The Wolf SummersChapter 10F: The Cradle Of The Pack free porn video

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The call interrupted my thoughts on my wife and first daughter's relationship.


"David!" It had been a while since I heard from Helen. The new baby kept her up most nights.

"How are you?"

"The baby slept through the night," she said, "and the scale says I lost the last two pounds I wanted."

"Good for you."

"If you come down to the school, it could be good for you too." I laughed and adjusted, remembering how Helen looked with Brittany holding the wedding dress up while I fucked her ass.

"Anyway, David, I need you to come down here for the four-thirty advanced children's class."


"I have a new student who could solve the problems you're having with Rachel and Rain."


"I think... actually I know, you'll like his mother too."

I laughed before replying, "I won't be able to show up in that time frame until Monday."

"That's fine."

"Okay," I said, leaning forward to hang up the phone.



"Plan to stay late!"

"Of course." I hung up and sat back to continue thinking.

A few days after Rain's eighth birthday, Rachel tempted me with another of her yellow bikinis. She surprised me at the pool, and we ended up having an afternoon-long tryst in the pool house. Unfortunately, we did not know Rain was hiding from her brothers' in the pool house; the last stunt they convinced her to initiate had gotten them grounded 'forever'. She ran into the closet when Rachel and I crashed in. Rachel and I unwittingly gave our oldest daughter a very thorough sexual education in the standard sexual acts from oral to anal. I fell asleep, but Rachel witnessed Rain sneaking out.

Over the years, Rachel had become less caged, as if Rain's unfettered nature drew her mother out. Mandy, who taught psychology at the Alominos College, concluded the episode with Rain caused a backlash, driving my wife back to suppressing major portions of her personality.

Mandy was the only one who talked to both Rachel and Rain about the incident. Rain had been confused and excited by what she saw (at the same age Rachel and her twin began exploring their sexual nature). Rachel understood exactly what Rain was feeling; it brought the loss of her sister back while causing a great deal of motherly concern.

The two sides of Rachel, which alternatively viewed Rain as sister and daughter, came into conflict.

Mandy was doing a paper on the 'Smith strain' twins, as she called it; twins sharing part of their personality was her pet psych-theory to explain certain behaviors. Mandy thought Rachel had rebuilt those shared portions of personality, but the conflict over Rain forced my wife back to the time after her twin's death.

I did not care why the problem was occurring; I just wanted it resolved before my wife and daughter suffered any trauma. Mandy explained I had two related problems.

I had become the focus of Rain's immature sexual desire. Except for Marie, every important female figure in Rain's life was involved a sexual relationship with me. The boys did not think about that aspect of their lives, but Mandy assured me Rain did.

The second problem was the lioness wanted out of the cage. Rachel could not do it without accepting the death of her twin. Something she would never do voluntarily.

All the family women thought I should let Rain and Rachel deal with the issues between them and alone where necessary. It was a frustrating month, and then Esmeralda pit mother and daughter directly against each other.

My aunt had a powerful hold on her husband, a Smith & Callas Holdings executive.

The company name was Rachel's idea after several financial publications declared her the wealthiest woman in the country. She wanted to make sure every one of her Callas children understood I was building their legacy too.

My aunt decided to train her daughters, ten and eleven, to assist her in keeping firm control of their daddy, not mention their future husband(s). Part one of their training was proper obeisance to the worst of the family wolves. Our first encounter involved the oral pleasure of kissing, licking, and sucking me to their heart's content. They were enthusiastic students, each bringing me to orgasm with tongue and mouth.

Another of Esmeralda's goals was gaining additional leverage against her miniature thugs. The girls were getting out of control but had daddy wrapped around their pinkies. Esmeralda wanted sex added to the pinky-wrap so she needed the girls to recognize a higher authority. A week after their first lesson, Esmeralda brought them back. Neither enjoyed the bare-bottom spanking for bad grades. They got the message when I allowed them to suck me to near-orgasm, but it was their mother who enjoyed the seed of their labor. They were even further displeased to find they would be sleeping in separate bedrooms for a month and if they were caught playing with each other the next lesson would be delayed for an indeterminate amount of time. The girls, like good little wolves, did not argue but quickly modified their behavior to ensure I had no reason to keep them from their new games.

Rain witnessed both encounters.

Mandy and Brittany admitted they knew about Rain's new habit of sneaking into my bedroom. They decided allowing Rain to watch her mothers and me would direct her towards them for answers. I rarely spent time with a woman in my bedroom unless she lived at the mansion. Esmeralda thought my sexual involvement in her daughters' training was something she only needed to discuss with Rachel. Mandy and Brittany never considered Rain might see me in a sexual encounter with girls only a couple of years older, who just happened to be related to her.

It opened Rain to a new set of possibilities, which we only discovered she was considering because Mandy caught Rain interrogating her cousins about their lessons. Mandy sat with Rain for a couple hours and disclosed the general gist of the conversation with her lover-wives.

Rain was planning the seduction of her father. Rachel silence worried the rest of us, until it became obvious, mother was planning how to counter daughter.

They matched up well against each other.

Rain strictly controlled her generation of cousins, younger siblings, and children of family friends, like Samantha and Elizabeth's kids--even Helen's oldest son was not immune. The older children had some independence but all were a part of 'The Cult of Rain' as I called it. Her power resembled Rachel's without the sexual aspects, which I was sure would come later.

To combat Rain, Rachel would have to be the person who planned and executed my seduction, who made Esmeralda bend her neck to a female not of our blood, and whom I had not seen in a long time.

I looked at my watch; it was time for dinner.

Brittany had planned a dinner party at our favorite restaurant to introduce a Senatorial candidate to an old friend of the family.

Our second leg from my freshman year in high school had done well in the political arena. We supported his Congressional campaign and were eager to see him graduate to the Senate. His wife had died from breast cancer two years before, leaving him a daughter to raise. He was a likeable candidate but the tragedy, which he handled with pained honesty, made him an extremely sympathetic one too. He was the clear frontrunner, whose only problem was the constituency's swelling nervousness over his continued unmarried status.

Esmeralda, the Lees, Marie, Michael, Marisa, Rachel, Brittany, and Mandy joined me with the two people the sorority decided should get to know each other better. Our second leg's name was being passed around in certain circles as having Presidential potential, which would be a first for the Sisterhood.

It did not take Richard long to figure out the women sought an end to his bachelorhood.

"So I guess this was setup to introduce us," he said to Julie. Michael did a credible job of not snorting his coffee.

"Tonight is to find out if you're attracted to me," Julie replied honestly. "I already know I'm attracted to you."

I had always appreciated Julie's ability to floor it when necessary. The dinner participants were silent for sixty seconds.

"Hmmm," the victim said to fill the silence. "In that case, the more interesting question is how did we get here."

He was attracted, if only to the rumbling bass Julie's sexuality was pounding him with. She sat back with a smile of contentment.

"I'm the principal for the Regent's Grammar School," she told Richard.

"Yes, I know," he replied. "My daughter attends."

She put her hand on top of his and smiled gently, "Emily is a beautiful little girl. It broke my heart the first time she smiled at me!"

He smiled and did not pull his hand away.

"We had a new student join our school last week," she continued. "A headstrong young boy who managed to annoy a lot of his classmates."

He looked at her confused. She patted his hand, asking him to be patient.

"Unfortunately, he annoyed Rain Callas," she said with a touch of vengefulness in her smile.

"Your daughter," he said looking at me.

I nodded.

"Emily speaks very highly of her," he said. "Rain was Emily's favorite subject when she first transferred to Regent's. It helped Emily that her transition to a new school went so smoothly."

"Thank you very much," Rachel said. She gave me a look to ensure I did not express my opinion on Rain's attempt to expand her cult outside the pack.

"Anyway, the boy and Rain had a couple of childish spats," Julie said. "The last argument ended with him getting the far worst of it so he punched her in the face."

"Really?" he asked worried.

"Oh, shit!" Michael exclaimed. Richard stared at him. Michael had been in Japan on business for a couple of weeks.

"Brutus," Marisa answered the question in Richard's eyes.

"Oh!" he said, looking like he remembered something he heard recently.

"Exactly... Brutus is a BIG boy," Julie said. "Big enough to pick up a school table and use it on the puncher."

Richard's eyes opened wide.

"Rain gets up and tries to break most of the kid's ribs with some well-placed kicks. I have to say, Helen does a wonderful job with little girls."

Richard looked at the rest of us with some concern. Emily was Rain's best friend outside the family; both girls had been asking about overnight stays.

"I guess Brutus likes people messing with family as much as Ovaldo does," Richard asked with some political curiosity.

There had been an attempt to kidnap Forrest Jr. and his baby sister Rachel Forrest. Ovaldo was driving the Forrest children home for the night. The dogs harried the would-be kidnappers while Ovaldo cut their cars in half. The kidnappers did not plan for any of the Forrest-designed weapons Ovaldo used to violently end the attempt. A lot of people were curious about what happened and the tools Ovaldo was armed with.

Smith & Callas had no comment.

The government became quite insistent when I flew to Japan to meet the Chinese Ambassadors to the US, UN, Britain, and Japan. The words exchanged in the meeting were secret, but the demonstration of Ovaldo's toy cutting through a Chinese tank was not. The Ambassadors were infuriated to learn the British and Japanese government would receiving the dearly desired gift of access to most of the Smith & Callas government-only product lines. They got downright threatening when I announced the US Government would be handed over all of Forrest's weapon's research, like Ovaldo's toy. To make sure the point got through to them, I demonstrated the prototypes Ovaldo and Forrest had built and tested.

Their anger did not peak until I told them of the billion dollars set aside for the sole purpose of resolving any outstanding problems with anyone who we believed caused the death of a Forrest, Smith, or Callas family member. Handing the list of conspirators inside their country and proof of their plan made them take seriously the danger they would be in if swift action were not taken. The government had not been directly involved, but a few minor members of their leadership had known about the attempt. They directed many angry words towards me, but everyone in power around the world 'unofficially' knew the story of the one successful attempt to steal the design of an experimental Forrest chip.

The thief was found with twelve different shanks in him while awaiting trial. The company, which paid for the theft was fined millions and had to have its chip designs approved by the federal government for ten years. Three of the executive officers had been tried for treason and were serving long sentences in non-country club prisons.

There was some political backlash for S&C, but breaking my first political career reduced the noise to a manageable rumble. US competitors got the message to stay out of my territory unless they wanted me to play in theirs; everyone else got the memo when the Chinese government purged the conspirators. They took me at my word; I would have no problem with niceties, like leveling an entire city block, to get the person who harmed a member of my pack.

The British and Japanese governments sent official thank-you notes to the Chinese for getting caught red-handed.

Marie shrugged at Richard with a look, which said he was not yet cleared for the information... yet.

"Anyway," Julie said. "I have a hurt boy in the office with Rain, Brutus, and Roger. I made the mistake of telling Brutus and Rain they would have to be suspended. Roger pushes the kid to the ground, kicks him a couple of times, and says I have to suspend him too"

Richard shook his head; from the surprise on his face after he looked around the table, he must have been expecting disapproval at the violence from the women at the table. It took effort not to laugh at his expectations.

"An hour later, I have the boy's parents, Rachel, Brittany, and Mandy in my office." Julie took a sip from her coffee and braced herself. "The boy's parents were furious and insisted the Callas kids be expelled. All my questions about how a kid could be that obnoxious were quickly answered!"

"They were intolerably rude to you," Mandy told her.

"Thank you!" Julie replied. "I was trying to be reasonable. I informed them their tuition and fees would be refunded in full. They asked me what for, and they got even more pissed when I told them that obviously their child could not continue attending Regent's."

"Why?" Richard asked, looking worried.

Julie stared at Richard, "Why does your daughter attend to Regent's?"

Richard had the decency to look embarrassed but tried to fib his way through, "It's the best grammar school in the state, easily one of the best in the best country. All of its students are automatically on the Regent's High School entrance list. I attended both schools."

Julie gave him a look of disappointment. Richard sighed and shook his head.

"All right!" he said with a smile. "And every Smith, Forrest, and Callas child of grammar school age attends."

"Exactly," Julie said patting his hand to reward his honesty. "So does every child of S&C employees who work at the main campus. Jesus, Richard! If the parents want them to attend Regent's, S&C busses children in from Alominos and State "

"Employees can afford it?" Richard asked looking around the table.

"Money is not an issue if an employee wants to send their child to either Regent's school," Rachel said patting my hand. I shrugged; charity came after family, pack, and our employees were taken care of.

"I still don't get why you would basically expel this kid," Richard said quietly.

"The parents didn't either," Brittany said with a grimace.

"One third of the Regent's student body is a Smith & Callas Holdings child, Richard," Julie stated. "Most of the kids were looked down as 'scholarship' kids when they came in, which made them stick together."

"Ouch!" Richard said making the leap.

"Exactly!" Julie said. "Smith & Callas making multi-billions as their yearly net improved the lot of its employees, but the kids never unstuck. There's almost two schools at Regent's: S&C kids and the rest."

"You didn't try to break it up?" Richard asked.

"The separation was in place when Julie arrived," Mandy said, defending her friend. Richard nodded thoughtfully. It would have been difficult even for Julie. S&C rewarded its employees, but even our janitors took advantage of the Regent's benefit. A majority of the kids did not have parents who could have afforded Regent's without working at S&C.

"That's not too bad, except in the last few years the REAL Smith, Callas, and Forrest children arrived at our doorstep. The kids replicate the company. S&C employee kids form an outer ring, the kids from David's relatives an inner ring, and at the heart are Forrest's, the Smith twins', and David's children. The employee kids are easily the most protective of the social structure though."

Richard sat back and crossed his arms looking at Julie with more concern.

"Roger and Rain are the unchallenged school royalty," Julie said firmly. "Rain could walk into the lunchroom, decide she wants to sit at a table full of eighth grade S&C kids, and they'll move for her."

"Are the boys bad?" Richard asked. There was reason for concern since Emily's second favorite subject was Brutus, raising many eyebrows as Roger was usually the cause of little female hearts fluttering at Regent's.

"I guarantee there's at least a couple of female teachers who will want to be the Callas boys' first piece of ass," Marie said looking at Richard seriously. "People do stuff for Rain because she wants them to. They'll do the same thing for Roger and believe before, during, and after it was somehow for their benefit. Brutus..."

No one really knew why people did things for Brutus.

Julie blew air out of her mouth in affirmation of Marie's words. Richard looked a little wide-eyed.

"Don't worry," Julie assured Richard. "None of the kids use their influence, except in situations like with Emily. She didn't have to go through new kid problems because Rain befriended her."

"For the most part, our kids stay out of everyone's way," Mandy told Richard. "They've only ever played with family, so they're more comfortable with family members."

"If they stay out of other kids' way, what's the problem?" Richard asked.

"Other children stay out of S&C kids' way, and EVERYBODY leaves the family children alone. This little boy picked on Rain, which carries the second worst repercussions in the school."

"Second worst repercussions?" Richard asked.

"Well, Roger and Brutus are going to be satisfied with kicking the crap out of anybody who messes with them," Mandy said. "The rest of the school is going to leave it alone because they're boys."

"Rain is the school princess." Richard said, realizing where it was going.

"Yeah!" Julie said. "This boy punched Rain Callas; regardless of what happened to him, it would not end there. Two-thirds of the school would avoid him like the plague; the other third would be on him relentlessly. That's after the S&C family kids got through with him!"

"Like Forrest Jr.," Rachel said with a cruel smile.

"Which is what she said while I was trying to explain to the brat's parents why he had to be removed from the school immediately."

"Wait!" Richard raised a hand. "You said 'second worst repercussions', I would think that would be the worst."

"Oh God, no!" Julie said, shaking her head frantically. "Messing with Emily or either set of the Lee-Smith twins would be so much worse."

"What?" Richard asked.

"Rain is Rachel's daughter," Joanne Lee-Smith told to Richard.

"Sean and Patrick are Rachel's sons," Stephanie said, "Making Rain, my sons'..."

"And my daughters' aunt," Joanne finished.

"Roger and Brutus ignore the relationship since they're only a few months older than both sets of twins," Rachel said. "Rain is very clear that they are HER nieces and nephews, which means they are under her complete protection. Both sets love it, of course."

Joanne and Stephanie shrugged in unison. Their children had been the first of Rain's converts.

"But Emily?" Richard asked Rachel.

"Emily is Rain's bestest friend," Marisa replied. "She's also already planning the wedding."

"What wedding?" Richard asked.

"Brutus and Emily's," Marisa told him seriously.

"What?!?" he nearly bellowed.

"You didn't know?" Marisa asked humorously.

"Marisa," I said in a gentle voice. She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Don't worry, Richard," Julie said patting his hand again. "Emily has a big crush on Brutus. Rain is just being supportive."

Marisa snorted, but with Julie putting a smile on him to wake up any dormant hormones, Richard missed it.

"I still don't understand why messing with Rain wouldn't be worse," Richard said recovering well from Julie's smile.

"Everybody in Rain's life is family," Marisa said to no one in particular. "Emily's been through a lot in the last couple of years, and she wanted to be friends with Rain. My niece is as spoiled as I was growing up, but she knows the value of every one of her gifts, especially the ones that can't be measured with money. Rain will never stop if you hurt someone she cares for."

"We know a friendship between Emily and our children was what you hoped for," Rachel said to Richard directly. He waved her words away, almost embarrassed.

"Emily smiles a lot more since she met Rain," he said. It was obvious his daughter's well-being meant everything to him. Julie took his hand and squeezed it.

"I explained to the parents how absolutely brutal the kids are going to be to their child, and Rachel, like she just did, interrupts with a mention of the worst terror which will be visited upon this poor boy. How was it that you put it, Rachel?"

Rachel looked up for a moment at the ceiling and snapped her fingers.

"Excuse me," she said in a quiet voice a parent would use when trying to politely interrupt the principal of her child's school.

"Yes, Mrs. Callas-Smith," Julie said, getting into the role-playing.

"Speaking of family children," Rachel said. "Is anyone keeping tabs on Forrest Jr. and the James girls?"

Julie turned to Richard.

"She asked it with that exact same annoying innocence!" Julie said angrily.

"Julie immediately yells 'OH MY GOD!' and hits the intercom to the whole school," Brittany said.

The participants of the meeting broke laughing when Mandy made as if to press a button.

"Attention all faculty and staff," Mandy said authoritatively. "It is of critical importance Forrest Jr. and the James sisters be located immediately. If found, detain them, and call my office. I repeat; it is critical Forrest Jr. and his cohorts be found."

"You called my daughters someone's cohorts!" Esmeralda said with annoyance.

"Esmy," Brittany cut in before anyone else could speak. "Your daughters are smart enough to let Forrest Jr. do the thinking; they're happy as long as they get to do the punching."

Esmeralda and Marie smirked at each other.

Esmeralda's younger daughter had been skipped a grade to keep the sisters together; they were much easier to manage as a pair. Forrest insisted his son go to school with normal (his word) kids, an opportunity he was not afforded. Marie abided by his wishes but insisted her husband formalize his children's private lessons. For Forrest Jr., school was a place to be social with other children. Considering his intelligence, it would not have worked except for Marie and Esmeralda joining forces. The school wanted to skip Forrest Jr. through a lot of grades, but Marie stopped them when her son got to the James sisters' grade.

The James girls provided Forrest Jr. the necessary protection a child with his intelligence needed in school. Esmeralda looked at me and smiled; her planned beneficiary of the girls' sexual training was Forrest Jr. Marie looked at me and smiled to. The James daughters showed the promise of my family's good looks and were viciously protective of her son. Nobody crossed those two little girls without walking away the worst for it. Forrest Jr. would probably never know to question his fate; from the looks the girls gave him after their first lesson, he would never have a hard-on without a home inside of whichever one of them he wanted to relieve it in.

"So did you find them?" Richard asked getting into the story. Julie nodded with some reluctance. "They can't be that bad!"

"My daughters can't by themselves," Esmeralda said honestly.

"Junior, by himself, would probably never do a single bad thing in his life," Marie admitted.

"Together..." Esmeralda said. "They're probably worse than you can imagine."

Marie nodded; both mothers had plenty of experience with the three children's combined ability to damage the environment when left unsupervised for too long. The James girls loved to watch things go 'BOOM!', and Forrest Jr. liked pleasing them. The men in the family found it amusing, but for some reason, none of the women did.

"I got a call five minutes later from the school nurse telling me Junior and his female thugs are in the infirmary. They did not make into the same room as the boy, but they're looking guilty. I have the kids escorted to my office to my office and tell her not to touch anything in the infirmary."

"By now, the parents are freaking out," Rachel said.

"I try to question Junior and the girls, but they're not talking. Separating them doesn't help, especially after the boy's mother shakes one of the girls."

"SHE WHAT?!?" Esmeralda said, angrily sitting up in her chair.

"It was taken care of Esmeralda," Rachel said quietly. Esmeralda turned to look at my wife. She was angry but the look of cold assurance on Rachel's face satisfied her.

She was right to be satisfied; it was costing us enough in legal fees. I was not budging on a settlement for what Rachel had done though. The woman had been physically abusive to a child Rachel was related to. She had been lucky Brittany and Mandy were there before Rachel yanked out another handful of hair.

"It took another hour to get everybody talking," Julie said with a lot of amusement in her voice. "But now, the bigger problem was what the hell those three did in the infirmary."

"Come on, I know you're exaggerating now," Richard said trying again to get us to admit it.

"You've met my husband?" Marie asked.

Richard nodded warily.

"My son is as intelligent and has three advantages over his father," Marie said seriously. "Junior's father answers all his questions in a way he will understand and has guided our son's intellectual growth since he was a baby. Junior has me. Finally, he has friends his age who acknowledge his intelligence, don't make fun of him for it, and treat him like he is a valuable member of their group. How big a difference do you think that makes in achieving his full potential?"

Richard looked at Marie seriously for a minute before turning to Julie, "What did you do?"

"Only Forrest Senior would have been able to figure it out, but once he heard about Rain being punched he hung up on me," Julie said exasperated. "Roger or Rain could have gotten it out of them, but Roger said since it was Rain who had gotten punched it should be her decision."

"Rain said 'No!'" Mandy told Richard.

"Of course, David could have gotten the kids to sing," Brittany said looking at me. "None of us were going to call him to say Rain had been punched in the face though."

"Can you imagine it?" Joanne Lee asked.

"David getting yelled at by the parents of the boy who attacked his daughter," Stephanie added.

"All the while, Rain is crying in his arms because daddy was finally there," Esmeralda said adding more.

"Not to mention in the middle of her well-practiced alligator sobs, she would've been saying something like 'Daddy, it hurt... ... i was so scared!'" Michael finished the scenario.

The women shuddered when my jaw tightened.

"Yes," Richard said. "Getting her father involved would have been a bad idea."

"Which meant we had to replace everything in the infirmary," Rachel said.

"That's when the parents brightened up and started taking us seriously," Julie said, "They asked how many of Rain's relatives attended the school?"

Marisa snorted again; Richard looked at her and smiled.

"So how many do attend?" he asked turning towards Julie.

"Two nieces, two nephews, two brothers, Forrest Jr. who might as well be a brother, the James girls who might as well be her sisters, and twenty-four cousins. Before she moves on to high school, there will be another two set of twin nieces and nephews ala the second quartet of Lee-Smith twins, Rachel Forrest, Mandy Jr., Cindy, and another dozen cousins."

"Thirty-six cousins," Richard said surprised.

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Blackfeather13 Wolf

NEITHER OF US traveled. But what an adventure. We obeyed Moms and Pa and closed the windows, even though I had to turn off the heat. Seemed like it was either all on or all off. In a month or so, when it was snowing and cold, ‘on’ would be fine, but right now I wished for just a little fresh air. Cold or not, that wall between our apartments was like paper. I swear I could almost smell Aubrey getting turned on. Then I pulled the covers up over my head and I really could smell her. Oh yes....

3 years ago
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Blackfeather29 Wolf

I WAS CRYING my eyes out. So many tears I couldn’t even read the note in front of me. Oh God, no! Please don’t let it be Jason! “Demon Ramie. It is too late to help.” Miranda moaned. Please tell me what it says. I can’t see through your tears. Please, Miranda! “Theresa. White Horse. The army sent him away. Told him he had to go to the reservation. They no longer need Indian scouts. He came in the middle of the night and Theresa simply packed a sack and went with him. She says she is going...

3 years ago
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Theres a wolf in the fold

It was the first day of class. I wasn't nervous; it's a technical nerd school so I felt right in. My name is T.K., and I was in NO way prepared for classes this semester...sure I studied and aced the class but I failed the most important test.... In my second class I saw this tall looking dude, kind of bumped into him didn't really care about his existence at all....then after passing him I did my occasional look back to check out what I just walked away If I wasn't in love...

2 years ago
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Katherine Heigelss Close Encounter of the Wolf KindChapter 10

But it was not to be as Black Fang stalked to his position of honour on the highest point of the circle such were the instinctive laws of the pack! His mates were untouchable, and once given to the other males, became their own bitches to use as they saw fit! he barked a command and the pack surged forward. Please no?" Katherine Heigl asked plaintively, looking up through her long platinum hair with those bright blue, still childish eyes of hers. The wolves snarled and snapped at each other,...

2 years ago
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Blackfeather31 Pack

WE HAD a regular roundup on Monday at the ranch. I needed all the rescues in the paddock for a visit from the vet. Phile, Caitlin, Kyle, and I mounted up. Aubrey used a four-wheeler to move from gate to gate as we drove the horses from one pasture to another and finally into the paddock. She proudly slammed the last gate closed and raised her fist in triumph. Kyle rode by and snatched her up in front of him on Dado. Aubrey screamed and started to hyperventilate, but Kyle kissed her and Dado...

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The Judas Cradle Session

----Author's note: This story is set in the world of my first story, Extreme Toyland, which features scenes of sadomasochism and sexual torture. Mistress Lisa and her slaves Daphne and Rick make an appearance in this story. Also present is Sarah, Mistress Lisa's young apprentice.----Synopsis: Mistress Lisa receives a request for a live session for her web site A fan supplies her with the necessary torture equipment and Lisa takes a Judas Cradle session out on her masochist...

4 years ago
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Katherine Heigelss Close Encounter of the Wolf KindChapter 8

I The animal led her deep into woods, the night air blew gently across her skin increasing the erotic adventure of walking nude through the woods, soon the trail Kaizer was following disappeared and they were soon walking through virgin forest. Kaizer's name tag bounced between Katherine's large breasts raising goosebumps and causing her nipples to harden at this sensation, after a time the trees began to close in, deep folds in the ground appeared like wide moats choked with forest debri...

3 years ago
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When it's bedtime, Daddy makes his daughter's dreams cum true! by Oediplex 8==3~ writing as TrojanSnake {Please have a sense of humor and enjoy the concept, don't you wish you had a cradle to fuck in?} [Self-rocking is encouraged if you have no one to cuddle with.] I own the first, I own the patent, and I owe it all to my Daddy. I don't doubt you have heard of it, the Cradle Bed. “Sleep like a baby, in a Cradle Bed”, the slogan that is on TV, and in magazines everywhere. ...

3 years ago
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Red Wolf

Red Wolf Written by Princess Kay Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent, in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page, immediately. Content Warning: This story includes a forced animal transformation (with a sex swap), as well as some physical violence (separate from the sexy bits), a near death experience, and some light misgendering. There's also some...

2 years ago
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A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing

I Summer and Mia Raines glanced at each other as they exited the large airplane and followed the crowd up a long hallway. Though neither of them had ever seen Wolf Carson, the man who would be waiting for them there, he had assured them that he’d seen both of their pictures and would be easily able to recognize them. As they neared the other end of the hall, Summer was feeling somewhat numb. She imagined she was still in shock after learning of her sister’s sudden death. Before they reached...

3 years ago
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Wolf Eve

Introduction: A werewolf for Christmas. Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to. -Mark Twain, Following the Equator *** It was an old forest, with ancient trees and long shadows through which kobolds and goblins might creep, and with deep hollows and still ponds and hidden caves and secrets and hazard. Peter walked with his pack and his stick and when he came to the forest he went in. It seemed a good place to be alone. He was not a priest anymore. Excommunication, they called it....

4 years ago
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Wolf Eve

-Mark Twain, "Following the Equator" *** The door was open when Peter came home that night. Inside, a wolf was waiting for him, although of course he didn’t know it at first. At the chapel entrance, he frowned and set his pack down. Snow was tracked all the way in, but it was too dark to see anything. He was reluctant to go inside, but with the snow still falling he couldn’t stand out here in the middle of the woods all night. He lit the lantern on the table and shone it around....

2 years ago
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The Wolf

Here I was living another new life. I was up in the hills overlooking a beautiful snow filled valley far from any touch of civilization. This was my third winter since I disappeared. I'd better explain a bit. My name is John Martin (this time). My name has changed so many times that I almost forgot what my mother named me when I was born. I was the usual clueless spouse. My wife of 15 years had been in love with another man, Louie Amico, for longer than we had been married. She had married...

2 years ago
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Night Wolf Ch 09

Disclaimer: I have tried to make sure my historical information is correct and I’d like to think I haven’t offended any Native Americans peoples with the telling of this tale. I am 1/8th Cherokee and am proud of that heritage. I’m not trying to show any Native Americans in a bad light… that is not my intention. Author’s Note: The English-Cheyenne word translations come from the Cheyenne Language Web Site, one that I’ve found extremely helpful for the telling of this tale. Translations: ...

3 years ago
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The Wolf with the Red Roses

The Wolf with the Red Roses, by Chloe Tzang© 2017 Chloe Tzang. All rights reserved. The author asserts a moral right to be identified as the author of this story. This story or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a review. [Boy:] On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?[Girl:] Yes.[Boy:] I bet you say that to all the...

1 year ago
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Night Wolf Ch 07

Disclaimer: I have tried to make sure my historical information is correct and I’d like to think I haven’t offended any Native Americans peoples with the telling of this tale. I am 1/8th Cherokee and am proud of that heritage. I’m not trying to show any Native Americans in a bad light… that is not my intention. Author’s Note: The English-Cheyenne word translations come from the Cheyenne Language Web Site, one that I’ve found extremely helpful for the telling of this tale. Translations: ...

3 years ago
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The Lone Wolf Ch 02

A lot of things have changed for my brothers and I since we were little cubs. I for one found out that I was human, and not a werewolf. However, my family loved me no matter what. Unfortunately, I had to stay away from other wolves. Father would never explain why to me, but I had a feeling I knew the reason. When the boys found out I was human, nothing changed they were still my brothers. I started working with my father and his men. I did my best to help out when we would hear that human were...

2 years ago
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The Wolf At Her Door

Daria Sitting alone in her cabin high in the Rocky Mountains Daria gazed at the dancing flames in her fireplace.She was absently stroking the fur of her favorite cat, Leo, and wishing she were not alone on tonight of all nights, Christmas Eve. Oh, she knew it was her own doing that had caused it - well hers and the fate of genetics… It really was not her fault that she had inherited her father’s empathic abilities and her mother’s healing talents. Making her the odd witch out, her dual nature...

3 years ago
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Night Wolf Ch 03

Disclaimer: I have tried to make sure my historical information is correct and I’d like to think I haven’t offended any Native Americans peoples with the telling of this tale. I am 1/8th Cherokee and am proud of that heritage. I’m not trying to show any Native Americans in a bad light… that is not my intention. Translations: Nénáasêstse: Come here He’kotoo’êstse: Be quiet Hámêstoo’e: Sit down (plural, spoke to more than one person) Méseestse: Eat Tâhéovešêstse: Go to sleep (or Get some sleep)...

2 years ago
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Wolf cage

The time I got on the phone I was asked the normal questions of getting hired for any other job. But though it all went my way and I was accepted. I was told to come in first thing at 8 o'clock to see what needs to be done each day. The night passed and I woke up early to take a shower. Thoughts came through my mind of the sexy female wolfs that live there. I've always had a thing for animals, though I never had the chance with anything. As I stand in the shower I was getting hard the...

4 years ago
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Of Wolf and Man

Once upon a time there was a young maiden that seemed to come straight from a storybook. Long, flowing brown hair that seemed to float about her head and shoulder and always catch the glint of sunlight with it’s shine. Her eyes the most beautiful shade of green, and deep enough to easily get lost in. Her skin was smooth and soft and the envy of all the girls. This young maiden’s body seemed to nearly be taken from a young boys dreams, so slim and shapely was it. And then, beyond the mere...

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The Wolf Inside

Jack stood at the edge of the cliff over looking the town below. A wolf walked up and stood next to him. He reached over and scratched the beautiful animal behind her ear. Ruka and this pack are his family now since he had left humanity behind. Thanks to his government he was cursed for life. A life of being a werewolf. He hated humanity, but his pack he loved. Luka came up to his other side and shoved his muzzle under Jacks other hand. “Are we jealous ol boy?” He laughed as he scratched Luka’s...

3 years ago
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Coyote and the Wolf part 1 foreword

“Coyote and the Wolf” part 1In a large clearing of a forest, sets a small lake, surrounded by large rocks. Below one of these rocks, a Coyote cleans the last of his catch. “These should do for a few days, if I can find some nuts and berries in the forest” He said to himself. Coyote found this lake after running through most of the night before. Running from the disastrous battle the day before. To avoid capture, he headed west into the forest to stay hidden from the enemy. He hoped to head...

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Black WolfChapter 3

As any sensible man would do, Black Wolf returned to his village by a circuitous route which would confuse anyone trying to follow him. As a result, it was nearly dark by the time he reached his home. Oh, no! The place was a mass of charred remains! The ashes were cold, so Black Wolf knew that the attack had to have come early in the day, possibly within an hour of when he had left to start his hunt. Black Wolf cast around looking for signs that someone had survived the attack. This had to...

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Night Wolf Ch 04

Disclaimer: I have tried to make sure my historical information is correct and I’d like to think I haven’t offended any Native Americans peoples with the telling of this tale. I am 1/8th Cherokee and am proud of that heritage. I’m not trying to show any Native Americans in a bad light… that is not my intention. Author’s Note: The English-Cheyenne word translations come from the Cheyenne Language Web Site, one that I’ve found extremely helpful for the telling of this tale. Translations: ...

3 years ago
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Black WolfChapter 2

At the moment, Black Wolf was intent on keeping his head down. That accursed White Eyes was too good with his repeating rifle to take a chance. When was he going to have to reload? It seemed as if the man had been shooting forever. There it was! The click of an empty gun! Now it was his chance. Black Wolf dropped his bow and drew his knife even as he was running at maximum speed toward the White man. Black Wolf knew that he only had moments before the rifle would be reloaded and shooting at...

3 years ago
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Black WolfChapter 4

When the celebration had quieted down and the women had all had a chance to kick and spit on the two bodies, Black Wolf called Snake and Morning Mist to one side to discuss what they should do. Morning Mist was the woman most looked up to in the village, so Black Wolf figured that she could make decisions for the rest of the women. He was smart enough to know that it would be impossible to get that many women to agree on anything in less than a week, and they did not have that much time to...

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Black WolfChapter 5

The rest of the Apaches opened up as soon as they heard Black Wolf's shot. The majority of Apaches were not very good shots, since they had neither the proper instruction nor the ammunition for adequate practice. However, when the range was this short, under 20 yards, almost anybody could hit his target if he shot enough bullets at it. The Spencer carbine held 7 rounds, which was enough for even the least accurate of the attacking Apaches to hit his man at this range. No soldier escaped,...

1 year ago
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Fairytale Adventures Ch5 BIG Bad Wolf

Red smiled at Kristen as the Wolf advanced on her, "Good afternoon darling... I have to get to Grandma's house you know, but the Big Bad Wolf here would like some of your time. It was a good fuck!"Kristen gasped as Red pulled the cape that had been covering her away, she wanted to scramble away and run as Red skipped down the path away from her, leaving her with the Wolf, but she couldn't. Then she screamed as the Wolf nosed between her legs. "STOP IT!" she shrieked, "I'M NOT INTO...

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The Wolf Next Door Chapter 3

    A scrapping sounds called my attention from the night goddess floating in the sky. It sounded like metal being dragged across the concrete. With a shiver of dread, I looked around for the noise. Nothing, except for the dancing of the lights as they glittered in patterns. Looking around, I began to walk down the road, looking for an answer as to what was going on.     After walking a few feet it became apparent something was following me. The sound of the scraping was back, but now I...

2 years ago
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Wolfs halfbrother Ruck the Truck

This did not's a story made up by request of Wolf!Wolf and I found an apartment close to our college. Wolf took a part time job as a stripper at a gay club...damn! he sure filled up the G-string whereby most nights his cock wasn't in it!.....I took a job at a fast food joint with a hot looking manager, Angelo. He had the sweetest bubble butt. I fantasized about him while in classes during the day. I think he's bi-curious even though he brags about the pussies he has conquered....

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Wolf Mountain Found Gurl

Wolf Mountain, Found Gurl By: Melody Anne Layla Pearson hadn't seen home in years, not since that summer day at thirteen when she was taken away to the private school. Or rather when Lyle had been banished because he wasn't what his father expected of his son. They called it a private school, in reality it was a mental hospital where rich parents sent their children when they didn't want to deal with their problems. The Wilder Institute had...

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I Was a Teenage Weird WolfChapter 10

I got a message from our cousins in Canada about a boy they were worried about. Apparently, his mother couldn’t sexually take care of both the boy and his dad. The dad was a herd spirit and couldn’t keep the wolf spirit teenager in line. The boy was getting aggressive with his sisters, and the mom was a Beta, so even though she was a wolf, she couldn’t enforce discipline on a male with Alpha potential. Mattie and I drove up to the village in Canada and met with the elders and the parents. It...

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Coyote and the Wolf part 4

“Coyote and the Wolf” Part 4 It was still quite dark when Lucious returned to the camp. As he approached, he noticed the fire was getting low. Unconcerned by the thought, he hollered toward the camp “Hay, one of you idiots bring a torch over here!” He stopped for a moment as the ox continued on. “Alright you stupid shits, one of you get over here with a torch on the double!” Stepping aside to avoid the cart following the ox, he roared once again “Off your asses NOW, or there will be...

1 year ago
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Coyote and the Wolf part3

“Coyote and the Wolf” Part 3 Ku'o was awakened by the loud ruckus the morning birds were making. Rolling over slightly to check on Lupo, he found nothing but sheets.“Swell, here I am aching for a little morning relief, and that wolf decides to take off early.” he thought to himself. Ku'o didn't stay angry long, as he had grown quite fond of the wolf, not to mention the scent of him drove him mad. Looking down at the throbbing erection between his legs, he said “Well little...

1 year ago
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Coyote and the Wolf part 5

Coyote and the WolfPart 5 The evening sky began to brighten as the sun started to rise in the east. The night creatures, finishing their activities, scurried home to their borrows to hide from the light of the sun. In the inn, on the second floor, the two canines slept peacefully in each others arms. Both were erect again from the pleasant dreams each were having. The sounds of song birds stirring awake, began to filter in through the window. Ku'o, his head nestled on the big wolf's...

2 years ago
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A young woman raped by wolf

The air was sweet with the smell of wild flowers. The mountains were shimmering as the sun peaked, revealing its beauty and warmth. Ariel loved this place, she had came here most of her life with her family. Today though she was content to be there all by herself. The entire week she fantasized about being in this ravishing place but fantasy was no longer needed, she was finally here. The brilliant scenery was a sharp contrast to the roach infested, smogged covered, positively crowded city...

3 years ago
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I Was a Teenage Weird WolfChapter 5

I was back selling tires and batteries at Sears. I signed up for a class on how to work for H&R Block during Tax Season. They liked my Math SAT score being over 700, and that I was enrolled in a college accounting program, so they put me on the list. In my Accounting 101 class I thought I recognized a guy from Y-Camp. After class I intercepted him and asked, “Is your name Paul Turnipseed?” “Ya, you are George Big Brain or something like that, right?” He said. “Something like that,” I...

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The Dread Wolf

You were right to be angry. I hope, in time, you will understand. Very slowly, I open my garnet eyes. Waking up is getting more and more difficult these days, and not only because I’m getting older. I was in my thirties when I sealed the breach in the sky, and even then the careless, pain-free days of youth had been long gone. Now, some fifteen years later, they are even farther past, an I’m paying for my part in the war against Corypheus. I was the Inquisitor, once. Now, I’m simply Ellena...

2 years ago
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Coyote and the Wolf part 7

Coyote and the Wolf part 7 Lobo sat in the wagon, blind to all that surrounded him. Time had lost all meaning to him since the day he watched the inn go up in flames. Taking with it, the leopard Snow and his lover Ku'o. Having lost all hope, he refused all food or drink, preferring instead to abandon existence. Even when food or water was forced down his throat, his body would reject it soon after. The wagon had stopped, reaching it's destination, but it barely registered in Lobo's...

4 years ago
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A woman and her wolf alone

At the base of a large berm out in the middle of the open expanse of bare tundra, smoke and bright red cinders floated up into the cold snowing night air. Bedding down the sled dogs Pani returned to the shelter with Amaruq following her at her side, the seal-oil lanterns lit and the small fire having already warmed the interior of her hut, the arched whale bone ceiling, the thick loam walls, the light flickering and the cracks and pops of the fire the only sounds inside the well protected...

1 year ago
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For The Love of the Wolf King

My name is Annabelle Watts, and I had moved from a house in West Hampshire to North Yorkshire, England, and decided to go to a boot fair where people were selling all of their old stuff that they didn't want anymore. I was a single woman in her early thirties, five years since my divorce from my ex-husband. I pulled my white Volkswagen up to the curb and switched off the engine and stepped out of the car and looked at all of the antiques people were selling. Nothing in particular caught my eye...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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My new Mate A were wolf

The taking of a new mate (Werewolf)My profession is a big game hunter and guide. I’m slim built, stand a little over 6 foot tall, wavy sandy hair and I’m told easy on the eyes. My dad was a guide and tracker, teaching me how to track just about anything that roams this earth, as well as the skills and personality to spin a good tale, while on a safari with a group of men or women seeking adventure. Many of my hunts include females and I cannot tell you how many times I have ended up in one of...

4 years ago
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wolf of the mountain 2

“Adonis there you are come on” she said moving back down the path grabbing his hand and pulling him along “What’s wrong “Adonis Asked “bandits, raiders, what” “Nothing like that, and put that away” Lilith said eyeing his blade She stopped at the mouth of a cave “come on out you are safe now, come along you can’t live in there forever “ Adonis stood there wondering who his wife was talking to then he saw as two girls came out of the cave they were foxes, both were young and...

3 years ago
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A Wolf goes hunting Part 5

Also, if you liked my story, please up-vote it. If you didn't like it, go ahead and vote but leave a comment as to why. Everyone could use constructive criticism. If the only reason you didn't like my story is because you are jealous, don't vote, just move on. If the reason you didn't like my story was because of the subject matter, why did you even read it in the first place? It is tagged properly, if you didn't read the tags, that's on you, not me. Chapter 5 WHERE THE FUCK HAD...

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Prudence@Wolf Prudence Harper kept telling herself that she wanted nothing to do with this big Wolf, of all the curious and unrespectable names! She fidgeted at the table while he was gone. Then, seeing that he did not return immediately, she helped herself to the curried meats and ate ravenously. She was glad he was gone, glad that the door was closed between them, cutting him off from her naughty, disobedient body. But, oh God, she had to admit as the food made her feel more content, he sure...

3 years ago
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Desire of the White Wolf

Leslie Amberton closed up her New Orleans-based plus-size lingerie store, Lush Pleasure, for the night. She had gone through a very tough day. Her self-centered, narcisstic boyfriend Brad had a fight while at work and then was dumped her by way of a text message on her cell phone, saying she was bad for his up-and-coming celebrity image. Brad's an aspiring actor/model trying to get himself discovered. She knew he was wrong for her, because he had been trying to change her appearance and all...

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I Was a Teenage Weird WolfChapter 12

Mattie had spoken prophetically, I was as busy as a prize dog breeding show bitches, just to take care of Mattie and Sasha. Since they were both pregnant, a spike in sexual need was to be expected, but my bitches needed me more than expected, almost constantly, so that I didn’t get any work done. We had to bring in two Beta males from other clans to make up for the work I usually do. All the other females were happy because each of them got fucked more often, as a result of extra teenage...

1 year ago
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Gezinstherapeute Mirthe

Gezinsthe****ute Mirthe is de vervanger van B en een bloedmooie blonde vrouw met lang krullend haar van ongeveer 48 jaar. tijdens de huisbezoeken laat ik altijd mijn ogen over haar lichaam glijden met de hoop dat ik een glimp van haar bh kan opvangen.Op een dag kwam Mirthe onverwachts op huisbezoek. Ze belde aan en ik maakte open. Ik zei,"Goedemorgen, hadden we een afspraak?" "Nee hoor, maar ik was in de buurt en dacht dat we misschien een evaluatie gesprek konden houden,"zei ze."Kom binnen,"...

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