assaults occurred. At County General he experienced hallucinations in the form of horrendous odors that made him sick. He vomited almost every day and was losing weight at an alarming rate. As you know, hallucinations are one of a number of indications of schizophrenia. Since he's been under my care, I've seen no evidence of any hallucinations, and he hasn't thrown up. When I first observed him, he was just plain terrified, Brendon, afraid of everyone and everything, but his fear has lessened every day. I can't communicate with him. At first he spoke three words: mama, papa, and conk. Now, he won't speak to me at all. He's like a child who's been taken from his parents and wants to go home but can't tell you where home is, or even his name. I still don't know what he meant when he said conk."
"Is he capable of doing harm to himself or others?"
"As frightened as he is sometimes, that's possible. He could strike out like a terrified, cornered animal."
"Have you tried hypnosis?"
"I have. In his regressed state, hypnosis isn't possible."
"From what you've said tonight and during our staff meetings, his pathology at County General came about after the first time he was struck by lightning, and his pathology now was the result of the second strike. Were MRIs ordered?"
"Yes, both at County General and at my orders at ASH. No lesions indicating brain damage from the lightning strikes were evident in either scan."
"Interesting. If you could communicate with him, his case would be the makings of an interesting monograph," Breedlove said.
"Yes, it would," Uris replied.
Sedona evolved from a small agricultural community into an artist's colony and a tourist magnet. I'd read somewhere that over 40 art galleries opened their doors to the tourists attracted to the fiery-hued rock formations surrounding Sedona, and I had yet to visit one of them. So, after I filled the grocery shopping list Mom had given me to replenish the larder at the inn, I decided to take a quick gander at a few galleries not only because I enjoyed looking at fine art but also with the aim of locating a gallery whose style my watercolor paintings might compliment. To that end, I drove to Tlaquepaque Arts and Crafts Village.
I parked in a lot located on the southwest corner of the village next to Oak Creek, and walked toward a narrow opening between two two-story structures than I assumed would give me entrance to the courtyard of the shopping village. As I approached the opening at an angle, a young woman ran out through the opening and almost ran into me. With a terrified yelp, she dodged to the right and ran like a frightened animal. That's when I saw an older man run out of the opening. Unfortunately when the woman darted right, she had narrowed the distance from the opening and the man chasing her, and in just a few strides, he caught her.
Don't get involved, I told myself. For all you know, the woman is a pickpocket. If he doesn't hurt her...
He hurt her. He slammed his fist into her stomach, knocking all the wind out of her. Gasping, she fell to the ground.
"Hey!" I yelled as I ran toward the man. "Stop that!"
He ignored me, reared back and kicked the woman. That did it for me. He didn't stop, so I stopped him. My boot to the side of his knee took him to the ground where he writhed in pain, holding his injured knee and cursing me, using the vilest language I'd heard since I took over Debra's body.
I opened my cell phone and dialed 911, gave the operator my name and location, quickly described what I'd witnessed and what I did, and asked her to send the police and an ambulance.
"You broke my leg! I'll sue you, you crazy bitch. I'll fucking sue you!" the man wailed.
I said nothing. The young woman had gotten her wind back and was sitting up holding her ribs. I walked over to her. "Are your ribs broken?" I asked.
"I ... I don't know. It hurts to breathe," she said.
She was drop-dead gorgeous, about my age, my age as Debra Oakman, that is. Dark hair and eyes, like me, and that's where the resemblance ended. She was a small woman, size four, maybe, with a killer little body, and a lot of her body was displayed. She wore a mini-skirt and a halter top that revealed her bellybutton. She wore jewelry in the bellybutton.
"What is your name?" I asked.
"Marlene Heston," she said.
"And who is the man?" I inquired.
"Dale Tremont, my step-father," she said.
Argh, a domestic dispute. Just what I need. "Why did he assault you?"
She said nothing.
"I've called for the police and an ambulance," I said. "He assaulted you. I witnessed the assault. You can press charges and make them stick."
She shook her head. "I won't do that," she said.
"Fine by me. I'll press the assault charge, then," I said.
"Fucking bitch!" the man yelled. "I'll fucking kill you!"
I grimaced. "Your step-father, Marlene, has a limited vocabulary," I said.
She tried not to laugh but couldn't stop herself, and when she laughed, she gasped with pain.
A police cruiser entered the parking lot. No siren, no lights.
"The police are here, Marlene. Are you sure you won't press charges?"
"I live with him and my mother, a living arrangement I was trying to end. I had a job." She nodded toward the village. "A sales clerk in a boutique. With the ruckus he made, the job is probably history. No money. No place to go."
"A friend's house? Somewhere, anywhere?" I said. "If you return home, he'll beat you again."
She said nothing.
"Are you a minor?" I asked.
"No, I'm eighteen," she said. "Who are you?"
"Debra Oakman," I said as two uniformed police officer's walked up to us.
"Arrest that woman," the man said, pointing at me. "She assaulted me. Isn't that right, Marlene?"
Marlene snorted. "Yeah, right," she said sarcastically.
The ambulance arrived, its siren dying with a forlorn sound as it entered the parking lot.
"I called 911," I said as I pulled one of the police officers a few steps away so I could speak privately with him. I told him my name, and what I saw, as well as what I did. "I feared for the young woman's life, Officer," I said, "so I stopped the bully by kicking the side of his knee. He might have a broken leg, but I doubt it. The young woman might have cracked or broken ribs from when he kicked her, so I also asked the 911 operator to send an ambulance. I witnessed the man assaulting the young woman, and I want him arrested for assault."
"Are you sure?" the officer said. "Do you know who that man is?"
"Marlene, the injured girl, told me he was her step-father. His name is Dale Tremont. He's a coward and a bully. That's all I know about him," I said. "I want to press charges."
He shrugged and said, "All right. Will his step-daughter press charges?"
"She says no," I said and then listed the reasons Marlene had given me to explain her refusal to charge him with assault. "You asked me if I knew Tremont as if I should. Why should I know him?"
"Do you live in Sedona?" he asked.
"I do."
"You don't keep up with local politics, do you?"
"I don't," I said.
"Mr. Tremont is on the City Council," he said.
I didn't like it that he referred to Tremont with the Mister honorific.
"So what? I'm a taxpayer. Mr. Tremont works for me," I said.
He chuckled. "You're gutsy, I'll give you that."
His partner walked over to us. He'd been speaking with Mr. Tremont. "Hal," the officer said, "Councilman Tremont wants this woman arrested for assaulting him."
"And this young woman wants to press assault charges against Councilman Tremont for assaulting his step-daughter," Hal said. "Did you talk to the step-daughter?"
"She's not talking," the other officer said.
"Then it's a he said/she said situation," Hal said.
"That's my take on the situation."
I laughed wickedly and said, "Afraid for your jobs, huh?"
"Watch your lip, young lady," the unnamed officer said.
"If Councilman Tremont doesn't press charges against you, will you do likewise?" Hal asked me.
"Let's talk to Marlene," I said.
The EMTs were busy with the councilman, but when he saw us approaching him and his step-daughter, he pushed one of the EMTs out of the way, and shouted, "Why isn't that bitch cuffed, Craig? I told you to arrest her!"
Ah, I had a name for the other officer. Officer Craig peeled off to talk with Tremont again, while Officer Hal and I stepped up to Marlene.
"Don't say a word, Marlene!" Tremont yelled. "Not one fucking word!"
"How did a man like that get elected to the City Council, Officer Hal," I said.
He said nothing, trying and almost succeeding to suppress a smile.
"I'd guess he fooled some of the people some of the time, and that along with a shit-pot full of money was sufficient to get him elected," I said.
Hal snorted to swallow a laugh.
"How ya doin', Marlene?" I said.
"I'm hurting," she said.
"These police officers are going to arrest me if you remain silent," I said.
She looked at Hal. "Don't arrest her," she said. "If you do, you'll be making a mistake."
"Shut the fuck up, Marlene," Tremont bellowed.
Marlene shut the fuck up. We couldn't get another word out of her.
Tremont didn't shut the fuck up, but the EMTs were ready to load him into the ambulance, which they proceeded to do. He continued to curse me while they pushed the gurney toward the ambulance.
"Don't press charges," Marlene said to me. "If you do, he'll press charges against you, and you won't win."
"I'd win if you told the truth, Marlene," I said.
She said nothing.
"The truth will set you free, Marlene," I said.
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Premium Black Porn SitesThere had been plenty of activity in the valley over the previous few days. Freddie decided that it was time to find out a bit more about what was going on and found his way down from the road and onto the site. Bethany was sitting to one side of the valley, puzzling over a plan of the site. Clegg waved a greeting. She beckoned him across. "Good morning," he called. "Hi," said Bethany. "Checking up on us?" "Just interested to see if you've found your temple or tombs or whatever it...
Title: BlindfoldedRating: NC17Summary: Someone breaks into Jan's house.Jan had had a very rough day. Complaint after complaint at the store today.He wondered why he was still doing that work when he could be doing something else entirely different if he just pushed himself hard enough to actually pursue a career like that.Now he could finally relax and go to bed. Or so he thought...After a much needed shower where he decided not think about her or anyone else for that matter, he had dinner and...
“Thank you,” I blushed, running my hands down my sides. “To be honest, when I saw the dress on the bed I had my doubts about whether I’d even be able to get in it, let alone be able to wear it. But, it does make me feel really, really sexy.” “You ARE really, really sexy,” Kathy laughed. “With those legs and that body? You’re definitely one of the sexiest women in town.” She moved closer and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. “I love you so much,” she whispered. “It’s so wonderful being...
“GUY! Did you feel her hard body?” “I felt her huge, firm breasts pressed against my chest. Is that what you mean?” “NO! Ms. Naomi Murdoch’s body is hard as your body, and she’s Mom’s age, or older. No wonder her titties stand so high and proud on her chest. She must workout all the time, as tight and muscular as her back and buttocks are.” “Did you really feel of her butt? I wanted to, but I knew that was way too brave, at least, for a first hug, and I didn’t want to mess it up for us...
Hi people, writing story in ISS is always a pleasure. This story is the third part of my stories, “Horny mom seduced and fucked son” and “Threesome with mom and friend”. In this story my mom seduced and fucked two of my closest friends as they were leaving town. Unfortunately, I am not there this time. I was busy watching them from the other room because my mom didn’t want my friends to feel awkward. Coming to the story… My mom and I used to have sex on a regular basis as you would know....
Chapter X George woke up full of welts, and itching all over. His back and neck were stiff from sleeping hunched over. He scrunched up his face, and could feel the dried salt on his cheeks. He rubbed his chin and cheeks with his right hand as he turned his left arm toward the light filtering through the front window, and peered at his watch. It said 3:15. He got up and walked into the house as he tipped the bottle up and chugged his now warm beer. He set the empty bottle on the kitchen...
NovelsHe was busy while I was out of country for my job. As to the nature of his business it was of the shopping variety. He sent out ads, posted messages with previous contacts and asked around. In the end he had found four guys. All four were shown my video’s on my profile and agreed to his plan. Me not having any idea what he was doing back in the states, couldn’t wait to get home. I arrived in the morning. Not sure what to do with myself I checked my XHamster account and found four new...
From the endless abyssal void that abides without the boundaries of our universe, the mad, dead and dying deities of old reside, as they slowly lose themselves to the infinite darkness. From this space, a single whisper sounded. It was in a voice that could once have boomed with such strength that it could shake the will of even the strongest of spirit, and yet now it sounded soft, frail, yet still demanding. "For good or for ill, let my final breath convey the power remaining within me to one...
FantasyI'm 20 years old and i've been going out with my girlfriend for 14 months. Things are cool, but since the first day I met her younger sister Caroline, I have had a dream of having sex with her. Caroline is 18 years old and has the body of a godess. She has long brown hair, and a nice ass, not too big but not too small. Anyways, 2 weeks ago, I arrived at my girlfriend's house at 1:00 p.m. after school, but she doesn't finish school until 5:00 p.m. so I made myself at home until suddenly her...
IncestSexy wife Jamie is getting wetter by the second as she slips off her dress while the bull her husband sent over Scotty waits outside the bedroom door. Jamie greets him in her silky blue panties and leads Scotty the way into her hot hungry mouth with his bulging hard black cock. Jamie chokes down on his meat enjoying every inch crammed down her throat before she hops on top of her gifted bbc and rides that cock hard. Now Scotty puts her on all fours and fucks her sweet white ass hard and pours...
xmoviesforyouIt’s not every day that one comes home to find a beautiful stranger hanging around the house. I was so taken aback when I came in that nearly walked right back out. I certainly double checked the front door and view outside to confirm that I was, indeed, walking into the correct house. “Uh, hello,” I muttered, suavely, to the pretty young lady who had been sitting on the living room couch until I opened the door. She was getting up to greet me. As she crossed the room I took in her features....
IncestKendra James’s friend, Penny Barber, is coming over for a visit, so Kendra wants the house to look spotless. Kendra instructs her stepdaughter, Kimmy Kimm, to tidy up the living room, but Kimmy complains. Kendra reminds Kimmy of the agreement they made last semester: if Kimmy didn’t improve her grades, Kimmy would have to do chores for a full WEEK. On top of that, Kendra would have free reign to get frisky with Kimmy as she cleans. Although Kimmy rolls her eyes, she knows how...
xmoviesforyouArriving in my hotel after the long flight from Europe, I suddenly found myself feeling very horny. I needed some relief. Maybe a shower would help, I thought to myself as I stripped away my traveling outfit. My skirt slipped down my legs and pooled at my feet. I stepped free, my already bare feet slipping carelessly away from the skirt. I took a few steps toward the bathroom as I unbuttoned the white, just almost see-through blouse. It was on the floor just in front of the door to the...
Cassie sat nervously in the waiting room waiting for her name to be called. She was at the gyno, wich she hated. She went to one a year ago on her 18th birthday and it was terrible. She wouldnt have gone again but her college requires all students to be o. Health insurance and she was on her asshole stepdad’s insurance plan. And of course they required a full physical and gyno exam and of course the deadline for all of it was today. She was shocked into a rare silence when the receptionist told...
FetishTHE GAME by JASON PART I:"AKA" The boy was beautiful. There was no otherword for it. Blond and broad-shouldered, he stood leaning over the sink inorder to get a better look at his perfectly featured face, apparently concernedthat the mirror might reveal a blemish on what appeared to be an otherwisetotally clear chin. His back had gone taut, the skin flawlessly smooth acrossa flexible, stretching spine. Well-worn denim--he had on nothing but a pairof tight jeans--gripped his hips as he went up...
The day of Revelation I was sitting at my Grandfathers desk when Raymond Shari entered Followed by an older version of him self. Who he introduced as Raymond Shari Senior. The Senior partner at the firm and my Grandfathers personal lawyer for the past thirty years. Sue served coffee to us and I told her to leave the tray and to close the door on her way out. When the door was closed I stood and allowed Raymond Sr. to sit at the desk. He opened his briefcase and began removing file...
After the bar, Kira and I crashed in the barn at my aunt’s house. Years ago, my Uncle Tim fixed the barn up for me, he said a girl always needed a place to hide. I loved spending nights in the barn as a child. From the outside, you would think there were horses inside. When you step inside, the light colored pink walls with black trim kind of pop out at you, black and pink were always my favorite colors. The room was large, set up like a bedroom. I had a T.V., couch and a small bathroom. The...
So I guess it all started in the shower, as these stories sometimes do. You see I live in a house with my wife, child and sister in law. That came about because we took over the bills and house when her parents moved out of state last month. In this house the bathroom door does not shut all the way, a little crack is left open though you can’t see anything through it, as there is a wall in the way. So in better description you would open the door to an immediate wall on the right going...
Futa Society is an alternate reality where futa exist as a predominant third gender. For those unfamiliar, a futanari is a person with the aesthetic of a woman, however having male and female genetalia. Nonetheless, this world is the same as ours besides this fact. Typically futanari have cocks bigger than men, measuring on average between 8 to 16 inches erect. At the same time, a futanari has far more testosterone in them than men, making them more horny and more willing to have sex with...
TranssexualNaan vilupurathil vasithu varugiren, enathu peyar Vijai naan samiba kaalamaaga intha inaiya thalathil kaama kathaigal padithu varugiren. Enathu vaazhvil nadantha sila unmai kathaigalai naan ungaluku solla aasai padugiren. Neengal kandipaga enathu padithu rasipeegal endra namikai udan kathaiyai thudangugiren. Naangal ingu niraiya vibachaaigalai sex seithu oopom, en vayathu ippozhuthu 25 aagugirathu. Perunthu nilaiyathirku arugil irupathaal, niraiya vibacharigalai thinamum paarthu matter...
And these are from RabbiRabbit. She was standing in, the kitchen preparing our usual soft-boiled eggs and toast for breakfast, wearing only the t-shirt that she normally slept in. As I walked in, almost awake, she turned to me and said softly, "You've got to make love to me this very moment!" My eyes lit up and I thought, "I am either still dreaming or this is going to be my lucky day!" Not wanting to lose the moment, I embraced her and then gave it my all; right there on the...
This is a work of pure fiction. A Chance Encounter Business trips always seem to be glamorous, you get to see so many parts of the world and you visit so many cities and sights. You also spend a lot of time in airport terminals doing absolutely nothing, and you spend a great deal of time eating and drinking by yourself even in nice restaurants. This business trip was to be no different. At the end of the month I found myself on a plane bound for Toronto. It would be a two, maybe three day...