Enough BickeringChapter 3 free porn video

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The next morning, Gavin woke Natasha and led her into the bathroom so both of them could shower and brush their teeth.

"Thank you, Master. I'm glad that we fucked last night. I've been wanting you to screw me for a while now. I love you, Master," she declared.

"I love you too, Natasha. You're a damn good slave. Now, together we need to plan for the party tonight. I want to use my mind powers to hypnotize people into fucking each other. Once we cause the orgy, I plan to use it to transform people's relationships here. Few, if any, of our colleagues will be the same after tonight. By the time they realize what has happened to them, they will be swingers.

"So, you see, you are vital to my plans. I want you 'ease' things along by teasing the men in order to encourage them and then fucking them once they lose control. I will kick things off with the women by having my way with them. Between us, we will help them loosen up and enjoy themselves. We will be the catalysts for the orgy. Understand?" he announced.

"Yes, of course, Master. I will gladly carry out your orders. This company needs to be jolted a bit. It's too PC. I mean, if you followed corporate guidelines, I'd never have gotten fucked like I did last night and that would have kept me frustrated. I think that you would have been frustrated as well. So, just tell me what to do and when, and I will happily do it," she promised him.

"That's a good slave girl. Now, we don't have to work today. We just have the party, so let's eat a nice breakfast. I doubt that either of us is up to cooking, so I'll take you out for some pancakes. How does that grab ya?" he announced.

"Pancakes? They're my favorite breakfast! I especially love them with strawberries, whipped cream, and maple syrup! Thank you, honey!" she exclaimed.

"I thought you might like that. I had a gut feeling that you enjoy real food and yesterday confirmed that. We'll have a hearty breakfast and get ready for the party tonight. We have too much work to just eat a fruit salad, though I have nothing against fruit. It's just not a meal by itself," Gavin observed.

He and Natasha quickly got dressed up after taking care of their grooming. It not being time for the office party yet, he put on more casual clothing and gave her a pair of jeans and sweater that he had bought for "emergencies" like this one.

"So, what should I wear tonight? I'll have to get it from my house, you know," Natasha asked as Gavin drove the Corvette to a nearby pancake house.

"Actually, I'm going to take you to a nice department store, where you can pick out a formal gown for the party. Naturally, I'll be wearing a tuxedo, although not for long," he winked at her.

"Thank you, Master! That's very nice of you. So, we'll put on a proper front until the time comes to seduce the staff. Then we'll liberate them from their uptight ways. Am I right, Sir?" she reacted.

"Absolutely. Of course, we'll get them a little tipsy and horny first, which will make our job a lot easier. I think that the process will be helped somewhat by their awkwardness about the fact that I'm escorting you. On the one hand, it's a possible violation of the guidelines. However, I'm also the boss in this department, so they'll be afraid to openly confront me over it. This dilemma will give us a psychological edge over them," he explained as they pulled into the café.

"You're brilliant, Master! I'm glad that you have made me your slave. I'm also happy that you trust me with your plans. I just hope that you're going to be able to fuck me tomorrow after the orgy tonight," she responded.

"Believe me, I will be able to fuck you. You'll be getting a lot of my cock in the future, probably more than any of the other women that I fuck. In fact, I think we should live together and even think about marriage, with the understanding that we'll remain swingers and you'll stay my slave," he assured her as they got out of the car.

"That's wonderful to know, Master. I'll be a very submissive wife, of course, as long as I get to be your slave. I admit that I'm hooked on you. You've really changed my life. I want to service you in any way that you wish," she declared.

They were seated by the hostess, ordered their meals, and continued chatting as they waited for their waitress to return. When the food arrived, the VP flirted with her and telepathically instructed his new slave to do so as well. The girl blushed, but clearly enjoyed the attention and made sure to impress the couple that was blatantly flattering her.

"I think that we'll be getting plenty of coffee today," Natasha remarked, too flustered herself at the sight of the waitress's evident arousal to say much else.

"Yes, and we might even get invited up for some in the future if we keep doing that! I didn't mean to embarrass you, but I wanted you to have the experience of flirting with another woman. Don't worry. We did her a favor. She got an idea of her own sex appeal and might even have opened up to the possibility of bisexuality. There will be times when I will have you experiment with women and I want you to be comfortable with that," he informed her.

"Will you want that tonight?" she asked nervously.

"I wouldn't rule it out. Don't be surprised, either way. You've been a very good slave so far and I think that you will enjoy that part of your service too, if you give it a chance. This morning is proof of that. You loved flirting with Sophia, didn't you?" he instructed her.

"Well, yes, I guess that I did. She is very sexy and friendly. I just did it, probably because I was obeying you. I'll have to confess that I wanted her. I felt a little shocked and embarrassed at myself, at least partly because she is young enough to be my daughter and I have never knowingly flirted with a girl before. What really surprised me was the fact that she seemed to like the attention from BOTH of us, not just you," Natasha answered, still somewhat taken aback.

"Well, I'm pretty sure that she's bi-curious now, even if she wasn't before today. We will probably have to take charge of her initiation now. After all, we have to finish what we started. Something tells me that she won't mind being trained by us," Gavin replied.

"What sort of training? Do you plan to enslave her, too?" she asked as she saw the girl heading back to their table.

"Well, of course! I also think that she should be made to submit to you as well as me. Naturally, I'll be at the top of the pecking order, but I want you to dominate her. That will make it work quicker and make her more comfortable pleasuring you. Besides, I get turned-on by the idea of controlling a woman who will assists me in enslaving other women," he clarified.

"Thank you, Master! I appreciate your kindness and thoughtfulness. Speaking of her, though, I think she's almost at our booth," she told him.

"Speaking about me how?" Sophia interjected curiously.

"Uh, well, it's just something complimentary. That's all," Natasha stammered as Gavin winked at her.

"What's that 'Master' business, then?" the waitress probed. "Natasha is my sex slave. She does what I say, when I say to do it. In return, I reward her generously. We even share each other. She is a very obedient slave, aren't you Natasha?" Gavin commented.

"Hmm... A sex slave, huh? Well, what's that like? Is it as much fun as it sounds? You're a lucky woman, Natasha. I wish that I was his slave. I'd really work hard to please that sexy Master of yours!" Sophia blurted, then blushed as she realized what she had said aloud.

"Well, you know that saying, 'Careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.'. I'd be more than willing to train you, but you'd have to obey me completely. That also means that you would have to obey Natasha, unless her orders conflicted with mine. Then, of course, she would have to be punished for contradicting me and you would get to help me punish her. There's a lot that you would have to do, that would not be popular with many women," he warned her.

Sophia really turned red upon hearing that. She also felt her panties getting wet. The idea of this handsome, manly guy and his MILF "sex slave" ordering her around and having their way with her was extremely stimulating to her. It certainly beat the ordinary, vanilla relationships that most of her college classmates offered. This was more of what she wanted sexually than the normal lifestyle that her parents and siblings lived.

"If you're trying to scare me off, it backfired, sir! Just tell me the place and time, and I'll service both of you eagerly. I'm not like the rest of my family. They're prudes. I'm a slut looking for a man to be firm with her. I'm 18 now, so I can do what I want, and what I want is to have fun with people like you guys," she countered, albeit in a low enough volume that other patrons and waitresses wouldn't overhear.

"Yes, I can tell that you're excited," Natasha teased her, alluding to the smell of the girl's panties and making her blush again.

Gavin winked at both of them, while Sophia finished serving them and wrote down her phone number so they could contact her. They looked at each other and non-verbally agreed that they make sure to call that number in the near future. That night, however, was first on their minds. They still had to attend the party and subvert the corporate rules.

After tipping Sophia rather well and paying for their food, Gavin led Natasha out of the café to the Corvette. They had a very short trip to the clothing store, where she picked out a rather elegant, but not too fancy dress for the party and he paid for it. When they finished shopping, they returned to Gavin's house, where they undressed and took a nap to rest up for the evening. They woke up after a couple of hours, turned on the TV, and watched several programs. Finally, they looked at the time and realized that it was 4:45. They had to get dressed quickly for the party.

"You know, Master, this has already been a great day, not counting the party. I'm definitely looking forward to the orgy, by the way. I've NEVER done something like that in my life! It just sounds wild and sexy. I'm a bit nervous, though," Natasha told him.

"Of course, you are. You've followed the rules of society for most, if not all, of your life. Suddenly defying those unwritten laws, by having group sex for instance, is a dramatic change. You've been told since you were young to find a man, marry him, and have a couple of children. You've been instructed to pursue a career too.

"The message of the community is 'don't have casual sex, wait until several dates at least, and don't submit to a man'. You're breaking free. You're standing up for your right to be TRULY liberated. You CAN submit to a man if you wish and you don't have to be a type A, 'Super Mom' woman anymore. You can live by your own rules. THAT is genuine freedom," Gavin observed.

"Master, you're quite a philosopher! I knew that you're rather independent, but I always thought of you as more pragmatic than intellectual. I'm getting to know you better and I respect you more than I already did. I have to admit that it's a turn-on," she declared.

"That's good to hear. A guy always likes to know that he turns a girl on," he winked at her as they headed to a fast food joint, where they planned to eat before going to the corporate office for the party.

"They don't feed you more than hors d'ouerves at these events. If you stick to what they offer, your stomach will never forgive you. It will growl at you all night long!" he warned her as he ravenously consumed his burger, fries, and Coke.

"Thanks for the warning, Sir. I'm sure that we don't want to fuck on an empty stomach, do we?" she teased him, while she ate her own combo meal.

"No, we don't. We certainly don't need to drink on one. They wonder why everyone gets so damned drunk at these things. All that wine and no real food in their systems. It's yet another stupid corporate practice that I would like to change. They've got DUIs waiting to happen, just because they're too cheap to pay for a proper meal. Either that, or they're afraid that their wives might gain a pound or two," Gavin smirked.

"That's another thing that I love about you, Sir," Natasha remarked.

"What is?" he asked in confusion.

"Your deliberate mockery of your bosses and contempt for their obvious stupidity. I wonder if they know or suspect how you feel about them. I think that they do, but are too greedy to give a damn," she commented.

"That's right on the money, babe, which is the whole point. Money! They see short-term gain, not the big picture.

"The worst of them is the Chief Financial Officer, Stanford Wilcox the 3rd. The man would put Ebenezer Scrooge to shame. He's a Yalie with one agenda: to convince the board and the shareholders that he doesn't waste a red cent. He wants to keep his job at any cost.

"As far as sex is concerned, who knows if he is even capable. He has a hard-on for money, that's all," he grinned as they finished their food and hurried back to the car.

When they got to the office, half of the staff was already there. Apparently, they had skipped dinner and were determined to impress everyone else by being early. It was only 5:15 and the party was supposed to start at 6:00. It was set to officially end at 9. This didn't keep these suck-ups from making a point of getting there first.

The Chairman had not shown up and it was whispered that he would only pop in for a short while and head back home. The same was likely to happen with the CFO, but he would probably take his cue from the Boss.

This meant that Gavin Brock, aged 43, was the senior executive present at the moment. Consequently, everyone rose to greet him. This naturally gave him a chance to plant thoughts in their heads while they exchanged small talk. It also allowed him to introduce Natasha to them, which unsettled them just the way that he had predicted.

"So, you're banging your secretary, are you?" Ryan Godwin, the VP for corporate operations, asked.

"Now, that would be a breach of corporate guidelines, wouldn't it, Ryan?" Gavin taunted him.

"You're evading the question. Clever!" Godwin snorted. "Oh, you'll find out everything that you want to know soon, Ryan. There will be no secrets. For now, however, let's enjoy ourselves and pretend to respect each other, at least," Gavin countered.

"Sure, why not? Let's pretend that you're a team player. But we all know better, don't we?" Ryan reacted.

"That's your problem, Godwin. You assume things. And you know the saying about assumptions, don't you? Face it. I'm loyal to the company, just not blindly obedient to all of the board's dictates. My first duty is to the shareholders, not people like you. Anyway, this isn't the time or place for such discussions. Let's try to have fun. That's the point of tonight, you know," Gavin scolded him.

Ryan walked off with a look of self-righteous disgust on his face. He was quickly replaced as the annoying interrogator by Kate Doherty, a royal bitch who served as VP for regional co-ordination. As bad as Godwin was, Doherty was ten times worse. She was a perpetual busybody and not in a good way. To her, everyone must conform to the same lifestyle as herself, or they were just wrong.

"So, what do we have here? The confirmed bachelor and his new mistress! Typical. Seriously, Gavin, when are you going to grow up?" Kate scowled.

"Who says that I haven't? Just because I don't have a wife and 2.5 kids yet, you think I'm immature? I make my own decisions. I don't refer everything to the advice columns in the popular magazines. I take responsibility for living my own life and choosing my own ethics. You might do well to read Sartre some time. He would help you out a bit," he retorted.

"Sartre? That pessimistic fool has no appeal to me. I'm not into that existentialist bullshit. What's with you and questioning authority, anyway?" she demanded.

"Whose authority? Nobody elected those columnists to the office of ruler of everyone's personal lives. Look, accept the fact that I am a different sort of person than you and get over it," he rejoined.

Kate shut up after that, as she just wanted to drink some wine and get Gavin and Natasha off of her mind. The truth was, deep down, she resented his disinterest in her, at least when it came to relationships. She had made it clear when she first joined the management team that she wanted to date him, but that he would have to wait until at least the 10th date for sex.

When he indicated that he didn't really care if he dated her at all, or even slept with her, she began to nurse a serious grudge against him. Who was he, to reject the terms that she offered? Surely, those were generous and necessary to ensure a long-term relationship before they engaged in sexual relations! Apparently, however, he didn't really consider her worth the effort and that ate at her constantly.

Natasha laughed as she observed this scene, "Gee, Sir, you're not too popular with your colleagues!"

"That's their problem. Ask me if I give a damn. That is what is wrong with this whole company. Assholes who think that they're God's gift to women, or men in Kate's case, and that everyone of both sexes should grovel to them. They want everyone done how they think it should be, regardless of the facts. They're fucking prima donnas and they need to be taken down a few pegs," Gavin declared.

"So, when you do want to do that?" she inquired.

"Eager to get on with hit, are we?" he probed.

"Well, sort of... I mean, they pissed me off too. Especially Kate and her caustic comment about me being a sign of your immaturity. That 'mistress' bit didn't have me fooled. She was saying that, by choosing me instead of her, you were being childish. She's got some nerve, suggesting that," she remarked.

"Kate's just bitter that she hasn't found a replacement for her husband. Evidently, it's okay to lie to your spouse and trade them for another without prior warning, but it's not okay to go without a spouse for any period of time after college. Of course, her husband should be so lucky as to lose her. He might be able to get his hypertension under control then. That's my take on the issue," he stated contemptuously.

"You mean that she was MARRIED when she made her advances? I take it that she doesn't have an open relationship. People like that disgust me. That's just like my ex! Who does she think that she is?" she practically shouted.

"No, she doesn't have an 'open' relationship, just one filled with deceit and betrayal. The only reason that I haven't told her husband is that I have to work with the bitch. And yes, she is EXACTLY like your ex! That's one of the MANY reasons that I rejected her advances. She is definitely not my type," he informed her.

"I heard that!" Kate yelled, indicating that she had listened to part of the conversation. "Heard what?" Natasha asked with mock innocence.

"The bit where your beau accused me of being an unfaithful wife and a hypocrite. How dare you say that, Gavin? And in what way am I a bitch? You're the bastard who wouldn't commit to me! I just wanted to marry someone better than my stupid husband," Kate screamed.

"So, I'm stupid, am I? Maybe so, for trusting you all of these years. You have given me nothing but hell for the past decade. I should have figured that you wanted to impose a double standard on him, not to mention on me," Tom Doherty reacted to her tirade.

"Tom, honey, that's not what I meant..." she stammered, knowing that she was caught.

"So, you didn't mean to cuckold me with Gavin and trick him into a lopsided relationship? No doubt you made up some story about how unhappy and mistreated you were, being abused or neglected by you. I'm not as stupid as you believe, however. I could tell that you were hiding something from me. I just wasn't sure about what it was," her husband reprimanded her.

This scene had caught everyone's attention. Ryan and the others looked nervously at the confrontation of Kate by Gavin, Tom, and Natasha. They knew how nasty Mrs. Doherty could be when put on the defensive. They also knew that Mr. Brock could be even tougher.

Ryan, in particular, was worried. He had managed to get Kate out of her panties once, mainly by threatening to tell Tom about her moves on Gavin. That he hadn't pursued her afterward was due to the fact that she failed to impress him in the sack. Instead, he blackmailed her into backing him on corporate matters, which insulted and infuriated her.

In any case, there was the danger that someone might mention that he banged Tom's wife, right in front of Tom. If Mr. Doherty was furious now, he might well be angrier still after that. He might get fired for breaching the same corporate guidelines that he claimed to uphold. He might even get charged with sexual harassment or blackmail.

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Enough Chapter 12 13

It was getting close to four o’clock in the evening when Lexie suggested we try the pool out. I took her down the hall to my mother’s bedroom and showed her the drawer with the swimsuits and workout clothes telling her she was welcome to wear whatever she wanted. I left the room closing the door behind me and went into my room changing into swim shorts and a t-shirt. Several minutes later, Lexie came out in a pair of my mother’s spandex shorts and a t-shirt. We went out back to the pool and...

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Enough Chapter Fifteen

As my eyes opened, I immediately felt a dull throbbing in the back of my head. The light in the room hurt my eyes so I squinted them as much as I could. It took me a few seconds to realize that I was in a hospital room. I slowly moved my head to the right and saw the entry wall was plate glass that looked over the nurse’s station. One young nurse was standing behind the counter with a clip board in her hand. A few seconds later, she looked up and I raised my right hand to acknowledge her. She...

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Enough Chapters 16 17

That night, I decided to wait for Lexie to make the first call. Perhaps I was being stubborn but to be truthful my trust in Lexie was gone. I went through my normal routine and then trained Chrissy Haynes every night. In the first month she made remarkable gains. She had made huge gains in her legs and was pushing fifty percent more weight in the presses. Her stomach had flattened out completely and she lost an inch in her waist. She was on an extreme diet and with the supplements she was...

2 years ago
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Enough Chapter 19

For the second time in less than a year, I regained consciousness in a hospital room. It took me a while to focus and then realized I was handcuffed to the hospital bed. It took me several seconds to process what had happened but there was no way I should be in restraints. I pressed the button for the nurse who showed up in a minute or so. “Hey, how are you feeling?”, she asked. “I think I’m ok, but I hurt all over.”, I replied. “I’m going to call the doctor immediately and there are two...

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The party was winding down, and Don observed comfortably from his chair in the corner. He toyed with the notion of picking up a book, but thought it might be rude to be found reading at his own party. Throwing parties, he reconciled, was never about the host anyway. Martha found him and sat on his lap, taking his drink from his hand to place it on the table on the end. ‘Thank you,’ she said, kissing him. ‘What for?’ ‘For having our friends over. I know you’ve been busy with your big trial,...

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Enough For Me

Yanking hard on my bag, trying to get the damned thing out of the overhead compartment, I nearly fell backward when it finally came free. I knew I wasn't thinking straight, my stomach was fluttering more every second and my knees felt like they might give out at any moment. I had never been this nervous in my life but then, I had never done anything so wildly reckless before either. I couldn't believe that I had actually gotten onto a plane and flown to another country to meet a man that I...

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Enough Chapter 24

Two days later I received a call from Leonel Chacon. The number two contender had a training accident and tore his Achilles tendon. He would be out indefinitely and not able to fight in six weeks for the world title. The champions manager had reach out to Leonel and offered me the fight. Leonel admitted he didn’t think I was ready yet but if I did suffer a few losses to lower ranked fighters, I might never get a chance to fight for the title again. It was a huge gamble but if I got lucky who...

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News Flash

20 MINUTES INTO THE FUTURE. The darkened dusty newsroom on the 40th floor of the Network XXIII building was bustling with activity. Controllers sat at ancient grimy video monitors directing their reporters to their destinations, scenes for potential news stories that will generate instant ratings. Max Headroom, the station's stuttering AI mascot, ranted on about the virtues of soft drinks between shows. Monique, one of Network 23's star reporters, was sitting with Theora discussing a rumor...

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Teacherai Busil Oothen

Naan oru paliyil driveraaga velai paarthu varugiren, thinamum kaalai maalai bus ootuven appozhuthu athil niraiya palli maanavargal varuvaargal. Kudave perunthil teachergalum varuvaargal, athil oru pen sexyaaga irupaal. Avaluku innum thirumanam aaga villai vayathu 24 aagum, en vayathum 25 thaan. Naan athigam padika vilai endraalum parka azhagaga aanmaiyaaga irupen. En udambu katu mazhthaaga irukum, aanal athigam udambu irupathu pondru irukaathu. Naan thiinamum antha azhagiya teacherai sight...

1 year ago
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Yoing love

It was Friday and Pam stopped by the popular coffee shop before she headed for home. Pam was thirty eight with a hot body. She had nice big firm tits and a great sexy ass. As she was drinking her coffee she began talking with Matt who had just turned eighteen two months before. He was so good looking and kept eyeing her tits. When Pam left she took Matt with her to her house. When they got in the car she pulled him to her and kissed him giving him lots of tongue and he responded by shoving his...

2 years ago
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Debbie Gets Pumped part2

The rape continued for the next two hours, until all the men had finished with her. She drifted in and out of semi-consciousness as each man emptied his balls into her. Then Doc turned to Jim and said, “She’s all yours. We broke her in real good for you; her ring’s gettin’ nice and lose. After it pops over the head it starts to roll up and down your shaft as you fuck. Fuck her as long as you want, she’s not going anywhere for the next few hours. “I think that Debbie’s going to be my...

3 years ago
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Kumar Apartment Part 4

Sabko happy new year aur mera bahut bahut thanks mere story ko padne ke liye, aur also thanks for mail replies. Am really glad to know that you all are waiting for the next part of kumar apartment. Kai logo ki ye ray bhi mili mujhe ki mere story me ab tak sex aaya hi nahi, koi bath nahi dosto agar climax movie ke starting me hi dikha diya jaye to kya maza? Aaj ka episode ek aur naye kirdaar ko layega aur iski story bhi bahut badi taboo hai. Ye story rahul naam ke kirdaar ki hai jo teena ka bhai...

4 years ago
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Mike and MalokChapter 9 The Taint

"Wake up!" cried the familiar, but seemingly agitated voice in my head. It was earlier than usual, as the rooster was yet to call reveille. "What?" I mumbled, my eyes barely awake. "I've been a fool!" "An idiot, maybe, but a fool..." I thought, as I yawned. "No ... I'm serious. I let myself get distracted..." Now that I was awake, I was getting really worried. "Just tell me, Malok!" "I looked into the issue about the experiment in Africa and you were right! The guy from...

2 years ago
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A Murder Misstery

A Murder Misstery by the author of The Jessica Project When I rolled out of bed that fateful morning, I had no way of knowing that it would be my last day as Matt McCoy. After showering and dressing quickly (how I long for those days!) I bolted out the door for my train, looking forward to another manic day on the floor. Although I was one of the youngest traders at the Chicago exchange, I was becoming feared and respected for my cunning and balls...another detail which was soon...

3 years ago
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Two weeks with Horas Chapter 4

I put the groceries on the kitchen table. I noted that Elizabeth, our next door neighbour, was wearing my bathrobe. It has never looked so good. Both she and my wife Cathy looked a little dishevelled. Obviously while I was shopping they had been busy being pleasured by Horas the Doberman. Both could not stop smiling. Even Horas looked happy. I was feeling the odd man out. Cathy started to put the shopping away. I am banned from that as I always put things in the wrong place. Lizzy was sitting...

1 year ago
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New tricks

It all started at a party. Jim was invited by the host whom he had known for some 19 years. While he was in the kitchen, talking to one of the parents, he bumped into a friend of the family, she’d been invited by one of the host’s cousins. Somehow the chat got onto age and education. “You’re over the hill,” the young girl told Jim. “Partying is a young person’s activity.” “Really” Jim replied nonplussed. “Who teaches you at school? Who shows you the ropes and instructs you? Who tells you how...

2 years ago
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Monsoon Masti With Bank Loan Girl

I'm clear about one thing – I belive in love, but even sex is important. And variety in sex is good! I've been fantasizing about sex since my teenage. And its gotten stronger with age! I've had good time with my maid, some aunties, and girls in bangalore. When I was in college, I used to take “tips" from seniors on how to go about these things. I wish we had more stories like desitales then for the lessons!! Anyway, let me tell you about one incident that happened just before my marriage. I...

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The MILFs 20 year old college daughter

I was fucking a MILF and over time became aware she had a 20 year old daughter away at college/uni. One weekend I stayed over and she happened to be home. I couldn't believe it when I finally saw her in the flesh. She was way hotter than her mom - which gave an insight into why her mom was so hot - though quite petite and she got me increasingly horny due to her slutty summer dressing. She was curvy but knew how to carry her curves and her ass was just perfect. On the Sunday morning her mom...

4 years ago
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Ghost StoriesChapter 7

The summer break was over and the boys started their semester for their new class at Waterdale High School. Weeks had passed, since starting their semester, all the way up to the last days of October. But on the early evening of 30th of October (the day before Halloween), Josh and his friends did something they had never done before. Josh, Archie, Reggie and three other friends/classmates by the names of Sabrina, Josie and Beef, were playing with the Ouija board. In other words, they were...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Sheril Blossom Filthy Fashion Model Fucking

Interviewing platinum blonde model Sheril Blossom, high fashion mogul Mike Angelo tries to convince her to showcase her wares in skimpy attire. He lustfully peels off the shy stunner’s top, revealing her splendid, natural tits. ‘Relax, you can trust me,’ he promises, unwrapping her like a birthday present. Mia takes his hard cock in her mouth for a blowjob. Mike manhandles her snatch as she squats on his prick from atop his desk. Mia’s mounds bounce alluringly while she...

3 years ago
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Introducing my ex to the life style with a bbc

My ex Amy was only 20 years old her first time she got a taste of the swinging life,meeting a couple online Tony and Jane we planned to meet on the weekend and they told us stories about this guy Jim they see for mfm fun and having his own place in the city its a great place to meet.So Amy and I messaged him on the site we used telling him about our plans and about ourselfs. Now the couple were in their 40's so telling Jim a couple with a gorgeous 20 year old are coming over with Tony and Jane...

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Whites vs Blacks Who Can Win the Interracial Sex Battle Part 1

It was a hot summer day in California. All these hot girls, so little time, Justin Thinks to himself. Now Justin isnt that great looking, but that doesnt matter because he is a black pornstar (He is well hung). Last week Justin got engaged to a black skater from Los Angeles, named Kitty. Kitty hates white guys, she couldnt imagine having sex with a white cracker. This is one of the reasons Justin likes her, he doesnt want his girl sleeping around with whites, he wants her assets all to himself...

3 years ago
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widow woman she was thirsty and hungry for 12 years

I am 37 years old widow beauty woman and had not any sex relation after separation(2000) because I grow up in traditional & religion family and society that think sex with anybody except husband is illegal addition in our culture the girls should being a virgin on our wedding night can be so awkward–and even so shaming ?! Really in my first marriage since I was so young without any sex experience and haven’t sex relation so I was not sufficient sex with my husband .Unfortunately he has not...

2 years ago
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Pleasuring a Granny Ch 4

October 1997 Carol and Pauline, two lovely temptation centres over which a great many teenage boys were stroking their erections and fantasizing had also begun to experience strong sexual feelings. They had the great fortune to love each enough to spend many evenings together, exploring each other’s bodies and finding out what they liked or did not like. It was about 8pm. The girls were in Pauline's room, naked. Carol lay on the bed with her legs spread wide apart to enable Pauline to...

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Caught part 1

Caught. Part 1. The affair had pretty much snuck up on us. Charlotte and I had started chatting in the elevator one morning. As we arrived at work at about the same time every day we saw each other quite often. One day we'd met on the way down for lunch and had agreed to go to lunch together. A few months' later things had progressed to the point where I phoned my wife, Lynne, telling her I had to work late and we'd gone out together. She had no idea I was married. I was thrilled...

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Portsea Fantasy

The clouds begin to disappear after the rain and let the sun dry the humidity to make it a splendid day typical of summer in Melbourne. The wet road is steaming as we drive towards Portsea along the Esplanade hugging the Peninsula coast. The yachts on the bay seem to be greeting us as they weave their way through the choppy sea. Left and right they sway and left again as they salute us with their sails of red white blue gold and some green. They compete with the surf boarders and the jet skis...

4 years ago
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Midnight Pool Party 2 by loyalsock

Danielle's hands clenched my shoulders hard with each lick of my tongue. Her nails dug deeper every time I sucked on her clit. She inhaled sharply. "Shit! Oooohhh, shit! Baby, you the man! Ooooohhh! Shit!"I would have chuckled, if I didn't have my mouth full. I was glad to discover that the techniques I'd learned definitely worked. It pays to be a good student. It was easy to give her oral. She was very demonstrative, and her pussy almost tasted like chocolate.Suddenly she clenched her hands...

3 years ago
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Damn Im Screwed

"Damn I’m screwed," thought Stefanie as she saw the reflection of her seventeen-year old son Stefan in the bureau mirror. She was just coming down from an awesome orgasm with her lover Harley’s cock still buried in her cunt.She was further shocked by the big grin on Stefan’s face. What the fuck was he doing home anyway, and how long has he been there watching, she thought.Then Harley began to stir. He began slowly fucking her. His cock was hardening again as he slowly picked up the pace. Damn...

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Center of MassChapter 19

It was now late in the year, so bad weather was to be expected. Running Fox said that we were approaching the season of sand storms, and they could be very bad on occasion. I didn't doubt him, but I wasn't anxious to have him proven correct, either. I was really getting into this wagon master state of mind, and I hated anything that interfered with our progress toward Yuma. The weather didn't seem to care that we were getting close to Tucson. We were hit with a major sandstorm a couple of...

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Your new exhibitionist licence

I don't know what made me do it. All I had intended was to buy a limited nudist license so that I could go swimming in the lake and at the pool in my birthday suit. Maybe strip down in the park on hot summer days. You get the idea. I'm certainly comfortable enough with my body that I don't care who sees it. I guess maybe that last part isn't completely true, given that I ended up going for the full exhibitionist licence. Actually, it probably isn't true at all. I went to the clinic and checked...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 22

NOV 1940 HUNGARY AND ROMANIA JOINS THE AXIS “When Švejk subsequently described life in the lunatic asylum, he did so in exceptionally eulogistic terms: ‘I really don’t know why those loonies get so angry when they’re kept there. You can crawl naked on the floor, howl like a jackal, rage and bite. If anyone did this anywhere on the promenade people would be astonished, but there it’s the most common or garden thing to do. There’s a freedom there which not even Socialists have ever dreamed...

2 years ago
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My mans view on my new desire for bbc

Let me tell you a bout my somewhat recently/maybe newly single, x/current gf Rach.She is a smoking hot dark blond/ lite burr. I have secretly lead her down this path of corruption. When i met her she was a fun part-yer and lush drinker. When we started dating along time ago, i notice she ONLY would ware thong panties/ underware. She had here belly pierced ones and had been when 1 other dude prior.Well for the past idk greater part of the year i got addicted to cuckold/ir porn in my own time and...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 35 Its Really Over

February 19, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “I like church!” Jesse announced as we walked up the entrance to Saint Innocent of Moscow Orthodox Church. “Maybe your friend Vasily will be here,” I said. “He’s nice! May I stand with him?” “Yes, you may,” I said. We entered the small church and all of us except Birgit lit candles in front of the icon of the Theotokos. I lit one for Birgit, and added it to the others. Jesse saw his friend Vasily and hurried to stand by him. Vasily looked back and I...

3 years ago
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From the GurlTown files Maria

Calvin woke trying to turn on his back, only to find out he couldn’t. Maria quietly said, “where do you think you’re going” then added. “You forgot you knotted me last night”? They both laughed remembering that last night was one for the books. The thought that today would be the start of taking the boys, they had fucked like a****ls. The boys, Jason, Eric, Charles and Roy had spent the summer and Winter had set in. They had spent summer outside enjoying the wilderness but the first snow...

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Wife looses a bet

Football season is one of my favorite times of the year. I usually have the guys over to watch the game and my wife is a perfect hostess. She serves up the cold beer and always has something to snack on. I was planning on having the guys over to watch a preseason game and I asked my wife if she would be our hostess? The guys always tip her and when she flirts the tips are bigger. She said she would do it but she wanted something sexy to wear. I have no problem with her dressing sexy in front...

1 year ago
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Naughty Roommate

I been living with the same roommate for the past 4 years and were best friends, well now he got married and I have this townhome all to myself but I need a roommate to cover the cost of it. It’s a big place and I can’t afford it by myself, so I start asking around. A friend says her girlfriend is looking for a place since she just moved to the city. I didn’t hesitate and told her to come by.The following day she came over to see the place. Her name was Carmen, she was the sexiest girl I ever...

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Drunken mom and her sons

This story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life! Amanda was looking forward to a peaceful evening, especially as her thirteen year old son Mark was going to be out at a party half the night, it was a chance to relax and not have to worry about anything but what she wanted for a change. She sighed at the thought of some free time for herself, at the same time wondering just when her son and his two friends, Tom and Bob, would be leaving for this party of theirs....

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