ProeliatorChapter 5 free porn video

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When I came up once more, I found the boys in the same position with both now fast asleep. Jón had a small penis in front of his face. At the same time I could feel a warmth down around his own.

This pose was potentially embarrassing, if seen by others. So, I took control of Jon's body to move away. Forni began to move also, when he found his soother being taken away. It was time to take stock of the damage-so the first twinge told me. This new body I shared had been abused in the short run and scuffle of the previous night. That had been unavoidable. I got out of bed feeling those new pains. On the plus side, they were less than what the pains had been present when I woke up in this body in the first place. On the minus side, those residual pains still gave me some discomfort. There was no point dwelling on it. I did some isometrics to try to get the kinks out.

Afterwards, I got dressed with difficulty, then moved to the other side the bed. I got Forni to swap ends with some pushing and cajoling before covering him up. They must have been up quite a while since Forni didn't even try to awaken. The new body I wore felt poorly rested-with a good deal of justification, but there was much to do.

The knives were beside the bed. I assumed that whoever put the knives there must have come in and found the two boys in their previous compromising position. So much for my attempts to maintain proper decorum. I took Jón's knife and put it into his sheath. It had proved useful once and I knew it could again.

Getting in to see Clovis was difficult because everyone I met wanted to congratulate me and hear the story of my exploits first-hand. I shortcut as much of the adulation as I could by saying repeatedly, "My father wants to talk to me and I shouldn't be late."

There was a guard outside the King's chambers now. So, I figured that he was inside. I asked the guard simply, "Is my father awake?"

"I don't think he went to sleep yet. You fought miraculously. You killed not one, but two Roman assassins and with only two short knives. That is something I will have to tell my children. How did you..."

"Thank you for your compliment. At breakfast or tonight, I will tell everyone in detail. Everybody wants to hear what happened last night and I would never get to see my father, if I told the story to each one of you separately."

The door suddenly opened and Clovis said, "There you are. Come in Jón."

I turned to the guard and said, "Bye, for now. I will talk later to anyone who cares to hear me."

Clovis said, "Are you... ?"

"Father, glad to see that you are well. I wanted to show you something on the castle wall." I held his hand in mine and moved further from the door. Astrid was sleeping in the bed close by us, but she may have just been pretending. At the window I said, "You wanted secrecy and there may be other sets of ears listening. Let's go where we will not be overheard. I would like to see the maps now, if I may."

He thought for a moment and whispered, "I know the perfect location to thwart eavesdroppers. Fidelis and four of the other priests are there already. The maps will be with them."

"How many of those priests do you trust? The things they learn can come back later to haunt us."

"All of them, I suppose. Fidelis said these were his most trusted companions."

"That's good. I think Magnus or a person sent by the emperor will change their tactics in dealing with us soon."

Clovis dismissed the guard but told him where we were going. It was a short walk then and I found that the rooms on all sides were for storage and thus without ears.

When we stepped into the room, I saw it lined with pigeon holes for scrolls and some shelves for a profusion of odd sized books.

Clovis said to the assemblage, "The traveller is here now. He has come to learn a few more from us, as do we wish to learn from him."

I approached the first man. He wore some nondescript dark wool clothing. I could see that he had tattoos on much of his exposed skin. A glance revealed that two others had the same type of ornamentation on their skin. I put out my hand and waited. The man eventually did the same thing and I moved my hand sideways and grasped his saying, "Greetings, my name is Victor German. I want to thank you for bringing me here." Maybe, I should have been more worried about my future self. But, Vic could not exist for sixteen more centuries and perhaps never would. That made going with the flow of current events seem provident for now.

The man's voice was odd. It was a bit like Scottish and Irish mixed, but not that either. The German language, as I now knew it, was butchered by this man, who tried gamely to get his feelings across. "Greeting to you too, Traveller. I have heard that you come to us from many centuries in the future. You will have to tell us of your land, your people, and your customs."

"I would like nothing more, if you will tell me about this time and your people, too."

The man smiled at this. His name turned out to be Cing. He introduced me to his comrades, Fortrenn and Brude. They were all Picts who had found their calling in religion and magic. None of these men were tall, but then again, neither was my borrowed body. A fourth newcomer to the castle had darker skin than the others. Fidelis introduced him as Marius the Egyptian.

"Greetings, Victor. I have been anxiously waiting to meet you."

I smiled and said, "I have wanted to thank all of you for your efforts. I would never have planned this unusual journey. But, it is exciting to be here, now that I have arrived. Which reminds me that I shall need to examine the maps I'm told you possess in order to know where you have brought me."

Fidelis brought over the maps in question. Some were on parchment, others on leather, while a third was on what I assumed to be papyrus. Fidelis' fingers soon placed our location. I knew then that we were fortunate.

Smiling broadly, I said, "The area I have been shown, was known to me in the future. Perhaps that fact is tied in with the magic that brought me here, but I do not know. First, I would like to talk about who and what I am. My father was a warrior. He believed that in that far future time there would be such a war, that in a matter of days our entire world would be destroyed down to rubble. He educated me, my sisters, and the children of like minded friends to survive in such a radically changed land fraught with hostile marauders.

"We were trained even as babies to be soldiers. With our numbers so small, we could only hope to survive as irregular troops against potentially more numerous bands. My father foresaw that we would hide most of the time and fight at night, or in inclement conditions. There was no way we could survive a pitched battle against probable larger forces.

"I was famous in certain circles for my ability to fight with only my hands and feet. I had also gained some fame in the use of the simple weapons you use now. That is why I was able to deal with the Romans. But, I freely admit that it was surprise that aided me the most."

The term 'simple', as applied to his weaponry, seemed to upset Clovis. Seeing the look on his face, I said, "The weapons of my day were fearsome. A device that could be carried by one man could completely destroy a city. There were many other weapons that were very deadly, but killed in much smaller numbers." These are the weapons that I want to talk about with you at length. They will require a great deal of coal and iron ore to start. The enterprise will continue to consume these materials until we have more refined iron than the entire Roman Empire."

Fidelis said, "How can we do all this?"

"That is the simple part. Show a man how to do some simple jobs and he can do them with little supervision. Another man takes what the first has made and makes something with it. In the end, you get a man that takes the work of many men and makes an object that you would understand as useful. The trick is to make machines to help, as a boat or a cart helps to carry a heavy burden closer to its destination."

Cing in his imperfect tongue asked, "What are you going to make?"

"To destroy the Romans, I have the knowledge of many men that have studied the Romans all their lives. We need a strong and well trained calvary initially. The iron, brass, bronze, or even hardwood can be used to make tubes. These tubes will be called cannons. Charcoal, brimstone, and an extract from bat droppings when ground extremely fine will produce a rapidly burning black powder. That black powder burns so rapidly that it produces an outward force in the area around where it burns. That force can be channelled within a properly aimed tube to propel a piece of iron through the air for a few Roman miles. The flying iron will destroy a wall, or kill enemy soldiers with hardly any reduction in its speed.

"What I described will kill our present enemies, but not all the ones that will follow. Once we have begun, we will have to expand our efforts rapidly. More weapons will have to be made because in a year or so, the Romans will be back with many more legions."

Cing said, "We have heard some details of your idea, but cannot see how it works."

"Very well, if that is a concern, then give me small amounts of the ingredients for this black powder and I will make a little of it for demonstration. I will put it in a ceramic vessel of my making with many pebbles. The powder will burn very quickly and propel the pebbles a long way. If a man is near where the pebbles hit, then he may die, or have many small holes made in his body. What I will do will make a very loud noise, like thunder, and attract a lot of attention we may not want."

Clovis took one of the maps and pointed to the mouth of the Weser River. "There are some islands here that are uninhabited and fairly large. This may be a good area to test your new weapons."

After looking where he pointed relative to our current position and estimating the time with present modes of travel, I said, "This will take weeks to travel and then return. That area will not work until the Roman's have been driven off allowing more time for testing. We need something suitable that is closer, but that may not be possible. Perhaps all we can hope for is to test, and then move quickly before others come to investigate. With a strong enough guarding force, we can even test in front of the Romans letting the pebbles fall upon them. We may kill a few Romans that way, but the surprise would not be as great the second time. I would prefer complete surprise in order to make it possible to kill many enemies at once."

Brude, the last of the Picts I had met brought out three large leather bags. "We have some of what you have asked for. Will you show us what to do?"

I looked at the charcoal and saw that there was no unburnt wood on the inside. The sulphur seemed to have come from near a volcanic vent, it looked to be of good quality. The bat shit was actually the crystals that had formed over the years. Those crystals appeared to be nearly pure nitrate. I said, "Use a mortar and pestle, with which I believe you are familiar in your craft, to grind each of these to extremely fine powders with grains smaller than your eye can see. Do this to each ingredient separately and do it away from any metals, fire, or people. Tomorrow, I will show you how much to use of each and then how to prepare it further."

Going back to the maps of this area I said, "This entire area is rich in a mineral called potash. I can help men locate this mineral and teach them how to mine it for us. It can be used in place of the bat shit or the animal shit I wanted collected. It can also be used for a great many other purposes. One of the best is to increase the yields on your farms. We are at war and need to support the army and the people. Though important, unfortunately, this potash mining will occupy a great many workers even after I make them masters of machines that will do most of the work. That can't be helped. We need allies badly to swell our numbers."

To the west of the Weser river I indicated four areas with iron ore. "These areas right here contain iron ore. I am not sure exactly where it is, but the deposits are very large and there are four of them. I know of one more, but we cannot get to it until our army is markedly increased.

"Another area further south is rich in lead and another vital material. It may already be mined. The other material in my time is called zinc and is used to make brass though I heard that nobody knew why.

"In my time, there was a city south of here with the name Sangerhausen. It has some low grade copper deposits, as well as silver. I once visited one of the mines in the Harz Mountains. If we can keep those locations out of the hands of the Romans, the silver can be used to pay for what we need. The copper we have to keep.

"I have not seen any glass in this time, though I know such exists. I have to assume that it is too expensive for the Frisians to use. That will change. From special sand I can make glass that is wider than a man is high and as long as we want to make it. Houses will now be able to have windows to let in daylight while at the same time keeping the warm air inside and the rain and cold air out. In the warm months the glass covering the window is pivoted out of the way to let air circulate freely. This glass will be a very valuable commodity that can be sold to the Romans. It will bring gold to our coffers and will not assist them in making war on us.

"Large houses made of this glass can be used to grow plants in full sunlight sooner than in the ground because they will be warmer. The glass houses can be used in the winter, as well, to produce an additional crop. The foods we eat effect how healthy we will be.

"All around us and deep in the ground is a dark thick liquid. It oozes from the earth by itself in some places. This liquid will burn and will be part of what is needed to make our machines work instead of coal. It will burn with a lot of black smoke, though not so much as coal. When purified it will be used in many other ways to make us safe from anybody that wishes to attack us."

Clovis said, "What can you make with this substance?"

"I can make powders and elixirs that will help the people of this time fight disease. This is important when an army goes to war. The powerful black powder I am going to make will soon seem to be weak when the newer substances are made. With well trained soldiers and my tools, you could if you wished march on Rome with one tenth their strength and still take it."

All six men either stared, or looked contemplatively at me. In a quieter voice I said, "This will change the people from simple farmers to world leaders. This may not be what you want to happen, but it is necessary to your survival. Partial measures will still mean that your world changes, but the pace will be much slower. The choice is yours as to how fast we will go. I will try to make these changes as painless as possible. Whatever happens, it is certainly better than a farmer and his family starving to death while a Roman eats their food.

"Life in this new society will not be worse. All your people will be healthier. I do not expect a long series of wars. If we prove to be very strong, then no one will bother us. If we make devices that nobody else can make, then we will all be rich. With our becoming safe and prosperous, we can begin to teach the rest of the world what can be done by cooperation. This partnership will only happen if other people are forced to behave in their own best interest. We can stop wars and make the world a much better place to live. That goes not only for us, but for all other peoples."

Two of the Picts were sitting together and whispering while the rest kept their own counsel. It was Fidelis that said, "You have not mentioned religion in your talks. What part are we to play?"

"I have heard that in this time there is little freedom when it comes to religion. You and our king call on the names of your gods. Though it may hurt me in many ways, I have to say that I do not believe in any gods."

"How can you say that?" The voice was not angry though. "How did you come to be here, if not through the hands of the gods?"

I felt that I was treading on thin ice with these priests. "Let me make my point clear. Religion will inevitably decrease in importance as the people of the world become more educated. The educated of my day keep their true feelings hidden, but cynically use religion to control those that have little or no understanding of science. Religion once controlled our daily lives, but that grasp loosens as the years proceed. Some of the educated still feel the need to prolong their lives and wish fervently that they can do so with the aid of the gods. This wish is so strong that they refuse to have this belief altered."

"As for myself, I see what is before me and take things on faith only until they can be proved, or disproved. Magic you have mentioned, but I have not learned anything about it. If you can prove to me that gods control magic, then I will believe you regarding both. But, if I can find a way to show you that man himself controls magic, will you believe me?

"To answer your original question; so far as I am concerned, anybody can believe anything they want. Children have to be given the facts as I see them. Priests may also give their point of view. As long as an equal time is given to both fact based science and to religion, then the children get a chance to make up their own minds. When those children become adults, they will get to test their beliefs. If they find a god or gods in their lives, then they will certainly cleave to religion.

"Because of the pervasiveness of this open attitude, religion in my time is not as detrimental as it is now. The Christian church of this time will tell the rich and the poor that their souls will have to wait in purgatory for a thousand years unless they contribute to the construction of the church buildings. The church will teach people to read, but only those opting for religious orders and only religious texts. Over the centuries religious authority will slowly improve. The church in my time and my future help the poor and those in trouble. Religious organisations assist when there are droughts, floods, and wars. They have changed over time and I admire what they do as they evolve.

"People in times of grief need a crutch to assist them in their travels through life. This comes and goes with the need. When times are good the churches are nearly empty. Only a hypocrite will say that this is not true."

Fidelis said, "You will not attack our religion?"

"The religion you believe has to do with magic. Not only will I not attack it, but I want to study the portion having to do with magic. As I already said, prove to me that magic comes from the gods and I will be one of your followers." He gave me contemplative look, then said nothing else.

Clovis broke the silence by changing the subject. "Tell me about the changes to my son."

I smiled and said, "I assume you are referring to his attitude. I'm like and old woman badgering her old husband until he does what's right. The suit I talked about was a success. Jón was the one that spoke publicly of it, so he is the one to take the compliments. He reacted favourably and saw that the old woman was not wronged. I got him to exercise and practice with the knife. He found a great deal more praise for doing as I asked. I talked to him about having good friends instead of having slaves. It took a while, but he is entering puberty and his own body helped him make a choice. When we eat, it would be well to encourage Jón to tell everyone in the room what happened. The boy will learn that if he does what he is told, he will gain by it. In this way I am acting like his mother or father and hope that what I encourage him to do will meet your approval."

Clovis said, "He is only improving. If I see that he is progressing differently, I will let you know."

I almost immediately after leaving the chamber, I ran into Astrid. "Greetings, my lady. How are you today?"

"I am well, thank you. We have much to talk about. Follow me."

This was an order and I did what I was asked. Once in her chamber she sent her two daughters, Elfrieda and Sieglinde on an errand and then took a chair. "Tell me what happened and leave out no detail."

"Before I begin, I would like to add to something I said a few nights ago. When Jón walks the grounds, I am there guiding him as your conscience guides you. Jón's conscience is just much stronger after the accident he had. He is changing slowly and in a direction the rest of you will think beneficial. Over time, he will be more like me and I will be more like him.

"It was I that talked to you a few nights ago. Jón does not know that he was even here. Forni knows that Jón is now a friend and I see Forni as a friend too. His bum is interesting as Dagmar mentioned, but I find women very interesting too. Jón is not up to women yet.

Astrid said, "Where is Jón now?"

"He's asleep at the moment. When he is in slumber, I can borrow his body for a while.

She nodded her head in understanding.

"Last night I was just thinking as Jón was dozing off. I am cautious in some matters and concentrated on the sounds. I nagged Jón to get up and he followed where I suggested. When we saw the second intruder entering your chamber, we followed with our knives ready to throw. The king was in mortal danger and Jón threw the knife. The other intruder turned enough that Jón could throw the other knife. The first man may be mortally wounded but he could still kill. I was the one that pushed Jón's body to run fast and jump at this man. I pushed beyond what Jón could do and I hurt his muscles. I took the knife and quickened the passing of the assassin. Jón took back his body then."

"That is quite a story. Are you going to take over ownership of Jón's body?"

"Everyone's mind is constructed similarly. The portion used to guide our waking moments is but a small part of the whole. Jón and I are slowly coming to the same goals. He gets the fame he needs and I get the best for him. We are in one body and as I mentioned before, we will be of one unified mind at some time in the future. To be sure, I am more powerful than he and choose the goals. But in the end, it will be both of us in concert that decide what to do."

"That is quite interesting. I have never heard of this happening before. Are you his soul?"

"I am only another portion of his brain that thinks when he is asleep. The accident and the magic caused both of us are awake at the same time. I am the part that is his conscience. I think magic is what separated us."

"And Jón does not know of your visit."

"He does not, unless I tell him."

"The possible death of our king made me think more of a future leader. You are next in line for the throne. You will need a considerable amount of protection until you are able to look out for yourself."

I said, "And you are the one to provide this protection?"

"Of course. I'm the queen."

I got back to bed a half hour later. I had not thought that the barbarians, as the Romans called them, were into political intrigue. I didn't think Astrid was going to be active in removing her husband, but she was certainly making arrangements in case of that eventuality.

Forni was awake and worried that his favourite body was not to be found. He came to me quickly upon my arrival back in the bedchamber and gave me a kiss. "I missed you when you were gone."

"Hello Sweetie." I got a smile because he knew who was at the helm this time.

"Do I get a horse... Master?"

"You can call me Vic or Victor, Forni. I had more important things to discuss. I didn't hear anything about the assassins."

"But, they were Roman. They came right into the castle to kill the king. You killed both of them."

"Jón and I killed them. I will let Jón find out about their belongings and the rest can see his face if his fortunes improve or not. Now, I have to get to bed so that Jón can wake up."

"Can I go to bed with you?"

I held the boy and kissed him. "If you come to be bed, you will not be doing so for a nap. Did you clean out the pot?"

"Yes, Mas... Victor."

"Well take the pot away and come back in a few minutes."

I got another smile and the boy dug out the pot and hurried out. I undressed and put the clothes where they had been and got into bed. I wanted to try sleeping, but that seemed to be something Jón controlled.

In a moment he awoke with a groan and looked around for Forni. "Good morning Jón. Forni went to empty the pot and will be back in a moment. Let's get up and have breakfast. We won't be able to eat much though."


"You will be telling everyone what happened last night."

"Oh, ya."

"Only talk at the meal. Otherwise, you will be tired out telling everyone individually."


"Did you know that when a warrior kills another warrior, he sometimes gets the defeated warrior's property?"

"Oh, I forgot. The horses and the gold."

"There may not be any."

"But there might be either, or both."

At breakfast, the king made a speech. He had waited for Jón to get up to make his own. Jón felt more than just heroic and I had to temper his enthusiasm with some hard facts. I had never killed anyone before and the killing of the Romans didn't leave me particularly bothered. It helped to not see the bodies, at least until I heard that their heads were adorning the gates. Sadly, two of our own sentries had died in the bungled assassination. We critically needed every man we could muster.

Jón was practising his speech. I helped only a little. Better that he be a boy now and enjoy the notoriety. He repeated himself a few times and didn't say things chronologically correct but that was part and parcel in being a boy. What did make me feel most gratified was that he tried to get Forni in on the hero business. Forni had stayed because he could not walk quietly but wanted to go and Forni loaned his own knife given by the king. It had been used to kill the first assassin.

When the acclaim came Jón made Forni stand up along side and he hugged the boy to him.

In a boy like posture and intonation, Jón asked, "Did the Romans have horses and gold?"

Now it was the king's turn to smile. "Yes they did. Each had a pouch of silver and gold and even some weapons tied to their saddles."

"Can Forni and I have them?"

"I don't see why not, but I do not want you to ride again until you are feeling better. You are a man now. I want your word on that."

To his credit, Jón paused to think then said, "On my word I will not ride any horse until that time."

"Then you two need to sit down and eat quickly. You may go to the stable to see your new property only after eating."

The boys ate in a blur knowing that everybody in the hall was watching them. Jón was all the more anxious because some of the onlookers were young females. I could tell because they were the centre point of his glances when he looked over his bowl.

Jón gave both myself and Forni a tour of the stables. One of the hands showed Jón his two new mounts. I had never been a connoisseur of fine horse flesh, but Jón seemed to like them well enough. One aspect of their appearance did strike me--their small size. Of course, they were just as large as the other horses in the stable, but I knew that they were still small compared to horses in my future time. No surprise there. Horses had been bred for size, strength, stamina, and disposition for nearly two thousand years after this period. Some amazing results had occurred in that time.

I looked at the floor and saw that there were no metal shoes. In my reading I knew that horseshoes were rawhide bags that were tied on and not nailed. Even so, most horses had remained shoeless because of the cost. This took a toll on mounted cavalries of the ancient world. Horses hooves often wore down in rocky soil and split. They were also susceptible to infection and rot in unsanitary conditions. Shoes could help minimize problems. A nailed on shoe applied to a filed hoof would keep the wear down, strengthen the hoof and elevate the hoof from the moist ground if only a bit. A rider could inspect his mount and clean out any problems before they became major. Our new, improved cavalry would require shod horses, as well as meticulously cleaned stables.

I knew that the saddle and the stirrups were not invented for a long time and the method of shoeing may have been only done then too. This would make it very uncommon or completely new now.

Jón made his choice and went up to the other horse and said, "This one is yours Forni. It looks like it can run like the wind."

Forni looked at the horse in awe and got in front of Jón and kissed him with as much passion as his little body could deliver. The stableman was still around but he didn't seem to mind.

When Forni pulled away he reached down and felt to see if there was a reaction. Both boys smiled.

I said to Jón, "I want to see the saddles and the weapons. I have something new to show you that will win battles if not wars."

Same as Proeliator
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The Prom Queen Part 1 There it was, the long floor length bronze coloured satin dress with the hip high slit on the left front. Beautifully trimmed in satin copper and black velvet. I could hardly believe they had another. It was a size 5 too, perfect. The sales lady came over to me, "Can I help you?" she asked. I wondered if she remembered me from four months ago. I want to buy this dress, and some black gloves too. She seemed to remember now, "Oh...

2 years ago
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Mutual Benefits Chapter Three

The test was pretty simple. Not only did I know the subject matter pretty well, I had hours of practice teaching someone else about it, so it wasn’t a shock to see the “100%” on my page. Mrs. Li gave me a congratulatory smile as she gave me the test, and it was clear from the quiet groans that my score wasn’t exactly common in the class.That said, I was still nervous. As Li walked around the room handing out tests, I stared straight at Taylor as Li made her way over to her. I couldn’t see Li’s...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Jenna Sativa Spencer Bradley LongDistance Surprise

It’s Jenna Sativa’s birthday and she video chats with her girlfriend Casey Calvert. They are in a long-distance relationship and Casey is not able to visit for the b-day. They have not seen each other in months and seem pent-up. Casey tells Jenna that she has a birthday surprise for her. A moment later, the surprise arrives – Spencer Bradley, a private masseuse. She will give Jenna a massage while Casey watches over video chat. Jenna is excited and touched by Casey’s...

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MyFamilyPies Angelica Cruz My Step Sister Sat On My Dick

Angelica Cruz is sleeping when her stepbrother, Seth Gamble, sneaks into her room to borrow her laptop so he can do a report. When Seth opens Angelica’s computer, he sees that his little sis has been busy posting naughty pictures of herself all over the Internet. He has to admit that it’s pretty hot. As Seth is stroking his boner through his pants, Angelica rolls over so that he also gets an eyeful of her ass in a nice thong. All those visuals get Seth nice and hard when his sister...

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Anticipating Heather

100% fiction! Chapter one. Mothers day is always a big event at my mother inlaws house. Everyone in the family comes together, the children and there families and the whole day is spent in different activities. Today was no different. Everyone had arrived around 11:30 exchanged the usaual hugs and greeting, then sit down to dinner. After dinner the women would all sit around the table and catch up on each others lives (gossip). The went to the living room to see what games might be on T.V. and...

2 years ago
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Body Corporate Chapter 6

1107 words - .55Chapter 6The Revenge They picked her up and hurried her over to the crane located at the fishpond and hung her by the arms. Cindi didn’t know what was going on. What were they doing with her? It was their turn to get revenge for the party and they knew just how to do it. As Cindi hung over the pond one of the slaves came over to prepare her for her ordeal stating, as any one who has had sex in a lake knows, fish love semen, any way they can get it. In this case “The Toy” was ...

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The Hack The Hung And The Heavenly

I found myself with a few hours to kill before the day's scheduled book signing, so I thought I would pay a visit to my new friend, Rick, and his younger sister, Carol, who was eighteen.We first met in the restaurant of the hotel where I was staying during this leg of the tour. Rick's sibling's attire seemed unusual for the location and in fact, was quite intriguing. I invited them to my table, where I learned that her church's school bus had broken down, and Rick had to pick her up after...

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Kelseys Bad Mistake

Kelsey Reeves was an intelligent individual, but now realized that she could be outsmarted. The blonde now realized that she was strapped to a bed with some unknown material, all she knew was that it was strong. She hadn't been the type known to be very strong anyway, she was the pretty country girl type with sort of a mouse nose and narrow nostrils. She shimmied around a couple of minutes until she gave up and worried. She began to scream for help, this continued for 6 minutes straight;...

3 years ago
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When Mrs Estelle B. came into the lobby a month ago I wanted to pitch her myself. Stacked, classy, blonde with the pouty full lips I love. Course I didn't have a chance. No luggage except a purse, I caught the look from the manager, she paid with a credit card to a phoney gardening shop the Royale owned, so this wasn't her first time. Meant she had a buck lined up already, which she did. An hour after I showed her the room, a huge black buck picked up the key in the lobby. Couple hours after I...

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Bestial Lust A True History

I don’t know exactly when it was that I began to have an interest in bestiality. I never knew it was called that, or even that there were other people who practised it, when I became aware of it in myself. Just as I do not know when, I do not know why. I have been interested in dogs as sexual partners from a young age, but contrariwise, I was more of a ‘cat person’. I have no reason to believe that I had any kind of sexual encounters when I was young, whether from animals or humans, so that...

1 year ago
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My drunken Wife FANTASY

A few years back my wife and me decided to throw a surprise 18th birthday party for our son.We had everything planned and decided the best way to keep it a secret and surprise him would be to have it at our house. So we asked one of his friends to spread the word to the rest of his friends.The surprise went well and the only thing that almost gave it away was how well my wife was dressed when we picked him up.She was wearing a tight low cut red vest top that matched her high heels, a figure...

1 year ago
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MyFirstSexTeacher Ariella Ferrera 23377

Professor Ariella Ferrera thinks she’s solved it: she has just one student who always stays after class to finish his assignment. She finally catches him looking at her big tits and stroking his dick under the desk, so now she gets it! Well, it’s time for her to nip this one in the bud, and there’s no better way to do that than with a little 1on-1 teacher/student time…door locked! She beckons him to her desk, the better to see her big tits. All the while she has him continuously rubbing his...

2 years ago
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(Lots of thanks to Dawnj for her suggestions, editing, help and general support – all mistakes are mine.) They met outside Nancy’s little shop – the sort of place that sold everything you might want for food, and some practical things like matches and candles, and that was open most of the time. Marguerite and Evelina had known each other all their lives, their parents had lived practically next door to each other. Marguerite had grown up with her mother and her brother, Rudy. Rudy, who had...

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My First Gay BDSM encounter

Hi, I am Tejas. I am here to tell you about my first gay encounter with my best friend. Let’s begin with how I got I started watching porn when I was 18. Then after a couple of years later, I came to know about BDSM porn. I started loving it. I always liked the role of Master in BDSM the way the Master dominates. We all friends shared porn. But there was one friend. Let’s call him A, who also watched BDSM porn. As we had a similarity, we both became best friends. Whenever his mom and dad were...

Gay Male
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A Sissys First Dildo Experience

Buying a dildo online was a bit nerve-wracking, honestly. Not for any huge reason or anything – I live alone, and the packaging is supposed to be discreet anyway, but there’s just something that made me nervous when I first put in the order.Sure enough, it wasn’t like it was a fat box labeled, “Tasty Black Dildos for Sissy Whores,” all around it; just a plain box, inside which was some bubble wrap and a plain, pink bag. But inside that bag was an unforgettable package.After carefully opening it...

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Editing Reality Book One Naughty Fantasies CreatedChapter 9 A Special Tool

James Davies I groggily rose from sleep, unable to ignore my bladder any longer. I thrust off my blanket and sat up, blinking, the world a blur without my glasses. I groaned, wanting to slip back into sleep. It was Saturday. I was up late drawing. I almost finished the next panel of my comic. I glanced at the wall, at the drawing of my two girls. Orihime and Ruri. Even without my glasses, I could tell them apart. Orihime was all curves, her stance flirty and open, wanting to love me with...

3 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 75 Search for a Reverse Blade

On the second day in Kyoto Misao: Wake up, Himura! It's morning! Oh, you're already up. I thought I'd get to see what you look like half-asleep. Kenshin: Oro? Miss Misao, your clothes! (Misao is dressed in quieter shirt and shorts.) Misao: Normal clothes for Kyoto. Walking around my home ground in battle dress is a little weird even for me. Okina: If you're ready, let's go, Himura. Kenshin: Oro? Okina: Kyoto has changed a lot in the ten years you've been gone. Today I thought...

3 years ago
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Room for Two Part 3

Seth got up and went over to stand behind Elisabeth, he pulled her hair back, kissed her neck, and whispered in her ear, "Are you ready?" Liz let out a little moan. She pushed her ass against the bedpost, her hands wrapped around the ball. Somewhere down the hall, she heard a door open and close. She listened hard to see if she could hear footsteps in the carpeted hallway. In a moment, a shadow slid across the floor outside the doorway; a man followed, turned and stood to face into the room,...

Wife Lovers
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Shhh We Canrsquot Let Them Hear Us

Zoey had just finished taking off her makeup and started brushing her still wet hair. She had just gotten out of the shower and was in nothing but a towel. That’s when she heard a loud “Brink” noise coming from her window. The initial sound frightening her and caused her to jump smearing her already messy makeup. She hadn’t a doubt in her mind who it was. She opened her bathroom door taking her right into her own room. It was then, when she heard another sound coming from her window similar to...

2 years ago
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Best friends sister VIII

“You OK there Joe? You seem distracted.” Joe shrugged, “Just thinking about Reese Antman, I haven’t seen her for longer than an hour since the dance.” Andy shrugged, “She had a lot of things to sort out since the last college fell through, turned out to be some sort of sham. I did hear her say that everything seemed sorted yesterday, she would most probably want to see you today, I know how you two lovebirds like to hang around each other.” Joe chuckled, “If I had the hot...

1 year ago
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OyeLoca Luna Rubin Dirty Dinero

What better way to get sex from a hot latina off the street than with some cold hard cash? We call that dirty dinero. Luna Rubin was approached with some fat stacks and propositioned for sex. She needed the cash bad so she had no choice but to take our boy up on his offer. They went back to his place and with every cash offer increase, so did the dirty sexual acts. She started by stripping with the first offer, worked her way up to a sloppy blowjob, and with one final payment the penetration of...

3 years ago
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Unlawful StopsChapter 5

Leo and Floyd took Debra into the bedroom in Leo’s condo. At 5’5” and 115lbs she knew she couldn’t fight them off. She would have to let them have their way with her. She noticed immediately there was a video camera, on a tripod, pointing toward the bed. “I’ll cooperate, but ... please don’t record it,” Debra begged. “We need it to show your husband, just how willingly, you let two men fuck you. That is, if you were to decide to tell your husband some cockamamie story that you were raped,”...

3 years ago
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Took Virginity In 18th Birthday

Hi doston myself Bapi..As i have said you in my previous story ” maa ki anjane mein usse raat bhar choda ” that i am a model and call boy i used to go for calls. This story is a call for me but with a fresh 18 year virgin girl. I reached there at the proper address by 7pm..I call the customer she asked me to stand on a junction of the street and she will pick me up in 5-10 min. In 5 min a Honda city car stood before me.. Simultaneously i got a call that get in the white Honda city no.. I get in...

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Naughty Librarian

Where I live, I am unable to receive the ‘monthly periodicals’ with out embarrassment. But the local library has quite the collection. Usually a month behind, but they are there none the less. So today is the day of my monthly visit. Knowing that it is a very quiet day at the library. And knowing that the magazine section is in a rather secluded area of the library so I can have a little privacy when reading the ‘articles’. I also get to see my favorite librarian, Leigh. There is something...

1 year ago
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My Education Gets Advanced

Suzie opened the bottle of champagne and poured three glasses. She passed one to each of us, held hers towards us and said, ‘Cheers, here is to a fun evening.’ We sipped the champagne and made small talk. It all felt a little surreal. There I was standing buck naked with a hard on, Diane was naked apart from her heels and stockings and Suzie was wearing a silk dressing gown. Seeing me looking, Suzie just shrugged her shoulders and slid the gown off. The silk just flowed off her body like...

3 years ago
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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 12 Was that supposed to be a left turn at Albuquerque

We rode for two hours at a steady pace, and then I made us dismount and walk for an hour before we stopped to have an early lunch. Fresh baked bread and cheese with decent ale to wash it down, it was a very good meal. I asked Meri about her life up to now, and while reluctant to talk about it, she did go into light detail. It seems that her Papa was one of the slavers that I killed. She was brought up by her Aunt Virginia, a strict baker, while her Papa was off on raiding missions. A few...

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The Fortune of the ODellsChapter 19

“Damn, Paul!” Mick spoke, looking around. I slapped the mules with the reins, and we drove to the area between the hogan and the stable hogan. Thumper was paying attention and had his ears straight up in the air. When I stopped, I got down and undid the team, leading them to the stable for their water, food and brushing. Rory followed with his horse. “Paul, this is amazing! Was all this here when you found it?” “Yeah, but it was all overgrown with heavy brush and trees. We cleared all of...

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New York City Submissive Female Chapter 4

His eyes wandered, as usual, to the top shelf. *** 1983 it was. Summer. Phil wandered into the motel newsstand. He was looking for comic books. There was an issue of Playboy. It was the Dirty Book, the one Good Boys Aren't Supposed to Read. Normally it was on the top shelf. But not today. Someone had put it where they shouldn't. Dark whispers were spread about Playboy at school. It was said to have pictures of women in it, women with no clothes on. Phil wondered what sort of man read...

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Cherishing the Unmerged Mind

John Decker woke gradually, but at a certain point unease gripped him as the new reality came flooding back to him. The world was now run by Them. They were all sweet and friendly and said they would take care of him and the others who weren't part of Them. They would just read their minds to figure out what they needed. His job had disappeared, but what he needed would now be provided without regard to money. He could pay at a restaurant if he really wanted to, the waitress would tell him...

2 years ago
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Book 7 New DragonsChapter 12

Raimi the dragoness spent the rest of the morning dragging old fallen trees and large pieces of wood then gathered arm loads of small and medium size pieces for the stove and to use as kindling to put behind her cottage. It was still damp from the day before but at least the sun had come out so hopefully it would dry she told herself. Strut snorted "you make me tired just watching you, what are you doing?" Raimi turned and looked at Strut "I'm trying to get ready for the cold weather, you...

1 year ago
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A Ladies Night Out

Denice dropped her emerald green dress over her head. The dress ended just below her knees and allowed her ample breasts to show above it. Brandy was more adventurous. Her foundation garments were a half-cup black satin bra that held her B-cup breasts high and tight giving her the illusion of more cleavage. Her always help a private jealousy of Denice that bordered on passion to touch her friend's large joys. Her panties were a G-string thong that she felt with every movement. Reminding...

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BecChapter 16 Date 1 The Restaurant

My family were all sitting around in the living room when I walked in. I think they were there to make sure my date got off to a smooth start or something. For Tara the “or something” probably included looking for another chance to tease me. My date was standing in the middle of the room looking all spic and span. As soon as I walked into the room he smiled at me with the biggest, warmest smile you could imagine. And then he held out the cutest bunch of flowers. I took the flowers from him...

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Through My Eyes AgainChapter 7

Mid - late April 1963 I had breakfast with my mother who sent me off with an admonition not to overstay my welcome at Lili’s house. I packed Ring of Bright Water and Tarka the Otter in my duffel bag, along with Under Milk Wood, which I was hoping we could read out loud together – a third voice would make some scenes much easier. It was a typical English spring day with a stiff breeze and showers about. I could hear my mother’s rhyme in my head: March winds and April showers bring forth May...

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Alice Does ItalyChapter 11

The smell of funeral pyres was well neigh overpowering through the evening air. Over half of the nomads who had attacked us had been killed; their bodies were now being burned, as was the usual practice for someone who had died honorably in battle. I really hated that so many brave men had to die to prove our point, but I had no other choice. Hopefully, at least, they would now pay attention when we tried to tell them something. On the morrow, I would visit the nomad camp to see if they were...

2 years ago
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Ruined sissy slut a night of fisting

I took another long and luxurious sniff of the poppers, held it in for the count of ten and exhaled. My blood quickened, my heart seemed to move, closer up into my head, as her gloved fingers started slapping my hole.Again, another deep huff. My head was like a big bass drum, overwhelming me, intoxicating me, as she slathered the minty vapour-rub over my cunt. Three more times I sniffed, hearing her liberally apply the j-lube onto her hands. A devilish sluttiness took over me and I started...

3 years ago
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Creating My Hot Wife 4

After reading Jim's first three stories about "Creating a Hot Wife" I decided my side needed to be told. First of all, pretty much all of what Jim has said is true. We were and still are good friends. We had and have a great family. Our mutual Faith was and still is important to us. Our sex life had become very predicable and therefore not very erotic, just loving and kind. Alex entered my world in a way I never expected, dreamed of or really wanted...I think. He did however change the...

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A very tight hole

 It was a hot, late summer morning. The breeze from the gulf stream, rose off the cliffs at Polbain just taking the sting out of the sunshine. This part of Scotland was beautiful at this time of year, as the red deer grazed on the edges of the woodlands and the occasional Golden Eagle drifted over towards a distant eyrie. It had been a while since Lisa and Holly had had any proper girl time, and right now seemed perfect with the British Open Golf completed and the next competition a few weeks...

Group Sex
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Cajun Ass Queen Part 5

Cajun Ass queen Part 5By lilguy [email protected] Plump ass Women fight over a man, victor enjoys the spoils of warCajun Ass Queen Part 5Author Note- This was a commission I did for more info walked into the door way of the house. She smiled with an evil smirked on her face. Her auburn hair hung down, medium down to her shoulders. At 5.6 Caj stood the pentacle of big and beautiful. Her skin and cellulite oozing out of every inch of...

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The Last Night

The Last NightFiling into the large room I am greeted by familiar and smiling faces. Hands shoot forth to shake mine while others wrap around me to pull me to them in a warm embrace. Uncomfortably, I return each handshake or hug with one of my own. I don’t want to be here. But you would want me here, wouldn’t you? We would both be here if you could have managed to come.Questioning gazes fall on my person. I know their thoughts, many too afraid to ask. They all want to know where you are....

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Good Things Come in Threes

Good things sometimes come in threes, and such was the case with a local guy I met on three separate occasions. I usually can’t meet for play in my home town because of risk of discovery (I am a married professional), but in this case I made an exception. My acquaintance was a senior manager at a local construction company. His wife allegedly had some kind of medical issue that prevented her from having/enjoying sex. I met him online, and he described himself as a middle-aged top with average...

Gay Male
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Pretty thoroughly fiction, based in part on a few events from my life, though I will keep them private. There’s no sex in this story, more a relationship entry. * I’ve never liked the concept of abortion. Now, before you hit the panic button, let me explain. I’m no religious zealot, looking for a clinic to bomb, neither am I going to hand out pamphlets and scream, ‘Murderer!’ when women walk into them. For me it’s far more personal. My dad and I never really got along. He didn’t even want...

1 year ago
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As a virgin cross dressor wife

Hi. to all. I'm Prabha. I'm a regular visitor of this site. I always think of sharing my experience with all u? And finally thought of writing this.. it is my own experience . On one holiday in September 2008, I am alone in my flat. I am having a feminine body and also a crossdressser. As I am free and no one could contact me for that day, my mind directed to wear ladies garments as per my wish as no one can tease me for wearing cross dress. For me, sari is the most sexiest dress of all, and so...

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Cronicles of MartosChapter 3 The Vampires Last Dusk

A terrible war had raged the Alpha quadrant for the last century between the immortal vampires and the mortal races of the quadrant. The war lasted so long, with so many casualties, that very few thought the fighting should continue, and even fewer knew why they were still fighting. Finally, the peace offer was made, from the very person that started the war, the vampire leader, Jonathan. This step was something clear only to him, as the other vampires were completely baffled from this...

1 year ago
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Hot Headmistress gets Fucked

My pulse starts to quicken as I pull into the driveway of my old school. My parents were living in Lagos at the time, so they sent me to (what I will call) The Old Masters School in Simla. That was years ago when I was 18. Now I have just joined the board of trustees and I am coming back for the first time.Standing in front of the main entrance is Miss Gupta, the meanest teacher when I attended school. She is now the headmistress. She is very young for her position. At the time she was probably...

1 year ago
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Suhani Adventures

Hi indian sex story friends, I am Suhani. I live with my mom and dad in Bengaluru. I am 21and a student of BCA 2nd year. My dad is a businessman and my mother is a principal of a college. Hence, I am one of the richest girls in the class. I have a fair tone and long black hairs right up to my ass. I go to the gym regularly and maintain a figure of 34-26-36. I have got a big pair of boobs, smooth flat belly with nice curves and a big ass. I am very horny kind of girl. I have been in lots of...

2 years ago
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Juhi 8211 Part 2 8211 Sex With Male Flatmate

Hi, everyone, my name is Juhi, this sex story is about when I was 22 years, my stats back then were 34c-28-26 and I took great pride in my assets. I had opted to do a masters degree from London and me and my friend Shreo had opted for the same university and had planned to search for accommodation together. Shreo back then was extremely hot and busty, her stats were 36DD-30-34, at the time I had my eyes pop out seeing her cleavage. Well, you don’t really have to be a lesbian to ogle at others...

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Enjoying His Daughters Episode Two

Laura was Jerry's 17-year-old daughter and of course Mindy's sister. Once she entered her teenage years, she began to be more distant than in the past. Her room became an institution that only she could enter. Jerry and his wife accepted the change of behavior, because they too did the same thing when they became her age. But now that Jerry became aware (Read Episode One for more details) that Laura was not the chaste, naive girl he thought she was, it opened up his curiosity. ...

3 years ago
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Gujrati Bhabhi Ki Namkeen Chamdi

Ek roz me ghar me soo raha tha, achanak meri aankh khuli, mene dheka ke ghar me koi bhi nahi tha par bathroom me koi naha raha tha,woh meri pyari aur sexyyyy bhabhi thi, jiski chamdi chikni bilkul maske ke jaisi hai, ball bade bade aur balloon ke jaise narm hai, me 3 saal se uuse chodne ki koshish kar raha tha par nahi chod paya,par woh din mene ek plan banaya , mene hall me aakar sone ka natak kiya , mera lund khada tha aur zip ke bahar tha, mujhe kuch aawaz aae,me samajh gaya ki bhabhi naha...

4 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 100

Flashback – Masha and Tatiana – Secret location I informed my team of the Major's secret Morse code message hidden in his blinks. We quickly translated it but then began the hard work of deciphering it. Our immediate concern was because the message did not appear to make sense... Tatiana swore in frustration, "What the hell does all this mean! It is always the letter C, followed by a number then an R or an L. She correctly identified the pattern: It started C 60 R, C 45 L ... and...

2 years ago
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Bedtime Scoup

The bartender picks them from the crowd; the first two recipients of his special drink. The slender brunette in the black heals and short summer dress looks deserving of a Mai-Tai. The shapely blonde with enormous breasts, flaunted by the squeeze of her small bikini, will receive a pin? colada.There are others, and the drinks are on the house. The women can thank him later—or maybe not. Either way, the boss will be pleased with his careful selection of talent, the efforts of his staff, hired t...

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