NeighborsChapter 3 free porn video

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We kicked back into the school routine. Ever pleasant was pulling into my driveway at the end of the day and seeing Haley coming across the lawn. As she'd indicated, she fell right into the classwork. Her visits were, for the most part, exactly that, our social time, with a few bumps of academic content.

First week: "Mister Bill, they're just reviewin' stuff from last year in math. I don't think this teacher even knows where we were last year. It's like we backed up half a year."

I knew there were holes in the education system. "Remember, baby," I said, "the teachers have to deal with a lot of kids, and a lot of 'em didn't do real well last year, and I can guarantee that they didn't crack the book a week before school to make sure they hadn't forgotten things.

"I know," she said, pouting slightly. "I just feel cheated."

Some of the time we did the 'homework' thing out under the shade tree, in full view of everybody. Occasionally her mom or her stepdad would wander over and sit with us, and when this happened, we made an added effort to be discussing history or science or math.

Other days, though, we put the books on the dining room table or in the middle of the living room floor. If they were on the floor, there was a good chance that we were watching something on TV, and yes, I succumbed to her requests to cuddle into my lap as I sat in my recliner. That was becoming a bit of a problem for me, though. I kept getting aroused. And why wouldn't I? She was cute, friendly, and affectionate.

If I wasn't in my recliner, we'd be on the sofa. Sometimes we lounged at opposite ends. Other times, though, I dunno, she just seemed to NEED physical contact, and she'd slide over against me, letting me drape an arm around her, or she'd lay her head in my thigh, sighing as I toyed with her hair. We'd watch TV, and when a commercial came on, she'd roll onto her back, smiling. I couldn't help but caress her face. Trouble was, I was getting to want to caress more and more of her. What manner of magic was this little girl working on me?

And then there was the day she wanted to talk about relationships. "I guess I don't quite understand, Mister Bill," she admitted. "I think a lot of kids my age are screwed up."

"How so, baby?" I asked.

"That whole 'I'm in LOVE' thing ... Mostly GIRLS ... I mean, where are ya goin' with claimin' you're in LOVE an' you're thirteen an' you were IN LOVE last week with somebody else and prob'ly gonna be IN LOVE with somebody else in another two weeks?"

"That's how young people learn about relationships, Haley."

"What're they tryin' to learn? Friend says 'I'm goin' steady with Jason.' An' a week later, Jason is history ... Goin' steady means, you know, more than a WEEK!"

"What do YOU think 'goin' steady' means?"

"Like almost engaged..."

I snickered. "People ARE FUNNY. But at thirteen, kids ain't ready to be committing for life, I don't think. All that 'goin' steady' stuff is just practice, you know, how to meet people and see how your personality an' their personality fits, that kind of stuff."

"You think somebody my age is too young to be committing for life?"

"Yeah." And then I looked at those brown eyes. I saw a strange look.

She continued. "An' we got a pregnant girl in one a'my classes. My age. Pregnant. What'd'ya thnk of that?"

"I wish I was surprised. I guess I should be, but I'm not."

"It's crazy. I listened to some a'the other girls talkin'. She was all in love with this boy over the summer. Now she's gonna have a baby."

"How old was he?"


"That's disastrous," I said.

"Talk about," she said. "I know all about that 'sexually active', just from sittin' in the cafeteria."

"In middle school," I muttered, almost to myself.

"Crazy," Haley repeated. "I mean, if a girl starts when she's THIRTEEN, an' she does ever' boy she falls in love with, an' that's like eight or nine a year..." She looked at me. "Mister Bill, that's not GOOD is it?"

I shook my head. "Not from my point of view. Maybe things are different now, but girls that were doin' that many guys were called 'sluts'. I'd hate to think that MY girl had been with that many guys..."

"That's what Grandma says. I don't think she was happy about my mom when she was young. Said Mom was wild. An' you know what I said about not havin' a dad, huh..."

I maneuvered the conversation around to something else. Haley was trying to think her way through a minefield at her age.

We landed on a discussion of her social studies. She was supposed to give a talk on 'current events', so we looked at some news stories on the internet. That put us sitting side by side on the sofa.

Pleasant times, these were. And I walked by my calendar every day and saw a date circled. With the scrawled legend: Haley's birthday.

To be sure, for her fourteenth iteration, Haley was getting a bit old for the party thing, but just as last year, her mom baked and decorated (pretty nice, actually. She'd done time in a bakery somewhere.) a cake. Same attendance. Same presents, well, a little more. Steve, step-dad, was working regularly. Bills were paid. Haley's school clothes were nicer.

The week before her birthday, I got a phone call. Call ID said Haley's house. Haley NEVER called. She'd email or SMS. I picked up the phone. "Hello. This is Bill..."

"Bill, this is Marie. Haley's mom." Like I didn't know who Haley's mom was...

"Hi, Marie," I said. "What's up?"

"Haley's birthday is comin' up. Last year you took her to the mall. Were you..."

"I was gonna talk with you about that," I said. "Make sure you didn't mind."

"We don't mind ... she says you're her best friend. But if you're takin' 'er to the mall, then I know what I can get 'er."

"What's that?" I asked.

"Well, we're gonna have a little somethin' for her party, but we were gonna do one a'those gift cards so she'll have 'er own money to spend."

"That'll work great. I'm glad you called."

"I wanted to call, Bill. Like I said, me, an' Steve appreciate what you do with 'er. For school an' ever'thing."

"She's a great kid, Marie. I wouldn't waste the time on one that didn't try like she does."

So I was standing there on the Saturday afternoon for her 'birthday party'. Me, her mom and step-dad. Little brother. Aunt and uncle and a cousin the same age and configuration as little brother. We sang the song. Blew out the candle. Her eyes twinkled when somebody mentioned her wish. "My wish. If I tell somebody, it won't come true," she said.

She unwrapped her presents. Was appropriately complimentary about them. Then Steve handed her an envelope. Inside was a birthday card and a fifty-dollar gift card. She squealed and hugged her mom and Steve. Then she looked at me. I had a similar envelope. She opened it. Another birthday greeting. Her eyes widened. Another gift card. For three hundred dollars.

Squeal! And a leap. And I got kissed full on the mouth in front of everybody. She realized what she'd done and pulled back, looking somewhat embarrassed.

I tried to backpedal on the amount. "You helped me paint three rooms and the trim on the house this summer. I didn't pay you enough then."

She looked at me, then her mom. "Can we go to the mall today?"

"Marie?" I asked.

"If you wanna take 'er," Marie answered. She indicated her sister and brother-in-law. "We was goin' to Janette's. You sure you wouldn't rather do that?"

Haley smiled at her aunt. "I REALLY wanna go to the mall. Is that okay, Aunt Janette?"

Janette was almost a carbon copy of her sister, same height, same fifty extra pounds, same hair, burnt by too many 'treatments' and perms and dye jobs. Same cigarettes. Same voice beginning to rasp from smoking. "Oh, don't worry about it, hon! I'd rather go to the mall too, if I had all that money." She looked at me, somewhat amused.

Squeal! Haley came and stood by me. We finished our cake. She looked at me. "Are ya ready, Mister Bill?"

I stood up. "I guess..."

Steve snickered. "I ain't NEVER ready ta go ta dat mall."

We left. Got in the little SUV that was my personal car, and off we went. Now, I'd perceived that one advantage of giving Haley pre-paid gift cards was that I'd sit on a bench and let 'er shop. When we got to the mall, I revealed that plan. Got a hurt look from Haley.

"Mister Bill," she said, "I want you to come with me. I want you to tell me if what I'm gonna buy looks nice. For you."

For me? I parsed that. Came up with no reason that made any real impact, so I walked with her. Three hours and a Food Court later, we were walking out of the mall, me carrying several colorful plastic bags, Haley carrying one, and almost skipping. When we exited into the parking lot, her hand went inside me arm. I looked down. She was smiling.

"Happy birthday, Haley," I said.

"Has been," she smiled. "Like last year. Maybe even better."

We got home and I noted that her parents' car was missing.

"They're at Aunt Janette's, 'member?"

"Oh, yeah," I said. "You wanna come to the house 'til they get back?"

Haley smiled. "Uh-huh..."

I handed her my cell phone. "Call 'er and tell her where you're gonna be. I don't want 'er callin' your house an' not knowin' where you are..."

"It's okay. She won't mind," Haley said.

"Call 'er anyway..."

"Okay." She punched up her mom's number. "Hi, Mom! It's me!" Pause. "Yes, ma'am. I'm on Mister Bill's phone. We just got back from shoppin'. Is it okay if I go over there 'til ya'll get home?" Pause. She looked at me. "Mister Bill, am I keepin' you from something?"

I shook my head.

"He says 'No." Pause. "Okay! I'll listen for ya. If I miss ya, call this number." Pause. "'Kay, Mom! Love ya! Bye." She turned to me, dimpled grin and all.

"You sure you don't mind?" she asked.

"Certainly not. I'd worry if you were home by yourself after dark."

"I've been home by myself a lot. Travellin' with Little Steve is a pain in the butt..."

"Young girls shouldn't use words like that," I chided.

"Sorry. But he IS. Mom an' Steve spoil 'im. I think it's because Mom really wants ta keep Steve. He's pretty good to us, really. 'Cept for that."

We were in the driveway. We got out and hauled her purchases inside. I assumed they'd stay in the bags and we'd do a movie on TV and maybe a game of chess.


"I can model these new clothes for you. Want me to?" Another cute smile.

"If you want to," I said. "You don't HAVE to."

"You bought 'em for me," she said demurely. "I wanna show you what you bought!"

"Okay, then," I answered. "You can change in Deena's room."

She grabbed some bags and disappeared up the hall, smiling as she went. In a bit, she came back, dressed in a pair of new jeans and a blouse. She waltzed in front of me and struck a pose. "Well?"

"Delightful," I said. "That's cute on you!"

She smiled sweetly. "You're not just sayin' that?"

"Of course not. You're definitely cute!"

She was giggling as she skipped up the hall with the remainder of her bags. She modeled several blouses and sweatshirts with her jeans. Then she came in wearing her new 'I need a nice one' dress. And matching pumps.

I was, in a word, stunned. I saw her looking at dresses, but I left the selection to her and a saleslady. Brown. Dark, walnut brown, like her short, sassy tresses. She stood in front of me, then turned, almost shyly, looking so completely innocent, and oh, so delectable.

"You're not sayin' anything? Is it bad?"

"Oh, gosh, no!" I exclaimed. "It's almost too pretty. I was having trouble finding the words. You look stunning! I can't think of a more perfect look for you."

She blushed. "Oh, Mister Bill, you make me feel so good when you say things like that."

"Baby, back up a little bit so I can see all of you again."

She backed up, watching my eyes. I was enraptured. "Now turn around slowly."

She completed a lazy pirouette.

"Yes, baby," I admitted. "That dress really does it for you."

She grinned. "Thank you, Mister Bill! I got one more to show you!" She giggled as she went up the hall.

Presently, she returned.

Make that twice for the 'stunned' thing. Little darlin' had bought a nightshirt. Loosefitting cotton. It came down to mid thigh.

"I needed a new one, in case I needed to spend the night somewhere," she smiled. "I have an old one, but it's getting kinda small and it's kinda worn out."

And I was thinking 'why in the world is she showing me this?' I had to say something. "That's a very appropriate thing for you sleep in."

"It feels like it's made for snuggling," she said. She smiled at me, questioning.

"Yeah, I can see where that would be perfect for snuggling."

"D'ya think we could, like, cuddle for a little while?"

I must be crazy. I know I shouldn't have. But I did. "Yeah, c'mere. I get to be the first one that cuddles you in it."

Little squeal. She bounced up and onto my lap. Settled in sideways, her arms around my neck. I put my arms around her. Cuddled. Smelled the sweet fragrance of her hair. Relished the feel of a hundred pounds of fourteen year old girl in my arms.

"Mister Bill, thank you so much for doing this for my birthday."

"I'm glad to do it, Haley," I said. "You're kinda special to me."

She turned her face towards mine. Her eyes were soft, questioning. I could tell she was thinking a lot of things. She had that look. I could feel the tension in the air, like something was about to happen.

"Baby," I said softly, "I'd cuddle with you all night, but when your mom and Steve get back, I don't think you should be in your nightshirt here in my living room. Why don't you go change back into your regular clothes?"

She looked a little sad, reluctant even. "Okay, Mister Bill. I know. But it felt real good, I mean, it ALWAYS feels real good when I cuddle with you."

"Go change, silly!" I said, trying to lighten up the atmosphere. "When you come back in here with all your clothes on, THEN we can cuddle. And let's have all your bags ready to go when they get back, okay?"

That seemed to work. Still, she seemed a bit reluctant as she got off of my lap. She disappeared back up the hall and in a few minutes returned, wearing the outfit that she had on when we left for our shopping spree. She giggled as she climbed back into my lap. "Now, where were we?" And she returned her arms around my neck.

I had to say something. This was getting to be too much for me. Reluctantly, I said, "Haley, you're get a little bit too old to be in my lap like this."

She changed from her 'happy Haley' face to a sad one. "Why, Mister Bill? Am I gettin' too heavy?"

"Certainly not, baby," I said. "You're getting too pretty. And a little too old."

"But I'm not! I just wanna be held." She looked at me sadly.

I guess I should've stood firm. Not me, though! I folded like a cheap lawn chair. "Okay, Haley," I said, "we'll try."

The smile returned to her lips and she buried herself in my arms. The enjoyable feelings returned. I might have 'difficulties' later this evening, but I wasn't gonna disappoint Haley on her birthday. So that's where we were at when we saw the headlights from her mom and dad's car turning in to their driveway.

Haley looked disappointed. "Well, I guess I need to go home now," she sighed. "I wish I could've stayed longer." She got out of my lap.

Part of me, no, make that MOST of me wanted her to stay, too. "Lemme help you carry your bags over to your house," I said.

"Okay," she said.

We gathered up her bags. I was getting ready to open the door when she said, "Wait!"

I stopped. She dropped her bags, threw her arms around my neck pulling me over lower, and planted a kiss full on my lips. Her bright eyes connected with mine.


"Mister Bill, I've been needin' to do that. You're the one who's always nice to me."

She still had me bent over, and she landed another one. This one was a tiny bit longer, and I thought it was a little bit longer than a little girl's 'thank you' kiss. But she was smiling so broadly that I wasn't about to say anything. I opened the door and we walked across the lawn to bring her home.

When I got back to the house, there was no reason for me to do anything else, so I took a shower. As I was letting the hot water run over my body, a thousand thoughts were going through my head. Haley ... Fourteen year old Haley. She was entirely too young to be affecting me the way she was. And I was entirely too old to let myself get carried away like this.

I watched TV until almost eleven. Then I went to bed. I opened the book and read for a while, willing myself to go to sleep. Didn't happen. I knew something that used to work. That didn't take long. It was somewhat disturbing, though, because when I closed my eyes to pull up a fantasy, the picture of a fourteen-year-old girl in a stunning little brown dress kept floating in my mind. I slept fitfully. I got up the next morning, went out and picked up the Sunday paper, and read it by myself over breakfast. I considered getting in my car and driving off for the day to give myself more time to think.

Finally, I convinced myself that I was reading too much into it. Haley was a sweet kid. She truly appreciated what I did for her, things that I was quite happily and quite innocently doing for her. The kiss was just a way of showing it. That's it! I was being paranoid. She was just being Haley. Young, sweet, cute Haley. Haley, who looked to me as her friend.

After convincing myself that, that was the way it was, I went about enjoying my Sunday. I was working outside in my shop. Heard a soft knock at the door, and a little voice.

"Hi, Mister Bill. Whatcha doin'?"

I turned to see Haley. She was wearing shorts and a T-shirt and an old pair of tennis shoes, entirely perfect for the warm late summer day. "Building a shelf," I said. "Something to put up in the laundry room." I put the tools down and turned toward her. "And how are you doing this morning?"

"I'm doing okay," she said. "I had trouble going to sleep last night."

"Why?" I asked.

"Thinkin'," she said shyly.

"What were you thinking about?"

"Kissin' you." She almost looked frightened to say anything.

"Why? You kissed me before."

"I know. But it was ... I don't know, different. And when I went to bed, I kept thinking about it."

I considered what she was saying.

"This ain't a good place to talk about it, Mister Bill."

I guess if you want to call it a mistake, that's when I made it. "Where's a good place to talk?"

Those brown eyes looked at me, sort of frightened, sort of tentative, and she said, "In the house."

I turned off the shop light and shut the door behind me as I followed her to my house. We went inside. I sat in my recliner. "Okay, Haley, let's talk."

"Remember a couple weeks ago, we were talkin' about the kids in school an' how they was always fallin' in love an' goin' steady and stuff like that?" She still seemed almost scared.

I'm the one that should've been scared. At this point, I should've been running for the hills. But I didn't. "Yeah, sweetie," I said. "I remember us talking about that. I remember Haley saying that it was silly that thirteen year old kids were gettin' all serious about each other like that. I remember that conversation. And..."

"I think you're my boyfriend," she said shyly.

"Why do you think I'm your boyfriend?"

"'Cuz," she said, "you don't have a girlfriend. I'm, like, your BEST friend, right? And I'm a girl. And you're MY best friend, an' you're boy, so that makes you my boyfriend." She looked at me like she was almost fearful of the reply.

I had to reply. I know what I should've done but I couldn't figure out how to do it without hurting her. So I didn't do that. Not just yet, anyway. "Haley, you're fourteen. I'm thirty-eight. I'm six years older than your mom. Twenty-four years older than you. Those numbers just don't work for boyfriend and girlfriend. Really."

Her eyes were wetting up like she was going to cry. "But, Mister Bill, a bit different? I mean, you and me?" Her bottom lip started to quiver.

And that's what it took. I spread my arms apart, a sign she usually took to mean that it was snuggle time. Almost reluctantly, she crawled into my lap. I looked at her cute face. There really were tears, and they were starting to track down her cheeks. It was too late for me. With my fingers, I tilted her face up towards mine and kissed away her tears. "Don't cry, sweetie," I said. "I guess when it gets right down to it, I AM your boyfriend."

With a quiver in her voice she said, "You don't have to say that. If it's not true, I mean."

At this point in my life, I wished desperately that I could be fourteen, too. But then I remembered when I was fourteen and there's no way I would've been sensitive enough to handle this properly. As the philosopher says, 'What is, is.' "Haley, baby, it IS true. But this is crazy. I don't know what I can do about it. I don't know what WE can do about it."

Slowly, she inched her face towards mine. It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion. I knew what was going to happen. And there wasn't anything that I could do to stop it. No matter how much I wanted to. Or even worse, DIDN'T want to. Those young lips met mine. I've touched live wires. I didn't get the shock, the surge that went through me when her lips met mine. And heaven help me, my right hand came up and cradled the back of her head. If she would've pulled away, I would've let her. She didn't pull away.

Haley and I had been cuddling for over a year now. Up to this point, we had a kind of a chaste routine. I mean, as chaste as you can get with the young teen girl and the lap of an almost forty year old guy. I'd sit in my recliner and kick back, elevating my feet. Haley would back up to the arm of the chair and slide backwards into my lap, usually leaving her legs hanging over the arm of the chair, sometimes twisting slightly, but leaving her side in contact with my chest, and her firm preteen butt in my lap.

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The next morning, Justin smiled in bliss at the wonderfully erotic dream he'd had. Finally getting Melody's sister in his bed and them revealing that they were lovers was such a hot, kinky dream and he felt himself harden as he remembered bits of the dream. That was when he realized both his arms were pinned down. In a kind of disbelieving shock, he opened his eyes and saw not one but two red-heads curled up against him. His mind did a sideways lurch as reality reasserted itself and he...

1 year ago
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Fancy dress party gone right

As she undressed and got into the shower Natalie once again felt the mixed emotions of excitement and worry. For a short while the excitement took over while her hands, lubricated by the shower gel, wandered over her body. She knew that her tits and pussy were no dirtier than the rest of her, but she gave them extra attention anyhow, enjoying the sensations as the stroked and teased herself. She was rudely interrupted by her husband banging on the bathroom door demanding to know when he could...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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The Business Trip

Rachel closed the hotel door behind her and leaned against it. On a business trip with David- it took months for them to work this out, without anyone at work realizing what was happening. And finally, an opportunity came and they both jumped. One week out of town, just the 2 of them. She felt a trickle of moisture seep out from between her pussy lips at the thought. She checked her watch. David should be getting in about an hour from now. She texted him her room number before slipping off her...

2 years ago
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I Won the Lottery but

It all started when I won the lottery. A 350-million-dollar- jackpot. After taxes, and with a lump sum payout, I had 210 million dollars. It should have been the happiest moment of my life. Instead, I curse that day, every single miserable day of my existence. The first thing out the gate, my loving wife of nearly 20 years, immediately files for divorce. Between the shyster lawyers, on both sides and her, they hit me for 125 million dollars, plus she kept the house in the suburbs. Next, my...

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Ambers learning more sex Vol 2

For years my sister and I continued to have sex every chance that we got when she turned twelve and we took a family vacation things between us would never be the same and sex would always be different for me forever. This is other chapter in Amber’s life. “Good morning wake up lets go . Lets go ! Get up, get up. I’m headed downstairs to get a few things together; you’ve got about twenty minutes and you need to be on the porch stacking the luggage and ice chest and getting...

2 years ago
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My First Bra Part 7

In Part 6 my wife took me to a hair salon wearing a bra and a lavender shirt, which everyone assumed was a blouse. When I got there I found out all the employees knew I was going to be wearing a bra, and were looking forward to my new look. My wife had my legs (all the way to my bikini line), my arms and my eyebrows waxed. So I'm sitting in my stylist's chair with my feminine eyebrows, waiting to find out what is next. Brianne came back in a couple of minutes. "Well, we will cut...

4 years ago
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Fantasies Came Real With Kanan Bhabhi Part VI

Welcome all my readers to the 6th part of my story with my Kanan bhabhi, as all of you know last episode I managed to have a partial fuck with my kanan bhabhi when I slipped her some sleeping pill and had great fun. So coming back from that incident, few days went away and we didn’t get any chance to get close and personal. I was dying to get close with her, I knew that she was also but the situation never allowed us to do so. I wanted to repeat the fuck with her again but someone or other was...

4 years ago
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The Stud The Wimp The Son

Penny, your mother, was, without a doubt, a stone cold fox. She had voluptuous green eyes that complimented her curvy figure. Her body was that perfect hourglass shape that remained pristine even after pumping out you and your sister. With a sway of her peach fuzz ass cheeks, she could get any man she wanted in town. Despite this, she carried herself with an air of conservatism. She was maternal, caring, and had never done wrong by anyone. As far as you knew, she had never strayed from her...

3 years ago
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Two cocks are better than one

Friday afternoon I was getting ready to leave my desk, when my adorable Boss called me to his office. As I crossed the door, he introduced me to a couple of young men who were sitting there at the big sofa in the office.Both offered their hands to greet me. One of them was a huge black man in his late thirties, muscled and very handsome. His partner was Latino type and I guessed his parents would be Mexican for sure. He was same age and quite a good looking man.My Boss explained these guys were...

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House Husband 4

House Husband 4 CHAPTER 1 Sally had asked me quite out of the blue if I’d, “Ever had a Butt Plug stuck up my arse?” We were sitting in the garden at the time enjoying the weather and relaxing. It wasn’t the sort of question I was expecting, not that it would be the sort of question I would be expecting at any time I suppose. “Why on earth did you ask me that?” I asked. “Just to shake you out of your comfort zone, and to see your expression,” She replied. “Don’t you have any work to do? Is...

3 years ago
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Where had she been all my life

After a failed marriage and some healing, I met the woman of my dreams, the only problem being that she lived over 800 miles away. We decided that we would make a try at a relationship anyway, especially since we both loved nasty, aggressive, hard sex and were done with cold fish and vanilla sex. Finally, the weekend vacation where we would find just how compatible we were was upon us. We booked a long weekend at a resort and boarded our respective flights. We met just before dinner, and...

1 year ago
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I fucked my step mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Tommy. I am 18 years old and I live with my Dad Tom and his wife of eight years Elizibeth. My old man is pretty much loaded, so my step mom is kind of a trophy wife. She was pushing 45 at the time when this story happened. She was still a good looking woman by any bodies taste, but she was still meaner than hell too; You know the kind of woman I'm talking about. The uppity bitch that sends her food back at the restaurant, or the good looking...

2 years ago
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Im Not Amy

A big thank you to my wife for all her help with editing. Grammar and spelling has never been my strong suit. Without her help this story would not be as good as it is now. ***** NOVEMBER 2017 – OCEANA NAVAL AIR STATION I had just returned yesterday from a work up cruise prior to my next six month deployment, when my cell phone chirped. It was a text from my older sister, Sally, just saying ‘call me’. Pouring myself a healthy three fingers of my favorite bourbon, I sat in the living room...

3 years ago
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The Neighborhood MILF Emma 2

You may remember Emma, my husband’s receptionist, who I wrote a story about earlier. The birthday sex video that she and DJ made was definitely arousing, even though it did confirm my belief that they were fucking around on the side. I knew it was too good to be true, believing that my horny hubby could keep his hands off the cute sandy haired blonde with the nice ass. He seemed to turn things around by making the video and saying it was for me, instead of fooling around behind my back.Well...

1 year ago
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Different Worlds Ch 02

Here is ch2, still no sex, but it’s coming its coming I promise. Again, my eternal gratitude goes to those who’ve had a hand in editing this, NaokoSmith and North200, honestly it would have been a car crash without them ***** It was Monday morning. Sally had just arrived with a package for Ivy. It was clear she wasn’t going to leave without some kind of conversation about Saturday night, so Ivy put the kettle on. ‘How are you today, Ivy?’ ‘I’m fine,’ she replied. Sally looked at her,...

4 years ago
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Wife story nr3

Im continuing fucking other wifes, I like it & I like it do when husbands are near. Based on real facts:) This couple which i met lives from me aprox 400km away. We known each other for long time. Due to I'm living near the sea, one summer they decidet to travel around the country & visiting me. They were ~ 40 & up y.o. They love nudism, there for in my city is an official nude beach. We meet each other in city center & decidet to go to beach for some fun & sun:) She was...

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Sunanda Sangeetha Srungaram

Hi friends, ela unnaru andaru, na story “Sunanda Srungara Kavyam” vachina response ki thanks, kondaru ithe english or hindi lo rayamantunnaru, possible ithe next English lo rasthanu, meku emaina objection unte naku cheppandi. Cheppalante ippudu cheppaboyedi aa story ki sequel anochu lekapovachu, endukante aa story last lo cheppina nenu replies and comments ni batti thana friend tho threesome chesina incident chepthanu ani, so idi aa story ki sequel or not anedi meeke vadilesthunna. Ika incident...

1 year ago
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WatchingMyDaughterGoBlack Brooklyn Chase Paisley Porter 10122020

It’s Step-Mother/Step-Daughter Day and Paisley and Brooklyn are talking about boy stuff and Paisley tells her step-mom that she’s thinking some jewlery before she has anal sex with her new boyfriend because she really likes him and wants to do something special for him. Brooklyn agrees and thinks that they should go to see her favorite Jeweler that she goes to all the time to pick something out. They go see Prince who is happy to show them some Bling, but suggests the best present...

2 years ago
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HI ALL GUESS MOST OF YOU HAVE READ PART I AND II OF MY EXPERIENCETHIS IS PART III ( FINAL PART IN TRAIN ) BUT THAT JOURNEY WAS THE ONE I HAD MOST OF THE GUYS I MET ENDED UP FUCKING ME( THATS ANOTHER STORY)-----Well as you all read in Part II, I woken up in the train and the attendant Bhanu was smiling a bit cheekily at me.So there I was sitting and he was looking at me with his cheeky smile. I finally asked him why he he was smiling. He replied he wanted to do once again. I guessed that was not...

3 years ago
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The library is quiet, it has been empty for days giving you little to do. You adjust your glasses so you can see the screen better. You watch the actors on the screen lock lips. Kissing each other passionately as they begin to undress each other. The girl lowers to her knees pulling the actors large cock from his pants. You can already feel your body react at the sight, squirming in your seat. The soft fabric of your black dress slides over your smooth skin as you wriggle. You sit your eyes...

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Rachaels Story Nocturnal Emissions

This morning started off a little differently than our normal routine. Normally Greg gets up and takes a shower before heading out and my day begins as it has for years, by fixing breakfast for everyone…only now it’s just Greg. This morning, however, I was eager to find out the result of last nights events. Perhaps I should take a step back and explain what happened last night?I found it difficult to sleep but not for the same reasons. For the first time since, well since Nick’s passing, I...

3 years ago
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The Devils DiscipleChapter 26 Tuesday March 15 The Date Is Set

'Tell me again what's happening?' 'Well you know how the condemned man usually eats a hearty meal before his execution?' I indicated that I did. 'Well instead of a meal he's going to get a rare privilege.' 'Oh and just what is that going to be?' 'Two women in one day!' "Anything happening yet Winston?" I looked up at Anne who was busy dressing for her meeting with Bristoll. "Can you see him?" I closed my eyes and saw nothing but blackness. "Can't see a thing." Then...

3 years ago
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Prison Bitch 1

James had never had to share a room with another man in his life. He'd never had a brother, he'd lucked out for his first year of college and snagged a single room, and then his whole life had changed. The guards escorted him down the halls, the sound of men stomping their boots and smacking their cell bars following him. James hung his head, his blond hair falling into his face. He was - or had once been - a cute college k**. He was a little nervous, a little bookish, his frame slender and...

1 year ago
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Me and my sexy teacher part 1

This is my first attempt at one of these stories so please like and leave comments about what you think add me and message me if you want something done or to ask Mr anything! Thank you!My teacher miss. Steele I'll call her, my English teacher through year 10 and 11 she was so sexy and classy it was unbelievable. She is short curvy with black hair and big blue eyes! She wore such sexy things like tight dresses and skirts with stockings and heels. She would tease me so bad, bending over to show...

2 years ago
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DeannaChapter 9 Tara joins the party

We were both panting so hard neither could move any more muscles than those controlling breathing. I knew I needed to get off of her body or I'd crush her but I couldn't make my body respond to commands my brain was issuing. I realized I was paralyzed in my orgasmic bliss when I felt a pair of hands pulling on my side to roll me over and off of my young lover. Tara had awakened with our orgasmic voices and had come down the hall to watch the finale. She saw that we had both just collapsed...

4 years ago
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It started as a day at the beach

She started running up the beach. Her ponytail and her tits swayed with just the right motion. Her bikini top hardly covered more than her nipples and her bottoms were just as skimpy. I couldn't take my eyes off her. The closer she got, the younger her face started to look. Finally I decided that she was in her mid teens. That is the time of life that I have always thought that girls looked their very best and sexiest. But if she was, I was old enough to be her father and what would I...

3 years ago
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Taking CarmenChapter 2

Bill was sweating and hot and his cock felt like a steel bar, and he wasn't sure if he could last. Then he remembered his wife's advice and the image of a $10 000 Visa bill flashed through his mind, and that helped a little. He looked at Theresa over the girl's naked, squirming body, saw the excitement in the big green eyes, and waved his head toward his bag. "Get the camera. We want some pics of this." He tried to be deliberate and calm, but only with very limited success because...

1 year ago
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Your eyes slowly begin to open, your vision is foggy. You try to take a look at your surroundings, finding yourself to be in a extremely dark room. You try to move, just to find yourself unable to do so. Realization hits you: You're shackled to an interrogation chair. You feel dazed as you try to focus on remembering who you are and how did you get there, when you hear the sound of a door sliding open. You then hear heavy footsteps approaching, and suddenly the room is filled with small lights....

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The Replacement

It had taken a lot of bribes, just to get hold of him. And then the surgery had cost a lot more, but for the parents, it was worth it to have their Amber back again. They knew that he would not want to replace her, which was why they had implanted a little electro-shock device into him for training purposes. As well as that, a bangle that *she* could not take off contained a GPS device so they would know where their little princess was at all times. They waited for *her* to wake so...

2 years ago
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Alien Arena

Some people believe we have been watched from afar for a long time now. Most of us think those stories are nonsense and make-believe. Aliens, beings from far away planets, who have been following our development, abducting people for scientific research. Uhu, and pigs fly, you’d probably react. But as with most stories, there are a few truths to it. Only it’s not one alien race that has been watching us. There is a whole universe out there, a society formed of different space faring races, far...

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Meri Mallu Mummy Leela 8211 Part 19

Hello dosto. Main aapka dost Kartik ek baar fir se hazir hu apni Mallu mummy Leela ki ek aur lekar. Un sab logo ko thanks jinhone mujhe support kiya aur story ko like kiya aur mujhe messages bhi bheje. Kuch logo ne hangout pe voice chat bhi kari aur meri mummy ke baare mein apni feelings share kari. Meri Mallu mummy Leela maal hi aisi hai ki koi apna lund hilaaye bina reh hi nahin sakta. Ek South Indian aurat mein jab chudaas jag jaati hai to fir use kaabu karna mushkil ho jaata hai. Fir woh...

3 years ago
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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 25 Flamethrower

Medway High School, Arva 9:25, Tuesday morning, February 20, 1979 “Hey guys!” Samantha called out as she rounded the corner and saw Paul, Cathy and me beside the cart with Cathy’s drums stacked upon it. “Whatcha doing?” “My dad has our small trailer out front and he’s going to bring my drums home with him tonight,” Cathy said as she picked up her drum throne. “Why are you here this early?” Paul asked the petite redheaded girl as she waited for us to push the cart along past her. “I...

2 years ago
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How I Lost My Virginity

Hi, friends, how are you? Thanks for the tremendous response to my stories, I really appreciate that. Just wanted to tell that Sania (my married neighbor) is not a slut, so please stop asking her number. Neither am I her broker. Also, one of my female readers asked how I lost my virginity. This sex story is about that only. This happened almost 10 years ago when I was in 12th. It was 2007, Orkut was very new and smartphones were not very common. Anyway, coming to the story now. I had made an...

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Jamal wants to fuck me in the ass

My Black Master came at our home that night. He said that his sexy black wife did not want anal sex; so Jamal warned me he was too horny and needed some sexual relief…But he wanted to feel my tight asshole…He added my loving husband could stay and watch as his huge black dick enjoyed my poor tight ass…After dinner, I got ready for my Master. I put on a sexy black dress, with black seamed stockings, no panties and a pair of sexy stilettos. I looked at myself in the mirror and knew my black stud...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 63

Not only had I never worked this hard, I hadn't even imagined working this hard. The amusing thing was I wasn't working for grades. I didn't want to embarrass myself, but, given that, they were of little concern. My primary motivation was I wanted to learn and I felt way behind because I hadn't put much effort into the learning part of my education. To my complete astonishment I was exhilarated by learning, whether I thought it would turn out to be useful or not. No wonder Jeff had so...

3 years ago
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Nayi Dulhan Kabya Ka Doodh Piya Only 21 Saal Ki

Hi I am Rahul from Mumbai. Aaj main apko ek kahani bataunga jsme main ek nayi nayi sadi suda ladki ki doodh pitahun. Mujhe ladkiyon ka doodh pina bahut acha lagta hai.Maine apne school & college life main 3 ladkiyon ka doodh pichukahun. Ladkiyan kisi ko apna doodh begin pilati lekin unhe pyar se samjhane par ap unse doodh produce karsakte gain air jee bharke pibhi sakte hain. Iss kahani main lekin mujhe ek ladkika doodh pinekeliya zyada mehnat nehi karnipadi air maine us ladki ka 25 liter...

3 years ago
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Beginnings Day 3 Improvements

BEGINNINGS - DAY 3 - IMPROVEMENTS I woke up on Monday full of energy. I had such plans for the day. During the night I made the decision to purchase breast forms and was so excited about the prospect. I knew I had to take my time getting ready to go out so I took a long bath with oils and then fully moisturized by body with lotion. I spent a lot of time on my hair even though I hoped to have it styled later in the day. I also was meticulous about my makeup. I wanted to look...

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Worshipping at Aphrodites Feet Ch 01

Naama entered the courtyard, just as the younger classes were letting out. She was beyond class as one of the fully fledged. She smiled at the giggles of the youngest just beginning to take instruction in the arts, the knowing, confident looks of those in the middle class who thought they’d learned everything there was to know and the cool, assured looks of the ones who had learned everything the instructors could teach them in the classroom and who had experienced at least one assignation of...

2 years ago
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Meri Wife Ka First Threesome 8211 Part 3

Hello dosto, main hu Sandip. Main apni kahani ka agla part leke aaya hu. Pichle part mein aapne padha, ki maine apni biwi ko massage lene ke liya manaya. Fir reception pe jaake maine ek aadmi ko massage ke liye bhejne ko kaha. Ab aage ki kahani. Fir hamare room ki bell baji. Jab maine darwaza khola, to ek lamba chauda aadmi khada tha. Kareeban 35 saal ki age thi uski. Wo smile dete hue bola- Aadmi: Aapne massage service ke liye call kiya tha? Main: Haa. Maine jawaab dete hue usko andar aane...

2 years ago
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A Hot Teen Prescription 2 Cocktail

Introduction: Dr. Davenport is struck by inpiration Lets just say Adrianna was very often running through my head ever since her first session. I had exhibited better self control and had been able to do more detailed sessions with her. I convinced her mother to let me do hour and a half sessions with Adrianna, that she needed extra help. It gave me longer to stare at her, longer to try to get details of her escapades. Plus it left me a free half hour until my next patient. Every session lead...

4 years ago
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Sons Lust Chapter 2

Son's Lust Chapter 2It was not long before I was desperate to be inside my mother once more. I could see it in her eyes too as she threw hungry glances in my direction every now and then. It had only been two days since the first time we had made love, but I knew I couldn’t hold out for much longer.Dad had told us we were going out that night to celebrate my sister’s birthday. Our whole family and my aunt, who was staying with us, were going and it was almost guaranteed to be another boring...

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Nightmare After the Opera

You are about to move beyond reality. With a single step, you move from the world of the mundane banality of your day to day existence – to the wild and carnal fantastical happenings in the empire of Dark Desires. A voyage into an incredible world of unrestrained iniquity. Where a woman's savage rape can awaken long dead passions. Perhaps even the extinguished fire of love can be rekindled in the white hot heat of fierce ravishment. What would you do to end Twenty-five years of abstinence? Say...

2 years ago
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Training Cassiopeia Chapter 6

While I waited in the truck for Doc to pay Raoul, I started to formulate a plan to get the Doc and the Slut, er, Sapphire, back together. Considering the odds, I needed some intel on what Sapphire was up to and whom she was doing. She never went without a ‘benefactor’ for long. I called a friend from school and casually asked her about friends and how her classes were going. Typical conversation, right? “Oh my God, Bree, your ex was in the Union with one of the girls from IT and they were...


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