The Reverse Curse free porn video

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Some like the SRU wizard. I've sort of spun up my own version - a gypsy woman named Madam Zelda. She is sometimes helpful, sometimes nasty, and always has some gender-bending effect. I hope you like it. (My first story, entitled Fraternity Drag Ball, featured Madam Zelda. Look for her in future stories. I like her style...) I do like feedback from readers. Leave comments, or e-mail me at [email protected] ***************************************************** The Reverse Curse Tim Larson smiled to himself in anticipation. The West-Tech lothario was about to strike again. His reputation on campus was almost legendary - certainly so among his fraternity brothers. But that had its drawbacks too. Getting a date with a co-ed was next to impossible. They all knew his reputation. Even though Tim was considered attractive by the girls, and a smooth talker, his reputation for conquests scared most of them off. And so he considered himself lucky to have met his next victim. Browsing in a new little curiosity shop, Madam Zelda's, he happened on a lovely little assistant, Nikki. It turned out she was Madam Zelda's daughter. But when Tim went to pick up Nikki, Madam Zelda greeted him at the door. Gold- capped teeth, long dark hair, kerchief, swirling Gypsy clothes - she looked the part of a gypsy fortune teller. "My daughter is not one of your usual toys," Madam Zelda hissed at him. Tim was taken aback. He felt a sudden chill, as if Madam Zelda had just gazed into his soul. "Okay," he answered nervously. Then Nikki came out the door, and Tim's breath was taken away. At the shop, she had looked the part of a gypsy, like her mom. But now - she was a knockout. Tim's heart raced as he thought of fondling her ample bosom, and of what delights awaited him in her panties. As he opened the car door for Nikki, he glanced over his shoulder, and saw Madam Zelda giving him a look which almost unnerved Tim. But the night had gone according to plan. A nice dinner, a romantic movie (Tim hated them, but it did seem to put women in the mood), and a quiet stroll on the beach. And before Nikki knew it, she and Tim were rolling in the sand, kissing. As Tim's hand began to fondle Nikki's boobs, he heard a sudden noise, like a gypsy's cackling laugh. Tim sat up, startled. "What was that?" he asked nervously. Nikki giggled as she pulled Tim back toward her. "I didn't hear anything." She grasped Tim's hand and placed it back on her boob. "You're just nervous 'cause of Mom." Tim let Nikki settle his mind. Besides, there were more important things - like getting in Nikki's panties. ******************* Tim gave Nikki a long, deep kiss before he crawled out of the car. She had been easy, and very willing. And pretty good, too, he thought. Quickly, he circled the car and opened her door. A quick walk to the porch, then stop for another deep passionate kiss. And the door opened suddenly, flooding Tim with light bright enough to momentarily blind him. "In the house," Madam Zelda's voice commanded. As if stung, Nikki practically leaped through the door, leaving Tim alone on the porch facing Madam Zelda. "So," she cackled ominously, "you decided to ignore my warning?" Tim shivered nervously. "She is over 18," Tim said timidly as he tried to turn to leave. "Stop!" Madam Zelda commanded. And Tim froze in place, unable to move, even though getting away from the old gypsy was all he wanted to do. "You and your games! You treat my daughter like you treat all women - for your pleasure alone!" "That's not true," Tim protested weakly, knowing that it was. The old gypsy tipped back her head and cackled. "Madam Zelda knows all. Madam Zelda knows how you treat women. It is of no concern how you treat other girls." Tim started to breathe a sigh of relief. "But my daughter is not other girls!" Madam Zelda hissed. Tim gulped. This woman was getting scary, and he wanted more than anything to leave. "What are you going to do, kill me?" Tim managed to ask, afraid of what the answer might be. The old gypsy laughed the wicked laugh again. "Kill you? Oh, no, Tim Larson. But for a lover-boy like yourself, your fate may make you wish I had!" And suddenly, Madam Zelda's hands danced in a frantic motion as she incanted something strange. She brought her hands together, and a glowing firefly of light appeared at her fingertips, then leaped into Tim's chest. Tim stood, dazed, frightened beyond belief, staring at the point on his chest where the light had struck him. He looked back up, toward the old woman. But she was gone - as if she had never been there. The porch was dark, the house lights were all off. Tim suppressed a shudder, then crawled back into his car. All the way back to the frat house, he glanced nervously in the mirror, flinched at the way the breeze made the shadows dance eerily on the road, unable to shake the feeling that something was following him. Finally, he made it back okay, and breathed a sigh of relief as he let himself into his own room. Tim's roommate, Rod Jones, was sprawled on his bed, oblivious to the world. Probably another wild party, Tim thought. At least he'd never upchucked in their room. Tim didn't turn the lights on, preferring not to wake Rod. Instead, he stripped to his shorts and slipped into bed. "So how was she?" Rod called out softly. He hadn't been asleep. Or passed out. Tim shuddered. "Okay, I guess." "Okay? Okay?" Rod asked in disbelief. "That's all you can say? The man who usually describes every detail? Every curve? Okay?" Tim picked himself up on one elbow. "She was nice. And good." He flopped back on his bed, sighing heavily. Rod was now curious. "So what else?" He propped himself up. "Man, you're acting like you're either in love, or totally rattled." Tim flinched inwardly. "Her mom was really spooky," he finally said. "Some gypsy lady. Runs a little curiosity shop. She got really upset with me." Rod's eyes were wide open. "Madam Zelda?" "How did you know?" Rod bit his lip. "Tim, old boy, you may have bitten off more than you can chew with this one. There's some pretty strange tales going around about Madam Zelda." He lowered his voice. "Some black magic, they say." Tim felt the goosebumps raise on his arms, felt the hairs on his neck raise. Rod was about as skeptical as you could imagine. For him to sound nervous meant one of two things - one, he was in on the gag to get Tim's goat, or two, there really was something to the 'curse'. ****************** Tim woke late and shook his head to clear the cobwebs. Rod was already gone - probably down to the shop to work on his car. Tim suddenly remembered the night's events, and he shuddered. He glanced at himself nervously to reassure himself that it had been a dream. But everything seemed to be in order. Even his precious equipment seemed none the worse for wear. Tim grabbed his towel and headed for the shower. After toweling himself off, Tim pulled on some casual clothes. Already, he was feeling less frightened about the old gypsy. As he turned to leave the room, hoping to find something in the kitchen, he happened to glance at Rod's prize poster. Rod had met a world-famous stripper - Traci Topps - one summer on a cruise - the annual Boob Cruise, and had gotten an autographed picture, which he promptly had enlarged into a poster. And Tim had to admit that Traci was hot. She had that 'come-hither' look to her, with large luscious boobs, a nice tight ass, and a mouth that practically begged for kissing. Or more. Tim stared at the picture, and smiled to himself. She was hot, he thought. Already, he could feel himself starting to appreciate the 'artwork'. And then something felt hideously wrong! Tim started to feel an erection, but then it suddenly felt like it was growing into him! He grasped frantically at his crotch, and found it empty! And as he stared down at the smooth pants, he saw his chest starting to balloon outward. The room seemed to grow, slowly, but Tim knew that wasn't the case. At least mentally, he knew it! He knew that he was shrinking, losing height slowly! He found himself cupping the protrusions on his chest, as if his hands could contain the growth, keep them from getting bigger even as he watched. In his peripheral vision, Tim saw locks of hair descending around his face, long and blond. "What the hell is happening to me?" he cried, and flinched at the sound of his voice, soft and high-pitched and ultra-feminine. After what seemed an eternity, but was really only a couple of minutes, the changes stopped. Tim stood, terrified of what had happened, but taking note of the changes. He was now in a female body. That much was easy to figure out. Big boobs, long blond hair, narrow waist. Somehow, his clothes had changed as well. Instead of the polo shirt, he was wearing a sexy sweater, with a bra underneath. His Dockers had changed into a casual skirt, and his tennis shoes had become high-heeled pumps. Tim looked into the mirror, and nearly fainted. He was hot. Very hot. Soft brown eyes, full pouty lips, cute little nose with a slight upturn. Hot. "The curse!" Tim muttered to himself, still not believing the voice ringing in his ears. And Tim knew what he had to do. He had to find Madam Zelda. Fast. Tim turned to get out of the room, to his car. And something caught his eye. On his bed, he saw a purse. Tim grabbed the purse, then practically ran from the room. One of the guys was leaving the shower, still half-drunk from the night before and not aware that his towel had slipped from his waist. He nearly ran into Tim, and his eyes popped wide open. He smiled appreciatively, seeing the beauty fleeing the frat house. "Tim strikes again," he muttered to himself. For some reason, Tim glanced down as he nearly ran over his frat brother. And Tim felt a shudder course through his body - something he had never experienced. And to Tim's horror, in his mind, he thought that the guy would probably be pretty good. **************** Tim banged on the door loudly again. Still no answer. He knew it was the gypsy's fault, whatever had happened to him. And she wasn't home. Tim spun from the steps and crawled into his car, aware somehow that his movements were completely unladylike. But he didn't particularly care right now. Like a madman, Tim drove to Madam Zelda's curiosity shop. It was with relief that he saw the 'open' sign in the window. Angrily, he stormed into the shop, hearing the little bell going tinkle to announce his presence. "Ah, I figured I'd see you today, Mr. Larson." Tim spun to face the gypsy woman. "What have you done to me?" he demanded angrily. The old woman cackled. "You enjoy treating women like objects of desire? Now every time you have such a desire, you will become a woman!" Tim gasped. "You can't do this to me!" he protested weakly. Madam Zelda looked at him, a wicked grin on her face. "Madam Zelda can do whatever she wants." A shudder went down Tim's spine. He knew that she had him. How could he report a magical change? Who would believe him? "How long are you going to do this to me?" The old gypsy woman smiled at Tim. "So, you realize your predicament, eh?" She laughed again. "Good. But I'm afraid you don't yet know all of your troubles. You see, whenever you become aroused, you will become a woman. You can become yourself again merely by being the object of a man's lustful needs." She paused, watching as Tim paled. "In your terms, you will need to have sex as a woman to change back." " a woman? With a man?" Tim's mind spun at the implications. "Oh, yes!" the old woman cackled. "But there's more! If you don't have sex within 6 hours, the change will become permanent! So you have about four hours to get laid! This time!" She cackled and spun off, leaving Tim standing dazed. ****************** Tim was near panic. He had driven about aimlessly, wondering what he was going to do. According to the old woman, he needed to get laid within the next couple of hours, or it was goodbye Tim forever. So preoccupied was he that he didn't even see the red light as he drove through it. But he couldn't miss the flashing lights and siren of the cop who had noticed. Tim angrily smacked the steering wheel as he pulled to the side of the road. Suddenly, Tim had cause for worry. The cop, a large balding man with a slight pot belly, was walking slowly up to the car. They were pulled over in a rather deserted part of town. And Tim remembered what he looked like. "Afternoon, maam," the cop said nonchalantly as he leaned over the car, peering in the window. "Good afternoon, officer," Tim said meekly, glancing up to confirm that the lecherous old man was staring into his cleavage. He shuddered involuntarily as he realized the implications of the man's stares. "What seems to be the problem?" The officer smiled. "You missed a red light back there, miss. I'd like to see your license, please." Nervously, Tim opened his purse, then pulled out his wallet and handed the license to the cop. All the while, the cop was watching him, staring into Tim's deep cleavage. "Tina Larson. Well, Miss Larson, I'll have to take you in for reckless driving." "For missing a red light?" Tim was stunned. This couldn't be happening. "I've really got an important ... um ... meeting, and I can't be late!" Tim found himself near tears. "Will that take very long? I just can't be late!" Tim spoke the truth - if he didn't find some way to get laid, and soon, it would be too late. For Tim. "You know, I really hate to do it, too. It'll take a long time to process the paperwork, fill out the forms. And I was so hoping to get home early today..." Tim knew what was going through the man's mind. But he also knew that if he was taken in, the threatened time would be too long, and the changes would be permanent. He felt trapped, knowing he had no choice, knowing what the officer wanted. "Are you sure you have to take me in? I haven't had a ticket before. Isn't there anything you can do?" he asked, knowing even as the words came out what was going to happen. The cop licked his lips, grinning. "I might be able to overlook this, just this once. If..." Tim shuddered inwardly. "I would be ever so grateful," he said, trying to sound sexy. "And I'd love to make it up to you." He was committed. No turning back. Tim's male ego wanted to scream. But he knew he was in a box. If he didn't do this, he'd be stuck as a woman forever. "How about if you just pull into that alley up there," the cop suggested. "Then we'll see how grateful you are." Tim pasted on a fake smile, and eased the car forward and into the alley. The cop pulled in directly behind him, and gestured for Tim to get out of the car. Tim met the officer between the cars. "How about you put your hands on your trunk, then spread your legs nice and wide?" The officer was unzipping his pants even as he spoke. It was all Tim could do to force himself to comply. He slid his panties down his legs, then stepped out of them. Tim screwed his eyes shut, clenching his jaw, trying to think of anything to distract himself from what was happening - he was being raped! By this fat old cop! Just so he could get back to being a man. He turned toward the trunk of the car, pointing his pert little ass toward the cop, as he leaned over the trunk and spread his legs wide. "Oh, yeah!" the cop said eagerly as he lifted Tim's skirt, exposing his round ass. Tim felt the cop's hand slip into his crotch, then a sudden warmth spread through his body, numbing his overloaded and battered male ego. Automatically, Tim felt his hips swaying, his body pressing down harder onto the cop's hand, eager to get more stimulation, even as his mind rebelled and screamed inwardly. He hated himself for letting this happen, for being trapped in this female body. But mostly, Tim hated himself for letting this body get aroused, hot and wet, at the touch of the cop! He hated the conflict at how the body was responding, as if it were on auto-pilot, while his mind was shocked at the fact that a man's touch was getting him horny. A major part of Tim's mind withdrew, sealing itself off, isolated from the sensations. And even as the cop continued to touch Tim's new clit, the cop slid his erect manhood between Tim's legs. Tim gasped as the firm shaft slid easily into his wet and aroused pussy. Tim felt the pumping as the cop thrust again and again. Suddenly, Tim was overcome with waves of the most intense pleasure he had ever felt, ripples of pure ecstacy, as he experienced his first female orgasm. And within moments, the cop's dick pulsed frantically, pumping hot cum into Tim. ************************ Tim, now restored to his male body, slipped silently through the halls of the frat house. He opened the door to his and Rod's room, then quickly turned away from Rod's poster. The memory of what it had done to him, and the humiliation he had subsequently suffered at the hands of that horny fat cop, made him avoid even a quick glance at the sexy poster. He turned off the light, then plopped heavily into a chair, feeling like he was going to cry. First, he had been turned into a girl. Then, a gypsy woman told him he'd have to have sex. Then a cop had coerced him into sex. Fortunately, it took ten or fifteen minutes after the sex for the change to start. Tim shuddered to think what the officer would have done if he had changed back into a man where the cop could see. Rod wasn't home yet - after all, it was Saturday night, and there was probably a party somewhere. Tim quickly stripped and slid into bed. It might be early, but he felt like he'd been through the wringer. Tim fell asleep quickly, but it was a fitful sleep, haunted by the memories of the day. Becoming a woman, discovering the curse, being fucked by a cop. And in his dreams, Tim kept seeing his transformed image - Tina. He - she - was in a sexy and suggestive pose, wearing a skimpy red lace teddy. When Tim rolled over, he saw another image. Himself - as Tina - tanning herself by the pool, wearing a thong bikini which left little to the imagination. Again and again, he saw himself as Tina, in various poses, always wearing sexy revealing outfits. Tim finally snapped awake. And knew she was in trouble. She could tell by the weight on her chest. Her hands shot up to her boobs, confirming her worst fears. Tina sat up in bed, the sheet draped across her naked boobs, panic on her face. How long had she been like this? She searched for the nightstand, and grabbed Tim's watch. Two thirty. She had gone to bed about nine. Tina gasped. In the worst case, assuming he had transformed right after going to bed, she had only half an hour to get laid. Or be Tina for the rest of her life. Tina fought the rising fears. She still had some time. How much, she didn't know exactly. And she was in a house full of guys. Any one of them should be able to do the job. Tina wanted to throw up, the thoughts of fucking her fraternity brothers was so abhorrent. But she knew she had no choice. Tina stood, realizing that she was totally naked except for her panties. A quick glance confirmed that none of Tim's clothes had changed - only what he had been wearing. Not knowing what else to do, she grabbed a bath towel and wrapped it around herself, hoping it looked alluring. Then she took a deep breath, mustered up as much courage as she could, and stepped out into the hall. Tina didn't get two steps from Tim's door before she was noticed. She spun, startled, when a guy whistled at her. "You scared me," she protested, trying to calm her beating heart. The guy grinned. "Sorry, but well, er, I couldn't help noticing." Tina steeled herself, knowing what she had to do. Inside her mind, Tim was screaming in silent protest, enduring the agonizing humiliation, trying to isolate himself from the experiences. But another part of his mind was in control, acting logically and with great determination. Determination to get sex and return to Tim's male body. Whatever the cost. "What, you mean you noticed me all wrapped up like this? Would this be better?" She unfastened the towel and spread it wide open, bareing her huge boobs at the poor guy. His eyes widened, and his jaw dropped open. Tina sauntered sexily up to him, flipped the towel around his neck, and pulled his face down into her cleavage. "Is the view any better from down there?" The guy mumbled yes, still stunned. Tina let go of the towel and patted his crotch. "How about if I get a peek at that?" Inwardly, Tim was crying, screaming in protest at what he was doing. But he couldn't control this part of himself, his alter ego. All he could do was watch, knowing that Tina was firmly in control when it came to sex. And Tim had to trust that Tina would get Tim's body back. Tina led the guy to his room, and even before the door had closed, had slipped off her panties. Still half dazed, the guy frantically stripped, revealing his bulging male organ. Tina sat down on his bed, then laid back, invitingly. She didn't have to make a second suggestion. The guy practically leaped upon her, his erect penis aimed squarely for Tina's receptive hole. *************** Tim crawled back into bed, tired. Fortunately, his frat brother had fallen asleep almost immediately after sex, so Tina was able to slip back into Tim's room easily. Tim waited anxiously until he felt the changes start, then he breathed a sigh of relief. That one had been close. He realized, to his dismay, that his own dreams might betray him, causing him to become aroused even as he slept. And if, for some reason, he didn't wake up, he was doomed. Tim hardly slept the rest of the night. Tim tried to force himself to eat some breakfast, but he didn't feel too hungry. "Yo, Tim!" Bull Henshaw called, slapping Tim on the shoulders as he slid into a chair. "You party last night?" Tim shook his head. "I think I'm coming down with a cold or something. I didn't feel much like partying last night." Bull slurped some coffee. "Too bad man. For you, that is." He couldn't wipe that stupid smile from his face. "If you'd have been in the game, I wouldn't have gotten so lucky last night." Tim gulped. It had been Bull. He hadn't been dreaming. "You? Got lucky?" Bull was a bit slow, and notoriously bad with women. Bull's grin widened. "Yeah. I mean, I wasn't even trying! Some girl was just in our house man. And when I noticed her, she came on to me!" Catcalls and boos greeted Bull's story. None of the frat brothers would believe this one. But Tim, usually the first to poke fun at Bull, was strangely silent. "No, really! And she had big hooters! I guess I was just what she was looking for. And did I ever leave her satisfied!" Bull sat back, pleased with himself. The other frat brothers let Bull know that they didn't believe his story. But Tim just sat there, thinking to himself that Bull knew nothing about pleasing a woman. And then wondering where that thought had come from. The rest of the day, Tim spent studying. He wouldn't even watch the football game with the other guys. And Tim wasn't just studying, but he was diligently trying to understand Calculus. Far ahead of his assignments. It was as if he thought that by burying himself in the most boring subject imaginable, he would be able to prevent any thoughts which might trigger the change. Another night early in bed. Another fitful night sleep. Tim awakened himself almost every hour, checking himself, scared that he would find he had changed. Now for the big challenge, Tim thought. Classes. On a campus which seemed to select co-eds based on their looks and sex appeal. Tim groaned to himself as he pulled on some clothes, still careful not to look at Rod's poster. "You look terrible," Rod commented as he stared at Tim through half-open eyes. Tim moaned. "I don't feel so hot," he answered. "Might be food poisoning or something." Rod frowned. "Better not be catching," he said sternly. "I'd hate to get whatever you got." Tim closed his eyes for a second. "I don't think there's any chance of that," he finally said. Unless you bump into Madam Zelda, he added silently. *************** "Hey Tim, wait up!" Tim turned slowly. Not only was he fatigued, but he wanted to be careful about where he looked. He was relieved to see Sandy Turner running toward him. "Oh, hi Sandy." Sandy was a friend. Just a friend. Not a beauty queen, not anyone he'd ever lusted after. In fact, Tim had never even entertained the notion of an impure thought toward Sandy. It wasn't that she was ugly or fat. She was just a run-of-the-mill girl. Sandy stepped right into stride beside Tim. "You look terrible," she said between breaths. Tim snorted. "So I've been told." A worried look crossed Sandy's face. "You haven't been yourself all week," she commented. "You look run down, the guys say you haven't been partying, and you've been studying a lot. That's not like you, Tim." She waited for Tim to answer, but he stayed silent. "Is there something wrong?" she finally asked. Tim shook his head slowly. "Nothing that you can help with." He was staring at the ground, afraid to look up for fear he'd see a girl and get horny. Sandy walked silently with Tim for a while. "You want to have a cup of coffee after class? My treat?" Tim's head snapped up. "Class? Sociology? Human sexuality? Oh, shit!" Sandy saw what she thought was a look of terror on his face. "Listen, Sandy, can I get notes from you? I, um, er, something's come up." Before she could say anything, Tim fled. ***************** Sandy plopped down on her bed, staring at Tim, who was slumped in her stuffed chair. "Something's wrong, isn't it." she said confidently. Tim had come by to get the sociology notes, and she had persuaded him to sit and rest. Tim waved his hand dismissively. But Sandy saw through his tough-guy act. "Don't deny it," she said sternly. "Your fraternity brothers are getting a bit worried about you. You look like you haven't slept for two days." "Six," Tim corrected softly. Sandy's eyebrows shot up at the revelation. "You haven't been to any parties, you haven't had any dates, you skip the greatest class on campus, and you are working your butt off in Calculus." She crossed her arms in emphasis. "Now if that's not something wrong, I don't know what is." Tim stared at the wall for a long time, knowing that he really did have a problem, but unsure whether to unburden himself. Finally, he vented a heavy sigh. "You're right, I do have a problem." Sandy suppressed the triumphant smile - she had been right. "But I don't know if you can help me with it." Sandy moved to the arm of the chair and placed her hand reassuringly on Tim's shoulder. "Why don't you try me?" she said softly. Tim looked up into her eyes, then nodded. "You know that little curiosity shop? Madam Zelda's?" Sandy, puzzled, nodded. "Last Friday, I had a date with Madam Zelda's daughter, Nikki. Madam Zelda threatened me when I picked her up, but I, well, you know." Sandy nodded her understanding. "You had sex with her." Tim nodded. "Yup. And when I took her home, Madam Zelda cast some type of spell on me." Tim noticed the disbelief spreading on Sandy's face. "No, really! Whenever I get horny, I turn into a girl. And to turn back, I have to get laid within a few hours." Sandy stood, her face a mix of amusement and disbelief. "Tim Larson, that's got to be the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard!" She paced back and forth, then plopped back on the bed. For several long seconds, she stared at him. "I should kick your butt for that story." Tim closed his eyes, suddenly sorry he had told Sandy. "Except," Sandy continued. Tim's eyes snapped open. "Except that I've heard some strange stories about Madam Zelda." Tim felt a wave of relief sweep over him. "I thought I was going to go crazy," he said softly. Sandy snorted. "Yeah, well maybe it's catching. Because I've got to be crazy to believe that story of yours." She sat forward, a stern look on her face. "You're not pulling my leg, now, are you?" Tim shook his head sadly. "I can prove it, if you'd like." "How?" Tim sighed. "Just get me aroused." Sandy's jaw dropped. Then she crawled back onto the arm of the chair. "You don't know how long I've waited to hear that, Tim." She unbuttoned her blouse, unhooked her bra, and lifted Tim's hand to caress her breast. At the same time, Sandy leaned over Tim and began to nibble on his ear and kiss his neck. Sandy's own breathing got hard as she felt her nipples harden. And then a cascade of blonde hair spilled down around her face, temporarily blinding and confusing her. She pulled back. And gazed at Tina. Tim was gone. Where he had been sitting was a blonde- haired, big-titted young woman. "Oh, my God!" Sandy screamed softly. "Surprise!" Tina said quietly. "Sandy, meet Tina." Sandy just stared. "Tim? Oh, my gosh, this is impossible!" Tina shook her head sadly. "I wish it were. I told you." Sandy looked more carefully. "You're still Tim?" Tina nodded. "I'm still Tim." "Oh, my god!" Sandy mouthed again. "I can't believe this! Tim - you look fabulous! I mean, even your clothes changed!" "I wish you'd stop saying that," Tim muttered angrily. Sandy stopped. "So, now what?" Tina snorted. "I told you. I have to get laid within the next 6 hours, or this is permanent." Tina closed her eyes, resting for a bit. Finally, she reopened them. "Can I ask another favor Sandy?" "Sure." "Can I borrow a room key, and have some privacy?" "You want to have sex? In my room?" Tina shrugged. "I can't go back to the house looking like this, can I." Sandy grinned. "I guess not. Okay, you can borrow my room." She grabbed her purse and dug out a spare key. "So, how are you going to do this?" Tina had a weary expression. "Easy. I'll just go to the student union, and pick up the first poor dumb freshman who trips over his tongue." "You've done this before, haven't you," Sandy accused. Tina just closed her eyes and nodded softly. "Twice. The first time was a cop that stopped me. The second time was Bull." Tina opened her eyes, and Sandy saw the tears forming. "You've got to help me, Sandy!" Tina was pleading now, tired and desperate. "I can't go on like this!" Sandy smiled gently. "Okay, I'll try. First things first. You haven't slept in days. How about you take a nap for a couple of hours. Then you can work on changing back. Just lay down, and I promise I'll wake you in three hours." Tina looked at Sandy, and smiled. Tears of appreciation were welling up as Tina lay down. "Thanks. I owe you big time." *********************************** "Hey, Tim!" Tim stopped, and turned slowly, still looking downward. Only when he was sure he wouldn't see other distractions did he lift his eyes. "Oh, hi Frank." Tim breathed a sigh of relief. They were outside the Math building, and there weren't many women nearby. Which meant that the risk of changing was minimal. "What's up?" "Haven't seen much of you lately." Tim just shrugged. Frank went on. "Word is you've been spending most of your time with Sandy." "Guess I have," Tim answered noncommittally. Frank shook his head. "Must be serious. Everyone has noticed." Tim shrugged again. "She's a good friend." Frank didn't know the half of it. Without Sandy's help, Tim would be a basket case by now. "Sure," Frank snorted. "Everyone has noticed. Rhonda was asking about you the other night. She thinks you're unavailable." He grinned. "I think she misses you." Tim started to smile, remembering Rhonda's luscious body. Then he caught himself, and slammed his eyes shut, concentrating on anything but Rhonda, afraid that he had just slipped, waiting for the inevitable changes. But nothing happened. Finally, he opened his eyes. Frank grinned. "She said to tell you she'd be looking for you Saturday night." He chuckled. "Damn, I envy you man. A girl like Rhonda has the hots for you!" He held out his hands in front of his chest, exaggerating her ample breasts. "And I hear she gives a good blowjob!" Tim flinched visibly. His mind raced, thinking of a calculus problem, settling on a triple integral in spherical coordinates, hoping that it would be enough of a distraction. He was silent for a moment as he concentrated, and then relaxed as he realized that he had dodged another bullet. "Saturday night?" he finally asked, puzzled. Frank shook his head. "Saturday. The big party. The biggest social event at the house this semester." "Oh, shit!" Tim said, looking upward as his eyes closed. "I forgot about it." "No kidding!" Frank stopped and looked at Tim. "Man, you look like shit. You've been AWOL from parties for the last few weeks, haven't had any girls, you look like you're half-dead, you're studying all the time - at least, when you're not with Sandy. Is something wrong?" Tim shook his head slowly, knowing that he couldn't tell Frank. "It's nothing," he said sadly. "Tim," Frank said softly, his voice full of concern, "we are your brothers. If there's a problem..." Tim looked at Frank, and knew the concern was genuine. But he still couldn't tell Frank. "I know. And I appreciate it. But it's nothing you can do anything about." Frank nodded, a tight-lipped smile on his face. "We all knew something was bothering you. Family problems or something?" Tim forced a thin smile. "Something like that." He turned toward the women's dorm, toward Sandy's room, his only refuge. Then he turned back. "Thanks. I appreciate it." As Tim approached Sandy's room, he thought he heard shouting. Girls shouting. Arguing. It got louder as he approached Sandy's door. He recognized Sandy's voice, so he paused by her door, listening. "If I want him, he's mine!" Tim recognized Rhonda's voice. "You keep out of my way!" Sandy yelled right back. "He's not yours, so back off!" "He's not yours, either, then!" Rhonda screamed. "At least I've got something to interest him!" Sandy didn't take the insult lightly. "Well, maybe Tim decided that he likes a little more than a big-boobed blonde bimbo!" Tim smiled to himself, knowing that these two women were fighting over him. He thought of the two of them, maybe mud-wrestling, fighting, with the winner taking him. Skimpy bikinis, Rhonda's big boobs flopping around as Sandy tore it off. He drifted off in thought, then suddenly realized what he had just done. He sighed as he felt the changes, felt his chest get heavy as he grew boobs, felt the hair brushing his shoulders as it lengthened. He was completely changed to Tina when Rhonda stomped out of Sandy's room. "Hi," she said to Rhonda as she stormed by. Rhonda glared at him, sized Tina up quickly, then thrust her chest out to emphasize her figure and her assets and stomped off. Tina slipped through Sandy's door, then slumped on her bed. "Hi, Sandy," she said, sounding dejected. Sandy's features were clouded with anger, but they softened when she recognized Tina. "Oh, hi. I see you've been thinking about me again." Tina stared for a moment, then tipped back her head and laughed. "I guess I was," she answered. "Sort of." Sandy's eyebrows lifted. "Sort of? How long do you have?" "Just happened," Tina answered. Sandy's eyes widened. "So you heard us fighting? And you..." Tina nodded, smiling. "I couldn't help it." Sandy sat down beside Tina, and put her hand on Tina's. "Sorry. How many times has it been? Twenty?" Tina buried her face in her hands. "Something like that." Sandy saw the tears forming in the corners of Tina's eyes. "It's been what - nine weeks? Ten?" She looked up at Sandy, then the tears and sobs started in earnest. Tina buried her head on Sandy's shoulder. "I can't go on like this," she sobbed. Sandy let Tina cry for a while, then she gently took Tina's shoulders and looked into Tina's eyes. "I, um, er, " she began, "I have an idea that might help you," she said softly, looking down and blushing as she tried to talk. Tina's tears stopped momentarily. "What?" Sandy tried to look up, but was clearly too embarrassed. "Maybe if I," she paused, "if we..." Tina's eyes widened. "Sandy? Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?" Sandy nodded without looking at Tina. Tina was confused. "Why? Are you ..." "Gay? No." Sandy looked up, tears in her eyes. "I've never done that kind of thing. It's just..." she paused again, looking for the right words. "You're so important to me, I want to help. And I don't know what else to do." Tim's jaw hung open. "Do you love me? Tim?" Sandy shook her head. "I don't know. I do know that Tim is one of the best friends I've ever had." She forced a smile. "I guess that includes Tina, too." She paused for a moment. "So, do you want to try?" Tina nodded, and Sandy got up, locked her door, then sat back down beside Tina. They sat awkwardly for a few moments, then Sandy cleared her throat. "Um, I don't know what to do," she admitted sheepishly. "I've never done this before." Tina's eyes widened. "You mean you're a virgin?" Sandy nodded, blushing. "You know how guys start things, right? Can you, you know, start?" Tina leaned forward, closing her eyes, and kissed Sandy, lightly at first, then increasingly passionately. Sandy's eyes were closed tightly, and Tina felt her tense when Tina's hand cupped her breast. But she slowly relaxed, and began to kiss back. Tina's free hand lifted Sandy's hand, placing it on her own boob, and Tina was surprised at how quickly and eagerly Sandy began to cup and caress. In mere seconds, Tim's skills were put to use, as Tina unbuttoned Sandy's blouse, then unfastened her bra. Once more, Tina played with Sandy's boobs teasingly, causing small whimpers of pleasure. Tina forced her tongue between Sandy's lips, dancing and twirling with Sandy's. And then Sandy nearly choked as Tina's hand slipped down to her crotch. Time flew as the two undressed each other, kissing, licking, massaging, and playing with each other's erogenous zones. And this time, Tim's consciousness didn't retreat, didn't hide itself. Tim as firmly in control as he made love to Sandy, gently, lovingly, wonderfully. And despite her earlier reservations, Sandy responded eagerly. For nearly an hour, the two pleasured each other, touching, caressing, and licking, bringing each other to orgasm after orgasm. Tina was overwhelmed at the intensity of pleasure as Sandy's tongue darted around her crotch, stimulating Tina's pussy even as orgasm after orgasm washed over Tina. And without breaking Sandy's rhythm, Tina wiggled and squirmed until the two girls were in the 69 position, giving each other massive and multiple orgasms. Finally, nearly exhausted, Sandy and Tina lay on the bed, naked, intertwined, and visibly happy. Then, suddenly realizing something, Sandy looked at Tina. "It didn't work," she said unnecessarily. Tina shook her head, still smiling. "But you don't mind, do you?" Sandy asked. "Something is different this time, isn't it?" Tina nodded. "Usually, a part of my mind hides. Runs away. This time, that didn't happen." Sandy smiled, then kissed Tina. "You look content. For the first time since the curse." Tina got a far-off look in her eyes. "If I did have to stay, I could be happy being your lover," she said softly. "I mean, I'm getting used to sex with men. I could probably get to like it, even." She laughed. "I've certainly got the figure to get men excited." Sandy's eyes narrowed. "You sound like you want to stay," she said cautiously, her voice echoing her sudden concern. "For the first time, you're starting to sound - think - like a woman." Tina shook her head. "No, I don't think I want to." She looked back at Sandy, then gave her a quick kiss. "It's just that, well, this time I can spend some time afterward, cuddling, being close. When I'm with guys - when I'm having sex, I can't stay. I have to leave. And it feels ... empty. It feels," she shuddered involuntarily, "cheap. Sleazy. Like I'm a hooker. Wham, bam, change back to a man." She looked back at Sandy, eyes misty. "I feel used. Empty." Sandy gave Tina a long kiss. "Tim Larson, I do believe you are learning something about yourself." Tina smiled, then kissed Sandy back and sat up on the bed, swinging her shapely legs over the edge, feeling her boobs swaying. She thought she could get used to that feeling. "I've got to get changed back," she said. Sandy reached up and pulled Tina back to the bed. "What's the hurry? You've got almost five hours left," she said as she began to kiss Tina again. ************************* Even before he was totally awake, Tim sensed someone sitting on the bed beside him. Wearily, he opened his eyes, and saw Sandy. With a start, he sat up, recognizing slowly that he was in Sandy's room. "I must have dozed off," he said through a yawn as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Sandy just smiled at him. "That was quite a nap." Tim yawned again. "I didn't get much sleep last night," he explained. "One of the alumni was in town, and he stopped off at the house to party." Sandy frowned. "So, did you drink all night?" She sounded almost hurt. Tim shook his head. "No. I was upstairs, trying to study. The guy decided to hire a couple of strippers for entertainment. You know, from the DD- Club?" Sandy nodded her understanding. The DD-Club was notorious for a few things. First, the girls who worked there were at least DD cups. Second, they were reputed to be very friendly when they did private parties. "I read several chapters of Greek history until I got sleepy, and when I finally went to bed, the noise from next door was ... um ... distracting?" He was trying to choose his words carefully. "I think the girls were doing a gang- bang on the house." Sandy blushed. "The guys kept trying to get me to participate, too." He let out a big sigh. "Every time I thought I was going to fall asleep, my mind conjured up a picture of me turning into one of the strippers. I was awake all night, afraid of getting trapped." Sandy rubbed his shoulders. "Well, you got some sleep here anyway. You got any ideas for today?" Tim shook his head. "You know I can't take a chance on getting horny," he said softly. "I haven't been out for a long time. I'm beginning to forget what it's like." He snorted in disgust. "I think the guys are afraid I'm turning into a nerd." Sandy got a peculiar smile on her face. "Let's go to the mall." Tim shook his head. "You know I can't," he answered. "I wouldn't survive ten minutes." Sandy was grinning. "Tim wouldn't." Tim's jaw dropped open. "You can't be serious!" "Come on, Tim," Sandy insisted. "You need to get out. This will work!" She sat down beside him, clutching his arm. "Come on, Tim. It'll be fun!" She met his eyes, and knew that he was thinking, that his resistance to the idea was weakening. "Tim, haven't you ever wondered why women enjoy shopping so much?" Her eyes twinkled mischievously. Finally, Tim's resolve collapsed. "Okay," he mumbled. "I guess it'll do me good to get out. Sandy giggled with delight. Then, before Tim could object, she practically tackled him on the bed, kissing him passionately, rubbing his crotch. Within seconds, Tim completed the change. Sandy stood up, looked at Tina, then grinned. "First thing, we've simply got to do something with your hair. It's such a mess!" ******************** Tina looked in the mirror, embarrassed. Her hair, once long wavy locks cascading down her shoulders, was now styled in a bob, hanging just off her shoulders and framing her face perfectly. She glanced nervously at Sandy. Sandy giggled. "It's darling," she said enthusiastically. Tina frowned. "No, really! It looks great!" Tina rose from the chair and followed Sandy to the counter. Sandy dug in her purse, and as the cashier got her change, Sandy looked at Tina again. "Something's missing," she said, biting her lip. She thought for a second, then smiled again. "I know." Sandy took her change, then took Tina's hand and led her back into the mall. "Where to now?" Tina asked, exasperated. Sandy just smiled and led the way. Into a major department store. To the makeup maze. "Oh, no!" Tina protested in a whisper. "Not that!" Sandy smiled and led Tina to one counter. She talked softly with the lady at the counter, then turned back to Tina. "Sit down," she said, gesturing to a chair at the counter. Tina was feeling too overwhelmed to protest too much. "What did you tell her?" she whispered to Sandy. Sandy smiled. "Just that you came from a strict family and never got to use any makeup when you were growing up. That this was my present, and to give you the works." Tina started to object, then gave up. It was fun to get out - she hadn't gone out as Tina before, and Tim was too scared to get out. So she just sat back and let the lady do her work. A dizzying array of products were presented, each with its own technique, to be used in a prescribed order. Tina's head was swimming. Finally, the lady announced that she was done. Tina looked in the mirror. And gasped aloud. She was transformed. Tina knew that she had been very attractive before, but she looked like a bimbo. Now - with the hairstyle and the makeup, she looked even more attractive, but in a more subdued, less provocative way. Sandy paid, again, then suggested lunch. It was nearly noon. Tina noticed, however, that she needed to use the restroom. Another new experience - waiting in line, using stalls only, a degree of socializing unlike the men's room. It was almost like a social experience interrupted by nature's call. They got some lunch - Sandy reminded Tina that she needed to eat light - after all, girls had to watch their figures. While they ate their lunch - salads and diet Cokes - Sandy started giggling. "What?" Tina asked, confused. Sandy shook her head, still giggling. "I just thought of something funny." She took a sip of her Coke, still giggling. "The only time you get to relax is when you let your hair down - literally. As a woman! It's kind of funny - Tim, the macho stud, relaxing as Tina." Tina stared, her mouth hanging open, wanting so much to protest. But she couldn't. Finally, the irony of the situation caught up with her, and she started giggling too. "I guess it is kind of funny," she agreed. After another sip of Coke, Sandy whispered, "There are a couple of guys over there checking us out." Tina started to look, but Sandy stopped her. "Don't look!" She smiled. "You want to have some fun?" Tina raised her eyebrows. "How?" Sandy grinned. "Just follow me." She rose, gathered up her trash, and dumped it. Then she stepped beside Tina and put her arm around Tina's waist. With a sexy wiggle in her butt, she sauntered right beside the table with the guys. Tina was very aware of how the guys were staring at her, watching her walk, looking at her cleavage, gawking at her swaying hips. She felt very self- conscious as she walked beside Sandy. "They were staring at me!" Sandy grinned. "Damn right! It's one thing we girls can do - drive men crazy." She led on - right into a lingerie store. "Not here!" Tina protested weakly. This day was weird, and she didn't want to add lingerie shopping to the experience. Sandy smiled again. "Sure. You've never shopped for bras and panties before, so now's as good a time as any to try it. Besides," she added softly, "the guys are still watching us." She started to make a show out of looking at bras, and soon Tina was doing the same. After a while, Sandy was convinced that Tina was having fun. *************************** Tim stood quietly behind the bar, mixing drinks for his frat brothers and their guests. He had been nursing a beer all night - afraid to get drunk. And he was afraid to look around the room, where his fraternity brothers were pawing, kissing, and groping their way around their female guests. And since the booze had been flowing quite freely, some of the less-informed women had gotten a bit tipsy, and had been escorted to rooms for some sexual adventures. The wiser, older girls had been careful about drinking, and some had even left early. "Timmy, give me another round," Rod stammered as he lurched to the bar. Tim looked at his roommate, quite hammered. "Coming up," he said cheerfully. As Rod leaned against the bar, one arm wrapped around his ?date', Tim quickly mixed the drinks. He knew what Rod wanted - light on the alcohol in his drink, and spike the girl's. Tim shuddered inwardly. He was the one who had given the fraternity that idea. He was the one who had used that trick to bed an otherwise unwilling girl. When Rod wasn't watching, Tim reversed the drink mixes, giving Rod the heavy dose. Maybe he'd pass out, and the poor girl would make it home without being molested. "There you are, Tim," a familiar voice called. Tim pushed the glasses across the bar to Rod and his date, and turned, knowing he would see Rhonda. She sauntered up beside him, deliberately swaying her ample breasts, displaying her generous cleavage, wiggling her perfect butt. Tim grimaced, knowing that this would be tricky. "I haven't seen you for a while," Rhonda pouted. She was drunk, Tim figured. She reached her arms up around Tim's neck and pulled herself close, rubbing her big boobs against Tim's chest. "I've been lonely without you," she said seductively. "I've been a bit busy," Tim stammered, fighting the by-now-familiar battle to keep his lust in check. He smelled the sweet intoxicating aroma of her perfume. Rhonda's hand reached down, sliding toward Tim's crotch. "I've really missed you," she said again, sex dripping from every word. Tim felt the tingling as his dick began to stiffen, and knew he had lost the battle. "Um, I've got to go ... um ... I'm not feeling too good," he lied quickly, then tore himself from her arms and began to run toward his room. As he left the party, he noticed, thankfully, that Rod was still here. Even as he ran up the stairs, he felt his hair brushing on his shoulders, felt his hips widen and begin to sway, felt his chest jiggling. Tim closed the door behind himself, sinking against the door as the changes completed. Then he heard banging on the door. "Tim, are you in there?" It was Rhonda. Tina straightened up, then opened the door. "Are you looking for Tim, too?" she asked sweetly, knowing what Rhonda's reaction would be. Rhonda's face clouded. "Who the hell are you?" she demanded, thrusting her chest out in a display of her own feminine wares. Tina smiled sweetly. "I'm Tim's sister, Tina," she answered. "Have you seen Tim?" Tina asked quickly. "I just got in from out of town, and I thought I'd surprise him." Rhonda paused to consider this. She was a bit drunk, and, Tim realized, more than a bit ditzy. "I saw him a bit ago down at the bar. But he said he wasn't feeling too good." Tina smiled sweetly again. "If you see him, please don't tell him that I'm here. I want to surprise him." Rhonda nodded, confused, and walked back to the party. Tina let out a big sigh of relief, then squared her shoulders and marched out of the room, heading, as Rhonda had, toward the party downstairs. She paused in the hallway, then marched into the room. And found all eyes staring at her. Tina suddenly felt very self-conscious. The guys were staring at her lustfully, while some of the girls were glowering with jealousy. Tina looked around the room, and stepped carefully from the doorway. "Hi, there. I don't think we've met." Tina whirled, startled. She found herself facing Frank. "Um, I'm Tina Larson. Tim's younger sister." Frank didn't miss a beat. "Tim never told us about you. I'm not surprised. Protective big brother." He laughed, and Tina smelled the alcohol on his breath. "He was here a bit ago, but he left. He should be back, though. Can I get you something to drink?" Frank hadn't missed a beat. Tina gulped, knowing that she was in the lion's den. "Sure. Maybe a rum and Coke?" Frank placed his hand on hers and led her toward the bar. Already, someone else was pouring the drinks. "Rum and Coke for the lady," he said smoothly. He continued the small talk, and Tina found herself making up lies about her background - she was starting college at State, still not sure what she wanted to major in, but she was leaning toward business. Tina found herself anticipating Frank's comments and questions, knowing how the conversation was going before it went there. Tim knew Frank too well. It was late, and Tina was feeling the effects of the three drinks. Frank had been squeezing her butt, brushing his hand on her breasts, and generally making sexual advances, which Tina had not rebuffed. Eager to get this over with, she went with Frank up to his room, very conscious of the leering stares from the other fraternity brothers. And suddenly, Tina realized that most of the other girls had left. Most of the guys were drunk, horny, and without relief. She shuddered to think of what might have happened had Frank not picked her up. Then she was in Frank's room. Frank led her to the bed, and began to earnestly kiss her as he undress her. She felt a rush of pleasure as his hands slipped around her, lightly caressing her nipples as he kissed her neck. She felt the bulge in his pants and he pulled himself up behind her. And Tina felt the wetness in her pants as she began to get aroused. It was almost with relief that Tina accepted that Frank was going to have sex with her - at least Tim would get his male body back. Frank maneuvered her until she was leaning over the bed, then slid in from behind. Tina felt the now-familiar pleasant sensations as Frank's engorged dick entered her, and Frank began pumping as his own excitement mounted. Tina thought she heard a faint click, then suddenly realized that she and Frank were not alone in the room. At least two other fraternity members had slipped through the door. Tina tried to turn to see what was going on, but found Frank's strong hands on her hips keeping her impaled on his dick. She turned her head, and saw a dick coming straight at her mouth. She tried to turn, but strong hands grasped her head, then thrust it down onto the big hard organ. Tina tried to keep her mouth shut, but fingers pressed roughly into her cheeks, forcing her teeth apart and her mouth open. And as soon as her lips parted, the dick was shoved forcefully into her mouth. Rough hands held her head, bobbing it up and down, forcing her lips to caress the dick in her mouth, while Frank pumped vigorously into her crotch. And then Frank stiffened and shot his load into her. Tina realized too late that Tim hadn't retreated. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was carelessness, but Tim was aware of what was going on, and crying inside. Tina shuddered, knowing that at least Frank was done, but even as he pulled out, she heard clothing rustle, and within seconds, another dick was thrust into her pussy. She tried to cry out, but couldn't. And then the dick in her mouth stiffened, and began to pump warm cum into her mouth. Tina tried to pull away, but the hands held her firmly, and she was forced to swallow the warm juice to keep from choking. And then the hands let her head up. Tears streamed down Tina's face. She had had sex. She should be changing back to Tim. But these guys were still fucking her! What was going to happen? And then another dick appeared in front of her face, another set of hands forcing her head down. Tina and Tim screamed in silent agony. ********************************** Tina pulled her clothes on and staggered out of the room. The halls were deserted; most of the guys were sleeping after the party and gang-raping her. She didn't notice that she was still Tina as she staggered out of the fraternity house. She still had the taste of cum in her mouth, and felt the sticky wet mess in her crotch. Tina felt sickened, and dropped to her knees, then began to violently throw up. Spasms wracked her body as she vomited, and after her stomach was empty, continued in painful dry heaves. Finally, weak and wobbly, she pulled herself to her feet and weakly climbed into Tim's car. Sandy heard the knocking on her door, and even before she opened it, heard the sobbing. When she did open the door, she gasped in horror. Tina stood there, cheeks stained from her tears, her clothing disheveled, her hair a mess. And even before Sandy spoke, Tina clung onto her, burying her head in Sandy's shoulder, tears streaming from her eyes as she bawled uncontrollably. Finally, after a very long time, Sandy led Tina to the bed and let her sit. "What happened?" she asked softly, her voice carrying her concern. Tina looked up, then started crying again. "They raped me," she answered through her tears. Sandy hugged Tina tight, trying to comfort her. "I was having sex with Frank, and they came in and raped me," Tina sobbed. "They made me suck them while others fucked me," she continued, suddenly sounding frightened and fragile. "How many?" Sandy asked softly. Tina pulled back, and looked into Sandy's eyes, then collapsed back onto her shoulder. "Fourteen, fifteen," she cried. "I don't know!" She bawled on Sandy's shoulder for a long time, then suddenly sat up. "I'm still a girl!" she exclaimed through tears. "I didn't change back!" She began to cry louder. Sandy just held Tina close, trying in whatever way she could to comfort the abused girl. Shortly, she realized that Tina had cried herself to sleep. Sandy gently laid her on the bed and pulled a cover over her. ************************** Sandy was sitting in a chair, watching Tina, when Tina awoke. She looked around, dazed, then looked at Sandy. She saw the expression on Sandy's face, then looked down at herself. "It's true, isn't it. It wasn't a bad dream." Sandy nodded solemnly. Tina's eyes watered. "I got gang-raped, didn't I. And I'm still a girl." She sat up and swung her legs off the bed. "What are we going to do?" Tina asked, sounding helpless and frail. The tears were flowing freely as she buried her face in her hands. Sandy looked glum. "I don't know," she answered softly. Then she looked up, a determined expression on her face. "Yes, I do. We're going to find Madam Zelda," she said simply. Tina looked up, surprised. "I don't think that's a good idea," she said carefully. Sandy knew from Tina's words and expression that Tina was terrified of Madam Zelda. "After all," Tina continued, "she got me into this mess." Sandy tried to force a smile. "First," she said lightly, "let's get you cleaned up and get some breakfast." ********************************** Sandy noticed that she was almost pulling Tina toward the door of Madam Zelda's shop. She glanced at Tina, and saw a very worried expression. But Tina let herself be pulled into the shop. Tina jumped when the bells tinkled to announce their arrival, and looked cautiously around the dusty, dark shop. "Wow," Sandy whispered softly. "This place is creepy. Just like you said." "Can I help you?" Sandy and Tina spun at the voice, and found Nikki standing behind them, dressed in her gypsy outfit. Tina found she had been holding her breath, and let it out with a sigh of relief. "Hi, Nikki," she said simply. Nikki stared at Tina, frowning. "Do I know..." Her eyes suddenly widened. "Tim? Tim Larson?" She drew her hand to her still-open mouth. "What did mother do to you?" "What he deserved," a voice cackled from behind Tina and Sandy, startling them. Tina spun, and gulped. There stood Madam Zelda, having appeared as if from thin air, scarf, gold jewelry, gypsy clothing. Just as he remembered her. She gulped again. Sandy swallowed hard and stepped forward. "Tina didn't change back to Tim," she said, her voice trembling. Madam Zelda grinned, displaying her gold teeth. "Of course not." She glared at Tina, causing Tina to flinch. "Why have you returned?" Sandy swallowed again. "This isn't fair to Tim," she said defensively. Madam Zelda stared at Sandy, but Sandy stood her ground. Then Madam Zelda turned to Nikki. "Leave us, child," she ordered. After Nikki vanished into the shop, Madam Zelda turned back to Tina. "Follow me," she ordered, then spun and glided through the shop. With Sandy and Tina in tow, she parted a beaded curtain and entered a small room, dimly lit. Madam Zelda seated herself at a round table, covered in dark red cloth. As Tina and Sandy sat down, they noticed the fortune-teller's crystal ball on the table. This was too weird, Sandy thought. "So," Madam Zelda began, "what have you to say for yourself?" Tina glanced nervously at Sandy, then back at Madam Zelda. "I...I'm sorry," she said meekly. "I think I've learned a few things." Madam Zelda flashed her toothy grin. "Madam Zelda knows. You have suffered the indignities you once inflicted on others. You have been forced to be an object for sex, as you once treated others." Tina nodded, and tried to stop the tears, unsuccessfully. "I didn't change back." "Madam Zelda knows," the old gypsy cackled. "How else could I force you to come back to me?" Tina and Sandy exchanged nervous glances again. "You forced me to come back?" The old gypsy smiled. "You have learned your lesson." She raised her hands and chanted some mystical words, and then brought her hands together. Sandy gasped, but Tim had seen this before - many weeks and much humiliation before. Within Madam Zelda's hands, a tiny firefly of light appeared, then as she opened her hands, it leaped into Tina's chest, vanishing between her ample breasts. Within seconds, Tina began to change, her body shifting, until Tim had reappeared. Sandy watched with amazement as the spell worked its magic. She grinned when Tim was restored, and clasped his hand with joy. And while Tim was smiling, his eyes betrayed something else. Sandy didn't notice it. "You are free of the curse," Madam Zelda pronounced solemnly, her voice ringing ominously. "But beware. If you return to your predatory ways..." Tim gulped, nodding. "I understand," he said softly. Sandy's eyes widened, and she shrank a bit in fear. After all, she had seen what this gypsy woman could do. "You may go," Madam Zelda dismissed them simply. Tim and Sandy started to rise, anxious to escape this enchantress. But suddenly, Madam Zelda's features clouded. "Wait. Madam Zelda senses something." She looked up at Tim, her eyes narrowed as she studied him for a moment. Then she turned to Sandy. "Go," she commanded simply. "Wait outside." Sandy glanced nervously at Tim, who swallowed hard as he sat back down. Then she left, leaving the beaded curtain swirling. Madam Zelda looked hard at Tim. "Madam Zelda senses some confusion. Some sadness." Tim stared at the gypsy woman for a few seconds, then dropped his eyes and nodded. "What will you

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A Different Curse

This is my first story. Please let me know if you like this format. Please remember to vote and to leave a comment. Julie Naha was 28 years old and was 5’7′. She had dark brown hair that was long and framed her face. She had brown eyes, a small nose, and medium lips. Her body wasn’t too muscular but she was fit because of her activities. Her breast was a 32B, a firm stomach area, and legs that were somewhat firm. Julie loved to do many things. She loved to hang out with her friends. She also...

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The Fattorusso Curse

This year, my senior year, I’ve had the honor to be in Mrs. Fattorusso’s class. She quickly became my favorite teacher. It took a couple months, but by May, I had become her favorite student. Unfortunately, I started to develop a massive crush on her which made it harder to pay attention in class. That’s when I began staying with Mrs. Fattorusso after school for extra help to ensure my grades wouldn’t slip. I thought it would be awful if liking a teacher was the reason why my grades dropped....

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The Curse

The Curse By S.D. Vine I wasn't really having a good time that night at the bar. Truth be told, I had been practically dragged out in the first place by my best friend Joe, who told me he was tired of me "sitting on (my) ass" every night "finding new ways to be boring." Quite frankly, if this is what qualified as being not boring, I'd rather be bored to tears. To begin with, I'm not much of a drinker, so leaving the house to go to place designed for buying and consuming alcohol...

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BtVS A Demonrsquos Curse

Buffy came home and collapsed on the bed. "Not a great night for slaying," she said to herself as she lay there in the dark room, feeling so tired she was almost sick and could throw up at any moment.This wasn’t the first night that had ended this way.Lately it seemed she was slower to vanquish the demons, and a couple of times she was dangerously close to being one dead Vampire Slayer herself. If it wasn’t for her quick thinking.'It was strange,' she thought, 'I can leave the house so full of...

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The Witchs Curse

The Witches Curse Steve Islop should have been a very happy man as he sat in his railway carriage, looking out at the scenery rushing by, as his train sped from London towards Plymouth - but he wasn't! Most young lawyers, two years qualified out of College, would have been overjoyed at the prospect of taking up an appointment with a respected provincial firm of Solicitors in a pretty market town in the middle of Devon; but Steven wasn't like most young lawyers. Two years previously...

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The Pharaohs Curse

I was watching a special about Pharaohs of Egypt, and they began talking about one in particular that I found fascinating. They showed a statue Amenhotep IV and I was surprised to see wide hips, narrow waist, and what appeared to be female breasts, on what was supposed to be a male ruler. Well, needless to say, I could see the potential for telling a grand tale of a cursed mummy who transforms victims into female followers. The following is my attempt at entertaining you, and I do...

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Sorcerers Curse

Disclaimer: You really should be 18 to read this so scram if you aren't. Sorcerer's Curse By JR Parz Given he was an only child and raised by his rich aunt, money had never been an issue with him, therefore it didn't come to any great surprise when he decided to take the summer off after he graduated UMASS with a Master's degree. One evening while he was looking for a video to rent at Blockbuster Video, his attention was drawn to a pair of young blonde beauties standing by the...

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The Venus Curse

The Venus Curse By Lampwickxxx There was nothing in the mail for John that morning. But just as he was turning away from the door he heard a letter drop onto the mat. The postman must have forgotten it and turning back he saw a pink envelope lying on the mat. Picking it up he looked at the crisp black letters and his address. Opening it, he found a single piece of very fine paper inside, the border was gold and in old fashioned writing it had complete jargon. Metaphorsic Venus...

4 years ago
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18 year old curse

Becca Miller rises out of bed early one morning smacking on her alarm to shut it up, she wore a long shirt and panties to bed that's it. usually she's a late sleeper but today? It's special it's her 18th birthday, she's officially an adult now and she plans to go out before the festivities begin she picks out an outfit, a long little bit of a thin blue dress, a sexy thong she's been saving just for today, she almost passed on a bra but realized the dress was a bit see through in the light and...

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The Curse

1. ‘Why don’t you simply confess, you wretched creature of darkness. End this now, and your soul may yet receive the grace of forgiveness when you will be purified by fire.’ She mustered all her strength to lift her head and look him in the eye. Her body was but a sea of pain, she had been ravished, branded, stretched, cut, speared and strangled. Even if her body was broken, her spirit was still victorious. The inquisitor was aghast when he noticed that she even smiled at him, a calm,...

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Maddies Curse

This is an entry in the Valentine’s Day Contest 2008 — if you enjoy the story, please take a moment to cast your vote. * * * There was a sickening sound of screeching tyres followed by a dull thud. The ominous silence that followed sent ice-cold fear racing through Maddie’s veins. Blindly she ran across the street, the gravely tarmac shredding her bare feet – although she barely noticed. Another car stopped and voices buzzed like mosquitoes on the edge of her consciousness. Sasha was lying...

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Disneys Curse

Bladen Disney was at a loss of words. His father Walt Disney had passed away several weeks ago and now Bladen was at the reading of his father's will. His father passed some of his valuables like jewelry to his friends and furniture to his family. He left his home to Bladen's mother Jessica. That wasn't why Bladen was at a loss of words though. His father had left Bladen his most valuable possession. He left Bladen his empire. He left him his company for Bladen to run. Bladen of course was...

2 years ago
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The Curse

She sat across the table from me with her hands folded on it. Her eyes followed a cockroach that was crawling up the wall, and her young face was drawn and pale. When I had found her, she was on the brink of death, lying in an alley off the strip in Las Vegas. I had gone in to take a piss before going to my car after work.*It wasn’t until I almost tripped over her that I saw her, a small figure lying on her side barely breathing. My first thought was to call an ambulance, but when I knelt down...

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Maidens Curse

Maiden's Curse by: Prudence Walker Bob was pissed; his date had failed to show. She had arranged to meet him at the opening of the refurbished museum. They had first met at a bar, only two days prior to the opening. They had seemed to hit it off and Bob had been confident that, this time, he would make a go of it. Now it seemed that his luck with women was running true to form. Wandering alone in the museum, refusing to fall into his usual despondency, he lost himself in the...

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Daughters Curse

Daughter's Curse At first I thought I was having a stroke. I remember thinking, you're only 48 years old and your parents are still alive and healthy. This can't be happening. But when I tried to get out of bed, I couldn't move my right side. Then I realized I couldn't move my left side and for some strange reason, that made me feel better. My vision seemed to be fading too - everything was turning golden in a kind of tunnel-vision effect. But then the sides of my face began to get...

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This is a story of a cursed house. It seem anyone one who moves in gets "strange" urges that slowly get more and more intense till they must be fulfilled. For the past 10 years the house has remained empty but the sales agency has kept it up so it is still in nice condition. Other than the curse there is nothing odd about the house. The curse that is on the house is that of incest. Any family that moves in gets the urge to seduce other members of their family. More time in the house makes the...

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First time reverse Crab

Then one day I thought to myself, could I do reverse crab? I take it for granted that porn stars can do it. But could I do it? It looks quite tricky. Holding yourself above someone whilst trying to ride their cock. And my hole is pretty tight which doesn't make it any easier. Could I really do it? I'd love to try. I messaged my bit on the side Dave, and asked if he has ever done it. He replied no. Dave is always up for sticking his cock in my ass so I ask him if he is willing to try it. Of...

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The Fcking Transformation Curse

This is an anthology story of people with a curse. The speciality of the curse is that the unlucky person transforms into an exact clone of another subject they were thinking of whenever they get aroused! So yeah, this means men transforming into their own fap-off material :) Or women turning into the hunky crushes next door xD The curse works by reciting some magic words in a foreign language and picturing the targeted person in your head. So it is even good for some little revenge too :) The...

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Harry Potter and the Imperius Curse

“Dilligrout!” he half-shouted. “Alright. Alright,” and the portrait swung open and he climbed through. Entering the room, he saw that the fire had burned out and everyone had already headed to bed, all except Hermione who was sprawled across a chair by the fire lying with her head resting on the arm, nestled in a pile of library books. Smiling, Harry walked over and went to wake her up, but he stopped, noticing what she was reading: “Illegal magic is often hard to trace, especially within...

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Butterfly Curse

Butterfly Curse Written by Dauphin [email protected] I always hated my name! Why do parents call their children strange names? Do they not realise that these names stick with children all their life? I am 11 and I also want to change my name. My mother called me Harper and I am a boy. Besides me hating my name, I had the perfect life. I had a good mother that was not an evil bitch, or worried too much about us. She gave us freedom and...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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The Gumball Machine Curse

Gumball Machine Curse By: Set3 Hey there reader. Since you are reading this, I can get away with calling you "reader" regardless of what your name is, so there! ... Sorry. I'm still a little frazzled from what happened to me, with being cursed and all. However I guess I got off light compared to what I heard some others got cursed. Anyway, my therapist says that getting my ordeal written down would help some and while I'm hesitant, my girlfriend, as in a girl who is just a friend,...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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The Neighbors Curse

The Neighbors Curse By Morpheus Leanne Baker quickly walked down the busy sidewalk, surrounded by people on all sides, though she barely noticed any of them. However she smiled smugly, knowing that they were all noticing her. They always did, which of course was what she wanted. The men drooled while the women glared in envy, much to her delight. Of course Leanne couldn't blame them from staring at her. After all she was gorgeous. She was 5 foot 9 and a half, with long shapely legs....

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The Ancient Curse

“If I might advise you, Miss Carstairs-Browne, I don’t think you should be alone in Carstairs Manor. I mean, a great rambling place with not even a servant left.” “I know Mr.Roberts,” I said, smiling, “and I know the story that is told about the curse, but you see, I don’t believe in old curses.” I was talking to Mr.Roberts, the agent who managed Carstairs Manor and land. It had fallen to me to inherit the crumbling old house and the few remaining acres of what had once been a huge estate. I...

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Family Curse

Family Curse By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold & Barry G. Chapter 1 Alyssa Strasburg poured herself another drink as she glanced at the clock. It was just a few minutes before midnight. She nervously took a sip of...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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The Bethlem Curse

My name is Edward Verde. I was once held with some regard within high society, but my fall from grace began when some friends and I went to an opium den. This was quite the daring thing to do around London during 1862. We went to try our luck with the eastern dragon.My friends at the time made sure I had plenty to smoke, being one of the more reserved out of our troupe, they thought it would be good sport to see me completely under its spell. Little did I know that this produce of the devil's...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 75 Search for a Reverse Blade

On the second day in Kyoto Misao: Wake up, Himura! It's morning! Oh, you're already up. I thought I'd get to see what you look like half-asleep. Kenshin: Oro? Miss Misao, your clothes! (Misao is dressed in quieter shirt and shorts.) Misao: Normal clothes for Kyoto. Walking around my home ground in battle dress is a little weird even for me. Okina: If you're ready, let's go, Himura. Kenshin: Oro? Okina: Kyoto has changed a lot in the ten years you've been gone. Today I thought...

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My Girlfriends Kinky Curse

The nice little New England suburban area looks nice in the spring, all of the trees and bushes are getting back their leaves and the houses all match. That is except for the house coming up ahead which looks old and ratty. You remember how kids would joke about how the old lady who lives there was a real life witch. As your bike rides close to it, your front wheel hits a part of the pavement that is sticking out and it sends you careening to her from yard. You knock over her collection of...

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Laras Curse

Lara is your normal 18 year old girl with the exception that when a hand is placed on her she can be transformed into anything just by strongly thinking of what you want to turn her into. She was 7 years old when the curse was first noticed, she was playing with her twin sister Abby, Abby had her hand on Lara and was thinking about how much she wanted another doll to play with and in flash Lara was a doll, even through the change was over in an instant Lara could feel the change, she couldn't...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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The Spiral of a Curse

The website looked like one of those creepypasta threads. Black background, white text. It came when people were at their lowest, an icon on your desktop that simply read Revenge or Justice or whatever you wanted most at the moment. The icon above it a spiral seemingly made of stone, diving deeper and deeper, without end. Upon clicking on the icon, they were brought to the aforementioned creepypasta website. The lives of men are unclear, inscrutable. Why do some live lives of luxury idly, while...

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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

1 year ago
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Reverse Groping On A Metro Journey

So we’ve all heard stories of women being groped by men, women liking groping or hating it and etc. etc. Now this is a story of the Reverse happening to me (real story no BS). One particular day I took the subway to reach my usual stop at Park Street, around 15 mins away. The train was not particularly crowded but as there were no seats I had to stand. At the next stop 3 married women got in. They were all middle aged and in sarees, must have been between 30-35 I guess. Since there was nothing...

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