Power Tool Original version Chapter 01
- 2 years ago
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When John wakes at 5:30 a.m. he wakes Carmen by kissing her, and whispers to her. They change positions and she cuddles Helen as she fondles her breasts. Helen wakes up to someone kissing her neck and fondling her breasts; she tenses until she recognises the feel of breasts against her. Opening her eyes she sees Carmen and reaches up to pull Carmen’s mouth to hers. As they kiss she looks past Carmen, to see a sleeping John. She knows he’s a cyborg who doesn’t need much sleep, but it doesn’t register because she’s used to thinking of him as a normal person. In her current state she lists him as being sound asleep when he’s lying there with his eyes shut. He’s aware how scared she is of genital male / female sex, and he knows she wants to be fully sexually active. But this conflict has been playing hell with her for the last few weeks and he’s held off with her while hoping she can sort it out. She hasn’t and he has to act before the conflict drives her crazy. Carmen and Helen become more aroused as their hands wander all over each other as they kiss and cuddle. Carmen has Helen panting toward an orgasm. John senses it’s time for him to get involved so he glances at Helen, her head is back and her eyes are closed as Carmen’s hand works on her clit. He slides off the bed to move between Helen’s thighs. Once in place he eats her pussy while sliding two fingers in and out as Carmen leans away from Helen. After her third orgasm John kisses his way up her body to her breasts. Rising from her breasts he has Carmen lean in to kiss her way up to Helen’s mouth and rub her breasts against hers while he plays with her pussy. Helen can feel Carmen’s breast against hers and thinks it’s all her.
John soon has Helen’s legs spread and is ready to enter her. She starts another orgasm and he slides his stiff 2M dick in while he rubs her clit. She comes twice before his dick is halfway along her vaginal sheath. During the orgasms she can tell it feels different, but she’s too distracted by her pleasure to analyse what’s different. A moment later she realises the difference is the feel of something in her vagina so she thinks Carmen is using a ‘Big Boy,’ she’s already had a few nice encounters with them and she liked them being in her. Her eyes fly open as she remembers Carmen hadn’t booked out a ‘Big Boy’ last night, and she looks up into John’s eyes just as his groin meets hers. He smiles at her as he starts a slow thrusting action in her wet pussy. As she comes again she realises her fears of her first proper fuck are needless, as she’s already come a couple of times during it. She goes back to kissing Carmen as she lets her body take over her mind while she concentrates on the pleasure signals. About ten minutes later he thinks, ‘Dickman slom 1M, 2M, 10R, 300S.’ She starts a continuous orgasm and goes into sensory overload. After the program runs out he withdraws and smiles at her almost comatose body while he moves behind Carmen to slide into her from behind. She starts to come as he enters her and thinks, ‘Dickman slom 2M, 5M, 10R, 300S.’ She has many orgasms during the program and smiles at him as she flops on to her side after he withdraws from her. He smiles back as he pulls the covers over them and heads to the en-suite.
He enters the en-suite to find the bath ready and a smiling Brooke waiting for him with his first few bathers. Returning the smile he starts washing people; not going slow, nor is he rushing the process to make people happy by being pampered while washing them.
Everyone is washed, with Carmen and Helen last, and down to breakfast for 8:30 a.m. As Mary, Liz, and Janice get ready to go to work, John asks, “How’d the papers go today, or have you let up on him?”
A grinning Mary replies, “We felt we needed to let up on the poor boy a little, but still give him a new thrill. You’d think he’d never seen large breasts before, because he came in his pants when my tits brushed his chest as I leaned in to kiss him. He did seem to like admiring a mature woman as much as the young girls.” John smiles as he wonders how the boy will feel once the holidays are over.
With a wide grin Brooke says, “I think once the holidays are over there’ll still be enough of us living here to justify continuing to give him a thrill as we get the papers, don’t you. But we may cut back to just hugs at times. I better take time to tell him next week.” They all grin as they’ve all become used to teasing the poor lad, and he seems intent on helping them tease him too.
VisitorsThe Preston team are about to leave for work when John’s phone rings. It’s one of Franks’ boys telling him three men are setting up around the cars in the drive. John thanks them and he tells the others to stay inside for the moment. Slipping on a tracksuit he clips his Glock to the belt and he has Harry watch the kitchen door while Steve watches the front as he slips out the back door. Working his way around the garage he slips in amongst the bushes against the fence and he moves toward where he can sense one of the men. He soon has all three men spotted as they’ve spread amongst the cars. They have no guns visible and it looks like they intend to capture someone. He comes up behind the first one and he places his left hand over the man’s mouth as he hits him with a light Taser charge to the chest from his right hand. After lowering the unconscious man to the ground he moves up behind the second man who’s waiting beside one of the cars, and he repeats the trick. The third man sees him and goes for his gun, only to find himself staring down the muzzle of John’s Glock while his is still only half out of its holster. He decides to leave it in the holster and he pushes it back before raising his arms. Smiling, John walks up and relieves him of his gun. He then directs him to a spot near the first man as he removes his gun and he has the would be kidnapper pick up his friend in a fireman’s carry while he takes the other man’s gun and picks him up by grabbing his coat one handed. The conscious kidnapper is shocked by this feat of strength. A moment later they’re walking in the front door under Steve’s eye.
The Preston contingent leave for work while John is securing the kidnappers arms behind them. Several minutes later all three are once again conscious and ready to be asked questions. John smiles at them as he takes out their guns and casually breaks the barrels in half with his hands while saying, “Now I know you don’t want to tell me anything, but I also know you’ll tell me everything I want to know before you’re finished. If I have to go to the trouble of using truth serum to make you talk I won’t like that and you may not survive it. So save us all a lot of time and tell me what I want to know so I can let you leave here alive. I’ll even arrange your long term survival by giving you a chance to switch to Guy Franks.” They stare at the guns he’s destroying while they listen. They talk about who sent them and what they were to do after kidnapping the three women who leave the house early. They also tell him where their current boss is and how many men he has. This is all recorded on two tape recorders as Steve goes out to find out what happened to the police guard.
He finds them in their car across the street, knocked unconscious and in need of medical help; which he calls for. The ambulance is quick to arrive on the scene to treat the officers, as is the supervising sergeant for the shift. Steve tells him he came across to have a chat and found them this way, but he makes no mention of the prisoners. While Steve is talking to the sergeant John exits the house and he walks over to a nearby car. The sergeant gulps in shock when a man he knows to be a top aide to Guy Franks gets out of the car and talks to John. He sees John hand him a tape player as they talk.
John crosses the street, smiling as ‘Bags’ Gibaldi gets out of the car, he’s one of Franks’ top sub-bosses and his show of respect by exiting the car is a sign of how much importance Guy Franks must put on John. His nickname is ‘Bags’ as he made his entry into the local organised criminal fraternity by lifting bags of valuables from people in the train and bus depots or hotels, he had a knack of knowing which were the best to steal. Most people now call him Mr Gibaldi. John says, “Good morning, I have a tape of some fresh information on our common foe. I’m sure you can make use of it. I also have three people who’re are now very interested in being recruited by your boss, very interested.” This elicits a laugh from Gibaldi and his boys in the car as he takes the tape player off John to hand into the car for one of his boys to listen to and send instructions out over their radio link. “Please let me have the tape player back when you’re finished with it, no hurry. And you can interview the new recruits as soon as you like.”
Gibaldi smiles and says, “Thanks, I’ll confirm some things with the boss and come over to talk to these people.” John nods agreement and he goes over to Steve and the police sergeant.
John gets out his phone and calls DC Williams, “Hello, Williams, John Smith. I’m sure you already know about what happened to your officers. I’ve made a deal with Guy Franks and he’s taking over the outside observation of the house for me as he can afford to assign plenty of people. Can you ask your people to not worry about a permanent watch and to be careful of the private watchers?” A moment’s pause, “Thanks. Please let Hedges know I’d like to come in and have a short talk with you both before lunch, if that’s convenient; if not, get back to me with a time.” Most of this is heard by the wide eyed sergeant. John says to him, “Soon you should get word you don’t need to provide us with protection as I see no need to risk your officers when I’ve private help available. The trouble is coming from a Di Georgio sub-boss and Guy Franks’ offered protection as it helps him snare any of Di Georgio’s men sent after us, so it making them easier to find and recruit.” Gulping, the sergeant nods to John before thanking them for the alert about his men, and he leaves.
As John and Steve walk back toward the house Gibaldi joins them. When he walks in to see so many lovely naked women and girls he almost has a heart attack as Steve and John laugh at his reaction. It only takes a few minutes for the three men to convince him they really do wish to swap sides as they definitely don’t want anything to do with anyone who’s stupid enough to be going after John, as he kind of impressed them with his strong man act. The four men leave together.
To be on the safe side John puts the house on alert. Harry and Steve share their guns with Gwen and Melody while Fred goes with John as his driver and he has orders to take cover if anything happens. The girls are to stay inside and Steve is to answer the door. At 9:30 a.m. John and Fred leave to drive off in the mini-bus as John thinks if they get shot at again it means only the one vehicle has holes. As they pull out of the driveway Gibaldi waves them down and points out a car as he tells John it has orders to follow behind and keep an eye on him. The crew in it will radio in for help if they see anything starting, but they’ll stay out unless called in by John. John nods his thanks, and they leave.
Morning TasksFirst stop is another gunsmith and the purchase of four Glock 31Cs he has with ten spare magazines plus two boxes of ammunition for them. John loads the magazines as they drive away. A quick stop at the bakery to collect today’s trenchers, and back to the house.
They leave again at 10:30 a.m. and Fred now has a Glock plus two spare magazines. Belinda, Rachel, and Brooke are all carrying, as are Barbara, Julie, Deborah, and Alice; they have come to spend the day at the pool and they brought the rest of their children with them. The general idea is to have as many armed people on hand as possible. Sex isn’t on anyone’s mind at the moment, but safety is. Eleven armed people should be a reasonable force to handle anything that can get past the outer line supplied by Franks. John feels the house and the people in it are safe. Liz, Mary, and Janice will have some company armed security take them to get their certificates and licences during the day.
Fred isn’t happy about carrying a pistol, but he does carry it. They arrive at police headquarters at 11:00 a.m. and are sent to the secure car park. As they leave the vehicle a lot of passing officers wave and call out to John, he’s getting very well known here. They arrive at DC Williams office and are shown in by his secretary. Hedges is there and he greets them with, “I don’t know how the media would take it if they find out we’ve pulled police protection off a witness because the local organised crime boss can provide a better coverage?”
Laughing John says, “Announce the local police have been called off as security is now handled by a special organised crime group. The media will think it’s a special federal force and Gibaldi’s crew will wet themselves laughing. Or say I’ve organised private protection.”
Nodding agreement as they try hard not to laugh Williams hands over some papers, saying, “Here’s some paperwork, special pistol licences for Gwen, Belinda, Stacey, Melody, Fred, Brooke, Peta, Jacqui, Lorna, Paula, Rachel, Sera, Melissa, Wendy, Clarissa, Tina, Dallas, Houston, and Carly. The mayor had a fit when Commissioner Henry asked for gun licence approvals for eleven sixteen and seventeen year old girls. It helped they’d all passed the handling courses and seven are daughters of local millionaires with three others being sort of adopted daughters of one millionaire. When we pointed out the eleventh was the young woman in your recent shoot out, he signed. Also in there are approvals for you to set up an armoury in the house and to purchase body armour for all of your staff and residents. I’ll feel a lot safer once that’s done.” John smiles and nods his thanks, this is much more than he expected to get, and much sooner than he expected it.
Hedges says, “My boss wants to know how come you have an in with Guy Franks, other than saving him from the Di Georgio set up!” It’s a statement, but spoken like an order.
John smiles, “Back when Guy first took over two of his crew leaders were pushing to get into in drugs. I and some friends sent Guy a strong message suggesting they stay out of drugs and a few other types of crime I objected to. Guy was thinking it over when the two crew sub-bosses started setting things up their way. I and my friends paid a visit to the two men and their senior people active in the drugs, nine in all. We sent them to visit Guy, but we used twenty-seven parcels to do it. We included evidence of their activity with what we did to them and why. Guy was smart enough to stay with the status quo.” Hedges is staring at John with very wide eyes, as is Fred, while Williams is just nodding; he’d heard the rumours at the time. “I was only seven at the time, but already skilled in organising things for the Snake Gang, as I was their planner and war leader.” Hedges gulps as his eyes attempt to leave his head. Fred is stunned. “Guy saw what I did to them and the Di Georgio people trying to move in at that time, especially one sub-boss sent to kill the daughter of a prominent policeman. Guy is scared of me and he knows he can’t touch me, so he tries to keep me happy and safe, now that he knows exactly who I am. He’s very smart and he looks to the long term.”
Hedges says, “Shit, I can’t tell my boss all that. I’ll just cut it down to he has a lot of respect for you and he likes how you set his arch rival up. That he can understand and accept.”
John smiles and nods agreement, “I needed to find out if there’s anything you need to know from any of Di Georgio’s sub-bosses. I can’t afford to let them keep taking shots at us, so I’ll have to go on the offensive to stop them hurting the girls. I’ll probably have some of Guy’s people for support, or get them doing the work as they can get some benefit from it. But if you have anything specific I’ll see what I can shake loose for you.” Both nod yes as they start a long talk about various areas of special interest they’d like him to get information on, if he can. After another thirty minutes of discussions they start to wind it up.
As they stand to leave Williams asks John, “Is it OK if I send some people round with some files about mid-afternoon, SCIT have some cases they think you might be able to help with? They’ll bring the paperwork for casual contract employment.” John nods yes as he thanks them for their time. At the door John turns and asks for advice on where to get some bullet proof cars. Hedges gives him the details of two companies that convert cars with light weight plating and he tells John to get overpowered vehicles. Ten minutes later Fred and John are driving down the street headed to a mall for lunch.
After a light lunch they head to a car dealership to look at new vehicles. With the expert help of Fred and the dealership manager John selects a thirty seater bus, several sedans, two limousines, and a van. John orders the variants with the most powerful motors possible and all of the accessories he thinks are suitable. He calls the contacts Hedges gave him to organise for them to make the vehicles bullet resistant, one is too busy and the other is just finishing a major job, so he’s happy for the new work. Arrangements are made to have the vehicles delivered to them by the car yard, and to John in a few weeks once they’re modified.
Street GamesWhen they come out of the showroom John looks down the street and sees a man waving, going to telescopic vision he sees it’s one of Franks’ men and he looks concerned. John lifts his hand and waves as the man grimaces and makes his left hand like a gun while pointing toward where the mini-bus is parked with his right hand before waving it about the street. John gets his message and nods his thanks to him. Turning to Fred he says, “When the trouble starts hit the ground, find cover, and shoot any armed people shooting at us.” As Fred nods yes and gulps John is using his sensors to scan the area. He soon picks out a van with five people hiding in it and over a dozen other armed people in the almost empty street.
Nearing the bus Fred reaches for the keys in his pocket. Four armed men approach them from the left as another four come from their right. John casually reaches under his coat with his left hand as he moves toward the closer group on his right. The eight men suddenly go for their guns. Fred drops and draws his. John leaps to his right as he brings his left hand up with his Glock and opens fire on the men to his left. The other dozen armed man in the street are drawing weapons and one is talking into the window of the van with men in it. The men near John are a bit shocked by his standing long jump to his right. He fires one round to his left as he jumps, another while in the air, and a third as he lands. Three of the men on his left have expressions of shocked pain on their faces as they start to topple over with bloody messes where their chests used to be. As he lands John back hands one of the gunmen in the throat, crushing it. As that man falls to the ground John shoots the fourth man on the left and grabs the next nearest man on his right by the coat. Using his right hand he throws the man a couple of metres to the solid steel pole holding up the car yard’s sign. The man’s head hits the post very hard, and his head loses the contest as it splits open, killing him.
Fred drops to the grass beside the mini-bus and uses it for cover as he takes aim around the front of the vehicle at the armed men running across the road. He fires two rounds to drop the lead pair, causing the rest to change direction a bit and spread out.
John steps forward to grab the third man from the right hand group by the throat as the man points his pistol at John and fires. This position puts John in front of and between the two men. The bullet hits his belly and ricochets into the chest of the fourth gunman, surprising both men. The fourth man drops his gun and starts to fall as John snaps the neck of the man in his hand while aiming up the street to shoot another armed man running toward them. Turning from this encounter, John steps clear of the back of the mini-bus and takes aim at the van with the five men in it. The doors are opening as the men are moving out. Things have happened so fast they haven’t got out of the van yet.
Meanwhile, Fred has shot two more men crossing the street and winced as two return rounds have hit the mini-bus above him. He fires at a fifth and hits him in the chest as John fires at the van.
John uses his infra-red sensor to locate the men in the van and rapid fires five rounds through the side of the van to hit each of them in the middle of the torso, all five drop as the rounds punch through the thin van walls and rip their bodies apart. The one nearest the back falls to the ground with a M16 assault rifle in his hands, it’s forgotten as he dies. Moving further around the back of the mini-bus, John opens fire on the three men trying to get across the road by using the mini-bus to block Fred’s view of them. All three are given chest renovations as Fred does the same to three men he can see charging down the middle of the road.
Both stop and search the area with great care as they hear two cars accelerating away from the area.
There are no more active threats visible and John counts twenty-five dead gunmen lying in the street. Both John and Fred change magazines while keeping an eye open for more. Sirens can be heard approaching, fast. John scans the area as he walks to Fred while he gets his phone out of his pocket and he puts his pistol in its holster. Williams answers the phone as John is helping Fred to his feet. He says, “John Smith here, they’re at it again, as you’re probably aware. We’ll wait here for your people as they’re all dead or left now.” Williams acknowledges the call and hangs up before getting onto the radio to inform control of who’s involved. John calls Steve and tells him what happened, and Steve puts the house on full alert again.
John helps Fred walk to a nearby café to sit at one of their outside tables. He orders two large hot chocolates when the owner walks out to take their order. As the owner heads back inside John looks down the street to see the man from Gibaldi’s crew still looking up the road with a stunned expression on his face. Catching his eye, John stands and salutes him as a thank you for the warning, the man nods back. Focussing on him, John can see he’s talking on the radio and is probably telling the others how deadly John and Fred are. He soon starts walking up the footpath toward John. He stops clear of the scene when the first police car arrives and pulls up in front of him. Very soon several more police cars arrive and officers are securing the area.
John and Fred are about halfway through their drinks when a detective walks up and asks for their statements. John takes his drink to another table so Fred doesn’t have to move while they tell the police their stories. The officers check the serial numbers of the guns and confirms they’re two from the other day, so they have ballistics samples already. A few of the more experienced officers are shaking their heads as they glance from John and Fred to the dead gunmen while having trouble figuring how two civilians killed twenty-five gunmen without getting a scratch. John had done his coat up to hide where his shirt was damaged by the shot into his belly. The officers at the van are very puzzled how John was able to score such dead centre hits through the van walls, five shots, five dead. The general consensus is he must really know how to use a gun.
When the detectives are finished with John the man from Gibaldi’s crew approaches John’s table. The detective knows him and is surprised when he sits down, saying while “I’m Johnson. Five others got away, three jumped in a sedan down there while two more jumped in a sedan up here and they took off at high speed. Mallory won’t like that. He sends thirty men out to take down two men and he has five cut and run as twenty-five are wasted. No, he won’t like it at all. He’ll probably take his anger out on them if they’re stupid enough to go back to tell him in person.” He looks at the stunned look on the detective’s face, and he adds, “These are all from Mallory’s crews, as were the lot the other day. I suspect he thinks taking John out will see him made the new capo, if he lives that long.” Shaking his head the detective stands and walks away. As they watches him go Johnson says, “We got our second car to pick up the car near us a bit further down the block. They followed it for a while and stopped them. We’re questioning them now, but not getting anywhere. The boss asked if you’d talk to them.” Smiling, John nods yes.
He stand and walks to the detective to say, “If you don’t mind, we’d like to leave now. Let me know when you’re finished with the mini-bus and I’ll collect it. Johnson is going to give us a lift.” The detective looks at the two of them and nods yes, as it’s clear there’s a damn sight more to this than is evident, but he has no intention of going beyond what he was told to do by Williams. Johnson, Fred, and John are at the gutter as a car driven by Johnson’s partner drives up to them.
Fifteen minutes later the car drives into a warehouse and stops. They get out of the car and Johnson leads them over to a brick office in the back corner. Inside the office are three men tied to chairs and two very burly men interrogating them. The men in the chairs have had a bit of a beating as they have their heads hanging down and their faces are bruised. They all turn to look at the new arrivals. After a short look the tied up men hang their heads down again. One of the burly men says, “Nothing, they aren’t talking.”
Question TimeWith a large grin John grabs a chair and places it in front of the first of the men in the chairs. Sitting down he lifts the man’s head until they make eye contact. He starts to move his eyes from side to side, and the man’s eyes follow his. In a deep voice he says, “When my friends and I start asking questions again you will answer them truthfully and fully. Understand?” Wide-eyed the man nods yes. John repeats the procedure with the other two prisoners. With them ready he turns to Johnson and says, “Do you have some tape recorders handy?” He nods yes and one of the original interrogators opens a cupboard to show several. “Please set up four to record everything they now say.” The man nods again and he does so.
Once ready John questions the men about Mallory’s current support and possible locations. He also asks about the things Hedges and Williams want information on. After getting all he wants from the three men he takes two of the recorders, “You can trust anything they tell you as they won’t lie any more. I need a lift back to my vehicle.” All three of Franks’ people are looking long and hard at John as they nod yes. They know from John’s questions and the answers that the men told the truth and they’re very concerned as to how he did it. As Johnson leads John and Fred out of the room the other two men sit down and question the prisoners about things of interest to Franks.
On the way back John listens to one of the tapes and he makes a copy of edited selections on a blank tape he grabbed before leaving the room. They arrive back just as the police are winding up their tape and they’re packing up to leave.
John has a quick word to the detective in charge and he hands over the edited tape for him to give to Williams with a request for him to copy it and pass it along to Hedges. The detective looks at the tape and then at John who says, “I’ve just been having a quiet word with a couple of Mallory’s people, and this has the answers to some questions DC Williams and Agent Hedges asked me to ask if I got the chance.” The detective gulps and glances down at the tape while he wonders just where the hell John fits into things. His concern is clearly written on his face, so John adds, “I’ve been helping close down the Di Georgio network due to information I gathered. I’m also the contact point between the law enforcement agencies and Guy Franks as I’ve known Guy for many years and he doesn’t want to get me angry at him, so I can approach him with safety and he knows I’m not out to get him.” The detective slowly nods yes as this makes sense and he can understand it all now.
They get back in the mini-bus and Fred drives them home.
At HomeJohn walks in at home to find three dismayed police officers sitting at the dinning room table as two nude schoolgirls serve them snacks and drinks while others wander through the room. What doesn’t help is Brooke standing nearby, nude except for a belt with a loaded Glock in its holster. John has a hard time not laughing at their expressions. He smiles as he nods at Brooke and she leads the girls away. One of the police officers is a policewoman in her late twenties and she has a large grin at the discomfort her partners feel with the situation.
Sitting down at the table John accepts the papers they hand to him. After reading them he calls Steve to sign as a witness. When Steve walks in nude the policewoman gives him a wolf whistle, he smiles while he says, “Look all you like, but you better ask my fiancé for approval before you start anything as she’s a crack shot.” This gets a few laughs and it lightens the atmosphere.
Waking at 5:00 a.m. John wakes Carmen and Carly by fondling their breasts. They wake up and smile at him. He has them slide to the sides and he gets off the bed. He tells them to wait there. Going to the en-suite he starts the water running on low and he heads downstairs. Finding Brooke’s bed roster in the lounge room he scans it and finds the bed number he wants. As he walks amongst the beds he informs those who are awake that baths will be starting soon. Finding Candice he kisses her, she’s...
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ExhibitionismOn Thursday Eve contacts Tom Jones to get him started on tidying up the school grounds. He employs a couple of other retired men he knows to work with him to turn the jungle of the central playground into a yard. It’s too overgrown to be a lawn right now, but it can be cut back to a low grass area. The hedges along the side and rear fence are cut back to match the height of the fence and to be only a metre wide, leaving a nice walk area beside the fence. This area is also mowed. However, the...
She was strung up by her arms behind her back. Her young body stretched, exposed for the old men around her to see. Parts of her scout uniform tattered and stained still clung to her but she was naked from the waist down. Prior- The Girl Scout -1 The Gril Scout -2 Daddy The men surrounded her, Laughing, drinking smoking. They had all either fucked her mouth or cum and pissed on her. Cum dripped down her leg as she had her first fuck. Raped and fucked, tormented and abuse she had...
I believe everyone must have heard the story of Little Red Riding Hood. "I walked alone on the small road in the suburbs. I brought the cake to my grandmother and tasted it. Her family lives in a far and secluded place. I have to be careful if there are big wolves nearby. When the sun goes down, I have to go home and enter the sweet dream together with my mother." This song is familiar to everyone.However, hundreds of years ago, Little Red Riding Hood used to be an erotic story between adults,...
The curly-headed, pretty little blonde girl clutched her mother's warm hand as they made their way into the small church. At the tender young age of six, Miriam Posey was the perfect picture of a bright-eyed young lady, eager to learn about the vast new world all around her. The little girl and her mother sat at the front of the church like they religiously did every Sunday morning. Miriam smiled up at the man in the long white robe. She dearly loved her father, the Reverend Posey. The topic...
TWO TINY TOOL TALES by Throne For years John had considered himself an accomplished cocksman. Many women had succumbed to his considerable charms and he had bedded them all. Then he picked the wrong woman and found himself in trouble with The Revenge Court, an all female group dedicated to vigilante justice for egotistical cads like himself. Their sentence had been simple. He was to have his eight inch tool reduced to a mere hint of its full glory. John was stunned. His life...
____________________________________________________________________________ I'm am sorry to say this my dear fans. This is the final chapter written by captius during his original posting of this series. Please enjoy and remember you can read his new form of this series on Wattpad.com just search for Eternal Awakening or Captius. I will be posting City Guardsman by Ka Hmnd next. Remember if you have suggestions you can PM me or post them in the comments, I will try to find your author and...
From what I understand being shrunken is fake I like watching attack of the 50 ft woman but never thought anything about being shrunken. I live in the suburbs I have a regular job and a regular girlfriend. She works for an Advertisement agency I am a plumber. I do the usual guy stuff sports, work, sports sex etc… etc… We dated for quite some time; our sex life was great well at least that's what I thought. I sometimes hear loud noises coming from inside her room I try not to pay any attention...
I don't own the characters and concepts in this story. The characters, plots and setup are from the American TV series and the settings and characters are owned and copyrighted to the respective owners of the Power Rangers licenses, no claims are intended by me. I do claim ownership of what is left of the story after the copyrighted elements Saban owns are extracted from this story. (The mind swap concept for this episode came from the original Japanese episode redone in America...
The nightclub was fairly full on this warm Saturday night in June of 1986. The oldies and classic rock played as the crowd of mostly middle-aged party seekers mingled and mixed.My buddies and I had decided to stop in and check out the crowd as we cruised bar to bar in search of some interesting ladies. As we were in our early twenties we certainly stood out as we moved throughout the club. I split from the group and worked through the bustling crowd to one of the stand up bars. The bartender...
MILFTo all Alfie fans, this sequel begins during the ending of chapter 15. I am making this because while I am waiting for the last pages to be published, I realized that I want more Alfie. The story connects to me on a personal level, so while I’ve been waiting my mind has exploded with possibilities as to how it could end. To those of you who have never read Alfie, it is a surprisingly sweet story for a NSFW web comic. I do advise you take the time to read the original work from the original...
The next day Lee called a Wizards Meeting. Lee also invited Michella, Hador and the leads of the other main clans that were now in town. “Okay people, I had a bit of discussion with Kyle and Sean and other select wizards, now I wish to include all of you.” She had gotten Kyle to erect a big 3D screen in the community hall that she had commandeered. She flashed up a map of Utopia. “As many of you now know, I could end up controlling four decads of wizards. The way things stand now is that...
Lee and Sean were talking about the neighbours. Lee was hoping to get around to most of the communities on Futura to check how they were getting on. She wanted to go check out the three large townships that were apparently the original settlers on Davinia. These were the towns in the north that Allan’s people still traded with but not on as friendly terms as with those in Tuath. Possibly, because they were the people they had bombed and vice versa. Aeron’s people had mostly stayed out of...
It was a hectic three weeks for the crew of the Fortune. Tahoora and Esky were back on board for the last week as was Nick and Sung. They were busily getting the cargo on board and Esky was getting the rundown on what was involved in running this ship. In between, they were interviewing the new crewmembers. Unbeknown to the potential employee’s Lee, Sean, Tony or Kyle sat in on all their interviews. They had even vetted the applications before they even got that far. They had thousands of...
Sienna heard the voice of Sr. Cornelia calling her from somewhere on the grounds behind the dormitories. She sighed as she stood inside the garden shed where a mysterious man had lured her inside. "Don't listen to her..." The man standing behind her put a finger on her lips urging her not to speak, or to respond to the nun's call. She had spent half the Saturday afternoon working off her penance weeding the vegetable garden near the cottage. The weakened sunlight streamed on her back,...
….My daddy built me a ’Queens Chair’ in his tool shed. I loved to spend time with him in the big shed, so he built me a ’special’ chair. I would climb up and sit and he always had a cold drink for me. He would come over and tell me how beautiful I was and how he loved me keeping him company. He would come over and stand between my legs and we would kiss and hug each other. He had a stool he sat in front of me and we’d talk. I noticed he would look between my legs a lot. Did he think I was...
By : Pooja123 Hi readers, I am Pooja from Kerala. I’m writing my first experience over here. Hope you guys will enjoy this. Remember this isn’t a story, it’s a true incident. I’m narrating what happened between me and my brother Praveen 2 years back. All these happened when I was pursuing my +2 (18 years) and he was then doing his 10th. We use to sleep together since childhood because ours is a two bedroom apartment. One was occupied by our parents. One night he went to bed early and I was...
IncestDallas, Texas 2005 "Will ya look at that?" I heard Uncle Mario hiss as I lay on the gurney under the Ferrari. "What?" I grumbled, greasy and sweaty from a mornings work on the toys of the rich and famous. "You gotta see this broad boss," he said as he knelt down and winked at me under the car. I couldn't imagine any broad getting Mario this excited; when you work in the best Ferrari garage in the Southwest you see a lot of prime cunt. These old farts that can afford a half mill for a...
The Original Candid has been around for a little over a year now, though you probably wouldn’t know that from stopping by the landing page. In fact, there’s basically nothing to be seen out front except for a header graphic of the site’s name in 3D letters. You’ll have to sign up for an account to see anything, but they’ve switched from their original invite-only model to free, open registration to anyone who loves candid shots.TheOriginalCandid.com is a good name for a site, because it tells...
Porn ForumsDamon stopped his car in front of the wrought iron gate and handed his invitation to the guard. ‘Welcome to the Rolland residence, sir. Have a nice time,’ said the guard and signaled for the gate to open. Damon smiled to himself, accelerated and went through. After two unbearable months his quest finally came to an end. The woman he was looking for lived in the house of Eric Rolland. And he didn’t need an excuse to meet her, he was invited by Eric’s son, Alex, to his homecoming party. This...
All rights reserved 2007 by Cazna Rochester & Ernest Bywater Story originally written by Cazna Rochester in 2007 with some later revisions. In late 2012 Cazna asked Ernest Bywater to revise and edit the story and transferred the copyright to him as well. July 2016 Edition Cover Art The background image is Australian banknotes ten_thousand dollars by Cimexus and used under the Creative Commons Attribution licence with it at Wikipedia. The trimming, manipulation, and adding of...
I wake, to find Sarai holding my hands to her breasts and squeezing them as she rubs her clit on my stiff dick. Making it stiffer. There’s a pair of arms around my chest and some nice small breasts rubbing my back. I open my eyes. There’s daylight in the window and the clock says 10:30 a.m ... Petra is standing beside the bed watching the action. She looks at me as I smile and wink. She smiles back. I pull my hips back until my dick’s at the entrance to Sarai’s vagina, and push forward,...
Walking through the hardware store, having been there as they opened the doors on this beautiful Saturday morning, I was looking for the correct blade for my circular saw. Having located it, I turned to go to the register and abruptly ran into a lady I didn't know was standing there."Oh! Excuse me! I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," I said as I fought off the embarrassment I felt."You're fine, don't worry about it," was her reply. Her voice was one of those that had an elevated degree of...
Straight Sex?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? POWER GIRL ? MELISSA?S SLAVE By Sonya Esperanto? e mail: [email protected] Synopsis: About a DC Superheroine who had been captured and been given as a slave to a woman who despised her popularity Epilogue: It was summer time in Spain. The beaches of Ibiza was hot and sandy, and full of tourists from all over Europe. Blond fat German men invaded most of the spots and laid their blankets out, like as if it was...
Hi ISS readers this is my first and true story of my life. My name is Raman and my wife name is Rashmi she has an extraordinary figure of 36b boobs. Her boobs are really heavenly. Now coming straight to the story… We have been married for 6 years and one day i was out for an official meeting but because of some problems my boss called me on my cell and told me that there was no meeting. I went home and on reaching home i found a alto car parked near my gate. I was thinking whose car it was. I...
Power Granny Meets She HulkBy lilguy [email protected] Granny meets She Hulk on a beach..smut and muscle follows.Note- This was a commission I didhttp://lilguy31.deviantart.com/Power Granny meets She HulkThere was a beach that every now and then was rented out where Super heroes, could relax privately after battle. It was an Inland that floated between dimensions, floating in and out of reality. This way character from multiple realities could go there to relax. It had a force field...
My name is Shela. I'm married to a very successful business man named Jerry, that travels a lot. I'm 36 years old, very petite 5'1” tall weigh only115 pounds. Nearly everything about my body is very small except my boobs. I'm a generous D cup, my boobs look very large on my otherwise small body. My sexual appetite is best described as voracious! My husband is a good lover and we always enjoy sex when we are together, however he travels a lot and is frequently gone for a week or more at a...
Straight SexPOWER, PLANS AND PREVARICATION By Geneva A mysterious woman helps an ambitious young warlord to reach supremacy in the ancient kingdom of Tethos, but she has an ulterior motive. This is another Genoria story. Warning. This story contains rape. START The sequence of events that terribly changed my life started about two years ago. At the time my power was increasing satisfactorily and I had been so blessed by the gods too that they had had given me enough determination to...
On October 27, 1938, Charles Stine, a vice president of E. I. du Pont de Nemours, Inc., announced that nylon had been invented, the name of ‘nylon’, the ‘ny’ part of the name literally standing for the initials of New York. He unveiled the world’s first synthetic fiber not to a scientific society but to three thousand women’s club members gathered at the site of the 1939 New York World’s Fair for the New York Herald Tribune’s Eighth Annual Forum on Current Problems. He spoke in a session...
Bernadette McGee was an original stunt queen. During her lifetime, she had run games and cons on all manner of people and companies while remaining conviction free. The 57 year-old transsexual had been arrested a number of times for simple misdemeanors usually with the charges being dropped. Bernadette swore she had found Jesus and was working for the good now. She was born in rural Mississippi in May 1962. Her parents, a farmer and a seamstress, named their second c***d James. It was evident...
On October 27, 1938, Charles Stine, a vice president of E. I. du Pont de Nemours, Inc., announced that nylon had been invented, the name of ‘nylon’, the ‘ny’ part of the name literally standing for the initials of New York. He unveiled the world’s first synthetic fiber not to a scientific society but to three thousand women’s club members gathered at the site of the 1939 New York World’s Fair for the New York Herald Tribune’s Eighth Annual Forum on Current Problems. He spoke in a session...
This story is about young girl domination. It is entirely a work of fiction. If such material offends you, please do not read further.One of the Girls – The OriginalBy Ambuja2Chapter 1-- The Girls and Their New Teacher Julia ran her fingers through her blonde hair. The 13 year old girl was dressed in her summer clothes -- tight jean shorts, pink t-shirt with the word ?Princess? on the front, and sandals. She was 5’6? and weighed 120 pounds – a bit large for her age. Her self-confidence...
The Crews aboard the Firefly and the Dragonfly didn’t have a merry Christmas. Due to the hurriedness of their departure, both crews were seriously understaffed for an eleven-week round trip voyage. Their two-day trip to test-fly the ships had suddenly turned into a nightmare. The two ships were military ships designed to transport small elite troops. They had cabin space for seventy-two personal, twelve being crew. Each ship had three eighteen-seater transporters that had four missile...
The Navigator was surprised to find he was still alive. He was beat-up, but all limbs were still attached and working sort of. He hurt just about everywhere. When he touched his head, his fingers came away sticky. He had a decent size gash just above his right temple and an egg-sized lump. He also noted the dried blood on the side of his lower leg where something had sliced him when it went past. He had strapped in an aisle seat towards the back of the transporter when he realised, they...
~~ Delta - Aug/02 - (Earth - Feb/2095) ~~ Jahn didn’t enjoy the trip through the mountains. While his leg got better, it had been many years since he had physically exerted himself on suck a walk. The Giants forced a faster pace than he had maintained in the previous weeks of walking. His leg had meant that he stopped for as long as he walked. What muscle tone he had redeveloped was lost in his fever. At least now, after eight days of walking, he was actually keeping up with them, sort of....
Lee and the boys were waiting for the Slavians. Kostya was pensive. He looked at Lee and wondered if she really realised the effect she had on Earth when she invited herself into the American President’s office. When the news stories hit the internet and the airwaves, there was a lot of fear and speculation of just what a real wizard could do. Some people held on to the belief that they were charlatans, no matter what they saw with their own eyes. However, many more people now believed that...
The second week was turning out to be an even stranger week than the first. While not anything, in particular, just lots of things in general. It seemed that they have gremlins in the systems. First, they had lost all the cameras on level nine’s right-side cargo deck. On the Monday, just after 02:00 hours, Lee got a call to go check out why. Lee had been running some routine checks on level two’s air-conditioning control panel while the occupants slept. The occupants had been complaining...
Sean and Lee headed for the diner. They found their regular chairs were vacant and waiting for them. So, they both grabbed some of the chicken dish from the bain-maries and joined the table. “Ah, the love birds have come up for air,” Kyle said. Lee set her plate down and then turned and thumped Kyle in the arm as he had sat next to her. Kyle rubbed his arm, “Hey, what was that for?” “You knew, didn’t you? You knew Gerald was related to Carl!” she specified. Kyle suddenly realised what...
Sean and Lee headed for the dome. On the way, Lee called Kyle. “Hey bro’!” “Yes, sis’?” “Have you been to see our incestuous child?” “What!” “Kylee, Sean called her our love child.” “Damn, I’m going to hit that the smart-arse bastard.” “Good luck with that,” Lee replied giggling. “I assume you are heading to the dome?” “Yeah, I have Sean’s love child with us.” Kyle laughed. “Tell him, while mine may be big, she is at least pretty and doesn’t shit like his does.” This cracked both...
The Tudor house is locked up tight for the night, all are in bed and asleep by eleven o’clock. The police do regular patrols through the area all night. They’re happy there’s no alarms tonight. During the night some of the sleepers in the house have odd dreams they remember well. Hal In Hal’s dream he’s walking through the most beautiful garden there is. He comes to the edge of the garden. There’s a gate there, it’s wide open. Outside the garden is a large open plain full of people walking...
The question of whom to contact was put to the ship’s crew. As Lee had guessed, Essco was all for making contact with the people of the largest community that was on the large southern continent. The cohorts (the people who had met in Lee’s room), had already decided they probably could live on this planet comfortably from the information they had borrowed from Essco. They had decided not to let Essco get his way until they knew a hell of a lot more. While Essco’s main group of cronies was...
Kyle and Lee didn’t want the smaller boxes shown to the ship. It was decided the books and the strange boxes would be stored in the storeroom beside Lee’s Room. They were Kyle’s finds, and that was where he wanted them. Only he and Lee would be able to decipher them anyway. In addition, this area was limited to select personnel. The team told everyone else about the books. However, Lee, Kyle and even Sparky had insisted that the smaller strange boxes should not become general knowledge....
Lee collected an apprentice’s box from her cave. She took Allan to her room on the ship. She had him sit while she made coffee. “So, what do you think about the Earthling’s coming to visit?” she asked him. Allan laughed and said, “Yes, I don’t really think of myself as an Earthling anymore either. I’m surprised they haven’t asked my crew if they wanted to go back.” “Sorry, I think that small fact has been overlooked. Please ask your people if they wish to leave, and we will get them on the...
Sean and Lee returned home to get the Fortune ready for the return trip. Sean got Gavin to harvest a heap of crystals to make up twenty pallets each of his solar-cells and C-cells to send home to his father to sell. He included the patent applications he needed his father to apply for on Earth just in case it becomes an issue. The scientists not going home, and this was most of them, were busy getting their research notes typed up as part of their obligations to UNSEC. Bing Edwards, Mathew...
Captain Nick Clark was walking around his ship. The damn thing pretty much ran without him, since Lee had played with the systems. The first week went by so fast. He had been able to get all his logs up-to-date and even found some quality time for Sung. The fact she had agreed to marry him and move to Clarksville hadn’t hurt his excellent mood either. She had loved the ring Berny had made for him. The ship’s crew were setting up for the first jump before he knew it. Even with the reduced...
I wake up at 8:20 a.m. to the pleasurable feeling of Judy sliding her damp pussy along my stiff dick. We’re still in a spoon cuddle. My dick had awakened during the night and is now sticking between her legs. It’s nestled nicely along her pussy, with the head touching her clit. Judy is gently moving herself back and forth to rub her clit with my dick; as I said, nice. I squeeze her tits, saying, “Now that’s what I call an alarm clock. Practical, multi-functional, discreet, and pleasant to...
We’re still in that position when Melody walks in to wake us. She later says we looked so happy she didn’t have the heart to wake us and allowed us another thirty minutes of peaceful rest. She also later told me, after she mentioned the scene, everyone in the house had to sneak in and have a good look. They found three cameras with part rolls in them, and took pictures from various angles etc. until the film ran out. I think they only let us sleep until they ran out of film. But Sarai is...
I awake to find Therai again rubbing her clit against my dick. But this time she’s whispering with Marie and changing her action as per Marie’s instructions. Taking a careful hold of the lovely tits I have, I ask if I can have any input. Therai would’ve jumped if I hadn’t been braced for it. I fondle Therai’s breasts until she settles down. Jehra and Sarai walk around and kneel on the floor by Marie. Pulling the quilt back to view the action, Jehra tells Therai she enjoys this particular game...
Later the next day, Lee went into the forest to talk to the wives. “Greeting Ladies, is it possible to have a meeting with you?” she asked. The faerie wives had been working hard. They were pleased with their progress. They wondered what the wizards needed. Ida hit the button Sean had installed to let the ladder down. Lee climbed up and took her seat on the cushions they had provided for her to visit. The wives gathered around to find out what she wanted. “I have a problem,” she told them....
To Lee’s amusement, three weddings suddenly became six. The situation had gotten worse that evening when the couples told everyone about the triple wedding. Three other couples approached them and asked if they too could get married since the whole ship was going to be there. Lee, Debora and Co., had no problems, the more, the merrier as far as they were concerned. The Captain could marry the lot of them in a group wedding. The main parties and just about everyone else spent the next ten...
Lee decided that she needed help to sort this issue out. She called Kyle, Philip, Sean, Gavin, Ulani and Magda to meet her in the Pixs new office. She also called Iain, who hadn’t left yet as well. It turned out Captain Clark was with Philip, so Lee told him to bring the Captain too as it probably affected him as well. She considered these people were the best to have this council of war waged by. They set up a conference table, and Lee posed her first question to the Martyns. Alis, Haf...