Baby Candy Chap. 18 free porn video

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Thank you for all those encouraging comments. Please keep posting your responses here. I love to read what you think. BJ Chapter 18. Melody and Cindy. It was only a three-block walk - I mean waddle to Melody's house, although with the thick wad of cloth stuffed between my legs, it seemed to take half the morning. It was another perfect mid-west Summer's day - hot and dry, with barely a hint of breeze. That goodness every street was lined with towering eucalyptus trees, providing plenty of shade on the sidewalks. I was grateful Melody lived in the opposite direction to the mall, but my silent prayers that we'd make the journey without meeting anyone soon proved thankless. The streets were mostly empty, but every now and then we passed a house with a bunch of kids playing out the front. The children were all junior school age or younger. I assumed the local teenagers were probably gathered at the mall or hanging out somewhere the adults couldn't see what they were up to. When Brenda led me shuffling past the playing children in my humiliating toddler harness, the younger ones usually quit what they were doing to watch us. I tried to hurry, shuffling as fast as my little legs and my bulky nappies would allow me, but my buxom babysitter kept a steady dragging pull on the reins to slow my pace to an awkward bow-legged waddle. Some kids giggled, others silently stared, while other children rushed up to the fences bordering the footpath for a better look. Most of the boys merely pointed and sniggered, but then ignored me to stare at the gorgeous big-busted teenager holding my reins. The girls were far more interested in the sight of a big diapered baby girl being taken for a stroll in her toddler harness and baby reins. Some of them walked into the street and followed us along the footpath past their neighbours' front yards, mocking and jeering my infantile appearance. Brenda made no move to stop them, and pulled back harder on the leather reins to further slow my progress. She even made me stop a couple of times so the younger - but bigger - children could surround me. A couple of girls demanded to know why I was diapered and harnessed like a big baby. I babbled indecipherably around my dum-dums, drooling heavily in response, which soon made most of them lose interest. Instead they looked to my beautiful blonde cousin for answers. "She's just a big baby, that's why," was her simple explanation. Brenda patted my head in a deliberately condescending manner, making my floppy pigtails dance. The reins prevented me from ducking away. "Baby Candy can't stop wetting and pooping her panties and acting like a silly baby, so that's how we treat her - like a silly baby." The children's responses varied - from horrified to outraged to cruel laughter. Brenda didn't order the nastier kids to stop mocking me or laughing in my face. She seemed to revel in my humiliation. I affected not to care, letting a stream of drool escape my lips to pour down my chin. I was a baby. A useless big baby with no control. Why should I care? When I refused to react and continued my infantile behaviour, the girls soon grew bored and left me alone to return to their games. Brenda was grinning like a Cheshire cat when she ordered me to resume our journey. "Come on, Baby Candy," she sang to me, gently flicking my back with the leather reins. "Off we go. It's not far now." One house we passed had a group of six- to eight-year-old girls playing 'elastics' in the front yard. Two bigger girls stood a few yards apart facing each other, a loop of half-centimetre-wide white hat elastic stretched from one girl's legs to the other's. It was wrapped around their knees and another smaller girl was jumping in and out of the stretchy barrier they'd created, in time to a rhyme the other girls were chanting. Everyone looked happy clapping and singing together, and I wished I could join in their game. When I shuffled past, one of them squealed, "Look! It's Baby Candy!" Several girls abandoned what they were doing and ran out to greet us, yelling to my cousin; "Hi Brenda!" Did everyone in this dinky backwoods town know each other? A pudgy girl with short dark brown hair asked my cousin as she trotted out onto the sidewalk to join us, "Where are you taking Baby Candy?" I recognised several of the girls from Kate's party and I shivered in anticipation when they encircled me. They were the horrible girls who surrounded me after the spelling bee and pulled up my dress to expose my drooping wet nappies. "Hello Donna. I'm taking the baby to visit Melody and her little Cindy," Brenda replied to the pudgy girl, smiling sunnily and pointing down the tree-lined avenue. "Look! She's sucking a dummy," one of Donna's friends unkindly pointed out, indicating the big pink pacifier bobbing in my mouth. The others laughed in derision. "Is she wearing a nappy?" Donna inquired, pulling a disgusted face at the very thought. She didn't wait for an answer and rudely shoved my dress and frothy petties up around my head, as high as my tight toddler harness straps permitted. I squealed in alarm and tried to wrench away from the mean girl, but Brenda trapped me in place with the humiliating reins. The other girls laughed when they spied my bulging fancy panties with the lavish yellow lace frills across the seat. It was obvious I was heavily diapered underneath my shiny satin rumba panties. "Yes Donna, of course she's wearing a nappy! Otherwise she'd piddle all over the place," Brenda informed them, causing a fresh outburst of bright girlish laughter. "She's just a baby, remember?" When the buxom blonde mentioned my lack of bladder control, I realised I was already wetting my nappy. I wasn't sure when I'd started. There was no point trying to stop it and I relaxed and let the hot stream gush out of me. I whimpered in shame and chewed on my dum-dums for the soothing reassurance it usually provided. Donna thankfully released my petticoats and I clumsily stumbled backwards at the unexpected freedom. "We'll have to go visit Cindy later this morning," Donna suggested, and her little girlfriends cackled and nodded in agreement. "Alright Donna. See you later." Brenda gave me a gentle push in the back to send me on my way. "Bye Brenda. Bye-bye, Baby Candy." Behind me I could hear Donna telling the other girls all about me and I cringed in embarrassment. I hardly noticed the little spurts of urine leaking out of me with my every shuffling step. It seemed my bladder sphincter had given up completely, relaxing open to allow whatever was in my bladder to leak out with any increase in pressure. A few houses down the street from the giggling girls, my cousin used the baby reins to pull me up short. "In here, baby." Brenda pointed to a comfortable single-story bungalow set back from the street. It had a low white post and rail fence and a well-mown lawn, with a huge elm tree dominating the front yard. We walked up the shaded concrete drive and as we approached Melody's house, I started in surprise. My candy-striped stroller was parked beside the entrance to her house, and my huge playpen had been set up on the grass outside the kitchen windows. I recognised the padded pink vinyl floor with the pattern of smiling Barbies. I glanced back at the street and realised that anyone passing by would be able to see the playpen and its occupants, albeit from a distance. The front door was open behind the closed screen door. Brenda banged on the flimsy aluminium screen door and opened it wide. She called out, "Hello Melody?" She pointed to the floor and in a quieter voice ordered me, "Down you go, baby girl." I waddled inside and obediently dropped to all fours on the hallway carpet, my chiffon petties swirling around my padded hips and swishing against my satin rumba panties. I glanced down past my dangling dummy-chain and realised I couldn't see my legs, just a frothy mass of white chiffon drooping from my waist to the floor. "Crawl inside and let me hear you babbling like a proper baby girl," Brenda insisted. When I obediently crawled ahead of her mumbling inanities around my dum-dums, she followed, the leather reins looped in one fist, calling out; "Melody! Melody? We're here for Baby Candy's play-date." I heard Cindy squeal in excitement. "Candy!" The little girl bounded into sight and came barrelling down the hallway towards us, but her steps faltered at the sight of me on all fours, bound like a puppy on a leash. She was dressed in a brief pink, sleeveless cotton frock and white leather sandals without socks, and she looked cool and comfortable on this hot Summer's day. Her hair was tied up in fluffy bunches like mine, except without the ribbons. Cindy drew to a halt right in front of my pink painted fingernails and stared down at me with a bemused expression. Melody walked into the hallway behind her little girl, beaming in delight. "Hello Brenda," the slender twenty-something greeted my cousin. "I see you brought your little niece over to play. Hello Baby Candy." She didn't look surprised to see me on all fours in my harness and baby reins. Melody wore a blue gingham pinafore apron over her sleeveless powder-blue cotton frock, with low-heeled tan rope wedges on her dainty feet. Her platinum-blonde locks were held away from her heart-shaped face by a sky-blue Alice band that matched her sparkling eyes, and her generous mouth glistened with rich coat of glossy pink lipstick. I'd forgotten how gorgeous she was. I looked past the bemused little girl to stare up at her beautiful smiling mother. "Ba-ba ga-ga goo-goo goo!" I babbled like a real infant. "Mummy!" Cindy squealed joyfully. "Candy's playing babies! Can I play 'Mummies and Babies' with Candy?" "Of course you can," the smiling woman told her excited toddler. A grinning Brenda assured Cindy, "Our Baby Candy loves playing babies." "Why don't we put the girls in the playpen right away?" Melody suggested. "Then I'll make us a cup of tea and we can have a little chat about your big baby girl." Cindy trotted ahead of us out the front door and I turned and crawled after her. I didn't bother rising to my feet when I passed through the door. I crawled across the front doormat and all the way to the playpen like the big baby I was, my chiffon petties brushing the grass. The ground was soft under my hands and knees as I headed across the lawn, and Melody opened the hinged gate high. Brenda used the reins to pull me up short. "Kneel up, Baby Candy," she ordered. She unbuckled the rear of my toddler harness and cooed, "Reach for the stars, baby girl." When Brenda drew the restrictive white leather straps over my head and away, I gave a muted sigh of thanks and dropped on all fours once more. Cindy threw herself on her hands and knees and crawled into the playpen ahead of me, squealing with glee. As I shuffled in right behind her, I had a clear view up her flared pink frock. With a start I realised Cindy was wearing training panties - thick pink terry cotton trainers, with a stiff crackling plastic lining between the bulky layers. In the week since Kate's birthday party, my two and a half-year-old playmate had graduated out of nappies to training panties, while I'd regressed to diaper-dependency like an incorrigible infant. I chewed on my sloppy dum-dums and grunted in dismay, feeling more alone and infantile than ever. The little girl leapt to her feet on the soft padded floor and clutched the vertical bars facing her mother. "Can I feed the baby a bottle, Mummy?" Melody glanced at Brenda and when she grinned and nodded, the gorgeous twenty-something told her daughter, "Certainly darling. We'll bring you a bottle to feed your little baby girl." "Yay!" Cindy squealed, jumping up and down in glee. Melody glanced at the dummy busily bobbing in my mouth and asked her excited toddler, "Do you want your dummy too, darling?" Cindy emphatically shook her head and politely declined. "No thank you, Mummy. I don't need a dummy any more. I'm a big girl, remember? I wear big-girl panties," she proudly declared. The cute toddler released the bars with one hand and flipped up the hem of her brief pink frock in front to display her thick padded training panties. Brenda giggled at the excited little girl's outrageous panty-show while Melody beamed in maternal approval, her sky-blue eyes shining with love. "Yes darling. You're such a big girl now." The beautiful blonde looked and sounded so proud of her little one. "I think I'd better bring you a drink and a bonnet too, sweetheart," Melody suggested, glancing up at the cloudless blue sky. "That sun is pretty hot." Brenda bit her luscious pink bottom lip and pulled a wry face. "I forgot to pack a bonnet for Baby Candy." "Don't worry," Melody reassured her. "I've got quite a few bonnets for Cindy. Your little girl can borrow one of hers." Brenda smiled her thanks as she bolted the playpen gate closed, and the women walked into the house chatting amongst themselves. I thought I heard Melody quietly mention, "Cindy is doing so well with her potty-training, and she only uses her dummy at bedtime now." I cringed in shame. It seemed everyone and everything was conspiring to make me feel more useless, more infantile - more like a real baby girl. My buxom cousin returned moments later carrying a pink baby bottle full of juice and one of my frilly bibbies. She had some frilled baby bonnets tucked under one arm. "Here darling." Brenda poked the sloshing bottle through the bars and the little girl snatched it and whirled to face me. "Wait a second, Cindy. You both need your bonnets, and we need to put a bib on your baby girl first." I didn't notice Melody watching us from inside the house. She was aiming a camcorder through the open kitchen window a few feet away, and she was recording everything we were doing. Cindy turned back and stepped closer to the bars and helpfully raised her face. Brenda slipped a pink bonnet over the little girl's head and tied the dangling white cotton laces under her chin. She arranged the wide white lace brim to protect her face, then turned to me. My cousin giggled as leaned over the top rail and clipped my white terry bib around my neck. I watched her massive bosoms surge forward beneath the shirred pink boob-tube, hoping they might burst forth. My clean bibbie had yellow lace bordering the collar and outside edge and bore the embarrassing legend; 'Potty-Pants Baby' in yellow silk lettering two inches high. Brenda ordered, "Lift your chin, Baby Candy." The humiliating baby bonnet she slipped on my head was made from yellow cotton edged with a narrow band of white lace around the back and sides. The wide lace- covered brim was huge and sat up high above my forehead due to a thin layer of stiff plastic sewn inside. Brenda threaded the wide satin ribbon ties between my throat and the dangling plastic chain of my dum- dums, and tied them in a huge floppy bow under my chin. She stood upright and tossed me a shark-like grin. "There you are, Baby Candy. Don't you look sweet?" I'm sure my new infantile headgear only made me look more like a useless baby girl. Not that it mattered. After all, I'm just a baby - aren't I? Cindy flopped onto her bottom facing the house and patted her little lap. "Come here to Mummy, Baby Candy," she ordered. Her pink bonnet framed her pretty little face with an edge of frilly white lace. It looked really cute on her. Cute - but babyish. I wondered how I looked in my even-frillier bonnet? "Lie down with your head here," Cindy instructed. There was no point arguing. I'm just a baby. A helpless little baby girl. "Here's your cup, sweetie." Brenda handed the seated girl a pink sippy- cup filled with juice. Cindy took a quick suck and placed it aside for the moment. I rested my head on the little girl's thighs and let her slip the silicon teat between my lips. I suckled down some apple-juice and when I settled into a steady rhythm, Cindy crooned sweet words of approval. "What a good baby," she purred, "such a good baby girl for Mummy. Drink up, sweetie, Drink it all down for Mummy." Her sweetly crooned words reminded me of my erotic dream of breastfeeding from Annette and my excitable little tool stirred inside my warm wet nappy. I was shocked when Cindy reached down with her free hand and gently patted the front of my nappy, right over my thickening clittie. Her cupped fingers innocently swatted my bulging satin panties in a soothing regular rhythm that matched the sounds of my noisy suckling. Cindy leaned her head down over my supine form, using her wide bonnet brim to partially shade my face, smiling in maternal approval. "Aww How sweet!!" I ignored Brenda's fading giggles as she strode back inside and closed my eyes. I let Cindy's whispered endearments wash over me, sinking deeper and deeper into my role as a helpless diapered infant. Even though it took ages to drain my bottle, Cindy held it for me the whole time like a devoted mother, rhythmically patting my crotch and crooning sweet words of encouragement in my ear. When air noisily bubbled back in through the collapsing teat, she plucked it from my lips. "Good girl! What a good baby girl you are for Mummy, Baby Candy," she lavishly praised me. "Here baby. Suck your dum-dums." She replaced the bottle teat with the nipple of my pacifier and I contentedly sucked on the soothing rubber bulb. Cindy let me lie across her lap while she drank her own cup of juice, crooning wordlessly to me between noisy slurps from the pink spout. She softly stroked my bonneted head and my cheek, and I kept my eyes closed and relaxed under her gentle ministrations. I didn't know Brenda and Melody were sitting at the kitchen bench inside, watching us through the open windows. The camcorder was mounted on the window ledge, recording the little girls playing in the playpen. When Cindy had finished her sippy-cup and she was starting to look bored, Melody wandered outside carrying my pink suitcase full of Barbies and accessories and a soft cloth bag filled with Cindy's dollies and stuff. The pink cloth bag had bright-pink rope handles and a life-size picture of Barbie's smiling face on each side. The gorgeous young mother leaned over the top rail and placed the bags on the padded floor, smiling in approval at her little girl when Cindy handed her my empty baby bottle and the pink sippy-cup. "Thank you, Cindy. What a good little mother you are!" She praised her helpful toddler before asking, "Has Baby Candy been a good little baby girl for her Mummy?" "Yes Mummy, but she's a bit boring. I'm going to play with my Barbies instead." Cindy pushed my head off her lap and my face smacked against the padded vinyl floor. I grunted in alarm and almost bit my dum-dums in two. Melody had to laugh at her daughter's careless technique. "Alright, darling. If you need to use the potty or you want another drink, just call out for Mummy. Okay sweetie?" "Yes Mummy," Cindy replied, busy tipping out the contents of her cloth bag. Four Barbies tumbled out along with a cascade of tiny dresses, shoes and accessories. I realised we must have finished playing 'Mummies and Babies' and sat up to play dolls with my new friend. Rather than get our dolly dresses mixed up, I asked Cindy if I could play with her dolls and stuff instead. Well, when I say asked, I mean I held up one of her naked brunette dollies and pointed to the pile of dresses while grunting at Cindy. "Ga-ga goo?" She looked at me and nodded. "Yes baby, you can play with my dollies," Cindy sweetly assured me. Then her voice turned fierce. "But don't you break them, or you'll get a smack!" I gazed at her with wide innocent eyes, nodding that I understood and sucking harder on my dum-dums. Cindy had dozens of outfits for her dolls, and I spent ages happily dressing and undressing my chosen Barbie. Each time I dressed her in a complete ensemble, I held her up for Cindy's approval. She would giggle and nod, telling me, "That's very good, baby. You're such a clever girl!" I don't know why her praise made me beam and gurgle in pleasure, but it did. Occasionally Cindy would lean across and kindly wipe my saliva-covered chin with my frilly bibbie, tut-tutting in gentle reproval at my infantile ways. "Try not to dribble on my Barbies, baby," she urged me, looking a little concerned by my uncontrollable drooling. I looked up at the sound of approaching voices. My skin crawled when I saw Donna, the pudgy brunette eight-year-old walking up Melody's driveway, accompanied by two of her girlfriends. The girls were already giggling at the sight of me, and burst out laughing when Donna yelled, "Hello Baby Candy. Hi Baby Cindy. How are the baby girls in the playpen?" Cindy jumped to her feet. "I'm not a baby! I don't wear nappies. I'm a big girl," the two-and-a-half year old toddler protested. "Look!" She proudly insisted, "I'm wearing big-girl panties." Cindy flipped her dress hem up around her shoulders and gave everyone a good long look at her thick cotton training panties. Donna and her friends kept giggling. The pudgy brunette leaned against the bars and said, "Yes Cindy. You certainly are a big girl. Not a baby like Baby Candy." She sneered at me and I scowled around my dum-dums in reply. Cindy grabbed the vertical bars and shook them, then glanced at me. "I'm only in here 'cause I'm playing 'Mummies and Babies' with Baby Candy," she explained to the grinning girls. "Is that so?" Donna inquired. "In that case Mummy Cindy, I have a little present for your baby girl. Here." She thrust a plastic rattle between the bars and gently shook it, and the moving pieces of shot inside made a pleasant swishing sound. "Oh look, Baby Candy!" Cindy cried in delight. "Aunty Donna has a rattle for you!" The excited girl moved to accept the plastic toy on my behalf but Donna withdrew it. "It comes with a little loop to go around her wrist," Donna explained. "Here, make your baby put her arm through the bars and I'll show you how to put it on her." Without waiting to see if I agreed or not, Cindy grabbed my left hand and thrust it between the vertical bars, firmly holding me in place. I almost toppled over and slid my damp bottom closer to the side to regain my balance. "See?" Donna insisted. "The loop goes over her wrist and then you tighten it like this. See this bit?" I tried to see too, but Donna's chubby body blocked my view. "You make it tight enough so it won't slip off, then push this bit down. Turn this and it locks it closed. That way Baby Candy can't accidentally lose her rattle. You know what babies are like." Cindy squealed with glee when I pulled my hand back through the bars and the rattle came with it. It had a hollow pink plastic ball at one end about the size of my fist, mounted on a four-inch long yellow plastic handle. It dangled from my wrist by a slim pink plastic cord, rattling as I dragged it back through the bars. "No baby," Cindy corrected me, grabbing my arm. "You're supposed to hold it like this." She turned the rattle right side up and pressed the handle into my palm. My fingers naturally curled around the shaped plastic handle and I gave the rattle a gentle experimental shake. I liked the noise it made and shook it again, smiling in spite of my embarrassment. "That's it, baby," Cindy crooned in approval. She waggled my arm, making the hand holding the rattle shake more violently, and the watching girls giggled at the familiar babyish sound. I wanted to see how the plastic loop was tied around my wrist, but when I tried to examine it, Cindy shook my arm again. "Shake your rattle baby," she ordered impatiently. "Go on. Shake it for Mummy." I decided to examine the fastening later and obediently shook my rattle for her, burbling "Ba-ba ma-ma goo-goo ga!" Donna and her friends giggled and Cindy smiled in approval. "Good baby!" Cindy praised me. She grinned in delight when I noisily shook it again and kept babbling. "Hello girls!" I glanced up in alarm. I hadn't heard Melody's silent approach. She giggled at the sight of me shaking my rattle and acting like a real infant. "Mummy look!" Cindy squealed. "Donna brought Baby Candy a rattle!" "Yes I can see," crooned the beautiful blonde mother. "Isn't she a lucky baby girl?" I dropped my gaze to the floor of my playpen and gave my rattle a few more desultory shakes. "Hi Mrs Mason," Donna greeted Cindy's Mummy. She pointed to one of her younger friends who held up the loop of elastic. "We thought Cindy might like to play some elastics with us." She pointed to a shady spot under the tree a few feet away. "We could play right here." The little girl looked thrilled by the suggestion. "Yes Mummy! Can I Mummy? Can I? Can I?" Melody laughed at her little girl's excitement. "Yes darling. Of course you can." She crouched down and unlocked the gate, swinging it open and allowing her daughter to crawl out. "What about Baby Candy?" She asked her daughter. Cindy jumped to her feet and dusted off her hands. "No Mummy. She can't play," the little girl declared with callous indifference. "She's too little. She still wears nappies and sucks a dummy." Melody simply nodded in agreement with her daughter's heartless decision and bolted the playpen gate. I felt so humiliated! Thank goodness I had my dum-dums. I tried to look unaffected and shook my rattle like it was a fascinating new toy, babbling some nonsense around my drool-soaked pacifier. "Come here darling, and let me take your bonnet off. You won't need it in the shade," Melody advised Cindy. She untied the frilly pink bonnet from her daughter's head and folded it up. Now I was the only one wearing a bonnet. I was the only bonneted, dummy-sucking baby girl. In nappies. In my playpen. With my rattle. Cindy trotted over beside the other girls in the shade of the elm tree and they arranged themselves a few feet from my playpen bars. Two girls stretched the elastic band between their ankles and Donna offered to show Cindy what to do. I glanced up at the house and saw Brenda watching me through the kitchen windows, a contemptuous smile on her pretty painted face. I defiantly shook my rattle at my cousin, mumbling "Goo-goo ga-ga goo- goo goo!" I was unaware the camcorder was still recording everything I did. I didn't notice Melody's wry smile or see her shaking her head at my babyish ways before she strode back inside the house. With nothing else to do, I watched the girls as they skipped in and out of the elastic loop in time to a silly rhyming chant. Everyone except the girl jumping in and out was clapping along, and I shook my noisy rattle in time as I sang the words in my head. Cindy wasn't very good, but the other girls were generous in letting her extend her turn. They all gave her advice and helped her whenever she made a mistake. I could only contrast their behaviour with the aggressive taunting behaviour of most groups of boys. Girls were so much sweeter and nicer to each other. Once again I found myself fervently wishing I'd been born a girl. The sun was really hot and after a while I was actually thankful I was wearing my frilly baby bonnet. At least the wide white brim protected my face from the intense glare. It must have been close to midday when Brenda came strolling out the front, wiping her hands on a dishtowel. "Cindy!" She called. "It's lunch time honey. Time for you girls to come inside." "Okay. Bye everybody." Cindy waved a quick goodbye to her playmates and dashed past my playpen. "I have to use the potty first," she proudly declared before she disappeared inside. The girls giggled before yelling their goodbyes as they prepared to leave. Brenda chuckled at my grateful expression as she crouched down and unlocked the playpen gate. I rolled onto my hands and knees facing the hinged gate, and realised I was looking straight between my voluptuous cousin's legs. Brenda seemed perfectly aware of the direction of my intense gaze and gave me a sly smile. Her pleated white skirt slid higher on her plump womanly thighs as she let her knees drift apart for a moment. Brenda was wearing a pair of pink satin panties under her demure skirt, and I could see a delicate lacy panel above the shiny pouched gusset. I felt a thrill of arousal and my clittie stiffened automatically inside my warm wet swaddling. She pressed her meaty thighs together before I could catch a glimpse of her pubic bush underneath, and she grinned at my expression of disappointment. "Come on, Baby Candy," she sang as she stood, holding the gate high. "Crawl out and we'll feed you some lunchy-wunchies." I shuffled out with the rattle still tied around my wrist, my stiffening clittie sensuously rubbing against the warm wet front of my nappy. Despite the cotton bonnet covering my ears, I could hear the other girls laughing as they walked down the drive towards the street. I knew they were watching me crawl like a baby across the lawn towards the house, my frilly bottom poking out like an old-fashioned bustle. Fortunately the sound of my noisy rattle mostly drowned out their derisive comments. I tried to ignore them, concentrating on the erotic feel of my damp nappies caressing the head of my swollen tool as I crawled inside. I shuffled down the hallway on my hands and knees, unsure where I was headed. Brenda's hard hand whacking my puffy wet bottom encouraged me to keep going. "Keep crawling, baby girl," she urged me with a few more heavy swats. "The kitchen is straight ahead." When I crawled into the kitchen dragging my noisy plastic rattle across the black and white linoleum tiles, I saw Cindy strapped onto a yellow potty in the middle of the room. Her toddler commode was shaped like a giraffe in front, with brown splotches on the long yellow plastic neck. Melody was standing beside her, some sheets of toilet paper wrapped around one hand, beaming with pride for her daughter's accomplishment. "I finished, Mummy," Cindy smugly declared as she watched me crawl into the room. "I went potty like a big girl." "Good girl! What a clever big girl you are, Cindy," Melody effusively praised her two-year-old. Every word of congratulation for the beaming toddler was an unspoken condemnation of my failure to perform like a big girl. "Are you sure you've finished?" When Cindy emphatically nodded, Melody unfastened the narrow white leather strap binding her in place. "Lean back honey, so I can wipe your kitten." The little girl hung onto the giraffe's ears as she leaned her shoulders back, tilting up her hips to make it easier for her Mummy to clean her damp little slit. "That's it. Good girl." Melody leaned over with her back to me and from my position on my hands and knees, I could see right up her brief blue babydoll frock. She was wearing pretty baby-blue, full-cut satin panties, and I admired the beautiful swell of her curvaceous satin-clad derriere and her slender lightly-tanned thighs. Melody carefully wiped her daughter's puffy little opening and Eliza giggled at the intimate touch. "Did you do a poo-poo, darling?" Melody asked. "Do we need to wipe your bot-bot too?" "No Mummy, just wee-wees." The little girl used the giraffe's horns to pull herself upright and Melody tossed the used tissues in the pot. The gorgeous blonde mother knelt down, holding the crackling pink training panties down and open for the little girl to step into them. Cindy held her flared dress hem up and out of her Mummy's way like a helpful little girl, and squatted slightly and wiggled her bum so her mother could pull the thick cotton trainers all the way up around her tiny waist. As soon as Cindy was dressed, Melody popped the plastic lid on the used potty, picked it up and stood up. She asked Brenda, "Can you pop Cindy in her booster seat?" She nodded to the sloshing yellow potty. "I just have to get rid of this in the toilet." "Sure thing," Brenda replied. "Do you want me to bring the potty back for Baby Candy?" Brenda glanced at me on all fours beside her and shook her head. "I don't think so. Let me check." She reached down and flipped up my dress and petties over my back, then pulled aside the combined waistbands of my plastic panties and my frilly rumba panties. She slid her other hand inside my pants, sliding down over the seat of my puffy nappy towards my crotch. I felt her pushing the damp wad of material against the sensitive spot between my legs and shuddered at the intimate touch. It was only then I realised how wet I was. I must have peed again without realising it - maybe more than once. My cousin wiped her damp fingers on the relatively dry back of my nappy before she removed her hand and let the combined waistbands snap back against my spine. She gave Melody a mournful expression and shook her head again. "I wouldn't bother bringing the potty back. My naughty little girl is wet through." Cindy frowned at me and the cute toddler shook her head in disapproval, making me feel even smaller. Melody didn't seemed perturbed by the news and merely nodded. "Baby Candy can borrow Cindy's highchair today. I think she needs it more than my little girl. It has a wetproof seat, after all." "Good idea," agreed Brenda, lifting the little girl into the padded booster seat attached to the breakfast bench. When Cindy was safely buckled in, Melody returned empty-handed from the bathroom. She stepped over to a tubular steel highchair, holding the white hinged tray open and ready for me. Brenda scooped me off the floor and spun me around. The highchair arms were barely wide enough to accommodate my padded hips, but Brenda managed to force me into the humiliating baby chair. My frothy petticoats poked up everywhere, and I helped Melody tuck them out of the way before she lowered the painted steel tray and locked it in place against my tummy. She smiled in approval at me, then strode over to the sink. I sat back clutching my rattle, listening to it swish and crackle with my every movement. I rested my left hand on the highchair tray to try and keep it quiet. "I don't think we need our bonnet while we eat our lunch, baby girl," Brenda gently reprimanded me, "or our dum-dums." She unfastened the clip from my bibbie collar, plucked out the dripping teat, and untied the satin ribbons under my chin. "You can hang onto your rattle though," she giggled, giving the pink plastic ball a quick noisy shake. "It really suits you." My dummy went in a glass of water on the bench. Brenda held up the frilly yellow bonnet and asked Melody, "What do you want me to do with this?" "Keep it," Melody replied as she placed a yellow plastic bowl and rubber-coated spoon on the breakfast bench in front of Cindy. "My little girl has plenty of spare bonnets, and it looks so cute on your Baby Candy." Brenda smiled and nodded. "It sure does," she agreed. "Thank you." Melody smiled in reply and plonked a pink plastic bowl on the tray in front of me. It was filled with pureed orange goo and looked very unappetising. I moved my hand out of the way, my rattle crackling attractively and making Brenda smile. "Do you want me to feed the baby?" "No, I'll do it," Melody offered. "Cindy eats all by herself now. She's such a big girl. She doesn't need any help." She took a small rubber- coated spoon from the pocket of her blue gingham apron and stirred the contents of my bowl. "Here you are, Baby Candy. Open wide," she sang to me. "Eat it all up. That's it. Good girl! What a good baby girl!" I didn't notice Brenda pick up the camcorder and sidle over beside the fridge. She lurked mostly out of sight as she raised the viewer to her face to record Melody feeding me in the highchair. I didn't notice what my cousin was doing. I only had eyes for the beautiful young mother lovingly spoon-feeding me. Melody had lots of experience feeding babies because she hardly made a mess at all. My chin and cheeks remained pristine, and at least my damp bibbie didn't look any worse. The pureed goo was home-made cream of pumpkin soup, flavoured with salt, herbs and spices, and it was much tastier than it looked. Melody was effusive in her praise as she fed me, sweetly encouraging me to eat every bite like a good baby girl. She was so beautiful and kind, it was easy to fall under her spell. I responded by eating it all up like a good baby girl, and I even enthusiastically shook my rattle for her a few times like a happy infant. I enjoyed my lunch - except for the smug superior glances Cindy occasionally threw my way from her place in her booster seat. Even though I managed to not make a mess everywhere as usual, I still felt like a useless infant under the little girl's harsh scrutiny. After Cindy and I finished our meals, Melody wiped our hands and faces with a warm washer. She was much gentler than my Aunty June or my cousins. I noticed Cindy hadn't spilled any soup on her pink sunfrock and felt a pang of jealousy. I'm not sure I could have succeeded as well, even with a bib protecting my pretty frock and bunched petties. Melody gave her daughter a pink sippy-cup of warm milk, while mine was served to me in one of my oversized pink baby bottles, as usual. I watched Cindy watching me as we both sucked and swallowed, unaware my cousin was filming everything we did. Brenda finally turned off the camcorder and placed it aside, then picked up my diaper bag and disappeared down the hallway chuckling to herself. Melody insisted on wiping our faces again after we'd finished our drinks. She removed my drool-stained bibbie and clipped my dummy chain to the collar of my yellow frock. I popped the wet rubber nipple straight in my mouth and naturally started sucking. Brenda returned in time to unbuckle me from the highchair while Melody lifted Cindy down from the booster seat, singing "Come on darling, it's time for your nap." Cindy slithered out of her mother's arms to the floor. "No Mummy. I don't wanna take a nap," she sulkily objected. "I not tired!" She rubbed her eyes and tried to stifle a yawn. "Now Cindy," Melody reasoned, "you know we always take a little nap after lunch. Baby Candy is going to have a sleep too." "Me wanna stay up," Cindy protested, backing away from her mother. "Me not tired!" Despite her vehement protests, she actually looked and sounded exhausted. Melody sighed and offered, "I'll let you have a little nurse first, alright?" Cindy's expression immediately brightened and my clittie stiffened inside my warm wet nappy. I wanted to reach down and press the wonderful warmth against my swelling clittie, but the table tray was too close to my tummy. Brenda unlocked the tray and swung it aside, and grabbed me under the armpits and lifted me down on all fours. "Okay Mummy." The little girl scampered down the hallway and Melody walked after her. Brenda tilted her head to indicate I should follow too. I clutched my rattle in my fist and willingly crawled after the young mother, the plastic toy noisy in my hand. The first room on the left was a lounge room, and I saw Cindy already sitting up on an old brown three-seater couch in readiness. The rattling pieces of shot in my baby toy seemed to announce my entrance like a deafening fanfare. Melody removed her gingham apron as she walked over and sat down beside her daughter. She smiled at me when she heard me crawl into the room. Her blue cotton baby-doll frock had a wide flared skirt that fell from a high Empire waist beneath her prominent bust. Her legs were long and lightly tanned, with shapely toned calves and slender thighs. Her cute sleeveless frock had inch-wide ruffled straps across the shoulders and elastic shirring around the bust. She slid one shoulder strap aside to reveal her beige bra strap, slipped out her arm, and wriggled down that side of her dress. I still wasn't quite sure what was happening but my clittie was fully erect and pounding with excitement. I tried to keep my rattle quiet but my trembling hand kept it shaking. Melody's bra was made of some heavy shiny material that glistened almost wetly in the light. Her bosom was larger than I expected, her skin milk- white, the excess flesh bulging over the tops of the huge beige cups. Melody unfastened a plastic catch at the top of the left cup below the shoulder strap, lowered the stiff padded cup, and I watched in awe as her creamy breast flopped out. Even though engorged with milk, Melody's bosom wasn't anywhere near as large as Brenda's. She looked bigger than cousin Alison - larger than a D-cup, but not by much. Her nipple was already stiffening into wakefulness, a tasty pink-brown thimble-sized bud, thickening and engorging till it stuck out like a pointing fingertip. Melody was wearing a proper nursing bra and from the looks of her swollen teat, she needed one. "Do you still breastfeed Cindy?" Brenda asked, looking surprised. Cindy lay her head across her mother's lap in readiness, her eager face already turned towards the exposed breast. She didn't wait for her mother and simply grabbed hold of the massive creamy teat with both hands. She squeezed and kneaded the heavy breast, and I saw droplets of milk appear on the pinky-brown tip before Cindy covered it with her mouth. I gasped in excitement around my dum-dums, my clittie swelling harder than ever. Saliva filled my mouth and trickles of drool escaped from the corners of my lips, leaking wetly around my dummy guard. "Not really," Melody replied. "I still let her have a little suckle before bedtime every night, and sometimes before she takes a nap if she's a bit cranky. It really helps calm her down, and she usually drops off to sleep right away. She doesn't actually drink much. It would be better for me if she did." The beautiful twenty-something gave her huge breasts a rueful glance. "My milk won't stop letting down, anyway. I usually have to express a bottle or two every day, otherwise they get so swollen, it's painful." She lifted her unoccupied breast and gently let it drop. It wobbled heavily for a few seconds after she released it, despite her supportive nursing bra. "Wow," Brenda commented, shaking her head in in amazement. "I didn't know that could happen." She took my vinyl-backed change mat out of the diaper bag and spread it on the carpet beside me. "Hold your dress and petties up out of the way and lie down on your back, Baby Candy." I rolled onto the required spot with my eyes still glued to the wondrous sight of Melody lovingly breastfeeding her daughter. I sucked harder on my dum-dums, imagining my lips wrapped around Melody's scrumptious nipple instead. Flashes of my erotic fantasy involving Annette breastfeeding me replayed in my mind and I had to stop myself from reaching down to caress my turgid stiffie. When Brenda tapped my panty crotch I automatically raised my hips, and she pulled down my frilly rumba panties and my yellow plastic panties to my knees. "Ballerina toesies." I let my bum drop and raised and pointed my feet, and my babysitter slid my crackling panties over my black patent Maryjanes. She left me like that while she arranged two clean nappies beside me, then she took out the tub of wipes and the powder. I was watching Cindy nurse from her Mummy the whole time, my stiff clittie pounding with excitement. Even though Brenda was about to unpin my nappy and reveal my uncontrollable arousal, I wasn't worried. Melody had already seen me in that priapic condition, and for that matter, so had Cindy. I didn't care. It's not my fault. I'm just a baby - a helpless little baby girl. I slurped noisily on my sloppy dum-dums and burbled, "Num-num num-num num-num num." Cindy had her face buried in the velvety-soft cushion of her mother's creamy breast, suckling noisily. While she seemed enthusiastic at first, the little girl's movements were growing sluggish. Brenda removed my nappy pins and lowered the wet front of my diaper, and my stiff clittie popped up like a naughty Jack-in-the-box. The beautiful teenager laughed at my obvious excitement but didn't comment for the moment. I raised my hips so Brenda could slide the drenched nappies out from under me, poking my hard red clittie in the air like a flagpole. My buxom cousin sniggered as she rolled up the sodden diapers and dumped them in a plastic shopping bag. She tied a knot to seal the plastic bag and tossed it in my change bag. The sounds of Cindy busily breastfeeding grew quieter and gradually slowed. Brenda grabbed my hot red tool in her fist and gave it a quick shake, and shook her head in disdain as she glanced at Melody. "I think my little baby girl is a bit excited watching you feed Cindy, Melody." The beautiful blonde raised her sky-blue eyes from her breastfeeding baby for a moment to smile sleepily at my adoring gaze and my rampant arousal, and I was grateful she didn't seem upset or angry. Brenda released my throbbing clittie and collected my ankles in one hand, and rolled me back onto my shoulders so she could wipe my bottom. The swollen spongy tip of my stiff clittie almost poked me in the face, and I don't know why I instinctively opened my lips wide. When she was sure I was perfectly clean back there, my quivering buttocks received a fresh dusting of sweetly-scented baby powder. I couldn't help whimpering in excitement when she gently caressed the silky talc deeply into the cleft of my raised cheeks, and I sighed in disappointment when she stopped. Brenda slid the prepared nappies underneath me and made sure they were in the correct position. She let my feet drop to the floor and my bottom landed on the soft cushion of my bunched terrycloth diapers. I drew my ankles up near my crotch, my knees flopping wide in the usual exposed position to have my nappies changed, my stiff clittie bobbing above my tummy. My rampant erection jumped in excitement when Brenda cheekily suggested, "I think my Baby Candy might like to have a little nurse from your titties as well." Melody smiled and nodded. "Okay," she quietly agreed, keeping her voice low. My heart leapt in my chest and for a second I found it hard to breathe. Fresh blood engorged my swollen tool until it was hard as molten steel, swelling bigger than ever before. The shaft was crimson and the spongy swollen crown had turned purple. Melody added quietly, "Thank goodness for my husband. If it wasn't for him, I'd be expressing my milk three or four times a day." "Really?" Brenda asked as she briskly cleaned my bits and between my legs. My rock-hard clittie jumped up and down, slapping my tummy as though demanding her attention. "How does he help?" She grabbed hold of my bobbing erection and moved it aside to wipe my damp tummy. Melody laughed. "Let's just say that Cindy's not the only one living this house who likes to nurse from Mummy." For one moment I thought she was talking about me. "Steve's a big help." I realised Melody was talking about her husband. I bit harder on my dummy teat and almost swooned at that juicy titbit of information. Shiny pearls of pre-cum leaked from the puckered eye of my stiff little tool and my rattle wouldn't stop shaking. "Oh. Oh!" Brenda smiled when she suddenly understood, her emerald eyes wide. "Really?" She demanded incredulously, her perfectly-arched eyebrows creeping up towards her hairline. My mind was spinning, my pounding clittie jerking like an angry python in her hand. I found the thought of Melody breastfeeding her husband so arousing, it was a wonder my throbbing clittie didn't explode in Brenda's firm grasp. I couldn't help the strangled groan that escaped the wide pink guard of my dum- dums. My hands shook so much, I almost lost my grip on my noisy rattle. Brenda grinned at my evident excitement and poured a handful of powder over my bobbing red tool. She watched my flushed face as she gently rubbed it in, careful not to accidentally trigger my climax. She could tell how aroused I was and she knew how easily I erupted at the slightest provocation. I shuddered uncontrollably when my grinning babysitter tightly pinned my clean nappies over my raging hard-on, safely sealing everything inside. "Lift those widdle footsies and ballerina toesies. Good baby." Brenda replaced my damp yellow plastic panties but didn't bother with my satin rumba panties. When she finished tucking in the waist and leg bands, Brenda gently patted the tenting front of my baby panties, grinning at my red face and the arousal evident in my wide blue eyes. She asked Melody, "How often does Steve... help you?" Melody smiled ruefully. "Every morning and every night. Steve's always loved my big tits," she confessed with a self-deprecating chuckle. Looking at them now, I could easily see why. They were fantastic! "He could never get enough of them before we had a child, and now..." She shrugged her shoulders slightly, careful not to disturb her nursing child. "Golly! All boys really are babies, aren't they?" Brenda laughingly insisted. "I'll say," Melody agreed with a giggle, then glanced at me lying on the floor on my change mat. "And some of them never seem to want to grow up." I was embarrassed and excited all at the same time - a condition with which I was becoming all too familiar. Despite the conversation happening around her, Cindy had dropped off to sleep. Her head lolled back and her eyes were closed, milky spit bubbles forming over her parted lips. I watched a thin trail of watery milk seep from the bumpy tip of the feeding mother's russet bud, trickling down the alabaster skin to be captured by the absorbent pad in her bra cup. I mewled in frustration and sucked harder on my sloppy dum-dums. Melody's sweet contralto voice dropped to a whisper when she said to Brenda, "See? What did I tell you? She's out like a light. There's a natural opiate in breast milk that knocks babies for a loop. She'll sleep like a log now." Melody pulled the shiny padded cup over her creamy bosom and clipped her bra closed, and replaced her shirred top. She stood up cradling her daughter in her arms. "I'll just put Cindy down, then I'll come back and sort out your Baby Candy. Alright?" I nodded enthusiastically and Brenda replied, "Okay." To me she said, "Crawl over to the lounge and hop up there, Baby Candy. Aunty Melody is going to give you a little nurse before nap-time. Aren't you a lucky baby girl?" I could only nod in agreement as I eagerly crawled over to the brown wool-covered lounge. I took my time climbing up, discretely thrusting my sensitive swollen clittie against the front of my soft fluffy nappy by pressing my panty front against the edge of the lounge for a few seconds before rolling onto my back. To be continued in chapter 19. Please post a comment here if you have been enjoying this sissy-AB story. I really crave some feedback. Hugs from Baby Jennie in Australia

Same as Baby Candy chap. 18 Videos

2 years ago
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Baby Candy chapter 3

Dear girls, thank you so much for all those encouraging comments you posted. I hope this latest version makes my sissy baby readers here make lots of squirty messes in their nappies! Hugs from Baby Jennie Chapter 3. Reduced to Babyhood We soon arrived at her friend's place, a huge old-fashioned red brick cottage on a half-acre block. It had two floors, with a wide tin-roofed veranda on two sides. I clutched the damp towel against my trembling frame with my free hand as my Aunty...

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Baby Candy chap 7

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Baby Candy chap 15

Dear readers, the reason for the long gap between chapters 13 and 14? I was waiting for some responses. When only one person posted a response after a few weeks, I assumed you girls had grown bored with my story. Thank goodness a few people responded after chapter 14! If you want to read more, take thirty seconds to post a response. BJ Chapter 15. This Can't Be Happening... "Oh, she's so beautiful!" Annette commented in a sultry voice. I stirred into wakefulness and sleepily...

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Baby Candy chap 16

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Babysitting Candy

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Mitch and Candy

Mitch was six feet tall, two hundred and thirty-five pounds, blond hair, and blue eyes. He was thirty-five years old and worked construction.He especially liked virgins, they were so eager once they got past their shyness. Sometimes he had to take guys by the hand and literally show them what he wanted them to do.Mitch’s boss had just hired a new guy for the construction crew about a month ago. The boss told everyone he was fresh out of high school and for now, he was just a helper. His name...

Gay Male
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Candy Pink

Candy Pink By Barbi Satin Chapter 1 Life pretty much sucked. I was the son of Ralph and Cindy Cassella. They named me Ralph Junior and my dad was thrilled to have a son he could raise to live out his past glory. My dad wasn't a bad guy and never abused me but I knew he was disappointed. He worked as a contractor in the present but he still lived in his glory days of High School. Dad was an all-state full back on the football team in the fall and the best hitter on the baseball...

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Candy is always good when you share her

Introduction: Another threesome with Candy, per request of a friend. As you tilt your head back to finish the rest of your beer, you notice the dark sky above is scattered with stars. They are kind-of hard to see through the rising steam coming from the hot water bubbling around you. Candys giggle brings your head back down and you notice she is holding a fresh opened beer out to you. Smiling at her, you take the cold bottle, with beads of water dripping down the sides, and hand her the empty...

1 year ago
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House Slut 38 48 Hours Sex Candy

An Uber pulled up outside the warehouse after a short wait, Tegan shivering in the cool early morning air wearing barely anything – less than she had started with. She made no effort to conceal herself, beyond the point of caring. As they drove, Candy - if that was her real name - continued to cling to Jackson as they crammed together in the back seat, shooting glances at Tegan. “She looks like she’s had a rough night.” “Don’t worry about her, she’s fine.” Jackson insisted. “Isn’t that...

4 years ago
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Sweet as Candy

JAYAbout four years ago, my sister was 34, ten years older than me. She and her husband have a daughter, my niece Candice, generally called Candy. Candy was sixteen and still in school at this particular time. I had watched Candy grow from a gangly, self-centred little kid who, when my sister visited our house, would follow me around all the time as if permanently stuck one pace behind me, wanting to know the answer to every question in the world, to a devastatingly beautiful young girl who...

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Sweet Candy

by BrettJ © 2009 The attractive young woman’s real name was Candace Morrell, but because of her half-Brazilian heritage and sensual skin tone, everyone had called her “Candy” since she was little and the name had stuck. It suited her, because the petite, 5’2” beauty was as sweet as candy and possessed a sexy, 34C-25-33 figure, with gorgeous brown eyes, chestnut, wavy hair, and a remarkable butt that jiggled nicely when she walked. Candy could be easily described as a “feast for the...

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A First For Gracie Sami Candy And John Get Together

“Wow, that was so much fun,” Candy said as she and Sami walked into Frank's Place hand in hand.“Oh, I know!  I can’t remember when I’ve had more fun with sex,” Sami answered.The bar was fairly busy since it was Saturday night but they found two seats at the end of the bar and settled in.  Carol, Sami’s coworker, walked up.  “Hey girls, what can I get you?” she asked.  “Nice markings, by the way, you two have been messing around, huh?”“Um, well yes, we have, as a matter of fact,” Candy...

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Candy And Marlene

I looked out the window at the freshly fallen snow. Up and down the street the houses were all decorated for the season. Santa's and reindeer on the roofs, Nativity scenes in front yards, outside trees strung with lights and inside trees shining through windows. Holiday spirit was everywhere, everywhere but in my house. I turned from the window and took in the scene. The tree lying on the floor, shards of glass from broken light bulbs and shattered Christmas ornaments. I suppose I should have...

2 years ago
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Candy And Her Sugar Daddy Go To The First Erotic Amusement Park

When you get to be my age, birthdays come and go. Except when you live with a very sexy, wild, and much younger woman. I have been fortunate to be quite well off, and probably that's why my girlfriend, Candy, is even with me. That’s a story for another day. When one is rich, people flock to you. I love to spoil women and they like to spoil me. It's a win-win situation.I met up with Candy when I was at a convention in Atlantic City. I was staying at the Golden Nugget. Candy was at a blackjack...

3 years ago
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Candy is always good when you share her

Candy’s giggle brings your head back down and you notice she is holding a fresh opened beer out to you. Smiling at her, you take the cold bottle, with beads of water dripping down the sides, and hand her the empty bottle. She swims back to the other side of the tub to throw it away. Her bare ass slips out of the water as she leans out, and you lean back and sip the ice cold Bud Light, watching the water sliding off her tight, tan ass. At of the corner of your eye, you notice Alison, Candy’s...

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Teachers CandyChapter 5

Monday's school day was over. I gathered anything I needed to bring home. Bethany would meet Valerie and me at my car. Yesterday I bought a king-sized bed and had it same-day delivered. It was fun trying it out last night. Today I needed a nap so I planned to go home and literally sleep. Valerie waited for me but Candy also hung around after the other students left. Of course! How could I forget about Candy? She was the reason Valerie and Bethany lived with me now. She rightly should be...

2 years ago
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Candy for candy

Candy for candy In her private moments, she referred to herself aloud, in the first person, as candy. She sashayed around her beachfront apartment adorned in a Rydell High cheerleader uniform, saddle shoes and of course, a color coordinated frilly apron, wrapped snuggly around her shrinking waist. Mistress was perched in a director's chair in the corner of the living room, out of sight from the sliding doors that opened up to the semi-private veranda. As she daintily feather...

3 years ago
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Candy Jimmy and Me

Okay, I admit it. I am one of those guys who would like to see his wife with another man and to anyone else the reason I want to see it would probably make absolutely no sense. But what the hell, there are times it makes absolutely no sense to me either, but for twenty-two years I have wanted it, my wife knows I want it (but not why and I don't ever intend that she ever finds out) and for ten years now she has been saying "maybe some day." The story starts almost two years before I met...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 7

Well, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...

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A Further Taste of Candy

Bill turned his junky-looking, mid-50’s vintage car onto the street that led to the nearby Cal State University, and ran a nervous hand through his dark brown hair. He was hoping he hadn’t kept Candy waiting long, his 20-year-old car had refused to start that Saturday morning until he had thumped on the starter motor a few times with a piece of iron pipe. He promised himself that he would personally fix that right after graduation. It had to last long enough until he could afford regular...

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Teachers CandyChapter 3

The next day I spanked and fucked Candy and Valerie on my teacher's desk. Candy was finally quiet during class now. She knew if she wanted to get the spanking and fucking her young teenage body desired she had to behave properly. I did the same with Candy and Valerie after class all next week. I was giving the paddle and my cock to two high school girls. What a three weeks! On Monday, the class emptied except for two girls, Candy and Valerie. Candy closed and locked the door as normal...

1 year ago
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The Total Humiliation of Candy

The Total Humiliation of Candy By Christine Day One: The Meeting It all started 3 years ago when I decided to go to a party on my own. The idea was to pick up a girl and maybe if I was lucky to get laid. During the evening, I was approached by a real nice lady named Janet. I was very attracted to her. She was about 5'7" and was very slim and was wearing a very short black leather mini skirt with very high heels. Just the look of her turned me on. We danced to several numbers and in...

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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 34 Bitch Stories Candy

BITCH STORIES - CANDY As Laura's life spiralled towards an apex of degradation, things also continued to get worse for the girls she had helped enslave... Take Candy, for instance. Alistair was quite deliberately planning to ruin the remainder of Candy's life, and the focus of these plans was Candy's family. Being forced to rape her sister at the recent office party was the straw that broke the bitch's back for Candy. The imperious bimbo queen was gone, and now there was only a...

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Candy returned to her father’s plantation on the banks of the Mississippi river after having attended a finishing school on the east coast. She was beautiful; tall with strawberry blonde hair, pale blue eyes, and large breasts. She avoided too much sunlight since her skin had a habit of freckling rather than tanning. Her twenty-first birthday was arriving soon and her father asked her what she wanted. Candy told her father that what she wanted the most in the world was to own her own slave and...

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Mitch and Candy 2

They kissed again and Mitch nibbled Candy’s ear as he nibbled his earlobe."If you spend the weekend, we could have more fun," Mitch said.Candy said," I’ll stay as long as you want me to."Candy then asked Mitch if HE could see HIM naked since HE was naked. Mitch didn’t answer. He just took a few steps back and slowly undressed. Candy couldn’t take his eyes off him. Once Mitch was naked, Candy just stared at his cock.Mitch told Candy as he slowly stroked his cock as Candy stared, "Why don’t you...

Gay Male
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Candy Finally, it was going to happen! For years, Candy had imagined planning an awesome pool party, but something always got in the way; family vacations,… Candy Finally, it was going to happen! For years, Candy had imagined planning an awesome pool party, but something always got in the way; family vacations, summer school, lack of friends, the weather; something. Now, however, everything seemed to be falling into place. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson had moved out near the desert in California...

2 years ago
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CD Mistress Cheyenne cant fight the craving for Candy

Almost two long weeks had passed since my first meeting with my new slave Candy. Our first encounter was special and my sexy new sub had not left my mind since he walked out of my door. His juicy ass and hard thick cock have filled my thoughts each day since. I had found myself wildly attracted to Candy and lusting for him constantly. After deciding that ten days was long enough to make him wait I called Candy to set up another meeting. His phone barely got a full ring out before he...

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CD Mistress Cheyenne cant fight the craving for Candy

Almost two long weeks had passed since my first meeting with my new slave Candy. Our first encounter was special and my sexy new sub had not left my mind since he walked out of my door. His juicy ass and hard thick cock have filled my thoughts each day since. I had found myself wildly attracted to Candy and lusting for him constantly. After deciding that ten days was long enough to make him wait I called Candy to set up another meeting. His phone barely got a full ring out before he...

4 years ago
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Humiliation of Candy

Total Humiliation of Candy It all started 3 years ago when I decided to go to a party on my own. The ideawas to pick up a girl and maybe if I was lucky to get laid. During the evening,I was approached by a real nice lady named Janet. I was very attracted to her.She was about 5'7" and was very slim and was wearing a very short black leathermini skirt with very high heels. Just the look of her turned me on. We danced toseveral numbers and in between had a number of drinks. After a couple of...

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"Hi there young man, it has been so long since I have seen you. How are you doing after losing your parents so tragically? It must have been such an awful blow to you. I've been hoping you would stop by sometime so I could tell you how sorry I am. Your Mom and I were such great friends. She was like a daughter to me you know, and you dear man, are still my grandson." "Mrs. Henderson. It is good to see you too. I'm sorry I don't come to see you more often. I will stop next time I come...

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Candy and me2

I'm not talking that bullshit you read in porn mags where you just bring yourself as close to orgasm as you can then back off. I'm talking full-on ejaculations. There's something about my dick where it doesn't go all sensitive after I've cum. It stays hard. Rock hard. And so long as I keep on fucking or having it sucked or stroked or whatever, I can cum as many times as I want. You could say Candy's a cumslut. She loves it in her pussy, on her boobs, in her mouth, on...

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Candy and me1

I'm not talking that bullshit you read in porn mags where you just bring yourself as close to orgasm as you can then back off. I'm talking full-on ejaculations. There's something about my dick where it doesn't go all sensitive after I've cum. It stays hard. Rock hard. And so long as I keep on fucking or having it sucked or stroked or whatever, I can cum as many times as I want. You could say Candy's a cumslut. She loves it in her pussy, on her boobs, in her mouth, on...

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Candy and me0

I'm not talking that bullshit you read in porn mags where you just bring yourself as close to orgasm as you can then back off. I'm talking full-on ejaculations. There's something about my dick where it doesn't go all sensitive after I've cum. It stays hard. Rock hard. And so long as I keep on fucking or having it sucked or stroked or whatever, I can cum as many times as I want. You could say Candy's a cumslut. She loves it in her pussy, on her boobs, in her mouth, on...

1 year ago
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Candy poker party

Introduction:Four horny men, alcohol, a poker party, and a scantily clad teenage girl - what could possibly go wrong?I still can’t believe it happened. My buddies and me gangbanged my teen daughter and now I can’t decide what to do now. I guess it depends on how Candy, my daughter, reacts when she wakes up. Right now she’s still asleep in my bed on the cum soaked sheets, some of it still leaking out of her, while I’m nursing one of the worst hangovers of my life. I guess I should explain what...

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Candys Taste Test

Candy's Taste Test by dale10 ([email protected])***They were up in Candy's bedroom after school, while Candy's mom was at work. Jordon always liked it when Candy's mom was home, because he was a vain 18 year old jock stud who loved the way the horny divorced bitch stared at his bulging crotch.He would lean against the kitchen counter so his fucker pushed out, and he would watch the middle? aged cougar drool and wet her panties.  But he had to be careful that Candy didn't get jealous....

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Jeremy and Candy

Jeremy and Candy There is something about being an abandoned child that resonates with us all.  My characters are both foundlings.   Why is it erotic? Is it all about the loss of control? I don't think Jeremy and Candy will ever shove the old witch of an aunt in the oven and then go finish eating the snacks on her gingerbread house -- the grown ups will always have the ultimate control.   Jeremy, just turned 18,  walked Candy, also newly 18,  back to the "The Fortress"  and she snuck...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 6

A couple of hours later I went into the bedroom to free Candy and let her get ready for her performance at the bookstore. Even though her hands were tied she still managed to get herself off; there was a small puddle of pussy juice between her legs. I untied her, flipped her over on her stomach and gave her ass cheeks several swats with my hand. "Oww, what was that for," Candy mewed as she rubbed her ass. "Because I can. Anytime, anywhere, better get used to it, Candy, 'cause I love...

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Carwash Candy

Note: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. Another note: This story, written several years ago, represents my first attempt at TG Fiction. At the time, I was so disappointed/ashamed by how it turned out that all further experimentation in this area was abandoned for quite a while. Reading through it more recently, however, I discovered (rather dispiritingly) that was not that much different from everything that I had written...

2 years ago
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The Sweet Fourteen Candy Shop

For some time Jack had told me that when the time came, when I’d reached fourteen and started to have the attributes and capabilities of a man, and if I was still interested, he’d take me to the Candy Shop for the first time. I tried to tell him that he would be candy enough for me—that he could do me for the first time right at home—but Jack was a man who wanted to do things right. And he spelled out what was practical to me on why he was holding off until I was fourteen. “We both need to be...

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