Enough Chapters 20 & 21 free porn video

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Lexie went into the bathroom and soaked in the tub for almost an hour. I took a quick shower in the hall bath and was dressed and on the sofa when I heard her open the bathroom door. She came walking into the living room with a pink towel wrapped around her.

“Would it be ok if I brought some clothes over here?”, she asked.

“No, please don’t do that.”, I replied, acting serious.

“Why not?”, she replied, a frown on her face.

“Because I prefer you like you are now.”, I said, smiling.

“Oh, do you?”, she giggled, walking over to me.

She quickly straddled me and sat down on my lap. She leaned forward and kissed me like only Lexie could. She kept her eyes open and looked into mine. The look in her eyes when she forced her tongue into my mouth was unforgettable. We kissed like that for at least several minutes with our eyes open. She finally pulled away from me her face flushed with blood.

“I just took a long hot bath and you’re gonna fuck me again?”, she laughed.

“Nah, I give you a few hours off.”, I said, jokingly.

“Hmmmm, I don’t know…... I can cum again, baby.” she answered, kissing my lips quickly.

“In a while nympho. Now get off my dick.”, I commanded.

“Ooh baby, I love when you talk dirty to me.”, she giggled popping up off my lap.

About an hour later, I pulled into the driveway of Lexie’s house and parked. I followed her through the front door and into the kitchen where her mom was fixing lunch.

“Hey you two. Jim is cooking on the pit now, everything will be ready in about thirty minutes or so.”, Jennifer replied, kissing the both of us on the cheek.

“I’ll go out back and see what your dad is up to.”, I told Lexie.

I walked into the living room and out the back double doors to see Jim Thomas standing over the barbeque pit. I walked over and shook his hand as he took a break from the pit.

“Hey Chris, how are things?”, he asked.

“Great sir, really good.”, I replied.

“I’m glad to hear that.”, he answered.

We talked for a few minutes before Lexie came out of the back door and over to her father. She hugged him and kissed him on the cheek quickly.

“Chris, my mom says she needs your help.”, Lexie stated.

“Uh…ok.”, I replied, going back inside.

I walked through the living area and back into the kitchen where Jennifer Thomas was leaning over, looking into the oven. Jennifer Thomas was still a very attractive woman with a very nice body. She had a great ass just like her daughter.

“Hey, Lexie said you needed help.”, I asked.

Jennifer stood up and turned around to face me. She had a huge grin on her face that told me this conversation may not go well.

“I’m not sure if Lexie is lying to me or not, so I want to ask you. Did she cum five times last night or is she exaggerating?”, Jennifer asked, with a huge smile.

“Oh geez…... Jennifer that’s not something that I want to talk about. I mean, you’re her mother.”, I protested.

“Everybody cums, Chris. But five times…. I have to know.”, Jen giggled.

This was uncharted territory for me. Yes, my mom and I were very open about sex so why shouldn’t Lexie and her mom. But then again, if I say the wrong thing here who knows what could happen.

“Uh, I think it was five or six times….”, I replied, softly.

“God damn, so she is right. You are that good in bed.”, she laughed.

“Jesus…. This is not a conversation I should be having with my girlfriend’s mother.”, I responded.

“Why, you don’t think Lexie’s mother likes to cum?”, she laughed.

“Oh geez…… I’m done. What do you need help with?”, I inquired.

“I need help cumming five or six times.”, Jen replied, laughter overtaking her.

“I’m going back outside.”, I replied, turning, and walking away.

Jennifer was still laughing hysterically as I opened the back door and walked out. I walked over to Lexie and her father who were engaged in conversation. Asa soon as I stopped on the left side of Lexie, she turned and wrapped her arms around me. I felt a little uncomfortable showing signs of affection in front of her parents. But Jennifer Thomas had no problem with it.

We had a nice lunch with her parents but through the entire lunch Jennifer kept making eye contact with me. Jen’s brown eyes were sparkling and full of her. I also noticed a few times that her face was flushed. I left around two thirty with Lexie telling me she would meet me at my house in a few hours. I went home changed into some shorts and went out back and cleaned the pool. Just about the time I finished, Lexie pulled into the driveway. She had two suitcases with her and some clothes hanging in the back of the SUV. I helped her bring everything inside and take it to the master bedroom. I sat on the edge of the bed while Lexie unpacked.

“Uh Lex?”, I asked.

“Yea baby, what’s up?”, she replied.

“Did you tell your mom about last night…. You know the sex?”, I inquired.

“Yes…... why?”, she responded, not even looking up at me.

“Well, she asked me how many times you got off last night.”, I said, confused.

“I guess she didn’t believe me.”, Lexie giggled.

“Uh, just for future reference…. You tell your mom everything?’, I asked.

“Well not everything but almost…”, she answered, stopping and looking at me.

“Uh... ok.”, I stated.

“Chris, does it bother you I talk to my mother about sex?”, she asked sincerely.

“No… not really. I guess she just took me by surprise.”, I admitted.

“Ok look…… you need to know this. I want complete honesty between us. I’m not going to fuck us up again. My mom talked to me about sex and even showed me how to masturbate. She bought me my first vibrator and watched me have my first orgasm.”, she admitted.

“Uh …. Ok.”, I replied.

“Truth be known, she adores my father, but he lacks a bit in bed. He’s a great father and husband but she doesn’t cum enough…. Period., Lexie giggled.

“That’s more than I need to know, Lex.”, I laughed.

“Yea, I guess it is.”, she giggled.

The following morning, I was at the gym teaching my class when I man with a badge around his neck walked over to me. What was odd is that he did not have a gun.

“Chris Williams, you’ve been served.”, he stated, handing me a folded document.

He turned and walked away going back out of the front door. I unfolded the document and read that I was to be in court in two weeks. I was going to have to testify in the case concerning Riley Dugas.

That night, I showed Lexie the subpoena and she promised to look into it for me. Several days later she told me that two of the three defendants had pleaded guilty. The last defendant, the one who was shot did not. Lexie had contacted the district attorney’s office but the prosecutor really had no idea what the defense was up to.

I was in court close to forty-five minutes before trial and sat in last row of benches. Slowly during the next few minutes, the court began to fill up. Officer Dugas showed up in her uniform and took a seat near the front. She smiled at me when she passed but made no other gesture. I had some knowledge of the court procedure and the games they would try and play. Thankfully we were going to have a female judge and not the previous judge I had to deal with in my mother’s case.

Court finally came to order and the room was about half full when Lexie appeared next to me. She leaned over and kissed my cheek grabbing my hand in hers. The court went through it’s procedure and the court asked the defense to start it’s case. The first witness he called was a lady by the name of Shirley Jenkins. She was sworn in and sat in the witness box.

For the next ten minutes or so, Ms. Jenkins proceeded to tell the court what a good man the defendant was. After all, he was her son so who would expect any less. She told a tale of a young boy who got mixed up with the wrong crowd at a young age. But according to Ms. Jenkins he had turned his life around and was leading a decent life. All in all, the testimony was what you would expect a mother to say about her son.

After Ms. Jenkins stepped down the attorney called out my name. I got up and started up the isle with the attorney staring me down. I passed him and was sworn in taking the witness box. He started right in on me like I expected.

“Mr. Williams, do you recognize the defendant?”, he asked.

“Yes, I do.”, I replied, looking directly at the defendant.

“When was the first time you encountered the defendant?”, he asked, not looking up from his tablet.

“The night I stopped to help the police officer.”, I replied.

“Which police officer Mr. Williams. I see one in the front of the room, and you were sitting next to another in the back.”, he asked sarcastically.

“The officer sitting in the front of the room, Officer Dugas.”, I replied, pointing her out.

“So, who is the officer that you were sitting next to in the back?”, he asked, turning to look at Lexie.

“That’s my girlfriend….”, I answered.

“So, it seems you are very popular with the female deputies of our police department.”, he stated.

This caused some of the jurors to laugh which quickly spread across the court room. The judge raised her gavel and quickly slammed it down on the wood block.

“The court will come to order.”, she stated in a loud voice.

Mr. Williams, you state that the first time you encountered the defendant is when you stopped to supposedly help Officer Dugas. Is that correct?”, he asked.

“Yes sir, that is correct.”, I answered.

“You didn’t meet him and his friends an hour earlier at a restaurant where you exchanged words with the defendant?”, he asked, loudly.

“No sir, I was never at a restaurant that night. I was coming directly from the Powerhouse Gym where I work.”, I stated.

“I think after the altercation at the restaurant you followed the defendant and his friends until they pulled over. That’s when you attacked them. They were trying to defend themselves when Officer Dugas showed up and got involved.”, he accused.

“Sir, I’m not sure what you have been told but there was never any altercation at a restaurant. In fact, there is a timecard at the gym which shows what time I left that night.”, I replied.

The timecard comment seemed to disturb him for a moment causing him to have to regroup. He was turning pages on the tablet that he was using, apparently trying to regain some momentum. But to his credit, he came back quickly.

“Mr. Williams, I understand that you are some kind of expert in martial arts. Is that correct?”, he asked.

“No sir, I’m not an expert. I train with two masters in Krav Maga and Muy Thai.”, I answered.

“Can you explain what that is?’, he quickly countered.

“Krav Maga is a basic Israeli military discipline that teaches you how to fight. Muy Thai is a form of boxing in Thailand.”, I explained.

“I see. Oh Mr. Williams, have you ever been arrested before?”, he asked, looking directly at the jurors.

“No sir.”, I quickly replied.

“I sorry but I have a report here that you were arrested for an altercation at Moe’s Pizza over a year ago. You attacked three people there as well.”, he said, reading off of the tablet.

“No sir, that’s not want happened. I was never arrested. I was attacked at the restaurant by those three guys, I was defending myself.”, I answered.

“It seems like you find trouble anywhere you go…...”, the attorney laughed.

The district attorney jumped up ready to object but the defense attorney held up his hand and turned to the judge.

“I have no further question for now, Your Honor.”, he stated.

The district attorney buttoned his suit jacket and picked up his notes from the table. He walked over to me with a smile on his face.

“Good morning Mr. Williams., he stated.

“Good morning, sir.”, I answered.

“I’m not sure who I am talking to here. According to the defense, you are one very bad man.”, he laughed.

“Your honor….”, the defense attorney shouted, standing up.

“Sustained. Please stick to facts counselor.”, she said, nodding.

“Sorry Your Honor. Mr. Williams, could you please tell us exactly what happened that night.”, he asked.

“I left work sometime around eleven o’clock I believe and was driving home when I noticed the blue lights flashing on the side of the road. Since my girlfriend is a police officer I slowed down and looked that way. I noticed Officer Dugas in an argument which three men. Just as I passed, one of the men rushed her taking her to the ground. That’s when I stopped.”, I started.

“I got out of my vehicle and started toward the three men when one of them noticed me. He moved toward me, so I disabled him. At that time, a second man cut me with a knife. I turned and faced him and disabled him as well. I then noticed that the third man was over Officer Dugas, and she was bleeding. I took him down quickly and as I was trying to get up, the second man cut me again with the knife. Before I could respond to him, Officer Dugas discharged her weapon striking him once.”, I continued.

“After he collapsed, I went to help Officer Dugas and called for assistance on her radio. I remember the other officers showing up but must have passed out after that.”, I concluded.

“Isn’t it true that you had Officer Dugas in your arms and pointing her weapon at this defendant?”, he asked.

“I’m sorry sir but I don’t remember that.”, I said, softly.

“Thank you, Mr. Williams.”, he said, turning and walking back to his table.

The judge excused me with a smile and a nod. I got up and walked back to my seat. Lexie grabbed my hand tight and whispered in my ear that I had did well. The next witness was Riley Dugas who basically told the same story that I had up to the time she lost consciousness. She ended by saying that I may have saved her life that night and that she was thankful that I had stopped.

Lexie informed me three days later that it took all of ninety minutes for the juror to come back with a guilty verdict. The judge would probably with his record sentence him to life under the multiple strikes program.

It was Jennifer Thomas birthday again so there was a cookout planned at their home. It would be the first time since Lexie and I were back together, I would get to see Pops and Maw Maw again. Lexie had been sleeping sat my house almost every night but on that Friday night she went home to help her mother get ready for the party. I went over to their house a few minutes before noon. Lexie met me in the front entry hall with a huge kiss, her tongue softly brushing my lips.

I followed her to the rear door and out to the patio where several people where already assembled. I said hello to her father and mother who were around the barbeque pit then walked over to the table where Pops and Maw Maw were seated. It had been a while since I had seen him and he seemed surprised.

“Chris, I didn’t expect to see you here.”, he stated, shaking my hand.

“Good to see the newlyweds.”, I remarked, kissing Maw Maw on the cheek.

“Please tell me you two are back together?”, Maw Maw asked.

“Yes, ma’am we are.”, I answered.

“Oh, that makes me so happy.”, she answered, almost crying.

“I guess the girl has some sense after all.”, Pops said, shaking his head.

Just about that time Lexie came over and wrapped her hands around my waist from behind. She was wearing a pair of tights and pull over shirt that showed off her chiseled body.

“Hey guys, are you talking about me.”, she giggled.

“Actually, yes we are…… seems like to finally came to your senses grandchild.”, Pops said, sarcastically.

“Pops, I made a mistake….”, Lexie replied, making a sad face.

“You most certainly did and you’re very lucky that he forgave you, I’m not sure I would have after the way you acted.”, Pops said, dressing her down.

“I think this may be a family moment, excuse me.”, I stated moving quickly to Lexie’s parents.

Lexie gave me a look like I was abandoning her and that’s exactly what I was doing. I was over talking to her parents when she got there several minutes later.

“Thanks so much Chris…... I appreciate it.”, she stated.

“What did you do?”, Lexie’s mom asked.

“I ran away from an interrogation.”, I laughed.

“No, Pops was just busting my balls as usual…. You know, about the party.”, she protested.

“Nothing you don’t deserve my precious daughter.”, Jim Thomas chimed in.

“Jesus Christ will you guys ever get over it?”, she complained.

“I’ll have the family get back to you on that….”, I said, acting serious.

“Oh, you fucker, you will pay for that.”, she said softly, smacking me on the back.

“I not sure but I think that might be police brutality.”, I said.

The party went well, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Lexie and I left around seven that night and both drove to my house. I was already in the shower when I heard her come through the door. I was drying myself off in the master bedroom when she walked in.

“You want something to drink…... I’m going to the kitchen.”, I asked.

“No, I’m fine.”, she answered.

When I came back into the bedroom, I heard the shower running and the door was closed. I pulled back the covers on the bed and climbed in propping up the pillows. About ten minutes later Lexie came out in a short t-shirt and black laced panties. She walked over to her side on the bed and got in with that playful grin on her face.

“Are you ever going to let me off the hook for leaving you?”, she asked.

“Uh Lex, if I wouldn’t have let you off the hook would I be here?”, I replied.

“No, I guess not….”, she answered.

“Lexie, I love you……. Probably since the first day I met you. Not much is going to change that.”, I admitted.

“I love you too, baby.”, she said, kissing me softly.


Since Christmas was coming up, I figured it was the perfect time to ask Lexie to marry me. She was an amazing woman and my best friend. I wanted to spend my life with her and give her everything that I was able to.

It was right before Thanksgiving when I stopped by her parent’s home one evening. She was working nights, so it gave me the perfect time to meet with them behind her back. I was sitting in the living room with Jim and Jennifer Thomas when we were finished with small talk.

“The reason I stopped by tonight is……um well, I want to ask your permission to marry your daughter.”, I said, looking at Jim Thomas.

Jennifer Thomas leaped out from her seat and ran over to me wrapping her arms around my neck. Jim Thomas sat forward and extended his hand which I shook firmly.

“Yes, you may marry my daughter. I think you’re a wonderful young man.”, he said, tears in his eyes.

After that, we talked about the engagement which I informed them I would give her the ring on Christmas day as a gift. They both thought that was a wonderful idea and I convinced Jennifer to help me pick out an engagement ring. We decided to begin shopping the following week when Lexie was working days.

The following week, I picked Jennifer up and she suggested we start at a retail jewelry store in the mall. I was skeptical but I knew little about jewelry, so I agreed. After looking at the rings they had available, I did not see anything that really stood out. Jennifer suggested a couple of rings, but they were really small. The saleslady told me that if I wanted something high end, I should go to Martin’s Jewelry down the parkway.

We took her advice and thirty minutes later pulled up in front of Martin’s Jewelry. We walked in and a very attractive young woman came up and asked me if I needed help. I told her I was in the market for an engagement ring for my girlfriend. She looked at Jennifer then smiled asking us to follow her.

We went to a huge twelve-foot display case that had at least two hundred rings in it. She asked me what I wanted to spend on the ring. I told her I wanted something nice, so we moved to the middle of the case. I was looking at several rings and continued to move to my left. The more left I went the higher the price became. I was scanning the case as Jennifer was explaining to the woman the ring was for her daughter. I was maybe six feet from the end of the case when I saw it.

“Right here, this one.”, I stated.

The woman moved over to me and opened the back of the case pulling out the ring I had chosen. He handed to me as Jennifer walked up.

“This is a Halo ring designed by Neil Lane. It’s a three-carat total weight in twenty carat white gold.”, she stated.

“What do you think, Jen?”, I asked, handing her the ring.

“What do I think…. I think you’re crazy. It’s beautiful but it has to be expensive.”, she said softly.

“That ring is ten thousand five hundred dollars. We do have the matching wedding bands for this as well for twenty-seven hundred.”, she stated.

“Holy crap…...”, Jennifer laughed.

“I’ll take it.’, I quickly replied.

“What does your fiancé do for a living?”, the woman asked.

“She’s a police officer.”, I answered.

“Oh wow… that’s interesting. Are you a cop as well?”, she asked.

“No ma’am. I work at Powerhouse Fitness as an instructor.”, I responded.

“I guess I should have known looking at you.”, the woman giggled.

Jennifer was still looking at the ring in amazement then finally set it back down on the counter. She turned to me and hugged me like she was drowning with tears in her eyes. She finally let go and stepped away.

“I could not have asked for a better man to marry my daughter.”, she smiled, holding my hand.

I informed the woman I would take the ring and pulled my checkbook from my back pocket. She asked about the ring size and Jennifer mentioned that Lexie had the same ring size that she did. So, the woman measured Jennifer and recorded the ring size. She then turned to me and asked me a question I had not thought of.

“Is your fiancé active on the street during her shifts?”, she asked.

“Yes, she patrols in the second district.”, I answered.

“Well, I’m just thinking that this ring might be a little much to wear on a daily basis with her job. Also, I noticed that most officer wear gloves…. That might be a problem as well.”, she stated.

“I never thought about that….”, I replied, a monkey wrench thrown in my plan.

“You know, you could buy the wedding band now and she could choose to wear that on duty. It could serve as an engagement ring.”, she commented.

“That’s a good idea…... go ahead and add the wedding bands”, I said.

The woman showed me the wedding bands and measured me for mine as well. With tax and sizing the total came to eleven thousand nine hundred dollars or so. It was the biggest check I had ever wrote in my young life. I agreed to pick up the rings in ten days or so.

On the way back to drop Jennifer off, I asked her if Lexie had made any remarks about things she may need. I still had to get her a Christmas present or two. Jennifer had no idea so I would have to try and pry it out of Lexie. I dropped Jennifer off and made my way to the gym to teach my afternoon class. I was in the middle of my work out that evening when Lexie came in to work out.

Lexie started cardio first so that I could finish up. When I was done, I spotted her on the weights. Lexie was strong for her size but seeing her in tights told you much more. She had strong legs and a great ass that was high and firm. We finished up together and took showers then left for home.

We were in bed that night and I noticed that she was looking at a police website. She was scrolling through body armor looking at several different ones.

“Is that lingerie you’re looking at?”, I asked.

“Uh, don’t quit your day job…. We have enough comedians now.”, she remarked.

“So, what are you looking at?”, I asked, prying into her business.

“Body armor. My vest expires in six months, and I have to replace it. I know someone has this one. It’s lightweight, comfortable and breathable but it’s so fucking high.”, she commented.

“How much is it?”, I asked.

“This particular one is fourteen hundred. I only paid six hundred for my last one.”, Lexie stated.

“Fourteen hundred is not a lot when your life depends on it.”, I answered.

“True but I’m a cop…… money is an issue in the beginning.”, Lexie laughed.

Lexie got up and went to the bathroom leaving the website open on her phone. I quickly took a picture with my phone before she came out of the bathroom. She returned quickly and climbed back in the bed.

“You know, I also really need a backup weapon. I was thinking about a thirty-eight hammerless with an ankle holster on my left ankle. But I really need to get the vest first. The gun can wait.”, she commented.

Several weeks before Christmas, I went over to the police supply place that Lexie used. I showed the vest to the salesman that was behind the counter, and he told me he had it in stock. I told him it was for my girlfriend who was a police officer. I mentioned Lexie’s name and he told me she had been in there several times.

I mentioned to him that she needed a backup weapon as well and mentioned a thirty-eight-caliber revolver. He showed me a Smith and Wesson Model 442 Air Weight that was very popular with police officers. He showed me the ankle holster that went with it. I bought the vest, gun and ankle holster although I had to put the gun in my name for the background check. He told me that Lexie could pass by after Christmas and have it transferred to her.

I went home and hid everything at the top of the closet in one of the bedrooms that were not used. I would still need to get one or two more gifts but for the most part, I was set. That night, Lexie and I discussed what to get for her parents and grandparents. I told her I would help her pay for all the gifts which she appreciated. We decided to go shopping that weekend and get it over with.

Lexie informed me that on Christmas Eve she had to work the day shift but then she was off for four days after. On Christmas Eve night Lexie’s aunt was having a family get together at her house. Everyone would be there, and Lexie told me that after she got off, we would attend as well.

That Friday night, Lexie had gone to shower first as I cleaned up the kitchen. I heard her come out as I was finishing up the kitchen. I went into the bedroom to find Lexie already on the bed looking through her phone. I grabbed a fresh t-shirt and pair of shorts then went to the bathroom. I took a long, hot shower and then returned to the master bedroom. Lexie was still on the phone looking at her phone, but she had her right hand in her panties rubbing herself.

“Why don’t you go ahead and help yourself.”, I remarked.

“That’s exactly what I am doing.”, she giggled uncontrollably.

I don’t think there is a more erotic sight than watching a woman pleasuring herself. Lexie right hand was inside her pink panties softly stroking her clit. I could already see a wet spot darkening the light pink material.

“Why don’t you come over here and watch me?’’, Lexie asked.

I walked across the room to my side of the bed and climbed in. I moved right next to Lexie facing her on the bed. Lexie was not a bit shy when it came to sex and very vocal at times.

“You like it when I finger my pussy?”, she asked.

“Yes, I do……. I love watching you.”, I replied.

By now Lexie was pumping one finger in and out of her wet pussy. I could hear the moisture popping around her finger on each stroke.

“Would you eat me out, baby?”, she asked with a seductive grin.

I leaned forward and slowly pulled the pink panties off of her hips and down her legs. She leaned back on the pillow and open her legs giving me complete access to her pussy. I leaned down and softly kissed her clit and forcing my tongue inside of her pink center. She moaned in pleasure as my tongue opened her thin lips.

“Oh fuck…... that feels so good.”, she moaned, arching her back slightly.

“I want you to cum in my mouth Lexie.”, I replied, pulling my mouth off her for a second.

“Mmmmm….”, was her only reply.

I gently took her hard clit between my lips and sucked on her softly. Lexie loved when I did that and I could make her cum quickly that way. I took my fingertips and began to gently stroke the insides of both of her thighs. That was all it took as she erupted with a gush of fluids coating my lips and face with her orgasm. I continued to softly lick her pussy as she trembled on the bed under me. I continued to tongue her as she slowly came down off her climax.

I got up and moved between her legs holding my hard cock in my right hand. I placed it against the entrance to her pussy and softly pushed. Her drenched pussy offered little resistance as I slid into Lexie easily. She reached up and softly ran her fingers across my chest as I bottomed out inside of her.

“Fuck me, baby……”, she whispered.

I started to move in and out of her slowly looking directly into her beautiful eyes. I leaned forward and found her mouth pushing my tongue between her lips. I rolled over pulling Lexie on top of me something that she loved. Lexie wanted to be in control of everything and having her on top of me gave her that ability. She leaned over some and placed her hands on my chest for support.

“I think it’s going to be one of those nights, baby.”, Lexie giggled.

“Oh really?”, I replied.

“Yea, I’m horny as fuck.”, she laughed.

“Well let’s see what we can do about that.”, I answered.

Lexie began to move back and forth on me slowly her eyes locked on mine. I reached up and grabbed her hips holding them firmly in my hands. Lexie leaned back slightly and put her hand between her thighs and started to rub her clit never breaking eye contact with me.

“I love to be your dirty little whore.”, she moaned, her finger working its magic.

“Do you now?”, I asked.

“Fucking right baby…… no one can make me cum the way you do.”, she said.

I reached down between her legs and moved her hand. I reached in and began to slowly rub her clit in a circular motion. She leaned back a little further giving me better access. She was soaked with lubrication and my finger easily moved across the hard clit.

“Tell me how much you love it when I finger you.”, I demanded.

“Oh god yes baby…... rub that clit.”, she begged.

Lexie’s face, neck and upper chest began to turn pinkish signaling that her second orgasm was right around the corner. I started rubbing her clit a bit harder my finger gliding over the hard wet nub. Lexie’s orgasm hit her like a freight train all at once.

“Oh fuckkkkkkkk……” she wailed, her body shaking with pleasure.

Lexie’s orgasm was long and hard then she finally collapsed on my chest mashing her breast against me. I gently kissed her neck and shoulders as she tried to regain her breath. She was still gently moving on my hard cock as fluid ran down my legs. She finally leaned up and bit and looked at me.

“I fucking love you so much.”, she said softly.

“That’s good because I’m head over heels in love with you.”, I replied, brushing her hair from her face.

“I can’t believe that you took me back.”, Lexie admitted.

“Lexie, ever since that first kiss in the pool, you had me. I don’t think I would have ever got over you.”, I replied.

“That was the best first kiss of my life.”, she giggled.

Lexie lifted her body off mine and moved down quickly taking my hard cock into her mouth. She quickly cleaned it of her second orgasm and was now moving her head up and down on my shaft. Lexie knew how to use her tongue in conjunction with her mouth and soon had me on the edge of an orgasm.

“Baby, I’m gonna cum.”, I warned.

“No……”, she replied quickly, pulling her mouth off of me.

“Get up and come stand here by the side of the bed.”, she commanded.

I did as I was told getting up and walking around the bed to her side. She was sitting on the bed when I approached her.

“I want you to cum on my face, baby.”, she said, smiling taking my cock back into her mouth.

Within thirty seconds her tongue had my head reeling from the pleasure. Once again, I warned her of my pending orgasm. She quickly pulled me out of her mouth and began jerking me off. She opened her mouth and extended her tongue placing the head of my cock close to the end of her tongue. She then looked up at me with those large eyes.

“Cum on your dirty whore………. Cum on my face, baby.”, she begged.

The first rope of cum blasted out of my cock and hit the back of her throated. String after string of hot cum cover her tongue, mouth and chin as she lapped it up as fast as she could. When the cum stopped she put my cock back in her mouth once again using her tongue on me. The feeling was incredible as my cock started to shrink inside her wet, warm mouth. She continued to suck on me for several minutes until I was limp in her mouth. I could see that the blood was flowing once again to her face and neck.

“Push over…...”, I commanded.

Lexie made room for me on the bed laying back resting her head on one of the pillows. I could still see the sheen of my cum on her lips and chin. I reached between her legs and pushed one finger deep inside of her.

“Oh baby, that feels so good.”, she responded, arching her back.

I knew exactly how Lexie liked to be fingered and the pace that she needed. I started slow and first making sure I paid attention to her clit. When she would reach down and start to rub herself, I knew she was ready. I was plunging my middle finger in and out of her rapidly when she placed her finger on her clit. But this time, I had a surprise for her. I leaned in to kiss her and saw her eyes grow wide. I pressed against her lips and forced my tongue into her mouth. The thought that my tongue was in her mouth right after I filled in full of cum sent her reeling. She exploded in another orgasm her mouth glued to mine her tongue in my mouth. As she slowly came down of her third orgasm, I continued to kiss her passionately. She finally pulled away from my mouth breathing heavily.

“Oh my god, you nasty mother fucker. I just came like a motherfucker.”, she whispered.

“Kiss my cum mouth again, baby.”, she demanded, pulling me back down.

We kissed each other for several minutes before we pulled our lips from each other. The lust in her eyes was obvious, I knew she was not done.

“Come on, let’s take a shower and start over.”, she commanded.


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Before Cassie left that night the both of us had several more orgasms each. Carrie said, she would see me tomorrow but after cumming that much she would sleep in late. I locked up and fell asleep immediately mentally and physically drained. I slept myself until after nine and missed my morning workout. I got up and fixed some eggs and bacons with coffee then sat down and ate. I cleaned up, changed clothes, and headed for the gym. I did a light workout and returned home just after noon or so....

1 year ago
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Enough Bickering Chapter 1

Gavin Brock was a highly paid, well-educated advertising executive, making well over $500,000 a year, plus expenses. He had plenty of reasons to be pleased with his life, but, lately, he was tired of the office politics at his company, where he was part of the management team. The constant bickering, backstabbing, and squabbling were wasting a lot of the company's energy, that could be better used to push its success and profit margin. Gavin was also a telepath, unknown to his colleagues, which...

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I drove home and arrived about twenty minutes to midnight. Lynda was sleeping soundly in my mother’s bed, so I decided to go to my room and crash. I did notice that Cassie’s mother SUV was back, so I was hoping to see her in the morning. As I laid in bed that night, I struggled to keep my anger in control. As much as seeing Destin, Mark, Ted, Darren and Josh spend years in jail, I wanted to hurt them. In fact, I wanted to kill them. I’m not sure when I fell asleep, but it took a while. I...

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Enough BickeringChapter 2

Natasha still had much desk work to do for Gavin that morning, but she breezed right through it, determined to get it out of the way before lunch. She naturally hoped to spend her mid-day meal with her boss, having "snacked" on his cum earlier that day. The whole idea of her new relationship with Mr. Brock, as well as his plans for her and the entire company, was enough to make her wet between her thighs. She was horny after her recent divorce and eager to fuck a man, especially...

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Enough Chapter 22

Lexie was still sleeping Saturday morning, so I got up and started the coffee pot. I started cooking bacon and eggs for the both of us on the stove. I was finishing up the eggs when Lexie walked up behind me pressing her body into me. “Good morning my love.”, she said softly. “Good morning baby.”, I replied. I felt her hands on my hips and her thumbs slipping into the waistband of my shorts. With one quick movement she pushed my shorts down to my ankles. She shifted slightly to my right...

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Enough Chapter 23

A month later I was in Rio De Janeiro with Master Garcia training at a Ju Jit Su Academy that he had worked with several times. It was evident quickly this was a no-nonsense training facility. After my morning workout with weight, I would then train on and off for twelve to fourteen hours with three different teachers. I was being force fed Ju Jit Su and MMA at a rapid pace. I was living with Master Garcia in a home he owned in the city. His sister lived there as well and she was a very nice...

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Enough Chapter 26

We drove straight over to the restaurant which was in the heart of town. Tessa informed the hostess that she was a friend of Chef Andre’ and he was expecting us. We were shown to a table in the rear of the room that had a reserved sign on it. I couldn’t help but notice all the men eyeing up Tessa as she passed them. I went to the table and held out a chair for Tessa to slide in to. I then walked around and sat down across from her. “You do know every woman in this place is eyeing you up...

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Enough Bickering

Gavin Brock was a highly paid, well-educated advertising executive, making well over $500,000 a year, plus expenses. He had plenty of reasons to be pleased with his life, but, lately, he was tired of the office politics at his company, where he was part of the management team. The constant bickering, backstabbing, and squabbling were wasting a lot of the company’s energy, that could be better used to push its success and profit margin. Gavin was also a telepath, unknown to his colleagues,...

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Enough Compensation

George Simpson received the package just this morning. He now sat behind his desk as he stared at it. His daughter Elise has sent him the package. And he wondered why. His birthday is some months away and he couldn’t think of any other occasion that would merit a gift.With eager fingers, he quickly opened the brown envelope. Slightly surprised when he unwrapped a videotape.Wondering what this is all about, he slipped it on the VCR and sat back to watch the curious tape.After a few seconds, his...

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Enough Chapters 6 7 8

Before Cassie left that night the both of us had several more orgasms each. Carrie said, she would see me tomorrow but after cumming that much she would sleep in late. I locked up and fell asleep immediately mentally and physically drained. I slept myself until after nine and missed my morning workout. I got up and fixed some eggs and bacons with coffee then sat down and ate. I cleaned up, changed clothes, and headed for the gym. I did a light workout and returned home just after noon or so....

4 years ago
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Mary and I were married when she was 18 and I was 24. Being aggressive in business didn't allow me a lot of sexual encounters before I met Mary and she was a virgin when we met. Mary is 5'2" and 115 lbs. with a perfect 36C and slim hips and beautiful blonde hair. I am 5' 9" 155 lbs. and fairly trim. Our friends call us the "beautiful couple" although most of our male friends say that as they drool looking at my pretty wife.After 8 years with my wife only one problem seems to plague our...

2 years ago
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Enough Watching

Enough Watchingirishmik60 As my parents walked from my bedroom, naked, hand in hand, my mother looked over her shoulder and asked, "are you coming?" Well, I had come. Many times in fact. More times than I think I'd ever come in one night. But I knew that wasn't what she meant. Slipping to the side of my bed and standing on weak legs, I started in the direction my parents had gone. In the direction of their bedroom. I was in a trance. A trance of sexual bliss and arousal. So far this evening I'd...

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Enough Chapter One

CHAPTER ONE I was only nineteen and five things would change my life as I knew it: 1. I was a nobody and school and barely weighed one hundred fifty pounds. Second, I had zero friends so that set me up as a target for any asshole in school who enjoyed harassing weak students. I joined a health and soon became infatuated with lifting weights and getting as big as...

2 years ago
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Enough Chapter 14

Detective Wilson called me two weeks later to tell me the District Attorney’s office had accepted the plea deal from everyone involved and sentencing would be held at the end of the month. I had spoken to Lexie maybe twice and had a few text messages from her. By this time, I had hoped that she would have loosened up a bit, but it did not seem that she had. For the most part, I had given up on any long-term relationship with her. I spent most of my day at the gym either training or teaching....

1 year ago
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Enough Chapter 18

Three months later summer was in full swing. Chrissy and I were seeing each other on a regular basis but we had not yet made it a point to be out on the town. No one really knew we were together except for her parents who never told anyone thus far. To their credit, her parents had treated me well and was always glad when I came over. Chrissy had made an amazing transformation and her new body was to die for. It was easy to see that she was proud of her effort and new look. Our sex life was...

3 years ago
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Enough BickeringChapter 1

Gavin Brock was a highly paid, well-educated advertising executive, making well over $500,000 a year, plus expenses. He had plenty of reasons to be pleased with his life, but, lately, he was tired of the office politics at his company, where he was part of the management team. The constant bickering, backstabbing, and squabbling were wasting a lot of the company's energy, that could be better used to push its success and profit margin. Gavin was also a telepath, unknown to his colleagues,...

2 years ago
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Enough BickeringChapter 3

The next morning, Gavin woke Natasha and led her into the bathroom so both of them could shower and brush their teeth. "Thank you, Master. I'm glad that we fucked last night. I've been wanting you to screw me for a while now. I love you, Master," she declared. "I love you too, Natasha. You're a damn good slave. Now, together we need to plan for the party tonight. I want to use my mind powers to hypnotize people into fucking each other. Once we cause the orgy, I plan to use it to...

1 year ago
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Enough Chapter 25

The closer it got to Christmas the more unsure I became. Here I was an MMA Champion and a business owner tied up in knots over a woman. I had promised myself not to do this again but here I was contemplating it. Then again, perhaps I was overreacting. Lexie never said anything other than they hoped I would come. Never a signal from her that she had any inclination of starting over with me. At the last minute, I gave in and decided to attend. Since the gym was closed, I really had no viable...

1 year ago
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Enough Bickering Chapter 2

The next morning, Gavin woke Natasha and led her into the bathroom so both of them could shower and brush their teeth. "Thank you, master. I'm glad that we fucked last night. I've been wanting you to screw me for a while now. I love you, Master," she declared. "I love you too, Natasha. You're a damn good slave. Now, together we need to plan for the party tonight. I want to use my mind powers to hypnotize people into fucking each other. Once we cause the orgy, I plan to use it to transform...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Amandas Journey The Final Chapter

Chapter 12 "Oh Princess, we have an hour all to ourselves," Jennifer says in a wicked tone, as she forces me to walk across the room. I know I'm about to endure pain like I've never felt before, so I try to brace myself as well as I can. I judge we're on the other side of the room near the stairs when she stops. I hear a panel open, and a click. Jennifer whips off the sack and says, "Check this out, I love this part." A section of the media wall swings open into a short...

1 year ago
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Enough Chapter Two

I went into the hall bathroom and removed my t-shirt and shorts. The insides of my shorts were coated with sticky white cum. My dick was hanging limp down my leg but was still tingling from my orgasm. I turned on the shower and got in letting the hot water cascade down my body. I lathered up my entire body paying particular attention to my dick. After about five minutes, I got out of the shower, dried off and returned to my mom’s room. This time when I entered her room I was completely...

1 year ago
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Enough Chapter 12 13

It was getting close to four o’clock in the evening when Lexie suggested we try the pool out. I took her down the hall to my mother’s bedroom and showed her the drawer with the swimsuits and workout clothes telling her she was welcome to wear whatever she wanted. I left the room closing the door behind me and went into my room changing into swim shorts and a t-shirt. Several minutes later, Lexie came out in a pair of my mother’s spandex shorts and a t-shirt. We went out back to the pool and...

3 years ago
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Enough Chapter Fifteen

As my eyes opened, I immediately felt a dull throbbing in the back of my head. The light in the room hurt my eyes so I squinted them as much as I could. It took me a few seconds to realize that I was in a hospital room. I slowly moved my head to the right and saw the entry wall was plate glass that looked over the nurse’s station. One young nurse was standing behind the counter with a clip board in her hand. A few seconds later, she looked up and I raised my right hand to acknowledge her. She...

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Enough Chapters 16 17

That night, I decided to wait for Lexie to make the first call. Perhaps I was being stubborn but to be truthful my trust in Lexie was gone. I went through my normal routine and then trained Chrissy Haynes every night. In the first month she made remarkable gains. She had made huge gains in her legs and was pushing fifty percent more weight in the presses. Her stomach had flattened out completely and she lost an inch in her waist. She was on an extreme diet and with the supplements she was...

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For the second time in less than a year, I regained consciousness in a hospital room. It took me a while to focus and then realized I was handcuffed to the hospital bed. It took me several seconds to process what had happened but there was no way I should be in restraints. I pressed the button for the nurse who showed up in a minute or so. “Hey, how are you feeling?”, she asked. “I think I’m ok, but I hurt all over.”, I replied. “I’m going to call the doctor immediately and there are two...

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Turbulence The Next Chapter

(Recommend you read Turbulence Parts I-X first) (Reading Change of Course Series is also recommended) Turbulence: The Next Chapter By Julie O Chapter One I was actually enjoying being back in college. First, it took my mind off all the problems caused by Keir. Well, that's not exactly true. I would never truly get over the trouble he caused. It was his web of revenge that had changed my life forever. If it hadn't been for Keir, I would be on some warship troubleshooting a...

3 years ago
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The night that was final chapter

For those of you who will give me one star because of the end, please keep in mind this is life, and life doesn’t always work out the way you think it should or the way we want. With that in mind, I hope you enjoy the fourth, and last chapter. The night that was Chapter 4 I picked it up on the second ring. “This is Dan Taylor, can I help you?” “Hi Dan,” came the concerned voice from the other end, “how are you?” “Hi Bev. I’m okay I guess. At least I think I am....

2 years ago
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Long Distance LoveThe Final Chapter

Those of you looking to find sex in this story, will be disappointed, but it is the final chapter, one that needed to be written, to end the story for the readers who liked the first three chapters, and for the characters, who also needed their own ending.   This is the final chapter of this story, and the final chapter of this part of my life.  To Jack, who was a wonderful lover, who is a wonderful man, and who will always be a wonderful friend.  Thank you.   Jack and I had been trying to...

2 years ago
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We Meet In FantasyLand Chapter 2 last chapter

"We Meet In FantasyLand"Chapter 2 - Bound For PleasureWe are laying together on our hotel bed and I'm amazed that after having an incredible orgasm, a few minutes of relaxing, cuddling and feeling your soft, naked flesh pressed up against mine has totally re-energised me...and my now rapidly hardening cock..."Hey, you gorgeous sexy woman, are you ready to surrender yourself to my wicked desires?" I ask theatrically."Only if you will then surrender yourself to my wicked desires?" you reply,...

4 years ago
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Jennifers Cumpulsion VIII Final Chapter

Jennifer's CumPulsion VIII The Final Chapter By Jennifer James [email protected] I have no idea if anyone noticed... but I haven't written anything in quite awhile. If you have read any of my previous chapters you'll know a little bit about me, but here's a summary and an update anyway. I'm transgendered, somewhere on the TS side of the spectrum though I'm non-hormonal and no-op and plan to stay that way. 5'8 and 128lbs, I keep my body permanently hairless except...

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