ProeliatorChapter 4 free porn video

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Jón was back in control of the body the next morning. Everything had gone dark when he awoke. It took a long time to push some tendrils of control to the major senses so I could share them. I had not slept during the night and didn't seem to have the need. The last sleep I remembered was when I had the magical draught.

Last night I just retreated somewhere inside the brain I was living in to study and think. After relishing some of this semi-freedom, I re-oriented to find that Jón was quite tired. In that we were both using the same body, it was not getting as much rest as it needed. That went double considering that the body and mind had so recently been in a coma. I wondered if my laying awake was the cause.

Jón was drinking some broth again. He didn't push himself to have a solid breakfast. Forni was against the wall. I could see that he was upset, but that was nothing new. If I had not arrived, he might still have found Jón's attentions acceptable by now.

I worked mentally on willing independent motion to the small finger of the right hand again. It separated from the other fingers and wiggled until it caught Forni's eye. Then, he smiled. I stopped soon enough to escape Jon's notice.

Forni was sent away with the empty bowl. He unexpectedly came back with the king. Smiling benevolently, Clovis said, "Good morning Jón. How did you sleep?"

"I'm always tired. The priest did something wrong."

"You are very weak still. You need to get some exercise."

"I need to rest first. I cannot walk yet. Somebody must carry me."

"That is not what I want for you in your recovery. I will send two men here to get you dressed. You will walk, or be carried, to the courtyard where you will walk. You need fresh air and some sun."

"Father, I'm tired. I don't want to go."

I said as my contribution as his tutor to his mind, "Your father has much more experience and has fought enemies. When you get older, you can make your own decisions. You need someone to make you to do what is needed." I felt significant resistance to my thought suggestion, but I kept hammering it to him, regardless.

The king said forcefully, "You will do as I say, Jón."

"I'm not going," retorted Jon. He was not happy, hating his father for making him do what was necessary. Again, I hammered him. This time I added mental pictures of his being a petulant baby in his mind. Soon, he put his hands to his ears and closed his eyes while mumbling, "No, no, no, no." When he opened his eyes, he found his father staring fixedly at him, but he said nothing.

Clovis had apparently changed his mind and said, "Forni, dress my son." I was happy to hear the name instead of the term, 'slave'.

Jón couldn't object much and didn't say anything. The clothing was already assembled from our walk yesterday. When the boy was dressed, the father simply picked up his thin son and carried him down the hallway and eventually out of the keep.

This short trip was very educational for me. I had been to some of the castles on the Rhine that were open to the public, but the earliest had been built some eight centuries in the future. This one was sturdy, alright. But, I could see many possible improvements. The castle was predominately wood with a facade of stone.

When Jón was put on his feet, he held onto his father. Part of the reason was that he was uncertain that he could walk. His father took one hand and Forni took the initiative in taking the other. Jón was in no position to exhibit false pride and accepted the help. For my part, I was able to wiggle my right hand in Forni's grip, but could not see his reaction.

My own personal education in Frisian martial architecture continued as we exercised Jón. The walls around us were only ten metres high. Above, I could make out a narrow wooden walkway just inside the walls at the top. That walkway was supported only by long poles going to the ground. There were four sheep feeding from a cartload of fodder, while the owner looked elsewhere. Four horses were tied in two pairings with the ground underneath covered in animal shit. A large-framed dog that appeared to be starving sniffed around one of the piles of refuse, probably looking to find something to eat.

When we came to the gate, Jón thankfully looked out. There were more walls and gates that had to be passed before an invader could get to the castle. The city extended perhaps a kilometre beyond us. I saw another wall in the distance protecting the town. It was difficult to judge the height or its condition, but the walls looked to be no higher than those of the castle. Some sentries were visible walking those walls too.

There were some meagre homes partially in view. Each had considerable space to itself. It was as though everyone wanted a bit more privacy than circumstances might easily permit. Here and there, people could be seen. Most wore cloaks and some looked to be naked under them, except that the women wore underclothes. It was rather cool. Despite this, many of the children, even the older ones could be seen running around naked. From this, as well as my previous observations in the castle, I had to assume that there was no nudity taboo.

We walked past some thick oaken gates and continued around the courtyard that was perhaps only four hundred square metres in extent. I saw some vets, or cripples with crutches, or stumps, where they had lost limbs. They were out basking in the sun. These men were mostly tall and large-boned, but some were much shorter and looked Italian to me. This group had no weapons but I saw the common knife used to eat with that everybody wore. They did seem to have a good deal of freedom to move around. Maybe these were some of the prisoners I had learned about earlier.

When we came by the door to the kitchen, the smell of food washed over us. Near the door was a large clay oven that must be for the castle's supply of bread. Excellent! Ovens much like that one could be put to use in my enterprises. No need to perfect that skill in the Frisians.

I heard Clovis say, "Would you like something to eat, Jón?"

"I already ate."

Now, it was my turn. I said to Jón, "You are being like a baby again. You are thin and need to put on some weight. Say that the bread smells good."

I got a distinct, "No," flung back, but it was not verbal.

"The baby is angry and wants to punish the father for making him walk? It was boring back in the bedchamber. It is so much better out here. So what, if it hurts. You will get over the pain sooner and begin to enjoy yourself."

"No." This time it was verbal.

"Fraud! You dream of being king and cannot even control your own body. You will kill yourself and all of your people."

"I don't care."

"Yes you do, but you're lazy. You are not fit to be this man's son. You should have been born to the Roman patricians. You could be pampered all the time much like a slut. Is that what you are? A slut that simply lays back and accepts what happens."

"No, no. I am not."

"You are a pampered baby that cries when he is hurt and blames all his faults on others."

"No, no."

"It is yes, yes. You will never be a man, if you continue the way you are. Nobody will respect you. You are no better than a slut."

"No, no. I can fight. I can be a king."

"You cannot fight. You cannot even walk by yourself. An old woman, using a crutch to walk can beat you to death. You would make so poor a king that none would help you even in a good cause."

"No, no, no."

Everything I saw was now at an angle. The only way for me to have that perspective would be to have Jón picked up bodily and carried-not that either of us had noticed in the heat of our argument. Moments later we found ourselves back in Jón's bedroom. Jón was still denying my accusations. I kept at him using logic to back up my assertions. The boy just refused to see even the most self-evident facts.

I watched as Forni undressed Jón and got him tucked into bed once more. Clovis said to Forni, "If things change, I want you to come to me. There is a lot to still discuss."

I wiggled my small right finger and both people looked at it. The king nodded.

For the next half hour I continued to harangue Jón. Eventually I saw to it that I worked in the correct way of responding to those around Jon. He at least had begun coming around in this respect. With no escape he more or less had to.

"What do you do when Astrid speaks to you?"

"I say, 'yes, my lady'."

"Good. Now, your sister asks if you want some of her bread."

"I say that the bread smells delicious and I would be happy to taste some."

"That's good too. You are learning, and may yet make a good king one day. Now, how do you treat Forni?"

"I treat him like a younger brother whom I love."

"That's right. Of course, I know you don't love him, but he loves you. You need all the friends you can get in life."

"But, he's a slave."

"Sure he is, but one day he will be a man. He may hold a sword to defend you against an enemy. If he remembers how you have treated him shabbily, then he may just stand aside leaving you to your fate. On the other hand, if you were to mend your ways to treat him as kindly as he deserves, he might die, if necessary, so that you may live. You have to help him make that decision. That is not done in the heat of battle one day in the future. It is done in small amounts every single day beginning today. You cannot order his love and respect, you will have to demonstrate those traits to him. Now you are tired and need a rest. Ask Forni nicely for some water and then use the pot and go to sleep."

I heard, "Forni, I need the pot. Will you help me?"

Forni looked at me probably wondering who was in command. When Jón was done and put back into bed, Jón said, "Thank you Forni. I would like some water in the jug."

"Yes, Master."

Jón slowly drifted off to sleep after the drink. When enough time had passed, I came to the forefront and said, "I'm back Sweetie. Help me get dressed please and we will go see the king."

Forni hurried, but when he got in front of me he said, "Can I suck you again?"

"Forni, you are forever horny. I am too in this body. I have a great many tasks to do. This may mean whether we survive or not. Maybe later we can some have fun."

"I loved it last night. Nobody ever did that to me before."

"It will happen a lot more now. I hope you see that I like women too. You are going to have to learn to share." He didn't look happy now and said nothing.

"Forni, you may only want men when you grow up, but that may change, or possibly you will want both. I want you to be happy as you grow and to do that you have to experiment."

"I don't want men, I only want you."

"You're young. In time you will grow to be a man one day. We all change as we get older. Sometimes it is for the better, and sometimes not. One new skill will have to be acquired by many. I will see that you learn how to read even if you are a slave. You will then teach others the same skill. One day in the year 2000, a child will pick up a book and read about you and what you did to improve the entire world."


"Yes, you. I told you that I have the knowledge that could change the world. You will help me and your name will go into the books beside mine."

In moments Forni was assisting me down the hallway to the king's chambers. There were no guards, so Forni called, "My king, I have come."

I heard, "Come in."

Forni picked up the latch and then pushed the door open. The king was in the room talking to a dozen people including Fidelis.

The king ignored Forni and said, "Hello Jón. How are you?"

"Much better now father. I needed the exercise and a chance to learn what faces our people."

"Good." He turned to the men in general and said, "Find him a chair before the boy falls over."

One was quickly presented and I was assisted into it. My feet didn't reach the floor. The men were looking at Forni and I said in a whisper, "You will need to help me out. We have to clean up our room, since I cannot do my share yet, I will need you to do my part for now. Before you do that, would you fetch something for me to eat first, please?"

"Yes, Master," he said before leaving.

Clovis said to the group, "My son is acting more like a man now. It may be because of his wound but it may be that he is simply growing up."

Clovis went over what he was talking about previously, but did so in bullet form. Then he said, "Basically the Romans are acting out of character. They usually destroy the land and either kill or enslave all the peasants. In this campaign, that is not what they have done thus far. This likely means that they do not want to antagonise us so much as they may hope to provoke a change of leadership."

After a discussion where everyone had a say except for me, Clovis said, "What do you think, Jón?"

"I think that the agentes in rebus will soon send some assassins to kill you. We should send out some spies, to find if the legate has the Comes Disposionum as a long-term guest in camp." This shocked those in the room.

I added, "You just wear a sword and have no one at your door to screen those who enter. I would think that a Roman official would have bodyguards in the room with him, when he can be easily found by others. The Roman spies could also include the speculatores. Those soldiers will probably come here personally to take you.

Looking casually about the room, "I notice an open window behind you. A man could scale the castle wall even if he has to kill a guard or two. He could put an arrow through your heart." Everyone looked at the wall and some moved to see it and hear my words.

"Anything else?"

"You told me that you have made numerous treaties with other peoples. Rome is more afraid than ever because of all the new tribes and associated clans moving into the empire. They see their armies constantly being diluted with larger numbers of non-Romans. They are desperately trying to hold their present empire together. This very frontier they know to be their least defensible point. I do not know if you were planning any moves against the Gauls, but I think it was the Romans that instigated everything you have been discussing today.

"I suggest that you consider making peace with Rome on any terms possible in the short-term. This will give you time so that you can build more weapons and a far larger and better equipped army. Failing gaining that breathing space, you have no choice but to employ unconventional military practices to attack the Romans."

"What practices?" The king smiled now because he wanted to hear what I had to say.

"As you learned in your youth, a legion stands to fight in a field or in small patrols though they do have many small skirmishes between times. The Romans will eventually see that the calvary is their most valuable troop and begin to rely almost entirely on it. Strengthen your already formidable calvary and train them to operate in close cooperation with mobile infantry that will ride to the site of the battle. Training is just as important to us-maybe more so- as it is to the Romans.

"As you gain tactical expertise, begin to use the most highly trained in specialized tactics. One helpful practice is to teach your soldiers to impersonate the enemy. This will allow for operations close by enemy positions with less risk and also give you the ability to discredit your enemy with their own allies. You might attack some of the garrisons and make it look like it was a group of renegade Gauls. The reverse could be staged if you have some men pretend to be Roman Legionnaires who unaccountably attack the Gauls."

Clovis was quiet for a moment then said, "You have some interesting ideas. You must have more."

"Yes, I do. Among the new unconventional military operations will be more ambushes of your enemies. The problem with an ambush is that the Romans pickets or scouts will likely see you before you can inflict maximum damage. I think I know of a way that they will not see you even if they trip over you."

"That is impossible without magic."

"Not magic at all. We need only fashion a loose cotton garment for each warrior and sew various lengths of cotton strips to it. Cotton is preferred because it has little weight. Each strip is dyed a combination of brown, green, red and black, but not all one colour. Depending where you wish to stand and the season of the year, different colours may be required. That is another reason for the clothing to be light weight. Each soldier will require several different garments for situations that will arise quickly. You need a cloth hat of the same material and dyed the same way to match each different garment. A mask with holes only for the eyes to see out will blend in so well that the enemy will not distinguish you from the background unless you move. Your greatest relative strength is in your bows. They will be disguised the same way with cloth, dyes and pigments."

One older man said, "That hiding is the way of a coward. A man should stand up and fight his enemy face to face."

I waited for Clovis to answer for me, but he didn't reply. I said, "Often, the Roman Army will attack a farm. They kill the men, rape the women, and any survivors are sold as slaves. You are saying that the father and his sons should just stand against a hundred professional soldiers?"

"Not at a hundred to one, or a hundred to ten."

"Then a man who knows nothing but farming and his nine young sons should stand to face ten battle hardened Roman soldiers face-to-face?"

"He and his family can run honourably if the odds are too high," the man said.

I said, "That is the best thing to do for the family. But, the Romans steal everything useful and destroy what they cannot carry away. That is not so beneficial for the survival of the Frisian people."

I continued, "You know that archers have been part of the Frisian army for a long time. A Roman patrol is most often discovered when one of our people gets an arrow through their heart. If we become more active and happen to find a Roman patrol, are we to go to them and challenge their right to be on our land?"

The old man said, "You know better than that."

"So we hide behind trees along their probable line of march and wait to ambush the Romans."

"Yes, in that event, we do that."

"Then, what is so unacceptably horrible about wearing a piece of cloth that hides our armour and our bodies, provided that it allows us to kill more Romans while losing fewer warriors?"

The man was flustered and finally said, "You have to show the Romans that you stand up to them."

"I agree with you completely. Show me a thousand Frisian archers, then I could quickly dispatch all the Roman patrols sent out to harass our people. When the Roman patrols do not return, it will tell the Legatus Legionis that we are destroying his men. He will come out to fight, because he has no other alternative. We have to make him fight us on a battlefield of our choosing, not his. We can fight more efficiently by shooting our arrows into our enemies from behind carefully chosen trees.

"We can prepare make traps, so the enemy horses fall into the ground breaking their legs. Rope strung across a trail can trip a horse, or catch one of the eques by the neck as he gallops after our sagittarii or alarii. I want our archers and irregulars to be safe. To do that comes at some risk, we have to remove the Romans. The alternative is to send a delegation to the Romans now and sue for peace on unfavourable terms. Are you ready to do that?"

"I do not surrender to the enemy."

"You want to let a vastly superior enemy choose the battleground?"


"Then fight the Romans where they are the weakest. I could talk to some of the women and get a dozen of these suits made. Give me a dozen good men and we can test if what I say is true. We will have an Olympic game of sorts with the Romans."

Clovis jumped in and said, "I like that. Fleinn, I want you to be one of those wearing the disguise. You are one of our best."

"Me!" the man said. "I think this is the wrong idea."

"Then test it. You are honest and a good fighter. If it is proven to you in the doing, then it must be good."

The meeting broke up soon after and the man that objected, Fleinn, left as well. With only Clovis and Fidelis now in the room I said, "Hello Sire, and Master Fidelis. I came as soon as I could. Jón is now talking to me, but he thinks that I am his conscience. He is acting better toward those around him. I just have to keep after him until he gets some rewards for his good behaviour."

"What rewards will he get?"

"When he is polite, people will be polite to him. I want to exercise more and he can do his share. I am going to give him the idea of making the ghillies suit."

"That is the name of the camouflage garment?"

"Yes it is, history well beyond this time has already proven that it is very effective. The name is from the Picts that inhabit the west of Britannia. The Gauls are of the same race. They are very good at hiding and you can be only a few feet away and not notice your enemy."

"When can you start on this?"

"Somebody else has to do the work, but I or your son can give the instructions."

"I will tell someone handy with thread and cloth to go to your bedchamber."

"That's fine, but might I suggest that it would be less boring for Jón if this were done in a more public area."

"The courtyard?"

"That's good. Roman spies may see and hear of this suit, but they will not see it as a threat. It will still be not seen in a forest even when they are looking for it."

"It is that good?"

"Yes, with the right colour dyes. It also must be worn in the right location and the person has to remain very still. To allow Jón to think he is doing this, it is best to just supply the tailor or seamstress and allow Jón to tell what is required."

Forni was outside the door and came to assist me back to the room. I ate some cold food. At least it was solid. After a good drink of water Forni helped remove my clothing. I laid down and allowed Jón to take over. Forni made some noise and the boy woke up.

There was pressure on our bladder and Jón sleepily said, "Slave, help me to the chamber pot."

I said to Jón, "You are still a foolish little boy. Do you feel superior when you can command a slave? Are you so small that you have to tell others what to do?"

"He's a slave."

"He's a boy much like you. He likes you, but you cannot see that. He is beginning to see that you are not a good person and will turn to others if he can. Fidelis will not allow him to be here always."

"I will buy him from Fidelis."

"Foolish boy. Can you not see that Fidelis loves the boy like a son. Are your eyes closed in sleep all the time? If you but look around, you will see many things you seem to have ignored. Now tell Forni that you are sorry for calling him a slave and use the word 'please'."

"I will not."

"Little boy, did you realise that you cannot shut me out? I can be your best friend or your very worst enemy. I am trying to keep you alive and prepare you to be a king one day."

"You are not the voice that talks to me all the time."

"I am that voice, but I have given up being coy. You need a great deal of help or you will die."

"I will not apologise to the slave."

With that provocation, I cut loose with a flurry of dire mental images. I had the benefit of watching some of 'movies' I had spawned from the standpoint of an adult. Pictures were shown of Jón being chased by a Roman soldier. The man caught Jón, then ripped his clothes off and raped him. When the soldier was done, he ran his sword through the boy spilling his bowels at his feet. Next, I had Jón running from a crowd until he fell and was beaten to death. The last was the picture of Clovis' dying and leaving the running of the empire to Astrid. Clovis' words of distain for his son ensured that he would never get the crown.

Jón was going catatonic and he was screaming out loud that he would do it. This was repeated over and over until I quit.

Jón continued his crying, but he did sob out, "I am sorry Forni for calling you a slave. Will you please help me to use the pot?"

"Yes, Master. I will."

Forni did his best, then got a cloth and washed Jón's face. When he was done Jón actually said, "Thank you, Forni."

"You are welcome, Master."

I said, "You did well. Now, I have an idea that will gain you respect from all the fighting men."

This was something the boy craved. "What is that?"

I showed the mental pictures of the different ghillies suits I had worn and explained the way they were made. I went into a great deal of detail, then did it all again so that Jón would remember. I listed the features that were needed and the method of construction along with the small loops that held branches or leaves to complement the suit's natural function. I knew all this because I had made these types of suits.

"Will this really work?"

"Of course, it will work. You have only to make sure it gets made."

"I cannot do this."

"Ask Forni to help you get dressed. You will walk to see your father and ask him. Since it is to save his soldiers, then he may task somebody to assist you."

We did get dressed. Clovis, quite the impromptu actor, pretended to be surprised when his son came into the room.

"Hello Jón. You did very well to walk here."

"Thank you Father. I have an idea that may save some of our men."

"Tell me about it." Jón did, though he only repeated my ideas. I didn't think he really expected this to work.

In moments, Forni was sent to bring an old woman to them and the king and his son talked on a more level plane and it looked like Jón liked this. When the woman came in she bowed to the king and Clovis said, "My son has come up with an idea to save the lives of our men. He wants to make a suit that blends in with the natural background in the forest and countryside. His idea has merit. I will let him tell you what it is about."

Jón was excited now and explained a lot more than what was needed, as he gave the construction details. I suggested that Forni be our manikin and hoped that he would be in on the testing.

We found some shirts made for a man that were basically rags now. The woman sewed the rips up quickly with no need for fine work. More rags were sewn at the bottom and more added as she went up. Loops were discussed and added. I commented to Jón and he transferred the information to the woman. It was good that he used his own words.

We stayed in the sun on the cool day and Forni brought us solid food and water. Jón exercised all through this time, though he had to stop frequently to rest. By the end of the day, we had the suit sewn and even the hat I wanted. Only dyeing was left to do. This could be expensive, if we didn't use local home made dyes.

Fidelis must have sent people by to ask questions and to compliment Jón on his initiative. The boy swelled with pride. Women and girls came around too and Jón got to be able to boast quite eloquently about what his idea would do against our enemies.

Jón was asked to tell Forni the names of everyone that passed and what was known about each of them. Jón believed it was to better notice what was around him, but it also gave me a way to learn people's names.

Later that afternoon, Jón's sisters, Brigitte and Gudrun happened by returning from their job tending to the harvest. Jón was given a chance to gain some of their esteem, but lost his opportunity as he was impolite to his sisters. After a little talk, he apologised and acted like a gentleman. Both of his sisters were blonde, just like Dagmar. All of them were pretty though Gudrun would probably be the prettiest in time.

Gudrun looked at the suit and said, "What is this for?" She didn't seem to be as attracted to Jón as her older sister was.

"If you wear this and stay still in the trees, the Romans or the Gauls will never see you."

"Is it magic?"


"It is easy to see."

"That is because we are in the courtyard. Wearing that suit in the forest, you would look like part of the ground, or an old tree trunk."

"It's not going to work."

"We are having a test. We will see what happens then."

Forni worked his way closer to Jon and he looked worried. I had to assume that he saw the two girls as possible competition.

We had our supper later with the family and I met the two little pixies, Elfrieda and Sieglinde. Jón had learned his lesson about the two older sisters and was polite. Astrid and Dagmar got the same treatment.

The latter two felt it odd to find that Jón was ignoring them when last night I had been much more friendly. They had said nothing though because Clovis was sitting with us. I had thought about them quite a bit. Jón's body wanted them, but to be truthful his yen was for any woman or good looking boy. If the information about the spell were true, then they would respect me. Since they were without men at the moment, they would be interested in me sexually, too.

Same as Proeliator
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Hi readers am Vivek.This is my first story and i dont know how it will be.This is not a real story,just my fantasy. My mom-Molly.She is hot and sexy.She always wear her saree below her navel and in fact she is little bit of a exhibitionist.I heard many guys saying sexy about to my fantasy. I was doing that day I was driving my car to my home and it was already 7pm and it was raining.But unfortunately tyre got punctured.I tried for help in that heavy rain,but no one stop their...

2 years ago
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The Great Seduction Game

The Great Seduction Game Welcome fellow pervert to the greatest game you will ever find! Well, text wise, but still, stay with me here. This is the Simulated Seduction Game, in which YOU, the happy gamer, will be able to grab your joystick, press your button, [insert disk here], and upload more than just your wits! Your goal in this game is to get your groove on, seduce your target, and (If you can hold it together that long) claim your hard-earned reward. Easy, right? Wrong. You screw up, you...

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Little IndiansChapter 20 In the belly of the beast

The healers were shocked, and silent, as they stared in the mirror at poor Tsanja. Tsanja had shown how the world might be saved, but at what a cost to herself! If she could make her way to Mrs Beale's, or the cave, she would at least have a chance of joining them, and of being healed. For now all they could do was watch, and wait. Pamela embraced Penn, and kissed his cheek. "Penn, I think we have done it. I think we have saved the world. Come with me now. You need a feed, and we all need...

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An Alternate Me Part 2 Living Another Life

An Alternate Me: Part 2: Living Another Life Andrew touched his face to make sure it was really his that he saw in the mirror, too his dismay, It was. After the initial shock faded away, he began to take stock of the changes, besides the obvious ones. He found there wasn't many, he was shorter, and had a much softer look to him, but he had the same hair color, same eyes, he really could have been his twin sister. He went back into his room and opened his closet. He was shocked to...

3 years ago
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A night ill never forget part 2

Note: Sorry for the long absence anyway this is the final part of this series im working on 2 more at the same time hopefully ill be able to upload them soon the 1st is titled a mothers discovery the 2nd is titled warrior its a medevil setting kinda like game of thrones theme only centered around a kingdom of female warriors its an ambitious venture but its the longest and i hope to upload all the parts around athe same time.But without further delay enjoy ; )So there i was being lead to the...

4 years ago
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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 1

"Gobble, Gobble, Gobble." "Wahbo, Wahbo, Wahbo." "Gobble, Gobble, Gobble." A month ago I would have been yelling at them to keep quiet or to find something else to do or to go to their room and play. God knows I'd heard it enough times over the last three days. But they really weren't bothering anyone and they were all playing together. And they were happy. This time it had been Laurie who initiated the game and my two who followed but each of them had started it countless times...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 40 I Run Faster and Put My Foot in My Mouth

Monday, April 11, 2005 (Continued) Julia had a very busy afternoon dealing with the many people who were dismayed or panicked over whichever of her club or committee resignations was relevant to them. She also had to do a lot of talking to hand over what she'd been doing in each case. It was all very boring stuff compared with what she was doing for me! The afternoon had its good points though, such as when I met Julia outside one classroom and we went in together. We were earlier than...

3 years ago
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Holidays at Angies

Synopsis: Angela's two young nieces, Janine and Michelle, come over for the holidays. The girls get bored staying with Angela and soon she becomes a target for their amusement. When the girls manage to catch their aunt naked, things take a turn for the worse and their mother comes over. A deeper plot is unearthed and Angela loses control of the situation. The girls and their mother take liberties with Angela's naked body despite her protests and the holidays become a lot more eventful than she...

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Hollywood Game Show

John Doe has some extrodinary magical powers. The most prominent of these powers being hypnosis, he could bend any person to his will using his power. This power also gave him a near endless amount of money. So he can do many great things John also has a great interest in celebrities. He always thought they were all so attractive. So, he decides to start a televised game show, where various celebrities would be pitted against each other to compete for victory. The winner would get a sum of cash...

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First time strapon with a mature pvc escort

This is a true story of my first time being fucked by a strap-on. It has been a long standing fantasy of mine to being fucked by a woman wearing one, but not just any woman, I wanted it to be a mature, leather clad woman wearing a pair of fuck-me-boots. So I was looking through adultwork recently as I had a free afternoon coming up and wanted some leather/PVC wearing fun with a mature escort. As i was searching I checked to see if Speedybee aka Mature Trisha was still working. I had seen her...

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Biggest surprise of my life Part 1

It's been a while since I wrote a story here, so I thought it would be great to tell you what happened to me this past weekend.The following really happened and I am placing the story here with the permission of my wife.Saturday I was home alone - my wife went to town. She stayed away longer as usual but it did not bug me as I had things to do in and around the house. At about 5 o'clock I started a fire in order to have a good old barbecue. Just before six, I heard my wife's car pulling into...

1 year ago
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PropertySex Lily Lou Client Poaching

House flipper Chuck was expecting his usual realtor, but instead it’s her employee Lily Lou who lets him in to see today’s property. Lily shows Chuck around the house, then hits him with her proposition: come with her as a client when she starts her own business! Chuck is excited to work with this little brunette hottie, especially when she suggests they celebrate their deal… and takes out her stunning big tits. Chuck fingers Lily and licks her pussy, then she shows him the...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Penelope Kay Penelope Takes a Monster Cock

Penelope Kay is hot and ready to try new things in her life. Jonathan Jordan has got what she needs a big black cock. Penelope reveals her perfectly perfect tits. Jonathan loves playing with her boobs. She takes off the rest of her bodysuit to show her flawless pussy. He rubs her until Penelope is wet and ready to take a massive cock. She rips off his pants to see his heavy junk. Penelope takes as much of his manhood as she can in her mouth. He breaks in her tight pussy. She moans in delight....

1 year ago
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Chocolate Brown Tropical Loving

Isabella Brown was a snotty twenty one year old student, on a holiday with her two best friends from university in Santorini, Greece. They stayed in a small hotel and went down to the beach everyday to catch some rays and swim."Come on, Isabella, you got to come out with us tonight," urged one of her best friends called Lucy Dixon. She was a petite blonde with baby blue eyes. Isabella groaned and sighed heavily, as if she didn't say yes to her friends they'd just go on and on and she'd never...

Straight Sex
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the perfect wife

I love my husband very much but after several years of marriage our sex life was starting to become a little bit predictable so I decided to suprise him and try to spice things up a bit. After spending the morning online and on the telephone my surprise was in place, I just had to hope that I could go through with it and that Tony would enjoy it.That evening I told Tony I was taking him for a drink and made sure I was looking good. At the bar as Tony went to get our drinks I scanned the room...

2 years ago
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The Indian Maiden A TWILIGHT ZONE story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** The Indian Maiden - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop An ancient, blind Indian woman is asked to provide a squaw for a brash, handsome warrior prince. She agrees and summons one through the spirits. Here on this sacred land, drums pound the beat,...

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Brady Berta BoydChapter 5

We all got into our small house, Harry included, making it damned crowded. I told Harry, Charley and Hank to sit on our bed while I helped Berta get something for us to eat. This wasn’t a problem, for she had made a stew and always there was more than enough for two of us. Harry said he had eaten earlier. Berta and I could hear Harry asking questions about his brother and why they had decided to come west. I gathered that it was because the farm they owned wasn’t very good, too small, and...

2 years ago
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Alpha Core 13D Foillowers of the Way

Alpha Core 13D, Followers of the Way By: Malissa Madison Stephanie looked out over her students as they began choosing the rough stock that would eventually become their personal blades. Ms Musashi stood quietly by listening as she instructed them in choosing just the right stock. "How will we know which is right for us?" asked Rhonda. With a sly grin she said, "Come, I will show you." When they each stood before her she produced three lengths of black satin which was...

1 year ago
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Smashed Ivi Rein She Got Smashed And I Helped

Ivi Rein has an older boyfriend in Renato, and she loves to rub it in her stepbrother’s face. Nikki Nutz tries to talk some sense into his stepsis, but Ivi refuses to hear it. Later, Renato is busy giving Ivi some rough treatment as they make out when Nikki walks by. He can’t help but hover by the door as Renato plumbs Ivi’s mouth with his thumb and then grabs her hair to get her on her knees for a spanking. Ivi knows Nikki is there. She eventually beckons for him to come in....

2 years ago
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Give It Away Reprise

Note: This is part two of two. The First Part is called ‘Give It Away.’ Make sure you read the first part before reading this. A number of folks, including my significant other and The Wanderer felt ‘Give It Away’ wasn’t finished — that there was more to be told. Thanks to techsan for being there for me — first-rate editor that he is. Thanks to Lady Cibelle for her sage advice. A special thanks to The Wanderer for keeping me on the straight and narrow. THE METH LAB – CINDY’S STORY The...

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Entertaining The Neighbours Dagmar And Trudy Part 2

I had some reservations about taking up Dagmar's offer, that she might join me on one of my morning walks. Was this an offer to join me dressed, while I was naked? Good! Or was she offering to be naked too? Dangerous! Or was she expecting us to both be dressed? What would be the point? Or was she indicating an interest in some deeper relationship? Too close to home!Three or four weeks passed, the last of which Barbara, my wife, and I spent on a golfing week, up the coast, with some friends. On...

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Vegas Bk 02 Ch 01

The following is a sequel to ‘Vegas’. You may gain more enjoyment by familiarising yourself with that story before reading on. CHAPTER ONE: ONE YEAR LATER Daniel sat quietly at the final table, waiting for the television formalities to be completed. It would soon be time to resume play from where they had finished the night before. It was the last tournament before he defended his Main Event victory last year. He had been desperate to put on a good show. As one of the last five standing,...

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Sex with My black Big Breasted

We both lay naked on the bed as we kiss passionately, our tongues twisting together mixing our saliva. The taste of her sweet thick lush lips and hot wet tongue with her saliva dripping of it makes me hard and ready to do away with her as I please. Untangling our tongues I grab her by the back of her hair pulling her head back with my left hand so I can see her dark beautiful neck. I look her in the eyes and tell her “you taste like hot chocolate” with a grin on my face I sink my teeth into...

3 years ago
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Almost a girl

Almost a Girl Janet L. Stickney [email protected] This all started when my sister and I got into an argument about the differences between guys and gals. I thought they had it made and she thought I was all wet. Well, that discussion lasted about twenty minutes, neither of us scoring many points, when my Mother came in heard us talking, and heard my sister make a very simple comment. "You should try walking in my shoes for a while! Then you would see what it's like to be a...

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Humbled James Bondage One Shot

She knew exactly what treatment he needed. Now it was just a matter of talking him into it. Sometimes, it helped to visualize these things; to create a portrait of the future you would make manifest. Her pen came to a stop as she completed her drawing. It was a crude representation of the alternative therapy she would conduct with the cock-sure client resting comfortably on her couch, if all went according to plan. “Alright, Trevor. I think we're done for now. I'm going to count to three...

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The Babysitters SecretChapter 3

Now that my beloved brother Jimmy and I were truly a lot closer than a brother and sister are expected to be, I spent a lot of my free time tending to him and his broken leg still in a thick cast. At least, he was fairly mobile with the crutches and I helped him get on the stool and private things like that. He was really embarrassed about such things but I made a big joke out of it and we both laughed about it more and more with each passing day. Jimmy was still pretty upset with the fact...

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What made me a Nympho

Introduction: A semi-autographical story of what made me obsessed with sex at such a young age and trying out some BDSM on a young girlfriend What made me a Nympho I love sex. I am probably the closest thing to a nyphomaniac there is. Hello, my name is Debra, and from the time I was three years old, I have been obsessed with sex. From the age of three, I was surrounded by pornographic material daily. My father had dirty magazines lying everywhere in the bedroom that I shared with him, as my...

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Incest Happens In My Family 8211 Part 4

This is the fourth part of the story. I compare the woman in the story to actresses. So please think of someone when you read this story. As I said in the last part, I am gonna introduce a new person to the story. In the last part my elder sister Shruti Hassan (Actress) is now pregnant because of me. She is been trying to get pregnant for a long time. Her mother-in-law used to tell badly about my sister to others that she can’t get pregnant like that. But now hearing the news that my sister is...

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Stripped by Aliens

Jack and Ben had just finished their late night workout session. They worked out hard by lifting weights, running, etc. so they could maintain their perfect physiques. Both boys were in their earlier twenties and had gorgeous, muscular bodies that any man would be jealous of, six -pack abs, bulging biceps, and incredible asses. Truly, they were prime specimens of masculinity. Jack had met Ben when they first started college and they had remained close friends ever since. Jack was blonde and...

4 years ago
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Kanata SummerChapter 3

I woke to my sister shaking me roughly enough that I began to think there was some kind of emergency, and the associated panic that accompanied those kinds of events pushed me right past the usual slow-paced transition from sleep to being awake. "What?!" I almost screamed in my disoriented state. "Whoa! Don't wake Mom and Dad," Karen hissed as she stood on her bunk in order to see me. "You said you wanted to be out of here by nine, and it's just after seven now. You're not thinking...

1 year ago
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Taking the Risk Ch 04

This is a slow, romantic build to eventual hot sex in later chapters, between two lovers who find each other. Character based the story is about people who care and want to give pleasure to each other, in all aspects of their lives. If you like romantic stories please enjoy, and give feedback as the ending is not yet written! Just like in real life. * Robin sat opposite his friend, looking at him with a look of complete shock. ‘So, how the mighty have fallen.’ he laughed, ‘She must be...

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Theres Something About My Sons Girlfriends 5

The engine of my forty-five year old E-type growled smoothly as I pulled out of the garage, glancing down at the GPS on my phone to remind myself of the general directions to my destination. Since it was only about twenty minutes away, and it was a delightful evening, I had decided to take the convertible out for a spin. I trusted it would make the relatively short trip without mishap.  I was in a particularly good mood that evening. Comfortable enough to not worry about finances, in good...

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A Second Chance

The time had come. An entire lifetime of years blurred together in the span of a few minutes as you lay fading away on your death bed. Your breaths came short and labored, as if an insurmountable weight remained perched upon your chest. What was once vibrant skin had turned gray and gaunt, cursed by the leather of your elder years. Surrounding you was your family, at least those who wanted to be with you in your final moments. Your spouse sat closest, clutching your emaciated hand in theirs,...

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The Graduation

With graduation round the corners and passing by. The idea came to me. Well more like it came to me after watching my cousins graduation and wanting a party...but no group sex. Just a normal high school drunk party. lol Like always, this is all fantasy and non of the people in this story are the reflection of anyone I have known or actually knowAs Kayla's graduation drew nearer, her parents grew increasingly concerned about their young daughter's apparent lack of interest in any kind of...

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Piano LessonsChapter 4

By the time their mother got to the door, Joe, and Kristy were both in their own rooms. Joe had locked the door, while Kristy quickly got changed and went downstairs to greet her mother. When Kristy got to the base of the stairs her mother was already in the kitchen putting away the groceries she bought. Kristy then felt her brother come out of her pussy. She could feel it ooze out of her wet cunt and soak her panties. She could feel her vagina squish with every step. "Hi Mom. How was...

1 year ago
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Even Single Women Need Attention 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone! This is Banner again, continuing my story about Sonia from the first part. I went to her home around midnight. As she said the door was open, I went inside silently and closed the door. The lights were off so I wasn’t able to see anything clearly. I whispered her name to let her know I’m here. Suddenly she grabbed my hand from behind and pulled me. In a shock, I fell on her and we both lean on the wall support. She closed the door. I grabbed her waist. She was holding me from my...

3 years ago
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Camel Whip

CAMEL WHIPPED ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? CAMEL WHIPPED The beautiful naked blonde hung on the whipping tripod used for public whippings in this arab country. The tripod was placed on a 3 meter high platform so that the crowd could view the whipping. Her legs were spread wide apart and she hung slightly inclined so that her tits hung freely . It was midday so the sun was at its peak.Christine Jones was the name of the blonde before she was captured...

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Running into Coverage Ch 02

Many thanks again to Estragon for everything. Words can never fully express the amount gratitude for your help and edits. As always, comments/feedback/suggestions are always welcomed. Cheers! **** “Dammit! How in the hell am I supposed to find anything?” Hadley exclaimed to herself while she was driving. “Give a girl some mountains, something!” She blew out a frustrated breath and looked down at the directions Sam had given her on how to get to the house. She had gotten off at the right...

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GirlsWay AJ Applegate Serena Blair Whitney Wright 2 Scenes In 1

Whitney’s got her own show and there’s only two contestants left. Serena Blair and AJ Applegate are the two remaining who’ll do anything to win over Whitney’s heart. When Serena takes Whitney out for a dinner and a movie, she never anticipates Serena being such a romantic. When the girls arrive home and walk up to the bedroom, Serena somehow manages to surprise Whitney by decorating the bedroom with rose petals that lead to the bed. No one has treated Whitney this good...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 20

Friday In the morning, we talked about it. Janie was sure Mom wouldn’t be freaked out, and was pretty sure that Mom had warned Dad years ago. She promised to talk to our two sisters-in-law, and then to our brothers to make sure they knew that she instigated it. Mabel, usually the less talkative of my two housekeepers, gave me an affectionate kiss on the cheek when she brought breakfast to the table. “You lead a strange life, but you make everyone around you happy,” she said emotionally,...

4 years ago
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Princely Phallus

His phallus was renowned, mostly from direct experience passed on by word of mouth. Like his royal father before him, he frequently took the measure of the female subjects of their small kingdom. It was the royal right, or “droit de seigneur” which he employed when horny. It mattered not if they were married or even a rare virgin. If he fancied them they must follow his orders and, even in the presence of husband or lover, accept his significant sword in their female sheath. Most struggled,...

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Shoe Saleman Chapter 3 Women together

Jim drove home with a really big hard on and he wanted in the worst way to go over to Peg’s house and get it taken care of but knew that was out. He sure would have liked to gone swimming with Michelle, but he really wanted to do more. Michelle could not wait and called Peg as soon as he left. “Oh Peggy I just got a shoe delivery and your toy boy just left in a hurry. You need to get over her now so we can talk properly. Besides, I have something to show you. Hey, bring a swimsuit and...

2 years ago
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Bareback Party

Eigentlich hätte es für Jana nur ein Tagestrip nach Berlin werden sollen zuerst war alles glatt gegangen und die Termine liefen wie geplant aber dann schlug der Winter erbarmungslos zu. Der Flughafen war geschlossen worden da hatte die 34 Jährige Businessfrau die Sicherheitskontrolle schon durchschritten gehabt. Auch ein ICE Richtung Heimat war nicht mehr zu bekommen. Es war nicht so dass Zuhause jemand auf sie gewartet hätte, aber dennoch hatte sie keine Lust das Wochenende bei minusgraden in...

3 years ago
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Clothing optional

We were in another world when we were transferred from West Coast to Texas. Before, we only knew a couple of our neighbors and seldom saw them socially. At the time, we were in our early twenties. Our Texas neighbors were party a****ls and we were quickly assimilated into the group. We met the nearest neighbors during the first few days, found that they all drank a lot more heavily, and enjoyed partying very late.Soon, we were invited to join the neighborhood gourmet club. The first club dinner...

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Paulrsquos first time

Paul and his friend Steve had been friends for about five years. They had a common interest in music and both started to enjoy going out to watch live bands all over Manchester.A band they had been following that hadn’t broken into the mainstream where playing at an old run down club in the middle of a housing estate, an old cinema, and Paul and Steve headed out on the bus to see them. There is a certain feeling of having something to yourself when you are a fan of a group you know are going to...

2 years ago
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A Dog From Hell

Part 1: A kiss in the mirror ?Now get down on your knees!? I looked at the floor. The tiles were wet, footprints in dirt. Footprintsleft by shoes of many men emptying their bladders hour after hour. I felt slightlynauseous. The shivering worsened. I could smell the urine on the floor, I couldsee the yellow surfaces of urinals. I couldn't. I couldn't do it. ?Get DOWN on your knees, Helen? said David impatiently. ?Now!? he added, liftinghis voice just a little bit to show his irritation. I...

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The CircleChapter 28 Sex Fest at The Circles Home

Kent and Joan were in the first carload of guests, along with Art and Pam, and Nancy and Carl. The six of them were greeted warmly, and right behind them another carload full. The buzz of welcoming conversation soon filled the house. Ellie and Tracy started to give house tours, and behind them with the next groups Kyle and Alex. The family room and kitchen areas filled up, and everyone attacked the food trays and the bars with enthusiasm. As people ate, mixed, and chatted, everyone took time...

1 year ago
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Alice and Angela go Golfing 2

I moved out of my old flat and into her much large and luxurious apartment, my clothes came with me and most found a home in the spare bedroom. Jane once joked that it was the "Maids Room" but since she did not have one, I was welcome to use it. We settled into our routine which included me spending one day a weekend dressed as Alice, my alt ego. For that day I was the housewife washing, ironing, washing floors, dusting and polishing. Eventually Jane had decided that if I was going to...

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The Picard ManoeuvreChapter 7

They met at breakfast in the communal hall, and chatted easily over a substantial breakfast. “We might be busy at lunch-time. We’ll see how we go,” Gladys told her friend. They walked to the ‘Brewhouse’. Gladys, of course, was as fit as might be expected with her background. Scott, while he certainly kept as fit as he could, was less accustomed and a little short of breath when they got there. “You’re a bit out of condition,” Gladys smiled. He sighed, jerkily, as his lungs tried to catch...

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The Forbidden Love

Jasper Wallace climbed the darkened stairway in the ancient castle, without the aid of candlelight. He didn’t wish to draw attention to his trespass. His mission was too important to fail. Luckily he’d walked this path every evening for the past month. Quietly, he hurried down the narrow corridor, a smile spreading across his face as he neared his destination. He stopped at a door at the very end of the corridor. Looking back into the darkness he listened for hidden footfalls. Satisfied he...

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