Baby Baby
by g. p.
"Ow! That hurt"
"Jeez aren't you the sensitive one. Here I thought you liked it when I
nibbled on your nipples."
"That was before you got me pregnant you miserable swine. Now as I've
started to blow up like a beach ball every part of my body has betrayed me
and become super sensitive." Cathy was into the sixth month of her first
pregnancy. After having been a well off, self centered yuppie, with a
perfectly proportioned exotic dancer's figure before the onset of a rapidly
expanding waistline and inflating breasts - this was more than a bit
depressing for her. Even the baby's constant squirming around hadn't been
able to play on her maternal heart strings.
"Look at it this way - I'm actually doing you a favor by getting you ready
for the baby. We agreed he was going to be breast fed, right?" Rick was a
slick, fast talking car salesman she'd met just over a year earlier when
looking to buy a sports car. He'd wooed her that lovely spring day into
buying a brilliant candy red convertible, then managed to talk his way into
her heart during a three week whirlwind romance. The fact that he was tall,
handsome, built, and hung like a horse probably had something to do with
it too, but that's another story.
"Some favor! Just remember, having this baby was all your idea. Seeing
myself getting fatter by the day, or the thought of passing something the
size of a bowling ball out my pussy, or better yet having to be on twenty
four hour call to feed and clean a baby for four or five months is not exactly
what I'd call a dream come true. Let's not forget what it's going to do to my
career. If all I take is the minimum of maternity leave, I'll probably get
passed over for any decent promotion."
"You didn't seem to have these concerns that night we fooled around
without any protection though, did you?"
"That's what I get for marrying a car salesman, I guess."
"I'll bet you anything that within six months of his birth you'll have
forgotten all these aches and pains, and be so happy as a mother that you'll
be just itching to get started on a second one."
"Bet you anything I won't!"
"You're on," and Rick reached out to shake her hand. "Now what should
we bet for?"
"I've got the perfect bet - if I win you get to know first hand what a
pregnancy and motherhood are all about by having the next one, and if you
win I guess I'll be having another baby." They both laughed at her silly joke
then playfully he pushed her down on the bed. "Now shut your yap and
let's get back to the fun." Rick was fascinated by her breasts - with their
size, their firmness, and those permanently erect thimble sized nipples. He
couldn't understand why they bothered her so. If they were his he thought,
he'd be proud to sport them and proclaim to the world that he was with
"Some fun," she thought as she lay back to let him have his way, yet again.
"Oh how I wish the tables were turned, then we'd see how he'd like being a
fat pregnant cow."
It wasn't long before he'd moved his attentions to her permanently juicy
slit, which was Cathy's sole source of enjoyment these days - though lately
her belly had begun getting in the way of having good sex, and more
unpleasantly - she'd begun to take it on her back instead of being on top as
usual, since the extra weight of her belly would painfully pull at her back
whenever she tried being on top. As much as she hated having his extra
weight pressing on her distended tender belly, it was the lesser of two evils.
On the plus side though, she was constantly horny, finding her orgasms
more intense of late.
As the weeks passed she counted the days until it would finally be over.
Wearing tent sized dresses to cover melon sized boobs and a belly that stuck
out a foot, never made up for that bundle of joy violently kicking to get out.
Sex was almost nonexistent now, though Rick was still enjoying himself
suckling at her breasts at every opportunity, especially now that Cathy had
begun to produce that sweet preamble to mothers milk. As for Rick, his
mind was consumed with thoughts of her hot juicy tunnel and the power of
its grip it had had on his penis back in the days when sex was possible,
which had him walking around with raging hard-ons all day.
In preparation for the baby, now only a few weeks away, Rick was finally
coaxed into preparing the baby's room, while Cathy bought a few nursing
bras, baby bottles, a breast pump, and diaper supplies. The girls from work
even held a baby shower, where she was heaped upon with baby clothes
and a stroller, which was all fine and good but for the fact that motherhood
still held no interest.
When she began noticing wet stains inside her bras, Cathy was forced to
start putting pads inside to soak up the uncontrollable leakage. "Oh we're
having fun now," she'd sarcastically mutter over and over to herself.
Finally the big day arrived. Of course Rick was at work when the call came
in, and in true salesman's fashion, stuck around just long enough to close
one more sale. By the time he'd made it home, Cathy was in the didst of
serious labor pains, with contractions about every five minutes or so apart.
"Where the hell have you been, you no good asshole? We were supposed to
make it to the hospital early enough so that I could get an epidural. Now
we'll be lucky to get there before the baby is born. Oh you'll pay for this, I
They rushed off to the hospital, arriving with plenty of time to spare,
though as she'd feared it was too late for the epidural. The contractions
became more intense causing incredible pain, but not much quicker. Cathy
cursed and screamed her way through three hours of hell, until finally she
gave birth to a beautiful seven pound baby girl. The proud father seeing that
it was a girl and not the boy he'd been counting on, kissed his wife, told her
how proud he was of her, and promptly left to drown his sorrows.
As the weeks passed, Cathy made the best of motherhood, nursing and
cleaning around the clock with no help to speak of from family or friends.
Rick was making himself scarce too, spending long hours at work - and
then some. When at home, he paid little attention to his daughter whom they
named Ashley, never once offering to help out.
No, Rick's attentions were focused on sex, or the lack of it to be more
precise. Cathy's engorged breasts and recovering figure were looking oh so
very inviting, but Cathy made it perfectly clear she was totally off limits
until further notice. This frustrated him to no end, not being one to lead a
celibate life for more than a few days at a time. By now Cathy was sure
he'd started to sleep around, but for the sake of the baby, their marriage,
and his income, decided not to confront him just yet.
One afternoon while walking the baby through the local park, Cathy
stopped to relax on a park bench, then for no apparent reason burst into
tears. An old lady on a nearby bench hearing her sobs, came over to give
comfort. "Oh my my my, why all the tears dearie?"
"It's a long story I won't trouble you with, but thank you for the concern."
"A pretty young mother such as yourself shouldn't be so sad. Please tell me
your woes. It will make you feel better talking it through."
Over the next hour Cathy poured out her heart to this kindly old stranger.
"My dear, your story is a sad one at that, one which I have heard many a
time before. You must not blame him, for he knows not what he does
wrong. However, to enlighten him to the errors of his ways, a taste of his
own medicine might not be such a bad thing, and for that I may be of some
assistance. Think over my offer carefully until tomorrow this time, and if
you still wish to follow this path, meet me here."
The first question that came to Cathy's mind was whether this lady believed
in her own mumbo jumbo, but before she could form a sensible question to
ask, the old lady had gotten up and was already walking away. She sat there
for a while going over the meeting, trying to decide whether or not to take it
seriously, then shrugging it off as nothing, carried on with her walk.
That evening, Rick showed up later than usual, smelling of beer and a
flowery perfume, combined with the smirk plastered across his face that
told Cathy exactly what he'd been up to. At that instant she made up her
mind to meet the old lady the following day, if for nothing more than to
quizz her on her strange offer. Rick was still in a frisky mood, but for
Cathy the thought of fooling around seemed pretty revolting, and stuck to
her guns in shunning Rick's advances. That night Rick managed a restfull
sleep thanks in part to the large amount of alcohol still in his system, though
Cathy tossed and turned all night trying to imagine what the old lady could
possibly have in store for him, and whether or not she really had it in her
power to do something.
The following morning seemed to drag on for ever, as Cathy paced the
house waiting for the appointed hour to meet again. Not taking any chances,
she left an hour earlier than needed, spending the time circling the park over
and over again, fuming in anger at Rick. Sure enough the old lady
appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, exactly on time. "It's so nice to see
you again my dear," she said as they approached one another. "I knew in
my heart that I'd find you here today, but the look on your face shows still
more sadness. Did he hurt you again my dear?"
"The conceited stud he thinks he is, came home stinking of beer and a
woman's perfume. Yes he hurt me - badly too."
"In my bag here, is a potion which will make him see the errors of his ways
- are you absolutely certain you wish to go through with this?"
"The thing is, go through with WHAT!?"
"That my dear, I cannot precisely explain, for the potion reacts differently
on each person. All that I can say for certain is that he will learn his lesson.
Now I ask one last time, do you want to continue?"
Not seeing a down side to the offer, Cathy didn't waste another moment
thinking about it and replied with an emphatic "YES!!"
"As I knew you would. Take this vial and drink its contents, then sit back
and let it do its work. Be patient, for it may take time for any results, but
have faith that things will happen. Now drink." She handed Cathy a tiny
glass bottle filled with a clear liquid. Opening the stopper Cathy tried to
detect an aroma, but there was none, then in one quick gulp swallowed the
contents, noting that it had no taste either.
"No disrespect, but are you sure this wasn't just water and I'm being played
a fool of?"
"No offense taken my dear. Have faith and be patient." She got up to leave.
"I'll pass by the park from time to time. If by chance we should meet, I'd be
curious to see how you're getting along. Good luck." With that she turned a
corner and was gone.
At first Cathy wondered why she had drunk the liquid if it was intended for
Rick, then when after a few minutes passed and she felt nothing different
for having taken the 'potion', dismissed the entire event as the rantings of
some kooky old lady, then headed off to do some grocery shopping.
Rick's behavior and attitude remained unchanged as far as Cathy could tell
over the next several weeks. As expected the potion hadn't made a bit of
difference either.
By now the baby was nearing five months old, and except for the engorged
breasts of a breast feeding mother, Cathy's figure had regained most of it's
trim curvy shape, driving poor Rick to the brink.
Then one fine morning Cathy awoke to find Rick straddling her, forcing
himself on her dazed and weaker body. It was six months to the day since
she'd given birth and for Rick it was time to celebrate the event. With no
foreplay, and no desire to have sex on her part, his entry was a painful one -
but there was no stopping him. Now she was convinced the old lady's
potion had been a hoax. Within minutes he was spent, happy and pleased
with himself, then hopped off to grab a quick shower before starting his
work day.
Cathy spent a good part of that morning crying. The potion hadn't done
anything, and now she'd been as good as raped. Hoping to confront the old
lady, she dressed the baby then herself, and headed for the park. Sure
enough she strolled up within minutes. "My dear, it's so nice to see you
again. I can see by the sadness in your eyes that the potion has not yet
tought your husband his lesson."
"That useless potion of yours hasn't changed a thing!!! The bastard damn
well raped me this morning."
"I told you patience would be required. I have used the potion several times
before with differing results each time, as I told you before, but it has never
failed me yet. I cannot stay longer, but I promise you he will be dealt with."
With that she smiled, patted Cathy's hand, rose and left. After shedding still
more tears, she and the baby slowly made their way back home.
Sometime after noon, while feeding the baby her lunch, Rick called. He
was in a panic, something about a problem with his penis. He ranted on for
a few minutes about how it felt on fire one minute, then like it was being
attacked by a zillion pins and needles the next; cursed more than a few
times, blamed Cathy for everything, never letting her get in a word, then as
suddenly as that - hung up. "So he might finally be getting his after all. A
useless dick will do just fine, thank you very much. Never doubted the
potion for a minute." She laughed to herself at the thought of Rick's
Sure enough, he was late for supper again, only this time she was pretty
certain he hadn't been out screwing around. She greeted him with a wicked
smile, "And how was your day, DEAR?"
"You know damn well how it's been. Even my doctor couldn't help, except
to give me a prescription for a pain killer - which hasn't helped either!" He
was in a foul mood, which suited her just fine. Without another word he
marched through the kitchen stopping only to grab a beer, then headed off
to the bedroom, slamming the door behind him. Knowing where his temper
could lead, Cathy spent the evening watching television in the living room,
going to bed only after she was sure he'd fallen asleep.
He was in a deep sleep as she crawled in next to him, figuring by his
alcohol laden breath he'd had more than just the one beer. Out of curiosity
she soon let her hands wander down to his crotch to find out if anything
physical had really happened. He was out cold, since he barely moved as
she slipped her hand down his shorts. She'd expected to find things pretty
much as usual, chalking up his rantings to some male exaggeration, only to
find a much shrunken little penis. "Oh, this is too good! I wonder if Mr.
Macho realizes yet his days of screwing are over. He'd be too embarrassed
to ever whip out a little pecker like that."
They were wakened in the morning by the sounds of a crying baby. Cathy
rolled out of bed to fetch her, knowing by her aching swolen breasts that
she was wanting her breakfast feeding. Rick woke to an urgent need to pee,
heading off quickly to take care of business. Cathy smirked when she heard
his muffled moans and cursing coming from the bathroom. By the time they
met up in the kitchen, Rick was dressed for work. His normally olive skin
was pale, his mood somber. Neither let on to what they knew, exchanging
only brief bits of conversation ending with a light kiss as he headed out the
door without having eaten anything.
At work he sat staring out a window in a total daze for most of the morning,
showing signs of life only long enough to get the odd coffee and pee three
or four times - each session in the john reminding him in no uncertain terms
of the problem in his shorts. By day's end he hadn't sold a single car - an
all time low record for Rick, which called for a detour to his favorite local
bar to drown his sorrows with a few of 'the boys', finally strolling in quite
pickled sometime after eleven.
This went on for a few days until finally his boss expressed his concerns
about the poor performance and gloomy attitude.
At home his mood was sullen, and as much as Cathy tried to ignore it, her
uncontrollable grin spoke volumes until finally, Rick opened up after
nibbling on some supper on the fourth day. "I don't know how or why you
did this to me, and I'm sure you did, but you've proven your point. The
joke's over - I'm not sure what I've done to deserve this - now give me
back my !@#%& penis!"
"Actually, as far as I know, I didn't have anything to do with whatever your
problem is, dear. But as I remember, you probably brought it on yourself
when we made that bet about having the next baby, back while I was
pregnant. You must know that this hasn't been a picnic for me, and I really
don't want to have another baby, so I guess by the terms of our bet - it's
your turn now and what's happened to you is probably just the beginning.
Besides, I think this might just be the sort of thing you've needed for a very
long time if only to show you how inconsiderate a male chauvinist pig you
really are."
"What do you mean by that? Haven't I always treated you nicely? As for me
having a baby, are you nuts?? Men don't have babies, and nothing in this
world can change that. It's not like I'm about to sprout titties and trade in
my dick for a pussy. Besides, the bet was obviously made in jest since men
can't have babies."
"Maybe not, but on the other hand your penis problems say that something
is a happening, a bet is a bet, and we shook on it."
"On the other hand nothing. This conversation is stupid. This has nothing to
do with a bet and all to do with something you've done to me!" Grabbing
keys and a jacket he stormed out.
Homelife went further downhill from there, without a word said between
them for the next three days. At work his attitude had cost him every last
potential sale and he was now batting zero since the beginning of this
"How long are you going to keep up this silent treatment?" was Cathy's
greeting as he came through the door stinking of scotch this time. Waving a
clenched fist and turning beet red, he finally broke his silence blurting out in
a rage, "I may have the necessary plumbing now, but you're out of your
mind if you think I'm ever going to let some (shudder) man shove his penis
up my hole!"
"I seem to remember saying that to myself once upon a time, but hey that's
what it's for, and a bet is a bet. Now wait a minute! Stop the press! Are you
telling me you don't have a penis any more? Are you also telling me you've
got a vagina? Oh, this is too good! I don't believe you. Can I see it?"
The veins in his neck looked like they were about to burst at the realization
that he'd just blurted out the extent of his predicament. For the first time in
his life, Rick was at a loss for words.
"Oh, this is too good," she kept repeating over and over. "With your sex
drive I doubt you'll make it to your first period, sweetie!" Cathy was
enjoying every minute of this. Seeing this was a no win situation, he up and
staggered out of the house again.
Where he slept that night Cathy never found out, but it surely wasn't at
home. Still wearing the clothes of the previous day, unshaven, stinking of
booze and cheap cigars Rick was the last to show up for work. Still his
mind was adrift, and as another day wore on he again didn't sell a single
The next day he staggered in in the wee hours of the morning, totally drunk
for a change, bumping into furniture as he undressed on his way to the
bedroom, which woke Cathy from all the noise. It was only a matter of
minutes before he'd passed out cold. This was the moment she'd been
waiting for, to check for herself what was going on inside those boxers.
Sure enough there was nothing there - nothing but female labia and an all
too familiar female vagina. "This is too much! This is wonderful! Just
perfect. This is just what the self centered bastard deserves." She began to
gently stroke it, even probe it to see his reactions. Within moments his hips
began a rythmic gyration as his newly acquired pussy began to juice up, all
to confirm that the new plumbing was indeed in working order. "This is
going to be a hoot. I wonder if the changes will go any further though,
since he's been walking around for days with a vagina and nothing else has
changed?" she thought to herself. She laid back to contemplate how to
handle him in the morning and how it would play out on their marriage,
eventually falling asleep with visions of Rick in frilly panties. Was this how
the potion would invoke its revenge, ruining his male sex life or was there
more in store? No matter, this would do just fine. "But what if he really
does get pregnant - WOW!"
The next morning Cathy teased him by offering him a pair of her frilliest
lace panties - he was not amused and showed it by screaming obsenities to
rattle the walls. On a sarcastic, more serious note during a momentary pause
in his rage, she pointed out that if in fact he had working women's
plumbing, he'd be wise to keep some panty liners and tampons on hand,
since there was no way of knowing if and when that first period might
show up. "You're in no mood to be shown you how to use feminine
hygiene products, but a smart guy like yourself should be able to figure it
out. Just stuff these in a coat pocket, that is unless you'd like a purse to put
it in - ha ha, and I'll fill you in tonight."
"I am not going to carry these things on me, not now not ever!"
"Have it your way, dear, but I'd love to see you explain the mess on that
first day you start to bleed. Sure you won't reconsider?" She was absolutely
gloating by now.
"Oh, all right. God this is humiliating, and it's all your fault!" He gingerly
held them between two fingers as if they were pure poison, grasping his
fate more with each passing moment. He breathed a sigh of relief when they
hid completely into an inside breast pocket.
At work that morning his mind was still completely adrift. He daydreamed
of having sex with women again, only to feel a dampness in his shorts and
an inexplicable uncomfortable itch in his crotch with each fantasy. On
occassion an image of himself having sex with a man even popped into his
mind, followed by those same feelings in his crotch, despite the disgusting,
inconceivable impossibility of it ever happening. It got to the point that by
lunchtime, he began to notice a musky odor emanating from down under,
an odor he was all too familiar with, an odor he was sure anyone in sniffing
range would recognize. Reluctantly he went to the bathroom and pulled out
from his inside coat pocket one of the panty liners Cathy had given him.
Wearing boxers was proving no help whatsoever, though as he fiddled with
trying to get the thing to stay in place, found that despite all concsious
efforts to the contrary, he found himself getting more and more turned on.
The privacy of the stall was enough for him to explore his new equipment
further for the very first time, and soon he was thoroughly enjoying himself
as first one, then two fingers began plunging into the depths of his newly
acquired vagina. The smell his orgasm left on his hands and clothes were,
he was certain, all too detectable by anyone getting within ten feet, no matter
how much he wiped and no matter how strong the deodorant in the panty
liner was, so on the excuse of suddenly not feeling well, immediately left
for home.
To his great relief Cathy was out, so he didn't have to explain himself -
quickly stripped and jumped into a cold shower with the intention of
cleansing himself after that rousing session of masturbation, but as he
soaped himself, a weak will and slippery fingers began massaging those
tender sensitive lips once again, bringing on an even more powerful orgasm
than the last, that left him shuddering and weak kneed. Satisfied he was
clean and all played out, he dried off quickly to get dressed, get out of the
house before Cathy showed up, and get back to work before his abscence
raised too many hackles.
He was about to grab a fresh pair of shorts out of his underwear drawer,
when the idea of borrowing a pair of Cathy's panties crossed his mind. Not
that he wanted to wear panties, you understand, but the obvious practicality
of being able to insert a panty liner in a properly fitting garment, just seemed
to be the right thing to do. Nervously he dug to the bottom of her lingerie
drawer to find a pair she wouldn't notice missing. Sliding a hand through
all those silky womens undergarments sent a tingle straight to his crotch,
until he blindly pulled out a pair of skimpy black laced panties. They
weren't exactly his size, what with Cathy's hips being considerably wider
than his, but under the circumstances they'd have to do. The feeling of form
fitting underwear (after wearing baggy loose boxers sans cock and balls to
fill them for days now), with what felt like a diaper inside and rubbing
against unfamiliar body parts, was the oddest he'd ever experienced in
wearing clothes, but tried to block it out of his mind as he finished getting
dressed. Checking to make sure all was as he'd found it, he raced back to
In the next two weeks Rick only managed to sell three cars, which certainly
did not sit well with his boss who now read the riot act. It was "snap out of
it and move some cars, or start looking for a new job. We'll talk again in a
week!" Yet each time he sat across from a customer, male or female, all he
could do was imagine what sex would be like with them, followed by that
now familiar dampness between his legs, which so totally distracted him
that there was no way to keep focused on work.
One night, after nibbling on his supper, Cathy reminded herself of the
lesson in feminine hygiene she'd meant to tell him about some time ago.
When she used this to break the deafening silence which had become the
way of life at home, it brought on a crimson blush. "Why Rick, I do believe
you're blushing. Does it embarrass you?"
He hadn't counted on getting caught this way, so soon. "If you must know,
I'm already wearing a liner" he muttered under his breath.
"You horny little thing. You couldn't keep your pants on, could you?"
"No, it's nothing like that - but if you must know, it's because I've been
walking around all day feeling damp and smelly, so I thought I'd see if
they'd help, that's all."
"Hey, you don't get all wet for nothing. Tell me you've been getting
worked up thinking about having sex, am I right?"
"Well, a couple of times I suppose."
"Liar! You're blushing again. Now tell me - are you dreaming of sex with a
man or a woman?"
"A woman of course!"
"You're lying again, I can tell. No matter, I still say you'll be knocked up
soon enough. But I haven't noticed any of my tampons or pads missing,
which can only mean you've bought some for yourself. Come to think of it,
I haven't seen any of your dirty boxers in the wash lately either, which can
only mean you've been shopping. Please, you've got to tell me what it was
"Yes I've bought some things, and no I won't get into the details."
"So are you wearing panties, and if so can I see them?"
"Yes and no! Now can we please change the subject?" The talk was going
nowhere that Rick wanted it to, so he stormed off to the bedroom on the
verge of tears.
Days passed with more of the same at work, dreaming of sex and not
selling many cars. To drown his sorrows, he decided to stop off for a drink
after work for the first time in weeks, but felt that going to his regular haunt
could prove awkward if any of his lady friends happened to be there,
choosing instead a new place where he doubted he'd run into any of his
'buddies'. He was soon downing a cold one at the bar, when a tall
muscular, well groomed middle aged man sat down next to him. As the man
called out his order, a combination of body language and vocal inflections
made Rick believe that the guy was a total fruit and he'd accidently gone
into a gay bar. "No big deal," he figured. "I'll mind my own business, have
my drink and be on my way."
But it wasn't long before the two had struck up a conversation and were
talking sports and fast cars, as time passed and more drinks were downed.
When the stranger invited him up for a nightcap, Rick thought nothing of it
in his half pickled state, and agreed to join his new drinking buddy.
As Rick admired the neatness of this bachelor's apartment with all it's
African fertility sculptures, his host poured a couple of stiff drinks.
Expecting they'd sit opposite each other as they talked over drinks, Rick
casually chose to sit on the sofa - only to be joined at his side by his new
found friend. Suddenly it donned on him that this guy was about to make a
pass. Not wanting to be rude and not sure how to get out of the situation he
downed the drink and was about to get up and leave, when he felt a hand
slide between his legs causing him to gasp. He tried to get up, but now a
very large, muscular arm was draped over his shoulder making it next to
impossible without having to fight the guy off, which judging by his build
would not be easy. Besides, his legs were so wobbly he doubted they'd
hold him up. His mind was screaming out for this to stop, but his body had
other plans. There was that dampness again, only now he could actually feel
himself getting wet with excitement and as much as he wanted this to end,
all he could do was sit there frozen, except for an occassional twitch as he
got rubbed just the right way. His mind was spinning, mixed with repulsion
at being in the arms of another man and the burning desire to have sex with
him. He watched in disbelief as one of his own hands then reached over to
feel for the bulge in his partner's pants. Then in a flurry they both reached
to undo the other's pants. "Ooh, I like the panties sweetie, but I can't wait
to see what they're hiding," cooed the stranger. He reached inside
expecting to find Rick's stiff cock, only to find a verrry juicy pussy. "What
have we here?"
"You know perfectly well what it is, now don't ask any more questions,
and let's get down to business." In moments Rick could feel the head of a
penis making its way past his outer lips, filling a tunnel he couldn't believe
was his own. At first he felt like a stuffed goose with this seemingly
immense penis inside him, somewhat painfully stretching virgin territory,
but the feeling of that penis sliding in an and out, gently rubbing up against
his virgin clit, was soon becoming a heavenly sensation, Rick wanting it to
last for ever. The pace quickened, the pumping becoming more urgent, the
excitement building toward his first true female type orgasm. But all too
soon there was a sudden swelling followed by a gush of heat in his inners
that told him he'd just been screwed. No bells, no stars, no orgasm for poor
Rick, only sweaty dead weight laying atop him, and a feeling of wetness
running into the crack of his ass. Finally he managed to free himself, as his
'lover' panted and wheased, and headed to wash off in the bathroom.
Watching himself washing the void between his legs, rinsing off the sticky
fluids leaking out of his pussy, the reality that he'd just been screwed by
another man began to sink in, and started to cry.
Without stopping to chat or even trade names, Rick quickly dressed and
headed home, where he was greeted by an all knowing Cathy. "Been
working late for a change, have you?"
"It's all your fault, now leave me alone!" and headed straight for the
bathroom to take a very long shower.
For the next two weeks Rick lived and worked in fear, both for his job and
the possibility his foolishness had gotten him pregnant. He tried to focus on
the job, upping his sales enough to keep his job - "for the time being."
Getting his period was a mixed blessing between not being pregnant, the
cramps, and learning how to change a tampon - but at least he wasn't
Along with pads and tampons, he made sure now to keep a safe neatly
tucked in the jacket breast pocket too. Feeling better at the end of the
period, the urges to have sex again returned, but now even stronger.
Masturbating in the shower at home, or bathroom stalls at work weren't
enough, and Rick soon found himself being drawn back to that new bar
The repulsion of having sex with another man was now completely
outweighed by an insatiable appetite for a penis throbbing inside him. His
old habits of coming home late after work were starting all over again as
Cathy began to wonder if her cure for infidelity had backfired. What with
Rick's little secret between his legs, there were obviously no lipstick stains
or perfume to prove he was up to his old tricks, but she was sure he'd
found a way to get his jollies.
Sometime during the sixth week since his last period, it donned on Rick that
it was late in coming, but thought it was just his body still adjusting to the
new equipment, especially since he'd taken 'precautions' with the other
Between the stress at work, the stresses of home life, and the drastic
changes in his body - he'd lost his appetite of late, to the point of losing
enough weight for his clothes to start looking downright baggy.
As usual Cathy was first up in the morning to answer Ashley's call for food
one morning, and by the time the bedroom alarm clock rang, a pot of coffee
was already brewing. Rick woke up to the alarm ringing in his ear,
followed by his typical shit - shower - shave routine. Only this morning as
he made his way to the bathroom he caught a whiff of the coffee aroma
along with frying eggs and nearly puked on the spot, though he managed to
make it to the toilet bowl before hurling. He crawled back into bed still
nausious, then had Cathy call in sick for him.
By late morning the nausea had subsided and he felt well enough to head in
to work, grabbing a glass of juice and a piece of toast as his breakfast on the
way out of the house. He hadn't shaved, but the minimal growth and the
late hour meant he'd be able to put it off for the day.
No sooner had he arrived when he was summoned to the boss's office.
"Rick my boy, the time has come for some changes around here. As you
well know, your performance has not been anywhere near what I'd expect
of you, to the point of being pitiful and totally unacceptable of late. On top
of that I've been watching you to see if maybe there was a problem I could
spot that could be addressed, since you've been my best salesman for years
and it hurts to see you slumping so bad. But for weeks now, all you do is
sit at your desk staring off into space half the day. To make things worse
I've noticed that more and more often you're coming to work late and that
you're clothes look like you've been sleeping in them. I've given you fair
warning but I'm afraid I can't cut you any more slack - you're starting to
bring down morale, and I'm so very sorry to do this, but I've got to let you
go. Your pay and papers are waiting for you with my secretary, and again,
I'm sorry it's turned out this way." He rose to escort a shell shocked Rick
out of the office. Within an hour Rick had cleaned out his desk, said his
good byes, and was on his way home.
The look on his face as he walked in the door so early in the day, told Cathy
instantly what had happened. "My life has turned to shit, and it's all because
of you and that stupid bet."
"Hey now wait a minute here, missy! As I remember it, you're the one who
made the bet, so you have only yourself to blame." On the one hand Cathy
was again pleased that he'd gotten more of what was coming to him, but on
the other hand, with no more job it meant he'd have to find another one
quickly or she'd have to go back to work sooner than planned, if they were
to meet the rent. In a flash she decided it would be her to get back to work,
leaving Rick to maintain the house and care for the baby - just to show him
how the other half lived. They talked it over - albeit one sidedly, as Cathy's
mind was irrevocably made up, and even though he tried his best to argue
the matter, Cathy was soon on the phone to her old boss.
"That's great! See you tomorrow. Bye.....Rick ...Great news!...They need
me and want me back immediately."
"Just great."
"Oh don't be such a grouch. Look at it this'll finally have some
quality time with your daughter, you know the one - Ashley?"
"Oh great, just great, that's just what I wanted - to play babysitter and
househusband, yeah great."
"Look, if I'm to start work tomorrow, I've got things to do. There's
formula in the fridge, you have to change her diaper when she wakes from
her nap, then needs to be fed, and I'll see you later." As fast as that she
grabbed car keys and a purse and was gone.
He just sat there, his mouth gaping.
All too soon he heard Ashley crying, but not having ever changed her diaper
before, it was a nervous Rick that went to attend to her. After fumbling with
the sleeper, then cleaning her mess, he managed to get on another fresh
diaper and her cries changed to smiles by the time she was gingerly picked
She must have sensed his nervousness or was truly famished, because in
moments she was screaming louder than ever. In a panic, he ran to the
kitchen in search of a bottle, quickly jamming it in her mouth, which luckily
soothed her instantly. After downing the entire bottle, he remembered
something about burping a baby after feeding it. He rested her over his
shoulder, patted a few times and waited for the expected belch. Only Ashley
was not so obliging, instead tossing her entire lunch down Rick's back.
"Ah, damn it all! Look at this mess. When Cathy gets back I'm putting an
end to this! Babies are a mother's responsibility, and I'm certainly no
The afternoon was spent cleaning himself, running a wash - another new
adventure - to rid the house of the awful stink of baby puke, and changing a
few more smelly diapers. When Cathy returned from an enjoyable afternoon
of shopping and a pampering session at her favorite beauty salon, she found
them both sound asleep on the living room floor.
That evening Cathy laid out her view on things. "Since I'll be at work all
day, I won't be here to feed her any longer, so I've bought a case of
formula and lots of baby food." She laughed, he sneered. "Also, if you're
taking over the household duties, I've made a schedule of things to do for
the week, and remind you that if we're to eat it's going to be up to you to
get the food and prepare the meals - and no frozen dinners, thank you!"
"Anything else, dear??!!"
Quite pleased with herself and by the turn of events she replied. "No, I
think that should do for now."
The alarm was set an hour earlier than usual to give Cathy time to dress, do
her makeup, and grab a bite of breakfast. As it went off she sprang out of
bed anxious to greet the day ahead while Rick groggily rolled out, and the
baby began to wail - right on cue. By the time Cathy was done in the
bathroom, he'd changed a diaper and begun feeding Ashley.
Cathy prepared herself a typical breakfast of coffee eggs and toast. Again,
as soon as he got a whiff of the eggs Rick instantly felt nauseous, to the
point where he had to put Ashley down, rush off to the bathroom and
upchuck. Once could have been due to illness, but two days in a row -
Cathy knew the score. As he came out of the bathroom she confronted him.
"So you're pregnant. Congratulations!"
"I am not pregnant! What on earth would have led you to that idiotic
"Try - morning sickness."
"Look, you don't know what you're saying, okay? Now why don't you
run off to work like a good little girl."
She did just that, leaving Rick to mind the baby and the house. In an effort
to prove that he was every bit as capable at house keeping as any 'woman',
he followed Cathy's list to the letter and then some, going so far as to
prepare a three course dinner for their supper. Cathy was properly
impressed upon returning from work, noting too the fatigue on Rick's face.
Oh, he tried to keep her company, barely nibbling on his food, but was
dozing off by meal's end and headed straight off to bed without doing the
This manual labor thing and baby minding business was a lot more
demanding than Rick had ever realized, forcing him to take afternoon naps
along with the baby. By week's end he'd gotten the hang of using the
washer, the vacuum, and an iron - but the fatigue was still there.
Now that Cathy was back at work, the only time to run errands, buy
clothes, or get her hair done was on the weekend. After a physically
challenging week like he hadn't experienced in years, all Rick wanted to do
was rest, maybe even catch a ball game on the tube - a chance to get some
well deserved R & R. But Cathy wasn't about to let him off so easy and let
it be known that she had 'things to do' which meant Rick was still stuck to
babysit. Even so, by lunchtime Rick saw to it that the house was tidied up
and Ashley was napping. Parking in front of the television, he began
flipping channels in search of a good game, only it was still too early, with
only gardening and ladies fashion shows on. "Well at least the girls are
pretty" he thought to himself as he settled on CNN's Style. Todays feature
was on makeup, and the dramatic transformation it could perform on the
plainest of faces, though the models were anything but plain. He was
mezmerized by their beauty, their complexion, figures, and even the clothes
they paraded, bringing a warm fuzzy feeling to his crotch. When the pre-
game shows started, his mind was still back with those lovely young
As the next work week began, Rick decided to make a few changes to the
routine, by taking Ashley out for a nice long walk and check out the local
coffee emporium in hopes of finding other house husbands to commiserate
with. It wasn't hard to spot the locals, their scruffy casual clothing and
strollers being the dead giveaways, nor was it too difficult to join their
clique. This was a great way to pass the time, enjoy a great cup of java, and
break the hum drum life of cooking and cleaning, though it didn't leave
much time to get through with chores before Cathy got home. By weeks
end Rick was feeling right at home with these new found friends and
neighbors, with the slight exception that other than for himself, all the other
men had seemingly willingly chosen this lifestyle, and as far as he could tell
none of the others was walking around with a vagina.
"This isn't such a bad life after all, between the lack of pressures - once a
part of my every day work life, the company of good friends, and time with
Ashley," he was idly chatting with one of 'the guys', Hank, over a
mochachino one morning. The overriding need to have sex with a man had
mysteriously stopped, though spotting the more handsome of the group did
trigger some vivid scenarious of alternate ways to pass the days, and with it
that now familiar pleasant damp slippiness of his pussy. "What I do miss is
the excitement of competing for a customer and the satisfaction of closing a
profitable sale." What Rick failed to notice during their talk, was Hank's
glances at the way he was sitting - with legs neatly crossed in a way that
should have been most uncomfortable if not impossible for a man. When at
last Rick realized Hank wasn't paying too close attention to the topic of
discussion and saw just why, he ever so calmly readjusted his legs,
wondering why he'd done it and made a mental note to be more careful in
Over the next few weeks Cathy began watching Rick to see if there weren't
something different about him, able to spot only that his skin seemed less
rugged and considerably less hairy, and that his appetite seemed to have
returned. He was still very much embarrassed about walking around
without a cock and balls, making sure not to undress in front of her or let
her get anywhere near him when in bed.
For his part Rick was relieved that those bouts of morning nausea had
ended, and that his appetite had returned with a vengeance, though with all
the food, his waistline and hips were sprouting at an alarming rate.
Cathy noted one Saturday morning, "It's interesting how I'm back at work
and you're here at home - the househusband. You're even starting to look
the part too with your long hair and baggy sweats. You really should take
better care of yourself you know. As a matter of fact, why don't I make an
appointment for you to get your hair done, god knows you need it." Again
his protests fell on deaf ears, as Cathy called her stylist at the unisex hair
salon they both frequented.
What he wasn't telling her, was that he was wearing the baggy clothes for
several reasons, including an effort to hide a weight loss to his upper body
and thighs, to hide his widening hips, and most recently because they felt
more comfortable against a constantly tender tummy. As for the long hair,
he'd noticed that some of the other guys as part of their casual lifestyles,
had grown beards and in some cases let their hair grow long into pony tails,
so letting it grow out wasn't much of a concern. The idea of a beard had
crossed his mind as a way to bug Cathy, since she thought them to be a sign
of unprofessionalism, but even without shaving for days now, there was
barely a blond peach fuzz showing, making a beard an impossibility.
The salon had an immediate opening, so as she hung up the phone Cathy
grabbed Ashley, a purse and Rick, in one flowing motion. Once at the salon
and seated at the shampoo station, Cathy pulled the stylist aside to discuss
several possible cuts, considering hair of this length and texture, slipping
her a few bills to ensure she followed all her instructions to the letter and to
ignore any of Rick's pleas or protests. It had been almost two months since
his last cut and it had been somewhat long to begin with, and now his hair
hung to his shoulders. Since the shop catered to both men and women, and
Rick was quite comfortable being there - had even come in on his own on
occasion, he felt satisfied he was in capable hands, so it didn't bother him
when Cathy and baby left to do some shopping. After the customary
shampooing, he was led back to a chair for the cut. When she began to
comb out his hair in preparation of the cut, Rick sat patiently awaiting her
usual request for instructions on how he wanted it cut, but she never opened
her mouth. "Aren't you going to ask me how I want it cut?"
"I think I already know, but let's hear it anyway."
"Parted on the side, long enough to cover my ears, and shorter in the back
than last time."
"No problem, just sit back and relax."
It struck him as odd that she was squirting some smelly goop into his hair
instead of beginning the cut. "You must have been indoors for a long time
recently. Your hair is in terrible shape. I'm going to give it a treatment that
will repair much of that damage, so sit back and relax, it has to soak in for a
while." After some time she reappeared and after rinsing out the solution,
repeated with yet another even smellier liquid. "This is a professional
conditioner to make the hair more manageable. It too will take some time to
soak in, so you might as well read a magazine for a while, and I'll see you
soon." After flipping through a copy of Vogue and another of Cosmo., it
was time to lead him back over to the wash basin. As soon as the last of the
goop had been rinsed out, a towel was wrapped around his head and was
led him back to the styling chair. She then began the cut - a little here, a little
there, and after a much longer time than usual, the cutting was done. Now
another goop was liberally applied. "This will add body to the hair as I blow
dry it" she explained. Cathy walked in just as the last strands were being
brushed out.
"Oh Rick, you're absolutely adorable. I love it!"
"What do you mean 'adorable'? It should look about the same as I've been
having it cut for the past fifteen years. What have you done to me now?
Turn this chair around so I can see for myself." As his reflection came into
view he gasped and turned beet red at the same time. "What the hell have
you done to me? I DEMAND that you get busy and undo this - this sick
His normally brown hair was now golden honey blond, but that was only
the half of it, for it had ben cut and styled in a most feminine layered design,
complete with bangs and teased higher and more full than ever before.
The stylist knew better than to get caught up in the middle of a lovers
quarrel, and quickly disappeared. "Darling, I think as the perfect house
husband you're becoming, this style is just right on you, don't you think?
I'll bet the guys at the coffee shop will just love it too, but then again, now
that you're starting to show, I doubt you're planning on being seen in
public for a while - what would the guys think. That is unless you're ready
to admit that you're pregnant and ready to be seen properly dressed - in
maternity dresses. But since I know you're still in denial, this new look of
yours will be for my private enjoyment, and I think it's adorable."
At this point there was little to do without creating a scene, which would
have only made matters worse. Rick couldn't wait to get away from all
those snickering onlookers, couldn't wait to get home and wash out his
hair. Of course they drove home in silence, Cathy beaming with
satisfaction, while Rick sulked, trying to figure a way to get hold of a do it
yourself hair coloring kit without having to actually go out and buy it in
Once the setting lotion had been washed out, poor Rick wasn't much
happier, as he still had a head full of long blond wavy hair that needed to be
blown out and styled somewhat if only to keep it out of his eyes and off his
face, now that it was too short to pull into a ponytail. Over the next few
days, each time he caught sight of himself, there was a moment of surprise
at the pretty blond staring back at him. With time he became more
accustomed to a head full of sculpted long bouncy hair, and despite it being
blond, he actually began to like the new cut. As they readied for bed one
night, Cathy caught a profile view of Rick. "Honey, how long are you
going to keep denying you're pregnant?"
"I guess for ever, since guys can't get pregnant, and besides - even it it
were somehow possible considering this pussy of mine, it'll never happen."
"Then tell me, when was your last period?"
"If you must know, I've only had one and that was a few weeks ago,
"So let's see, a late period, morning sickness, fatigue, balooning waistline,
no appetite for weeks followed by constant hunger, and if my eyes don't
deceive me - sprouting little titties. And you don't think it all adds up to
being pregnant? Boy are you ever in denial. Tell you what though, when
your clothes don't fit any more, you're welcome to my maternity
"Funny, very funny, ha, ha, ha!"
"Hey, I knew you wouldn't be able to keep yourself from trying out the
equipment, if only to know what it felt like to have a stiff prick inside you,
and I don't blame you, I kind of miss it too. But you really should have
been more careful dear, I mean you do know how to make babies, right?"
She giggled as he stood there speechless.
The daily coffee shop ritual now a thing of the past, Rick had plenty of free
time, and used it the following morning to strip for a self inspection in front
of the full length bathroom mirror. Sure enough, everything Cathy had
described was true, right down to the slightly swollen mounds on his chest
- budding breasts. In a panic, he dressed himself in a loose track suit, gave
his hair a quick brushing, and readied the baby for a trip to the local
pharmacy. The clerk was a pleasant young woman who only smiled at the
request for a pregnancy test kit.
When Cathy came home that night, there was no supper ready, only a
weeping Rick in the living room sitting next to an opened pregnancy test kit.
"I'm a man, and a man can't have a baby - even if his genitals have been
somehow switched. The bet was only a joke, you can't force me to have a
"Sorry honey, but I guess you aren't the man you thought you were, now
are you? And while we're at it, might I remind you that no one forced you
to make or accept our bet, nor am I the one who got you pregnant - you
managed that one all on your own. So now I get to sit back and enjoy
watching you, Mr. Macho, live through one of life's most enjoyable
miracles, right through to the delivery. Oh I can't wait for that! Then we'll
give it a bit of time and we can talk about who'll be having another baby.
I'm willing to lay odds it won't be me. In the mean time though, my offer
still stands about using my maternity clothes - that is unless you'd rather
buy some of your own?" She chuckled, he sobbed some more. "I suppose I
ought to mention, that once you're into maternity clothes, you'll be wanting
to look like the radiant expectant mother to be that you are, so feel free to
borrow a purse, use my makeup, ..."
"Never! Not in a million years. It won't happen. I'm going to hole myself
up here for the duration, or the abortion - which ever comes first."
"Soon enough you'll feel the baby move, and then I'd like to see my big
strong husband muster up the nerve to get an abortion. It won't happen!
Then as your tummy begins to bulge and your breasts swell with milk, and
nothing fits any more, I'm sure you'll be wanting to dress appropriately.
And aren't you forgetting your regular visits to the gyno, and the pre-natal
classes, and what about taking Ashley for her daily walks? Never is a long
time to stay holed up and a statement you might want to reconsider, mister."
This was wonderful, watching the look on his face as he saw where his life
was heading. As a closing to the discussion, Cathy headed off to the
kitchen, giving one of Rick's erect nipples a pinch on the way by, which
caused him to flinch in pain.
There was no doubt that his body was betraying him. With each passing
day he was noticing subtle changes, not only to his waist, but his breasts,
skin, and hair too. It wasn't long before the elastic of even his sweat pants
was becoming too uncomfortable to bear, and those maternity clothes began
looking like the only practical solution.
The final straw came one day when he realized there were no diapers left in
the house. Cathy had been pretty good about keeping the house stocked,
and aside from a few short walks with Ashley, he'd been able to hide away
- but now there was no choice but to go out and be seen in public. Rick tried
to get dressed, changing from a loose bathrobe into his sweats, but the
elastic waistband was just too constricting. Not wanting to, yet having to,
the only alternative was to try on the maternity wear. Cringing at the
thought, but forced by the reality of his now jiggly breasts, not only was he
about to try on ladies maternity wear but he'd be needing a bra to wear
underneath it too. He began rummaging through Cathy's underwear drawer
to find a bra that would contain his jiggly puffy chest, and a dress that
would fit his mis-shaped body. He struggled to get the bra on, which really
didn't fit properly what with Cathy a C cup and his little titties at most an
'A' - with a chest measurement larger than Cathy's too, but it was better
than nothing, then slid on a maternity dress of all things! Looking at himself
in the mirror, staring back was an unmistakenly preganant looking - guy in
drag. "No way I'm going out looking like this," but the baby began to wail
leaving no options. He tried on a pair of Cathy's shoes - something that
might look more appropriate with a dress than his men's running shoes with
their styling and somewhat higher heels, and found that they fit surprisingly
well considering he'd always thought his feet to be so much larger than
hers. But with the shoes came the need for stockings, nylons to be exact.
Quickly rummaging through another of Cathy's drawers, he came across a
package of sheer maternity pantyhose. Removing them from the pack, it
didn't seem possible these flimsy little tubes would make it up his legs, let
alone over his hips, but it was worth a try. Bending over, his stomach got
squished. A new tack was needed, and after a few more attempts managed
to get them up to mid thighs. Stretching and tugging, now in a sweat, they
were finally up all the way. With Ashley wailing away, he slipped the shoes
back on and took his first tentative steps in women's heels. The feel of the
nylon encasing his legs, the sound of the material rubbing as he stumbled
towards the mirror, brought on an embarrasing flush to his cheeks from the
unexpected pleasurable sensations.
He was certain he still looked like a guy dressing up even after taking a
brush to the hair that now reached inches past his shoulders. Feeling totally
self concious and nervous as hell, it was time to go. He grabbed his wallet
and keys off the dresser, only to be reminded that of course the dress had
no pockets. The purse Cathy had left hanging on the closet knob would
have to be put into service. Opening it to load his things, he found a hair
brush and lipstick inside. The thought of wearing makeup had never - ever
in his life crossed his mind, but seeing it gave him the idea that he'd
probably look better with it than without, and that he might just pass a little
more convincingly as a woman instead of a guy in drag. Nervously, with
trembling hands he gingerly fumbled with the tube. As it uncapped he was
hit with a sweet perfumy scent, then twisted it to expose a bright red phallic
symbol. Watching his hand in the mirror as it slowly rose to meet his lips he
broke out in a cold sweat, then watched in amazement as he began stroking
some of the glossy red color to his lips. The first attempt made a terrible
mess, so it got wiped off and he tried again with better success, but redid it
for a third time, now starting to get the hang of it. For better or worse, it
was done and now time to leave, so he and the baby headed off to shop.
Pushing a stroller down the street he was surprised that no one paid him
much attention, so he continued heading down the street with just a touch
more self confidence. Perhaps it was on account of the shoes he deduced,
but if he wasn't mistaken he'd developed a definite sway to his step that
seemed to be centered at the hip as evidenced by the swaying motion of the
dress. Stumbling a few times on the unaccustomly elevated shoes, he
slowed the pace, taking greater care in taking each step, which only
pronounced the sway of the hips. At the store a few people smiled at the
sight of his slightly rounded belly and the obvious maternity wear, some
even asking when the baby was due, which unconciously brought on a
nervous smile and a tentatively proud response of "five more months" each
time. By the time they'd returned home he was exhausted and once the baby
was changed and fed, they both took a well deserved nap.
He awoke to the sounds of Cathy's hysterical laughter. "Don't you look
pretty in that dress, Mr. Stud. It seems like only yesterday that you said
'never' to a dress, now just look at how cute you are."
"Hello to you too!" He was in no mood for her digs. "Believe me, it was
only because it was an emergency. Even if the dress is somewhat
comfortable to wear, I'm not going to start dressing up like a girl, that's for
"So should I be trying to find you some extra large jeans or oversized
sweats for your doctor's visit next week?"
"What doctor's visit?"
"Silly, your first prenatal gyno check up. I've made an appointment for you
next Tuesday."
His stomach began to churn at the gravity of the situation, but settled down
when he rubbed it gently. "You're serious aren't you - me going to a
"I must say that you put yourself together quite well - or did one of your old
girlfriends come over to help you? If you'd like, I'd be glad to give you
some pointers that would make you look much prettier, for the next time
you're out."
With the thought of having to be seen in public again while out for a walk or
attending to errands, or the thought of sitting in a doctor's waiting room
filled with expectant women, he sheepishly replied "Would you?"
This totally shocked Cathy, who thought he'd have rebelled to the bitter end
and did her best to hide the shock, carrying on as if his reply was expected.
"Let's start by showing you the basics of makeup. Come sit at the vanity
while I book you another apointment at the salon -you're about due."
Gesturing like a cocky big shot, "Sure, why not, and while we're at it why
not book a manicure too."
By now Cathy was already making the appointment. "Yes I'd like to make
an appointment with Stacey for a styling, with Cheryl for a manicure, oh
yes, and Karen for a leg wax....Yes Saturday morning at ten will be fine....
Thank you." Then she dialed again. "Good evening, I'd like to make a
reservation for two on Saturday at seven...Rickie... Thank you."
"They'd have a hard time believing you to be a 'Rick', don't you think?"
"You're serious about this aren't you?"
"Like a heart attack! You are going to experience every bit of being a
woman, a pregnant one at that, from the housework to the work we go
through to please a man, then I dare you to make light of a woman's life
Cathy gave Rick his first lesson on makeup essentials, which lasted for
what seemed only minutes despite the fact that she'd actually spent nearly
two hours showing him how to use the various creams, powders, pencils,
and lipsticks at her disposal.
"You'll see that I don't own a single pair of maternity pants, never saw any
that were flattering to a big belly, and wearing a dress is so much more
ladylike - don't you think?"
He had to agree, but couldn't see where it was leading.
"A lady should always be presentable, from her clothes to her hair, makeup,
and accessories -right?" She was plucking hairs from his eyebrows as she
spoke. "You're turning into a lovely young lady, with child, and I'll expect
you to dress and maintain yourself accordingly, understood?"
He couldn't believe what he was hearing, yet the pregnant woman in the
mirror didn't see many alternatives to this plight, so he obediently nodded in
agreement with Cathy. That, and the fact that if he lived up to his end of the
bet, he'd show her just how tough, flexible, and capable a man could be.
The evening ended with a kiss and his first "I love you" to Cathy in many
months, as they went to bed.
With still two days to go before the Saturday feminization ordeal, he tried to
figure a way out because the more he thought about it the less appealing it
seemed, and he 'sure as hell didn't want to end up all dolled up like a girl'.
Yet each time he caught sight of his reflection, it seemed less and less like
he remembered it to be. His skin was so smooth and soft to the touch, the
carpet of hair on his arms legs and chest barely a blond peach fuzz now, the
need to shave all but a memory, with everything about his body seemingly
more delicate, more - feminine. He felt his stomach fluttering on and off
again, figuring it to be nerves in anticipation of Saturday, though for some
uncanny reason, it would settle down if gently rubbed. He'd play with his
hair while eyeing himself, trying to imagine what the end result of Saturday
would look like even going so far, as to put on lipstick and a pair of Cathy's
clip on earrings once, laughed at the sight for a moment, then hurriedly took
off the earrings and wiped off the lipstick.
It wasn't all a waste though, since the next day he