Razor Ch. 04 free porn video

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The boundless energy thing that I’d kept going for years wasn’t quite working anymore, it felt like life was slowly catching up despite the fact that I was still running, helping, doing, fixing, building at what seemed like maximum capacity. Maybe I was just feeling a bit down because I hadn’t done anything really new and creative in a while. I had reached a point where there just weren’t enough hours of the day to spend on the things I wanted to, in addition to the ones I needed to, there were just too many things that had to be handled. And perhaps the day had finally come where there was just no more space on my bow for any new strings.

I suppose talking to William about my life might have helped create this new ‘the walls are closing in’ feeling, or perhaps it was the frustration of not being allowed to finish, to not be able to tell someone about the rest of my life. It felt like I needed to air my memories and thoughts, like some sort of spoken memoir thing. Dear William had asked one of the clinic’s assistants to call me and cancel my appointments a couple of days after our last meeting. I wasn’t surprised, but I had to admit that I was disappointed, he had after all promised.

William’s girls and the way they had been treated troubled me more than I thought it ever would. They seemed to have become important cogs in my somewhat self-centered engine of happiness. After what he’d told me, I just knew I had to do something about the school and Ms Roberts, to stop the angry and worried thought processes that had been started inside of me, because they were quite frankly consuming to much processing capacity.

I wondered if I should have somehow informed William about my investigations concerning Ms Roberts, and what I was planning to do about the problem, but I shook that thought off, what was left of my pride told me not to bother trying to get him to talk to me, and my wish not to hurt him told me to back off completely.

William… I missed him already. He hadn’t been online in more than two weeks, and I hadn’t seen him in person since he told me to go away almost a week ago. The pain of separation was mixed with feelings of being rejected, even if that sounded a bit too much like a line from a silly romantic story. I really didn’t like the weakness and vulnerability I felt when I thought about never seeing him again. And for god’s sake, there really wasn’t anything particularly special about him.

No, there really wasn’t anything special about him at all… except the fact that I loved him. Nothing special except the fact that he was the only exception to more than one of my life’s many self-generated rules. I loved him, despite the fact that he would never be able to accept and love me, there were just too many things that stood between us. Really righteous people never mixed well with unrepentant sinners, and he was as good as a person could possibly be, and yeah me, I was just me.

I was shaken and stirred, like a half-assed cocktail concoction, something that tasted like shit but had your panties off in about half-an-hour, if you ever wore panties, that is. The way I was feeling was getting a bit too serious, I couldn’t quite laugh it off with a bad joke anymore. And added to all those strange and new feelings was an almost all-consuming tiredness, probably because I had started getting memory flashes, and the bad dreams had begun to stalk me through the nights again.

After yet another night tossing and turning, not in a good way, my phone woke me up and I answered with a grumpy ‘What?’

‘Hey, don’t bite my head off!’ a laughing voice answered.

‘Sean,’ I answered whilst stretching ‘you know I’d never do anything to any of your body parts. Thick-headed police officers don’t do it for fragile princesses with tiny mouths, you know…’

‘I’m not even going to ask what head you’re really talking about…’ Sean answered with an exasperated laughter.

‘Mmmm… better not…’ I answered ‘so, what’s up? And just so you know, that’s a subject change…’

‘Yeah… moving on…’ Sean answered, still laughing before quickly turning serious ‘I think we might have a problem at the gym, but I need your help to figure it out. We’ve got a few new volunteers to help with the self-defense classes, because of more and more women wanting our help. But there are too many drop-outs… and my gut feeling is telling me that there’s something wrong.’

‘Right,’ I answered ‘any beginner’s class I can try my best to fit into?’

‘Way ahead of you,’ Sean answered ‘there’s a big info and intro class today, in two hours. I’ll be there, and Anthony and Mike. And I’ve asked our three new volunteers to be there too.’

‘Okay,’ I answered ‘I’ll be there. Look for the shy girl in the corner.’

‘Yep, I’ve seen you do it before, remember?’ Sean grumbled ‘It really creeps me out, makes me wonder who you really are.’

‘I’m Alpha and Omega baby, as in – I’m only in it for the Ahhhhhhs and Ohhhhhhs.’ I answered with a short laugh.

‘You’re a sick person, scary Mary, you truly are.’ Sean answered before hanging up.

‘In more ways than you’ll ever know.’ I whispered in answer to the silent phone.

* * * * *

Free of charge self-defense classes for women had been a wish, or more like a dream, that I’d had for years, but it wasn’t until I had met Mary four years ago that I managed to turn the dream into reality. She had helped me find a gym that supported the idea and helped sponsor the classes, and she’d somehow found the first group of women.

I had found volunteers in the police force, people I knew I could trust, men and women with personal stories that were similar to mine. There was a surprising amount of police officers who had known violence and abuse from a young age. Or perhaps it wasn’t all that strange? We all had good reasons for standing up for ‘the little guy’, we all knew that every little act of human kindness mattered.

The classes had become almost too popular these last few months, and I had been forced to look for more help outside my circle of trusted friends. I hoped I wouldn’t have to regret doing so. I hoped Mary wouldn’t find any problems with any of the three young men – all police officers – who seemed to have their hearts in the right place. Sometimes people just weren’t what they seemed to be, but based on what I knew about Mary, she wouldn’t let herself be fooled by innocent smiles and police academy t-shirts.

I looked at the rather large group of women who had gathered for information about our classes and a quick introduction with some simple ways to protect yourself against an attacker. I scanned all of the women and saw the angry, the sad and the frightened. But I couldn’t see Mary anywhere? ‘Look for the shy girl in the corner’ she had said. In one of the corners there were two angry-looking women and in the other corner was a girl, years younger than Mary, her hair a dark brown color, done up in braids, her eyes turned down towards the floor, with glasses that kept sliding down her nose. She wore a pink long-sleeved t-shirt and black jazz pants that licked her body, showing off curves that would have normally had me gasping for breath, but that now only made me worry for her, because her shy, insecure movements, with nervous hands pulling at the arms of her t-shirt, teeth biting her lower lip and glances thrown at the women around her made me want to place myself in front of her and protect her against every single person in that room.

I shook my head when I realized my mind was starting to sound a bit like Mary. I ran my eyes across everyone once more and began to worry that she wouldn’t be able to make it. The last time Mary had helped me find a rotten egg she had come dressed as her usual self, but with everything that was even remotely Mary-like wiped off, leaving an insecure person who spoke in a whisper, hands in her pockets, shoulders high, looking like she’d run away if someone as much as spo
ke to her. That was what I was expecting, and that was something I couldn’t find anywhere in the room. I cursed and decided to start the information part of the one-and-a-half-hour class, even though she hadn’t come as she promised.

‘Alright everybody, gather round!’ I started and looked up with a smile to greet everyone.

Someone had once told me that I could rule the world with my smile, but I only knew that women seemed to relax when I smiled, and that was good enough for me. The shy, curvy woman from the corner came walking closer and gave me an insecure smile, which almost had me choking on my next words. Sweet Jesus, it was Mary after all!

I somehow managed to get through what I needed to say without messing things up, and without staring at my friend for more than a few seconds. Where the hell did all those curves come from?

The class continued with hands-on instructions given in three separate areas of the room, with three separate sets of protective movements for three different types of attack. The women were divided into three groups that would go from zone to zone learning as much as possible, with twenty minutes for each set.

After one last look at Mary I concentrated on trying to teach the smaller group of women in front of me how to get out of a chokehold, first by demonstrating on Mike then by pairing the girls up and showing and correcting, talking and cheering everyone on.

Mary was in the last group that circled back to me, and there was nothing about her that made me think she’d found anything worth finding. I didn’t know if I should curse or cheer, but just as we were ending the final set, Mary walked up to me and spoke with a low voice.

‘You’ve got two rotten ones and one that’s solid gold.’ she said ‘The two bad ones are teaming up on the girls, doing a twisted bad cop, good cop thing, first scaring and then pretend-caring. And there’s a lot of touching up action from both of them, hidden behind both harsh corrections and sweeter instructions. And they switch, first dickhead A was the sweet talker then dickhead B. And then you have the keeper, who kept his eyes on the dickheads, and talked to the girls who’d been molested. And yeah, as you can tell he’s pretty angry about their behavior…’

Angry was just the beginning, I thought before I called everyone to order. When everyone settled down I started talking, barely controlling the rage that heated my blood and made my eyesight go slightly blurry. Somehow I managed to control my voice so I wouldn’t scare the women that had come to us for help.

‘This is where we usually summarize what we’ve told you and invite you to come back again, to learn more about defending yourself. I usually round off by saying that I wish to God you didn’t have to learn, that I wish we lived in a world where men knew right from wrong. I usually tell everyone that we – your teachers today – work very hard to build that better world for you, for us. But today I can’t really say that, and that makes me sad, and mad…’ I said, my voice turning slightly dark and tense in the end. ‘Today I have learnt that two of our teachers have been mistreating the women they were set to help. And that is… I can’t even begin to describe how angry that makes me…’

I pointed at the idiots and nodded to my friends who gathered them up and started guiding them out of the room. They didn’t argue but walked silently out of there.

‘My clothes are covered by a fluorescent material that will be visible in the dark. It’s an invention made by… one of my friends.’ Mary said ‘The scumbags particularly liked my breast and ass areas, and there should be plenty evidence on them. I think you should go take a look. Bring golden boy, I want to talk to the ladies alone for a while.’

I walked out and made the golden boy, Simon, know that I wanted him to join me. Perhaps he could help me keep my temper at bay, because I wasn’t sure that seeing glow in the dark evidence that the two dickheads had touched my friend would be entirely good for me, or rather… them.

I heard Mary as she started talking to the group of women with her usual warm and friendly voice and I knew she’d be able to calm the upset feelings in the room better than I’d ever be able to.

* * * * *

I looked at the upset women in front of me and I could feel their anger and their hurt. Expecting to learn enough to finally feel safe and then ending up feeling even less secure than you did just over an hour ago, that would be a hard blow for all of them.

I would need to calm them and give them something to think about, so they would see that learning self-defense was a step in the right direction. I took a few steps closer to them and removed the last parts of the insecure persona I had assumed as I walked into the gym just over an hour ago. I hadn’t used my acting skills in a really long time, but it seemed that I hadn’t quite lost the ability.

‘Hello,’ I started ‘I thought I should introduce myself and tell you a little bit about what happened here today. My name is Mary and I was asked by my friend, Sean, to come here and try to figure out if any of the teachers were doing bad deeds instead of good, because he felt that something wasn’t quite right. I have a special skill set in that area, simply put, I’m very good at finding out things about people. I don’t like the word myself, but I’m what some TV shows would call a profiler. As you heard my good friend Sean tell you, there were two scumbags amongst the teachers today.’

I paused and looked at them, the general mood ranging between upset and angry, with a few still scared girls in the mix.

‘But we’ve all met scumbags before haven’t we? So finding out that there’s yet another pair of them isn’t really a big shock, is it? The upsetting part is that the scumbags happened to be police officers, and that they purposely pretended to want to help. But if you think about it for a short while, you’ll probably realize that that’s not really so strange either, since one thing that is very much connected with predatory behavior is the wish to find a place with easy access to new victims.’

I looked at the women and saw that I had their attention.

‘I was once told by a psychologist that ‘the victim in me brings out the predator in the attacker’, and I thought that was a really shitty thing to say. Needless to say, I never saw that particular psychologist anymore, but after giving it a lot of thought, I slowly realized there was some truth to what he was saying. But before you get all upset, allow me to illustrate. I’m going to ask some of you to come stand beside me, is that ok? Never mind that it feels silly or awkward. Remember, it’s just us women here now, right?’

I started pointing and signaling to four of the women who were standing in front of me.

‘Right, if you look at us all standing next to each other, you’ll notice that we don’t have much in common, we come in all sizes, all ages, all hair-colors, we’re completely different from one another. We do however have one thing in common today, and that is the fact that we were all molested by the two scumbags, we all became victims.’

The girls around me nodded and looked at each other, probably thinking ‘why’.

‘Anyone else?’ I asked ‘Was there someone I missed?’

One more woman joined us to stand in front of the other ones.

‘Would you be surprised if I told you that we actually do have one thing that sets us apart from the rest of the group?’ I continued asking.

I saw heads nodding and whispered conversations start up in the group in front of us.

‘What all of us did in one way or another was to use body language that signaled that we were uncertain or uncomfortable, in various degrees, me more than most. And the fact is that the more we show our insecurities and our fear on the outside the more likely we are to be considered a victim in the eyes of one specific type of attacker. So it’s really more like ‘the pote
ntial victim in us’ that signal to people with predatory tendencies.’

I looked at the women who were standing around me. They were all upset, which wasn’t very strange, but I hoped the point I was trying to make would seem much clearer in just a few seconds.

‘Self-defense classes will help you in two ways. They will teach you how to protect yourself in case you’re attacked. But they will also remove some of your uncertainty and fear, and that will in turn make you much less of a potential victim.’

The woman beside me whispered a low ‘ohhh’ and I looked at her and nodded, then gestured to the women that they could join their friends in front of me.

‘There are several different types of assailants, of course, many who trigger on ‘potential victim’, but also some who react when they see women with ‘cocky behavior’, thinking ‘who does she think she is’ and reacting with primitive thoughts of ‘showing her who’s the man’. And as long as there are people around who don’t know right from wrong, as Sean put it, we will need to know how to keep ourselves safe.’

I continued talking, set on making them see that they had to take care of themselves.

‘I’m sorry, we’re running a few minutes late, but I just want to tell you one more thing. And it’s another one of those bullshit balloons that I want to pop. It’s the ‘once a victim always a victim’ thing you can sometimes hear people saying. There’s a lot of bull that people say just to feel safe in their own tiny glass castles…’

I turned around and pulled the t-shirt off to uncover my back. I wasn’t surprised when I heard the outraged gasps behind me.

‘A few years back someone made a victim out of me. As you can tell, it was… pretty bad…’

I pulled the t-shirt back on and turned around to face the women once more.

‘Today I’m not a victim anymore. I’m not a victim, not a survivor, not someone to pity. I’m a fighter that grew strong and stronger, smart and smarter. And that’s really what this is all about…’

I smiled at the women in front of me.

‘This is a unique opportunity for you to learn, to gather knowledge, to grow smarter, and in the process you will also grow stronger, body and mind.’

Sean came walking back towards me, his face strangely pale. Shit, he’d probably seen my back hadn’t he?

‘And if that don’t do it for y’all’ I finished off with a smile ‘you could just come back for some free ogling time, because ladies, there’s some fine looking men right here.’

I heard Sean grumbling something about objectifying before I added.

‘Or we can just give them a round of applauds for being real heroes, fighting every day to build a better world AND taking the time to teach us what we need to know about self-defense.’

The women clapped their hands and I kept my eyes on them looking for signs that what I’d said had scared any of them more than it had motivated them. They were a bit shaken, and I silently cursed myself for going too far. There was one girl in particular that worried me, she had kept setting off alarms in my body all through the class, and now she seemed more than a little bit shaken. I separated myself from Sean and pulled a card out of my back pocket that I discreetly handed to the girl. I looked her in the eyes, posing a silent question that got a nodded answer. Another victim, her story unknown. Another woman, with a need for some hope.

I walked back to Sean who was talking to some of the women about signing up for classes. He kept a smile on his face but his body was tense and I knew he was just waiting to pounce on me. Secrets on secrets, deflections and lies…

I thought about sneaking out of there to not have to deal with Sean’s worried questions and his frustration when he realized there was nothing he could do. And yeah, his anger, because… again… there was nothing he could do.

‘What the fuck Mary!’ was the first thing he said when all the women had left the room, his voice loud and angry.

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I was searching the store with my best friend Lauren, for a unique birthday present for my husband's 40th birthday."What the hell do you get a guy who has everything?" I asked Lauren." I dunno" she answered as we sat at the table in the mall food court.     "Maybe you should do something naughty for him""Like what?" I asked. "We have a really great sex life. I may look like the sexy housewife, but behind closed doors the tiger comes out!"" Ooohh do tell. What have you two been up to?"   "We  do...

Group Sex
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The Tales of the Movie Star

The Tale of the Movie Star, the Afreet, the Librarian & the Djinn. by Eric The Afreet Salabah was fuming -literally. . The Djinn Kassan had brutally kicked her out of his bed saying. 'Your breath is like camel dung! Your face would stop an hour glass. Your voice is like the croak of a hoarse vulture, & your personality would make a serpent shudder with remorse. You are no fit bed companion for such as me the most valiant & handsome of the Pasha's elite guard.' ...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 46 Not Cold Feet Exactly

Thursday, April 14, 2005 I woke in a great mood, although not as good a mood as I expected to be in later this evening. At breakfast, Donna did her best to march in and give me my morning kiss. She compensated for Carol's absence by kissing both cheeks. Once we were all settled down, Mom led the discussion, "Mark, I'll call the hospital to see about getting your cast removed as soon as possible. Your school has already agreed to pick up the medical bills so I'm not worried about...

4 years ago
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What a Man What a Man prt 1

Id just gotten off work and was about to be on my way home. That day was horrible. I didnt make anything in tips. I went to walk out the door so I could head home and it was FREEZING outside. I hate the cold! So I ran to my car and hoped in out of the cold winter air. I hurried to crank it, praying the faster I crank the warmer it would magically be. *chh chhh chh chhh* Dam car wouldnt start! What the hell!! Not again! I already know Im too tired for this so I decided not to even try to see...

2 years ago
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My sexual fantasy and physically perfect woman

my physically perfect woman, has to have real breasts. nothing fake! she need to have a nice round ass. Something i can grab onto when fucking her. Her breasts should be DD or an E. nothing to large. but plenty big to play with and suck. And i like a girl with puffy nipples! She cant be bone thin. I dont like it when girls starve themselves just to be skinny. I think bbws are sexy. a littl bit of a stomache is sexyMy fantasy is to start fucking in a hot tub, and work our way to the bed. As in...

4 years ago
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Running into Coverage Ch 05

The common trend for this is a one, Estragon. Thank you x … I seem to have lost count! As always, your thoughts, comments and feedback is always appreciated. Enjoy M **** Pendicon Field was packed to the brim with raging fans as they waved crimson banners and silver flags, chanting cheers and toasting beers. The Cougars were playing the Lions and it was expected to be a bloodbath. The underdog of the season managed to creep up to third in the division, making them only two games behind the...

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Too Good to be True

It all started when I replied to a sex ad online. There was a woman, in her early 50's, looking for someone to hook up during the day while her husband was at work. What was amazing after talking to her is that we lived only blocks away from each other. We exchanged several emails and agreed to meet just a few days after my initial response. I arrived at her house over my lunch hour. She met me wearing just a silk nightie. We hugged and started kissing. She led me to the bedroom. I agreed to...

1 year ago
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GirlsDoPorn 24 Years Old E473

This hot blonde is 23 so she’s slightly older than most of the girls here on this site but she is definitely smokin hot and has a great body, and is ready to make her very first adult video here on Girls Do Porn! She’s working at a cafe and is also doing some freelancing modeling but went to college so she’s got some of them ol student loans to pay off, and figured making a porno would be a good fun way to do it. She’s got a boyfriend but he has no idea this girl is here...

3 years ago
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Mousi Ka Dard

Hey guys my name is Sunny, sex ki tadap kise nahi hoti, log kyu satisfaction ke liye pati ya patni ko dhokha dete hain, ye main tab samjha jab maine apne mousi ki tadap dekhi. Meri mousi bohot sundar thi mousa ji army me the, unki ek 6 saal ki beti thi. Mousi ki takleef ye thi ki na wo apne sasural me reh sakti thi aur pati use apne sath le kr ja nahi sakta tha so mousi akele beti k sath rehti thi. Mousi ki tabiyat kharab thi so wo humare yahan aayi hui thi, papa doctor hain karib 2 hafte wo...

2 years ago
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My ssbbw granny

Fictional story everyone When I was a young lad we use to summer at me grandmum's every year. My parents would drop off me and my 3 older brothers for a couple of weeks. Each of us were only about a year apart. my parents had us when they were young a d wanted a large family quick. Grandmum was a large gal to say the least. She was about 5 ft tall and weighed about 200 lbs when I was growing up. When I was 12 years old me granpappy passed away. Me grandmum was very depressed that first...

4 years ago
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Could This Be Love

An Uncle George: Adventures in The Philippines Story I moved to The Philippines right after I turned sixty-two. Retiring early meant that my Social Security check was a few hundred dollars a month less than if I’d hung around until sixty-seven. One of the interesting things that happened was that the old lady who rented me the little house thought I couldn’t possibly take care of myself, so she included a housekeeper with the deal. Mary was around my age, with a face that looked like a...

2 years ago
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Copy Cat

Copy Cat by sandie beach The sun streamed in through the net curtains as he stirred into some sort of wakefulness. Today was the first of a four day long weekend. His mouth felt furry with an odd sort of taste. He stretched and realised that he was naked except for his tight underpants, only they felt wrong. His hands travelled down to his cock and met something non-skin he threw back the sheet and came full awake in shock as he surveyed the metal device that covered his manhood...

3 years ago
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Camping Trip

This year was the first time I had ever lived away from home. I was raised in a fairly strict and upright family which produced in me a strong conscience about what was right and wrong, even when no one was watching me. I had never given my parents a (significant) day of grief in my life, managing to stay out of trouble. Basically, I was a ‘good girl’ and my parents and I had a close relationship. They were completely approachable and open. When I reached puberty they even had open discussions...

1 year ago
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Sex After Party

“Come with me,” Nina whispered in my ear at the end of the party. I’d been chatting with her earlier as she was so beautiful and I have something of an obsession with Indian girls, and she’d seemed really nice. Everyone else was either collapsed in a drunken heap, asleep, in couples or a combination of the three, but neither of us had drunk anything that evening. I followed her wondering where she was taking me, and admiring her shapely form under her tight white t-shirt, short black skirt and...

4 years ago
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Wechat Se Mili Kuwari Choot

Hello dosto, Yeh meri pahli kahani hai, so plz bhul chuk maaf krna.. Mera naam anant hai or me delhi ka rahne wala hu. Meri age 25 yrs hai. Me ek multinational company me job krta hu. So baat aj se lagbhag 2 saal pahle ki hai jab job se aane ke baad fresh hoke me apne bister pe let ke wechat use kiya krta tha. Wechat me bhi mast features hai jese ki “shake” So ek din mene wechat me shake kiya or ek ladki ko request send ki Thodi der baad uss ladki ne meri request accept kr li or hamari chat...

2 years ago
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Hartford 2Chapter 2 More Mora

Slowly it dawned on Mora that all her sexual fantasies might come true, right here -- right now. Mora's lips parted and she absorbed Terry's swollen nipple into her mouth and sucked upon it. Terry moaned. It was a first for her, having both nipples suckled at the same time. The thrill shot right to her cunt and she trembled in Paul's arms. Terry released Paul's cock, leaving it to bob and jerk of its own accord. Closing her eyes, she felt compelled to touch this young girl before her,...

1 year ago
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At Thirty Thousand Feet Chapter 1

The usual hustle and bustle of people walking around carrying their bags and bumping into each other was going on. The airport was particularly busy with as many as thirty flights scheduled within the next two hours. I looked up at the display and saw my flight was on time, which was good as it would be a tedious long haul flight. At least I got first class. Being seventeen, this was to be my first major trip away from home, a full sixteen-hour flight. I was excited and nervous. I had never...

3 years ago
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Hot For Daughter Part 3

It had been a whole month since Melissa and David had last fucked. Karen was beginning to never leave the house. David was becoming extremely frustrated with his wife, all he wanted to do was have wild animal fuck sessions with his tight beautiful daughter. It was Friday afternoon, and Melissa was going to be home soon. David was rushing and frantically trying to clean the house and get ready. Today he determined to fuck his baby girl. He set rose petals on the bed, he closed the blinds, and...

3 years ago
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Reginalds ChildrenChapter 3

Freda was offhandedly blasé. “Whatever suits you, Fiona, but don’t talk to Reg about it. He will tell you that there is a mathematical framework for packet switching networks. I happened to mention queueing and almost got a lecture, for apparently packet switching is the basis for the Internet’s structure.” She went on to switch subjects without a break. “What is Reg doing now?” Frances said, “I left him in his study. Why?” “I just wondered, as I am off my birth control, so if he is...

3 years ago
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The DST Agent part 5

The DST Agent, part 5 By: Malissa Madison We ate our Waffles staring into each other's eyes, him smiling because none of the others enjoyed them with Blackberry Jelly. Me because he Had my favorite waffle topping. We never noticed when they left the room, just that we were alone together. After a while I gathered the plates, and dishes carrying them to the sink. And he joined me, taking them and plunging them into the hot soapy water to wash. "I don't...

2 years ago
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TimeslipChapter 23

Saturday afternoon Ron arrived and a few minutes later Sally and Billy turned up in a taxi, good idea I thought, if Billy was having a drink he shouldn't be driving, especially with Sally and expected child on board. I then thought that I didn't remember Billy with his own car anyway. I had received my birthday kiss and cuddle from Jen as soon as we awoke, yes we were sleeping together, Jen had informed me that she would be sleeping with me for the rest of her life. Jess had excelled...

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Erroneous Email

You are Jake Grant. You have 2 sisters: Sarah and Kaylie. Both are older than you, 24 and 28, respectively. You have one father, Tom, 53, and your mother Jina is 54. You're 19 and in college for your first year. Its late November, Saturday night. You've chosen poorly in staying at school this weekend, as all of your friends left, and now you're busy trawling porn sites to pass the time. You have your email open, and suddenly a message arrives from your mother, Jina. The subject line...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Crystal Young Riley Star Fighting For Affection

Crystal Young overhears her sister Riley Star talking about how hot she thinks her new stepbrother is and how much she wants to fuck him. This is so not fair! Crystal saw him first. She has to make the move before Riley does. She catches him in the kitchen and gives him one wild sisterly sucking. Crystal thought she was in incestual heaven, but what she didn?t realize is that Riley saw them and totally wasn’t having it. The next day Riley shows up in the living room in just a crop top and...

2 years ago
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Mistaken Identity

Introduction: Ever wonder if you really could tell one person from the next if you couldnt see? You know, one of those moments when the lights go out suddenly and you cant see anything. The drive was long and once inside, I headed straight for a quick shower. It was already late in the night and figured he would be asleep. The hot shower was refreshing, but I felt the creep of sleep taking over. It was out of the shower into his bedroom. The moonlight filtered in revealing the welcomed sight...

3 years ago
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Kija Part Of The Conquerors Reward SeriesChapter 8

It was a long flight and a good drive before the three of them made it to Joe's parent's house. Pulling up to the large country house surrounded by a gated estate that was even bigger, they made their way up the paved path. The lawn was freshly mowed and there were gardens taken care of by landscapers. The house was a pristine white and was well lit as Joe's parents were waiting for him. Joe's father who was a handsome brown haired man answered the door when they knocked. He looked like...

1 year ago
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Not Gay But Willing to Learn PT2

Well, it was my turn to get off, but it wasn't what I quite expected. I laid back and said "It's your turn now Mike." He looked at me nervously and lowered his head and started kissing, licking and sucking my dick. He was doing a pretty good job and a few moans escaped me. After about 2 minutes, I felt him stop sucking and he began jerking me off. At this point I knew he couldn't go through with blowing me, but I had to get off, so I encouraged him to keep masturbating me. It only took another...

1 year ago
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Fun With Roommate8217s Girlfriend

It was a hot summer afternoon and I was feeling very horny in the office. I had got an opportunity to get a peek at the cleavage of Akhila, one of my co-worker, earlier that day and my dick was in no mood to settle since then. After unsuccessfully trying to divert my mind to work I came to the conclusion that it was not possible and needed some action. I tried messaging the sluts that I normally fucked but everyone refused to say that they were in office. Feeling helpless but horny I thought...

1 year ago
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My Second Piece of AssChapter 20 A Brothel Breakfast

We dressed hurriedly in the same clothes we had worn to have dinner with the Waites the night before. With the exception of Laura's dress everything was strewn around the room where we had removed them to play restraint. I had only heard Laura's part of the telephone conversation. She had told the caller, Rachel, to calm down and call 911. But apparently Mollie had said not to call the emergency service. Laura had to convince Rachel that she would not get into trouble. Laura had to demand...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 14 The Wizards Retreat

The next morning, Sean and Lee were sitting in the morning room as they called it. They were watching the sun come up over the landscape of Harmony. “I could get used to living here, Lee,” Sean said as he looked out and enjoyed the view. “Yeah, it’s a pretty place, very different, but I like it too,” Lee said. “Hey Lee, I know you’re not into servants, but have you thought of finding a couple of families to live here permanently to help look after the place? Especially since we are going...

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Craig learns all of Mumrsquos secrets

This is the third episode in the chronicle of Craig’s Easter break at home. All comments are welcome, including any constructive criticism. There are more stories to follow, enjoy.Carol lay with her head on Craig’s heaving chest, listening to the solid beat of his heart. She could see his flaccid cock lying flat on his tummy, glistening with the residue of his cum and her juices. She moved her head down towards it, first caressing the head with her tongue, then sliding her lips over it,...

2 years ago
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A Relationship To Commit To Memory

A friend in need is a friend indeed! But someone’s hot mom who “is need” of love, care, warmth and pleasure, was “indeed” what I had been looking for during my college days and to take her to that multi-orgasmic state of ecstasy! College life was full of fun – less of studies and more of play. Marks did not matter. Examinations were also in the backseat. Fun and frolic were the most sought after. In such a scenario, I came across Anand (name changed) in a college in Delhi way back in 2006. He...

4 years ago
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It is not a Sin

A word from the Author: I left the state, political affiliation of the Rep vague on purpose so it does not take away from the main message of the story. I made the interstate a mythical one, even number ones runs east to west and if they have three digits they are a bypass into an urban area not in a rural area. *********** Whenever a person tried to brand themselves to others, they were really trying to convince people their opinion of who they are as a fact. This statement held...

3 years ago
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Transitioning to College 3

Part 3---In order to get into a top college program, Taylor will climb over a series of unusual hurdles. With the help of his mother he goes all in to get a scholarship. In this section the new Taylor becomes more social. His journey leads him down a road of self-discovery. __________________________________________ Transitioning To College 3--- Chapter 7: I had some nasty daydreams during the evening and I couldn't completely shake my anxiety. Every time the phone rang I was...

4 years ago
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Hot Straight Boy at Work Part 3

Allen was lying on his stomach, relaxing and breathing in and out. I reached between his legs to pull his cock and balls so I could see and massage them. When he lifted himself up, his tight pink hole was exposed. He has light brown hair and has very thick and beautiful hair. His bush was groomed to perfection and also had blonde streaks just like on his head. I once again admired his arched back, bubble butt with a long high crack, and the muscles all over his body. I started...

3 years ago
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FateChapter 2 Confrontation

When I got home Peggy was in the kitchen. I called to her and followed her voice. As I turned into the kitchen I saw my lovely lady standing at the sink, wearing the top to her microscopic string bikini that showed the full swell of her round breasts covering only the nipples and the larger areolas. Below she had on a pair of extreme cut off shorts, the cheeks of her ass showed nicely below the frayed legs of the shorts. I laughed to myself, she wore this when she wanted to distract me, and...

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