A Darker UniverseChapter 20: Three's A Crowd free porn video

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Betty and Jennifer, one on each side, accompanied Paul as they headed toward their next class. With their schedule, it was to be history. But then they heard running footsteps and Josie came up behind them. "Master Paul, Master Paul, wait for me." Paul turned around. "What are you doing with us?"

"I want to be your slave too."

"But don't you have someone already?"

"No, I was out when they assigned the boys and they ran short. They said I'll get one in a few days. But can I be with you, at least until then?"

Betty and Jennifer gave each other a look. For once they were on the same page. It was enough that they were rivals. They didn't need someone else complicating things.

Josie could read those two like a book, but she was entranced with Paul and had no intention of giving him up. She had an inflated sense of her own beauty, feeling that once she was Paul's slave, he would dump these other two and keep her for his own.

She smirked at them when Paul looked away to check for the principal to make sure the arrangement was acceptable.

"What do you think you are doing?" Betty hissed, always ready to get into a tussle when she felt someone was trying to put one over on her.

"We are going to be Paul's slaves," Jennifer added, "But I guess it wouldn't hurt for Josie to be here for a day or two."

She had no intention of Josie staying any longer than that, her eyes met Betty's in perfect agreement once again.

Josie shrugged. "We'll see what Master Paul has to say about it," she said confidently. Because the other two girls suffered from low self-esteem, they were quick to buy into her implied assurance that they would be replaced by her.

They stirred uneasily, trying to pretend they thought she was not right.

Unknown to them, Paul had no intention of keeping Josie. Still, his ego was flattered to have yet another girl just for a day. He spotted Mr. Burns in the hall and told the girls to wait while he checked. The principal was aware of a very few of the students not having partners and was agreeable to Paul taking Josie for the day. When he returned, he told the girls that Josie would be his slave too. He neglected to mention it was just until tomorrow.

They headed for history class. When they got there, Mr. Windsor explained that they were going to be talking about the history of slavery and how it was changed. He said, "Economic slavery is not the same as modern female slavery." He explained, "Deep in the belly of every woman is a desire more ancient than the caves, to be forced to yield to the ruthless domination of a magnificent, uncompromising male, a Master. Deep within them all, they wish to submit to total enslavement. This is completely clear in their fantasies. Our previous culture, of course, gave little scope to the blood needs of the beauties of our race; accordingly, these needs, frustrated, tended to express themselves in neurosis, hysteria and hostility. Now things are changing. Women are being made into what they really want to be, slaves to men. Only the woman who has utterly surrendered -- and can utterly surrender -- losing herself in a man's touch --can be truly a woman, and being what she is, is then free.

"You girls are not yet fully women but you are close enough and so you are here to learn to be slaves. You boys are not yet fully men but it is time for you to learn to be Masters."

The students listened, rapt with attention. They had a sense that they were in the forefront of a social revolution, which they were.

Mr. Windsor asked, "Which of you young men would like to talk about your experience now with your slave and how it relates to history?"

Paul volunteered. He stood up and said, "I have three slaves now. You three, come up and kneel in the front of the room."

Jennifer and Betty looked at each other and quietly went up and knelt by Paul. They were both more subdued than they had been, something Paul didn't seem to pick up on at all. Mr. Burns saw trouble brewing however, and resolved to say something to the boy.

Josie waited until the other two girls were settled then slowly went up to the front, wiggling her bottom as she walked slowly past the staring boys.

She stood in front of Paul then slowly lowered herself to her knees, sliding down his front suggestively before kneeling with her head level with his crotch.

"Yes Master," she breathed in her best sexpot voice.

Jennifer and Betty both lowered their heads, sure they would be sent to some other boy to be his slave, knowing they could never compete with Josie. For someone who had just given her first blowjob, she was very adept at playing experienced. But then again, the word around school was the Josie was all show and no action.

Paul looked at Mr. Burns, unsure what to do now. Should he punish her for doing what he had told her to do? Suddenly, he didn't feel like the experienced Master he had felt like 5 minutes before. He looked at Jennifer, the one who usually propped him up when he needed it, only she wasn't meeting his eyes. Betty wasn't either. He didn't know what was going on. Only 5 minutes ago he had been in charge.

Dammit, he thought. What was going on? He took his time, looking at all three girls. He was beginning to feel like a smacked ass himself. He wanted to blame Josie but he knew he couldn't. She was just doing what he told her. They all were. This wasn't fair. What was he supposed to do?

"These girls are mine," he started. Then he had an inspiration. "I am responsible for them." He looked back at Jennifer and Betty. "And in accepting that responsibility, I also love them." His voice got softer as he continued, "Jennifer was first. She is First Girl. I read about that. I made Betty First Girl just for today because I think it's important to keep any girl from getting too secure. I read that too.

"Jennifer has been incredibly wonderful to me. I don't think that historically, slaves were the way they are today. They were taken to do the work that had to be done but today slavery is more about service." Paul's voice trailed off.

Mr. Burns happened to be in the classroom observing and saw Paul struggle. He stepped up. "Mr. Windsor, do you mind if I help out?"

"Certainly not," replied the teacher.

"Paul," said the principal, "we are getting a bit overcrowded here so we may not be able to let you stay in the school."

Paul looked at him shocked.

"How does that make you feel?"

"Very uncomfortable. I was really getting into what you were teaching me."

"Do you think your slaves feel the same way?"

Paul turned to his girls and the proverbial light dawned. He drew Jennifer up to him by her arms and put his arms around her. "I love you and I will never let you go."

Jennifer smiled and returned his hug, feeling better but far from secure in her place in his life. It would take more than a few words to do that, but she did love Paul and wanted what was best for him.

She didn't embarrass him by speaking about her feelings though, knowing there would be time later at home when it was just them, and maybe Betty.

Then he turned to Betty and drew her to him as well. "I don't know how I could get along any more without you too. I know it gets difficult sometimes but you are so special to me and so wonderful, I want you too."

Betty of course noticed he didn't say he loved her like he had told Jennifer. But she could live with what he was willing to give. She loved him and as much as she was reluctant to admit it, she was coming to love Jennifer as well. But it was more than loving them, it was like she loved the combination of them, the Master Paul/slave Jennifer unit that was her focus and had won her heart.

She returned his hug and knelt back down, her thoughts whirling in her head. The realization that she really wanted this, that she would be devastated if either Paul or Jennifer left the relationship was a huge thing to wrap her mind around.

Finally he turned to Josie. He smiled at her. "You are with us for a day and then I promise we will find you a Master who can appreciate you and give you the love and security you deserve as well." He turned back to the class. "I can't be too greedy and hog all the wonderful slaves."

Josie smiled graciously, although inwardly she was gritting her teeth. She wanted Paul to herself. She wanted those two cows gone and herself installed as the slave to the best Master in the school. She didn't want to be played with and then handed off like an old shoe.

She knelt with the others, her head bowed submissively, her mind whirling with plots and schemes.

The class cheered.

Paul continued on thoughtfully. "My mother told me that love is like a candle. You don't lose any light by lighting another one, you get more. She said the more people you love, the more love you have. I want my girls to welcome someone else in, just for a short time, knowing that she will take nothing away but our love."

"The addition of another candle will also strengthen the flame from the others," Mr. Burns added, when Paul was done.

Paul looked at Josie and for just a second it was as if she had a pane of glass that let him see inside her head. He realized that he just might have gotten in over his head. But then he thought of having three lovely girls waiting on him hand and foot, doing whatever he wanted and he decided that whatever happened, happened. It was too delicious to resist for just one night. Paul had never heard of the male problem of not enough blood flowing at once to supply both the big head and the little head.

Jennifer felt like her heart was breaking. Paul had seemed like a knight in shining armor at first, wanting to protect her and take care of her against the world; or at least the world of their high school. But now he seemed to be more interested in being recognized as the number one Master in the school. It was like the number of slaves he had and the number of girls who were gazing at Jennifer and the other two jealously had made him forget everything about why he had wanted this in the first place.

Even though he had just said he loved her, that adulation from the boys in the class seemed to put a window between her and Paul. It was like he saw her, but didn't see her; he saw something that made him look good, like a new shirt or Paulet, not as a person who wanted to make his world perfect for him.

Jennifer bowed her head and waited for the class to be over. She just wanted to go home now, she had no interest in school or anything at the moment.

Betty noticed that Jennifer was upset. In her new state of awareness about her feelings for the duo of Paul and Jennifer, she moved closer to Jennifer and put her hand on her arm, offering her silent support for whatever was bothering her. Josie was oblivious, covertly raising her head to look around the room, trying to find a boy who she could manipulate as her Master.

Mr. Windsor stepped in. "Why don't we add a touch of historical accuracy to this?" He rummaged in the storage closet in the classroom and came out with some strange hardware. He had been saving it for a class project but now was a perfect time for it. He held up one piece. "This is a reproduction of a slave collar. Slaves used to wear them to be transported." He motioned to Jennifer and when she came over, he put the metal collar around her neck. Closing it, he put an old fashioned looking lock on to hold it shut. Then he got another one and put it on Betty. Finally he put one on Josie. Then he took out what appeared to be a heavy iron chain and ran it through a ring on each girl's collar. He clasped another lock that fastened each collar to a link on the chain. The girls realized the chain was a mockup and made of some light metal. Still, it was an eerie feeling to be locked together on the chain.

Jennifer felt like the actual weight of real chains were pulling her down. She only had to look at the delighted smile on Paul's face to realize that he was completely taken with the chains.

Betty didn't care one way or the other about the chain and collar. She was naked, she had been spanked, fondled and made to come in front of everyone in the school; what was a collar compared to that?

Josie posed demurely in her collar, pulling the chain so it suggestively rubbed between her legs, entertaining the boys in the room with her antics.

Mr. Windsor then gave one end to Paul. "There, you now have what is called a slave coffle. At one time, slaves would have been taken to be sold this way. Here is the key for the locks. You can unlock them as you wish or keep them locked up until tomorrow.

He turned back to the girls. "Your assignment is going to be talking about what it is like to spend time on a coffle. Share it with the class tomorrow."

Paul looked at them and felt a thrill. Then the bell rang and he headed out with the three girls in tow.

Jennifer didn't know what her report would be about. She barely registered being led by Paul, who was reveling in the attention his line of chained slaves was garnering him in the hallway.

Betty stood protectively near Jennifer, taking the touches and pinches meant for her onto her own body. Something was bothering Jennifer, that much was obvious, and it was equally obvious that Paul was totally oblivious.

Josie pranced at the end of the chain, accepting the caresses and strokes of the boys in the hall as a tribute to her beauty and charm. She still had hopes of being Paul's only slave, just look how mopey Jennifer was!

Paul was having the time of his life until he noticed how subdued Jennifer was. He had no idea what was wrong but hoped he could find out. They had English next but perhaps he could get away with being late. "Jennifer, I don't think you are looking well. I want you to come with me to the nurse's office. Josie, Betty, you go on to English without me. I will be there in a few minutes."

Betty was glad to see Paul had gotten himself at least a little bit together. She took the chain that still held her and Josie together and gave it a yank.

"Come on you," she said harshly. "Play your games some other time."

Josie glared at her, then had a brilliant idea. She would get Betty in trouble while Paul and Jennifer were gone so she herself couldn't get blamed!

As they went into the classroom, Josie squeaked and her hands flew to her collar. "Not so hard Betty," she wailed, making sure her voice could be heard over the buzz of talk from the other students. "I can't breathe when you pull like that!"

Betty turned to look at her and Josie used the slight tug on the chain to throw herself forward and fall to the ground.

The teacher stood up and frowned. "What is going on here? And where is Paul? Why isn't he controlling you Betty?"

Meanwhile, Paul led Jennifer off toward the nurse's office. As the halls emptied and the kids went into the classrooms, he ducked aside, gently dragging Jennifer with him. He went down the steps to the basement. He knew of a place where the janitor kept supplies that was rarely visited.

He took Jennifer by her upper arms and held her before him. "OK, tell me the truth, what's going on?"

Jennifer looked around the supply room with distaste. "This is where you want to talk? In this dirty room, late for class, without Betty to share in the discussion?"

She shook her head and told him, "Nothing's wrong that I am going to talk about here. I don't care that you are my Master and I'm the slave, my thoughts are my own and they are my own until we are at an appropriate place to discuss them. I'm not having this conversation in a quick 2 minutes."

And, she realized, especially when every minute they were late was more stripes across her bottom while he got off scot-free.

Paul gritted his teeth and growled in frustration. Then he turned without a word and headed back to the class with Jennifer following him. He decided the only thing he could do was talk to the principal as soon as the class was over.

As he walked into English, late, the teacher, Mr. Windsor, asked why they were late. Paul told him, truthfully, that Jennifer hadn't been feeling well and he wanted to see if she was alright.

Mr. Windsor asked Jennifer if she was OK and Jennifer sullenly replied that she was. The teacher silently debated a moment and then let it go. With half the girls in the class naked, Jennifer found she wasn't the object of attention and the class, while a bit dull, was uneventful.

Josie found herself forgotten when Jennifer and Paul returned and she sat and stewed. She was going to get what she wanted. She was afraid to act up while the class was in session so she schemed about how to get Betty in trouble. Then it dawned on her. She now had a history of Betty abusing her. Mr. Windsor would back her up the next time. She grinned. Just wait.

As the class ended, Paul picked the chain up from under his seat. Somehow, all the fun of leading a chain of slaves through the hallway had disappeared. He looked at the three girls; Jennifer quietly waiting for him to tell them to get up, Betty anxiously looking from him to Jennifer and Josie, plotting something from the look on her pretty little face.

He sighed and decided not the chain them up again. He had to remove the chain so they could sit in the chairs for class. He had a quick thought of them sitting on the floor but then remembered they were naked and the school floors were filthy so he changed his mind.

"Paul," the English teacher called, as he stood and gestured for the girls to rise, "Mr. Burns wants to see you in his office."

Paul nodded and thanked the teacher, turning to the girls. He had to admit, having them naked with the collar on was quite a sight. It was something he would keep up, even if he never used the chain again.

Maybe he could get them fancy collars for when they had pleased him. He headed to the office, deep in thought.

Jennifer followed along, just wanting to go home. At that point, she didn't care if Mr. Burns was going to put her up on that horrible cross to be whipped, she just wanted it over with. She wanted the special feeling she had when Paul was first picked to be her Master, back when taking care of her was the most important thing to him.

Betty chewed on her thumb anxiously. Something was wrong and she couldn't fix it. Of course, she was sure it was something to do with her, that's the way she was wired. She wanted to be part of the threesome, not someone to be discarded and sent to some other boy.

Josie managed to trip going into the office, saying, "I'm sorry Betty, please don't be mad!"

She was a little ticked that Betty didn't even pay her any attention, in fact no one seemed to notice but the secretary, who merely shook her head and called back to Mr. Burns that they were here.

Mr. Burns came out and was very cordial. He immediately assured them that no one was in any trouble and asked them to come into his office. They followed the principal in, getting a surprise. Kneeling by his desk was Miss Ternsley, dressed only in a body harness with collar and cuffs. Paul admired the pretty young teacher.

Mr. Burns took his seat behind his desk. He told the girls to kneel beside Miss Ternsley and offered Paul a seat. He looked at Paul thoughtfully. "Paul, you are doing spectacularly well at this new experiment. But you are young and have a lot to learn. You seem to have acquired three slaves now."

Paul stammered and said, "No sir, Josie is just with us for overnight. Only until tomorrow morning."

The principal glanced at Jennifer. "Jennifer, let me ask you something. You have had a bit of time to experience slavery. What do you think about it?"

Jennifer looked at him and decided that she would tell him what she thought. It was time that Paul heard a few home truths anyway. "In general," she began, "I think the Master/slave idea is a better one than the NUDEP plan. It has more depth to it and more interaction between two people instead of a group of people."

"I can see that I was a spoiled brat when I first started in the NUDEP program. It took a lot of discipline and soul searching on my part, but I realize the experience was a good one for me. And I loved the fact that Paul was ready to be my protector, even before I was assigned to him."

Paul smiled when he heard that. He was proud of her and of their relationship.

"When I became his slave, I was happy. It was a relief, to be honest, to forget about the stress and problems of the outside world and focus all my attention and being on one thing -- Paul. Even though I wasn't pleased when Betty was added, I adapted and now find her a welcome addition that I could not do without in our group."

Now it was Betty's turn to smile proudly. She wanted to say she felt the same but didn't want to interrupt.

"But I think that the boys are not ready for the responsibilities being thrust upon them. They are still boys, instinctively programmed for this or not. Baby turtles are instinctively programmed to find the water after they hatch from their eggs, but nothing protects them from the predators waiting for them to emerge. There is a danger in simply putting boys with girls and not doing any kind of psychological profiling to see who needs what and who can give what. Some people need more and some need less as slaves." Her eyes flickered to Josie at this point, but she continued talking.

Josie didn't miss the look and she flushed. She started to say something when Mr. Burns told her to hush.

Jennifer continued, "Real damage could be done to both the boys and the girls if some kind of program isn't implemented," she said then added, "if it hasn't been already. And I am not counting Paul, Betty and myself out of those who might have been harmed."

Betty was nodding during most of Jennifer's speech, knowing she felt the same way about things but unable to put it as clearly as Jennifer was.

Josie was busy trying to catch Paul's eye while Jennifer droned on, trying to let him know without words that she would never bore him to tears by lecturing him.

"I agree with you, Jennifer. That's why I called you all in here." He hesitated and looked thoughtful. "I want you to understand something about slavery. It is about being selfless. You are growing and developing because you are putting your Master first. I know it is uncomfortable for you to share him with other girls but this is his choice. You are not yet bound to him for longer than a few days."

Jennifer's heart sank. She hadn't really thought about what would happen when the program ended.

"Nevertheless," said the principal, "while you are his slave, it is your job to please him.

"Marilyn, I want you to help me here."

The submissive teacher said, "Yes Master. Girls, this is an experience which will change you. It is difficult for a girl not to esteem a man who does as he pleases, even though it is to her that it be done. A woman admires strength, especially if it is used to dominate and control her." She smiled. "And you are women now. It is, it seems, for men to command and women to obey, for men to dominate and women to submit, for men to claim and for women to yield. It is, it seems, the way of primate nature. Its test is enactment; its proof is joy; its evidence is love. We cannot afford to lose this part of ourselves any more. We must accept and embrace it."

"Thank you, dear," said Mr. Burns. "Now girls, I know I am asking a lot of you. I want to see you work together on one thing and one thing only. You are to make Paul as happy as you can. Tomorrow Josie will be given to someone else. For tonight, however, you all belong to Paul.

"Jennifer, he wants to see you focus on him. If you can do that, nothing else will matter, right Marilyn?

Miss Ternsley said, "Yes, Master."

The principal next turned to Paul. "You have three slaves for now. Think about what you would most like to do with them. Don't hold back at all. They will respect you for it more if you push them to their limits."

Paul looked serious and said, "Yes Sir. I do understand and I will do my best. And thank you for your help."

Then he turned to the girls. "I am taking you all home on a chain. So line up and I will chain you together again."

Jennifer felt her eyes fill with tears. Not only had Mr. Burns totally disregarded what she had said, all anyone cared about was Paul. She wanted to scream out, "What about me?"

But she stood quietly and let Paul chain her up. She did not feel special, she did not feel protected, she did not feel anything but discouraged. She could see herself being Paul's slave for the rest of her life but not if nobody wanted to listen to her.

The problem was not that Paul had more than one slave. It was not that she did not put Paul first in everything. It was that Paul was a boy, and acting like a boy. He was not a man. Girls matured faster and earlier than boys, and to put someone who wasn't mentally and emotionally ready to handle the responsibility of a slave was just wrong. But what she thought didn't matter apparently.

"How long is this program going to last Mr. Burns?" she asked while Paul chained her up again. She didn't think she could handle waiting for him to grow up.

The principal looked at her in surprise. "It is over for you at the end of the day after tomorrow if you don't wish to continue." He looked at Paul. "You need to have a talk with her."

"I will as soon as we get home," Paul promised. He knew something was wrong but he had no idea what.

Josie was not happy. She was determined to get Paul for herself. She would make him want her so much, he wouldn't give her up. She felt herself get wet as Paul's fingers brushed her, putting on the chain. She would have him eating out of her hand when she was done.

Paul led his little coffle out of the school toward the bus. He got envious looks from the other boys. He was sure that he could deal with whatever was bothering Jennifer. Now he was starting to think about the four of them and what he wanted to do. Josie needed to be spanked, long and hard. And so did Jennifer. He didn't like her moody attitude. What was wrong with her anyway? He would find out when they got home.

The bus ride was uneventful. As before, they went back to Jennifer's home. Paul thought she would be more comfortable there and he could get to the bottom of things. Besides, her father was really supportive. He led them all in and released them. Then he told Josie and Betty to stay in the living room and he went with Jennifer up to her bedroom.

Paul said to Jennifer, "OK, now this is the most comfortable place I can think of for you to tell me what is going on with you. Why are you acting like this? If you want Betty to join us, I will call her. Just tell me what's going on."

Jennifer hesitated. "I want Betty here," she admitted, "But I don't want to leave Josie alone. Is my Dad home? He'll know how to handle her."

Jennifer's father might have let her get away with a lot growing up, but once he had decided enough was enough, his natural dominant tendencies had sprung forth again.

Paul nodded and said, "That's a good idea. I'll go get him and fill him in."

Paul went downstairs, leaving Jennifer in her room. He waved to Betty and Josie as he went into the den to find Mr. Wilson. "Sir? Excuse me, could I talk to you?"

Mr. Wilson looked up. "Sure," he said, "Come on in."

"I'm having a problem with Jennifer. She seems very moody and down and I have no idea why."

Jennifer's father smiled and said, "She is developing into a young woman, I see. Did you ask her?"

"Yes but she wants Betty there and she doesn't want Josie left alone."


Paul explained.

"Send Josie in here and she can stay with me."

"Thank you, sir." Paul left and went back to Betty and Josie. "Josie, Mr. Wilson wants to talk to you. Betty, come upstairs with me."

Josie went into the den alone, as directed by Paul, and Betty eagerly went upstairs with him. When the two of them got back into the bedroom, Paul said, "OK, Josie is with your father, Betty is here, you're in your own room. Now please tell me what is going on."

Jennifer had been sitting in her room, trying to get her thoughts in order for when Paul came back.

She was upset that Mr. Burns hadn't even listened to her; instead he just gave her the stupid "this is for your own good" speech and had Miss Waters tell her about women being naturally submissive to men. She sighed, wondering why they had ignored her.

She would have felt better if she could have known what was really going on and seen Mr. Burns and Miss Waters sitting in his house, her at his feet, working on student interviews and questionnaires designed to bring a Master and slave together who would be compatible with each other.

Betty came into the room, followed by Paul. She took a seat at Jennifer's feet, rubbing her leg in comfort.

Paul continued, "Start talking Jennifer, I'm not going to put up with this attitude much longer."

Jennifer sighed and said, "Yes, Paul." She supposed she was lucky, Paul at least was willing to listen, some boys would have just punished her until she had stopped acting so gloomy.

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Threes Company

"Hi babe, I won't be home 'til a bit later, relax and I'll see you soon". Deciding to skip dinner you run a hot bath and open a bottle of wine, stripping slowly you look at yourself in the bathroom mirror dark blue, almost black eyes look back at you, running your gaze down your body you see a trim figure, nice firm breasts, not large but still noticeable... a light tan darkening as it reaches your long nipples. As your gaze drifts down you can just see a few wisps of pale hair...

3 years ago
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Darkness In Threes

And lay over top of you so you cant move but also you feel my rock hard cock pressing through my pants. I lean in to smell the desire and lust radiating off your body Close in to your ear i whisper "Your not going anywhere dear" I grab the front of your dress with both hands and tear it from your body Revealing my conquest of soft skin and beads of sweat over your thighs and breasts I kiss the sweat from your neck to in between your lovely breasts Taking time to play with your...

4 years ago
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Threes Company Teaching is Everything

Vanna and I are what you might call sexual predators. We visit bars and clubs in search of women to seduce. We are pretty successful at this and sometimes we hit the jackpot. This is a story about such a night. We arrived at the nightclub around 9:00. It was an average place, with a bar area and tables set back and dimly lit. It was famous for being a hookup bar, just what we were looking for. Vanna and I took seats at the bar and immediately began scanning the place for possibilities. There...

2 years ago
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Threes Company

We spotted her sitting alone at the end of the bar. It was a moderately-sized place with a small dance floor and a DJ spinning light tunes. It was the kind of place where a couple could feel alone, yet had enough room for larger parties. We had been there just under one hour when she arrived. She was drinking a martini and just sitting there. No checks of her cell phone, no interaction with the other patrons, nothing. We wondered when would be the right time to break the ice. She appeared to be...

2 years ago
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Twos Company Threes A Party

Two’s Company, Three’s a Party I was lying naked in bed on a Friday morning, just beginning to awaken from a rather difficult night, when I thought I heard a muted sound coming from the kitchen. I decided to ignore the occurrence, thinking it was merely the product of an overactive imagination, when at that moment, she burst into my bedroom with a huge grin on her face. ‘Hiya Danny! I was in the neighborhood, and after I knocked and got no answer, I used my key,’ she explained with a broad...

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Journey into Cuckoldry Threes Company

I woke suddenly the next morning as bright sunlight found a gap in the bedroom curtains and fell across my face. It was early. I blinked in the semi-darkness, rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling. I looked across at my wife Alice who was sleeping peacefully by my side. Her sweet face was turned towards me, her eyes closed, her body relaxed, deep in slumber. Had it all really happened? I looked closely at the lovely woman I had been married to for so many years. It was almost...

4 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 57 Bad News Comes in Threes

Mark There’s bad news and then really bad news that comes your way once in a while. I had two major doses of it on Monday morning. I’d been talked into a late start at work so that we could all have a relaxed breakfast, plus bid goodbye to Troy and Janet, and Dan and Sandy. That was fun and we had a heart warming parting. Their departure went like clockwork and they were out the door before seven a.m. to catch their flight to Atlanta. My first bout of news I didn’t want to hear came from...

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Darker Desires

It was 6:47 as I looked over at the alarm. The sun was starting to creep through the window, so like my usual self I pushed my face into the bed and pulled my satin pillow over my head, god I loved the way it felt just like the sheets my nude body was in between so smooth they felt like I would just slide off. OK I thought You have to get out of bed sometime Amber trying to encourage myself. I still had a headache from the night before, by now I should have learn to lay off the drinks, but...

4 years ago
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How we were stripped and enjoyed by crowd

I was totally pressed from all side and could not move in the crowd. I was experiencing my body being touched and groped from all sides. Some hands of the youngsters were freely trying to take advantage of the rush." Reena, it is too crowded today."" Yes, the rush is unusual." Reena said. I found a hand slowly touching my boobs. The touch was soft and delicate, but I could not do anything as I was almost helpless. The touch became more bold and the hand mow was pressing my boobs. I looked at...

3 years ago
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Threes not always a crowd

Miguel and René- Three's not always a crowd.I didn't want to go to the pub with Miguel. It was about 2 weeks after Easter break and I wanted to write some letters to my parents to soften the hard feelings about going to Miguel's family's home for the holiday rather than to New York and tell them about my holiday."But it's Portugal in the finals" he crooned, coming close to stand between my legs where I sat at the dining table with my sketchbook and journal out. I was flipping through postcards...

1 year ago
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Getting fondled in crowd

Me and my sister had gone to watch the fire work at Chowpaty in Mumbai. There was a huge crowd of may be few thousand all gathered to watch the fun. Me and my friend Ruby were young teens full of energy. Both of us had nice big boobs and anyone looking at us would keep watching at our boobs for a while as the boobs were all soft and full with nice nipples protruding out from under the blouse. The crowd which came to watch the fire work was huge and we both got surrounded by lots of young boys....

2 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIChapter 20 Threersquos A Crowd

Traveling to London with Rita James was an experience I’ll never forget. When we landed after the seven-hour-plus flight, and with the six-hour time change, it was about 11:00 a.m. All I wanted to do was go to bed and get about eight hours of sleep. Rita made me go to the men’s room to wash my face and change my clothes. She reminded me of her lovely daughter who had picked out my wardrobe for me when I lived in LA. Jeans and a t-shirt weren’t cutting it if I was to be seen with her. I put...

3 years ago
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The Crowd

My mouth is currently on your dick. And it’s fucking SUCKING IT!!!! (The crowd ooosand aaahs) (I give them a thumbs up without stopping!) Isn’t it great to know the crowd’s impressed?! Then I say “lets go somewhere more private” and stand up and pull you into a private room backstage not too removed from the crowd’s earshot. We find a comfy beanbag!!!!! (Isn’t it nice to work in comfort to the narrative!?) (I’m so nice!) You sit on the beanbag and you comment on its comfort and then I pull up a...

2 years ago
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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 16 Stranger in the Crowd

Tabitha, Renée and I strolled through the thinning crowd to the food court. It was obvious that many of the patrons had congregated there, so finding a table that Renée wanted seemed impossible. I recalled her desire to play footsies and prayed that she had given up the thought before my embarrassment became something of legend. Tabitha was no help as she spotted a group of kids leaving a u-shaped booth. I felt like a dog on a leash as they dragged me over before anyone else could claim...

3 years ago
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A Face in the Crowd

"You rotten bastard! How could you do this to me? This is all your damn fault!" The string of blasphemies coming from my wife's mouth seemed never ending. I have to look back sometime to think just how I came to be in this uncomfortable position that all too many men have found themselves in over the years. There I was, along with thousands of other idiots, trying to force my way into the underground station during the rush hour. I'm told there are worse places in the world but London...

4 years ago
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A Face in the Crowd

The beat was heavy, filling the lungs with dull reverberation. Even far below, she could feel the echoes of it, the sounds causing the musty pools of green-tinted water to shiver with gentle rings. It was dark here, thick with decay so old that the mossy film covering the black tunnel walls had long ago fossilized, now a murky grey beneath the newer slick of green. A thin crackle of noise scratched in her ear as someone tried to use the radio. With a hiss, she crept along the tunnel, her only...

3 years ago
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I love a crowd

I love being watched. Here is a story of how I found out I’d like being watched.I was twenty-one, in good shape and horny. I wanted to get my nut off from some anonymous guy so, I hit a local adult theater. The operator knew men were hooking up in his cinema, there were several rows of seats, but there were also open spaces to allow better access for the patrons to mess around.So, I paid my minor fee and entered the theater. There had to have been about half a dozen guys of various ages. A...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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I Saw Her Through a Crowd

Sometimes it only takes one meeting of eyes, one fleeting glimpse across a packed room to know. Sometimes your eyes connect with someone so intensely that it transcends the sound of Velvet Underground being blasted from a rented PA, the dozens of fratboys with red cups and the couples practically fucking on the stained couches. That’s what happened to me that night. Perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself. I was only there that night because a friend of mine needed a wing man. I was supposed to...

Straight Sex
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Wild Hibiscus Three is not a Crowd

“Are you hot?”Nodding, I fanned myself with my Panama hat, the heatwave showed no signs of easing up after two long weeks.  Its burden felt heavy like a winter coat and made me lethargic. I yearned to be naked and at the naturist beach.  Presently, it was off limits, the sun and sand conspired to create an inferno.  Whilst having the chateau to ourselves, the stuffy air would not circulate.  We became nocturnal and tried to sleep through the midday heat.  Enduring the roasting afternoons, we...

1 year ago
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Threes Definitely Not A Crowd

Three's Definitely Not A CrowdIt was a Friday night and we'd arranged to meet friends at the local pub for a few hard earned drinks after work. When we arrived we were surprised to see how busy it was. The landlord had organised another of his Open Mike nights and the 'stars' of the local area had arrived to show their skill. The night didn't get off to a great start when the friends we'd arranged to meet cancelled on us. The talent on display at the mike wasn't exactly music to our ears...

1 year ago
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THREE IS NEVER A CROWD.by: flyboyB4By way of introduction, I wrote this story almost a month after it actually took place in 1984 and had posted it on another site. It got such amazing comments that I thought xham readers might also enjoy it. I had worked with Stacy’s mother for a year or two and we had become close. I was 53 and she was 50. I was divorced for a couple of years, and she had been divorced for over 10 years. She knew that I had a vasectomy many years ago. I was hoping that...

2 years ago
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HannahChapter 15 Three is not a crowd

I leaned against the wall, speechless. Andy was about five feet five with blond hair and blue eyes, and I'm guessing she weighed about 125 pounds. She had all the required curves in all the right places — her boobs were about the size of mine — and very shapely legs. I wasn't as drawn to her as I was to Charli, but the prospect of sex with her made my panties damp. Charli had said, 'It isn't cheating as long as I'm there too', or something similar, so I was free to indulge, but I had to...

1 year ago
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Hot Tub Confessions Three Certainly Isnt A Crowd

Prelude What had already happened between Scott and myself in the hot tub that night had been unexpected. There are, of course, different kinds of unexpected. This wasn't like finding out that my car needs four new tires, or waking up to a foot of snow in October. Instead, it had been like going to pay my bar tab, and discovering that a friend had already settled up. It had been enough to make my head spin and my heart race when his lips met mine for the first time. It wasn't as if there had...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Three is not a crowd

I had been friends with Amy for a short while..she was pretty, petite, sexy and fond of telling me that she was bisexual….one night after being out..drinking..dancing..we started to walk home together..her hands kept brushing my arm…her fingers touching me, she asked if i wanted to come in her house for a drink…as we got in the front door she told me to go through and sit in the lounge… I sat down on the sofa, head back, eyes closed…suddenly i realised Amy was in front of me, she leaned down...

2 years ago
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Three is not a crowd

I had been friends with Amy for a short while..she was pretty, petite, sexy and fond of telling me that she was bisexual....one night after being out..drinking..dancing..we started to walk home together..her hands kept brushing my arm...her fingers touching me, she asked if i wanted to come in her house for a drink...as we got in the front door she told me to go through and sit in the lounge...I sat down on the sofa, head back, eyes closed...suddenly i realised Amy was in front of me, she...

4 years ago
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Standing Out in a Crowd

I love the crowds. In my mind they are like a smorgasbord, only instead of perusing food and desserts I scan the masses of lovely faces and hot flesh. In either case, the scene makes me incredibly hungry. Be it the stadium, crowded restaurant or bar, the local shopping mall, you name it, I’m a people watcher. Mind you I don’t watch just any person but those of the female persuasion in particular. I love to scope out, scan the field, flirt a little then scheme and strategize who I can try to...

1 year ago
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The ParkersChapter 43 Away from the crowd

Carla Ferrara was beautiful. Simply beautiful. And so fucking sexy. Linda knew Carla for a couple of years. They had always got along fine. Of all of Julie's friends/lovers, Carla was Linda's favorite. She was the one Linda always felt was the easiest to talk. And, indeed, in all these years they had talked for hours. About school, music, movies, etc. They had pretty much the same taste on music and movies (unlike Julie, who was this intellectual type, Carla and Linda liked the pop...

3 years ago
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True Story of MFM Threesome1

The three of us were really close. He would always ask Raquel for advice on his relationships with women. She was always cracking up at his jokes and goofiness. I also started noticing that they teased and flirted with each other more and more as time passed. There was a lot of touchy feel between the two whenever they were around each other. I have to admit, It really turned me on because I had always fantasized watching my GF being intimate with another man while I watched and joined them in...

1 year ago
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Our First Threesome4

It started over dinner with some friends of ours. My wife of 10 plus years. She said she'd had always been a little bi curious, And she meet a friend who she work with. And the way she was sounding she like her alot so I suggested that she invited her over to the house for dinner one night. She was a bit curious if she was bi sexual also, we'd been discussing getting involved or having a threesome together if we could find someone who was interested or looking for the same thing. So she...

4 years ago
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A Wild Weekend Threesome0

James was a long, tall Texan, very toned and in shape. His hair was dirty blonde and he had sexy brown eyes, I have to admit he turned me on in his tight jeans and cowboy boots. I was totally clueless as to what the night had in store but they definitely had plans for me. I was dressed to kill ( I knew what Jonathan expected when he just "Invited me over") I wore a White, man tailored shirt showing lots of cleavage with a red plaid sweater and a matching skirt - very short with white...

3 years ago
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A fantastic threesome1

The evening was an unqualified success. I have to tell you, this guy Bill has an incredible penis. It is long and thick and very attractive and hard as a rock. Gia had never seen a dick that big in person and was totally into it. She kept saying what a big cock the guy had. He claims it is 9.5 inches and I don’t doubt it. We started off with us two guys lying on the bed stroking our cocks to get them hard. She had stripped down but still had her panties on. She climbed onto the bed...

2 years ago
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Our First Threesome2

As usual, I was waiting for Rhea to get ready. While she was relatively low maintenance, Rhea loved to take her time preparing for a night out. And rightfully so, she was beautiful, and when she made an effort my wife could bring a room to a standstill. It was one of my favourite features about her. "Well, how do I look?" Rhea asked as she emerged from the bedroom. She was breath-taking. The blue, knee-length dress she wore accentuated her curves and showcased her shape. It was classy, but...

4 years ago
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Surprise Threesome0

Well, it started out with me sitting between Gary and Jeff on the couch just talking and joking around and watching TV when Gary leaned over and kissed me. As I was kissing him Jeff was watching us and whined, hey you guys, no fair! I'm sitting right here! Gary looked up and laughed, what's wrong? Well you two are making out and I'm sitting here by myself and I feel left out! Gary looked at me, laughed and suggested I kiss Jeff to make him feel better. I looked at Gary and said,...

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Our First Threesome3

Jan and I had been together for about five years. We were not in love but we did love each others bodies and we had a great sex life. She was about 45 years old, about five foot two, a very petite slim body with small tits but beautiful big nipples (I could make her cum just by massaging them!). She was always horny and I only had to kiss or cuddle her and she wanted sex. She often started on me both during the day and as soon as we got into bed. By far the most remarkable thing about her...

3 years ago
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First Threesome1

We’d been talking about including a plaything in our bedroom for some time. This was the first person we’d met. I’d lost the coin toss fair and square so this time we’d met a guy. Of course technically he was for both of us… Steve was eyeing Jen like a lion looks at a Gazelle. I knew he wanted her badly. I knew I did too. It was time to take this to a more private location. “Steve, I’m not sure I can get her upstairs on my own without getting mauled in the elevator. Care to accompany us...

1 year ago
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the threesome1

It was around 11pm and I had just arrived in my car at the cruising area. I parked my car up in my usual spot where I can see an old bus shelter where guys meet each other to have a bit of fun. It was quieter than normal and it was about half an hour until someone else turned up and parked their car a little behind mine. After about 5mins I noticed the guy get out of his car and he proceeded to walk past mine, slowly so he could take a look in and also give the indication he was looking...

2 years ago
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I felt really nervous and unsettled as I got off the bus. It was a rather remote location, all the way out in Vaughan. The reason I was here is because I wanted some cash, and this job provided me a good $1000. $1000! For one day worth of work! I’m not addicted to drugs or anything, none of my family members are dying of cancer, I’m just saving up for that new mobile phone, the Galaxy Nexus. It’s supposed to be one of the most advanced phones to be available on the market! Screw the people...

3 years ago
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Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I’m your average 17 year old girl (with not-so-average tendencies). For some reason, I’m horny all the time, but I’ve always been too shy to explore with other people. I mean, I’ve masturbated and seen a lot of kinky stuff online (I’m really turned on by some of that kinky stuff too), but I’ve never, for lack of a better term … fucked. I look really innocent, and everybody thinks I’m goody-two-shoes, but I probably know more about sex than any other...

2 years ago
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My fantasy, did come true. It started like any other Friday night on our small college campus, a few beers with my fraternity brothers, a quick shower, a short drive to my girlfriend's house for a party and then out to the bars for a drunken stupor to forget about a tough week of classes, and then back to my girlfriend house for sex. At 2 a.m. as my girlfriend, Shelly and I left the local bar, we ran into one of her housemates, Jill. Jill was as girl who liked to have a good time and...

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Hotel Room Threesome0

We were still only married a few years and young but as with most married couples the sex usually was routine except when we went away for these weekends. Tina is 5'0'' 105# but with full 34c tits. She also kept her pussy totally shaved which was rare at this time. It was summer and she still had a dynamite body and loved lots of attention. After the game we had dinner at the hotel restaurant/bar. She made sure she had on a one piece black mini dress that was low cut in the front. We...

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It was early fall 1979. I was sitting in my usual spot at the bar in the Steering Wheel drinking a beer and talking with the bar maid. My first wife and I had separated a couple of month's ago and I had moved back in with my dad and stepmother temporarily. When the workday was done I would shower and head to the bar so I didn't have to be in the house any more than necessary. I had joined the Navy after high school so I had been out of the house since I was 17 and to move back in with...

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About 10 minutes later, I was in a cab on the way to his apartment. For some reason not explained to me, his crazy friend, who wanted me to get naked was in the cab with us. We arrived at the apartment and started smoking weed. I was already out of it but this felt great. Crazy friend started stripping and in an instant we were all stripping and smoking and dancing around the living room as loud music blasted. It was such a liberating feeling. My bass player friend lifted me up and carried...

4 years ago
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Our First Threesome1

We started to visit and have a few drinks at or kichen table. When Kim had stated that she was bi and had been with our friends sister. My wife Dana at one point told me she was bi curious and very interested in the woman but had never been open about it with anyone. Dana was curious about this so we got into a very detailed discussion. Before we knew it was 11:00 and we all had to work the next day. Kim had asked if she could use our shower before bed and of course we said yes. Let me...

1 year ago
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Our First Threesome0

It was a Friday night and we were sitting at home watching TV. A friend of ours, Bob, called and asked what we were doing. His wife was out of town and he was bored. We told him we were staying in for the night and if he wanted to come over, it was OK. About twenty minutes later, Bob shows up with a couple of six packs. The three of us started drinking and talking and it soon became obvious that TV was out of the picture for the night, so we started playing rummy. As the night wore on and...

3 years ago
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the threesome3

She secures his wrists behind the chair he sits upon with metal handcuffs and skirts some lightly scented massage oil onto her palm. Rubbing them together, she warms the oil up and then begins to massage his muscular shoulders to help him relax. After a few moments, the tension leaves his body and he completely surrenders to her power. She goes to stand in front of him, pressing her soft, round breasts to his face and his tongue automatically shoots out in search of a pink, erect nipple, but...

4 years ago
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the threesome4

Kathy and I both worked for a large company in Eastern Pennslyvania. She was a secretary and I was in a management position. She was young, slim and quite pretty, with dark brown hair, small breasts and a beautiful figure. Although there was a year age difference, she was attracted to me as I was to her. Propriety dictated that we not be involved in any way what so ever. A mutual friend became aware of our attraction to each other and "eased" the two of us...

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It was only a little walk to Jess' house but we were walking slowly laughing and playing on the way when we got there for some reason Jess checked that knowone was home which i thought was wierd because i had met her mum loads of times and she didn't have a problem with her bringing boys home. Once she had finished checking i followed the two girls up stairs into her bedroom Alex sat on the bed and started to take her shoes off and her jumper whilst Jess closed her door. She had...

2 years ago
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The next day at the office, I called her into my private office in the back. She closed the thick oak door behind her; and saundering in unbuttoning her shirt as she neared. She asked if I wanted a taste as she pushed her large breasts into my face. This was my first time to have any type of sexual experience with another woman and there is something about sucking another woman's breasts. I licked and sucked her nipples until we were both panting with need. I took a moment...

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hi my names kate id like to share a true storie with u. i was 15 at the time going out with a older boy it was so good because it ment so much more things to do. well one night he decided to try and get me in to our local as he new the landlord. I was abit nervous because iv never met hes friends before and thought id end up showing myself up. i dressed up to go down there in my short skirt and low cut top as i always like to give the men a good view wich they did when i was on the pool table...

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