Ed BiggersChapter 2 free porn video

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Morning came bright and early. Ed slowly staggered out to the kitchen and reached in the refrigerator. He pulled out a beer and twisted the cap off the bottle. About to take a sip, he realized what he had just done. Pouring it out in the sink, he decided that today he was going to clean all of the beer out of the fridge. There were still a couple of cases in the pantry as well. He wondered who would appreciate them.

It was a bit more work than he was used to doing in the morning, but he brewed a pot of coffee. Staring blankly at the coffee pot, it seemed to take forever for the coffee to brew. He poured a cup and went to the table. Sitting down, he stared at the house across the street thinking about the man that lived there.

Despite the fact that he had gotten out of bed early, it still took him more than an hour to fully waken. Before long, it was time for him to head over to the hospital. He smiled at the thought of seeing Kelly. She was everything that he had ever wanted in a woman. He wasn’t sure about the marriage thing, but he decided that he would keep an open mind.

When he entered the hospital, he saw Kelly at the nurses station. He went over there and said, “Hello, Kelly.”

Turning, she looked at him as though he was a total stranger. She had hoped for a telephone call last night and when he hadn’t called, she had give up on him. She said, “Oh, it’s you.”

Surprised by the cool response, he slumped down and then said, “I’m looking forward to Friday. I hope it’s still on.”

His dejected look surprised her. She said, “I thought you were going to call last night.”

“I worked late last night. We had an auction and I was there until ten. I didn’t want to wake you,” replied Ed. He had put her number on the dining room table to call her tonight.

Kelly seemed to bloom like a flower exposed to the sun for the first time. She said, “Oh, I’m sorry. I had thought that you had blown me off.”

“Never. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met,” replied Ed without moderating his words or thoughts. He was totally captivated by her. He added, “You’re even more beautiful today than yesterday.”

Laughing, she ran a hand through her hair as she answered, “Oh, come on now.”

Leaning on the counter, he looked at her and said, “I haven’t had a drink since yesterday morning. It’s the first time in years that I’ve gone a full day without a drink. I’m seeing things a lot more clearly today. When I say that you look better today, I really mean it.”

The revelation shocked Kelly. She looked at him and noticed that he didn’t look like he was going through alcohol withdrawal. She asked, “Did you have a drinking problem?”

He shrugged and answered, “I don’t know. It wasn’t like I ever craved it. I reached for a beer like it was a soda. I don’t feel bad from not drinking.”

Unsure of herself, she smiled and said, “That’s good.”

Ed could see that she was uncertain about him. He said, “I told you yesterday that I wasn’t a very nice person. After watching what John did yesterday, well ... I decided that it was time for me to take a little firmer control over my life. I’d like to be the best person that I can be for you.”

This was tough for him and she could see that. In a way, his honesty was refreshing. She said, “Will you call tonight?”

A smile burst over his face as he answered, “You bet.”

Dr. Hayes was coming down the hall towards them and Kelly turned to watch her. She whispered to Ed, “I’m going to have her as a wife.”

The doctor was a very attractive woman in a Nordic sort of way. Tall, blond, and light skinned, she really was very stunning. Ed wondered how he could ever get a woman like that interested in an old cowboy like him. He was about to reply, but the doctor had stopped at the station.

Dr. Hayes looked at Ed and said, “You can take him home. All of those cuts are completely healed. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Those cuts were deep. I saw him make them himself.”

She shook her head and replied, “I know, but they’re all healed.”

In shock, Ed stood there thinking about John. Some of those cuts had been a half an inch deep. He followed Kelly to John’s room, his mind divided between the swaying of her hips and his curiosity about John.

Kelly leaned over to Ed and said, “He’s an interesting one. He was reading to the kids and playing games with them all day yesterday. I’ve never seen the kids so happy. This morning, we had a patient pass away and John talked to him about what it was like to die. The patient thanked him and then just slipped away without complaint. It was really amazing.”

This was just strange and Ed didn’t know how he felt about strange. When they reached the room, he went in. John was seated on the edge of his bed looking out the window at the view it allowed. He turned with a smile and glanced at the pair of them standing at the door. He said, “Hello, Ed. Hello, Kelly. My, don’t you make a nice couple.”

Blushing very slightly, Ed smiled and handed the clothes over to John. He said, “I brought your clothes.”

John grabbed the clothes and started getting dressed. The fact that he didn’t seem to care if Ed and Kelly watched, made Ed a little uncomfortable. It wasn’t until he remembered that both of them had seen him naked yesterday that he relaxed. He glanced at Kelly in time to catch her call me gesture as she returned to the nurses station. Nodding his agreement, he watched as her face lit up.

John said, “I wouldn’t let her get away if I were you. She’s a good caring person. You should see her work with the patients around here.”

Ed nodded his agreement. Looking at John’s ankles, he realized the doctor was correct. All of the bites had healed, leaving behind little scars. It was miraculous. He replied, “I see that you’ve healed up already.”

“It’s a gift from the Goddess. I heal very quickly,” replied John as he pulled on his socks. He reached over for the hiking boots as he added, “To tell the truth, I would prefer not to have to use that gift quite so often. I spend a lot of time in hospitals.”

Ed didn’t really know what to say. He had seen all of the scars and knew the truth of that statement, but talking about the Goddess was a little strange. Deciding that a non-committal answer was probably the best, he said, “I can see where it would be a hassle.”

“My last injury cost me my girlfriend,” John said with a sigh. He missed Betsy more than anything. He added, “She saw me get shot on television and broke up with me because she didn’t want to be a young widow.”

The admission shocked Ed. He hadn’t thought about how all of those injuries would affect others. He asked, “She broke up with you because you were shot?”

Fully dressed, John stood up and stretched, working out his stiffened muscles. He nodded and answered, “She felt that after I was shot, that I should have stopped trying to rescue people. I can understand her sentiment, but I wasn’t even aware that I had been injured.”

“Amazing,” replied Ed. He couldn’t imagine getting shot and not realizing that he had a hole in his body.

John looked over at Ed and said, “Please don’t tell other people about my past. I really don’t like to talk about it. It was just that seeing you and Kelly standing together reminded me of Betsy. She’s a nurse, too.”

“No problem.” Ed realized that John really missed his girlfriend and wondered how long ago they had broken up. It was also at that time, that he realized he didn’t really want to talk about his date with Kelly. That was odd, not too long ago he would have been boasting to everyone that a nurse had come on to him. He shook his head as though trying to clear it. He asked, “So are you ready to go?”

John looked around and realized that he didn’t have any other possessions with him. He nodded as he said, “Yes, I am.”

After checking out, John followed Ed to the truck. When they reached the truck, Ed said, “I’m going to have to drop you off. I’ve got to get to work. We had an auction last night and the buyers will be there to pick up their cattle.”

John was tempted to go there and watch, but realized that would be imposing. He asked, “I take it you’re a real cowboy.”

Adjusting his hat, Ed laughed and answered, “I guess so. I ride a horse and push cows around. Most days I’m at the auction house, but I do get some time out on the range. It doesn’t make me a Clint Eastwood, though.”

John laughed at the reference and asked, “Do you like it?”

The question really confused Ed. It was the first time anyone had ever asked if he liked his job. Jobs were just something that you did to pay the bills. He answered, “I’ve never thought about it. It’s a job.”

John watched the scenery go past. He said, “There is so much beauty in this landscape. It must be nice to ride on the range surrounded by it.”

Ed sighed and answered, “I guess that is what I like about my job the most. There are times when the sight just takes my breath away.”

Nodding his understanding, John said, “I was reading about Ansel Adams once. He had described the feelings he had while watching nature all alone in the wilderness. As I read, I couldn’t believe how well he captured the same feelings I get when I’m hiking. There’s a connection that gets established between a person and the environment that is sensual. Reading what he had written, I realized that there was nothing wrong about the emotions I felt when in a natural surroundings. I realized that men could love nature like a woman.”

Ed knew exactly what John was talking about. There were times when he was nearly moved to tears when he was on the range. Something about the majesty and power that nature had that made a man feel small in the grand scheme of things. Once after a rain, it was like the whole desert had bloomed. The smell of cactus flowers on the breeze tickled his nose, even as the wind caressed him. The sun warmed the body while the sounds of the desert teased the ears. The worn weathered leather of the saddle had that special feel under the hand that lent a sense of durability. He had been glad that he was alone that day, he couldn’t have taken having anyone see him feeling so moved. Ed said, “I know what you mean. There are times out there that it just gets overwhelming.”

John smiled and said, “There are times when it’s good to be alone out there. Then there are times when it’s nice to share it with someone special. Betsy would occasionally go hiking with me. I’ve always enjoyed sharing sunsets with people. It seems to me like it leads to a special quietness and closeness.”

During the course of this conversation, Ed realized that he had shared more feelings with John than he had ever shared with anyone. The thought made him wonder what it would be like to share a sunset with Kelly. Maybe that’s what they would do Friday on their date, drive out into the desert and watch the sunset together. It would be a very different experience than his normal date where he would take the woman to a bar and try to get her drunk. He noticed his surroundings and remarked, “I can’t believe we’re home. I’ll let you out here and head on to work.”

John answered, “That would be great. Thanks for the ride. I enjoyed it a lot.”

Ed dropped John off at the house and watched him go in. Turning the truck around he drove to work thinking about the conversation they’d had on the way to the house. John confused him, in very subtle ways. Here was a guy that could run into a burning building, get shot, and bit by rattlesnakes. In his book, that guy couldn’t be a wimp. On the other hand, he talked about his feelings with an openness that was unlike any man that Ed had ever met.

He stopped at the convenience store and picked up another six-pack of Cokes. Of course, he had gone to the beer section first, and caught himself grabbing a six-pack of beer. He put the beer back and went with the Cokes. He was about to go to the counter when he noticed the pre-packaged sandwiches. Picking up a ‘foot long’ one, he decided that he would have a little picnic for lunch today.

Work was boring, as he pushed cattle into the loading chutes. Once again, Nevada had not been aware that Ed was working until he came out of the office. He watched Ed deal with the customers, recognizing that there was something very different about Ed, today. It took him a long time to put his finger on it, but he realized that Ed was quiet and not his usual loud bragging self.

When it was time for Ed to take his lunch break, Nevada was surprised to see Ed ride his horse over to the truck and remove a sandwich and Coke. Ed rode off into the desert behind the auction house. He found a nice high spot and dismounted from the horse. The view from there was nice. There were better places to look at the desert, but they were too far from where he worked.

Eating the sandwich and drinking his Coke, Ed thought about his life. There were a lot of people that feared him, but very few that respected him. A screech in the sky drew his attention and he watched a hawk drift overhead before plummeting to earth. Somewhere out of sight, a rabbit had just given up its life so that the hawk could live.

It was about that time, that Ed came to a very profound realization about John. John knew who and what he was. It wasn’t necessary for him to boast to get other people to tell him that he was good, he knew he was good and that was all that mattered to him. Ed wondered why he needed people to tell him that he was good. Was it because he didn’t know who and what he was? That was a sobering thought.

He finished his sandwich while watching the desert. The desert was huge, quiet, and didn’t advertise itself. It just was and, in being, it overwhelmed mere mortals. For a long time Ed sat there appreciating the view, then it was time to return to work.

He worked the afternoon, staying a little late when one customer showed up late to pick up his cattle. Ed didn’t complain or make a comment, just went about the business of loading the cattle into the trailer. When that was done, he put up his horse, taking care to make sure that it was properly cooled down and combed out.

He was heading to his truck when Nevada called out, “Hey, Ed. Hold on a minute.”

Ed turned and walked over to Nevada saying, “Sure thing. What do you need?”

Nevada watched as Ed came over to him. Normally, he’d be chasing Ed to the truck. He said, “Ed, I’m worried about you.”

With a surprised look on his face, Ed asked, “Why? I’m feeling fine, Sir.”

“You just don’t seem to acting like yourself lately.” Nevada was wondering if Ed was ill. He’d seen Ed work with an incredible fever and boast about it. This quiet version of Ed was not normal.

Ed replied, “Don’t worry. I’ll be here tomorrow.”

Unsatisfied with the denial that anything was wrong, Nevada said, “I’d appreciate it if you would get checked up by a doctor.”

A worried expression crossed Ed’s face at the idea of being sent to a doctor. He replied, “I really don’t need to see a doctor, Nevada. I’m in better health than ever.”

Afraid that Ed would drop dead on the job, Nevada insisted. He said, “I’d feel a lot better if you would visit a doctor. I might have to keep you off the lot until I get the results of a physical.”

Rather than argue, Ed decided to comply with Nevada’s wishes. He shrugged and said, “Okay. I’ll talk to Dr. Hayes tomorrow. That’ll give me a chance to see Kelly.”

The easy compliance was just as shocking as anything Ed had done lately. Nevada frowned and said, “Good. I’ll see you after your physical.”

Just about to leave, Ed paused and said, “I have a date tomorrow. Is it alright if I leave a little early? I’d like to wash the smell of cow off before I pick her up.”

“You have a date?” asked Nevada, the incredulity in his voice very clear.

Looking off to the horizon, a small smile came over his face. He answered, “Yes, I do. It’s our first date and I’d really like to impress her.”

Nevada shook his head in wonder. Ever since had taken that guy to the hospital, Ed hadn’t been himself. He didn’t know what to think about it. Confused, he just said, “Well, have a good time. Leave when you need to go.”

Ed held out his hand for a handshake. Slowly, Nevada took his hand and shook it. Ed said, “Thank you, Nevada.”

Same as Ed Biggers
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"Try anything once."#English translation- A sequel to: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-14-946003- Or start at the beginning: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-1-925923 We dropped off Erik-Jan at his home that Tuesday evening, and Dave and I said goodbye to Carl. "I have to say Robby, I didn't think I would ever experience this. Sex at your home, and then with the both of you at the same time... I hope you enjoyed it too.", Carl said. "If you are ever...

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NubileFilms Alyssia Kent Feeling You

Alyssia Kent is sleek and sexy as she dons mile-high heels and a sheer teddy. Murgur enjoys watching his stunning girlfriend get ready, but imagine his surprise when she turns around from the mirror and struts across the room while holding out a blindfold. Always open to kinky play, Murgur stays nice and still as Alyssia covers his eyes so she can have her sensual way with him. Leaning over Murgur’s shoulder, Alyssia presses her palms to her boyfriend’s chest and lets them slide...

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Fliss The Deli Girl

He noticed her every day.   Okay, so it was every working day, and what he noticed most was her ass, but Fliss wasn’t hard to notice.   She had a sweet and inviting smile that held a promise he never expected to find himself next to. Matt was sure he was only a “ham, turkey and Swiss on French” to Fliss.   Every day he wandered into the deli, ordered his sandwich and watched as she turned away to the counter and made it while he watched her wonderful rear, straining her Levis with...

Straight Sex
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Taking the car out for a test drive

Here is another one of my life experience stories. This happened a few years ago. I had bought myself a new car as a birthday gift. It really was not that much of an extravagant gift: my old car was dying a slow death, costing me $600 a month in repairs each month.   That buys a lot of new car. My new car was a little sports coupe, just perfect for me, a single guy. At that time, I was working for a small business. My “boss” was a very charming Thai woman in her early thirties. I had known...

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HotwifeXXX Harley Haze Husband Gets His Harley Revved Up For BBC

Sexy Latina wife Harley is on the phone with her husband as he gets her supercharged for the hired special big black cock Scotty, who is on his way to take her for a bbc ride! Scotty takes a minute to enjoy watching her spread her pussy wide and lets her continue playing with her toy as he strokes his cock rock hard. Cock starved Harley starts with his balls and licks up to swallow his big cock, quickly getting Scotty to fuck her pretty face balls deep. Harley’s pussy is so revved up that...

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Two Nights alone with My Daughterinlaw

Sherry looked up at me and stated the obvious “I'm drunk!” then fell to her side on the sofa and started to giggle while trying to open her coat buttons. I cautioned her “You better be quiet, you'll wake your mother-in-law and she won't be happy to see you like this.” Sherry looked up at me through a cascade of displaced hair “Why the fuck not? I'm home where I should be, what time is it? My goddamn watch is all fuzzy.” “After one. What have you been doing, I thought you were out...

4 years ago
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My Turn to Bottom1

it was my turn 'at the centre of the ring' as we called it. I downed the last of my drink and walked into the living room. Cushions were stripped from the sofa and the floor was cleared. The TV was switched off and the only sound in the room was of excited breathing and flies being impatiently unzipped. I was already shirtless and I sashayed out of my jeans, bending over to untangle them from around my feet. I didn't need to see the guys pause in their undressing to ogle my ass; you...

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TeenPies Jewelz Blu Cheater Cheater Pussy Skeeter

Super sexy Jewelz Blu is a little bit crazy when it comes to her man sometimes. Even when she finds out that he has a wife, she cannot keep her hands off of him. He may have tried to end it, but Jewelz just keeps coming back for more. And when she bats those lovely eyes at this guy, his dick still gets hard as a rock. She whips it out and slides it in her tight teen muff for some sizzling cock riding that would turn the most committed man into a cheater. Then, she works his prick until he is...

1 year ago
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Winter of My Discontent

I'm not really sure how to start my story. Is it too cliché of me to say, "It was a dark and stormy night?" Or should I give some backstory first? I'm trying to finally write out the worst single day of my life and I can't even figure out how to start. Fuck it, I'll give some background. I had met Summer my sophomore year of high school, when she came in as a freshman. I'll be honest, at first she kinda annoyed me. Definitely the preachy type, though that might have had to do with the...

2 years ago
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Octavia Chapter 5

Wochen vergehen. Inzwischen bin ich richtig gut als dressierte Strumpfhose bzw. Mann-Objekt-Wandler auf Befehl. Heute hatte Octavia mich nach dem Ausziehen weder in Ernst Schmied verwandelt noch in den W?schekorb geworfen. Sie stellte mich einfach in eine Vase mit Wasser. - ? - Irgendwas habe ich verpasst, aber nun richte ich meine Bl?te langsam gegen das Licht und nehme gierig das Wasser in meinen Stiel auf. Meine zwei Bl?tter richten sich auf. Octavia sagt "Gut" und zieht mich aus der Vas...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 514 I Want To Run Away

April wasn’t interested in going with me, so I dropped her at home. On the way, the man-in-the-machine said he needed to protect himself and his androids. He was going to teach humans how to make the nerve-to-socket connections. Everything was going to be remote for him. Everything he used for the surgery was already available to hospitals with the latest computer-assisted surgery robots. I got to their house and introduced myself to the boy that asked for a safe, reliable used car to take...

4 years ago
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Slut Submits to Son

I sighed and tousled my son's long hair as he slept, curled against me. Our lovemaking had been typically intense; he had quite the fetish for me in my present state, grown so round with his child. I was due within the week, and we were doing all we could to make the most of our time together. It would be more than a month until I recovered, and even then we would have to fit sex in around work, feeding, and trying to catch sleep between our newborn's noisy awakenings. He'd had me straddle...

4 years ago
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Trucker Sex in a Rest Area

I was westbound on I-10 just east of Van Horn, and I had needed to piss since the I-10/I-20 split. I decided I was not going to make it to the truck stop in Van Horn, and set my sites for the rest area just east of there.When I got to the rest area, I barreled into the parking area. My jakes screamed as I released the throttle. There were no four wheelers in the lot and only a few other big trucks, most likely down for the night. I set my brake and bailed out of the cab. This was not a smart...

1 year ago
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The return of Gina part 2

Gina and I talked about our unplanned stop on the way to her home, but admitted it was hot and that we will have to meet with them again. Gina says she would love to eat Sharon cunt. We arrive at her home and tell her that being a doctor must be going well for her, this is one hell of a house. She has to roommates also doctors. She notices me looking in awe and says in a k**ding way, please tell me you are not going to look at me as a sugar mamma because I have a nice house. I told her that...

2 years ago
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iFondle Sams Boobs

iFondle Sam's BoobsSam decided to clear the table so she can keep sleeping as Carly and Freddie were still working together on finding interns, but was having no luck there and Spencer decided to go to his room and try to contact the museum to try having his sculptures being exhibited there.Carly then felt something, something that aroused her."Freddie?""Um, yes Carls?""You seeing Sam now?""What about her?""That pose. I feel… kinda… aroused.""Me too." Freddie admitted, knowing that they were...

2 years ago
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Another unexpected blowjob

We were invited by my brother in law for dinner and they asked us to show up at 4pm so his sister could help out with the meal. As we got there, the house was a mess, piles of clothes everywhere, a ton of dirty dishes in the sink, dirty floor, etc. Needless to say it was pretty.We help out cleaning the house before his parents showed up at 7pm. We had a great dinner but I was in a bad mood towards the reason we were told to be earlier than the others. After dinner, we consumed a few drinks and...

2 years ago
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Valentines Day

The perfect Valentine’s Day present… Every year, throughout the Western World, men wrack their brains for the perfect gift. Who wants to grab something off the supermarket shelf? The umpteenth box of chocolates, the corset from Victoria’s Secret that your sweetheart might simply laugh at, the same roses as last year and the year before? Then what? Something that will show your caring love, your thoughtfulness in collecting and remembering the smallest hints, your patience in seeking–or better,...

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Barsat ke rat

Hi dosto vaise to hamri jndgi khanio se bhari padi hai kahnia bhi kai tarha ki par sex ke sath romantic kahani ka apna hi maja hota hai jo dil ko gudgudati bhi hai aur hamre chut land mai halchal bhi peda karti hai mai ab sidhe kahni par aatahu iski kirdar ka naam juhi hai jo 27 saal ki hai usk ek beta hai are yeh kiya aap uski kahni uski jabani hi suno. “Helo mera naam juhi hai umar 27 saal hai mera ek beta hai mera kad 5 feet 5 inch figur 36 30 38 ghar mai rehne se kulhe thode badgaye hai par...

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Sweet Teen Daughter Spices Up My Sex Life 8211 Part 5

Hi all, this is Jay and Mangala. Thanks for all your feedback/comments on the first 4 parts of the series of incidents happened in our life in the last 1.5 year. This is a continuation of part 4. Please read the first 4 parts to have the continuity. Note: These are all real incidents happened just a year ago, except age mentioned After Saturday night we had sex for the first time. We woke up on Sunday very late. Sunday had gone usual, I and Mangala felt guilty, not spoken to each other about...

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Fun with aunt while parents are away1

When I heard them discussing me and the fact that, even if I was 18, they didn't want me staying alone, I immediately thought of Aunt Alma. "Mom, Dad, I'm old enough to stay by myself but if you think I need an adult to supervise me, why not at alma. Uncle John is gonna be away for months and she's gonna be by herself in that house. It's such a waste of money to pay rent when she could move in and stay with us. Normally, I would have been insulted to have been left with a...

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As i am writing this i can feel a mixture of four mens cum dribleing out of my once tight little ass,Four hours ago i was sitting in my car at a local dogging spot, fully dressed in blue mini dress, seamed fishnet stockings, suspenders, 4inch stiletoes, black wig(pigtails),sluty makeup, fake tits and matching black bra and thong, it was a car park with toilets off the main road, there where 4 cars and a camper van, two of the cars where empty but the others where ocupied, i got out of my car...

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3 Way fun

Hi Everyone its me ‘Steve’ again.  This is a true story of a 3~sum I had about 2 years ago with an old girlfriend and one of her co~workers.   I called Cindy one Friday evening in late August 2006, I was borred, and was waiting on hearing from her mom about a job that she had at the factory she worked at. ( I had recently applied for a job there and as her mom was one of the HR people I hoped that she could help me get a new job.)  Anyway I asked her what she was doing that night she replied...

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He Wants to See Me Take Another Cock

Erin loved her husband. He made her feel beautiful and sexy. She wanted to make him as happy as he made her, but she was unsure about the one desire he'd held from the… Erin loved her husband. He made her feel beautiful and sexy. She wanted to make him as happy as he made her, but she was unsure about the one desire he'd held from the start: he wanted to see another man's cock fucking his wife's pussy. While it seemed unconventional, she found it intriguing because it would fulfill a...

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Not Quite Morning

I move my hands to your hip that holds the sheet as a canopy over your body and mine. I feel your feet on my skin, as my legs echo the bend of yours. I love the nakedness of your body next to mine, it is so inviting - I love it when you sleep naked next to me, it is like a signal to me that you want me, that you crave me, that you are willing to be open to me -- but my hand gets restless there on your hip - so it goes back to your stomach - wanting to go to unsafe places. I don't want to...

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An Unforgetable Experience

I will never forget the day Carrie enter my secret world. It was the summer I was 17, I had been dressing my sisters clothes since I was about 8yo. In more recent years I had started buying a few of my own clothes and lingerie nylons and make-up. It was a Saturday and I was home alone and decided it would be a good day to dress and be girlie, excited about my day I waxed my legs and bikini line painted my nails a soft pink and  took a relaxing bath with lavender bath beads, feeling very sexy I...

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Family ParadiseChapter 3

As promised, I ate her up twice. Waking to the warmth of the morning sun as it tossed a warm blanket of light over the two of us. Stacy still snuggled up close to me, her steady breathing and gentle snoring confirming the fact she was still sound asleep. I carefully pulled away, but in doing so ... managed to nudge her more fully onto her back. With the two of us already being nude, it was an easy matter to likewise tenderly spread her legs, crawling up between them. I took the time to truly...

2 years ago
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Pretty Meetings At Office

It was a regular day at work with lots of deadlines and furore. Jinsha was hurrying to get the files to her boss and she concentrated less on where she was walking. She was taking glances on the names on the files and arranging the files while she kept her pace constant to reach up to her destination. She lost her balance couple of times while she walked but it hardly matter as her goal was to get those files to her boss’ desk on time. Suddenly she dashed a person and fell over her knees. She...

2 years ago
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My Cousin Hooked Me Up With An Uncle

Hi all, Thanks to ISS for giving us a nice platform to share our real life experiences. I am Anisha here from Pune but working in Thane for job purpose. I am a big fan of ISS since a couple of years. I am 23-year-old female with a real-life experience happened last week with me with an uncle. I stay at my cousin’s place in Thane. My cousin Atul had a crush on me but I never showed any interest in him. I always liked a fling and have a casual experience with strangers. Now without wasting any...

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Wanking into lodgers panties

My sister used to have three lodgers, all hot girls between 22 and 25. All of them used to work regularly 9-5 so almost always there was no-one around there during the day at all. My sister lived away and had given me a key to call in and pick things up or do some odd jobs.Pantie-Wanker Heaven!One way or another I was often there. I always arrived at around 9:30 am after everyone had left for work. Usual routine: turn off the alarm (the fact it was on when I arrived meant that I knew there was...

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How to fuck husband8217s brother

Karthik got down on the buzzing Khan Market from his brother’s scooter. Just when he was about to thank Bharat for the lift, his brother switched off the scooter. “Why? Aren’t you getting late?” Karthik queried somewhat surprised. “Indeed I am,” Bharat said with a brief smile. “But I need to tell you a few things.” Bharat pulled out his cigarette pack from his trouser and flipped a couple of them. Karthik felt embarrassed and refused but Bharat insisted. “You are a grown up boy,” Bharat said...


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