Shasta and Erin lesbian video shoot
- 2 years ago
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The walk to the governor's mansion followed a gentle climb and the road surface was well tended but Shasta's foot began hurting nonetheless. At one point it caused her to stumble and without thinking she grabbed at the only thing nearby to steady herself; that happened to be Nesho's arm. Nesho wasn't expecting that and with her very large pregnant belly she also stumbled slightly.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, mistress!" Shasta cried.
"No harm done, child," Nesho said as she regained her balance.
"Is everything all right back there?" the governor asked over his shoulder, stopping short and looking back.
"Everything's fine, dear," Nesho said absently. She frowned and looked down at Shasta's foot. "What's wrong with your foot? Shasta, isn't it? Can you walk on it?"
"It's fine, mistress," Shasta said pulling her foot back under her skirt and out of the woman's view.
"We'll see about that," Nesho said with a huff. "Dent dear, would you please help me here?"
"Of course, love," he said walking back to them. "What do you need?"
"I need to look at her foot," Nesho answered. "I saw her limp of course, but now she seems to be having trouble walking. I'd like to see what the problem is."
Embarrassed Shasta looked around for somewhere to sit down since it appeared she wasn't going to have any choice in the matter. Seeing nothing was immediately available she had decided to squat on the ground when she suddenly felt an arm lock around her back and another under her knees as she was lifted off the ground. She squeaked as she was held aloft and turning her head she found herself only inches away from a pair of pale blue eyes the color of winter ice. For the second time in less than an hour she felt pinned by his gaze
"Well, that's one way to do it," Nesho chuckled as Clarise and Sosho giggled.
"There wasn't anywhere for her sit," The governor said affably. "This seemed the easiest solution."
"It doesn't hurt you get to carry around a pretty girl, now does it?" Sosho said from behind him.
"A bonus of the job," he agreed.
"Actually this works out very well," Nesho said as she worked off Shasta's sandal. "Gods, girl! What did you do here?" The sole of Shasta's foot was almost one continuous bruise.
"It's nothing really mistress," she muttered, turning bright pink.
"Nonsense!" Nesho barked. "How did you get this?" Nesho's vehemence surprised Shasta and she unconsciously pressed herself into Dent's chest. When she realized what she was doing she started shaking and moved back away.
"It's all right," he said kindly. "She didn't mean to scare you."
"I'm sorry, dear," Nesho said contritely. "He's right; I didn't mean to scare you. But I do want to know where you got this. Is your other foot the same?" Without waiting to hear Shasta's answer Nesho started to peel off the other sandal. The sole of that foot was discolored, but not the same extent as the first.
"Hmm, not as bad," was Nesho's verdict. "Now, where did you get these bruises?"
"As I told you before." Shasta was doing her best to ignore the fact she was being held up off the ground by a man to whom her weight seemed little more than a child's. That and the distracting warm breath of his that seemed to tickle her neck. Pushing those thoughts aside she continued, "Mongue enjoyed giving pain. One of his favorite ways of doing it was to beat the bottoms of our feet. It was painful but I've lived through worse. I can walk on my own!"
"Hmm, maybe..." Nesho started thoughtfully.
"Doesn't matter," Dent broke in. "It's only a kilometer or so to the house. We'll get you up there and find you somewhere to sit and Nesho can have a proper look at it." With that he started walking up the road still carrying the protesting woman.
"I can walk by myself!" she shouted.
"Master," Clarise said walking beside them.
"What?" The interruption surprised Shasta enough she stopped protesting long enough to ask.
"I can walk by myself, Master," Clarise repeated.
"Clarise," Dent chided. "Now isn't the time or the place."
"But Dent..." Clarise started, but with a look from him she just gave a little "harrumph" and "Of course, Master."
Dent looked down at Shasta and grinned. "It's amazing. With all three of them it's 'dear, ' or 'love, ' or even 'sweetheart, ' until I do something they don't like. Then it's Master this and Master that, until it's coming out of my ears."
"Well, you have a position to think about," Clarise sniffed. "You aren't just any meat-headed warrior gallivanting off to wherever he chooses; you're the Governor of Safehaven, a highly responsible and respected station. You deserve proper respect be shown you and that includes your servants addressing you properly."
"Like when you called me a ham-fisted buffoon last night?" he said teasingly.
"I did not!" she exclaimed with mock anger. "I called you a clumsy, ham-fisted buffoon. After all you did break my hand mirror."
"Yes, but that was only because you didn't put it away and then jumped on me..." The bantering continued as they walked with Nesho and Sosho joining in from time to time. Sometimes the three of them ganging up on Dent; other times it was two against one, or all three against each other. It was obvious that it was all in play though.
This confused Shasta almost as much as anything else had on this very baffling day. For the ten years she had been held captive she had never seen this kind of interaction between slave and master. It reminded her of how her parents used to act between themselves back before her world had been ripped apart. Lulled by the gentle rolling gait of her "mount" coupled by the letdown of her post-adrenalin rush she actually drifted off to sleep...
"The poor thing." Shasta woke not knowing where she was. Startled, she opened her eyes and realized she had been leaning her head against the young governor's chest. Struggling upright, or as much as one could when being carried, she looked around. They weren't moving and she was surrounded by three pairs of eyes looking at her anxiously, all right, four sets of eyes, but she tried to ignore him.
"Let's bring her inside," that was Nesho talking. "At least we can get her a seat and give your arms a rest."
Shasta felt more than heard his rumbling chuckle. "She barely weighs anything. But you're right, of course. We should get her inside so you can get a good look at her feet."
"And everything else," Nesho sniffed. "If her feet are this bad I hate to think what else we might find."
"Then best be at it quickly," Dent said and he turned toward the mansion Shasta just now noticed. It was big, or at least it was going to be big when finished. To Shasta's untrained eye it looked to be about two-thirds complete. One wing appeared completely finished while the other wing still had framing showing here and there. It was going to impressive when finished, but without the gaudy distractions found on so many of the noble houses in Harv'el.
With no fanfare at all the four walked up to the front door, the fifth still being in transport as it were, and entered. There didn't seem to be anyone in the foyer, but there were a number of overstuffed chairs. Dent gently lowered Shasta into one and stood up stretching his arms and flexing his muscles.
Nesho squatted down in front of the girl until Dent pulled another chair over for her to sit. Nesho looked at the girls feet again and then scanned her hands, neck and face; everything that wasn't covered.
"I'm going to need to examine her," Nesho said finally. "I need somewhere private."
"Why don't you wait until the O'Tech technician gets here and fits her with the salidin?" Dent said.
Nesho looked up at him sharply. "Why? You couldn't possibly think she could be a danger, do you?"
"Not with the salidin," he replied firmly. "This one has the fire, and remember just what she was on trial for."
"But..." was all the Nesho got out before Dent raised his eyebrows at her. She gave a little sigh and just said, "Yes dear."
Dent nodded and smiled. "It won't be very long. I sent for one before we left and they usually respond fairly quickly." Just as he finished speaking there was a sharp rapping on the door. Dent started towards it but was almost bowled over by a young woman running through the entrance hall.
"I'll get it, Master," she said breathlessly.
"All right, don't mind me," he said with a chuckle.
The maid opened the door and in strode an elderly gentleman. He had a smile that seemed to fit his face like it had never left and when Sosho saw him she squealed and rushed over giving him a big hug.
"Don," she said gleefully, "I didn't know you'd be coming." Nesho walked over to him at a somewhat statelier pace and was also graced with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Dent was right behind her, greeting the old man with a firm handshake.
"Don, Sosho's right. We certainly didn't expect to see you come for this little task." Dent grinned, "But I'm certainly glad you did. We don't get to see you often enough."
"Well," the old man said handing his bag to the maid, "when the governor calls it's best we answer quickly. Besides it gives me a good excuse to get away from the youngsters and see all of you again. We have been busy getting the new station set up and I'll use any excuse to get out for a while. Now I understand you want someone fitted," he said looking over at Shasta still sitting on a chair.
"Yes." Dent followed Don's look and nodded at Shasta. "There's a little story behind this one..."
"Oh, I heard all about it from Clem." Don shook his head and chuckled. "Interesting things do seem to happen around you; that's for sure. Killed her master, did she? I think we can take care of that. Do you want to do it right now?" Dent nodded and Don motioned for the maid to hand him his bag again. After retrieving it, the four of them walked over to the seated girl. Shasta looked up in dread and tried to scrunch back into the chair as much as she possibly could.
"Hmm, you do seem to pick the pretty ones don't you?" Don looked at Dent a raised his eyebrows, Dent blushed while Sosho and Clarise giggled. Crouching down he looked her in the eye. "Now don't you worry, sweet thing. This won't hurt a bit, not you anyway." Looking back up he asked, "To whom do you want her bonded?"
"Given the circumstances, I think it better be me," Dent said.
"Fine. Stand up here, little one," Don said to Shasta. "Let's make it easy on an old man."
"Can you do it with her sitting?" Nesho asked. "I'd rather not have her standing right now."
"Well, we could. But it would be easier..." Don glanced down at her bare feet and noticed the heavy bruising. "Oh! Oh my. Yes, well, we certainly can do it with her sitting. My dear, where did you get those?" he asked Shasta, pointing at her feet.
"Her previous master," Clarise hissed, making the word master sound like a curse.
"Hmm, yes, I understand a little better now," Don muttered, the smile completely erased from his face now.
"Shasta," Dent began, "this is Don teNeigho, an old friend of ours. He will be fitting you with your salidin. It won't hurt you but after you have it on there won't be any question about having you in our household. I understand why you did what you did, but without this I can't allow you in my household. It would please me if we could do this without trouble."
Shasta's face clouded up like the mere thought of doing something to please her new master was against her very nature. Looking up at Nesho she saw the older woman nod and smile. For some reason she felt she could trust this woman and, biting her lip, she nodded.
"Excellent!" Don said. Rummaging through his bag he brought out two boxes. From the first he retrieved what looked like a long thin ribbon of metal the color of dull pewter. From the second box came another box the same color as the ribbon.
"Dent," he said, "would you do the honor?"
Dent nodded and took the metal ribbon from him. Nesho bent and gathered Shasta's hair together and held it away from her neck. Smiling and looking Shasta in the eyes Dent leaned over and wrapped the ribbon around her neck. Shasta couldn't see what was happening but suddenly the ribbon was snuggly fitted on her skin. She expected it to be cold, or at least cool, but surprisingly it felt warm and soft, not at all like she thought metal would feel. Don plucked a large needle out of his sleeve and Shasta involuntarily grimaced.
"Don't worry my dear," Don said soothingly. "This isn't for you." Dent stuck out his thumb and grunted when teNeigho jabbed it. A large drop of blood welled up and Dent smeared it on the metal band around her neck.
"Almost done," Don said. Holding the smaller box next to her neck he placed his own thumb in an indention on its side. Immediately the box turned a beautiful golden color, the same color as the salidin around the necks of the other three women.
"That's it," he said standing upright. "Now it will take awhile. I don't think the bonding will be quite as easy as your other two. But hopefully not quite as long as someone else's we know of." Clarise turned red and looked a bit sheepish at this.
Shasta started to feel a bit funny. Certainly no pain, but it was still very strange, almost like she had drunk a couple of glasses of wine and had it go straight to her head. The feeling started around her neck, she reached up to touch the band around her neck without thinking, but it quickly spread throughout her entire body. In fact, not only was there no pain but the pain in her feet soon receded until there was only a dull feeling; like there should be pain, but it didn't hurt any longer.
"You should probably take her somewhere to rest," Don said. To Shasta his voice sounded like it was coming from far away. She could hear and understand him, but it was as if she wasn't part of what was going on anymore. It wasn't a bad feeling; in fact she felt kind of silly and started giggling.
"She looks like she been drugged," Shasta heard. She thought it was Sosho, but she couldn't be sure.
"Very likely." That voice she recognized; it was the governor. How ridiculous, she thought, a governor as young as she was. She almost laughed at the thought. Looking up at him she tried to focus on his face; she could but it took some effort. Try as she would, she couldn't remember why she had been afraid when she first saw him.
"I think she needs to get some rest." That was the older woman, Nesho. Nesho was leaning over her as best she could and looking into her eyes. The care and concern that look conveyed reminded her of someone, but she couldn't remember whom. "Where do you want to put her?" That question was directed at Clarise, the young blonde standing next to them.
"Well," Clarise said thoughtfully. "I believe Katern has an empty bed in her room. We can put her there for now at least."
"I still don't want her to walk for awhile," Nesho reminded the crowd.
"No problem," Governor Dent said. Bending down he scooped up Shasta and again followed Clarise as she led him deeper into the house. They passed workers cleaning up or putting finishing touches on trim who greeted them with a "Mistress Clarise," or "Governor." The work on the residential side of the house was almost complete, Dent insisted on that before allowing the construction of the "public" wing to proceed past the initial framing. Dent could feel the girl in his arms relax moment by moment as they walked down a well lighted hallway reminiscent of the dormitory where the live-in students stayed at his old academy. Clarise stopped at a door and knocked. Hearing no reply she opened the door and beckoned Dent to follow her in.
The small room contained two beds, wardrobes and a small table. It was very neat although one half was obviously occupied since numerous items were visible. A vase with flowers, combs and even a book were arranged neatly on the table or next to one of the beds. The other bed was made up with linen already, but seemed empty compared to the other.
"Lay her down there," Clarise said pointing to the unused bed. "She can rest here. I'll have Katern see to her in a little while." Clarise picked up a blanket that had been folded on the foot of the bed and shaking it out pulled it up over the dazed girl when Dent laid her down. Shasta looked up at her puzzled.
"You just rest here," Clarise said patting the cover. "I'll be back in a while; we have some things to discuss. But that can wait until you feel up to it."
Clarise moved over next to Dent and giggled when he pulled her into his side and gave her a kiss. Putting her arm around his waist she tugged him toward the door.
"You did well today, Master," she said as they moved out into the hallway.
"I hope so," he replied as they walked down the corridor.
Shasta barely heard their footsteps as they faded away. Then the emotional drain of the day and the bonding finally caught up with her and she dropped off to sleep.
Shasta woke with a start suddenly afraid deMongue would find her lying down and asleep, a guarantee of rougher punishment than was the usual. The memories of what happened came rushing back to her and she struggled to sit up, her eyes darting around the small room. Wide awake now she realized she wasn't alone in the room. Sitting with her legs crossed under her on the bed across the room was another girl staring at her intently. The girl was about her own age, Shasta guessed, brown hair and rather petite, pretty in a rather ordinary way with a heart shaped face and very large brown eyes.
"You're finally awake," the girl said. "Good. I was afraid you would sleep the day away and miss the evening meal. How do you feel?"
"Ah, fine I suppose," Shasta answered slowly.
"Good. Mistress Clarise wanted to talk to you when you woke up, but..." the girl giggled and covered her mouth with one hand. "She's, ah, busy right now. I guess that leaves just the two of us for right now. I'm Katern, by the way."
"Uh, I'm Shasta."
"Pleased to meet you," Katern said unfolding her legs and letting them come to rest on the floor. "The mistress said if you felt up to it you would probably want something to eat. Are you hungry?"
Shasta's stomach rumbled at the thought of food and she smiled involuntarily when Katern giggled again.
"Well, supper for us will start soon, so why don't I show you where the privies are and then we can find out what the cooks have come up with tonight?" Katern jumped to her feet and gave Shasta a questioning look. "Ready?"
"Ah, yes, I suppose so," Shasta said getting to her feet slowly. "Hmm, are we allowed to leave the room?"
"Allowed?" Katern gave her a puzzled look. "How else would we get supper? Oh, I see. You had one of them before, didn't you?"
"Them?" Shasta asked as she smoothed out the wrinkles in her skirt.
"You know, them." Katern said over her shoulder as she walked towards the door. "One of those bastards that wouldn't let you do anything without getting permission first. I was with deBabear before Master Dent took us. From what I hear he wasn't as bad as some, but it was still bad enough. The mistress said you had a bad one but she didn't have time to completely fill me in. You can do that while we eat."
True to her word Katern took Shasta to the privies first, for which Shasta was very grateful. Next she was led into a large room with a number of long wooden tables. A few people, mostly women, were already sitting and eating.
"They're the ones serving dinner tonight," Katern said pointing them out. "I was supposed to be on tonight but the mistress pulled me off so I could show you around."
Shasta thought back to the times she had been forced to serve her prior masters dinner and shuttered. "Will I have to do that?" she asked."
"I don't know what they're going to have you do," Katern answered with a shrug. She shepherded her charge through a door in the rear of the room and into the kitchen proper. She demonstrated where to get the plates and utensils. Shasta watched in amazement as one of the cooks filled her plate with vegetables and some kind of roasted meat with gravy.
"Oh, yummy!" Katern smacked her lips as they exited the kitchen back into the eating area. "Roast beef, my favorite!" She leaned over and in a conspiratorial voice said, "Don't tell the cooks but I do get kind of tired of the fish stew. I mean it's good and everything, but after you've had it three or four times a week it gets kind of old. Sometimes I wish Master Dent would be a little more demanding in his choice of foods. I swear he could eat hardtack and salt pork every day and not complain. But unless Mistress Nesho or Clarise gets peeved it's pretty much up to the head cook, and she likes fish stew."
"Why," Shasta asked between bites of the rich dark bread. "Why would it matter what they're having?"
"Because we have what they have," Katern answered. "I know, I know, that's not common, but you will have to get used to a lot of things around here that aren't common. So, what's your story anyway?"
"I... I... killed my master and the governor sentenced me to death," Shasta said looking down at her plate.
"Really?" Katern said with disbelief. "You'd better not try that crap around here!" Shasta looked up quickly surprised at the intensity in the young woman's voice. She saw Katern looking very intently at the band around Shasta's neck. "Who are you bonded to anyway?"
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It was 4 AM and Sam was waiting for his daughter to get home. It was way past her curfew. He finally heard a car pull up and then the front door quietly opened. He waited till she closed the door before he grabbed her. He yelled "Where the hell have you been?" She looked at him and did not answer. He dragged her to her room and sat on the bed and bent her over his lap and began to spank her ass. Then he pulled down her pants and really spanked her bare ass. She fought trying to get away but he...
“Susan. Susie… tell me what happened the other day when you did lines with that famous rapper’s bodyguard.” She looked stunned for a second and replied, “Oh Darnell? He’s so sweet. I went to his SUV because he invited me to do some coke. Remember I asked your permission.” She paused, “Ok how much do you want to know.” I just stared at her dumbfounded. She had never looked more beautiful to me than that moment. I was conflicted. I felt hurt, jealous, and irritated, but I was also surprised...
I had been thinking about it for while, a long while. Since my teens when I found that paperback book. I could not believe my luck! I had stopped at a yard sale while out for bike ride on the 8th day of camping. Anything to break up the boredom! It was a "loaner" from the campground. One of those three wheel bikes with the huge basket on the back. I was an avid reader and stopped to check out a box of books marked "free". There was the usual assortment of westerns and romance novels as well as...
Soon after my arrival a street urchin attached himself to me and proved to be of invaluable service. He was a young adolescent of approximately 18. I felt sorry for him, and he soon ended up staying with me in my hotel suite. He was a tall thin boy with a nice round ass. His body was smooth and hairless mostly, except for a growth of hair in his arm pits, and pubic area. I got in the habit of calling him Jimmy. Frequently I had bad dreams or nightmares, stemming from my years of service in...
"Paul, honey, can you come into the kitchen and help mommy out, please?" "What is it mommy?" "I can't reach the flour and I really want to make us some yummy mommy cupcakes. Don't you want your mommy to bake you some yummy mommy cakes?" "Oh yes mommy, OK, I'll be right there!"I walked into the kitchen and immediately saw mommy in the far corner, reaching up for the elusive bag of flour. Her short white diaphanous gown didn't quite cover her round ass, so I could see the bottom of her cheeks,...
I woke up randomly in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep. Tossing and turning for 30-40 minutes."This is useless," I think, "I’ll just mess on my phone until I fall asleep." I picked up my phone, it's flashing green which means I have a Facebook message. It's from Josh. Josh is somebody I added about 6 months ago, he is pretty sexy to be honest, gorgeous bright blue eyes, toned just beautifully, tanned and about 5'9". We have never spoken before so I was wondering why he...
First TimeHello dosto mera naam sameer hai mai abhi 27 saal ka hu ye baat 9 saal pahle ki hai jab mai 12th ka exam ki tayyari kar raha tha tab mai ek 35 saal ki awrat se tution parh raha tha 10 dinotak to thik se parha magar ek din meri jindagi hi badal gayee hua ye ki tution jaate samay rashte mai paani aane laga aur mai bhing gaya aur kapre mai kichar bhi lag gaya kisi tarah mai teacher ke ghar pahuch gaya.Teacher bhinga dekh mujhe kapre utaar ke sukhane boli aur ek towel de di mai kapre utaar ke...
Corruption By Julie O. Edited and with menus by Amelia R. Chapter 1 Faith Collins poured herself another mug of coffee and returned to her computer. Like many writers, Faith had a routine she followed while she was working on a book. It was nearly nine at night, but this didn't bother Faith, as she enjoyed working late into the night. Presently she was working on the fifth book of her detective series. To her amazement, all four of her previous books had rocketed to the top...
Knees bent and legs wide open, Daphne Blake stared up at the white spotlights on the ceiling of VELMA’S BEAUTY SALON. The radio in the corner played an unsettling rock song but it had been turned down low enough to seem almost satirical.“Ready?” Velma asked.Daphne squirmed. “No!”She closed her eyes tight and sucked in a breath as the dark-haired beautician deftly pulled off the first wax strip.“Fuck!” Daphne gasped, biting down on her hand. “Now I remember why I don’t fucking do this!”Velma...
ReluctanceNatalie and I fell back into a deep sleep, after our early morning lovemaking. I woke again Just before 7:00 am. I lay mulling over my night, and what had woken me. Then I heard the click of the bathroom door shutting, and realised I needed to pee.I gently pulled myself away from Natalie and got up, she never moved, dead to the world. I stood watching her for a minute, taking in her beauty. Then my piss hard cock twitched, letting me know it needed relief. Quietly I tiptoed out of our...
IncestI am bi and enjoy cock. My wife and I have done some MMF threesomes as well as couple play. At various times in that play I would play with the other man. I have enjoyed sucking some cock and getting mine sucked. After our last MMF in which I did suck off the other man, my wife was asking a lot of questions about me being with another man, in short she thought it was very hot and loved to watch it. Eventually, she asked if I would be interested in sucking a man and letting her watch. I said I...
Once you open Pandora’s Box there is no turning back; conversely, once you let your son fuck your box there is definitely no turning back. My life was ruined my loving husband had caught my darling son turning me into a submissive woman.My adult son had seduced me completely and I knew from that moment on I was his, and after a long day of lovemaking… where lust overwhelmed common sense… I woke up to the aftermath of my decision.My husband had caught me handcuffed to the bed. Cum all over my...
Incest“Conlin spelt c-o-n-l-i-n? At 2:30?” came the reply of the nurse. Robert’s mother nodded. “Dr. Chase is out on family business today, Dr. Kelso will be taking his patients for the day” Robert’s mother nodded, without much concern, she wasn’t all that worried about the appointment, it being only a sports check up. They walked over to the couch in the waiting room and sat, awaiting the call for Robert’s appointment. After a few minutes, a nurse opened the door and said “Robert Conlin?” Robert...
Kalina Ryu has been cooped up in her new home for the past three days. While her husband is at work, she finds herself totally alone, which isn’t what she signed up for! In an attempt to free her mind, she decides to go for a run around the neighborhood. While running she notices Jessa Rhodes, her gorgeous blonde neighbor and decides to introduce herself. Jessa invites her inside to gossip over iced tea and life goals. Just as they begin to talk the doorbell rings. Jessa goes over to...
xmoviesforyouInterval me hum dono washroom me jake fresh hoke aaye. Aur hum dono ne bahut sara pani piya. Obviously itna intimate session ke baad pani to chahiye. Hum log wapas seat pe aaye and baatein karne lge. Fir movie start hui and we again held each other tightly. In no time, we starting kissing. It was less of a kiss and more of a tongue fight. We were both excited and horny. I started kissing on her neck and biting there. I gave her a love bite. Ek hath se uska dress niche kiya to pta chala usne bra...
Introduction: Chapter 5 CHAPTER 5 100% DARK FANTASY ALL FICTION I asked him about the girl he was going to bring back. He said he never could find a young girl alone so he just came back home. I said I heard about a young Indian girl but he said it was not him. He said that when he found the dog he just came back. He stopped in town to show them he would be buying more food. So what about your serum and the growing limbs? He said that he has not given up on that and thinks one day he is going...
Hello guys, I am Akhil, back with another true story of my encounter with a horny woman. Thank you for all the support so far on my other encounters. Before I start my story, as I mentioned earlier, guys please don’t reach out to me asking for contacts of ladies I have met. You will be just wasting your time as I never share any details, not even with females. All my meetings are discreet, and let’s respect the safety of everyone out there. Some time back I posted an ad on Locanto about...
The webcam was easy enough to conceal. Molly placed it precariously between the only two books on the cluttered bookshelf before stepping backwards and surveying the scene. She decided quickly that it would be next to impossible for anyone to spot the small device amongst the debris, unless they were actively looking for it, which of course they wouldn’t be. Early morning sunshine filtered in through the gaps in the heavy curtains and her heart pounded furiously as she covertly tip-toed from...
Hi friends, indru kathaiyil puthithaaga thirumanam aagi naangu maathame aagum pennai sex seitha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar manikandan vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Naan oru MNC niruvanathil velai paarthu varugiren, en sontha oor salem aanal chennaiyil velai paarthu varugiren. Ippozhuthu work from home velai thaan paarkiren, en nanbanin thangaiku thirumanam nadaka irupathaal ennai nanban veetirku azhaithaan. Naan avan veetirku 8 varudam munbu...
Gepetto had, indeed, been wondering where his creation was. He was quite angry with Pinocchio when he finally returned, but that anger fled when he saw both, how much taller and more human Pinocchio had become. The gold coins in his fist didn't hurt things either. He kept Pinocchio inside the next day, examining him. He went out only to spend some of the money on food. It was then that he heard the rumors about how Dame Columbus and her servant girl had been bewitched in some foul manner,...
By : Snoopdog098 Hi, I am a 30 yrs old strong, athletic male from Mumbai. I keep travelling to Ahmedabad, Delhi, Kolkata, and Chennai quite frequently due to work. Being a reasonably good looking, strong and a fit guy, I have always enjoyed good attention of girls, especially older women. Btw, I have always loved mature women, let’s say aged above 30. Somehow, i have always found them to be more intellectual and hence sexier. This is an encounter that happened about 2 years back. I had gone to...
Hello guys.Thank you for liking the story and mailing me.Agar kisi ladies ya kisi aur ko mujhe chat karna hai to mujhe mail kar sakte hai ya hangout pe mujhe ping kar sakte hai.Hum pics bhi share kar sakte hai. To ab story pe. Phir thodi der rest karne ke baad.Mummy uthke jaane lagi.To maine mummy ka haath pakad liya aur mummy ko apne se chipka liya. Mummy – ab kya chahiye. Mein – abhi mera man nahi bhara meri raand .Kya nasha hai tujhme.Jitna choda utna kam hai.Bolo maza aaya apne beta ka...
It all started at my birthday party when her family and her came over to my party. She was wearing tight jeans and a sweater, and was looking very good. She came over and told me happy birthday and the whole bit. She gave me a hug and a little kiss on the cheek which of course drove me absolutely insane. As I sat at the table waiting for my cake she put her hand around me and she was standing right next to me and i was sitting so when i returned the favor my hand was right about her ass....
This is my real sex story. I am working as a software engineer in a well-known company. My mom asked me to meet her friend, Sonal. I was excited to see Sonal. Sonal is in her late 30s, bit busty, but she puts up lots of makeup to look younger. Her boobs are big but saggy. But even at this age, Sonal looks beautiful and sexy in her own way. May be it’s her thighs or her big ass or her flirty talks with me, I don’t know but she is sexy. Since she is my mom’s friend, I have seen her from my...
Father's Milk by oh2bpreg There are definite disadvantages to being married to a career-oriented workaholic. Trust me, I'm living proof of that. I've been married to Marie for 5 years now. I love her to death, but it's pretty clear that her top priority is her career as a biochemist. In fact, it's a good thing that we started dating back in college, as I'm sure she would turn down dating now as it would cut into her work-life. Luckily, not only did I start dating her before she...
Hi! No story here. To those of you new to Chyoo, welcome! Any questions that need to be made may be asked on this forum. Chyoo welcomes all new readers and writers, and we'll try our best to ensure that you feel that way. So, we have provided a community forum that might answer some questions on your mind! If you have a specific topic to discuss, then please title the option as such; all answers will be posted in correlating threads. If, you want to give specific feedback on an author, please...
Non-EroticI went to my favorite Wine Bar on Friday night about 10 pm, It wasnt as crowded as it usualy is. I managed to get a seat after collecting my drink and sat down, in an alcove at the back where I could see just about everyone there.I soon noticed this rather nice looking Older guy looking at me, I smiled at him but didnt take much notice as the Backgrounf music was good and the heat from the nearby Open fire felt good, as I began to relax and daydream. I was returned to reality when a voice said...
Whenever I travel I know I am going to be horny, and I may get to "stretch my arms" a little... explore my "darker side" that must stay hidden whenever I am home. I generally like the "usual porn". Occasionally, though, I may veer off the main stream a little and open my mind for more interesting attractions. One of the first things I do when I get settled into the hotel (as "settled in" as you can get at a hotel) I open the phone book and browse the local entertainment venues. Bars,...
BisexualTom rode back to the crossroads on the south side of town and kept going east toward the river. He was close to forty miles from Omaha and he had about six hours of sunlight left. Not knowing this part of the country he felt his best bet would be to travel during daylight and lay low until the next morning. He came to the trail that led south along the Missouri River and headed away from Newton and the friends he’d made in the short time he was there. Sheriff Keyes had told Tom that the...
If you like this sex story, please share your views with me at And check out my other stories as well. Dosto, mai pehle hi yeh bta dena chahta hun ki yeh koi Porn Story nhi hai, balki mere saath ghati ek aisi ghtna hai jo mere liye sharm aur uttejana, dono ka strot hai. Ek ldka hone k naatey mai yeh keh skta hun ki sabhi ldko ko, janha ek taraf apni Penis par ghamand hota hai vhi dusri taraf, apni ass ki baat sunte hi hum sab uncomfortable ho jaate hai. Shayad yhi vajah hai ki jabb bhi hume...
Danni? Can I ask you something?" My best friend of 22 years is giving me a look that I can't decipher. "Sure. What's up?" I wait for a few minutes, the way she's biting her bottom lip clueing me in that she's nervous and unsure of herself right now. "What's going on?" My concern is rising with each passing minute that she remains silent. She's not known for being shy, always being the talkative one of the two of us."Okay, here's the thing. Rob and I have been talking, and you know how we've...
‘As you may or may not know I am about to be divorced. This is a way I thought of getting back at hubby………hell no we are not getting back together. LOL!’ Dear ex-hubby, I hate it here, living with my sister. Don’t get me wrong, I am glad she offered me a place to stay, but she is just too nosy and bossy. All she does is lecture me oh how you were so wrong for me, pointing out every thing in detail like a fucking drama queen. Why just this morning sis told me that I should swear off all men for...
This coronavirus madness is driving people insane. Like stocking up with ten years of toilet paper. Forcing people to stay home with nowhere to go.No hockey playoffs, no NCCA basketball tournament, no Masters golf, and worst of all, no baseball.The virus has the most physical and mental effects on the older generations, like me. I’m a seventy-eight-year-old widower. What are we supposed to do?Perhaps watch porn on the internet and stroke soft cocks that no longer get hard and rarely cum seems...
TabooJon sprung yet another surprise on me when he came home from work one Tuesday night and told me that he had a business meeting in London the next day. He'd decided to take me to London with him and leave me to fend for myself while he went to the meeting, but have a bit of fun with me before and afterwards. We quickly packed a bag and caught the 7 something train. The journey down wasn't anything special and there were very few people on the train. Jon had booked us into the Regent Palace...
Sissy Prudence (Part 1) (by Sissy Caroline - 14 December 2006) He paused at the top of the stairs waiting for his heart to slow down a little. He had never been confronted by these circumstances before and for a moment he thought that he would break into tears, something he did from time to time when things upset him. At 13 years of age you would have thought he should be well past that stage, but he wasn't. In fact as time went on it seemed he was becoming more emotional. He had one...
Hi all ISS fans, this is Janaki again from Melbourne. I and Ram have been overwhelmed by the response from our previous stories and would like to thank each of u for liking our story. Any single girls and couples want to experience new things in Melbourne please keep writing to us at My sex life with Ram continued and we have been having a great time together. I and Rahul were looking to buy a house after a few weeks of discussions and analyzing we ended up buying a house 1 block away from...