Tatianna s Treasures
- 4 years ago
- 49
- 0
(or Come into My Parlor!)
Anne Gray
As the information that would make her very rich copied to a flash drive in the form of a god awful hot pink lipstick case, Tatianna left the computer terminal for a moment. Opening the coat closet just inside the entrance to the office she looked down at the girl writhing on the floor. With sure, economical, movements she tightened the leather straps holding the packing in her captive’s mouth, and the blindfold in place, then checked the knots of the thin cord binding the girl’s wrists and ankles together in a classic hogtie. She wasn’t going anywhere, at least not until her captor had finished collecting the information needed to achieve her goal.
The tall, but dowdy looking, woman with a mop of unkempt mousy brown hair was dressed in the blue smock of a cleaning lady with a pair of grubby looking, laced, flat heeled shoes on her feet. Her face seemed devoid of any makeup and yet it was actually under quite a heavy coat of cosmetics that projected exactly the look she had tried to achieve.
A closer look at the black rubber gloves on her hands would show that they were much tighter than any ordinary pair of household cleaning gloves. In fact they were so tight, but flexible enough, that they allowed her fingers to work as if she was not wearing anything.
Checking a clock on the desk for the exact time she confirmed the download was almost finished and mentally ran down the final items on her checklist.
Tati, the short form of the name she was currently using, had been running out of both options and time; nearly two of the six months allocated to the project had gone by with seven of the nine possible candidates struck off her list.
As soon as she had been offered the contract to infiltrate the massive headquarters of Infocom International in order to steal the database of their clients without the theft being detected, she accepted it with ridiculously high compensation for success. However, if the theft was detected within fifteen days of her delivering the list to her client then the final fifty percent of the fee would be forfeited.
Right from the start Tati rejected even looking at the hundreds of daytime staff. The whole building was like a disturbed ant nest from soon after eight in the morning to late afternoon. No, the skeleton night crew was her only option and she was nearly out of prospects.
Of the two left there was an ultimate male computer geek whom she instinctively knew would be a waste of time. That left one, Amy Martin, a mid level manager who spent the night shift organizing reports from the previous day’s activity of the company into a synopsis for upper management. Her server also monitored the company’s worldwide computer system for problems. Any glitches that did occur she would refer down a couple of floors to the geek for him to look after and repair. The positive was that Amy had her own office and worked alone but, on the negative side, her office was on the tenth floor and there were two security guards in the foyer all night.
Tati was a very competent industrial espionage expert, trained in East Germany. She had made her way to the United States when that regime fell but kept some crucial contacts allowing her to make a very good living doing what she knew best.
The facts that she spoke accent free English, was an expert in martial arts, an extremely intelligent and beautiful thirty-four year old woman would, hopefully, help her to complete this contract as it had several others. At this point she wondered if the fact she was a lesbian might also be a plus.
Amy, at twenty-four, was young to be a manager but her work ethic, loyalty and the fact that she was willing to work nights had propelled her up the ranks since she joined the company immediately after graduating from college. Petite would be the best description but her 5’ 4? frame had curves in all the right places and was topped by a pretty, heart shaped, face.
Tati had been following Amy for several days and was getting a lot of conflicting thoughts about the girl. Although she had her own car Amy didn’t use it except to do her grocery shopping or the occasional weekend outing. The rest of the time it sat in the underground parking space that came with the apartment. Tati had taken a quick look at the car noting the Infocom security and parking pass in a holder on the inside of the windshield.
Amy seemed to prefer the public transit for getting to and from her office and walking the rest of the time. When she left her apartment for the 10 pm to 5 am night shift her clothes were comfortable but dressy enough for the office; usually a pant suit and ankle boots with a knee length tweed coat against the late fall evening temperatures, all perfectly normal. But, when she went out in the afternoons, after sleeping until around 2 pm, things were not quite so sedate.
Only someone studying her would notice because it was subtle unless you could put two and two together; Tati was very good at doing that. The first day of the agents’ surveillance the heels on Amy’s leather boots were higher, a leather skirt just brushed the knees and the matching fitted jacket was tightly belted around her slim waist. The second day the only difference was leather slacks instead of a skirt.
On the third day, Tati had watched Amy head out for her early dinner in the same boots but a full-length belted and hooded leather coat that the cool wind made seem a sensible choice. All of Tatianna’s instincts thought otherwise. Most women dressed in that much leather tended to stride along exuding confidence while Amy seemed to somehow huddle inside the sleek fabric she wore as if fearing some type of retribution for wearing it.
Some definitive action was needed in order to figure out where this girl was coming from. The next evening Tati watched Amy leave for work and, after waiting for thirty minutes, easily gained access to her apartment. It took her only moments to start searching through Amy’s computer files. She might be a computer expert but, like most of them in Tati’s experience, she had used a password that took just a couple of tries to crack. It was her last name spelt backwards – ?nitram?!
Moments later she was sorting through the ?Files? and, after working out another password (birth date, month and year also backwards), opened a huge folder to reveal a diary. It went back years and bared the soul of an oh so lonely and confused young lady.
Tati took just enough time to determine she had hit a goldmine of information before using her own expertise to bundle the diary, send a copy to her own computer and then create a well hidden backdoor to let her access Amy’s files anytime she wanted.
Back at the suburban house she had rented on a monthly basis when she took the contract, Tati settled down to find out what made Amy tick and it didn’t take long.
The girl was, quite simply, very confused and scared to do anything about it. Since her mid-teens her mind had been bombarded with what she considered, and recorded in her diary, as strange urges and sexual fantasies. Even now she was unwilling to give free rein to her feelings or trust anyone with her dreams and needs. She was a submissive, plain and simple, but she didn’t know how to find a companion who would understand her needs or wants and who she could confide in and, most importantly, trust. So, unsure and fearful, she hid her inner most thoughts from everything but her diary.
The Internet had opened up a whole world of information to the poor confused girl but she couldn’t bring herself to believe there was a safe way of using what she found. She frequented leather and bondage sites looking at the pictures and reading the stories while picturing herself in the scenes. This got her aroused enough to find some relief as she relived them vicariously in bed several times a week.
And now, for the last six months, she had taken the ridiculous, to Tati, course of trying to pretend she was a Domme hoping that she might attract another one she could learn to trust before revealing her true feelings. God, in a city this size here had to be at least a half dozen clubs she could have gone to without fear and then there were Internet chat groups.
Tati closed the diary and laughed out loud. Everything seemed so simple now and it was easy to plan an attack that would not require the entire four months left before she defaulted the contract. She had to gain the confidence of the girl to the point where she could gradually pump her for information. That knowledge would allow her to plan the final assault on the Infocom headquarters and complete her assignment.
She sat in her car and watched Amy leave her apartment building the next afternoon noting that she was back to the leather jacket and skirt then grinned to herself that her own choice of clothes had been dead on. Tati hurried to get to the restaurant ahead of Amy; since she was driving while her target was walking, it was no contest.
By the time Amy arrived Tati was seated and apparently studying the menu. In fact she had judged her time perfectly and, as Amy was ushered past her table, she stood revealing the tight leather skirt and matching waistcoat over her white blouse; her leather coat was draped over the back of her chair. She made her way to the washroom, spent five minutes checking her makeup and returned to her table seeing, from the corner of her eye, that Amy was following her every move.
This was not a fancy eating place but the food was well cooked and reasonably priced which, Tati decided, was why Amy frequented it. The girl obviously was spending quite a lot of money on clothes so, even though she made a reasonable salary, still watched her expenses. With the night shift screwing up the body’s timing it was easy to understand the girl eating lightly at home before going to bed and then coming out for a more substantial dinner.
After finishing her meal Tati made a production of standing, pulling on her coat and then finishing with a sharp tug on the belt to cinch it tightly around her waist before she left.
The hook was set, now all she had to do was reel in the catch!
A few hours later, when the girl was at work, she accessed Amy’s computer from her own to scan the girl’s latest diary entry. It was hard to contain her delight as she read Amy’s description of seeing her and being so struck with the way she had carried herself.
Tati slept well knowing there was every possibility that she could now complete her assignment and, maybe, get herself a new playmate in the process.
Not one to rush things, Tatianna waited two days before she orchestrated the next installment of her plan. Again she watched from her car as Amy entered the place for her dinner and then, in high heeled boots, leather skirt and matching jacket she entered the restaurant waving off the server as she walked directly to where Amy sat.
?May I join you??
She read Amy so easily as she tried to present herself as a Domme knowing that any self-respecting real Domme would place her as a submissive almost instantly.
?Why not??
?Thank you, I’ve seen you in here before and was admiring the leather you wear. I’ve only been in town for a little while and since I also love wearing it I was hoping you might tell me where you shop.?
After that opening they chatted through the meal until Tati asked if she could see Amy’s closet to give her an idea of what she might like to buy from the same retailer.
Amy seemed a little reluctant but finally it was agreed that they would meet at her place the next day when she didn’t have to work. Naturally, Tati asked for the address as if she hadn’t any idea where her target lived. They parted after the meal, one to contemplate whether she finally might have found someone to trust and confide in, and the other to gloat at the success of her plan’s first phase.
Completely satisfied with the way things were going the agent went home and waited a couple of hours before again getting in to Amy’s diary again. The latest entry was full of their meeting, of Amy wondering whether the lady she met could be trusted, had she believed that she was a Domme, was she also a Domme or just a lady who loved leather? How should she tell her new acquaintance of her real feelings? Amy was confused, scared and worried she had made a mistake while at the same time hoping against hope that Tati might finally be the one she was looking for.
Tati sipped her drink and whispered to the computer screen ?Come to Mistress baby!?
At the agreed upon time Tati arrived on Amy’s doorstep; she had dressed down for this first meeting. Low heeled ankle boots; tight jeans and a big bulky knit sweater under her leather jacket gave her a very unthreatening look. Amy seemed to have the same idea and was wearing slacks with an almost old fashioned woolen twin set.
After somewhat reserved greetings and several minutes of small talk over tea and biscuits Tati decided to move things along and asked to see Amy’s collection of leatherwear. Amy led the way through to her bedroom and opened the doors to her closet.
?Some of it is here and the rest is in the hall closet where I keep my coats.?
Tati immediately saw that she had already seen Amy wearing most of the items hanging in the closet so she started to close her trap.
?Where’s your equipment?? She asked turning to her startled looking hostess.
?Wha’, er, what do you mean.? The girl stumbled over her words.
Stifling a laugh Tati put a frown on her face. ?You project yourself as a Domme?, she lied, ?and every Domme has to have a stash of equipment to use in their scenes, where’s yours??
Tati moved to stand directly in front of Amy and stared into her eyes. When there was no answer she gripped the now visibly cowed girl by the chin and pushed her advantage.
?You’re not a Domme are you? You’re a passive little submissive and you don’t know how to move on to the next step so you can start enjoying a trusting relationship. Am I right little one - am I??
Tears started down Amy’s cheeks and she nodded as much as the hand holding her chin allowed.
Trust was the last thing on Tati’s agenda but she had to sell it to this pathetic novice and she did that with a stream of sweet, encouraging bullshit and a wicked smile on her face.
?Everyone in the scene has to start somewhere Amy. They don’t usually wait until they are your age before getting involved. What are you so scared of, why did you wait? Do you think that your feelings are unnatural? Are you worried that people will laugh at you??
Remembering that she was not supposed to know what Amy did for a living Tati pointed to the computer on a desk at the side of the living room.
?Have you been on the Internet? Did you find places where people were doing what you are aching to do??
When the girl nodded Tati continued her attack.
?How many thousands, or hundreds of thousands, of participants do you think it takes to support those sites? So you see little one there is no way you are alone or even close to it. If there was a way of checking into their lives I bet at least a quarter of the people in this building has some sort of kink.?
?They don’t advertise in their everyday life what might be going on in their brain or behind closed doors. The guy on the top floor could be a cross dresser with a closet full of women’s clothes while the lady across the hall could like wearing rubber panties. A kink is a kink Amy and is something to be handled carefully but none-the-less enjoyed to the fullest.?
?Amy, I am a dominatrix and a very good one so I’m going to prove something to you right now.?
With one quick, expertly judged, twist Tati had Amy’s right wrist up between her shoulder blades in a hammerlock. Pulling a ball gag from her sweater pocket with her other hand she applied a little extra pressure to the surprised girl’s arm. As the startled girl opened her mouth to scream the ball gag slipped easily between her teeth muffling any sound.
Another moment and Amy found herself face down on the floor with Tati straddling her back. Pulling her handbag off the chair where she had left it Amy’s attacker pulled out a length of cord and quickly secured her wrists together behind her back. That done Tati buckled the strap of the ball gag around Amy’s head and then swung around with another piece of cord and captured the ankles.
The whole process took the martial arts expert less than a minute and then she easily lifted the now helpless girl to set her back down on the chesterfield.
Settling down beside Amy the Domme put an arm around the shoulders of the trembling girl.
?Now I am completely in control of you and you are going to answer some questions. They can all be answered with a nod or shake of your head so let’s get started.?
Tati pulled a tissue from a box sitting on one of the end tables and used it to wipe the tears from Amy’s cheeks.
?There is no need to cry little one just listen to me.?
?Do you have a boyfriend??
Amy stared at her for a moment then slowly shook her head.
?When was the last time you dated? This year? Last year? Two years ago?
The girl’s head nodded.
?Good God, you poor thing. Wait a minute. Are you a virgin??
?No. Who was it, a high school sweetheart? No. A college affair? Yes. Well now let me guess – a one-night stand after a few drinks??
At the nod of the gagged girl’s head she continued, ?I thought so now let me make another guess you didn’t enjoy the experience. Am I right??
Another nod.
? Now we are getting somewhere.?
Thinking for a minute or so Tatianna studied the bound girl then she moved the cardigan top back off Amy’s shoulders before reaching down to loosen the belt around her waist and slowly pull out the matching light sweater tucked into the slacks.
Never taking her eyes off Amy’s face she slid her hands up under the sweater then behind the girl’s back to release the hook and eye fastening on her bra. Gently moving her right hand back in front to cup one of the now available breasts she put her left arm around the shaking girl’s shoulders and pulled her close.
?Tell me Amy, when you dream at night, is it about another woman instead of an insensitive male clod sharing your bed??
Tati gently rolled a very erect nipple between her fingers while she waited for the answer she already knew was coming. The tear streaked face looked up and nodded.
There was a side zip on the slacks that Tati gently tugged at until it parted. This allowed her to slide her fingers down to push aside the cotton panties and find Amy’s little knob.
With exquisitely judged movements of her fingertips she soon had the tears stopped and groans coming passed the ball gag as Amy’s body stiffened and her head was thrown back against the top of the chesterfield.
Tati moved her left hand down from around Amy’s shoulders to pinch a throbbing nipple then slid her right forefinger in the girl’s soaking wet vagina.
Another groan and then a whimper squeezed out of the gagged mouth before the petite body collapsed against Tati with her breath whistling in and out of her nose.
Without Amy seeming to realize it Tati unbuckled the gag strap and eased the ball from her mouth. A quick pull on the cord around her wrists loosened the slipknot and allowed her hands to be pulled around the front to rest in her lap. Gradually her breathing slowed then her head settled on Tati’s shoulder and her whole body relaxed.
Reaching down Tati tugged at the knot on the cord binding Amy’s ankles then settled back to wait for the girl to partially recover her senses.
?I had you completely at my mercy but I gave you pleasure instead of abuse Amy. That is trust and that is what you have to learn to expect from a partner who understands you. And, the sensations I just aroused in you, that is what you have been missing all these years.?
?Here is my telephone number. If you enjoyed that and would like to explore where things could go for you or if you would like to see what could develop between us just call me. I never, ever, take advantage of a submissive without their agreement so the next move is yours.?
Well that was more bullshit but Tati gathered up the gag and cords and left the limp form still gasping on the chesterfield as she picked up her jacket and purse then pulled the front door closed behind her. She felt a little childish when, on the drive home, she noticed that she had her fingers crossed.
Amy was in a daze. The emotions and fantastic feelings she just experienced over the last half hour had grabbed her by the soul, shaking her to the very core and they had not yet worn off. In fact she hoped they never did because it was as if a brilliant light had suddenly reached a big, ugly dark spot inside her bursting it wide open until the light reached to the ends of every nerve in her body.
With a start she suddenly realized she was alone. It seemed that just moments ago she was scared to death with her arms and legs bound, a huge gag in her mouth and an almost stranger pulling at her clothes. Within a few minutes being scared had turned to a building sense of feelings unknown to her. Even her sessions with her own fingers, or the vibrator hidden in the bottom drawer of her bedside table, had not reached to her core as this strangers fingers were doing.
Then she had lost all track of everything except the overwhelming sensations coursing through her body until they were uncontrollable and she fell over the edge of a huge cliff.
Now she was alone again!
Amy stripped off her clothes and took a long shower then, wrapped in a white terrycloth bathrobe, poured her feelings out – to her computer.
A couple of hours later after reading Amy’s new diary entry Tati was wondering; how does one give oneself a high five!
The next morning Tati let the phone rang three or four times before answering.
There was a long silence and she knew Amy was screwing up her courage.
?It’s Amy, can I see you again??
?Can you see me again what Amy??
?Shower, dress in the leather skirt, your boots with the highest heels, a white silk blouse, and the leather coat. Amy, you are not to put on any underwear or a bra. Make sure the coat is properly buttoned, the belt snug and the hood up. Wear a pair of dressy kid leather gloves and then wait in front of your building. Do not bother with a handbag, put your keys in your coat pocket. I expect you there in thirty minutes. Do you agree?
?Yes what Amy? Remember what you learnt on the Internet sites.?
?Well done my pet now do as I directed.?
Tati hung up the phone without waiting for an answer. As often happened when she was in the middle of a job, and the odds turned in her favour, she felt a warmth in her groin. She fought it down and went to check the outfit she was wearing before driving over to collect Amy.
Deliberately five minutes late Tati pulled her rented sedan to the curb outside Amy’s building and signaled the waiting girl to get in and close the door.
?To use a very overworked expression Amy, this is the first day of the rest of your life in a D/s relationship. The first lesson is critical; you must start learning to do whatever I tell you immediately and without argument. Now do up the seat belt and put this in your mouth.?
Amy reached for the belt and buckled it across her shoulder and lap to the center clip. Her kid gloved hand hesitated as she saw what was in Tati’s hand but then, after a quick glance at the stern face, she picked the golf ball from Tati’s palm and slid it between her teeth.
?It’s not that big Amy so close your lips and relax; I prefer to drive without a lot of chatter going on. And the next time I tell you to do something, do not hesitate, just do it. Do you understand??
The leather hood of the coat surrounding the girl’s face bobbed as Amy nodded.
Back at her house Tati led the silent girl through to the living room and told her to stand still with her hands at her sides. Moving slowly the Domme savoured the fear she could feel emanating from the amateur and uneducated submissive who was so new to the lifestyle.
She stood in front of Amy and watched the girl’s lips quiver as she tried to keep to them closed over the simple gag. Amy was having another problem with the saliva being generated by the golf ball in her mouth and her throat was in constant motion as she swallowed. Tati knew what was going on even though the collar of the girl’s leather coat was fastened under Amy’s chin covering her throat.
Looking more like a deer caught in the headlights of a car Amy watched as Tatianna’s tightly gloved fingers moved to the buckle of the belt of her own black leather trench coat. With the belt undone the fingers started on the buttons until the Domme could shrug out of the coat.
Amy’s eyes widened at a sight she had only seen before on the Internet. The figure facing her was dressed from the throat down in an amazingly tight, supple black leather cat suit. There was a gold buckled black strap around her neck then gold zippers, contrasting with the taut leather, over each breast. Under the wide belt circling her waist, also with a large gold buckle, she saw two gilded zippers in a V shape with the points centered through the groin. The taut leather encased the thighs and legs of the Domme down to the point where it disappeared in the tops of knee high laced stiletto heeled boots.
Even the boots had a strap covering the top of the laces just below each knee with a gold fastening and the toecaps and stiletto heels glistened with the same colour.
She was an amazing sight and Amy just stared at her in awe.
Having made exactly the impression she had planned Tati drove her point home by reaching behind her head, with her hands still in the kid gloves attached to the suit, and released the pins holding her hair in place. The waves of her glossy black tresses dropped past her shoulders.
Amy’s mouth dropped open and a line of spittle appeared at the corner of her lips.
?Take out the golf ball Amy and wipe your mouth.?
Amy reached up and removed the ball then looked at Tati wondering what she should do with it.
Handing her a box of tissues from the coffee table the leather clad dominatrix then settled herself on a white leather couch. The contrast with her black leather was startling.
?Wipe it off and put it on the table Amy, then strip off everything you’re wearing except the gloves and boots.
Amy did as she was told but when she got to the point of having on just her blouse and skirt she slowed down until Tati got up from the couch and slapped her across the face. It was just once and only hard enough to bring a rosy flush to Amy’s left cheek but, by the time she settled back in her seat, the girl was peeling off her silk blouse and then stepping out of her skirt.
?Fold everything neatly and put it on the coffee table, including the coat.?
Amy’s natural reaction after doing as instructed was to stand with her gloved hands covering her vagina.
Smothering a laugh and just managing to keep the stern look on her face Tati instructed the girl to kneel in front of her.
?Now what do you think is going to happen little one??
?I don’t know.’
?I don’t know what?? snapped Tati.
?I don’t know, Mistress.?
?Don’t forget again or I will punish you. Now, while we are on that subject, here is the rule. In private you address me with the respect I am due; in public however, if we can be overheard, you may answer without using my title but, to show you have not forgotten, you will curl the fingers of your left hand so I can see. Is that understood??
?Yes Mistress.?
?Good. I can see that you expect now to be attacked or punished or treated however in your fantasies these things are supposed to work so I’m going to surprise you. In the drawer of that bookcase you will find a hairbrush. Get it and start brushing my hair while I ask you a few questions. Go!?
Amy was so surprised with the order that she forgot to try and cover herself as she rose and moved to the bookcase. Finding the brush she moved behind the couch and started to draw it through the long, silky black hair of her new Mistress.
Carefully remembering what she was supposed to know and what she wasn’t, while enjoying the feel of the brush, Tati started.
?How old are you, where were you born and where is your family??
?I’m twenty four and was born in Tacoma, Washington but we moved here when I was five. I don’t have any family; I was an only child and my father died in an accident six years ago.? The brush stopped but Tati didn’t push it.
?My mother passed away two years ago.?
Better and better thought Tatianna as the brush once again started its work.
?Do you work little one and why do I see you eating in the middle of the afternoon? ?
Amy explained that she was employed at Infocom as a mid level manager and worked the night shift. She loved her job and, because she worked the night shift, it came with several extra perks like a higher salary and a month off each year.
Mentally Tati crossed her fingers. ?And when are you scheduled for your next vacation??
?In six weeks Mistress. I was planning on going south and away from this cold weather.?
Bingo! Tati would have to revise hers plans but she could already see that she had hit the jackpot if she handled everything correctly.
?What hours do you work and which days??
?From ten pm to five am, Monday evening to Saturday morning Mistress.?
When Tatianna started to push for more information of exactly what was involved with Amy’s employment the brush slowed again with the girl in a quandary as to what to do next.
Tati was up and in her face immediately.
?I asked you a question and I expect and answer – now.?
?Mistress – I would lose my job if I answered; they are very strict about their security and we are not allowed to discuss what we do with anyone outside the company.?
?I accept that little one (at least for now I do she thought to herself) put down the brush, come around and stand in the middle of the room.?
The raven-haired woman rose and moved over to a large sideboard against one wall. Opening the top drawer she pulled out a bundle of soft black leather that seemed to have straps all over the place.
?When I tied you up yesterday I used a very simple cord technique but today I fancy you in a different kind of bondage. Raise your arms in front of you and don’t move while I introduce you to the straitjacket.?
She worked the arms of the jacket over Amy’s gloved hands and then up to her shoulders before moving around behind her and starting on the myriad of straps and buckles down the back.
The jacket was one of several in her collection and she was happy to see she had chosen just the right size for her new playmate. It was a little too small meaning she had to pull firmly on the straps to close the edges and that made it very snug on Amy from the waist up.
There was a strap around each wrist that she pulled closed and then told Amy to lower her arms and put them behind her back. When the girl complied Tati worked the heavier straps, embedded in reinforced leather at the fingertips, under the opposite elbows and around to the front.
Passing the end of one strap through the buckle on the other she started pulling it tight under Amy’s breasts. Holding the end of the strap with her right hand she used her left to grip the girl’s left elbow and pulled it towards her while pushing the right elbow away from her with her right hand. Her right hand kept its tension on the front strap and she took up the slack as the elbows came closer across the girl’s back. Several more sharp tugs and Amy’s arms were folded across her back with the strap straining across her chest.
Two more straps fastened Amy’s crossed forearms even more tightly together and Tati also closed the collar of the jacket around her neck. Two other straps hung down from the front hem of the jacket.
Moving to stand directly facing the trembling girl Tatianna used her left arm to pull her close, so that her own leather covered breasts were crushed against Amy’s, and kissed her. Amy’s lips slowly parted and her breathing quickened as Tati’s tongue started exploring her mouth.
The Domme’s gloved right hand moved downwards and she drew two of her fingers through Amy’s other pair of lips. Breaking the lip lock she held her hand in front of Amy; the kid covered fingers glistened with moisture.
?My, my Amy, your body is showing just how much you do enjoy being a submissive and in bondage; isn’t it? Now clean your essence off my glove!?
She thrust her fingers between the panting girl’s teeth and watched as the tongue hesitated, then the bright blue eyes took in the building anger on Tati’s face and she started licking the kid leather covered digits.
Pulling her hand out after a couple of minutes Tati wiped it dry with a couple of tissues then strode back to the open drawer and pulled out another piece of equipment.
Amy groaned and her knees started to give way as Tati pushed the dildo inside her.
?Stand still and stop whining.?
With the remote controlled vibrator in place Tati yanked the two straps hanging from the front of the strait jacket up between Amy’s legs and buckled them at the back. As she was doing that she had a mental picture of her collection of butt plugs and how she would love to fill this girl’s rosebud with one. That would have to wait though because it was too early in the game to take a chance on freaking out her ticket to earn a very large number of dollars.
She moved back to take a seat on the couch and spread her legs.
?Come over here and kneel in front of me Amy.?
?Move closer between my knees.?
Amy did as she was instructed and then flinched as Tati’s left hand shot out and grabbed a handful of her hair. The Domme leaned forward and kissed the girl on her lips that still held the delightful taste of her sexual arousal.
Amy was frantically trying to catch up with, and understand, the feelings that had been coming at her so fast and furiously. But she was in overload as the hand on the back of her head pulled it towards the crotch of the woman she had known for just a day or so. The gloved fingers pulled at the two zippers in the leather suit that was now just inches from her nose. The leather parted to reveal two glistening lips and the pressure increased on the back of her head until her own lips came in contact with them.
?Taste my essence now little one, use your tongue; this is a two way street and it is my turn as well.?
Tati wrapped her booted legs around Amy’s back clamping the helpless body in place. From the small table beside her she picked up the remote and felt the girl tense as she keyed the vibrator to the slowest setting.
With that Amy felt the pressure on her head increase as a second hand gripped her hair mashing her mouth against the moist love tunnel of her Domme.
It was several long, delightful minutes later that Tati came down enough to thumb the remote to a higher setting causing Amy’s tongue to become more and more frantic as she tried to absorb the sensations that seemed almost ready to threaten her sanity. She was helplessly bound in the tight leather of the jacket, a rubber dildo was vibrating inside her while her mouth was buried in the pussy of the amazing woman who had done all this to her.
She felt the legs around her tighten and the hands in her hair increase their pressure as the woman’s hips started jerking forwards. Then Amy’s tongue found the Domme’s clit and she spasmed once, twice then yet again. Amy’s nose was suddenly buried and her air supply cut off but at the same time the vibrator inside her finished its task and huge spasms shook her own body.
As they did Amy’s head jerked back and the hands dropped from their hold in her hair. She fell back on her heels with the lower half of her face covered in Tati’s juices. The vibrator shut down and the two women slowly regained their senses.
?That was very enjoyable Amy; you have an extremely talented tongue. I would love to continue with your training but you have to go to work tonight so this learning session has to end now.?
After releasing the girl from the strait jacket Tati showed her to a bathroom where they both cleaned away the traces of their encounter. The Domme sent Amy to get dressed while she closed the openings in her cat suit and pulled on her own coat.
Tati felt she had pushed enough of Amy’s buttons for one day so she didn’t bother with the golf ball gag as she drove her home. Parking outside Amy’s place she turned to the quiet girl who was obviously still trying to absorb what had happened in the last few hours.
?Go in and get some rest little one. I will meet you at the restaurant at three thirty tomorrow afternoon; dress as you usually would and remember the rule about my title. Find time before we meet to put down on paper your feelings about what happened between us today and bring a copy for me. I insist that you be brutally honest with yourself, and therefore me. What did you like, what scared you and why.?
?In return I will provide you with a list of some special clothing and toys I want you to purchase. I will research specialty stores in the city tomorrow morning and we will visit them together on the weekend.?
?While we are at it, on Saturday morning when you finish work, I want you to come directly to my house I will give you a map in case you were not paying attention today. Do you have a car??
?Yes Mistress.?
?And you understand my instructions??
?Yes Mistress.?
?Then go and get some sleep, I will see you tomorrow.?
Tatianna drove home with a great feeling that everything was coming together very nicely. Of course, the orgasm she’d had an hour or so ago didn’t hurt either.
As soon as she knew Amy would have left for work Tati accessed her computer and read both her diary and the paper she had written. That girl was going to be very tired during her shift thought the Domme; obviously she didn’t take the time to get some sleep.
Everything she read was just perfect. She had the girl exactly where she wanted her and still had four months to complete her task. It would not take that long, in fact, if she played her cards right it would happen on the morning that Amy finished her last shift before she started her holidays. Life was good and promised to be very profitable.
The next afternoon Tati was already seated in the restaurant. Her leather coat was thrown over the back of a spare chair next to her and she wore a pale blue bulky knit sweater with a knee length navy blue leather skirt; black boots with a very sensible heel completed her outfit.
Sipping on a cup of tea her eyes followed Amy as she crossed the room towards her table. The newly minted submissive had followed orders and wore a white turtle neck sweater with a dark tweed skirt, ankle boots and her leather jacket. She carried a mid-sized handbag with a shoulder strap.
?Good afternoon Amy how was work last night??
?I was very tired?? She hesitated and then curled the fingers of her left hand and lifted it a little way off the table.
?Very good Amy.? Tati whispered, ?But you can use my name in public as long as you don’t forget the signal when it is appropriate.?
?Thank you Tatianna.? The fingers moved again. ?I did not get much sleep after you took me home. I had something to eat and then wrote the report you wanted; here is the copy you asked for.?
The Domme had, of course, already read what Amy had written directly off her computer but she made herself carefully scan each line. She looked up and smiled at Amy who was nervously biting her lip.
?Very good, now let’s order and eat.?
During the course of the meal as they talked, Amy kept putting down her fork to curl the fingers of her hand until, finally, Tati reached across the table and covered the girl’s hand with her own.
?I know you remember Amy so relax and eat your dinner. We will have to re-think that rule at mealtimes.? She smiled and saw a look of relief cross Amy’s face followed by a pleased grin.
Just wait until I have what I want little one then you will really find out what rules you will have to obey. Tati’s thoughts strayed for a moment as she relished the training she would inflict on the girl across the table when the contract was completed.
After the meal they went out to Tati’s car, Amy had walked as she usually did, and drove to her apartment. Once settled Tati handed Amy a list of the things they would be going shopping for on Saturday. On the list was a pair of lace up thigh boots with the highest possible heels, a bondage bra, a boned leather corset and a ball gag. The last items were a leather blindfold and a single arm binder.
?Those items will not be cheap Amy. How are your finances?
Having hacked the girl’s bank accounts Tati knew that, in fact, she had quite a substantial balance and it was no wonder. She was single with no social life and other than rent, household and car insurance, groceries and eating a lot of her meals in restaurants her only vice was clothes.
?How much will they cost Mistress??
?I have found three stores in the area we can visit but I would expect somewhere between one and two thousand dollars.?
Amy didn’t hesitate. ?I can afford that Mistress.?
?Good. I will see you early Saturday morning. Here is the address and a map. I noticed in your report of our session yesterday that, while you were often nervous because you didn’t know what was going to happen, the only time you were scared was when you couldn’t breathe for a few moments when your face was jammed in my vagina. I will take that into account as I plan our next sessions.?
After getting on her coat she gripped Amy’s chin and pulled her forwards so that they could kiss.
?Four days little one; I look forward to seeing you in four days time.?
During the next few days Tatianna revised her plans. She still had four months to complete the contract but it was six weeks until Amy started her vacation. That left only two and a half months if something went wrong. She would have to concentrate on making sure she got what was needed at the end of the next six weeks. That bridge crossed then she could really have fun with Amy for the following two weeks, when the girl was supposed to be on a four week vacation, while waiting to make sure that the theft had not been discovered.
The first thing she needed was more complete information about the working of the parent company and the building Amy where worked. There was the glimmer of an idea as to how she could do that and not spook Amy.
Tati was up and dressed, but not in Domme mode, on Saturday morning when Amy’s car pulled in the driveway of her fairly secluded house.
The girl was obviously surprised at the way Tati was dressed and even more so when she was helped out of her coat .
?I have breakfast nearly ready and then I’ll show you the spare bedroom so you can get some rest. I’ll wake you a noon and we will have lunch then go shopping. I hope you like bacon and eggs.?
This was the last thing Amy had expected. In fact, all through her shift she had to really concentrate on her work while she kept trying to anticipate what Tatianna had in store for her.
?Yes, thank you Mistress.?
Much as it grated on her more sadistic side Tati gritted her teeth and played nice even loaning Amy one of her satin night dresses and tucking her in with a light kiss on the forehead.
The shopping trip went well and they found everything on the list in the first two stores. At the second one Tati found a much better leather discipline helmet than the one she had and added it to the growing pile on the counter. She paid for that herself.
The owner of the store was so pleased with the sales she offered them fifty percent off the price of a latex hobble skirt for Amy that they accepted and, when the sub’s attention was elsewhere, she palmed a pair of nostril tubes to Tati.
?With my thanks, have fun; she’s a natural you lucky bitch! Here’s my card don’t hesitate to call if I can be of further assistance.? She looked Tatianna straight in the eye. ?Any kind of assistance.?
The two of them recognized a shared chemistry between them; a sort of it takes one to know one type of thing.
For the next two weeks Tatianna pushed every one of Amy’s buttons until she had the girl completely wrapped in her web. Several times she had Amy laced in the thigh boots with towering heels, the hobble skirt and the corset. With her breasts bulging through the tight rubber circles of the bondage bra and her arms locked behind her in a single glove she also introduced her to a ring gag. After one such session, when they were relaxed and cuddling on the couch, she removed the gag from Amy’s mouth and dropped the bomb. Again, mentally, she crossed her fingers.
‘Would you like to move in with me Amy? I believe we are in a relationship that should move to the next level and I hope you agree. You told me that you have a month to month lease which means you could give your notice and then be here living with me while the balance of the lease you have paid for expires in a couple of weeks. Even if you have to pay the landlord a short notice fee it would still be to our advantage.?
?You will have your own room and time to yourself unless we plan to do something together or I require your services as my submissive. You will be saving your rent costs because I own this house (blatant lie) and, most importantly, if we work together, you will have the chance to explore and satisfy your deepest wishes. As an added incentive I have a condo in Florida that you can go to for your vacation.?
That was another lie but it might sweeten the pot enough to swing the deal. She held her breath!
Amy’s eyes locked with Tatianna’s while she wondered if this was the path she should follow.
Her arms were locked behind her in the single glove as she knelt before Tati who was playing with her nipples and sending marvelous signals all though her body.
?I would like that Mistress. Yes please may I move in and live with you??
If Tati had been the slightest bit religious there would have been at least two choruses by the Hallelujah Choir blasting out of the heavens.
?Good we will have a lot of fun together as we learn what turns each of us on. You will need to talk with your landlord and work things out. You can sleep here after work tomorrow and then we will start moving your things over here; I need a spare key to your apartment.?
When Amy arrived after work the next morning she handed Tatianna a key to her apartment and then they chatted over breakfast. Going up to the room she would be occupying she undressed, used the facilities and washed before climbing under the covers her new Mistress had folded back.
?Let’s start as we intend to continue Amy. You need to get used to the fact that you are my submissive and I control you whenever I want to. I want you to start feeling comfortable with your need to subject yourself to my wishes and always be aware of our arrangement.?
?Now settle down on your back and give me your wrist.?
Amy searched the face of the dominant women sitting on the edge of her bed and found nothing there to scare her. If only she had known! She did as instructed.
Tati fastened a padded strap around each wrist then ran a length of cord from the D rings on them out to the corners of the headboard. Folding the bedclothes further out of the way she did the same with Amy’s ankles then arranged the sheet and blanket back and tucked them under the now helpless girl’s chin.
?Open your mouth Amy and say hello to the new ball gag you purchased.?
When the ball was between her teeth and filling her mouth Tati buckled the strap at the back of her neck and then rearranged the pillow to support her head. This left Amy wondering how she was supposed to go to sleep.
Strangely, the answer to that question came just a few minutes after the Domme had kissed her on the forehead and left the room. The knowledge that she was completely helpless and at the mercy of the woman who had just left; was offset by an equally strong feeling of warmth and security. Minutes later she was fast asleep.
Wasting no time Tatianna made a call to the company from whom she had leased her car and explained to them what she needed. Two hours later a van with sliding side door and a wheelchair lift was delivered and parked in the three car garage beside her car and Amy’s. It was on a two month lease.
Amy was going to have an amazing orgasm, she could feel it building inside her and yet she didn’t remember getting the vibrator out of the bedside table. She wanted to press it harder against her throbbing clit but her hands and arms would not do what she told them. She tried to clamp her thighs together but they weren’t working either.
She screamed in frustration but no sound came out.
Amy woke up to the sight of Tatianna’s face with a huge grin on it as she teased Amy’s vagina and clitoris.
?Time to wake up little one it’s passed lunch time. Shall I put this toy away so we can eat?? The grin on her face got even wider as she raised an eyebrow to emphasize the question.
This time Amy did managed to force some sounds around the gag that filled her mouth.
?I take that as a no Amy, am I right??
Amy hair whipped around her head as she lifted it off the pillow and frantically nodded her head.
Tatianna turned the vibrator to maximum and, ramming it deeply inside Amy, twisted it around until the bound girl arched up on the back of her head and her heels before collapsing back on the bed.
?Fun time is over Amy but wasn’t that a nice way for me to wake you up??
Amy reply was a moan of pleasure as she felt the straps at her wrists and ankles being undone then the gag was pulled from her mouth. A sharp slap on her ass cheek brought her back to reality.
?Shower and get dressed we have lots of work to do after lunch. Move!?
The tone of voice left no doubt that playtime was over and by the time her Mistress left the room Amy was out of bed and following her instructions.
They took the van to Amy’s apartment and, after she changed into slacks, she went to talk to the landlord while Tati found some suitcases and started packing. The place had come furnished so there was nothing too heavy to move except Amy’s computer. They managed to get a lot in the van but Tati would make a final trip the next morning while Amy slept.
The landlord demanded an extra one month rent in lieu of full notice that they agreed to and Amy wrote him a cheque.
Two days later everything had been done. Amy had cancelled her telephone, cable for the television and computer and arranged for the post office to forward what little mail she received.
Amy was settled in with a smaller room off her bedroom turned in to a den and her computer plugged in to the home’s cable feed.
A few days passed and during this time Tati had concentrated on making sure that Amy was very satisfied sexually. She did it with a mixture of bondage and teasing with vibrators and other toys; the butt plug had still not made its appearance.
One day as they were just finishing a late lunch the Domme, apparently innocently, asked Amy how things had gone at work the previous night.
?Fine Mistress.?
?Fine Mistress! What does that tell me?? Supposedly angry, Tati stared at her target. ?Did you have a chat with your co-workers at the meal break? Was there anything interesting that happened??
Amy cringed at the fury in Tatianna’s voice.
?I’m sorry Mistress but we are not supposed to talk about anything that happens at work.?
?Well I don’t see what harm it would do. I have no interest in, what’s the name of the company, Infocom? I find it very disrespectful that you cannot answer simple questions about your work.?
Amy was in tears as she was accused of disobeying her new friend and Mistress but she loved her job and didn’t know how to reply.
?Very well Amy, time for the next lesson in our relationship and in the D/s lifestyle.?
With that the crying girl suddenly found herself in a hammerlock and being pushed towards the basement stairs. Most of the basement was a beautiful recreation room but a door at one end concealed an unfinished section.
Tati had embedded several ring bolts, hooks and pulleys in the wooden joists of the ceiling and the metal support posts were also available.
In no time Amy found herself hanging spread eagled, naked, a ball gag filling her mouth and facing her Mistress.
?The lesson Amy is no secrets from your Mistress! I’ll be back.?
When she returned Amy had expected the full Domme dress of black leather cat suit and boots. Instead Tati posed for her in a very fashionable knee length black leather skirt with a matching waistcoat over a long sleeved white silk blouse. The stilleto boots were there and her hands were covered in tight black leather gloves that offset the white of the silk.
Her face was beautifully made up with each eye highlighted and scarlet lipstick on her lips. Those lips were set in a firm line as she approached the strung up figure.
?Let me make this completely clear Amy. I do not give a damn what goes on at the company who employs you. I do not have any interest in Infocom or whatever it is called. But I intend to make you understand that, in this relationship, I am your Mistress and when I ask a question I expect it to be answered.?
All that was complete bullshit of course but she hoped it would soften up Amy enough that she would get the information she needed.
?For the next ten minutes you are going to wish you had never been born. I will then remove the gag and you will answer every single question that I ask or else the gag goes back in and we start over.?
After that speech Tatianna went over to a cupboard and reached for the most effective torture device in her arsenal.
In two minutes she had Amy squirming and mewling through her gag; every inch of her skin was covered with a glistening sheen of perspiration. After ten minutes she hung limply in the ropes and all thoughts of going against the wishes of the leather clad woman were forgotten.
Tati gripped Amy’s chin and lifted her head so they were eye to eye.
?Again, just for the record, I am going to ask you some questions and you will answer every one. Otherwise I will give you another ten minutes with your friend here.?
Amy’s ‘friend’ and Tati’s favorite torture device was a large, beautiful, eagle feather! There were very few people who were not ticklish and, unlike whips and paddles, the feather left no marks.
Tati removed the gag and started with the questions that she needed answered so badly.
?Now then when do you meet to chat with the others on the night shift??
Tears still escaped from Amy’s eyes as she regained her breath.
?We only see each other occasionally in the cafeteria around two in the morning. There are only seven and we work all over the building.?
She had forgotten the ‘Mistress’ bit but Tati was more interested in keeping her talking.
?Do you see any of them close to the end of your shift??
?No, Mistress, we usually just finish up and leave.?
?What is your login password?
That one got an answer she hadn’t expected.
?I don’t have a password Mistress. When I arrive at work I phone down to Carl (the geek) and he has the computer system log me in automatically. At the end of the shift the system transfers my overview operation to the office in England, where it is seven hours later, and then closes down my station.?
?So then you write reports all night unless the system has a problem??
?Yes Mistress, except on Fridays. Then the last thing I do is update the list of new clients the company has signed contracts with in the previous seven days. Any ones they have lost or if the contracts have been completed are also updated.?
Bingo and double bingo.
?How do you do that??
?Access to the client list comes up at four a.m. on Saturday morning and stays while I do the update then it closes at four fifty.?
?Well done Amy. I want you to understand this lesson. I really don’t give a shit what goes on but I had to prove my point. Do you understand that??
?Yes Mistress.?
?Then now you will get your reward.?
For the next half hour Tatianna worked the spread-eagled girl from one climax to another. Using just her fingers, tongue and a six inch hard rubber dildo she had Amy switching between panting, begging and screaming in ecstasy. Finally with the helpless little pixie right on the edge of another orgasm she pushed the dildo all the way in and held it there while her thumb worked on the swollen clitoris. Her lips sucked in Amy’s hard left nipple until she could nip it between her teeth and her left hand pinched the right nipple.
A few seconds later shudders racked the girl’s body, her head went back and she screamed; then fainted.
She woke up a few hours later comfortably tucked in her bed, unrestrained in any way, and with a feeling of being totally satisfied.
For the remaining couple of weeks Amy worked and so did Tati. Supposedly, for her playmates’ sake, she was an investment analyst who worked from home via her computer. In fact, while Amy was sleeping with her wrist and ankle restraints keeping her exactly where Tati wanted her, the industrial espionage expert was out and about finalizing her plans.
When she knew she was going to be leaving the house Tati didn’t bother gagging Amy. She was only too aware of the problems that could cause and the last thing she needed was the girl choking or suffocating with no one to help her.
When she was in the house, and Amy was gagged, then the hidden microphone in her bedroom acted as a warning system.
She had magnetic signs made up for each side of the van that were hidden away in the garage. The security pass from Amy’s windshield had been copied then reduced to the size of a name badge.
Tati had also visited a local second hand shop, a maintenance supply dealer and the cosmetic counter of a large department store. The last one because none of the make up she usually used would work for the look she needed.
Then the day arrived.
Amy had notified her supervisor earlier in the week of her vacation plans and that she would be spending most of the time at a friend’s condominium in the Naples area of Florida. The supervisor said all arrangements had been made for her duties to be covered while she was away and wished her a nice time in the warm weather.
As they ate lunch Tati told Amy that, since it was her last day, she would drop her at work that evening and pick her up in the morning so they could have a nice breakfast to start her holidays.
And that’s what they did - almost. Tati dropped Amy off and then returned to the house to get ready for the, hopefully, successful culmination of her plans.
The signs snapped on the sides of the van and Tati made sure that the cleaning cart inside was properly stocked. She switched the license plates between Amy’s old car and the van then went inside to get a couple of hours rest.
At two thirty the alarm went off but she had just been dozing as the adrenalin rush started to build as it usually did when she was tensing up to do what she did best.
Made up and dressed down to the character she was going to play Tati pulled on a pair of flat heeled shoes and laced them closed. She hated them but they were necessary. She checked the contents of a flat case and slid it in one pocket then put the two new flash drives, it was always wise to have a spare, in another. Hanging the phony Infocom badge around her neck she drove the van to the headquarters building where Amy worked.
The door to the underground garage opened for her automatically as a scanner read the security pass on the windshield. Tati drove the van into the almost empty cavern and parked near the service elevator. It was exactly ten minutes to four in the morning.
Sliding open the side door she unloaded the wheeled cleaner’s cart and then took a few moments to get into character. As a tired, shuffling cleaning lady she pushed the cart in the service elevator and pressed the button for the tenth floor. There was no going back now.
On the tenth floor she parked the cart outside the empty office next to Amy’s, and stepped inside to wait. At four fifteen she opened Amy’s office door and pushed the cart inside. That got a startled glance from the girl but, seeing a cleaning lady raised no alarms and she mumbled a hello then turned back to the computer.
?Have you finished the updates little one??
The voice penetrated Amy’s brain and her response was automatic.
?Yes Mistress.?
Then it hit her.
?Tatianna, Mistress, what are you doing here??
She never heard the answer because the side of Tati’s rubber gloved hand caught her just behind the ear and she was out cold.
The agent caught the slumping figure and guided it to the floor. With quick, economical movements she bound the wrists and ankles then pulled them together in a hogtie. A gag, followed by a leather blindfold, were strapped around Amy’s head and then she was dragged across the floor to the closet.
Tati now inserted the flash drive in the computer’s USB port and typed in the copy command and watched to make sure it was accepted and working.
As the information that would make her very rich copied to a flash drive in the form of a god awful hot pink lipstick case, Tatianna left the computer terminal for a moment. Opening the coat closet just inside the entrance to the office she looked down at the girl writhing on the floor. With sure, economical, movements she tightened the leather straps holding the packing in her captive’s mouth, and the blindfold in place, then checked the knots of the thin cord binding the girl’s wrists and ankles together in a classic hogtie. She wasn’t going anywhere, at least not until her captor had finished collecting the information needed to achieve her goal.
The tall, but dowdy looking, woman with a mop of unkempt mousy brown hair was dressed in the blue smock of a cleaning lady with a pair of grubby looking, laced, flat heeled shoes on her feet. Her face seemed devoid of any makeup and yet it was actually under quite a heavy coat of cosmetics that projected exactly the look she had tried to achieve.
A closer look at the black rubber gloves on her hands would show that they were much tighter than any ordinary pair of household cleaning gloves. In fact they were so tight, but flexible enough, that they allowed her fingers to work as if she was not wearing anything.
Checking a clock on the desk for the exact time she confirmed the download was almost finished and mentally ran down the final items on her checklist. She pulled the wheeled maintenance cart over to the centre of the room. Hanging from the waist high frame was an open necked heavy canvas bag that would normally be lined with a plastic garbage bag. Racks at either end held the usual collection of cleaning paraphernalia; sprays, cloth dusters and scrubbing powders.
The efficient movements of the woman belied the appearance she presented as she collected up the personal items and purse of the desk’s owner and threw them in the canvas bag. Following them went the coat from the closet after it was folded neatly.
Taking a flat case from the pocket of her smock she removed a small hypodermic syringe and, approaching the helpless figure on the floor, quickly emptied its contents into an arm.
Another glance at the clock to confirm she was still on schedule and a knife suddenly appeared in her hand to cut the cord binding the girl’s wrists to her ankles.
Pulling the now unconscious form out into the room she retrieved a long leather strap from the rack of the cart and fed it under the girl’s knees and around behind her. As she pulled the end of the strap through its buckle it folded the helpless form the other way and crushed her knees to her chest.
With one smooth motion, that didn’t seem to strain her in the least, the women bent her own knees and gathered the girl in her arms then lifted her up and over the opening of the bag. The fit was tight but by changing her grip she was able to lower the girl ass and feet first until she settled on the bottom with her head just below the edge of the cart’s frame.
Back at the desk she saw the download was complete so removed the flash drive and cleaned the computer of any record of the invasion. She watched as, at exactly five minutes to the top of the hour, the system first transferred control to the company’s division in London, England. The computer on the desk was then automatically logged out and its operator, supposedly, free to begin her four-week vacation.
Spreading a light cloth over the top of the cart Tati glanced around the office one last time and then headed for the elevator. The wheelchair lift on the van loaded the now heavy cart with no problems and she clipped it to a couple of side hooks to stop it from rolling around. Once again the garage door recognized the pass and she was on her way home.
Mission accomplished but with a fifteen day caveat; if the theft wasn’t discovered before that she was home free.
A very satisfied Tatianna lowered the cart from the van and hooked a ceiling pulley to the sides of the canvas bag. Up, out and on to the garage floor she spilled the girl, wrists and ankles still bound; gag and blindfold in place and just starting to wake up. She pulled her through in to the house.
By the time Amy did fully wake up she was so confused and her mind was foggy from the results of the drug. Wasn’t she at work? Were she and her Mistress having playtime? What was going on?
Tati, on the other hand was looking at the tied up girl on the living room floor and thinking – now I can really have some fun training her properly and I have fifteen days to keep occupied while I wait.
The still costumed agent immediately sent E-mail to a pre-arranged address that was monitored twenty-four hours a day. Within minutes she got the required reply and downloaded the information from the flash drive. Her nail biting fifteen-day wait started at that point.
Pulling off the mousy wig and the skull net under it she shook out her own hair and started stripping off the cleaner’s costume as she headed for the bathroom off her master bedroom. It took nearly half a jar of makeup remover to cleanse her face and neck then she gratefully climbed under the shower.
Tatianna stood in front of her closet and thought about what she was going to wear. She wanted comfort, she wanted ease of movement while she handled Amy and she wanted to effectively make a lasting impression on the girl now that their relationship was going to become completely one sided. She mentally pictured all the lovely choices in her wardrobe back in the house she owned a couple of States further east; and the equipment in her dungeon. Oh well she had to make do for just a little while longer.
She settled on a black leather strapless bustier and corset with a matching leather choker. The tailored leather slacks fitted her perfectly and she finished with a pair of laced ankle boots with just four-inch heels.
Taking time to fix her hair and makeup just the way she wanted it she pulled on a pair of snug, over the elbow, kid leather gloves, picked up a braided crop and headed back downstairs. It was still only a little past seven thirty in the morning.
Amy was exactly where Tatianna had left her laying on her stomach, wrists and ankles bound, mouth stuffed and covered with a very tight leather gag strap and her eyes covered with an equally tight blindfold. She was still fully dressed as she had been for the office in a light brown cardigan set that she seemed to favour and a darker brown A line skirt but Tati noticed one of her two-inch pumps was missing.
A quick trip to the garage and she emptied the canvas bag finding the shoe among the other personal items she had thrown in it with Amy’s purse and coat.
THWAK! The crop cut across Amy’s buttocks and she screamed in shock; except that very little sound got through the gag. THWAK! When that one landed she rolled on to her back - bad mistake! THWAK! Tatianna changed the angle of the next stroke and landed it perfectly across both of Amy’s nipples.
Amy’s emotions were all over the place. She felt the pain in her buttocks and breasts but there was a warmth growing in her groin that she couldn’t ignore. She had never felt the sting of a whip or crop and, in fact, had never even been spanked by her parents as a little girl.
What ever was causing the pain struck again across her breasts and she had no way to escape. She needed answers but her emotions kept blocking her thought process. When the pain hit again she lost all track of intelligent thought and dove head first into the sexual stimulation between her legs.
Tati saw the body on the floor stop fighting and delivered several more strikes with the crop before putting it aside to get her captive ready for what she had planned.
With seemingly ridiculous ease she grabbed Amy around the waist, lifted her until just her heels were touching the ground and pulled her through to the kitchen. Forcing her down on a straight backed chair she pushed down hard on the back of the girl’s neck forcing it towards her knees while, at the same time, pulling upwards on her bound wrists.
This allowed her to pull Amy’s arms over the top of the chair back and down the other side. Taking a hank of quarter inch white sash cord she took one end and made a couple of turns around Amy’s upper right arm and the side post of the chair back then tied it off. Pulling the cord across the still heaving chest just above the breasts she fed it around the upper left arm and that side post then yanked it tight anchoring it with a knot.
Doing the same with more cord around Amy’s arms just at the elbows and across under her breasts pulled the binding on her crossed wrists even tighter. Not satisfied yet, in fact she was having fun plying one of her favorite hobbies, Tatianna ran another piece of cord around the wrists and down to the spoke between the back legs of the chair and pulled it tight.
She bound the girl’s ankles to the spoke between the front chair legs then, using one last piece of cord she fed it under the cords across Amy’s chest and clinched them together making the breasts bulge beautifully against the thin wool of her sweater.
Satisfied, for the time being, Tatianna reached behind Amy’s head and unbuckled the strap holding the blindfold. Pulling it off she stood back, picked up her crop, crossed her kid leather covered arms and waited for Amy’s eyes to focus.
The tightly bound and gagged girl looked through her reddened eyes at the figure standing in front of her. It was her new friend and Mistress, Tatianna, but somehow she looked different. The black leather outfit was not something unusual for her to wear because anytime they had played over the last few weeks the woman usually wore something made of sleek leather.
Amy raised her eyes to look at her Mistresses face and found her answer. There was no sign of the friendly grin or loving looks she was used to seeing. Instead she saw very stern, emotionless features studying her with a pair of the coldest eyes she had every seen. A shiver of fear went right through her tightly bound body.
?Things have changed drastically for you Amy since five o’clock this morning. We have moved from a friendly domination and submissive relationship into the realm of BDSM! I’m sure you have run across those letters when you were surfing the Internet but let me explain what they mean to you personally.?
?Bondage and domination we have played at since the day after I approached you; playtime is over now! As a dominatrix you will discover that I could write a book on ways to bind, restrain and confine you in positions you will not believe your body could take without something breaking.?
?As for sadism I am, amongst many other things, a sadist and I enjoy doing things like this.?
Stepping to one side of the bound girl Tatianna grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head back out of the way then struck with the braided crop. Expertly aimed the crop slashed down and landed just in front of the cords binding Amy’s breasts. The sweater and bra she still wore offered little if any protection and, despite the cords binding her to the chair, her body jerked against them and a muffled scream worked its way from her throat and through the gag.
Again the crop fell in exactly the same place. Tatianna struck a third time but changed her aim and this time the crop landed an inch behind Amy’s nipples. Tears streamed down her face as the vicious woman let go of her hair and moved back in front of the chair.
?That is just a small sample Amy of what I can do and it leads to the last of the four letters. M stands for masochist Amy and since I know you are a natural submissive you had better hope that I am correct in thinking you are also a born masochist. If you are not then things are going to get very unpleasant for you.?
?I have fifteen days to wait before we can leave this house and, in fact, this State. I need something to occupy my mind and you are it. Now I am going to remove that gag and give you a snack and something to drink. Here is your first new rule, when you are not gagged you speak only when spoken to, otherwise you keep your mouth shut. Do you understand??
Amy’s head moved up and down several times and Tatianna released the strap across her mouth and pulled out the soggy cleaning cloth she had stuffed in a few hours before. Amy’s lips immediately curled as she started crying again.
A trip to the refrigerator and Tati returned with a small tub of yogurt and fruit and a bottle of water.
?Stop sniveling and get this in you or I’ll use the crop again.?
She spooned the yogurt into Amy’s mouth and then held the bottle until the water was also finished. Then she went back to the living room and selected a few more items from the drawer in the sideboard.
She dropped all but one of them on the kitchen table and then grabbed another handful of Amy’s hair and slowly pulled her head backwards.
Amy, stupidly, clamped her lips together and tried to shake her head. Tatianna immediately transferred the item in her right hand to her left picked up her crop and slashed it down across the bulging breasts. As the girl’s mouth opened to scream she suddenly found her jaws being forced wide apart as the Domme shoved a hard rubber plug between her teeth.
Next her tormentor cut several strips of duct tape from a roll and plastered them first in an X across the lips and then over those to under each ear. Using her thumbs she smoothed out a few air bubbles over the packed mouth then reached for the next couple of items.
?Before I put these in Amy I’ll tell you what I’m going to be doing to you. These are earplugs and after those are in I will fit breathing tubes up your nose. Those are just so when I lace your head inside this lovely new discipline helmet your nostrils will not get squashed. We wouldn’t want that because they are going to be your only source of air. When I add a nice tight blindfold you will be deaf, dumb and blind.?
?Then I’m going to get you undressed and treat you to a lesson in extreme bondage. When I’m finished I intend to get some rest because it has been a long night. You however, if you can get some rest the way I leave you, good for you but I doubt it.?
Amy was frantically shaking her head but didn’t stand a chance as the dominatrix, somewhat gleefully, did exactly what she had told the helpless girl she was going to do.
The earplugs and nose tubes were installed in just moments but Tatianna took her time, when she got the kid leather helmet over Amy’s face and head, with the lacing process. Each one was pulled taut until the edges met down the back of her head and she made sure the leather was stretched properly over everything except the openings at Amy’s eyes. Two metal ringed holes lined up under the nose tubes.
She settled a wide gag strap over Amy’s mouth and pulled on the buckle until it almost flattened the bulge cause by the rubber plug. A couple of cotton balls went in the eye openings of the helmet and then the matching blindfold was strapped around her head.
Tatianna untied the girl from the chair, saving the new sash cord, but cut the bindings at Amy’s wrists and ankles that she had used hours before to tie the girl up in her own office. Even with her arms and legs free the leather encasing her head made Amy helpless as Tatianna undressed her. Once she did blindly try to swing a fist at her tormentor but it was miles wide and resulted in the crop landing several times on her now bare buttocks.
Easily putting the girl in a hammerlock Tati pushed her through the kitchen and upstairs to the master bedroom. She managed to get Amy’s elbows to meet inside the leather arm binder that laced up almost to her armpits and then, with her sitting in the middle of the floor, crossed her ankles and used the sash cord to cinch them in that position.
Pulling the luckless girl across the floor until she was facing the foot of the bed Tatianna tied a length of cord through the ring at the end of the arm binder. Looping it up and around the middle of the bed’s foot rail she hauled on it making Amy’s head and upper torso bend forwards as her arms were pulled up into the classic strappado position.
With the single gloved arms almost vertical Amy’s ass was forced to come up as well. More cord from each of her knees to opposite legs of the bed made her completely available and the dominatrix was finally going to get her wish. Savoring the sight Tatianna removed her elbow length leather gloves and replaced them with a pair of rubber gloves then lubed up a butt plug.
She positioned herself between Amy’s knees and stuck first one then two fingers up inside the girl’s rosebud wiggling them around to coat the passage with more of the jelly. The girl’s reaction was expected but useless and Tami removed her fingers then immediately worked in the large rubber plug until the stretched ass opening closed around the narrow base and the end flange was flush against the surrounding skin.
She took a large ribbed dildo and, with no regard whatever for Amy, jammed it deep inside her vagina. Releasing the cord holding the arm binder to the bedrail she pulled the arms back down and worked the cord in between the girl’s legs and around her waist then yanked on it forming a very tight crotch strap. That would hold everything deep inside. She ran more of the cord across the back of Amy’s neck then forwards under each of Amy’s armpits and back over her shoulders and down to her ankles. Pulling on those she got Amy’s torso to bend forwards.
The girl was completely and utterly helpless but, with a wicked grin, Tatianna found some thinner cord in her collection and tied Amy’s big toes to her nipples. Resting on her buttocks and crossed legs Amy could not move without something hurting.
Tatianna got undressed, had another shower, patted the silent form on the head, and went to bed.
Waking several hours later she found it was still only four in the afternoon and she was hungry. Amy, bound, deaf, dumb, plugged and blind didn’t even know that she was up and around again. Tati grabbed fresh underwear and then put the leather slacks back on but with a silk blouse and matching leather jacket and the ankle boots. While brushing her hair and doing her face she had a thought that made her smile although it was more like an evil grin.
She headed down to the kitchen for something to eat and then found the phone number of the second fetish store she and Amy had visited.
?Hello is that Anne? Good, this is Tatianna and I just wanted to thank you for the nostril tubes you gave me. Yes they fit perfectly and, in fact, she’s wearing them now for the first time. Well I don’t really know if they are comfortable because I haven’t asked her and, even if I did, she’s not really in any position to answer at the moment. I’ve moved her on to a full time training schedule you see!?
?I was wondering how long you’re open today and if we could get together for a private chat about an idea I have that could be fun for both of us, and profitable for you.?
?Well that sounds nice, I didn’t realize you lived over your store; yes I’d love to join you for a cocktail. Six thirty and the side door I’ll be there. Thank you, bye.?
After getting herself something to eat Tatianna returned to the master bedroom and studied the immobile form on the floor watching as Amy’s chest moved shallowly in and out and wondered what was going on inside that leather encased head. She touched up her lipstick and left for the meeting.
As Tati’s finger reached out to press the bell the side door opened wide.
?Hello Tatianna, I saw you coming on the security system. Come on upstairs.?
The women who had opened the door watched as the other Domme took in her outfit and struck a pose with a big smile on her face.
Anne’s dress was almost Victorian in style, high-necked, long sleeved, nipped in at the waist and with a slightly flared skirt that brushed her legs just above the ankle. It was made of the finest snowy white kid leather. On her feet she wore a pair of white patent leather ankle boots with gold buckles and at least five-inch heels. Around her waist was a wide belt made of gold rings and from that hung a short handled flogger.
She smiling lips were a vivid scarlet and not a hair of the glossy black pageboy was out of place. Gold loop earrings hung from her ears.
?I frequently wear what I sell Tatianna, it’s good advertising; now let’s go up.?
A few minutes later they were seated in a beautifully furnished living room with a glass of chilled white wine each. Tatianna explained what she had in mind.
?A few weeks ago my submissive was a complete newbee who had never played. I was bringing her along slowly but, as you noticed, she is a natural and now, in my judgment, she might also be a born masochist.?
?She has agreed to become my property and let me train her as I see fit. I have taken over her bank accounts and there is quite a substantial amount available. I would like you to supply me with a complete set of bondage wear that is slightly undersized for her and some equipment to go with it.?
?As I’m sure you know you can get things much tighter if they are a little too small for the wearer to begin with. So, will you help??
?Well I’d be both stupid and a very poor business woman if I said no and I am neither. Let’s go down and have a look around my stock so I can see what you have in mind. I will need you to bring her here again so I can get some exact measurements.?
?That is not possible Anne, I have her in full training mode and it would not be wise to bring her out in public at this early stage. Would you consider me returning your kind invitation and come out to my home instead one evening??
Anne had a sixth sense that there was more to this story than she was being told but for a sale of several thousand dollars she could ignore her gut feelings.?
?Why not. Come down and give me an idea what you like so, after I get the measurements, I can supply or order the right sizes.?
At the top of Tatianna’s selections was a double-layered full torso bondage corset that she just fell in love with. They made quite a list and then agreed that Anne would come out to the house on Monday evening. The kiss they shared as Tatianna left was a little more than just a friendly peck!
When she got home Tatianna removed the discipline helmet plus everything else from Amy’s ears, nose and the gag from her mouth. She also untied the bindings stretching the girl’s nipples towards her ankles and the cords holding her bent forwards.
She fed the still bound but unresisting girl and made her drink another bottle of water then fitted a ring gag in her mouth and left her lying on her back in the middle of the floor. She made herself ready for bed and, as she turned out the light, thought back on a very busy but successful twenty-four hours.
The next morning, Sunday, she stripped Amy of all the bondage gear except the dildo and butt plug then pushed her through to the bathroom to stand with her back to the toilet. Pulling on a rubber glove she quickly pulled out both the toys and shoved Amy so she immediately sat down.
The dazed girl automatically cleaned herself and Tatianna flushed the toilet and then snapped a handcuff around Amy’s right wrist. Pulling her across the room and in to the shower, Tati fed the chain of the cuffs through a grab bar and locked the other one to her captive’s other wrist.
Then they both had a long relaxing shower. Well Tati did but what she did with the bar of soap and her fingers to Amy as the water sprayed over them certainly woke the girl up; how relaxed it made her was another matter.
After the shower she put on a fluffy white bathrobe, pulled the belt snugly round her waist and dragged the naked Amy down to the kitchen. Using the handcuffs locked her arms through the back of a chair at the table.
As she made a light breakfast for them both she questioned the girl.
?So did you enjoy your introduction to a more severe form of the bondage game Amy??
?I’m glad you remember your manners, Amy. What didn’t you like about my treatment of you??
?I didn’t know what was happening, I was confused when you showed up at my office and after that I couldn’t understand my feelings at being made so helpless?Mistress.?
?I needed some information from the company you worked for Amy. Yes, past tense, worked for. You will not be going back there, instead you will be coming home with me in a couple of weeks.?
At the shocked look on Amy’s face Tatianna just waited for the outburst.
?You lied to me. You used me and you don’t care about me at all damn you.?
?That’s ‘damn you Mistress’ Amy don’t forget again. If you think I don’t care about you why am I spending my time training you and getting you to learn and understand all those feelings you’ve had over the years??
?You say you felt so helpless with what I put you through last night. There is an old story Amy about a farmer who had a very stubborn mule. Every morning he would go into the barn and hit the mule over the head with a big stick. Finally one of his neighbours asked why he did that to the mule. Hell, said the farmer, that’s just to get his attention.?
?That’s what I’m doing to you Amy, getting your attention so we can explore all your kinks and limits.?
They were silent as Tatianna fed the girl and ate her own meal. Then she put an end to any further conversation by strapping the ball gag back in Amy’s mouth.
The girl could only watch as Tatianna set up their next session. She spread a big square of thin plastic sheeting, like painters use, over the carpet in the middle of the living room. Out on the patio she had found a wrought iron loveseat with polished wooden slats for the seat and she carried it through to set it on the plastic.
The house had come furnished and she didn’t want any problems, like stains on the carpet, with the leasing agent when she turned it back to them.
Amy started to struggle as Tati released her from the handcuffs but the woman was too strong and soon had her seated in the middle of the bench with her arms lashed straight out along the top of the back. Her knees were then tied and pulled out towards each top back corner. This made her slip forwards a little until she rested on the back of her ass cheeks. Tati then fastened Amy’s ankles out to the iron armrests at each end and she was, once again, helpless and completely available.
Leaving her to wonder what was going to happen Tatianna went upstairs to the bedroom and selected her favorite black leather cat suit, her ‘Mistress’ stiletto boots and the braided crop. She took time with her hair and makeup then literally stalked downstairs again.
Standing behind the love seat Tatianna gripped Amy’s chin with her left hand and pulled her head tightly against her stomach.
?Now we will find out if I have judged you correctly little one. Have a nice trip my pet.?
The crop whistled down and landed right between the glistening lower lips of the helpless girl. For just a moment her body went absolutely rigid, then it tried to break the bonds holding it to the wrought iron love seat and a loud wail came through the gag. The dominatrix struck again and, as the crop landed, she moved her left hand to cover Amy’s mouth and used the thumb and forefinger to pinch her nose.
The crop struck again and suddenly Amy found herself hurtling through an endlessly black mind space towards the most massive orgasm she could imagine. The crop landed again. Her lungs could find no air and the pain was exquisite; she exploded.
Tatianna lifted her hand from the girl’s face and watched the love juices dribble from the already swelling lips of the whipped vagina.
?Well I think that proves me correct; you cannot believe how much fun I’m going to have with you Amy.?
Amy heard not a word; she was still in another world.
After that major, and very satisfying, revelation Tatianna allowed Amy to recover for the rest of the day and most of Monday. She used the padded cuffs to spread eagle the girl face up on her bed with a ring gag in her mouth. Spreading a soothing salve on the swollen pussy lips the Domme left her to clear up several errands off her list.
These included clearing out and closing Amy’s bank accounts then sorting through all the stuff the girl had bought from her apartment. Many of the clothes went in bags to be dumped in a charity second hand bin. Of course, she kept all of the leather clothing, boots and some basic items that would still be needed.
She also used her own laptop to compose a letter that Amy would send to her supervisor at Infocom as soon as the contract had been completed. In it she offered her resignation and explained that she had been offered a job in Florida and decided to take it. She also noted that it had nothing to do with any areas of interest to Infocom and therefore she would not be breaking the ‘no compete’ clause she had signed when hired.
Tati thought that was a nice touch!
Late on Monday afternoon she went to work getting Amy ready for Anne’s visit.
She was watching from the front window as the other dominatrix arrived and met her at the door. Anne was wearing a belted slate gray leather coat with a wide, fur lined, cowl collar. Tied neatly under her chin was a silk headscarf that Tati knew was right off the selves of the certain store in Paris.
Over one shoulder was a big Gucci handbag and she carried a large suitcase in her right hand.
Tati reached for the suitcase and carried in to the hallway then closed the door and greeted her guest with a hug and kiss.
Anne had not seen Tatianna in full Domme gear and nodded her approval of the black leather cat suit and laced knee boots. She put the handbag on a side table and took off her coat with a big smile; under it she was wearing exactly the same thing.
?I thought there might be the opportunity to play a little this evening so I decided to dress appropriately Tatianna.?
?I don’t see any reason why we shouldn’t have some fun after we get business out of the way. Where do you usually play??
?There’s no reason you shouldn’t know, I have my own dungeon in the basement of the store. Some of my customers have, shall we say, more personal kinks that I am able to satisfy for them. Now, where is your little sub??
Tatianna picked up the suitcase and waved towards the stairs down to the recreation room. She poured them each a glass of wine then moved over to open the door to the unfinished section of the basement.
Anne studied the naked figure in front of her with a professional eye and moved closer to get a better look.
Amy’s arms were held stretched straight out from her shoulders with cord from a cuff on each wrist around two support posts about eight feet apart. Her legs were spread and the ankle cuffs clipped with short lengths of chain to ring bolts in the floor. There was a large ring gag behind her teeth and she was blindfolded.
To hold the girl standing upright and stop her from slumping Tati had braided a leather thong in Amy’s hair at the top of her head. The braid was then wound a couple of times through a large metal ring and the end of the braid cinched back on itself. A cord ran from the hair ring to a hook in the rafter directly over her head then down to another hook on the wall where it was pulled taut and tied off.
?Are those earplugs effective Tati??
?Very effective Anne. What I do is roll a small piece of cotton wool into a ball, dip it in olive oil and pack it in next to the eardrum. Then the rubber plug goes in. When a submissive is not wearing a helmet I find that method completely effective.?
?Interesting, I must remember that one.? Anne ran a couple of fingers around Amy’s vagina. ?Nice and smooth, I love that and the lips a little swollen. How long ago.? Anne’s questions were obviously out of professional interest.
?Yesterday morning. Four strikes with a braided crop and a little bit of breath play; she came like a bitch in heat.?
?That sounds very promising for you. It should make it much easier to train her to your standards.?
Anne took a sip of her wine then handed the glass to Tati and reached into her handbag for a notebook, pencil and measuring tape.
The best part of fifteen minutes later she had everything she needed except for two measurements that would have to wait.
She moved back into the recreation room and took a seat to study the figures in her book. Accepting a fresh glass from Tati she grinned up at the statuesque leather clad Domme.
?Well maybe we will get a chance to play tonight; I have a nice surprise for you. That full torso bondage corset you liked so much will fit your playmate perfectly and it is right there in the suitcase. I had a hunch it would be a close fit so I bought it along just in case.?
Tatianna gave Anne a decidedly more than friendly kiss and then turned to open the case. Right on top was a bundle of black leather covered with several straps. Two or three coils of black lacing came out with it.
?Actually, Tati, it is just as well I am here. That piece is fairly complicated and much easier to fit on an unwillingly recipient when there are two, especially the first time. If we get her in that and the discipline helmet I sold you she will make a very pretty picture and I can get the last two measurements I need.?
Tatianna topped up their glasses, looked at Anne for a long moment, and then spoke.
?Why don’t we take our time with Amy and you plan to stay the night. That way we can enjoy our wine without you worrying about driving and whatever happens happens OK??
?Sounds like a plan Tati, excuse me for a moment.? She pulled out her cell phone and made arrangements for her senior manager to open the store in the morning.
?OK let’s get started. We also need a pair of shoulder length gloves for the outfit.?
While Tati went upstairs to get the gloves and helmet Anne started to release Amy from the ankle chains and undid the cord around the posts then efficiently clipped the wrist cuffs together behind her back. She was unhooking the hair ring as Tati came back and the two of them moved the blind, deaf and ring gagged girl into the comfort of the carpeted room.
Tatianna had also thought to pick up a plug for the ring gag and she screwed it in place.
The two leather-clad tormentors forced their victim to the floor then Tati looked at Anne with a raised eyebrow.
?Gloves first.?
Working easily together they soon had the long kid leather gloves on her arms and laced up almost to her armpits. Anne shook out the leather bundle and opened the back. Tati moved behind and held Amy’s arms out so Anne could slide them into the elbow length leather sleeves on the corset and then pulled the sides up and over her shoulders.
They laced the corset sleeves over the top of the leather gloves and then worked Amy’s breasts through the openings in the chest panel of the corset. They each worked on making sure her tits were fully exposed then tightened narrow straps around their bases.
Easily flipping Amy over on her stomach they temporarily tied her wrists to opposite front legs of the couch. Anne pulled and adjusted the heavily boned leather until she was satisfied it was properly positioned. Tati held Amy’s head still while Anne fitted the neck corset under the girl’s chin and fastened the straps across the back. It was just snug enough, but also boned, so that it would not close any further and affect the wearer’s windpipe. She flipped several other panels of leather out of the way then gave Tati a bundle of the black laces and indicated she should start at the top.
?Just get the laces threaded through the grommets while I hold the edges Tati. Take that piece down to her waist and then start a new piece at the bottom and up to her waist just as you normally would with any corset.?
Tati just nodded and started feeding a new lace where the edges of the leather were right at the top of Amy’s buttocks.
Sitting on the floor on either side of the helpless girl they started pulling on the laces. Anne had a small hook with a handle that she used to slide under each lace and pull as they kept up the tension. Slowly but inevitably the edges of the corset came together and finally met. They tied off the laces and Anne used her tape measure.
?Not too bad Tati. Twenty-four and a half inches down to an even twenty, that’s good for the first time. Have you had her in a reverse prayer yet??
?No, I was going easy on her until the last couple of days but she is very flexible so there shouldn’t be a problem.?
?I hope not because that is what this piece of equipment is all about. Let’s get her arms up behind her and slide her fingers in these sockets built in just at the shoulder blades.?
Obviously enjoying themselves the two each untied one of Amy’s arms, forced it around then up her back and in position. Groans greeted this process. Tati held both of the girl’s wrists while Anne buckled a wide strap across the elbows pulling them almost together. With the arms held motionless they easily worked the fingers into the leather sockets and laced each one tightly. They buckled additional straps across the wrists.
Now Anne pulled one of the extra leather panels, which was attached along the shoulder line just in front of the collarbone, back over Amy’s left shoulder. It covered the laced fingers and hand down to another smaller flap with a row of metal grommets on the right side of the corset’s waist. Needing no instructions Tati laced the two pieces together then waited while Anne pulled a similar panel over the girl’s other shoulder and down to the left side. A few moments and that one was also laced in place.
While Anne checked that everything was fitting where it was supposed to and that there was no give in the fastenings Tati took hold of Amy’s hair braid, pulled her head up and made sure that the now panting girl was getting enough air through her nose.
Satisfied she got up and opened a new bottle of wine from the bar fridge. Sitting down next to Anne she handed her a glass and then, after taking a sip from her own glass, slid her arm around the leather covered shoulders and pulled her in for a very passionate lip lock.
After a minute or so Anne pulled back.
?We had better finish with your sub’s bondage Tati that way we can enjoy ourselves in comfort.?
Reluctantly Tati agreed and they turned back to the figure on the floor. The over the shoulder leather panels covered the little bulges made by her fingers and now Anne positioned the final two pieces of leather, that were attached down each side of the garment, over the already constrained arms of the girl.
?More lacing Tati and we can make her arms almost disappear under these last panels.?
And they almost did. Tatianna was amazed when, as Anne held the girl up, she studied Amy from directly in front and it seemed like she had no arms. Just that tightly fitted leather with her swollen breasts bulging out. It was indeed an amazing piece of fetish work and worth every penny. She felt a very warm sensation in her groin but fought it down until they had finished.
Anne undid Amy’s hair braid while Tati removed her gag and held a bottle of water to the girl’s lips. Between sips they both heard the ?Oh God, please stop.? A new large rubber plug was forced back between her teeth and Tati found the nostril tubes. Between them they soon had everything in place and Anne was lacing the helmet down the back with the blindfold still underneath covering the eyes.
They were able to lace the bottom of the helmet over the neck corset and buckle a strap around them to hold everything neatly in place. Tati positioned the gag strap across Amy’s mouth and Anne fastened it at the back of her head. From the top of her head to her buttocks Amy was a helpless vision of very, very tight leather.
?Now I need to get those last two measurements Tatianna so we know what size toys she can handle; do you have a pair of rubber gloves handy??
They were soon found along with a jar of lubricant.
Tati knelt over Amy facing Anne, who was positioned between the girl’s legs, and reaching down pushed one of her arms under each of Amy’s knees then pulled back up and locked her hands together. Both of Amy’s lower entrances made themselves available for Anne’s ministrations.
The Domme went to work after bringing over several different sized plugs and dildos from the suitcase.
?This will be another new experience for her I expect. Not too many newbees have been fisted.?
She looked at Tati.
?With your permission Mistress??
?Go ahead and thank you for your courtesy.? Replied Tatianna.
Anne started with Amy’s rear channel and working in first one finger, then another and finally the rest of her hand almost to the wrist.
?A nice snug fit Tati and I can’t feel any abnormalities. Please have that largest plug ready when I pull out.?
Anne held Amy’s leg when Tati let go of it and rammed in the oversized rubber plug. She pointed Anne towards the powder room so she could wash off the glove.
?There is a new model butt plug on the market Tati for the very serious players. The circular rubber flange at the base is lined with surgical quality needles just over a quarter of an inch long. The plug goes in and then, as the anus closes over the narrower part in front of the base, the needles penetrate the skin in a circle around the rosebud. They are not long enough to do any real damage but, in such a tender spot, you can imagine the possibilities.?
For a moment Tati got a faraway look in her eyes. ?Oh yeah, I can indeed.?
Now Anne worked her fingers and hands up inside Amy’s love tunnel but, this time, having a touch of sympathy and Tati’s approval, she worked her fingers until Amy’s reaction showed that her G spot had been found and she bought her off.
Tati had little trouble holding on to Amy as she tried to bounce around with her orgasm. Anne inserted a small plug in the urethra then pushed in a large knobbed dildo and reached into the suitcase for a locking chastity belt.
?We can do either her regular boots or I have a pair of ballet boots in the case that are probably a bit too small.? Anne had a finger to her chin and was talking as much to herself as Tati.
?I would love to try her in the ballet boots Anne. I have some beautiful ones in my own dungeon back East but none here with me.?
The suitcase was almost empty after Anne produced a thigh length pair of black ballet boots and they forced Amy’s feet into incredible arches to get them on her. The women started lacing one boot each, pulling the edges together as they smoothed the supple leather up the legs. At the top they pulled straps tightly around the thighs to cover the top of the laces then Anne produced four, foot long, pieces of metal rod.
?Another improvement Tati. These rods slide into the long, thin pockets down the inside and outside of the boots at the knee and make it impossible for the wearer to bend their legs.?
With the rods in place they studied the motionless form stretched out on the floor as they finished their drinks.
Finally, Tatianna decided.
?I think that the latex hobble skirt you sold her would finish that picture off very nicely. Then we can stand her against the foot rail of my bed and tie her there to spend a very uncomfortable night like a good little submissive. The skirt is upstairs anyway so let’s carry her up there.?
Amy’s form was stiff as a board as they each picked up an end and moved her to the bedroom. The snug skirt in place and belted around the girl’s much reduced waist, Anne also closed the strap built into the bottom hem tightly around the ankles.
They positioned the girl against the middle of the foot rail, balanced on the ridiculously high heels and her toes, facing the bed. A couple of pieces of cord from each side of the waist belt to the rail were all that was needed to hold her in place.
The two leather clad dominatrix congratulated each other on a job well done with a long, lingering kiss. As things started to get heated they broke apart just long enough to get off the laced stiletto heeled boots then resumed the lip lock as they found strategic zippers and buckles on each other’s suit.
Both of them were very experienced lovers and knew exactly how to push just the right buttons as their naked bodies entwined on the bed.
Later, as they lay cuddling and satiated under a satin sheet Tatianna told Anne about the thought she had while they were working on Amy.
?It seems to me you have the best of most worlds Anne. You own a very successful specialty store that not only supplies the needs of customers but also the clients you accommodate in your dungeon. On top of that you get to pick and choose from a constant supply of possible playmates. I’m thinking of settling down and funds are not a problem. I already have my own dungeon that is well equipped but only used occasionally a couple of States east of here. If I decide to expand would you give me the benefit of your retail experience to get started??
?Of course I’d be happy to help. We will be far enough apart not to be in competition but close enough to support each other. We might also consider offering a new service where we both work on a client for special sessions. That could be very lucrative.?
She studied the immobile leather encased form standing at the foot of the bed and felt a familiar warmth growing.
?Let’s talk business in the morning.?
Tati turned out the light.
When Anne was pulling on her coat the next morning Tati handed her an envelope stuffed with cash.
?That should cover what I owe you for now.?
?Thank you and thank you for a lovely evening. The rest of the items you ordered should be in Friday so how about I come back here on Sunday.?
?We can make sure everything fits.? She added with a grin!
?Deal.? Said Tati and gave her a kiss.
After Anne left Tati went back upstairs to start getting Amy out of the mess she was in.
The rest of the week passed quickly. Tatianna played with Amy but also let her relax and recover, albeit bound hand and foot, from what had been a very extreme session. She got rid of Amy’s car for a few hundred dollars and made sure any other of the girl’s ties to the city were erased.
In quiet times she thought more and more about retiring from the industrial espionage business and starting her own fetish store and active dungeon.
Anne arrived mid-morning the next Sunday and they had a marvelous time trying everything on Amy. She, however, did not enjoy her day. Lunch for the submissive girl was spent under the table. With her arms tied elbow to elbow, a ring gag in her mouth, her face jammed in Anne’s vagina and Tati’s booted toe tapping on the butt plug jammed inside her.
?Use you tongue and make our guest feel welcome Amy.? She ordered constantly.
Twice during the meal Anne’s eyes closed, her mouth stopped chewing and a shudder went though her entire body.
?Good girl Amy I know just how we are going to reward you.? Said Tati.
Tatianna’s idea of a reward was for the two lesbians to force her feet in the crushing ballet boots again; this time with a two foot long spreader bar between her ankles. Her hands were forced into fists then taped until they became useless balls.
In a different version of the single arm binder they bent her arms at the elbows and tied her wrists together up between her shoulder blades. A shorter leather sheath was pulled down over her arms to the elbows and then they worked at the laces until they achieved a very effective reverse prayer.
Other than that, and the boots, she was naked from the neck down. From the neck up however things were different. They had packed her mouth with a hard rubber plug then taped her lips shut. Tati’s special earplugs and the nostril tubes were in place and then a thick rubber cap over her head. Tucking in her hair they laced the leather discipline helmet on, fitted the blindfold and tightened the gag strap. Once again she was deaf, dumb, blind and helpless.
What she couldn’t see was her two insatiable Mistresses stripping naked and unwrapping a present Anne had bought for Tati. They were two double ended, battery driven strap on dildos. Neither need lubrication, they were making enough of their own, as they worked the shorter prongs up inside their vaginas; making sure a small cup like flange was covering their nubs.
Pulling the straps tight the two lovers got in the mood with several intimate, tongue nipping kisses then moved over to pull Amy up between them. Tati waited as Anne positioned, and held, the head of her strap on against the bound girl’s puckered rosebud. Then she did the same with hers at the entrance to Amy’s love tunnel.
They leaned their heads forwards over Amy’s right shoulder and kissed again. Without breaking lip contact Anne mumbled, ?On three.?
?One, two, three.?
They both shoved their hips forwards and Amy became the living filling in a dominatrix sandwich.
With the dildos both firmly embedded they reached down and flicked on the battery switches. As they coordinated their strokes the cups over their clits began to vibrate sending impossibly sensuous thrills through their bodies.
As their climaxes became closer and closer the three bodies fell sideways on the bed with the two on the outside of the sandwich frantically building speed as they rammed the hard rubber dildos in and out of the one in the middle.
The orgasms were mind shattering and afterwards they smiled weakly at each other.
?I liked that game Anne, let’s do it again when we get our breath.?
And they did, several times!
The following Sunday morning Tatianna got the E-mail she wanted. The other fifty percent of the contract money had been paid to her off shore account.
Two days later the van was packed, it would be returned to the leasing company at their location near Tati’s home. They had picked up her car and the rental agent had inspected the house. He never did see Amy where Tati had hidden her. She had phoned the security company who kept an eye on her home, and the maid service, to let them know she was on the way.
Anne had helped her wrap Amy into a leather covered ball with her arms locked across under her knees and her ankles strapped to her thighs. Gagged and her head laced in the favorite discipline helmet she would be happy when the sixteen hour drive was finished.
As she pulled out of the driveway Tatianna looked forward to Anne coming to visit her in a few weeks. Once she got set up in her new business she would need someone to model all the toys and equipment for the store and the dungeon.
She took one hand off the wheel and stroked the leather covered head of the form crouched on the floor behind the passenger seat.
Tatianna knew exactly who that would be!
Copyright? Anne Gray. August 2009
Chapter Forty – The Third Task Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mmmf, Mf, mg, anal, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, mc, spank, uniform, voy The Triwizard Tournament was finally coming to an end; Harry and the other Champions had faced numerous challenges throughout the tournament and each of them had made it to the finals relatively unscathed. Harry’s lack...
Chapter Seventeen – The First Task Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mf, cream pie, grope, magic, oral, unif, voy The First Task of the Triwizard Tournament was now upon Harry Potter; and although he had finally figured out how he was going to complete the task, he was utterly terrified about facing a giant fire-breathing dragon. Hermione had been kind...
sue stopped outside the pet shop and checked the address on the piece of paper her Mistress had given her. It was the right place ok. She pretended to look at something in the shop window while she steadied her nerves, the mixture of fear and excitement she felt made her stomach churn and she licked her dry lips anxiously. She took a quick look over her shoulder at the people passing by in the street, she hardly ever came to this part of town and she was sure she would not bump into anyone she...
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Exhibitionismsue stopped outside the pet shop and checked the address on the piece of paper her Mistress had given her. It was the right place ok. She pretended to look at something in the shop window while she steadied her nerves, the mixture of fear and excitement she felt made her stomach churn and she licked her dry lips anxiously. She took a quick look over her shoulder at the people passing by in the street, she hardly ever came to this part of town and she was sure she would not bump into anyone she...
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My Whore Task To understand this story, you should read ‘T/Th Class will Never Be the Same,’ first. When it was all over, I couldn’t believe how exciting it had been. Keyser-Soze from had told me what to do and I had done it. I wanted more. When I got home, I got online and found him and told him what had happened and how wet it had made me– being dominated online by him and told what to do gave me a sensation I’ve never had before. I told him I wanted more and that I would obey whatever he...
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You enter my office as instructed, closing the door behind you as I tell you to strip for me. When done, I have you kneel quietly at my side naked as I completed my work. Reaching down between your legs, I feel your wetness and slide my finger across your freshly shaved pussy. I remove my fingers not looking up from my desk brining my fingers to your lips. "Open". I say flatly. You obey quickly as your heart races. You open your mouth tasting my salty fingers mixed with your juices closing your...
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She had been planning this for months. Ever since she found her Daddy, the first time was always going to make her nervous. She had gone over it again and again in her head and always found different fantasies to bring her off. She was dressed as instructed as she boarded the train. Short flirty summer dress, heels and nothing else except her plug. It is now difficult to remember the time before she had her plug to allow her to feel stimulated all day long. She missed it so much when it wasn't...
She had been planning this for months. Ever since she found her Daddy, the first time was always going to make her nervous. She had gone over it again and again in her head and always found different fantasies to bring her off. She was dressed as instructed as she boarded the train. Short flirty summer dress, heels and nothing else except her plug. It is now difficult to remember the time before she had her plug to allow her to feel stimulated all day long. She missed it so much when it wasn't...
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I wanted to scream and shout and moan as loud as I could as Daddy rammed his huge cock into my fourteen-year-old cunt. He had me pinned against the shower wall, the spray crashing into his back, a steamy mist wafting over me as I humped and wiggled and enjoyed every second of his dick slamming into my underage depths. My daddy fucked me. I was his good girl. His sex slave. My choker lay on the bathroom counter. The only time I could take it off was in the shower. He gave it to me Saturday...
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Rene was driving absentmindedly. Her mind raced as she thought of the possibilities. Ed had asked to see her tonight. More importantly, Ed had asked to see her and had told her to dress sexy. It was that that had her mind soaring to places that were everywhere but on the road in front of her. She remembered the last time Ed had made a request. They were going to go to a party and Ed wanted her to wear a dress with a thong underneath. When she arrived at his house, she understood why. Almost...
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Finally we got our break – her fight was late, meaning that she missed the group transportation to the hotel. Since I was one of the meeting planners I said that I would take our team meeting car back to pick her up instead of having her use public transportation. It was about a 40 minute drive on a hot September afternoon. She had been running through the airport working up a sweat. We usually travel casual then change to meeting clothes when we arrive at the meeting site which means she...
Thank you for the feedback....Marcus started kissing Janes neck and his hand started to disappear inside her white blouse gropping at her 32ee tits. She still had her hand on his dick - rubbing him through his trousers."Give me a hand James" he said. James looked at me - I nodded and smiled.He stood up from beside me and had to adjust his trousers over his hard-on.This was not lost on Jane "Nice to see you approve!" she whispered breathlessly.At this moment she was obscured from me by the 2...
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The boundless energy thing that I’d kept going for years wasn’t quite working anymore, it felt like life was slowly catching up despite the fact that I was still running, helping, doing, fixing, building at what seemed like maximum capacity. Maybe I was just feeling a bit down because I hadn’t done anything really new and creative in a while. I had reached a point where there just weren’t enough hours of the day to spend on the things I wanted to, in addition to the ones I needed to, there were...
Mi Cha came to the house at 11:00 on Wednesday morning. I had everything on hand that she had requested. Once again, she was wearing a similar dress to what she’d worn last visit. I guess it’s kind of a traditional dress. I took a chance and said, “Mi Cha, I have another offer for you. I am willing to pay you $200 a visit, if you do Maria’s nails while naked.” I could see alarm on her face immediately. “Wait, let me tell you. I promise, no one will touch you. I just enjoy seeing...
The late 1960s is famous for the many new freedoms given to females. Even the lead in sexual adventure became a domain for many. But having to “start sometime” meant that there was a carryover of a proper, polite, perhaps even docile, generation. That generation was raised one way, and instantly allowed to become the “other” way. Taking the restrictions off of that group was the ultimate in human dynamics. In her mind, Melissa had it all. She even had the freedom to explore cross cultural...
InterracialMy neighbor is the PTO president and she asked me a while back if I would come to the local middle school on the last day before winter break and be a part of their assembly. I said sure and marked it into my schedule.So yesterday I show up at the school and am being led through some back hallway to the stage when an alarm sounds and the principal comes over the speaker declaring the school to be on a lock down. The secretary looks around and pulls out a key and opens a door marked "In School...
I can not forget that day when i and my fourth boyfriend hanged out at my house. It was 10th of July, and the weather was extremely hot. I was getting bored and my parents and my younger brother went out on a tour. I wanted to join them but my college classes were on. I decided to call my boyfriend. I called him on his number. He said," Hey honey!" I replied eagerly, "Hey darling, i was thinking if you can meet me at my place after 9pm and we can do all you want, If yes then please bring me a...
EroticTyler: One night, after far too many drinks, my girlfriend of three years confessed to me she has, for as long as she can remember, wanted one thing done to her.“I saw it done once, when I was watching porn. You know, before I had you to take care of all that. But really, she was bent over a table, being spanked and whipped by this hot looking guy. With each strike she looked as though she was about to orgasm. I don't know. Ever since then, I wanted to see if I'd get the same pleasure. I like...
SpankingIt was a glorious, hot, late summer’s day. We had been hiking on the fringes of Exmoor, spending lunch on a ledge high above the Bristol Channel, the bracken tumbling steeply away to the sea in front, south Wales glimmering on the horizon to the north. During the afternoon we worked our way inland, eventually taking a track on the edge of the moor next to meadows full of grazing sheep. It was here that disaster struck when I slipped and twisted my ankle. After hobbling on for a few hundred...