Shaia and the Cat
- 3 years ago
- 27
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I entered the darkest period of my life, but I wasn't without success. The office complex in Las Vegas sold quickly, exceeding our expectations. The sale for the hotel in Belize soon followed, but the buyers weren't interested in a partially developed hotel on a Greek island.
"Finish it," the buyers of the hotel told me, "and we'll take a look."
I was stuck with completing the Greek island project. We'd lose millions if I abandoned it.
It was five months before a buyer surfaced for Butterfly Caye, and at that we had to take a small loss, which strangely didn't upset Nicole or Sandy. They were too busy to be concerned, I reasoned at the time. I found out later that my reasoning wasn't valid. They were merely trying to support my effort to dump the properties we'd accumulated so we could all go about our separate efforts. A lot of my reasoning during this period wasn't valid. I felt alone and bitter much of the time, and my attitude was the largest single cause of our growing rift. If I'd realized the harm I was inflicting I would've done something about it. It was a vicious circle. I was sad and bitter about being left alone, and Nicole and Sandy felt guilty for leaving me alone, so they tried to compensate by not calling me on my destructive behavior.
The first time I returned from Greece to our compound in Scottsdale and found no one in residence except our maid and gardener, I didn't enjoy the timeout from work the home base was supposed to provide. I stopped in Boston on the trip back to Greece, but I caught Nicole at a bad time, and she couldn't spend much time with me. Sandy wasn't in New York. She was on the other side of the world in Australia. I became more despondent with each passing day and quickly learned to detest real estate development. I persevered, though. Someone had to do it, and the chore fell to me. I wore a shield over half the time.
The Christmas break approached, and I looked forward to all of us getting together, but Nicole begged off, saying she needed the time for schoolwork. Sandy followed suit, declaring the long trip from Australia for such a short time wasn't worth the effort. That's when I shut down and raised a full-body shield. I'd made arrangements for the hotel development to continue in my absence over the break, so I turned off my cell phone and used the time to tour Europe on my own, painting buildings, landscapes, rural scenes and seascapes.
When I returned to the island after the holiday, an angry sister greeted me.
"God damn you, Josh Johnson! You've had Nicole and me sick with worry. Where the hell have you been?"
"Touring Europe, painting. I did some good work."
"Lower your fucking shield."
"You won't like what you find if I do that, big sister."
"Lower it anyway. We need to know what you're feeling, what you're thinking."
I took a deep breath and removed the shield.
Oh, Sandy, he's so sad! Nicole said.
"Fuck this," I said as tears leaked from my eyes. I wrapped myself in my protective cocoon again. "Go back to Australia or wherever you came from. I've got a job to do here, and I'll do it, but I can't, not if I'm connected with either of you. You said I was being selfish. I was and am. I can't help it, but nevertheless I want to support you and Nicole. I want you both to be all you can be."
"Nicole wants to talk with you."
I turned on my cell phone. "Tell her to call me on the telephone."
If I'd been connected with her, I might have been prepared for what happened next. Sandy slapped me hard. I think she was as surprised with how she'd reacted as I. I turned from her and walked to the telephone in my office. "Where is she? In her apartment in Boston?"
"Yes. Josh, I'm..."
I waved off her pending apology and dialed Nicole's number. She answered my call before the first ring ended.
"I can't stand this, Josh! Let me in, please?"
"I can't. Please understand that I miss you and Sandy in my mind as much as you miss being in mine. I miss being in your minds, hearing your thoughts, feeling your sensations and emotions more than I miss being with you, but if I let you in right now, I'll destroy whatever is left of our TRES. I'll lower my shield when this fucking job is finished. If there's anything left for us at that time, and it's my fondest wish that you'll still love me then, I'll be happy to connect with both of you again. That's the way it's got to be, Nicole. Just know that I love you and Sandy with all my heart. There's no one else, and there never will be. You wanted me to give you two years. I'll finish this job in six months. I'm asking you and Sandy for six months, Nicole. Will you give it to me?"
She was crying. "Yes."
I looked at Sandy. She nodded.
I lowered my shield and dialed a cell phone. I didn't feel anyone enter my mind. Nicole and Sandy had given up trying to connect with me, I figured.
"Dot, it's your friendly telepath."
"Hello, where have you been?"
"Europe. I've been out of touch. Did you put Ganarelli away?"
"No, he skated."
"Fuck! What happened?"
"My boss scoffed at me when I told him Ganarelli was a telepath. Ganarelli used his thoughts against him, as well as the thoughts of the prosecutor, judge and jury members to manipulate the trial."
"Hold a minute."
I searched for Ganarelli's psi-sig and found it. He wasn't wearing a shield, so I scrambled his brains.
"There," I said into the phone. "I just acted as prosecutor, judge and jury. He won't commit anymore crimes."
"What did you do?"
"Turned him into a vegetable."
She gasped. "You're scary, Dick."
"Yeah, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." I felt no remorse over what I'd just done. I didn't even try to tell myself that I was merely protecting Nicole and Sandy, or myself, for that matter. The authorities had failed, so I did their job for them.
"Are you interested in a terrorist plot about to erupt in Athens, Greece?"
When she said yes, I gave her the details including the names and addresses of the terrorist cell members, the financing method and individuals involved, and how and when they planned to carryout the act of terror. "You've got three days to stop them, or innocents will die. Do you have enough clout to stop them?"
She hesitated. "I don't know."
"Try. I don't want to break in anyone else as my contact."
"May I tell my boss about your telepathic abilities?"
"That won't work. He won't believe you."
"I'm not so sure. I think Ganarelli's trial made him a believer."
I chuckled. "Ganarelli's scrambled brains will make him a believer. Use that."
Three days later when a truck bomb exploded in front of the U.S. Embassy in Athens, I called Agent Collins.
"You failed."
"My boss is a paranormal skeptic. The doctors told him Ganarelli had suffered a massive stroke."
"Innocents died. Tell him that I hold him responsible. Tell him if he fails to act on one of my tips again that I will take direct action against him personally."
I hung up. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Sandy, are you there?
Yes! Oh, Josh, I'm so happy to hear your thoughts again!
You might change your mind when I tell you what I've done.
May Nicole join us?
Josh, is that really you? Nicole said.
Yes. I need help. I told them what I'd done to Ganarelli and about the threats I'd just made against Dot's boss. I don't even know her boss's name, but at the time I made the threat, I believed, without a doubt, that I'd follow up on my threat.
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, Sandy said, the tone of her silent communication in the form of a whisper.
That's why I need help. I'm getting jaded - cold. I don't have enough love in me. I asked for six months. Four have gone by, but I can't wait. I need both of you back in my life now. If I get too maudlin, too bitter, please try to understand and forgive me. I can't go it alone anymore. Sandy, is there any way for you to break loose and help me set up the grand opening? I'm no good at grand openings, and with my current mindset, I'd blow it.
Yes, hmm, I can leave in three or four days. Is that soon enough?
Yes. I'm a month ahead of schedule. I've been a brutal taskmaster. I'm afraid I'm not very well liked around here. Nicole, what's your schedule like?
Like you, I'm ahead of schedule. I've been pushing, too. Let me talk to my advisor. I think I can get away for a week.
Okay, let's time your week so you're here for the opening.
Sandy, anything I can do from here, I'll be happy to tackle, Nicole said.
I'll call on you, Sandy said.
Mental silence. I broke it with a thought. I had to know. Is there something left? Am I still loved?
Yes! Two simultaneous mental shouts.
Tears overflowed, happy tears. You've just restored my faith in love. I love you both so much right now I can hardly think.
As it turned out, we didn't need to set up a grand opening. After I completed construction on the hotel, installed the fixtures and furniture, and hired the staff, the buyers of our Belize hotel visited the Greek island and made an offer to purchase the hotel. I accepted their offer without quibbling. At the closing, Sandy and I turned our plans for the grand opening over to the buyers and took the next flight to Boston, via London. Nicole greeted us at the airport with luggage in hand, and the three of us flew on to Phoenix and our compound in Scottsdale where we made love for three days.
Temporarily sated, we were lying naked on lounges around the pool when Sandy asked me about my plans for the future.
"My plans for the future are simple. I will be with one of you wherever you are. I lived without you for over a year. I'll never do that again. I'll walk the ground with you in Australia, Sandy, or spend time in your New York apartment when you're working with your publisher. Nicole, I'll live with you in Boston until you tell me to go away so you can concentrate." I chuckled. "Talk about extremes. If I count my Christmas European tour, I wore a shield for five months without contacting either of you. Now, I'll probably make a pest of myself."
Nicole took my hand and kissed my palm. "You'll never be a pest, lover, not to me. You're my husband, and I love you."
"Hah! Just wait. I want both of you to promise to get grumpy with me when I get too smothering, so I can make myself scarce for a while." I grinned. "There's always home base if both of you are busy."
"What about your art?" Sandy asked. "You haven't done a painting since before we left Greece. Have you given up on your dream?"
"I painted you and Nicole on our bed while you were sleeping this morning."
"You did!"
"Yes, come with me." I rose to my feet and held out a hand for each of my wives. We walked hand in hand, until I stopped them at the door to my studio. "Close your eyes. I have a surprise for you."
I guided them to the middle of the cavernous room. "Okay, you can open your eyes now."
"Oh, my God!" Nicole shouted, her head turning, twisting her body to follow her head. Sandy reacted similarly, turning a full three hundred sixty degrees.
That morning I'd hung my watercolor paintings, hundreds of them. They covered most of the available surface of all four walls of the studio.
"Josh, they're magnificent," Sandy breathed.
Nicole, the more demonstrative of my wives, wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me hard. She abruptly released me and walked away to study the paintings. Sandy joined her and took Nicole's hand. They moved slowly around the room, stopping at the painting I'd finished that morning.
"I call that painting Love," I said.
Sandy turned to me and nodded. "I can feel your love for us in this painting, Josh." Happy tears shined in her eyes.
"Your command of the medium is incredible," Nicole said. "When are you going to show your work?"
"I don't know if I ever will. I don't need the money."
"You must!" Sandy exclaimed. "The world needs to see the beauty you create."
"Why? I'd never sell the painting of the two of you slumbering, for instance. I could only bear to part with mediocre work, but I'll burn those paintings before I sell them."
"You've painted some scenes more than once," Nicole said. "This one." She pointed. "And this one. Show one and keep the other."
"One is better than the other," I said with a grin.
"Keep the best one. The other one is still great."
"Uh-uh. I painted the second one because the first one wasn't good enough."
"Well, you certainly weren't idle during your hiatus," Sandy said.
"Which one is great and which isn't good enough?" Nicole persisted.
"I didn't capture the fantastic light of the Mediterranean sun in one of them."
Nicole studied the two paintings, frowning at first, and then finally smiling when she noted the difference. She pointed, "That's the great one."
"Give the lovely lady a kewpie doll!" I took the not-so-good painting from the wall and tore it in half. "I won't show or sell mediocre work, Nicole."
I went around the room and destroyed about half the paintings on the walls. With a shameful look, I said, "I was showing off with quantity when I should have displayed only quality. Please forgive me."
"You're forgiven," Sandy said, "but only if you paint two quality paintings for every scene you choose to depict. You must show your work, Josh. I insist."
I thought about her proposition and smiled. "All right," I said simply.
"Yes!" Nicole exclaimed, excitedly. "Whew! I'm married to a best selling novelist and a world-famous artist. I'll have to get my hind end in gear to catch up with the likes of the two of you."
"World-famous is stretching my status as an artist, Nicole. I don't even know if I can induce a gallery owner to show my paintings, let alone sell any of them."
"Hogwash!" Nicole said. "These are the best watercolor paintings I've ever seen. They should be framed, especially Love. Love should be hanging in our party room, and we should hang some of them in our house, Josh, and I want a few of them for my apartment in Boston, some that are full of sunshine. I hate the winters in Boston. Your sunshine paintings will warm the rooms and my heart."
"I'll want some for my house here, as well as for my apartments in New York and London," Sandy said.
What really pleased me was that they weren't merely being kind. My built-in lie detector would've told me if they'd exaggerated their praise.
"Select the paintings you want, and I'll have them framed," I said.
"Impossible!" Sandy said. "I want them all."
"Over my dead body, wifey dearest," Nicole quipped, and the two of them cracked up.
I wrapped my arms around both of and hugged them tightly to me. "I love you both so much. I'm starting feel whole again."
When Nicole returned to Boston and Sandy to New York, I did what I said I'd never do again. I let them go and stayed in Scottsdale. Both of them had gotten behind in their work while babying me, and I didn't want to start off being a pest.
It was time for me to grow up.
I painted, and Arizona offered fantastic vistas that grabbed my full attention. I spent a month at the Grand Canyon, another month in Monument Valley. I visited the Hopis and the Navahos and painted the people, the settings of their confused civilizations, and tried and finally succeeded in capturing their cultures, both the old and new, in my work. And, it was good work. I painted two nearly identical scenes every time, except when I painted three and gave one to my Navaho or Hopi friends.
At the end of three months, I had fifty paintings I could be proud of and sell, and fifty more I couldn't bear to part with.
And while I painted, I talked to my wives.
Nicole, you should see the dawn creeping over the horizon into the canyon. It's magnificent.
Sandy, the Navaho are such gentle souls. You'd love them.
Nicole, tell me a little of what you learned today, something I might be able to understand.
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LesbianSaturday 1st to Sunday 2nd December, 2035 (Mandy) I woke up, saw the clock and immediately panicked. I was late for school! After the few terror filled seconds it took my brain to spin up and remind me that today was Saturday, I calmed down a bit. "Hey sleepy head, I didn't wake you up did I?" said Gwen, wandering in from the small kitchen. "Do you want a cup of Coffee?" "Yes please," I said rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Gwen disappeared into the kitchen and reappeared a few...
The dugout shook from an explosion and the dirt drifted down from the ceiling. Captain Stewart was jarred from his day dream by the shock. He tucked Kathleen’s locket into his tunic. Both lieutenants sat bolt upright. ‘Damn, that was bloody close,’ said Lt. Smythe. Stewart rose and grabbing his Enfield, headed for the door. ‘I’ll check and see how close.’ He stepped outside and the air was cooler compared to the stale air of the dugout. He tucked his scarf that Alice had made him into his...
Hi friends, mai tum sb ko meri or mere cousin ki sex story batana chahti hu. To sidhe story pe ate h. Mere cousin ka name vikrant h or vo bohot sexy bhi h.Itna sexy ki koi use sex k liye mana nhi kr sakta. Vo pahelesehi mere sath naughty bate kiya karta tha majak me.Ek din aise hi uske sath chat karte hue usne mujhe blue film k bare me puchne laga. Maine bataya k maine kabhi nhi dekhi to bolne laga hum sath sath dekhenge. Pahele to mai use sexy bate karne k liye mana karti thi pr fir hum roj...
By : Woodrocker Hi friends I am kartik.This is my first story hope that you all will enjoy this story. This is a true incident not a story and this has changed my life completely. Last year I was in 11th class. I am a distict cricket player of Kangra so I hardly get time to study seriously. So I was not able to pass in any of the exams. Seeing my performance my class teacher who is the subject teacher of ecnomics called my parents and told them that if I’ll have to pass in the final...
“Yes!” she screamed. “God, yes! Oh my God. Oh that feels…..” And then her body was thrashing again. Her orgasm was explosive and wet. I was treated to a blast of her cum in my mouth, which I greedily swallowed. She kept screaming as I dipped my tongue in again, and then began caressing her clit with my thumb. She shuddered, and exploded again, another gush of fluid from her sweet pussy. She was panting now, and bathed in sweat, her body rigid. I looked up to see her mouth stretched open in a...
Harlen and Hyandai walked the narrow lane toward the village. The road was now paved with crushed gravel, rather than the plain dirt ruts that marked the country road. She watched about them with wide eyes, taking in the village as the buildings grew closer together. Human homes were very different from the flets of her people, sitting high in the bowers of the mighty ornthalion trees. They seemed comfortable, though, she thought, and quite practical for the environment they were set...
Forever is too long. I put my story in writing only a couple of months later, when I was trying to settle into life as a student at healer's school. At the time, my life seemed so very long. Now, fifty years later, I know that I cannot love Scar forever, as my own time is fast drawing to a close, and he has already passed on. Before I pass on, I've decided to publish my story. Let me start by quickly chronicling my life since that day that King Tirian sent me to healer's school. I loved...
Jamie lives half the country away. This would be fine, except Jamie is my submissive, is collared to me and is my lover and friend.In order to overcome these difficulties, we manage to use a couple of tools, and use them well. First and foremost, of course, is the airplane. We can scrape the money together to fly, one to the other or vice versa about every other month. It's the days in between those visits, however, which are truly difficult.Our second tool is the phone. We chat about life, we...
BDSMAfter my roommate moved out I finally had the house to myself. Dating was not working out lately so I decided to try some adult online sites and see if I could get lucky. I entered a sex chat room and milled around for a couple hours without really finding anyone. About midnight I got a private message from a woman that lived about an hour away. She said she loved giving head and after some dirty talk I finally convinced her to come to my house. She insisted on meeting somewhere else first...
DISCLAIMER: This story is solely a work of fiction. Any similarities between people living or dead is purely coincidental. No a****ls were harmed in the writing of this story. I was s**n going on s**n when our m****rs moved in together (they would marry the following year). I had been living as a girl for a year and a half. He, my new little step-b****r, was f**n at the time. He had just started puberty, and was a bit shy around girls, it was kind of cute. He was also kind of cute, in that...
If you haven't already done so please read parts 1 to 4 of my story. In this part we hear from Peter (the sissies) wife Sarah. It takes us from when she realised Peter would never satisfy her until the night of the party (covered in part three) enjoySarahs story.I finally realised that I'd made a mistake getting married to Peter. I guess if you were to describe me would say I was a loyal and sympathetic person and it's probably those qualities which led me to marry such a wimp. So why did it...
The president of the United States of America stepped into the stage. he placed his sheets on the table as people from across the world tuned in. "ladies and gentlemen...I Donald J Trump am proud to tell you all about the new world wide CH event. due to the popularity of the video game Fortnite, great game, great game, we here at the Whitehouse are proud to bring you an interactive video game. CH is an interactive game like no over...the two options to play this great, great game are a full...
“I hope you know what you’re doing,” James Weatherby commented to his wife, who was efficiently navigating them to the Alcott residence in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire. “I think so, dear. I certainly would prefer our son’s fiancée not be estranged from her family, and I think it well worth a weekend spent playing Bridge to try to... bridge... the gap between Lisa and her father,” she responded calmly. “Take the next right, nearly to the end, then left.” He did as he was told, and they found...
Things at school got seriously out of hand during the next week, when a big game was due to take place. The team had their strategy meeting the night before the game. And in accordance with tradition, the whole team had dinner together. They kicked around strategies, discussed their opponents' weaknesses and at ten o'clock everyone went home for a good night's sleep - at least, that was the plan. However, someone must have added a laxative to some of the food or drink - no one was quite...
Everyone loves a good humiliation story, at least I assume you do if you're on this site. But some stories are simply too short to stand on their own, but still deserve to be told. This story is dedicated to sharing all of those stories from me. This will have a collection of characters with different scenarios some longer than others. All of these will be written by me, so the story will be Private. The stories may change perspectives although will mostly be either first person or third...
III. Well, now I was really sailing into uncharted territory. I got up from the chair in Peggy's office and went looking for her. Two minutes later she came breezing into the Owl & the Pussycat with a bag of groceries and other assorted packages. She gave me her best Cheshire Cat smile and flounced past me like a ship in full sail. Billie Anderson, my coworker and I exchanged glances as if to say 'what got into her?' In a moment I heard Penny trilling my name. "Well, Danny," she...
Hi.. this is reddy.. i had sex with my widowed cousin sister 5 years back. i have a cousin sister whose husband was dead 8 years back and she has good daughter,where they both stay alone. Her daughter is studying her +2 now. i never had any kind of feelings on my sister before. wen my jijaji was expired, i had feelings on her. my engineering college was very near to her house. one day i thought of having sex with sister. i’v gone wild on that day because i’ve seen a BLUE FILM while going to...
Hello friend!! I am a huge fan of this Indian sex stories website since from school days. Basically I’m from typical part of Tamil nadu kind of bit reserved fellow as this are not expressed frankly. Few feelings which I couldn’t share to anyone regarding this story happened to me, finally I decided this is the right place to share and no one gets hurt because of this. I’m Varun, 25 years old now. Living with my parents currently in Bangalore as I’m the only son, they moved on with me. Working...
2 finding life`s partner Day one, Mrs Ursula Parry, a widow of 66 summers, thumbed her way, slowly through yellow pages. Her home, the huge rambling old house overlooking the bay, that she and her late husband had made their home all those years ago. It was the home they had chosen for its remoteness, a mile and a half from the village, as her husband had had a joy in her making him scream when they were newlywed. Tony her Late husband had had a `sub` streak a mile wide, not that she had not...
A couple of years went by after Terry, life went on and the kids grew. My wife and I had straight sex which was great, but I never got to go down on her. She said it irritated her pussy. And she did go down on me a couple of times, maybe an inch into her mouth but only for a second or two before she said she could not do it. So I pretty much gave up on changing her and was glad with what I had. I had a vasectomy so we could have sex without worry, so it was all natural now for us.And then Mary...
Oral SexIt is Saturday evening. About 7:30pm EST here in Pennsylvania. April 28, 2012 I need to go jump in the shower and make a run for food. I sometimes really hate eating alone. I will ask everyone in attendance if they want to go out to eat. Many times the others have plans. Sometimes we can go out in 2's or 3's. I have spoken to other friends and family about this. Most feel the same way. I can grab something from fast food and it doesn't affect my 'comfort' at all. I don't really...
Having seen some stories here about women being pimped I thought I’d add my own account of how this happened to me not long before our wedding. My boyfriend and I shared a flat in a seaside town in the south of England. It was a tiny, two-room bedsit type place, old, crumbling and damp. We desperately wanted a home of our own. We had tried to save for a deposit on a house but were finding it difficult as the wedding itself was taking all our savings. My father was in poor health so I could...
I would kiss you and slowly undress you kissing you all over as I go, then we could go take a shower together where I would soap you up and massage your breasts and between your legs probing your pussy with my fingers. Then licking my way down your body kissing and sucking your nipples until they are hard and tingling then further down as the water runs over your body, to lick at your pussy probing it with my tongue flicking your clit and lapping at your wet pussy lips, till you cum then...
Buddy was on his feet. "I'll start. Remember I hadn't been married very long and I had a beautiful wife I was leaving behind. There were two young kids who were just getting used to me being a father to them and we were getting along great. But some of the family was worried about Samson and Son of Grey Goose, who have never been very far from home. Judy was among those who had concerns. I promised Judy that if I went, I would never leave her side again. Bear witness what I'm saying and...
one Where does something truly begin? I could say this all started way back when I first ever snuck into my Mom's bedroom and tried on her soft, sensual lingerie. Back when I was a child. Maybe it was when I met Kelli. She was my girlfriend for years and the one woman I've ever confided my dressing in. It was a traumatic night to open up about a secret I'd had for nearly two decades, and I think because it was such a heartfelt conversation, she was more open to possibilities. She...
I woke up the next morning with Liv still in my arms. Not necessarily a bad thing. Carefully, I tried to slide my arms out from around her. But a whispered ‘Not so fast, babe,’ stopped me. She opened her eyes and smiled at me. She whispered, ‘Leave your arms there. It feels good,’ and kissed me good morning. It slowly got more intense, with tongue and soft moaning. Slowly, I repositioned myself, getting on top of her. The make out session resumed. I carefully slid my hands up her tank top,...