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I had a little girl like you once, John said.

What was her name? Debra said.

Piper. I wish I'd have gotten to know her like I know you, John said.

Was she pretty? Debra said.

Very pretty. I taught her a prayer to say before she went to sleep. Would you like to learn it?

Oh, yes! Debra said silently with emphasis.

Okay, repeat the words I say after me, John said.

'Kay, Debra said.

I love you, God, with all my might, John said.

I love you, God, with all my might, Debra said.

Keep me safe all through the night, John said.

Keep me safe all through the night, Debra said.

Amen, John said.

Amen, Debra said.

Goodnight Debra. I love you.

Goodnight John. I love you, too.

Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite.

Debra giggled and snuggled Aaron MacDonald's head on the pillow and fell asleep.

John Windom did not fall asleep. He didn't know why but he needed less sleep than his body mate. Poor little girl, she'd been so frightened, so lonely. But he'd calmed her fears; he'd chased away her loneliness. Helping Debra had given his miserable existence purpose.

At first, he'd helped her out of fear. She wouldn't eat, and the body they occupied had wasted away when it was under his control. The noxious smells emanating from dead experiments had sickened him, so he couldn't keep the food down that he'd eaten. If she didn't eat, he feared the body would die and leave Debra and him in limbo, a place he feared above all others. The new location where the PPs maintained the body they occupied was better. Neither he nor Debra could smell the rotting flesh.

He didn't know at what point he stopped helping her out of fear, but now he helped her out of love. He loved the little girl more than he'd ever loved his own daughter. Debra's happiness was more important than his own, so he spent all day everyday talking with her, helping her cope with the new situation she faced, providing small moments of joy whenever he could.

She'd told him about her mother and father, and her dog, Conk. They were gone forever, and she missed them, but she had him, and he had her. Together they reveled in those small moments of joy.

And he'd found God.

It was time for him to pray alone.

Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep; when in the morning light I wake, teach me the path of love to take.


After Debra learns the other prayer, I'll teach her this one, he said silently.

"What's the status of Aaron MacDonald, Brendon," Dr. Grant Breedlove said. The two men were enjoying an after-dinner brandy in Dr. Breedlove's den while their wives jabbered away in another room. "His case fascinates me. It isn't often that a person gets hit by lightning twice in one lifetime."

"He's eating now. I guess he became hungry enough to stop his hunger strike. It's a frustrating, confusing case, Grant. The pathology is all over the map. After the first lightning strike, he thought he'd been put in another body. He struck a nurse, breaking her nose, and hit an orderly with his fist. I questioned the personnel at County General who were involved in that altercation. I don't think he was violent then because he had violent tendencies. I think he was full of fear and was thrashing around and struck the nurse accidently. He hit the orderly because they were trying to hold him down to administer a sedative. The next day, Dr. Percy Stein placed a transfer request to ASH, but we didn't have a bed at that time. By the time we could admit him, MacDonald had ceased exhibiting any violent tendencies, and Stein rescinded the request. I spoke with Leah Mullen; she's the head nurse in the non-violent psych ward at County General. She told me that Aaron MacDonald did what he was told when he was told to do it. He was not a troublemaker, rarely even talked. Of course, they kept him heavily medicated."

"You say he's child-like now," Breedlove said, "was he regressed when he was under Mullen's care?"

"No, and from what I could determine, Dr. Stein's diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia was accurate during his stay at County General. Leah Mullen was beyond shocked when it was determined that MacDonald had raped one of her other patients. With the meds he took daily, she said that he should not have been capable of having sex. She believes he faked taking some or all of his meds for a brief time before the sexual assaults occurred. At County General he experienced hallucinations in the form of horrendous odors that made him sick. He vomited almost every day and was losing weight at an alarming rate. As you know, hallucinations are one of a number of indications of schizophrenia. Since he's been under my care, I've seen no evidence of any hallucinations, and he hasn't thrown up. When I first observed him, he was just plain terrified, Brendon, afraid of everyone and everything, but his fear has lessened every day. I can't communicate with him. At first he spoke three words: mama, papa, and conk. Now, he won't speak to me at all. He's like a child who's been taken from his parents and wants to go home but can't tell you where home is, or even his name. I still don't know what he meant when he said conk."

"Is he capable of doing harm to himself or others?"

"As frightened as he is sometimes, that's possible. He could strike out like a terrified, cornered animal."

"Have you tried hypnosis?"

"I have. In his regressed state, hypnosis isn't possible."

"From what you've said tonight and during our staff meetings, his pathology at County General came about after the first time he was struck by lightning, and his pathology now was the result of the second strike. Were MRIs ordered?"

"Yes, both at County General and at my orders at ASH. No lesions indicating brain damage from the lightning strikes were evident in either scan."

"Interesting. If you could communicate with him, his case would be the makings of an interesting monograph," Breedlove said.

"Yes, it would," Uris replied.

Sedona evolved from a small agricultural community into an artist's colony and a tourist magnet. I'd read somewhere that over 40 art galleries opened their doors to the tourists attracted to the fiery-hued rock formations surrounding Sedona, and I had yet to visit one of them. So, after I filled the grocery shopping list Mom had given me to replenish the larder at the inn, I decided to take a quick gander at a few galleries not only because I enjoyed looking at fine art but also with the aim of locating a gallery whose style my watercolor paintings might compliment. To that end, I drove to Tlaquepaque Arts and Crafts Village.

I parked in a lot located on the southwest corner of the village next to Oak Creek, and walked toward a narrow opening between two two-story structures than I assumed would give me entrance to the courtyard of the shopping village. As I approached the opening at an angle, a young woman ran out through the opening and almost ran into me. With a terrified yelp, she dodged to the right and ran like a frightened animal. That's when I saw an older man run out of the opening. Unfortunately when the woman darted right, she had narrowed the distance from the opening and the man chasing her, and in just a few strides, he caught her.

Don't get involved, I told myself. For all you know, the woman is a pickpocket. If he doesn't hurt her...

He hurt her. He slammed his fist into her stomach, knocking all the wind out of her. Gasping, she fell to the ground.

"Hey!" I yelled as I ran toward the man. "Stop that!"

He ignored me, reared back and kicked the woman. That did it for me. He didn't stop, so I stopped him. My boot to the side of his knee took him to the ground where he writhed in pain, holding his injured knee and cursing me, using the vilest language I'd heard since I took over Debra's body.

I opened my cell phone and dialed 911, gave the operator my name and location, quickly described what I'd witnessed and what I did, and asked her to send the police and an ambulance.

"You broke my leg! I'll sue you, you crazy bitch. I'll fucking sue you!" the man wailed.

I said nothing. The young woman had gotten her wind back and was sitting up holding her ribs. I walked over to her. "Are your ribs broken?" I asked.

"I ... I don't know. It hurts to breathe," she said.

She was drop-dead gorgeous, about my age, my age as Debra Oakman, that is. Dark hair and eyes, like me, and that's where the resemblance ended. She was a small woman, size four, maybe, with a killer little body, and a lot of her body was displayed. She wore a mini-skirt and a halter top that revealed her bellybutton. She wore jewelry in the bellybutton.

"What is your name?" I asked.

"Marlene Heston," she said.

"And who is the man?" I inquired.

"Dale Tremont, my step-father," she said.

Argh, a domestic dispute. Just what I need. "Why did he assault you?"

She said nothing.

"I've called for the police and an ambulance," I said. "He assaulted you. I witnessed the assault. You can press charges and make them stick."

She shook her head. "I won't do that," she said.

"Fine by me. I'll press the assault charge, then," I said.

"Fucking bitch!" the man yelled. "I'll fucking kill you!"

I grimaced. "Your step-father, Marlene, has a limited vocabulary," I said.

She tried not to laugh but couldn't stop herself, and when she laughed, she gasped with pain.

A police cruiser entered the parking lot. No siren, no lights.

"The police are here, Marlene. Are you sure you won't press charges?"

"I live with him and my mother, a living arrangement I was trying to end. I had a job." She nodded toward the village. "A sales clerk in a boutique. With the ruckus he made, the job is probably history. No money. No place to go."

"A friend's house? Somewhere, anywhere?" I said. "If you return home, he'll beat you again."

She said nothing.

"Are you a minor?" I asked.

"No, I'm eighteen," she said. "Who are you?"

"Debra Oakman," I said as two uniformed police officer's walked up to us.

"Arrest that woman," the man said, pointing at me. "She assaulted me. Isn't that right, Marlene?"

Marlene snorted. "Yeah, right," she said sarcastically.

The ambulance arrived, its siren dying with a forlorn sound as it entered the parking lot.

"I called 911," I said as I pulled one of the police officers a few steps away so I could speak privately with him. I told him my name, and what I saw, as well as what I did. "I feared for the young woman's life, Officer," I said, "so I stopped the bully by kicking the side of his knee. He might have a broken leg, but I doubt it. The young woman might have cracked or broken ribs from when he kicked her, so I also asked the 911 operator to send an ambulance. I witnessed the man assaulting the young woman, and I want him arrested for assault."

"Are you sure?" the officer said. "Do you know who that man is?"

"Marlene, the injured girl, told me he was her step-father. His name is Dale Tremont. He's a coward and a bully. That's all I know about him," I said. "I want to press charges."

He shrugged and said, "All right. Will his step-daughter press charges?"

"She says no," I said and then listed the reasons Marlene had given me to explain her refusal to charge him with assault. "You asked me if I knew Tremont as if I should. Why should I know him?"

"Do you live in Sedona?" he asked.

"I do."

"You don't keep up with local politics, do you?"

"I don't," I said.

"Mr. Tremont is on the City Council," he said.

I didn't like it that he referred to Tremont with the Mister honorific.

"So what? I'm a taxpayer. Mr. Tremont works for me," I said.

He chuckled. "You're gutsy, I'll give you that."

His partner walked over to us. He'd been speaking with Mr. Tremont. "Hal," the officer said, "Councilman Tremont wants this woman arrested for assaulting him."

"And this young woman wants to press assault charges against Councilman Tremont for assaulting his step-daughter," Hal said. "Did you talk to the step-daughter?"

"She's not talking," the other officer said.

"Then it's a he said/she said situation," Hal said.

"That's my take on the situation."

I laughed wickedly and said, "Afraid for your jobs, huh?"

"Watch your lip, young lady," the unnamed officer said.

"If Councilman Tremont doesn't press charges against you, will you do likewise?" Hal asked me.

"Let's talk to Marlene," I said.

The EMTs were busy with the councilman, but when he saw us approaching him and his step-daughter, he pushed one of the EMTs out of the way, and shouted, "Why isn't that bitch cuffed, Craig? I told you to arrest her!"

Ah, I had a name for the other officer. Officer Craig peeled off to talk with Tremont again, while Officer Hal and I stepped up to Marlene.

"Don't say a word, Marlene!" Tremont yelled. "Not one fucking word!"

"How did a man like that get elected to the City Council, Officer Hal," I said.

He said nothing, trying and almost succeeding to suppress a smile.

"I'd guess he fooled some of the people some of the time, and that along with a shit-pot full of money was sufficient to get him elected," I said.

Hal snorted to swallow a laugh.

"How ya doin', Marlene?" I said.

"I'm hurting," she said.

"These police officers are going to arrest me if you remain silent," I said.

She looked at Hal. "Don't arrest her," she said. "If you do, you'll be making a mistake."

"Shut the fuck up, Marlene," Tremont bellowed.

Marlene shut the fuck up. We couldn't get another word out of her.

Tremont didn't shut the fuck up, but the EMTs were ready to load him into the ambulance, which they proceeded to do. He continued to curse me while they pushed the gurney toward the ambulance.

"Don't press charges," Marlene said to me. "If you do, he'll press charges against you, and you won't win."

"I'd win if you told the truth, Marlene," I said.

She said nothing.

"The truth will set you free, Marlene," I said.

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Carter Cruise is in the bathroom, dolling herself up for the day. She looks incredible naked, having just finished doing her hair and her makeup. She puts on a blue sexy sports bikini and looks in the mirror. It really accentuates her blue eyes. She hears a knock at the door and finishes getting dressed quickly. When she answers, there’s a woman warning her about some peeping mom who’s been playing peekaboo with the neighborhood. When she asks if this is a joke, her neighbor tells...

4 years ago
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The Hole in One

The Hole in One Gerrard was lost in thought as he drove to the course. What had happened? Where had the years gone? What about all the promise he had shown? He knew damn fine what. He’d bottled it, that’s what. Whenever he got the chance he’d lost his nerve. So now he was an aging pro giving lessons to old duffers knowing full well he’d never realised his potential and was doomed to carry on as he had been for the last eighteen years. He couldn’t help but feel bitter. Today he’d been booked to...

4 years ago
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My Blackmailed Wife

]My wife is 65 years old but still very beautiful and fit. she is 36c and still has a full bush. sexually she is as good as she ever was. although very sexy she had never been with another man. then about 2 years ago I had gotten into limewire for music downloading. my computer was open for others to download songs from me also. what I didn't know was that if you did a search of a persons computer you could search picture files also if you typed in jpg. I had a file on my computer with nude...

1 year ago
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Sound Of Bounce

-1- How often does someone wake-up with a huge, shit eating, split the corners of your mouth, swallowed the canary, Cheshire Cat grin and really know they’re doing it? This was the first thing on Kylie’s mind as she felt that slight headache a person gets when they begin to become conscious while keeping their eyes shut. It was that waking from a deep and dead sleep while refusing to open your eyes a person did when they wanted that sleep to come back and last a little bit longer, even though...

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Skipper Chapter Three

Skipper, Chapter 3 - By: Beverly Taff I arrived home in the early afternoon and stopped by at the local supermarket to restock. That night I indulged myself and savoured a delightful night in my brand new silky sleep suite. It was a beautiful royal blue long legged all-in-one with delightful lacy details at the ankles and sleeves. I had ordered it a few weeks earlier from a specialist shop in London and collected it that morning. It came with an accompanying, matching peignoir and I...

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theatre and older luvy

I used to work in a theatre, selling programmes, drinks, ice creams and helping out with whatever needed doing around the place. After every the final show of every run there was a ‘last night party’, the bar stayed open and the drinks flowed. In one particular show there was an older gay man in one of the roles. He was in his early sixties I guess and rather portly with a large belly and double chin. He was good fun and I'd got to know him a little bit during the run, telling him often that he...

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The Heat From Within

It was a rather rainy Saturday afternoon, as Mike was making his trek homeward. He had stopped off to get some fuel in a little town just south of Fresno. He was in somewhat of a rush to get home to Roseburg Oregon. His step-daughter’s 16th birthday was in two days. She was staying at his friends house while his wife was consoling her older sister in Seattle. husband had left her for a 23 year old intern at his law firm. Mike knew the trek home was at least another 14 hours. That would put him...

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The Proxy Maid

Dear readers, the conversations of the story obviously were in ‘Bangla’, some places I have used ‘Bangla’ as happened and translated into ‘English’, otherwise I have tried to use translated English. My regular readers may remember my old maid whom I fucked recently by blackmailing her to let her steal some money. She was still working in my house and in the last October she wanted one week leave to go for nursing her ailing mother who was about 95 years of old. We didn’t impede her to go as her...

2 years ago
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My sister got gangbanged

Few months went by Randy was keen on having a piece of my sister. I told him that i was going away on a business meeting for a week and asked him to look after my sister incase she needed anything. Now i was pretty worried because this was the first time my sister was to be alone, and i trusted Randy. A bit about Randy, he was in his late 40s. He was a tall guy and was really intimidating. He was really hairy and had a beard. He worked out and was strong hunky guy. This was an opportunity...

4 years ago
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Company Vacation

Finding a willing slut was easy in this time and age, thanks to the internet. Boring as well, even though sometimes certainly a good way to blow off steam.But seeing his cute coworkers transform into sex crazed b**sts on a company vacation the moment their bosses were out of sight was a completely different thing, he could definitely get behind that. They were just a small group of three chicks and him who had stepped out of the bus, walked three miles in the hottest sun imaginable and finally...

2 years ago
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The Ring of Desire Chapter 3

Chapter 3 “Daniel Panks, where have you been! Lessons started 10 minutes ago!” When I entered the classroom, 19 heads turned towards the door and looked at me. In front of the blackboard, the teacher stared at me angrily. “I'm sorry, Mrs. North. I had to take care of something personal. That isn't a problem, right?” Mrs. North's face relaxed and she simply pointed towards my chair. “Well, no, but.... just sit down so we can continue” “Yes, Mrs. North!” I walked...

2 years ago
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Me And Her

Well, it was just us. Yes, it was just us one fine day. It all started off with questioning each other, exactly there starts the imagination. I took a step forward where as she went back, the room was so silent in no time only heavy breathing I could hear. Went towards her and planted a beautiful kiss on her forehead holding her face sideways, her breathing started to become heavier there she pushed me and went away. But I know this is just not the end, I followed her, surprised her by a hug...

3 years ago
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My Descent Into Being a DogslutChapter 3

Lockdown has been a pain. Thank god for Bruno, our pet dog, and for the fact that I am now very comfortable in the role of his ‘bitch’ and very comfortable with the fact I enjoy, yes enjoy, fucking him. Never thought I would, was always a fantasy but I’m glad we have taken the plunge and I love my threesomes with him and my husband now ... and will undoubtedly be fucking with him on my own from time to time as well! Two weeks ago I became an utter cumslut for the day. I had woken up late...

2 years ago
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My Experience As A Home Tutor Part 8211 2

Hello friends, this is prem again. Thnq for ur response & comments to my previous stories. This is a continued story of “My experience as a home tutor part-1” For those who don’t know me. Let me introduce my self, my name is prem & I am from Hyderabad. I am 24 years above avg guy with a tool which can satisfy all the ladies need. Any girls ladies & aunties who r unsatisfied in Hyderabad can contact me on my id 100% privacy & safety guaranteed. Now coming to the story, Aa roju radha ni...

4 years ago
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Three to Get Ready

Warning: This story does NOT include sex of any kind. However, it is an intro to a story that does include MMF sex. If you’re bored by the non-sex, or if you’re not into MMF, this is where you leave the page. If you read this story and are interested in knowing what happens next, go ahead and leave me a comment. =========================== Three to Get Ready =========================== Sylvia sighed and stared into her cup of coffee, idly rubbing the backs of her fingers across her...

4 years ago
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Me And My Younger Cousin

Hello everyone, this is Akhil. I’m 19 years old from Bangalore. I have been reading stories here on iss for a long time now but never got a chance to write one. This is first sex story here on iss. This happened 6 months back when I went to my native for attending a family function. A little about myself, I’m 5’11, not so fit I’m more on the feminine side. I am a little fat and have a curvy body. I’m bisexual. I have many cousin brothers and sisters and they all live together in a big house in...

Gay Male
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Hijabi to Whore Part 4 Iqra goes Public

Iqra woke up to the noise of her sister banging on her room door"Wake up It's already past noon" She shouted"I'm up" Iqra shouted backShe finally opened her eyes and got out of the bed. It had been a rough week and it everytime was like when she had her periods but this time it was different as because of those stupid periods she couldn't have sex so it made her even grumpier than she would normally be but it was about to change today as her periods ended. She was pissed that they continued...

1 year ago
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FilthyPOV Cadence Lux Birthday Sex From My Hot StepSister Cadence

I was bummed out my birthday this year, turning 21 was supposed to be cool but I didn’t get any pussy. My step-sister Cadence came home from college to surprise me for my birthday. She heard I have been bummed out lately since I broke up with my girlfriend. Cadence quickly realizes that balloons aren’t the thing that is gonna cheer me up. We always flirt with each other but we are only kidding around, even though she is my step-sister we are still family but I could not help myself...

3 years ago
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From a Triathlon to a Biathlon threeway part 1

From a Triathlon to a Biathlon three-way (part 1) Danielle is my trainer. To say she is hot is an understatement. She’s about 5’ 7-8”, great ass, not a lot in the breast area but a really gorgeous face with a great ass, (I guess I already said she has a great ass didn’t I?) and she is about 20 yrs. younger than me also. Plus, she went to the Caribbean and came back with a banging tan. She does triathlons and has a personal training company. I’ve been using her services for about a year and a...

1 year ago
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My sexy mature boss and i

I couldn't help notice when my boss walked past. My eyes were instantly drawn to her long smooth legs under her slim-fitted pencil skirt, then up to her round, juicy ass, then further up to her large, perky breasts concealed behind her tight, low-cut blouse and finally to her gorgeous face. Ms Jessica Reyland was older than me; she was in her late thirties while I was only just twenty-five. I had always wanted a sexual experience with an older woman, the thought had always turned me on; I often...

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Maturing is not all bad

My little sister, Kay, called this morning just a couple of minutes before a monthly meeting. It was an opportunity to try out my new blue tooth hearing aid. Yeah, after growing up hunting before people wore hearing protection and working in both wood and metal fabrication shops for years, I now need hearing aids. But the cool thing is, these are blue tooth enabled and I paired them with my phone so now I can listen to music or phone calls and no one anywhere around me can even tell.So Kay...

3 years ago
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Our First Time 2

I still felt bad about his suicide. This young man had been under my care and I’d failed him. I hadn’t wanted him to die. I should have been there with him that night he took the overdose. I should never have left his side. I should have been able to help him. I stood by his side and cried over him until I ran out of tears. I don’t know why it occurred to me, but I slowly unbuttoned my shirt and let it slide down my arms. The chill air of the mortuary prickled across skin that was suddenly...

2 years ago
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Male to Female Transformation

Male to Female TransformationGenre : TG SOS or Surgery/Transformation Male to FemaleStory : Cristine CarterCH - 1The last thing I could remember was walking out of the Bank and crossing the road to my car. I had just been to see my bank manager to discuss transferring some money from one of my accounts into a high interest savings account.I had won quite a bit of money on the Lottery, enough to change my life. I was unaware just how much my life was going to change.I had just reached my car...

3 years ago
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Taking the Class Part 3Chapter 12 Friday Evening 711PM

“I like your car, Tiff,” said Alaina. She stole a glance at her date, her gaze lingering on the small, jeweled studs in the other girl’s tiny earlobes. It feels like a date, so I’m going to think of it as a date. “Thanks!” chirped Tiff. She had thrown on a warm-looking cashmere coat that was laying on her seat before she reentered the car “Daddy wanted to get me an SUV, but Mommy said this was more stylish. And when Mommy and Daddy fight, Mommy always wins.” Alaina giggled. “It sounds like...

2 years ago
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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 41 Tami7

Thoughts I first met Tami-7 walking down the second floor hallway of Lady Heather's. She was unabashedly naked, except for a modest pair of heels and her remote, which appeared to have some security features to prevent its unauthorized use. She looked like a pretty seventeen-year-old teenager who still had the last of her baby fat to lose. Once that happened, she'll be quite striking indeed. Except that, being a robot, Tami-7 will never lose that baby fat without a full body re-sculpting,...

4 years ago
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My first meeting with an escort

I was looking at the local escorts to me, although not too local when one new profile caught my eye. There were no reviews and no pictures. Just a little blurb on what she was like: Sexy Elle 22 years old (so 8 years younger than me) tall, blond hair, pert boobs, tight shaven pussy, bubbly and will put you at ease. OWO, CIM, protected sex, no anal, £120 per hour. There was just something about the profile that really made me want to finally fulfill this fantasy. So I sent off a message,...

1 year ago
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Twas the Night Before

With apologies to Clement Clarke. 'Twas the Night Before... By Ellie Dauber and Anne-Mal 'Twas the night before Xmas, and all through the house Not a computer was stirring, not even a mouse. My stockings unhooked from my garters with care In hope that a Saint soon would be there. The children were nestled all snug in their beds, As transgender visions danced through their heads. While my wife in my jammies and I in her gown Had got into bed and had laid our heads down. When...

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Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch12

This time however she said that she wanted to taste my load direct from the tap, so I laid back, she slid one of the larger dildos inside me and began enthusiastically sucking on my cock. At the same time she began to slowly push the large toy in and out of my ass, the combination of her mouth and the toy and me reaching the peak in no time, but just as I was about the crest she removed the toy and popped my dick from her mouth. “Why did you stop?” I whined, “trust me, this will be better” as...

4 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 159

I was as glad to see my mates as they were to see me. We went back into the White House to the residential section where we could talk without interruption. The presidential business day was over an hour ago. Many of my staff had already gone home. After hugs and kisses - out of the sight of the media - we debated supper; did we want to eat in or go out to a restaurant? There were plenty of swanky places where we could be whisked away to and enter through a back door to a back dining room...

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