SisLovesMe Allie Nicole Snatch Me If You Can
- 2 years ago
- 23
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So far, the trip to the cabin was everything that Ed needed. Five days of sex with Linda, fishing, sleeping, and eating had brought him to a point where he felt refreshed and ready to take on the world once again. They still had two days left on their vacation and Ed felt that his energy levels could only get better.
A storm was brewing on the horizon, bringing with it gusts of wind that threatened to chill them. The unusually cool day for late spring prevented casual nudity, so both of them were dressed as they sat on the porch. Ed watched the storm clouds gather, wondering what a storm in this area would be like. Deciding that it was likely they would spend the whole day in the cabin, he got out of his chair to bring in enough firewood so that he wouldn’t have to run out into the rain. Linda watched him work knowing that if she offered to help carry in wood, that he would turn her down.
Satisfied with the amount of firewood stacked on the porch, Ed sat down and said, “Do you want lunch in town?”
“If we miss lunch today, people will talk,” replied Linda. Ed had slowly thawed the wall of silence that had greeted them their first time in town. It was hard not to like Ed when he was relaxed and genuinely interested in the lives of everyone around him.
Laughing at the concern for the locals, Ed said, “We can’t upset our audience.”
Driving into town, Ed watched the sky overhead darken as the clouds thickened. By the time they reached town, flashes of lightening appeared on the horizon. They made it into the diner before the rain started to fall in large heavy drops. Entering the diner, a number of patrons shouted, “Hi, Ed.”
Ed raised a hand and waved to everyone as he replied, “Hi, everyone. It looks like a little rain is headed this way.”
One of the men at the counter turned and asked, “Are you always that prone to understatement?”
“Yes, except when it comes to describing how beautiful my wife is, then words fail me,” replied Ed. The statement was greeted with laughter around the room.
Everyone glanced over at Linda, who blushed at the attention. She said, “Oh, Ed. You are such a flatterer.”
The waitress, having come to know them a little better, led them to a table. She brought water and iced tea to the table without them having to ask for it. By now, the couple knew the menu by heart. Linda said, “I’ll have the Chicken Fried Steak.”
Ed said, “I’ll have the stew.”
The waitress smiled and went to the back to drop off their order. It was a few minutes later that she returned to the table. Once there, she said, “I heard that you were the guy that helped capture the serial killers a couple of years back.”
As Ed looked down at the table, Linda realized that she would have to answer for him. She said, “Yes, he did. He was cut with a knife on his chest and on his back.”
Looking out the window, Ed took a sip of his iced tea. A number of the other patrons there watched him and saw that he wasn’t boasting about it. In a way, it made him more approachable. The waitress answered, “Oh, wow. I didn’t know that.”
Linda looked across the table at her husband and said, “He doesn’t like to talk about that kind of stuff. He’d rather know about how other people are doing.”
“But he’s a hero,” said the waitress unable to understand why he wouldn’t want to talk about it.
Ed turned and looked at the waitress with a smile. When he knew that he had her attention, Ed asked, “So what if I was a hero for one afternoon of my life? The rest of my life is spent working, playing with my kids, loving my wives, and visiting with my friends. That is what I’m proud about.”
Understanding burst upon the waitress as she realized that he valued the things that everyone did rather than the extraordinary things that he had experienced as she said, “I see.”
A number of other people nodded their heads in agreement. The weather outside turned horrible suddenly, as rain came pouring down amid bolts of lightening striking the ground around them. Ed looked out the window and said, “Isn’t nature amazing? Such power that it makes you feel like an ant.”
Others in the room couldn’t help but agree as a bolt of lightening struck outside the diner and the following crash of thunder deafened nearly everyone. When everyone could hear again, Linda asked, “Are you always that prone to understatement?”
The entire place burst out laughing. After that, the discussion in the diner turned to politics with people offering their differing positions on current events in the good-natured manner of people who knew each other and discussed the differences rather than exploring the commonalities. Ed listened to the discussions carefully taking a pulse of what a variety of people felt about the world around them. It was importa-nt to him to understand how others viewed current events. If it was his job to make the world a better place, then one had to understand what people thought a better place would be like.
The discussion was interrupted when a couple entered the diner. They were soaked and water flew when they removed their jackets. The man looked up and, in a voice that carried through the whole dinner, said, “I heard there were a couple of lightening strikes about twenty miles from here that started a forest fire.”
With a sudden shift from friendly patron to serious Druid, Ed looked up and, in a sharp voice, asked, “Are you sure about that?”
“Pretty sure,” answered the man. The woman next to him was nodding her head. The man continued, “Heard it on the local two-way radio as we pulled in here.”
Pulling his cell phone from his pocket, Ed dialed the number for the Phoenix office of the Fusion Foundation. When the receptionist answered, Ed said, “May I speak with Ellen Faber?”
He was quiet for a moment until Ellen picked up the phone. With a slight pause, he asked, “Are you tracking any forest fires where I am?”
There was a moment of silence and then he said, “I just heard that a couple of lightening strikes started a fire up here.”
As everyone in the room watched him talking on the phone, he said, “Put them on alert. I’m sure that it will get escalated if what I’ve been told is correct.”
Listening to the reply from Ellen, Ed frowned and then smiled. He asked, “They can be here within thirty minutes?”
“Okay. I’m at the Blue Goose Diner,” answered Ed. After slipping the cell phone back in his pocket, he looked around and noticed that everyone was looking at him. Embarrassed, he said, “I just called the Fusion Foundation to have them put on alert.”
“You can do that?” asked the waitress amazed by what she had heard. If he was talking with the Fusion Foundation and was able to put them on alert, he must be much more powerful than she had thought.
“Anyone can do that,” Ed answered. Seeing the looks on people’s faces, he added, “I volunteer some of my time there. Other people really do all of the work.”
The look on Linda’s face conveyed significant incredibility at the way he had characterized his role. Others in the diner picked up on that and one of them said, “He’s prone to understatement.”
That brought a general laughter to the entire place. Their lunches arrived and the pair started eating as the conversation again flowed through the room. A common topic was the work that the Fusion Foundation was doing around the country. Almost everyone had seen at least one instance where someone they knew had been helped by the Foundation. Battered wives, runaway children, medical help, and hospital facilities that wouldn’t have been available otherwise, made a difference to everyone.
As Ed listened, he felt proud to be associated with such a fine organization that had made a real difference in the lives of ordinary people. His stew was very good and Linda appeared to enjoy her chicken fried steak, although she was only able to finish half of it.
As Ed took another bite of his stew, Linda asked, “Are they coming here?”
The thought that she must have gone to a school for waitresses crossed his mind, until he recalled that she used to be a waitress. Of course she had gone to that school, that was where people learned how to ask questions as soon as someone took a bite of food. Swallowing, he answered, “Yes, a spotter should be here in about five minutes.”
He waited to see if she was going to ask another question. When she didn’t act like she was going to say something, he took another bite of his stew.
Smiling at him, she asked, “Is he coming here to the diner?”
The look of frustration on his face caused her to burst out laughing. In response to his unasked question, she said, “Yes, I went to the school for waitresses. The first rule is to never ask a question until the patron has just put some food in their mouth.”
After Ed swallowed, he said, “Yes, he’s coming here after he checks out the area for a fire.”
He pretended to take a bite of food as she asked, “Why is he coming here?”
“He wants to report to me directly if there is a fire, I guess,” replied Ed as a smile broke over her face.
The bad weather had subsided to a simple rainstorm as the wind died and the lighting ended. The leading edge of the front had passed and the storm subsided to a constant rain for the rest of the day that would leave everything soaked. As he was about to take another bite of his stew, Linda asked, “If it’s raining, won’t that put out any fires?”
“Not necessarily, it often rains during forest fires.”
A man wearing a blue coverall with yellow backpack entered the diner. Everyone turned to look at him, recognizing immediately the uniform of the emergency response section of the Fusion Foundation. The man took only a minute to spot Ed and walked directly to him. Once at the table, the man said, “Dr. Biggers, there is a fire about twenty miles from here, but it has been contained. It’s unlikely that it will encompass more than a couple of acres.”
Accepting the news, Ed asked, “So there is no need to put everyone on alert?”
“No, the ground conditions are not right for a significant spread of the fire and the local fire departments can handle the situation. I’ll stand by in case it gets out of control.”
“Good, I’m glad to hear that. I’m sure that a few homeowners and businessmen in the area will be quite relieved,” said Ed with a smile.
The man relaxed a little and said, “By the way, Sir, we received official notification of the fire two minutes after you called.”
“Please call me Ed.”
Looking around at all of the people staring at him, the man said, “I’ll be going now.”
“I’m sorry to have bothered you,” Ed said.
“No bother. I’ve always wanted to meet you. You’ve done a great job in setting up this service and I really enjoy being part of it.”
“Much of the credit goes to others,” replied Ed. Nodding, the man turned and left the diner as everyone watched him leave.
As soon as the man was out of the diner, all eyes turned to stare at Ed. One of the patrons said, “He’s prone to understatement. Volunteered a little of his time? Sounds like he set it up to me.”
Linda smiled and said, “He set up the Emergency Response Section. His late wife, Beth, set up the Medical Section.”
One of the patrons looked at Ed and said, “Anything else you do, that you tend to play down?”
“How can I answer that question without playing something up?”
The room laughed at the logic of his statement. The waitress asked, “So what is your favorite thing to do?”
As a broad smile spread across his face, Ed answered, “I love to spend time with my family. I have two great kids, two husbands, three wives, and more in-laws than I can count.”
“So other than that?”
“I love to go rock hunting out in the desert on horseback.”
Several of the people looked at him in surprise. Linda explained, “He is one of the most respected mineralogists in the country. He even found a new kind of crystal in Antarctica.”
“Yes, Carterite,” added Ed with a smile.
“You sure lead an exciting life,” said the waitress.
Frowning at her impression of his life, Ed replied, “No more exciting than you.”
“You see me and you think that my life is one adventure after another. It’s not. Most of it is working, taking care of things around the house, loving my family, and helping others. These are the same things that you do. I’m sure that if we were to sit down and talk about your specific interests that people would find your life interesting. Most of the people in this town are building something. All of the businesses around here don’t happen without people making it happen.” Ed looked around the room and noticed that a number of people were nodding as they thought about their lives.
He continued, “Someone in here may have raced cars at one time. Someone else might be a volunteer fireman and put out a fire or saved someone from burning to death. Someone else might have been in the special forces. Everyone in here has done or will do something interesting at some point in time.”
The waitress said, “My life is boring. I’ve never done anything interesting.”
Looking at the young woman, he put her age at around twenty. Smiling at her, he said, “I was a cowboy until I was in my late twenties. The most interesting thing I saw until I went to college was the back end of a cow.”
The woman laughed at the image. At least as a waitress she had the odd occasion to see good-looking men come in the place. She noticed that he didn’t say that she was too young and that interesting things would happen when she got older. Implicit in his statement was the idea that it was never too late to do something interesting. She asked, “Do you mean there is time for me to be rescued by someone?”
Linda played with the food on her plate and then said, “You know. Ed has rescued a lot of women from very horrible situations. We call them his damsels in distress. You can say they have had something interesting happen to them, but without exception they would have preferred not to have experienced it.”
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Hi keep mailing me and I’m Simi Joshi was bored. It was 11.30 in the morning and she had nothing to do. Her husband Vinod Joshi was busy at work and their two children Sunil and Seema and were away in Delhi visiting her parents for the holidays. All her neighbours were also away on summer vacations with their families. She closed her magazine and got up to walk towards the kitchen on the way she stopped at a mirror in the dining room and looked at her reflection. She smiled at 38, she was every...
This is my first medieval story, well actually this is my first story period. Haha, I knew I can’t write. ???? But please if there is anyone who wants to help me edit please, I will love it and I will always be in your debt! – Satisfy ————— The sun reflects itself down at the pond, around it the sounds of a bird singing its’ favorite melody. The skies seem clear blue, and the clouds looks as if it was nothing but a fluffy pillow. The grass is greener than ever and the sounds of the horse that...
I leaned backwards, reached into the toolbox on the kitchen table, and pulled out the light chain I had prepared the previous evening. Leaning forward, caressing her neck with my lips, I clasped the one cuff (carefully attached to the chain via silver solder the previous night) around her right wrist. She was surprised, but too surprise to react. I looped the chain around the mixer (through the gap between the two water inlets and the wall) and took firm hold of her left wrist. She tried to...
AnalHello readers and I am a regular fan of ISS. I like to submit my real life story with my aunt and my id is I am 22 years old and my name is Rahul and my aunt is 38 year old and her name is Sindhu and she is a medium type figured women with structure 34 28 32 her husband works abroad and she stays along with son I always had urge for sex with elder womens but I was helpless and had to satisfy with myself masturbation since my parents had a tour they told me to stay in my aunt’s house. We went...
IncestThings at Camelot had finally settled down to what we had come to expect as normal. Kim and Dora's photo studio became a resounding success. They both have met their life mates and have moved out of Camelot to start their own lives. I still got visits from both of them from time to time as they enjoy sleepovers. I have continued my quest to rescue damsels in distress. In the process I had built seven more schools scattered across the country. Just as I finished one of the schools, the FBI...
This story is set in the 1960s, when HIV had not been heard of. Unprotected sex is very stupid now, but it was less stupid then (although still stupid). Simon and the Lodger: Part 3 Archibald Young Leo gave me money as we kissed slowly in his hallway before I left. It was ?20- a lot more than we had agreed for dogsitting! I felt a little delirious with it all- I suppose I was tired- but I was also deliciously heady with the wicked thought that I had become a boy prostitute! ...
I am Charlie the gnome. Not the type you would put on a rockery or in the garden. I am too little for that. I am what you might call, a Christmas tree gnome. It is not my fault I am a gnome. It is my master who makes me pay a penance for accidentally setting fir to his implements of wizardry. He as a true wizard, sure enough. If I had any doubts before I know now for certain. He has the audacity to plant me on the Christmas tree with other gnomes and Christmas tree decorations with the...
I now know what it feels like to be between a rock and a hard place and I'm here to tell you that it's not a good place to be. I'm married to a woman that I love so much that I can't bear the thought of living without her, but what she is doing is hurting me so bad that I can't bear to think about it. Jan and I have been together eighteen years now. When we met in college she was a nineteen year old sophomore and I was twenty-three and in the second year of my Masters program. She was a...
The DST Agent, part 13 By; Malissa Madison I had a nonstop procession of visitors during the two weeks I was laid up in the hospital. My girls would arrive every afternoon after school and keep me company until Top took them home. Toni was enjoying having someone who cared about helping her do homework. Mina was enjoying getting gifts from the people in the hospital who viewed her as an Angel. She seemed to have tripled her doll collection in the two weeks I was...
Bai Jie was sure that this would create problems for her. All the other girls at the office would give her a hard time, saying that she was already spending too much time with the bosses. But there was not much she could do, she was only doing what the bosses was telling her to do. She had been working there for just a bit more than a month by now, and she knew that she was getting paid a lot better than the other girls. Yet she was wondering if the other girls would do what she had done…She...
A new type of VR game console has flooded the markets recently. It made a perfect virtual version of any video game that the player could enter. Naturally, this meant gamers as well as perverts had purchased one, and the combination of the two always ended the same. Now modifications filled the internet to the brim with rewrites to "sex" up games. But more recently, a mod chip designed by the best of the best has been released. It was rumored to turn any game into a universe of depraved sex and...
Series 1, Episode 17: Keegan The first thing you notice about her is the close cropped bright red dyed hair. It’s loud. Then it would be the piercings - a little silver stud through each dimple in her round cheeks, a couple of small rings through her left eyebrow, two more in her left nostril, and half a dozen through each ear. After that it’s probably the sleeve tattoo that runs from her left hand right up the arm and onto her shoulder. After all that it might well be that beyond all that...
Warning: This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between men and women. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it. Author's Note: This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re- post them at your own site, please contact the author for permission. Copyright 2011 Feb, All Rights Reserved. Shelley begins to...
Hi my name is Mihiran from Sri lanka.This is my first story so excuse me for any mistake that I’m doing. This is a real story which i’m having with my mom. Hi girls and guys my family contains four members. My sexy mom,dad, my sis who is in 18 yr of age and me. I’m having a average body like other guys of my age.I am working for a reputed company at sri lanka. My mom is a average body woman with a open mind about anything. She is having a sexy body with a little bumpy tummy which makes her more...
IncestThe loud banging of a large metal gong snapped Tama awake in an instant, causing her to jump from her sleeping pallet and assume a fighting stance before her eyes were even open. The Green Brothers had been teaching her this technique for the last year for her own safety. She had also received a few basic lessons in advanced meditation from an Iksar monk that stopped at the village during the winter the previous year while waiting for the roads to clear a bit. He knew the Monk that had helped...
As I descended the stairs to the lounge I was on a weird kind on high. I had just watched and came to the scene of my petite wife being fingered to orgasm by an Adonis of a black man, now at my wife's request I was leaving them alone to fuck! I wandered into the kitchen to imbibe another glass of wine and thought about the situation.It had been my fantasy to watch Karen getting well and truly taken by a big cock while I watched,and here I was cut out of my own kink so to speak. In the relative...
Wife LoversGabby and Alan by Jena121© Alan was getting out of the car when he spied Gabby coming out of the house. He realized that it had been a long time since they had seen each other and he didn’t know how much he had missed their previous companionship. She was always there for him whenever he had any problems, and would discuss anything with him that troubled her. ‘Hi Gabby, how are you?’ ‘Hello Alan, I’m great thanks. How long are you going to be here this time?’ ‘I’m not quite sure about this...
Ricky Mancini and sexy hot babe Brooklyn Chase are down for a pool game which soon leads to busty billiard pleasures extraordinaire! This stunning sex goddess is one of the hottest and horniest girls here at DDF Network. The brown-eyed beauty from the United States can’t wait to go down on that stud’s big dick! Brooklyn Chase is a curvy milf with an impressive bra size of 32G / 70I! Can you imagine fucking those titties all day long? Well, see what happens once this amazing bombshell is done...
xmoviesforyouNicole Savage in why we have Safe wordBy lilguy A man makes a foolish mistake when describing what type of session he wants.Carl was a black man who always had a fantasy of being dominated by a dominatemuscle bound woman. He didn't want it to be just a play fantasy, but he wantedit to be real and have a bit of danger to it. He search out websites andmagazines and found a beautiful red head woman name Nicole Savage. He watchesclips and tapes of her for months. She did a lot of domination and...