Slave Trader's CaptiveChapter 5 free porn video

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The Palas Hotel was located in one of the older sections of Istanbul with narrow, cobbled streets. Robert Hale watched the seedy neighborhood his taxi was entering with some anxiety, noticing the dark, surly men skulking in the doorways opening right onto the streets and the painted women who were obviously prostitutes. Finally the car stopped outside the entrance to a surprisingly modern looking hotel and the driver asked to be paid.

After a brief argument which ended with Robert paying almost double what he thought he should have, he got out and ascended the broad steps. He brushed away the five dwarfs in red circus-like costumes who scrambled down to meet him. He had not brought any baggage, leaving his belongings in the hotel he had checked into so many hours ago with his bride Penny.

At the desk he demanded to see the manager and someone who could speak English. He was exasperated with all the difficulties he had been encountering, and he was so tired that his patience with these people was wearing thin. The man at the desk pretended not to understand a word he was saying, and Robert began to shout and bang his fist on the reception desk. He was almost sure Penny was in the building after what that sneaky looking little Turk at the motel had told him, and he would find her if he had to search every room himself.

Robert had not noticed he was being watched. The pretty dark-haired girl standing in a corner of the room glanced at a photograph she held in her hand until she was finally satisfied that the man shouting at the hotel clerk was the same as the one in the wedding photograph.

Nisli had taken it from the handbag where Penny had put it after her mother had handed her the Polaroid snapshot outside the church. It showed her and Robert in their wedding costumes, smiling at each other on the steps under a shower of confetti and rice. The picture had been definite proof that the girl was married, and Nisli was sure that her husband would be desperately searching for her. The experienced slave-dealer had no illusions about Osman's ability to figure out what had happened to this blonde American, and he had posted the girl Feyadin in the hotel lobby to watch for Robert.

The desk clerk was nervously wringing his hands and Robert was threatening to call the police when Feyadin stepped across the room and touched him lightly on the elbow.

"Please, would I be able to help you, sir?" she inquired in a sweet voice. "He really doesn't understand a word you're saying. I'm afraid that few of my countrymen speak your language."

Robert turned around in surprise at the sound of the soothing feminine voice. He looked down into the softest, warmest pair of brown eyes he had ever seen. His anger caught in his throat and he changed his tone of voice.

"God, yes. Thank you very much, Miss... Miss..."

"You can call me Feyadin," she demurely answered him, gazing directly into his eyes.

"Thank you, Miss Feyadin," Robert went on, stumbling a little over the strange-sounding name. "I was telling this clerk that my wife is in this hotel, and I want to know which room she's in." He knew it sounded crazy to say that, but there was nothing he could do about it. It was the truth.

"Just a minute," she told him, reassuringly patting his arm. "I'll get the information you want. What is your wife's name?"

"Penny-Penny Hale," he stammered. "And I'm Robert Hale," he added.

"I'm pleased to meet you, Robert," she said warmly, smiling up into his eyes. Then she turned to the clerk and spoke Turkish rapidly but with a softness Robert had not heard in the language before. He watched her full sensual lips forming the words as though she were caressing each one with her mouth. While she was busy asking questions and listening to the answers the man was giving her, Robert took the opportunity to run his eyes appreciatively over the young woman's body. She wore a clinging silk mini-dress that left little of her ample physical attractions to the imagination. Her high full breasts thrust tautly out against the material of her dress, lightly rising and falling as she spoke. A tiny, almost thread-like belt tied the dress in at her narrow, wasp-like waist, accenting the outward flare of her hips and well-rounded buttocks. He followed the long tapering line of her legs below the short skirt to the enticing swell of her calves and her slim ankles. She's quite a dish, he thought to himself, forgetting for a split second his concern about Penny.

He glanced at the profile of her face again and was nonplused to see her turn to smile coquettishly at him. She had seen him running his eyes over her body, but it didn't seem to embarrass or upset her. In fact, he thought, she seemed to like it. He smiled back a little more boldly than before, thinking to himself how lucky it was that she was here when he needed help, and that she was also lovely to look at.

"He says that your wife is not a guest of this hotel," Feyadin told him softly.

"I don't believe it!" Robert nearly shouted again. "She was brought here from outside the city not more than a couple of hours ago. Tell him that I know she's here!"

Feyadin placed her hand soothingly on his arm and squeezed lightly with her fingers. "I understand how you feel, Robert. But he swears by Mahomet that she's not here-at least not under that name. Perhaps she isn't alone?" she suggested, changing her tone slightly.

"Impossible! We were just married yesterday!" he blurted out. Then suddenly he remembered the sly hint the man at the motel had made. It was just barely possible that Penny had actually been with another man-perhaps she was making a desperate attempt to get back at him for doing and saying those things earlier in the hotel-especially his declaration that he was going out to find a good lay. Suddenly he didn't know what to think any more. "I just don't understand women," he admitted.

Feyadin noticed his sudden uncertainty and leaned over closer to him, her breasts, seemingly inadvertently, brushing against his upper arm. "Let's go away from the desk and talk alone for a minute," she whispered in his ear.

They moved to the other side of the room and she planted herself firmly in front of him, looking sincerely up into his eyes. "I can see that you and your new wife must be having problems," she said. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to say anything over there, but it seems to me that the clerk was hinting that there was a woman who might have been your wife who came in a little over an hour ago-with a Turkish man."

She watched the glowering expression that seemed to close down over his face like a dark cloud. These Americans are so easily swayed in their emotions, she thought. She was glad that he was good looking; it made her job so much more interesting.

"If it's true," Robert began in threatening tones, "just wait till I get my hands on her again!"

"You're tired and upset. Don't come to a hasty decision until you know for sure what's happened," Feyadin tried to calm him. "I have a room here. Why don't you come up and rest, and perhaps I can make some discreet inquiries among the hired help."

Robert felt his shoulders drooping from fatigue and worry, and, not knowing what else to do, he gave in to the light pull she gave his arm and followed her into the hallway. At least I won't be alone for a little while, he consoled himself. He couldn't help but think as he watched her seductively swaying hips in front of him that she seemed more interested in him than just to help find his wife. He hoped so-he would love to get his hands on her appealing young body.

She led him through complicated winding corridors until finally they entered an older part of the hotel. Eventually she stopped outside a door and fumbled for the key hanging from a thin gold chain around her neck. She unlocked the heavy oak door, and Robert followed her inside. He was amazed at the opulent luxury of what seemed to be a large private apartment.

"You like it?" Feyadin asked him, watching his face with interested amusement. It was obvious he had never seen such plushness except in movies. The floor was covered with thick Persian rugs, and all the furniture was upholstered with highly ornate Moroccan leather. The low tables were covered with objects of chased brass and gold left over from wealthier days when sultans ruled the country.

"This is what I call living in style," Robert managed to blurt out. "Are all the rooms here this luxurious?"

Feyadin laughed deep in her throat, a husky sensual sound that made his loins ache with desire. Here was a woman he could really get to like if he were given half a chance.

"No, this is my own special apartment," she answered with pride. "It used to be for a rich man's favorite mistress, but I have lived here nearly five years now."

Robert wondered how a young Turkish girl could afford such an expensive-looking place, but he didn't ask any questions. It was possible that she, too, was able to stay there only because she was the kept woman of a wealthy man, and she might be sensitive about it.

"Make yourself at home," she told him. "I'll be back in a minute." Then she disappeared into another part of the apartment and Robert amused himself by looking over the room. A large water-pipe was near the low-lying couch, and he wondered briefly what, if anything, Feyadin smoked in it. He finally decided it was probably just a decoration. He ran his fingertips over the thick animal skins scattered around on the furniture, enjoying the sensuous quality of the furs.

Before long he began to wonder what was taking her so long and sat down on one of the divans. He suddenly realized just how tired he was and leaned back to rest his eyes. For a moment he lay there letting his mind go blank, but then again he found himself wondering about his lovely young bride. He hoped that she was all right and wished vaguely that he had been able to catch up with her before this. Then he was suddenly annoyed with her again for disappearing like that, and after deciding that he had done as much as he could for now, he relaxed and dropped off into a light sleep.

In another part of the huge hotel, Penny was slowly recovering from the effects of the drugs Osman had put into her drink earlier. Nisli had turned her unconscious form over to an old woman-servant who was plying the dazed young wife with thick black coffee while she lay soaking in a sunken marble bath filled with hot water and perfumed oils. She felt completely drained and utterly exhausted. However, the groggy blonde was slowly beginning to return from the hazy dream world, where she had been lost for what seemed an eternity, back to the world of reality. The hot coffee and the warm water were helping to revive her, and now that she was regaining consciousness she was becoming more and more aware of her surroundings and beginning to wonder where she was.

The old woman held up a hammered copper coffee pot, but the confused young wife made a sign to show that she had had enough and the servant bowed and silently left the room.

Penny took the opportunity to crane her neck and look around. She was trying to figure out how she had gotten there. The last thing she remembered was getting into bed back at the motel, and after that it seemed she had been dreaming and dreaming for ages. She couldn't help but recall the previous events that had led to her running away from Robert and the hotel bridal suite, and she wondered about her husband-she felt a little sorry for him. He was probably worried sick. Well, she thought, let him worry. Tomorrow, she would return to their hotel and maybe by then Robert would have learned a lesson. She had decided the whole thing was silly. If only he would try as hard as she would, surely they could work the whole thing out.

She peered curiously from the tub out through the open arched doorway. The building looked like a palace from where she was sitting, and for a split second she considered the possibility that she was still dreaming. Otherwise, how could she explain her presence here? But she could feel the warm wetness of the water on her skin and still taste the cloying sweetness of the coffee in her mouth.

No, she definitely was not dreaming. Then what had happened? Could it be that Robert had found her at the motel, and somehow, without waking her, had moved her to this luxurious palatial apartment? She was suddenly sure that was it, and she was about to call his name, when she heard softly padded footsteps in the other room. That's probably him now, she thought, coming to surprise me with his cleverness at finding me after I ran away without leaving even a note. She smiled to herself and expectantly watched the doorway.

"Hello, my dear. Are you feeling better?" Nisli asked.

Penny gasped and shielded her exposed breasts with her hands, sinking down into the bubble bath as far as she could.

Standing in the doorway was a man in a flowing robe she had never seen before. He was smiling at her in a relaxed familiar manner, and for a moment she wondered if she should know him. Had she had too much to drink and somehow allowed herself to go off with a perfect stranger? She stared in fascinated horror at his unusually handsome face, taking in his deep-set dark eyes, full sensual-looking lips trimmed with a thin mustache, and noticing the single gold tooth flashing in his mouth. No, she was certain, she had never to her knowledge seen him before this moment.

"W-who are you," she stammered, her voice trembling as he gazed knowingly down at her as though she had belonged to him forever.

"Nisli Bey," he answered, bowing slightly. "Your new master."

The abducted bride's mouth gaped open at his words. It had to be some kind of weird joke- she had never heard of such a thing in her life.

"You seem a little taken aback, my dear," Nisli said in a tone of superiority. "You mean to tell me your husband Robert said nothing at all to you about our arrangement?" He watched her face with an inner chuckle as her mouth fell open in undisguised fear, eyes widening in disbelief at his meaning.

"B-but he couldn't do such a thing!" she sputtered. "It-it's illegal! And besides, Robert loves me," she added as an after thought. Immediately after her words had left her lips, she wondered if it were not possible after all. This part of the world might have totally different laws from other countries for all she knew, or this could be happening without the knowledge of the authorities. And there was no doubt that Robert had been highly displeased with her when he had left the hotel.

"Are you sure?" Nisli goaded her teasingly. "He certainly seemed happy enough to accept my offer, and the price was not too steep, either." He was enjoying playing with the confused young woman like a cat with a mouse. He knew how proud and independent these American women were, and nothing pleased him more than to make them feel like helpless slaves who could be bought and sold on a mere whim. They usually changed their attitudes once they understood that they would be treated with the respect that normally fell only to royal concubines. All they had to do was admit that they were at the mercy of his will, and life could be extremely good for them-at least as long as he wasn't bored.

Penny stared at his grinning face for a long time, shaken by his calm, secure manner. Finally she had had enough.

"Please leave the room," she said curtly. "I'm getting dressed and I'm leaving." She jerked her head around and stared blankly at the tiles on the wall, waiting for him to obey her command. But he only laughed softly and remained standing in the doorway.

"I'm afraid you'll have to change your attitude, my dear," he said after a long pause. "You don't seem to understand. You are now completely at my mercy, and you will have to do as you're told. Never again will you be able to order anyone around-except the handmaidens who will take good care of you for me. Even they will listen to me first if there is any doubt about what to do." With that he snapped his fingers once, and she heard the shuffle of feet behind him.

Two young girls dressed in loosely fitted white robes appeared with thick towels draped over their arms and a bundle of clothing clearly intended for Penny. Nisli rasped a few brief words to them in Turkish, and they crossed to the tub where Penny was still trying to hide her body from his view.

"These women will assist in preparing you to come to me," he told her coldly. "Do not give them any difficulty. My man Mahmet is waiting outside, and he's very anxious to begin teaching you proper respect. He believes that women are like animals-both need a little training before they behave the way they should." Then he was gone.

The first woman unfolded a huge towel and held it out for the completely astounded young blonde. Penny hesitated a moment and then decided that she would have to dry off and dress before she could do anything about her situation. She rose up from the water, slightly embarrassed at exposing herself to these total strangers.

They seemed not to pay the slightest attention to her nakedness, rubbing her tender skin dry with great care and skillfully plying her body with sweet-smelling oil as she stood between them like a lovely princess of old. In spite of her fear and confusion, their hands felt good on her soft skin and soothed her nerves. When they were finished they stood on either side of her and began to drape her almost reverently with a beautiful embroidered gown of green and gold. Penny happened to glance in the full-length mirror at the far end of the room and saw herself as her shimmering nakedness slowly disappeared beneath its caressing folds. Her tall lithe body was softly glistening in the muted light, her breasts gleaming like twin white moons, and her full flaring hips and tapering thighs had never looked so appealing. Even the golden triangle of pubic hair up between her legs shone from the oil, matching the loosely falling locks making a blonde parenthesis around her face. She watched in wonder as the two women cinched in the waist of the robe to cover her body, finishing their work by slipping her feet into thin gold sandals and then bedecking her with large, circular gold earrings and numerous matching bracelets.

The young wife couldn't help admiring herself in the mirror, and she had to grin at the childish way the girls stood back and waited for her to compliment their skill. She felt lake Cleopatra, quickly flashing a smile at them before she strode regally out of the room.

The man who called himself Nisli was nowhere to be seen, and Penny curiously explored the first room she entered. It seemed to be a kind of dressing-sitting room, with ornamental mirrors and vanity tables, many overstuffed chairs and lounges, and rows and rows of bottled perfumes and powders. She opened a wide closet and found it filled with all styles of dresses-a wardrobe such as she had never seen except in movies and magazines. They all seemed to be about her size, and she was secretly envious of whoever owned them all.

Penny walked into the next room and found in the middle against one wall the largest bed she had ever seen. It was covered by a red velvet canopy hanging from four carved posts at the corners. Stepping closer, she realized that the bed was surrounded by mirrors made to look like room dividers, with a circular mirror mounted in the canopy over the bed. She knew that there could be only one purpose for them. Anyone on the bed would be able to see himself from whatever position he was in.

This man Nisli liked to see himself making love to women. She had heard of such things in naughty whispered conversations, but never had she dreamed that they actually existed. She must have been brought to a virtual den of iniquity-and she had to find a way out before it was too late.

She rushed over to the window and looked into a huge high- walled garden. It would be easy enough to slip out the window and try to find a way over the wall, she was thinking, but then she saw the dogs and her heart seemed to leap up into her throat.

They were almost as tall as her waist, with long pointed snouts and sharp teeth. Obviously, this avenue of escape had been tried before, and Nisli wasn't taking any chances. She wouldn't last five minutes outside with those hungry-looking beasts roaming restlessly under the window.

Then she tried what she hoped would be a door leading to the hallway, only to find that it was locked. She was trapped in these rooms, and she began to wonder if she would ever get out. Suddenly the door she had just tried opened and Nisli came in. Penny caught a glimpse of a giant man standing guard outside the door and fought down her impulse to make a run for it. That was probably the Mahmet he had mentioned before, and he looked like he could snap her in two if he wanted. She drew in a deep breath and straightened herself into a stern pose of indignation.

"All right, Mr. Nisli," she began. "Thank you very much for your kindness, but now I demand that I be allowed to have my own clothes." Penny quickly slipped off the gold bracelets and the earrings. Then placing them on the chair beside her she said, "I must leave now. My husband is expecting me." She hoped that he wouldn't see how frightened and hopeless she felt inside.

He totally ignored her words.

"I see you've inspected your suite," he said in a mild voice. "I hope it meets with your approval. You may be spending a lot of time here."

She opened her mouth to speak, but was unable to form words with her lips. He was taking it for granted that she would stay here until he decided she could leave.

"Here is something which might interest you," he said in a shrewd, suggestive tone. He opened a pair of louvered doors to reveal a large television screen. Flipping a switch, he motioned for her to sit in a chair facing the screen, and then he adjusted the dials until the picture became clear.

She hadn't intended to sit down. She wanted to show him that he couldn't tell her what to do, but when she saw what was on the screen, she practically fell back into the chair from shock.

There was Robert-with another woman!

"This is coming from another suite in the building," Nisli told her in a flat, cold voice. "You can decide for yourself whether or not your husband is concerned about you."

With a smile of cruel satisfaction, Nisli lit one of his cigarettes and stood back to enjoy what was coming. He had just talked with Feyadin, and knew that the American was ready to do anything she might ask of him. They had smoked some strong hashish in the water-pipe, and the young husband was already beginning to make advances when Nisli had called her away to briefly talk with her. Now they were together again, and Feyadin had been instructed to go ahead.

Penny barely noticed when Nisli reached to one side and flicked off the lights in the room, and then pressed a button which caused the heavy window drapes to glide closed, leaving the television as the only source of illumination.

On the screen Penny could see a large double bed almost like the one she had just been looking at. In the center of the bed a long-legged, dark-haired girl was lying spread-eagled, completely naked before the hidden camera. Robert, also stripped bare, was kneeling on the bed between her widespread legs running his lips and tongue excitedly up and down her body. He sucked at her ripely rounded breasts, teasing the nipples up into trembling hardness, and then he traced a path with his tongue over the flat plane of the girl's passionately heaving stomach all the way down between her quivering inner thighs.

Penny gasped out loud at the obscene pleasure Robert was taking over the lewdly prostrate form on the bed. If that's what he wants to do to me, he's got a surprise coming, she was thinking. She had never seen such wanton depravity in her whole life.

Then on the screen Feyadin's hands tangled in Robert's hair, pulling his greedy lips tightly to her loins. Penny leaned forward gripping the arms of the chair until her hands ached. She could not move. She tried to close her eyes and blot out the shocking picture but she couldn't even do that. She had to look- the salacious spectacle was hypnotizing her even as her mind rebelled-to watch her own husband toying with the naked squirming body of another woman was debasing and lewd. Still, she could not turn away.

The watching bride's husband had worked the dark-haired Turkish girl up to a fever pitch and her mouth hung wide open in ecstatic rapture, her glassy, lust-crazed eyes staring up into nothingness. He placed himself in position over her rapidly rising and falling belly, his face hanging within inches of the black-furred pubic mound below. Her fingers still clutched in his hair and struggled desperately to pull his face down to her squirming cunt below, but he was obviously holding back until he was ready. His hands pressed down on the smooth flat plane of her lower stomach as his thumbs squeezed into the fleshy outer flanges of her vaginal lips. Penny sucked in her breath with a gasp as her husband's thumbs massaged the other woman's soft moist pussy- flesh for a moment, and then pulled outward slowly, parting the dark wet curls to expose the moist inner folds of her cuntal crevice. The tiny throbbing bud of her clitoris was clearly visible just above the stretched elastic vaginal opening.

Then Robert finally gave in to the straining hands in his hair and his head dropped, his probing wet tongue snaking out to teasingly flick at the quivering little clitoral nub. Feyadin's body jerked at the sudden electric contact and her legs clamped tightly together around his head, the firm softness of her inner thighs imprisoning his ears in a vise-like grip. Her hips began a slow up and down movement in rhythm to the ministrations of his lashing tongue as soft mewls of animal pleasure came from between her clenched teeth. She was lost in a mindless uncontrolled lust as her upper torso writhed like a belly dancer's, her wildly gyrating buttocks grinding spasmodically down into the mattress.

Penny watched the lewdly depraved scene as though it came from a distant dream she had once had, strange chords of remembrance passion through her head. It was almost as though it had all happened to her somewhere in the past, but she was unable to believe it possible that she could ever react in such an abandoned way. Her mouth gaped in disbelief as she watched Feyadin twisting wantonly under the degrading sucking at her loins. The confused young blonde was no longer certain whether the two writhing bodies she was watching were real or a figment of her imagination. It felt as though they were dancing in her head. Time and distance had suddenly become indefinable. Nothing existed in the world but the scene before her, and she seemed somehow mystically connected to the two figures on the screen.

It suddenly dawned on her that when she had first been brought to this apartment, not even aware that she had left the motel, it was entirely possible that Nisli had performed similar lewd acts on her own helpless body. It would explain a lot of things to her confused mind. He seemed to consider her his property even though, to her knowledge, up to this point, he had never even touched her. And she had felt a little strange and sore down in her genitals when she had first come out of her stupor of sleep.

The embarrassed young bride suddenly blushed in her new understanding, and she glanced sideways at Nisli standing beside her to see if he had noticed. But he was staring straight ahead at the screen as if lost in the lascivious act taking place there, a thin smile curling his sensual lips.

She glanced back at the screen and saw that Robert had stopped what he was doing at the squirming woman's open loins, and now he was crawling up her writhing body, his lips slowly working their way up, pausing now and then at soft sensitive spots for a quick flick of his tongue. It was then that Penny saw Robert's distended erect penis protruding down between his legs, the heavy testicles beneath filled to bursting with sperm. The massively rigid cock paused momentarily over Feyadin's undulating vagina, and Penny thought that her husband was going to ram it up into the girl right then. But instead he slowly moved all the way up her slippery perspiring body and straddled her firmly upthrust breasts.

Penny could see the proud roundly molded mounds squeezing up around his thickness as he took them in his hands and pressed them together against his lewdly excited cock. He stroked back and forth a few times in the soft tunnel between them, flicking the tautly erect nipples with his thumbs at the same time, and then he moved up farther until his muscular young buttocks pressed down on her breasts. Penny saw the tight bulges squeeze out as his weight sank down, smashing them onto her chest. His lustfully thick penis stood straight out from his belly, the bloated rubbery head only a few inches above the girl's gasping mouth. Robert reached one hand back behind him and with a quick twist of his wrist, shoved his middle finger up between her wide-open thighs, skewering it far into the hotly moist depths of her cunt all the way to the flatness of his palm. Feyadin jerked as he rotated the skewering finger around inside, teasing the wet sensitive walls until finally she gasped aloud, breathing a moan of surrender to the lascivious ministrations the young bridegroom was working on her body.

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Slave Rules My first sex slave

hese are some rules a guy had to abide by from a former master he had. He gave them to me to use on him as he showed me the lifestyle. 1. slave is to be naked at all times in the house. When with Master or when in a gay bar or other appropriate places, for example a leather event, it must wear its metal butt plug, 2 pound ball weight and its heavy chain collar, unless Master orders otherwise. slave is never to wear underwear unless given permission. When slave is in chastity, it does not have...

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Slave Natalie

Slavery:When a man or a woman agrees to slavery they accept that a slave is not a person but merely an object, and consent, willingly to give up their privilege of being a human being and become, not even an animal but something even lower an object, a thing possessed by their owner for his or her convenience and use. Admittedly they are a thing which can think and feel and talk and see but, a thing nevertheless. They become the property of their owner who will take care of them as they...

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Slave Rules 2

Slave Rules 21. Slave should always remove clothing as soon as she/he gets home unless Master/ Mistress has laid out clothing for the slave or submissive to wear.2. Slave should fold clothes neatly or place them in the laundry whenever he/ she gets undressed.3. The slave or submissive is to kneel in present posture whenever the Master/ Mistress is due to arrive and wait quietly.4. Whenever the Master/ Mistress is present in a room, the slave must ask permission to enter in the following...

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Slave Girls in Bondage

Slave Girls in Bondage Chapter 72 Another dastardly plot! More innocent women bound and turned into slavegirls. While the travesty never end? I hope not. Her name was Shirley Simpson and she was a minor functionary in some partof some big company. Her office, for some strange reason, had an incredibleturn over in clerks. It seemed they were hired, and within a couple weeks,they would disappear. Nobody really cared except for the personnel office thatwas tired of filling out all the...

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Slave to the Merciless

Slave to the Merciless Slave to the Merciless(By Pakislave) F+/m, cbt, modification, WaterSport, Young, scatology, D/s, feet, bondage, slavery, S/M, real, nc, humiliation, blackmail, torture, Extreme, Heavy.A young boy is entangled in the web of rich sadistic family, consisting of females. He always thought his guardian aunt was cruel to him. Wait till he learns his new status in the new household. Extreme!Part 1 ??????? I lived in a far-off village in the Northern Province of...

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slave become a slave bride part 3

 Mistress unties the leash of slave from under the reception table and gives it a tug. "Come" She orders as slave obediently obeys and follows his Mistress on all fours, always from behind. She walks Her pet down the center aisle as Mistress and slave for the first time. Little did slave know that instead of having flower petals for the guests to throw out into the aisle, Mistress provided them with tiny stones. Those tiny stones were now digging into the knees and palms of slave as he crawled...

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Slave Tale

Slave Tale By Semiater ([email protected])        My eyes were tired and I could hardly concentrate any more on the papers spread out before me.  I’d gotten up early and started working on the edits of my book that morning, it had been hours since I’d even stood up and moved around.         Reaching my hand under the desk I softly tapped on my thigh.  Quickly, almost instantly, I felt my little pet’s nose working the folds of my boxers open and gently easing my hardening cock out with her...

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Slave to Hooters Waitresses

Slave to Hooters Waitresses Chapter one I become a slave As a college student I had to take any job I could get to make some extracash working part time. Being a bus boy at Hooters was not exactly intellectualbut on the other hand you got to work with some great looking girls. After working there for about a week I went home and started to check mye mail. There was a message from this person calling herself "mystery girlat hooters" from hotmail. Naturally I was curious and opened the message...

1 year ago
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Slave for the week

Part 1 - SaturdayThere was a ring on the doorbell. I basically knew it was her, but I was still madly excited, as though I didn't know, as though there was a chance it wasn't her and I was hoping it was.Sure enough, there she was. Stacey looked fantastic, her brown hair drifting slightly over her eyes, her wonderful body perfectly shown off by her tight top and jeans."Hi, you ok?" I asked, smiling. I gazed down at her feet and laughed. "You know me too well!" She was wearing a gorgeous pair of...

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Introduction: I am a slave who is owned in every way by Master. His pleasure is my only aim. He does to me whatever he chooses! Slave. Part one. 1. I am a slave. I am owned, and happy to be so. I exist purely to please my Master, in every aspect of his life, and whatever I am doing I am always ready to serve him in whatever way he chooses. Around my neck is what appears, to the outside world, to be just a pretty silver pendant with a diamond initial on it. But to me it is so much more than...

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  Slave1. I am a slave. I am owned, and happy to be so. I exist purely to please my Master, in every aspect of his life, and whatever I am doing I am always ready to serve him in whatever way he chooses. Around my neck is what appears, to the outside world, to be just a pretty silver pendant with a diamond initial on it. But to me it is so much more than that. It was the happiest day of my life, the day I received that pendant. I had not been serving Master for very long, just long enough for...

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Slave Henrys Restaurant Shaving Show

My nude restaurant opened with me as the maitre d' and slave Henry as the waiter. The guests keep their clothes on but the restaurant staff: slave Henry, myself and the kitchen staff of one Asian man and white women, are all nude and can be touched and groped by the guests. All the guests like slave Henry because he is so pleasant and has such a great, lean body. Each month, on Saturday afternoon, there is a special shaving party for slave Henry. The guests come around 2PM and...

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Slave for my Princess

So slave, I bet you’ve been looking forward to this day haven’t you, after all, it’s been a whole week since I last released you hasn’t it?”“Yes Princess.”“And have you followed my instructions about not allowing yourself to cum during that time slave?”“100% Princess.”She smiled and allowed her hand to gently slide across my stomach, towards my hard, aching cock.“Good slave, you look so gorgeous tied down like this, I could almost forget myself and…” her voice trailed off and my cock twitched...

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Introduction: The story of Adam1992 continues when he turns 22. Please see Slave which starts the story of Adam1992. SLAVE–PART 2 Adam1992 was jolted awake before dawn when a dick started thrusting into him. Adam was bound as usual so that he could not move, but his legs were spread wide in case anyone should need him. He kept his eyes closed as the dick pounded into him again and again. Adam might have even liked it if hed been a little more awake, but his sleep had been frequently...

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Introduction: In a future society where slavery is accepted, Adam1992 is bred and born a slave. This story is about Adams first six months after being purchased for the first time. SLAVE Alan Goodman had never considered himself to be a cruel man. He never thought hed be a slave owner, didnt really like the idea, not until he saw Adam. Alans good friend Matt had dragged him along to a special slave sale. It was special because it was only the crè,me de la crè,me of slaves, those...

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Adam1992 was jolted awake before dawn when a dick started thrusting into him. Adam was bound as usual so that he could not move, but his legs were spread wide in case anyone should need him. He kept his eyes closed as the dick pounded into him again and again. Adam might have even liked it if he'd been a little more awake, but his sleep had been frequently interrupted last night by sporadic visitors seeking his legendary ass for comfort. The man on top of him was grunting now, saying...

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Slave Tracey

Tracey got up and rang the bell as the bus approached her stop. Clutching her handbag tightly she stepped off the bus and looked towards the big gleaming glass building to the right.At just over a month since her eighteenth birthday she had decided it was time to learn to drive and as part of that under the new rules for females she had to report to the licensing centre and have a medical completed.She started walking towards the building with some slight trepidation, she was naturally a...

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slave becomes a slave bride for theMistressforyou

After Mistress placed the chastity cage on slave's tiny clitty and slave placed the key to the cage around Her neck, T/they were officially Mistress and slave. That was the end of the ceremony and it was time to proceed to the Reception or Bridal Feast as Mistress prefers to call it. Mistress turned and tugged on the leash. "Come slave" is what She ordered before leading slave, who was crawling on all fours behind Her past the assembled guests, family, and friends. slave was still wearing it's...

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slave becomes a slave bride for theMistressforyou

Months after proposing to me to become Her permanent slave, which made me the happiest man alive, the big day had finally arrived. Mistress and slave had been planning the ceremony as soon as it became official and wanted it to be as perfect as possible. Mistress selected a beautiful farm which was well known for hosting weddings for the locale, but this ceremony would be different than what they were accustomed to.The guests arrived and were seated. Some of them were aware of our Femdom...

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Slave Daddy

Oh, you've been a very bad Daddy, haven't you?" I smiled to myself as I looked through the recent sites list in the web browser. I was sitting at my father's desk, in his study, and I hadn't meant to snoop, I was just checking my email, but I'd happened upon the favorites list as I waited for the web page to load. And there it was, "Bound for Glory" neatly bookmarked, and so I'd instantly become more interested in what my dad was doing with his spare time. It was an odd feeling, seeing pictures...

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Slave Auction A Charity Party0

by Francis Drake Posted by JackFD, with Francis Drake’s permission. Thia stopped reading the page she’d attempted to understand the last four times she’d read it. Her mind wasn’t on the current best-selling thriller, it was on the box in her bedroom and the masquerade. No need delaying. Since she’d told Derek she would accompany him, her mind returned to the costume with every other thought. She’d accomplished nothing at work. She’d be glad when the damn party was behind her. She put the...

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Slave Part 2

Introduction: The story of Master, Slave and X continues. Please feel free to comment and vote. Your feedback really helps me improve my writing. Enjoy Slave Part Two. 1. X entered the room and knelt before me. I walked behind her and lifted her skirt, she was not wearing any panties as I had ordered. Excellent. I praised her. You are learning quickly. Master will be here soon, so go on your hands and knees fetch your bag and place it by the front door. X obediently crawled away. She picked...

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Slave Island

ISLE D?ESCLAVES ???????????????????????????????? ISLE D?ESCLAVES  Day One ? the arrival. Lauren and Barbara learn the ropes. LAUREN MICHELLE stretched out languidly on the long leather bench in the luxury speedster as the young woman who had met them at the dock steered the sleek 40-foot Silverton convertible out into the open sea. Lauren had changed into a bright yellow PVC bikini on the way to the dock in Lady Barbara Kleinhold?s stretch limo soon after landing at Faa International...

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Slave Trade

SLAVE TRADE It had been an awful few weeks the boat was so over crowded, there was noroom for anyone hundreds of us packed into this tiny little space no air, nolight, and no sun, hardly ever let on the deck for some exercise. Mid summerand the heat was searing the smell from all the human waste was over poweringbut still we could do nothing I sat in my little corner near the door and watchedpeople die on that journey, die from malnutrition die from heat exhaustionand disease which ran riot...

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Slave Yoni one

This was me 22 years old, bored one evening and browsing the internet for stories about dominating women. It was a fantasy I had since I started puberty. I wanted to tie them up, to humiliate them and to take complete control over them. I came across one story, obviously written by a women. I was reading it and I was getting more and more positive that it was a pretty young woman who wrote it or at least one who didn’t have to much experience with this stuff. As I continued reading it I became...

4 years ago
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Slave Part 2

1. X entered the room and knelt before me. I walked behind her and lifted her skirt; she was not wearing any panties as I had ordered. “Excellent.” I praised her. “You are learning quickly. Master will be here soon, so go on your hands and knees fetch your bag and place it by the front door.” X obediently crawled away. She picked her bag up between her teeth and struggled towards the door. “Kneel up and wait there for Master” I instructed her. I then knelt beside her, my eyes on the floor;...

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Slave Ship

Of course it didn't hurt the fact that her father owned the biggest slave dealership in the area and she had been bought up in the ways of slave trading from an early age. Her fathers name also commanded respect around here, some of that respect rubbing off onto her. She was sure she wouldn't of got to where she was today with her fathers name behind her. Slave trading was a mans job she often heard and some of the dealers and sea captains barely kept their contempt in rein when they found...

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Slave to a prostitute

On my knees I sat in the corner, as my owner was just finishing with a client. As he pulled out I could see he left a huge mess. He got up and thanked my owner for her time and left a tip on the nightstand for her as he got dressed and left the apartment.        ?Slave!? my owner said ?get over here I need you to clean me up?        I knew what she was going to say before she even finished this was the routine that I have gotten used to. A client would call and come over and have their way with...

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Typing industriously away in my upstairs office, I heard the key in the door, the door open and shut and the sound, faint but recognisable, of clothes being removed. I looked at my watch; she was late. Having, for once, been on my own since breakfast, Jim Junior began to rise. I finished the sentence I was working on and saved my work then, as almost an afterthought, closed the computer down. I rather thought I would not be needing it for the rest of the evening. I removed the shorts which were...

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Kara Hubbard sighed as she collapsed backwards onto her bed. What a bore! she thought, a frown crossing her young but beautiful features.She hated family get-togethers, and for the love of god, why hadn't there been girls born into this family? All could look forward to was her younger male cousin and whatever mischief he would doubtlessly try on her - just as he had when they'd been teens.The monster! Oh, his name was Chad and that didn't sound bad at all, but what a little b**st he had always...

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Slave Girl Rita

It all started when my wife Janet and I decided to go to an erotic mask ball. We were both really excited about it even if we were not sure if we really wanted to fully participate in any swinging or swapping activities at the ball. All of these were optional and many couples just came to the ball to enjoy the erotic atmosphere.Anyway, the ball was indeed very exciting with many attractive couples involved in erotic activities. My wife and I, we decided to simply enjoy the view. Stage...

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Slave in the Theater

Part 1 This happened many years ago, before the AIDS scare. My current live-in slave had admitted to me that she wished to be dominated while we were on our first date. For our second date I had her come across town in the pouring rain and when she entered my apartment, it was totally dark. I grabbed her and stripped her and forced her to suck me and swallow (which she had never done before). She came twice during this and then we made love on the floor for her third and fourth. From that...

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Slave Surprise

SLAVE SURPRISE! By: perverse_cowboy I get a text from you, telling me to be at a local High End Hotel at 7:00 PM. I am to pick up a key to room 528, under the name of "Woodcock" from the desk and follow written instructions that I will find on the table in the room. When I pick up the key, the man behind the desk gives me a wink and a devilish smile. "I’m sure you will enjoy your stay with us." He states. I thank him and hurry to the elevator, as I am running about 15 minutes late. I enter...

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Slave Farm

CHAPTER ONEThe Seduction of Jenny I am a stunningly beautiful, sadistic Woman with long legs, a gifted athletic body, and the angelic, sweet face of the young Mother Mary in Michelangelo’s statue of the Pieta.   I have always been able to get Men to do anything for Me, often the most ridiculous things. My father was my earliest victim, the first to succumb to My childishly coy looks and pouts. He was the first man I wrapped around My little finger. To the boys at school, I was the cruelest...

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Slaves Revolt

Slaves RevoltSynopsisDaddy sent Mummy, my sister and me to become virtual slaves for two days as a punishment for our behaviour towards him. Slaves Revoltby obohoboWarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF bg NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to...

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Slave For A Day The Perfect Gift

Introduction: Happily married wife helps 17yo college girl raise money by convincing her to be husbands slave for his birthday. Honey, are you going to get up off that couch and help me with anything today, or am I going to have to get nasty about it? Jill asked half-teasingly of her husband, Chet. It was nearly one oclock on Saturday afternoon, and as far as she was concerned they were already an hour behind schedule. They were supposed to go out around five for an evening of celebrating, but...

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Slave Max

Ethan's shift at Tofu King had just ended and he was heading out of the food court and through the mall to the ATM to cash his weekly paycheck. His part-time job flipping tofu burgers didn't pay much, but he managed to live well enough on his $12.50 per hour minimum wage job to rent a tiny room in a boarding house and get cable HDTV. After working there for about 10 years since he earned his Ph.D., he had managed to save up a few thousand to, eventually, buy a car; but for now, he lived...

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Slave Girl 1

Walking into the basement of the hotel you look around to see many men sitting at tables waiting for the auction to being. The smell of smoke and sex hits your nose hard as you slowly scan the walls you see girls standing there some of the tied and gagged all of them naked and open for any man to have their way with them ,gently you lick your lips thinking of the fun you’re going to have with your new slave. You sit down and wait, one by one slave girls are brought out on stage blonds and...

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Slave for Hire

                       SEX SLAVE FOR HIRE                           Chapter 1                    My first Day on the Job     I've been beaten and tortured, had rigid cocks and worse stuffed into me fore, aft, andtopside.  And I consented to it.  I did it for money.     Do you know what it's like to be without a job, with rent to pay, a family to support?  Ido.  I walked a hundred miles, it seems, trying to get a job.  Even the fast food places weren'thiring.  I pawned everything of value that I...

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Slave Diaries Part I

Introduction: My life as a slave… Sandy? Sandy? called Madam Rose as she walked quickly along the hallway, looking in each cage. Sandy, where the hell are you? Im here! I responded from a cage at the end of the hall. Sandy, were going to be late for the slave expo, Madam shouted as she marched towards me and stepped inside my cage. Madam Rose unlocked my hand and ankle cuffs. She said For god sake get ready fast, the show got to start by 10! I was lying naked in my cage and I didnt understand...

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Slave to Mistress Part 2

Elizabeth: Elizabeth was furious. Not only was her slave not at the door, she wasn't even in the house! At first Elizabeth thought it was Lucy's way to get her to 'punish' her, but now she was unsure. "I give her everything and she just leaves me? It makes no sense!" Elizabeth pushes over a cabinet, breaking it and sending sex toys flying across the floor, "Fuck, now I have to clean this up myself." As she begins collecting the various dildos, vibrators, whips and bindings, she...

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Slave For A Day The Perfect Gift

“My birthday doesn’t count for anything anymore?” he responded, making a cursory effort to get up. He’d promised to help her with the shopping, and normally would have been happy to do it, but he’d decided to play the difficult husband to see what he could get away with if only for one day of the year. So well past noon he was still lounging around in sweats surrounded by newspapers strewn across the living room floor. “It’ll count for plenty later on,” she said, “but if we don’t get...

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Slave of Club Adonis

Synopsis:  A man falls into the clutches of a beautiful dominatrix with sinister intentions.  She transforms him into something he never wanted to be.Chapter 1I was spending Saturday evening enjoying a few beers with friends when someone caught my attention.  Sitting along the bar to my left, I saw her out of the corner of my eye and glanced over in her direction.  She was sitting on the bar stool with her legs crossed, her sexy red dress was low cut enough to hint at a pair of deliciously full...

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Slave to the office hottie

SLAVE TO THE OFFICE HOTTIE SLAVE TO THE OFFICE HOTTIE Dina was a very hot chick and my desk was right next to hers in the office.? She had long dark hair, a great chest and legs that you would love to have rapped around you.? Her ass was small and firm and showed she worked out a lot.? All of this was topped off by a face that was gorgeous with big bee sting lips.  I had for months dreams of fucking Dina.? I am sure she knew I was hot for her and I think that the way she dressed was...

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Slave Diaries Part I

"I'm here!" I responded from a cage at the end of the hall. "Sandy, we're going to be late for the slave expo," Madam shouted as she marched towards me and stepped inside my cage. Madam Rose unlocked my hand and ankle cuffs. She said “For god sake get ready fast, the show got to start by 10!” I was lying naked in my cage and I didn’t understand anything. Immediately I headed to the common bathroom and cleaned myself. I rushed into Madam’s room and she was busy with the makeup kit. As...

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