TeaseChapter 2 free porn video

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Lisa liked men. Not boys, but men. Age didn’t matter, 20, 30, 60. She did care that; 1) they didn’t get all ‘marry me’ stuff 2) they didn’t gloat. That’s why she didn’t like boys. Boys always gloated and told their friends. Men were discrete. Married men, especially so. They also gave her stuff. Money, clothes, jewelry. They also had a time with her because she had this one little thing; she always wanted to have sex, preferably sex in public areas.

She had been making love with her uncle for some time now. Nearly a year, so she was now 17. Still underage, but most guys didn’t seem to mind. She and Ron had some interesting times, too. She reminisced.

Their first time was in his car in that parking lot in the afternoon. She fucked him as people walked by just dozens of feet away. Yes, and she had done him at his apartment, but even that had shifted from quiet bedroom to wild outdoors.

It had been a few days later, after their pizza and bedroom jaunt. Her parents had asked Ron if he would ‘house sit’ (making sure it wasn’t ‘babysit’) for them for a weekend. Lisa had almost answered for him. Though she was old enough to look after herself, they felt better with Ron around. (Little did they know!). No wild parties, no boys. Her mom commented to Ron that she was surprised that Lisa didn’t have a boyfriend. She felt that Lisa was hiding something, maybe a ‘bad boy’ or even a girl. Ron had to conceal his knowledge of the truth and just tell her it was probably because Lisa spent much of her free time in her activities. She had just turned 17 a few weeks earlier, and she had made him promise to take her somewhere ‘interesting’ for her birthday. So that week, he decided to take her out.

Friday evening, he came over with a little overnight bag. She opened the door before he could even ring the doorbell. She jumped into his arms, wrapping herself around him. He quickly closed the door and knew obviously as he carried her down the hall to the family room, that his brother and his wife; her parents, were gone already.

“Ron, sweety, order a pizza!”

“NO! I’m taking you out tonight.”

Her face slumped as she thought they were going to be alone here. Then suddenly, her eyes widened, and she smiled brightly.

“You’re taking me on a DATE!!” she hugged and kissed him, not letting him set her down.

“Lisa, well ... not really what I had in mind...”

She jumped down, ran towards her room, “We’re going on a DATE!” she called out as she disappeared.

“I had thought it would be more like a late birthday present...” he spoke to no one.

He sat his things down in the guest bedroom and went to the kitchen and got a beer. He knew it was going to be a while.

Nearly an hour later, she reappeared.

Fuck! She was in a short, tight little black dress, accentuating every curve perfectly like her body was built for that dress with it ending at one end just above her breasts and the other end at what appeared to be just below her crotch, far too short. Her sandy blond hair brushed and ribboned. Her lips now red and cheeks tinted pink with blush. Her blue eyes smoky, making them dark and suggestive. Her white teeth were still in braces. Bare but well-tanned legs ended in heeled sandals pushing her slim height upwards.

She came to him, twirling as she moved. “So, how do I look?”

He had to recover before answering. She was grown up. He had seen her in shorts and tee’s (or in nothing at all) so many times that he had forgotten that she was a young lady ... when she wanted to be.

“Beautiful!” is all he could manage before she jumped into his arms, kissing him and then rubbing her lipstick off of his lips and cheeks with her fingers.

He switched his idea of taking her to a pizza parlor, instead decided on a very upscale Italian restaurant. At least now she looked ‘of age’ and not a little kid, at least as long as she didn’t show her braces.

At the restaurant, he requested a quiet table, offering a $20 bill to help find one in the crowded room. The maître d’ discretely took the money and led them to a back section, darker, quieter. Ron saw Lisa smile as the waiter slid her chair under her. He didn’t see that the waiter’s view was of his niece’s thighs all the way up to her red lace panties, just before she adjusted her dress.

Ron ordered a bottle of wine, tipping another $20 to the waiter to forgo the task of requesting id from the young lady. The waiter poured her a glass, nearly spilling some as he saw her smile, braces and all. He quickly turned and left, leaving the bottle for them. Eventually, he returned, and Ron ordered for them, five courses worth, thus restoring the waiter to his original interested self.

Ron watched Lisa nibble on a little of everything. Just as she liked to try new men, she liked to try new foods. After much of the meal and at least a couple glasses of wine, she announced she needed to visit the little girl’s room. Ron guessed ahead of time she might need some assistance. And as soon as she got up, she tittered and was about to take a tumble. He caught her as she laughed and giggled. She melted into his arms, whispering that she wanted him, needed him. Her body rubbed against him as he looked at the others, now staring at them.

He assisted her to the bathroom, where she wanted to drag him in with her. He resisted and pushed her in. When she finally came out, she had straightened herself, but again fell into his arms, kissing him as she pressed a cloth into his hand; her red panties.

“Jeez, Lisa, you can’t do that in this dress.”

Which of course, just led her to wiggle her butt at any of the guys she saw, not caring what might now be showing, nor what their wives/girlfriends might think. Ron quickly paid, adding yet more for a large tip and hauled her out the door. She grabbed Ron and pulled on him, down the walkway in front of some other buildings beside the restaurant, finally ending up in a narrow alleyway. Except for the restaurant, everything was closed and dark, though people passed across in front once in a while.

She threw her leg up, wrapping it around Ron. He kissed her while still keeping an eye out. She tasted of wine and spices. She smelled of perfumed flowers. The soft dress in his hands made her feel that much sexier. The intoxication of the wine and of her body blurred his thoughts. He wanted her as she continued kissing and nuzzling him. His resistance faded as he grabbed her by the butt and pushed himself into her. He backed away, moving her to a shadowy spot. There, he pressed her against the concrete wall as she grappled with him, biting his lip and neck, licking his face and giggling all the time.

He unzipped his pants and pulled on his erection, freeing it. He pushed down his pants as she wrapped her leg around his now bare butt. Her dress had ridden up above her hips, giving him full access to her naked pussy. He shoved himself into her, pushing deep. She grunted under his force before he put his hand over her mouth. He fucked her. He felt like he was raping her, his teenage girlfriend, here in the dark alley, with her back pressed against the wall, mouth covered to mute her groans. Her teeth biting him, and her nails scratching him. She glanced out towards the street as people or cars passed every few moments. She imagined them looking over and seeing her and her lover fucking. She wrapped her other leg up as he lifted her butt with his hands. Her legs locked around him as he humped her in a ragged rhythm. He forgot the world around them. He wanted her. He wanted to sex her, to fuck her young pussy. He exploded!

“Gaah! Ug!” as he spurted his cum into his niece.

He jerked several more times, finally calming from his attack of her. He held her close, kissing her and whispering apologies as she giggled and squirmed to get down. She waddled with him back to the car, now with her shoes off and trying not to get her dress stained, even as she dribbled onto his passenger seat.

Back at her home, he felt sheepish as she continued to giggle at him, making off to the bathroom. When she came out, she found him in the guest room, already in bed. She climbed in and snuggled up to him. He feigned sleeping but couldn’t help but feel sorry for what he had done to her in that dark alley.

She chastised him, “Silly, quit apologizing! I wanted you to do that. I thought it was kinky!”

She petted him like a little puppy as they both fell asleep.

Weeks later, Ron had tried to stay away from her, for fear that his brother, her father, would find out. As usual, he found her at the skateboard park.

That’s when she told him another secret. Lisa was a few months from 18, and her braces were gone. Her smile was radiant.

“Lisa, you know it’s not at all appropriate for me, your uncle, to be doing these things with you.”

She just laughed, “Kinda late to keep having second thoughts, hey?”

“Your father would kill me and then lock you away if he found out.”

“HA! You don’t know him ... well, he might still kill you, but you’re not the first on that front either.”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“My father...” she said, then in a slightly quieter voice, “ ... and me.”

Ron’s eyes went wide, “No! He didn’t! You? Him? Are you ok? Jeez, we are ruining you!”

Lisa cracked up laughing, “No, I think you guys are getting the worst of it. I’m fine. I think it was FUN!”

“Jeez, Lisa, this isn’t healthy! I mean...”

“Incest. Tisk, tisk. You males think that the world will end. Well, sure. For some girls, it would be bad if they didn’t want it. I WANTED it. I LOVE it. I LOVE having SEX with you ... and my father!”

Ron was in shock. “You’re mother?”

“Yes, her too.”


She cracked up, laughing at Ron. He looked like he had just discovered that the world didn’t really exist, that this was all a dream.

“I’ve also had others, besides you and my biology teacher. There was Howard; I babysat for his grandkids. We smoked weed together as he told me about the ‘60s. We did it behind a tree in the park. Then there was Jake; he was 45 and bought me vodka. We did it at a camp. Then...”

“Lisa, my God!” Ron’s head was reeling. This girl was totally corrupted!

Then he caught up, “Wait, Howard? You mean Old Man Howard? The ex-hippie?”

She giggled, “He’s not THAT old, maybe sixty-something. I’m his flower child.”


“Mom and him. She was 22, and he was 48. They made whoopee and bingo, me!”

“Wait, so your father isn’t really your father, but Howard is, and you’ve had sex with BOTH of them?”

“I can’t wait to write my memoir for my grandkids. They will die of confusion.”

“Lisa, I think I need a drink. And a shrink!”

“Well the drink is in the den and the shrink, well, you can ask my dad.”

“Which one!?” they both laughed together.

He went to get that drink. A double. Another. And she poured herself one, too.

“Dad, my adoptive dad, took me to the beach a couple years ago, before I hopped onto you.” She giggled.

“Anyway, I had been teasing him relentlessly for years, and we ‘played’ together. I liked ‘horsey’. He would hop me on his knee for ages. As I got older, I discovered a new game with ‘horsey’ where I would rock back and forth as he hopped me. He liked it when I came. I would lie back onto him, and he would hug me and hold me tight as my glow faded.”

Ron swallowed the rest of his drink in a gulp. So she had played Lolita with her stepfather, too.

“I also would show myself off to him, just as I did with you. It’s fun watching you guys faces, acting like you’d never seen a sexy little girl dance. We had tickling fights that would usually end up with kissing and cuddling. Kissing on the mouth. Didn’t you wonder why I can kiss so well?”

“Well, one weekend, he took me to the beach. It was early in the season, and he had found a pretty quiet stretch. Of course, I didn’t care whether people were around or not. I bounced and danced all around him. We laughed and tickled each other. I had my favorite bikini on. Oh, I HAVE to show it to you. I still have it, though it might be a little small as if it ever wasn’t.”

“We played and played. We went into the water and splashed and tussled. I couldn’t resist. I undid the little strings on my bottom and ding, I was naked, down there. Skinny dipping in the ocean. Well, I did still have my top on. It felt so free, so wonderful. I climbed up on his back, continuing to play. He didn’t realize until he saw my bikini bottom in my hand. The waves were hitting us, and I guess I and the waves surprised him because we crashed under. When I came up, sputtering, I found him and grabbed tight to him. Now I was wrapped around his chest. My legs locked behind him, arms holding over his shoulders. We kissed. A lot. The waves calmed some. We were in water up to my shoulders. It was so warm and soft and sexy. He pushed his swim trunks down and then off. We were both basically naked, skinny dipping. We kissed more. I slid down and felt his dick pushing against my pussy, there in the ocean. I looked at him and pushed downwards, he took it from there. I felt him shove into me. We were having sex there in the ocean, people a few hundred feet away. He fucked me, rocking in the waves. I’m sure people knew that we were doing something out there. Teenage girls usually didn’t stay wrapped up in older men’s arms like that. It was wonderful, sexy, erotic. I came. He did too. Mom had already put me on the Pill. Good thing, it felt like he was filling me full of his cum. He held me as the sun went down. We just rocked in the waves for a long time.”

Lisa laid her head against Ron as he tried to process all this.

Ron drove her home from the skate park. She wanted him to come in, but he felt very uncomfortable with seeing her parents now. He wanted to break off what they were doing, but at the same time didn’t want to hurt her feelings. He decided he would just stay away as much as possible, hoping she would lose interest and let her break from him instead.

As she got out of the car, wrapping her jacket tighter around her, “Oh, by the way, Ron, you’re taking me to the City next weekend to see the MET and Nutcracker Ballet. Thanks! Bye!”

“Uh, I am?”


On the train headed into the city, Lisa snuggled tight in her winter jacket and pressed up against Ron, she continued telling him about one of her liaisons.

“Howard told me about my mom and him. They met at an outdoor concert; I think it was a Grateful Dead concert. He and I were sitting in his house after his granddaughter had left. Jeez, I just thought, she’s my step-cousin?” Lisa looked up at Ron.

He rolled his eyes in an ‘I don’t know’, but still in shock that he was going into NYC for the weekend with his niece whom he was fucking seemed like every time they met.

“Anyway, Howard said it poured rain, and everybody scattered. He had a VW van, how appropriate, and convinced her he wasn’t a serial killer or anything, and that she could dry out in the van. She wasn’t married and apparently a bit of a partyer. I’ll have to ask her about that sometime. He said she was soaked to the bone, so he offered her some of his clothes and a towel. He said he was the perfect gentleman and looked away the entire time she struggled out of her wet clothes and into his dry ones. He said she looked so funny, but told her she looked pretty, like an angel. She bit. He didn’t tell too many details, but I guess they smoked some weed, drank some wine, and ended up traveling together for a while, along the way, made me! Oh, maybe it was that weed that caused me to be the way I am?”

Ron sat staring at Lisa as she rambled. He didn’t know whether to laugh, pinch himself to wake from this dream, or just kiss her. He kissed her. She stayed quiet ... for a couple minutes, as they changed trains in Newark.

“Howard offered me weed, and I offered myself in return. I partook of his weed, and he partook of me. Well, actually, we went to the park and were walking around. And you know me, public place, warm sunshine ... My shoes were off, and I danced around him as he laughed. I teased him, hiking up my skirt; I had on my sundress, and that’s about it. Ok, I did have on panties.” She giggled at the thought and squeezed Ron’s arm.

“I was surprised, but he’s a terrific dancer. He hummed tunes that we danced to. He swept me around the park, spinning and swings and dips. I hadn’t done that much actual dance since I was a kid.”

Ron thought, Jesus girl, you are STILL just a kid, my love!

“We finally ended up in the trees. It was dusk, and we were doing a slow dance, tight in his arms. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him. Several times. We sat down by a tree. We smoked a joint. I kissed him again and told him I wanted to make love. I think he thought I was crazy, or that there must be something in that joint. I finally convinced him.”

Ron knew she could convince any guy, but not sure he wanted to hear more. Though, it seemed like she was doing this as a confessional. He held her close in the chill and let her continue.

“He was sweet. Kind. He asked approval for everything. I did a little dance for him, lifting my sundress and pulling off my panties. I guess I’m pretty good at that now. I see other people around, but they are well away, and light is fading. He asks if I really felt comfortable about this, you know, incest and him and my mom. I tell him I think it’s kinky to think that he did my mom, making me and now doing me, his daughter. He tells me he has no rubbers, but I’m on the pill, and I don’t think either of us had any diseases...”

Ron worries, jeez, does she? Lisa picked up on that.

“I do go to a female OBGyn, and I’ve said I am active. She could figure that out anyway. I asked for tests. No problem, I’m clean.” She giggles at Ron’s reaction of relief.

“Anyway, he’s sitting by a tree; I sit in his lap facing him, my dress pulled up around me. He tells me that I look just like my mom. That I even feel like my mom. He tells me more about the two of them. How they really loved each other. But, his lifestyle and hers just didn’t mesh. He knew she was pregnant, but she didn’t want him to feel obligated. She said she had another. She wanted to marry him. My dad.”

Lisa sat quiet, then continued.

“I wanted him to make love to me. We did. He was very gentle. He sang a lullaby as I rocked on him. It was so sweet. He was warm inside me. I cried as I came.”

Lisa sighed and squeezed Ron harder. He rocked her in his arms.

“We sat facing each other, him still inside me, for a long time. He told me that my mom had sent him photos and stuff, and he had even seen me in some of my dance and swim competitions. That’s one reason he ended up nearby. He had married and had a son that had his granddaughter. I guess his son is my step-brother ... We held each other. It was dark when we finally left.”

Ron’s eyes were tearing up, and he had to wipe them. Lisa giggled saying that she was glad she could make him cry as she sniffled and wiped her eyes as well.

In the City, he never took his eyes off her. Lisa had not seen the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the MET, before, and even being in NYC was a treat. She pulled him from exhibit to exhibit. They had lunch at The Dining Room since he wanted to treat her. After hours of museums and kisses in hidden corners, they burst out again onto the streets, all decorated for Christmas. It was cold and windy and looked like snow, which she hoped and prayed for.

She pulled him to the Horse and Carriage stands, so he had to give in. The driver saw that they were lovers, even though they never said. He pulled up the top cover, giving them the excuse that it might start raining or sleeting. Lisa knew though that this just gave her the chance to make out with her lover. She admitted to herself she was in love with Ron. She knew he loved her, too, since he repeated it so many times a day to her.

In the carriage, as the horse hooves clacked on the street and the cold air blew thru the open windows of the carriage, the two lovers snuggled together under the blanket. Lisa tried to figure out if she could make love to Ron while in there, but decided she would have to be satisfied with some heavy petting. She unbuttoned her pants and almost shoved Ron’s hand in under her panties and between her legs. While she had her hand in his pants massaging his hard prick, she made sure he kept busy rubbing her pussy. She loved watching the cars and people passing feet away from them as they worked to make each other come.

Ron really didn’t want to come in his pants like this, though her hand made it really difficult. That and knowing he was finger fucking his 17-year-old niece under a blanket while riding in a carriage in the wintertime of New York City made it all the harder to resist. By the time the ride was ending, she was almost climbing on top of him. He almost had to ask the driver to repeat the trip, but they squared themselves away, even if unfulfilled, just in the nick of time.

After that, Lisa literally dragged Ron back to their hotel just a few blocks from Central Park. He wanted to take her to the Natural History Museum, but she wanted to have sex. So, what’s a guy to do?

The moment she’s in the door, Lisa starts stripping off her heavy winter clothes, ready to be free again. Ron is barely closing the door, and she’s already down to her top and pants; coats, gloves, shoes, socks scattered. They haven’t even unpacked, as she was so eager to go to the MET when they first arrived. Now she was eager for Ron to make love to her. She rushed to the floor-length windows of their 25th-floor hotel room, tossing the curtains open with the view of Central Park and W59th below. She didn’t care if anyone could see; she hoped they could, as she stripped down to just little white panties and nothing else. The coolness of the air near the windows making her nipples firm.

She turned around to face Ron, “Come here, Lover!” she exclaimed in her sultry theatrical voice.

He looked at his watch; they had two hours before their show. A 20-minute ride the few blocks to their theater, forget eating until afterward, an hour for the maiden to prepare herself for presentation ... Just enough time left for ... she grabs him, pulling at his shirt and pants, hurrying his endeavors to undress.

“Lisa! Jeez! Please slow down. We have time.”

“Fuck time, fuck me now!”

She loses her panties and is backing towards the glass windows. ‘Oh, shit,’ he thinks.

“Ah, I don’t know if this is a good idea, honey.”

“Oh yes, it is, my darling lover, your illicit sex partner is waiting!”

He knows he never can win with her, so he closes in as he streams clothes behind him. Briefly, he wonders if the door is locked, hoping no turndown maid comes in.

The young vixen is up against the glass, butt pressed to its cold surface, mooning Manhattan. He comes to her, and she drags him in as his eyes dart from her face to the impressive cityscape behind her. They kiss hard, her tongue wasting no time.

“Wouldn’t the bed be softer?” he whimpers as she pulls him against her and the window.

“Mmmm, later, darling, mmmm.”

She pushes his head between her breasts, now filled out with the firmness of a young woman. He kisses and suckles a nipple, trying to be gentle. She has nothing of it. She forces his head deep against her breast. He bites into her areola and sucks her nipple. She laughs and giggles, squirming. He comes back up to kiss her, but she flicks her head from side to side as if trying to fend off his attack. She squeals as he tickles her side and bites her neck to give her a hickey. He wants to mark her as his. He presses his body against hers, his engorged penis flattened against her belly. They kiss wetly, almost in slurps.

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Harriet looked at Linda, puzzled, and said “Come here, child.” Linda had a bit of trouble getting to her feet as Julia rushed past her to bury her face frantically in Harriet’s pussy. Harriet looked down at Julia and then moved backward and down, parting her legs so Julia had access. Julia was frantically fingering herself, and a guy came up behind her and began fucking her with the same apparent need. “Sit next to me,” invited Harriet. “We need to talk.” Linda moved to obey, her body...

2 years ago
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Mom8217s Ass Banged By Suresh Uncle

Hi guys…Mera naam arun he aur me 22 saal ka hu..Mere ghar me mein mere dad aur mere mom rhte he..Humaara nuclear family he aur middle class ke he..Mein engineering padh rha hu aur mere dad bank me clerk kaam krte he aur meri maa housewife he.. Yeh kahani meri mom ki he isliye meri mom ke baare me thoda batata hu..Meri mom ka naam rashmi he..Wo ek housewife he..Wo dikhne me ghori he aur uska figure 32 34 36 he..Dekhne me to fresh lagegi aur muje lagta he dad ne use zyaada use nhi kiya he..Meri...

1 year ago
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The Hotel

I began dating this girl prior to graduation, she was a year younger than me in school but her parents let her do whatever she wanted.  She was about five-foot-two and one-hundred-and-thirty pounds and not a bit of fat on her.  She had tanned skin and sandy blonde hair, her legs were great but her ass was like two bubbles in her pants. She loved to screw and never worried about a thing when she wanted to. It didn't matter if someone was in the room or if we were in her mom's house.  For her...

2 years ago
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Her Toy 3

3 I’m done thinking about this, absolutely done. A vow inside that my only thoughts will be exploiting your willingness to play out my fantasies, to take advantage and live out every slutty little scenario in my mind. I plot what I want and the sequence in my mind. I consider how exquisite you are giving me this gift of you at your most dirty as I pass the joint back to you for another puff……waiting until you inhale and then pulling the joint from you and pulling darkly and hotly at...

2 years ago
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Sexy College Student Fucked

It was my first year of college, early November, actually, when I saw a notice posted for two models for an art class. Actually, it was for two nude life models, one male, one female. Well, I could use the money and I was on an athletic scholarship on the swimming team and my body was in pretty good tone. So, I went to see the art instructor who asked me several questions like if I’d ever posed before and especially if I’d ever posed unclothed. I told her that I hadn’t but I thought I could...

4 years ago
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Junior High Spankings

The girls were waiting outside the school auditorium in a state of high excitement. Rumors about a major change in school discipline were rampant. Marsha, a precocious 13-year old, and her best friends kept to themselves, but were not immune to the sense of electricity. Adding to the uncertainty was the fact that it was the boys, now in the auditorium, who were receiving the news first. Finally the doors to the auditorium opened and the boys came out and passed between the girls on their way...

1 year ago
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The Experiment

I had been out clubbing these last few weeks, trying to screw my name into the record books after the break-up of my marriage. I had been lucky on this last occasion and had met twin sisters. They were both extremely beautiful, 5'4" tall and exuded an air of permanent sexuality. Claire was the youngest by about six minutes, she was a real tearaway and, seemingly up for anything. Rachel however, although extremely pleasant, was much more demure, the professional type with her head securely on...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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A Tale of Two SidneysChapter 3 Achieving Goals

Gwen was able to give Julia her address and had her eyes closed by the time they left the Country Club parking lot. Sleep was probably the best thing for her, Julia only hoped that the younger woman still had the wits to stick her head out over the door of the convertible if she was going to hurl again. Being one of the original residents of the exclusive community Missus Dickens was familiar with every street inside the security gates. She had no trouble locating Gwen's home. After...

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Diablo CanyonChapter 4

Monday, August 13, 2007 Liz Slick The alarm clock woke me up for the first day of school. I got up, sighed, and walked to the shower. I was sure this year would be just like the last year, and the year before that, and the year before that. Boring classes and stupid classmates. And the stupidest one of all, Debbie Palmatier, would do everything in her power to make my life miserable. I don't know what made her start hating me in seventh grade. Maybe it was the fact that I got straight A's...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 94

In an instant, twenty dog legs were transformed into an instrument of pure rocket power, blasting off up the slight hill. "HAW! HAW! Mike ordered, and Ringo took the team in a broad turn around the house, and out into the driveway. Mike was so excited at the sensation of running on the snow that he forgot to give Ringo the command for the Gee turn onto the road, but for more than a month, every training session had started with a turn up the road to Mark's house, so Ringo made the turn...

3 years ago
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More Than a MotherChapter 9

"Mom, she saw you!" Shari shouted. Joyce remained where she was, gazing at the pretty blonde girl. Bobby, shocked, stood next to his mother with his cock hanging from his shorts. Sandra stared back at them. "Don't worry, Shari," Joyce said, noticing the fear in her daughter's voice. "We certainly don't have anything to be concerned about, remember?" "I forgot," Shari murmured. Sandra remained where she was, still staring at the three. She was wearing jeans and a sleeveless...

2 years ago
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Fiftieth BirthdayAct 3 Meetings and Reunions

"Teri... Dad's been shot!!" That was the first thing I heard after my ringing phone jerked me out of a very deep sleep. As I picked up my phone I glanced at the bedside clock. It said 3:20 AM. The caller went on. "Some woman from a company called McGregor Global Shipping called and she said that Dad had been shot and that he and some members of his team were being evacuated to Zurich and that she didn't know his condition or how bad he was or how it happened or where it happened... she...

3 years ago
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A Game of Trust

Alan splashed his face with icy cold water from the tap removing the last bits of shaving cream, and examined his now smooth face in the bathroom mirror. He could see Julie's reflection as she stepped out of the shower and stretched, strategically showcasing her full, curvy figure. A cloud of steam followed in her wake, and she squeezed water from her long, auburn hair.'Oh come on. It'll only be for a little while,' Julie said. 'Just give it a try. For me? Please?''That's cheating,' Alan said,...

3 years ago
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Having a bad flu during night time

Home along again for the entire week end; Victor had flown away from town and would come back on Monday, if he was lucky…On Saturday evening I felt my corporal temperature was burning me to flames; I decided to rush to the nearer hospital and check my condition…I drove my car feeling a bit flimsy, but I made my way to the entrance. I got my turn at the waiting room and finally I met a young doctor… a very young and handsome one.As I entered the examination room, I almost fainted due to my...

2 years ago
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Sister Celeste Angel of Mercy Chapters 4 End

Chapter 4When I returned on Thursday evening, I found a troubled man. He had stayed motivated through Wednesday morning, but had spent the past day in a funk.‘This isn’t bad,’ I said as we ate another excellent dinner of venison tenderloins marinated in Teriyaki sauce and served over a bed of noodles with asparagus on the side. This time dinner was accompanied by a Cabernet Sauvignon. ‘Injections every three days is not a horrible thing. If we had to, we could resort to weaker daily injections,...

3 years ago
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Service WifeChapter 19 More Dog please please

I heard the dog collar jingle as he came over to me. I felt him give my bottom two maybe three licks then he was on me once again. By the time his paws wrapped around my little waist his cock was in me and he was stuffing the entire shaft as deep as he could. Instantly I could do nothing but hold on. Instantly I was lost to the feeling of that jackhammer effect of his fucking me. Instantly I could not think of anything but the wonderful mind numbing effect that the dog's cock was giving me...

1 year ago
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A Priest Gone Bad

had never thought my mind capable of such imaginings. My dream was of a young girl at the school at wich I teach. She is so young and beautiful. Her youngness makes all of this seem so evil, yet the beauty of her innocent age, I believe, is what drew me in, and captivated me. I saw her for the first time in the classroom of an associate teacher. Immediately upon entering the room I noticed her sitting at her desk, her dark eyes softly studying mine. I looked away quickly but was so...

3 years ago
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The Amish Incursion Pt2

Pt 2 Once in the shower; Sarah shuffled over to the twins. They were just soaking in the hot water that was hitting them both from three sides. Lilly was overjoyed. Playing in the streams as if they were her own personal waterfall. Anna stood. Wringing her hair. Eyes closed back arched and pushing her chest out to catch a burst across both her nipples at the same time. Sarah reached for one of the fresh Lufas and started on Anna first. Soaping her belly sides and back with the gentle skin...

4 years ago
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Der nette Nachbar

...da stand er nun mit klopfendem Herzen am frühen Vormittag vor der Tür seiner schönen Nachbarin und starrte auf die Klingel. Er hatte so lange mit sich gerungen ob er es tun sollte oder nicht. Moralisch verwerflich, unanständig und strafbar war es obendrein. Er hatte Angst, das es schief gehen könnte. Das alles schief gehen könnte und er völlig geliefert wäre. Aber letzten Endes hatte sein Trieb gesiegt und hier stand er nun und ihr Mann war vor einer guten Stunde zur Arbeit gefahren. Er...

3 years ago
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Losing My Virginity To Charlotte

This all starts towards the end of my sophomore year of high school. I was sixteen, had my license, and a hand me down 73 Pinto. In high school, I never quite fit into any of the cliques in school. I had friends from most of them, but then there was Charlotte.Charlotte was a month younger than me and hung out with the rougher crowd around. You know the ones, the smokers, the punks, and troublemakers. Really not my group, even with my broad selection of friends.I met her through being a library...

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A pleasant way to wake up

The four of us had spent the day at the coast hiking, beach combing, going to antique stores, and trying on clothes in the shops. After a great dinner with drinks, the girls retired to their room to watch some TV and collapse into bed. The foursome often enjoyed these weekends away, and like sisters they'd split the cost of one room. Laura's bed mate was Katherine. After an hour of TV Katherine was sacked out. Laura admired how beautiful her face was, and her tight body. If only, she thought...

1 year ago
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Teen Ajnabi Logo Ne Kiya Mera Gangbang 8211 Part 1

Main Rucha Raval hu. Meri Age 24 hai. Main Gujarat se hu aur main Gujarati hu. Main ap sab se share karne ja rahi hu jo ki 3 ajnabi logo ke sath tha. Please comments dena [email protected] ya Facebook mein rucha.raval.75 pe. Main mere bare mein batati hu, meri height karib 5 feet 5 inch hai, weight 56Kgs hai. Main bohut fair hu. Main wealthy family se belong karti hu. Meri body size 34-29-38 hai. Mere hairs brown color ke hai aur meri kamar tak hai. To ye incident kuch iss tarah se hua....

4 years ago
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Loving FamilyChapter 4

Paul woke up with the sunrise the following morning feeling better than he could ever remember. He opened the window to drink in the fresh mountain air and couldn't wait to get outside to explore the area. It occurred to him that the best way to do it would be on horseback, remembering the dude ranch Tom had told them about. He quickly donned his Levi's and boots, wondering if it might be a good idea to invite Linda along. It would be a good chance to find out what sort of people live...

2 years ago
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I shouldn't have tested her. Or, maybe I should have. I'm not sure anymore. I'm not sure which emotions are mine. I'm in a happy relationship. I think. My name is Clare. Now... Anyway. Sorry, I realize how confusing this is. Let me attempt to make sense out of it. My name is John. Or, my name used to be John. My best friend is named Hunter. We did everything together. Now we do everything to each other. You see, Clare was dating Hunter. I didn't know her last name, whether or not she had a...

3 years ago
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Dialogues Catherine the Great and Prince Platon Alexandrovich Zubov

"I've got one." "Sssshhhh." "But..." "What have I said about when I'm reading?" "I'm not to disturb you when you're reading." "What am I doing?" "You're reading, but..." "Look, how many times do I have to tell you that I really don't care about your puerile computer game adventures. I don't care about winged sandals, poisoned or unpoisoned chalices, and I certainly don't care about grails holy, knots gordian or swords damoclean, so I really don't care about whatever it is you've got.""It's not...

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A Private Function Two TGirl Bimbos Get What Th

OKAY, I'm not sure what I've got myself into. I'm not sure what is going to happen. I'm not even sure where I am! But, what I do know is that I look pretty, I feel amazing and I am teetering on the edge of going crazy with excitement . . .Let me tell you what I'm talking about.I'd been swapping pictures and fantasies with Gwen for a while. You must know Gwen, the prettiest, subbiest sweetest party-girl. You must have seen her pictures. Those long long legs in black nylon, those tiny little skin...

1 year ago
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Private Stacy Cruz Venera Maxima Anal Threesome

Stacy Cruz and Venera-maxima are two of our top models in Private Gold, Lingerie Models Agency and today they’re in for an unexpected surprise with stylist Lutro who turns out to be far less gay than they think! No man could ever resist these sexy girls in their lingerie as they show off their amazing natural tits in the dressing room, and soon enough the lucky Lutro gets to join in. A double sloppy blowjob, a hard pounding for Stacy, anal for Venera and a facial for both stars to share, be...

3 years ago
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Keeper of the House

Dr. Dina Corman, age 38, pulled up to the security gate at her hillside gated community and was greeted by the familiar face of Lendon, the long-time security guard of Trom Hills Estates. As he approached her car, he let Dina know that the woman who Dina was to interview was in fact waiting inside the Guard building. Dina tucked her dark auburn hair behind her ears, green eyes hidden behind dark rose sunglasses. Dina had been looking for a housekeeper (with some intelligence) for months and...

2 years ago
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Fingers in the shower

It was raining when I got up and the breeze was making the drops pitter patter against the glass. I turned over. My girlfriend was fast asleep and she looked so sweet with her blonde hair spread over her pillow. I gave her face a gentle kiss and got up quietly and went down stairs in my white shorts and pink vest. I’d slept in them and they were nice and close but I couldn’t believe how cold it was down stairs, and I thought about turning on the heating, but I didn’t. I made myself a coffee...

3 years ago
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How Do I Look

Laura and I had been friends for years, really close friends, but there had always been a hint of a certain mutual attraction. I often go around to her place for a bottle of wine or two and usually the conversation turns swiftly to sex. She loves to tease me about her past sexual escapades before she met her partner, and I try to respond without seeming too eager to hear more! Laura is 29, 5’2′ and a size 8. I only know her size as I can’t help but have a look when she leaves such gorgeous...

1 year ago
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The Master DecidesChapter 2

Kristen and I were out and about again after she left work on Friday, doing errands, shopping, and getting something to eat away from the house. We were outside a paper goods store which she always liked to look through when she asked if I could pick up a book at the bookstore two doors down. I was a bit confused since we usually just bought things on Amazon or maybe at the B&N. I didn't even know there was a bookstore in this complex. She just shushed me with a smile and asked me to...

2 years ago
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From Sub to Dom My ldquoCthulhurdquo risen

For those that have seen our videos, you will now Kutwijf is a perfect Asian Fuck Toy. 160 cm and 55Kg, open minded, submissive and devoted to her husband. But things had become a bit boring; she would fuck on demand, kitchen, bed, even in public, but after 10 minutes and a few positions, she would tell me to hurry up. Most times I would just wank and get it over with. Other times I would wank several times per day and not be able to cum. Then there were the late night porn sessions into the...

3 years ago
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Looking BackChapter 5 After the Party

I woke up and the room was quiet. John must have stepped out. I was rather glad to be alone. I needed time to think. My legs and private areas still hurt. I was honestly hoping that it was all a dream or should I say nightmare. I was wondering exactly what John knew and how involved he was in this escapade. I was sure that he had sex with Mary, but did he know anything about what happened with me? If he set it up I would divorce him in a minute. He knew how I felt about swinging. I knew we...

3 years ago
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The Boys Day In

Chapter 1 You would like Sherry. She's five-seven, one hundred thirty-five pounds, dark black hair, gray eyes, rather attractive, not beautiful exactly but she always got her share of looks. Some of that was due to her figure, she was pretty curvy with a very nice bustline, D-cups and naked she looked very good. Sherry was thirty-six and had been divorced for, I think it was, six or seven years. What I especially loved about Sherry was her manner and personality. Both of them. There was the...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Prekrasna IsidoraChapter 1 Ambush

I was riding shotgun in the first armored E-350 1 in the column when, in the rear view mirror, I saw the tree fall. I remember thinking that back home in Virginia I would have called the tree a Poplar, but here in Chechnya I only knew that it was big and tall and that someone had blown it to fall across the road and cut us off from the client. My driver saw the tree fall and was about to punch the accelerator when the windshield exploded and everything went red. The windshield was...

1 year ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 20

They left the courthouse and headed straight home to see the family. Duncan, Moses, and Eli could hardly wait to see their kids. Moses was extremely proud of his and Suh’s boy. They’d named him Pike Longfeather Kidd in honor of Moses’ father. Duncan and Eli’s young’uns were seven, and the two marshals could hardly wait to get home from a trip. Pike was about six months younger than the other boys, but he felt he could do anything the others could – the other boys expected as much of...

4 years ago
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A New World Part 10

I pulled Riley against me and kissed her while Mrs Stalely gently cleaned my cock and balls with her mouth. I caressed Riley’s firm ass as my tongue explored her mouth and I thought, I never want this to end. Harsh light suddenly flooded the dark room as Kate opened stepped through the door. “Well, it would seem, I have missed all the fun,” she pouted, pushing the door shut behind her. “Janine, thank your new Master, then go get cleaned up.” she commanded. “Thank you Master,” Mrs Stalely said,...

1 year ago
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My Sister Loves me and I love her to

Note : This story is completely fictional! First off my name is Joey. I am tall and very very slim and slender. I have had a crush on "this girl" since I started to hit puberty. The girl is.....MY sister.....I know it sounds like I am wrong and Im a perv and its sounds just wrong but I really dont give a damn. I like my sister and thats final. Now my sister is a tall brunette and her name in Veronica. She has nice C size boobs and she has eyes that can melt your heart. I love her so much. I...

2 years ago
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Bad Day At The OfficeChapter 8

I arrived at Emma's flat about seven that evening, after first checking that my eldest child could fit me into her hectic social life. As astute as her mother had been, she must have guessed something was amiss as she immediately invited me over; this was unusual, as she rarely spent any time alone. If she wasn't with one of her many male admirers; her impending wedding had reduced but not eliminated them all, although now her fiancé Luke was now at their centre; then she was putting the...

2 years ago
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The Innocent Neighbor Girl Part IV

I got off of the bed to gather my clothes. "Where do you think you're going?" Suyin asked me, almost scowling. I turned to look at her, "I need to get home before my wife does, or she'll suspect something." Suyin looked at me sternly, "ok, but you had better be here tomorrow." I nodded as I proceeded to get dressed. The next day my wife was off of work as well, making it difficult for me to get out and go next door. In the middle of the afternoon the doorbell rang, "Derreck...

1 year ago
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Master Jon and I

Me: “I’m not going to submit to you so easily this time, Jon.” I curl up in a ball in the corner refusing your touch or words.  Master: I run my fingers through your hair and lovingly lift your chin. My lips meet yours and my tongue slides in your mouth to meet your tongue. My fingers scratch your head slightly and I slide in closer and closer. Me: I let your tongue enter my mouth and meet it with my warm tongue. My arms still holding my knees close to my chest I start to let go, but catch...

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Private Megan Venturi Family Affairs

The young and sexy Megan Venturi has come to Private Specials, Young Nymphos 5 and this horny brunette has been getting real close with her step brother Nik Rock XXX, so much so that when their parents go away for the weekend they can’t help but fuck! Watch all the action on www.private.com where Megan shows off her awesome blowjob skills and offers up her juicy pussy for a taste before putting her sexy petite body to work as she rides, grinds and takes a hard pounding all the way to a facial...

1 year ago
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Ghost of Statum ShoresChapter 3

People were scattered on the river struggling against her currents. Men cried out in pain as alligators made their way to prey and ripped their limbs and arms profusely as men and woman suffered imminent death to the creatures of the river. The ships-hull screak as it rubbed against the rock loudly enough to be heard for miles. The crew of Sara fight to stay above surface and were pulled under by the rivers fierce current and gators grabbed their next meal easily in their territory. Sara...

2 years ago
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Three Presents for My Brothers BirthdayChapter 1

"Who do you think is the hottest boy around?" Denise asked me. "Gee, maybe Brett Hutchins. Who do you think?" I asked her back. "I'd say, your brother, Casey, that's who." "My brother? Really?" "Oh, god, yes, she's right. Casey is so hot," added Lori. My two friends, Lori and Denise, were sleeping over and, of course, we were talking about what all fourteen-year old girls talk about. Boys. "You two really like my brother?" "Yeah, don't you? I mean, look, try to think...

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