MaquisChapter 47 free porn video

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Derby, Derbyshire. June, 32 hours after the queens speech.

“Oy, you lot. Fuck off ‘ome, you’re not wanted ‘ere.”

The speaker was a senior assault leader in the Safety Patrol. His target was a group of eleven people, eight men and three women, standing outside what had been the central police station in Derby. It was locked and boarded up, but oddly for a police station at this time, it was actually, at least from the outside, in pretty good condition. The Patrol had occupied what they considered a better building about a mile away. Closer to the city centre pubs and what was left of the night-life. Night life that was only available to paid up members of the Truth and Freedom party.

“Ah,” said one of the men targeted, “I see you have come to hand over your weapons, as ordered?” He turned the statement into a delicate sounding question.

“Hah, wouldn’t you like?” sneered another of the Patrollers.

“You have been so ordered.”

“By ‘oo? Not anyone we recognise. That bitch Beatrix will be dead before the week’s out. You’ll see.”

“Beatrice you ignoramus, not Beatrix. Her majesty Queen Beatrice. And I’m quite sure we will see. And it won’t be her death we’ll be seeing.”

So far the eleven police officers, for though not in uniform, that’s what they were, and the four Patrollers, had not attracted any attention. Not that there were many people around at not quite seven thirty on a Sunday morning. Both sides were secretly relieved by this, as neither side was too sure of their support locally. Derby had never been the most extreme on either the pro or anti Thorn side, and what demonstrations there had been were small and half hearted. On both sides.

After a few seconds of a tense stand-off, the Patrollers left, muttering about making sure they, the policemen, were not there later “otherwise there would be consequences.” Those ‘consequences’ were not stated, but none of the policemen felt overly comfortable.

“I hope someone turns up with a key soon,” one murmured. “I’m not hanging around much longer. Not out like this.”

His colleagues made noises of agreement, but nobody actually said anything. Within five minutes three more people had arrived, and shortly after that, someone did turn up with a key.

“Right,” said Chief Superintendent Alex Raizon. “Let’s get in quickly. We won’t do much today, just see who’s going to come in, and what everyone’s situation is. All right?”

There were mutters of agreement and most people showed some relief at his words.

Once inside the fifteen people just stopped and stared in mute horror. The building was a mess. Worse than a mess. No one had been here since the TaF had moved out shortly after the police had been sacked, but in those few days the TaF had ransacked the place. Worse, they had left food and other, nastier, mess around, and the rats and other vermin had moved in. “Oh hell, I hate rats. And spiders,” said one woman shakily.

“Let’s find some coveralls, the ones SOCO uses, and see if we can start some cleaning up.”

Working in teams of three, they cleaned out two of the smaller offices, the toilets, one of the locker rooms, and the canteen and attached kitchen. There were actually two locker rooms, but the women’s was in a far worse state of destruction, so for the time being they would have to share. By one pm when they decided to break for lunch, they were all exhausted, but they had done a lot of work and all felt oddly happy.

“I’ll pick up some rat poison and traps over lunch,” Alex told his crew. They had all very quickly turned to using first names, even though under normal circumstances for some of them at least, it would have been unthinkable.

“Let’s eat at the pub round the corner.” Said another man, a fairly young constable. “I know it’s still open, and I know it’s not generally frequented by Patrollers.”

The others all agreed, and while Raizon went to the local DIY store to hunt out rat poison and other cleaning supplies, the others made their way to the pub for lunch. By the time Raison got to the pub, everyone else had eaten and they were starting to get concerned at how long he had been gone.

“You okay sir?”

Raizon nodded. “Aye. I found someone who will come in about six this evening to help set up the traps, and show us where best to put out the poison. He’s going to bring it with him as it’s very dangerous stuff, and he has all the kit and training.”

They all looked happy at this news, particularly the younger of the two women.

Raizon looked at the menu. “Are they still serving food?”

“Till 3pm,” he was told. “Then just snacks until five, then they do proper food again after five.”

They remained in the pub for nearly another hour. Now they had seen what needed to be done, they could plan better what to do next to get the place into a usable state more quickly.

“It’ll be a nuisance, and we’ll probably have to close off parts of the building.” Raizon shook his head. “We won’t get them clean without spending money, and that’s just not available.”

“If no more people show up, then we’re not going to need much more anyway,” said another, a man who normally served as one of the custody suite officers. The custody suite itself was going to be out of bounds. The mess the TaF and the Patrollers had left there was just plain nasty. Faeces, blood, probably animal, but still nasty. Food waste that had gone mouldy, and mixed in with that at least one dead cat. They hadn’t ventured any farther. The smell and the swarms of flies were enough to keep them out and away.

They all just nodded. “We’ll just have to see,” said one of the inspectors, a watch commander.

Raizon looked at his watch. He sighed. “Let’s go back and do a few more hours, until the vermin man gets here, then we’ll call it a day. Meet back same time tomorrow.”

“Bring more suitable clothes for tomorrow,” said one of the woman. A family liason officer.

“Get that bloody woman off my television.” Thorn was red-faced and apoplectic with fury. “Why haven’t you captured her yet?” This was directed at Boase, who was standing some ten feet away in Thorn’s office at Chequers in central Buckinghamshire.

“It’s our highest priority,” Boase said smoothly. “I actually think she’s in hiding and this is a pre-recorded message.”

“In hiding or not,” spluttered a still furious Thorn. “I want her found and executed.”

“I think we really should start confiscating TV’s and personal computers,” Boase countered. “That way even if these broadcasts continue, no-one will be watching.”

“Do it!” snarled Thorn. “And while you’re at it, find out how she continues to broadcast.”

“Yes sir.” Boase didn’t like the last command. Britain wasn’t that big, not really, so finding one woman, a woman at or near a broadcast centre shouldn’t be too difficult. But that was still almost ninety-six thousand square miles. It just took time and patience, and patience, Boase had learned, was one thing Thorn didn’t have a lot of. Unfortunately Boase had a sneaking suspicion that the broadcasts were being done by some sort of new technology that he hadn’t come across. The problem was, neither had any of his people.

“If that will be all Prime Minister?” Boase bobbed his head and tried to withdraw, but Thorn stopped him.

“No!” snapped Thorn. “It isn’t!” He paused a moment. “Police and army. Have they tried to reform as she is claiming?”

“We’ve arrested between thirty and forty people who turned up at various police stations in London, but that’s about all. There’s no evidence anywhere else. Unfortunately she hasn’t said where the muster points for these army regiments are. We’ve seen no evidence of any reforming.” Boase had just told a whopping lie. He personally knew of two incidents where both Safety and Security Patrollers had been ambushed and captured or killed by soldiers returning to their barracks. Horse-guards parade, just meters from Downing Street, would have had many soldiers based there in the past, but this barracks at least was still very firmly in the hands of the Security Patrol.

The problem was, there were both army and air force bases fairly close to Chequers, and he had strong reason to believe that RAF Halton had now been re-activated. Although RAF Halton, one of the larger RAF bases, was primarily a training base for junior airmen and women, it could still house up to 2100 people. Driving from his own home in Bedfordshire, to come to Chequers, he had taken a detour and deliberately driven through Wendover to go past the base. It looked active, and that worried him. He would have Patrollers attend to it as soon as he got back to his own office.

“And outside London?” Thorn asked coldly.

“The same,” Boase said. “No sign of anything happening.” Once more Boase was lying. He now knew that outside of London the army pretty much had complete control of everywhere except the centres of the larger towns and cities. And even here the Patrols didn’t have the upper hand all the time. For his own safety he was keeping this information from Thorn. He just hoped that Stewart, who had found out some of this just recently, didn’t tell Thorn.

“Very well,” snapped Thorn. “Make sure it stays that way. Dismissed.”

“Sir.” Boase bobbed his head more out of fear than respect, and discreetly left.

Boase had not been pleased to be summoned to Chequers, and rather than use his ministerial car, a very obvious Jaguar XJ, he was driving his wife’s old and somewhat battered Ford Mondeo. The Jaguar was a lovely car, well protected and armoured, but he didn’t want ‘people’ knowing he wasn’t at home. His own home wasn’t quite as well protected as Chequers, but it was further off the beaten track, and well hidden. Going out in public like this, he wanted to be anonymous. The Mondeo gave him that. He hoped.

He wondered whether his plan of forcible recruitment, conscription, into the patrol would be approved. He needed another two hundred thousand men, and quickly, if he was to have any hope of getting Britain back under control.

“I wish Her Majesty hadn’t recalled all the troops,” General Sir Mike Gold, C-in-C land forces, grumbled to his deputies and assistants. “We haven’t got all the muster points sorted out.”

“It’ll only be two more days,” one of them pointed out, “and she’s, in effect, put everyone on alert.”

“Yes, but she’s also put Thorn and his goons on alert as well.” He sighed. “Though I’m sure that can be dealt with.”

“Yes sir,” one lieutenant said with a grin. “That’s all taken care of.”

Mike looked at the younger junior officer. “Your idea?”

“Sort of sir. Myself and the Army Sergeant-Major came up with the idea in one of those slightly odd but free-ranging discussions yesterday morning.”

Mike nodded, he knew the sort of thing. Almost a brain-storming of ideas. “And?”

“I mentioned it to Major Ponts and he’s set the wheels in motion.”


The lieutenant nodded. “Basically we’re going to get a number of armed people, either Maquis or, preferably, currently deployed units to stake out the muster points from about thirty-six hours before we even announce them, right up until the muster is completed. They’ll take out anyone they suspect is one of Thorn’s thugs.”

Mike Gold nodded. “Good work Lieutenant.” It was a fairly obvious and logical thing to do, so he suspected that a lot of people had come up with pretty much the same idea. Still, he wished Her Majesty hadn’t jumped the gun though, but he supposed it wasn’t all bad. And it had to be done some time, so, well. He gave a mental shrug. Maybe now was as good a time as any.

The following day, in Derby, two officers who had been there the previous day, a man and a woman, didn’t turn up. However four other men did.

“We were watching to see what happened. See if anything went shit-shaped. We made a joint decision,” one of them told Chief Superintendent Alex Raizon. Raizon just nodded; he understood what they meant, but was disappointed that two had left already, and that no more than this had shown up.

By the end of the week they had a functional, and almost working, police station. One of the two who had turned up on Sunday, then not on Monday, had turned up again Tuesday and the rest of the week too. His reason for missing the Monday was fairly prosaic: he had had a dentists appointment to have his wisdom teeth removed.

There were now sixteen officers and four civilians, and between them they had completely cleared out about a third of the station, including the main reception, the main control room, the break room, and a number of the offices. Raizon’s own office, plus the entire custody suite were still out of action, but the women’s changing rooms were now usable, and actually in better repair than the men’s. There was very little in the way of usable equipment though. Most of the control room’s computers and radio systems had been deliberately damaged beyond repair, the rest had simply gone missing. Stolen. Some of the police vehicles were missing, most of the rest were damaged to a greater or lesser extent. None were currently usable and only one might be reparable, but none of them thought it worth while to do so.

To a point the twenty people despaired. They weren’t even sure of the reception they would get if they went out on the beat.

“I think, for the moment, what we need is beat officers,” Raizon told his skeleton crew. “We haven’t got enough people to do either seven days, or twenty-four hours, so for now it’ll be five days a week. Monday, and Tuesday, then Thursday to Saturday. No Wednesday and no Sunday. And on those five days we’ll do a nine to five rather than the standard twelve and a half hour daytime shift of seven am to seven-thirty pm.”

“How about,” one of the inspectors, Paul Wu, spoke up, “just two patrols a day, one before and one after lunch? Two to three hours at a time?”

Raizon nodded. “My thought was two to two and a half hours, and three people rather than two. Other than that, yes.”

There was general nodding. “That gives us time,” said Paul slowly, “for us to write up what we have seen, plus maybe, plan our next set of patrols, or just clean up some more of the mess here.”

There were a few good natured groans at this. Raizon smiled slightly, acknowledging the point.

He nodded. “Now. We have no custody suite, so there’s no point in making arrests. Not unless we are going to caution or release on police bail the same day.”

“Are the magistrates even working?” a detective constable asked. “And if so, what would they likely do? Could they remand?”

“Could we trust them to not be TaF puppets?” an older constable asked.

Raizon just shook his head. “Don’t worry about that. For now we’re just on the beat and getting ourselves seen again, I don’t think we are likely to be doing much crime solving, or at least, if we do it’s not going to go anywhere I don’t think. Not yet anyway. For now it’ll have to be just crime prevention.”

“Just get a presence on the streets?”

Raizon nodded. “There are no vehicles so foot patrols only, and no farther than about three or four miles from the station, but use your common. We can’t quickly back you up if you get into trouble, so you’ll need to keep your wits about you. Plus, if we’re only doing two patrols a day, then we’ve enough people that no one needs to go out more then once every other day. We’ll revisit that in a few days or a week when we see how we are received.”

The discussion went on for nearly an hour with various suggestions and ideas to help improve safety. Most were eventually rejected, but one, that the first couple of times on each beat was to be done in civvy’s rather than in uniform, Raizon was eventually persuaded to agree to. Five routes were planned, based on routes used previously. The number chosen so there would be both a morning and an afternoon patrol on each route, albeit a couple of days apart.

For the first week and a half, the foot patrols went off without a hitch. The three officers on each beat just noted what was happening, made notes on the few petty crimes they saw, but otherwise did nothing about them. They also noted when and where they saw Safety and Security Patrols. No one was going out in uniform just yet, but Raizon and an inspector joined each of the five morning patrols on the second week. They were pretty much ignored by most people they met, but twice during the latter part of the second week, the slowly strolling group of police officers, still not in uniform, were approached.

“You’re coppers,” one woman said quietly. “All of you. Why aren’t you out doing your job?” This was on the Thursday.

“How do you know we’re the police?” the inspector answered equally quietly.

She gave him an arch look. “I don’t give a stuff about pretty uniforms and fancy cars, but I can tell a copper a mile away. So why aren’t you doing your jobs?”

“How do you know we’re not?”.

The woman gave a bitter laugh. “I know you’re not. If you were, my shop wouldn’t be being robbed every single fuckin’ day.”

“Please don’t swear ma’am,” said the inspector almost automatically.

“Now I know you’re a ffffffflamin’ cop,” The woman’s bitterness had, if anything, got worse. “Far more interested in how I say sommat than in what I’m sayin’”

“So what are you saying?”

Raizon just listened without interrupting his inspector, saying nothing, but noting, as did the others, what was happening around them. He quietly waved two of the constables to move a little away and just observe.

“What I’m sayin’ is there are a bunch of ... of ... tearaways who rob me blind most days. And the ffff, the bloody patrols won’t do sod all.”

“Oh?” Interjected Raizon. “What do they do?”

“If they catch the little bleeders they might, just might, give ‘em a clip round the lug’ole. Usually they just tell ‘em to eff off.”

“Sorry, who tells who to eff off?” asked the inspector.

“The Patrol tells the little shits they capture to get lost. But that’s all they do. If they catch them.”

“And if they don’t catch them? Do they know who’s doing it?”

“‘Course they do. It’s the same bunch of ... of...,” the woman took a deep breath to calm herself down. “There’s seven of them. I bet none of them are older than about twelve. They come in about eight in the evening and rob me of sweets and chocolates and fizzy drinks mostly, but they’ve also managed to get away with the occasional bottle of booze. Cheap lager or cider mostly.”

“And the patrol isn’t interested in catching them?”

“Nah. Nothing in it for them, is there?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, catch a twelve year old kid who’s nicked a Mars bar, what’s that gonna get ‘em? They’re only interested in catching people who are speaking out against Thorn. Or shows any support for the queen.”

“Right,” said the inspector slowly. “So they’re only interested in people who, in their terms, are enemies of the state?”

“Yup. So what are you gonna do about it?”

“You do realise,” Raizon interjected again, “that just by talking to us, you could be considered an enemy of the state.”

She shrugged. “I don’t much care. To me all politicians are the embodiment of evil. I just want someone to stop those little bast ... those little thugs.”

“So what time is best? To catch these kids, I mean,” the inspector asked hurriedly, before the discussion turned to politics. “You said it’s normally around eight in the evening?”

“Normally. Not much earlier anyhow.”

“Every night?”

“Near enough?”


“Do you know where The Slug And Lettuce pub is? On Iron Gate?”

“Oh yes.”

“There was an empty unit next door. Used to be an independent estate agents until the housing market tanked. Got it for a song and turned it into a nice little news agents. Was just about makin’ a livin’ until them little sods came along.”

The inspector nodded. “We’ll see what we can do, but I’m not promising anything. And I certainly can’t guarantee it’ll be tonight. Is that okay?”

She shrugged. “Well, it’s no worse than the patrols is it?” She turned and marched off, still very angry.

“I think it’s time we started going out in proper uniform,” Raizon said softly, a few moments later, not really addressing anybody in particular.

The inspector slowly nodded. “I think you’re probably right. Let’s get everyone in the canteen at lunchtime and talk about it.”

“Agreed. And I’ll want two sets of three volunteers for two evening shifts. Ideally for tomorrow and Saturday, but let’s just play it by ear.”

The rest of the beat went off without incident, and, at lunchtime, Raizon found that, with some minor adjustments to a couple of the routes, most of the officers were actually more than ready to resume uniformed beat patrols. There was less immediate enthusiasm for trying to catch the ‘pack of young shop-lifters’, mostly because that area of the city centre had a lot of pubs in it, some of which were now regularly frequented by the Safety or Security Patrollers, particularly into the evenings after the normal curfew time.

Only when Raizon himself volunteered to go on the evening patrol, did he manage to get any other volunteers, but they were all male, and for public relations reasons, Raizon wanted a woman. He looked at the two female officers he still had. “Are you sure neither one of you can help?”

“Definitely not this evening,” one said, “and tomorrow would be awkward. Saturday should be okay.”

“I never did do evening shifts,” the other said. “Andy,” this was her partner, “works evenings so I have the kids.” She shrugged, grimacing apologetically. “That’s still not changed.”

Raizon nodded. He turned to the first one who had spoken. “Lou, we really need two consecutive evenings. Could you do tomorrow maybe? Any chance at all?”

Lou shook her head. “I’ve sort of got something planned for tomorrow evening. Saturday should be fine but...,” she trailed off then sighed. “Yeah okay, I might be able to do tomorrow night. I’ll try.”

“When can you let me know?”

Lou sighed once more and picked up her mobile. “Give me ten?”

Raizon nodded and Lou moved to the other side of the room. She came back a couple of minutes later. “Yeah, that should be fine, but you owe me.”

“Thank you, that’s wonderful. Friday and Saturday evenings?”

Lou nodded slowly. “Mob of five?” she asked. “Looks a bit strange.”

“That’s okay, what I’d like is for you, Matt,” he indicated one of the younger constables, “and myself to go and wait in the shop, and we’ll have Steve G,” he indicated the inspector who had been out that morning, “and Steve R,” he indicated a constable who hadn’t been out, “wait in a car just around the corner.”

“Parking’s gonna be a sod,” someone else pointed out. “You might have to get there quite early.”

Raizon nodded. “I’ll investigate that this evening after we finish. Okay folks, thank you all. Now, who’s on this afternoons beat?”

“Well?” demanded Thorn.

Bob Stewart was sitting with the Prime minister in his office. “I know for a fact that a couple of dozen police stations are now active. I’ve been past them. I’m reliably informed that in fact a few hundred are. What I can’t tell you is how active or efficient they are. I have seen a couple of bobbies on the beat, and generally they are in groups of four or so, not the one or two that were seen in the past.”

“They’re scared,” Thorn said with a satisfied voice.

“Yes, probably. It’s for protection. I’ve seen one police patrol car around, but I’ve also been told there are not many at all.” He frowned slightly. “It seems the general populace are completely neutral about them. They generally ignore them but the few interactions we have heard about seem to be generally favourable.”

Thorn frowned. “They are trying to undermine the Patrol.”

“The problem is that too many at the bottom end of the Patrol are petty criminals. They were minor drug dealers, shop lifters, pick-pockets and petty thieves. Some had convictions for violence, generally not too serious, but still. Some people don’t like them. Don’t want to deal with them if they don’t have to. Almost shun the patrols if they can. It’s not a pretty picture because now there are police officers around, minor incidents are as often as not being dealt with by the police.”

“Why aren’t they being arrested?” demanded Thorn.

“It would seem that the Patrol is ignoring the police and vice versa.”


Stewart shook his head. “I believe that this is generally orders from higher up. On the Patrol side at least. I’m guessing the police are not trying to arrest Patrollers because they are not sure of the reaction. Some people still don’t trust the police, even if they trust, if that’s the right word, trust them more than the Patrol.”

Thorn frowned in fury. “They trust the police more than the Patrol?”

“In some cases, yes, it would seem so.”

“I want orders passed down that Patrollers are to arrest any and all policemen they see. They are to use as much force as they need. If a few die then so be it, but I want them off my streets. Ignoring them, allowing them to continue, is treason.”

“I’ll make sure that message gets across,” Stewart sighed.

Thorn’s eyes narrowed and he looked at his most trusted minister. “Why are you telling me this? Surely it’s Boase’s responsibility. The Patrol is part of MOSS not the Home Office.”

“Yes sir, Gareth said he was unable to come today and asked if I would pass on the information on his behalf.”

“Has he found Beatrice yet?”

“I believe so, but he claims she is trapped and he cannot get at her while she cannot get out. He says that the broadcasts are computer generated and that those portions that are not were recorded a long time ago and are being re-used. He says they are not live and not new.”

“Do you believe that?”

“I don’t know sir, I haven’t seen them.”

“Huh. Then I suggest you watch a couple and tell me what you think.”

“Uh, yes, okay sir.”

“And these so called army muster points?”

“Mr Boase says they are all fake. That no one turns up, and that those people that do turn up are there to oppose any soldiers that might appear.”

“I’m not sure I believe him any more, Bill. What do you think?”

Bill Stewart pulled a piece of paper from his briefcase.

“According to what information I can glean, ten to fifteen thousand people have presented, old soldiers, some of them in their seventies.” He sighed. “I can’t tell you how many of that lot might be effective, but I believe it’s not many. A couple of thousand at best.”

“A couple of thousand,” screeched Thorn, but Stewart raised his hands to try and calm his boss.

“That’s a couple of thousand nationwide. They aren’t all in the same place, and the Patrol has control of the transport network.

Gareth Boase had kept Bill Stewart and the entire cabinet in the dark about the actual state of affairs on the motorways, but even he hadn’t realised the railways were much the same. Stewart had had no reason to believe anything was out of the ordinary. He genuinely believed what he had just told the PM.

“And do people still believe this alien menace rubbish?”

“I don’t know sir. I really don’t. The few people I ask all say they don’t believe it, but they could just be telling me what I want to hear. What they think I want to hear.”

“Well find out. We’ve got to stamp this rubbish out fast. Repeating it is treason. And I mean treason. I want them hung.”

“Um. I’m sorry sir, but we don’t have the death penalty in this country. Not even for treason.”

“Well we do now,” snarled Thorn. He picked up a piece of paper, scribbled a few lines on it, signed it with a flourish, and passed it over.

“So how many?” Field Marshal Sir Ian Coulter asked General Mike Gold and Admiral Amjad Hussein. The three were on a conference call.

“Looks like about forty-five thousand,” Amjad Hussein replied, “give or take a few. We had a large number, more than ten thousand, in their sixties and seventies though, and those we sent home for the time being. We need to get the younger ones sorted before we take on the older generations.”

“Good. So just to be clear, that’s forty-five thousand all under sixty?”

“Yes sir. The next muster is in three days time and then two days after that. Going on the previous musters we’ll probably get between ten and twelve thousand. Certainly no more.”

“So that’s fifty-five thousand, roughly.”

“Yeah,” responded Mike Gold. “We had hoped to get closer to a hundred thousand and more. And it’s pretty much all army, plus some Royal Marines. Very few navy or air force. I think some people are assuming we can’t use them in the fight against the patrol, so aren’t coming out. I think they are still scared of the Patrol.”

“Are you doing anything about that?”

“Only arresting any patroller, or indeed any person, who tries to obstruct a muster. So far we’ve arrested about three hundred people.”

“Not all of them Patrollers,” added Amjad dryly.

“Indeed,” murmured Mike Gold. “There are still a lot of people out there who absolutely believe in Thorn and his propaganda. And that’s despite all the stuff Beatrice and her people are getting out.”

Same as Maquis
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Will should have gone home. He needed a drink. He needed a shower. But he was afraid to. Thoughts of Janelle clung to him like a bad smell, and he didn't want to go home until he was rid of her. His apartment was one place she hadn't infected yet, and he was going to keep it that way. He wandered around for a while, trying to settle down. As the sun set he found himself in the park downtown. The sound of the fountain drew him to sit down. When he was younger, he used to use the sound of...

1 year ago
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Dreams Do Sometimes Come True

Shawn strapped on his gear and prepared himself for another patrol in one of the most dangerous cities in the United States. Standing a whopping 6’5” and weighing a chiseled 275 pounds, citizens and hoodlums alike all new Shawn very well. On the mean streets, his nickname was “Big Jack.” Even his fellow officers looked up to him as well. When they got a rough call, they felt at ease when they saw Shawn arrive as their back-up. By no means was he considered one of those types who hid behind his...

First Time
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Ah C8217mon Baby

Hello sexy girls, dudes, aunties and bhabhies..This is your sajid. This is my first time, when I planned to post my story in this section. Friends, u may find it slightly long but I am sure u will be able to connect yourself with this story. Those who don’t know about me, here is something for you all. Myself Sajid from the heart of young cute girls having a kind and romantic heart and passionate for sex. If any girl is interested in doing friendship with me, then mail me on , I will share my...

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There she goes jogging past my house again! Her name is Amber Lynn and shes my neighbor's k** very young and very beautiful! I see her every morning as I go out to get my morning paper off the lawn she comes bouncing by all radiant exuding the kind of healthy glow of the young! When she was little I used to call her Ann Boleyn after Henry the 8th's wife the one who lost her head and she would get so mad saying I'm not Ann Boleyn I'm Amber Lynn then I would say yeah that what I said Ann...

2 years ago
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Jab maine bua and chachi ho choda

I am Deepak from mumbai my age is 37 . Mere lund ka size 6.5 hai agar koi mumbai ki aunty or girl or bhabhi mujse contectec karana chahe to mera e mail id Ye kahani aaj se six month pahle ki hai jab mai gaon gaya hua tha . Hamare ghar ke bagal me ek family rahti hai .unka chat aur mera chat akdam touch hai . Mai rat me jab chat par sone gaya bagalwale chat par meri reste me bua and chachi bhi so rahe thi . Bua ki figar badi must hai unki chuchi karib 40 ki hiogi and unki gand ke to kahne hi...

2 years ago
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Bhabi Ne Chudwaya

By : Naughty61 hi.i am raj from delhi.main 20 saal ka hoo.aur main apna pahla sex experiance aap sabke saath batene ja raha hoo.mere pariwar main sirf five member hai.main mere bare bhai,bhabhi jinki abhi sadi ke sirf ek saal hue hai,meri bahan seema jo ki 18 saal ki hai aur mere papa jo ki kaam se hamesha bahar hi rahte hai.ab main point par aata hoo. meri bhabhi soni jinki umar sayad mujhse bhi kam hai kafi attractive dikhti hai aur seema usse bhi jada.dono ke saath sex karne ka mujhe...

2 years ago
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I am not writing this to brag, but the fact is that I have a massive thick big cock!It is so big that most women run for the hills when we get close to fucking. More often than not I get a woman really turned on when she feels my cock through my pants, but when we get to my or her place and get naked. Then they get scared or they want me to fuck them slowly and gently, which I also do so I don't tear them apart. But after they cum, they want my cock out of them and never call me back! I have...

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CherryPimps Khloe Kapri Good Girls Get Spankings For Christmas

Khloe Kapri absolutely loves how Michael smacks her juicy ass making her all excited for the sex that is to cum. She just can not stop moaning and especially loves how his fingers work their magic on her pussy making it super wet for that cock of his to be able to slip right in. Khloe tastes as sweet as a cherry and it doesn’t take long to have Khloe begging for that cock. She wants it so bad to penetrate her deep. The way his cock feels in her mouth; throbbing with every lick and every...

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Pretty Petite Latina

Stephany was a very young, petite and skinny, dark complected Latina, with brunette hair, and even though she was 18 years old, she was flat-chested, but did seem to have a little something there. She had a great little figure and even though she had skinny little legs, she really had a nice firm little butt. She was really very attractive and even though she didn’t feel that way, her innocence was alluring, and that sexy smile, made me smile too. I had been attracted to her since I first saw...

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Mummy Chud Gayi Mere Dost Se 8211 Part 10

Ab main bas dekhne ke liye sochne laga shayad man mein jo us aunty ko leke vichar aate the woh real ho gaya tha. Maine soch liya tha ki ab main nazar rakhunga dono pe ki kab dono chodam patti ka khel khelenge aur main dekhunga. Ab ye bat us din se 3 din ke bad ki hai. Sham ko mera dost gym se aaya toh woh ghar pe aaya. Chai pine ke dauran main dekh raha tha mera dost apni aankho se meri mummy ke jawani ko pi raha tha. Haan ek change aa gaya tha meri mummy ko ye bat malum thi. Woh ache se jaan...

3 years ago
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Tale of a Bengali Teen

That hot summer afternoon, Joginder was sitting on his couch, staring at the TV, his mind somewhere else. He was thinking about the steamy, hot sex session from the last night. His twin daughters were extra-willing and extra-adventurous. God knows what took over the two of them. They literally wore him down. He was so spent that he couldn't wake up in the morning. And when he did wake up, he found two mouths wrapped around his hard cock. According to him, it was a miracle that he was hard once...

1 year ago
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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 02

‘Ladies! Ted, Peter and I are off for a Chinese meal and then we’re going to the trots. Ted has some hot tips so perhaps we can win tonight. Would you like to join us?’ Ignoring Jennifer’s coldness and responding to the nods and warmth of Karen and Ruth he continued. ‘That’s settled then. We’re going to the trots.’ Noticing Jennifer’s expression, Bob quickly added for her benefit, ‘Harness Racing. First we’ll have a Chinese meal and then go to the trots.’ He made sure everyone knew, so...

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Summer in the fields

Steve is an average 19 year old on the outside. He has a full time job, a live in girlfriend (Amanda), divorced parents, and 2 cats. On the inside he’s about to erupt. Summer is the eruption. Summer is Steve’s ‘alter ego’ who comes around every now and then. Steve used to let Summer drive around on the many less traveled roads in the area. Summer has never been with a guy, and she only got enough courage to massage the outside of her asshole with her wet finger. Right now Summer’s about to...

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NubilesPorn Kate Bloom House Rules

Kate Bloom has been told repeatedly that she needs to stop going outside naked. Her neighbors are constantly calling to complain, so she has volunteered to come in and be part of a program to clean her behavior up. Tony Rubino is one of the orderlies who has tried to try to straighten her out. Tony tells Kate that she has to follow the house rules, then brings her inside to let her know that the program’s director is unhappy with her lack of progress. Kate claims that the problem is that...

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Dagger Of KijaChapter 2

Being a Ninja is a lonely job. Master Tomas was used to being alone and had learned to appreciate his own company. Ninjas do not form many long-term relationships with people, even other Ninjas, as someday the order just might come to kill them. It had happened before and Tomas was certain it would happen again. Ever since picking up the wrapped dagger, he had the distinct feeling that he wasn't alone anymore. It was almost as if that pitiful mage's ghost rode along behind him......

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Gender Transformation Pills

Jack is a college student still living with his parents in his home town. He is neither fit nor fat but somewhere in between, mostly he assumes that he will never gain weight or just begin exercising when he does. He is not really social, and is very comfortable in the few friend that he has, he does however try to make new friends when opportunities arise, but he finds it very exhausting and blames his introvert nature. On one particular Saturday, he was walking through the inner city, when he...

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Training Cassiopeia Chapter 6

While I waited in the truck for Doc to pay Raoul, I started to formulate a plan to get the Doc and the Slut, er, Sapphire, back together. Considering the odds, I needed some intel on what Sapphire was up to and whom she was doing. She never went without a ‘benefactor’ for long. I called a friend from school and casually asked her about friends and how her classes were going. Typical conversation, right? “Oh my God, Bree, your ex was in the Union with one of the girls from IT and they were...

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Road to Denver

Every winter my wife and I hook up with our good friends Dan and Anne and travel to Denver for our annual ski trip. We make the long drive from Illinois to the mountains mostly at night. Night driving makes the trip go faster since two people can sleep while the one drives and the other helps keep them awake. There isn’t much to see on the plains of Iowa and Nebraska anyway. Anne, is a 5’9” beauty. This woman emits sex from every pore. Her complexion is flawless and here ass is a...

1 year ago
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Summer pool party

It was a hot July and my parents had gone to Europe on a week long trip. I was back from university for the summer and decided to throw a pool party. I invited a bunch of my old high school girl and guy friends over. It was about 4 o'clock and the party had been going on for a while. Everyone was drinking and having fun. I was hanging out with a bunch of his old high school buddies. Then my old high school girl friend showed up with a couple of her friends and damn she was looking hot as hell...

2 years ago
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Little More SIN For You

(The genesis of my wife's erotic non-fiction, "tail" telling foreplay.) © 2003 SINdora freely admits that when we first began dating ( but not yet mating) she was intimidated by my porn photography occupation. How could she "compete with the gorgeous, nude women that posed for my cameras?" It wasn't the subject matter that bothered her... spicy porn pleases her. Initially I had no idea that the pert, bouncy little mite I was dating was so afraid that she wouldn't measure up. I...

3 years ago
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ANOTHER ITEM FROM THE COLLECTION OF DR. STANTONThe large and often confusing collection of documents concerning the punishment of -- mostly – young ladies by caning that had originally been collected by – or at least begun by – Dr. Stanton and much later discovered in some chests hidden in the attic of a descendant, included several items that had no obvious connection with either St, Swithin’s School for Girls, or Dr. Stanton, the Headmaster. To be more precise, these documents make no...

2 years ago
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Sophis college experiencecasual encounters

After my parents got back from their vacation they had no idea about all the men their little femboy son had allowed into their house to violently fuck his little plump, round bottom. The house was intact and my sisters cloths were cleaned of the strangers cumstains. I hid all my lace outfits and toys in my car and none of my family will ever find out what a little sissy slut I was while they were away. Months passed I started taking hormones in secret. My hips grew wider, my skin got softer,...

2 years ago
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Sharon is owned pt 2 after the prom2

Last night Billy had come home super horny cuz he had only been jerked off by Cindy in the limo ., nothing else. So being the good sex slut ,Sharon was waiting in Billys bed wearing his favorite pink bra & panty set . He muttured a quick hello and immediately shoved his massive dong down her throat nearly choking her. Bobbing up & down Sharon soon received her creamy reward. She ate the goo like she had done thousands of times before. Chapter 1 Sharon was collared & leashed as Billy...

1 year ago
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Just Friends Part 1

“I’m sorry. I just don’t believe you. And if I can’t believe you, why should I trust you? How can I commit to you in a relationship?” Sophie had to admit that Malcolm had a point, but one far too dangerous to concede. She sipped from her glass of Argentinean white and placed it on the bench in front of her just inside the shadow cast by the sunshade. She pursed her lips and glanced around at the other couples enjoying the late evening sun on the patio of the Black Swan. Were their...

1 year ago
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Older Woman in Coffee Shop Part 8

When she ground on his cock he took control, handcuffed her to the bed, removed the condom and came inside of her, offering little fanfair or tenderness as he satiated his need. Having finally cum. James brings up the fact that Angella is both ovulating and against abortion. Furious, she threatens to ruin him, but he remains unphased by her threats. In response to her outrage he places a piece of paper from his wallet next to her and then leaves, without setting her...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Samantha Hayes Sophia Grace Worlds Dirtiest Dads Pt2

Dirty Dick and Filthy Rich were some pretty scummy dudes, but you would think their grimey nature would not trickle down to their families. It turns out it did. Their daughters Samantha Hayes and Sophia Grace were getting pimped out by them! Talk about an all time low. They ran into each other working the same corner one day and could not have been happier. Since they were now both in the same business, maybe they could team up. This could mean big money, but of course they would have to test...

1 year ago
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Mujhe choomemujhe sahalaaye 8211 3

Aaj mai apni sari stories un ladies ko dedicate karta hu jo iss me meri stories regular padhti hai yeh story mai aaj ek ladki ki story batane ja raha hu so enjoy this stories my beautiful readers open ur panties finger ur pussy & start…us ke haath meri peeth aur kulhom par ghumane lage. Mai us se aur wo mujhase chipakane lagaa. Mere stan baar baar us ke seene se dabaaye. Us ki bhi sas tej thi aur meri bhee. Mujhe sharam bhi bahut a rahi thee. Mera usake saath yah dusara moka thaa. Ath mai jyada...

3 years ago
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A Rough Night

A ROUGH NIGHT   After peering thru the window at your sleeping form on the couch I carefully sneak in the front door. I am very glad that you left the door unlocked for me tonight. And that I gave you a few days in a row to leave it unlocked. I know this is gonna be a real suprize for you. I take a mental inventory of my supplies as I sneak towards you. Thinking back to our past conversations I know you will enjoy this immensely. I carefully reach your side without making a noise to wake you. I...

4 years ago
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Special Day 8211 Pongal Made My Day With My Goddess

Hello! This is Mahindra from Rajahmundry,Andhra Pradesh.I am an ardent fan & regular reader of ISS.I am fair in complexion with height 5.9″ and my gun 6″ long.&2.5″ dia.I do not want to delay. Now coming to the story,this all happened during my bachelors.At that time I am the class representative.Coming to my sexy damn angel,she is our science professor.She had good a hello! This is Mahindra from Rajahmundry,Andhra Pradesh.I am an ardent fan & regular reader of ISS.I am fair in complexion with...

3 years ago
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Evelyn my gorgeous teen sister

Evelyn is a very pretty girl, too, although she doesn't realize, and definitely doesn't act like it. I don't know how she does it, but she's always had this amazing body. Now, I happen to be a sucker for bodies. It has taken me a while to accept the fact that she turns me on. At first, I tried killing any unholy thoughts right when they popped into my brain, and succeeded most of the time. But the older Evelyn got, and the more her body started to look like that of a woman instead of...

4 years ago
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All by myself

All by myself George was a bastard. He only thought of himself. These were the thoughts going through Pricilla's mind right at this moment. Why did it always have to be about him? She was finally going to get what she needed. Pricilla had been talking to her friend of ten years about her problems at home and her friend had mentioned masturbation. Pricilla had thought about that kind of stuff, but she thought it was dirty and had never tried it. The thought of touching yourself for pleasure...

2 years ago
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Vengeance 9

“That first night…wasn’t the first time you’ve encountered bondage, was it?” “I’d never done anything with bondage before.” I pinched, waiting for the truth. “But I knew I was interested in it,” she admitted. “You’ve discussed this with people.” I said matter-of-factly. “No…ooo, ok, yes,” she said, as I released her nipples, her breasts falling, and simply cupped them. “A few girls that were on the softball team.” “Who?” She hesitated. In second I had grabbed the still tape covered...

3 years ago
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Fucked A Stranger And Made Her Pregnant

Hi, my name is rihaan and I am 20 years old 6ft tall well-built guy pursuing MBA in Bangalore.and this is my first story in indian sex stories dot net which I am willing to share with you if you find any mistakes please bear with me and any women who want to have some fun or share their feelings can ping me through email()trust me it will be safe and secure So coming to the story, one day I and my friend wanted to go out for a movie.and I called him and asked if I can come and pick him...

3 years ago
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You're a good looking tall black man. It's Friday night after work and you don't feel like going home. You pass by a place called Antonio's. You've heard about the place before, but never ventured in. Tonight you enter and the place is semi-full. The music is pumping and you see people out on the dance floor. You're only one of three black people in the place, but it doesn't bother you. You stroll up to the bar to sit and relax. Out of the corner of your eye you notice the hottest woman in the...

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Welcome to the Pleasure Dungeon

Welcome to the Pleasure Dungeon!The PD is slightly less dungeony than the Triple D, classier and a bit more burlesque. The walls are covered with tapestries and soft hangings. There are Silk ropes as well as chains on racks, stocks, x-frames and spanking horses. There are also couple of cages for display of the subs - somewhere to keep subs somewhere until doms are ready."Welcome sir, if you wouldn't mind stepping this way? You can leave your clothes, you won't be needing them."You step out of...

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EvilAngel Ivy Lebelle Interracial Anal

Tattooed, luxuriously zaftig Ivy Lebelle looks luscious in red lingerie that complements her red hair. She winks her tight asshole as she bends over on a white leather couch. Prince Yahshua tongues her tasty bunghole in a worshipful rim job. She sucks dick, giving a messy, worshipful blowjob! Curvy Ivy climbs on to Prince’s big black cock and gyrates her thick hips, savoring the interracial pussy plowing. Prince fucks her doggie-style, making her cry out in orgasm. Prince switches holes,...

2 years ago
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Jack and Katie

A movie night to remember. NOTE: this is my first story so please be nice (: also it’s slow at the start so if you wanna get off right away, it’s not the story for you! “Jack! Stop it!” Katie giggled. “Oh my god! You’re gonna make me pee myself!” She pushed him off of her and sat up, trying to catch her breath. “Jesus Katie, I was tickling you. No need to freak out.” He stood up and looked down at his best fried. Her black curls were cropped short, close around her round face. Jack supposed...

2 years ago
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More Than She Could Ask For

‘Here is what you are going to do…’ We were inside the lobby and he had his arm firmly on my elbow walking me toward the Ladies’ room. His voice was warm and close in my ear. ‘You are going to go in there, do your business, and place the bullet inside that tight little ass. Come and find me when you are done and do NOT make me wait.’ I looked at him quickly and then looked at my purse. I hadn’t told him about this fantasy and I certainly hadn’t put the bullet in my purse before we left the...

4 years ago
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Choto Temple Ch 14

Mariko and Rie both walked in, carrying trays of dinner. ‘I hope we’re not intruding?’ Rie asked. ‘Not at all,’ I said, momentarily having trouble summoning the words. Mariko said something quietly to Rie in Japanese. Rie listened and then translated. ‘Mariko says she’s sorry she never had a chance to give you that lesson with the espresso machine.’ Then, speaking for both of them, she continued. ‘We understand that you leave here in the morning.’ ‘It’s true, unfortunately,’ I said,...

3 years ago
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slut abuse in the woods

It had been several months since my first time out. since then id been out buying some new outfits and was taking my cross-dressing a little more seriously. practicing my make-up skills and gradually removing most of my body hair .it did feel much nicer when dressing up and made me feel much more feminine .Spring was in the air and the evenings were getting warmerI was starting too feel quite horny for the first time in a while …I was still pretty much in the closet but had been going out for...

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the BIG guy

it was early summer in florida and i was 19. me and my two friends were in a club, we got in cause the guy at the door is easy to manipulate by cupping his dick in ur hands through his pants. anyway, i was in the club (dont ask what club i lost most of the memory except for the guy) and my friends were gone. a guy asked if he could get me a drink. i said yes and we had a plesant conversation. we talked and i gave him a small taste of what he could get later. we had fun for a few more hours and...

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Fucking My Girlfriend

Hello, friends, my name is Niket from Mumbai. This is my first sex story, my first experience with my GF at her home. Varsha was hot and sexy. Her figure was 36 32 30. I love her boobs a lot. I use to like her a lot. She has a nice smile and a cute face. It was love at first sight. Soon we become good friends. Coming to the sex story: We completed your studies from the same college. And we were preparing for cat exam. (till this time we were not in a relationship) But I was waiting for a chance...

1 year ago
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PervMom Kagney Linn Karter Growing

I’ve been hitting a growth spurt recently, and when I show my stepmom, Kagney Linn Karter, that my cock’s been getting a lot bigger, she seems to think it’s something to be happy about. In fact, she wants to suck it to make me feel good about growing up. Later, my stepmom is in dire need of some cash, so she turns around and lets me bone her for a couple bucks. A couple days later, she comes home from a shopping spree and shows off some hot new lingerie. She does a titty drop and lets me pound...

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Awakening of DebbieChapter 12 The Hearing

The afternoon heat was again above one hundred degrees as Ted and Debbie arrived at the courthouse. Going directly to the judge's chambers they were met by the judge himself. "I've let my secretary off for a while to keep this meeting confidential." The judge pointed at two chairs in front of his desk and said, "Please come in and sit down, both of you." The judge sat down behind his massive oak desk and clasping his hands together and smiled that smile that brought chills to Debbie....

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Shanika at the Plantation Club Chapter 8

Chapter 8 - The First TimeShanika's new owner tugged on her chain. "Let's go, girl," he said and led her away towards the main house.Shanika had never entered the main house other than by the service door until this time. Right in through the main entrance and into the lobby the white man pulled her along. He brought her right up to the front desk.Shanika saw that Debbie, the petite young white girl, was behind the counter. She was dressed in a grey jacket with a white blouse. She was wearing...

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Shower Story

Shower Story Oh I’m nervous I’m meeting Master J for the first time will I please Him? Will I get to cum? What toys will He use? Etc…. All these questions are running thru my head as I drive to the hotel where I will meet Him. I have all He has asked me to bring. Mentally I go over the list.. Thong, dress, no bra, sub bag, perfume on body.. Oh man I’m nervous, scared and excited all rolled into one. I arrived at the hotel. Grabbing my sub bag and purse, I walked in. I take the elevator to...

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Passionate Sex with a Beautiful Shemale

Will led Sarah by the hand into his bedroom. He closed the door as they entered and pulled her towards him. He placed his hands around her, caressing her toned stomach as he slightly nibbled on her earlobe. He could feel her trembling in his arms. Sarah lightly ground her ass into his crotch, rubbing herself against his hardening cock. “Mmm,” she moaned, feeling Will’s lips kiss the nape of her neck, causing her to break out in goosebumps. She turned to face him, wrapping her arms around his...

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Double Take Part 2 Summer Girl Fall Guy

Double Take By Nom de Plume © 2003 Episode Two: Summer Girl, Fall Guy With his final paycheck from the first season of Wet Girls, Sandy Lane finally had enough money to make the down payment on an oceanfront condo. It had only one bedroom, but it was right on the Esplanade in Redondo Beach, with a sweeping white water view. Best of all, he could jump out of bed and be in the surf in a matter of seconds. With most of the summer free before they resumed shooting for...

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Picked up by two horny black men

Friday night I was home alone and very, very horny…My beloved husband had flown away from town, my black bull was busy with his sexy wife; loving girlfriends were also busy…So I finally decided to go out, alone by myself.I took a warm relaxing shower and put some cream in my long legs.My black seamed stockings matched with a tiny black thong string, high stilettos and a very tight black lace mini dress.Then I put on my makeup and brushed my curly blonde hair.I opened a bottle of red wine and...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 227

NEWFIE FINGERS Johnny was working at the fish plant in Carbonear when he accidentally cut off all ten of his fingers. He went to the emergency room in St. John's and when he got there the doctor looked at Johnny and said 'Let's have da fingers and I'll see what I can do.' Johnny said, 'I haven't got da fingers.' 'What do you mean, you haven't got da fingers?' shrieked the doctor. 'Lord t'undrin Jesus it's 2015! We's got microsurgery and all kinds of incredible techniques....

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Not Your Average JoeChapter 25 Moving on

We started our journey to outpost Elisha where I would meet the team of my new assigned project. I was very excited to be working with some of the best minds in the entire galaxy. When the Char first mentioned the project, I thought it was the coolest idea I ever heard. Imagine being able to create a device that could not only replicate raw material but also mass produce it from small samples of natural resources. This might actually turn out to be the most challenging and rewarding thing...

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