Gabby 1 free porn video

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My name is Gabrielle, everyone calls me Gabby. My parents both work, my mom is a stewardess, and my dad is an investment banker so my home life is pretty much short durations of their company and long periods of their respective absences. They’re both divorcee’s, I guess that makes them understand better that the other needs their own space. To tell you the truth, I’m not sure which I enjoy more. They’re pretty nice and lenient as far as parents go, they kind of have to be being gone so much. It’s pretty much, “we’re not going to tell you what to do, but you have to live with the consequences of your actions so don’t do anything stupid.” They’re nice, and I love them, but at the same time, its nice to be on your own. Plus I like spending time with my step-brother, Tim.

As far as brothers go, he’s been remarkably understanding of little tag-a-long me. Our parents married seven years ago when he was 10, and I was 7. I didn’t like him at first, but once we got to know each other, anyone would be hard-pressed to keep us apart. I’m sure I’ve been a pain more than a few times, incessantly wanting to hang out with him or his friends, but he’s always let me be his shadow. There are times I can tell my presence is wearing on him, and I try my best to let him be, but after eight years of being an only child with an absentee father, its nice to actually have company most of the time.

One afternoon we were finishing up lunch. “It’s your turn to clean up sis,” he said putting his plate in the sink. “I’m gonna be in my room for a little while.” It was in that tone that said he wanted some alone time so I let him go.

I put the plates in the dishwasher along with the utensils and put away the macaroni salad we’d been eating, in doing so spilling my glass of water all over myself and the floor. “Oh shit,” I said to myself. The front of my shirt was soaked, and the glass had chipped. I threw it out and cleaned up the floor, heading into my room to change.

I peeled off my shirt and couldn’t help but catch a glance of myself in the mirror. I would best describe my 14 year old body as “getting there.” I had firm 36-A breasts that I hoped were still growing (getting there) and nickel sized areolas. I was skinny, but my stomach still retained a smidgen of baby fat. Getting there. I’d tried tanning, but remained pretty white. Getting there, but considering the gross skin of some of the girls at school that tanned frequently, maybe time to stop trying. I didn’t really have a maternal figure to steer me away from the influences of magazines and television, and tell me I was beautiful just the way I was, so I tried to do it myself. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t.

From the neck up, I was a bit more fond of myself. I was told I looked a little like Avril Lavigne, and the days I smiled at that statement slightly outnumbered the days I thought “no f-in way.” I looked at a picture of Avril I’d cut out of the newspaper and put by the mirror. I had a bit squarer jaw, and my cheeks weren’t as round. Also, my hair was not nearly as bright as hers often looking as brown as it did blonde. The similarity lay in the eyes. Her and I had the exact same big blue eyes.

I heard my brother’s door open across the hall and jumped. I was out of view, but the sudden unexpected noise jarred me out of my thoughts. I quickly pulled on my shirt, but probably needn’t have as I heard him head down the stairs, then quickly back up and into his room. I walked out into the hall to head back downstairs myself, but noticed he hadn’t shut his door. When our doors were closed, we left each other alone, but that happened so rarely. I figured since he left his open, it was fair game to peer in and see what he was up to.

I walked over quietly, still unsure that this was ok and looked through the crack. I couldn’t tell what was going on so I slowly opened it another inch. I was greeted to a sight that both shocked me and aroused my curiosity. He was sitting at his computer with his headphones on, watching two people have sex while he rubbed himself.

Never having had “the talk” with anyone, I knew what sex was and that was about it. I’d never seen a naked body before other than my own, and the snippets of nudity I caught in movies. His penis intrigued me, I knew what one was supposed to look like, but it was still somehow different than I expected. I knew that boys could be hard and soft, and they were bigger when hard, but Tim still looked huge to me. It was about the length of a hotdog, maybe a little longer and one and a half to two times as thick. He seemed to enjoy rubbing himself, and I’d been told what guys did, but it was still a bit fuzzy to me. I decided to wait and watch.

He was on some website. He’d rub himself while a video played then move his hand to the mouse and click on another, or find pictures of naked women. He shifted in his chair, partially blocking my view, so I slid the door open a bit more. Unfortunately his room was a bit messy, and the door made a wooden “thud” as it hit something on the floor. I hoped with his headphones on he might not hear, but he whirled around immediately. His eyes went wide with shock as he saw me, and he couldn’t decide whether to cover himself or hide what was on the computer screen. He did neither for a few seconds while I just stared at his cock. I could feel my panties getting wet, something I’d been told happened when you were turned on, even though I still didn’t really know what that meant. All I knew was when I looked at Tim’s penis, I wasn’t grossed out or put off, just curious.

Finally, after several long seconds, he grabbed a pillow to cover himself and I backed out of his room into my own at sat down, stunned. I heard his door shut across the hall and thought about what I’d seen. I wanted to touch it, though he’d probably never let me. I had so many questions and like always, no one to answer them for me.

I heard his door open again. He walked into my room, head down, not making eye contact. “Sorry,” he mumbled.

“No, it’s ok, I…uh…it was my fault.”

“Are you ok?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I answered and then paused. He got up to leave. “What were you doing?” I finally managed as he had one foot out the door. He stopped.

“Uh…masturbating,” he said, turning red.

“What’s that?” I’d heard the word a few times, but never quite had the courage to ask someone what it was. I was too afraid they’d look at me goggle-eyed like they always did when I asked stupid questions about sex. I’d lagged so far behind my friends and what they knew, and trying to catch up always made me feel dumb.

“Uh, well, you sort of rub yourself until you…uh…” he paused for a few seconds. “until you finish.”


“Uh, well it feels really good, both during and …uh, when you finish.”

I’d been told the basics of sex, but never the stuff like this. I just figured it was what people did to make babies. “Did you finish?” I asked.

“No, you…I…uh…was interrupted.”

“Well you should finish,” I said. He laughed at that, but continued to sit there. A few minutes of silence passed. “Can I do it?” I asked.

“Uh yeah, girls can masturbate too, you kind of---”

I cut him off, “no, can I do it to you?”

He gave me a weird look, “what give me a handjob.”

“What, no, masturbate you,” I said.

“It’s called a handjob when someone else does it,” he said.

“Oh, well can I?” I asked.

“Huh, what…”

“Well you said you didn’t finish, and you kept having to stop to use the mouse, so I’ll do it for you while you watch the videos.”

“That’d be a little weird,” he said.

“No it won’t, come on, I already saw you doing it anyways, this time I’ll just be helping.” He looked at me for several seconds, as if mulling the issue over. “Come on,” I added.

“Alright, fine,” he mumbled, “but you can’t tell anyone. They wouldn’t like it if they found out.”

“I promise,” I said, and got up to follow him into his room. He shut the door, even though there was no one else home, and probably wouldn’t be for a couple days. He stood there for a moment, as if not sure what to do. “Well, take your clothes off,” I said impatiently.

He peeled off his T-shirt, and slid down his shorts. In his haste to dress himself, he had skipped putting on boxers. I stared at his cock, pointing slightly downward. “It’s not hard, right?”

“Right,” he answered.

“Can I touch it?” I asked. He stepped closer to me, and I reached down for a feel, curling my hand around his shaft. I could feel it filling up in my hand as I did, and slowly starting to point its way upward. I watched it grow until it was long and curved and pointing up at about a 45 degree angle. “Cool,” I said smiling. He laughed. “It looks so big,” I said, touching it again and producing a shudder.

“It’s only six and a half inches,” he said, “a little above average.”

“Well it looks big to me,” I said, stroking it a little. He said thanks and laughed. “Well do you want to sit down?” I asked after rubbing it lightly for a minute. He nodded, and took a seat in his computer chair. I knelt in front of it, getting under the desk so he could scoot close and use the mouse.

From here, I had a close-up view. It looked amazing, ramrod stiff with veins lightly visible under the skin and a mushroom head. I wrapped my hand around it and started moving it up and down. “Do I do it like this?”

“Move it up further, right underneath the head, yeah right there, and a little faster. Yeah, that’s good,” he said, instructing me. With no need for silence now, he removed his headphones and turned on the speakers. I focused on stroking it just the way he told me to while moans poured from the computer above me. He focused mostly on watching his videos, but kept glancing down and watching me for a bit. I smiled at him each time I did, and kept asking if I was doing it right. The first few times he reassured me, but after a while he shut his eyes and would just moan and nod.

I continued to stroke him, watching it move in my hand. After a while, I got curious and started rolling his balls around with my other hand. “Oh yeah,” he moaned while I played with them. I liked the feel, and the way they rolled around. All the while, his increasing moans, and the sounds coming from the computer made me wetter and wetter.

“Yeah, faster, I’m so close,” he said suddenly, breaking my out of my trance. I picked up the pace, and felt his dick shifting in my hand. It was as though it was throbbing, getting harder. I assumed boys had some muscle I didn’t know about. It happened every few seconds at first, then more and more often. Finally he let out a long moan and white stuff started shooting from his dick. A few streams at first, but then it started dribbling out. “Slower,” he commanded, and I lessened my pace. After several seconds, there was no white stuff left. “You can stop now,” he said, grabbing a box of tissues.

“No, let me do it,” I said grabbing the box. “It is my turn to clean up,” I said with a smile.

“Thanks,” he replied.

“What is it?”

“It’s called cum, its what happens when the guy finishes. Some girls do too.”

“It’s messy,” I said with a laugh.

“Sorry,” he said, noticing it was all over my hands and arms in addition to his stomach and the plastic chair.

“No, it’s okay,” I said wiping it up. “It means I did a good job, right?” He nodded and smiled. “How often can you do it?” I asked.

“Not too often, a few times a day at most.”

“Oh, well I wouldn’t mind doing it again,” I said, finishing and throwing the tissues in the trash. He smiled and started to get dressed, and I noticed he was starting to shrink. While he got dressed, I went to take a shower. I remembered that we had to run to the store today to pick up milk and some of the other basics.

While showering, I thought about what just happened. It turned me on so much to be able to make Tim feel good like that. I wanted to do it again and again, but I knew he wouldn’t be ready for a while. Girls could do it too, he said. My hands drifted down to my own parts. I had a fair amount of dark pubic hair. I’d noticed that Tim shaved, I wondered if girls did too. I’d have to ask him later. I started rubbing my pussy, not really feeling anything at first. I finally decided to try sticking a finger in. This combined with the spot near the top of my vagina that my hand rested on made me open my mouth in shock. It felt so good so I started moving my hand around. My eyes went wide with shock as I tilted backward into the wall of the shower.

For the next half an hour I experimented with moving my hand around, and touching different areas, but nothing compared to the squishy spot near the top of my pussy. Eventually I felt the walls of my pussy start to close on my fingers. I wasn’t sure what was happening, but I kept going. Then, like a flash, it happened. My pussy clamped down hard on my fingers and I felt a rush of pleasure so intense, I couldn’t help but scream, “oh my god.” I clamped the other hand over my mouth to keep quiet while it kept feeling better and better. Finally after what seemed like several minutes, I felt the pleasure start to subside as I noticed the tiredness in my arms for the first time.

Intrigued, and excited at this new discovery, I stood there for a moment before finally cleaning up and getting out. I wrapped one towel around my waist, and another around my hair and headed down the hall to my room. I passed my brother on the way there, instinctively covering myself more with the towel.

“Hey,” he said after I passed him. “You’ve seen me naked, but I haven’t seen you.”

“Yeah,” I said a bit shyly.

“Well, it’s only fair.”

“I guess so,” I said, opening the towel, embarrassed at being seen in the nude. He took a good long look at my body, and grinned.

“Very, very nice,” he said.

“You think so?”

“Definitely, drop the towel and spin for me.” I did as he told me, letting the towel fall to the floor and spinning around so he could get a good look at my backside. I went to pick the towel up again and found that he’d taken it.

“Hey,” I said in mock anger with my hands on my hips. He laughed.

“Get dressed, we have to go to the store.”

I slipped a tank top on, deciding to forego the bra. My small boobs really didn’t need it, and it was hot out. I finished the outfit with a black pair of panties and some gym shorts.

We got in the car, and didn’t talk for a little while. It was sort of awkward, but not as much as I’d thought. I had so many more questions, I just didn’t know how to ask.

“Do girls shave?” I finally just blurted out, then immediately covered my mouth not believing what I’d just said.

“Yeah,” he said, “at least most do, some all the way, some leave a little hair, a strip or a triangle.”

“What should I do?”

“I don’t know,” he laughed.

“Well, what looks better?”

He thought about this for a moment, “shave it all off first, then we’ll see.”

I nodded. We were silent for a bit, then talked about other stuff the rest of the way. In the supermarket, we usually took turns pushing around a cart while he grabbed stuff that we needed and I grabbed stuff that we wanted. We got to the cosmetics aisle, and instead of mucking around with a razor for a while, I opted to grab some waxing strips. He grinned at me, then looked at me mischievously, but said nothing.

When we got to the frozen foods section, my hard nipples started to poke through my thin grey tank top. Tim looked at me. “You’re not wearing a bra,” he whispered. I shook my head. “Nice, very nice,” he said. That made me shudder a bit and my lower regions jump again. I noticed that even when we left to warmer parts of the store, that thought kept my nipples nice and perky. A few people stared at me as the thin layer of fabric made it very obvious.

We checked out, and I would tell the young male cashier was trying to undress me with his eyes. I found that it didn’t embarrass me as much. In fact, I kind of liked it. We loaded up the car for the twenty minute drive back to our house in the country.

“Truth or dare,” I blurted out, eager to get some of my questions answered. He replied with a truth. “Has anybody ever given you a handjob before?” He shook his head. “Really? Can I do it again?”

“Yeah, definitely, hey, I get to ask you now.”

“Right, sorry. Tell you what, you can ask two….truth.”

“Did you masturbate in the shower?”

I turned beet-red and looked out the window. I figured he had to have heard me, I just didn’t want to believe it. “Yes,” I finally answered. He nodded knowingly.

“Truth or dare,” he asked.

“Dare,” I answered, wanting to avoid another question like that.

“Take off your shirt.”

“What?!” I asked thinking I heard wrong.

“I dare you to take off your shirt. I mean, I already saw you naked. These windows are tinted, no one will see.”

“Yeah, okay,” I finally relented, peeling off my tank top and tossing it in the back seat. I was sure I was blushing, but I was also a bit aroused.

“Do you like my boobs?”

“Mmm, definitely,” he said, “not too big, not too small.” I smiled at that. “That counts as your question, by the way.” He said. I said truth for the next, and he asked me if I’d ever fooled around with anyone. That was an obvious no. I asked him how long he’d been masturbating. He said since he was about thirteen.

The next one I paused for a moment, thinking about my choice. Finally, with some excitement, I replied, “dare.”

“Take it all off.” I paused for a moment, then figured if I’d already gone this far… I stripped off my shorts and panties and put them, along with my shirt, into one of the bags. He licked his lips at the sight of me naked once more. A few minutes later, we pulled into our driveway. He got out and took a few bags into the house while I rummaged around for my clothes. When he came back outside, I still hadn’t found them. “Whatcha lookin for?” he asked with a smile. Right then I knew he’d taken them.

“How am I supposed to get in the house?” He shrugged and smiled. I covered myself as best I could and stepped out of the car, looking around for prying eyes. While we weren’t in suburbia, we weren’t in the middle of nowhere either. I started towards the house, but he stopped me.

“Take some of the groceries in.” I stood still for what seemed like an eternity, then grabbed two bags. They kept me from covering myself, and I felt like my entire body was going to turn red with embarrassment, though, oddly, I enjoyed the sensation. I hurried into the house and looked for my clothes. They were in the bag that held my waxing strips. I grabbed them and went into the bathroom while Tim put the rest of the groceries away.

I looked at myself in the mirror, then put the strips on the appropriate spots. They looked absurd on me, but I couldn’t bring myself to tear them off. I’d been told it hurt. Tim came barging into the bathroom. “I thought so,” he said upon seeing me. “Need some help with that?” I nodded meekly and shut my eyes. A few seconds later he ripped the strips off. I yelped with pain and immediately rubbed the spot. I was shocked and pleased at how smooth my skin felt. I felt his hand brush me, sending ripples of pleasure up my body. “Definitely very hot,” he said.

I reached out and touched his shorts, feeling his stiff cock through them. “Can I play with it again?” I asked. “Please.” He nodded and headed to his room, with me right behind.

“Don’t you want to get dressed?” he asked. I had completely forgotten that I had no clothes on.

I shook my head, “I’ll be fine.”

I got into position underneath his desk once more, and he stripped and sat, starting up the videos. It had only been a few moments when I heard a strange sucking sound coming from his speakers. I was curious as to what he was watching, so I leaned out and peered up. What I saw fascinated me. The girl had his dick in her mouth and was bobbing up and down. I was entranced, his dick was bigger than Tim’s and she was able to take the whole thing in her mouth.

“What’s that?”

He noticed I was watching and looked down. “A blowjob?”

“Does it feel good?”

“I dunno, it’s supposed to be amazing.”

“Can I try?” He shifted uncomfortably. “Please, pretty please? You can teach me.”

“Yeah, but put your hair up so it doesn’t get in the way.” I moved out from under the desk and grabbed a scrunchie from my room. When I got back, he was laying on his bed with his legs spread.

“So you don’t hit your head on the desk,” he explained.

“Don’t you want to watch your videos?”

“Well if I’m going to teach you, I need to focus on what you’re doing.” He had a point. I climbed up on the bed and knelt in between his legs. I grabbed it with one hand and leaned over, sliding the head into my mouth. He moaned as I started moving my tongue around. It felt interesting to have him in my mouth, hard and warm, a little salty, but not a bad taste. He grabbed my pony tail and started moving my head up and down. “Make sure you watch the teeth,” he warned. I concentrated on keeping a tight seal with my lips and licking him all over. He moaned loudly any time my tongue got near his head so I concentrated my efforts there.

He kept pushing my head down farther and farther, until it poked at the back of my throat. I tried to take it all like the woman in the video, but I kept gagging. “Sorry,” I said pulling off.

“That’s ok, it takes practice,” he told me.

I put in my mouth again and bobbed up and down, feeling a little better. I could hear him moaning and feel his dick hardening in my mouth. He must be close. I didn’t know what to do with his cum, so I just kept going. I was afraid that it would taste bad, but he was enjoying it so much and I didn’t want to stop. My jaw started to get tired, but I kept moving faster and faster, still working my tongue. After several minutes, I felt the first stream of cum hit the back of my throat. This time was weaker than the last as he only shot once, and started dribbling onto my tongue. He writhed on the bed while I milked all the cum from his dick with my lips and tongue. It made me so wet to be able to give him pleasure like that. And the taste, it was a bit of a shock at first, but I found I actually enjoyed the saltiness and the texture.

When I was sure I’d gotten it all, I slid his dick out of my mouth. He lay there still, breathing heavily. “Thank you,” I told him. He smiled. “Can I do this every day?” I asked.

He grinned again. “Maybe.”


“If you’re good, and you follow certain rules,” he said with a laugh.

I laughed too. Tim was supposed to be my babysitter of sorts, and even though our parents continued to use the word, the fact that we were both older made it kind of moot.

“Yes sir,” I said, mock saluting him.

He laughed again. “I like that though, you calling me sir.”

“Really? Sir,” I added.

“Yea, I think you should from now on.”

“Yes sir, any other rules?”

“I don’t know, I’ll make them up as I go,” he said, starting to get dressed. “I know one thing, I’d certainly like to see you wearing slutty clothes like you did at the store.”

I smiled and headed to my room.


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The Long Con Magnificent Mandy part 3

Introduction: Gregs success. We were a total of 4 episodes into American Horror Story with a good 14 episodes to go. Jolene was snoring next to me. It was amazing how much her scent turned me off now. I had never desired her but at least I could imagine Mandy and it would be ​​ like jacking off. Now that I had shared intimacy with Mandy, I didnt want anything to do with her mother. I tell you, the next four weeks were insufferable. Jolene wanted it to be like when we first dated and I was so...

3 years ago
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Cassius and Morrigan Chapter 1

This wasn’t the first time she had been a prisoner in a dungeon, this time was considerably better though. At least this time there weren’t a dozen inmate men close enough to have a turn at her fully exposed fully restrained body. That stay in the sheik’s prison was the most brutal experience of her life. He was a cruel vengeful man. Morrigan had run hard and long before he finally caught her and she managed to take down the majority of the bounty hunters he commissioned to find her. The...

4 years ago
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The Nazis BoyChapter 8

Much to my surprise, the base wasn't our morning destination as usual. It was the Inn. No travelling tourists or businessmen occupied the premises as one would normally have expected. Instead, men in uniform milled about. The Innkeeper had obviously made up for the wartime shortfall in clientele, although I highly doubted the Nazi's were full paying customers as the business and tourist sectors had been. The 'Inn' was not really an inn as conjecture would have it, more of a small hotel....

1 year ago
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I Joined the Mandingo Club

Well a little about myself before we get into the fun, I was 22 when this happened, I'm 5'7 Brunette white, maybe on a good day 130 pounds and very nice C-cup breasts. Enough about me. On to the very nice story.I was pretty nervous about doing a gang bang, even more so with black men. I had been browsing ads on craigslist for sometime (maybe 3 months), trying to get up the courage to go through with it. Back in December, right before Christmas I met some very nice black gentleman in game I...

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Lidyas Birthday

LIDYA'S BIRTHDAY BY JANICE I was going to be sixteen. It worked out that it was on a long weekend this year. My sister and her longtime best friends were going to give me a birthday party that, "You will not soon forget," as they put it. I knew what that meant. For as long as I can remember, whenever my sister Dawn, would have to baby sit for me she would dress me up in girls' clothes. I grew to like getting...

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Marshas OdysseyChapter 4

"Now that's your Dad has left for work, I want us to have a little talk," she said as she sat on the opposite end of the sofa from Trent who took a gulp of soda and looked very much at ease. "Sure, Marsha. Dad said you wanted to talk with me." "What happened the other night at the drive-in was..." "Hot!" he grinned broadly. "Really hot! You've got one hell of a body, Marsha." "Wait a minute. That's what I want to talk about -- er, not my body, but what happened." "Hey, no...

3 years ago
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my fantasy14

as i stand in front of u naked & cumpletely unashamed all i seem 2 be able 2 see is your unbelievably thick cock starting 2 get erect... my eyes are once again drawn 2 your hardening member pulling me like a magical spell making me think all these evil thoughts about touching u & then tasting u & then feeling u deep inside me... i am struggling with these feelings even as my eyes stay glued 2 your crotch watching your delicious cock expand & grow harder & thicker &...

3 years ago
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CivilityChapter 10

Dinner with the Conroys was the start of a roller-coaster ride that lasted a few months instead of a few minutes. As with the amusement park ride, I was left disappointed when the ride was over. I guess the analogy is pretty close, now that I think about it. We started out slowly. We ate dinner together and spend time doing things a normal couple would. He went to movies and the theatre; we took Lila to places that we all enjoyed; we spent quiet evenings at home. Janet rotated departments...

2 years ago
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Age Play

“Do you trust me babes?” “Of course I do!” “Then let it go then!” I’m not sure if you’re talking about the duvet or my inhibitions, not that I have many of those, not by the standards of so called ‘normal people’ as I like to refer to them. Anyway, I do trust you and I let go of both the duvet and my fears. “Tell me what you want” you say and my response is that I want to be everything you want me to be, to do and enjoy everything you want to take! That’s what really does it for me, I tell...

2 years ago
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Driving Me Crazy

My wife has this huge crazy extended family. And every last one of them share this singular obsession. So every time she starts talking family I flap my arms like I'm a giant crow. Boy do I caw-caw at her. "If I'd known what was in your genes," I squawk, "I'd never have tried to get in your jeans." I'm joking of course. Sort of. There's a hell of a jewel down in those pants, but the wrappings and trappings that aren't cotton kind of give me the shivers. It's a toss up. They both...

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Act Like A Boy Or Else Part 8

Act like a Boy or else ... by Lesley Renee Charles Chapter 8 I guess I should fill you in on my family. I am the middle son, I guess now the only daughter of my parents. I have an older and younger brother who fit the more stereotypical role of male. I was always on the more delicate and feminine side which of course drove my father. My father, Samuel Smith, is a man's man. He likes to workout in the gym. He loves to fix and repair cars. He is into Football, Baseball...

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My doctor

I love going to my doctor. Mainly because she's a sexy half Italian cutie around 32 yo.If you want to look her up on instagram its #natcat. Her name is Natalia Shrestha. I've been going to her for about 5 years. I get so horny the minute she walks into the exam room. I look at her and fantasize about her laying back on the exam table and licking her sexy cunt and asshole. Anyway, I went to her once with a possible "yeast infection" I really didn't have one, i just wanted her to look at my...

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Peter is Spanked by his Wife and Mother

It was inevitable really. I was never going to be able to hide the fact indefinitely from Jackie that even though I am 25 years old and we had been married for three years my Mother has continued to spank me. Mum insisted I tell her so when I was getting undressed one night after a spanking Jackie, my beautiful but easily riled 24 year old wife asked “what happened to you? That is one red bottom.”   I had in my mind that maybe Jackie would tell my Mother to stop spanking me and being spanked...

2 years ago
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Sharon Does the Neighbours

"Bugger," Sharon tilted her laptop backwards and checked underneath, half expecting to see its innards hanging out. "Piece of shit computer." Marcus finished chopping the onions and through teary eyes checked out the computer. "What did it do?" he asked. "Did any message pop up?" "Nothing," she said and forlornly pressed the power button. "And yes it's fully charged." She mashed at the keyboard before slamming down the lid and pushing it across the kitchen bench. "Why do...

3 years ago
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Pooltime part one

That was four years ago. On this particular night, they were sitting on the sofa discussing their newest encounter with a couple named Rex and Julie, who live about an hour from them. They had already met them for pizza and found they were not only exciting to talk to but the chemistry between them made them both want to go to the next step and see how hot the sex could be. Kandy looked into John’s eyes with a sad expression on her face and confessed, “I hope this couple is not like the...

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Flossies RevengeChapter 6

Johnnie Sue made a bunch of noise about how she had been abandoned up in the ceiling, but they could all tell her heart wasn’t in it. Moses, since he was still up there, went to the hole in the ceiling and she let herself down to stand on his shoulders, jumping on down to the floor from there. Both ran for the staircase. When they ran into the entry room from the kitchen, Moses was almost tackled by Hilda Mae, who threw her arms around him in a tight grip. “I thought you killed him, but you...

2 years ago
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Falling Ch 11

An interlude, In which I am oblivious Jenny stared at the phone in her hand. ‘Well, shit,’ she said finally, after a moment of reflection. ‘If that’s your girlfriend, Linnea, she’s a raving bitch.’ She’d felt bad about the baggie of hair because it clearly meant so much to Linnea, but that girl had just been too naive in some ways, and much too trusting. Jenny had already lost her heart to the blonde, but that didn’t mean she was going to be a slut for just anybody. Unfortunately, it sounded...

2 years ago
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Es begann als reine Fantasie

"Bist du mir treu?" flüsterte sie ihm ins Ohr während sie sich liebten. "Bist du mir treu?" "Ich bin dir treu!" entgegnete er flüsternd. Ihre Lippen trafen einander und in völliger Exstase küssten sie einander, als ihre liebenden Körper miteinander verschmolzen. Sie liebkoste seinen muskulösen Brustkorb und fragte ihn endlich, was ihr schon lange durch den Kopf ging. "Ich... ich will sehen, wie du und eine fremde Frau..." "Bitte?!?" Sie bat ihn erneut: "Ich will sehen, wie du und eine fremde...

3 years ago
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Adult Education

Can there be a fun, romantic, and relaxed way to push the sexual boundaries? Sure there can! You just need the right partner and a lot of time..."I bet he wants your ass, too. Men always think women want that, and they never do."I watched the other ladies in the group laugh or look down. That was Jennifer talking, and she was teasing Jackie about her boyfriend, whom Jackie described as "pretty adventurous in bed.""What do you think, Eric?" Amy's eyes challenged mine as I snapped over to her."I...

3 years ago
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8302013 Notice

Just a word, I haven’t ended the Angel Next Door series, I’ve lost my writings so far so that series is at a halt until I find them again. I will redo the last chapter because I actually had written two versions of that chapter, one seriously and one for fun. I posted the one for fun to see what you guys would think; apparently I got a negative reaction. I want you to know that I haven’t ended that series and am re-writing that chapter from scrap since I lost the writings, but I apologize for...

2 years ago
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Sybil A Story About Interracial Slavery

This is a story about a young and very naive white girl's travels through submissive interracial sex and slavery. After reading about these terrible events in history her guilt has become an obsession to right the terrible wrongs that many young black girls had to endure as a slave over 150 years ago! She eventually sees herself as a white slave girl to black abusive slave owners, quite the reverse of what actually happened. Sybil was a most interesting young woman she had grown up in...

4 years ago
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Slutwifes seduction pt3

"Check this out, Big M (Myron)," as Carl swung the camera around to the bed and the title of the film came into view, "Horny Housewife Sluts!" All Melvin saw was a well-muscled brother's back as it was clear that he was fucking some female slut hard, throwing some serious weight between her thick thighs. Every time he thrust downwards, the shapely light-brown legs of the woman beneath him flexed back and forth and there was no question that the female getting pile-driven beneath the stud was...

3 years ago
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The Things in the ClosetChapter 6

"Thank you for seeing me, Father." The small hundred year-old Catholic church was across town and stood amid a grove of gnarled and twisted trees bent by the course winds which often ravaged the cape. "You're welcome, my Dear," said the sixtyish, rather frail man, offering her a seat in his study. "Now what may I do for you? Your voice on the phone made it sound rather urgent." "It is. I'll come right to the point. I'd like to have you perform an exorcism." He smiled. "My...

4 years ago
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My Friend8217s Old Fat Mom

Hi guys, I’m back again with my another story. Hope you all have read my previous story titled ‘MY COMPANIES HR’. Those who have not read please read it and send your reviews at Aunties,housewives, girls if you want some real fun mail me at my mail id. And whoever need some help can also contact me. I have helped 4 boys till yet in fucking up their relatives. Including my cousin too who fucked the hell out of my mom that’s the different story. Now let’s start, in this sex story, I will tell...

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Pretend Prostitute Part 2

Late last night my phone rang. It was Brad. He said that his friend that thinks I’m a prostitute was in the mood for my services again. They’d gotten a hotel room close by, and I was to arrive as quickly as possible, following the instructions I’d been given. Forty five minutes later I was in the lift at the hotel. My face was heavily made up per Brad’s instructions, I was wearing knee-high Fuck Me Boots with stiletto heels, stocking and suspender belt as requested. I was also wearing a mid...

1 year ago
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I watched a Naija Tape a little while ago, and now I’ve got quite the mess to clean up here at my desk. It’s just that I have this condition where I get very aroused seeing sexy, naked Nigerian women with their big tits out, so I couldn’t really help myself. Honestly, I get the impression you know exactly where I’m coming from. Tell the truth: did you come here today looking for some high-quality amateur African porno movies? If not, well, perhaps you’d find something more suitable for your...

Black Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Anticipating Rebecca

‘Okay, but you have to close your eyes and promise not to look.’ He pulled her up from the sofa and brought her to the mirror. ‘Keep your eyes closed, okay?’ She laughed softly but didn’t protest. She felt the cold stones graze the skin of her neck. She had to twist her neck to avoid being strangled – what a klutz! Could she peek? ‘Don’t peek, I’m not done.’ It wasn’t quite right. The string of purple pearls curved around her neck and down her neckline, but then spilled untidily over her...

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The women around Kate suddenly started behaving in odd ways, seemingly not even noticing anything strange going on. Is Kate the culprit? Or is it all just coincidence?

Mind Control
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(My thanks go to CambriaRose for sorting this two chapter story out for me. It sure flows better now she worked her magic on it. I hope you the reader enjoy this first chapter.) * I promised her I would go on, I promised her I would find someone else and live again. I lied. The fateful day I lied to the one person who was the most important to me, was a Tuesday in March. Both our work schedules came together on a beautiful, sunny day and we went out and enjoyed it. We were less than five...

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Salony is a friend

I hang up the phone with my uncle and smile at my friend Salony. Uncle was going to come pick us up from school or rather junior college. It was Saturday and there was to be no homework for the whole weekend. Salony had made a comment about my uncle being a hot mal so I thought it would be nice to introduce her to uncle in person. I am Vardhini, 19. Salony is also 19. We went to the same high school and decided to go for 2 years to a JC to make some money for college in Europe. I am 5.6 115 lb....

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A Walk in the Rain

 It was eight in the morning on an overcast day in late March. Chloe came downstairs, a denim jacket draped over her arm and flower print dress. She looked just as beautiful as the first day I met her, thirty years ago today. Her long brown tresses bounced with each step, as she came toward me. I noticed the first three buttons were left undone, and I could see that she wasn't wearing a bra.  We are both in our early fifties and today we celebrated our anniversary. As I opened the door, her...

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My Little Sister Vinoothna Part 8211 3

Hello readers! Welcome to the 3rd part of My Little Sister Vinoothna. I’m Vivek who is above average looking guy with a 16cm tool and unmeasurable sex desire. Any girls and ladies in Nellore and around Nellore i.e, Tirupati, Vijayawada etc interested in a secret relationship can contact me. My mail id is I know I took too much time to update this part. Sorry guys. Anyhow, enjoy the story. Suggestions are welcomed. After that session, we were both happy and excited to explore ourselves more...

4 years ago
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She takes over in the bedroom Pt1

This a story based of my own experiences. Exaggerated a bit of course, but, why not ;D Hope you enjoy!Last night was a night I’ll never forget. Last night was the night I let my wife take over in bed. Just last week she discovered my stash of toys I had hidden from her for some time now. I had really taken a liking to ass play so I bought all sorts of different toys; from just plain old dongs and beads to huge plugs, I definitely had made a good collection. The thought of her husband being into...

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Maragana GirlChapter 16

Kim had to return to work at the music store immediately following Malka's punishment. Eloisa entered Dukov's office to remind Kim that she was needed at the customer service counter. She stopped to look at Malka's prostrate body and collection of dark welts and bruises. She was awestruck by the severity of Malka's punishment, and also by the fact that one of the most feared officers in the National Police had been reduced to a beaten and semi-conscious criminal, wearing a collar and...

2 years ago
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Cat killed the curiosity

Going on online chat rooms. Looking through the list of chatters for women. Private messaging them with a/s/l. If they answer that then you look for an opening. Easy and subtle questions to start with. Inserting emojis. Smiles and winking faces. If they reply with similar emojis you take it up a notch. What are you doing tonight? Single? What do you look like? You look for signs in their answers that they are completely ok with these questions. You want to get them onto talking about sex or...

3 years ago
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Why In Our Bed

“Why in our bed?” I finally asked. Though I was still looking at Anna.“Power,” James answered.“In our bed?” I asked again.James noticed I wasn’t asking him. He looked at Anna.“In our bed!!!!” I was looking at my wife. She didn’t have an answer.I felt my heart pull, my chest tighten. I stood up and walked out the door. Once outside, I quickly found a secluded corner, hoping for some privacy. I curled into a ball and tried to hold my emotions back. I dug my nails into my palms, trying to ride...

4 years ago
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A Different Way That COVID Affected Our Family Part 3

It was Thursday morning, and our babies would be here today. I was both nervous and extremely excited to see my kids again after a couple of months. Covid had been hard on everyone with so many losing so much, so I was happy we had each other.I had sent Jack to the store to go shopping after nearly emptying the house of food over the last few weeks while I rushed around tidying the house. I had woken up early and grabbed one of Jack's tee-shirts and threw it on to clean the house. Typically, I...

3 years ago
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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 30

Durt led us into the forest. The trail we were following was narrow. It quickly turned away from the broad flowing river and headed inland, climbing uphill as it meandered about trees and outcroppings of rock. The rest of us followed him in silence. For the most part the trail was bare earth and mud. It climbed one hill and then it slid down the other side, falling into a ravine or a gully only to start climbing again, the hill that lay beyond it. It was wet and miserable in the forest....

1 year ago
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Headlights Girl Part 9

Eric and Nancy sat there with expectant looks on their faces. I cleared my throat and announced, "Before I tell you what my decision is, I want to make some things clear to both of you, and to add one more proviso to this deal." They looked at one another and then back at me. Eric said, "All I can promise you is that I'll listen, Jim. I can't guarantee anything beyond that. I WILL say that as long as your proviso isn't out of line, or unworkable under the rules of the club, I'm...

4 years ago
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Probed In The Name of Research Part II

Gabe was riding the enormous high of having just fucked the girl he’d lusted after for the past three years. He went over to the sink to clean himself up and then turned back to smile at her. Shit! He thought as he took in the image of her cum spattered face. There she was all strapped down and looking suddenly helpless. He felt guilt start to set in. He was a bit rough with her at the end. He went over to her and removed the labia spreader, unstrapped her stockinged legs and handed her a...

2 years ago
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Not my Mom LOL Part 5 first four chapters, read on. Brady and I took our bikes out and ended up at the local fishing/swimming hole. Played ball with friends talked shit about girls and long term plans for the future. Got invited to a couple of parties later in the week, promised to bring some...

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Dons New Secretary

Don's New Secretary By Kathi J Don was awakened by his alarm on this hot July morning. He had gotten to bed late last night and was a little groggy. He hopped straight out of bed and started his daily routine: shit, shower and shave. He gave himself the extra time to soak in the hot shower before exiting and getting ready for work. Once showered, he headed into the bedroom. He donned his conservative gray business suit, tie, black socks, black dress shoes and gathered his...

4 years ago
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Becky gets fucked up at school

When Becky got in the car, her mother forced her head down on to her own vagina "you will fucking lick my pussy all the way to school you dirty whore" becky accepted her fait. Becky had a lot of sexual experience for a 14 year old, ever since she was a little girl she was forced into performing sexual acts for he mother. As beckys mum pulled out the drive she pushed beckys head down harder, becky began to lick more rapidly trying to investigate the vagina she knew so well. Her mother let...

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