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Needless-to-say, me and Mom’s relationship changed a great deal.

We were now lumped in together with our government, Santa Clause and even Jack the Ripper ... We had to be careful ... we had a lot to hide.

Our new relationship started the very next morning. Dad, as he did almost every Sunday, had gone to the golf course.

I got up, showered and got dresses. I felt different today. Less like a kid I suppose. I put on a nice pair of jeans and a dark blue Polo shirt. I wanted to look trendy, older, more mature I guess. I didn’t want my Mom to see a kid when I came downstairs this morning. I put on my watch, made sure all tree buttons on my shirt were open and I left my feet bare. I wanted to look cool not like I’d just been voted the President of the Chess Club.

When I went down to the kitchen I found Mom sitting at the table, coffee cup in front of her, nibbling on the arm of her glasses, staring off into space as her finger made slow circles over the rim of her cup.

She had a pair of faded jeans on, a hole in the left knee. She had a sky-blue blouse on, short sleeves, tucked into her jeans, no belt. Her hair hung loose over her shoulders and down her back. Though brushed, it hung limply, with no real texture. She had no make-up on. She hadn’t taken a shower yet. This wasn’t the norm for Mom. Regardless the mood, good/bad/or indifferent, Mom took a shower every morning.

Still, she looked beautiful. But she looked troubled. I approached with extreme caution.

I quietly walked up beside her and kissed her softly on her cheek. I didn’t linger. Stick and move ... Stick and move.

“Good morning.” I tested the water. I stepped back and waited to see. With my Mom ... there was no telling, calm seas, or batten down the hatches, it could go either way. I stood nervously by the lifeboats and filled myself a cup of coffee.

She looked up at me, through the turmoil I could still see the loveliness of her eyes. “Good morning Sweetie.” She say quietly. There’s a sadness in her voice.

I sat down at the table feeling a bit bummed out ... but still optimistic.

“You OK?” I asked softly. In hind-site, I realized that was kinda like asking a victim of a plane crash if they were OK as they staggered out of a gaping hole in the fuselage shaking debits off their shoes.

Mom took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“I’m sorry Bobby.” She tells me.

I have to admit, Her apology made my head jerk back.

My first thought was that she was sorry for what had happened yesterday ... and the day before. It seemed like the logical progression of things. I suppose lust could be like that, full of excitement and impulse with a side order of remorse. Throw a little dash of consequence on there and you got a full meal.

I asked ... Still cautious, “For what?” And then before I could shut myself up— “Cuz I’m not Mom. I know it was wrong. I realize that, I do, but I thought that was great, amazing. I thought that you...”

I was ready to go on and on. I had adjectives lined up like paratroopers ready to leave the plain, but Mom raised her hand and cut me off.

“I’m sorry I’m always a bitch.” She tells me.

The silence grew long and awkward. I was hoping she would follow-up because I was empty, speechless. I found myself looking around like I’d walked into the wrong kitchen. I finally broke the silence but all I had to say was, “OK.” Not much of an acceptance speech.

“It’s just that...” Mom was having a hard time here. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought there were tears in her eyes. “Allergies” she would no doubt tell me. She was a tuff cookie and I once again wondered why that was. I waited patiently with hopes I might find out.

“It’s just that, when I was a little girl...” Once Mom cracked ... Everything came spilling out.

Mom went on to explain that she’d been like this {Moody. For lack of a better word}since she was just a kid. She’d been all wound-up inside, tight, and when she couldn’t hold it anymore, it came out. She used words like manifested, deep-seeded, and suppressed feelings ... but what it boiled down to was that her father had molested her when she was twelve, intimidated her to secrecy and she’d had a hard time dealing with it.

“Did he hurt you, I mean, beat you and stuff?”

“No. Not at first. He was pleasant and uncharacteristically kind in the beginning. He made me believe it wasn’t wrong; that it was just another way to show my love for him. And it ... it...”

I noticed her voice had started to crack a tiny bit.

“It what?”

“I liked it ... It felt good.” She told me with a great deal of shame.

She went on to tell how he’d become demanding, intimidating, and just plain wicked. He convinced her it was all her fault and threatened to tell everyone what she did if she didn’t submit to his demands.

She had to stop her story every few minutes to wipe her eyes.

She told me how she’d lived with this for years until her mother had come home unexpectedly to find her father and her in the bedroom.”

“Did you tell her what was going on, how he made you do that stuff?”

She smiled a weak smile, “I was sitting on top of him...” she says solemnly. “Fucking him ... when my mother saw us ... I hardly looked like someone being forced to do anything. I was almost seventeen. At that point...” She trailed off. I sat quiet and waited until she could go on. “At that point, I’m ashamed to say, I ... liked ... it.” She told me.

“My mother left three days later. Left us both. Left me with HIM. I left two months later. Three months before my 18th birthday.” And she began to cry.

I’d never seen my mother like that; so distraught. I felt such a hatred for my grandfather and such a profound feeling of sorry and love for my Mom that I got up and threw my arms around her. She hugged me back and we stayed like that until our coffee got cold again.

Now I knew what she’d been talking about when she’d told me she knew what incest could do to a family. I couldn’t bring myself to ask what happened after her mother left.

“That’s over now Mom.” I whispered to her. “You don’t have to think about it anymore.” I kissed her on the cheek again. I felt her push her cheek harder to my lips.

In spite of the mood and topic of conversation, her smell, her fragrance filled my senses. It’s hard to explain how it made me feel. Somewhere between going to the bakery on an early Sunday morning and slipping between cool clean sheets after a nice hot shower and pushing your face in a soft, cold pillow. I inhaled again, long and slow so the feeling wouldn’t go away.

I barely heard her,

“But it’s NOT over.” She sighed.

“Sure it is Mom.”

“No ... It’s NOT.”

I’m sure I looked confused.

“I’m doing it now. I’m doing it to YOU.” she cries. She got up and ran out of the kitchen.

“Holy shit!” I thought. Boy did this boat get turned around. I couldn’t just let her go like that. Me and her were nothing like her and her father. Not even close. I ran after her to tell her so.

I found her in her room; on her bed crying. “Mom...” I started. I sat next to her and rubbed her back as she laid there, her head on her pillow, her face turned away from me, trying hard not to cry.

“I’m not a twelve-year-old kid. And you’re certainly not a demented, selfish old man...” I tried to tell her. “Look at me.” I told her as I tugged on her shoulder to try and roll her over to face me.

“What we did ... WE ... US ... Not just you, not just me ... US; what we did was consensual. Regardless of all the bullshit and the pretence, I wanted what we did. I wanted you.” I tried to explain but felt I was falling helplessly short of the mark.

I didn’t feel like I was making my point. I didn’t think she was understanding what it was that I was trying to say. Then Mom touched my face with her hand, slowly, affectionately, she brought it across my cheek to the back of my head and pulled me down to her.

“I liked what we did.” She tells me when her lips are just a few inches from my face. “I liked catching you in the living room.” She whispered. “I liked what we did in the garage and then in your room.” She quietly tells me, her lips nearly on mine.

I was having a really hard time listening to her words ... breathing in her scent.

“But I couldn’t say that Bobby. I couldn’t just come right out and say that.” She sounds so sorry, so apologetic, and maybe even a tiny bit ashamed. Not for what we’d done but for the pretences, the mockery ... the bullshit.

She closed the few inches between us and touched her lips to mine. This certainly wasn’t a motherly kiss. In a few short seconds, it wasn’t even a kiss lovers might share. There was an urgency ... a need ... in this kiss. A burning, insistent need that had taken my mother away ... and now ... this woman on the bed with me, was about to share this need with me.

Like a rock hitting a pond, Mom pulled me onto her and wrapped her legs around me as she sucked my bottom lip into her hot mouth; the ripples of passion spreading out around us.

I admit, I didn’t have a great deal of experience sexually. I had fucked quite a few times, I would like to think I was good at it, but who wouldn’t. I certainly knew what I liked ... and I liked THIS. It scared me a little at first, but I liked it. It’s always better when you’re scared with someone else.

This was new to me, this kind of feeling ... this level of passion. I call it passion now, at the time I had no words for it. What happened between us the day before in my room was hot sex, an erotic, forbidden lust. This was something else. There was a heat in this ... a fire ... that threatened to burn me alive ... us alive ... if we didn’t do something about it.

I’m not sure if she took me or I took her, but we rolled together on the bed, our arms and legs tangled around each other, two mouths looking for a way to become one; moaning and gasping each time there was a space between them.

Mom grabbed the front of my shirt with both hands and pulled hard. It ripped down the open “V-Neck” and straight down along the front until my bare chest was exposed. She rolled me over onto my back and stuck four fingers in my pants behind the snap, closed her hand, and yanked with more power than I would have thought possible. My jeans tore open, the zippers actually ripped from the material.

Satisfied that she’d made it clear to me what she wanted, she took her pretty blouse in both hands and tore the front open. Buttons ricocheted off the headboard and the night table. I heard her glasses bounce of the headboard and fall somewhere between the wall and the bed.

Mom’s jeans were ripped and hanging off one leg when I finally entered her. What was left of her pretty blouse looked more like a scarf now, twisted around her neck. Her heaving breasts pushed up into my chest as my hands slid behind her ... As if I could hold her any closer to me, her arms and legs wrapped so tightly around me that I could barely move my hips.

The irony. We wanted this so badly but held each other almost too tight to let it happen. We squirmed and rolled and bucked and kissed in the place my mother and father slept, coming close to finding ourselves on the floor each time we flirted with the boundaries of the bed. My dick buried inside her coochie, her coochie swallowing my dick as we held each other trying to find that place that would let us breathe again; trying to make something so wrong ... into something perfect.

The room was filled with moans and grunts, tangled words and broken sentences. Neither of us could stand to pull our mouths away from the others long enough to say what we wanted, what we had to have. We just knew.

Mom closed her hands around my face and pulled her mouth away from mine just long enough to cry out, “Fuck me Baby! Oh god Yes! Fuck me!”

I found the room to increase my stroke and did it with a blinding fury. We were cheek to cheek now, our passion and urgency too violent to allow us to dare put our mouths together.

“Oh God! Oh Fucking God!” I heard myself howl into my mother’s neck.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!” Mom grunted each time I slammed into her.

“Harder Baby! Harder!” She begged but I thought I was already giving all I had.

I didn’t think I could do it any harder but her words spurred me on. She was now in danger of hitting her head against the headboard each time our bodies slammed together.

“I’m gunna!’ Mom yells out. “I’m gunna! I’m gunna cum.” She screamed.

I was right there with her. Feeling her pussy squeeze me like a strong angry hand was too much for me and I followed her right over the edge.

We both became rigid, almost painfully so, two bodies trying to occupy the same place. Low, growling sounds escaped from someplace deep inside us both as the entire world disappeared. There was nothing ... only us ... only the space we took up and the pure pleasure we now forced upon each other.

We were one taut heap in a mess of rags and sweat, un-moving, except for the heaving of our chests as they struggled desperately to capture the oxygen we needed so badly. We lay there, holding on, a low ominous growling like the roar of a great machine, being pushed out of someplace deep inside us.

Little by little, a fraction at a time ... we eased. Slowly, steadily, we came back. Sweating, breathing hard through our mouths, we wiped the hair from each other’s faces. There were the beginnings of words spilling out, grunts and sighs, but nothing that could be considered dialogue; nothing that made any sense. We laid there long after the fire was extinguished, both of us drifting in and out of a blissful sleep.

It was a while before we ended up down stairs in the kitchen again. Breakfast had long gone. We would have to hurry if we were to get brunch.

I was redressed and Mom was fresh out of the shower, her hair still wet and smelling of Lilac. She had on a simple house dress, reminiscent of the late fifties television shows, -Father Knows Best—Leave It to Beaver—The Donna Reed Show. It was “Everyday Simple” but on her ... Well ... I wouldn’t have been surprised to see a pumpkin on wheels outside waiting to take her to the Ball.

It was loose but still managed to show her great figure. Her make-up was light but sexy, like the night I “Made her do it” in the garage, only her lips were a little darker. She was stunning, to put it mildly. I find it a little hard to breath now, as I recall image

“Ya wanna try that coffee thing again?” I asked.

“I believe I do. I think I really need it.”

“Some brunch?”

“Maybe a bagel if you’re toasting.”

We sat, drinking coffee and eating bagels, looking at each other, smiling, sometimes even giggling like we were in the second grade or something.

I watched my Mom, her body language, her mannerisms. She was happy. There was no sign of the woman that beat my ass red when I was twelve for spilling Cool-Aid on the living room carpet. The woman that had pulled off in a huff and left me at John Hastings field after baseball practice when I was thirteen, because I didn’t get to the Van fast enough to suit her, was gone as well. The bitch that had first caught me jerking off in the living room had also disappeared.

She looked happy, almost care-free. The worry lines at the corners of her beautiful eyes were all but gone. I felt a kind of pride that she was my Mom and that I might have played a small part in ... in ... Saving her ... For a lack of better words.

“You made me rip my blouse.”

“You broke my zipper.”

Mom sipped her coffee. I chewed my bagel.

“You tore the leg right off my jeans.”

“There was already a hole in the knee.”

Mom bit into her bagel. I took a sip of my coffee.

“They were my favorite jeans.”

“Well now you can turn them into your favorite shorts.” I told her with my head cocked matter-of-factly. “What-da-ya-think about that?” I added, defiantly.

“Well, I think ... I think...”

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Pehle Bar Girlfriend Ko Choda Uske Ghar Par

Hi friends, myself Vishu. From Jammu.Age: 20 yrs.Smart looking guy with a dick of 7 inches This is my first sex story. Yeh mere school ki bat hy jab mai 11th mai tha tab hamare school mai coeducation tha.Meri ek clasamate thi meenakshi dikhnae mai sawlie. but figure kamal ka tha. (32-28-34)mai hamesha use chodnae k bare mai sochta rehta tha. But kabhii mauka hi nahi milla. Waqt guzarta gaya aur hum 12th mai aa gaye.Maine ek bar bahout himat jutta k meenakshi ko propose kar diya. Usne hass k tal...

1 year ago
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Saras Journey Ch 15

Su Lin couldn’t believe the size of Jenifer’s bed and she saw at once by the unmade bed that Jenifer didn’t sleep alone. ‘You are going to love Jenifer,’ I said. ‘She’s so cute and cuddly.’ ‘Practice of the Pleasures should never be denied,’ Su Lin said. ‘It only makes me happier that we are sisters. There are things that sisters can do that others should not.’ When we got back down to the living room on our way to the kitchen, Jenifer was just coming in the front door. ‘Whoa! What do we have...

2 years ago
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The Master DownstairsChapter 4

With a room full of naked women, all of them looking at me with such quiet intensity, it felt like I was 14 again with a cock that was so hard it actually hurt. I was starting to lose control, I wanted to rip my clothes off and just dive into the pool of flesh in front of me. My own wife had just told me she wanted me to fuck each one of them and make them mine. My head was roaring, but I wasn't a teenager, I was able to delay my gratification for a better outcome. I was the only person in...

3 years ago
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teachers new found obsession

Hi my name is Amanda, I’m 26 and I live in Scotland, I’ve recently qualified as a primary school teacher which has been my aim since high school. I’m 5 ft 6” I’m a size 12 waist and I have 36e breasts, I love to go to the gym and look after myself. I teach primary 7 which means the kids are 11 years old and going to high school the next year. The boys always end up with erections during my class, its really cute and sweet and a massive turn-on for me. Ever since I started my job I have been...

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Dane I Our First Time

My name is Rose, and I had known Dane all my life. He is 6 foot tall with strait black hair that falls to the middle of his back, eyes the color of the Caribbean Sea, and the body of a Greek God. As for me, I am 5 foot 9 inches tall with wavy red hair that falls almost to my knees, eyes the color of sapphires, and a lean lightly muscled body. I moved in with him at the beginning of my first year of college. We had never been more than friends, despite the fact that I had wanted him for as long...

4 years ago
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Your name is Jenny Rainwood. You're the girlfriend of an infamous rich playboy, Jacob Wright. He's the son of the mayor, and with his charming good looks, no girl can resist him - including you. However, that doesn't mean you're satisfied with just him. Despite his large cock you've always been something of a whore. You enjoy being stuffed by more than one cock, and cheating gives you a thrill of pleasure like no other. It isn't the sex from cheating that gets you off t's the act of cheating....

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SallyVinnie and Lavina

Sally, Vinnie and Lavina My wife gave in. As we lay in bed, she got up on her knees and hooked a thumb through the side of her panties. Sally said, "Vinnie, are you sure you want this? I nodded enthusiastically... She pulled down her panties, stuck her cooze in my face in the 69 position and said, "Eat me, slave." I eagerly began licking and nibbling her cooze. I asked her, "Am I doing all right, Ma'am?" She said, "So far, so good. Make me moan, slave." She put her...

1 year ago
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A Game of Lust Chapter One

We are in my marital home. My husband Will and I met when I was 22 and he was 24. Five years later and we have been happily married for three years. Now at 27 and 29 we continue to be a handsome couple who share a high libido and taste for lust. Tonight, Will and I have invited three friends over to join us for games that will thrill us all. I am 5'3", petite, 32E with a golden complexion mirroring my Mediterranean heritage, waist length wavy dark hair and chocolate eyes with rose lips. Shaven...

Wife Lovers
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It was just another boring cocktail party until she walked in. I saw her look around with a "Why in the hell am I here" look on her face and then our eyes met. I'll swear to my dying day that a spark jumped between us. She made her way toward the makeshift bar and I excused myself from the group I'd been talking with and headed for her. I moved next to her at the bar and before she had a chance to order herself a drink I said: "You don't want to be here any more than I do. May I suggest...

3 years ago
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EdenChapter 47

Igwanda was irritated to see Chavez step out onto the ramp, fully armed and helmeted and blaster held at ready, when the airlock cycled. "At ease, Sergeant," he called ironically. "There is nothing to fire at but us." Still the soldier continued to scan the clearing as Igwanda and Meiersdottir climbed the ramp, backing into the airlock only when necessary to avoid blocking them. "Cycle," snapped the colonel, noting with still further irritation that the inner entry was sealed...

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Immeasurable Pleasure Part 8211 2

The hot water felt really good. I was lying in my tub, rubbing my body with soap. After waking up and not finding Steven. I called Steven and he told me he had some work so he had to leave and also told me he was going to bring his friend this time and they we will be here evening. I didn’t know what to answer and I said ok and cut the call. I’ve never done a threesome before, I was in a deep dilemma on what do I do. Many thoughts flooded my mind. Will they do me at once? Or will they take...

Gay Male
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Second ChanceChapter 33

My mind was whirling around trying to make sense of the information as it was being developed and related to me. What sort of madman wants to take on the entire Unites States Government? Who all is involved in this conspiracy? Why does someone from The Czech Republic, who lives in Germany and banks in Geneva hate Sam Brownbock enough to hire a madman to shoot down Marine One with a hand held missile? How do these people smuggle a missile that close to Marine One? What is the end game and...

3 years ago
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College life 22

***********************Monday, the start of the second week in November, Kris and I were up andoff to class. We knew we had another solid two weeks and two days beforethe Thanksgiving break. Walking out of the dorm towards our classes, wediscussed what our plans were between now and then. I had in the back ofmy mind going home but it didn't want to be leaving Corey for a weekend.It wasn't the trust thing... who am I k**ding? I loved being with him somuch and more so that he worked. Our football...

1 year ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 5 A Fighting Man

(A punch, and a man goes down, losing his knife and a couple of teeth. An alley is strewn with fallen fighters, around a single man carrying a long, thin wrapped bundle. His name is Zanza. There is only one other man left who is still conscious, and he is sitting up against a fence.) Man: I know, we've lost. You're strong. Please, spare me. Zanza: You don't have to say it. I'm already done. You're too weak! If I kept going I'd just be picking on a bunch of weaklings. I bought into a...

2 years ago
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Stellas sudden surrender 3

Stella starts to tell Saskia the sexy story of her sudden surrerender into submission. Long lines full of love and lust.Saskia longs to listen to the long story of unexpected surrender after reaching realms of unthought pervert pleasure.Stella is clearly in command. Saskia feels fine she is the second in line at their mutual Master of secret ceremonies.Some sweet spanking started as an innocent play, which was a ploy so successfull she suddenly became my slave.Stella shares Saskia some sexy...

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Me 2 BBWs and a Strap On BBBBTS

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....Me, 2 BBW's and a Strap On....I had just moved into a small town house, about a month ago. There were forty units that shared a pool, workout room, and small laundry room. All were free to use. It was just based on first come, first serve. The hours were from 9am to 9pm. It was close to 7pm on Friday night. I gathered all my dirty clothes from my town house. I placed them in a big canvas bag. Grabbed some laundry soap and headed to the laundry room. I was...

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This true story is about the SSBBW Emily and I.As mentioned in a previous story Emily is the building manager at my mother in law's retirement apartment complex. First about Emily. She is in her 60s, about 5' tall with true, natural blond hair as I found out later. I do not think she has ever been married. She weighs about 425 pounds. She has no mobility problems and despite being really big she does not have the typical breathing problems or other issues large people have. For those that do...

2 years ago
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Threesome In Goa 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone i am ranbir from bangalore and i am 25 yrs old.Today i am gonna tell u about my friend deepali who had threesome with her bestie and a stranger in goa!!! To know more about me or to give me feedback about my story.Please mail me at ‘ ‘. I hav added many details for ur enjoyment and i am gonna narrate this story as deepali!! Firstly, deepali is 5ft 3″ tall.Long black hairs.Fair skin.With tonned body as she goes for gym everyday with 34-28-30 size!!! So lets begin.Me and my...

4 years ago
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Surprise visitors

You lean back gently and slide down a little on the couch becoming more comfortable...a slight smile of expectation comes to you. You help me push your skirt up to revel your under-wear - I moan softly and gently press my lips upon you. A slight gasp escapes your lips and you hold my head in your hands pressing me against you. My hands caress your belly and over your breasts...your nipples hardening at my touch. Sliding them down your side I slip your panties over your legs and holding your...

4 years ago
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Teacher Devouring Ma Virginity Part II

Hi I have been regular reader of ISS for more than a year and it’s been a part of daily life too so am coming forward to post mine gave a nice thought about it and yeah at last here I am. Let me start telling about myself am basically from Coimbatore right now in Bangalore as a Engineer well built, clean, fair since am good at studies I graduated real fast am just 22 yrs old and with a decent tool which can satisfy any women. You can drop in a mail or suggestion or try to contact me in this...

1 year ago
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Sherri pulls into the drive. It’s been a long day at work and she is thinking of how the weekend will be so lonely with Rob on a business trip that came up at the last minute. She gets out of the car and grabs the bags of groceries she picked up on the way and walks to the door. Once inside, Sherri puts the items she bought away and then heads out to feed the animals, thinking once that is done she can shower and settle in for a relaxing, if not lonely, weekend. Later, with the animals fed and...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 2

(March 1939 The End of the Spanish Civil War) “There’s only one law in this game,” Leamas retorted. “Mundt is their man; he gives them what they need. That’s easy enough to understand, isn’t it? Leninism – the expediency of temporary alliances. What do you think spies are: priests, saints and martyrs? They’re a squalid procession of vain fools, traitors, too, yes; pansies, sadists and drunkards, people who play Cowboys and Indians to brighten their rotten lives. Do you think they sit like...

2 years ago
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A Perfect Weekend

Lonavla Hi friends, this is Zoonaid (name changed). I am 23 yrs old graduate. I am 5'10'' tall with 6'' tool. I am working in MNC in Pune. I stay alone here. You can mail me at (Read my other stories 1.Hot Morning with Mami, 2.Friend’s Support, 3.Raat ki baat, Deepa ke saath) I have one friend working with me. Amol. We are of same age. We completed our UG in same year (from different cities) and joined the company on same day. He is from Mumbai. Came to Pune just for a job. Hum ek saath job...

4 years ago
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Modern Age

Modern Age Man, I just love living in the Modern Age. Technology is such a wonderful thing - and so sexy too! Here I am, all frillied up for my lady, kneeling before her with her collar around my throat, with her hand on the back of my head pressing my face into her beautiful, beautiful pussy, and with my tongue working all over that gorgeous clit of hers as I try to coax it into becoming a cock. Yes, it is true that if you lick it hard enough and lick a clit well enough it can...

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Nylon walk on the wild side

Must tell you about an incident that happened to me a short while ago. First though I had better explain about my fetish with wearing tights. I love tights or pantyhose as they are also known and have been this way for many a year. The look of a pair of legs or a nice shaped ass covered in smooth stretched nylon drives me mad. Recently though thanks to the web I have also been turned on by a nice big cock under tights and have started wearing them myself on occasion. They feel great against my...

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Party Girl Journals 3Denis Surprise

Deni looked over at her friend one more time, and wondered, “What the hell has she got up her sleeve for me??” She was unsure what her best friend had in mind, but she trusted Peggy and obeyed without question. Peggy just told her to dress up a bit, and be ready for a great surprise. She dressed in a small, slinky, summery dress and looked so very hot. Her short blond hair was combed until it shined, and her make up was perfect. They pulled into a large driveway where a house was ablaze with...

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Jennys Summer Ch 03

Before she went to bed that night, Jenny made sure to set her alarm for the time Kevin had told her – two o’clock – and placed it under her pillow. Her heart beat distractingly fast whenever she thought of what would happen, and she couldn’t force herself to sleep. All she could do was stare into the dark and think about what she had done, and she searched herself for a feeling of guilt, but all she could find was a tingling excitement. Sighing, she rolled from one side to the other, and...

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The Letter Part 3

Catie was up earlier than normal to get ready for school, as she wanted her hair and makeup to be perfect when she confronted the author of the letter. She donned her sexiest lingerie and sheerest pantyhose, then admired her reflection in them before finishing dressing. The black miniskirt that was her favorite, and mentioned in the letter, was located and slid up her legs, she matched with a blue silk blouse. She then slipped on the highest heels she could get away with wearing to school and...

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SRU You Really Should Go There

Authors Notes: its My first TG fiction so I went with something safe.. the SRU universe with some one called Eddy Drakkon . As for SRU it's a concept done by bill hart much love to ya brah SRU: You Really Should Go There by Karasoth "You really should go there.. I tell you he is a real wizard, your always talking to me about magick and stuff why don't you go se him. If this product works I'm going to have a trained nymphet isn't this great?" Edwin j. "Jo Jo " Walker was...

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A Cautious ManChapter 5

While Bill's business thrived, his personal life was dormant. He was having a hard time with the loss of Darla. He hadn't realized just how much she had meant to him. Now she was back with Gordy. Part of him wished Gordy would go away again and the other part was happy that Darla was whole again. At first, he had no interest in women. He buried himself in his work and in building his business. But after a few weeks, he began to think about the sex and the comfort and the satisfaction he...

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