The Witch's Curse free porn video

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The Witches Curse Steve Islop should have been a very happy man as he sat in his railway carriage, looking out at the scenery rushing by, as his train sped from London towards Plymouth - but he wasn't! Most young lawyers, two years qualified out of College, would have been overjoyed at the prospect of taking up an appointment with a respected provincial firm of Solicitors in a pretty market town in the middle of Devon; but Steven wasn't like most young lawyers. Two years previously he had been top of his class of entrants when they all graduated from the College of Law. He had swiftly been head-hunted by one of the major commercial law firms in the City of London and had joined them with the prospect that, in a few years, he would have the opportunity to buy-in and become an Equity Partner. After that the world would be his oyster. Things, however, hadn't panned out as he had planned. Some three months previously the effects of the credit crunch had hit his firm and the reduction in business had resulted in a substantial tranche of staff being made redundant. On the basis of "last in, first out," Steve had found himself among their number. Sadly he had packed his belongings in a small cardboard box and left the premises immediately upon the announcement of his redundancy. He hadn't been with the firm long enough, or reached a sufficiently senior level, to receive any significant severance payment and it been apparent that he would very quickly need to find himself another job. Unfortunately he was not alone in seeking fresh employment. There were many young lawyers in a similar position and competition for the few vacancies that did exist was brutal and severe. Steve was not one of the lucky ones! In desperation he turned to that old standby; "family and friends"! Through a friend of a colleague who worked with his father's second cousin, he was interviewed for, and appointed to, the position of Legal Assistant with the firm of Baskerville and Stapleton in the small town of Grimpen, situated in the middle of Dartmoor in Devon. Although both Baskerville and Stapleton were long dead, the firm they had established continued to undertake the legal work for most businesses and families in the area. They were well respected for their thoroughness and old fashioned values. To be honest the position of "Legal Assistant," was, in practice, little more than a glorified clerk and Steve knew his new employers must be rubbing their hands with glee, having picked up a highly qualified, if somewhat inexperienced, lawyer for well below the market rate. If he had had any choice he would have turned the appointment down. But Steve was an orphan and an only child; his parents having been killed in a car accident some years previously. He had no close family - in fact the distant cousin who had helped him find this job was the only relative of whom he was aware. Neither did he have any money behind him and was solely reliant on what he could earn to sustain him. For all these reasons he had felt compelled to take this position. "What is it going to be like in Grimpen?" he thought, as the train sped through the English countryside. "After London what am I going to find to keep me entertained? There can't be any culture in a place that far in the sticks and I'm willing to bet all the girls will be plump and red-faced and talk with an incomprehensible Devonian accent!" Steve was definitely an urban man and not one at home in the country! Eventually Steve's train pulled into Newton Abbott and he descended onto the almost deserted platform. It was a beautiful summer afternoon and sunlight shone on the stonework of the station buildings. Steve's spirits did not rise! On enquiry he discovered that the most sensible way to get to Grimpen was by taxi and so, loading his suitcases into the back, he set off. It was approaching 5 pm when the taxi drew up outside the offices of Baskerville and Stapleton. Steve paid off the driver and noted with dismay that he was down to his last ?20 in cash. He knew he would have to be careful not to overdraw on his meagre bank account and would have to be extremely abstemious until he received his first pay cheque. Leaving his cases in the lobby, he approached Reception; introduced himself to the young man who was seated behind the desk; and was quickly shown into the office of Arthur Blackstone, the current Senior Partner". "Welcome my boy," he exclaimed, coming round the desk and shaking Steve warmly by the hand. "It is good to have you with us. I'm sure you will be a great asset to the firm". "I bet I will," though Steve wryly "there can't be many provincial firms who get to employ a City Lawyer at the rate they are paying me!" However, he smiled back at Arthur Blackstone and enthused about how much he was looking forward to joining the firm of Baskerville and Stapleton. "We have arranged for you to have room and board with Mrs Slythey, just until you get yourself sorted out and settled in. Her late husband used to be our caretaker and she is used to having our young gentlemen as paying guests. I'm sure you will be very comfortable." The two of them spent the next half-hour or so talking about the work Steve would be doing and none of it filled him with enthusiasm. It was hard to get worked up over the prospect of a lease renewal on a small commercial property, or the conveyance of land purchased by a local farmer when he had been used to dealing with large scale deals between major international firms in his previous job in the City. However, he would need to buckle down and get on with the work; he could not afford to mess up in this new job. Arthur gave Steve a set of keys for the office and showed him where he would work. Steve was pleased to see that he had a room of his own - that was a perk he hadn't enjoyed in the City, having had to work in a large open-plan area. The office was open to the public from 9 am until 5 pm, but Arthur told Steve he was free to come and go as he pleased. (Steve resolved that he would be at his desk by 0830 the following morning; this would still be later than he was used to in London.) It now being 5 o'clock, Steve enjoyed a glass of sherry with Arthur, who then walked him the 200 yards or so to Mrs Slythey's house. It was a surprisingly large building, probably of Georgian origin and Steven wondered how a caretaker had been able to afford it on what must have been relatively low wages. It wasn't surprising that his widow took in paying guests. Mrs Slythey was a tall, dour woman, but she welcomed Steve warmly enough and showed him to his room. It was a spacious, sunny room on the top floor with windows to both front and rear. There was a modern double bad to one side of the room, whilst the other side was set up as a small sitting area and study with a television set, desk and a couple of leather armchairs. Mrs Slythey explained that as he was her only guest at present, he would have the bathroom on that floor for his exclusive use. Breakfast and supper would be served in the back parlour, just off the kitchen, and he was welcome to use the garden if wished whilst the weather was so clement. Steve thought Mrs Slythey a bit of a rum old bird, but reckoned he could cope for a week or so until he was able to find a place of his own to rent. He unpacked his belongings and stowed them away. On descending to the parlour, he discovered that supper was about to be served and the two of them sat down to an excellent meal of beef casserole, jacket potato, and vegetables, followed by a superb treacle sponge and custard. "Well the old bird can certainly cook," he thought. "I will need to be careful or I will pile on the pounds!" He resolved to resume his practice of going for a run before breakfast. Over supper Steve learned that Mrs Slythey's Christian name was Doreen and that her late husband, Frank, used the downtime in his caretaking duties to study the form of racehorses. He was so successful that he became a semi-professional gambler and made a very good living by it. This explained the house, but Doreen went on to tell Steve that with Frank's death that income stream dried up; hence her need to take in paying guests in order to be able to afford to stay living in her home. In spite of her dour appearance, Doreen proved to be very pleasant company and Steve enjoyed their supper together very much. After supper he helped Doreen clear away and then said goodnight and retired to his room. Arthur had given him a bundle of papers relating to current assignments and Steve wanted to show he was on the ball by being familiar with their contents by morning. Steve set his alarm for 0600 and by 0615 he was in his running gear jogging around the slowly awakening town. For a market town it really wasn't very large and it did not take him long to reach the outskirts and find a route that circumnavigated the central core. In all he ran about three miles and was back at his digs, showered and dressed by 0730 when Doreen served him breakfast. By 0815 he was at his desk and when Arthur rolled in at 1000 and asked him how he was getting on with his case work; he was able to reply that he was across most of the cases and, indeed, offered a few suggestions about how best to move things forward. The next couple of weeks developed a familiar pattern in Steve's life. He rose at 0600; went for his run; was always at his desk by 0830; took a brief break for lunch - (he discovered a wonderful little bakery that produced great pies, pasties and sandwiches.) At some point during the day he would take his completed work to either Arthur or one of the other two partners - Eric and Giles. By 1730 he had usually finished for the day and it became a habit for him to join the partners for a drink and chat before going back to his digs where Doreen invariably had a delicious supper ready for him. Once Steve was confident he was on top of his job - about three days! - he started to look around for things to do in the evenings. He quickly found there wasn't a lot of choice! There was no regular cinema, theatre, or night club. Occasionally the Town Hall was pressed into service by one or other of the local arts groups for an amateur production of some pot-boiler of a play or a scratchy rendition of music - both "classical," and "popular"; none of it was particular "popular," with Steve! So, almost inevitably, he reverted to that other rural tradition - The Pub. There were several pubs in Grimpen but Steve soon developed a fondness for the "Hag and Besom". He had never encountered a pub of this name before - unlike the all too familiar "White Hart," and "Bay Horse". The pub sign displayed a witch, holding her broom aloft in defiance, being consumed on a fiery pyre. It wasn't a pretty sign, but inside the pub was warm, comfortable, and, as the landlord knew how to keep his beer, Steve was never short of an excellently pulled pint. He soon got to know the regulars and enjoyed many evenings in conversation. Steve would never admit that Grimpen was in any way comparable to London, but he was surprised how agreeable he was finding the place. The one thing that did surprise him was the total absence of young women. There were older women - like Mrs Slythey - and middle-aged women with daughters of varying ages up to about 15, but there was a total absence of girls/young women between the ages of 15 and 35. Steve was at a loss to explain this phenomenon and whenever he raised the subject in conversation at the pub, his fellow drinkers always neatly sidestepped the question. One evening, after Steve had been in Grimpen for about three weeks, he was startled on entering the pub to see six pretty, young women adorning the bar area. These were the first girls he had seen since his arrival in Grimpen and he swiftly decided he wasn't going to miss out on the chance to get off with one of them. It so happened that Steve's arrival coincided with one of the other men going up to the bar to buy another round of drinks. Noticing that one of the girls was temporarily unattended, Steve quickly insinuated himself into the seat next to her and introduced himself. The girl smiled back at him. "Hi I'm Antonia," she announced, "but you can call me Toni." The guy buying the drinks was now returning to the table and was clearly not happy to see Steve sitting next to Toni. She, however, gave him a beaming smile, thanked him for the drink, and announced that, for tonight, she wanted to get to know the "new boy". The swain had little choice but to slink off and try and insinuate himself into one of the groups surrounding the other five girls. Toni turned all her ravishing charm towards Steve and, before long; he was bowled over by her beauty. It had only been three weeks but he had forgotten how delightful in can be to bask in a woman's admiration. Toni was a real beauty. Long, raven black hair shimmered over her shoulders and down her back. She was wearing a tight black miniskirt and a royal blue, sleeveless, spangled top which did little to conceal her substantial, alabaster, breasts. Steve found it hard to take his gaze off them. "Don't worry dear," Toni announced with a smile, noticing the focus of his attention. "I'm very proud of them myself. Would you like a closer view?" The invitation in her voice was only too evident and Steve wasted no time in downing his drink and, taking Toni by the hand, led her from the pub. Where to take her was the next problem. "Where are you staying love?" enquired Toni. "At Mrs Slythey's," Steve replied. "Oh Doreen won't object to you taking me back there," cried Toni, to Steve's amazement, as Toni grabbed his arm and hurried him off to his digs. To his surprise, the dour Mrs Slythey was totally unfazed by his appearance with a young lady on his arm. "Oh hallo Toni," she said in greeting. "I hadn't realised that it was that time of the month already! You are a lucky man Steve; Toni is very particular as to how she dispenses her favours. Now off up to your room with you." Hardly believing his ears, Steve led Toni up to his room. They were hardly through the door before Toni was in his arms, kissing him furiously. From the reaction in his groin area, Steve knew it had been too long since he had enjoyed feminine company and he wasted no time in removing Toni's top and skirt. At the same time she was equally frantically scrabbling at his belt and shirt buttons and it did not take long before the two of them were spread-eagled on his bed, clad only in their underwear. These garments were not long in joining the others on the floor and soon Steve and Toni were hard at it; caressing and kissing as if there was no tomorrow. Their lovemaking was passionate and intense. Finally Steve fell back, totally exhausted. Toni had proved a most inventive and active partner. They fell asleep wrapped in each others arms, but, to his sorrow, when Steve awoke he was alone; Toni had vanished. He crept down to breakfast expecting to be very embarrassed in Mrs Slythey's presence, but the old lady was perfectly natural and matter of fact. "Toni lives on a farm," she explained "and she had to leave early to help with the cows. I thrust you had an enjoyable night? It certainly sounded like it from the noises coming through the ceiling!" Steve blushed furiously and mumbled some inane reply. He skipped his run that morning and hurried into work hoping to bump into Toni somewhere en-route. He was unlucky; she was nowhere to be seen. "Oh well I guess she is busy on the farm," he thought to himself. "With any luck I'll see her in the pub this evening." It was hard to concentrate on his work and, promptly at 5 pm, without waiting for the routine evening sherry, he hurried back to his digs and, as soon as supper was over, sped down to the pub. To his delight Toni was indeed there but she seemed to be totally engrossed with another man who Steve vaguely recognised. He went over to them and took Toni's arm. She turned to him. "Oh hi," she said "sorry I had to rush off this morning but, as I sure you will understand, milking waits for no-one!" "That's OK," Steve replied, "Doreen explained. Can I buy you a drink?" "Sorry pet," she responded but its Derek's turn tonight; don't be greedy"; and she turned back to her new beau. Steve was very upset, but clearly she wasn't going to change her mind and he wasn't someone who wasted time chasing down "no-hopers"! Accordingly he said goodbye and moved off in search of one of the other women. However, he had no luck that evening, nor any of the five following. On the seventh evening after the girls first appeared in the bar, he went into the bar of the "Witch and Besom," only to discover that they had all vanished and the bar was back to being occupied with its regular band of - male - drinkers. Steve thought the whole thing very odd but, as no-one was prepared to discuss it with him; he had no option but to settle down for a game of draughts with one of the regulars. (Draughts did not in any way compare favourably with Toni's blandishments!) About one month later, Arthur asked him if he could make himself available the following evening. Anxious for anything to vary the unaltering round, Steve readily agreed. After work the following day, Arthur asked Steve to stay behind after the other partners had finished their routine evening drinks. Eric and Giles said goodnight and departed. Arthur poured Steve another sherry and looked at him quizzically. "How adventurous a mind do you have?" he asked, frowning slightly. "I can show you something tonight that you will have never experienced before. However, you have to be prepared to accept marvels and not to freak out, no matter what may occur. Are you game?" Steve hastened to assure him he was. "Then come with me," Arthur continued and they left the offices, locking up behind them, and proceed to walk to a large house on the outskirts of town. "I own this house," Arthur explained, "although I don't live here on any regular basis." He unlocked the front door and ushered Steve up to the first floor and into a large, rectangular room. The floor of the room was painted with strange, cabalistic signs; few of which Steve recognised. "Are you a black magician," he asked "because if you are I want nothing to do with it, or you!" "No it's nothing like that," Arthur hastened to explain. "What I am proposing to show you does involve magic, but it is nothing to do with the Devil. Rather it stems from ancient earth magic handed down the generations from mother to daughter." "What are you talking about?" Steve exclaimed. "Even if you were talking sense, we are two men, not two women!" "I wouldn't be too sure about that," Arthur responded. "Gender can be flexible. Haven't you wondered why there are no young women in Grimpen?" "Yes I have," Steve replied. "Are you telling me it is something to do with magic?" "I am," Arthur said "and I can prove it to you if you like." Steve, somewhat angry by now, snapped out a reply. "I think you are talking rubbish. But if you can justify your assertion that you can actually practice real magic, I am prepared to admit I was wrong. You claim the absence of young women in the town is due to some sort of magical influence. You are going to have to explain that statement." "I can," replied Arthur "but you are going to have to suspend your disbelief until I have finished. "Many years ago, back in the 17th Century, this area was renowned for its witches. There was a particular notorious lady called Black Alice living in Grimpen, whose reputation spread far outside Dartmoor. Her services were sought by people from as far away as Bristol. Anyway, she was adored and looked up to by all the young women of the town. They all wanted to be famous like Black Alice. Unfortunately she told the girls that the only way they could develop their magical powers was by refraining from all forms of sexual congress. This, not surprisingly, did not go down well with the young men of the town! Now it so happened that Alice had a beautiful daughter of 17 named Catherine. One night the lads of the town, frustrated beyond endurance by the fact that none of the girls would have sex with them, came upon Catherine walking alone through a fairly deserted part of town. They crowded round her; blaming her mother for the fact that the local girls would have nothing to do with them. Catherine became frightened and started crying. This only enflamed the mob further and suddenly things took a nasty turn. One of the rougher lads grabbed Catherine and ripped the top of her dress open, exposing her breasts to common view. Within minutes Catherine was on her back; her dress pulled over her head; being raped by two or three of the young men. Suddenly there was a horrifying screech and there was Black Alice, flailing out with her broomstick and knocking the boys down like nine-pins. She swept Catherine up, sobbing, into her arms and turned in fury on the crowd. "I know most of you weren't involved directly in this," she screamed "but none of you went to my daughter's aid. You don't deserve to know the love and affection of a woman. I curse you all, and your town. From this day forward no girl or woman between the ages of 15 and 35 will be able to abide living in this town. For one reason or another, all will leave. And as for you three," she snarled, turning on the ones who had actually been assaulting her daughter; "none of you will ever experience sex with a woman again!" With that she gathered Catherine to her and swept away." "The lads tried, nervously, to laugh off her threats, but Black Alice's powers were too well known and, in truth, all of them were worried sick. Over the next few days things seemed to continue as normal and then one of the three specifically cursed by Alice was kicked in the groin by a horse and had to have his testicles removed. The second of the three then developed a severe case of mumps that totally killed off his reproductive abilities. Nothing bad seemed to happen to the third man and he started to think that maybe the accidents that had befallen his partners in crime had been merely coincidence. Then one day a band of tinkers came to the town, led by a black-haired man of about 30 with a handsome face and dark flashing eyes. To his horror this last rapist found himself smiling at the dark gypsy and feeling a warm glow inside when his glances were returned. That evening, in spite of himself, he approached the gypsy encampment. Their leader came towards him; took him in his arms and kissed him full on the mouth. The rapist found himself returning the kisses with ardour and suddenly he realised that the witches curse had had the effect of making him appear homosexual; although deep down he knew this wasn't his true nature. None of the three rapists would ever again enjoy making love to a woman. This part of the Witch's curse was now complete and Catherine was revenged on her assailants." The other part of the curse, that no woman between the ages of 15 and 35 would ever dwell in the town, took longer to come to pass, but steadily that too started to happen. For one reason or another, the young women of the town started to disappear. Some married boys from elsewhere in the county; others simply moved away as their families mysteriously found other work; and a large group were recruited, out of the blue, to go and work as servants for the Earl of Exeter in his newly built house miles away. After some six moths there wasn't a woman of the prohibited age to be found anywhere in Grimpen. The story of Alice's curse had become common knowledge and eventually the anger of the townsfolk towards her boiled over. One night a mob raided her cottage and dragged her from her bed. Catherine managed to escape in the melee and was never seen again. Alice was pulled and pushed to the town square where some of the men had been building a pyre. They tied Alice to a stake and burned her alive, crying "death to all witches!" As she was consumed by the flames, Alice continued to hurl down her curses on the town; prophesying that her ban on young women would last for ever. And so it has proved. To this day you will not find a woman between the ages of 15 and 35 living within the town boundaries. As you probably now realise, the pub you patronise, the Hag and Besom, is named in memory of that terrible night when Alice was burned at the stake." Arthur finished his tale and took a deep draught of the wine he had poured for himself and Steve. All through the narration Steve had sat transfixed. Surely this couldn't be true? But he had certainly never seen any young women in the town, and it hadn't been for want of looking. "Yes, my boy," continued Arthur "it is all true. Over the years the townspeople have tried everything to have the curse reversed. They applied to the Church, but exorcism and holy water made no difference; other witches were consulted, but all refused to interfere with any spell cast by Black Alice, saying that if they tried to do so retribution would rebound on them. Many single men moved away from the area but not everyone could; some were tied by land or business to remain in Grimpen. Then it was noticed that nearly all the babies that were born in the town - and all to women over 35 - were male. Alice's curse was certainly working effectively." "At last one of my predecessors, Philip Stapleton to be exact, came upon an old book of magic spells in a bookshop in Exeter. This must have been around 1845. The book contained a spell for the temporary transformation of a man into a woman. Eager to grasp at any straw that might provide the men of the town with some brief female companionship, Philip and a number of other prominent citizens formed themselves into a Magic Circle and one night set about invoking the spell. On that first occasion they experimented on two simple lads who didn't know what was happening to them. To everyone's amazement the spell worked perfectly and the two simpletons were transformed into attractive young women. They proved all too eager to satisfy the lusts of the men and were kept fully occupied for the next seven days until, equally suddenly; they reverted to their natural form. Further research by the Magic Circle revealed that the spell, whilst not directly linked to a woman's menstrual cycle, was subject to the same lunar calendar and that transformations could only be achieved during a particular phase of the moon and that the change would last for exactly seven days. Each month since then, lots have been drawn between the young men of the town and six of them undergo transformation into women. Some seem to like it and volunteer again and again; others are extremely reluctant, but no exceptions are allowed; all must take their chance." "And that brings us to why I am telling you all this tonight. The draw for this month's names was taken last night and yours came out of the hat." "But what are you saying?" cried Steve. "I'm not one of your townsfolk; what was my name doing being in the draw at all? I have no intention of submitting myself to some mystic, ancient mumbo-jumbo!" "You have no choice," Arthur said sadly. "You live in the town now and are of the appropriate age. Willing or not, tonight you will be in the circle with five other young men and undergo the transformation." Steve jumped to his feet and started for the door. Only then did he notice that whilst he and Arthur had been talking, two other men had quietly entered the room and were now standing, ominously, either side of the door. He paused. Arthur interjected; "think about it lad, you can either experience transformation the easy way or the hard way. Accept that it is going to happen, and I think you might enjoy the experience." Steve thought hard. He wasn't sure he actually believed this wild story about witches, curses, and monthly transformations but either it was some hoax - in which case he had nothing to lose by acquiescing, or, if were true, he could either go along with them or take a beating. He decided, on balance, that his interests would be best served by accepting whatever was going to happen quietly. "OK," he said. "I think you are all mad, but I won't resist. What happens now?" "Good choice," smiled Arthur. "Well we get you purified and robed up and then you can join the other five men who are being prepared even as we speak. Go with Rodney here," indicating one of the two bruisers, "he will show where to get ready." Rodney led Steve upstairs to a comfortably furnished bedroom with an en-suite bathroom to one side. "Take a shower," Rodney ordered. "Wash your hair and make sure you are clean all over." Steve did as ordered and, donning a soft, white, towelling robe, returned to the bedroom. Rodney had lain out a long ceremonial robe on the bed. He indicated Steve should put it on. The robe was a floor length coat, made of some silky material. It was basically light green in colour, but was decorated in strange patterns in which the principle colour seemed to be pink. The robe was fastened at breast level with a single ribbon bow. It was full-cut, but Steve knew he would have to take care in how he moved if he was to avoid displaying his nakedness underneath. His feet were left bare. Once attired, Rodney led him back to the room with the cabalistic signs painted on the floor. This time the room was much more crowded. Some twelve Mages, clothed in elaborate robes and masks, were seated around the periphery of the room. Having ushered Steve into the centre of the room, Rodney quickly donned a similar outfit and joined them, thereby making the coven complete. In the centre of the circle, with Steve, were five other young men, similarly attired like him, and an older man, who Steve recognised as Arthur, also wearing a green and pink robe. Arthur came over to him. "As you are a stranger to our customs, it has been decided that I will be your mentor for the week you will spend as a woman. I will undertake transformation also. Once the process is complete I will be "Virginia," - the guardian of virgins such as you!" Steve shook his head. This was all too bizarre. Clearly everyone in the room, bar him, was as mad as a hatter and he looked around for an avenue of escape. As his gaze wandered round the room, his eye caught that of one of the other young men, who looked vaguely familiar. The man approached him and, to Steve's horror, embraced him with a big kiss on the lips. Starting back, Steve wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. The other man laughed. "You don't recognise me do you? My name is Antony, but you know me better as "Toni"! This will be my tenth transformation. I just love it and can't get enough female loving." Steve looked aghast. Was this handsome youth really the beautiful Toni with whom he had spent the night and whose off-handedness during the subsequent days had caused him so much pain? If it were true then that implied that everything Arthur had told him was also true and therefore, in a few minutes time, he, Steve, would actually transform into "Stephanie"! "Time for the spell to be cast," announced Arthur. "Form a circle facing outwards towards the Mages and each hold hands." Steve did as he was told and took Arthur's hand with his right, whilst grasping Antony's tightly with his left. The mages all rose and advanced to the perimeter of the circle; they too held hands and started chanting. As they pronounced the archaic words, the lights in the room dimmed, and a sweet, feminine perfume suffused the air. Steve found that he couldn't move. Try as he might, his feet remained glued to the floor and it was impossible to release his handholds. The chanting intensified and it became very warm. Steve started to feel the strangest sensations coursing through his body. He felt himself shrinking and he calculated he must have lost some six inches in height. An intense itching started under his nipples and he looked down in horror as breasts started to balloon from his chest. From the tickling at his neck it was clear his hair was growing rapidly. For all his doubts, this magic was genuine; he was in the process of transforming from a man to a woman! He next noticed that his hands, firmly grasped by Antony and Arthur were, as were theirs, becoming slimmer, with longer nails and without the hair that had previously grown over the back. The final sensation he experienced was an uncomfortable pulling in his groin and he immediately realised it was time to say goodbye - (hopefully for only seven days) - to his manhood. The chanting ceased and the lights in the room returned to their full brilliance. Steve suddenly found he could move again and would have collapsed on the floor had not Antony and Arthur been holding his hands so firmly. Antony released his hand and took Steve gently by the elbow. Turning, Steve found himself staring into the beautiful face of Toni. "Yes Love, I'm back," she smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "You are quite some "looker," yourself Stephanie; I had better be careful of the competition!" Steve/Stephanie turned groggily towards Arthur/Virginia. A handsome, older woman was smiling down at him. "It's not so bad," she said. "Go with the flow and I think you will find it a very enjoyable time. I'll be here to help and advise you. Now let's get back to the bedroom and make ourselves presentable." Virginia led Stephanie back to the room she had so recently vacated. Stephanie looked with sorrow at her male clothes lying discarded on the floor in a crumpled heap. "Will I ever get to wear those again?" she thought sadly. Virginia turned to her. "As we are going to spend most of the next seven days together, you had better get used to calling me by my female name." she announced. I prefer "Ginny," to "Virginia", which sounds much too formal. Do you want to be 'Stephanie' or 'Steph'?" "I guess 'Stephanie' the erstwhile Steve replied. "If I have to be a woman for the next seven days, it will be better if I am reminded of the fact every time someone addresses me." "Good; now that's sorted let's get you dressed," said Ginny smartly. She turned to a chest of drawers and, opening the top draw, took out a pink set of underwear; lacy bra and matching thong panties. "As you are a blonde, I think pink will be suitable for your debut," Ginny announced. Stephanie realised that, as yet, she had no idea what she looked like and hurried across to a full length mirror hanging from the wall. Ginny smiled secretly to herself; that desire to check out her appearance boded well for Stephanie's first time as a woman. Stephanie gazed at her reflection in amazement. She could just about recognise Steve's facial features, but they were feminised totally. Starting at the top; long, wavy blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders. High, arched brows sat above deep green eyes, framed with long curling lashes. A pert, up- turn nose led the gaze down to full red lips, their cupids bow shape crying out to be kissed! A slender neck flowed into narrow shoulders, with slim, delicate arms and small hands with long, delicate fingers. Her nails protruded about an eighth of an inch beyond her fingertips, and were neatly rounded. Stephanie hardly dared look further down her body, but the truth had to be faced. Firm, round breasts jutted from her chest. From his previous experience as a man used to removing ladies bras, Stephanie estimated she was probably a 34C. A slim, high waist led to wide, child-bearing hips and, turning, saw she had a firm, shapely, tear-drop bottom. Long slim legs ended in petite feet. Finally Stephanie had to face the ultimate truth; a little blonde brush at her groin framed the soft, inviting lips of a vagina. She was definitely all women! Stephanie had been gazing entranced at her reflection for quite some time, so, when she finally turned away from the mirror, it was to face a smiling Ginny who had changed out of her ceremonial robe and was now clad in a sensible bra and panty set in a coffee colour, delicately trimmed with chocolate coloured lace. Over this she was wearing a cream dressing gown, which she had deliberately left unfastened, having decided that Stephanie would accept her new female status more easily if it was clear they were "all girls together". "Here, put these on," she said, passing Stephanie the pink panties. Somewhat nervously she pulled them up her legs and settled them in place. Somewhat to her surprise she realised that pants were pants and, apart from the somewhat peculiar sensation of the thong running up her bum-crack, they fulfilled the same function as the boxer shorts she wore as a man. "I'll help you with the bra," Ginny continued. "They can be somewhat complicated the first time you wear one." She helped Stephanie slip her arms through the straps and settle her breasts in the cups. She then fastened the clips at the rear; Stephanie was amazed at the difference a well-fitting bra made. At once she felt supported and her, already very shapely assets, suddenly assumed even more prominence! Next Ginny passed across a pair of sheer nylon stockings and a suspender belt. "Stockings will be much more practical than tights for what is coming later in the evening," she remarked dryly. "Let me help you fasten the suspender belt, and remember to thread the straps under your panties. If you leave them on the outside, things will get mush more complicated later!" Stephanie did as Ginny suggested and then, having been shown how to roll the stockings into a doughnut shape before putting them on, slipped her foot into the first one and carefully rolled it up her leg. The sensation of sheer nylon sliding over her, now hairless, legs was mind-blowing for Stephanie. She carefully fastened the front suspenders and then stood whilst Ginny clipped the rear ones in place and checked to see that the stockings were nicely taut. For Stephanie's first appearance in public, Ginny had selected a simple, tailored, sleeveless white dress decorated with navy-blue polka-dots. The dress had a boat-shaped neckline, pencil skirt, and was accessorised with a navy belt. White court shoes with a three-inch heel completed the ensemble. "Now sit here," order Ginny, indicating a seat in front of the dressing table. "Pay attention because I am going to show you how to apply make- up," she announced, tying a plastic cape round Stephanie's shoulders as protection for her dress. First of all Ginny applied an even coating of foundation, using a sponge applicator to ensure a smooth finish. Powder was then used to set the foundation, before Ginny set to with various tones of pink eye-shadow. Mascara was carefully brushed onto her eyelashes. Ginny paused; "With lashes like that," she said," you have no need of false eyelashes!" Liner was applied to heighten the appearance of her eyes and a pencil line emphasised her brows. Ginny used a lip pencil to outline Stephanie's bee-stung lips and then used a brush to colour then with a rose-pink lipstick. A swift application of lip-gloss provided the finishing touch. Ginny then open a small jewellery box and took out a beautiful pair of dangly earrings. Step hadn't noticed that, as part of the transformation, her ears were now pierced and marvelled at the weight of the earrings as they sparkled in her ears. A crystal necklace and bracelet were next to be added and a neat, gold, ladies wristwatch was fastened around her other wrist. A quick squirt of perfume and Ginny declared her ready to make her debut. Stephanie crossed once more to the mirror. Where previously she had seen the image of a lovely young woman in all her natural beauty, her reflection now showed an elegant, sophisticated lady; impeccably dressed with flawless make-up and eminently kissable lips. Her jaw dropped in amazement until she remembered and rapidly closed her mouth! "You look lovely," said Ginny, crossing behind her and putting her hands on her shoulders. "You are going to really turn men's heads." This remark snapped Stephanie back into reality. In her wonderment at her transformation, she had forgotten that its purpose was so that she could give sexual gratification to the frustrated men of the town. The colour fled from her cheeks and she felt giddy and had to sit down. Ginny knew immediately what had brought about the change in Stephanie's mood and she hastened to put her arms round her. "It will be alright," she reassured the frightened young woman. "The transformation heightens your libido," she explained. "When the time comes and you meet a man who wants you, you will find you desire him equally, in return. The spell also makes you sterile, so there is no risk of you becoming pregnant. Now come and help me find something in this wardrobe that won't make me look like a total frump amongst all you lovely, young lasses!" Stephanie wasn't totally reassured, but she knew she had little option but to trust Ginny's advice. After all, as Arthur, everything she had told her had, so far, come true. She smiled wanly, rose and crossed to the wardrobe with Ginny. Between them they selected a green silk dress with a pleated skirt and bow at the neck that looked really good on Ginny and complemented her mid brown hair, which was cut and shaped in an attractive, neck-length style. (As Arthur's hair was pure white, Stephanie couldn't help wondering whether Ginny had used the spell as an opportunity to restore her hair colour and knock a few years off her age!) "Right, are you ready for your debut?" enquired Ginny and, on Stephanie replying in the affirmative, the two women descended the stairs and rejoined the others in the large room where the spell had been cast. A rich rug now covered the painted symbols on the floor and the Mages and five other young women were enjoying a glass of champagne. Stephanie immediately recognised Toni who ran across the room and flung her arms round her. "I knew you would make a lovely woman," she enthused, "but you absolutely gorgeous!" Stephanie returned her embrace. Whilst she might not have wished to become a woman, there was no doubt that she certainly was one and she knew she would need all the friends she could find if she was going to survive the next week. Toni was clearly a warm, loving person and definitely someone Stephanie wanted on her side. Toni hurried and fetched glasses of champagne for both Stephanie and Ginny. Ginny took Stephanie to one side and spoke seriously to her. "It is traditional that six of the Magic Circle are the first to enjoy the favours of each moth's transformed women. We draw lots to see who will be the lucky ones. This month seven of my colleagues will get to enjoy a woman's love." Stephanie raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I will be the seventh." Ginny smiled. "Although I don't expect my partner to be the happiest man in the room when he discovers he has drawn me in the lottery, rather than one of you young beauties! Now I promise you that once you start flirting with a man, your magical conditioning will kick in and you won't have any trouble satisfying him." Draining her glass, Stephanie took a deep breath; "well, might as well get it over with," she said. "Who is to be my partner?" Ginny pointed to a slim, middle-aged man who was smiling across at them. "Henry Grimdyke, the Bank Manager," she said. Stephanie put down her glass and walked over to Henry. Unconsciously her gait took on a feminine sway and the smile she gave him quickly became a genuine one. "So you won me in the lottery?" she enquired. "I hope you think I am worth it!" "I am currently the most envied man in the room," he responded, bending to kiss her. Stephanie had braced herself for this first touch but, to her surprise; found she was kissing Henry back with equal fervour. "Let's go somewhere a bit more private," he murmured in her ear and, taking her arm he led her from the room. Henry led Stephanie up the stairs and into a bedroom she hadn't seem before on the other side of the landing to the one she and Ginny had used. The centre of the bedroom was taken up with an enormous bed - it must have been at least seven feet in width. The covers were already turned back and Henry wasted no time in sweeping Stephanie up in his arms and depositing her on the bed. In seconds he was lying on top of her smothering her face with kisses. Stephanie's feeling of desire for this man had been growing ever since their first kiss and she needed no extra encouragement to wrap her arms round him and kiss him back. Eventually they had to come up for air. As they sat up, Stephanie urgently pulled Henry's jacket of his shoulders and dragged off his tie. She then attacked his shirt, struggling to under the buttons with her unaccustomedly long nails. Henry, in the meantime, had divested Stephanie of her belt and had unzipped her dress at the back. They both stood and Stephanie shimmied out of her dress and let it puddle on the floor. Henry was pulling off his shirt as Stephanie undid is belt buckle and pulled down the zipper of his trousers. These soon joined her dress on the floor and the two of them stood there clad only in their underwear. Stephanie noticed, with subliminal excitement that, for his age, Henry had a nice flat tummy and clearly worked at his appearance. She also spotted, with eager glee, a growing bulge in his boxer shorts! (Henry hastily stooped and removed his shoes and socks, knowing full well how ridiculous a man can appear in underpants and socks!) Stephanie kicked off her shoes and the two of them fell back onto the bed. After a few more passionate kisses, Stephanie felt Henry's fingers on her back, struggling with her bra clips. These soon succumbed to his urgent fumbling and, suddenly, her breasts fell free of their constraining garment and stood proudly forward for Henry's admiring gaze. Stephanie could feel her nipples crinkling with desire and she bent over Henry's face, encouraging him to kiss and suck them; which he did with alacrity! Unable to resist the tides of desire sweeping over her, Stephanie's hand slid inside Henry's boxers and she gave a small gasp of excitement as her fingers closed around his, now fully engorged, cock. Sliding down his body, she pulled the underpants to one side and slid her pink lips over the head of Henry's penis........ (Well as this is not intended as a "kiss and tell," story we will respect the lovers' privacy at this point. I am sure readers can conjure up their own visions of what took place over the next hour or so!!) ......much later, Stephanie was wakened by a gentle knocking on the door. Henry was deeply asleep by her side, so she slid quietly out of bed, gathered her discarded dress from the floor and, slipping it over her head opened the door. A smiling Ginny stood on the other side. "Well," she whispered, "I can see from the state of your hair and make-up that you have been enjoying yourself. Get you things together and come back to our room. Henry will understand when he wakes up." Stephanie quietly went round the room gathering up her clothes from wherever they had ended up and tiptoed out onto the landing, gently shutting the door behind her. She followed Ginny back to the room they had used earlier. Ginny turned eagerly towards her; "so, how did it go; was it good for you?" "Oh Ginny," Stephanie replied excitedly, "I can't tell you how wonderful it was; one orgasm after another. I never realised how it is for women. I can't wait to try again!" "Well you will have to wait until this evening," Ginny smiled back. "Even though we are 'love dolls' for the next few nights, all those who are transformed are expected to keep on top of their day jobs as well. That is why I woke you my girl; it is time to start getting ready to go into the office. You will find it takes much longer to make yourself fit for public view as a woman that it ever did as a man. Oh, and since you ask; my partner wasn't disappointed last night either!" "I'm so sorry Ginny," Stephanie giggled. "I've been on such a high with my own emotions; I totally forgot you went through it all as well. I really do appreciate your accepting the transformation when you didn't have to, just to look after me." "Well that was my principle objective," smiled Ginny, "but I have to confess that when I was a younger man, I really used to pray that my name would be one of those drawn at the monthly lottery. It has been good to be reminded just how much fun it can be once you let yourself go." "I know," replied Stephanie. "When you were telling me that amazing tale yesterday I thought at first you were either mad or a liar. Then when the spell started to work and I realised that everything you had told me was true, I was terrified. Now, I wouldn't have missed it for the world and I know the day is just going to drag by until this evening and I can start all over again!" "Well that is as may be my girl, but the day job beckons. You go and take a shower - I can smell you from here! - and I'll sort out some clothes for you. I took my shower earlier, before wakening you." Stephanie relaxed with a long, hot shower. She washed her hair and bound it in a turban before returning to the bedroom. She took care to wrap the fluffy bath-towel above her bosom, rather than round her waist in the manner in which she, as a man, was accustomed. Ginny had laid out a set of pretty, white lingerie for her and, to her delight; Stephanie found she could fasten her bra without help. Ginny showed her how to put on a pair of sheer tights without laddering them and these were followed by a matching half-slip and a scoop-necked, white top. A grey skirt-suit was hanging on the wardrobe door, so Stephanie removed the skirt from the hanger and stepped into it. Selling the waist band in the correct place, she fastened the clip and side zip, before raising the hem and tugging her slip into place. She smoothed the skirt over her hips and shrugged into the tailored jacket before glancing at herself in the mirror. The image of a professional young woman stared back at her. Her skirt was tailored and fitted snugly, showing off her slim waist, broad hips, and pert bottom. The hem fell just above her knee. All in all just right for the office. Ginny passed her a pair of gold stud earrings, a watch and simple pendant on a gold chain. Donning her jewellery, Stephanie stepped into the black, patent, court shoes that were waiting for her. "I've put things you might need in here," said Ginny, passing her a black handbag. Stephanie opened it. Inside were a compact, pink lipstick, lace-trimmed hanky, "Steve's" wallet and mobile phone; a pack of tissues, and a couple of tampons. She took the latter out and looked enquiringly across at Ginny. "Well you never know when an opportunity might arise, and we wouldn't want you leaking cum all over that nice new skirt now would we?" Stephanie blushed and looked at the floor. However, she did slip the tampons back in her bag! Ginny also looked very nice in a navy blue suit styled more appropriately for a woman of her age. The two of them made a final check of each other's appearance and then left the house to walk to the office. This morning there were more men than usual standing around in the Market Square. Knowing this was the week of transformation, they were eager to see what the new crop of women looked like and to try and advance their chances of enjoying congress with one of them. They smiled and winked at Stephanie and Ginny as they sashayed across to their office. As they passed nearby Steve's lodgings, Stephanie turned to Ginny with a look of horror on her face. "What about Mrs Slythey?" she cried. "'Steve' didn't go home last tonight and then, this evening, I'm going to pitch up looking like this. What is she going to think?" "You don't think you are the first of Mrs Slythey's lodgers to undergo this spell, do you?" Ginny asked. "Doreen knows exactly what has happened to you and won't be expecting to see you again until the week of transformation is over. For the next few nights you will be either sleeping in my house, which we have just left, or in your current lover's bed. Forget about anything to do with 'Steve' until this is all over - other than your work at the office of course," she added with a smile. Everyone at the office treated Stephanie perfectly naturally, as though their colleague had always been female. She set to tackling the pile of work before her and was soon lost in the intricacies of tracking land transfers through a number of ancient and complicated inheritance documents. From time to time she was aware of the limitation in her movements owing to the tightness of her skirt as compared with trousers, and the sound of her heels clacking on the floor was a novelty. Other than that she quickly settled into her new gender as the day passed. Fortunately she remembered to use the ladies lavatory, rather than the gents, and, after the first couple of visits, started to get to grips with the implications of her new plumbing! At the end of the day her phone rang; it was Ginny reminding her that the tradition of an early evening sherry had not changed just because the gender of two of the participants was different. Stephanie quickly went into the Ladies, tidied her hair and freshened her make-up. She may have only been a woman for less than 24 hours, but she had no intention of being disloyal to her fellow sisters by neglecting her appearance. As she approached the door to the Senior Partner's office, Stephanie hesitated and took a deep breath. She then stepped, with an appearance of confidence that wasn't entirely genuine, into the room. Ginny was seated, as usual, behind her desk. Eric and Giles were sitting on a sofa that occupied one wall of the office. Giles rose; poured Stephanie a glass of Amontillado sherry and escorted her over to the sofa. Eric smiled as he vacated his seat and moved across to a chair on the other side of the room. Giles sat down beside Stephanie and chinked glasses with her, smiling warmly into her eyes. With a sudden shock of revelation, Stephanie realised that Giles had probably been selected as her next sexual partner. But he was a colleague and one of her bosses; she couldn't possibly contemplate going to bed with him! Then she started to experience a feeling of excitement growing in her tummy and dampness in her panties. The magical enhancement of her libido was starting to kick in, and she found herself returning Giles' smiles with secret glances of encouragement. Gulping back her sherry in a very unladylike manner, Stephanie noticed, with some surprise, that she really enjoyed the sweeter taste of the amontillado; as a man she much preferred the dryness of a good fino. She looked up to see a smiling Ginny coming towards her with the bottle to top up her glass. "I see the penny has dropped," she laughed. "Yes, Giles is the lucky fellow tonight. I'm not surprised you knocked back your drink so swiftly, but, honestly, the fact that he is one of the partners of the firm and that you are an employee is of no relevance during this week of magical transformation. In fact I am shortly going out for dinner with one of my bitterest rivals, but even our ancient enmity will be put on hold whilst I give him what I hope will be an enjoyable night's entertainment!" Stephanie sipped her second sherry with more caution, but soon found herself turning to Giles and taking his hand in hers. "What do you have planned for us this evening?" she enquired with a naughty little smile. "Well, I thought supper t?te-?-t?te at Marco's," - the local Italian restaurant - "and see how things went from there," he replied. So, taking her arm, he helped Stephanie off the sofa and, returning their glasses to the drinks tray, escorted her from the room. "Have fun," Ginny called out as they exited the room. Stephanie turned her head back towards her and gave her a big wink. Ginny and Eric burst out laughing. Supper at Marco's was a big success. Stephanie found she really enjoyed Giles' company. Although she had been working with him for three weeks, this was the first opportunity the two of them had had for a proper conversation. They quickly discovered they shared a passion for opera and, as all opera-buffs do, spent the next hour or so reminiscing about various singers and productions they had seen and enjoyed. The time sped by and, all too soon; Marco was at their table with the bill. They finished the last of their wine as Giles paid and then left the restaurant arm in arm. "Your place or mine?" smiled Giles. "Well I know Mrs Slythey wouldn't object to us going back to my room," Stephanie mused, "but I imagine your bed will be more comfortable!" So the two lovers hurried off to where Giles lived. His house was one of a short terrace that appeared to date from the early 18th century. Inside it was furnished with beautiful antique furniture and some lovely paintings. "My parents were serious collectors," he told her "and I have been lucky enough to inherit some of their better pieces. My mother was a Stapleton you know and a descendent of one of the founders of our firm. I too enjoy collecting and, in other parts of the house, you can see my more contemporary items. I'll show you if you like." Stephanie walked round the room admiring what she saw. There was a small Cotman watercolour on one wall and a good oil on another that she thought must be by Whistler. Clearly Giles' parents had had both good taste and deep pockets! "I'd love you to show me your pictures and other things some time," she responded, "but surely you didn't bring me here tonight to 'look at your etchings'; I thought you had a much more devious scheme in mind to ensure you have your way with me! Let me warn you I don't intend to put up much of a fight; just enough to maintain a girl's respectability!" Giles laughed and swept her into a big embrace. When they surfaced for air, he quickly led her upstairs to his bedroom. There they wasted no time in disrobing and soon were snuggled together under the covers. As Stephanie returned Giles' caresses, she found that her feelings were very different from those of the previous evening. Then it had been all hot, lustful, and exciting; now she found herself revelling in the gentleness of Giles' love making. He was taking his time to ensure that her arousal corresponded to his and, as they came together, Stephanie groaned with pleasure at the sensation of him sliding deep inside her. They continued to make love most of the night until, eventually, exhaustion overcame them and they fell into a deep sleep, wrapped in each others arms. The sun was well up before they awoke. Giles lent over Stephanie and gave her a lingering kiss. "I'd love to spend the day here in bed with you darling," he sighed, "but it is a long understood part of our tradition that, during the week of transformation, we limit our sexual pleasures to the night-time and make sure we keep on top of out ordinary jobs during the day." "Oh surely there is time for one more moment of pleasure?" Stephanie said, in a sad little voice. Giles smiled. "Yes I think we can indulge ourselves that far," he replied, sliding over on top of her and matching his words with his deeds. The two lovers showered together and returned to the bedroom to dress. Stephanie looked with horror at her crumpled suit. "I can't go into work wearing this," she cried. Not only does it need pressing; no self- respecting woman would turn up for work two days running in the same outfit! I'll have to go back to the Magic Circle House and find something else to wear" "You are really getting inside your new role," Giles laughed. "It's OK; I'll cover for you and tell everyone at the office you will be in for work in about an hour." Stephanie scrambled into her soiled clothes, wrinkling her nose with disgust. As 'Steve' she had often made one complete set of clothes last more than one day - especially when he had 'scored' on an evening out and not returned to his own bed! However, as 'Stephanie' she was repelled at the thought of putting on dirty clothing. She hurriedly gathered her things together; gave Giles a final, lingering kiss, and hurried across town to the Magic House. Fortunately it wasn't too far away and she was soon rummaging through the closets in the room she had shared with Ginny to find something suitable for the office. Her first imperative was to change her underwear and she breathed a sigh of relief as she pulled a pair of ivory silk panties up her legs and fastened the matching bra around her breasts. It was a lovely sunny day and she decided she fancied wearing something a bit lighter and prettier that a skirt suit. After holding up a number of dresses in front of her and checking how they looked in the full-length mirror, she finally settled on a light-blue, crepe dress with long sleeves, a v-neck, and a hemline that fell just above her shapely knees. Excitedly she gathered it up and pulled it over her head. As she settled the dress into place she smiled at her reflection in the mirror, pleased with her choice. Nude hose seemed appropriate and she quickly found a pair of navy-blue court shoes and matching handbag. Looking in the jewellery box on the dressing table, she decided that pearls would complement the outfit she had chosen and found herself a set of large, pearl, stud earrings; a simple rope of smaller pearls for her throat and a pair of bracelets that matched the necklace. The gold, ladies watch she had worn previously was fine, so she put that back on. A quick squirt of perfume, and she was ready. As she took one last look at herself in the mirror, Stephanie reflected that the transformation spell had clearly included an element that had provided her with the skills necessary to make the best of her appearance as a woman. As she walked from the Magic House back to the office, Stephanie thought back over the previous night. Her time with Giles had been on a totally different plane from her experience on the first night of her transformation - enjoyable though that had been. She felt real affection towards Giles and wondered how he felt about her. She didn't have long to wait before finding out. Hardly had she sat down at her desk than Giles appeared in her doorway clutching a file of papers. "Could you find time to look over these?" he stammered. "I'd value a second opinion." Stephanie looked up. Giles' face was bright red and she too could feel a blush rising from her throat. Neither could look the other straight in the eye, but she could feel her heart pounding and an urge building inside her to leap up and grab him in her arms. Of course, being British, she did no such thing, merely looking down at her desk and muttering some inanity to the effect that she would be happy to look over his papers. Giles spluttered out some words of thanks and vanished. However, it was strange how often that during that day the paths of the two lovers took them by each others room. Gradually their embarrassment faded and by lunchtime they were smiling and joking with each other as old friends. "I wonder if it is allowable under the terms of the transformation for me to have one lover more than once in the week?" she mussed. Ginny soon put her straight on that point. At half-past four Stephanie's phone rang; it was Ginny. "Sherry is off tonight," she announced. "You and I have to get ready for a dance at the town hall. Come down to my office at five and we will go and get ready together." As they walked back to the Magic House, Stephanie, somewhat nervously, asked Ginny about the rules regarding love-partners. Ginny explained that, as there were so few transformed girls and consequently the number of men who could enjoy them in the week was severely limited, the Magic Circle had imposed a strict rule of "one night only". Stephanie was devastated; she had so hoped she might be able to spend another night of passion with Giles before her week as a woman was over. Ginny could see she was upset. "I know it's hard," she said "but that is the way it is. You aren't the first transformee to ask that question, nor will you be the last. Was you time with Giles so very special?" "Yes it was," Stephanie replied quietly. "I think I have fallen i

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Breaking the Curse

This is a partial rewrite of a story that I wrote about 2 years ago. Breaking the Curse By Morpheus "Curse it." Prince Caiden growled, pulling a bandage on his arm, disgusted by the sight of blood that soaked through. It wasn't the blood that disgusted him, just the fact that it was his own. And that it shouldn't have been. "He cheated." Caiden growled, glaring around his empty room. Just a short while earlier, Caiden had been sparring in the castle courtyard with one of the...

4 years ago
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The Curse

Dale thought life couldn't get any better. On his 17th birthday, his folks got him an IROC. He had clothes, money, and when he graduated his Dad was going to make him a full brother in the KKK. Dale made like awful for any black kid in his high school. The Principal was one of his Dad's best friends. Everything was going his way. Till the week Marc and Pam DeCroy enrolled in Dale's school. The DeCroys had moved to Georgia after their father's home in the French Quarters of New Orleans...

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A Different Curse

This is my first story. Please let me know if you like this format. Please remember to vote and to leave a comment. Julie Naha was 28 years old and was 5’7′. She had dark brown hair that was long and framed her face. She had brown eyes, a small nose, and medium lips. Her body wasn’t too muscular but she was fit because of her activities. Her breast was a 32B, a firm stomach area, and legs that were somewhat firm. Julie loved to do many things. She loved to hang out with her friends. She also...

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The Fattorusso Curse

This year, my senior year, I’ve had the honor to be in Mrs. Fattorusso’s class. She quickly became my favorite teacher. It took a couple months, but by May, I had become her favorite student. Unfortunately, I started to develop a massive crush on her which made it harder to pay attention in class. That’s when I began staying with Mrs. Fattorusso after school for extra help to ensure my grades wouldn’t slip. I thought it would be awful if liking a teacher was the reason why my grades dropped....

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The Curse

The Curse By S.D. Vine I wasn't really having a good time that night at the bar. Truth be told, I had been practically dragged out in the first place by my best friend Joe, who told me he was tired of me "sitting on (my) ass" every night "finding new ways to be boring." Quite frankly, if this is what qualified as being not boring, I'd rather be bored to tears. To begin with, I'm not much of a drinker, so leaving the house to go to place designed for buying and consuming alcohol...

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BtVS A Demonrsquos Curse

Buffy came home and collapsed on the bed. "Not a great night for slaying," she said to herself as she lay there in the dark room, feeling so tired she was almost sick and could throw up at any moment.This wasn’t the first night that had ended this way.Lately it seemed she was slower to vanquish the demons, and a couple of times she was dangerously close to being one dead Vampire Slayer herself. If it wasn’t for her quick thinking.'It was strange,' she thought, 'I can leave the house so full of...

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The Pharaohs Curse

I was watching a special about Pharaohs of Egypt, and they began talking about one in particular that I found fascinating. They showed a statue Amenhotep IV and I was surprised to see wide hips, narrow waist, and what appeared to be female breasts, on what was supposed to be a male ruler. Well, needless to say, I could see the potential for telling a grand tale of a cursed mummy who transforms victims into female followers. The following is my attempt at entertaining you, and I do...

2 years ago
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Sorcerers Curse

Disclaimer: You really should be 18 to read this so scram if you aren't. Sorcerer's Curse By JR Parz Given he was an only child and raised by his rich aunt, money had never been an issue with him, therefore it didn't come to any great surprise when he decided to take the summer off after he graduated UMASS with a Master's degree. One evening while he was looking for a video to rent at Blockbuster Video, his attention was drawn to a pair of young blonde beauties standing by the...

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The Reverse Curse

Some like the SRU wizard. I've sort of spun up my own version - a gypsy woman named Madam Zelda. She is sometimes helpful, sometimes nasty, and always has some gender-bending effect. I hope you like it. (My first story, entitled Fraternity Drag Ball, featured Madam Zelda. Look for her in future stories. I like her style...) I do like feedback from readers. Leave comments, or e-mail me at [email protected] ***************************************************** The...

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The Venus Curse

The Venus Curse By Lampwickxxx There was nothing in the mail for John that morning. But just as he was turning away from the door he heard a letter drop onto the mat. The postman must have forgotten it and turning back he saw a pink envelope lying on the mat. Picking it up he looked at the crisp black letters and his address. Opening it, he found a single piece of very fine paper inside, the border was gold and in old fashioned writing it had complete jargon. Metaphorsic Venus...

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18 year old curse

Becca Miller rises out of bed early one morning smacking on her alarm to shut it up, she wore a long shirt and panties to bed that's it. usually she's a late sleeper but today? It's special it's her 18th birthday, she's officially an adult now and she plans to go out before the festivities begin she picks out an outfit, a long little bit of a thin blue dress, a sexy thong she's been saving just for today, she almost passed on a bra but realized the dress was a bit see through in the light and...

3 years ago
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The Curse

1. ‘Why don’t you simply confess, you wretched creature of darkness. End this now, and your soul may yet receive the grace of forgiveness when you will be purified by fire.’ She mustered all her strength to lift her head and look him in the eye. Her body was but a sea of pain, she had been ravished, branded, stretched, cut, speared and strangled. Even if her body was broken, her spirit was still victorious. The inquisitor was aghast when he noticed that she even smiled at him, a calm,...

2 years ago
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Maddies Curse

This is an entry in the Valentine’s Day Contest 2008 — if you enjoy the story, please take a moment to cast your vote. * * * There was a sickening sound of screeching tyres followed by a dull thud. The ominous silence that followed sent ice-cold fear racing through Maddie’s veins. Blindly she ran across the street, the gravely tarmac shredding her bare feet – although she barely noticed. Another car stopped and voices buzzed like mosquitoes on the edge of her consciousness. Sasha was lying...

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Disneys Curse

Bladen Disney was at a loss of words. His father Walt Disney had passed away several weeks ago and now Bladen was at the reading of his father's will. His father passed some of his valuables like jewelry to his friends and furniture to his family. He left his home to Bladen's mother Jessica. That wasn't why Bladen was at a loss of words though. His father had left Bladen his most valuable possession. He left Bladen his empire. He left him his company for Bladen to run. Bladen of course was...

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The Curse

She sat across the table from me with her hands folded on it. Her eyes followed a cockroach that was crawling up the wall, and her young face was drawn and pale. When I had found her, she was on the brink of death, lying in an alley off the strip in Las Vegas. I had gone in to take a piss before going to my car after work.*It wasn’t until I almost tripped over her that I saw her, a small figure lying on her side barely breathing. My first thought was to call an ambulance, but when I knelt down...

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Maidens Curse

Maiden's Curse by: Prudence Walker Bob was pissed; his date had failed to show. She had arranged to meet him at the opening of the refurbished museum. They had first met at a bar, only two days prior to the opening. They had seemed to hit it off and Bob had been confident that, this time, he would make a go of it. Now it seemed that his luck with women was running true to form. Wandering alone in the museum, refusing to fall into his usual despondency, he lost himself in the...

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Daughters Curse

Daughter's Curse At first I thought I was having a stroke. I remember thinking, you're only 48 years old and your parents are still alive and healthy. This can't be happening. But when I tried to get out of bed, I couldn't move my right side. Then I realized I couldn't move my left side and for some strange reason, that made me feel better. My vision seemed to be fading too - everything was turning golden in a kind of tunnel-vision effect. But then the sides of my face began to get...

3 years ago
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This is a story of a cursed house. It seem anyone one who moves in gets "strange" urges that slowly get more and more intense till they must be fulfilled. For the past 10 years the house has remained empty but the sales agency has kept it up so it is still in nice condition. Other than the curse there is nothing odd about the house. The curse that is on the house is that of incest. Any family that moves in gets the urge to seduce other members of their family. More time in the house makes the...

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The Fcking Transformation Curse

This is an anthology story of people with a curse. The speciality of the curse is that the unlucky person transforms into an exact clone of another subject they were thinking of whenever they get aroused! So yeah, this means men transforming into their own fap-off material :) Or women turning into the hunky crushes next door xD The curse works by reciting some magic words in a foreign language and picturing the targeted person in your head. So it is even good for some little revenge too :) The...

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Harry Potter and the Imperius Curse

“Dilligrout!” he half-shouted. “Alright. Alright,” and the portrait swung open and he climbed through. Entering the room, he saw that the fire had burned out and everyone had already headed to bed, all except Hermione who was sprawled across a chair by the fire lying with her head resting on the arm, nestled in a pile of library books. Smiling, Harry walked over and went to wake her up, but he stopped, noticing what she was reading: “Illegal magic is often hard to trace, especially within...

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Butterfly Curse

Butterfly Curse Written by Dauphin [email protected] I always hated my name! Why do parents call their children strange names? Do they not realise that these names stick with children all their life? I am 11 and I also want to change my name. My mother called me Harper and I am a boy. Besides me hating my name, I had the perfect life. I had a good mother that was not an evil bitch, or worried too much about us. She gave us freedom and...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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The Gumball Machine Curse

Gumball Machine Curse By: Set3 Hey there reader. Since you are reading this, I can get away with calling you "reader" regardless of what your name is, so there! ... Sorry. I'm still a little frazzled from what happened to me, with being cursed and all. However I guess I got off light compared to what I heard some others got cursed. Anyway, my therapist says that getting my ordeal written down would help some and while I'm hesitant, my girlfriend, as in a girl who is just a friend,...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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The Neighbors Curse

The Neighbors Curse By Morpheus Leanne Baker quickly walked down the busy sidewalk, surrounded by people on all sides, though she barely noticed any of them. However she smiled smugly, knowing that they were all noticing her. They always did, which of course was what she wanted. The men drooled while the women glared in envy, much to her delight. Of course Leanne couldn't blame them from staring at her. After all she was gorgeous. She was 5 foot 9 and a half, with long shapely legs....

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The Ancient Curse

“If I might advise you, Miss Carstairs-Browne, I don’t think you should be alone in Carstairs Manor. I mean, a great rambling place with not even a servant left.” “I know Mr.Roberts,” I said, smiling, “and I know the story that is told about the curse, but you see, I don’t believe in old curses.” I was talking to Mr.Roberts, the agent who managed Carstairs Manor and land. It had fallen to me to inherit the crumbling old house and the few remaining acres of what had once been a huge estate. I...

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Family Curse

Family Curse By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold & Barry G. Chapter 1 Alyssa Strasburg poured herself another drink as she glanced at the clock. It was just a few minutes before midnight. She nervously took a sip of...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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The Bethlem Curse

My name is Edward Verde. I was once held with some regard within high society, but my fall from grace began when some friends and I went to an opium den. This was quite the daring thing to do around London during 1862. We went to try our luck with the eastern dragon.My friends at the time made sure I had plenty to smoke, being one of the more reserved out of our troupe, they thought it would be good sport to see me completely under its spell. Little did I know that this produce of the devil's...

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My Girlfriends Kinky Curse

The nice little New England suburban area looks nice in the spring, all of the trees and bushes are getting back their leaves and the houses all match. That is except for the house coming up ahead which looks old and ratty. You remember how kids would joke about how the old lady who lives there was a real life witch. As your bike rides close to it, your front wheel hits a part of the pavement that is sticking out and it sends you careening to her from yard. You knock over her collection of...

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Laras Curse

Lara is your normal 18 year old girl with the exception that when a hand is placed on her she can be transformed into anything just by strongly thinking of what you want to turn her into. She was 7 years old when the curse was first noticed, she was playing with her twin sister Abby, Abby had her hand on Lara and was thinking about how much she wanted another doll to play with and in flash Lara was a doll, even through the change was over in an instant Lara could feel the change, she couldn't...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening

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