Johnny PulaskiChapter 19 free porn video

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Saturday, I worked for my grandfather until noon. He had a little make work for me, I think just so I could make a few bucks. Money wasn't a big problem for me right now because I wasn't spending any of my own. Mr. Cavanaugh had given me fifty bucks to take the twins to the mall and I knew I'd get more for tonight's date with who ever won the coin toss. I didn't protest taking the money from him because I really did consider taking his daughters out as tutoring. I liked the hell out of Ellen and Elaine and I was determined that when they started school that they'd be able to fit in. As smart as they were I figured it wouldn't take many sessions for them to get acclimated to teen high school life. As usually happens in any of my dealings with women, their expectations were totally opposite what I anticipated.

I stashed the money from Papa in a cigar box in my desk. I was saving for my trip to Colorado for spring break. I gathered up my dirty clothes and headed for the laundry room to start my regular chores. I was going to have to hustle to get everything done in time for my pseudo-date with the twin. I loaded up the washing machine and poured in the detergent then started on the kitchen. I started the dishwasher and wiped down the countertops and range before heading for the family room with the vacuum cleaner, furniture polish and a handful of cleaning cloths. I was polishing up the coffee table when my phone buzzed. I flipped it open one handed and said hello.

"Hi Johnny, it's Rachael."

"Hi yourself, you sound all bubbly, what's going on?"

She told me she was caught up on everything at school and asked if I was busy tomorrow after Mass. I told her I wasn't and asked if she wanted to do something.

"Yes, I want to do something until I can't walk. I'm past the point of being able to relieve the pressure myself. Can we meet at my house at one?"

Is the Pope Catholic?

Cleaning went faster and smoother as I thought about spending some quality time with Rachael. I finished in plenty of time to shower and change. At six-thirty sharp I was at the Cavanaughs' front door. As usual Mr. Cavanaugh let me in. The Cavanaughs had a housekeeper and a cook that worked strictly weekdays so I'd only seen them once or twice. Mr. Cavanaugh greeted me warmly and led me to the parlor. Mrs. Cavanaugh was sitting on the couch looking very spiffy; she and Mr. Cavanaugh were going out as well.

I sat down and told them of my plans for the evening, a movie at the cinemaplex, then socializing at the Steak and Shake. I said I'd have their daughter home by whenever they specified. Donna told me to have her home by eleven. Shelia was staying home with the other twin because Al was working until ten. Al was coming over after work, so when I returned we could all hang out for a while.

Elaine won the coin toss and came down stairs about five minutes after I arrived. I was secretly pleased about that because Elaine was my favorite. We just seemed closer than Ellen and I were. She was wearing a flared denim skirt about two inches above her knees and a pink button up shirt with a collar that stood up in the back. She was also wearing chunky heels about an inch and a half tall. Her hair was loose down her back and she had on a hint of makeup expertly applied. Her big blue eyes were sparkling with excitement. Elaine looked a lot like her sister Shelia in that outfit and makeup.

Unlike their sister, both twins had a spattering of freckles across their upturned little noses. In addition, the twins were an inch or two taller than Shelia and a little slimmer. All three girls had the signature Buckley red hair, Shelia's hair was longer, though, and had streaks of sun bleached blonde in it. Shelia was also more tanned than the twins, her complexion not quite as fair. The twins stayed out of the sun unprotected because they burned easily, and the sun broke them out in the freckles they detested. I thought their freckles were cute as hell, but they sure didn't. I stood up and told Elaine how nice she looked; her father seconded my opinion.

The movie Elaine picked at the theatre was, of course, a chick flick. Some lose the guy, find the guy, live happy ever after thing with Sandra Bullock. Watching sweet innocent Sandra on the screen made me wonder if she and that West Coast Chopper dude, Jesse James, ever did the wild thing on one of his custom motorcycles. Elaine had an agenda for the evening, I could tell that as soon as she picked a seat way in the back row of the theater. The coming attractions were still playing when she pulled my arm up and behind her and she leaned her head on my shoulder.

"This is so romantic," she whispered.

"Yes it is, thanks to you," I replied.

She liked that and snuggled close as the movie started. I was relaxed and comfortable as we sat there, happy that Elaine wasn't one of those people who talked through the picture. We left the theater at nine and headed to the Steak and Shake, I wasn't worried about being seen with such a young girl because she looked much older and I figured not many people knew who she was anyway. All the booths were filled so we found a small table and sat opposite each other talking about the movie, school and life in general. Elaine was taking in how the other teens in the restaurant were acting and adjusted her behavior accordingly. She smiled at me and became all flirty.

I ordered a double bacon cheeseburger and fries and Elaine had a BLT. She stole French fries off my plate as we talked; I thought she was adorable and told her so. She blushed at the compliment and held my hand across the table. I had to keep reminding myself that the date was practice for Elaine and nothing more. Some of my friends dropped by the table and I introduced Elaine without giving her last name. Elaine told people who asked that she went to a private school and was a sophomore. Stan and Krista even sat down at the table with us. Elaine easily adapted to the conversations Stan or Krista introduced. Krista was a cute girl with a sparking personality and a sharp wit, so she and Elaine had a field day at Stan and my expense. We hung out with Stan and Krista while they ordered and ate. At ten-thirty I took Elaine home.

Al Jerdin's minivan pulled in right behind us. We waited for Al on the porch. He shook my hand and gave Elaine an exuberant hug.

"Dude, I heard you had a date with Elle. How was the movie, think Sheba would like it?"

Al had this thing about calling anyone by his or her correct name. His nicks were mostly pretty appropriate and everyone seemed to like the monikers he hung on them. Donna Cavanaugh was the exception; being called Big Mama didn't sit that well with her. Elaine giggled and told him the movie was great but it might have had something to do with the company she had. Ellen and Elaine had a lot of fun tormenting Al. They kept him in perpetual confusion about which of them he was dealing with so he just used one name for both of them. Since Elle was French for she, he had the bases covered.

Speaking of names, Nina told me Ellen and Elaine were both forms of the name Helen, and meant 'light of the sun'. They were named after Helen Turner, Jacob Turner's mother, and the matriarch of the Buckley Clan. The more I learned about those Buckleys the more intrigued with them I became. For some reason I had a tickle in the back of my mind that the Buckleys were going to play a big part in my future. (Big hint here readers.)

Elaine let Al and I into the house. We went to the media room where Ellen and Shelia were watching ice dancing on the plasma big screen. Shelia jumped up when we came in and gave Al a big kiss and hug. I could see that she really liked the guy. Ellen made a gagging noise as they kissed. Ellen was wearing shorts and a t-shirt; her lack of a bra was obvious as her prominent nipples tented the thin cotton. I think that was the first time I ever saw the twins not dressed alike. Shelia also gave me a hug, grabbed her jacket off the back of the couch and started dragging Al towards the door.

"They're all yours - good luck," she yelled as they sailed out the front door.

So much for the five of us hanging out together. As soon as the door closed behind Shelia and Al, Ellen faked a big yawn and stood up.

"I think I'll go to bed," she said unnecessarily.

I chuckled as she dimmed the lights on her way out. I think I was being set up. Elaine kicked off her shoes and curled up against me on the plush wine colored leather couch. She stroked my cheeks with her fingertips. We had been touching in some fashion all night long. It felt so natural and right I never even noticed.

"I had a wonderful time tonight, Johnny, but did I do okay as a date for you?"

"You were wonderful, it was one of the best dates I ever had."

She gave a happy whoop and before I knew it, she was laying half across my lap kissing me like crazy. I returned the kiss and some of the sexual energy she was sending me. Our sexual connection was very strong that night, probably because of all the intimacy we'd shared during the evening. Remembering Nina's, admonishment about going too slowly, I unbuttoned a couple of buttons of her blouse and slipped my hand inside. Elaine moaned into my mouth, unwrapped her right arm from around my neck, unfastened the rest of the buttons and unclipped her front closure bra.

I guess she was also tired of me dragging my feet so she was taking charge. Things sped up considerably after that. I was soon licking her puffy Hershey Kiss nipples and dragging her panties off her slender hips. She wiggled around and helped me all she could. She was hot, wet and slick between her legs, I was surprised not to feel even the remnants of a hymen.

"Please tell me you are on birth control," I gritted out as she wrapped her slender long fingered hand around my shaft.

"Nooo, " she hissed, "don't you have anything?"

"I didn't even dream we'd be doing this, God, you've set me on fire," I gasped.

By now she had my dick out of my pants and was studying it as if it was an exhibition at the county fair. Kong was pulsating in her hand and she was throbbing around the finger I had buried in her. I pulled her off my lap and laid her on the couch, she spread her legs and held her arms up to me. It took will power I didn't know existed to ignore her arms and drop my head between her thighs. As soon as my tongue made contact with her shockingly large clit she screamed and convulsed as if she'd been electrocuted. I gently kissed the insides of her thighs until she calmed down then went back at her with a vengeance. It took her a little longer to climax the second time but it was just as intense.

After her third orgasm I couldn't stand it any longer and pulled myself up until I was kneeling over her chest. She grabbed Kong and I showed her how to move her hand. She jacked me a few strokes and I exploded on her chest and breasts. She came again as thick ropes of cum striped her skin.

Elaine jumped up and scurried naked into the bath adjoining the media room. She returned with a hand towel and we cleaned each other up. It was the hottest sexual experience of my life. I couldn't recall ever being that close to totally out of control. The sexual connection between us had been so strong the air still cracked with residual energy. She lovingly cleaned up Kong and gave him a kiss on his now deflated head. We found all the bits of Elaine's outfit scattered around the couch and put them back on her. When she was dressed and I was all zipped back up, she perched herself in my lap.

"So that was sex," she said dreamily. "Is it always that intense?"

"Sweetie I've never had a woman make me that out of control. I seriously underestimated the strength of our connection. We were only a few inches from taking a huge chance."

She nodded in agreement. "Our tingles were so strong I didn't care what you did to me. If I had my way I'd be full of your little spermy-wormies right now. I think I better get on the pill and I think you better buy a case of condoms until I do. Cause next time we are together I going to have you in me if I have to knock you out first."

We kissed at the door as I was leaving. As soon as our lips touched lust rolled over us like a tidal wave. It was all we could do to tear ourselves apart. When I climbed into the cab of my truck I was surprised it was only eleven-forty. I tried to analyze what happened as I drove. For the life of me I couldn't figure it out. One minute we were kissing and fooling around, the next we were rutting like minks. I guess Nina didn't have to worry about me making Elaine wait, that was for sure. Just thinking about her had me hard again.

I saw the Cavanaughs at Mass the next morning in their usual spot, a couple of pews in front of us. Even from behind I knew which of the three redheads was Elaine. I was thinking how wonderful a person she was when she turned around and smiled at me. I was startled when I felt a wash of contentment settle over me. Could Elaine be sending it to me without us even touching or was I just content being near her? I closed my eyes and tried to project the same feeling back to her. I figured I failed, and must have been mistaken, when she didn't acknowledge my actions.

After Mass I drove over to Rachael's house. After my episode with Elaine the night before, I was seeing everything different today. One of those things was Rachael and me. I had always had this romantic notion of Rachael and me as soul mates. Last night put things in a different perspective. I guess it was that chemistry thing Nina talked about. In the school of love, with Rachael I had history; with Elaine I had chemistry. Thinking about Elaine of course made me think about Ellen. Would it be the same way with the other twin? Some how, I thought not. Ellen and I connected but not as I did with Elaine or even Nina, for that matter. I wondered why that was; after all they were as identical as two people could be.

When I arrived at Rachael's she met me at the door wearing this teddy the same color blue as her eyes. I swear no other woman in the world could look any better than she did in that thing. After we shared a steamy kiss just inside the door, she practically dragged me to the bedroom. Rachael was the hottest and most vocal I'd ever seen her and I was a machine as I sought to please her. For the first time Rachael let me try different positions with her. To her surprise she liked all of them. We made technically proficient love for over an hour and a half. During that time she must have had twenty orgasms to my three. When she was finally sated she rested a minute or two then looked at her watch.

"That was incredible Johnny and I'd love to stay here and cuddle with you but I have a study group at five that I can't miss. I have just enough time to shower and make the drive."

I said I understood and dressed. She walked me to the door and gave me a kiss.

"Ciao, Johnny, I'll call you," she said.

Ciao Johnny? What the hell was that, if it wasn't the 'bums rush'? I suddenly knew what a woman must feel like when a man just uses her for sex and dumps her. That shit, I vowed, would never happen again. I don't care how good her body was, or how hot she was getting in the sack. The more I thought about it the more it pissed me off. Ciao, Johnny, my aching ass.

Michelle called me at seven that night. She was all peppy and happy sounding. She told me all about her two dates with Nick, the new guy. She said the dates were terrific, Nick was terrific; as a matter of fact, life in general was terrific. Nick was so romantic; Nick was so charming; Nick was so... I tuned out about then, it just wasn't my day I guess.

Michelle drove me to school the next morning still carrying on about Nick. I got to meet Prince Charming in the parking lot. His name was Nicholas Stavros and he was one handsome son of a gun. He was as tall as I, but had a slim swimmer's build. His hair was black and curly and his eyes were dark blue shaded towards violet. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy too; he smiled a lot, which only showed off his perfectly straight, pearly white teeth. Michelle departed with Nick without a backwards glance at me. I swear I could almost see the cartoon stars in her eyes.

That night Michelle called me and asked if I minded riding the bus to school in the morning because Nick was coming by to pick her up. Her voice sounded different somehow, sort of strained. I asked her what was the matter. She hesitated a few seconds and then admitted that she and Nick had sex that afternoon at her house after school. She sounded apologetic about ditching me so quickly over him. I told her I understood and hoped he made her happy. I could hear the blush in her voice when she replied that he made her very happy. She then gave me just the information I didn't need when she said he was real big 'down there'. Jesus, it wasn't like Nick needed any other advantages.

Elaine called and salvaged my night a few minutes after I hung up with Michelle. I couldn't quite grasp the serious attraction we obviously both felt. Judging by our conversation, Elaine felt the same way.

"Johnny, I could feel you behind me in church yesterday, it made me feel so good. And I talked to Aunt Nina about what happen Saturday night," she said.

I smiled at that; I was guessing I wouldn't be invited to dinner at Nina's this week. I don't think Nina actually believed that the one of the twins would be such a fast worker.

"What did she say?" I asked.

"She was very surprised and asked me a lot of questions. I guess at first she thought it was just our hormones getting out of control. Get this, when I told her I thought it was way beyond hormones, she said that the reaction was genetic with women in our family and was not unexpected. What was out of character was that it was with you and not our clan chief in Ireland, some distant cousin she called the O'Buckley. She said Ellen's reaction is more typical, you know, inquisitive but reserved. If anyone but Aunt Nina told me that stuff I'd think they were loony."

"Wow, that does sound weird," I said.

"There's even more Johnny, supposedly we are going to Ireland this summer and meet this guy. His name is Patrick Buckley, by the way. I looked him up on the Net; he is one of about twenty people who head the remnants of the old Irish clans. The clan chiefs are the only titleholders allowed by the Irish Constitution. The first O'Buckley was clan chief a thousand years before Christ."

"So where does that leave us, Sweetie? Are we going to have to stop seeing each other?" I asked, afraid of the answer.

"Nina didn't even mention that. I think our only problem is going to be the usual stuff about my age. But the same arguments about genetics apply there as well. Women in my family mature early, that's just a fact of life. Then again, the boy involved is you, Johnny, and everyone knows how you are."

I didn't like the sound of that.

"Er, is that good or bad?" I asked.

She had the same laugh that Nina had. It was enchanting and you knew it was real. "That's very good, silly boy. My dad considers you the son he never had, Mom respects you and Aunt Nina loves you to death."

We hung up shortly after that. I finished my homework and hung out watching television with Dad for a while then turned in at ten. Elaine sure had given me a bunch to think about. The story of her family didn't seem nearly as strange to me as it would have before I discovered the ability that I had to connect with some people. And what about Michelle? Dammed if that wasn't fast. I knew Michelle and I weren't destined to spend our lives together but holy cow, she dropped me like a bad habit.

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 13

The next day was Tuesday, December 21st, 2004; I slept in until after nine. I was in bed alone when I woke up. I gingerly climbed out of bed and tested my leg. It held my weight with only the pulling sensation from the stitches. I brushed my teeth, threw on some shorts and headed toward the wonderful aroma of breakfast coming from the kitchen. When I got there Jane saw me and smiled. “Good morning Sleepyhead. I was just about to come get you. Breakfast is ready.” I went over to where she...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 16

I know you are wondering why I put up with all the drama that Rachael kept heaping on me. Well join the freakin' club, cause I didn't have a clue either. When she told me before Christmas break that she would be coming home early, I thought it was going to be to spend the rest of the holiday with me. So what happens? We spend one night together and she says she'll see me in a coupe of weeks and she splits for parts unknown. And the kicker was her reason, "Johnny it is just too good when...

4 years ago
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Johnny on the Spot

Making my way up the stairs to my room, the bottle of pills in my backpack, I knew what I had to do. The decision had come easy to me, I was going to kill myself. Why, because I just raped my beautiful sixteen year old sister Shannon when we were alone the night before. I was two years older and Mom had left me in charge while she was off on a business trip. Not due back for three days she wouldn't find out what I had done till then and of course by that time I would be long since dead. My...

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Johnny Fucks the Family

I wonder if every family has its own Johnny. In my family, he’s my older brother and he’s a selfish horn dog. My name is Jimmy and I’m a sophomore in high school and my brother Johnny is a senior in the same high school. He’s very popular and my mom is very proud of him and I know he’s her favorite child. She only has three choices, me, my younger sister Jenny or our over achiever brother Johnny. Anyway, Johnny’s a jock, playing both football and basketball and the girls just throw themselves...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 8

After Mass, on the Sunday after the Homecoming dance, I had a message from Amanda on my cell phone to call her. When I returned her call she told me I was invited to dinner at her house that night. I got permission to go from my dad then accepted the invitation. Amanda offered to come pick me up but I declined and rode my bike over instead; I hoped the trip would be the swan song of having to use a mountain bike as my primary mode of transportation. I pedaled the two miles to Amanda's. She...

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Johnny Pulaski and the Cult of AmunRaChapter 11

An uneventful (in terms of excitement) week had passed at modern day Karnak since the rescue of Princess Henuttawy. Progress at the dig moved along smoothly, both in the tunnels and at the Second Pylon. One of the students Mia was supervising in deciphering the writings on the main hallway chanced upon a painting of the Second Pylon. It was a large battle scene with Ramses capturing scores of Hittite slaves. The drawing was an immense help in determining how the plaster shards they were...

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Johnny Come Lately

Johnny Come Lately...No More! Anna Feie I have come out of hiding, I am sick of hiding hence I shall never again be ashamed of who I am. A bold statement on my part but a statement of life as I have lived it. My given name has been lost in the "mists of time"; I choose to be known as Sue. Let me go back to the beginning of my time and begin. I was born the last of seven, Ray, Margaret, Ted, Carol, Jane, Duane, and Sally came before. All but Sally had left home by the time I...

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Johnny Comes Home

A Piece of my Imagination Johnny Porter looked around his office just to ensure that everything was neat and tidy, a habit he’d picked up as a cadet and one he didn’t feel like relinquishing even on a new planet. Satisfied that everything was as it should be he grabbed his combat smock and headed for the door and home, smiling as he passed the sign on his door -- as he did every time he saw it. Captain J. Porter Commanding Officer Demeter Militia It sounded good but the whole...

3 years ago
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Johnny WaxxChapter 3

They came back down the stairs together looking like sisters now. Johnny Junior sure liked how they looked. "Jack ... Johnny. Getting an erection because of your mother is really ... odd." "Your nipples look hard too, Emily. Is that just a friendly way of saying 'Hello Dere?' Covering up a laugh, April said, "I need to get back to work, this Author pays well if I'm quick." "I'd rather you be really slow, sis, if you know what I mean?" Attempting to change the subject, my...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 20

I had another date with Elaine Thursday night after my last day of school before Spring Break. It was a warmish spring night so I drove us down to the beach after we ate. I parked my truck off to the side of the closed beach approach and we walked hand in hand down along the edge of the surf. "Ellen and I had a long talk last night," Elaine said. "About what?" I asked. "About us growing up and growing apart." "How did that go? How does Ellen feel about it? Most importantly to me,...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 5

I love springtime in Florida. From about the middle of March until early June the weather is perfect. The humidity is low with temperatures rising to the mid eighties during the day, and dropping into the sixties at night. College spring break begins in late March, first for the Canadian then for the US schools. The college kids hit the beach about the same time that we locals start spending more time on them. If we wanted to check out the college talent we drove a dozen miles north to...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 23

I have a lot of stuff left to tell you but first I need to insert a small sidebar. I want to talk some about what makes a woman attractive to me. Now I don't pretend to be an expert, heck I've only had sex with a few women in my entire life, but every woman I've ever been with was sexy as hell, and I don't think it's a coincidence that every one of them was smart also. I know that my perception of beauty has undergone a radical change. For instance, I don't think the almost physically...

4 years ago
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Johnny QuickChapter 2

The next morning we left fer her betrothed's house after a meager breakfast. We got there jus' after noon, an' the people inside were jus' finishin' up. I knocked on the door an' a young man came ta the door. Cindy said, "Good morrow, Justin. Please tell Ephrem that I am here, an' I need ta speak ta him immediately." I wuz surprised when the Justin left us standing at the door; that jus' wuzn't polite, at all. It wuz nearly 10 minutes before an older man came ta the door—he looked...

3 years ago
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Johnny PulaskiChapter 6

One thing about us Pulaski men, we were fanatics about being on time. I think it all stemmed from my grandfather's years in the military. Being at the appointed place at the designated time, Papa called it. So on my big day my grandfather honked his horn for me at seven fifty-nine. I grabbed my backpack and sprinted out to his truck. As we motored out of town Papa looked at me wistfully when we passed Mama's Diner. "You can stop there on the way home, all you have to do is drop me off."...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 9

I woke up feeling great Thursday morning after my threesome with Amanda and Caroline. And why the hell shouldn't I? I just lived every guy's dream and I had just turned sixteen. I was King Shit. Well, I was until I got to the bathroom to drain Kong anyway. Kong was a little sore when I shook him off but he was taking it like a man. I sidled from the john to the sink to brush my fangs. When I looked in the mirror I recoiled in horror. Recoiled because I had a zit on the end of my nose as big...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 10

I was on autopilot driving home from my date with Shelia. I couldn't stop thinking about her, or reliving our evening. I was elated and scared witless, both at the same time. The reason I was scared was because Shelia was the first girl I had ever dated without the advantage of the connection thing. As the evening had progressed with Shelia I started to get a sense of how she felt but it wasn't the clear signal I was use to getting. I was also scared because Shelia soared with the socially...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 17

Sunday, January the second, 2005 was my last day of freedom. It was back to school the next day. I went home at nine that morning, changed clothes, and attended Mass with Dad. It sure wasn't the same as last Sunday without Mom and Katrina there. Of course the experience didn't get better seeing the Cavanaughs and Rochellis sitting three pews in front of us. Tony and Shelia were sitting side by side, of course. After Mass we shook hands with Father Donovan on the church steps and headed for...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 24

The Monday following my weekend with the twins and Cindi started a stretch of halcyon days for me. A life sweeter than the one I was living was beyond my comprehension. Guys, I'll tell you another benefit of hanging out with smart women; they are low maintenance and you don't have to spend all your time entertaining them. Now for some guys having a woman up your butt all the time is a good thing. If that's your bag, good for you. But me, I like a minute or two on my own every once and a...

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Johnny Pulaski and the Cult of AmunRaChapter 7

The first day of the Festival of Opet saw the Barques of the Gods brought into the Royal Temple of Amun in Luxor. The shrines of the worshiped trio were removed and displayed in the temple sanctuary. They would remain there for twenty-seven days and return to Karnak by sailing down the River Nile. After Ramses accepted the Holy Barques, the priests and priestesses of the Cult of Amun Ra returned to Karnak. The return journey down the Avenue of Ram-Headed Sphinx was just as boisterous as the...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 7

I promised to tell you how bad the rest of the summer of 2004 sucked and I'll get to that. But first I have to tell you that July started with a lot of promise. My baseball team was cruising, my social life was most excellent and my love life was extraordinary. Caroline Hernandez had blossomed into a confident young woman right before my eyes. She had a job at Walgreen's now, making money for herself for a change. Her store manager loved her because of her work ethic and ability to speak...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 11

I walked Shelia to her room before heading back to mine. When I opened the door to our room, Creole was just coming out of the bathroom. I stood in the doorway, mouth agape, as he strolled to his bed wearing maroon silk pajamas with a gold paisley design. He caught my look and did a pirouette. "Nice, huh, my mama bought them for me. If I ever get a job as a bouncer in a bordello, I'm all set." I swear I had to hold onto the door handle to keep from falling down. His looked as if he were...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 22

Posted: May 02, 2006 - 12:40:50 pm Updated: May 02, 2006 - 11:46:27 pm I left the Cavanaughs’ house a happy Polack after my twin blowjobs. Elaine and Ellen were happy, too. Ellen was happy because she was caught up with her sister in the sex department. Elaine was happy because we had moved one step closer to doing the nasty. The Mighty Kong was the happiest though, because he finally saw something besides the palm of my hand. Saturday morning Papa and I went to Mama’s Diner for breakfast...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 26

A number of people have told me that I'm mature for my age. I like that and I like it when they mistakenly think I'm older than I am. I personally don't think I'm all that mature. I like to think that I'm just more responsible than the average sixteen-year-old guy. To me, maturity comes with life experience and I was woefully short in that area. I think people mistook me being a responsible, big and quiet person to mean I was mature. Being responsible I'll cop to. Because for a Pulaski...

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johnny and me

I stuck a couple of fingers into my Liszt and finger fucked myself hard. It only took me a few minutes till I got what I wanted. 'arghhg ahh ohhh urghhhh' I was moaning louder and louder. Than my orgasm ripped through my body, I fingered myself faster and pushed the shower head closer to my clit and than Second orgasm ripped through my body 'OHHH YES YES YES ARGHHH NGHH UGHHH' after my second orgasm I finished having a shower. Johnny came home not long later and wanted lunch, I...

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Johnny Mackinson RIP

On a day in early June in 1950, a 12-year-old boy stood in the front row of the stands on the third-base side of Rickwood Field. The players were on the field, going through their pre-game drills. The boy was in the company of Walter Simpson, an old man. Mr. Simpson was a longtime fan of the Double-A baseball club known as the Birmingham Barons. He knew the players, and they knew him. Years earlier, when the boy had been only three and four years old, Walter Simpson and his wife had cared for...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 12

I aimed a kick at the dog that had grabbed the little girls arm. My aim was good and I had some momentum when I connected with his ribs. The dog yelped as my hiking boot struck full force and he went flying. The little girl was dragged off her feet as the dog refused to relinquish its grip. Then, miraculously her jacket came off her arm, as all the dog had grabbed was sleeve. I quickly spun the girl around and pulled the other sleeve off her arm. My sudden appearance had caused the second dog...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 18

It was nice not having to deal with Tony Rochelli's insults and jibes when school started back on the Tuesday after the MLK long weekend. Tony was still on in-school suspension for the next two days, no one, me included, knew that the axe was going to fall on his head that Saturday night. The Cavanaughs kept Shelia home from school all the rest of the week. The flu was the reason the school received and it was the story Tony got when he was unable to talk to her on the phone all week. Not...

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Johnny QuickChapter 3

We had gone about three miles from our overnight camp when some people came running at us from the trees to our right. Shit! They were Redsticks an' they were after blood—ours! Ezra wuz nappin' in the back of the wagon, since he had been awake the most last night, an' he sat upright an' yelled some wordless scream. I though fer shore that he wuz gonna bolt, but he pulled his knife an' stood his ground. Cindy pulled out her stiletto an' I grabbed up the crossbow. I started shooting...

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Johnny QuickChapter 5

Well, for a whole week, I was the town hero. I even had people askin' ifen I could make 'em some of them there throwin' knives an' teach 'em how to use the thin's. That scared me a mite, since I could see folks gittin' hurt cuz some idiot decided ta throw his knife an' missed his target. I got out of it by claimin' ta be too busy right now ta hold classes—maybe later? I figured that ifen I stalled long enough, they would fergit about the thin's. Meanwhile, it sounded like thin's...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 14

Emma and I had fun at the mall. We buzzed into a few jewelry stores, picking up items from my list. Next it was Wilson's Leather for a briefcase for Katrina then we went to Victoria's secret and picked up a little something to put in that briefcase. I was carrying Emma after fifteen minutes. She was a game trooper but her little legs couldn't keep up. We went to the Wal-Mart super center next. It was crowded and noisy but I managed to snag a new twenty-eight inch television for Kayla to...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 15

It was five in the afternoon when I pulled into our driveway. I had detoured by my grandparents' to look in on Jethro before going home. The doofus was happy to see me and blithely ignored me scolding him about digging up the yard. When left alone, Jethro found ways to amuse himself, usually by swiping anything not nailed down and burying it in the yard. I had to get the shovel, check that he hadn't buried anything vital and cover up the holes. My sister pulled into the drive right behind...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 21

In the immortal words of my grandfather, when my sister climbed on top of me naked and grabbed my dick, I was so scared, I didn't know whether to shit or go blind. My plan to appease my sister with a little fooling around was backfiring on me big time. I didn't have a clue for what to do next but Kong seemed to be on the same sheet of music as Katrina. Already as hard as a railroad crosstie, he pulsed in her hand with the rapid beat of my heart. Katrina cooed as he throbbed in her long...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 25

The week that the twins left for Ireland is when I met my "cousin" Tyler Tiplitski. I said cousin in quotes because Tyler is the grandson of my self-proclaimed aunt, Olga Swistak. In the circular logic of Olga and Nana, if Tyler is Olga's grandson, and she has declared me her nephew, then Tyler and I must be cousins. I met Tyler because Papa hired him as a favor to Aunt Olie. Tyler had just graduated from high school and was trying to decide on his future. Papa said he'd give the boy a...

2 years ago
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Johnny satisfies his lust

Hi, I’m Johnny. I’m your average White boy 18 year old that’s good at math and play Tennis for my high school team. My future seems to be very bright with the options to either be a doctor or a dentist. What I didn’t realize was in my future would be cocks. Not mine, but other men’s. Like most boys in high school, I was mesmerized with anything that had tits and a vagina. I had plenty of girlfriends and never thought I would ever “bat for the other team.” Porn is easily available so I spent...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 3

Sunday afternoon I was back at the Hoffmans', this time it was Richie, Stan, and I lifting weights and talking in the garage. "So Stan is hooked up with my sister, and Michelle is after Johnny. I guess that means I have to ask Katrina out," Richie said. Stan and I gawked at him trying to figure out if he was serious. Richie was the Romeo of our little posse, an accomplished ladies man. But still, this was Katrina Pulaski he was talking about so nonchalantly. Katrina was about as far out...

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