A Balmy SpringChapter 7 free porn video

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I awakened to the feel of soft, warm lips on mine. It wasn't an urgent, passion-filled kiss, but one more gentle and loving. The feel of a hand through my hair registered, as did the feel of another hand lightly drawing shapes on my chest. It was just about the most pleasant way to wake up I'd ever had. My joints didn't ache, much to my surprise, since they usually did whenever I had nightmares and slept like shit.

Another pair of lips lightly kissed one of my nipples, raising goosebumps all over my body. The lips that were kissing mine moved and lightly kissed my ear.

"Wake up, Cutie Pie," Mia whispered.

"I don't want to," I drawled, "This is a dream I don't ever want to have end."

"It doesn't have to," she said, and I could hear the smile in her voice. "It just needs to be postponed till tonight."

I slowly cracked my eyelids and was treated with the vision of Mia on one side and Shay on the other. It was similar to what I saw when I opened my eyes after my nightmare a few hours earlier, except that their expressions were so warm and filled with love instead of concern.

"I must still be dreaming," I said.

They beamed at me for a moment, then Mia's smile faded. She looked at Shay and a silent communication passed between them. They both looked at me.

"I think it's time to talk, Brody," Mia said.

"My dream is over, huh?"

"Only temporarily, if last night is any indication."

"The nightmares are no big deal," I said.

"When are you going to stop lying to yourself?" Shay asked.

I started to get defensive, but Mia's hand on my chest gently rubbed me, taking a page out of Mom's 'keep-Brody-calm' playbook. "We love you, Brody," she said. "You're hurting and unhappy. It's more than just the nightmares. Whatever is going through your head is eating you up."

"It's not THAT bad," I countered, but I knew I was lying to myself again, like Shay said.

"It was like you had broken out of whatever funk you were in when you went down on me last night. You were confident and in control, and I was thrilled."

I smirked. "Of course you were."

"It was more than the orgasm, Brody," Mia said, "There's more to our relationship than that."

Shay picked up the previous thought. "It was like you'd fallen right back into your rut after your first orgasm, except that you were worse. Then the nightmare..." She shook her head.

"What do you want me to say?" I snapped. "OK, yeah, I'm working through some issues. It's why I felt I needed to be alone this week."

"Fuck that," Shay shot back, "We love you and we weren't about to abandon you to this. We're in this together."

"Please talk to us, Brody," Mia pleaded.

"You know everything," I said, "I shared it all on the phone."

"That's just the story of what happened," Mia said. "That's superficial. Talk to us about what's going on inside you."

"Nothing's going on. I'm grieving. This is what grieving is about. It sucks all to hell, OK?"

"We know it does," Mia said.

"How can you know?" I asked, angrily. "No one can know what it's like until you've been through it."

"We've been through difficult things, too," Mia said, standing her ground.

I didn't want to sound like I was whining, like I had it so much worse than everyone else, but it wasn't the same.

"I'm sorry that you guys have been through those things, OK?" I said. "You know that. But it doesn't mean you can really understand how this feels."

"That's true," Shay said, "But we're trying to understand what it's like for a friend to die."

My eyes locked on hers. "I don't WANT you to understand what it's like having a friend die, let alone what it's like LETTING a friend die."

Shay's eyes teared up. Mia's hand rested on my cheek and she gently turned my face towards hers. Her eyes were wet, too.

"Is that what you think? That Fuzz is dead because of you?"

"He is."

"Did you run his car off the road?"

She totally missed the point. "That's not what I mean."

"Did you refuse to help him?"

"That's not what I mean, Mia." Nobody could understand, which is why I needed to work through this alone.

"Did you look at him and decide he could do it on his own?"

OK, she was pissing me off now. I clenched my fists and ground my teeth. "Damn it, Mia, it's not that!"

"Then what is it, Brody? How did you LET Fuzz die?"

I rolled over in a burst of action and loomed over her small frame, and she recoiled in surprise. I felt Shay's hands around my arm, trying to hold me back.

"I WASN'T STRONG ENOUGH, OK!" I yelled. "I wasn't strong enough to save Dad, and no matter what I did, or how much a worked at it, I WASN'T STRONG ENOUGH FOR FUZZ!" Tears were coursing down my cheeks now. "I WASN'T STRONG ENOUGH FOR YOU! I FAILED THEM AND I FAILED YOU!"

I was panting as I glared down at her, but the look in her eyes surprised me and pierced me to the very core. Her initial surprise was gone, but it wasn't replaced by fear; it was replaced by total and unconditional love. It was a look that I can't describe, but I knew its meaning as soon as I saw it. All my anger drained out of me, and I collapsed back into my spot. I covered my face with my arms and cried. I really cried. My whole body shook with these wracking sobs, and the harder I tried to stop them, the stronger they became.

I felt two pairs of tiny hands manhandling me onto my side, then two petite bodies draped over my front and my back, as if they were protecting me from something awful. They couldn't, because that something awful was inside of me.

We lay like that for a long time, shrouded in silence once my crying abated. My face was buried in Mia's chest, her naked breasts cradling my head, and yet there was absolutely nothing erotic about it. Their arms and legs were around me, hugging me. Mia was soothing me by repeatedly kissing the top of my head. Shay rubbed my chest and dotted kisses on my upper back and shoulders.

"How can you stand to even touch me?" I rasped.

"We love you," Shay said into my ear. It was said so simply and matter-of-factly, yet it seemed emotionally complex and profound to me for some reason.

"I can't help you," I said, "I've never been able to help you."

Mia petted my hair. "All this stuff inside you is based on something that's not true. You've helped us more than you'll ever know."

"But your teacher..." I didn't need to finish. We all knew that I was referring to Mia's teacher who tried to molest her and still avoided punishment. "Those guys at the party..." Again, we knew that I was referring to Shay's rape. "They all hurt you. I was helpless."

Shay kissed the back of my neck. "You weren't helpless. You were there to pick up the pieces."

"But I didn't stop you from getting hurt."

"These things happen to people," she said. "I can't say that I'm glad it happened, but with your help, I've come through a stronger and better person than I was before. Because of you, my relationship with my parents is better than it's been since I met Mia."

"You did save MY life, Brody," Mia softly said.

"I didn't stop that teacher though, or give you a shoulder to lean on."

"First of all, you weren't even really a part of my life when it happened. I meant later, last summer, when my emotional recovery had stalled and I was still fragile."

"You would have been fine. You had Shay."

She pushed my head off her chest to look into my eyes. "This probably won't make sense to you, but Shay wasn't enough. Shay met me after it all happened, and she fell in love with me the way I was. I needed someone who knew the 'me' from before, who loved me then and could still love me after. Your love reassured me that the girl that came out of the classroom that day was the same girl who went in."

I didn't say anything for a long time, just turning their words around in my head, looking at them from all directions.

"I couldn't save Dad," I finally said.

Both girls were quiet this time, as they turned THAT in THEIR heads.

"You couldn't save him, but you didn't let him die," Mia said, "It was beyond you."

"And you were there for your mother," Shay said, "Especially this last year."

I harrumphed. "Yeah, I seduced my mother."

"You gave her the love that she desperately needed WHEN she desperately needed it."

"What about Fuzz?" I asked. I was surprised that I was, for the first time in a long time, feeling like there might be hope. I truly wanted to know what they thought about Fuzz.

"What did Fuzz want you to do when you tried to help him?" Mia asked.

"He told me to help the Bartletts."

"Then Fuzz sacrificed himself for them. Isn't that what you said Fuzz always did? Sacrificed for his friends and family? Instead of viewing it as you failing him, maybe you can view it as you allowing him that one final act of selflessness. Call it his legacy."

Wow. I'd never thought about it that way. I'd have to digest that. I'd have to digest everything they said. I was amazed that I actually felt better. The hopefulness was on a precarious perch, but it was there. I knew I had a long way to go, but I really and truly felt better for the first time in a long time.

"Thank you," I quietly said. "It really means a lot for you to say those things."

Mia was still looking at me with those dark brown eyes of hers. I wanted to lose myself in her soul, so I reached my lips out and kissed her. All this pent up emotion came flowing out of me through that kiss. She obviously caught onto my need, because she returned my passion in a slow, deep kiss that simmered hot without scalding. It took my breath away. Shay turned my head when Mia and I pulled apart and met my lips with another slow kiss filled with just as much love and passion. My dick was hard and pressing into Mia's leg when we parted. I was surprised that I could be so aroused without feeling horny, if that was even possible.

The lovemaking was languid this time. I sat up with my legs crossed and pulled Mia into my lap. She lowered herself onto my cock and wrapped her legs around my middle. We resumed our kiss as I slowly entered and moved inside her. Our kisses became more fervent, our motions more purposeful, over the minutes. Mia wiggled and moaned, then gasped and whimpered her orgasm into my mouth. Her body trembled in my arms.

She slipped off my lap after several long minutes, letting my cock slip from her warmth. I turned my head to find Shay. She was lying on her side with her head propped up, watching us. I rolled over and she opened her arms and legs to welcome me. She wrapped them tightly around me as I slid into her and dropped my weight down onto her. Our lips met in a hungry kiss. I slowly rotated my hips, drawing sweet moans from her throat. I then slid my arms under her body and sat up, resting my ass back on my haunches. She came with me, settled on my reformed lap, and we made love. Mia plastered her sweet little body against my back and wrapped her arms around me and Shay, telling us she loved us with all her soul. Shay did most of the moving, but I hunched my hips up at hers, trying to increase the pleasure for both of us. She began to tremble just before she came, like Mia did, then her body stiffened up and she cried out in pleasure.

I let myself go when she was at the peak of her climax. I groaned and filled her pussy with my essence, my whole self lost in the wave of pleasure and love I was experiencing.

Shay rested her forehead against mine and smiled at me as we came down from our highs.

Mia wiggled against my back. "That was beautiful, amazing..."

"Yeah," Shay dreamily said.

We exchanged declarations of love, then Mia bounced off the bed. Shay and I laughed at her sudden burst of energy.

"Time to shower—and I mean SHOWER." She pointedly looked at Shay. "We have places to go."

I raised my eyebrows. "Oh really; anyplace in particular?"

Her beatific smile made my heart swell almost to bursting. "We're going to visit your dad's grave."

That was a cathartic day. We visited Dad's grave after our deep conversation and soul-cleansing lovemaking. I hadn't been in a while, and I realized that I missed it. I shared stories about Dad with Mia and Shay, some funny, some not so much. They then left me alone for a few minutes, and I told Dad some stories about Mia and Shay. It was good.

My spirits were higher than they'd been in a long time and remained that way throughout the day. We visited Fuzz's grave, and my feelings of guilt, while still strong, were a little less raw than before. I drove them by my school and Mom's work. We had lunch at The Rookery, one of my favorite burger joints, then I took them to a park near my house that had a great walking trail and playground. We walked and played for a couple of hours.

We went home to have dinner and watch Music and Lyrics, a Hugh Grant-Drew Barrymore romance. My thoughts drifted to Kristin as I watched the movie, and my good mood slowly began to fade. The sex was nice when we went to bed, but paled in comparison to the morning. Mia could tell something was up and even commented about it.

Now here I was the following morning, ready to deal with the aftermath of my bad decisions. I could hear the girls laughing from the kitchen as I stood in front of my dresser, and I almost chickened out. It was time to confess. I knew that I couldn't move forward with healing until I crossed that hurdle. This was the only way to get back the good vibe I had from the day before; I needed to come clean and make amends.

I slowly got dressed and headed for the kitchen. Each girl was digging into a bowl of her favorite cereal—Lucky Charms for Shay, Cheerios with bananas for Mia—and teasing each other about something. They both looked up at me.

"I need to tell you something," I said. It took all my willpower to keep my head up and my eyes on theirs. "I don't think you're going to be too happy."

"Uh oh," Shay said, around a mouthful of cereal.

Mia's eyes narrowed. "This isn't another situation where it sounds like you're breaking up with me, but you aren't, is it?"

"No," I said, "But you may want to break up with me when I'm done talking."

"Sit," Mia said. I was smart enough to obey.

"I, um, did something I'm not particularly proud of."

Neither girl responded. They just watched me.

"Remember that girl I went to the party with last fall?" I got a pair of nods. "Her name is Kristin, and she sort of latched onto me after the accident. She and her friends kind of hang out with me during school, and ... and sometimes after." I looked up to make sure they were still following me. They most decidedly were. "So anyway, we got to be friends, sort of, and she kept hinting around..." I took a deep breath, and went for broke. "I had sex with her; more than once."

Mia and Shay looked at each other.

"OK," Shay said, but she looked guarded.

"We've been over this whole exclusivity, sex/love thing before," Mia said. "I'll admit I'm upset that you didn't say something before now, since more than once implies you developed a relationship, but you know how I feel about this. We're young, we're experiencing life, we sometimes make choices we regret."

"It's a little more complicated. It was totally casual at first, no feelings at all. I was mad at myself, and she kind of represented a part of me I didn't particularly like, so when I finally had sex with her, I was kind of ... rough with her, like I was taking my self-loathing out on her."

Shay's expression hardened. "You had sex with her because you were MAD at yourself?"

"You USED her as a way to punish yourself?" Mia asked, frowning. "That's ... not very nice."

"It's actually pretty despicable," Shay said. "I know you were in a bad place, but ... I'm disappointed, Brody."

Mia nodded her agreement to that statement.

"Trust me; I'm pretty disgusted with myself. It started out that way, but then, I don't know, I think I kind of developed some feelings for her. The last couple of times we had sex were more ... affectionate."

Mia put her spoon down. "Do you love her?" she simply asked. I could feel the tension in her, though.

"I wouldn't call it love, really. But my feelings are stronger than just casual."

"Are they strong enough to break up with us?"

"Of course not."

"Does she think you might break up with us?"

I sighed. "Hold on." I trudged to my bedroom, got her postcard from the bottom drawer of my dresser, and took it to the kitchen. "I told her that I wouldn't break up with you two, but yes, I think she kind of hopes I might."

The girls read the card, then looked at each other again, doing that silent communication thing.

"You used her, Brody," Shay said, and I winced.

"What are you going to do now?" Mia asked. I could tell they were both disappointed in me, but I couldn't tell to what degree.

"Well, I'm not breaking up with you," I said.

"I didn't think you were," she said. "I meant, what are you going to do about her? Can you have sex with her without emotions getting in the way?"

Could I? Emotions were apparently already getting in the way. I didn't think my feelings for Kristin would ever become more than mild affection, even if we continued to have sex. Her feelings, if what Kimmie and Cassie said were true, were already more than mild affection. Mia was right. To keep stringing Kristin along was wrong.

"Probably not," I answered. "I need to end it, huh?"

"It's your call," Mia said. "Does she know why you had sex with her that first time; that you intended to punish yourself?" Her nose crinkled up like she smelled something stinky.

"Um, no. Do you think I should tell her?"

"NO!" both girls shouted at the same time.

Mia shook her head in disgust. "You need to figure out what you're going to do, but whatever you do, don't make her feel THAT awful, especially since you don't view her as penance anymore."

She went back to her cereal. Shay did the same, but hesitated. "You better eat if we're going to hang out with Jeff today."

"That's it? You aren't mad?"

"Did you want us to be mad?" Shay asked.

"Well, no, of course not," I quickly answered, "I just thought..."

"We're upset that you didn't tell us you had another girlfriend," Shay said.

I didn't think they'd appreciate it if I said that Kristin really wasn't my girlfriend.

Mia swallowed her bite. "And we're upset with how you treated that girl. Regardless of how things are in your own life, she doesn't deserve to be treated like shit. She has feelings, too, and knowing the kind of lover you are, I'm sure that even the 'rough' sex was amazing. She's obviously gaga over you by now." She looked at me with sad eyes. "You're a better person than this, but this is a situation you'll have to get out of yourself. I hope that you've learned a lesson."

I blinked at them, then blinked at them again. I had expected a major blowup about things, but they were acting so ... calm. Sure, they were upset, but they weren't trying to castrate me. They weren't threatening to leave or break up with me. They were more upset about how I treated Kristin than they were that I had a relationship with another girl. That made my head spin.

"I guess I kind of just figured you'd changed your mind a bit about the exclusivity thing. I assumed that Cassie and Danica were safe exceptions that you used to keep me happy so I wouldn't find some other girl."

"OK, now THAT makes me mad," Mia said, though she sounded more perturbed than anything again. "I can't believe that you'd think we'd ever consider USING those girls like that. Sure, Danica is just in it for fun, but you need to open your eyes if you really think that Cassie is just a 'friend with benefits'. That girl is seriously, hopelessly in love with you."

"I don't know about that," I said, thinking she was exaggerating. "There's Brendan, for instance."

Mia cocked her head. "Who?"

Oops. I guess Cassie hadn't said anything about him after all. I shrugged. "Some guy she's been hanging around with."

Shay smiled. "He must not be all that important to her since she's never mentioned him to us. She mentions YOU ALL the time, on the other hand." She rolled her eyes. "Though what she sees in you—what WE see in you—will probably be a mystery for the ages."

I wondered the same thing, but decided to leave that particular mystery alone for the time being and refocus on Cassie. The look on their faces told me that they firmly believed she was in love with me. "She really feels that strongly about me?" I asked, seeking clarification.

"Why do you think she was so concerned about you the last few weeks? Why do you think she was so hurt by how you treated her?" Shay asked. She shook her head. "Boys. Clueless."

I knew Cassie and I loved each other. We were best friends, but to be IN love? Cassie had made a comment or two about having strong feelings for me, but was I missing her point?

"If you were so sure that Cassie was in love with me, weren't you afraid that I might fall in love with her, too, if we continued to have sex? Wouldn't that mean that Cassie broke that 'no feelings' rule?"

"It's ... kind of complicated," Mia said. "She wouldn't steal you from us, so it would never be an either-or kind of thing with Cassie."

"We feel like we know her really well, even though we've never met in person," Shay said.

"How much do you girls talk to her?" I asked, suddenly wary.

They looked at each other. "On the phone?" Mia asked, "Maybe once a week."

"But just about every night via IM," Shay continued. She waggled her eyebrows. "Let's just say that Danica isn't the only girl who gets Cassie's motor revved up. Mia's webcam gets more of a workout than you realize."

The images THAT conjured up left me speechless. "Uh..." The 'Mia Effect' was alive and well.

"Now stop talking and eat," Mia demanded, "Jeff's waiting."

It was pretty quickly clear why Shay wanted to ride in the backseat of the car. She snuggled up against Jeff as soon as he got in. I could see them through the rearview mirror. I figured that I had no right to complain about ANYTHING either of my girls did with Jeff, considering what I'd done. Besides, I knew that Shay could be a tease. I just hoped she didn't kill him.

"Here's the deal," she sweetly said to the guy. "We're spending the day together. There are two cute girls, and only one Brody. While he'll get his fair share of hugs and kisses from both of us, it will be awkward for you. Since I don't mind trying a bit of variety and I think you're cute, I might just hang on to you from time to time: hold hands a little, some PDA, and lots of backseat tonsil hockey." Mia giggled, but Shay didn't skip a beat. "No groping naughty bits, obviously, and of course, you go home at the end of the day sexually frustrated. Just some casual, non-committal fun. Are you game?"

Talk about laying it all on the table right off the bat. Jeff about had apoplexy. He looked at me with wide eyes. I was surprised that Shay wanted to do that with Jeff, given her self-admission of preferring girls to guys, and if I was being honest, I had to admit that a little tendril of jealousy tried to take root. I snuffed it out pretty quickly.

"Don't look at me," I said, "No one can control her. If you play, you're on your own."

"How 'bout it, Cutie?" Shay asked, somehow moving closer to him.

"I, uh..." Jeff was totally caught off guard. He wasn't a particularly smooth talker when it came to ladies, but he could hold his own once he got his footing. Shay just never gave him a chance. It was beautiful. Being the nice guy that I am, I decided to help him along.

"Come on, Barker, look at her. Free chance to make out with a hot girl all day. So you go home with blue balls and have to wank off ... it's worth it, isn't it?"

His face got redder as he shot me a look to kill. He looked back at Shay, and since he was speechless, he just nodded. Shay's cheeks dimpled.

"Oh, goody!" Without another word, she grabbed the back of his head and mashed her lips against his. He responded quicker than I would have thought, which made Shay hum happily. I quit looking at the mirror when I caught a glimpse of her little pink tongue forcing its way into his mouth. Mia caught my attention. She smiled and patted my thigh. Her meaning was obvious. Shay loved me, but just wanted to have some fun. I smiled back to tell her I was cool.

"You may have to let Jeff drive at some point," she said, as she turned her attention back to the scenery OUTSIDE the car. "I'm going to need some backseat tonsil hockey, too."

We had a blast. Since the forecast called for afternoon rain, we did our outdoor stuff first. We visited the Ocmulgee National Monument, which is all about Native American history, and walked the Heritage Trail. Shay was true to her word and hung off Jeff's arm the whole time. She kissed and flirted, even dragging him behind a tree or around a corner every now and then for some more serious kissing. Even with her teasing, Shay has a way of making people feel at ease. Jeff got into it pretty quickly and returned the flirting. Their personalities fed off each other, and they kept us laughing all day. Mia and I took plenty of opportunities to kiss and touch, but we were pretty subdued compared to them.

Afternoon took us to the Museum of Arts and Sciences. Mia and Jeff took bathroom breaks when we first arrived, which left me and Shay alone on a bench. She climbed into my lap and slid her arms around my neck.

"Are you OK with this?" she seriously asked me, her eyes searching mine.

"Yeah, it's cool," I honestly said. "I was a little surprised at first, but I get it. You're having fun."

"I want you to know this has nothing to do with what you told us earlier; it's not payback or anything. And this doesn't mean my feelings for you are any less. It really is just about having fun."

"I get it."

We smiled at each other, then she kissed me. I mean she KISSED me. Any residual doubt about how she felt about me vanished with that kiss. She didn't pull back until we heard Mia and Jeff talking as they approached.

"All this flirting and kissing is making me REAL horny," she whispered in my ear, "Drink plenty of fluids."

Then she bounced off my lap, grabbed Jeff's hand, and dragged him into the museum.

Fucking Shay from behind was always a treat. She had an amazing ass—perfect teardrops with the cutest little crease to separate the cheek from the leg. It was firm, too, and spread wonderfully when she was bent over on her hands and knees, exposing a little pink crinkle of flesh that seemed to wink at me. Her ass was sexy in its own right, but it was out of this world when I could see my cock framed by those hemispheres every time that I skewered her tight pussy. I would be content to watch my cock piston in and out of her under normal circumstances, but there was something else that caught my eye as we fucked that evening, namely Shay's head between Mia's legs. Mia was on her back with her legs spread wide, moaning with pleasure.

Shay hadn't been kidding. She was insatiable after we dropped Jeff off. She started by fingering herself in the backseat of the car until she almost came, then she left a trail of clothes from the front door to the living room, where she rode me to her first orgasm. Mia didn't climb on, preferring to wait until we got into a bed to have me on top. Shay came on my dick and I came in her pussy, then she bounced off me and nearly swallowed me whole. Her oral attention helped me through the recovery phase, and when I was hard enough, she dove between Mia's legs and wiggled her sexy ass at me. The vision of my lovelies engaged in the blissful pastime of muff diving, along with the symphony of feminine moans, and the sounds of wet sex, only enhanced the feeling of warm snug heat all around my cock. Despite my earlier climax, I was feeling that tingle in my balls again within minutes.

Mia came all over Shay's face, then moved down to make out with Shay while tweaking her sensitive nipples. Shay exploded then, shuddering and moaning her way through another climax, and I followed a few minutes later, grunting as I hosed her happy pussy down.

Damn, guilt-free (or at least, guilt-minimized) sex was AWESOME.

I woke up on Sunday morning feeling more rested than I had in a long time. I could tell that it was still early by the sunlight streaming through the curtains. I was lying on my side with my chest against Shay's back; my arm was over both girls, since Shay was spooned against Mia's back. I lifted my head, rested it on my hand, and watched my girls for a few minutes. They were so beautiful that they took my breath away. More than that, though, they were good people, kind and compassionate. They were emotionally strong, selfless, smart, sassy, and fun.

They loved me. I'll never know why they did. Shay was right on when she said it was a mystery for the ages. I looked at the clock and gave myself a few more minutes to watch them before nuzzling Shay's neck. She giggled, even though she still refused to admit she did that on occasion.

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Back when I was dating, I pretty much was open to anything that gave me the opportunity to try something different and had the possibility of a new sexual adventure. I had been dating my guy for a few weeks and so far it had been a tame relationship in as far as what we did for sexual excitement. We had talked about our sexual desires and exchanged stories of some of our sexual adventures. My boyfriend was a little surprised when he heard what types of things I have done. He was about to find...

2 years ago
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Janice knows

Here it is. Everyone has been asking for the story of how Janice found out. It goes like this . . .Due to the fact that James and my mother’s husband were partners in a contracting business, our families hung out together a lot. There were very few weeks where the two families didn’t share a dinner meal due to the work schedules of James and mother’s husband.It was a Saturday. I was staying over with James and Janice. Janice had to work till 2:oopm that day, so James was walking around the...

4 years ago
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Two Guys Four Blow Jobs

This story took place after Regina graduated from college. She was at a small party at her boyfriend Don’s apartment.During the party, most of the people had paired up with someone. They were flirting and making out.Regina and Don went to his bedroom, and Regina started to give Don a blow job. He was standing in front of her and she was kneeling on a pillow between his legs.Regina started by stroking his boner with her hands. His pre-cum started flowing immediately. She positioned her mouth...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Rumors of HavenChapter 9

As the eleven adults and their kids stepped out of the vehicles in question, Cowpoke and Bandana Girl led the way, walking toward them cautiously, hands spread to show peaceful intentions. As the name indicated, Bandana Girl indeed wore a bandana, and for now, nothing else. She had kept herself nude ever since the last conversation she joined in with the group, so she was on full display in all of her naked glory. Cowpoke wore a flannel shirt, denim jeans, and leather boots that matched his...

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Sweet Revenge Chapter 9

The Concluding Part.Seriously....where's Frank?" I asked ogling them both and stripping off my tie as I asked."Seriously.....I called him a few minutes ago." Shelly stated simply, walking over to help Cindy in removing my jacket. "He's in a meeting, and won't be here until sometime after six. I told him I was bending the rules just a tiny little bit." She said. "Seriously...."Cindy was already down on her knees at this point unzipping my fly and fishing my already hard cock out of my jockey's....

2 years ago
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Picked up at a party

I met him at New Year’s party in our company.He was a perfect stranger to me; but he was fun to talk and then we had instant chemistry. We danced and shared several drinks.We both fell into an easy playful game that became more and more sexually charged as the night went on…When it was time to go, I did not want to go home alone; because my loving husband was out of town for the long week end.So, he offered to let me check his place out. It was a veiled invitation, but it still left me an out,...

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World Conquest

So war begins again…. Bear arms, let your weapons clash. Battle, fight, and drag not only others, but also yourself into the spiral of chaos! World Conquest set in the fantasy world of Riviera, which is divided into three major warring kingdoms and many small tribes. To the east, Draynia, the Kingdom of Human, ruled by King Leon. To the north, Silvalona, the Kingdom of Elf, ruled by Queen Atidnils. To the west, Ignard, the Kingdom of Orc, ruled by Koughat, War chief of the Horde. Also home to...

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My girl sorry its Google

Talent to blowjob - purely natural, good and fast sponge naughty tongue ... My dear girl, with a gentle face, often naively went out in my black shirt for my friends and drinking fresh coffee, forcing us to think of her ass and ask her to dress ..That evening I was returning as usual from Mila. Entering the market bought a pack of Chesterfields, and chocolate for my girl.It was not just. I loved her, and she loved to be mine. I knew nothing about who she is, her parents, where she lives, but I...

1 year ago
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Island DelightChapter 6 Making Plans

Brenda Oliver looked over at her husband. “You coming?” Steve Oliver was sitting at the small table in their room working on his laptop. “Give me a few minutes. I’m in the middle of something,” he replied. She grimaced and rolled her eyes at that. As soon as they had returned to their room, the married couple had raced into the bathroom and the glass-walled shower. They had quickly stripped down under the hot water and coupled feverishly. Then they had toweled dry and returned to the...

3 years ago
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Experience at the Yoga Class Bukkake Bath

I thought Ceenie's nipples were going to pop off of her breasts after Sandy blasted them with precise aim of her streaming fluid. For a moment, I could tell that Ceenie thought Sandy had peed on her, but it was definitely orgasmic liquid. The way it shot out and lasted just a few seconds was proof it was cum.Nicole high-fived Sandy after they had both released their hot centers on both of us. Then they moved and two other yoga class goers stepped up.The one standing over me spread her clitoral...

2 years ago
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Jennifers ToesChapter 4

The meat was on the grill cooking and the four of us; Martha, Jennifer, Darnell and I were sitting on the patio working on a pitcher of martinis. Darnell was at his charming best and Martha was enjoying his company. Jennifer sat quietly and watched me to see how I was taking it. I imagined that she was thinking that suddenly I would jump up and holler, "No, I can't do this." When the pitcher was empty I got up and went in the house to refill it and Darnell followed me in. He moved up...

1 year ago
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Abused Stepdaughter Part Eight

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who has had a rough life on her own, but that is all about to change….DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of Imagination - All Characters, Incidents, and Places are Fictional. Including Anyone or Place with Similar Names, this Story is intended as Satire and for Adults Only; you must be 18 or over to read it. This part of my Story will be involving R(a)pe, B(e)stiality & Ped(o)philia, it will be Intensely Emotional. I do not...

2 years ago
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A Fevered Dream

For the most part there was nothing out of the ordinary about the scene, for the most part. It looked like a rustic painting you might see in any family-type restaurant. You know the type of restaurant I mean. They are the ones that Moms and Pops really do own and operate. You probably have even seen similar depictions. A stretch of split rail fence, one that separates a green overgrown pasture from a tree line, possibly at the edge of a woods. One of the things that caused the scene to look...

3 years ago
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Apocalypse BluesChapter 40

The Adam Clarke Divinity School, The University of Virginia, The Free City of Charlottesville, 1513 hours (3:13 pm) local time 18 April, 2014 “And so, my dear students, remember this: it is your sacred duty and honor to build the new world that will follow Doomsday. It is you who will have to do much of the hard work of rebuilding hearth and home, town and country alike. It is you who will bring back civilization to Old Virginia. Just recall that this isn’t the first generation who will have...

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Horror at Castle VagnorChapter 8

"Come in," responded the Baroness to the timid knock on her bedroom door. Adrienne slowly opened the door and took a hesitant step inside. "You... you wished to see me, Ma'am?" she asked timidly. "Yes, yes, do come in," encouraged the Baroness. The girl took a small step or two. "If it's about this afternoon..." she began. "What about this afternoon?" "The... duster... and cloth... and..." Adrienne stammered. "Oh, my dear girl, Lars found them in one of the...

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My freshman roommatersquos toys

Monica (not her real name) pushed me way out of my comfort zone. I was this sweet, Midwestern girl from a small town. For some reason, my college placed me in a dorm room with this alternative girl from New York City. She was tattooed, wore heavy eye liner, had a nose ring, listened to loud music and scared me. I didn’t even know how to talk with her. I just clammed up and tried not to get in her way. I was certain that we would not become friends. I also did not want her angry with me. There...

1 year ago
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 09

IX ‘If someone could give you a pill’ By the time Wendy came home my batteries were thoroughly recharged and we headed straight upstairs for the usual mindblowing fuck. Later on, when she finally made it to the front room, she looked dismayed at the horrible mark on the carpet. (I had tried to do something about it before she came back, but with only limited success.) I told her I had spilt something. ‘What on earth was it?’ she asked. I decided to try the power of FUCK once more. ‘Don’t...

3 years ago
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A Love out of Time Ch 03

Finley sat pouring over his finances. He could hear his brother, Sanford, in his head, teasing him about working too hard, about not having any fun, but it was his responsibility. If he didn’t take care of paying the wages and monitoring the income, then the whole house would fall apart. His brother wouldn’t be teasing him then, if he suddenly lost his tidy sum of allowance to play with. ‘Ooh Finley,’ he heard the voice from the hallway, knowing exactly who it was: Cynara. She glided happily...

2 years ago
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Best GirlFriend Vibrator Fun

Christina knocks on her boyfriends door. Wearing a very low cut black wrap around dress, and very high heels, with a black lacy garter, stockings, and matching thongs underneath. She hopes that her outfit will spice up her love life. It has become rather mundane lately. She stands up super straight and pushes her tits out when she hears him unlock the door. He opens the door and the look on his face makes is very clear that her efforts were not in vain. She walks past him, looking at him very...

1 year ago
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Blessings in a Puja brings motherhood

A childless Australian Indian visits her mom at Mumbai to perform a puja to become mother. Will she succeed? How ? read on That morning I was going to In orbit mall at Vashi from my mother’s apartment at CBD Belapur. Suddenly I could see lot of crowd almost blocking the road. I was cursing the Indian public who never bother to block roads for trivial causes. I badly wanted to return to Sydney where I lived with my husband. I had come to India to attend a marriage. I asked the driver to...

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Nicole The Truth at Last a From Jeannie to Vanessa story Chapter 01

Chapter 01: Meeting Vanessa Jack and Vanessa always called us their "vanilla" friends, which was kind of an inside joke since we were both African-American. She showed me what she wrote in Literotica and on Lush, and I thought it was cool that she did it in honor of Jack. She agreed to publish it under her "v22omk" identity, so that our stories could be connected. So here it is.I came into her tale in Chapter 5 (Lush version), although I had known "Jeannie" for some time. That day in the...

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Waves of time pt 3

The water over the sandbar lapped at my legs just above my ankles. I stood remembering that day not so long after I came to the beach at the start of summer, that day Brenda and I kissed and held each other right here. Now it was the end of summer and tomorrow I would be leaving. I was wearing the bathing suit she had left behind. I pulled it off in a single motion and stood there with it wadded up in my hands. I held it to my nose and took a deep breath. Her smell was gone, just like she was....

2 years ago
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Satisfied A Married Woman In Bangalore

Hello to all the readers this is a true story which happend just 3 weeks back with a lady I was in touch since a month.. I am varun and the angel of this incidence which happend is sanjana(name changed) . She is 29 year old married women staying in bangalore only. About her she is a fair 29 year married women but no kids as she was not satisfied sexually and she was a sex hungry lady.She is from a descent family and she also stays in bangalore I had posted several add s on locanto about...

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Desert Heat Part 12

Desert Heat – Part 12Monday morning came early and neither Ginger nor I felt like hitting the road for another 10 days out in the small dusty desert town, but duty called and we loaded up and hit the road. On the way down, Ginger talked about Bill and Olga. She said she liked them and was grateful for them helping her to get out of her shell and she enjoyed what happened with them last week. However, after what happened this weekend at home, she asked if it would be okay if we took things...

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Gay tiolet

I got this guys no. from the toilet wall, so i dropped my pants in the middle of the restroom, and took photos of my naughty penis, w/ my phone, and sent him the pics…That night I was at my mates, wearing stolen panties, when I got a pic back of an uncut, sexy member, w/ an invite… so I grabed my keys an headed to a car park, down the beach. Id been thinkng about cock heaps. A couple of times, I found a guy in the toilets. One Indian man… I let him suck my dribbling dick… till I asked to see...

4 years ago
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Deliciously Sick

       For years me and my husband Terry's sex life had been a bit ... lackluster. Sex rarely happened, and when it did happen, it left something to be desired. Namely me. It wasn't long before I settled for masturbating while he was at work rather than let him touch me. I often asked myself if we had reached the stage in our relationship where hot, passionate sex was impossible. But I didn't want to believe that. We were barely into our forties for crying out loud. Despite the passionless...

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IHaveAWife Valentina Nappi 22563

Forget about the hole-in-1 innuendo, golf pro Valentina Nappi’s way past that! She doesn’t want to be fucked after giving a lesson to Johnny, she wants to be fucked in the ass! Her time is precious, and if she’s gonna be giving her tips to some sandbagger, he’d most definitely be giving his tip and a whole lot more! Now, Johnny may be married, but he’s no dummy — he wants to improve his score, so he needs to pony up and score with his hot Italian teacher by giving her anal sex with his 1-wood!...

1 year ago
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A trip to my aunts

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi my name is Andrew. I just turned 18 and was hoping I would get a pretty cool party. Instead of a party my parents decided to pay for a trip for me to go see my aunt in California. I hated the idea at first. What 18 year old wants to go see family members on their birthday. I soon came to realize that this would be a trip of a lifetime. I packed my cloths sluggishly as I was dreading the trip. When I had arrived in the airport my aunt was the first...

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That was a couples massage like I have never had before

Ginger was on her wayout the door, on her way to work. On her way out, she handed Jako a piece of paper with an address, a name and 12:30 pm written on it. She said, “Someone named Malana called and wanted to see about you doing some work for her firm. You were in the shower, so I checked your calendar and made the appointment for you. I hope that was okay.” He smiled, gave her a kiss and watched her run out the door. He always enjoyed watching her run in her skirt and heels, her little ass...

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The Beardsley School for Girls 7 Ashley and Bran

Ashley was nervous, but not Brandy. Brandy seemed to have enjoyed herself too much with the Chancellor. It had been only a week ago, but Brandy's sexual appetite for girls seemed to have increased and Ashley was her number one target. She knew that both of them would have to "perform," as Headmaster Michael had told them, for two of the Board members, Dr. Lenox and Mr. Van Dorn. They had heard about Dr. Lenox, rumors of what Elizabeth had to endure as punishment for hitting Delyssa. Brandy was...

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Stand and Deliver

© 2000 Molly crept from her rented room behind the rustic tavern. Edging cautiously around the corner of the Red Boar Tavern, she trailed a hand over the sun-warmed wall. She absorbed the warmth. Moonlight illuminated enough of her surroundings to keep her steps careful as she rounded the corner and stepped into the alley leading to the docks. The onset of evening had brought with it a chill breeze off the bay. Molly tugged the old woollen cloak around her securely, hiding her intentions...

4 years ago
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Sweater Tit Dick Rub Another of my wifes college adventures

My wife has several items of clothing she says have a “history.” One of these items is a short sleeve blue angora sweater she has had since she was a sophomore in college. She wore that blue angora sweater the night of this story.My wife looks great in a tight sweater, especially when she’s not wearing a bra. She knows it’s a turn on for a guy to see her tits push out against her sweater and watch her boobs bounce and jiggle when she walks.She told me it aroused her to feel her soft angora...

Straight Sex
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Lauryn tras la pista

UNOS D?AS ATR?SKate y sus amigas hab?an llegado a la peque?a mansi?n poco antes del medio d?a.  Su padre le hab?a dejado la casa para una peque?a fiesta de fin de semana. Kate llevaba pidi?ndolo meses. Hab?a esgrimido toda clase de argumentos para lograrlo. Un merecido descanso, aprovechar con sus amigas para alejarse de la universidad, la recompensa por tanto tiempo de dedicaci?n a los estudios. Al final, en el ?ltimo momento, su padre hab?a cambiado de opini?n. Kate cre?a que al principio hab?a estado intentando evitar la ma...

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The Grid Girl

Up to a point some of this is true. The setting and the girl were real, everything after the concert is fantasy (unfortunately). An older story. **** I can’t say that I noticed her particularly to start with, she was just one of the girls who came out to mark the grid positions. After three or four races I realised that each girl always marked the same grid row, and as I was generally on the corner looking up the paddock (the cars were lining up in the paddock before exiting out into the pit...

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Mila Mynx Her Pets Night Out of the Cage

Mila Mynx - her pet’s night out - cuckold Her Pet, also known as Jake, was a successful businessman and dominant in his field. Like many other men, he had fallen for Mila and they had been in an open relationship for a about a year, at least open for Mila. They had met in a bar, he had offered her a drink, a technique he had used often, which she had accepted. What struck Jake from the outset was Mila’s sexual confidence and aggressiveness, something he had not experienced from his other...

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The Beach Bitch

***** It began over 20 years ago when I was 18 and got married to a much older man in a marriage arranged by my parents, as is the way in India. We settled near to Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital in Mumbai, where my husband Vivaan worked as doctor and I stayed at home hoping that one day we might be blessed with children. Sadly that was not to be as my husband worked long hours and was often tired when he returned home and showed little interest in sex. Sure he made token attempts and I...

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In the tumble dryer

There was a penis. He stared into the slightly convex plastic window of the tumble dryer, devoid of thought, spittle running down his cheek. Round and round it went, moving in and around the soiled clothing. Synapses began to fire. His ego strained for control of his stiff and unresponsive vessel. His penis? He did not know. Did not want to know. He had to know. His arm moved. Down it went, into his pants, searching, searching, and finding - nothing. No flaccid reminder of his sex, spitter of...

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The Bus To Croweville

"You go to Croweville?" I asked the bus driver. "Sure do, we'll be there about 2:15. In the a.m.," the driver said pointedly. "Thanks," I said, my eyes adjusting from the buglight glare of the terminal to the dark interior of the coach. I scanned up and down but every pair of seats had at least one taken, most by dozing older folks or wary-looking migrant workers. There was a somewhat chubby girl about my age, 23 or so, with pulled-back brown hair and a spaghetti-strap purple blouse,...

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Angels Journey Chapter 47

Even bound like this I still sleep... sort of, constantly wakened by the restriction in my movements, and the aches on my body... and the dampness of the bed where my drooling gagged mouth rests... but I still doze, to be woken by a stinging pain against my arse, again and again... I scream into my gag, and eventually the blows stop, and Officer Morton's laugh reminds me of my position. "Right then you stupid little fuck-toy. You need to be outside ready for your pick-up in one...

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Live From the GameChapter 3

I went home that night in a foul mood. I caught every red light possible, every moron who's ever driven a car in his life was in my way and I had decided that the stuff people talk about in Storiesonline stories about wiring up their houses for video and audio and all that were horse shit. I'd paid a visit to Frys Electronics on the way home and that shit is expensive. Also, it requires wiring and computer skills I don't have. I didn't have a clue how to wire up a phone intercept, and...

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Nursery Crime

Nursery Crime.An Adult Female Domination TaleByMiss Irene Clearmont-------------------------------There was a little nurse who had a little curlRight in the middle of her forehead;When she was good, she was so very, very good,And when she was bad she was more than horrid.-------------------------------Copyright ? Miss Irene Clearmont 2012 (Sept). -------------------------------Find the PDF version of this story at:WWW.MissIreneClearmont.ComCONTENTS.-------------------------------Part I.Beyond...

2 years ago
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Old Man and My Busty Girlfriend

This is a true story.AND A LONG ONE (You've been warned)My name is Robby (obviously) and I have been with my girlfriend Angie quite a while now, she has a beautiful bubble butt, a lovely pair of 34DD's and prefers to trim down below, rather than shave.Earlier this year me and my girlfriend Angie took a two week holiday up in McCall, to a camp site; a rather expensive one!The view was gorgeous, fresh air, country all around and the site was full of mostly older men and women, we even shared a...

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Adventures in Swinging Ch 04 Friends With Benefits

Ron and Charlotte seemed like a perfect match for us. They were around our age, lived fairly nearby, and had little swinging experience. He was handsome, fit, and bald – Kathleen’s favorite traits. She was very cute, petite, and had a beautiful smile and gorgeous eyes – my favorite traits. When we exchanged messages online, they seemed intelligent, honest, and genuine. In our lengthy search for “friends with benefits,” they seemed almost seemed too good to be true.As attractive as Charlotte...

Wife Lovers
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My One and Only AffairChapter 5

When Mark pulled his hand out from under my panties he showed me how wet I really was. He smiled and began to lick his hand. He told me how sweet my cum was and that he wanted to eat me right now. I told him how much I would love that but this wasn’t the time or place for it. Then he said: “Now will you let me shave you and let me show you how good oral sex can be babe? Let me eat your pussy for you Bonnie.” We talked and talked as I kept my hand on his hard cock and he played with my...

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Tara 2 CuttailsChapter 11

Trae had been talking to Mike when he felt his medallion go warm. He immediately started searching for Kat. He thought that he spied her heading out the back and worked his way towards her. Then he heard her scream in his mind. He stood rooted to the spot. Anger like he had never felt before, boiled up inside of him. He took a deep calming breath and sent to her that he was coming. He then blinked. Unfortunately, he didn’t know the area behind the hall very well and ended up landing badly...

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Asian submissive

"Mrs. Tate wishes to seed you in the bathroom, immediately," Gordon Tate said to the beautiful oriental , "you may finish polishing the silverware later!!!" "Yes, sir," Miki Lee replied while averting her master's gaze, "right away!!!" The completely naked young woman quickly made her way to the gigantic bathroom just off the Tate's personal bedroom, and as was usually the custom, Valerie Tate was lolling in the whirlpool bath, waiting for the Asian beauty to join her in the swirling waters!!!...

4 years ago
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MILF Chapter 4

She curled up at her computer and that's when she saw it: an email with a subject line that read "You were great last night". Her heart skipped a beat and with a slight tremble she swallowed the lump in her throat and opened it. She had forgotten about giving her email to the three young guys at the start of the night, what with all the humiliating chaos that ensued after they left. There were several attachments, including a zip file of pictures and two videos. The body of the message...

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Wifes fun holiday

It was the final day of what had been our best holiday so far. Never had we wined and dined and fucked and sucked so much. We had been at it from the moment the plane landed and taken our love making to new heights and destinations. From the beach to tree lined woods and from our hotel balcony to the back seat of taxis we had reignited the flame between us and tried many a new position along the way. Tonight, for our last night we were going back to our favorite restaurant where the manager...

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Junior YearChapter 9 Know This Wersquove Noticed

When I got to school I saw Halle, Brook, Zoe and Pam all waiting on me. They all looked at me expectantly and I panicked. Who did I say hi to first? Did I dare kiss any of them? I held up my hand to stop them and had a brilliant plan: I called Beth. “Who died?” Beth asked when she answered the phone. “I don’t know, why?” I asked. “Someone had to die for you to call me this early.” “Oh, sorry. I’ll call back,” I offered. “Don’t you dare, ‘stupid boy’. Why did you call?” “I have four...

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Brandys and Melanies deep throat adventures Part 3

And so it was that Bonnie’s trick on Sean turned into a wonderful, 5½-day escapade of fun for Brandy, who clearly seemed to enjoy every minute of it. Come Monday morning, guys started showing up again to be blown; but everyone actually was very pleased for Brandy AND Sean that their fun would get to last a few days longer. Stretching into the week itself meant that a local news station got wind of it and sent along one of their ace reporters, a pretty little blonde named Kaitlin, to interview...

Group Sex
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Illegal Orgasm Season 2 Part 1 Mumtazs Gold Price

Kindly send me detailed feedback for every episode in Season 2 of ‘Illegal Orgasm.’ Based on the feedback, I can analyze what the readers expect. Indiscriminate sex and age, please do send your valuable feedback to . Enjoy this part about Mumtaz’s gold price that she earned. Mumtaz walked out from her posh office cabin. It’s been two days since the final hearing. Mumtaz was in her formal suit as usual. She punched the key for the parking lot on the elevator. The air from the fan inside the...

2 years ago
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My angel

A small smile found its way on her lips, no more did she have to glance longingly and hope that her angel would feel the same; no more did she have to fear that Himeko would forever be with Oogami and hate her if she found out her twisted feelings; her "secret" was long out. The fact that Himeko knew about her extraordinary body was making her comfortable, accepted; that she had a dick, (but didn't show it very well due to her careful camouflaging). And that whenever they did bathe...

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