T.R.E.SChapter 15 free porn video

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The limo hit another pothole and reminded me of the drive into Manhattan from the airport yesterday. During that ride, I wasn't sitting like I was sitting now in the posture my mother had drilled into me over the years that made me look ladylike. Uh-uh. I'd been astraddle my brother's hips fucking him like crazy. And that had been just the beginning, the harbinger of the unbridled sex that followed in the hotel suite with Josh and Nicole, the most delicious, satisfying sex I'd had in this life, if not my previous lives, as well. What made the sex so gratifying was all the love flying around.

"I agree," Nicole said with a smile.

"Here, here," Josh quipped.

I laughed. Being around a telepath and an empath had its moments, and this morning, Josh and I had had our moment when he understood the two times I'd lapsed into temporary insanity. I cried afterwards when I understood all was well between us.

Today was shopping day for Josh.

Our first stop had been Giliberto Designs, where we'd ordered some custom-made suits, sports coats and trousers, shirts, a tuxedo, and a cashmere overcoat for Josh, which he grumbled about.

"I don't need all this stuff, especially the overcoat. Remember, I live in Phoenix. Besides, men don't dress this fancy in Phoenix."

"Josh, you keep forgetting we're talkin' man of the world here, not just Phoenix, and some of the clothes we ordered from Giliberto can be worn in Phoenix."

"The tailor says it'll take four weeks to make the clothes, and I gotta come back for two more fittings."

I grinned. "I know. The other fittings pleased me no end because they'll bring you to New York two more times over the next month while I finish fixin' my novel with my editor." I looked at Nicole. "You, too, Nicole. Promise me you'll make the quick trips with Josh, so I won't miss you so much when you leave in a few days."

"Sandy, I can't take any more time off from work." Nicole sighed. "I guess it's time to talk about the job you guys offered me."

"What is there to talk about?" Josh said. "You're goin' to take the job, aren't you?"


Josh's eyes flashed with quick anger, but his expression quickly softened to a concerned look. He said, "I understand why from reading your attitude just now, and although many of your reasons are valid, I don't agree with all of them. To bring Sandy into the loop, tell her why you said no."

Nicole took my hand in hers. "I'm your lover, yours and Josh's. I can't be your employee."

"I agree with that reason," Josh said, "but I have a solution I'd like to propose when you're finished. Go on, Nicole."

"I don't have a written contract with Olsen's, but I accepted the job for the summer, and I will keep my end of the bargain. I learned a lot this summer working for Harry."

"Who's Harry?" I asked.

"My boss at Olsen's."

"Okay. Go on, Nicole."

"I admire Harry, Sandy, and he's treated me fairly, so I won't leave him without at least two-weeks notice, which would be silly. The new term at ASU starts in four weeks. That's when Harry expects me to leave, so that's when I'll leave. I won't consider leaving Olsen's two weeks earlier than when I'd planned to leave anyway."

"Okay," I said. "Frankly, I admire your loyalty. What else?"

"I'm fiercely independent, Sandy. I didn't go to college to find a husband. I went to learn what I'd need to know to start a career with the ultimate goal of becoming financially independent in my own right. My desire for a career doesn't preclude a husband and children, but I will enjoy a rewarding career, too. This trip, the expensive clothes, all the money you and Josh have spent on me make me feel dependent. I agreed to the trip, the clothes, everything, because I knew how important it was for Josh to be with you again. Otherwise, I would've told you to fuck off when you shouted at me and told me to shut up when I complained about how much money you planned to spend on me. Money might not matter to you and Josh, but it does to me, but only as a way for me to avoid being or feeling dependent."

I squeezed her hand with mine. "I'm sorry I shouted at you."

"Apology accepted. Look, I don't have the capital to start my own business, so I charted a career path that would take years while I moved me up the corporate ladder one rung at a time until I reached a top rung somewhere. Instead, I discovered that love at first sight was possible when I fell head over heels for a real-estate prodigy and an empath, to boot. Josh took all my lofty plans for independence, stuffed them willy-nilly in a sack and gave them a hell of a shake. Then I met you, and I fell for you, Sandy, and you shook up that bag some more. Frankly, I'm bewildered. My carefully charted career course conflicts with my heart."

Tears stung her eyes, I noticed.

"And I don't know what to do," she said. "The only thing I know for sure is that I can't work for you and Josh and be your lovers."

"Whew!" I huffed. I looked at Josh. "You said you had a solution you'd like to propose."

He flashed that boyish grin, and I melted.

"Yeah," Nicole said and shivered. "That damned grin of his does the same thing to me, gives me goose bumps sometimes, not to mention what it does to my pussy." She turned to Josh. "If you've got a solution for my dilemma, I'm all ears, because, as you know, I'm in serious turmoil over this issue."

"My solution is simple," Josh said. "Don't go to work for us, Nicole. Go to work with us."

"Huh?" Nicole said.

"Instead of a wage, work for a piece of each deal you help put together."

"Josh, that's brilliant!" I exclaimed.

"What? You mean like an independent contractor?" Nicole said.

"I was thinking of you more as a partner than an independent contractor, but use whatever nomenclature feels comfortable for you. And, by all means, finish your commitment to Harry."

I watched Nicole carefully and didn't need to be a mind reader to know Josh had hit upon the perfect solution to her dilemma, especially when, with a happy squeal, she ended up in his lap and kissed him enthusiastically.

"Next stop Bergdorf Goodman Men," I said, cheerily a few seconds later.

"We shopped in Bergdorf Goodman," Nicole said, still perched on Josh's lap.

"Yup, BG for women is across the street from the men's store. Josh, a man of the world wears clothes beyond suits to augment his insouciant lifestyle. This means you'll need some sophisticated casual wear in your wardrobe that will dazzle the casually dressed men and women in Phoenix and around the world."

We spent hours in BG for men, and Josh picked out a couple of suits from the racks along with the casual clothes Nicole and I helped him select. Nicole and I had a grand time. I wasn't so sure about Josh. Once back in the limo, I wondered if the shopping spree was irritating him.

"No," Nicole said. "He's havin' fun, at least accordin' to his thoughts." She chuckled. "But, his fun comes more from bein' with us, Sandy, than the shopping."

"Okay. Next stop Saks Fifth Avenue for underwear, socks, handkerchiefs, lounge wear, and pajamas."

"I sleep nekkid," Josh quipped.

I laughed. "Then we'll skip pajamas."

The limo pulled to a stop, and the driver announced we'd arrived at Saks.

I followed Nicole out of the vehicle to the sidewalk, and Josh exited behind me. Suddenly, Nicole stopped dead in her tracks, and I stumbled into her.

"Josh!" she said in a loud whisper. Sharp, sudden fear was evident in the tone of her voice. "That man, connect with him."

"Which man?"

"The middle-eastern man standin' by the sign. I think he's a terrorist!"

"Oh, fuck!" Josh said with alarm a second later. "Back in the limo, ladies. Now!"

"There's more than one of them," Nicole said, ignoring Josh's order. "There's one more down the street a ways."

"Okay, I've got him," Josh said.

"They're goin' to attack the people at the skating rink in Rockefeller Center. They have grenades, automatic weapons. Fuck! There's one more somewhere. Can you find him?"

I'd scrambled back in the limousine and noticed our driver standing by the wide-open door and looking at Josh and Nicole as if they were insane.

"No," Josh said.

"Oh, no! The third one is a suicide bomber! He's... no, not the skating rink. He's in Saks!"

"I found him. He's inside about thirty feet."

"What can we do?" Nicole asked frantically.

"Timing? Nicole, how much time do we have?"

"I don't... Yes! They're set to go at the top of the hour."

Josh glanced at his wristwatch. "Three o'clock. That gives me only two, maybe three minutes tops - I think. Dammit, my watch isn't synchronized with theirs."

I gasped when I watched Josh rush inside Saks. Was he crazy? The police! We needed the police. Oh, god! Josh! I literally shook with fear, not so much for me as for Josh. We were finally together. We were lovers, friends, brother and sister. I didn't think I could survive losing him again.

A few seconds later, Josh guided another middle-eastern man out of Saks, gently holding him by his elbow. The man looked confused - no, zombie-like was a better description. Was he the suicide bomber? If he was, why was Josh standing beside him?

"The one by the sign! Stop him, Josh!" Nicole shouted.

I looked out the front window of the limo and watched with amazement as the man standing by the sign sailed through the air about five feet, slamming onto the sidewalk and sliding on his back until his head struck a lamppost. A few seconds later, I heard a loud explosion. Had the suicide bomber detonated his bomb?

No, the man from inside Saks stood meekly as if he were asleep on his feet.

"The third one just threw a grenade, Josh! He has more!" Nicole said.

Terror gripped me when I saw Josh rush across Fifth Avenue through the traffic. He weaved through the vehicles but slammed into the crush of humanity frantically fleeing the skating rink. I lost him in the mob as another explosion reverberated off the tall buildings.

Hysterical screams and shouts filled the air as I searched anxiously for Josh. Then I remembered the suicide bomber and turned to where I'd last seen him.

He hadn't moved! And he still looked like a zombie. What did Josh do to him?

Something strange happened to me then. One second I was utterly terrified, and the next I felt completely safe. It was the most incredible emotional transformation I'd ever experienced. Josh had taken out two of the terrorists. One was on the sidewalk unconscious, the other stood in a daze as if frozen in time. I knew without a doubt that Josh would soon have the third terrorist under control. As calm as a cucumber, I moved out of the vehicle to stand by Nicole.

"Where is he? Is he all right?" I asked.

"Yes, he's... ah, good. It's over, Sandy."

I caught her as she sagged against me. The stress had gotten to her, I reasoned as I helped her into the limo. She apologized inanely for being a bother.

A minute or so later, Josh joined us. "Let's get out of here," he said as he jumped into the limo with Nicole and me. Our driver slammed the door and ran around the limo to the driver's seat.

"What about him?" I said to Josh, referring to the zombie-like suicide bomber.

"I'll explain in a minute." The limo swung away from the curb and started to weave through the chaos on the street. Our driver looked grim and determined. "Take us to our hotel," Josh said and raised the shield between the driver and the passenger sections of the limo.

"Okay, first the suicide bomber," Josh said. "I went inside Saks and touched him to transfer an attitude I'd bundled that made him want to walk out of Saks and stand without moving until the police arrived to arrest him. I... I didn't need to touch him to transfer the attitude, but I didn't want to take the chance, which turned out to be a big mistake, and that mistake wasn't my first or my last."

"I don't understand," I said.

"I could have thrown the attitude at him without touching him, even through Saks' glass storefront," Josh said. "An attitude connection is mind-to-mind, Sandy. If the receiver of one of my attitudes is within range, an obstruction is immaterial. In my defense, I was frantic about the potential innocent victims inside the store, so I went the extra mile."


"The second terrorist saw the suicide bomber walk out of Saks, which, thank fate, confused the second terrorist momentarily. Then he made a mental leap I didn't expect. He figured his fellow terrorist had chickened out, so he decided to martyr himself by throwing a grenade to detonate the explosives wrapped around the immobile suicide bomber. When Nicole warned me, I picked up on the second terrorist's intent and hit him with a massive bundle of pain, something I'd done before, so I didn't need much time to put together the bundle. I just did it. The third terrorist saw the second fly through the air, and he immediately hotfooted it across the street and out of range before I could stop him. The twisted goon killed a bunch of people before I caught up with him and hit him with a bundle that stopped him in his tracks with his hands in the air. The police were right behind me. They had him on his face and handcuffed when I started back to the limo. Using another attitude, I clued in one of the police officers about the suicide bomber standing in front of Saks and waiting to be arrested, as well as a third terrorist lying unconscious on the sidewalk."

I wrapped my arms around Josh's neck and kissed him thoroughly. "My hero," I said.

"Yeah, mine, too," Nicole agreed and kissed him just as soundly.

When Nicole let him up for air, he shook his head and said, "Uh-uh, not me, Nicole. You! The thoughts you heard were the key, not what I did. You knew they were terrorists, knew there were three of them, and what they planned. I stopped them, but without you, I wouldn't have known what was happening. And brave! You stood steadfast and did what had to be done. I'm so proud of you, so..." He kissed her passionately. "If anyone deserves a hero's medal, it's you."

Shortly after arriving at our suite, Nicole went to sleep. The repercussions of the adrenalin rush she'd experienced at Saks had wiped her out. Although agitated, Josh seemed fine, but I wasn't in much better shape than Nicole.

"Your empathic abilities have evolved, Josh. They've become much more powerful than I realized."

"I told you about them. I don't know why you're surprised."

It didn't take a mind reader to know what he was thinking. He'd said something similar when he realized how much his empathic abilities frightened me just before I cancelled my trip home. "Calm down, buster. I won't leave you again. You're stuck with me now."

He relaxed a little. "You called me your hero. Instead, you should have slapped me silly for putting you and Nicole at risk. I made some serious mistakes, Sandy."

"For instance?"

"I didn't respond quickly enough to the danger those men posed. Once I'd identified all three of them, I should have hit each of them with a bundle, one immediately after the other, that put them in a catatonic state unable to move or do anything until the police took them into custody. Ten seconds, maybe less, Sandy, and it would've been over, and no one would have died. That's mistake number one.

"That I didn't trust my abilities was mistake number two. Instead of dealing with the terrorist inside Saks from where I stood on the sidewalk, I walked up to him and touched him to make sure he received the bundle I'd prepared for him.

"My third mistake was walking him outside, and that's the mistake that put you and Nicole at risk. A split-second, Sandy! That's how close we were to dying. I stopped the second terrorist a split-second before he pulled the pin on the grenade in his hand that would have killed the suicide bomber, the grenade thrower himself, as well as Nicole, you and me, and anyone else nearby.

"My fourth mistake was watching the second terrorist fly through the air and slide across the sidewalk until his head struck the lamppost rendering him unconscious. Instead, I should have ignored the second terrorist as he flew through the air and taken the third terrorist out of play immediately. I knew what would happen to the second terrorist. I did the same thing to the creep who stabbed me years ago, so watching the results of my handiwork was a huge and, as it turned out, a fatal mistake. The third terrorist was a few feet out of my empathic range by the time I turned away from the second terrorist to deal with the third. My fourth mistake was disastrous. It cost some innocents their lives." He sighed. "I'm no hero. The only hero around is asleep in the other room."

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My friend Jim and I decided to go to Florida on college spring break. We took turns driving my car. It was pretty far because we lived in New York State. We knew that Daytona Beach was the popular spot, but no rooms were available. We decided on Cocoa Beach. I remember the hotel we stayed at was The Atlantis. There was a Holiday Inn about a quarter mile down the road. There was a bar at the Holiday Inn. We drove there one evening. It was a hopping place. We ordered our drinks and...

1 year ago
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Slave For Teenage GirlsChapter 1

I was working out of town when I came upon two teenage girls. I am a door to door salesman. As I approached a house the oldest one, who I later found out was Jessica, asked what I was doing. I told her that I was opening up a new business in the area and that in order to drum up business, I was demonstrating my product in peoples' homes. It turned out that the girls were visiting Jessica's aunt. Jessica asked where my current office was, and I told her what town my business was in, which...

4 years ago
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Sitting Shiva

Sitting Shiva By shalimar The funeral is over and I'm sitting Shiva for a wonderful woman who was my father. I pull out a print of an e-mail many years ago from a close friend of my father and the note that friend had sent with the e-mail. The e-mail was a chat-log between that friend some others and my father. In the log was the first indication I knew of that my father was transsexual. But that wasn't the reason I received the email or kept it. You see I was eighteen at...

4 years ago
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And sister makes three

When are home; we always have a hard time keeping our hands off each other. I am always walking up behind her to grab her tits or ass. She loves to wear tube tops a lot and I love to come up behind her and pull it down and massage her tits or suck on her nipples. She loves to squeeze my ass when I was doing something in the kitchen and rub her hand thru to my dick. She also loved to hold my dick when I’d take a leak. Never understood that one, but it was fun. I work four nights a week...

1 year ago
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Ted and I Enjoy Her Soft Body

What if Deb woke up? What would I say to her if she did? I was willing to take the chance just to get a peek at what I assumed was going on in the pool just out side the bedroom window. As the thoughts rushed thru my head I could see they were close to one another but could not see what was going on. I looked back behind me Deb was on our bed sleeping like a rock. I'm sure Prince Valium and the red wine had her tucked away for the night. The plan is working smooth, things are going quite well,...

3 years ago
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A Cuckolds Loss

“What the hell’s wrong with you this morning?”My husband had a face like a wet weekend. It seemed everything I did was wrong and virtually every word I said was ignored.“You know what’s wrong,” he mumbled.“If I knew, I wouldn’t be asking you, would I?”“All right then, I’ll tell you… last night.”I waited for the explanation but he clamped up, just stared at me. I exaggerated a sigh. “What about last night?”“You were kissing him.”“Bloody hell, Michael, is that it? For God’s sake, he was fucking...

2 years ago
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Best Friend8217s Wife 8211 Part I

We are friends since college and time flies like anything. I could not believe that its already 20 years since we met first time in our +2. Well, he is Samir and we were buddy since our college time. We were into friendship like two person one heart. We used to share everything and like other teen age people, we mostly used to discuss about sex and politics in our college. Because of our Indian tradition or you can say it as a cultural impact. We hardly get any chance to mix up with girls...

3 years ago
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The Complete Travel Kit

Copyright© 2005 by Kien Reti The Complete Travel Kit for Sexual Adventure® contains the following: Three bars of ultra-deodorant bath soap. A squeeze bottle of waterless hand soap. 5 compact absorbent paper-fiber single-use bath towels. A shaving kit with 20 single-use razors and two cans of shaving foam (suitable for use by either sex). A bottle of mouthwash and a small spray can of mint breath deodorizer. Two sticks of high-strength underarm deodorant. A spray can of room deodorant. A...

2 years ago
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Drink Me

With my chin resting on the table, I stared at the little bottle. It was a rather unremarkable looking thing. It could almost be called a vial, but I think of vials as something smaller and thinner, like in a lab. This was more like one of those small energy drink containers, only bigger and made of glass. The liquid inside, however, was much more remarkable. Silvery, with tinges of blue, it appeared to shimmer. Almost as if it were alive and breathing, the shimmer was like a pulse....

1 year ago
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Summer of Discovery Chapter Three

Amber light filtered through my bedroom window, illuminating lazy dust motes as they wandered around above my head. I had just awoken from a midday nap, and the warmth of my bed was suddenly stifling as I realized I had slept longer than intended. Eyes half-open with sleep, I looked over to my bedside table to check the time. It was half past four; I had slept for over three hours.With a sudden surge of excitement, everything that had happened yesterday morning flooded back into my memory....

Gay Male
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Incredible ChangesChapter 172 Try To Do Something Nice

I figured Chrissy’s horny little friends weren’t going to keep their mouths shut after all. Chrissy needs to get better friends who can keep their mouths shut. I was going to let Chrissy decide if she is going to rat the girls out to their parents, unless they already found out through the parent’s grapevine. It isn’t like any of the girls here today could get my average six-inch circumference dick inside them. Even though this was primarily for teens to hang out naked, we don’t need much...

3 years ago
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First Time With A Married Woman Pt 2

It was a little after noon when I heard the car pull up the driveway. This would be the first time I saw Karmen again after our night at the hotel. Even though the days were getting warmer, there was still a chill in the air, so I waited till the last second before opening the front door, making sure not to let any of the warmth inside the cottage escape. She hurried inside and I shut the door before I said hello. ‘Hey you.’ Karmen smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek like she usually did.

2 years ago
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Wife Fucked By Strangers

Hi readers, I am new to this site but I wanted to share my true story I am Siddhartha married to Jyoti. Basically we belong to middle class family and we are staying with my parents in single bed room house. My wife is so beautiful fair and 5.3 height and we are very much happy married couple. But we both are not satisfied in sexual life because our house is too small and we can’t do sex in all positions. Now I wanted to begin my story which happened last year. As I said we both are not...

2 years ago
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The House of Frightful Delights original

This thrill is not for the faint of heart, but for those with darker desires. She checked the ad on her phone again. The light from the screen illuminated her whiskered cheeks and painted nose. Ellen confirmed the house number on the mailbox as Ava rolled her eyes. “It's pretty obvious that this is it, El. Come on, let's go already.” Ava's impatience was clear with her arms crossed and a finger tapping her elbow just beyond her long white gloves. Her short hair was tied back in a ponytail...

2 years ago
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Amatures in need 2

Me and Steve headed to a small flat in the city, where we were welcomed in, and quickly set up the camera."We are here today in Anna and Carrie's flat" I said talking to the camera as we began to film "Because despite the fact Anna and Carrie both have boyfriends, they don't have a very good sex life!"I then turned the camera towards a double bed that was lying in the middle of the room, and there sat on the edge of it was two young plump women, in their early twenties, in colourful underwear,...

1 year ago
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Educating Jaime

(The naughty bits can be found on page 4 – if that’s too much first, well, you’ve been warned.) Jaime had been asleep for a couple of hours when he woke up because his wife prodded his shoulder. He half turned her way and she stroked his chest, so he snuggled up to her and used his left hand so push her nightgown up over her chest – undressing before making love had been discarded with a long time ago as she found it took much time to get dressed again. He bent over to kiss her and then slid...

3 years ago
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The Weekend0

Friday-Alex. My parents were out of town for the weekend, three days of pure freedom and bliss. Everyone expects you to run a big ass party when you are home alone for the weekend, but let’s face it, sometimes chilling home alone is even better. It was a warm June weekend, sunny, not a cloud in sight. I was laying in my bed, looking out of the window and planning the day ahead. It was a perfect day to use the backyard pool; swim, get tanned and relax. I thought about it for a minute. Maybe...

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Odisha Fun With Me And Sarita Till Vishakapatnam

Hello sab kaise ho . me raaj south odisha se. Meri umar 37 saal hai aur me little large built hu. Me apni life ko enjoy karta hu aur karwata hu. Jyaada samay barbaad nahi karke me sidhe story par atha hu. Yeh gatna abhi kuch hi dino pehle ki hai. Me facebook me browsing kar raha tha aur tab apne hi ghar ke nazdeek ladki se chat kiya. Karib raat ke gyarah baj rahe the.. baton baton me usne kaha ki kal wo vishakapatnam jaa rahi hai. Phir mene bhi turant jhoot me kha diya ki me bhi kal...

1 year ago
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First time with a man

I have been crossdressing since the age of 11 years old. I never really considered myself anything other than straight. Up until I turned 19. I often fantasized about other guys when I was dressed but that’s as far as I took it. The year was 1984 and one day I decided to stay home from work to play. I get dressed up in a pair of purple satin string bikini panties,matching bra,black thigh highs and garter and a short silk spaghetti strap nightie,that barely covered my ass. After playing...

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Cumshot over cousin Louise

The best thing about the times when I was a boy and my family stayed with my uncle Arthur in his big house by the sea for beach holidays was my cousin Louise. She was the same age as me and I started to notice her in our mid teens. From age 16 to 18 I noticed her even more as her curves started to deliciously fill her swimsuits then her bikinis. Every time I saw Louise at uncle Arthur’s house her bikinis seemed to get smaller and smaller as her breasts got bigger. One evening, when I was 18,...

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Solarium TV

When you imagine a Solarium, what comes to mind? The word literally translates from Latin to “place of sunlight,” and I found out this morning that it’s used differently around the world. As an American, I thought it was one of those big glass rooms on the edge of a house, where you have to be careful about masturbating if you don’t want another indecent exposure charge. On the other hand, Germans know solariums as a place where you go to lay in a tanning bed. We call those tanning salons here,...

Live Voyeur Cams
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The Club

I was restless. My friends had coaxed me into coming to the club when I really had other things to do. I loved to dance, but they were more interested in just chatting and gossiping. We took turns shooting down guys as they came to our table, trying to ply us with drinks and hoping for a pick-up. I was getting bored and began planning a tactful way of bowing-out, but I had been watching a hauntingly attractive girl sitting in the far corner who seemed as out of place here as I felt.  She had...

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Jens Life Chapter two1

It’s Wednesday night – and my father always takes my mum out for the evening. She always looked lovely, nice clothes and hair and makeup immaculate when she went out. When she was going out on a Wednesday night – she would come downstairs already to go out with her coat on. I saw her getting ready a few times, once has stuck in my head. She was sitting on her chair in her bedroom and brushing her hair – and she turned as she saw my reflection in the mirror. She got up and told me to...

3 years ago
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Deepthroat squirter From Heaven

This is a true short story of a time i met this one girl and she had one or two amazing talents!5 foot 7, size 8-10 long blonde hair and an ass to die for, not to mention her 32G boobs. The typical woman who turned heads where ever she went.Sara-jayne was her name, a 26 year old manager who loved nothing more than to seduce men. As i sat there on the dating website, just looking at her pics reduced my cock to wood in my trousers! Surely this woman wouldnt be interested in me?! The message...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 28

I woke before six and slipped from the warm bodies, slid into my peg, used the bathroom, put some clothes on, and went outside to the grassy area. I was just beginning when Lisa and Tina joined me. A few seconds later, Don, Jan, and Wanda joined in, and Brandy and Tiani soon were stretching with us. All of us were soon bringing our last form to a close and taking our clothes off on the way to the pool. Some leisurely swam from end to end, and others powered our way back and forth until we...

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wife in college 7

When she was living in the dorm her freshman year, she joined a study group with some of her classmates. She said that the first time she went to the study group, a guy pulled out some coke and they all did some lines before they began. They always had a couple of beers at the same time. They always rotated the location of the study group. Either a dorm or an apartment or the guys house who had the coke. One time, the guy with the coke suggested that she arrive to his house early. He...

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Prom. The last night of this life.Scott was on the dancefloor, particularly handsome tonight. The grey suit he was wearing made him look older and wiser. But he was also very, very drunk, dancing with a friend of ours; a beautiful girl who, unfortunately, had a terrible reputation. I saw their bodies get closer, his crotch rubbing against hers. As usual, he got hard very fast. I laughed to myself. Will he ever change?I hope not.I have known Scott all my life. We were neighbours, best friends,...

Gay Male
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Love and Motorcycles

I was sixteen when I lost my dad. It left me angry at the world and with a chip the size of Texas on my shoulder. He was my world, my best friend. He put me on my first bike when I was just knee-high to a grasshopper. He would take me around the yard as I sat on the gas tank doing wheelies until I would laugh and mom would yell. I couldn’t believe he was really gone.I knew mom needed help, so I walked to Johnson’s Auto Salvage to apply for work. Mr. Johnson was an old friend of my dad’s and...

Love Stories
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Akshay Fucked My First Love Again After Marriage

Hi all, I am writing here about my recent date with my graduation classmate. We met accidentally at a shopping mall after 12 years of gap. Before I start with the incident let me tell about myself. I am Ritika, I am 34-year-old. We are a family of 4. My husband Sachin is an administrative professional in a reputed company. My mother in law and father in law are retired government servants. My daughter Prisha is 8-year-old. Ours is an arranged marriage and it’s been quite a happy simple life....

3 years ago
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Way Beyond ReachChapter 11

Annie drove, and they found parking on a side street. This down town was quaint. The buildings were mostly old, but they had been maintained and well kept. The main street had been closed off and each intersection had craft vendors in it. Most all of the shops had sale items out on the sidewalk and there were food vendors at both ends of the main street. The streets were full of shoppers and that surprised Sara. “Where are all these people from?” Sara had to ask. “Around. We are a much...

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