Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 34: A Phone Call To Carol Turns My World Upside-Down free porn video

Sunday, April 10, 2005 (Continued)
We encountered Vanessa and Andrew as we entered the house. Vanessa opened her mouth to say something but Julia jumped in first with, "Can't talk now, I'm super horny. We'll talk later."
I barely had time to flush before I was being dragged upstairs. I heard Vanessa say to Andrew, "It must've been a good movie. Maybe you should take Sophia."
As soon as we were in her room, Julia declared, "I've got a tampon in, so I need you to get me off in some other ways. Hurry up."
We stripped quickly, Julia leaving her panties on which was going to make getting her off somewhat difficult, especially as she was demanding "ways": a plural number of "gettings off".
It turned out that I was very wrong about the difficult expectation because TK pushed Julia's buttons very well. She especially loved me using it on her nipples, clit, and asshole. Between TK, my real fingers and my mouth, I gave her two cums in the first ten minutes. Mainly because Julia had been 75% of the way there even before we'd gotten out of the taxi. I didn't know why she was so horny, but that didn't stop me having a great time with her.
[[What got her so excited was how well her current plan for me was working out. Her excitement wasn't from the plan itself, although it did have some aspects that appealed to Julia considerably, but from it being so easy to make me do what she wanted. Julia was sure my abilities would mean that I'd be having an amazingly incredible life, so my letting her be my boss (never mind her saying that I was hers), meant she was VERY excited about the rest of her life with me. Despite her joy over the long term, she was thinking of my personality in the short term only, by not realizing that it might change away from my always be so easy for her to manipulate. Julia is a very smart girl, but she has her weaknesses too, including thoughtless overconfidence about her own plans.]]
Not knowing how the time-of-the-month thing worked - and not wanting to! - nor wanting to get blood anywhere, I wasn't sure what we could do beyond the touching we'd been doing. I had an idea and asked whether it was practical, in the non-gross sense. Julia thought it was a great idea. I'd realized that it might be possible to screw her in the ass from the front, if I lifted her legs high enough. So I pulled her panties off to do that. I put her on her back with her legs straight up in the air and I knelt immediately below her so her legs could rest on my chest. That didn't give me a good enough angle, so I pushed on her legs so her knees moved toward her head. That raised her asshole nicely. I grabbed a couple of pillows and wedged them under her back to help her hold that angle.
I left Julia in that position while I quickly went to her drawer to get a rubber and the lubricant. I was amused to see three containers of it. Vanessa was certainly helpful.
[[This is a very strange time to do so, but I'll pause for a brief moment to mention Vanessa's attitude to me (the me of the point in time I'm writing about) because her and my relationship had changed substantially. When I'd first met her, Vanessa had been a very supportive mother, focused on her daughter's romantic happiness. Recently added to that is her having considerable interest in me personally, separate from my relationship with Julia. Vanessa treats me quite differently depending on the issue being discussed. As this autobiography is describing the journey my powers set me on, most of the interactions with Vanessa that I'll be recording herein will be with her in her new role. Prof hadn't changed as much because his early behavior hadn't been so wrapped up in the romance of it all.]]
I got back into position, put the rubber on, and then had fun lubricating her asshole using TK. I could create a TK-fingertip and move it as deep into her as I could just short of it disappearing from sight, because that'd make it cancel. I'd fill the hole it held open behind it with lubricant, block the entrance with another TK-fingertip, cancel the deepest one, and then push the outside one further in. Repeating the process a few times, including the last couple where I pushed a stack of TK-fingertips in as deep as I could, getting some extra distance during the half a second they could be out of sight before they canceled. Then I lubricated the rubber, placed myself at her entrance (or should that be "her exit"?) and pushed myself into her.
We both had a great time. It was slow at the beginning but it felt great to me. Julia loved it too, probably mainly because of my using TK to play with her nipples and clit. She gets off EMOTIONALLY from my ability to get her off PHYSICALLY by an impossible MENTAL ability. That leaves out SPIRITUALITY, but it can't hold a candle to fucking so who cares.
Toward the end, Julia requested, "Cum with me this time!"
I tend to do what Julia asks me, especially requests like that, so I nodded.
I made my thrusts more vigorous and started groaning to let her know I was close and to encourage her orgasm. The closer she got, the louder my groans got, up until the point when her cries drowned me out. It was pointless me trying to be heard over Julia's own shrieks. Instead I stopped my go-softs, did a couple of particularly hard thrusts, and then groaned as my climax hit me.
Julia yelled hers a second later. Not as loud as she normally yells, but backdoor sex isn't as exciting for her. I imagine that the neighbors would like us to have more of it.
I noticed that this room was better equipped now. A box of tissues and the stand holding my robe were both close to hand. I cleaned us off - Mom had been right that sex is a messy business - then got back on the bed to cuddle with her.
"Mmm," as she wiggled her ass against me and pulled my arms tighter around her. We lay there for a few minutes. There are worse ways to spend a Sunday afternoon, so I was content.
After about ten minutes, Julia rolled over to face me. I saw her wince a little, which brought back lots of memories of making her sore.
I raised an eyebrow to ask her how she felt. She apparently didn't notice, so I guess it only works for moms. I verbally asked her, "Are you sore?"
"Just a little, nothing like the time when I was stupid. I know better now. It feels nice. You're extraordinarily good at sex, you know? You gave me what I wanted and satisfied me perfectly. I was desperately horny, and now I am blissfully happy. I'm unbelievably lucky."
I knew she was unbelievably convinced of that, so it was unbelievably pointless arguing with her about it.
Julia continued, "I spent this morning calling around many of the committees that I'm involved in to resign from them..."
"Oh!" I interrupted in surprise. Julia lives for that sort of stuff. She's inundated with it every day at school and gets many phone calls outside of school hours about her projects. Whenever we come out of her bedroom after a long session, there's nearly always a stack of messages for Julia, and she often ignores or turns off her cellphone when we're 'busy'. All day at school I get dragged from one informal meeting to the next, so I've overheard enough of her discussions (actually "more than enough") to know how much she revels in her many committees.
Seeing my surprise, Julia explained, "I want to spend more time with you. Especially after seeing your TK, I know you're far more important than everything else I was doing."
I gave in, "Okay. Just so long as you're happy. I wouldn't want you to be unhappy. And I had been worrying about your being so busy you wouldn't have time for me, so that's one less thing to worry about."
Julia isn't stupid. She merely said, "I'll make you happy, Mark. That's very important to me. I wouldn't be a good girlfriend if I didn't do that."
My four averagely smart minds couldn't think of an answer any better than, "I'm not used to a having a girlfriend. I'm sorry if I don't express myself very well. I'm trying to get used to it, but there's so much change going on it's scary at times."
Julia exclaimed, "Imagine how I feel!"
There was no possibility of that. I can't even imagine how she thinks, so her feelings are totally beyond me. I said nothing, cuddling her instead.
After another couple of minutes of cuddling, Julia asked, "Shall we sit in the hot tub?"
"Good idea!"
Julia, still the organizer even without a committee to belong to, said, "Let's grab a quick shower. Then you go to the tub and I'll bring us both a snack."
"Have I ever said that I like your plans?"
"Especially the ones involving food, I've noticed."
"They're certainly very good ones, although - as unlikely as this seems - the plans that involve sex are even better."
Julia stood up, without too much wincing I was pleased to notice. We put on our robes and went to have a shower together. That was fun, even with the nuisance caused by my damned cast.
The part that I particularly enjoyed was when Julia soaped up my cock until it was fully hard, which didn't take long, then said, "I should still be lubricated inside my ass. I want to feel what it is like for you to be inside me without a rubber."

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