Shasta's TaleChapter 8 free porn video

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Shasta hurried down to Nesho's room and was surprised to find the door open and the guard missing. Sticking her head in the door she saw the three women were still there, sitting around talking.

"Something change here?" she asked.

"It seems we don't need a guard and have the run of the house and privies," Nesho said looking up at her. "Somebody came by and told the guard he was needed elsewhere. Do you know what that is all about?"

"Maybe," Shasta replied, she then filled them in on everything she had just heard.

"Hmm, sounds like they are having more problems than they anticipated," Nesho said thoughtfully. She smirked as she added, "I'll bet Dent has a lot to do with this. I wonder what is really going on."

"I'll bet it would be fun to watch," Sosho added.

"Just be glad you're not there," Nesho chided. "I doubt if anything is fun there right now."

Sosho sniffed at the thought, but then nodded slightly, acknowledging her mother's undoubtedly correct assessment.

"So what do we do now?" Clarise asked.

"Stay out of the way as much as possible, I would say," Nesho replied. "Help Shasta out as much as possible, but it would be best if they just forgot we were even here."

"Oh, that reminds me..." Shasta interrupted. "I was waiting for Jozsef to show up. I'd better get back down there and see if he's been here yet. If he hasn't what do you want me to tell him?"

If you get the chance, let him know what you just told us," Nesho replied thoughtfully. "Tell the villagers not to do anything -- if they have something planned that is -- at least until after those ships leave. Oh, have them send word to the Guild house; they'll want to know what is going on also. If it's true they will be leaving only those soldiers they now have ashore... Well, I'm sure the Guild will be able to think of something to do."

"Yes, Mistress," Shasta nodded. "If he comes, I'll let him know."

"Thank you, Shasta," Nesho said with a smile. "Shasta... ?"

"Yes, Mistress?" Shasta said as she was turning to go.

"Don't you think it's about time to stop with the 'Mistress'? It's a little silly given what we all know is going to happen."

"I-I-I don't know what you mean Mistress," Shasta sputtered.

"As you wish, my dear," Nesho sighed. "But you would make this a whole lot easier on all of us if you would just accept it. You feel it; we feel it; and when he returns, Dent will feel it. You can blame it on the salidin if you want to, and it may have something to do with it to be honest. It didn't for Sosho and me, and Clarise doesn't seem to think it did with her. But if it makes you feel better, by all means, blame the salidin.

"But," she continued her black eyes staring right into Shasta's green ones, "you know that when you see him again, when you look into those ice blue eyes, your heart will race, your crotch will be wet and it will be all you can do to stop yourself from pulling him into the bedroom, spreading your legs and begging him to force that nice fat cock so far up inside you can fee it in your throat. Then, oh yes, when he cums inside you..."

Shasta heard the intake of breath from the other two women in the room, but her eyes were riveted on Nesho. Like a mouse watching the swooping hawk, knowing there was nothing she could do to change her fate, she stood transfixed, unable to move, barely able to breathe. Already her heart was beating hard enough she thought it would bruise her ribs and the pit of her stomach felt empty, craving something she had never had before.

Visibly shaking, she looked at Nesho, tears blurring her vision, and whispered, "Why? Why are you doing this to me?"

Nesho stood up slowly and crossed the room. Standing very close to the trembling girl she brought her hands up and cupped Shasta's face, using her thumbs to wipe away the tears running down her cheeks. Nesho smiled, but it wasn't a smile of triumph, it was the sad smile of the mother who has to wash the cut on her child's knee, knowing it would hurt, but also knowing it had to be done.

"Because, dear heart," she said before leaning in to kiss Shasta gently on the lips, "you belong with him and with us." Suddenly Shasta felt two pairs of arms surrounding her from each side. Nesho allowed her to turn her head to one side where another pair of lips, this time attached to blonde hair and blue eyes, was ready to press against hers. This kiss lasted longer than the first and when she felt the soft touches of a tongue against her closed lips she opened slightly, allowing the fleshy intruder to gently touch the insides of her mouth.

Shasta heard a low moaning and finally realized it was herself making the sound. Her arms somehow had come up to encircle Nesho, clutching the older woman tightly to herself. Clarise broke the kiss and Shasta moaned again, this time in disappointment, but Nesho didn't let it end there. Gently turning Shasta's head to the other side Shasta was... assaulted... by another set of lips seemingly bent of tasting her tonsils! Shasta eagerly returned the kiss until Nesho finally drew her back around to face her. All four women were panting. Suddenly Shasta had a thought and her face clouded up and the tears began again.

"What is it, darling?" Nesho asked softly.

"He'll never want me!" Shasta sobbed. "I have been used for everything you can imagine! I'm just another used-up whore! By the gods, I was even forced to fuck a..." Nesho's hand gently covered Shasta's mouth.

"That is over," she cooed, "it's meaningless: another life, a bad dream. Now you are a virgin bride coming to her husband."

"Didn't you hear me?" Shasta whispered. "I've been fucked by everything, everywhere..."

"Hush," Nesho whispered back. "You have never been made love to, darling. What was done to you isn't the same thing. You will see. When your man takes you it's completely different from your master using you. I promise."

"I don't believe... can't believe..." Shasta started.

"Can't believe what?" Sosho asked from one side.

"I can't believe he will want me," Shasta finished.

"He will want you," Nesho said with a smile. "He already wants you, dear, and after he gets to know you he will love you."

"He didn't love me the first time he took me," Clarise added candidly. "With our bond that's not something that can be hid. But He came to love me; this I know. Just like he will come to love you."

"But how can the three of you invite someone like me, a stranger into your... family?" Shasta sighed. Even as doubt clouded her mind the warmth of the three women crowded around her, holding her, stroking her, infused her with a sense of belonging and affection she hadn't felt since her initial capture those ten seasons ago. Even the intimate times she spent with Katern seemed pale in comparison.

"We live for him," Nesho said leaning in for another short kiss. "What is right for him, we accept. In fact it is our duty to obtain it for him. You are right for him; we feel it, we know it, therefore we do it. Doing this brings us joy." Nesho leaned back slightly and gave Shasta a slight, very possessive smile. "You will find sharing our man is not much of a burden. You will find he has more than enough love to hold, and satisfy four women. In fact we were wondering if we needed another woman for him. Over the past few ten-day poor Clarise had to sacrifice herself beyond human endurance while the two of us were... unavailable."

"It was awful," Clarise chuckled. "But I would do anything for my sisters."

"Yeah!" Sosho smirked from the other side. "Like you would have let either of us even close while you were trying for a baby."

"That's another thing," Shasta moaned. "I'm barren. What would he want with a woman with a useless womb?"

"I seriously doubt Dent thinks about children when he's making love to us," Nesho replied. "Not that he doesn't love and appreciate them when they pop up, but you've seen that. Your fertility isn't a consideration; although I have some small skill at healing and we can look into that when the time is more appropriate. I'm sorry, dear, these," Nesho lifted her hand to touch her salidin, "have already told us where you fit in. You'll just have to accept it. You can try to fight it, but I'll tell you now it won't do you any good. Do you love him?"

"Of course I..." Shasta began, caught herself and began blushing. The three women just smiled at her.

"So," Shasta started again dryly, "you're telling me I have no choice except to be bedded and loved by one of the most impressive men I have ever met while being welcomed into his harem as a concubine by three of the most beautiful women I have ever seen?"

"Yep, that's pretty much how it's going to be," Sosho said with Clarise nodding.

"Except you won't be his concubine anymore than we are," Nesho added. "You'll be his wife also. Just another one of the girls."

"I still don't believe it," Shasta stated. "He will never say yes to that."

"We don't intend on asking," Nesho said. "We'll just tell him. He doesn't get the choice."

"You can't do that!" Shasta gasped. "He's the master! He would never let a slave tell him what to do!"

The three women each took a step back, looked at each other and started laughing.

"My dear," Nesho chuckled, "you have a lot to learn. He is without a doubt the master of our hearts and bodies, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know what's good for him. You will see."

"Now," she continued, "I believe you have someone to meet, if he shows up. But," she chided, "you must be extra careful now. You are one of us and we don't plan on losing you. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mistress... ah, Nesho." Shasta still looked dubious.

"Good, and better," Nesho said with a smile. "You will see it is all as it should be. Now scoot along. Now that we're allowed out a bit we can take care of our own necessities, but we expect you to be back here for bed. You will sleep with us now."

"Yes, Nesho," Shasta said looking at the floor. "I'll bring a mattress down this evening."

"Why would you do that, dear?" Nesho asked. "We've made up cribs for the babes and we have two beds that easily hold two. Why would we need anything else? Unless maybe you wouldn't want to sleep with one of us?" Nesho raised an eyebrow in question.

"N-n-no, I don't mind" Shasta stuttered. Remembering her times with Katern she again started blushing.

"Good! Then we'll expect you tonight," Nesho nodded, with a gleam in her eye.

"Just to let you know," Sosho teased, "we always sleep naked."

+ + +

Shasta walked the still-silent halls in a daze. Her eyes unable to focus on any one thing while her mind raced from one set of images to another. As she wandered into the kitchen area she noticed a gnarled old man sitting at one of the tables, a cup of tea in his shaking hands. Through the open door she could see a couple of the hostage girls unloading a small handcart with what looked to be fresh produce and unidentifiable baskets. One of the girls working at the counter turned when she heard Shasta enter.

"Shasta!" she exclaimed. "Jozsef here said he needed to speak with you before he left."

"Hmm, oh, yes," Shasta said, trying to dispel the fog still surrounding her mind. "Hello, Jozsef. You didn't have any problem getting up here, did you?"

"No, Mistress," Jozsef answered in a gravely voice. He started to pull himself out of the chair but sat down heavily when Shasta quickly motioned for him to remain seated. She sat down in a chair next to him and leaned over, allowing them to keep their voices low.

"Thank you, Jozsef," Shasta whispered. Quickly she filled him in on the information she had. "Mistress Nesho is in agreement with me: if it becomes to dangerous, you are not to come anywhere near here, you understand?"

"Now don't you be worrying your pretty little head," he said reaching over to pat her hand. "Ain't nobody be giving this old man even a second look. They all seem to be a-buzzing about something else right now." He stopped to chuckle; it wasn't a humorous chuckle in the least. "I'm guessing them boys they 'lost' be giving them something to think about."

"You know about that?" Shasta asked.

"Oh, aye," he nodded.

"Well, don't tell me," Shasta insisted. "The fewer who know about it around here the better. Now, I have something else to ask about: These women here, the hostages: we need to get them out. Right now they aren't paying much attention to them because of those lost patrols, but when they find out they won't be coming back -- I'm assuming they won't be coming back?" Jozsef nodded and grinned, "They're going to want to take it out on someone. These girls have to get out of here, tonight if possible."

"Aye, something can be worked out," he said, nodding again. "Don't know exactly where they might be going, not sure they be welcome back with their families, what with everything been done to them you understand. Might be some already mourn them as dead, if you know what I mean."

"Well, let me tell you what I mean," Shasta hissed, "and you can pass this along to those sanctimonious bastards: anyone treats these poor girls with anything less than the respect and the love they deserve, they'll be dealing with me when it's all said and done! I'll have their guts on a stick roasting for the hogs to eat and if they don't take me seriously then they can think of what the Governor will do when he gets back! If that doesn't scare them, then they are fools and will be better off staying in those caves where they're hiding!" Shasta's eyes blazed with green fire and her hands curled like claws, Jozsef's eyes opened wide and he put his hands up as if he were going to fend her off.

"Please, Mistress," he whimpered. "I'm just saying what others have said."

At just that time Nesho came striding into the kitchen looking like she expected trouble, Clarise trailing on her heels.

"What's the problem," she demanded, relaxing somewhat when she saw Shasta still just sitting at the table. "Shasta, what has you so... agitated? We could feel something was wrong, but not what it was." Shasta jumped up and ran over to whisper in Nesho's ear.

"We were talking about getting these girls out of here tonight." Shasta glanced over to make sure the girl working at the counter couldn't hear them. "It seems those patrols are going to stay 'lost' and I'm worried the pigs will take it out on them when they finally realize it. Jozsef here was telling me they may not be welcome at home anymore just because of what was done to some of them."

"Is that so?" Nesho said frostily. "Fruzina?" She called to the girl at the counter. Fruzina turned around and see who was there ran over and dropped to her knees in front of Nesho as if a free woman kneeling to a collared slave was the most natural thing in the world.

"Mistress Nesho," Fruzina sobbed, wrapping her arms around Nesho and burying her head in Nesho's skirt pleats. "Thank the gods you are all right! It has been horrible! What are we to do?"

"Settle down, child," Nesho said soothingly, caressing the girl's head. "We will see what can be done. Don't you worry, everything will turn out fine. Now, would you please run outside for a bit? I need to speak with Jozsef for a moment. Clarise? Would you mind going outside with Fruzina here and maybe talking to the other girls if you can find them."

"Of course, Nesho," Clarise said, wrapping an arm around the girl as she stood up. "Come along, dear. Let's see if we can find everybody." She nodded to Nesho and Shasta as she led Fruzina to the door. They all watched as Clarise led the younger woman out, then Nesho turned back to the old man with a look that could have frozen water in a glass.

"I understand that this is not your doing, Jozsef," she said with a definite edge to her voice.

"Mistress," Jozsef was almost whimpering, "I just told the young mistress what I'd heard. I ain't said neither yea nor nay to it ever, I swear."

"Yes," she drew out the one word until it was almost a hiss. "But you are our messenger and as such I have a message for the villagers." Her eyes bore into his and Shasta couldn't help but think how utterly amazing that the same black eyes that could look so warm and loving suddenly became two pieces of obsidian glass: cold and totally without compassion or forgiveness. "These young women have suffered terribly. If they are made to suffer again because of a few hypocrites and gossips... Well, that will be remembered. Remembered by me, which may not worry some," Jozsef twitched when she said that, "but it will also be remembered by my husband when he returns. That should worry them. If they won't be taken care of by the families and community they grew up in, then they will be taken care of by their governor, who will remember why.

"Now," she continued, "Shasta is right. Because of what the village has done -- and done correctly, I will admit -- these women will be in danger. They must leave tonight. I want two things:[BM1] First I want escorts for them out back, behind the mansion, a little after full nightfall. There needs to be enough of them to possibly take care of any sentries that may be stationed there. Second, a diversion. I believe the majority of the troops ashore are billeted in one of the new warehouses down by the waterfront. It should be a simple task for seafolk such as yourself to approach by water and start a fire that would keep them occupied for a time. Understood?" Jozsef nodded. "Good! Then you had best be getting back. There are people to contact and plans to be made. The girls will be ready to leave as soon as we hear the alarm."

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April 1Journal entry #3- I have a girlfriend.  It has been a long, long time since I have been able to say that.   I have been to the movies more in the last two weeks than I have been in the last two years.   We have gone out to dinner which is a lesson in ordering with Molly.  I cannot believe I ate the food they served before I realized how bad it was for the body.  We (it’s strange to say we again) have taken walks in the park, talking about the past, and our kids.Molly and I have been...

4 years ago
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VeronicaChapter 23

Just behind the fire she made out in the gloom a group of men and some lights, one of which was switched on as she watched, lighting up the group around the fire. So, this was not some exercise in nocturnal diabolism. It was just some people making a film! Relieved at this, and unable to endure the cold for one more second, she decided to risk going down to them and asking if she could warm herself by the fire for a few minutes before going on her way. She really was quite desperately cold by...

2 years ago
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AssignmentChapter 2

Well, to bring you up to date on my wife Kate and I. You should be aware that we have been living apart now for about three months. I have been forced to change schools, and Kate decided to remain in our old town for now. We see each other on weekends, for a little bit. We just have a dinner or something, and we haven't had sex of any type since the night she gave me my 'fantasy'. I would go to classes during the day and usually get through the day as long as I was busy thinking about...

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Babysitting 06

We, the girls and I, after having out little parties were going to have our big party tonight. Now you have to understand that we promised her parents that we would not have any boys or alcohol in the house, but like many promises that people make, they usually get broken and ours was no exception. Other than our close group of eight, we invited another fifteen girls that were friends with the different girls during our years in high school. They were popular, pretty and enjoyed parties that...

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Middle East perversion

A deviant and perverted whore The following story is pure fiction, has been written for your entertainment and doesn't have a happy ever after ending. Not for the squeamish! I was in my early forties, English and worked as a financial adviser mainly in the Middle East. I am divorced and in the U.K. I was a closet crossdresser. However, on my travels and staying in five star hotels I became Sarah who dressed in clothes and underwear appropriate to my age. No one ever saw me as...

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Time Share ThreeWay Part 1

Time Share Three-Way Part 1[/Image]================================================================I have to admit that one of the things that kept me driving was the thought of the hot tub at the time share that was waiting ahead of me. My wife was flying in a couple of days later since she had to work on a project before joining me, so I had had enough of driving by the time I pulled into the welcome center and collected my key.I only lugged my bag into the single bedroom unit and...

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Hard at Work

This naughty little story, although entirely fictional, is based on/inspired by real life experiences I've had. Enjoy reading it, I certainly did writing it! :P lolSo I've been working this office job for a while now. I started out when I was 18 and ever since then I've been a busy hard-working worker. I shan't bore you with the ins-and-outs of the job (who wants to read about such a thing on a porn site?! lol).Anyway, having been working hard for a few years, I figured I was more than...

1 year ago
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Bhatiji Ki Samuhik Chudai 8211 Part 2

Readers, aapne mere pichhale story bhatiji ki chudai part 1 main padha ki kaise maine aur pramod ne tanvi ki train me chudai ki. Ab main aap logo ke paas apni dusari kahani bhatiji ki samuhik chudai Part 2 lekar aa raha hun. Readers maine apne previous story main hi apni bhatiji tanvi ke physical structure ka detail bata chukka hu atah main ab apni family ke baare main batata hun. Meri family main meri mom, papa, ek bada bhai,bhabh aur ek badi bahen hai aur meri bhatiji tanvi ab main directly...

4 years ago
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Jimmy Ts Family Fun Bk 1 MomChapter 2 Nightime June 30th 2011

I woke up the next morning knowing that I was going to be able to convince mom to go with me. I was absolutely certain of it. Mind you I knew it wasn't going to be easy. I'd woken early and I left the house before mom had gotten up. And stayed away all day. I wanted her to stew a bit before I gave her my 'nude beach' sales spiel. I bought two wigs that day. Some body paint. Some weird sunglasses – a man's pair and a woman's. A wide brimmed hat. A beard. Fake moustaches. More than...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 22 Miracle on Ice Part I

February 1980, Hovås/Göteborg, Sweden On the 12th, we celebrated Suzana’s fourteenth birthday. I gave her a sweater that I had asked Stephanie to pick out and send to me. I wanted something that was unique for a Swede to have, rather than just go to H&M and buy the latest Scandinavian style. She appreciated it and put it on right away. Later that evening, the US and Swedish hockey teams played. I had permission to borrow a small TV from Anders and watch the game in my room so as not to...

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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 20 Pursuit

[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place as the Rohirrim ride to Gondor. Éowyn has defied King Théoden’s orders twice: first by disguising herself as a man named Dernhelm in order to join the ride, and second by inviting Meriadoc to come with her. Only Marshal Elfhelm is aware of both Dernhelm’s true identity and the order to leave Merry behind. Holbytla is the Rohirric word for Hobbit.] 11 March 3019 (Third Age), Eastfold That’s it. I regret bringing the Halfling. Hands...

3 years ago
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Sexy Fairytale part 8

Kristen awoke as the sun was coming through the leaves of the trees... she felt completely refreshed, and rather glad to be so well-clothed.As she walked along, she found a little side-path that led to a stream... thinking it would be nice to take a bath, Kristen stripped off her peasant-girl outfit that she'd gotten from the b**st's castle and climbed in. Splashing and playing she almost felt like an entirely new person!Suddenly, the whinny of a horse made her turn around... and she gasped....

2 years ago
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A Not So Prim Proper Wife Ch 6

A Not So Prim & Proper Wife- Ch. 6Our story thus far:Tessa has been captured in her own home! After the fatal conclusion of the saga with her neighbor, Roberto, with his death of natural causes after attempting to **** her, Tessa had returned home after a trip to the hospital, to find her fire-damaged home dark, and with no electricity. Finding a way into her boarded up home, she was ambushed by some of her students, High School Seniors who were out for revenge, from the beating their...

2 years ago
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Pirates of Caledonia II Learning the RopesChapter 8 Getting lost

I woke up at dawn and got ready without disturbing the Captain. I was concerned at first by her complete lack of movement but her breathing indicated that she was fine and so I sought out the toilet, then a shower, then breakfast. The Captain stirred as I came into the room carrying two trays laden with food. 'Before you ask, I am fine', she told me as she swung her legs out of her bed. The Captain was a little exasperated with me trying hard to look after her, and when I offered to help...

1 year ago
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The Adventures of Skye and Andy

It was just past 9 o'clock when I heard the faint "tap tapping" at my window. I recognized the secret code which was now pushing against my window. A rock landed just outside my balcony door and I smiled a little. How could I not know who it was? It was Andy, my best friend.I walked over to the door and opened it. "What are you doing here Andy? Won't your parents notice?"He gave me a simple snicker "They're properly already asleep Skye, and I was bored. Can't blame me for that." Andy was the...

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Earths CoreChapter 5 The Next 849 Years Part 3

It took a year for the UGNE to finally accomplish the creation of a new weapon that surpasses in fire power the Beam Cannon and in close combat maneuvers the Thousand Blades Dancer. No Core Breaker or known formations were able match up to it and with that; the UGNE pushed back Kingdom Earth's forces with one and only drawback. The new S class weapon, suitable for long range and close range battles, "Victorious", operated only thirteen hours before the numerous formations could no longer...

2 years ago
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All night

John had already fucked the girl three times. He loved buying the whores an using them as much as he could. This whore was very good looking. He really did not care about looks as it was the body he used but a good looking one was a bonus. He was laying on top of her with his cock down her throat as she sucked him and his balls were bouncing on her nose as he three fingered her cunt. Then he put three more fingers in her fuck hole and stretched it wide open. He pulled his cock out of her mouth...

2 years ago
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Rough Sex On New Year Night

It was 31st of December 2017 evening. I and my well-groomed friend Rakesh hopped onto a pub for our New Year’s Eve party. We were waiting at the bar counter for a couple of other friends to join us at around 9 PM. Thus, we sat upon two adjacent stools and ordered two rounds of Johnnie Walker. After a few minutes, two businesswomen sat beside us judging by their office attire, the laptop bag, and their conversation: Woman1: I did not expect the deal to go this way. It’s horrendous. What the fuck...

4 years ago
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Train adventure the male perspective

We are on a train at the end of a long job it's dark and we are sitting across from each other. There is a table between us. You have a skirt on we have been exchanging pleasantries when I start to rub my foot against your legs. You open them and I start to get braver rubbing your thighs with my foot. Surprisingly you suddenly get up and head for the toilets...   A few minutes later you return to the seat with a certain look on your face. You sit back down I look around and...

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Strip Searching RebeccaChapter 2 Rebeccas Pussy Riding The Pyramid

As Rebecca lay on the bed, she could only think of the pain and humiliation that she had been forced to endure. Since her arrest, she had been stripped naked numerous times, examined intimately, given a forced enema, raped in all of her orifices and lastly the Judge had pissed in her mouth forcing her to swallow the vile liquid. While the others had been brutal, the Judge was always worse. He took great pleasure in causing Rebecca the maximum amount of pain and humiliation. It felt like...

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My Descent Into Subliminals ndash Chapter 9

My Descent Into Subliminals – Chapter 9 – Chad’s RewardI followed the girls out into the hallway as they headed to the second guest bedroom.If I didn’t already have a Viagra fueled hard on, the sight of their three asses swaying down the hallway would have given me one.As we went into the bedroom, I noticed the DVD had finished playing and Chad was still secured to the bed with his cock swelled in his cage.Tricia said, “Has my little slave been a good boy and not cum?”Chad was still gagged and...

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Windmills in Spain

Thanks to the Hip and Knee Doctor for editing assistance. Janet and I had been married for twelve years. We had been sweethearts since we were ten years old. I was never interested in college, so I got an entry-level job at Desmond Engineering, as a draftsman right out of high school. Janet and I were married a year later and the next year we were the proud parents of twin girls: Bethany and Brittany. Things were rough for the first few years, but we watched our pennies and everything seemed...

3 years ago
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First Time

My parents were on a 25th anniversary vacation, so I had the house to myself. My friend, Nikki, was home alone too. I guess she had never been alone in her house before, because I got a call from her and she said she was lonely and scared. So I invited her over to my house. When she got there she was wearing a tight, white shirt and a very short mini skirt. She came in and hugged me. When she did her mouth brushed my neck. I didn't really think anything of it. We watched TV for a little while,...

1 year ago
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Discovering Our Housemaids Secret Part 3

It was another short day at work, having finished all my requirements early so that I could hurry back home. I just knew Kim would be waiting for me upstairs, and just the thought of it made me hard as I quickly left the building, heading for the parking lot. I got home as soon as I could, parking my car in the driveway, and the smile on my face faded suddenly, when this time I noticed that my wife's car was there...I slowly crept inside the house, leaving all my keys on the entrance table, and...

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Dont Speak

‘I mean it,’ Lori said, gesturing slightly to emphasize the gun in her hand. ‘Say one word, just one, and I swear to God, I’m putting a bullet right between your eyes.’ Thankfully, Derek didn’t say anything. Lori was so scared she wasn’t sure if she was bluffing or not, but she didn’t want to find out whether or not she could pull the trigger. Derek didn’t force the issue, but he didn’t seem worried, either. He just stood there, looking at her impassively. A little too impassively, to be...

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Honeymoon at Disneyland

Me and John had been fucking around behind my other-half’s back for three years. I’d carve a pumpkin for him for Halloween and we’d fuck. I’d bring him a basket on Easter morning and we’d fuck. I’d string a tree with lights, decorate it and on Christmas Eve before opening our presents to each other, we’d fuck. For three years, I’d bake him a birthday cake. After he blew out all the candles, we’d fuck.For me, at least, the time passed really fast. We were like two little boys, but in grown men’s...

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Sexual Awakening

Your name is Alana and you just turned 18 a few days ago. You are 5'8" with large DD perky tits on a very slim athletic frame from playing softball but an ample tight ass from volleyball. Your light brown almost blonde hair falls to just below your shoulder blades and you can style it any way you want. You've always had big eyes to go with your plump rosy red lips. You live at home in a suburban neighborhood with your mother (Nancy) and father (Tim), older sister (Zoe), and sightly creepy...

3 years ago
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Breakfast at McDonalds

Paul was sitting in his usual spot at his usual McDonald’s, reading the Morning News and eating his usual breakfast – a Sausage McMuffin with Egg, hash browns, two milks, and a large coffee that he would take with him to school. Paul was thirty-nine – still ten years away from middle age, he told himself – and alone. His brief marriage, to a sweet and lovely woman who turned into a cast-iron bitch before the wedding cake was stale, was far behind him. He had had a few involvements since, but...

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Sarah Janes Father

I stood in Sarah Jane's driveway, waved goodbye to Dad as he pulled away and went down the street clutching my little knitted clothing bag containing a change of clothes and my nighty. I turned and walked to the lighted doorway and rang the bell. Straightening my skirt and blouse in the reflection, I waited for Sarah Jane to answer the door. After waiting a few minutes and no answer came, I started to ring the bell again, when the door was pulled open a crack and Sarah's dad peered out the door...

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Six Month Room Mate

A few years ago, a friend of mine had sold his home a lot faster than he thought and found himself with no place to live. Since I was recently divorced and had plenty of room in my home, I offered him my basement, which had its own entrance, living room, bedroom and bath. The only thing he would need to come up stairs for was to use the kitchen. We made an agreement for six months that had him replacing the carpet in the basement and installing a new outside door instead of paying...

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My personal Awaking

For me, it started the day after my 15th birthday.I had suffered through the embarrassing ordeal of having my mother be one of my teachers in the spring semester.  The ending of the school year trumpeted, for me the end of school, the beginning of summer which started of my celebrated birthday.  Despite my parents, both educators in the local school system, being nearly over bearing and puritanically conservative people, they were very considerate when they came to throwing my...

2 years ago
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I wish

John kommt gerade von einem erfolglosen Bewerbungsgespräch. Das dritte diese Woche. Niedergeschlagen läuft er durch die Straße als im eine alte Flasche auffält. Er hebt sie auf und reibt an ihr, um den Schmutz zu entfernen. Es strömt Rauch hinaus und ein miesgelaunter Genie erscheint. "Du hast mich befreit, du hast einen Wunsch frei. Yey. Beeil dich damit ich weiterschlafen kann" sagt der Genie genervt. "Gibt es Regeln die ich beachten muss?" "Nur dass du dich beeilst!" John überlegt eine Weile...

Mind Control

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