A Balmy SpringChapter 12 free porn video

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"Oh my," Shelly quietly gasped. I looked up at her, and the expression on her face was a mixture of shock and anguish. She wasn't looking at my face, though. She was looking back and forth between her naked body and the steel rod beneath my shorts. "What am I doing?" she stammered. I clearly wasn't the only one who had suddenly returned to lucidity.

"Shelly?" My questioning voice was unsteady.

She looked up at me, her eyes welling with tears. "Oh my God," she said. "I ... I didn't mean ... I just, I didn't expect it to go so far. I thought I could control the situation." A lone tear trickled down her cheek. "Oh, Brody, I'm so sorry!"

"Hey, it wasn't just you," I said, as I stepped towards her.

Her eyes widened and she backed up a half-step, bumping up against the wall.

"No, don't." She shook her head. "I mean, I need to get some clothes on. You need to..." She shook her head and nearly jumped to her suitcase, which was sitting in the corner of the floor. "I'm awful, just awful."


She vigorously shook her head as she bent over and frantically rummaged through her bag. "No, this is all my fault. I knew your rule; yours and Tracy's. I knew how you felt about keeping your relationship unique and separate from the ones you shared with other people."

She obviously didn't think about the fact that she was giving me a fascinating view of her ass and the glistening folds of her labia as she pulled clothes from her case. My cock throbbed once for good measure. Go down, you fucking traitor.

"It's not your fault, Shelly. I'm as much to blame."

She straightened and whipped around, a wife-beater t-shirt and shorts in hand. "No! No, you're not. I'm the grownup. I should have known things could get out of control. I just ... I was so caught up in teasing you and ... and it felt good to get that kind of response from a good-looking, younger guy who..." She nearly started crying again. "Oh, my God. I almost cheated, didn't I? I almost cheated on John and Tracy. I've never cheated before! John's always known..."

Her voice trailed off. I raised my eyebrow. John's always known what? She stepped into her shorts and yanked her shirt over her head.

"I have to tell Tracy. Fuck! What a lousy way to start a marriage!"

I thought she was overreacting, especially since we stopped ourselves, and I also didn't know what was going through her head a moment ago.


"I have to tell John, too," she said, "And poor Mia! How will..."

"SHELLY!" I finally yelled. She jerked like I'd slapped her, and another two tears slipped down her cheeks. I softened my voice. "Please calm down. We're both at fault here. I knew perfectly well what I was getting into. We didn't do anything that I didn't want to do. I mean, it's not like I WANTED to do this." I shook my head in frustration. "I'm just saying that I was a willing participant. Don't take all the blame because you're the adult and I'm the kid."

She seemed to deflate. I'd never seen Shelly look so vulnerable. She was normally so self-assured and vibrant. She now seemed nearly despondent. I reached to console her with a hug, but she held up hand to stop me.

"I ... I can't hug you right now, especially not here. Can we go to the kitchen, maybe get a drink or something?" she sighed. "I could really use a drink right now."

"Um, you know we don't have THOSE kinds of drinks, right?"

"I know. Why don't you go put some coffee on and I'll be out in a minute?"

I did as she asked, putting the pot on to brew, then pulled a Mountain Dew from the fridge. I sat at the table and sipped until she came in a few minutes later. She slid into the chair opposite me and we sat in silence, each lost to our own thoughts.

I hadn't really dealt with my own emotions in my efforts to calm Shelly. Left to my own thoughts, though, all the guilt and disappointment in myself came flooding in. I was pretty sure Mia and Shay didn't mean their mothers when they said they didn't care if I had sex with other girls. I think Shay might be little perturbed that I took the flirting this far, but she would ultimately brush it off. She thought Mom and Shelly were hot, and had already said that she'd jump in the sack with either one if the opportunity presented itself, though that might have just been talk. I had no idea how Mia was going to react, however. I tried to imagine what I would do if one of them came to me and said they'd kissed and flirted with Mom the way I had with Shelly, but that was hardly the same. They were all females. When I imagined Jeff doing to Mom what I just did to Shelly, I felt my blood begin to boil. Even that was different, though. Jeff wasn't my boyfriend, for which I was grateful.

Shelly was sitting back down with her cup of coffee before I got out of my head. We looked at each other as she sipped her hot drink.

"I have to tell Tracy," she said, when she'd set the cup down. "We've already crossed one or two lines too many; we don't want to compound it by keeping it from her. Then I need to tell John. I should probably tell Mia, too."

"Is this really something worth making a big deal over?" I asked. This seemed pretty mild compared to the mistakes I made with Kristin.

Shelly gave me a pointed look. "We saw each other naked, stripped in front of each other. We almost..." Her voice faltered, and she cleared her throat. "We touched and kissed with the intent to arouse, and it nearly ended in disaster. In a way, this was emotional cheating."

What could I say to that? I didn't really understand 'emotional cheating', but I knew she was right on that other stuff.

"I'll tell Mom," I finally said, "And Mia, too."

"I'll tell your mom," Shelly argued. "In this case, I think erotic love trumps storgic love."

"Huh?" I didn't have a clue what she meant. It was like she was speaking Greek all of a sudden.

"There are several different words for love in Greek," she clarified. Bingo. "In its simplest form, Eros can mean romantic love, like between husband and wife, or wife and wife in this case. Storge can mean familial love, like between a mother and child."

"Oh." I thought about that for a second, then chuckled. "What do you call it in my case since my love with Mom is both storgic AND erotic."

"Oedipal love, I guess. After Oedipus from the classic story." She smiled, but her smile didn't reach her eyes. "You can tell Mia, but I plan to talk to her when I get back. My actions were unconscionable. God, I hope she doesn't hate me. I would have had a conniption if my mother had stripped in front of my boyfriend and rubbed her body all over him."

We worked in separate parts of the house for the rest of the afternoon. We weren't necessarily afraid we'd have a repeat, but our separation did ensure it wouldn't happen again. We just had different tasks. I finished moving what I could to the garage, then started stacking the boxes that were going with us out in the living room so that they'd be readily accessible when John brought the U-Haul.

Thinking of John bummed me out more. I had the greatest respect for the man, but my actions sure didn't show it. Sure he laughed about some of the good-natured flirting that Shelly and I had previously engaged in, but we'd kind of escalated from flirting to foreplay. I hated to think that he'd be disappointed in me, or worse, that'd he'd loathe me, and now I was moving into his house. This was really a fucked up situation.

I was in the garage when Mom pulled into the driveway. My heart nearly stopped when she smiled and waved as she got out of her car. She went to the trunk and got her briefcase and a small box, which I assumed held the personal items she'd had at her office. I went out to take the box from her.

"Hey, Baby," she said, leaning in to give me a motherly kiss—we WERE in the driveway, after all. She leaned back with a concerned look on her face. "What's wrong?"

I never could keep a secret.

"Hi, Trace," Shelly said, from the front door of the house. She must have been watching for Mom to come home. "Come in the house so we can talk."

Mom cornered us once we were inside with the door closed. "OK, what's going on? You two look like someone died." Her eyes widened, "Did someone die?"

"No, no," Shelly quickly calmed her. Then she took her hand. "We..." Shelly glanced at me. "I ... made a mistake."

"A mistake?" Mom asked.

Shelly took a deep breath. "I was flirting with Brody all morning—you know how I do—and I, uh, I kind of let things get out of control."

Mom's expression hardened. "Out of control," she repeated, "What exactly does that mean?"

Shelly fidgeted. "I, uh, I exposed myself to him, uh, nude. I seduced him into drying me off after my shower."

"Did ... did you have sex with my son?" Mom asked, with a slight tremor in her voice.

"No, but I almost let it go that far." Shelly glanced at me. "If Brody hadn't stopped himself, I wouldn't have been able to stop him. I—I didn't want to stop him." She grasped Mom's hand with both of hers. "Oh, Tracy, I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean for it to go that far."

Mom pulled her hand free of Shelly's, which made Shelly's face fall.

"But you just said you wanted it to go farther." Mom put her face in her hands, and I almost expected her to burst into tears. She sighed instead and looked up at us. "I can't believe you would blatantly let it get that far after everything we talked about. You KNOW how Brody and I feel about our various relationships." Her brow furrowed. "Did you think that because Brody and I are intimate that you had a right to be intimate with him, as well?"

Shelly was shaking her head before she finished. "No, of course not, Tracy. Believe me, I didn't start off with the intention of having sex with Brody."

"But you kept flirting shamelessly! What did you think was going to happen?" Mom ran her hand through hair. "I can't think right now. I ... I need to change clothes, and I need to sit down." She brushed past Shelly as she headed towards the bedrooms, then looked back at us. "We can talk in the bedroom."

Shelly and I both started to follow.

"Not you, Brody," Mom said.

I pulled up short. "What? Why? I'm as much to blame. I knew better--"

"Maybe you DID know better. But, maybe you didn't," she replied. I started to argue, but she talked over me. "I can't help but feel that I hold some fault in this. I've always worried that my unnatural need to have sex with you would mess up your sense of what's right and what's wrong, that you'd somehow feel a sense of entitlement when it comes to sex. Your attitude towards things sexual is ... cavalier. I'm partly to blame."


"Regardless of whether you knew better or not, you're a sixteen-year-old boy full of raging hormones. If I was in your shoes, I probably would have caved if a sexy, older woman threw herself at me."

"Tracy, I didn't throw—" Shelly started to say.

"It wasn't like that, Mom," I said at the same time.

Mom shook her head and looked at Shelly. "Can we please discuss this in our room?"

Shelly nodded, but I could see the hurt in her eyes over Mom's last jab. They left me standing alone. I don't know how long I stood there, but their voices began to escalate after a few minutes of silence. I drifted to the closed door and leaned my head against it. I was ashamed at my lack of control and pissed that everyone was making excuses for me, like I was just a walking hormone-fueled erection with no ability to think or make decisions. It hurt that they treated me like I was too young to know better. It hurt that Shelly alone was getting reamed for something I played an equal part in. It hurt that Mom was blaming herself. I would never forgive myself if I damaged Mom's relationship with Shelly beyond repair.

Mom's comments hurt me, but I figured she had a right. My actions obviously hurt her worse.

" ... you promised..." Mom's voice carried through the door.

" ... I know, I just..." Shelly's excuse came a moment later.

" ... think about who you hurt..." I choked up at that one.

" ... I never meant..."

" ... I feel betrayed..."

There was a knock at the front door, followed almost immediately by Cassie calling, "Bro-deeee!" from the entrance. She spotted me before I could move away from the door. She got a smirk on her face. "Don't tell me you're listening to them have sex! How naughty!"

I opened my mouth to speak, but Shelly's anguished voice cut off my words.

" ... I overestimated his..."

" ... I WARNED you..." Mom cried back.

" ... I know, he just..."

" ... the effect he even has on ME..."

Cassie wasn't smiling now. "What did you do, Brody?"

Finally, someone who recognized that I had blame in the whole thing, even if she didn't have a clue what the 'whole thing' was.

I took Cassie by the arm and pulled her back out the way she came and closed the door behind us.

"They didn't sound very happy," she said. "Why are they fighting over you?"

I hung my head. "Shelly and I took our flirting too far."

Cassie covered her mouth with her hand.

"Oh, my," she said, in an almost perfect imitation of Shelly. "You had sex?"

"No, no. I never even touched her without her clothes on." I cocked my head. "Well, I dried her after her shower, but I only touched her with the towel."

"Start at the beginning," Cassie said.

So I did. I told her about the escalation of our flirting, the hot kissing, rubbing our bodies together 'accidently on purpose', and stripping in the hallway. I finished with the post-shower pat down.

Cassie dropped her hand and shook her head. "I thought you ravished me uncontrollably last night so that you WOULDN'T do something stupid." She hesitated. "What you and Shelly did, that WAS stupid, right? I mean, I just assumed with them arguing that it was, but, you know, with you and your mom..."

"Yeah, it was stupid, all right."

"Why'd you do it then?"

I started to give my reasons—that Shelly was so sexy, that her teasing was hard to resist, etc.—but I realized that I was deflecting blame and throwing it all on Shelly. Mom was doing that for me; I didn't need to help.

"Because I'm a stupid walking erection with more hormones than brains," I sighed, "And because I'm a selfish prick who doesn't think about how his actions hurt those around him."

Cassie took my hand and pulled me down to sit on the porch steps beside her.

"You're selfish if you don't care about how you hurt others, but you DO care. Your problem is impulsivity—not thinking before you act."

I didn't entirely agree with her definition of 'selfish', but I didn't have the will to argue.

"Are you angry with me?" I asked.

"No. I've already said you could screw every girl you see and I would still be yours. I mean that." Cassie hesitated. "OK, that's not entirely true. I'm a LITTLE upset, but only because I care a great deal for Mia, and I'm afraid she's going to be hurt."

My shoulders slumped. "Yeah."

"When are you going to call her?"

"I think I should probably wait until the moms emerge."

"Then why don't we go ahead and get started tagging items for the sale?"

"Mom's going to want a say on the pricing."

"Then let's clean or pack some boxes or something."

I shrugged and let her lead me back into the house. The voices from Mom's room were now too quiet to hear, so we were able to focus on our work. Mom emerged from her room after half an hour or so. Her eyes were puffy and red. She saw me first, but she didn't say anything. She tried to smile reassuringly and rubbed my arm as she passed. Only then did she see Cassie.

"Oh, Cassie! I didn't hear you arrive."

"Hi, Tracy," Cassie replied. She held up the bottle of Windex. "I'm here to work."

Mom went over and hugged her. "Thank you so much for all your help."

"Glad I can."

"Why don't you put the cleaning aside for now and let's put price tags on all the sale items?"

We set our stuff down and followed Mom into the garage.

"Um, where's Shelly?" I quietly asked.

Mom glanced at Cassie, who was pretending to be surveying the items in the garage. "She's finishing up a phone call to John. She'll be out in a few minutes."

"Is, uh, is everything OK?"

Mom looked at me. She must have seen something in my face, because her expression softened. "There's nothing to worry about, Brody. Everything will be fine." I could still see the sadness in her eyes in spite of her words.

"I'm sorry."

"I know."

We worked for a few minutes, with Mom directing us on pricing. When Shelly came into the garage, her eyes were also red and puffy. Things were a bit tense as we worked, and that made things awkward. We'd been working for an hour when the phone rang.

"Will you get that, Brody?" Mom asked, since I was closest to the door.

"Sure," I replied, relieved for a momentary reprieve from the tension.

That feeling of relief vanished as soon as I saw the caller ID.

"Hello?" I answered, not sure if I preferred for John or Mia to be on the other end.

"Hi, Brody," Mia said.

"Hi, Mia."

"What happened?"

"Happened?" I swallowed hard. I wasn't expecting her to already know.

"I overheard Dad on the phone with Mom a little while ago. He sounded a little upset, and he said something about you and Mom, and how I wouldn't be very happy. I couldn't ask him because I didn't want him to know I was eavesdropping, so I'm calling you. What happened?"

I took a deep breath and explained things like I did to Cassie, from beginning to end. I left nothing out, since there was no reason to. I'd have to deal with the consequences sooner or later. Mia didn't say anything when I was done. I could hear her on the other end, but she was silent. I waited as long as I could.


"What?" came her terse reply.

"Say something."

"What do you want me to say? I'm trying to come to grips with my mom not only having the hots for my boyfriend, but actively trying to seduce him."

"It wasn't like that, Mia."

"Oh, really?"

"I was as much an active participant as she was."

"Yeah, but I know that I can't expect more from you."

I furrowed my brow. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just that you are what you are. You've proven time and again that you think with your dick and not your head." I heard her sniffle, and I knew then that she was going to cry.

"That's not true," I feebly said.

"Isn't it? Cassie last fall, Kristin this spring."

"We already talked about those. You said they didn't bother you."

"But you still jumped in the sack with them the moment you got a chance."

"No, I didn't!" I snapped.

"What about your own mother?"

My eyes opened wide. Surely, she didn't put THAT into the same category. I gritted my teeth to keep from lashing out. "That whole thing was different, Mia."

"Was it, and now MY mother, too? I kind of expect this from you, like I said, but I should be able to expect more from my own mother. She knows better, or at least she always seemed to know better when she was preaching to me about relationships, consequences, and responsibility for our actions." She gave a rueful laugh. "She's a hypocrite."

"Don't say that, Mia."

"I ... I don't know what to think, Brody. I just ... I'm upset, OK? You don't think about the consequences before you do something. You had sex with Cassie and Kristin; you did it even though in your mind you felt like you were betraying me."

"But you said—"

"It's not about what I said! I know you. You felt in your heart that stripping in front of my mom was wrong, but you did it anyway." She paused, "I can't deal with this over the phone. I'll talk to you when you get here, I guess. Maybe it'll all be clear to me by then." She sniffled again, "I have to go."

"Mia, wait—"

"Bye, Brody."

"Mia ... don't..." The line was dead. I slammed it down on its base. "Fuck." I made a fist to punch the wall, but I caught myself just before I let it fly. I dropped my hand in defeat. "You're a fucking fuck-up, Brown," I muttered to myself, as I headed back to the garage.


"I'm awake," I said, then rolled my head to face my bedroom door. Mom stood there looking beautiful. She was dressed only in jeans, a t-shirt, and little white tennis shoes, and her hair was back in the ponytail she always wore when she was doing housework, but I thought she looked as beautiful as ever.

She smiled at me. "Why don't you get dressed and come to the kitchen for some breakfast before you start moving things out onto the driveway?"


She hesitated like she wanted to say something for a second, but then turned and left.

I took stock of my aches and pains. I'd slept like crap the night before, tossing and turning for hours before I fell asleep, only to wake up and go through it all over again. I was sore from all the heavy lifting and cleaning of the previous few days, but the ache that hurt the worst was the one in my heart. I'd hurt the ones I loved the most. I let them down and I let myself down. I was now filled with apprehension instead of looking forward to our reunion with excitement.

Mia's words from the day before still hurt. I tried to tell myself that they were said in self-defense, used as a way to strike out in order to protect her emotions. I tried to tell myself she'd soon get over it and that she didn't mean those things. The problem was that most of what she said was true. It didn't seem like I could control myself. I succumbed to temptation. It didn't matter that my relationship with Cassie ended up being a good thing, just like with Mom. I'd still acted even though I felt like I was being unfaithful to Mia and Shay. Regardless, it still hurt when Mia said she expected me to screw up, like I couldn't be a better person than that.

Her comment about Mom was a different matter. She knew how I felt about that situation, and she'd not only been accepting, but encouraging. That sexual relationship wasn't driven by horniness; it was driven by a deep-rooted need. Sure, horniness sometimes played a part, but not all the time. Our relationship went deeper than that. I thought Mia understood that. For her to use my relationship with Mom in this context was hurtful and upsetting, not that I really had room to talk.

I hadn't really been able to talk to Shay about it. A quick call to her before I went to bed had been enough to know she was disappointed in me, but not angry. She said she loved me, something Mia hadn't done before she hung up, and that she would talk to Mia. I wasn't sure what that meant, but I prayed that it was good.

I went to the kitchen after taking care of my morning stuff and throwing shorts and a t-shirt on. I could actually hear Mom and Shelly laughing about something as I came into the room. Those simple laughs lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. Maybe I hadn't totally ruined their relationship.

"Finally," Mom said, winking at me.

"Sit and eat," Shelly said, as she slid a McDonald's bag across the table.

I sat, but I needed to say something before I started eating. I cleared my throat.

"I wanted to say something to you guys," I said. I looked at Mom. "Mom, I'm sorry I made such a bad decision yesterday. I knew what I was doing, and I ignored the consequences of my actions. I'll do whatever I have to do to make it right with you, John, and Mia. I'll also do my best to learn from this. Oh, and please don't say anything that sounds like an excuse for my behavior."

Mom smiled as she reached over and took my hand. "OK, I won't excuse your behavior. I accept your apology, but I need to say a few things, too. Whether you agree or not, I still feel like the ambiguity of my relationship with you is something I need to apologize for. I've already gotten over feeling guilty for having the feelings for you that I do, as well as for doing what we do. However, I take some responsibility for not helping define how our relationship fits into the relationships we have with other people. We've talked some about it, but we never really clearly defined it."

I understood that, so I nodded my acceptance. She continued.

"I also need to admonish you, Son, to be cautious in your relationships with other women, no matter their age." She glanced at Shelly. "For better or worse, you are a handsome, charming, young man, and females seem to not only be drawn to you, but give you a HUGE amount of latitude regarding your actions. You need to put more thought into how you interact with each of them. Set some boundaries up, or you will find yourself in these situations with regularity. The measure of a man is what's on the inside, Brody, not what's on the outside. You don't want to hurt people. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

I thought about it for a bit and realized she was right on, as she usually is.

"Yes, I do. Thanks, Mom."

She smiled again. "Now eat."

"One more thing." I looked at Shelly. "I'm sorry for my part in this. It took two to get to this point, and I feel awful that I might have been the cause of tension in your marriage, and in your relationships with Mom and Mia."

Shelly gave me a warm smile. "Thank you, Brody. I apologize, as well. I should have been more in control of things. The only thing I can say is that while I'm an adult and a parent, these unique relationships are new to me, too. I'm just as prone to mistakes as you are. That's not an excuse, just a stark realization on my part." She chuckled, "I'll probably still flirt and tease, since that's my nature, but I'll be more guarded in the future."

"Thanks for the warning," I said, and she winked at me. "I'll be more careful, too. Um, how did John take it?"

"He was a little disappointed, but he's fine. We—John and I—are a little more open-minded about sexual things than a lot of parents."

"I noticed that; I just hope Mia is as understanding."

Shelly sighed sadly. "I hope so, too, Brody."

I flipped the light in the office off and dragged myself to my bedroom. I was exhausted and looked forward to a good night's sleep. I paused at Mom's closed bedroom door and leaned in close. Sure enough, the sounds of Sapphic lovemaking could be heard. I wasn't surprised.

We did the whole yard sale thing after the apologies that morning. As the day progressed, the tensions from the day before became less and less. Shelly was being honest when she said she would still tease me, and since Cassie came over to help, that meant that I got teased from three sides. However, by the time it was just me, Mom, and Shelly at the dinner table, teasing me had been replaced by furtive looks and suggestive touches between the two of them.

I was happy that my screw-up hadn't ruined something so good for my mother. Shelly's climactic cry through the door made me smile. I readjusted my swelling erection and went to my room, privately leaving them to their make-up sex. I had no sooner climbed into my sleeping bag on the floor when the phone rang.

I leaned over and grabbed the cordless that was beside me, not bothering to check the caller ID.


"Hey, Big Papi."

I smiled. "Hey, Shay."

"You sound tired."

"I am. It was a busy day, and I'm pretty exhausted."

"Well, you need to make sure you get your rest, Bucko. You're going to have to satisfy two horny girls when you get here next week."

My heart hurt at the thought of Mia. "Are you sure it's two?"

"I'd be lying if I said she wasn't still upset, but she'll get over it, especially if you can show her you learn from your mistakes. Those are her words, by the way, not mine."



I sighed. "It shouldn't have to be that way, though. I should have been stronger."

"Maybe. OK, yeah, you should have been, but Mia fell in love with you, flaws and all. We both did. We don't expect you to be perfect. Just be honest with us and respect us."

"I try," I said, but it sounded a little whiny, so I took a deep breath and tried again. "I promise to always do that."

"Mia feels bad, too, about what she said on the phone to you. She didn't mean most of it."

"Yeah, well, her words stung a little, but there was truth to them. I want to be the kind of guy who deserves to be with you two. That means I need to be a better person."

"We all do, Lover," she said. Then I yawned, which made her laugh. "Go to bed, Stud. Get plenty of rest. Drink lots of fluids. You're going to need it."

"I will. I love you, Shay. Thanks for everything."

I'd have said no if anyone had asked me at the beginning of the school year if I was going to attend the graduation ceremony in the spring. I didn't really have any senior friends at the time, but when graduation finally arrived, I found myself entering the school gymnasium for two reasons: first, Cassie, being a junior, had several friends who were seniors; and second, thanks to Kristin's interest in me for a lot of the spring semester, I now did too.

Same as A Balmy Spring
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Pados Wali Hot Bhabhi Ke Sath Nude Show

Hii friends i m regular reader of iss from last 8 years and maine bohot se stories pade hai bt aaj apni khudki story btane ja rha hu . Waise to mere bohot se experience rahe hai sex ke but abhi wo btane ja rha hu jo mera sabse latest or hot experience rha. Mai delhi ka rehna wala hu or 24 years ka fair 5.7 height ka punjabi ladka hu . Waise to mujhpe bohot se ladkiya line marte hai but meri weakness mature girls ya heavy size hai or meri hamesha se kisi big size bhabhi ke saath karne ka man tha...

3 years ago
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Beach romp

Today I thought about how wonderful it would be to be in Puerto Rico, walking along my favorite beach beside you, hand in hand, watching the beautiful sunset on the horizon, just you and I, listening to the waves roll in.    My intentions are to find this certain hidden cove I’ve known of, and take you there as a surprise. You will have no idea why I am making you walk so far, but as we reach the edge of the cliffs, you will see how the beach continues on, further and further, to a farther...

3 years ago
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You Deserve Much Better 8211 Part 1

Anjali couldn’t believe what her friend Geeta just said to her. “You mean, you are having sex with a 19-year-old boy??”. “Hell yeah! Trust me, most boys fantasize of older ladies like us. And they never let you down. It is fucking amazing”, said Geeta with all the joy and blush on her face. “Look, my half-ass husband doesn’t have time for a proper conversation, let alone sex. I don’t even remember when was the last time he made me moan. I have needs. You have needs. Everybody has needs. So,...

1 year ago
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2ChicksSameTime Kimber Lee Vanessa Cage 23011

Vanessa Cage’s boyfriend is so good to her that it makes Kimber Lee sick with jealousy. Kimber’s man J is such a knucklehead that he was so busy playing video games he didn’t even remember their anniversary! To get revenge, Kimber has J sit on the couch while he’s forced to watch and not touch as Kimber and Vanessa make out, lick each others natural tits and eat each other out in a little girl-on-girl session! Try as he might, J has to keep his hands to himself in torturous fashion…until...

2 years ago
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Every SummerChapter 4

"Chuck," she began. "You have become special to me very quickly. I hope you will not be unhappy with me but I have a special request of you. This is something that is very important to me. Please, listen to me completely before you answer." This sounded ominous. What could be so serious? "Chuck, my special man, it is my time. It is the time for me. I need you. I need you to be with me this night. I need you to give me a baby, a child from you. A child I can love for the rest of my...

1 year ago
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My family reunion trip Discovering the forbidden

This is the story of a very exciting, and very strange summer I had some years back. The events that took place that summer, were quite extensive. Which I think is a great excuse for naming the chapters. So, here we go:Chapter 1 - Discovering the forbidden fruit It's been a while since I've seen my remote family from Eastern Europe. Years in fact. For the longest time, because of operational reasons, I was not allowed to go where they lived. And they could not visit us due to a practical...

1 year ago
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An outing as a sissy maid in London

This is a review I wrote of a session I did with a Mistress in London. My session with Mistress Morticia --------------------------------- I did it!!! I served a Mistress as a maid and we went out in public as Mistress and maid. When I first arrived I was led into a bedroom where I could change. Mistress watched as I did so and helped me zip my dress up. It is really quite erotic having a women watch you undress from your male clothes (well male exterior clothes, I spoilt the...

4 years ago
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Sandwiched Between Love

The fantasy of a threesome was constantly playing in my mind. Ever since I had gotten pregnant the idea just wouldn't leave my head. If I ever wanted to do it, now would be the perfect time. I wouldn't get pregnant by any man's cum, and I didn't have a family to leave behind at home just yet. After much discussion, my fiance gave me the ‘okay’ and I began to plan my first threesome experience.I already had the perfect couple and they were definitely up for the new experience: Emily and Joseph....

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Having a Homemade Muffin in Bed Part One

I’m visiting my hometown for a week and am eager to meet a girl I have befriended, friendly chats turned to flirting and flushed fannies, now we are minutes from meeting… I’m wearing a red midlength dress which shows a hint of cleavage while skimming my curves. On hearing footsteps, I turn to see Sophie walking over in a skirt, cute floral top and pumps. She is fractionally taller than me at 5’3′ with shoulder length brunette hair and a gorgeous feminine body, her sumptuous lips move into a...

3 years ago
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Rogues in Town

“I will have to ask Nurse Awarrak to pop in and give me a hand,” I told Mrs Beswick-Sampson. “You OK with that?” The formidable 74 year old lady from the manor on the pretty edge of the town, lying completely naked, face up, both feet in the highest possible gynaecology stirrup position on the examination table smiled weakly and nodded ... then asked. “She’s new to the surgery is she Doctor Moss?” I merely nodded as I ripped off my latex gloves, dumped them in the medical waste bin and...

1 year ago
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BlackAmbush Candy 06292019

Candy is 19 years young, blonde, blue eyes, gorgeous, takes Jovan’s big black cock in her ass – and has the personality of a door knob. Perfect for porn. Or as sidepiece cum receptacle, either way. Candy just did her very first porn scene for our friends at ExCoGi and today she expects much of the same: she’s on the bed, camera guy asks her questions and then bangs her. As she soon finds out, none of that is gonna happen today. Troy thinks of ways to NOT repeat her first...

2 years ago
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Sneha And Her Son Sachin 8211 Part 2

I didn’t believe in myself that I will be getting these wonderful responses and I’m quite surprised that many women liked it too and wish they had guts like SNEHA.Thank you all. For new ones please follow up on my previous part and read this. Drop your responses at Enjoy the story. The breakfast table Sachin could hardly focus. His eyes couldn’t help but follow his mom around the kitchen.First, there were those long bronze legs, which looked so strong…yet baby soft. Her sexy bare feet had...

1 year ago
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TandraChapter 56

"You shot them. Just throw them over your shoulder and we can take them home. I will take the pack and your rifle." Tom could see the logic of that, and knew that Jim was not putting him on. Throwing the pack to Jim's feet, beside the rifle, the small Tandra positioned the two males, and picked them both up at the same time. They started back to the falls, to see one of the godough, looking out of its den, trying to figure out what was happening. Jim projected, "Just taking them home,...

3 years ago
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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 26 Fantasy Fulfillment

As Paul was driving me to his place he explained his fantasy. “I had a lady friend once. She strongly hinted marriage. But after 18 months I knew that marriage – with anybody – wasn’t going to work for me. I set her up with 250K but only its interest or $1,000 per month whichever is greater. “I always wanted to share ourselves sexually with another couple who wanted the same thing. You know, two couples swapping partners all together at the same time. Being someone who is known by many...

3 years ago
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Zeus and Io Books 1 and 2Chapter 31

When Zeus disappeared from the GPS track, I wanted to go out to Reedy Lake immediately. Io was the voice of reason. "Going out there two and a half hours early and getting picked up by the police will not help Zeus at all. We should keep to the schedule and rely on Zeus to meet us at the agreed time," she said. "In the meantime, I am starting to pick up some radio calls on police frequencies that are relevant." So we listened as the police went through their painstakingly slow but...

2 years ago
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Bareback With Black II

This guy responded to our profile on a swinger’s site and we answered back. I was surprised Jeena wanted to write him since he sent a ‘cock only’ photo, which we usually didn’t like. Jeena said he had such a ‘fine looking cock’ she was willing to risk the rest, and said we should meet in a ‘very public’ place in case it didn’t work out. I wrote Leon and we agreed to meet at a nearby Fudruckers since it was close to his work and he would be coming straight there after. When we pulled into the...

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The Cummoner

Totempole666! You fucks are always coming to me looking for recommendations. I get. I have excellent taste in bitches, porn, and, well, everything else. But one question I get more often than anything else is “Who is your favorite hentai artist?” And I feel like my answer changes every fucking time. Some days I feel like jerking off to some busty babes getting fucked by tentacles in a traditional hentai style. Other days I like seeing some slut get fucked by orcs in 3D SFM. And sometimes I’ll...

Porn Comics Sites
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Saving Benny

Benny I don’t know what made me go a different way that day, but everything changed because of it. I was something of a loner and most people in my small town high school left me alone. I was 18, with longish dark hair and a toned, muscular body. I usually wore a leather biker jacket and engineer boots and played in a rock band in my spare time. Because my house wasn’t too far away, I sometimes walked home from school, even though it was my senior year and I did have a car. It was just one of...

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Train Your Man FLRCuckolding PT1

A girl friend of mine came by the other day to tell me her marriage of 23 years was over, her husband was not happy. Not a new story, they got into a rut and stopped putting in the time it takes for marriage to last. This got me thinking, I have been with my husband for 19 years and how good was our marriage? Was my husband happy?I realized that I put very little time into my marriage and her story would be my story if did not take a hard look in the mirror and change the way I was acting. The...

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Trainer meets His Goal PT16 Blacken

Lisa Sets Personal GoalThe early morning light settled through the bedroom window and gently illuminated the intertwined naked bodies of the two lovers as they lay asleep on Jeray's king size bed. Lisa's soft white skin contrasted nicely with Jeray's smooth mocha body as she straddled his beautifully defined form. She slept soundly on her right side, with her head resting atop Jeray's chest, her ample milky white breasts pushing into the side of his torso, an arm and hand resting over his...

3 years ago
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Life Changing Mail From A Bully

Chauhan june 24(5 hrs ago) to me Hey my dear little friend,how are you??Its been lonely for days without you,i nearly forgot how a sissy looks like…Oops,sorry for the language and to this mail too because this will be the end of it all.No more humiliating stuff, no more ragging,and no more punches, and certainly no more hardcore mouth fucks,ok??Because I got a better mouth than yours,all this ends in this mail,but its still in your hands on how “this thing”goes from here… Well,to be frank I got...

1 year ago
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A bus journey for enjoyment

This is a true incident - memories of which are still very vivid in my mind... I am a 24 year old girl, convent educated. I have a fair complexion & consider myself attractive & have a good well maintained slim figure of 37-28-34 of which I am pretty proud. Around a year ago, I had to travel to karachi from Lahore on an emergency and as train tickets were not available at short notice, I had to take the overnight State roadways bus. My seat was at the second last row of the luxury 2x2...

2 years ago
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Tara 2 CuttailsChapter 23

Tom and Paul were glad that Jim and Nala had turned up as they were due to meet the next wagon train in the morning. They guessed that Trae had a lot to do with their timely arrival and they were relieved that the Cutters would not be alone. While Trae had made more crystals available, transporters were still expensive, wagons and lankys were still the norm for most of the population. They and their brothers had determined that the Rangers wouldn’t be out of jobs for some time to come. If...

1 year ago
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sazsub24 and butchbahn part 1

As Siobhan sat astride her motorbike at five minutes past five after her shift had finished at Al4grafix waiting for another glimpse of the sexy little secretary, little did she know that a week later she would be in control of the little tease. Siobhan was a big girl, not overweight but six foot tall with big breasts and long legs weighing 170 lbs she certainly filled her leathers. Lots of her male colleagues on the print factory floor would have loved a piece of her if it wasn’t for the fact...

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The Gathering Book 2Chapter 2 Meeting Mrs Stinson

February 1, 2000 Dutch was nursing a Budweiser and watching a Duke play North Carolina State for the second time that season. The ACC tournament was coming up in just a few days and he was trying to get a look at as many teams as possible before the NCAA's. He heard Rosa's car pulling into the garage. A minute later, Rosa was standing next to him. He rose up and kissed her. "Missed you baby," he said. "Sure you did, and with the game on too," she said, glancing at the large screen...

4 years ago
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PermissionChapter 8

Time heals all things, right? So when am I going to get back to normal? Dave thought as he drove toward his sister Dawn's place to pick up the kids. Though he and Carol had been apart for almost a year he still missed her terribly. As he neared his sister's place he remembered that Carol and her mom, Jeannie had taken the kids to the park that afternoon. Though he and Carol had been divorced for nine months, he tried to make it easy for their kids to see their mom and grandparents whenever...

3 years ago
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The New HoodChapter 10 Here Kitty Kitty

Gazoo came to me just before dawn. “Alex, a race of women that you would term as Amazon’s are near your camp and will arrive early this morning. They are being chased by a group of men who eat people as their main food source. The men who are pursuing these women are still nearly three full days behind the women. But they are about to be met by their main raiding party in a little over a day. That is nearly 75 men together. They are following the tracks made by the Asorians’ vehicles that are...

1 year ago
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Faux RealmChapter 10

Lucian awoke feeling refreshed. Ericha’s arms and legs held him in a loving embrace as they slept through the night. They spent the night away healing their aching bodies after they consumed the day in arduous training. Ericha for one even in her mid-30’s still did not feel the need to rest, but every one of Lucian’s muscles were screaming in pain. He started staring at his wife and lover. She was so cute while she was on his chest drooling in her dreams. He smiled. Lucian bent his neck as...

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My aunts sexy feet

My main story is about my second aunt Feyrouz which is so sexy she is about 1.75 have a good size of boobs and a size 8 feet , she's so fucking sexy .Now she is divorced and i sometimes sleep in her place . About a week i went to her place , but she wasn't there she was at work , the maid opened the door for me . I sat there doing nothing for a 20 min , i then went to my aunts bedroom where i found the sexiest heels and underwear beside it , i grabbed them and start smelling them and...

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Meeting James Chapter One

My friend and I pulled up at valet parking in the front of the Paris hotel in Las Vegas. It was a warm spring evening and the sun had just begun to set behind the mountains. The air smelled fresh and clean, an anomaly for the strip I thought. I smiled to myself when I noticed the valet sneaking a peek at my legs when I extended them and stepped out of Sue’s car. Maybe this would be a good night after all. She smiled radiantly at me as I watched her walk around her car while hearing to her high...

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One Crazy ASS Night

At 18 I was a senior in HS. The first day of class I discovered that my best friend who had graduated the spring before had been secretly fucking my ex girlfriend since February(we broke up in December). I was pissed, not because he was fucking her, but because my best b*o had lied to me. I couldn’t believe he had lied. Anyways, the entire time they were fucking, we had still been sl**ping together irregularly so I still had stuff at her house.( She lied to him and told him that I had just...

2 years ago
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The Queen and the Soother Part 2

The search for a husband continued. Widely-traveled, Geoffrey promised more exotic pleasures. Would he just be a plaything for the queen’s amusement, or could he become a true partner?The queen hid the bon vivant in the head cook’s quarters. The chef didn’t mind relinquishing his room for a few days in exchange for some new recipes. People from Sybarisia were known for their love of food and Geoffrey had a well-deserved reputation in that regard.He had prepared quite a lunch for Jeena. She...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 12 Training Continues Nadias wish for her friend

Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Constructive critism always welcomed My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 12 Training Continues, Nadias wish for her friend Characters Introduced: Abigail, 27, Pharmacist, white, 54 Blond Deep blue eyes 36DD, swan like neck Mandy, 18, Abigails sister, white, 52 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts, swan like neck Fred, 55, Ford Dealer, white, 7 cock Jolene, 16, 54 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts daughter of Fred Dr. Emily Johns...

3 years ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 4 Not an easy day to forget

The following Wednesday night I got another surprise when Dana and Candy got home from work. Candy was driving their normal FBImobile with Maria riding shotgun, but then Dana pulled up driving a dark metallic-red Ferrari targa topped convertible with black leather interior, and Vicky proudly sat in the passenger seat next to her. I walked outside, followed by Pat, to have a look at the new car and Dana said, "It's a 1977 308 GTS spyder. This baby's got a 3.0 liter V8, 5 speed manual...

2 years ago
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You sit on your couch, impatiently watching the second hand tick away on the clock on the wall. It's still several hours before you are supposed to pick her up for your third date. You can't keep her out of your mind. From the moment you first saw her at a party earlier in the summer, she has been haunting your thoughts and dreams. You think back to that first time you saw her like it was something out of a movie. The crowd parted and she was laughing, talking to someone. Her summer dress clung...

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HankyChapter 3

The next morning Kalpana was the first to come down. She did not see Ashik or his mother till late in the morning. She went ahead preparing breakfast and it was half past eight when her mother-in-law appeared. She was late by three hours and this confirmed her suspicion that something had materialized between them, last night. Hurriedly she finished cooking and set the table for Ashik. Down came Ashik dressed to leave for his office. He was looking handsomely rugged and his face glowed with...

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The Adventures Of A Virgin

It is my story the story of a virgin youth. I dedicate this story for all virgin boys who want to skip into the world of sex and loose their shit off. I introduce myself as karthikeyan who is 22 years from southern India Kerala ,a normal young boy of the age but not matured enough to look like a fully grown man. I discovered my sexual feelings and orientation at about 12 and started cumming of at 14,then I was attracted to the world of porn and usually never missed a day without it. The...

1 year ago
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Hot Pregnant Neighbor

"Damn Maegan, thanks for the wonderful view!" She turned smiling from ear to ear blushing and rubbing her pregnant belly. "Oh lord, not like anyone wants to be looking at a big pregnant woman like me these days. Thanks for trying to cheer me up though." "Whatever, now I know you came out her half naked looking all sexy to get compliments. It is not a turn off for me, but you might shave a bit." "Oh my lord, I guess you did take a good look." smiling and wiggling with her...

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1Do You Have a Big Dick Why NotChapter 16

“I should put you on restriction!” Betty told Waverly that she was now on restriction after the finished laughing about my father’s corny reaction to them and nervous behavior. I walked up to them in their front yard with Hayden by my side. “RESTRICTION! What the fuck for?” Waverly looked surprised and stomped her feet. “You just want to put me on restriction to be a bitch!” “I had eight hundred dollars hidden where Jay would never find it and you gave it to him!” Betty complained to...

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Debbie and Marsha Dancing in Their Bikinis

About two weeks after Steve moved to town, before he had fucked her my wife, Debbie, bought herself a new bathing suit for sunbathing. Both the bottom and top were unlined. It was really skimpy, exposing an inch of the bottom of her tits, and two inches of the outsides and three inches insides of her tits. The top part went clear down to the edges of her aureoles. It was really soft and stretchy and molded perfectly to her tits and nipples, without distorting her nipples. The...

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Teenager8217s Journey to Eternal Love 8211 Part lll

I said ok but I needed some time as our exams were near and stuff. I focused on my exams and meanwhile thought about Sameer and Neha, Sameer uses Neha just for lust and also discusses his intimacy with his friends, Neha uses Sameer for his money and gifts. I loved Arman coz I liked him and trusted him, what if he makes a laughing stock of me in front of his friends??, who were my only group of friends too. I couldn’t tolerate that, so I decided to quit the relation and be just friends. Exams...

3 years ago
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The Auction

Number 31 of a series of individual stories. The Auction By SONIA (E-mail [email protected] - Please send comments) Chapter 1 - Friday Evening I wonder how many men were greeted by their wife when they arrived home from work on a Friday in the way I was on occasions. My wife, Sally Anne was standing on the doorstep holding out a glass of whisky for me wearing a set of matching pink satin bra, panties and suspender belt, black stockings and black knee...

1 year ago
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15 February 2009Chapter 10

Sandra came down the stairs remaining naked. She turned on the TV and DVD player. “The DVD is cam recorder film put onto it,” she said. She sat, cuddling close to Brad and pressed play for the machine. He placed an arm over each shoulder, holding at tit in each hand. “There’s no editing just a series of recordings my husband and I did over the years.” The video began with a scene in a large room of several couples mostly naked. “Here we are again enjoying another fun time,” the male...

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Ana and four guys in the parking lot

That night Ana and I were out at a local bar with some friends. We had been dancing and drinking; until around midnight everyone decided to quit.Anita had been getting lot of attention from some local young guys. She was wearing a very tight dark green dress and her long shaped legs were looking great in her high stiletto shoes…As we were getting in the car, I realized I had better go back into the batroom before the drive home. Anita came back in with me. Some young guys quickly surrounded my...

4 years ago
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Fresh Milk

Kim was a new mommy. Her baby was just three months old and she was nursing her about every three hours. Today she was naked with the baby sucking on one nipple. Kim's tits were huge and full of milk. She planned to nurse the baby for a long time as she and her husband loved the big milk filled rack. She had given up wearing a bra and most of the day she did not even both with a top so she could nurse her c***d often. Kim loved the feel of the baby sucking on a long nipple as it made her pussy...

2 years ago
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Sons friend

As many of you know, I’m a married 45 year-old mother with two sons, one 25 off on his own now, one 23 in college, and a daughter. I am 5’6” tall, with nice long brown hair, brown eyes and weight just right I think for my build. I have 34C boobs with large firm nipples. My husband Nick is a police officer and is away from home from time to time for different reasons. We have a very good and open sex life and I have had many different men since I met my husband Nick and we started enjoying our...

1 year ago
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Cruising Ch 01

First off, thank you for all the kind comments (and the other ones) on The Camping Trip. It really does inspire me to keep writing. For better or worse I tend to write long pieces in a style that I enjoy and I enjoy reading. Honestly, I read my stuff and I get hard. I figure if that happens I must be doing something right. Now, I really have to apologize for the last chapter of The Camping Trip. I really rushed it and it shows. It could have been much, much better. The lesson I take away from...

2 years ago
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A Bound Present

I had been out doing errands for the past few hours, getting ready to head home. I instantly felt my cock harden a bit. It stayed hard the whole ride home as I thought about what waited for me.As I pulled into the driveway, my neighbors waved from their front porch. They were enjoying a few drinks and looked intent on inviting me over. I mumbled a quick excuse as I entered the house. I needed to get to the basement as soon as possible, the last thing I wanted was to chat idly with my...

4 years ago
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A Lesson For Cathy

A Lesson For Cathy by Constance Grant Authors Note This story is based on characters created by I. R. Nixon; I have tried to give Cathy a richly deserved lesson, without destroying her spirit for more mischief. Chapter 1 - Cathy's Blue Monday Cathy Greenbriar had a bad Monday, maybe the worst of her entire seventeen years of existence. Oh it started off great, last night her mom had given her a pair of white, with baby blue and pink trim, elevated sneakers as an "I...

4 years ago
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The Longest Day of the Year

It was one day in a hundred; no wind, 78 degrees, and being mid-week the beach was unpopulated as well. The couple had enjoyed a small, delightful homemade meal in their cabin, along with a glass of white wine, and decided to go for a walk. It was already 8:30 at night, but since it was June 20th, the sun wouldn’t set for at least another hour.Walking along the beach, sometimes hand in hand, other times apart; stopping to pick up tiny stones, or examine unknown objects, they found themselves in...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 48 The Triumvirate Part II

February 1981, Milford, Ohio Sunday followed the usual pattern of a call to Karin, swimming and breakfast with Stephanie, and then doing homework until Beth arrived. When Beth arrived, I talked with her about an problem that we’d have to solve, and probably soon. If she was at U of I and I was at IIT, we’d have no real way of providing support to our customers in and around Cincinnati. I suggested we find a Freshman or Sophomore to help us over the Summer and after we went to Chicago. “Why...

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