RestorationChapter 5 free porn video

As soon as I was able I leaned down and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and held me there for a long time. We were still kissing when I heard David exclaim quietly, “Holy shit! That was ... that was the most ... holy shit!!”
I laughed, kissed Kelly one more time and then slowly lifted myself off of her. I got to my knees between her legs and looked down at her sexy, sweat covered body. I glanced over at Bev in exactly the same condition. I smiled at David and said, “I’m afraid you may have to replace this carpeting. I’ll be surprised if it isn’t stained pretty badly.”
He chuckled and exclaimed, “Fuck that! All I ask is that you autograph it before you go back to your place tonight.”
I got up and helped the others to their feet one at a time. David said, “I need a drink. What would everyone like?”
We all settled on an ice-cold beer. David went to get them while I reached for my shorts. Bev snatched them away and said, “Not yet, Sean. Don’t get dressed. I like everyone the way we are.”
I tried to explain that I’ll be leaving tracks all around the room if I don’t cover up. She left the room and returned with four towels as an alternative to getting dressed. We got comfortable again, though I must admit that once the sex was over I felt a little bit self-conscious remaining naked in front of them. From the look on David’s face I think he feels the same way I do.
Kelly and Bev, on the other hand, seem totally at ease. Before long, though, we were all relaxed and unselfconscious about being naked. At first the conversation was just an enthusiastic review of what just happened and how exciting it had been. I waited a few minutes for the subject to be raised by one of the others but when no one mentioned it I couldn’t contain my curiosity any longer. I asked Kelly if this was the first time she ever made love to a woman.
She didn’t even blush. She beamed at me and said, “Yes, but it won’t be the last. I had no idea I was bi! Does that bother you?”
I laughed and said, “Are you crazy! That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen!”
“What if I did it when you weren’t there to watch? Would that bother you?”
I had to think about that. But not for long. I quickly answered, “Not unless you decided to leave me for another woman. I have to be honest, though. I’d much rather see it than hear about it later.”
She was leaning back against me on the couch with her head resting on my shoulder. She turned her head and kissed my chest. She whispered, “Remember what I said? Your wish is my command. I meant it.”
Bev and David were watching and listening. He turned to his wife and asked, “What about you, Bev? Was that your first time?”
She looked at him for a minute. I think she’s nervous about answering. She finally, reluctantly admitted, “No.”
She stopped there. I think she was waiting to judge his reaction. When she saw that not only is David not upset, he’s dying to hear about it she asked tentatively, “Are you sure?”
She was sitting in his lap in an overstuffed chair. He hugged her to him and said, “You don’t have to tell me if you’d rather not. But if you’re holding back because you’re afraid I’ll be upset then you and I need to talk. You obviously don’t know me very well.”
Bev sighed and nervously said, “Kathy ... twice.”
I saw the shocked look on David’s face. I was afraid he was going to be upset after all. But suddenly he exclaimed, “I’ll be a son of a bitch!! That kinky bitch?!”
She nodded.
He leaned forward, bit one of her nipples and said, “I’m going to want details later.”
She heard the lust in his voice and smiled in relief.
We talked for at least two more hours before we were all getting to the point we couldn’t keep our eyes open any longer. We’re having such a good time that none of us is anxious for the evening to end. They offered to let us crash on the couch but we want to get back to our bed. We made plans to go into town in the morning in their car. We’re going to have breakfast and take them shopping at the leather shop.
Kelly and I reluctantly put our clothes on. The girls kissed each other goodnight and then kissed each other’s husband affectionately. They walked us outside wrapped in towels and waved to us as we walked back up the quiet street to our RV in the cool night air. It’s almost two o’clock in the morning and there isn’t a soul around.
We walked back to our RV in silence but I have my arm around Kelly’s shoulders and it’s a warm, comfortable silence. As soon as we entered our RV Kelly turned and looked into my eyes. We both knew in an instant there were no regrets. I took her into my arms and held her tight for a long time.
After several pleasant minutes she said, “So this is what it’s like to be happy. I never knew!”
We kissed lovingly. I said, “I’m as surprised as you! Let’s go to bed. I want to keep holding you. But I can’t keep my eyes open.”
She took my hand and said, “I agree. Let’s go do this in the horizontal for a while.”
We could both have used a shower but we were too tired and we didn’t want to do anything but sleep. We undressed, crawled into bed and spooned until we fell asleep.
I remember thinking how careful I need to be to avoid any entanglements with this beautiful young woman when I first invited her to join me. Now, after only two months, I’m trying to figure out the best way of asking her to marry me!
After showering in the morning she helped me pick out what she should wear. It’s obvious to both of us this is going to be a very sexually charged day with the Gantrys. We both thought she should dress appropriately. It worked out so well for us yesterday.
As we were going through her wardrobe I said, “It looks like we need to do some more clothes shopping.”
For the first time she didn’t fight me when I suggested we spend money on her. She smiled and said, “I guess a few outrageous additions to my wardrobe would be fun. We had a great time yesterday.”
She turned to look at my face and asked, “We did have a good time yesterday, didn’t we? It wasn’t just me?”
I smiled and said, “I feel like I’m your age again! I feel like a horny teenager.”
She frowned and replied, “I don’t like it when you refer to our age difference that way. It makes me nervous. I’m left to wonder if you’re thinking you’re too old for me again.”
I sighed and said, “I’m pretty much over it. But the gap hasn’t narrowed. It’s always going to be in the back of my mind I suppose.”
We settled on a short skirt, though not as short as the one she wore yesterday. She only has one of those. Selecting an appropriate top was a more difficult decision. Most of her tops are stylish and she looks sexy in pretty much everything she wears. But none of them really satisfies the newly awakened exhibitionist in her. She finally put on a halter top and we agreed to keep our eyes peeled for some appropriate additions to her wardrobe while we’re in town.
We locked the RV and sat under the awning to wait for our new friends to pick us up in the car they tow behind their RV. We talked quietly but with a strong undercurrent of sexual excitement about the things we did yesterday. Kelly raised one topic I suppose has been in the back of both our minds since last night. Our new friends never even hinted at the possibility, but what if they’re interested in swapping?
Kelly quietly asked, “The next time something happens between us, do you think they’ll want to ... change partners?”
Nothing has been said between us. No commitment has been made. But it has come to be understood that we are in a committed relationship now. We’re deeply in love. Are we ready to gamble with that?
I asked her how she would have felt if after their little sex show last night it had been David who got to his knees between her legs and she saw me between the legs of her beautiful friend, Bev.
She seemed reluctant to admit, “I was so horny last night that it wouldn’t have mattered. I needed a cock pretty badly right then.
“No. That isn’t being honest. I thought about it for a second or two. The truth is the idea kind of turned me on. Later I would have worried about how you were going to react. At the moment, though, I just needed some man to fuck me. And you can’t say David isn’t sexy. Does that sound awful?”
I laughed quietly and said, “I understand perfectly. But you only answered half the question.”
“You may not like the answer. I know I should be jealous if I saw you sinking your dick into another woman, especially one as beautiful as Bev. But I thought about it last night while we were lying in bed in the dark. I might be wrong. I may feel differently if it actually happens. We don’t know how they feel about the subject or if they would even consider changing partners so we may be having this conversation for nothing. But when I was thinking about it I realized it kind of turns me on.
“What about you? How would you feel if David has sex with me?”
I was forced to admit, “I thought about it, too. You may not like what I’m going to say, either. And I may be shooting myself in the foot here. But let me finish before you start getting upset.
“I realized that if it had been Sara on the floor with Bev last night I would have felt differently. And when my mind drew that line of reasoning out to the possible conclusions I was aware that I would have been upset if I saw David climbing up on top of her.
“I’ve changed, though. I’m older and more mature. I’m certainly more self confident than I was then. And my horizons have been broadened significantly by the reading I’ve done since I got out of prison.
“Watching you with that woman last night was one of, if not THE most erotic thing I’ve ever seen. And when you two were finished and invited us to join you I was so turned on that all but about a cup of my blood was located in my cock. There wasn’t any left in my system to keep my brain functioning. Yet somehow I was able to wonder what it would be like to watch you with David, too.
“Kelly, I love you with all of my heart. I fought it at first. We’ve been all over that. You know my reasons. But I don’t anymore. I adore you. I can no longer live without you and I never want to have to try. But when my mind pictured you getting fucked by David for a moment or two last night, I not only didn’t feel jealous, I was very excited.
“Did I say that right? Are you upset?”
She laughed and answered, “You said it just right, especially the part about not being able to live without me. And I understand what you mean about the difference between me and Sara, or the difference in your reactions. Those stories have changed me, too. Or maybe they’ve just given me an opportunity to know myself better.
“If anyone ever suggested to me that I’d do any of the things I did yesterday, and the things I did on the floor of their living room in particular, I would have never believed it possible. I’ve enjoyed a lot of very exciting sex since I met you. But you have to admit, last night was something else. I wouldn’t want to do that every night. But Christ! That was hot!”
She was right about that. I nodded and said, “So we are agreed that if something else happens there won’t be any hurt feelings? I’m not going to suggest it. But let’s face it, if I tried to tell you I wouldn’t enjoy fucking Bev you’d know I was lying my ass off.”
She laughed and said, “Hell! I can’t wait to do her again! If you didn’t want to fuck her I’d know you were gay!”
“And you won’t be hurt?”
“No more than you’ll be bothered if I fuck David’s brains out.”
There was a short pause before she quietly exclaimed, “Can you believe this conversation?!”
I was about ready to take Kelly back inside for a quickie when the Gantrys pulled up in their car. We got in and exchanged greetings. There were a couple of brief minutes after we first got in that we all seemed a little uncomfortable. I suppose we’re all afraid the others might be having regrets about the things we did together last night.
I decided to clear the air. “I was just about to take Kelly back inside and eat something else for breakfast when you showed up. We’ve been talking about last night and how much fun we had.”
The others all visibly relaxed once it was out in the open. Bev turned in her seat and said, “We were afraid of how you might be feeling once the sun came up. We’ve never done anything like that before.”
She reached around the back of her seat and rested her hand on my knee. She smiled and said, “But we’d like to do it again.”
I smiled at her and said, “I think you’ll find that we’ll be remarkably easy to talk into it.”
Then I turned to David and asked, “What did you find out about Kathy?”
He laughed and said, “You’d have to know this broad to fully appreciate this. She’s a large woman; not fat but ... I don’t know, almost masculine. She’s a tall redhead who can be really scary when she wants to be. It turns out she’s bi and very dominant. She seduced Bev and, for a brief time, made a little sex slave out of her. I’ll let her tell you about it over breakfast. I think it’ll sound more exciting coming from her. It sure as hell turned me on.”
Bev is blushing, but she’s smiling that sexy smile that looks so good on her.
We went to the same restaurant we met up in yesterday when Kelly was showing off her panties to anyone who cared to look. It’s another beautiful morning so we sat outside again.
We had the same young man for a waiter. He recognized Kelly immediately. He started blushing as soon as he saw her.
We sat down with the ladies on one side of the glass topped table and David and I on the other. We were treated to a very nice view of two sets of shapely legs all the way up to the top. Kelly isn’t quite as exposed as she was yesterday but it doesn’t require any effort to see her underwear peeking out from under her skirt. She probably could have covered up a little better but she didn’t try.
Bev’s bright little panties are even more exposed. She’s flushed with excitement, turned on because David and I and our long-suffering waiter all have a nice view of her panty covered pussy.
We ordered coffee and a light breakfast and as soon as the waiter went back inside the conversation took up where it left off last night. It isn’t even nine o’clock yet and the sexual tension between the four of us is mounting already.
We talked a lot about what happened last night. It’s something none of us have ever done before or even considered doing and it had been totally spontaneous. We all agreed that was a part of what made it such a special evening. We all admitted once more that we would like to do it or something very much like it again but I think we all wonder how much different it will be without the spontaneity. I can’t help but notice all four of us seem to be studiously avoiding the subject of having sex with each other’s partners.
Kelly and I have been thinking about it, wondering if that’s where this is leading. They must be wondering, too. I don’t see how anyone can avoid thinking about the possibility after what we’ve already done together. I’m glad Kelly and I talked it over earlier this morning. I can’t help wondering if our new, very close friends have discussed it. I’m tempted to ask but I’m afraid it would sound like I’m suggesting it and I don’t want to do that. I don’t know why. It just seems somehow inappropriate to raise the subject even though I’m sitting here staring at two very attractive panty-covered pussies. But I’d really love to know what they said about it after we went home last night. It must have come up.
Kelly finally raised the subject of Bev’s previous experience with her friend, Kathy. Bev is obviously uncomfortable talking about it, or at least she was at first. But as we all began to react to her erotic tale she started to really get into telling it, adding more and more graphic details. All four of us were nearly panting by the time she was through telling her story.
There are a few more customers scattered around the outdoor seating area than there were yesterday. I don’t think any of them noticed the sexy display at our table. The girls aren’t as obvious about it as Kelly was yesterday. We probably look like two normal couples having a leisurely breakfast.
Only David, me and the waiter are being treated to the view of those sexy little panty covered mounds which I notice are both beginning to show signs that the ladies are very aware of how much we appreciate the display.
There are small, dark areas appearing over both women’s pussies where their juices are soaking through the material of their underwear. Seeing those signs of their arousal made it even harder to control my own libido. My cock has grown so hard and has been that way for so long that it’s becoming uncomfortable. It seems like that’s been a problem for me a lot lately ... but I’m not complaining.
I’m not the only one enjoying the view. David grinned lasciviously and said, “I don’t usually have dessert with breakfast. But I’d love to chew on either pair of those panties. Damn you two are hot!”
The girls just grinned.
We enjoyed another great breakfast. The food is good here and of course the service is excellent. The waiter was there to top off our coffee cups almost every time we took a sip. It would have been annoying if it wasn’t so amusing.
After he cleared our dishes away and brought us the check we were enjoying the last of our coffee when without even looking around to see who was nearby and might notice, Kelly reached under her skirt and skimmed her panties down and off. She tossed them onto the table in front of David and said, “Here, enjoy your dessert.”

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