CaughtChapter 3 free porn video

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I woke up pretty early considering how late I got to bed the night before. Already my head was spinning with the memories of yesterday and the prospects yet to come. To be honest with you, I thought that maybe all of yesterday might have just been a dream.

I smelled coffee. I checked the clock; 7:20. I was sure my Dad had showered and eaten breakfast by 7:00. With little doubt, he’d already grabbed his clubs and was on his way to the golf course to hit little balls with funny little sticks.

I couldn’t help but wonder what the day might bring. Maybe HOPE would be a better word. I assumed my Mom was awake and was pretty curious to see what her reaction might be to the night before.

I couldn’t see why we just couldn’t enjoy our new-found ... relationship. I mean, she’d made her point. She wanted me to “know” that she was totally against such immoral and deviant activities ... Fine. She wanted me to “know” that she was not a willing participant; she was being “forced” to participate in this disgusting incestuous liaison ... Fine. If pushing the blame off on me helped her do that―Then fine. I could live with that. No problem. I just wanted to do more stuff with my mom. It seemed pretty simple to me. I’m sure that was my dick thinking for me but sometimes my dick had quite a head on its shoulder.

I realize that I was only 17, but I’d never experienced anything like the rush; the bold-face, undeniable shiver of excitement that shot through me when my mother gave in to the lust. There are no words. You could have dipped my balls in gasoline and lit them on fire for all I cared ... as long as she was the one rubbing the Neosporin on them when all was said and done.

She had put up a good front and I was hoping we could get past all the bullshit now and just enjoy the moment ... or moments; lots and lots of moments. Of course, the BOX being Giant Stadium and the MOMENTS being the lint I pick out of my belly-button.

I threw a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt on and headed down stairs to put a toe in the water so-to-speak. I truly hoped she was in a good mood.

I was both shocked and delighted as I walked into the kitchen. Mom was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee and the morning paper. She looked like she was ready to have her picture taken for the cover of Cosmo ... or make a porn movie.

My first thought was, “Fuckin’ ‘A’, she’s as happy about this whole thing as I am and Dad’s out trying to play golf.

She looked like she’d gotten up this morning ready to play the part; ready to play the hot mom that gives in to her desires―The stunning MILF waiting for the unsuspecting pizza guy― There was gunna be no bullshit this time and I can’t tell you how happy I was. My dick squirmed his approval.

Her hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail, tied with a long, thin, red ribbon. She had her glasses on but I could see that her eye make-up was much darker then last night; much darker than it usually is. Her lashes were long and thick with mascara. Her full lips were the color of the ribbon that held her hair back. She had a like blue house dress on that, for some reason, kinda reminded me of Leave It to Beaver’s mom except as I remember, Beaver’s mom never showed much tit on that show. Mom had unbuttoned the first two buttons at the top of her dress, allowing a beautiful view of her cleavage and the fleshy roundness of her large tits; enough so that it was clear she had no bra on. If that wasn’t enough, I could see the outline of her nipples as they clearly pushed on the relatively thin material of the dress. {Something else I believe June Cleaver never showed.}

Her dress was pretty short, five or six inches above her knee, showing a great deal of leg. Her legs were long and smooth. My eyes followed them all the way down under the table to her feet. She was bare footed and her toenails were painted the same color as her beautiful lips. It was clear she’d spent some time this morning getting ready ... But ready for what?

I was trying desperately not to get hard. I wanted to be a little cooler than that. I wanted to at least appear like I had some self-control. Although I guess my performance yesterday on the couch might have distorted that conception somewhat.

“Morning,” I said lightly as I made my way to the cupboard for a glass.

She looked up from her paper, scrutinizing me silently for a few long seconds,

“Morning.” She replied rather coldly and returned to her paper.

I felt the temperature drop 10°. Perhaps I’d misjudged the weather a bit. It felt like there was a good chance of squalls up ahead. I suppose her memories of yesterday were not quite as fond as mine.

I poured a glass of juice and sat down cautiously at the table across for her. I felt like I was sitting my bare ass down on a hand grenade wondering how I was gunna clean up this mess if it went off. For a second I wondered if that was the kinda mess that could even BE cleaned up.

“Going somewhere this morning?” I asked her as peaceably as possible.


“Ummm...” She didn’t appear to be in a talkative mood.

“Why?” She added without looking up from her paper.

“I don’t know, you just look like you’re ready to go somewhere.”

She looked up from her paper, tilted her head down slightly, and looked at me over the frames of her glasses.

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” She asked.

“Wow!” I thought.

“Nothing.” I told her defensively. “It’s just ... the way you look.”

“The way I ... LOOK?”

“Well, yeah ... I mean...”

She let the paper drop on the table and focused her full attention on me. I shut up, swallowed hard and shifted my weight around on that hand grenade.

“And how, exactly, do I... ‘LOOK’?”

I guessed we weren’t finished with the bullshit after all. I somehow felt that maybe she should be reading a copy of, I’m OK You’re OK or Sybil or maybe something on the terrors of PMS, instead of the morning paper. Maybe a couple of pamphlets on anger management would be nice.

{On a side-bar: Mom isn’t like this with just me, she gives Dad his appropriate share of bitching when needed. Evidently, I was getting the lion’s share. She wasn’t always like this. I’m not sure what happened to spawn this version of my mom but I remember a time when she was relatively pleasant and caring most of the time. I think I was in the fifth or sixth grade... }

“Well, you look really...” She stared me down “ ... Really great like that. I just figured you were going out, that’s all.” I told her but I was pretty sure she wasn’t planning on going out like that ... I mean unless there was a Pornography convention going on in town that I didn’t know about. Maybe the advocates for legalizing prostitution were having a rally I was unaware of.

“I look ‘great’ like THAT?” She repeated. “What do you mean― ‘LIKE THAT’? Like WHAT Robert?”

I wasn’t sure what to say. Where was all this hostility coming from? Jesus, I thought. I get caught ONE TIME jerking off on the living-room couch and shit hits the fan. You would have thought I’d got caught jumping up and down on her bed with dog shit on my shoes. For fuck sake! I didn’t know what her problem was and it was starting to get tiresome. She was quickly snatching away my good morning.

“Is there something wrong with the way I look?” She questioned me.

What was I gunna say to that? Even if there was something wrong with the way she looked {And there wasn’t}I’d have to be brain dead {Or maybe Larry The Cable Guy}to even mention it.

“No, no Mom, not at all. I just mean you look really pretty, beautiful as a matter-of-fact, you know ... Hot? You’d really turn heads walking down the street.”

“Walking down the street?”


“Like a whore? You think I look like a whore!?!” She asked angrily. “Is that what you’re trying to say Robert? Is THAT what you think of me now? You think your mother is a WHORE?” She stared at me waiting for an answer.

I felt like the fat little kid that just got caught eating everybody’s lunch.

“No! No! Of course not ... No...” I was floundering; already looking for the closest exit. “ ... I mean you look like a ... a ... a movie star or something.” I tried to explain as best I could as I wondered how the fuck the conversation had gone from Good-morning to “I think you’re a whore.”

“Oh...” She paused.

I took a breath while she rubbed her pretty lips together.

“Like the star of one of those movies you like to watch in my living room, is that what kind of movie star you mean?” She snipped and stared at me with her pretty blue eyes.

If I’d seen this mood-swing coming ... I could have ducked.

The truth was that Mom looked as hot as any centerfold I’d ever seen. My mind wandered for a moment. I pictured my Mom in the pages of Playboy and under the first picture―

Kat― A forty three year old Para-Legal from New Jersey.

Her turn offs are working, cleaning the house and the sound of laughter.

Her turn ons are Sports cars, Bitching, Incest porn and fucking young boys...



“Well, is that what you think of me now?” She asked, taking a sip of her coffee; the white cup a profound contrast to her red lips. I could see her lip prints on her cup as she set it down. I couldn’t get the picture of those lips around my cock out of my head. I watched her lick her lips. Yes, she did look like a whore; a beautiful, sexy, high dollar whore. She was Hot.

“No, no! I mean you look ... Great― I stupidly tried to lighten the mood― Like you might be going to some ‘Hot Moms Convention’ or a Hot Librarian contest or somethin’!”

“Robert...” She stared. “ ... Is that supposed to be amusing? After what you made me do last night, now you want to make jokes?”

“What I MADE her do.” I thought.

“I just think you look hot Mom, that’s all.” I told her honestly, with equal measures surrender and frustration. “I think you’re really pretty, that’s all, nothing between the lines, no hidden meanings.”

“Is that so?” She asked staring over her glasses.

I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head, “Yeah, that’s so ... sorry.”

She had really taken the wind out of my sails.

“Dad leave?” I asked knowing full well that he had.

“He has.” She told me. “Why, something you wanted to talk to him about?” Her tone was cold and snotty but her eyes were filled with concern.

She kinda pissed me off. She had obviously made an effort to look good this morning. Not GOOD ... but SEXY. And she did! She looked great! I couldn’t figure her out. I felt like she was just “Sticking it to me”. Was she actually going to stick with this “You made me do it” bullshit? Did she really think I was that stupid? I’m 17 not 5. It was kinda insulting.

I made a mental note to make it a point to find out what had turned my mom into such a bitter person.

“Yeah.” I told her with a little attitude of my own, ready to play her little game.

“Listen Robert...” Her tone had changed somewhat. She sipped her coffee again; she looked deep in thought, like maybe she was looking for just the right angle; the right approach.

“I know what’s going on here; what’s going on in that sick little mind of yours.” She tells me.

“You sure didn’t think it was too sick last night when you were sprawled all over the hood of Dad’s MG.” I thought to myself.

“And what’s that Mom?”

She took a long leisurely sip of her coffee then set the cup down on the table in front of her. Thick on the dramatics. She took off her glasses and laid them on the table next to it. She took a long look at the red lipstick on her cup, ran her delicate finger over it and them rubbed her finger and thumb together. She appeared to be lining up her ducks ... Or just stalling for theatrical effect. She took her pinky and dabbed at the corners of her mouth then examined it. I assume looking for any traces of lipstick. She rubbed her lips together slowly to smooth them. The whole thing was very erotic.

I felt myself getting extremely warm. In spite of the fact that everything was going rather poorly in my option, my dick seemed to thing otherwise. It was kinda funny: Where I was barely treading water looking for someplace to put my feet ... My dick was ready to jump head first, as-it-were, into the mucky water.

“Robert, I saw the kinds of movies you like to watch.” She shot me a quick look. I guess to catch my reaction. When I didn’t give her one, she went on.

“... ‘Mothers’ doing things to their ‘Sons’...” She glanced over again then back down to her coffee cup; lightly dragging her finger through the lipstick stain again. “... ‘Sons ... fucking their Mothers.” She stated as if she were disgusted; throwing a little more emphasis on the word FUCKING. Still I gave her no reaction.

“ ... Incest Robert...” She whispered as she looked up at me as if to see if I understood the meaning of the word.

I like Babysitter movies too but didn’t think it was such a good idea to mention it at the moment.

“ ... And I know that you were looking at ME yesterday when your little dick got hard again, NOT the movie.” She tells me with this judgmental look on her face and a hint of pride in her eyes.

What? Did she forget I was there too?

She was right about me though; I was looking at her.

And what’s with the “Little dick?” bullshit? I thought that was kinda harsh. I mean, maybe I couldn’t knock the bottom out of that thing last night but I thought I at least gave the sides a good talking to.

“So now that you’ve got me under a barrow, so-to-speak...”

“Under a barrow?” I protested from across the table unable to take anymore.

“That’s right Robert. Now ... because of something that ... something that you wouldn’t understand ... a brief lapse in judgment that you, yourself facilitated...”


“That’s right! Because of that movie, the movie that YOU brought into MY house ... I’m now held hostage in my own home...”

Jesus, was this shit getting’ deep, or what?

“I know full well what incest could do to this family ... I had no choice last night but to submit to your dirty blackmail. Now I have to be subjected to your depraved, immoral behavior in order to ... to ... keep this family from imploding.”

I was amazed. Talk about your distorted view. I actually found myself concerned about her mental health and quietly hoped that whatever it was she had ... skipped a generation.

“Really ... Imploding? That’s the way you see it huh?”

“Certainly ... So get on with it.”

“With what?” I asked, a bit disgusted myself now.

“With whatever filthy things you’re planning to blackmail me into doing this morning to keep your father from knowing about all this?”

I’d had just about enough. She was obviously going to push this whole thing off on me; like I was a sick fuck that held a gun to her head when she grabbed my dick on the couch. I wanted to ask her, if I was blackmailing her into doing all these depraved, immoral things, then why had she fixed herself up like a whore this morning? Had I made her do that too? But I could feel the pin to that grenade rubbing up against my asshole so I held my tongue.

She looked into my eyes like she was trying to read my thoughts; see if I was falling for this bullshit I guess. I didn’t waver. I stared right back at her and sipped my juice.

It was hard not to stare at her. In-spite of all the bullshit, she was so alluring. And even though she was playing the victim and trying to look all pissed off, she still looked super-hot.

We held each other’s gaze until she finally looked down at her coffee. I considered that a small victory and that gave me an idea.

“I’m not gunna make you do anything.” I answered in an even, smooth tone.

For just a second, she looked surprised then her brow furrowed and her surprise turned to suspicion. She certainly wasn’t expecting that.

“Mom...” I drank the last of my juice, gave her one last glare as I stood,

“I got some stuff to do.” I told her, making no attempt to hide the fact that I was annoyed and tired of the bullshit.

I walked quietly back upstairs to my room and waited to see what her next move would be. I thought I was holding a pretty good hand here but it was hard to know what cards Mom had up her sleeve.

I laid there on my bed and thought about how my Mom was acting. I wondered how she “ ... Knew full well what incest would do to this family.” I wondered if maybe that had something to do with her bitterness.

I thought about what had happened the day before and about how she was trying to push all the blame off on me. Why did there have to be any BLAME to divvy out?

I recalled how Mom had crawled up on Dad’s car and propped her ass up for me. I remembered how she’d pushed back into me and the intense orgasm she’d had. I could feel my dick getting hard.

It was blatantly obvious to me that Mom wanted to do those things and I think she wanted to keep doing them too. I believe she was just trying to justify these unnatural desires by telling herself, as well as me, that it wasn’t right and it wasn’t her fault. I was MAKING her do these things. And I believed she wanted me to MAKE her do more.

I lay there rubbing the bulge in my pants consoling my poor hard-on; trying to explain to it that we’d have to wait. We didn’t have to wait very long before I heard Mom’s light tap on my open bedroom door. I swung my feet over the edge of my bed and sat up.


“Am I interrupting?” She asked blatantly from the doorway as her eyes shot down to the bulge in my pants.

“Not really.” I told her as I stood up and deliberately adjusted my boner before walking over to the chair in front of my computer; the only chair in my room. I sat down.

I quickly noticed that another button on Mom’s dress was undone. I could see more of the fleshy ball of each breast now.

Mom walked in. She looked so good. She was a 9½ for sure and would have easily been a perfect ‘10’ ... A ten point something maybe, had she only smiled.

“Sit down.” I suggested. “What’s up?”

She glanced at the front of my pants again.

She fleetingly looked over at my bed then shot me a dirty look after realizing there was nowhere else to sit.

I smiled, hoping the gesture would show her that I knew what was going on. She walked over to the bed slowly, gracefully. She was so attractive and extremely desirable; a sexy but manipulating woman with a side order of schizophrenia.

The open “V” of her dress moved freely as she walked; the material barely hiding her nipples; allowing me the fleeting glimpse of each dark areola as she walked. Without a doubt she’d seen me looking. I’m sure she knew I would be. I made no attempt to hide it. She sat down, her feet together and her knees touching one another. Her hands were properly placed in her lap. Aside from the tops of her well formed tits showing ... she was the LADY.

“Listen Bobby...” {I noticed I was ‘Bobby’ again}” ... I need to know what you’re planning on telling your father and what I need to do to prevent it.”

{Boy, she wasn’t too obvious}

“You don’t have to do anything.” I told her trying hard not to smile.



“Bobby, I know better than that.”


“After what happened yesterday afternoon...”

I could see her pretty face flush with color. It was kinda surprising.

“ ... After the things you made me do in the garage...”

{She was going to stick with that “You made me” bullshit.}

“ ... Well, let me just say I know how young boys are.” She tells me. I’m sure she was unaware of the tiny twinkle in her eyes as she said it. It made me think she might be recalling some long ago memory; or perhaps even a recollection from yesterday.

“And how are we?” I asked somewhat sarcastically.

“Well ... At your age, all you guys want to do is...” She looked for the words; first on the floor, then the ceiling and then over towards the window,

“ ... Cum!” she decided on.

My eyebrows went up when she said the word and I felt my dick move up to the gate.

“ ... And it’s a known fact, not unusual as a matter-of-fact, for a young boy to have―Well―certain feelings for his mother at one time or another; certain ‘un-pure’ feelings...” She called them. “Freud called it...”

I cut her off, “Un-pure feelings?” I asked with a smirk.

“Yes Robert. The kind of feelings I’m sure you have when you’re masturbating.” She says sharply, criticizing as if she’s uncovered some deep dark secret and she’s letting me know that she knows.

“Ohhhhhhh...” I made like I’d finally got it. “Riiiiiiiiiight.”

She sat on my bed with a smug look on her face like she was back in charge.

“Well then...” I gave her a long look. Breathtaking, I thought.

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Having a Homemade Muffin in Bed Part One

I'm visiting my hometown for a week and am eager to meet a girl I have befriended, friendly chats turned to flirting and flushed fannies, now we are minutes from meeting... I'm wearing a red midlength dress which shows a hint of cleavage while skimming my curves. On hearing footsteps, I turn to see Sophie walking over in a skirt, cute floral top and pumps. She is fractionally taller than me at 5'3" with shoulder length brunette hair and a gorgeous feminine body, her sumptuous lips move into a...

2 years ago
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Here is another story I wrote a several years ago. Please excuse any spelling and grammatical errors. The Weekend By Melissa Lowrie It was a Saturday afternoon, nice, sunny, cool, and just after the first week of school. I was at my friend's house playing a video game cartridge he just got, and losing as usual. We were just sitting there playing the game talking about girls as usual. Since we were pretty young neither of us had been out on a real date yet, so we were always...

4 years ago
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Ch 3 BBW Wife is mine for 24hrs

Final chapter I created with wife. I decided the story would be more readable in an actual story fashion versus a chat log, so this took more time. He sent me some extra pics to go with the story.Chapter 1: 2: 3 Gallery: Submission, Humiliation, Body...

2 years ago
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my Key Holder shows her displeasure

A couple days ago, my key holder came over for my weekly inspection. I was strung up from hooks in the ceiling. My hands restrained above my head and my legs were spread wide. My key holder expressed her displeasure with me as she picked up a rather large ball gag and forced it deep in my mouth. Then she removed her blouse and bra which then w=exposed the key that was hanging between her luscious breasts. She got down on her knees and unlocked and removed the chastity cage from my manhood.At...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Riley Reid Melissa Moore Twinning 2 Part Two

Melissa Moore seems hellbent on stealing her identity, but not only that, her girlfriend Capri Anderson. When Melissa returns home unlocking the door to the bathroom and finally freeing Riley, she gives he back her phone and keys and dress, making up excuses for the whole thing. Riley’s on to her tricks, and calls up Capri, finding out that Melissa posed as her and hung out with Capri all day! Riley is furious and comes up with a plan to get back at Melissa. Capri is obviously in on the...

2 years ago
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The sun was shining through the trees, the warm light rested upon me. I sat on a rock surrounded by wildflowers and felt the scent of summer. I've been home alone all day and no one had passed by while I was in my backyard. This was the perfect opportunity for me to try something new.My fingers slipped down from my chest to my skirt and lifted it slowly. I bit my lip, my cheeks turned red as I took a quick look around me. Still no person in sight. I proceeded to place my hand between my...

1 year ago
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The Futas MindControlling Panties Chapter 16 FutaTeachers MindControlling Lesson

Chapter Sixteen: Futa-Teacher's Mind-Controlling Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Verónica Escamilla I ripped my cock out of Shawna's tight pussy. My futa-cum bubbled out and matted the black curls. The former virgin whimpered. I had cum, but she hadn't. Neither had Terra or Wendy, the other two girls I had just deflowered. The joy of popping all three cherries one after the other had been too much for my new cock. I might be a mature...

2 years ago
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The Lokian Way 77

* * * * * * * * * * Saturday (Part 2) * * * * * * * * * * "Victoria?" Mercy asked again and again. Only silence answered her. In her trembling hands, she held a large red ball-gag. It was wet with tears that had fallen down. Mercy and Victoria had been fooling around. In order to stop Victoria's teasing Mercy had tried to use her magic to force a gag on her friend. But she had been hasty and unfocused. Now Victoria had paid the price. Mercy let her fingers softly glide over the...

2 years ago
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Mom Turned Bitch With The Help Of Me And My Friend 8211 Part 6

Last sex story la dad amma va divorce panitaru adunala yan amma va nane marriage panikkalam nu yanakku oru idea vanduche.So na yan amma kita poi atha sonna.Atha keta yan amma kaduppaita.Ava un kuda sex panna ok sonathala unna marriage panikka ok solluven nu nanacheya fool nu kaduppa sollidu poita.Nanum adukku mela amma kita atha pathi pesala.2 year sa naraiya ad’s lalam yan amma nadichekidu erudha.But epa avalukku antha alavokku ad’s la varadu ila.Yana ad’s kum new face sa erukanum yanpathala...

3 years ago
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Kira Calls me Back

This is a continuation of a pervious story.I was nervous after I hooked up with Kira... Nervous it would change our friendship, but it hasn't. It had been about a week since the wedding and we were still texting regularly, the only difference is now we joke about have sex again. In the pervious week I had hooked up with that blonde bridesmaid (the one who tried to sit on my lap), lets just say I was right... She loves cum!I was sitting at home watching a ball game when I got a text from...

2 years ago
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Seducing the neighbor

Knock knock i heard from the front door so i got up walking over to see who it was. Hello my names jennifer the lady said with a smile I'm your neighbor i live in the house on the left of you. I saw you all moving in for the past couple of days and i thought i would introduce myself i wasn't interupting you the lady asked me. "Oh no i said your fine its nice to meet you as well im Riley by the way." Well Riley it's nice to meet you are your parents around by any chance i would like too meet...

1 year ago
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The Bells of HomeChapter 15

Hannah paused at the break in the path. Her doubts about her intentions, the wisdom of this choice, were washed away by the sight in the darkness before her. Sarah lay, on the grassy patch they had given her, curled up in a ball. Her black fur blended into the shadows, faintly outlined in the dim light that was midnight in the ship garden, but Hannah's eyes had adjusted well. The large furry tail twitched, as if bad dreams tormented the poor girl. It was doubtful she was asleep, though. Not...

3 years ago
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Kathy AgainChapter 3

When you have been married for several years, things get shoved to the back of the desk. You have jobs, the kids have appointments, then they become teens, and you have a different set of pressures keeping ... things ... on the back burner. Then, your Darling Wife arranges for the kids to visit your mother for the long holiday weekend, and you discover that that burner, the one at the back? It has moved forward. Yippee! We waved at my mother, as she pulled away with our kids in her minivan....

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Anastasia Rose Anastasia8217s Nasty Sodomy Session

Freckled, blue-eyed teen Anastasia Rose wants older director Mike Adriano’s huge cock up her ass! The frisky, young beauty flaunts her natural titties and spreads her pale butt cheeks to wink her anus for the camera. Mike worships her shaved, young cunt and shoves his thick cock down Anastasia’s throat, making her gag. The slobbering slut eats the director’s asshole; soon his big boner is stuffing her greasy rectum. After sodomizing this adorable minx, Mike fills her mouth...

3 years ago
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The UpgradeChapter 3

The summer went by, with the girls relaxing, worshiping the sun, and getting nice tans. Shirley’s freckles loved the sun, and I loved them. Cuteness multiplied. Jen just tanned. Gorgeous. Both of them. They had both gone through their company doctor’s appointments with flying colors, our good doctor referring Jen to a different endocrinologist than she had, but making sure her records followed her. There were adjustments in her meds now that the testicles had been removed, and related...

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With a smile, Sarah clicked through the contact ads. She wasn‘t looking for a partner, but she found it interesting from time to see what other people with similar inclinations sought: Teacher is looking for female student  Female student is looking for teacher Father is looking for ageplay daughter  Daughter is looking for ageplay father Long-time teacher offers punishment for money Rubenesque lady punishes naughty boys Sarah found most contact ads unerotic, nevertheless, she found it...

3 years ago
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True Mage ChroniclesChapter 22

Terrance and I split up as we returned to the Manor. He headed to his office to start paperwork while I decided to find Bob or Hank. After asking one of the maids, I headed off to see Hank. I found the wolf in the training area flirting with Tessa. I smiled to myself at the irony as I approached my friends. “Hank, you got a minute,” I called as I neared the two. Tessa waved as Hank responded, “Sean, what did you need?” I shook his hand before continuing, “I need to make money and only have...

4 years ago
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Blood of the Clans Ch 10

Colin MacDonnell rode with haste through the countryside towards the attacking MacRae’s. It was his duty to watch them and ride back when they started to march for Donan. Having lived, travelled and hunted in the area all his life, he knew the best route to take and where he could safely watch them without being spotted. It was his deepest hopes as he prayed, that he could live through this night and return to his wife and family, alive and well. He’d seen the results of battle with Claymores...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Karla Kush Karla Kush sucks dick and playing golf

Karla Kush is a lousy golfer, but she is an expert in handling Chris Strokes’ balls. Why Karla hired a golf instructor is unclear. Maybe it was a gift for her eighteenth birthday or something. Karla sucks at golf, that much is obvious. She’s so bad Tiger Woods couldn’t get much better results than Chris Strokes can. Chris made a bet with Karla and we suspect he let her win so he could get a chance to fuck that teen pussy and boy does he ever. Chris uses his big cock to leave Karla gushing all...

1 year ago
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80 year old man gets help from carer to wear his

I recently moved into sheltered housing after my lovely wife of 54 years marriage died a couple of years back and not really being able to cope with being alone in a 3 bedroom house by myself and just my  memories.My wife died a horrible death from cancer and I managed to be with her at the very end, although she was mostly medicated to the maximum she knew i was there and I thank her for her years of devotion and being my best friend and my only lover, I never looked at another woman, well o.k...

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Bracelet submissionthe third bracelet

Her eyes were closed and her back was arched as she let out a scream of agony and delight as the first orgasm rolled through her.   Well how did we get to this point. We were called away to business very quickly to the city and I hurriedly booked a room at the casino in the hope that I might just be able to present her with a third bracelet. We checked into the hotel and then went into the city to complete our business errands. It took quite some time and when we arrived back at the casino...

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Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale By Cal Y. Pygia Derek sighed heavily, his eyes scanning the bank of security monitors, each of which showed a different view of Femme Fatale. A month ago, he'd taken the job as a security guard for the woman's clothing store because he needed the money and because he supposed that watching the store, or more specifically the ladies' dressing rooms, would provide him with the opportunity to ogle half-naked women. Unfortunately, for some reason, despite the...

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Family Amber Ivy Ivy Lebelle Teach Me Your Masturbating Techniques Sis

Amber Ivy is always hearing her step sister masturbate in the other room at night. How does she manage to make herself moan so loud all by herself?!? Amber must get down to this mystery and soon she is finding herself going down on Ivy LeBelle! Her step sister knows exactly how to stimulate that clit with her vibrator. Once things start heating up; one thing leads to another and soon each sister is using their tongues pleasuring every inch of each others hot, horny bodies. I don’t think...

2 years ago
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Visit Home

"OhmygodDonna what happened to you?" I quickly snatched my robe off the chair and held it in front of me. "Don't you ever knock?" I replied in as calm a voice as I could. I wasn't really upset at being seen naked. Hell, people see me naked all the time -- not that my fifteen year old sister would, or should, know that. But I'd done a shoot two days before, a really serious BDSM shoot, and I was still very well marked from the single tail the Doms had used on me. The marks would...

4 years ago
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My Wife Cuckolds Me And I Love It Chapter 4

I slept late and awoke to blazing sunlight streaming through the open window. Gayle had probably only just got up; her side of the bed was warm. Naked, I walked to the bathroom, and then into the kitchen in search of tea. Jason had left out a new box of English tea bags, so I filled the kettle and switched it on as my wife’s delicious giggle reached my ears.Looking out of the window, I saw her and Jason kissing. Both were naked, of course, and she was holding his cock but I heard her say, “No...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Aislin Alexis Crystal Morgan Rodriguez Passionate Threesome

A glass of wine shared between friends is just the start of a sensual evening for Morgan Rodriguez, Aislin, and Alexis Crystal. The three coeds soon take things inside where they can get comfortable on the couch and really indulge in long, lingering kisses. It’s not long before they have all gotten their hands in on the action, caressing one another’s silky soft skin and moving their clothing out of the way. Morgan is the first to have her thong peeled off and her miniskirt flipped...

1 year ago
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The Trip

Pam and Lori have been friends for many years. Pam had a very nice handsome dad that was now divorced from Pam's mom and the mom moved far away. Pam told lori she used to lay in bed at night and listen to her dad fuck her mom. Some nights he would fuck her mom three times or more and her mom would beg for harder and deeper. Then Pam would play with her pussy as she listened. She told Pam her dad was a sex maniac and the girls would laugh. This week end he was taking the girls to a concert in...

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Meeting Wayne

I had spent months using a phone dating service to meet guys, unfortunatly the only thing I had been finded was dissapointment. Then one Friday night I got a message from a guy named Wayne, and figuring I didn't have anything to lose I gave him a call back. He answered the phone, which was the first good sign, after introducing myself we talked for a while to get to know a little about each other. It seems that Wayne was having the same experiance as I was when it came to the phone service. We...

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Matts Crazy Corner of the WorldChapter 5 Graduation Vacation and Drama

Sunday Matt began reviewing his hardest subjects--calculus and physics. He felt fortunate to have studied calculus in high school since it made physics easier to follow. “Physics is applied calculus. If you don’t understand calculus, you’re facing an uphill battle to understand the math involved in physics,” he ruminated. Even though he was studying and not writing, Carla curled up in her muse position between loads of laundry. When Matt needed a break, he went to the computer store and...

2 years ago
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The morning after my night out with my sister

Continued from my other stories...feel free to read those first to set the scene.I woke, feeling a slender arm d****d over me, gently stroking my cock which is getting harder in the knickers I'm still in from the night before.I relax and enjoy the feeling of nails through the black lace. Before long Jane's hand slides inside my knickers and takes her cock in her hand, she whispers 'I want this inside me Danni'.My heart races, my cock twitches at the thought of sliding deep into my sisters wet...

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Sarah Learns Teamwork Part 1

This story is fictional. It contains adult themes, interracial and unsafe sex. This is my first attempt. I would very much appreciate all constructive criticism! *** My wife Sarah and I have been married 22 years; we met in college; married after graduating. I'm successful and financially comfortable, 6'1”, 210 lbs, brown hair and eyes, still fit with an 8” cock that Sarah loves to use. She is a pretty lady, shoulder length auburn hair, hazel eyes, 5'8", 34B-28-36, with the most sensitive long...

3 years ago
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My Neighbour

I moved into a house in a quiet town after a long soul sucking marriage and a bitter divorce, and now I was looking to start fresh.Late in the afternoon I saw my new neighbour for the first time, she was fairly tall, slim, pale as snow with bright red hair hanging down her shoulders and a bosom that was trying to fight it's way out of a very tight t-shirt."Hi!" I said smiling as she pulled her car up a few meters away."Hi to you too!" she replied back with a smile."I'm Joe" I said staring at...

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Montie and Edward 2

Chapter 2 Somewhere in Rural England - June 1928 Now that Colonel Pickering and Lady Entwhistle's overall plans for Witherspoon Hall's week long fete celebrating the 500th anniversary of the consecration of the estate's private chapel in 1428 had at last been agreed, well before the stunning and momentous arrival of Priscilla the day before, even though it was barely 8am preparations in anticipation of the several hundred important invited county guests due in three week's time,...

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The Queen of the NileChapter 2

THE TIME: 2011 B.C. THE PLACE: The Valley of the Pharaohs (A Royal Sister Betrayed) The shadows created by the revered Sun God RA marched across the desert floor east of the largest of the pyramids at the sacred site of Hawara. The young girl in the flowing white gown of a royal virgin sat petulantly on the granite plug intended for the newest resting place for the royal Egyptian elite. She did not know what day it was. She did not even know what year it was. Her calendar was her emotional...

4 years ago
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Hotel Room

The waiting was hard. Why was she doing this? She'd told only Heather, whose pithy response had been, "Are you crazy?" None of her other friends would have even believed what she was doing. Well, at least she wasn't cold. He'd told her to make herself comfortable, so she'd turned up the heat a bit. The next step would be difficult. Wearing the "collar" He'd sent her was easy. It was a beautiful gold chain, with a charm attached that she didn't understand. The charm had a symbol...

1 year ago
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Did you Peachurbate yet today? I actually just finished a long Peachurbation session, and boy, are my arms tired! As a professional smut reviewer and pornography scholar, I use a lot a lot of euphemisms for beating off, so I was immediately intrigued when the link for this next website slid into my DMs, and I wondered what the angle would be. How does Peachurbation differ from your typical public restroom fap session? Will there be actual fruit, or is the Peach in the title a reference to the...

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2 years ago
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Lady in Red Pt 02 Ch 24

Gwen had an uneasy feeling after finishing her conversation with Steve. She knew he wasn’t the type to overreact, and he seemed genuinely concerned about the ship sailing near the coast of Somalia. With that in mind, she made her way to the bridge. The captain greeted the beautiful young doctor warmly. ‘Captain, I was just speaking with my fiancé and he’s concerned about pirates along the coast of Somalia. He suggested that we sail farther out, rather than hug the coast.’ ‘Ms. Anderson, I...

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EssChad ProjectChapter 9 DronntaCity Dronnta

The ancient roadway swung in lazy curves as it edged gradually farther up the slope of the broad river valley. They left the fort as soon as it was light, and by the time they were ready to stop for their noon meal, they were once again traveling across a high level plain carpeted with ferns and mosses. In the weeks that had passed since the time of the great storm, the clouds had grown ever thicker, the rains heavier, the patches of lavender sky smaller and less frequent. Now, the weather...

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